#Sabine Bitter
hewasashe · 1 year
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Just sayin...
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loth-creatures · 4 months
Oh how I miss the days when I was confidently waiting for Clan Wren to eventually pull up in Mando. How naive I was...
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itsonlymyecho · 1 year
I'm sorry but it's textbook Star Wars that putting one person above the entire galaxy is a dark side move.
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violet-witch-6 · 1 year
Ahsoka and Sabine divorce was not on my 2023 bingo card y’all
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randombrambles · 1 year
I guess I'm in the minority because I came away from the Ahsoka finale more of a Sabezra shipper than before and more convinced they might be going in a canon Sabezra direction. Nothing ship killing happened in the finale...they are both alive and neither of them are romantically involved with anyone else.
And I'll say this, if Filoni wants Sabine and Ezra to be platonic, as people keep insisting, then he didn't communicate that very clearly, or at all, to the actors and the directors because Ezra and Sabine come across like they are in love. Like seriously Ezra's "I missed you" was pretty darn close to a love confession imo. The way he looked at her and the way he said it had me going "oh he is totally in love with her".
Sure them being separated, again, is a set back but its really a minor one for a scifi fantasy show. When Ezra got stuck nobody knew where he was or even how to begin finding him or if it was even possible. This time around Ezra knows exactly WHERE Sabine and Ahsoka are and HOW to get there. Its been established now that travel between galaxies is indeed possible and it doesn't even appear to be that hard? You just need the coordinates and a powerful enough hyperdrive. Ezra has either already stolen the coordinates from the Chimaera or he's working on a plan to do just that. This separation will be temporary and given that Thrawn is back in the main galaxy now, and there is no OT coming up in the timeline that Ezra needs to be MIA for, I'm betting it will be way, way shorter in universe that the last one. [how long we have to wait to see them reunited I have no idea, everything is so up in the air right now what was the just resolved writers strike and as yet to be resolved actors strike]
The big thing that's giving me pause on canon Sabezra at this moment in time is Sabine apparently committing to becoming a Jedi and her embracing being Ahsoka's apprentice. I just don't now where they are going to come down on the Jedi and romantic attachments thing. I'm worried they might revert back to the Jedi are forbidden romantic attachments angle to align with the BS they established with Luke regarding attachments for the Sequel Trilogy.
The fact that they didn't retcon the fact that Kanan was a Jedi, as I feared they would, and the fact that Carson didn't say "wait how can Jacen's father have been a Jedi? I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have families" gives me hope. And the obvious, to me anyway, "romantic coding" with Sabine and Ezra in Ahsoka gives me hope. But then I remember that they had Luke make Grogu chose between being a Jedi or seeing Din again in the Book of Bobba Fett and I get worried.
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
Wrenwolf does not have the most important thing in a ship: chemistry.
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pawsimses · 1 year
Brainrot Trash Idea about Shin and Baylan
So I've been seeing a fair amount of stuff about Baylan and Shin, and bc I'm a Sucker for Father-Daughter characters, decided to play with a few headcanons. None of which are remotely close to Canon and a few AUs bc I can.
General HC Rambling
* Shin is Baylan's actual daughter. Yeah, I know she's (99%) not in canon but look. The idea of Baylan having and then training his own daughter to be something greater than the Jedi lives rent-free in my head.
* He got Shin from a young age to refer to him as "Master" instead of "Father" for both their sakes. Smother the risk of attachment and keep them both safer should the Empire catch on. (Jokes on him, because both of them are very attached to each other).
(For Shin, there actually isn't a real difference between terms; for her, calling him "Master" is her just saying "Father". He is her father, not her mentor, in her POV. She just uses a different word is all. (Help them, plz)).
* On that not of terminology, been thinking and I know it's probably just a harmless/unimportant honorific, but the fact Baylan has the title of Lord makes my brain go "what if Baylan was actually of noble origins?". Which then shifts into "Shin having a separate last name from her father is due to Baylan gifting her his mother's maiden name, for the same reasons he has her refer to him as her mentor instead of parent". It's also a way, in his twisted mind, to honor his family nobility when he himself failed it (by being a Jedi).
(Also imagine the Skoll/Hati family coat of arms being *wolves*)
* I even got genealogy HC worked out cause- "well Shin doesn't look like Baylan". And yes but hear me out: she takes after another relative of his (sister, mom, aunt, grandmother, etc.). Maybe she reminds him of his mom, idk. But if so, maybe that's why he gives her the surname Hati? As a quiet honoring? Either way, she takes after his family members, just not him strictly lol.
