fandomcringebucket · 4 months
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
One TF fandom argument that confuses me is when people put Megatron and Starscream versus each other like, when people say that it's "unfair that Megatron gets redemption but Starscream doesn't" (in regards to IDW1) because like. One, IDW1 in phase 2 was written by like 4 different writers, so you can't try to claim that there was some unified vision where the nonexistent Singular Writer of IDW was like "no Starscream isn't allowed to have nice things."
And second, I don't think the writers would even think of it that way? It's not like the writers were like "okay we have one Get Out Of Jail Free Card and we're going to spend it on Megatron, sorry Starscream maybe in the next reboot you can get it." The divisions fans make between X character likers and Y character likers are completely made up fandom drama and sometimes I feel like people don't understand that the writers aren't privy to fandom infighting/drama and wouldn't write Megatron and Starscream in opposition to each other as if one character's gain must come at the other's expense.
And finally............. IDW1 Starscream literally does get to be portrayed as a more morally gray person, have his feelings shown and treated as human, even make some friends/have people treat him nicely? IDK what fucking comics people are reading where they think that Starscream is treated as an evil villain with no redeeming qualities at all. Maybe it's the same Starscream fans who shit on TAAO/Scott or something, that's the only way I could explain it.
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bouncyenvos · 5 months
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It's so good, i wish it wasn't squishmallow uguggugggh.....
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gambitandrogues · 1 year
Shoutout to Robbie Turner - dude learned to roll cigarettes in the communist party before deciding he wasn't interested in that and quitting
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etz-ashashiyot · 2 months
Man, y'all so-called progressives and leftists really are gonna do your very best push me to being center-conservative, aren't you?
You have exposed the nasty guts of your political wing for the lies that it is.
Because here's the thing: you have no real principles undergirding your movements.
If you can be this antisemitic while claiming to stand for human rights without a trace of irony or a moment of self-reflection, then your movement is worthless and doomed.
"Listen to minorities about their own oppression!" "Rape is bad!" "Torture is bad!" "All peoples deserve self-determination!" "Stay in your lane and don't insert yourself into intracommunity conversations!"
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"Great! Now make sure you apply all of these to all Jews, including Zionist and/or Israeli Jews."
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If the left actually stood for any of its principles, I would say its fixable, I refuse to let these assholes define the movement, I'm not ceding any ground.
But it doesn't. And because of that, the flaw is fatal and the movement is irredeemable. The problem is the method itself. If it were fixable using leftist methods, it would already be fixed or at least efforts underway. But if anything it's just accelerating in the opposite direction.
Anyway my politics at this point are just that I'm a Jew. I can't in good conscience join the right or stay on the left. Perhaps centrism? If centrism is nuance and balancing needs, then sure. If it's neutrality and/or compromise with unreasonable demands, I can't afford to do that either.
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kitorin · 5 months
misalignment (n).
the incorrect arrangement or position of something in relation to something else. "in which, mikage reo finds himself both asphyxiated and confined within the unfortunate circumstances of his first love."
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contents. mikage reo x gn!reader, unrequited feelings, no happy ending, right person wrong time (i think), reader and reo borderline drunk / wasted, unproofread misery, tiny implication at gaslighting but nothing like that happens, never written unrequited love nor experienced it (can't get rejected if i never confess !!)
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Despite the intelligence and academic prowess he had maintained throughout his entire lifetime, Mikage Reo is fundamentally a fool; one who unwisely but desperately deludes himself as a means to remain blind to the truth.
The 'wanna hang out tonight?' text was the flame to his moth, effortlessly attracting him whilst having the full capability to incinerate his very existence, to destroy every part of him.
If years of friendship accompanied by unreciprocated feelings could teach him anything, it was that, to spend time with you, lining up was a prerequisite for Reo.
Free time for you was defined by work's leniency (which seldom seems to happen, but at least you enjoyed it), and the occasional period where you weren't obsessing over a drama or book series.
After that section of the queue, was quite literally everyone else. An invitation from you meant that Yukimiya was too preoccupied with modelling, Rin's overseas, Nagi was too lazy to respond and left you on read, Isagi's busy training, Kunigami's at the gym, and Hiori didn't have the time to travel that far.
Finally there was Reo, back up plan Reo, the friend that you could go to when no one was available; the friend you liked enough to spend time with but not enough to prioritise.
He steals a glance at you as you keenly sip from your glass. Self-hatred chews at his conscience, but the livid, and tired part of him shoos it away.
It's not a very nice thing to accuse one of thinking of another so lowly, especially a close friend, however the explicit signs of him holding little significance in comparison to others seemed to validate it. You and he have been drinking for a while now, without much word other than the 'hello's and quiet greetings when you first saw each other.
It's normal, the silence. It's just how things worked between you and Reo. Neither of you were particularly social, words weren't necessary to enjoy time together, that was one of Reo's favourite things about you.
He's always tired of speaking, having to maintain flawless image, that included appearing as someone sociable and eager to speak with others.
But with you, that expectation was nowhere to be seen.
You're now adults, but this is nothing different from the quiet walks to the bus stop back in high school. The ones where he'd do his best to steal a glance of how you look, soaked within the sunlight while smiling.
Chatter permeates the bar's atmosphere gently a few clinks of glasses can be heard which followed hearty laughter and the occasional cheer.
You're first to talk. "How's university been?"
"Good." Was the workload horrendous? Yes, and so was adulthood in general. Reo knows he has it easy; he can afford it easily and could still live comfortably without working a day in his life. But he still yearns for the same feeling high school had. "Hakuho was fun though."
You place your drink down, swallowing. "I know right? Never thought I'd say this, but I miss high school. It sucked most of the time. But you and the others made it so much better.”
Reo nods, as he gulps down more alcohol. “I miss it too. How has studying been for you?”
You huff. “It’s a lot. I feel like I spend more time studying than doing anything else. But it’s good. I don’t mind since I’m actually studying something I’m passionate about, you know?”
“I’m glad, then.” Reo stares at his whisky, swirling the amber in his glass. “Proud of you. I really am. You’ve come so far, and I just know you’re going to do well.”
Growing from a clueless high schooler to a driven, impassioned, medical student. A lot has changed, years pass yet he remains unloved by you.
God there he goes again, lamenting on his paltriness. It must be a relative of masochism; he could be safe and secure at home with a good book and cup of tea, yet he’s here drinking with the source of his pain, while tethering on the border of being intoxicated with alcohol instead of heartbreak.
With each drink, a wave of euphoria swallows him up, licking up his misery as if it were sand on the shore. Rationality and emotion bicker like seagulls quarrelling over food.
You laugh at his sweet words. “You drunk? Thanks though.”
“Drunk or not, I mean it. Seriously.” Reo knows his limits, but doesn’t bother correcting you. His face feels hot, not because of the soju, but because of you.
You’ve always been pretty, to a ridiculous extent. But absurd how a few years changes you so much. Reo can’t even identify the changes, he just knows you’ve gotten prettier; that his heart races faster whenever he sees you.
“Seriously.” You echo, and nod, and smile. “I miss seeing you every day. School was so much fun with you around.”
Another hasty gulp of soju. Reo can’t stand hearing those words.
I hate you.
Is it directed to you, or himself? Not even Reo’s quite sure. He does his best to ignore your kindness, if it were true then he would’ve been addressed you with a smile in the same way you’d speak to anyone else; he would know how his name sounds off your tongue. He would mean more than a last option, and all those texts wouldn’t be left on read, viewed out of genuine care rather than basic manners.
Even though he can go on about unfair this feels, it’s ultimately his fault for still spending so much time with you. You’re supposed to cut off the people who don’t value you. You’re supposed to only care for the ones who’d do the same for you. Reo should’ve cut ties with you long ago, yet he clings onto your relationship as if it meant more than anything else.
