re-colligere · 15 days
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Fanart for @tragicvampireromanceisland 's wonderful fic well, i've been afraid (of changin') !!! Liked it so much I just had to draw one of my favorite scenes in it. If you enjoy joyness (and really good character writing in general) PLEASE PLEASEEE check the fic out!!! I'm sobbing and crying and etc!!!!
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a-b-riddle · 4 months
Part 9 (unrevised version). Since I've gotten 6 messages and a good bit of asks requesting to view it. Here it is, not in its final form.
You had hoped Monday would have treated you better than the past two days, but walking up to your shop in the pouring rain to already see a body standing outside waiting wasn't a good sign.
Customers who waited outside your shop always made you feel uncomfortable. But when you finally got close enough, you took in the person before you.
"We don't open for another hour." Your voice flat as you fished for your keys.
"I'll wait." Was Kyle's reply.
"Then you'll have to do it outside." You said, the key sliding into the lock. He didn't argue as you shut the door behind you. Didn't even bother knocking when, after thirty minutes, you looked in the window to see that the wind was causing the rain to blow sideways.
You relented. Letting him in thirty minutes earlier. It was a small mercy, even if he was soaked to the bone. You almost felt bad when his chattering teeth were the only thing you could hear.
"I take it John told you about our little talk yesterday." You said, going about your business. Engaging in the conversation as if you were talking about the shitty weather that had tried to drown him.
"He did." He gave a sniffle. Running a hand over his beautiful, wet face. Droplets still staking their claim on his skin. "H-he alssso t-t-told us we were on our own in begging for our own f-forgiveness. Ra-ra- rightly s-s-s-so."
You huffed. Guilt beginning to eat at you before you turned, disappearing to the back of the store and coming back with a shirt and a blanket. "You left the shirt here."
He had no shame and wasted no time in taking off his jacket and soaked shirt. His chiseled body exposed to you. It was almost instinct to reach out and touch the soft skin. You luckily possessed some form of self restraint.
"So are you here to promise to make amends as well?" You crossed your arms. You meant it as a sign that you were wanting to create distance, but honestly you didn't trust yourself. It was second nature. Kyle and Johnny were tied when it came to having to always touch you.
Probably why his ghosting sucked so bad.
"I'd like to take you out." You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you. It wasn't until Kyle's face fell that you realized, "Oh, you're actually serious."
He opened his mouth, ready to no doubt give you the same exact promises of doing better that John had given you the day before. Fortunately for Kyle, you didn't have the time to entertain a conversation.
"Fine." You immediately relented. No argument. "That Indian place where I asked you to go four months ago. Seven. If you manage to figure out which place, then I'll be meeting you there. Otherwise you'll be eating alone."
Kyle stood still. Unprepared for the fact that you had... agreed. You actually agreed to let him take you out.
"I can pick you up."
"Not sure what time I'll be getting off today. Might go home first. Might just go straight there." You started opening tasks again. "I have to finish setting up. Seven sharp.
"Seven sharp." He repeated, his smile lighting up the room.
It made you feel sick.
It was 6:45 when your phone started ringing. It was Kyle. Confirming that he was at the restaurant you were supposed to go.
7:00. He had gotten the two of you a table. He'll go ahead and order you a drink. They had mango lassi, but wasn't sure if you wanted to stick to just water.
7:15 He tries calling you. When it goes to voicemail, a follow up text is sent asking if you're okay.
At 7:20, while sitting on the couch you text back. Sorry. Something came up. We'll reschedule, I promise.
If you knew giving them a taste of their own medicine felt so good, you would have done it ages ago. You felt no since of shame in sending it. You hated being petty, but you wanted them to know what it felt like.
John had a lot more of verbal outbursts coming his way and if Johnny was hoping for a chance, he would be lucky if you had sex with him again before marriage.
Ten minutes later, on the dot, there was a knocking on your door. Your food had arrived. Blindly, you opened the door. Only instead of the take out you had delivered, Kyle stood there. Yet again soaked to the bone and this time out of breath.
"How did you know I was here?" Was the first thing that had come into your mind. If anything, he would have went by the shop first, but no. He came here. You weren't the type to deviate from a schedule, but christ. Simon at your date and then the club. John at the shop on your day off. Now this. "I swear to fucking god this fucking stalking-"
"Easy now, Love. No one's stalking you." Bullshit.
Absolute bullshit. They were military. Really important and special connections type of military, but this was bullshit. They were keeping tabs on you somehow.
"I know for a fucking fact that place is only ten minutes away. So you didn't have time to check out my store-- where I should be-- before coming here. So I'm going to ask you again, how did you know I was here?"
"Okay," he shrugged. "Stalking. We're stalking you." Kyle was lying. We he nodded like a bobblehead, you knew whatever was coming out of his mouth was bullshit. The first time you confirmed it was after Johnny had volunteered to make haggis. Kyle told him it was good, no doubt hoping to spare his feelings.
"Kyle." You warned, eyes narrowed and teeth clenched. He paused as if trying to form another lie, but coming up short. Sighing in defeat, he confessed.
"Blocking us didn't stop you from sharing your location." In that moment, you could have strangled him. They had been still using your location. Something you had given them as a way to find you if you ever needed help. Now those assholes were using it for their own benefit.
"Son of a-" you shut your mouth. "I can't do this with you right now, okay?" You didn't confess that your publisher had asked for a last minute zoom call in the middle of your busiest work hour to see how you felt about doing a few meet and greets, all expenses paid.
