#SORRY this took like 2 weeks aaaaah
aragarna · 4 months
Oooh, fun ! SO ! Zorro OR White Collar ? Sergeant Garcia OR Corporal Reyes ? Don Alejandro OR Captain Monastorio ? DW!Bernardo OR 2024!Bernardo ? Cats OR dogs ? TV Series OR Films ? Books OR adaptations ? Star Trek OR Star Wars ? Annnd I'll stop there or I'll write so much more. As I said before... FUN ! x) Thank you, and take care !
AAAAAH how dare you attack me like that? XD
Zorro or White Collar? I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say White Collar. It was, is and will forever be my #1 show. I've loved it dearly, I still have just as much pleasure rewatching it, for the millionth time. I've lived some amazing times, which are unlikely to happen again - I've been to the set, met other fans, made friends, met the crew, and of course, met the cast. It was such a great experience and I'll cherish it forever.
Garcia or Reyes? But they come as a pair! Would you separate Laurel from Hardy? Asterix from Obelix? Peter from Neal? But I suppose, if you force my hand, I'll say Sergeant Garcia. He's a bit more developed as a character, while Reyes is mostly just there for comic relief. I do like Sergeant Garcia. He's often put in a complicated situation, stuck between a tyrannic boss and a jokster outlaw who makes fun of him. But he is truly a good man.
Don Alejandro or Captain Monastario? Alejandro I suppose. Monastario is a great villain, a great opponent for Zorro, but he's a terrible human being.
1957!Bernardo or 2024!Bernardo? Hmmm that's a tough question. I honestly can't say. I love them both, they both have a lovely relationship with their respective Diego. Maybe I'll go with 1957!Bernardo, cause I like his cunning way to use everyone's stupid prejudice toward his handicap against them. Oh he's deaf and mute, he must be stupid. He's harmless. Fools, all fools!
Cats or dogs? Indifferent, to be honest. Not really a pet person. Shocking, I know, sorry!
TV shows or films? Fun facts: for the longest time (until 2005-ish) I rarely watched any TV. But I have to admit that lately it seems TV has become more interesting, more daring, that the US film industry. French industry is blooming though. I'd say films, for the appreciation of the real art of filmmaking. TV shows for comfort and quiet obsession.
Books or Adaptations? Most of the time, books, though there has been cases of good adaptations (The Martian, for instance), or even, adaptations that were better than the book (Minority Report)
Star Trek or Star Wars? I'll go with Star Wars, mostly because I'm more familiar with it. Because I grew up with the prelogy. Because Obiwan and Andor. While I've only seen the 2 JJ Abrams Star Trek movies...
Sorry I took so long to answer. I had a long week (and you asked a lot LOL). Also, would love to know who you are, Anon, so that I can ask you back. ;-)
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spacenintendogs · 4 years
Marcus, Abigail or Skippy for the meme thing please! :3
i'm sorry this took so long i had a ton of trouble with them, especially abigal and skippy bc i'll be honest i haven't rlly thought abt them beyond conversations with friends or brief thoughts abt marcus but!! i hope these are ok
marcus mccloud:
Why I like them: i like marcus a lot! even tho the actual in game content we get of him is... two images, the ideas that can be formed with him and who he possibly is is so much fun, he’s kind of like an oc in a way, he’s literally a blank slate, but most of the fanon interpretations of marcus are super fun and i love all of them.
Why I don’t: only two images of him... yes to everything i said above but it would also be nice that we got a little inkling of who he is.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the image of him on fox’s shoulders being the cursed child he is aksjdnakdnjawf
Favorite season/movie: kasfnkedn he’s only in command
Favorite line: :( he doesn’t have one
Favorite outfit: he’s got that yellow shirt as a kid but i?? do like that he doesn’t wear the same green jumpsuit that fox did. HOWEVER it is the same color that fox wore!!! in snes star fox!!!!!!!
OTP: marcabigal, marctheo (oc)
Brotp: abigal, skippy, theodosia (oc), falco
Head Canon: marcus wears earrings that are the same as the beads(?) in krystal’s hair, tying him to his cernian heritage. he also has different ones for different occasions but he usually wears the silver ones!!
Unpopular opinion: his command art is cute, you guys are just mean :(
A wish: a part of me rlly wants him to be canon but ik that’s a bit of a reach, especially bc a lot of the fanbase doesn’t rlly like him and a good chunk don’t like frystal and marcus is tied to that, it’s why marcus is only in two little images in one of the possible endings of a game that doesn’t rlly even have a canon ending. but the idea of him is so?? interesting to me... let me see him moving and talking...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he never ever ever comes back
5 words to best describe them: (going off my version of him) jock, empathetic, optimistic, rad, air-headed
My nickname for them: babey
abigal hare:
Why I like them: peppy’s granddaughter!! i like her existence tbh. nice seeing that?? peppy's family continues on!! also in my hcs she's falco and lucy's daughter thanks to saff (@iguessishouldbethankful)
Why I don’t: pls.... one image nintendy.... why is that it...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): i like her lil pose she does in the image of her in command. but i love the scenes i come up with in my head the best wjdjwks
Favorite season/movie: i mean she's only in command wjdjajsjwjwjs
Favorite line: she... doesn't have one
Favorite outfit: pls give her sf jacket
OTP: marcus
Brotp: skippy, marcus, theo (my oc)
Head Canon: abigal's got falco's impatience and temper and she will get in your face. all 5'2 of her.
Unpopular opinion: ppl double down on the fact marcus didn't need to exist and shouldn't have and i'm guessing the feelings are the same towards abigal and skippy but tbh?? they didn't need to exist but?? they're fine like? they're not hurting anyone by existing and sf having characters with no character isn't anything new lmfao
A wish: pls if her name isn't abigal then tell us nintendo. what is her name. who's her parents. tell us abt her
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: same as marcus
5 words to best describe them: impatient, spitfire, cool, assertive, funny
My nickname for them: bunny daughter
skippy toad:
Why I like them: yeehaw frog...... love that slippy is a chad and had a chad son
Why I don’t: same thing as marcus and abigal.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): ?? command image
Favorite season/movie: command ig lol
Favorite line: doesn't have one
Favorite outfit: love the cowboy hat
OTP: don't have one
Brotp: marcus, abigal, theo (my oc)
Head Canon: he's the oldest of his siblings and takes that very seriously, too seriously at times but he's well meaning. very protective of them and his team.
Unpopular opinion: sure he didn't need to exist but he does get over it LMFAO
A wish: more nintendo more.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: never comes back
5 words to best describe them: cocky, show-off, over protective, tender hearted, fun
My nickname for them: yeehaw frog
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nkhrchuwuya · 2 years
hi there! i've been binging bsd for about 2 weeks now, and obviously grown... attached to some of the characters. so naturally im scrolling through the bsd x reader tag, and chance upon a few chuuya fics and im like "hey... these chuuya fics are so good..."
even though i wasn't smitten with him while watching the anime, i most certainly was after reading the dang chuuya fics. and then. i realise that all the fics standing out to me in my brain as 'Good FicsTM' and making me simp for someone i wasnt even planning to were ALL written by you. so congrats you've made me fall in love with chuuya using your stories alone! 🥳
i finished watching the anime recently and since i was experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms i took to your blog. now i've read... every single post... on this blog.... they're all amazing btw! you are VERY good at this keep it up 👍
sorry this is so long! i just wanted to make sure you're aware that a lot of people enjoy your work and look forward to your posts! i'll definitely be sticking around :) so could i be juice anon if that's alright with you?
i hope you're having an amazing day, and that you're doing well! take care cee :D <3
nonny!!! 🥺 thank you so much for this message oh my god my heart feels so full right now!!
welcome to the bsd fandom!! it’s so nice to see more people get into the series becuase it’s just so good! i’m so glad and it’s such a big honor that my fics could convince you to like chuuya a little more hehe welcome to the chuuya fanclub!!
you read through every single post?! you’re crazy i’ve been writing nearly everyday since january!! that’s a lot!! thank you so much for your effort and i hope they’ve given you some sort of sunlight during your stay 💕 still that’s craz,y, that’s easily over 200 posts, anons included. 
thank you for the reminder 🥺 it’s much appreciated and really helps boost my confidence with what i’m doing in this blog, and aaaaah just thank you so much! welcome welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay!
i’ll definitely have an amazing day thanks to how nicely you’ve let me open it with this ask of yours!! thank you juice anon!!
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What's the good and bad things in every season of Violetta and SL?
Violetta 1
Good stuff:
Everyone is so nerdy and cheesy and it's so cute
Good songs
Braco and Napo
Angie and Vilu bonding
Jade and Matias could be pretty funny sometimes
Leonetta being very cute :3
The friendships in general, especially the friendship between Maxi and Cami
But also of course, baby Franletta
The finale!!!!!!!
Bad stuff:
The fact that it took Angie 72 episodes to tell the truth was literally the reason a lot of my friends STOPPED WATCHING THE SHOW back in the days lmaoooo???
Germán got on my nerves a lot
All the random girls Maxi had a crush on
Random boys being in love with Violetta for no reason
Even if Jade and Matias were funny, sometimes I just felt like they could leave, cause I wanted to focus on other characters.
Soy Luna 1
Good stuff:
The friendgroup REALLY being a bunch of quirky kids
Even though we don't know much about the family mystery yet, it's still real fun to see the little we get
Also it was kind of interesting to see the dysfunctional relationship of Sharon and Ámbar
And also the really super good relationship between Luna and her parents <3
The FelicityForNow plot could be pretty interesting sometimes
The finale <3
Bad stuff:
The fact that they had skating competitions and open music like every other week, we never had time to BREATHE
Tino and Cato were annoying
I didn't like Matteo and i'm sorry for Matteo stans but no I don't like him
Sometimes I didn't like the FelicityForNow plot
It took me a while to really get into the show so I almost were about to stop watching after 20 eps (but I continued because I told myself it would get better... and it did! But it really took a while).
Lumon breaking up
Violetta 2
Good stuff:
The gay energy of this season?? Is there ANYONE who has watched season 2 and NOT gotten a gay vibe? (who am I kidding ofc there are - I won't blame you, some people just don't have a gaydar or just never think about that stuff unless it's explicitly told. I didn't really get this vibe until I rewatched the season as older and was like "omg????")
Franletta franletta franletta franletta franletta-
An actually INTERESTING love triangle I love Diego I hate Diego he has homoerotic tension with Leon he and Violetta actually had an interesting relationship
Madrid storyline
Every time they were at the karaoke bar
Violetta losing her voice storyline
Leonetta being at their very best despite not actually dating for the majority of the season, it's just the ~pining~
Esmeralda being an interesting character
Marco :D
Bad stuff:
Jeremias stuff... fucking traumatized two people Germán what the actual fuck
Pablo being ooc for no reason half the season
Jade and Matias aren't really necessary anymore and they take up too much screentime
Correction: Matias isn't necessary. Go away with your handcuffs kink
The 2x20 scene. Never will forgive that despite how much the clown nose 4 eps later made me laugh
The stuff with the chinese restaurant was... why
Angie leaving sad
Soy Luna 2
Good stuff:
Mora and Ana moving in together
Jim and Yam being slightly more gay than last season
Still very good songs
Luna, Nina and Simón's little detective squad plot
It's actually quite thrilling to see just how FAR Sharon can go
Figuring out who blackmails Sharon
Good songs!!
We finally get to see the boys apartment
Bad stuff:
WHAT THE FUCK was the final scene
Matteo continuing to suck
Roller Band breaking up for a stupid reason
Violetta 3
Good stuff:
Ludmila redemption arc!
Ludletta sisters arc!
Ludmila and Naty's relationship!
Leontta's "friends forever" plot that no one took seriously
Jade getting someone who actually loves her
Germán being a good dad for once...
Roxy and Fausta as characters were pretty funny
Bad stuff:
Roxy plot was weird. As I said, them as characters were funny, but not in the context they were put in. It was funny when they performed at the show, but not spying on Leon
Everyone was ooc???
Priscila is bad, though she did have a reason to be here.
The Clement/Alex plot was pointless, dear god Clement use your brain there's other ways without STEALING A FUCKING SCHOLARSHIP
SOME people got the wrong endgame and we should NOT have had the final scene be a wedding for THOSE TWO
Angie deserved better smh
Broudey and Camila were the only ones who actually were together all season and I FORGOT because they just argued all the time and I feel like they broke up for an hour sometimes and then got back together
Felipe sucks, he kissed two girls against their consent
The songs aren't as good this season. Listen, there are some bangers, but not as much. The s3 boy band songs are at the bottom off my top 60 list (because yes, there are about 60 songs in all of Violetta)
Soy Luna 3
Good stuff:
Ámbar and Emilia's friendship
Jim and Yam more or less dating all season lmao
Also the fact that Jim and Yam ended up "single" so you know ;) Free to go
The Open Music in 3x40
The family plot, as usual
Red Sharks vs Jam and Roller was kind of interesting
Bad stuff
I still don't like Matteo, sorry (not sorry)
Like even if I love Simbar I wish Lumon was endgame? Because I didn't like Luna's endgame
If we can't go for the poly round and let Simón date both Ámbar and Luna, then Luna could've ended up with Nina or smth since Nina also got a terrible endgame
Unnecessary breakups :)
Yeah I didn't like Eric, or Niric, but who does lmao. HOWEVER, I will say this: If you think Luna "pushed" Nina to be together with him, then you either haven't watched s3 properly or you need to rewatch it. I made a whole post about this, and you may still come at me to be like "nO LUnA wAS AcTuALlY PusHy, FoR eXaMPLe wATcH ThiS ScEne" but remember that I have watched the exact same scenes as you. It just feels like ya'll wanna pick on Luna for the smallest things. Nina legit admitted in a scene that she dated Eric to forget about Gastón. That's something she herself came up with. She didn't get "pushed" into thinking she needed to date him. That IS the reason she tries to get closer to Eric and it's not because her friends said so. She can think for herself, yall are treating her like she's fragile and easily manipulated.
If you feel like this is something that you wanna talk to me about (because I am legit always nervous talking about this because I feel like people get INCREDIBLY defensive when it comes to Nina), go read the post I linked instead of commenting on it on this post, because this post is about my list of things I liked and disliked in these shows, so there's a lot of other stuff here, but that post is only about that.
That being said, she def broke up with Eric after the show ended because she didn't get over Gastón :)
WHY WAS IT ONLY 60 EPS even if a lot happened it also felt short
Benicio sucked even more this season I hate him so goddamn much
Gary too. I didn't like him last season but I knew he would leave, but now he's here and fucking ruins everything
I didn't like Maggie that much I miss Amanda (but not Tino and Cato)
Michel was weird, he just came and went
And that was my good and bad stuff for every season. This is just what I myself think. You all might disagree about several stuff and that's okay. Everyone watches shows differently and sees scenes differently, and this is how I see it.
Some people love Matteo, some people think Diecesca was perfect and the highlight of the show, some people don't understand why I am seeing a bunch of gayness when it's not "explicitly" said anything is gay.
If someone feels like they don't really think the same of what they liked/disliked, they can always make their own posts about it :)
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sweetjekyll · 4 years
Under The Same Roof, part 2 — BBH
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pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
genre: Roommate / Flatmate AU, one-shot, friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, blind date rating: teen and up warnings: tiniest and slightest bit of angst and jealousy, slightly suggestive towards the end word count: 5.2k
summary: Baekhyun and Y/N have been flatmates for a while and romance is in the air.
Requested: Part 2 was highly requested by both known readers and anons, so I hope you all enjoy the continuation of the first part! (keyword “roof” + sentence “Oh my God. You’re in love with her.” from this writing game post.)
Masterlist — PART 1
A/N: aaaaah it’s finally here! Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays. I hope you’re healthy and surrounded with love, and I hope all of you are having a good time even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported the first part of this story and patiently waited for the second part, I hope you will like this one as much as the first if not more! I made it way longer than the first part and added a bonus ending. Have fun reading! stay safe ❤
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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The guys could’ve spent practically all night playing games, but Chanyeol had other plans in mind after the short chat he had with Sehun and Baekhyun about the latter’s crush on his roommate. Sehun was never one to turn down an invite to drink with his friends no matter the day of the week, so the fact that he agreed immediately to Chanyeol’s suggestion when he asked the two if they wanted to go have a drink at the bar Y/N and Baekhyun worked, it was an easy ��yes”. You would’ve had about an hour and a half until it was closing time at 11PM, as it was a Thursday anyway.
Baekhyun on the other hand wasn’t that easy to convince. He was supposed to work the following morning and be at his best to serve freshly brewed coffee to university students, professors and other customers who liked to linger in the early hours of daylight. Also, Thursday nights were one of the few times he got to relax after working shifts from morning to late afternoon.
“I know you two,” Baekhyun scowled at his friends, who were waiting in the doorway to his bedroom while he pushed one of his legs in a pair of old black jeans. “It’s never just one drink with you… I’ll end up wasted under one of the tables and then Y/N will have to carry me home.”