I miss seeing you at school everyday. Your words echo, and he does his best not to choke on his drink.
Formalities, not affection. It's not love, it's your way of manners. If you truly did care you'd be spewing those sorts of words out constantly, like when you're with Chigiri, or Anri.
"Reo? You good?"
"Yeah. 'm fine." It's a reflex, he barely had time to register the words leaving his mouth. "Are you?"
"Yah. I'm not the drunk one here am I?" You chuckle to yourself, bringing the glass back to your lips, averting your gaze elsewhere. "Were you always a lightweight? Your face is so red."
"And yours is so pretty."
There he goes, ruining your night with something stupid.
"Yup. Definitely drunk. You're saying weird things now."
And with that, Reo commands, requests, pleads himself not to cry.
"You know." Another shot of soju is swallowed down by you, punctuated with a refreshed gasp. "The me a couple of years ago would've been overjoyed to hear that."
It feels as though every interaction with you accentuates his one-sided love and it stings; time with you is mere salt to the wound.
Neither of you say anything for a bit.
Reo can recall your confession, an awkward text sent after a couple of months the two of you actually spoke. There's an unspoken boundary between you two, to not being up the topic of each other's crushes or of your confession.
A fair rule, but it's harboured questions. Reo hasn't got a clue on your love life and crushes. He knows of your obsession with romantic dramas, always binging whatever's trending, screaming on social media about having to wait a full seven days for the next episode.
If only the two of you were a part of one. But even fiction would probably destine him for solitude woven of heartbreak.
"I think you're the drunk one. Why bring that up now?"
You've finally halted on drinking. "Dunno. That was my first confession."
And you're my first love—he wants to say it, it's at the tip of his tongue yet he can't muster it to say it aloud to himself or even to Nagi; let alone you.
"Well, it was an honour."
It wasn't. Because the thought always intrudes into his mind. What if you had confessed a couple of years later, or even at least two?
Or what if Reo hadn't taken his sweet time to fall in love with you, if he had told you he wanted to get to know you first instead of a simple rejection, would you be in his arms?
"Shut up. I was a stupid kid back then. I promise you, I have absolutely no feelings for you. Not anymore."
Reo scoffs, he can't even fantasise of the potential between you two. You liked Mikage you'd see in the hallways; rich and top of the school; not clingy old Reo who feels ever so slightly too much for everyone he cares for.
Whereas Reo couldn't care less about l/n that just transferred to his class, but would die for the y/n he discovered throughout the years.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Never thought you did." He knew you didn't.
It wouldn't've saved him from his doom of unrequited love, but the timing was terrible. The heavens should've made your infatuation and his adoration align, at the very least. Even if it meant Reo remaining unloved.
A hiccup follows a breathless giggle. "Who did you like in highschool? There had to be someone. Why didn't you ever tell me though? You had so many fans, you must've liked one of them."
Because it's you. "Because you never asked." Reo shrugs, almost impressed at his own feigned composure.
"Now I ammm." Now your words are beginning to slur. "Whooo?"
It's you. And still you. Reo could say it right here and now. You're essentially wasted and probably won't remember it. And if you did, he wouldn't mind crossing an ethical line and fibbing if it meant concealing his pathetic vulnerabilities.
Perhaps one day he'll tell you, if the uninterrupted storm ends, and the skies clear, if Mikage Reo's heart will one day stop aching for you.
"I'll tell ya some day. When I feel like it."
"What?! You're not allowed to add that much suspense—and not tell me in the end."
And perhaps in another universe, he and you can be of the same constellation, instead of being galaxies apart.
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taglist (send ask to be added) : @yuzurins , @pokkomi , @chigirizzz
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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sgiandubh · 2 months
C might mean well, but I find businesses using charity to sell suspicious.
Dear Provocative Anon,
What you say deserves an audio (there have been two of them two weeks ago, compensating for last week's silence). I have many things to tell you and please excuse the delay:
They really can't win, with people like you, can they? And that goes for both C and S, mind you. No matter what they do and try to promote as a side project, there is always going to be someone unhappy and vocal about it. When it's not you complaining 'business using charity to sell' is 'suspicious', there's the other fuckwit asking recently why S hasn't given all MPC's profit to charity, as Paul Newman did with Newman's Own.
So, I will be brutally honest with you, Anon. I have thoughts and questions about your own point of view and this is partially why it took me so long to answer you. It would seem you are not familiar at all with what is called 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR), since at least the Sixties. Which means, in a nutshell, companies who choose to focus part of their activity and dedicate part of their profits to charitable projects. It is done with various degrees of ethics, success and bona fides all around the world, and it is often used as a strong marketing and sales argument.
Think about these people, whose brand is probably immediately recognizable wherever you go, spare perhaps Pyongyang:
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I just picked this Coca Cola Foundation recent CSR project in Brazil totally randomly, using Google. Some might think it's just another cynical diversion: one of the world's biggest corporate profiteers, happily contributing to the current obesity pandemic (including in Latin America), suddenly showing one of its biggest markets they do have a conscience, after all, and a social one to boot. And addressing, at the same time, one of the continent's post-colonial bleeding wounds, which is to say, the organic imbalance between rich and poor, as far as access to means of production, land ownership and use and sales opportunities go. 480 farmers benefitting from Coca Cola's magnanimity is probably but a tiny drop of hope in an ocean of dour social injustice, but the truth is, Anon, if nobody does anything good, then nothing good will happen at all. It is as simple as that, and while their modus operandi is probably not exactly my cup of tea, you will have to admit it works, at least to some extent and for some people. Plus it greatly enhances the company's do-good, sensible and reliable global image, because of course, what happens right now in the state of Minas Gerais is but a tiny part of a bigger strategy.
Might I add that even those robber barons, à la Cornelius Vanderbilt or Jay Gould, who made their ruthless fortunes building the railroads of a still very young United States of America, ended up giving a very small part of their same fortune to various charities. It wasn't nearly enough what we would consider as 'reasonable', in 2024, but it did start a philanthropic trend, that took considerable speed after the 1919 Boston Molasses Disaster. The Sixties have just added more pragmatism and gave a name to what was, at its very start, quite an opportunistic endeavor.
Even so, Vanderbilt and Gould themselves did not invent anything, really. One should look to good old Europe to find what is probably the first big CSR project in human history, still going strong since 1521. May I introduce you to the Augsburg Fuggerei:
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[for even more pious charity: https://www.fugger.de/en/fuggerei]
Renting one of those wonderful Hansel and Gretel houses for less than one euro/year, plus three daily Hail Mary is something to behold, right? Jakob Fugger the Young, the guy who had this brilliant idea (which, might I add, is still run and operated by the Fugger banker family, even nowadays) was literally a ruthless kingmaker, a colonial trade and exploration pioneer, but also a religious bigot who flatly refused to extend his charity to Protestant families. Still, his pious dream goes on - the Fugger Family Foundation even actively plans its next 500 years. This is Germany, after all 😉.
Those people’s money stinks more of corruption and crime than S or C’s ever could, Anon. Still, they are remembered as benefactors, by many. History is seldom cruel to those who are willing to pay for their posterity.
But you know what, Anon? Compared to the Fuggers and the Vanderbilts and the Goulds, S and C are really small fish in an even smaller, fickler pond. I think they are doing it out of their good heart and I think they are honestly, genuinely responsive to the idea of giving a chance to young, struggling artists. But, in the process, are they also trying to market themselves as more approachable and less controversial, considering the (oh, I shall never tire to repeat this, with gusto) cosmic amount of bullshit plaguing their respective public images? My somewhat cynical answer is also yes, Anon. To which may I immediately add that it's not even important: all that counts are the tangible results of whatever good things they do with their booze and/or fitness profits.