* (I'll be honest, her hair looked dyed and frankly speaking, I do HC Baylan as being a dark brunette before he went full Grey, so not a far stretch to also consider her inheriting his hair at least.)
* Back on the Hati surname, thinking more also led to "its a family name but farther back in lineage before it got changed to Skoll somewhere down the line". Kinda like how the Bakarn family in SWTOR used to be the Bakvalens before it got changed to a more common surname. Either way, the name Skoll puts a target on Shin's back and Baylan isn't taking that risk.
* (Ngl, part of me now wants to play w the idea of Baylan actually being a descendant of the Bakarn family. Idk if he'd be related to Syo tho, for obvious reasons.)
*Regarding upbringing, Baylan was a single dad front day 1, raising Shin on the run. Who the other parent is or if she even has one, no one knows. (Mostly bc I'm lazy and single dad Baylan lives rent free in my head). They mostly drifted from place to place, never really calling somewhere home. Hence another reason why Shin is very attached to Baylan; he's her only source of stability. He is "home".
*Leaving Shin was hard for her, but it was also hard for Baylan. It's not that he doesn't love his daughter. He absolutely does. But he's driven by personal ambition to seek this unknown power on this strange world and that takes priority. And truthfully, it's dangerous. He knows it's dangerous. But it calls to him in a way he can't ignore. In a way Shin can't hear. And if For her sake. Even if tearing away from her rips him in pieces; it's dangerous what he's doing and he won't drag her into it.
(Mentally he tells himself he's doing this all for her. For a better future, for her.)
(Shin, of course, is too attached to her father to actually leave the planet.)
On another hand, been seeing a fair amount of Baylan/Morgan content lately and THAT got me thinking of "Shin is a Baylan/Morgan child". Which...
-Half-Dathomiran Shin. Half-Dathomiran Shin with Morgan's markings.
-Shin whose been raised by a human most of her life, who isn't at all attuned to her Nightsister half. Who doesn't really know Morgan and probably is unaware she's her parent.
-Shin who isn't attuned to her Nightsister heritage, suddenly experiencing summons of green fire and magic when her parents leave her behind for their own paths.
Nightsister-Dark Jedi hybrid class Shin Hati.
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transdalorian · 1 year
is it just me. or was sabine and ezra’s reunion anticlimactic as fuck. they acted like they hadnt seen each other in 6 months, not TEN YEARS. MY ezra and sabine ran crying into each others’ arms and sobbed together for awhile. MY sabine ruffled ezra’s hair and said well, you’ve grown. and MY ezra said something like not such a BIG sister anymore, huh? MY ghost siblings laughed through their tears and held each other and allowed themselves to feel all the grief and pain and loss that they had been dealing with on their own for a decade with their long lost sibling. in my mind, they never had that weird ass smug ass marvel ass banter after seeing each other for the first time in TEN (10) YEARS (a decade)
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aymethyst · 1 year
How you gonna have a mandalorian as your main character but have zero mando lore except “all dead”
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vaquerismo · 1 year
i hate how cheapy the costuming in the ahsoka show looks. ahsokas montrals look like the foam homestuck cosplayers use for their horns. HERA looks especially fucked up….. snazaroo and the cheapest colored contacts possible? and her lekku have that same cheapy feel. it makes me so sad like theyre butchering my queens :((
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millersdjarin · 1 year
the ahsoka trailer has absolutely D E S T R O Y E D any ability i may have had to sleep tonight
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Lily decided to drop my full legal name on her last stream. So, you know, my theory that she abused YouTube's copyright system to confirm my full legal name seems to have panned out.
This after she said doxxing am very bad and allegedly banned Sabine from her community for doing it.
I think Lily is very bitter she decided to use all three of her full legal names online over the years (including when she wrote her pony pedo fic Stockholm) and while that's entirely her own fault I think for Lily's sake we should call her by an alias for now.
So Lorch it is.
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hurricanek8art · 1 year
I think my favorite thing about the episode is that he hasn't changed.
