#helluva leviathan
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tranquil-slaughterhouse · 4 months ago
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lemoncakedoodles · 4 months ago
It would be awesome if Lucifer makes his grand debut in Helluva Boss in some important event with all of the sins, everyone’s like “where’s Lucifer?” Until he sleepily stumbles in wearing duck pyjamas, holding a cup of coffee, a duck plush, and a fidget toy, sits in his throne and proceeds to quietly listen to the meeting without talking to anyone, and everyone’s normal about it because
1. He’s the king of hell, what are they gonna do to stop him?
2. Everyone knows he’s depressed, they aren’t gonna call him out when they know it was already hard for him to come in the first place.
3. They admire his courage and all of the sins are jealous, and they all decide to go in onesies to match him next time.
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veeeeectory · 3 months ago
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Welcome to Seven Deadly Sin's Pancakes!
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gwencreepy-art · 4 months ago
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The final result!
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anthurak · 4 months ago
Still of the door with all the very-cool-looking emblems of the Sins.
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Seems like going from top-to-bottom and left-to-right, we have Satan, Beelzebub, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Belphagor, with Lucifer of course being on the very top.
Now if this arrangement is meant to indicate any kind of hierarchy among the Sins, then that has some pretty interesting implications.
Like as much as I've stated in the past that the idea of Asmodeus being the 'weakest' of the Sins should be taken with a MASSSIVE grain of salt, his emblem being on the bottom alongside Belphagor would line up with that.
Also, Satan's emblem being directly below Lucifer's could likewise tie into how he seems to be trying to take charge of Hell in Luci's absence.
However, by that same token, this would indicate that BEELEZEBUB of all people is actually on the same level as Satan in the hierarchy.
Obviously I'm probably reading way too much into this, but there could nonetheless be some hints here to something further down the line.
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oniwatcherstudio · 3 months ago
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Promised edits and variations of this image are now ready! I added more characters and made a greedyguitar edit mostly for myself. >:)c
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victoriousvic · 3 months ago
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drama-glob · 3 months ago
For those that think Ozzie doesn't care about the hierarchy or is somehow caught up in classism to actually want things to change for the lower class, I'd like for you to see this:
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Look at the expressions each of the Deadly Sins wear as Blitz says this (except Belphagor since she's asleep so I didn't include her :/): Satan's is disinterested; Mammon's is gleeful; Leviathan's is cold (maybe sneering); Bee's is sad (as best as I can tell); but Ozzie's? That expression is more than just sad to me, it shows discomfort and guilt as he knows what Blitz is saying is true and he hates it. He also isn't looking away as if to try and make this blatant problem disappear, so that means he bears this weight on his conscience and it hurts; I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ozzie (and likely Bee too) have tried in the past to make things better for all, only to be shut down like we saw in "Mastermind." :( In addition, while I can't speak for how well things truly are in Gluttony given how bad the Hellhound adoption agency seems to be, Lust at least seems to give its citizens the best quality of life from what we've seen, even though I know most of the population is incubi and succubi rather than imps and Hellhounds, but that's not nothing when we've seen how Greed and Wrath operate. :/
Yes, I know Ozzie's expression could also be related to how the trial went with Blitz being convicted, but considering Satan's bored/"I don't care" expression while Blitz is talking, I'm inclined to believe Ozzie's is related to what the other is saying about royals too. :/
So, as I saw on another post, maybe the question to ask isn't why Ozzie won't do anything and instead why he can't do anything because that is not the look of someone who is happy with the way things are for the lower class and is not blind to it. :( I mean, for goodness sake, Ozzie saw Fizz have a full-on breakdown in front of him about feeling like he's nothing without his title and barely worthy to even just work with a Deadly Sin, so even if Ozzie somehow didn't care about this issue or was unaware of it for THOUSANDS of years despite mingling amongst the deemed lower class all that time (so that means I highly doubt either was the case -_- ), he damn well would after that. (Yes, Fizz likely was dealing with internalized ableism too, but there's no way it was just that given how we saw Fizz's self-worth issues exist even before he lost his limbs, no doubt made worse by Cash Buckzo's influence as well :( ).
Also, just to put it out there since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, maybe we're shown this:
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where they know Satan is uttering bullsh*t but don't say anything because it gives us a benchmark for setting up a future plot point of a royal civil war and we see which side of the fight they'd be on since they don't seem to like Satan and his forceful/harsh ways. :/ (Also, I'm pretty sure they'd be met with some form of punishment for speaking out against Satan, even if they are Deadly Sins too, so please consider that as well when it comes to reasons why they were silent; they have after all had thousands of years of experience dealing with Satan and how he'd likely respond :/).