Results and helping trigger a change in one's life is all that really interests me, Anon. It seems to bother you, though, so I will cheekily end this long rant with a couple of questions: do you have a problem with poverty? do you believe in giving people a (second) chance, or do you think only the rich are worth considering and valuable?
If so, I honestly pity you, girl. For the real indigent in all this might be you.
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whateveriwant · 1 year
The Scenic Route
Civilian/Non-Military AU
Summary: You, your boyfriend, and his best friend go on a road trip together. One night, when his friend's asleep in the backseat, you and your boyfriend get up to trouble in the front.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: ~1.0k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ (fingering, vaginal sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism – both include an unknowing/unconsenting party)
A/N: Hello! This scenario actually came to me in a dream lol. I'm sorry I haven't posted much as of late, but I've been trying to get over a nasty bout of writer's block recently. This drabble is the first thing I've been able to finish in months, so as always, I hope you all enjoy! :)
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Just imagine it: you, your boyfriend, and his best friend are on a cross-country road trip for the summer. After miles and miles traversing winding roads and visiting quaint, historic towns, what started out as a fun adventure has become… mmm, less so. Because the days, maybe weeks, stuck together in a metal box with wheels has left you feeling a little… frustrated, if you know what I mean.
It's no one's fault, really. That's just the nature of extensive group traveling. But your poor boyfriend's friend, bless his heart, has really received the brunt of your ire.
Though it's not technically his fault you're all pent up, you can't help but feel a sort of unjust bitterness towards him. It's just that all the times you and Simon have tried to sneak away for a little 'alone' time, his friend was always hot on your trails, interrupting whatever tryst you two were trying to engage in.
So now, well over a week into your trip, Simon can tell you're about to explode. Trust him, he feels the same way as you, so at the first opportunity he sees, he takes it.
One night, when his best friend is fast asleep in the backseat of the car, Simon suddenly pulls over on a stretch of deserted highway. You think he's stopping because maybe there's something wrong with the vehicle, but then he's leaning over the center console, pressing his lips urgently to yours.
Immediately, you startle and try to push him back. "What are you—?"
"Shh," he hushes softly. "It's alright. He's asleep." He points his chin towards the snoring passenger.
And though a quick peek for yourself confirms Simon's words, that doesn't stop the concern from rising within you, especially as he undoes both your seatbelts. Even if his friend is dead asleep, he's still sitting just a few feet away in full view of everything. The proximity as well as possibility of him waking has you flooded with anxiety, and with your eyes locked on the sleeping figure, you try to protest your boyfriend, whose lips gently suck the hinge of your jaw.
"He could—"
But then Simon's big hand is down the front of your pants, swirling quick, tight circles around your neglected clit. You choke on a moan as he presses his fingertips hard against you, grabbing his collar when he dips lower, smearing them through your slick.
It feels so good yet so wrong all at the same time. But despite the guilt weighing on your conscience, ultimately, you can't help but be swept up in the moment.
Gaze still fixed on the man in the backseat, you let your boyfriend play with you however he wills. You twitch and groan, trying to keep your noises to a minimum, but it's difficult with how terribly brilliant he is at this.
He's smirking, the bastard, as he takes you apart right there on the side of the road. And when he stuffs you full with two fingers, causing your voice to suddenly pique, Simon urges with a low purr in your ear, "Shhhhhh... Don't wanna wake him, do you?"
Simon, feeling like the third wheel on you and your boyfriend's road trip. Even though this trip had been planned for months and even though you two try to include him in everything, he can't shake that feeling of a deep tension directed towards him, from you in particular.
While you're not outwardly hostile to Simon, it's the little things he's picked up on. Like how multiple times he's caught you staring at him in the rearview mirror, or whenever he's accidentally brushed against you, you've reared back and caressed the spot like you'd just been burned.
And he gets it; he's not the most convivial of traveling companions. A few weeks crammed together can strain even the best of relationships, and especially so when you two weren't particularly close to begin with.
So imagine Simon's confusion when one night he's awoken by the gentle sway of the car rocking back and forth. At first, he thinks it's just the normal movements of a vehicle in drive. But then he hears something – the unmistakable sound of a woman's breathy moan – and his senses are suddenly on high alert.
With the motion of the cabin around him and the crude noises in his ears, it seems obvious what the two of you are getting up to. But they wouldn't, would they? Not when he's sitting right here.
Peeking one eye open, Simon's suspicions are confirmed as he sees you straddling your boyfriend in the driver's seat. Your arms are wound around the headrest, your face twisted up in pleasure, and Simon can just make out the naked skin of your hip as you bounce in his best friend's lap.
The sight is such a shock to the system that Simon's first instinct is to freeze, both lids flying open without thought. You two must've noticed him asleep and taken a chance to steal a quick moment together, and now he's an intruding third party who's become witness to something he was never meant to see.
Realizing what he's doing, he's about to feign sleep and pretend like nothing happened tomorrow. But before he can act, your eyes suddenly connect with his, and he finds he's hopelessly rooted to his spot.
Are you about to scream? About to cry out and call him a pervert?
So many possibilities run through Simon's mind, but what actually unfurls is even more surprising than anything he could've predicted.
Rather than being angry or shocked to see him peeping, you seem almost… amused. Aroused, if he didn't know better.
Keeping your gaze locked with Simon's, you flash a pleased, little smile, and continue eagerly fucking yourself on his best friend's cock. You toss your head back, grope your chest through your shirt, really put on a show for the man in the back all while the one in the front remains completely unaware.
And Simon, for his part, can't look away from the scene. Whether it's out of confusion or sheer curiosity, he watches on, keeping his eyes firmly glued to your figure.
Will either of you mention this come tomorrow morning? It's hard to say in the moment. But for now, as he's kept rapt by your performance, Simon's content to sit back and let this road lead him where it may.
A/N: I'd love to know what you thought! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
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dr3amlab · 2 years
5. wicked games, dm.
SUMMARY — Y/N Gorgon and Draco Malfoy have a long history of mutual hatred. You see, the two of them have been pulling pranks on each other since their 1st year at Hogwarts, to the dismay of their close friends and supervisors. However, after a prank left Y/N completely out of her mind, she decides that she'll pull her cruelest prank yet on Draco by pretending to be his secret admirer.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE — series, enemies to lovers, rival, comedy (?)
WORD COUNT — 1894 words.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — sorry for the wait, uni is killing my ass 😭 I CAN'T FIGURE OUT TUMBLR FOR MY LIFE IM SORRY GUYS
PARTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 finale
TAGLIST — @hopefulfuturenovelauthor​ @charlenasaxen​ @johnmurphys-sass​  @alittlebitofinsanitea​ @islayedyourmom @dramatic-long-coats @slashermadness @marplest @whosyourgnomie4 @makhaia @louieblue2 @born2222die @nikki-89 @jamlessgucciswegsunshineot7
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Quiet. Everything was oddly quiet. Nothing or no one was bothering you, and everything seemed to go your way for the past week. Peaceful and quiet. Just how you like it. You knew you should be enjoying these peaceful moments as long as they lasted, but why do you feel so unfulfilled?
It was saturday and most of the students, including Athena, were enjoying their afternoon in Hogsmeade. with company of their friends. As for you, you decided to stay in your dorm for, even if Athena begged you relentlessly, you didn’t really feel like going out as last week’s events drained you mentally. But, no panick! You were not completely alone : Boredom and the heavy feeling of emptiness were so nice that they decided to grace you with their presence. 