“For someone so eager to get dressed and walk out of the house, you’re complaining too much.” Sehun smirked as he nudged Chanyeol with his elbow.
“Don’t worry, it’s just one drink,” Chanyeol reassured him as Baekhyun was finally done getting dressed. “Besides, you literally live a couple of blocks from your job and neither of us has to drive. We’ll call a taxi.” There was a faint yet lingering smile of satisfaction on the taller man’s face. He wasn’t really a patient guy and his mind was still in a frenzy after coming up with a plan to get Baekhyun and his flatmate to go out on a date.
Baekhyun threw on a leather jacket and brushed back his bangs with his fingers, ready to step out of the apartment. He was about to lock the door after switching off the lights but then stopped as he thought about something for a brief moment. “Hang on, I forgot something.” He let his friends know as he hurried back inside and into the bathroom.
Once he was back and finally locked the door, both Chanyeol and Sehun got a whiff of something in the air. “Is that… Perfume?” They asked inquisitive.
Baekhyun furrowed his brows as he walked past them down the corridor. “And what about it? Y/N gifted it to me for my birthday.”
“This is going to be easier than I thought,” Chanyeol hummed as they headed towards your workplace at last.
The cafe turned into bar during evenings looked cozy in autumns and winters; some Halloween decorations lingered here and there although it was past October and halfway through into November, but the fake vine leaves painted red, yellow and orange warmed up the walls nicely. You liked the fall decorations, but you loved even more winter and Christmas decorations, although it was a hassle to take everything down and put new things up, it was still satisfying as the end result.
You spotted Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun out of the corner of your eye as soon as they entered the bar thanks to the bell ringing on top of the door. “There you go, Lucas,” you placed a glass of cold beer on top of a napkin in front of one of your regular customers and looked around, quickly facing the three new friendly faces once you made sure that no one else needed your services. “Good evening guys!” You said cheerfully, a warm feeling spreading through your chest to see Baekhyun keeping his promise to come pick you up after work, even more so considering he was rather early for it.
“Ah, my favorite bartender!” Sehun mused as he leaned against the counter with a smirk on his expression. ”You look a bit overworked although there aren’t many customers.”
Baekhyun noticed it as well and looked behind the counter and around the familiar workplace. “Where’s Minseok? Weren’t you two supposed to work tonight’s shift together?”
You inhaled a long breath as you glanced down with busy eyes to grab a rag from a hidden surface on your workspace, then picked it up and cleaned the countertop in front of the three men. “I think he had something for dinner that upset his stomach to the point where he was nauseated.” You winced as you explained to them without much detail as you didn’t know how your coworker was doing after he left. “I told him to go home and rest just in case… But anyway,” you smiled once again. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You asked as you returned the rag in its previous spot and placed three napkins on the counter.
“For starters, I’d say shots of soju and then beers?” Chanyeol looked at his friends but Baekhyun shook his head when he heard the doorbell signal the arrival of more customers.
“I’ll help Y/N,” he said and promptly walked behind the counter to join you. He picked up one of the aprons matching yours from a hanger on the wall and put it on after he took off his jacket.
“Don’t worry Baek, it’s your night off,” you tried to persuade him to just enjoy the night with his friends but he just gave you his usual warm and reassuring smile that made your heart flutter with content.
“Nonsense,” he shrugged as he spun around to softly bump his shoulder into yours and looked into your eyes, “I’m happy to work with you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his words and you could barely hide the smile that graced your lips once your coworker welcomed the new customers with a loud and cheerful tone.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed to the two friends sitting on the other side of the counter, across from you. Chanyeol nudged Sehun with his elbow and whispered to just play along, after he made sure that Baekhyun’s ears were out of reach for what he was about to say. You placed two shots of soju on the napkins and turned around to fill two glasses with beer. “So, Y/N,” you looked over your shoulder for a brief second at Chanyeol, “are you single?”
The question wasn’t new to your ears, especially after working as a bartender, but it still caught you off guard coming from him. “I did not expect you to ask me something like this, Mr. Park.” You confessed with a chuckle while walking back to take away the empty shot glasses and placed two glasses filled to the brim with foaming beer. “Why do you want to know?”
“Well, are you?” Sehun questioned with a raised eyebrow, carefully picking up the glass to take a sip from it while holding your suspicious gaze.
You let your shoulders slump with a sigh as you averted their eyes and, without meaning to, you looked in Baekhyun’s direction. “Yes, I’m single.” You nodded as your smile faltered, you looked around at the other customers while feeling a bit nervous.
“Perfect!” Chanyeol beamed as he clapped his hands once and leaned closer to the counter, you just eyed him with suspicion. “There’s this very nice guy, he’s a bit talkative and playful,” he began explaining but kept it quite mysterious, “A friend of ours, you know… I would like you do go on a blind date with him.”
“I’m sorry… What now?” You were taken aback by his sudden request that you didn’t know how else to react. It was a nice gesture, sure… but you already had feelings for someone else and weren’t sure if a blind date would be a good idea, not at the moment at least.
“I promise he’s a very friendly and good guy,” Sehun added, playing along to Chanyeol’s plan although they didn’t even talk about it beforehand. He licked his lips to get the residue of the beer foam and arched his brows at you. “Unless you like somebody else already.” Blood rushed to your face and you felt hot under your clothes, hesitant about answering your foot started bouncing nervously and you crossed your arms. Should you be honest and tell them or should you keep it for yourself? Well… “There is someone I like.” You confessed, but it just made you sad to say it so you continued before they could ask anything else about this crush of yours. “But I don’t think it’ll work out so I might as well go on a blind date with your friend.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Baekhyun’s curious voice made you slightly jolt on your feet and you flashed him a nervous smile. “Are you going on a date?” You tilted your head unsure of what to say since he was the one person you didn’t want to find out about this blind date, at least not like this… or ever. You thought you could maybe just go at the date and never call back Chanyeol and Sehun’s friend, but then another question popped in your head. Does Baekhyun know this friend of theirs? Would he mind? It’s not like he had feelings for you, so why were you so worried about it?
Thankfully, you heard the voice of one of your customers call for you and used it as an excuse to leave. “This is a discussion for another time, I gotta go back to work!” And just like that you were gone in an instant, meanwhile Baekhyun faced Chanyeol and Sehun with a half disappointed and half irritated expression.
“A blind date?!” He hissed under his breath.
They both nodded with pleased smirks. “She said yes, so you better make this work, otherwise you’re truly hopeless.” Chanyeol replied and finally let himself taste the beer that’s been sitting in front of him on the counter for a while.
Baekhyun’s anger dissipated immediately, his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth fell agape. “You set us up on a blind date?” He whispered while stealing glances in your direction. His heart rate began speeding up while he watched you smile politely at a couple who were paying for their drinks, getting ready to leave.
“Although…” Sehun inhaled a long breath as he looked down at his drink, his smile faded. Baekhyun’s attention was immediately on him, feeling his heart drop at the man’s words. “She did say she likes someone.” Chanyeol gave him a hard nudge with his elbow, eliciting a pained groan from the man sitting next to him. “What?! I’m just saying, she didn’t say who… Y/N thinks it’s not going to work out so you don’t have to worry.”
Baekhyun sighed and scratched his head, too many thoughts were running through his head in that moment and he didn’t know how to process the fact that there indeed was someone you liked… You’ve been friends for a few years and were roommates as well, so why did you not talk to him about this person you seem to like so much?
He became rather quiet that night and even the following days, he was practically sulking since he was stuck with the thought that the blind date was going to be a disaster. That didn’t stop Chanyeol from insisting on taking care of all the details about the date, he went as far as borrowing both yours and Baekhyun’s work schedules to set up a perfect timing for you to meet. You noticed immediately the change in his behavior, he wasn’t avoiding you, he would never do that, but he was acting too distant. You tried asking but didn’t push further because maybe he needed some time for himself, otherwise he would have opened up to you, at least you hoped.
It went on like that for a couple of days until you couldn’t take it anymore, you missed Baekhyun being his usual playful and loud self, he was the source of your serotonin and it affected your mood as well. It was the last few days of November, the shop was closed for the day due to the fact that you needed to take down the autumnal decorations and brighten up the place with Christmas ones.
“Baekhyun, we really need to talk.” You told him with a preoccupied tone, hoping he wouldn’t try and dodge the conversation as he had been doing for nearly half of November. He didn’t look at you from his high place on the ladder, instead, his pupils were fixed on his fingers unrolling the fairy lights and hanging them on the wall, supported by nails that had been stuck into the bricks for who knows how many years.
“Alright, alright,” he nodded and hummed for a moment, pausing his work to look down; your hands were securely holding onto the ladder for him and keeping it in place so he felt safe to be up there, occasionally passing him Christmas decorations from the boxes piled up next to your feet. “I’ll clean and decorate the bathrooms.”
You scoffed, incredulous that he actually managed to talk about anything else but his feelings. “I’m not talking about the bathroom, but since you said you’re going to do it, I won’t stop you.”
“Damn!” He chuckled with a shake of his head and went back to fixing the lights. “Okay, let’s talk, but I warn you, if this is about me—“
“It’s precisely about you! You’ve been avoiding my questions, I’m concerned about you. Something happened and you haven’t openly spoken to me ever since that night at the bar.” You interjected and heard him complain with a groan of your name, to which you let go of the ladder, making the man almost scream in fear.
“What are you doing—“ High pitched words reached your ears as you crossed your arms and just gazed up at him with arched brows, feeling so done with his behavior. He dropped the fairy lights without meaning to and wrapped his hands on both sides of the ladder, holding on for dear life. “No, no, no— Okay, fine! I’ll tell you, just please don’t let go of the ladder.” You held onto the ladder once more and watched him climb down until he was finally to your eye level. “There’s this girl I like, I’ve liked her for a while now actually.” Baekhyun let out a long, defeated sigh. “Turns out she likes some other person and I don’t know why I thought I could—“ He stopped himself from saying anything else as he ran one of his hand over his face, frustrated that he was confessing to you how he felt, except he was still hiding the actual truth. What a coward, he thought. He was convinced now more than ever that the blind date was truly a bad idea, he just didn’t know how to tell Chanyeol that he didn’t have the balls to go through with it and accept your rejection once you found out he was your secret date. “I like her a lot.” He added.
You felt you heart fasten at his words, it was drumming so hard that the pulse in your ears felt deafening… Baekhyun liked another girl, you repeated to yourself in your head. For a short moment and in a totally awkward silence you felt like an idiot; an idiot for feeling jealousy when he mentioned another girl, when you should’ve said something to comfort him. You were frowning, unable to move or say anything coherent until you forced yourself to say: “I’m sorry.” You bit your lip and looked down at your hands. “She’s an idiot.” You spit out with slight anger lacing your words.
“Why do you say so?” His tone softened when he noticed how upset you were over what he told you, he didn’t think you would care that much about a girl not liking him back… and the worst part was that you were that girl. “She’s allowed to like someone else, it’s just that I’m a coward and I didn’t tell her that I like her because I’m afraid of her rejecting me.” It felt so surreal that he was running his mouth like that, actually confessing the truth to you but you still had no idea.
Your head head snapped up towards him with your lips parted, ready to fight back his insecurities, except you didn’t realize what you were saying until it was already too late. “Well, she’s still dumb! Because what other girl wouldn’t like you? I like you!"
"You do?" He whispered almost breathless, too stunned to say anything else as soon as he processed your words; the corners of his lips curved up in a genuine and shy smile, yet you barely saw it since you looked down and bent you body forward to pick up a box with decorations and left him standing there. Your face was burning so hot with embarrassment it almost felt like you were going to combust. "Y/N, hang on, let’s talk it out—“ He tried to go after you, but you walked past the counter and entered the women’s bathroom, closing the door behind you. You dropped the box on the counter by the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, cursing under your breath ad at yourself for being so careless with your words.
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“Wait, hold on…” One of your friends, Hana, laughed at you on the phone for the second time that night, after you explained to her what happened at the coffee shop.
“I swear to God, Hana, there’s nothing to laugh about.” You mumbled, holding your phone against your ear with you shoulder; your hands were too busy going through the clothes in your wardrobe, searching for anything remotely cute and appropriate for a blind date.
“There actually is,” she continued laughing at your misery. “You confessed to Baekhyun that you actually like him, that’s a good thing isn’t it? I mean, he didn’t have a bad reaction, so where’s the problem, Y/N?” You groaned as you threw a pair of torn up jeans on the floor of your bedroom and took your phone in your hands.
“That’s the point, I chickened out!” You walked to the foot of the bed and let yourself fall on your back, bouncing on the mattress. “He tried to talk to me about it but I just couldn’t do it, so I locked myself in the bathroom. I’m the clown of the month!”
“Oh my God, Y/N, you’re unbelievable.” Hana’s laughter rung in your ear with disbelief for the situation you got yourself into, but soon quieted down to a serious tone. “Listen, you have to face him at some point. You can’t just avoid him forever.”
You sat up on the bed and thought about what she said, your eyes burning holes into the door leading to the living room of your shared apartment. Baekhyun wasn’t home yet, he was still setting up decorations at the bar with Minseok and going over December’s inventory. “What about this girl he said he likes?” A pout formed on your lips, like a child whining to their parent.
“You won’t know until you talk to him.” You sighed out loud and eyed the mess on your bedroom floor, clothes lying on top of each other as if your wardrobe got stormed by a hurricane. “Earth to Y/N, are you there? Promise you’ll talk to him?”
You snapped out of your daze and rubbed your eyes as you replied to her. “Yeah, sure, I’ll talk to him,” you replied in defeat. “But it’ll have to wait until after this stupid blind date. It’s tonight and I don’t even know what to wear…” You heard a noise come from the living room and gasped out loud, jiggling of keys made you jump on your feat and run towards the door until you pressed your side against it. “He’s here, I gotta go. Bye Hana!” You whispered with your heart drumming in your chest and said goodbye to your friend, before hanging up the call. “Baekhyun?” You carefully called out his name and waited impatiently for a reply.
His muffled voice came from the other side of the door, and as careful as you had been, he called out your name. “Are you okay? Can I come in?” He was right outside of your bedroom, your nerves were killing you and you didn’t know what to do, yet against your better judgement, you moved away from the door and opened it. You bit your tongue as you met Baekhyun’s reassuring smile, somehow eliciting a smile from your lips as well. Seeing as you had not replied to his questions, Baekhyun let his eyes look past you and onto the pile of clothing on the floor. “Getting ready for the blind date?”
You looked in the same direction his pupils did and chuckled with a slow nod. “Yeah, I just don’t know what to wear yet…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll look beautiful no matter what you choose to wear.” The sweetness of his words made you hyper aware of the way he was looking at you now, and you weren’t sure why it seemed… different.
“Thank you…” You almost stuttered. Your heart was ramming against your ribcage so hard you could have passed out from the lightheadedness it caused you, but you forced yourself to break the eye contact and walked further inside your bedroom. You picked up two dresses from the wardrobe, one filled with cute floral patterns and the other was a solid dark blue color. “Which one looks better for a fancy dinner?” You asked him, unsure whether it was a good idea but Baekhyun actually pointed at the dark blue dress with a cheerful smile. It was weird to say the least, he appeared to be more excited for your blind date than you were, and you didn’t even know who Chanyeol was trying to set you up with. “Okay, this dress it is then.”
“By the way, I need to go out in a bit.” Baekhyun caught you off guard and you just stared at him with slightly widened eyed. “Is there anything that you need before I leave?”
“Mmmh, no… No.” You show your head and flashed him a reassuring smile even though you were still nervous. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, see you later, Y/N.” He reached out for the handle and closed the door after himself.
As soon as you heard the lock click, you exhaled a long, shaky breath and dropped the dresses on the bed. “And there he goes…” You whispered, choosing to replace the deafening silence with some music from your phone.
Baekhyun stood in the hallways while holding onto his breath, ears listening to you shuffling around your bedroom before any other sound was drowned out by you favorite playlist. He had been dreading this blind date for so many days and now that it was happening — especially after he found out he was the person you liked and not some other guy — Baekhyun felt elated. He was ready to get dressed and run out of the door to get you flowers, unfortunately not your favorite ones because they were out of season, but he was still gonna get something pretty. He couldn’t stop thinking about how you were going to react once you met him at the restaurant as your date. Too much energy was coursing through his veins in that moment, he could barely contain himself.
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Everything was perfect. Baekhyun had to remember to thank Chanyeol for taking care of the reservation, the restaurant was truly lovely and felt intimate, soft fairy lights were hanging from the red brick walls, adding to the romantic atmosphere of slightly dimmed lighting, a small candle was illuminating the table at which Baekhyun sat. A bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums rested on his right side as he, on the other hand, couldn’t help but nervously fiddle with his fingers under the tablecloth. A shy smile graced his joyful expression while his eyes darted to the watch on his left wrist, growing restless as you were late to your date.