I wasn't really worried they'd never find him or that he was dead (though I'll admit a brief moment of unexpected fear that Howler was going to lead Sabine to a gravestone hit me while she was talking to Thrawn) I was always worried that he would have changed. That the years would've hardened him. Made him cold and unhappy and bitter because bloody heck it took ten years. He's already spent so much of his life alone, and now he's been trapped in another flipping galaxy for a decade!
But then Sabine found him, and he's grinning, and he's joking, and he's happy and alive and he still can't wait to come home because he's still Ezra. He's still Ezra. And somehow he's been adopted by hermit crab harfoots because of course he would be, he's Ezra Bridger and he's alive and he's still the same dorky good kid he's always been except now he's all grown up and I'm just very emotional about all this, okay? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ezra's coming home. Ezra's coming home.
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I cannot tell you how over-the-two-moons-of-Mandalore I am about the Bo-Katan we got in “The Mines of Mandalore.” While I was hoping they’d treat her character with nuance and not make her a villain, I did expect that they’d immediately set her up as an antagonist to Din’s story. I also expected that we’d pick up in Season 3 with a Bo who was angry, frustrated, despondent, rude, and impulsive and I was ready to defend every one of those emotions.
I never expected the Bo we got in this episode.
She’s fierce and tough, depressed and hurting, but then we also get these sad smiles and longing looks and these beautiful moments where her gentler side comes through.
She’s wields the Darksaber with skill and precision and the expertise that comes with both practice and willingness to connect with the saber the way Kanan taught Sabine to do. That’s her sword.
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But she’s honorable. She could have killed Din (or at least let him die) several times over. She could have taken the Darksaber. She could be bitter about the fact that he has it. 
Instead, we see her wield the Darksaber as an expert, and then place it back on the ground with the rest of Din’s weapons. 
I was scared we’d get a Bo that disregarded her character development in Rebels, but she’s proven that she’s still committed to fighting honorably for her people, just as she told Sabine to do.
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And she’s just so ... beautifully soft.
We saw Bo be soft so rarely in TCW and Rebels, but Katee is leaning into giving Bo that gentle side.
Her immediate concern when Grogu shows up alone and willingness to go find his dad even though at first she’d been like “It’s Din Djarin. Let’s get rid of him once and for all.”
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Each and every time she talks to Grogu, she’s so tender and calm. She encourages him when he’s scared and pushes his pram out of the way when she senses danger. She talks to him and knows he understands and tells him at least generally about the connection she’s had to Jedi in her life.
(In short, Bo loves babies!)
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The way Grogu looks at her tells me he already likes and trusts her.
Plus she’s saved his dad several times now.
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To be clear, I’m sure there’s going to be tension going forward, and I don’t expect Bo to always act as calmly and nobly as she did in this episode. She can be catty and rude and violent and I love that those are all parts of her character, too. 
But I also think it’s already clear that in terms of her desires for her people, this former terrorist is done fighting over petty differences. She doesn’t dismiss Din even though he’s a part of a group she considers a cult (and she would know) because he’s still her people. And she’s still has no higher desire than the reunification of her scattered people and for them to be able to live in peace in spite of their long history of (and her own participation in) civil wars. 
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“I am not my sister.” 
No, but Bo-Katan is currently more like her than she ever has been.
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
I'd like to believe Marion's luck doesn't just come from herself, but also the spirit of Marinette trying to guide her away from becoming bitter like her old self & one carved by marion herself.
Also I'd like to believe marion met her parents was when Marinette carried her & Adrian to her balcony making her parents find out about the 2 little Interlopers. (Tom & sabine were keeping people save in their bakery from kaminette vs Luci-Lila fight happening outside when kaminette brought Adrian & Marion) Both Marion & the Dupan-Changs instantly hit it off (with Adrian making a cover story about this little girl having amnesia after the Devine battle + the couple remembering Adrian as that one boy who always hung around the bakery for some reason (Marinette)) Of course the (now childless) couple decide to try & find any family for Marion (given to her by Adrian right before he forgot Marinette), finding one/two of Canon!Lila's mother(s), but Marion wants to stay with Tom & Sabine (maybe Lila's Aunt tells the duo about Marion's part of the family tree no longer existing)
Marinette's now freed spirit hangs around Marion, Adrian, her mother & father safe just to keep herself around in the world to wait for her chatton's eventual eternal rest, so they could go together (this is because the miraculous curse no longer applies to her via guardian duties, so she could go & figure out his identity after her body fizzled out of existence)
Heck you could have season 4+ having chat guide a new group of miraculous heroes to keep Paris safe, for someone he forget but remembers dearly in his heart
[Sorry for the long post, but just wanted to share with ya, btw I was the guy who recommended marinette's relatives remembering her]
Me rn at this concept: 🍽️😋
I don’t have a solid “season four” concept bc I love reading what y’all come up with its SO GOOD IM BEING FED-
Also anon!! If you’re okay with it you should have an emoji when you send me asks so I know it’s you!!