To anyone who would set eyes on you right now, you looked like you carried the entire world’s burdens on your shoulders : you were sitting lazily on one of the couches of the common room, arm resting on the couch and your cheek resting on your hand all while looking at the floor with empty eyes.
Though, who could blame you? You were bored out of your mind : for the past weeks, sending anonymous letters to Draco Malfoy was your only source of entertainment and now that you had to stop, for your own sake, you felt like time refused to pass by.
In the best of worlds, you would still be having the time of your life by taunting Draco and you wouldn’t be having romantic feelings for anyone. 
However, this was not the case. Without you even realizing, you were beaten at your own game. You fell for draco during the process of writing him letters and you fell hard. 
Still, something was tormenting your mind : Why was Draco being so lowkey? It’s been a week since you had stopped giving him the letters and he didn’t do anything. You thought that it was weird ; His secret admirer bid him farewell and he didn’t even react. If this ever happened to you, you would travel the world and the seven seas to find them but Draco didn’t manifest any interest in looking for them. Zero interest. Nada. 
His strangely discreet demeanor was confusing you : Was he mourning the loss of his secret admirer? Did your prank scar his heart? Or, did he somehow find out that you wrote the later? If so how did he find out ? What has he been up to? Those questions kept repeating over and over again in your mind and, honestly, you felt like you were about to go insane. You were almost about to tear your hair out of your scalp. Literally.
Something was going to happen, you felt it. And it was not a good omen. Something was about to happen and it was not going to be to your advantage. In a way, the ball was in Draco’s court. You have no control of his next move and that was making you sick. But did Draco even receive the said ball?  Did he even get the ball you passed to him? Did he even know about the ba— "Snap out of it, Y/N!" you mumbled to yourself.
You’re looked away from the ground to take conscience of your current state : You were biting your nails while slightly shaking your leg. In other words, you looked like a complete maniac.
"Y/N." A hand softly touched your right shoulder and you snapped your head towards the said direction, "Are you okay? Is something bothering you?" You let out a sigh of relief when you saw Fides, your fellow Slytherin. "Oh—hey Fides!" you exclaimed,  "you scared me!" you said as you put your hand on your heart to feel your racing heartbeat. Fides’ lips curled into an apologetic smile, "my bad, I didn’t mean to!" She sat next to you, "are you okay? you don’t look so good."
For a moment, your mind wandered to Draco and the worries he drowned your mind with. You slightly opened your mouth ready to tell her what was really bothering you without omitting any detail but after a second of reflexion, you gave her a closed lip smile, "no, Fides, nothing is bothering me," you said softly, "thank you for your concern." Fides smiled at you, "If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here," she beamed. You squeezed her hand, "thank you." 
"So, what's the latest news?" You asked to change the subject. Fides was always aware of every single thing that was going around in Hogwarts. She knew everyone's business from the teachers to the first years. Fides probably even knows your family's deepest darkest secrets and you'll never know how she had found out. It was pretty entertaining to hear her gossip unless she knew your secrets.
Fides' face lit up as soon as the question left your lips. It seemed as if she had been waiting impatiently for you to ask her, "okay, so you'll never guess this. I promise you'll have the time of your life with this information!" Fides got comfortable on the couch, "There has been rumors than Draco was receiving letters from a secret admirer right. I'm talking about actual love letters," she began explaining, "it has been going on for like⏤ I don't know, months and he never found out their identity," fides said, "shit, I've been trying to find out who the hell they were and I didn't even find out." 
Discreetly, you let out a sigh of relief, if Fides ever finds out first that you were the 'secret admirer', you were done for.  First of all, the entire universe would be aware that you wrote letters to draco. And, even though Fides was a nice girl, she had tendencies to run her mouth ; She would not hesitate twice to spread rumors about anyone, even her closest friends. 
 "Oh. My. Merlin! Draco has a secret admirer? please tell me it's a joke!" You pretended to be shocked, "Girl, even I was flabbergasted! like⏤ Who in their right mind would genuinely like Malfoy?" Fides laughed, "pff! yeah, right⎯ for real." You let out a forced laugh, "so what happens next?" you stopped laughing immediately and coughed. 
"You're going to need to brace yourself for this part." She came closer to you, "Apparently, Draco found out who it is and is about to confront them soon," she whispered, " I heard he got the info from a first year. Somebody saw Draco extorting the information out of the poor boy," she pursed her lips, "this is exclusive news, you're the first one to know this." Your heart dropped and your mouth hung slightly open, "I know right! I had the same reaction!" she slapped your shoulder, "I wonder who it is ! do you think they'll end up together? »
Draco had found out. Draco had found out and knowing him, he probably found a way to bring the gossip to Fides’ ears for he knew damn well that she would tell you and therefore, inform you that he knew. One thing is for sure, Malfoy's revenge was going to be violent and you only have to shelter yourself from the storm that was coming. 
You were probably thinking so much about him that you manifested his presence accidentally : you felt like you've summoned a demon for, suddenly, you saw his dark silhouette come through the door of the common room and his eyes immediately found yours as if the first thing he had planned to do when he would step foot into the common room was to find your eyes. 
Draco didn't walk further into the room. Instead, he stood tall not so far from the door with both of his hands in the pockets of his black pants. Malfoy did not break eye contact with you as he slightly tilted his head to the right while giving you a smirk.
As you maintained eye contact with him, you felt like your entire world was burning, but you didn't seem to mind because you were only thinking about one thing : did you always notice how handsome Draco is?
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Draco saw how your face decomposed at the sight of him. He saw how you didn't even care about any of the nonsense that was probably coming out of Fides' mouth and how your focus was solely on him.
Draco's smirk only grew bigger when he saw you get up off the couch and he almost laughed out loud at the sight of Fides' confused face. Malfoy stood on his ground with his head held high as he watched you lope towards him with a rather angry expression on your face.
'How cute,' he found himself thinking as he stared at your face. You were probably as angry as ever, but how did you manage to still look so cute. Did Draco always notice how cute you were? Perhaps he always did or perhaps he never did but that's something he'll sort out later for right now, he needed to be focused on taunting you.
"So, you found out." You crossed your arms. "Yeah, I did." Draco mimicked your body language, "I honestly didn't know that you would stoop this low Y/N, really. Playing with one's feelings? Even I didn't think about pranking you like that," he fake pouted, "Oh come on Draco," you scoffed, "you're talking about morals? Don't act like for the past six years, you didn't do something equally as bad," you retorted, "You're just mad that you didn't come up with this idea before me. Admit it." Draco shrugged his shoulders while displaying a stupid smirk on his face, "Maybe I am," he said nonchalantly.
"What now? Are you going to get back at me or did I win the game?" you asked, "I'm not going to get back you Y/N, don't be silly," he said as if it was the most obvious fact in the world, "I gotta admit that you won," he started, "but at what cost?" Draco bended slightly so his face would be closer to yours which startled you and made you take a step back, "what do you mean?" you asked again confusedly. 
Draco smirked, "you fell in love with me Y/N," he said in a singsong "Why would I get back at you? isn't that enough torment for you?" he asked, "Me? In love with you? Plea⏤" Before you could even finish your sentence, Draco cut you off, "Y/N, I know that you smelt my scent in that potion," he laughed, "Books, expensive cologne, green apples?" he emphasized on the last words, "That's what you smelt and, oh⏤ What a coincidence! that's also what you wrote in that letter." You frowned your eyebrows, "Do you seriously believe in that stupid shit Draco? What are you, five years old?" Draco quirked an eyebrow, "Are you implying that Slughorn is a conman and amortentia is bullshit? Or, wait⎯ that magic doesn't exist?" Draco's face came even closer to yours.