Baekhyun’s smile faltered when he felt his phone vibrating in the pocket of his elegant blazer, he shut his eyes tightly and prayed that it wasn’t Chanyeol the one calling him with bad news, saying you stood up on the blind date at the last possible moment. You wouldn’t do that, would you? “Hello?” He answered his phone still keeping his eyes shut, but they immediately shot open once he heard your voice greet him on the other side of the line. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Where are you? Shouldn’t you be at the date?” He showered you with questions to which you didn’t know what to answer.
“Uuh—“ You hesitated for a long moment, unsure of what to say. “I’m outside of the restaurant, I’ve been for the past 5 minutes. I don’t want to go inside and meet some guy that I don’t know.” He listened to you talk really fast, almost tripping on your words as your tone dripped with nervousness and regret. “I just don’t want to meet a new guy and I’m so sorry to Chanyeol, cause I said I would do this—”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” He tried to help you calm down over the phone, resisting the urge to just stand up from the table and run to meet you outside. “Everything’s gonna be alright, okay? Do you trust me?”
Baekhyun listened to you on the other side of the line as you tried to get through your panicked state, quietly repeating short and reassuring “okays”. You released a deep breath and finally replied to him. “I trust you. Will you come pick me up, please?”
He almost chuckled at the softness of your voice, instead a warm smile returned on his face as he told you what to do. “I will, but first I need you to walk into the restaurant, it’s cold outside and you’re wearing a dress.” You agreed to do it and his eyes quickly moved towards the door, as he was sat on the opposite side of the restaurant.
Baekhyun watched as the door opened and you stepped inside, brows furrowed with worry yet you still managed to look effortlessly beautiful; long black coat shielding your body from the cold of the last weeks of autumn. He could see the dark blue of your knee length dress peeking under the coat, a small purse swaying by your side from a long chain on your left shoulder as you glanced around and were greeted by a waiter. “I’m in.” You mumbled as your eyes looked frantically around.
“Look to your right, other side of the room.” And you did, you looked towards him and nearly dropped your phone, your jaw went numb for a moment as your lips parted in disbelief. One of the waiters helped you remove your coat and accompanied you towards Baekhyun, to your table. “You’re beautiful,” the words rolled off his tongue almost like a foreign sound, he couldn’t believe that you two were actually on a date, even if he had to keep it a secret for such a long time.
You were at a loss for words, yet your chest was flooded with immense happiness. “The girl you like a lot…” You began saying and he nodded before you could finish your sentence. “A very nice guy, a bit talkative and playful,” you giggled as you quoted Chanyeol’s words when he spoke about the friend he wanted you to meet.
“Yep, that would be me.” Baekhyun picked up the flowers and slowly stepped closer to you. “I know they’re not daffodils, but I hope you like chrysanthemums too.”
“You know what I like more than flowers?” You stepped even closer to him until you could feel his hot breath on your skin, completely forgetting the rest of the world as you felt a rush of bravery while gazing into his eyes. “You.”
When Baekhyun leaned forward to steal a kiss it felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if he had done it so many times before and you were out tonight celebrating an anniversary rather than a first date. The gentlest of touches left a lingering sensation of his lips on yours. The red of your lipstick transferred slightly on his lips and if you focused hard enough, you could see that his cheeks turned the same shade out of shyness and adoration.
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“Hmm, what do you think?” You asked, tilting your head to the side while staring very hard at the Christmas tree.
You were currently in your new apartment with Baekhyun standing by your side, eyes focused ahead of you. “It’s crooked on one side.” The living room was bare of furniture except for a coffee table, the tv stand with the television on top of it and the Christmas tree you spent at least three hours on decorating with your boyfriend. Moving boxes were scattered all around the place.
“I think if we spin it around towards the corner of the room none of the guests will notice.” You suggested and Baekhyun hoped quickly towards the tree, being careful to avoid any boxes and discarded ornaments still lying on the floor. He crouched on his kneed and wrapped his fingers around the base of the fake pine tree, rotating the crooked side towards the corner of the room.
“What about now?” He asked as he looked up at the tree for a moment and back at you.
“Light it up.” Baekhyun took the end of a cable beneath the branches of the tree and struggled to plug it into the wall for a moment, making you giggle, but as soon as the tree was lit up, he stood up and walked back to stand by you. “Now it’s perfect!” You beamed while he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to kiss your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Baekhyun whispered in your ear, your smile became bigger and brighter when you looked into his loving eyes.
You pecked his lips with a soft kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas to you too, Baek—”
You didn’t even have time to finish saying his name because all of a sudden he snaked his arms around your waist, making you screech in surprise when he tried to lift you up from the floor and yelled at the top of his lungs: “To the bedroom, now!”
Loud giggles escaped you as you struggled to stay serious, but it was impossible when he was in a playful mood like this. “But we don’t have a bed frame yet—“
“We have a mattress and that’s enough for me!”
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obeymebabes · 4 years
Your First (Mammon x MC)
Warnings: Slight spoilers for the Mammon birthday event. Also really fluffy.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMS!!! This is based on a scene from the Mammon birthday event. I’ve done a fic for everyone’s birthday thus far so I might as well continue it! I’m sorry if this isn’t the best, I didn’t plan this out like I usually do and just tried to go with the flow.
Summary: You need to help Mammon try to sleep so the brothers can set up his surprise party. You have offered to stay with him and talk until he gets tired. You also want to be the first to wish him a happy birthday.
Just a few more hours until his big day.
Mammon’s birthday was just around the corner. He was so excited that he told everyone a week in advance. His brothers had everything planned perfectly for him. All thanks to you of course.
The day before was exhausting, making sure everything was ready to be set up later that night while Mammon slept. Of course they stuck you on duty to make sure he would go to sleep.
That night you headed to Mammon’s room. Upon walking through the door you found Mammon standing up and talking to himself, looking visibly distraught about something.
“Aaaaah, damn it! I can’t sleep!” Mammon groaned, trying to rub his eyes to see if it would help.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, making him aware of your presence. He smiled in your direction when he saw you, quickly making his way to you.
“Oh, MC! Perfect timing! I was playin’ this game that Levi recommended, and there was this scary scene with a whole bunch of zombies…!” He explained, shaking his head at the thought.
It’s still shocking to you that a demon, a very powerful one at that, is able to be so easily scared by a game or movie about something that doesn’t even exist. Like zombies. He has seen so much throughout his years of life that surely he would be immune to such “scary” creatures.
“Playin’ something like that right before bed is seriously just the worst…” Mammon avoided eye contact with you, blushing a bit at how ridiculous he sounded. “Not that I’m scared of anything! I’m just too excited to sleep, ya know?” His voice faltered momentarily as he tried to save his dignity by adding that additional information.
He just wanted to seem like the big, scary protective demon that he had portrayed in his own fantasy. He couldn’t let a mere human think he was anything less than what he was. A demon like him shouldn’t be so terrified.
Luckily, the Avatar of Sloth showed up at the perfect time. Stepping into Mammon’s room to join you both, he smiled.
“Did I hear that you can’t sleep, Mammon?” Belphegor asked, ignoring Mammon’s previous comments about being scared of a video game cut-scene.
Mammon laughed a bit as he noticed his normally sleeping brother was awake. His snide comment said it all, “Oh, Belphie! You’re awake too, huh? That’s pretty rare!”
Taking a moment to look around his room, Mammon thought of an idea. Not the best idea, but an idea nonetheless.
“Oh, I know. Since we’re all here, why don’t we stay up together? I got some cards. Wanna play a few rounds or somethin’?”
This wasn’t at all going according to plan. Mammon was wide awake. He didn’t show any signs of being tired, either. Belphie, luckily, had somewhat of a plan. He was the Avatar of Sleep Sloth after all. This was his specialty. Sort of.
Mammon looked impatient, shifting his footing as he waited for an answer from either you or his sleepy brother.
“No. It’s really late. So here, read this and go to bed.” Belphie handed his brother a letter. One of the many letters that he had received over the past few days. It may have seemed like a silly idea at first but you could tell that Mammon really enjoyed having the spotlight.
Mammon took the letter, reading the name of it, “For when you can’t sleep – Part 1.”? Confused by what this meant, he opened it to read the inside. “Please make use of Belphie’s co-sleeping service.”
Looking even more confused than before, he eyed the both of you. Before he had a chance to speak, you spoke up first, “That’s exactly what you need right now!”
Mammon looked back down at the paper then back to Belphie. “What the heck is “Belphie’s co-sleeping service”?” Belphie had a grin across his face. “You don’t have to be shy, Mammon. I’m a pro when it comes to sleep.”
You sat and watched the Avatar of Greed eye his brother. “Only when it comes to your own sleep!” You could see that Mammon was visibly annoyed by being offered such a ridiculous situation. Why did he have to listen to the stupid paper? What did this even mean?
Belphie made his way over to Mammon’s bed. Crawling into it, making himself right at home with his cow-patterned pillow. You couldn’t help but giggle at how frustrated Mammon was getting. Yelling at his younger brother to get out of his bed.
Within seconds, Belphie was out cold while Mammon and you both sat there looking at him. The greedy demon groaned and walked over to shake his sleeping brother awake. None of this was going to plan. How was Mammon supposed to sleep when his brother was only annoying him instead of actually helping him?
Finally shaking him awake, Belphie groaned and looked around to see that he was still in Mammon’s room. He rubbed his eyes and laughed. With a yawn, the formerly sleeping demon looked at you with half-lidded eyes.
“Fine. MC, it’s time for Part 2.” He mentioned, rubbing the last of sleep from his eyes. Mammon turned to you, still very confused about the situation that was going on. Belphie urged you to hand over the letter you had prepared for tonight should the Avatar of Sloth’s plan not work.
You carefully handed him the next letter that you had stowed away in your pocket. Taking it, Mammon blushed, since it was from you after all. 
With a grin, he read the words on the front, “For when you can’t sleep - Part 2.” Opening it, seemingly excited he couldn’t help but smile. “MC’s bedtime chat service.”? MC is going to chat with me until I fall asleep?! Yeah that’s what I’m talking about!” 
Nearly jumping for joy at the time he gets to spend with you tonight, he rushed to get his brother out of his room. Not long after Belphegor left, Mammon was rushing to talk to you.
You started out talking about the birthday letters, he was telling you all about how happy he was to receive them, since he had never had an experience like this before in his time of living. Looking into his eyes you could tell how happy he was to have you here with him, especially if it meant spending the night in his room. 
“Hey, since you’re here, why don’t we chat until it’s midnight?” He offered, smiling as he fiddled with his thumbs. 
You smiled at him, looking him in the eyes before you spoke. How could you pass up an offer like that? It was one of the few uninterrupted times you had with him. No one was going to come in and bother you. 
“Okay, because I want to be the first person to wish you a happy birthday!” You answered, noticing the greedy demon blush. 
With that being said, the both of you talked.
It was getting rather close to midnight, and you had both talked for quite some time. With still a few moments left to spare, the room went silent as you both thought about everything that you had just covered within the last 55 minutes of talking. Most of it was nothing of interest, just his silly stories that made you both laugh.
That was something he really loved to do. Make you laugh. See you smile. As long as you were happy, he was equally as happy.
“Remember when you first got to Devildom?” He questioned, his voice no louder than a whisper. Your eyes met his. A small smile curling from his lips. You nodded as a reply to his question.
“I don’t know what I was thinkin’ when I thought you were all bad just ‘cause you were human. You’re really great ya know. The more I get to know about ya the more I like ya. I don’t know how I did anythin’ without ya for the last… however many years.” He let out a small chuckle. Your heart fluttering from his kind words.
“You know, I was really skeptical about this place. About you, even, but I’ve come to realize you’re just a big softie.” Your words almost seemed to hurt him. He looked a bit offended. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You were MY first, after all.” 
His eyes found yours again and he couldn’t help but smile a toothy grin from hearing that. He loved hearing such praise from you.
“You are MY human. I ain’t lettin’ no one else have ya. Got it?” He gently pressed a hand to your cheek, luring you closer to him. Leaning in to his touch, you could feel his breath against your skin. 
“I, The Great Mammon, am really lucky that I have ya. I’d go as far as sayin’ you’re the best treasure I’ve ever gotten, and I didn’t even have to steal ya.” The heat of his breath lingered on your face, making you smile at his kind words.
“Just kiss me already, moron.”
With that being said, he did as he was told. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. His lips lingering against yours. Savouring every moment he could. Perfection. It was everything he had ever dreamed of and more. 
When he pulled away, the room was silent. Averting his eyes away from you and shifting a bit in his seat. He was embarrassed by how much you and your affection really affected him. Never in all of his years of living did he imagine falling for a human. The demon checked his D.D.D for the time, which indicated it was midnight.
Breaking the silence between you both, he looked back to you. 
“...Oh! It’s midnight! The start of my birthday!”
You smiled at his excitement. The last time you’d ever seen him this happy was when he got Goldie back.
“My life wouldn’t be the same without you, Mammon. Happy birthday.” 
He was shocked by your comment. He wasn’t expecting such a heartfelt birthday wish. 
“Oh man, I just felt my heart melt.” Mammon chuckled. “I’m so happy that I’m even more awake now! How am I going to fall asleep?” 
Getting up carefully with a grin, you took his hand and brought him over to his bed where you peeled back the covers to crawl in. Complying after turning off the lights, he got in next to you, pulling you close to him.
“I ain’t lettin’ you go tonight. Got it?” His voice was low. You closed your eyes, he had you wrapped tight in his arms, his warmth transferring to your body. You could feel him breathe out a sigh of relief, enjoying and savouring the moment he had with your body pressed tight against his. 
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” 
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Deep Winter Hunt
Lady Dimitrescu x OC~  I wrote this to this song, because I have Destiny 2 brain rot sometimes, lol, so it’s my excuse to show you this song. Also, huuuusssh, I love soft Alcina with all my heart. 🥺 TW: injuries, sex mention
Snow crunched beneath the Reaper’s boots as she scanned her surroundings, each breath manifesting as a frosty puff. It was overcast, so it made the winter’s morning look even drearier than would be typical, and it was lightly snowing. This wild hunt was starting to drag on a bit too long for her liking, but her stubbornness refused to let her return home empty handed.
Two weeks. That was how long the hunt was going on for, taking the Reaper all over Romania, from the steppes to pine forests. She even almost wandered off to Serbia when she temporarily lost track of the maiden she was after. This is no ordinary maiden, the Reaper thought to herself as she settled down for the night, starting a small campfire to stave off the cold as she rested. Her heart ached for her love, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, but she had to forge on so as to not disappoint her. “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry,” she said out loud as if she was on the phone with her.
The last time she contacted Alcina was two days ago, and the Reaper was wrestling with if she should call her beloved. “No… gotta conserve my phone’s battery,” she muttered to herself as she had a tight grip on her phone, decided to wait until the morning. Normally, she’d call every two days if the hunt was long, but… her power bank was running a bit low, and her phone’s battery was just as low. She breathed, leaning against a tree as she looked up at the night sky, the stars shining especially bright on this cloudless night. She wondered how Alcina was doing, hoping the lady wouldn’t fret too much.
Naturally, the opposite happened. Alcina was just constantly wringing her hands in worry. “Oh, damn, I knew I should have let you three join her…” she hissed in worry, her daughters watching.
“Shall we go after her, Mother?” the oldest, a brunette named Viorica, asked.
“I… I don’t know, Viorica,” Alcina reluctantly admitted. “That damn tenacity of hers, she could have easily called off the hunt, but no… this maiden was just too pretty to pass up, and she just had to try to bag her for my wine.”
“Where could she even be?” Daniela, the blonde one, the middle child, mused. Of the three sisters, the Reaper was the closest to Daniela, so the witch was understandably concerned. “Last she told us, she was somewhere in Țara Românească, yes?”
“And that’s why I’m worried. The prey could have easily made off into București, if she’s smart. It’s only the largest city in Romania, after all… not to mention others would try to follow the Reaper back to us if she made one mistake this deep into her hunt,” Alcina wanted to send her daughters off to track the Reaper down, though she had no idea if the trail would be still warm enough, with the snow coming and going. No… she couldn’t risk her daughters; she just had to trust the Reaper to manage to get back. “Leave… for now, at least. We’ll just have to wait for her next call.”
Daniela and Viorica, swarmed away, though her youngest, a redhead named Aurelia, stayed behind. “Why are you so worried about… her, Mother?” she almost growled. Of the three, the redhead was the least trusting of the Reaper, though she didn’t directly antagonize her. 
Alcina’s lips almost curled into a grimace. “My reasons are mine alone, Aurelia. You don’t need to know why, you just need to respect it. The Reaper has given us many gifts, has she not?”
“But she’s still just… some girl you picked up from the streets,” Aurelia almost spat. “All it took was a ‘boohoo, my life is sad, can you please take me away’ to get you to cave in, Mother.”
“Aurelia, you’re being rather mouthy, and you know I hate those who sass back to me,” Alcina glowered, as if threatening to revoke her daughter’s privileges. “Now, go back and relax with your sisters as I told you to. I won’t repeat myself, you hear me, young lady?”
“I just need to know why you care so much about this silly little girl! She’s… just an intruder trying to ruin our lives… A foreigner who thinks she’s all that!”