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Dancers that have gone up against Crystal and beat/tied her
(just doing this because she has been almost unbeatable in the last couple of years! I only included dances that she placed with)
TDA Las Vegas 2016 - Peewee Solo
1st: Lainey Harris (Spanish Rose) - Dance Industry PAC 2nd: Brooke Toro (Once Upon Another Time) - Danceology 3rd: ALiyah Rose Maese (Whistle) - The Rock 5th: Kamri Peterson (Youth) - CSPAS 5th: Crystal Huang (Prayer Of The Children) - Yoko's
KAR Nationals Las Vegas Nationals Blue Room 2016 - Primary 8 & Under
1st: Ava Rose Campbell (Do You Want?) - The Surge 2nd: Mariah Humphrey (When I Grow Up) - Element Dance Center 3rd: Colby Piattoni (Not That Smart) - Cutting Edge Dance Center 4th: Crystal Huang (Prayer Of The Children) - Yoko's
Radix Nationals 2017 - Mini Female CP
1st: Dyllan Blackburn - Project 21 2nd: Crystal Huang - Yoko's
TDA Las Vegas 2017 - Mini Female BD
1st: Brightyn Brems - CSPAS 2nd: Sabine Nehls - The Rock 3rd: Brooklyn Cooley - Club Top 10: Summer Montenegro - The Rock Top 10: Aimee Cho - WDP Top 10: Ali Ogle - Larkin Top 10: Alexis De Lucas Top 10: Savannah Kristich - The Rock Top 10: Charlotte Cogan - The Company Top 10: Crystal Huang - Yoko's
24Seven San Diego 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Savannah Kristich (Escape From Mongolia) - The Rock 2nd: Makaia Roux (Sleeping Beauty Variation) - Danceology 2nd: Kamri Peterson (Found) - CSPAS 2nd: Crystal Huang (Improv) - Yoko's
24Seven Santa Clara 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Kami Couch (Supernova) - Project 21 1st: Crystal Huang (Look Out) - Yoko's
Radix Portland 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Gracyn French (Ivy) - Project 21 1st: Crystal Huang (Look Out) - Yoko's
Nuvo Anaheim 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Sophia Sands (Snowfall) - Danceology 2nd: Elliana Walmsley (The Path) - MLDA 2nd: Crystal Huang (Passacaglia) - Yoko's
Nuvo Albuquerque 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Elliana Walmsley (The Path) - MLDA 2nd: Rachel Loiselle (Archangel) - Club 3rd: Addison Middleton (Unveiled Lullaby) - Signature 3rd: Bella Sor (Through Time) - Club 3rd: Crystal Huang (Passacaglia) - Yoko's
Jump Dallas 2017/18 - Mini Solo
1st: Avery Watson (Smile) - Prodigy Dance and PAC 2nd: Crystal Huang (Work) - Yoko's
Radix Nationals 2018 - Mini Female CP
1st: Savannah Kristich - The Rock 2nd: Crystal Huang - Yoko's
TDA Las Vegas 2018 - Mini Female BD
1st: Elliana Walmsley - MLDA 2nd Savannah Kristich - The Rock 3rd: Crystal Huang - Yoko's
TDA Las Vegas 2019 - Mini Solo
1st: Brooke Toro (Caverns) - Danceology 1st: Crystal Huang (Tarred Crow) - The Rock
TDA Las Vegas 2021 - Junior Solo
1st: Claire Monge (Agape) - Larkin 1st: Crystal Huang (Human) - The Rock
Nuvo Anaheim 2022/23 - Teen Solo
1st: Isabella Lynch (I See) - Danceology 1st: Izzy Howard (This Bitter Earth) - WDP 1st: Crystal Huang (The Chairman's Waltz) - The Rock
NYCDA Nationals 2023 - Teen Solo
1st: Izzy Howard (This Bitter Earth) - WDP 2nd: Crystal Huang (The Chairman's Waltz) - The Rock
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