"Darling, you fell in love with me. You can't deny it," he said slowly in a suave voice, "so, who's the real loser now?" he whispered to your ear. Your eyes widened, you tried to say something or anything to deny his statement but you couldn't because it was true : you are utterly and irrevocably in love with Malfoy.
Draco adjusted his posture so he could look at your face clearly. A victorious smile graced his lips as he watched you open and close your mouth to talk but words wouldn't come out your mouth. Without saying any other word, Draco left to go to his dorm and he left you freezed like a statue.
Draco should be celebrating his victory: you didn't deny any of your feelings for him, so that makes him the true winner, right? Though, Malfoy felt a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach and he felt completely confused. Why was the scent of vanilla, violet and strawberry cake lingering in his nose? 
It took a long time to Malfoy, but he finally put two and two together. Vanilla, violet and strawberry cake: that was the same fragrance he smelt in the envelopes, the amortentia and on you when he came close to your neck as he whispered to your ear. Draco stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes widened as he realized what it meant, "Fuck, I'm in love with her."
It's funny isn't it? Malfoy was too engrossed on taunting you for having feelings for him that he didn't realize that he reciprocated your feelings.
So, who was the real loser?
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! The Woman I Have Been Stalking for Years Is Disinclined to Engage With Me
Carolyn Hax, WaPo, 1 June 2023 (originally 11 March 2009):
Dear Carolyn: About five years ago, I began to realize that a woman I dated 25 years earlier was someone I had stronger feelings for than I was mature enough to appreciate at the time. I had questions for her about why we hadn’t blossomed into the kind of relationship I now think we both believe we were destined for. In the past five years, I’ve continued to have those questions, then dreams, etc., which led me to do a paid search for her address. I wrote her twice and left a voice mail. My messages have been about old friends I bumped into who reminded me of her, what I’ve been doing and how I’d like to hear from her. That is, nothing too serious or about what’s been on my mind. I haven’t received an answer. I’ve thought through the reasons she hasn’t corresponded, and why I needed to talk with her, and am still at a loss. Would asking her my questions directly in a letter be a way to coax her to reconnect? Telling her that, apart from this midlife crisis of mine, I’m happily married and successful, and that all I want are answers? -- A 30-year-old question
Dear 30-Year-Old Question,
One might expect a happily married person to do all kinds of things, but topmost among them is paying to find the contact information of an ex-girlfriend and sending said ex-girlfriend multiple unanswered messages, repeatedly and through a variety of means, over the course of many years in the hopes of deceiving her into heady conversations about the details of your long-ended relationship. Yes indeed, when the Bad Advisor thinks of "normal stuff a person who's very happy in their marriage would do," her mind immediately goes to "pretending to ask innocuous questions about old friends in the hope that a woman I dated 30 years ago believes I am solely and only asking her innocent questions about old friends, when in fact I am explicitly and admittedly not."
Women are famously unable to clock the intentions of men, who are very clever, extremely stealthy, and never creepy or dangerous to the extent that they would unsettle people from whom they have demanded interaction and who have time and time again ignored them. Probably this woman received your incredibly blasé letters and voicemail and thought: "Gosh, it seems like this dude who deuced out on me three decades ago is trying to rope me into responding to him multiple times despite my obvious disinclination to engage only and exclusively on the subject of our old friends, what a boring conversation, I shan't respond unless he sends me a lengthy bit of written correspondence detailing his many thoughts and feelings about how our romance ended, I simply can't imagine having a conversation with him unless I know for absolute certain he wants to rehash what happened between us, which is the only possible way I could fathom entertaining such a reconnection, one which I would never have reason to pursue otherwise, as I am so desperately in love with him and have been lo these 30 years but could not in good conscience find a way to broach the subject unless he sends me just one more letter finally making his bonerful intentions plain, that sly dog."
Might you have neglected to include a return address on the previous correspondence about which you were extremely desperate, but in a very casual way, to receive a response? Does your ex-girlfriend own the only cellular telephone on earth that does not log the return-call number of people who leave voicemails? Mayhap she simply does not know how to contact you after multiple attempts over half a decade! These are highly probable reasons she has not sought you out! Vastly more likely than the fact that she sees entirely the fuck through your pretenses and wants nothing to do with you whatsoever.
If you wish to receive a concrete answer about the status of your relationships, your best hope is to CC your spouse on any future correspondence. I think you can expect a prompt response.
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bloedewir · 2 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Mass Effect companions
If talking about Bioware there's always a familiar personality types from game to game (and it's totally ok because despite well known archetypes the devil is in the details). So. I was bored and thinking about the da4 squad. Let's just say it's kind of a comparison and a try to guess what to expect. No serious stuff included, just for entertainment.
(also it would be hilarious to wait the release and found out I failed dramatically)
Bellara Lutara
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As devs said Bellara is the one who always has a solution and so as Peebee.
She may seems immature and careless yet is actually smart and resourceful despite the first impression. A true adventurer in a search of truth and new knowledge. Savvy of the team.
Lucanis Dellamorte
Garrus Vakarian
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Archangels, as celestials, are supposed to be with wings so Dellamorte with his wings is a perfect match.
I mean. Kills shitbags. Outrageously skilled yet surprisingly awkward in a matter of personal relationship. The job must be done even if not a nice one. Dedication of the team.
Emmrich Volcarin
Mordin Solus
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Academic mind. Responsible and quite a work enthusiastic yet morally questionable. Calm, polite, discreet. Tremendous vocabulary (I hope the speed of speaking isn't salarian tho). Wits of the team.
Lace Harding
Wanted to say Liara T'Soni because of VA, but it's Nyreen Kandros
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Moral compas always point in a right direction. You have to do anything that is possible to help those who can't protect themselves. Conscience of the team.
Neve Gallus
Miranda Lawson
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Smart and capable. Ice queen at first sight but if you can earn the trust is the loyal friend. Determination of the team.
Liam Costa (??)
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Having a problem here. Not much known about Davrin yet. Liam Costa seems fitting because he's not a hero or a chosen one or something. A good person who cares a lot, wants to help and tries to make things right. And he is bold and charming so as Davrin was described. Heart of the team.
Aria T'Loak
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Strong, confident, brave as hell. You need to get shit done? It's your lady. Yet has a soft side you can see if prove yourself trustworthy. And then the most loyal ally who goes with you to hell and back. Courage of the team.
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sitp-recs · 8 months
HI Liv. I hope u are having a great day.
I was wondering if u have well written fics with not a lot of smut? I don't want T rated fics. I want M and E rated, but I'm not in the mood for reading A LOT of smut recently (I don't know why tbh). I really really need good fics in my life rn
and thank you so much
Hi anon! Sure thing, here are some M/E plot-oriented fics with less focus on the smut. I tried to include different lengths, hope these work for you:
Still Life (M, 3k)
Between the Power Lines by @tackytigerfic (M, 3k)
For Harry Potter, all roads eventually lead to Draco Malfoy. Or: this is not an AU! It's just Harry and Draco meeting by chance in an imported food shop in Connecticut and going on a road trip together. Featuring motels, cacti, Americana, and a hefty dose of pining.
Harmony (Left-Handed Melody Remix) by mindabbles (M, 6k)
He is the last person Draco was expecting, but then again, this is not a place Draco ever expected to be.
Clear As Mud by scoradh (M, 10k)
Set post-war and post-Harry's-conscience...