“Because I love her!” Alcina finally snapped. “I… love her,” she repeated, quieter this time and with more deliberation. It was rare that the good lady lost her composure, but… emotions flared up. She held a hand to her chest, slowly realizing her romantic feelings for the Reaper.
“I… I see how it is, Mother,” Aurelia swarmed away before her mother would actually punish her. It would take a while for the youngest to process her feelings about a new vampire among their ranks...
She supposed it was a bit strange, finally feeling a flicker of romance, despite the many trysts between her and the Reaper, but it felt amazing when she came to terms with it. “Oh, my darling Reaper… you better come back home soon.”
And after a day and a half, return, she did, though wounded. “Sorry… I got attacked by a feral one. Wanted the prize, I think,” the Reaper said as her teeth chattered. Her bones were ice cold, and some of her wounds were caked with ice and dried blood. Her breathing was ragged and exhausted, exhaling frosty puffs with every breath. It was clear that she had not stopped to rest and warm up ever since she bagged her prey.
Alcina didn’t care about that, though; all that mattered was her beloved was safe, she would handle this feral monster soon enough. “Let us be,” she simply said to the servants as she carried her beloved in her arms, being her caretaker for the next week or two.
“Aaaaah,” the Reaper relaxed in a tub of hot water one day during her recovery. The water was a slight red tint, undoubtedly from her own wounds that were still open. It stung, but… having something nice and hot to clean those gaping injuries felt amazing. She hunkered down with a book to read when Alcina carefully stepped in with some clean clothes and tea. “Lady Alcina,” the Reaper grinned, revealing a row of shark-like teeth.
“My dear Reaper,” the castle’s mistress smiled warmly, setting the tea down next to her before kneeling down to plant a kiss on her lover’s cheek.
“Ah, thanks,” the Reaper eagerly took a sip. “Earl Grey, sweetened just right...~” she kissed Alcina back. “Sorry the tub is pretty… normal-sized, I’d invite you to join me,” the brunette vampire mutant giggled.
“Oh, don’t you worry. I’m just glad you’re safe,” the gargantuan woman held her love’s hand. “What an interesting book you have there. What’s that about?” she immediately knew it wasn’t from the castle’s library, it looked way too new.
“Oh, just stuff about Las Plagas. It’s always a fascinating topic, I really think you should at least check out some books on it,” the Reaper explained. “Even back in my mortal days, I was… always intrigued by the horror of parasites taking over your body. Reminds me of this one movie…” she was cut off by Alcina’s lips touching hers.
“You talk too much,” Alcina purred when she broke the kiss, “but no, really… tell me more. I know you like to hold strong on your little Los Iluminados and Umbrella Corporation conspiracy theory, so I’ll lend an ear this time to seriously consider the merit behind it.”
“You’re being awfully cuddly today, Lady Alcina~” the Reaper nuzzled, though she didn’t mind the extra special attention.
The lady of the castle gently squeezed the Reaper’s hand. “I love you, my darling,” she admitted. “I know, I always say that to you, but… this is different,” she leaned in to kiss her love on the cheek again, leaving behind another kiss mark.
“I know. It feels different than how you usually say it,” the Reaper nodded. “You really have no idea how happy it makes me hearing that from you, Lady Alcina.”
“I know, since you’re such a hopeless romantic,” the giant woman snorted in laughter, her crow’s feet bunching up. “Once you get patched up, we’ll enjoy a nice dinner… and, well, let’s just say, I missed having your tongue wiggling around inside me.”
“Hehe, I hope dinner’s as spicy as you’re being right now, Lady Alcina. I just miss being in your arms after sex, I feel… safe and comforted.”
“Are you sure it’s not because of my chest?” Alcina playfully rolled her eyes, knowing how much the Reaper loved sleeping on her breasts. “But really, not until you’re healed up. You look like you still have much healing to do,” she pointed at the slightly pinkish water and one of the Reaper’s rib wounds. “...Whoever attacked you deserved what they got. You’ll be pleased to see their head hanging on a mount by the castle door... No one gets to hurt what is mine and live.”
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acewlwtoast · 3 years
Freitag 15:30
These are some notes I took while rewatching the new Clip earlier. These are just some things I’ve noticed and wanna get out there. WARNING there will be screaming.
Kieu My at the door: She didn't bring ramen but smth more personal
“Du kannst da deine Jacke aufhängen./You can hang your jacket there.” Kieu My just shoving her jacket somewhere ghsdfkjgsfkgb a mess I feel you
Kieu My taking off her shoes again, but this time Fatou isn’t (mildly) obsessively watching her
Fatou’s Papa is a cook and he STILL fucked up the goose on Christmas AND the children had to prepare most of the Christmas meal lmao
Kieu My coming in here so hopeful n shit gurl u gotta start begging
Her adressing her behaviour rightaway and trying for open communication like YES
Kieu My rambling and talking dumb details bout January 1st and not getting to the point, like she’s so nervous
“die Woche war für mich echt die Hölle/This week was hell for me”            -kinda feel like it's smth w the police stuff
also yes, this was definetely a hell week
THEY DIDNT TALK ABOUT HER TEXTS AT ALL IT MAKES ME ANGRY idk, but I feel like they were a big deal, and now they’re kinda being taken away from casual viewers :/ (this is also a general thing)
Kieu My trying to be respectful about Fatou wanting to do physics and actually attempting to start it, we love to see it
“Du wolltest mir doch helfen./Well, you wanted to help me.” -BIG OOF Kieu My’s look like “ouch okay yeah i deserved that.”
Kieu My like “cAn We eAt fiRsT” -Girl i see you tho, trying to ease up the situation. 
Also it was really her who said the I'm not good enough thing
“Kannst du auch kochen?/Can you cook as well?” -very subtle attempt at casually trying to find out more bout Fatou
She puts pressure on herself just like Fatou
“Du bist doch gut/You are good tho" BRO FATOU SLIPPING
both their glances after that like “that happened-”
Kieu My’s desperate hand thing like broooo 
“sorry das war dumm von mir./sorry, that was dumb.” - “ja” OOF OOF 2:0
Music starts and Kieu My’s leaving     me: NO IT CANT END HERE
(I seriously thought it would end i was so mad but Druck ain’t disappointing no homegirl)
Seeing fatous look like “Oh shit she gonna go after her GURL”
fuck Kieu My really seems like she was almost crying I wanna hug
Fatou just knows she ain't gonna get rid of that stupid idiot bi disaster
That kiss should be another whole thing
also they’re both smiling i can die happily now
Also did Kieu My stumble backwards like girl really wasn't expecting that
Also her poking her with her nails like imagINE HER STILL HAVING HER ACRYLIC CLAWS (Fatou showing up in school next monday with an eyepatch)
FATOU IS DOING THE SHOULDER THING WHEN KISSING WAIT AAAAAH (no one’s ever talking bout it but I’m a sucker for that)
and Kieu My diving in for second kiss guys I'm totally ok
Not really as wet as last time (this is a joke in our server, just to point that out)
I know this is kind of a lot, but y’all can’t blame me for having many thoughts about that clip. idk how often I’m gonna do these, cos this format doen’t fit with all clips, but sometimes I have many thoughts XD
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pl-panda · 4 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 16
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Part 12 Part 13 part 14
part 15
Damienette arranged marriage: part 16
“Maman! Papa! I am home! There is someone I wanted to intro…” She walked into the living room, still holding Damian by his hand. The sight was as scary as it was amusing.
Sabine was standing next to Talia Al Ghouls, who sitting there… tied with heavy ropes. 
“Maman!” Marinette shouted in panic and wanted to jump and push her mother away from the dangerous woman until Damian stopped her. He was actually chuckling.
“Seriously mother?” He pulled his phone and took a quick photo which he immediately sent to his brothers. “I did not expect you to get beaten by....”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng! What the fuck is the meaning of this?!” Sabine interrupted Damian. The girl in question shivered. Her mom never cursed. Never.
“Uh… We planned on talking with you and papa today…”
“You are married!” She shouted. Suddenly, before either Marinette or Damian could react, someone grabbed him and lifted him in the air. Tom was having a very serious face.
“tt. Drop me!”
“I don’t think so young man.”
Papa! Maman! He is innocent! He didn’t want to go with this either!” Marinette actually feared for what would happen to Damian. I just hope that having one Akuma today would be enough for Hawkmoth…
“Sweety… Do you know who he is? Who his mother is?” Her mother’s voice was a bit more caring and worried instead of angry.
“Yes.” Marinette stated firmly. “He is my husband and she is a bitch.” She explained, remembering the excruciating pain in her heart that was caused by the ritual. The bluenette fully expected her mother to scold her for cursing. Instead, all she received was a shrug.
“Maybe you do know her then…” Sabine looked a bit amused.
Bewildered, Marinette looked at Damian, who was still hanging in the air held by the neck. He only shrugged. “You are not wrong Angel.” He winced as Tom tightened his grip. 
“Mmfmfmfmf!” Talia gave a muffled sound. Only now Marinette noticed that she had her mouth plastered with silver tape.
“It doesn’t change the fact that you are married! This is serious Young Lady!”
“I know!” Marinette lost her patience. This day seemed to just go on and on and she wanted to finally lie down and rest. “Do you believe I chose it?! I did not! I woke up and was told that it was this or mass genocide of monks who apparently considered me their leader!”
“Oh sweety. I am sorry. This must be so hard for you too.” Her mother walked and hugged her. A tear formed in Marinette’s eyes. Her parents were harsh sometimes, but they truly loved her.
“Why would this monks believe you as their leader.” Tom asked confused.
“Because… I am ladybug.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The baker exlaimed.
“No Mr. Tom. She is saying the truth.” Tikki decided that this was the right moment to show herself. 
“AAAAAH!!! Flying bug mouse!” Tom screamed and dropped Damian in surprise. The teen fell with loud THUD!
“That could have gone better…” He commented.
Three weeks ago
“Father…” Adrien walked into Gabriel’s atelier. “Can I… ask you something?”
“Yes son. What is it that bother you?” Since they revealed their identities to each other the two of them became much closer. Gabriel often enclosed the details of his plans to Adrien and the boy gave his opinions. Chat Noir stopped going out to help Ladybug, but he didn’t attack her either. They wanted to retain the element of surprise.
“Well… My Kwami said that Black Cat holder and Ladybug holders are always supposed to be soulmates, perfectly complementary, made for each other. And yet my Lady is married to someone else. She never felt anything for me…”
“She is not a true Ladybug then.” Older Agreste said dismissively, not looking up from his designs.
“What?” Adrien exclaimed surprised. 
“You said it yourself that she is married.” Gabriel still didn’t look up from his designing board. “So she should have already unlocked her full potential by now. If she didn’t, it means she should have never been chosen as Ladybug in the first place, much less a guardian.”
“So she was never really my Lady…” The boy almost whispered. This time his father actually bothered to look up. He saw the dull look in his son’s eyes and walked to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder, making Adrien look up to the older man
“There is nothing wrong with being mistaken.” He started. “You are still young. Once we take the miraculous away from the imposter and restore your mother, you will be free to give the earrings to the girl that is truly made for you.”
“But… How will I know her father?”
“You already do. She has a true soul of creation and pure heart. That girl… Mari-ann or something.”
“Marinette?!” Adrien beamed
“Yes. I suspected her for being Ladybug for a long time until you revealed the truth. She is a true Ladybug, one made for you.”
“But she is… You really think she is the best for me, Father?”
“Yes son. I believe that you two should be together. But she needs your help.”
“Is it about Lila father? I am sure you know that the girl is a liar, but you always taught me to take the high…”
“Lila is part of the plan. Your Ladybug suppresses her emotions constantly. She avoid my grasp. Out of her class my Akumas can never reach her and her alone. She always push it away. But I know she will be my strongest akuma ever. I believe she will be able to take away Ladybug’s earrings, partially because they belong to her.”
“So you made Lila do all those things?!” Adrien raged.
“Son. Remember why we are doing it. Remember what is at stake.”
“Forgive me father. I… I allowed emotions to take better of me.”
“I do not fault you son.” Gabriel comforted him. “But for my plan to succeed, she must succumb to her emotions. And look at the class. They abandon her the moment they get better alternative. Are this really the friends she should have?”
“I guess not Father. You are right.” 
Gabriel grinned. His son was so pure and gullible. It was too easy to earn his loyalty and compliance. The boy would believe anything he said. Soon, he would have his greatest Akuma and both Ladybug earrings and Black Cat miraculous. He would even get all the other miraculous since Ladybug was the new guardian. All he had to do was play his pawns right. 
“I know this must not be easy for you my son.”
“No Father…” Adrien’s expression changed and for the first time Gabriel saw himself in the boy. This was not the gentle, naive boy. It was almost like he looked in the mirror. Cold and calculative eyes and malicious smirk. “She will be mine. And we shall have a perfect family together, like we always dreamed.”
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25 @tired-butterfly
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 years
Thd Haunting anthology for the ask game! :)
Thank you, my friend!! Sorry I took so long, lol.
Top 5 favourite characters:
This is hard.
1. Theo Crain
2. Dani  Clayton
3. Hannah Grose
4. Luke Crain
5. Viola Willoughby
Other characters you like:
It would be a lot easier to just name the characters I don’t like. These characters are so well-written and have so much depth. So if I don’t mention them in the next question, assume I like them.
Least favourite characters:
Peter fuckin’ Quint, Joey (Luke’s “friend” from rehab,) and Henry Wingrave.
This show has more of my OTPs than any other. Hannah x Owen, Jamie x Dani, and Nell x Arthur. 
Luke x Joey, Perdita x  Arthur (Viola’s husband,) Becca x Peter
Favourite friendships:
Theo and Shirley, Luke and Steve, and Hannah and Jamie. 
Favourite family:
The Crains own my heart, obviously, but what I loved best about BM over HH is that found family dynamic the main group develops. 
Favourite episodes:
Touch, The Bent-Neck Lady, Two Storms (!!!!!!!!!! this episode oh my god,) Screaming Meemies, Silence Lay Steadily, The Way It Came, The Altar of the Dead, The Romance of Certain Old Clothes, and The Beast in the Jungle.
Favourite season/book/movie:
I always say this: THOHH is a masterpiece, and THOBM is a really, really exceptionally good show. I do prefer HH, but only by a tiny bit. 
Favourite quotes:
“You have loved me, so I will always be here [in your heart.]” - Owen to Hannah. I’ve heard a thousand variations on this theme, but for some reason, the delivery and context of this line broke me. I always cry.
“You loved me completely. And I loved you the same. The rest is confetti.” - Nellie to her siblings. Rip me wide open!!
Best musical moment:
I really like the score of this show, but no one song or moment sticks out. 
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
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When it really disappointed you:
It never did. I think these two shows are some of the best television ever created. 
Saddest moment:
Picking a top five (in no particular order,) since these are inherently sad and tragic shows...
1. Rebecca’s forced suicide at Peter’s hand.
2. Nellie’s death and realization that she is the Bent-Neck Lady.
3. Luke’s reaction to Nellie’s death - how he could literally feel it.
4. Jamie going to the lake and seeing Dani’s body and begging her to take her, too.
5. Dani having sleep paralysis and being unable to help Arthur when he has an aneurism.
Most well done character death:
I mean, they’re all really good and well-done. Appropriately heart-wrenching, shocking, and they all work in context of the plot. If I had to choose just one, it would probably be Nellie’s, since it’s the basis of the entire first season. The hints about the Bent-Neck Lady and the way we slowly get to know Nellie, and then come to love her the most right as she’s finally about to die - ugh, so good, so sad.
Favourite guest star:
Kate Siegel as Viola Willoughby. 
Favourite cast member:
Victoria Pedretti is a goddamn delight. She’s an incredible actress - so raw and real and compelling. She’s a stoner IRL and seems super chill during interviews. I would love to share a joint with her someday. (If I ever share a joint with anyone ever again, thanks coronavirus.) 
Character you wish was still alive:
Rebecca Jessel really deserved better, man. :( Fuck Peter Quint. 
One thing you hope really happens:
Well, the series is officially on a semi-permanent hiatus. Mike Flannagan said he has no plans for future seasons in this universe. He is currently finishing up work on another horror show, Midnight Mass, so I’m looking forward to that. I would love to see more from this universe and this cast, though.
Most shocking twist:
The Bent-Neck Lady, for sure. So well foreshadowed, and still so shocking when the realization hits. My stomach dropped through the soles of my feet. 
When did you start watching/reading?:
I caught this bandwagon pretty early - only a week or two after the first season premiered. I remember watching and realizing they had synced up the show’s timeline with real life - if you watched in 2018, Nellie dies that same year, and her date of death was just a week or two after the premiere. An extra little detail that made me very sad.
Best animal/creature:
There are no good animals in this show, lol. Fuck those kittens. 
Favourite location:
Bly Manor is soooo pretty. 
Trope you wish they would stop using:
I really hate anything with animals suffering in horror, so I just hope that never comes up again. 
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
Okay, okay. The plotlines are very clever and super well-done. 
