burntoutkid · 2 years
do you ever feel nostalgic about a book? like yes I read it, yes I experienced it, yes I obssessed over it. but that is not enough. i want it to never end, this constant, overwhelming feeling of being consumed by a book. i want it i want it i want it.
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misskaboom · 10 months
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So many books.. so little time.. ⏰
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ssj2hindudude · 4 months
Me in the library in middle school:
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Me in the library now:
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lovertm · 2 months
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book pins by Occasionalish
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bestestbooknerd · 1 year
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Another glimpse into my shelves
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am-iaou · 1 month
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Redraw of an older illustration from 2022 🖋️✨
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galaxostars · 23 days
there are simply not enough hours in a day for me to consume all the art I want to consume
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cheshirelibrary · 2 years
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It’s despicable!
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haemey · 20 days
Silly Game Time: Grab the nearest book and open it to a random page. What's the first complete sentence on it?
Alright, nearest book is a book of Japanese fairytales, but in German:
"Nun, sie ist vermutlich an den Strand gegangen, um sich zu vergnügen," sagte die weiße Katze.
Translation: "Well, she probably went to the beach to have some fun," said the white cat.
Nearest book in English: The buried giant by Kazuo Ishiguro (I really need to finish this someday, it's been years)
His eyes were fixed on the warrior's back in front of him, though intermittently he would angle his head to one side, as though trying to peer around the warrior's legs at the thing on the ground.
Your games are getting less silly, are you ok? I'm still having fun, though :D
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lettersnorth · 11 months
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Decisions, decisions
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co-u-ch · 1 year
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Went to a neat used bookstore last weekend!
Lighthouse Books, Monterey CA
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Mr. Cheaptrick and I have lived at our place for over 13 years. I moved in December 2011, and he joined August 2012.
Which means that packing our entire place for a move that neither of us really wants to make but kinda need to just....sucks.
So many memories, and so much stuff.
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nymzi · 4 months
Inquires for an online book club???
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the-happy-man · 2 years
Consumer societies are unequipped to make sense of death. As Weber pointed out, premodern humans could imagine themselves as part of an “organic life cycle” of which death was the natural end; this belief was sanctified by religion and ritual. Modern life, on the other hand, unfolds as a “never-ending process,” and the disenchantment of the world has eliminated the forms of religion that used to give us solace; we can only see death as a “meaningless event.”
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litwitlady · 4 months
You can stop watching any television show or movie you don't like. Hell, I've even turned off a couple of baseball games this year.
You can never listen to that album you hate ever again.
You can ditch that shitty book you're reading.
On your deathbed, you won't remember a single one of those fuckers. ❤️
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guardian-angle22 · 8 months
10 Books to Read in 2024
Thank you @lemonlyman-dotcom for the tag! At this point you must know that I go overboard with these posts. I appreciate the enabling. 😂
#1 & 2: Book Club/Buddy Reads
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Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coats - This is one of the official Paul Strickland Approved Reads and it's been on my shelf for awhile now too. It's about time I sit down and read it!
The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden - This book was chosen by one of my friends for our seasonal book club to be read for winter.
#3 & 4: Series to Complete/Continue
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Light of Impossible Stars by Gareth L. Powell - This is the 3rd and final book in the Embers of War trilogy. I read the previous book back in 2020... so it's unclear if I will remember the plot enough for this. oops.
Saga Volume 9 by Fiona Staples & Brian K. Vaughan - I've had this volume on my shelf since 2018 when it was published but kept holding off on reading it because the authors had announced going on a break and I heard there was a cliffhanger. They've since come back and started releasing more volumes, so I gotta catch up!
#5 & 6: Series to Start
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The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin - Series are a big focus of my personal reading goals in 2024. I own the entire Broken Earth trilogy in physical copies, and they've been staring at me for awhile now and guilting me for buying a whole series without knowing if I like the first book.
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee - I was smart enough with this one to at least purchase just the first book and not the entire Machineries of Empire series. However, I have owned this since 2018. Why haven't I read it yet???
#7 & 8: Indigenous Fiction
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Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko - I was in an online Indigenous Reading Book Club for a little bit and this was one of the books we were supposed to read for that. and I never did. Must fix my prior mistakes!
There There by Tommy Orange - I've heard great things about this book and Tommy Orange is releasing a second novel this year that I hear has ties to this one.
#9 & 10: Books that have been on my TBR for the longest
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One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - I've had this on my digital TBR since August of 2009... 2 0 0 9! WTF!
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut - This one has been on there since December of 2010. Not much better at all. What have I been doing all these years??
I'm not sure which of my mutuals are big book readers tbh. Hit me up and let me know if you are! I'd love to know who to tag for these kinds of things in the future! 📚💜
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