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight (M, 16k)
The Ministry didn’t turn bad overnight. Harry didn’t suddenly turn rogue either. Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person. If there’s an art to fighting back, then they’ll find it hand in hand.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Open For Repairs by @drarrytrash (M, 35k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things. feat. sad boys in jumpers and more ABBA than is probably necessary
Turn From Stone by @harryromper (M, 45k)
Harry knows there’s nothing he can do to stop Hermione (war hero, historian, author of the reissued “Hogwarts: A History”) once she sets her mind to something. Even an extremely risky last-ditch effort to restore the ancient castle and lay its newest ghosts to rest. What he wasn’t counting on was her insistence that Draco Malfoy be part of the plan.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Take the Air by dysonrules (M, 51k)
Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the most annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry.
Timecode by Rasborealis (M, 73k)
Harry Potter has been dead for two years, and Draco would laugh in the face of anyone claiming differently. Well, anyone but Hermione Granger.
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters (M, 74k)
A fic about challenging assumptions, discovering self-worth, the silver lining in failing to meet expectations, and finding friendship, love, and purpose in a small Alaskan town that’s steeped in magic.
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (M, 146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter.
The Secret Keeper by @the-fools-errand (M, 225k)
On Halloween 1981, Albus Dumbledore made a decision that would change the course of history, concealing Harry Potter’s survival at the hands of Lord Voldemort underneath a Fidelius Charm. But when Harry comes of age in the Muggle world, Dumbledore realises too late that the fate of the world may depend on a boy who has never held a wand.
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Helping Hand 8
Warnings: non/dubcon, mentions of divorce, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Jonathan Pine, 40s reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The car door shuts and jars you from your daze. You look over, your head bobbling as you squint at the empty seat beside you. You lean against your side of the car until the door opens suddenly and you're only kept from falling out by the restraint of the seat belt.
"Oh, dear," Jonathan's voice startles you.
You frown up at him, rolling your eyes to clear the fog. The last few days, the last weeks, months, and years all flow over you. The displacement of it clutches in your chest.
Just a minute before, you thought it was Andy who left you in the car alone, that you'd just sat through another of his lectures, more a dressing down. No, you're divorced now and that was a very long time ago. You wince as your shoulder thrums and give a pathetic wine.
Jonathan reaches across you and unbuckles the belt. He catches you as you slouch towards him, his proximity suffocating. He is your boss. You need to be careful.
Careful or what? You'll lose your shitty job and your shitty apartment. Big deal.
"Come, darling," he helps you stand, keeping an arm around you, "we can't have you falling now."
You set your feet, your body heavy and stiff. Your hips ache from the waiting room chairs and that persistent soreness that never seems to go away. You lean on him as he shuts the door.
He angles you around and you look up at the building before you. It's not what you expected. You're not at your apartment, instead walking, nearly stumbling, towards the sleek modern architecture of a detached house.
"Where..." you garble around your dry tongue.
"Well, the doctor did advise you not be left alone and you won't be using your arm any time soon. I figure for the time being, you might do well with some supervision, rather assistance."
"Mmm, but..." your voice trails off as he slows and takes the steps with you one at a time, they're low and long, a rather tedious design.
"But what?" He wonders lightly.
You blink as he stops you again, keying in the code on the pad beneath the door handle. You groan and shake your head. You should go home.
"I'll be fine," you argue.
"It is only one night," he counters smoothly, "I couldn't in good conscience--"
"You're too polite, you know that? And so proper," you mutter and let him usher you inside. You couldn't stop him if you tried.
He turns you and sits you a leather bench next to the shoe mat. Of course, his place is luxurious and immaculate. God, what he must think of the broken glass in your front door.
He bends to remove his leather shoes before he comes before you, kneeling to unlace your black orthopedic sneakers. The ones from Walmart with the memory foam. They don't do much for your arches.
"Why are you so nice to me?" You mope, brain fuzzy as your thoughts escape before you can filter them.
"Am I? Or am I just decent?" He scoffs, "darling," he stands with a grunt and bends over you, looping his arms around you to lift you, "I won't presume to know much of your previous entanglement but it might be that you've accepted treatment lesser than what you deserve."
He guides you through a broad square archway and into an equally refined room. You dare say your ex-husband might just drool at the aesthetic. He takes you to the couch and eases you down, pulling several cushions behind you before lowering you gently.
You tisk and look away from him, staring at the black and white portrait of Big Ben on the wall. You don't want to be here, it just reminds you of how pathetic you are. Look at you, broken and beat down.
You close your eyes and groan. You wait, refusing to look, until you sense him back away. You let out a long breath and try to relax. The tension is just making your arm throb and you don't have the energy to maintain it.
He returns and drapes a blanket over you.
"This should do for the time being. I've brought some lounge clothes you may borrow when you feel up to changing out of that uniform. Those things are not very comfortable," he chuckles, "I might make you some tea?"
"I'm fine," you grumble, letting your eyes open just slightly. Your head lolls as you feel ready to doze.
"If you'd rather sleep, that is probably best," he aquiesces.
"Hm," you sniff.
He lets out another soft laugh, "what? You disapprove of something?"
"No," you growl.
"You must. If it is some flaw I possess, I don't mind changing--"
"You," you snip, "you're too handsome and rich to be doing all this for me."
"Handsome?" He repeats coyly.
"Don't even try to pretend you don't know," your eyes close as you babble, "tall and blonde and... strong. I'm a divorcee who can't afford brand name mac and cheese." You yawn and sink back into the pillows, "I know it's only pity. Rich guys just wanna stroke their egos."
The words blaze in your mind as somewhere deep down, you know you shouldn't say them. You can't worry about your rambling as the painkillers mute any strand of sense left in you. He is right, sleep is best, sleep is your only escape.
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tessenpai · 1 year
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 128 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: https://klz9.com/jxsh-kono-oto-tomare-raw-chapter-128.html
Page 1
Sign: Judge's Waiting Room.
Side Text: It's Tokise's turn. The competition's second day begins...
Chapter Title: #128 Dull Footsteps
Judge Tatsumi: !
Judge Tatsumi: Agata-sensei, Kurokawa-sensei. Good morning. You are both early, I see.
Page 2
Judge Agata: No, we just arrived ourselves.
Judge Tatsumi: Did you get enough rest yesterday?
Judge Agata: Well, yes.
Judge Tatsumi: I was so excited I didn't sleep a wink!
Judge Tatsumi: To think high school clubs would display such high level!
Judge Tatsumi: And today Ichiei, the best in the nation, will play. I truly can not wait.
Judge Kurokawa: Certainly, they have won for 5 consecutive years.
Judge Tatsumi: Exactly! That is amazing---
Judge Kurokawa: Then again, Ichiei's members are all children who aim to become professionals, so it's to be expected that they are at a completely different level.
Judge Tatsumi: You may be right about that but... Yesterday's Meiryo and Chibana's performances were perfect
Judge Tatsumi: I can't imagine what could possibly surpass that.
Page 3
Judge Tatsumi: ---Also, there is one school that has picked my interest.
Judge Kurokawa: !
Judge Kurokawa: Aah, you mean that problematic school...
Judge Kurokawa: They are out of the question, I would say.
Judge Kurowaka: How could they cause such a commotion and not get suspended?
Judge Tatsumi: They did explain to us that the students weren't really at fault for the incident.
Judge Kurokawa: Where there is smoke, there is fire. It's detrimental to the other students as well.
Judge Kurokawa: At least we, the judges, should give a proper and fair evaluation---
Judge Agata: Are you not planning to judge them solely based on their performance?
Judge Kurokawa: Eh...?
Page 4
Judge Agata: Excuse me but, it sounded to me like you are planning on lowering your rating over areas irrelevant to the performance, so…
Judge Kurokawa: ...I'm sorry you see it that way. To begin with, I don't believe you can separate the performance from the performer.
Judge Kurokawa: For instruments and music... Attitude. Courtesy, Respect... I believe those things are included in the performance.
Judge Kurokawa: And I will most definitely consider them in my judgment.