Funniest moments:
Dani sleeping in the back of Owen’s car with her mouth wide open; Theo’s “I’m gonna get my fucking PHD;” like, most of what Theo said in general.
Couple you would like to see:
All I can say is that Hannah and Owen deserved Paris. 
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Meh. No opinion. 
Favourite outfit:
I really loved the 80s and 90s looks in Bly. Dani’s jean jacket. Jamie’s looks when she and Dani are together later in life. All A+.
Favourite item:
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I gotta go with the found family at Bly. Jamie, Dani, Hannah, Owen, the kids. They clearly had a lot of fun together, and I’m a sucker for found family. 
Most boring plotline:
I gotta go with Henry Wingrave’s doppelganger. It didn’t really do much for me, and I think the episode that centers on him, while showing important exposition, was one of the weakest in the anthology.
Most laughably bad moment:
I can’t think of one. 
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
The entirety of “The Romance of Certain Old Clothes” 
Most layered character:
I would argue Olivia Crain. She starts out as a creative, kind, loving mother, and is slowly unraveled by the house - but that core of goodness is still inside her, and still motivates everything she does. 
Most one dimensional character:
I think this show does a great job of making all of its characters complex and interesting. I wish we had learned more about Joey, but I think she’s meant to be unsympathetic on some level. But at the end of the day, she’s kind of just Luke’s addict almost-girlfriend, and a pretty weak character among much better ones.
Scariest moment:
Ooooh, that’s tough. I think for me, it’s when Steve sees Nellie’s ghost. It’s not a super spooky episode, up to that moment. But that close-up shot of Nellie’s graying, dead face, her eyes all fucked up, her mouth gaping open unnaturally wide - and the sound she makes. Woof. Ugh. Aaaaah. It’s a lot.
Grossest moment:
The kittens. Enough said. 
Best looking male:
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Best looking female:
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Who you’re crushing on (if any):
I’ll always be a little in love with Kate Siegel.
Favourite cast moment:
I’ve never really looked for cast content.
Favourite transportation:
Theo’s Jeep. 
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
I just think Bly is so pretty. Most of the overhead or scenery shots of it are really nice.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
There aren’t any. Anyone who tells you otherwise misunderstood something. 
Best promo:
I intentionally avoided promo to avoid spoilers. 
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:
The end of the very first episode of Hill House!
I’m not doing anymore of these ‘cause I’m bad at answering them!!
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janellion · 4 years
Wait can I get a double date w bokay? 🥺👉👈 I know I got like 8 boyfriends u can choose whatever u want lolol it just seems cute
maria bb!! how are you?? i’m sorry this took lich rally 2 weeks for me to write )): but i hope you enjoy it!! we’re going to a coffee shop for our date <3(:
bokay & mariahi? asaria? marahi? double date!! 
the smell of coffee and quiet din of the coffee shop in the background bring a smile to your face as you push the door open, your eyes immediately finding the warm smile and gentle brown eyes of the tall man behind the counter. his brown hair is pulled back in a loose bun, and the black of the apron around his waist contrasting with the bright white of his button-up shirt. 
upon hearing the bell above the door jingle, asahi looks up, his eyes finding yours and his face breaking out into a smile as he waves you over, his latest customer heading to the end of the counter. 
“hey sweetheart, how are you doing?” he asks, his deep voice light and his eyes twinkling upon seeing you approach with a smile of your own decorating your face 
“i’m doing pretty well, i saw a cute bunny on my way over!” you say with a small laugh. asahi’s cheeks heat up upon seeing the bright smile on your face, the way your eyes light up as you recall the sight of the small bunny on the side of the road. “how are you?” you ask, leaning forward on the counter, enjoying the light blush across asahi’s face. 
“it’s been a good day,” he chuckles softly, his hand reaching for a cup. “your regular?” he asks, casting his eyes up to meet yours after he writes your name on the cup, a heart dotting the “i” as he has every time since you first started coming in.   
you nod your head, glancing around the shop before your gaze returns to asahi, a look of confusion on your face. “are they--?” you start to say before you’re interrupted by the sound of the bell at the door and the “HEY ASAHI! MARIA!” that follows.
turning around, you see bokuto in the doorway, his bright golden eyes finding you and asahi at the counter as he surges into the shop, his hand intertwined in mine as i look around, throwing some apologetic smiles, but mostly turning toward you and asahi, waving enthusiastically to match bo’s voice. 
“hey, maria, how are you?” i ask as we approach the counter, bo going up to asahi and ordering “whatever that fun special is this week!” for himself, before turning to me, his eyebrow quirked. “chai, right babe?” 
i smile at you, a silent apology for being interrupted before turning to bo, a “that’s right!” causing him to throw a wide smile toward the two of us before chatting with asahi about the special drink of the week.
you tell me about the bunny you saw on your way here, showing me a photo as we head over to a table, leaving bo to wait for the drinks as he chats with the asahi’s coworker, who looks thankful for the sudden surge in excitement to help them get through the end of their shift. 
after a few minutes of gushing over the photo, bo walks over with our drinks, asahi following behind him with a black coffee with milk, handing it to you with a smile as he settles into the seat behind you, his hand finding yours under the table. 
as bo excitedly tells me a story about what he and akaashi got up to yesterday on their weekly “adventure lunches,” his excited gestures and my laugh in the background, asahi turns to you his brow somewhat furrowed as he glances from you to the coffee in your hand. 
“is it okay? i used this new brew this time that i heard was good but i wasn’t sure if you’d like it --” the words tumble softly into the space between you as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“it’s perfect,” you smile at him, bringing the cup up to your lips and giving it a small slip, watching out of the corner of your eye as relief washes over asahi’s face, his eyes softening and his shoulders relaxing. “are you off early?” you ask, eyeing the black apron that’s still tied around asahi’s waist. 
asahi blushes, his warm eyes finding yours after glancing down to the floor for a moment. “you told me you were going to be coming in around now so i waited to take my break to see you,” he says, sheepishly at first but confidence growing in his voice with every word.  you smile over at him, heat rushing to your cheeks too, but it could be the warmth of the coffee in your hand. “i’m glad you did,” your hand squeezing his under the table as you settle in to your seat, asahi’s arm going to drape behind you. 
glancing down at the coffee in your hand, you see a small scribble of sharpie on a side you hadn’t seen yet. rotating the cup, you’re met with a small doodle of a bunny, its tail a small heart. your eyes widen as you turn to asahi, but he’s already looking at you, his eyes soft and his smile warm. “i know how much you like them,” is all he says before you’re leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to his lips, easily ignoring the “OOOOHs” and “AAAAAHs” from bo and i in the background. 
the man next to you is the only thing on your mind. 
THIS TOOK AGES TYSM FOR YOUR PATIENCE & UNDERSTANDING BB i appreciate you 🥺i hope you enjoyed your double date w bokay!! (i told you it would be fine!! yall are CUTE hehe) 
🌻 bokay taglist (also my faves): @deadontheinsidebut @stcrryskies @sstardusty @zoni @kuronekomama @anianimol @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @nekoma-hoe @sugacookiies @churochuu @shoyosun (idk if y’all wanted to see this one i just thought i’d tag it!)
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simsadventures · 5 years
Remember the Time
Summary: You are left alone in Sanctuary, and let your mind wander towards the time when you weren’t Negan’s wife, and his first I love you.
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Warnings: fluff, memories, mentions of zombies, swearing
Word Count: 1765 A/N: This piece was requested by anon for my Followers Appreciation Challenge (I know, it’s been too long, I’m so sorry), the prompt being I don’t know if we live to see the sunrise, but I love you (it will be in bold in the text). Thank you for requesting it, and I hope you’ll enjoy it xx
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You were laying in your bed, awaiting your husband to come home. You hated to stay at the Sanctuary when Negan was doing something was outside the gates, but because a bullet grazed your arm not even a week ago, Negan didn’t want any infection to get it, or to someone use this against you. So you were patiently waiting for him to come home and entertain you somehow.
The only thing left for you to do was to go down the memory lane.
When you first got to the Sanctuary, you hated it, and you hated the leader even more. He was a smug motherfucker, owning 5 women for his own pleasure and calling them his wives. Pathetic! You could see that the girls were enjoying their privileges, always standing next to Negan, their make-up and dresses perfect, while the rest of you were glad you were alive and could afford a second-hand shirt.
At first, you were working in the kitchen, because you used to be a pretty decent cook. The people were quite friendly there, so you didn’t have much to complain about. But after about 4 months, you wanted more. You wanted to go out, kill some walking dead, or go on some hunts with the Saviours.
When you first tried to get in, everyone laughed at you, poked at your thin arms and legs, and told you to get lost, because you’d get killed too easily, or worse, would get someone else actually worth it killed.
But you didn’t give up that easily. You worked out every day after your work was done, running around the compound, doing push-ups, pull-ups, burpees and all that, just to get some muscle on your body. Once you felt comfortable in your own body, you approached the Saviours again. You knew you couldn’t work a gun, or throw a knife, but you were sure that with a little bit of training, you’d master it in no time.
It took you another 2 months to become a decent shot. Hell, more than decent, you became one of the best, even if they never agreed to that.
You were training with several others, even though you still weren’t officially admitted to be a Saviour when you heard a booming voice behind you.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Negan stood behind you, shamelessly ogling you, licking his lips. Someone tried to explain what you were doing there, but he shushed them with a raised hand. “I wanna hear from you, doll.”
You took a deep breath and told him about your plan. He just smirked and took a few steps towards you. “Pretty face such as yourself shouldn’t be put into an army, doll. You should be put on a pedestal and admired. What do you say you become my next wife, huh? I’m getting quite bored with those that I have, and I think you’d be a nice little addition to my collection.”
You stared at him for a while and then started laughing like crazy. “Me, a wife… have you lost your mind, Negan?” You looked at him, to see if he was having as much fun as you were, but his face was dead serious and probably pissed by now.
“What’s so funny, doll?”
You rolled your eyes because as much as you didn’t mind nicknames in ordinary life, you knew very well that this was something Negan called pretty much everyone with a pussy. “First of all, I’m not your doll. Secondly, I’m no trophy wife, ok? I’m here to be a Saviour, not to be pretty and do shit.”
Negan just stared at you, nodded, and walked away. You knew that nobody talked to him like that and that many people who did experience Lucille very up-close.
You smiled at that memory. He was such an intimidating asshole, but you weren’t afraid of him. Not then and not now. You thought that it was one of the things that made Negan so interested in you and that if it weren’t for your big mouth, you two would never be together. Funny memory was when he started to follow you like a lost puppy, trying to prove to you that he was worth your chance. Even though in his head, it was you following him.
“C’mon, doll. Tell me, what does a man gotta do for you to sleep with him, huh?”
You smirked, stood on your tip-toes, pressed your body against his, and whispered, “He gotta be single, for a start.” You pushed him away little and laughed at his expression,
“You want me to get rid of my wives for you? You are just one of many, my sweet little Y/N.” Negan really though he had the upper hand in that conversation, you just shrugged and smiled sweetly. “Fair enough, Negan. You’re the one who’s been behind my ass these past two months, not the other way around.”
And you just turned around and walked away. The next time you saw Negan, was while out on something like a date with Jeff, your fellow Saviour. He was asking you constantly and thinking that Negan would give a shit, you just gave in.
But boy, were you wrong. Negan walked in the room with a smug smirk on his face, but it quickly fell once he saw you, all but snuggled into Jeff. Were you any other girl, hell, probably even one of his wives, he wouldn’t give you two looks. But it was YOU! And he wanted you! He came marching towards you and yanked you up to a standing position. “What do you think you’re doing, doll?”
You tried to get your arm from his grip, but he wouldn’t budge. “I’m on a date, asshole. What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”
“On a date, huh? You think you can go out on dates now?”
You cringed and pushed him away. “You know what, Negan? Go on, and fuck your 5 wives and leave me the fuck alone, will you?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Y/N!” He yelled, pulled you to his chest and kissed you. You were shocked, at first, but after you realised what was happening, you melted in his arms, and let him in your mouth completely.
Just the thought of the first kiss made your face lit up with a small smile. He always acted so tough and bad-boy like, but the second you let him in, he abandoned all those wives, and let you in. He did it with no ease at all, he hated your prying for information, but once he understood you only asked because you genuinely cared, and just wanted to be a better partner for him, he let go. The funniest memory of them all, however, was the time he told you he loved you.
You were in the middle of what seemed to be 20 zombies. You didn’t even remember how you got there. You tried to get some supplies from an abandoned supermarket, and when you got out of there, suddenly, out of nowhere, zombie after zombie came “running” towards you. Negan grabbed his Lucille, smirked at you, started bashing skulls. You laughed out loud, pulled out your gun out of the holster, and started making a sieve out of those motherfuckers.
But more were coming still, and even though you were all trying your best, it just seemed it wasn’t enough. You retrieved a little, to gain some strength back, and to just calm your breaths down a little. Negan grabbed your waist suddenly, pushed you towards the nearest wall and kissed you passionately. You didn’t have that much breath to start with, but Negan took it all away. You were a panting mess when Negan finally let your mouth go.
“Look, sweetheart, I don’t know if we live to see the sunrise, but I love you. You are the most important thing in my life, so don’t you fucking dare die on me here, ok?”
“What’s the talk about dying, love? Just a few assholes we’re gonna kill, and then we go home and fuck like rabbits! Oh, and by the way, I love you too, Negan.”
He pecked your lips and led the rest of the Saviours towards the door.
It was only when you were in the truck, both safe and sound and on your way towards the Sanctuary that Negan mentioned his own words again.
“About what I said in there. Look, doll-“
“If you wanna take it back, don’t you even try, Negan. Just because you don’t want people to know that you actually have heart and that you’re able to feel something, doesn’t mean that you have to put that wall up even in front of me. So just, don’t, ok? I know you love, you know you love, so just-“
 “Damn, woman!! I wanted to tell you that I meant every single word and that,” he stopped talking and rummaged his pockets for a second before he pulled out a little box. “I wanted you to become my wife, you stubborn piece of ass!”
You were looking at him, dumbfounded, not comprehending a single word he was saying. Your brain completely shut off, and all you could do was stare at him, and the little black box in his hand.
“You with me, doll?”
“Oh my God, Negan, you can’t ask me to marry you, while going from a zombie murder land! And in a truck, and just-“
“Is that a yes, Y/N?”
“Of course it’s a fucking yes! But I expect you on one knee when we get back!”
He just laughed at that and squeezed your hand. “I’ll get on both knees for you, and eat you alive! I fucking love you!”
Because you were buried in your memory, you couldn’t hear the door to your bedroom opening and swiftly closing again. You almost couldn’t feel the bed dip under the weight of someone kneeling next to you.
“Whatcha do-“
“Aaaaah!” You yelled and smacked his shoulder multiple times. “Have you fucking lost your mind? Who do you think you are?”
“Hell, doll, what’s gotten into you?”
“I was thinking about something, and I didn’t hear you coming in. You wanna give me a heart attack or something?”
“Oh, shut up! You were thinking about me? If so, why the fuck aren’t you naked and wet?”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully and pulled him in for a sweet, welcoming kiss. Yeah, you were happy you came to the Sanctuary all those years ago.
Tags: @p8tn0lish​ @eileenalone​
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wordstrings · 4 years
Inbox dump 
(brace yourselves, I’m including the timestamps because these have been sitting forever and you may literally forget ever having sent one of these because they’re from so long ago 😬)
Anonymous said: March 11th 2014 *Clears throat* Non-canon verse, uni AU probably *strums guitar and takes a deep breath* DUEEEEE TO A COMPUTING errORRR, dean and gabe are stuck as roomatesssssssss, whilesamandcascanbestucktogethertoo that'snotaneccesitybutitwouldbegreaaaaaaaaattttttttt, and veeery soon it turns into something of a friendship BUT THEEEENNNN dean fights with saaAAAM and gabe is like "dude stop being so upset" aND FLUFF HAPPEeeeeeEEEEEEeens! *stands up and bows* tyvm for accepting debriel though like omg <3
I’ve been rewatching some of Supernatural seasons 5 and 6 this past weekend, and it reminded me how much I love and miss Gabriel. I still maintain that Debriel is a super-underrated ship. The manic-chaos potential is *muah*. (see: #Debriel)
Anonymous said: August 7th 2018 psst... light back tickles while cuddling in bed are pure™ and wholesome™
Good shit good shit good shit
Anonymous said: September 19th 2018 I love science and go to public seminars as often as I can. I walked in to the most recent one (which I had picked at random), and it was on the science of tickling. There were demonstrations. There were hand gestures and finger wiggling. There were in depth descriptions of the anatomy and physiology behind ticklish spots. It was legitimately your Amateur Production’s fic, and I was Kevin. Worst of all it was 2 hours long. I think I died during it and my soul was sucked into hell.