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redfluffz · 5 months ago
so I know the archangels are the sins counterparts but who’s specifically be whose counterpart? I mean I can see Bee and Aries being each other’s counterparts and Raphael and Bell being counter but who else and if not one of the archangels counterparts that aren’t the sins would another noble Demon be.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
7 VS 7 Hellish 6 VS Heavenly 6
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Sooo I would say it's this way:
Satan - Gabriel
> both are very emotional
> both are very invested in their duties
> books
Jophiel - Mammon
> yeah what should I say
> they just fit each other perfectly
Ariel - Asmodeus
> both are very social people (when anxiety is defeated)
> both are very kind and helpful
> both are interested in others (when anxiety is defeated)
Azrael - Leviathan
> both are very relaxed
> both share a similar humor
Raphael - Belphegor
> both are doctors and respect each other
> yeahh they would only talk about medicine
Michael - Beelzebub
> both are close to Lucifer
> both would protect their most loved ones
Thanks for asking! ✨️
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aluzinnu · 1 month ago
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Lost my heart, but what of it?
She is cold, I agree
She can laugh and I love it
Although the laugh's on me
Old coot and his favourite two-headed lady 💚
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so-tarafyd · 9 months ago
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Wanted to do an in progress shot of my version of the color wheel challenge of the 7 Sins before Vivzie eventually releases their canon looks. Just to see if the colors work for each other.
Luci really making me struggle tho.
Also realized how they actually have a few similar colors so they can be coherent together. Which is a super nice touch?? Really helped me figure out my swatches for Bel and Levi.
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agentofch405 · 2 months ago
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levy and athan, twin queens of envy 🪼🦑
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rattlesnake1999 · 4 months ago
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Leviathan render (Helluva Boss)
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tizzflo · 4 months ago
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Sins p.1!
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gigis-basement · 4 months ago
have these sketches I'm never gonna finish cus I'm lazy
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anthurak · 4 months ago
Something I think is very much worth considering when analyzing the oppressive, classist societal system we’re seeing in Helluva Boss, most notably in the latest episode:
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Satan is not really a ‘tyrant’ in the way I think a lot of people have started viewing him as. At least, he’s NOT some ‘usurper’ who has ‘seized power’ in Lucifer’s absence and now ‘rules with an iron fist’ with no one powerful enough to stand against him. For one, I think it’s pretty clear that this position as the ‘Lawman of Hell’ is a role that Satan has always held, even before Lucifer left.
Rather, let’s consider the fact that while Satan might be the one enforcing this oppressive system, he is FAR from the only one supporting or BENEFITING from it.
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We have Mammon, possibly Leviathan, and basically the ENTIRE Goetia royalty who are clearly in FULL, enthusiastic support of this system.
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Meanwhile Leviathan and Belphagor (assuming the former isn’t in full support of this system like Mammon) seem to be either too apathetic or too blissed out to really care, which likely also applies to pretty much any ‘not enthusiastically classist/racist’ Goetia as well.
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Which just leaves Asmodeous and Beelezbub and MAYBE a handful of Goetia like Vassago who actually DO care and want to do something to help.
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Really, I think the ‘vote’ we saw this episode is a clear demonstration of why there is only so much Ozzie and Bee can actually do. They are outnumbered, even among their fellow Sins.
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I think it’s not so much that Satan ‘seized’ power in Lucifer’s absence. Rather, without Lucifer there is no one to truly CHECK the power that Satan already has. Sure, maybe a majority of the other Sins might be able to do that as well, but as we see, THAT isn’t happening either.
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Satan is not some all-powerful tyrant running an oppressive system. While he may be considered the ‘face’ of that system, he is simply the enforcer of an oppressive system run by many powerful people who benefit from it. With any in power who might want to change things being too few to really do anything about it.
This is why I feel like what we are seeing here is not so much setup for conflict in Helluva Boss, but rather setup for a future plotline in Hazbin Hotel.
Because unlike Blitzo, Stolas or even Ozzie and Bee, CHARLIE is in fact someone who COULD do something about all this.
Even without Lucifer’s help (who I imagine will be indisposed due to other factors for the sake of not making all this TOO easy), Charlie DOES have the influence, charisma and if all else fails the raw strength to actually change things.
Whether by giving Asmodeus and Beelzebub the support they need, snapping/slapping Belphagor and Leviathan out of whatever detached apathy they’re in or maybe just giving Satan, Mammon and the entire Goetia court a brutal ass-kicking.
Probably all of the above.
All in all, I think Satan is a really great example of an antagonistic character who is very much A 'bad guy', but at the same time is not THE 'Bad Guy'. In the thematic sense that Satan is very much part of the oppressive system yet is very much NOT the root cause of it.
And in the narrative sense; both short-term in the fact that Andrealphus is very much the actual 'main bad guy' of this episode, and in the long-term of Satan likely being much more of an antagonist for Charlie in Hazbin Hotel, rather than anyone in Helluva Boss.
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