Judge Kurokawa: --Well, I don't know if you would understand this, Agata-sensei, since you are a musician who always does new things, like collaborating with other genres and using unusual performance methods without respecting the traditions.
Page 5
Judge Agata: I have never disrespected tradition.
Judge Arata: I am trying to explore all of its possibilities while cherishing it.
Judge Tatsumi: Now, now.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: Man... These two are a pain in the ass as per usual...
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: ---Then again, the school in question... I feel sorry for the Tokise kids.
Judge Tatsumi[thoughts]: Even in the unlikely event that they make it to the top
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I can clearly see the bashing we would receive from other schools and their parents.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I want to avoid that kind of hassle.
Page 6
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be conscience-stricken if I lowered my ranking because of that.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: At the end of the day
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: It will be fine as long as Tokise's performance is not that good.
Judge Nanba: Good morning---
Judge Tatsumi: Nanba-sensei, Iwagaki-san, good morning.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: --My... to think I could be so calculating and cowardly.
Judge Tatsumi [thoughts]: I think I have become one boring adult.
Page 7
Isaki [thoughts]: I was a bit late to leave. I wonder if I can still ambush Takaoka-kun.
Isaki [thoughts]: Also, I wonder if Uzuki will be waiting for me
Isaki [thoughts]: If not… well, that's the path he chose for himself.
???: Isaki.
Page 8
Isaki: Eh?
Tetsuki: ...
Tetsuki: ...Whatever, I've already gotten used to it. This pattern.
Tetsuki: Alright, fine. I will get in.
Page 9
Isaki: ...Takaoka-kun, sorry.
Tetsuki: Eh?
Isaki: For every time I've taken you forcibly on a drive, I have not once felt an ounce of regret about it. If anything I enjoyed seeing how much you hated it.
Tetsuki: What?
Isaki: But today
Isaki: I regret it from the bottom of my heart. I'm very sorry.
Tetsuki: What's with that, suddenly? I'm scared now.
Isaki: Well, first off, get in.
Tetsuki: I reaally don't want to...
Isaki: Just do it
Tetsuki: Whaa---...
Page 10
*No text*
TL/N: Welcome to spooky season.
Page 11
Tetsuki: ----... Uh... umm...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Don't... tell me
Tetsuki [sfx]: Turns
Isaki: Yup, as expected you are quick on the uptake.
Isaki: -----
Page 12
Isaki: That's Chika's father.
Chika(?): No joke, the air is so crisp and clear the moment you arrive at the venue!
Mittsu(?): It feels like something is about to happen
Satowa(?): Aren't there more people than yesterday?
Chika(?): Ah, you are right.
Suzuka: Well, it's Ichiei's, the Nation's number one, turn. Also--
Page 13
Student 1: Aren't those the Tokise people?
Student 2: Woah, they are.
Student 3: They do kinda stick out like a sore thumb...
Student 4: They really came...
Sane: Ri... right...
Suspicious men: Did you take it?
Chika: !
Satowa: Kudou?
Tsukaji: Hello, you guys!
Tsukaji: How are you feeling?
Page 14
Chika: Old man!
Tsukaji: Did you get proper sleep yesterday?
Chika: Ye- yeah
Suspicious guy 1: Who's that dude. Get outta the way---
Komaki: Whaaat---
Komaki: Are these Peeping Toms what I'm seeing here? Oh gosh, scaaryy-
Tsurugi: Security, over here--!
Suspicious guy 1: Shut up. What the hell!
Suspicious guy 2: Hey, let's just go.
Tsurugi: What? You shut up!!
Tsurugi: Are you ok?
Suzuka: I'm sorry. Thank you very much.
Student 1: Even voyeurs.
Student 2: Well, isn't this their own fault?
Page 15
Student 3: Isn't it because Tokise has come that people with no civility have gathered here?
Student 4: This is really bothersome.
Tsukaji: Ugh---
Chika: Old ma...
Sane: It's all good, Tsukaji-san.
Sane: I don't mean to brag here, but we are used to playing in hostile fields
Page 16
Mittsu: You really are bragging---
Satowa: Well, we have certainly got used to it.
Satowa: To people (audibly) talking behind our backs and being looked at with disdain.
Takezou [thoughts]: They really do have thick skin... Should I be happy about that...?
Hiro: Hozuki-chan is growing so fast.
Takezou [thoughts]: Ah but, what about the first years---
Atsumu: I used to get bullied! The fact that you guys are with me now makes me feel so at ease!
Natsu: I don't care about other people.
Takezou [thoughts]: Aah, so strong.
Sane: Wahaha we know, Momoya.
Page 17
Sane: Well, that's how it is. So you don't have to---
Tsukaji: I'm so touched...
Sane: Whaat--...?
Tetsuki [thoughts]: ...Isaki-san.
Isaki [thoughts]: ...Yes.
Page 18
Tetsuki [thoughts]: What is this ride from hell?
Isaki [thoughts]: Sorry. I'm really sorry...
Isaki [thoughts]: My brother didn't even contact me, he just suddenly appeared...!!
[flashback begins]
Chika's Father: ---Isaki
Isaki: Eh?
Isaki: Wai- what!? Bro- brother!?
Isaki: Wha- no way. Why are you here!? Don't tell me you came to listen to the performance!?
Page 19
Chika's Father: ...
Isaki: Ah, no.
Isaki: Sorry, I totally thought you were not coming. You gave me a start.
Chika's Father: I'm going back.
Isaki: What!?
Isaki: Now, wait a second. Why are you so bent out of shape over this? Didn't it take a lot of determination to come here!?
Isaki: And didn't you come all the way to where I'm staying hoping I could give you some room with Chika!?
Page 20
Chika's Father: ...I haven't really thought about something like that.
Chika's Father: I don't want to see him.
Isaki: ...Then why did you come all they way to this place.
Chika's Father: ...
Chika's Father: ... ....
Isaki [sfx]: Pissed
Isaki: Whatever, I gotta go pick those two up. For the time being, just get in the car, Brother!!
[end flashback]
Isaki[thoughts]: Maybe I was too reckless---
Page 21
Isaki [thoguths]: No, but if I let him like that, I'm sure Brother would've gone back...
Isaki [thoughts]: Even so, this atmosphere is so heavy---
Tetsuki: Um.
Tetsuki: Is today perhaps... your day off from work?
Isaki [thougths]: Takaoka-kun...
Chika's Father: No...
Tetsuki: Ah, that means you took a vacation day to come here, then.
Chika's Father [sfx]: Glare...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: Woah
Isaki: Hold on!! You drop that rude attitude towards Takaoka-kun right now, you stupid brother.
Chika's Father: !
Page 22
Isaki: He has always been beside Chika supporting him, and the reason he is able to smile now is because of Takaoka-kun!
Isaki: Instead of glaring at him shouldn't you be thanking him?
Chika's Father: ...I ...See.
Chika's Father: ... ... Sorry...
Tetsuki: Ah, not at all...
Isaki[thoughts]: A man who won't say"Thank you"...
Page 23
Chika's Father: ...Are you also his... friend?
Tetsuki & Isaki: !!
Uzuki: ...No. I'm...
Uzuki: The person who vandalized Chika's Granpa's place and then framed Chika as the culprit.
Tetsuki & Isaki [thoguths]: Geh....!!!!
Page 24
Chika's Father: Wha...
Uzuki: Also, recently, to make Chika look bad, I edited a video where he was helping out a kid from being harassed, posted it on social media, and it became trending.
Tetsuki: He- Hey, Uzuki Are you serious...
Chika's Father: ..Wha
Chika's Father: What... Are you saying...?