Uhhhhhh where can I get a copy of the slide deck?? Asking for a friend. (see: #series: Amateur Production)
Anonymous said: September 23rd 2018 your art skills have me shook in the best possible way
aaaahh thank you! Fun fact: I went to art school and even took illustration as a concentration area but I’ve hardly drawn anything for like ten years. When I do draw, it’s usually because there are feelings that I don’t wanna do words about. (see: #strings does art)
Halo!anon said: September 27th 2018 A small, sinful part of Castiel had the urge to gloat. It was somewhat dampened by the fact that Dean was still under the impression that being abducted is peak romance."I can't believe you went out of your way to set up our second date!" He'd squealed, as Castiel tightened his restraints. - little excerpt of a sequel to Date Nights with Demons i had planned for months but abandoned. halo!anon
Your demented version of Demon!Dean is so entertaining 😄 (see: Date Nights with Demons)
Anonymous said: November 6th 2018 Aaaaah your Gabriel / Kali drabble was adorable, I can't help but love seeing our mighty archangel reduced to a mass of giggles, and you write Gabriel so so well <3. I love your writing your stories always brighten my day ^^
It’s so rare for him to let his guard down, isn’t it? But when he does, he has a grand old time of it. :) (see: this drabble)
sarah-lou-who said: November 8th 2018 1/4 Boo! The ghost of my online presence in the community is peeking its head in because I need help. I don’t have a platform or following to sound an alarm, so I’m using my platonic tumblr wife’s platform and following for me, because that’s what platonic tumblr wives do. Right? Anyway, I’m very actively fixated on Attack on Titan atm. You know this very well. You also know my predicament. I seem to have exhausted the entire supply of tickly AoT content I’m interested in that exists currently. 2/4 So, if you’re willing to publish these for me, I’m crying out into the vast TFB lands hoping that there’s someone out there to answer the call. I am in desperate need of tickly AoT content. I don’t know if anyone around here writes for it much these days. I haven’t found anyone. And I know beggars can’t be choosers, but it can’t be helped; I really only care if Eren is involved. Even better would be Levi, but I haven’t found ANYTHING involving him, so I feel like asking for that is futile. 3/4 I digress. Even after all this time I can’t keep my asks less than 50 parts long. So my goal here is that someone, somewhere, will by chance come across these, and be able and willing to either write fic of the tickly variety for Eren and/or Levi from Attack on Titan, or direct me to someone who can, if they know a person who knows a person who knows a person. (Sidenote, hi anyone who still remembers me! It’s Sarah, the more ticklish half of Leerah. I’m doing good and I miss you!) 4/4 (I hope you’re all doing well!) Thank you for letting me take advantage of your devoted followers, Strings! Love yaaa!!!
Ah, my platonic tumblr wife Sarah returns! (Digitally, anyway. Reality-wise, we hang out all the time and it’s probably very rude of me to have not published this ask for so long!) I keep teasing her that she has a Type, and that is dark-haired sulky badass who’d probably make a wicked ‘ler – AoT Levi, SPN Cas, FMA Roy, etc. So anyway, if anyone knows of somewhere I can point her to find the content she’s (still) craving, lmk!
Anonymous said: October 23rd 2019 I’m sorry if this is invasive in any way, but how is Sarah doing? I’ve been absent from Tumblr for a couple years and I see that her blog is now deactivated. I was just wondering if she’s doing alright and if she’s still around here on a different blog maybe?
See above! She doesn’t have a TFB community blog anymore, but she’s doing well. We’re quarantine buddies and helping each other out a lot. Very kind of you to ask! <3
Anonymous said: December 2nd 2018 Hi, sorry to bother you but do you know what happened to prodigal-anon’s blog? It seems to have been deleted. Sorry again if you’ve been asked this before
No worries, friend! Here’s an answer for you!
Anonymous said: December 13th 2018 I LOVE THE LOOPY SERIES! I love it so much, is there any chance you’ll be doing a part four? I’d give anything to see Cas and Dean tickle each other, it would be so cute 😍
Despite all evidence to the contrary, I haven’t entirely stopped writing... and Loopy 4 is one of those unfinished pieces that has seen a few additions lately. :) I’ve learned not to make promises about when something might get finished and posted, but I genuinely do believe this may be one of the first things that shows up once I’m ‘back in the game.’ Stay tuned... (see: #series: Loopy)
Anonymous said: January 1st 2019 No no no you can't just stop there! I need more fluffy destiel with tickles and kissing! Pretty please?
I believe this is in response to Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight. Don’t you worry, anon – Dean and Cas are not done being fluffy on this blog!
1832wasalongtimeago said: January 25th 2019 Hi I just wanted to pop in and say the Maintenance series is amazing!! The second part was doing things to my poor heart I’ve read it like 5 times already. You’re such an amazing writer and thank you fo writing for us!
I’m very flattered, but I can’t take credit for the Of Maintenance series – that’s the lovely work of ask-flip-frost! It does things to my poor heart, too, so you’re in good company. :)
Anonymous said: January 26th 2019 Sam Winchester can take a lot of things. The one thing he CAN'T take? Someone using baby talk on him when he's being tickled. He collapses into a puddle of helpless giggles faster than a house of cards in a stiff wind.
Precious Sammy just needs to laugh and be held, doesn’t he? <3
Anonymous said: May 17th 2019 Thor needs tickles. So. Damn. Much.
Oh this was from right after Endgame came out. Thor did make me feel some sads there. :( Poor bab.
Anonymous said: July 25th 2019 hi! i’ve read your wonderful fics forever but i’ve never really sent anything like this before so i don’t really know what to say.. but i had a destiel tickly thought and really wanted to share it with somebody, so here goes i guess- dean is taking too long in the shower so cas decides to use his mojo from the other room to speed things along. and listens to dean’s echoey laughs through the door. that’s all. sorry if this is weird! okay bye have a good one
This is not weird and I may have delayed in telling you any of my feelings about it but I definitely have a doc somewhere that has some vague notes about how I’d like to write this because I like it!
Anonymous said: August 6th 2019 Anhhgff your Good Omens tword fics are so cute snvfddf i never knew I needed that of my favorite husbands till now😳😍
I know, right?! They’re just dying to be dropped into every fluffy situation. (see: #Good Omens)
Anonymous said: July 25th 2019 Poking my head in to say hello, hope you’re doing well still! I just got into Good Omens and I absolutely loved your fic! (I watched the show first because my book was taking too long in the mail lol) Also, the other week I somehow talked myself into making a tfb blog, after all these years of almost doing so before chickening out (this ask isn’t from it because I just hopped in here briefly in a private phone browser to say hi, it’s literally just august-anon though) ~August!Anon
August!anon, I’m always so happy to see you stop by! Tagging your (not-so-new anymore) blog so everyone can check you out: @august-anon​
hey-teenblog said: August 4th 2019 I love your fanfiction very much! They give me a lot of pleasant emotions. And most importantly, they, saturated with tenderness and love, gave me to accept myself as lee!! sorry for my english, i'm russian Love you 😘❤️
I will never tire of hearing things like this! Thank you for telling me. “Saturated with tenderness and love” is a such wonderful compliment about my writing – thank you very much! No need to apologize for language differences; I’m always impressed with anyone who manages to pick up English because it’s bonkers. 
Anonymous said: August 23rd 2019 Hi! Just found this blog and wondering some basic info. ** What fandoms do toy write for? ** Do you accept prompts? ** Do you write reader insert fics? Thank you lovley ❤️
Anonymous said: August 29th 2019 Do you write tickle fics for bnha?? Asking for a friend 👀👀
The only fandoms I have reliably been able to write for are Supernatural and Good Omens – but even Good Omens is a rookie player here. Supernatural is my main jam, and Destiel is my favorite flavor. I don’t do reader inserts, but I’m always “accepting” prompts. I just haven’t written many of them for quite a long time now, so you’re welcome to drop them as long as you’re okay with them collecting dust. (see: this selfsame post)
My About/FAQ page is very dusty right now, too, but there might be some useful tidbits in there for you.
Anonymous said: November 12th 2019 okayokayokay. Have you watched Lucifer? It's on netflix, it's great, so much emotions and pining. (Also, y'know, reg. Luci stuff. He runs a club. Bad jokes. It's great.)
I haven’t, but it’s on my Netflix watchlist, so I’ll get there eventually! I saw a gifset once where he actually did the thing I see in winged fanfic all the time, where there was gunfire and he sheltered someone he cared about with his manifested wings. And honestly, that was the deciding factor for me.
Anonymous said: November 16th 2019 Oh Man U listen to Critrole as well! Nice! Campaign 1 was awesome but also heartfelt and really gut-punching at points. Who is your fav so far, anyone you aren’t fond of? (& Out of interest do you have any tickle related thoughts on the main crew or upcoming Fics we can look out for? As you said it’s tumbleweeds out here for this fandom’s tickles and I’ll take anything really 😂!) Hope u enjoy!!!!!
It’s STILL tumbleweeds out here and it’s making me crazy! My heart belongs to Vax primarily, Percy secondarily. I don’t really have cohesive thoughts or headcanons about anything, unfortunately. I do have this one mental picture that keeps coming up that I keep wanting to see art of (who knows, maybe I’ll commission somebody someday?) – of ridiculous brute Grog just lifting Vax straight up in his arms and gettin’ wiggly with his fingers while all Vax can do is laugh and pry and kick while absolutely nobody helps him.
Regarding #series: Accessor:
Anonymous said: August 31st 2015 I would like to see accessor!verse cas using feathers on Dean!!! and NIBBLES and RASPBERRIES and TEETH and TONGUE and WOWWWWWW
ME TOO, FRIEND. It’s been aaaaages since I published anything new for the Accessor AU, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been going back to my unfinished docs every once in a while to add a few lines here and there. ;) 
Anonymous said: October 29th 2016 Prompt: Cas is put in charge of getting a treaty with a neighboring country that shares a lot of the same customs, including Accessories, with certain... twists (think Bracelets AU) and treats their personal slaves (like Accessories) like people (listening to opinions, giving proper care, etc.). The foreign diplomats keep bringing that up and talking to Dean. Cas isn't sure he can make it though the diplomatic proceedings. Also, he might be having improper thoughts about that custom and Dean...
I’m posting this here, but I’m definitely keeping this filed elsewhere because it’s FANTASTIC.
Halo!anon submitted: June 4th 2018 I can’t help but imagine how tickling must play a part in other aspects of society in the accessor ‘verse, besides the sessions between master and accessory. So here’s some imagines and headcanons, with a touch of worldbuilding. (Warnings, besides the usual for this AU: death mention, reference to past trauma.)
- Among the high class, during parties and other celebrations, it’s seen as a common courtesy to string up one’s personal accessory in the center of the room and let the guests entertain themselves with them. Lord Castiel never does this with Dean, much to his fellow nobles’ disappointment; the mere suggestion had Dean quaking as things he’d rather forget came back to bite him.
- Every so often, a petty criminal(the poor man’s accessory, if you will) is placed in stocks in a small town’s square and left at the mercy of the very people they used to menace. What happens next usually involves honey, some sheep, and plenty of begging. A guard stands by to warn people, “No hurting, only tickling. Everyone please wait your turn, they’re not going anywhere any time soon.”
- Certain monastic healers perform tickle therapy as a treatment for anxiety, stress, and other “diseases of the soul”, as they call them. Balthazar himself proposed the idea, because of course he did. The rich usually indulge in this kind of therapy secretly, due to its undignified nature. Some contemplate the possibility of training accessories to tickle in the future, but it’s still a big taboo.
- Every town has a folktale about a tickle monster. Curiously, many of them involve controlling plants and attacking through dreams. The southern communities still have a giggle remembering that one time six years ago when Michael offered to hunt down one such monster and came back with Crowley, a sleazy drunkard with a fetish and a dream, sitting in a cage and wearing a mask.
- The Masters sisters, Lillith, Meg and Ruby, have a long history with law enforcement. Their favorite pastime is snatching unlucky merchants off the roads and tickling them into coughing up everything they have. Everyone is sure they had a hand in Fergus"Crowley" Macleod’s untimely demise by ferocious attack hounds, but they’re very good at covering their tracks. They’ll help you cover up your tracks too, if you’re a friend- ask Bela Talbot.
I might make a second part if I get any more ideas. I hope you enjoyed this! -Halo!anon.
I am very fond of you indeed, Halo!anon. These are so creative!
hypahticklish submitted: July 24th 2018 Accessor!Ideas:
~ Gabriel leads a furious rant regarding Prince Lucifer/Sam to Castiel, relating back to perhaps dealings he has directly had with the Prince between their two unstable-yet-truced Kingdoms. Castiel relates with similar views shared by Gehenna’s councilor(s).
~ Dean and Sam BM where the audience learns more about their homevillage. Dean starts it after a rather morose remark from Sam and ends with Sammy smiling and stealing my heart.
~ Balthazar helps Sam in several ways: 1) Learns the Sam was originally a psuedo-Advocates apprentice, as well as herbalist nephew when Sam identifies the components to some salves/medicines he’s making (he had been explaining what he was doing in an attempt to spare himself being attacked like the first couple times) 2) Calls Sam out on being intelligent and making a recklessly stupid choice by selling himself to find Dean. 3) Removes Lucifers mark. And maybe perhaps: 4) Allows Sam to assist in his own healing/medicine making under his careful observation, feigned as needing two sets of hands to do correctly and his assistant was running an errand, to assess his skills. 5) Offer he work in the hospice under him, apprenticing, should Gabriel allow his intelligence not go to waste. It’s not what Sam really wants to do/learn, but it’s better than doing nothing.
~Dean officially thanks Castiel for saving Sam. I’m talking full feels, single man tear sorta thing. And Castiel says “there was never another option” and then its schmoopy sweet with the kisses and the tickles and the Cas saying he loves Dean back!!!!!!!! swoon.
~ Kali!Likes!Sam’s!Spirit! Give me a dinner scene with Gabriel, Kali and Sam where hes holding his own in a diplomatic conversation with them when he nearly crosses a line (maybe something classist? Making it clear that Cas and Gabe are the exception to his experiences) and she says “I like this ones fire. He reminds me of you, my love.” *grabby hands*
~ Prince Lucifer sends a message to Gabriel requesting (threatening) his Helpmate be returned to him for a handsome reward. Sam somehow sees letter and gets spooked because DRAMA. Gabriel responds to Lucifer with the Chief Advocate equivalent of “Fuck Off”
You, my friend. YOU. All these feelings about Sam? Top-notch, and I shall be borrowing them, yes I shall.
Regarding #android!Cas:
hypahticklish said: January 23rd 2016 Android!Cas deciding today is the DAY. Dean has been teasing him lately that he likes these strange sensations that have him using all his back-up generated power to not accidentally break Dean's bones and challenging him with that cocky smirk and relaxed confidence. Android!Cas practicing during time while Dean rests with holding objects with similar density to the human wrists with enough gentle force that they neither fracture or slip from his grasp. Android!Cas surprising Dean by turning the tables and pinning his wrists over his head while settling himself on Dean's thighs. Android!Cas not necessarily tickling at first so much as just touching like he had been wanting to so as to catalog how his best friend feels with his new technology. Android!Cas feeling that bubble of FEELS in his chest as he listens to Dean swear at him with positive physical actions negating his harsh words, growing more amused as the bubbling giggles begin. I love Android!Cas 
Anonymous said: January 23rd 2016 Android!Cas figures out his own strength comes in handy for more than just retaining himself during tickle fights. When he surprises Dean, Dean tends to squirm and fight back a little (even though he told Cas to get him back as part of the experience), so Cas uses his strength to gently hold Dean down while ticking him. Dean's never been held immobile before so it's a new experience for him, but he ends up liking it. Cas notices how Dean relaxes into his hold after a minute or so. Cas doesn't fail to use this knowledge about Dean, coming up with teasing words and methods of ticking to make Dean all squirmy and giggly, taking special notice of how light tickles effect Dean even more than most other touches, using that specially designed soft brush meant to gently clean Cas' delicate computer chips.
Anonymous said: February 17th 2016 I'm joining in on the Android!Cas thing, if not too late. Perhaps Android!Cas has detachable parts, like a foot, and Dean is a jerk and runs off and hides with it all the while tickling it and making fun of Android!Cas's increasingly desperate attempts to get it back.
Y’all, careful deliberate curious determined ‘ler Cas is LIFE. And, reserved confused helpless adorable ‘lee Cas is also life. Detachable and extensible parts are probably key to both of these things.
Regarding current personal circumstances:
Anonymous said: January 14th 2020 I pray that you’re able to find peace during this difficult time. You are loved more than you will ever know. I know it’s hard to believe, but there will come a time that you are thankful for this experience, because it will have turned you into the person you are truly meant to be. Be strong and be hopeful. Keep your faith and keep knowing that you are going to be okay. Don’t let this dark time destroy the magnificent light inside of you. Sending you so much love
Anonymous said: January 17th 2020 I’m so sorry you’re struggling. Hang in there! We’re all here for you!
Anonymous said: February 11th 2020 all my love, thoughts and prayers are going towards you right now. also wanted to just drop a little thank you note in your inbox for all the light and joy i've found in your fics over the years. im sitting half way through my first year at uni currently but ive been a fan of yours since early highschool and i feel like ive almost grown up with your writing and fanfics in a strange way, so thank you so much for that. sending all my love to you once again- you are so strong x
I love you all so much.
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moorehollandplz · 5 years
Undrunk :-: T.H.
Tumblr media
Authors Note: This slammed into my brain without warning. Based on the song “Undrunk” by Fletcher. Italics indicate voicemails.   If you enjoy my writing please like and reblog! And check out my other stories on my Masterlist.
Summary: Leaving Tom a series of drunken voicemails in one night… two weeks after a terrible break up.
⚠️ Warning: angst, adult themes, drinking, language, mentions of sex and self touching
Word Count: 1930
Tom woke up to the sound of his phone pinging and vibrating, which was alerting him to messages he’d received overnight. Most nights, he kept his phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ so any calls or texts came in silently for him to review in the morning. He sleepily cracked one eye open as he fumbled for the phone. He unlocked it with his thumb and slowly dragged himself into a sitting position. He lazily rubbed his face with his left hand as he looked down at the illuminated screen. First, he checked his private Instagram, the one he used only for his close friends and family. He checked the likes and comments on his recent uploads. Then decided to scroll through his feed a little.
Suddenly, he stopped scrolling, his breath hitched in his throat, and he just stared for a moment. There you were. Arm slung around a mutual friends waist. Red solo cup raised high in the air. A beautiful smile spread on your face, one that told a story of how much fun you were having. You were clearly one sip away from wasted. He checked the date stamp on the photo and saw that it was from the previous night.
Tom noticed that the post had multiple pictures attached, so he sucked in a shaky breath and swiped left on his screen. Again, your smiling face assaulted him. This time you were pouting. But, your eyes were still bright with laughter. Your cup was raised just under your stuck out bottom lip, as if you were about to take a sip when the photo was snapped. He tore his eyes from yours, which he had always found himself getting lost in.
He swiped left again. This one took his breath away completely. It was candid. It was stunning. You were outside around a bonfire with a few others. Everyone around you was laughing and appeared to be having a good time. But, not you. You were staring off into the distance. Your eyes were glassy as if you had been crying. Your cheeks were pink. Your hair had been blown slightly forward so some pieces were in front of your face.
Tom found himself wondering what you were thinking. What had made you cry. Even though, he knew the answer. Even though, he wasn’t supposed to care. Not anymore. He shook his head trying to loosen his thoughts and closed his Instagram app. Having had enough of the memories of you and that night two weeks ago.
He decided to stay off his other social media accounts. He really couldn’t take anymore pictures of you popping up in his feeds. So, his eyes settled on the green phone icon. His eyes widened at the number in the little red bubble next to it. Eight. He opened the phone app and saw he had four missed calls and four new voicemails. All from you. He covered his mouth to stifle a groan and he looked to his right at the naked body of the woman he’s been trying to fill the void in his heart with for the last week.
He slowly shifted out of his bed and tip-toed out of the room. He closed the door behind him softly, definitely not wanting to wake her up. He moved silently through his quiet apartment. He plopped down on the couch in the living room and he let out a huff of air that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
He closed his eyes and clicked the first message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
2:37 am
“Tom? Uh… hey. It’s me… I don’t even know why I’m calling. I’m veeeeery drunk. Hahaha… I’m at Bryan’s party. I only came, because they said you couldn’t make it. Why did I say that? Ugh… I should really go home. This party has been… over for a while now. Every… everyone important is either passed out or gone. But…. but I’m scared of being… sober. Sssssssth… ow! I just got lime juice in a paper cut from work! You don’t need to know that. Shit that burns… but not…. not as bad as thoughts of you… (mumbling)... Yeah? Oh… shots? Out by the fire? Coming! Yeah I’m on the phone… no it’s no one… just someone I used to know….”
Silence. Tom’s finger hesitated over the delete button. He shouldn’t be listening to these. To you. After what you did, he should hate you. He needed to hate you. But, he loved you so deeply and he just couldn’t stop himself. He passed over the delete button and pressed the next message, instead.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
2:51 am
“(Sniffle) T… Tom… It’s… me… (sniffle) I’m sitting on a bed. I’m… not sure (sniffle) where I am. I think I’m still at… (sniffle) Bryan’s. It’s dark. My clothes… I don’t know where (sniffle) they are… I think I… I made a mistake. I don’t remember. God my head… (Gasp) He moved. Please don’t wake up. I need to… to get out of here. But… (sniffle) I don’t want to… turn on the light. I don’t want to see who… who it is. (Shifting) I wish I could see you... I want to come over… (sniffle) oh fuck… (sob) that’s weird to say… especially after… And I know… (sob) I know… she’s there. Of… course… she is! (Loud bang) FUCK! Oooowww… (Mumbling) Oh… no… I’m fine... I think… yea I’m just gonna head home. No no no… I’ll find my way. I’ll call an Uber. Hahaha… please no… don’t. Just go to sleep. I’ll be fine. I always am. (Door click) I need a shot.”
Silence. Tom felt his heart break all over again. He couldn’t believe you had called him after having just had sex with someone. He felt tears stinging his eyes. But, he refused to let them form. He shook his head and thought about not continuing. Sure, this was only going to get worse. He wasn’t sure his heart could take anymore of this. But, he needed to hear the rest. He needed to hear your voice. He hung his head as he pressed the next message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
3:34 am
“Tom… hi… me again. I’m sorry I keep calling, but I hate being alone…. and drunk. All I do is look at all the old pictures of you. You know the ones you sent me. The ones from Venice. I should have deleted them, I know. I'm sure you deleted the ones I sent you… so she wouldn’t find them. I get it. But, i just can’t seem to let go of them. Mmmm… I find myself getting… you know… aaah… and I just can’t… mmmm… let them go…. not yet…. Ooooh… This… this is my… ha… ha… secret… aaaah… crazy right? Hahaha! Oooh... Mmmmm… Tooom… Ha… Ha… mmmmm… I… ah… ah… ooooooh mmmmm…. Tommy… Pleeeeaaase! I’m so close…. Ha… ha… yes… aaaaah! I’m… I’m… cu...mmmmmm… cumming! TOOOOM!! (Heavy breaths) Sorry… I shouldn’t have done that. (heavy breaths) I… I’m hungry.”
Silence. Toms jaw hung open and he stared blankly ahead at what he had just heard. You had been touching yourself. To pictures of him. You had called out his name as you reached your high. He felt his boxers tighten a little. And, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about you when he was with her. But, he would never admit that he hadn’t deleted his photos of you either. He hadn’t looked at them once since that day. But, he still had them. Just in case. In case what? He had no idea. Tom blinked and looked back down to his phone. One left. He took a deep breath. And pressed the final message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
4:22 am
“Oooow shit … Tom…uh hey it’s me again. You probably won’t even listen to this. Not after the others… which to be honest, I don’t even completely remember what I’ve said to you. But… I just hurt myself… no not on purpose. I’m still pretty wasted… and I shouldn’t have tried to make spaghetti… but I’m just so hungry…. I dropped the… the pot on my foot. The boiling water… ooooow… splashed on my leg… FUCK!! It burns! Hahaha! But… not as much as… as these never ending thoughts… thoughts of you and that… that day…………………..(Silence)............................ (glass shatters)... FUCK!... (Glass shatters)... AAAAAAAH!!! (Heavy shaky breaths) Tom…. (sniffle) I can’t do this…. (sob) I can’t function…. I can’t… (sniffle)... these two weeks… have been… (sniffle) the absolute worst! (Sob)... I’ve been bouncing… bouncing through every emotion… (sniffle) I seem to have settled… into sad… (sob) and broken… like… (sniffle) these bottles… these empty bottles… I just… (sniffle) threw on the floor. I should…(sniffle) clean them… up, but… but I’m too drunk to care… (sob)... I deserve this. I know that. (Sniffle) I ended us… (sob) that night, I know that. I… (sniffle) wish… wish I could undo it! Undo it all! (Sob)... I wish I could get undrunk that night… (sniffle)... so I could un-lose my temper…. Haha.. I don’t even… (sniffle) remember what we fought about. (Sob)... I wish I could… (sniffle)... wish I could un-kiss that room full of strangers. (Sob)... I did that just to hurt you… and I’m so… (sob)... sooo fucking sorry! Fuck! (Sob) Haha… I wish could be undrunk right now… (sniffle) so I could un-call you! And I wish… wish that night… no… our first night... (sob)... that I could un-fuck you… then this… (sob) never would’ve happened, because… we never… (sob)... never would have been… (sniffle)... i wish… I wish (sniffle)... I could… I could un-love you… (deep breath)... but some things just can’t be undone… (sigh).. and one of those… (yawn) things is… you. (Silence)...... (light snoring)”
Tom felt the tears falling down his face. But, he didn’t care. You had just ripped his heart out. These messages were the first time you had made direct contact since that night two weeks ago. You had never tried to apologize. Not until now. He felt his insides twist, and all he wanted to do was go to your place. He wanted to see you. To scream at you. Tell you how bad you had hurt him. How you tore him apart that night. He wanted to hold you. Let you cry into his chest until you had nothing left. He wanted to forgive you. He wanted to carry you to bed and make sure you were okay. This whole time he thought he was the only one who was in pain. But, you were too. Tom felt his chest tighten. The need to run back to you was overwhelming.
“Tom?” Her voice from the hallway broke his spiraling train of thought. His head shot up and his eyes found hers. Soft and gentle. And he felt a rush of calm through his body. That’s why he was with her now. She grounded him. Kept him level. “Are you okay?” She asked and Tom’s eyes dropped back down to his phone.
“Uh… yeah… “ he lied as he stared at the voicemails. “Well…” he rubbed his cheeks with the back of his free hand to rid himself of his tears. “I will be.” He hit delete all, and dropped his phone on the couch. He stood up and crossed the room. He wrapped his arms around her and she was quick to return the gesture. “Let’s go back to bed.”
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x12 Commentary (europe edition)
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)
@waywardbaby  (Zeta)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giul)
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
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Giu: Oh donatello
Zeta : What a flashback
Nat: ugh... so sick of nick already
Giul: Whatever it takes oh yes cas is gonna do something stupid ?
Nat: "Not even an Archangel"
Giul: Dean doesn’t joke too in terms of stupid decisions.
Nat: Stop it Dean
Zeta : My heart will go on, I’m sorry
Giul: Well that’s creepy
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Nat: NO
Zeta: Ohhh fuck
Giul: I’m crying
Nat: Baby NOOO NOOOO Fuck
Zeta : Test drive
Kat :  the hand porn though
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Giul: That’s fucking terrifying
Zeta : True
Giu: Dean’s face will hunt me forever now. Jensen JFC .
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Zeta : Fuck
Nat: Shit
Giu: Dont
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Kat : I cried during this
Giu: I am crying
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Giu: Hell’s flashbacks tho
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I’m hating myself now.
[Dean pounding on the metal ]  : No. No!. Sam SAM!
-Up I’m having serious parallels with when he woke up in the coffin after hell.But this time he can’t get out. NICE
- Look at his hands trembling. CAN YALL NOT
[Cell’s lights goes off] the box is dark now. 
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-Oh thank god. 
Zeta : Sam is naked
Kat : They both are
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Nat: Shit
- D:” Just a bad dream, it’s fine. I’m ok”
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Zeta : Never said I wasn’t scared
Giu: fucking hell
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- D: "Never said I wasn't scared.But it doesn’t matter”
Nat: Fuck you
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- S:” But what you are talking about is far worse than death. Michael is an archangel, he could literally keep you buried in a coffin, alive, forever.
Giu: Told ya
Kat : Hate this
Giu: That Henley. I love how it rest on Jensen’s hips. distracting.
Kat : Single layer porn!
Nat: I'm not ok .Do I have to keep watching? Ugh
Kat : YES
Giu: the fuck is happening
Zeta : What now?
Giu: They really want to play with this water and drowning bullshit
- Also this episode is already aesthetically pleasing . and that I appreciate .
Kat: They play with so many parallels this week
Kat : It’s like a Criminal Minds episode
Giul: I’m so loving this
Nat: who is he
Giul: Fucker of the week
Zeta: Busy bee
Nat: None of that was my fault
Giul: He’s a serial killer so go off i guess
Giul: Yeah well the devil left the rest is all you bitch
Kat : I like the cop lol
- Nick is so empty right now. He’s the most dangerous human honestly.
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Giul: Goddammit mark. 
Nat: The TALK
- D:”You’re gonna see it through to the end”
Giul: Shut up
Zeta : Mom hates this
Zeta: Yeah right
- S:” And Cas and Jack, you haven’t even told them”
- D:” Well that’s because I’m not good with the whole big goodbyes, all right? I don’t need to get shaky on this”
Nat: Can I smack Dean over the head?
Nat: Am I allowed to?
-D:” Just put the end of this trip out of your head, okay?”
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- C:” Where you able to talk him out of it?”
 S:”No so I’m counting on you”
Nat: Awwww Cas knows tho
Giul: good sam
- He asked Rowena’s help too AAAAAH
Nat: of course he would
Zeta: Remarkable command of profanity
Nat: LOL Cas about Rowena
Giul: “ Maybe if I spoke with Dean"BAAAABE
- S:”If we don’t find some way...Dean’s gone”
You have to step on my dead cold body first tho
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Nat: Dean washed his hands tho 
Nat: at least
Kat : He’s a clean freak
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Giul: Well remember how he barely touches the public phone booths?
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Kat: This dude is so whacked out
Giul: This is a criminal minds ep. WHEELS UP, where is Rossi when we need him?
Nat: I'm sick of this dude already
Giul: Finally some gore
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- D:” Do ever think about when we were kids? I know I wasn’t the greatest brother to you”
Zeta: Regrets
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- S:” Dean , you were the one who was always there for me. The only one. You practically raised me”
Giul: U MY DA
Nat: Sammy, stop
Giul: FUCK
Giul: oh this is for the 300 mood
Kat:  I think so too
- D:” Things got dicey. You know with Dad, the way he was. I didn’t always look out for you the way I should’ve”
- lol Sam doesn’t want to hear this shit
- D:” I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep peace I probably looked like I took his side quite a bit. Sometimes when I was away, you know it wasn't because I just ran out, right? Dad would , he would send me away when I really pissed him off. I think you knew that”
Nat:  I fucking cry
- S: “ Man, I left that behind a long time ago, I had to-”
- Look you can pin point the exact moment the eyes starts to get watery...damn it Jared.
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- S:” And if we are gonna get through this, I have to do , like you said and try and keep my mind off of where we’re going. So if we could not have conversations that sound like deadbeat apologies, I would really appreciate it”
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Zeta: Yeah ok  I’m hating this
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Nat: Fuck, I'm not ok. 
Nat: I like the cop
Kat : Told you Ain’t God he’s praying to
Nat: DIGNITY hahahhaha
Zeta: Yep
Nat: FUck
Zeta: That was so predictable
Nat: Nick's a fucking lsdhfishgoiewahgpieshgäahgeisladhflidshglidsea
Kat : Can he die already? I shouldn't smash my work computers keyboard that hard, probably
Giul: Hey gotta hand it to the guy tho, he’s pretty resourceful
- Sam finding a case. I’m not even surprised.
Zeta: The Winchester boys
- S:” You had to go there”
Kat: Damn it
Zeta: Enochian
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Zeta: FBI
Giul: YAS
Nat: I'd open up that door so fast tho
Nat: and get on my knees
Kat: Control yourself woman
Nat: You know who you're talking to, right?
( that sentence is knitted in the back of our watch biker gang jackets)
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Giul: dean sitting so cutely
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Zeta: I’m sorry.Has anybody noticed how huge their feet are?? 
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Giul: licking lips
Nat: Dean's such a smol bean next to Sam.
Kat: Dean looks so tiny.GET OUT OF MY HEAD
- This all conversation with the twin is a real guilty trip for Dean. 
- Also this confirms that Dean and Sam knows some enochian. And that’s sexy.
Talk enochian to me * trumpet sounds*
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Zeta: Angel on call
Nat: Awww Cas smiles
- C:” Dean” “ [BIG FUCKING SMILE] “Is so good to hear from you”
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Giul: WOW he’s so- GODDAMMIT
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- [stammering] : ok...well ..good. Ah [clear throat] listen , Cass....
- C:” You are working a case? That Is So GoOd tO hEaR. So I assume that means you’re not going to go through with it. Because I have to say, Dean , this plans of yours, it was born of, of desperation , not reason”
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- C:” I-I know that I’m not supposed to know , what I know,  but”
- D:”  "Look I'm fine with my plan"
Zeta: It’s good to hear your voice
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Zeta: I love you
- D:” Really?”  S: “ Dean, it’s your husband  Cass I had to tell him”
Giul: lol can we remember that Cas fucked up Donatello for them?
Nat: How he leans against Baby tho I caught myself staring at his crotch. oops
Zeta: Well....