Chika's Father: You mean that incident, it wasn't the guys he hung out with---
Isaki: I don't know how many times I've told you, Chika had nothing to do with it.
Chika's Father: But... The fact that he was the cause of it is true, isn't it!?
Isaki: ...Trying to become happy... He grabbed onto Dad's hand, that's all.
Chika's Father: Hu...
Page 25
Uzuki: Fu ...If you had really looked at Chika.
Uzuki: You would have easily known that.
Isaki: Uzuki-kuuun?? You are right, but that is not something you should be saying, is it?
Isaki: You have no right to reproach my brother.
Page 26
Uzuki: ... I'm sorry...
Tetsuki [thoughts]: ...What is this ride from hell... (Second time)
Isaki [thoghts]: I promise I will invite you to eat expensive meat.
Chika's Father: You are a disgrace!!
Chika's Father: In your 3rd year of middle school, and you can't tell the difference between what is right and what is wrong to do!?
Isaki: Wait, Brother! Stop it, we are in front of Dad.
Chika's Father: You stay out of it!
Chika's Father: What's with those eyes. If you have an excuse, then say it
Chika: ...Nah, not really.
Page 27
Chika's Father: What did you say?
Chika: Whatever, I don't care.
Chika [memory]: Dad
Chika [memory]: Dad
Chika[distorted]: D a d...
Page 28
Chika: I don't give a shit about what you think about me anymore.
Chika [memory]: I'm sorry for being born.
[end flashback]
Page 29
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: Even if there is a person right next to me who framed my son for a crime.
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: Even if that person spits sarcasm at me.
Page 30
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: The right to be angry about such a thing.
Chika's Dad [thoughts]: I don't have it.
Sane: I'm glad we can sit together.
Kota: Riight?---
Page 31
Takezou's Mom: Takezou! Takezou!
Takezou: Ah
Chika: Your mom and dad?
Takezou: Yeah...
Chika: Wahaha You look just like your mom!!
Page 32
Assistant: Ichiei High School, you have 10 minutes before leaving.
Kifune-sensei: Yes, thank you. Ok, guys, let's get ready to leave---...
Page 33
Kifune-sensei: Mi...
Luka: Miran, it's time.
Page 34
Akira: If I remember correctly, Ichiei was playing 4th, right?
Suzuka: Yes.
Akira: Um... Did you notice? Ichiei's parts. Before, they---...
Suzuka: Aah, yes.
Solo - Luka Chevalier
1st Koto - Hoshou Sao
2nd Koto: Hanahata Imari
3rd Koto: Saotome Miran
17-Stringed Koto: Takamura Togo
Suzuka: Apparently, they have no intention of giving up first place this year either.
Side Text: The new interpretation of [Tomfoolery] that Luka and Miran's exchange has sparked is---...
---Kono Oto Tomare! will continue on the next issue!---
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howlsmovinglibrary · 3 months
Hello, I hope you are having wonderful day! Do you have an romantic sideplot book recommendations of any genre? Thank you so much!!
hey anon! I'm having a sleepy day bc I had to get up early for a work thing, otherwise doing ok!
books w. good romantic sideplots but where romance isn't the 'focus'
The biggest one for me is the Daevabad trilogy by SA Chakraborty. This is an epic fantasy trilogy and romance is a large part of the plot, but the ENDGAME romance is a slowburn of frankly epic proportions. These books are amazing but I can't usually recommend them in good conscience as 'romance' bc of the slowburn. BUT WHAT IF THE SLOWBURN WAS EVERYTHING ACTUALLY. WHAT IF THEY INVENTED ROMANCE.
The Unspoken Name and The Thousand Eyes by AK Larkwood - this fantasy book series has several romances (including some very fun and cool toxic old man yaoi) but the duology as a whole focused more on the dynamic of the found family unit.
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman is a regency era urban fantasy about demon hunters, with a heavy romantic sideplot but again, one that takes several books to develop. so worth it though, the bit where she removes his coat in book 2 is seared on my brain forever more.
Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron is a self-published urban fantasy series about a dragon who is a nice guy when all of his family are court intrigue experts. There are several romances but honestly I'm mostly in it for the 'sunshine with a heart of gold wins' plotline of watching someone kind succeed.
The Winter Duke by Claire Eliza Bartlett is another court intrigue story, similar to the Goblin Emperor, where simply a nice person who wasn't expecting the throne suddenly gets the throne. But she also gets a hot girlfriend. 10 out of 10 content.
Nettle and Bone by T Kingfisher - most Kingfisher books have some degree of romance and if you like stoic men/himbos this is the author for you! but Nettle and Bone is my favourite book of hers for plot before romance (Swordheart is romance before plot)
Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series is a YA sci-fi series but the shenanigans that are happening would today be read as the polycule blueprint. Everyone is in love with everyone that's why it's so messy.
Among Others by Jo Walton is one of my favourite books, it's essentially a coming of age fantasy novel in which you read a girl's diary and that girl also happens to be magic. but she also... goes to a bookclub. And meets a guy. It's just a really good book honestly.
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia is a YA romance-ish book about a webtoon artist and the boy who is her biggest fan on her fandom server. He moves to her school and they become pals, before her identity as the webtoon author is revealed!
Oh! and literally anything by Tamora Pierce!!!
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mikuni14 · 8 months
There are so many reasons to hate Dr. Douchelathon in good conscience, starting with the fact that Phaya is really not having a good time emotionally right now because of him:
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(don't talk to me about Phaya in the last photo...)
through his attempts to kill Phaya starting from his childhood, death threats against Tharn, and possibly killing Tharn's first love. We must also assume that he is responsible for all the deaths of Phaya and Tharn from their previous incarnations. Doc is one of the most disgusting villains I have ever seen, he is pure evil.
These are all serious and vile issues of this man/deity, but there is something else that particularly pisses me off, which Phaya pointed out perfectly in the last episode: that the doctor cannot let go of unrequited love (which tbh does not exist in the first place) and that for him the problem in this "love triangle" is Phaya and Tharn, never himself. Dr Incelathon is one of the extremely annoying guys who, when it comes to love and romance, focuses on everything else but winning over his beloved in a normal way (apart from the obvious fact that he never loved and does not love Tharn). Because, let's be honest: the doctor is in a winning position from the very beginning! He has known Tharn since childhood according to Yai, he is officially nice, has a respected profession and position. Dr Conservativepodcaster, if he wanted to, could earn Tharn's love, try to win him over. And what did the Dr. Chalandrewtate do? He eliminated potential competitors and became Tharn's therapist, which yep, isn't sick or creepy at all. I know that everything the doc 🐍 does is terrible and cruel. But somehow this aspect really irritates me 😬 Because he denies Tharn his free will, his agency, the right to make his own decisions. Tharn is a thing in this situation, not a person. In his incel mind, Tharn is not to be seduced, conquered, flirted with. Doc never actually shows his romantic interest in Tharn, as a normal person in love would do (like Phaya, or like Yai does, or even Khem!). In his eyes, you can get Tharn only by... literally eliminating your rivals. And if that's impossible, you eliminate Tharn so that NOBODY gets him. Doc shows no effort in seducing Tharn as a lover, only in making sure that he will not be anyone else's lover. This is the worst type of guy and the most dangerous, so maybe that's why he rises all the red lights and alarm signals in my head. He holds a grudge against Phaya for getting Tharn and against Tharn for allowing himself to be seduced by him 😬 while he himself does nothing to get him. Nothing normal. He treats Tharn like a thing, like property, as some kind of trophy. He has sick obsessions that he can't control at all. He spies on Tharn. And for him, the best and only way out of any situation is violence, including the person he theoretically cares about. (He should give up on Tharn and start a podcast, he would be very popular in certain circles lol)
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