Giul: Aaaaand flannel again
Giul: Shocking
Nat: SURPRISE It's funnier in Enochian I guess
- ALSO hell yeah for Dean being the smarty pants ! I live for these moments. We all know Sam is the main  brain , but seeing the writers giving us these brilliant Dean moments is life.
Giul: He cray. This is so creepy amazing. Finally some spn old style
Kat: I know, they finally have a proper almost scary ep again
Nat: Yes. I still remember how creepy sometimes Season 1 was. oh they're here to save the day
Zeta: The Winchester boys
Zeta: Bamf much?! The hiss
Nat: Dean, control your anger!
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Giul: H. O. T
- Poor guy tho, it’s not his fault .
Kat: Love snarly boys!
Zeta: Baby’s ass! I’m sorry again
Giul:  We end the ninja turtle
Kat: Ugh this bitch again
-Vintage Nick
Nat: I wanna skip Nick. Can I skip Nick?
Giul: NO Mark acting is gold
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Kat I hate this whole scene
Nat: He's too good and I hate him
Giul: Wait Why is No NO , fuck no. WHAT
- The fucking ice .... 
- N: “Lucifer....?”
 Sarah : 
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Nat: SPN makes me question so many things
Zeta: She kinda hates him
Giul: Let her leave bro
- N: “ I can’t”
Kat: Nope he’s gonna be a little bitch
Giul: Oh I’m sorry he’s like a Stockholm victim.
Nat: "I'm sorry." Is he really tho?
- N:”Wherever is darkest”
Kat: Melodramatic much Nick?
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Zeta: Oh hello
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Giul: THE OTHER Mr Winchester.  
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Nat: Dean's smirking
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Zeta: Giuls, u ok??
- Doctor: follow me.
 Sam scrambling the fuck away from the sexual tension
Dean eyes on Cass [starts the sexual tension]
me [bathing in sexual tension]
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- C:” It was necessary, doesn’t mean I don’t regret it. Doesn’t mean I don’t wish there could've been another way”
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- C: 
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- “Please don’t compare this with your suicidal plan. Just stop it”
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[ tilting head in angry ]
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Zeta: Tell him Cas
- D:” Why don’t we talk about that later”
Nat: "according to your plan, there won't be a later." I love Cas
Giul: YES
- D:” You think this is easy on me?”
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-Why does it always look like Cas is on the verge of tears and they never fucking show us the real deal 
- C:” So then, this is goodbye?”
Zeta:He’s hurting
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- ThE FuCK Is tHaT LoOk DeAN
Nat: "Guys.. stop bickering." Is what Sam should have said. lol
lol and Cas holding Dean’s gaze a bit before focusing on Sam. Good moment
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- D:” I thought he was too far gone”
 C: “Dean if there is a spark of hope. then I have to try “
- Damn these writers are not being subtle.
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-C: “ YOU taught me that”
Zeta: *pats your back *
Nat&Kat:"Get out."
Giul: when castiel get so riled up I get all tingly.YES ORDER ME AROUND
Zeta: @Giul control yourself woman
Giu: PSH HAVE U SEEN THIS...[gestures vaguely] HOW
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- Sam not being subtle too
Nat: Sam's throwing shades
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-I will never get tired of Cas glowly hand
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Kat: Okay dude would be choking on that tube
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Nat: I wanna wake up being surrounded by three hot boys
Giul: [clicks tongue]
Kat: With three handsome men? Yes please
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- yeah ok you can’t fucking say that and look up  at Castiel, Dean..you motherfucker 
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- C:” Would do like more grape jello?” [voice deepest than Dean’s closet]
Giul: WHAT WAS THAT VOICE CAS i felt it in my [censored] 
Kat: Donatello and his chicken
- Those two whispering like that .... fuck you
Nat: THE dimples
- Castiel’s little awkward smile 
- This episode is so beautifully shot I can’t
Kat: I need a gif of them legs @Giulia please ma’am
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- D: “We are going out on a high”
i wanna slap him....hard
- D: “ Sorry”
 S: “sOrRY “ *chuckles*
- Sam is not drinking beer, he’s drinking hot salty tea.
Nat: Sam's really at it, huh? Trying to guilt trip Dean out of it
Giul: i don’t blame him
Nat: Can't be mad at him, tho
- S:” I have to throw away everything we stand for” aaaaand the voice cracks....good....great...
Zeta: He’s soooooo angry
Kat: Sam’s hair is so fluffy
-S.” You just don’t check out of it “ * snarls and pushed Dean*
Dean is offended of the push.
Bitch you don’t get to be offended
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- S: “ if you quit us today, there won’t be a tomorrow. What are you doing now it’s wrong,it’s QUITTING”
Nat: I believe in us, Dean
-Dean doesn’t respond.
- Sam:
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- Sam is all of us
Zeta: Smack him
-[Enters desperate hug]
Nat: fuck, now i'm crying
Giul: sobs
Nat: fuck no shit
- [strained voice] S: “why don’t you believe in us too?”
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Giul: It’s too early for this.
-Sam looks like a kid here , a scared sad kid and I CAN’T DEAL WITH IT 
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- D:”Okay Sam”
 Sam sniffs
 D: “Let’s go home”
Nat: I need a cigarette and lots of wine
Giul: MOOD
Zeta: This fucking hurts so bad
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Nat: Why you gotta make me cry tho
Giul: GOOD LORD. Stop the voice breaking
- D:” And I’ll keep believing until I can’t”
Kat: MY BOYS 😭😭😭😭
Nat: NO
- D:” you’ll have to take it for what it is....the end”
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-D:” and you have to promise me “ [Dean’s voice get high] “ that you’ll do then what you can’t do now. and that’s let me go”
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-D:” Just don’t hit me again”
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Zeta: Yeet
Giul: i LOVE IT 
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie   @mariekoukie6661   @dragontamerm    @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon  @mattiecat    @bunnybaby121115 @aliaitee2 @jacks-word-of-the-day  @4evamc   @dammitsammy  @legendary-destiel @winchesterprincessbride @destielhoneybee @castiellover20
122 notes · View notes
I love your taste
Namjoon is very tired, he needs to rest but also he would like to have some sex. Is there a compromise?
Warnings: Smut/oral/dirty talk 
You haven’t seen your boyfriend in 3 days, 3 longs days without him by your side. Normally, you were use to it but not recently as Namjoon was working on his next album. To be completely honest, he was always working on some songs, but he has devoted the last 2 weeks exclusively to write and compose his music and doing so, you were able to see each other every day.
Last 3 days were differents thought, he had to go in Japan to shoot some commercials for Puma and for 3 fan meetings. He was coming back today and you were more than happy to be able to hold that tall, muscular and strong man in your arms again. You have missed him so much.
You started to be a little worried at 18h00 when you didn’t hear from him. Normally, as soon as the plane landed, he would text or phone you to tell you he had a safe flight. His plane is suppose to have landed an hour ago now and you didn’t get any message from him, plus he doesn’t answered his phone.
At 18h20, your phone buzzed and you discovered a text from Jin saying:
«y/n, our husband fell asleep in the plane, we had trouble to wake him up and now he is asleep in the car again, don’t worry about him. I’ll have him call you as soon as we arrived at the dorms xxx».
He joined a picture of Namjoon, sleeping in the car, his head reversed back on the seat, mouth wide open. Poor Joonie, he looks so fragile on that picture.  You decided to change your plans for the night and texted him:
«Nam, I know you are really tired, I saw a picture of you sleeping in the car. My poor Namjoonie baby.  Forget about our restaurant date tonight, I want you to take a shower and go to bed. I love you my love. You can call me, but don’t expect to see me tonight, SLEEP, don’t do anything else than SLEEP, you need it»
You made yourself a fast dinner, took a shower and crashed on the couch to watch a movie but you couldn’t concentrate on it.  The fact that you would not see your man tonight made you feel sad and lonely because you missed him so much.  You looked at your phone and realised that he had reply to you an hour ago but you didn’t see it, probably in the shower. He agreed to go to bed, admitting he had problems to sleep in Japan and that he can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
Missing him tonight, now that he is back to Seoul, was really to much to handle, so you decided that you could not wait another day to take him in your arms and you called a cab. After all, it was your idea to cancel your date and your are certain that he won’t be mad to wake up with you in his arms tomorrow morning. You don’t want to wake him up, you just want to sleep in the same bed than him.
As soon as you entered the dorms, you could tell all the boys were tired, their usual, familiar noises replaced by a very strange silence for 7 men living together.
You kissed Tae and Jimin on the cheek as you met them in the hallway.
«Hi noona, JonnieHyung will be very happy to see you, he was sad that you cancelled tonight»
«My poor man was so tired, I saw a picture of him…. wait, is this him snoring we can hear?»
Both of them laughed.
«Yes, when he snores like that it means he is dead tired».
You regret your decision to come here, after all, you would prefer if he sleep and rest tonight and you don’t want to wake him up. Why did you have to come here?
«Oh boys, I think I will go back home, he is sleeping like a baby, I don’t want to wake him up»
«y/n», Jimin said, «He sleeps deeply, I don’t think nothing can wake him up, go, he will be happy, I am telling you, he was sad earlier tonight when you cancelled your date».
«Thanks Jimin, go to sleep early too, you both look tired».
«We will Noona, good night».
You tiptoe into his room, get rid of your clothes quickly keeping only your t-shirt and you gently lift the sheet, making the most delicate movements possible.  As soon as you can see his body under the blankets, your heart became warm.  God, you love him so much and seeing him like that, vulnerable in his sleep, made you so tender. You slide yourself inside the bed, put the blankets back on the two of you and came as close as you could from him to feel his warmth, making sure not to touch him. Knowing him, the second he would feel your presence, he would wake up and want to share some time with you. But this is not what you want right now.
Facing his back with your head on the pillow, you listened to his breathing, his snoring to be more precise, and you were fighting the desire you had to hug him in his sleep, to snuggle your nose on the beautiful and muscular skin on his back. You closed your eyes, hoping that you will soon be sleeping too.
Something in Namjoon’s breathing changed and you lift up your eyelids to see what’s happening. You must have been sleeping because, it’s a sleepy but smiling face you have in front of you.
«Hello my love, what a nice surprise, you here with me. I missed you so much»
He was gently rubbing the exposed skin on your arm. You couldn't resist him anymore and after you kissed him on the lips, you came closer and stick your body to his, your legs automatically intertwined. With your head resting on his heart and your hand on his chest, you couldn't be happier.
«I am sorry baby, I couldn’t wait to have you in my arms, but I should have wait… Sorry for waking you up»
«I prefer it this way y/n, at least when I wake up, I know you are safe because you are here with me and I don’t have to worry about you. I sleep better with you by my side, you know it already».
«Then I am glad I came. How long have you been sleeping?» You asked him gently.
«In my bed, 2 hours maybe»
«Oh, nooooo, it’s not enough Nam, close your eyes and go back to sleep my love».
«Huuum, I don’t think it will be possible right now, but I know some other activities that can help recharge my energy even more than sleep» He said, smirking.
Saying it, he pressed his hips against your side so you can feel his growing problem.
«It’s been 3 days my love, I can’t wait anymore» he says as he begins to caress the sensitive skin in the back of your thigh.
«Kim Namjoon, I demand that you stop this immediately»
He started to laugh at your comment.
«You demand? Since when do you talk like that?»
But he didn’t stop to caress your thigh and his hand was finding its way a little closer from that now burning part of your body. It was harder for you to stick to your principe but for his health, you still tried to stop his plans.
«I demand you to stop. I require it»
«The real question is do you really want me to stop or you just require it»
His hand was now between your two legs, his fingers tracing fine movements back and forth on the soft and burning skin, almost as he was asking you the permission to enter inside of you.
«Namjoon, you know I always want you, it’s not the point aaaaah»
You couldn’t say anything else, his fingers were now penetrating you from behind and as soon as you felt him, your legs spread wider to allows him more space, another soft moan escaped your lips.
«You should have wear panties baby, it’s too tempting like that. Also, you better keep quiet my love, everybody is sleeping, we don’t want to wake them up, don’t we»?
Suddenly, an idea slowly made its way into your mind, you closed your legs and get away from his hand.
«You really want me, don’t you?»
«Oh yes my love, I do» he answered
«That’s unfortunate because I want you to rest. Do you think we can find a compromise»?
He lifted an eyebrow, searching where you were going with it.
«What’s on your mind?».
You lift yourself up, put your two hands flat on his stomach and pushed him down on the bed.  As soon as his head hit the pillow, you straddle one of his naked lap, applied more pressure on his stomach with your hands so he can’t get back up again and very slowly started grinding on him.
«What’s on my mind is very naughty right now.  If you really want to know, promise me to stay calm and I might show you».
«OMG baby you want to kill me?» He asked placing his hands on your hips, trying to deeper your mouvements.
You took his hands and brought them above his head, just like if he was attached there, on the bed.
«Namjoonie baby, if you want to come tonight and if you want it to be with me, you better stay very still. Otherwise, I might stop everything and invite you to sleep. After all, you needed to rest if I remember correctly. I am doing it for your health my love, you should thank me».
«That’s it, you really want to kill me. Go ahead, after all, I don’t know a better way to die than buried deep inside of your cunt».
«Huummmmmm, let’s see. First of all, watch your language. Second of all, who said this is the way I want to make you come?»
«How… how do you want to do it?»
«If you behave, you’ll see soon enough».
His eyes glistened with desire and he asked, almost whispering:
«May I touch you?»
«Only if I ask you my love, but I won’t».
You took off your shirt very slowly, you always knew Namjoon couldn’t resist seeing your naked chest. The effect you was looking for took him only a few seconds and you could see his member twitched in his boxers.  You lower your head to kiss his lips again, using your tongue to tease him but your growing desire made you stop the contact fast, his lips and his tongue was not the parts you wanted to have in your mouth right now.
«Namjoonie, I can’t wait to rip these boxers off of you».
«You are gonna talk dirty to me the day you forbid me to move, you mean girl, you will pay for this». He was losing his mind...
«Oh, don’t worry, I know the consequences of my actions, loverboy», you answered blinking at him.
Slowly, painfully slowly, you took his underwear off and doing so, you allows your fingertips to gently brush the skin on his legs. He was already shivering under your touch and nothing was really started yet. The power you have on him always made you proud.
«I’ve been waiting to eat you for 3 whole days Kim Namjoon, but you had to go in Japan and deprive me from your cock, I missed it so much. Who is the real villain here? You know how much I love your taste».
With just those words, you could see him biting his lips from the inside.
«Do you think I should start right now? Or I should talk a little more?»
«Please do it, I am dying right now».
As you trail a path with your fingers from his chest to his manhood, you follow this up with your lips and tongue. He breathing was accelerating.
You wanted to take things slowly so you started by kissing his cock all over, using you hand to hold it in place. You started with a few quick pecks and then gave him longer, more intenses and wet kisses.  Making sure to use a lot of saliva, you licked him gently, from the base to the tip and then you blew on the wet patch you have created, the cooling sensation made him moan and you could see his precum dripping out of his cock.
Still holding his penis steady in one hand, you started to make a slow and circular motion with your tongue around the top of his now fully erected dick, alternating directions and speed to make him beg for more. Looking into his eyes, you smiles at him and opened your lips slightly so you can gently squeezing the top of his cock between them.
«Baby please, take me in your mouth, I want more».
Without breaking eye contact, you took a few inches into your mouth and pressed the tip of his penis against the inside of your cheek, just to tease him a little more before you will start the real job.
«Please suck me, I can’t take it anymore, suck me please»
You took him out of your mouth and said:
«You are very demanding tonight, but since you are listening the instructions, I might get to it very soon my love».
«Stop talking and start sucking» he orders you.
«I am trying to get rid of your dominant side for tonight, if you talk to me like that, I might stop it all and let you jerking yourself off»
«ok…. suck me, PLEASE?»
«Much better baby».
You took him into your mouth and started to bob your head up and down right away, taking him in and out very slowly but deeper with each stroke.  You were gently sucking him at first but as you noticed he was taking shortest and fastest breaths, you speed up the pace and suck with more pressure.  You could tell, after a minute or so, he was already close to his climax, his body was tense, his head completely backwards on the pillow.
Suddenly, he lift his upper body up on his elbows and said, looking at you in the eyes:
«I am coming baby, keep sucking, I am coming»
As soon as he started to ejaculate in your mouth, you slow everything right down to a snail pace, slowly finishing him off by gently sucking on his cum.
«How was that Mr I Want To Dominate»? You gently asked him as you were crawling your way back to face him.
«That was the best blow job you ever gave me»
You started to laughed and answered:
«Namjoon, you say that everytime»
«And everytime I mean it»
He kissed you and as you felted his hand trailing their way between your legs, you told him.
«I have 2 hands you know, I came just before you…. I was serious when I told you to rest»
«You know you will have to pay for all this, right»
«Not only I know, but I am counting on it tomorrow morning. Now, sleep my love».
«Yes, your royalty»
You kissed him goodnight and got in his arms, spooning.  With you in arms and his body fully satisfied, he fell asleep with a big smile on his face.
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