Good news, but still... overwhelming. You still felt like an imposter. That you didn't deserve the hype you were getting. Your story wasn't that good. Your characters didn't hold much depth.
"Everything okay?" You didn't want to tell him. Didn't want to give him the chance to offer the reassurance you desperately needed for something he had no idea about.
"Why?" You asked, changing the subject. "I just want to know why? With John I get that the job gets stressful and needing someone to take-"
"No," he finished. "That's not an excuse. It's a reason. Not an excuse." His jaw clenched. "There is no excuse for how any of us treated you."
"Then what was your reason?" you asked. "I'm finding it very hard that someone who quite actively avoided me suddenly wants to get back together."
"I slacked off?" He shrugged. "I figured there were four of us and if I wasn't able to be there, it wouldn't make a difference."
"If you're just going to lie, Kyle, there is no point in continuing this conversation." You go to close the door only for his hand to stop you.
He stands there, looking at the ground. Even from the this angle you can see him take his bottom lip between his teeth.
He's nervous.
You step back. Giving him the option of coming in and saying it is whatever it is he needs to stay. He may be an ass like the rest of them, but this isn't exactly a conversation you want to have in the hallway for your nosey neighbors to hear.
He takes the silent invitation. Walking in and not speaking until you click the door shut. "You want the truth?" His voice is soft, but there is something else behind it. Anger?
"No," you say sardonically. "Please. Lie to me." He sighed, but didn't say anything. You were exhausted. The past few days had been a back-to-back rollercoaster of emotions. You were drained. You didn't have it in you for this right now. "Kyle-"
"I thought you only kept asking because you felt bad for me." He said the words so quickly, it took you a moment to process them. He thought.... you felt bad for him? "Like you were still trying to include me even if you didn't want to."
"Why?" Was the only thing you could come up with. You didn't have the energy to try to come up with your own reasoning for his admission.
"Don't think I don't know how I am compared to the them." He scoffed. You always knew the hierarchy of their work, even if you didn't know all the details. John was at the top. Captain and head bitch in charge. Simon was the lieutenant with Johnny and Kyle as Sergeants. Kyle was the youngest of the group by two years, but still. What was there to compare?
"So you're not a Captain or Lieutenant?" you shrug. "Johnny is the same rank as you. And you are the youngest and I'm sure with time you'll get to a position-"
"Black!" He said. "I'm black. I am the only fucking black guy not only in this relationship. I'm the only black guy in the 141, in the unit."
When it came to Kyle, black was the last thing you thought of. You thought of his soft brown eyes or house his hands felt so smooth against your body. How his smile could light up the room and how beautiful, how head-turning gorgeous he was. "I'm just an after thought in everything else regarding the 141, why would you be any different?"
"Ky," you were going to be sick. Was this how he really felt? With you? With the others? With work? "You know I don't feel that way, right?"
"Do you remember that time we went out? That french place?" How could you forget. The maître d' had asked Kyle to put a card on a tab before the two of you were even seated. At first you thought it was preposterous. Why would you make patrons at a fine dining restaurant do that? This wasn't a pub for Christ sakes. Kyle told you not to worry about it and handed over a card.
The two of you never went back.
"Oh my god." It dawned on you. "When they asked for your card..."
"I..." he sucked in a breath. Trying to keep his composure. "It was fucking humiliating. I was a man dressed to the fucking nines with a gorgeous girl on my arm and before I even got the chance to blow my money, I was treated like I couldn't afford it. It wasn't because of what I was wearing or who I was with. It was because of me. Of who I was. Who I am."
"Kyle," words escaped you. Nothing in that moment to reassure him that it never dawned on you. That it stupidly never dawned on you how there were times that people did look at him different. You wanted to tell him that it didn't matter. That you were just as important and lovable and respectable as the others. That you loved him just as much. Words failed you. All you could say say was, "I'm so sorry."
He swallowed, before taking in harsh breath through his nose. "It's not an excuse. I got wrapped up in my own stupid fucking head about how other people looked at me, I forgot it only mattered how you did."
"And you did." You said, aching to reach out. To touch him. Offer some comfort. Hating that he ever felt like he wasn't enough. Knowing the feeling all too well. Even if he was the one to make you feel it. "You did matter to me."
"I know." He said. You were thankful he said it clearly. Not shrugging his shoulders or nodding his head as he spoke. "I'll do anything to matter to you again." He took your hands in his, even though they had ached to hold you closer. But he knew not to test his luck. "If you want to press restart and let's take it back to the very beginning, I'll do that. I will court you and woo you and make you fall in love with me all over again because I will never fall out with you. I can't."
You weren't prepared for this. You had prepared to leave Kyle waiting in a restaurant alone. Now your heart ached in your chest at the idea of letting him ever think he wasn't enough because of the color of his skin.
"It doesn't have to be now or tomorrow or next week or next fucking month." He squeezed your hands the same way had John had. With the exact same intensity and promise. "Just let me try again. I won't let you down this time. I'll put in the work."
"I don't want you to feel like you have to work to make this relationship work, Kyle." You protest, wanting to pull your hands away. Free from the spell his touch had seem to be putting you under.
He smiled. Not enough to show off his teeth, but enough where have of his face lifted up. "It's not the type of work with long hours and a shit commute. Loving you is the same kind of work an artist puts into making a masterpiece. Pouring everything into it and getting something beautiful in return."
Before you could comprehend it, your face was wet. "Kyle." Your lips quivered, a sob threatening to come out. "I never felt like I needed to spend time with you, Ky." You sniffled. "I fucking wanted to. I missed you." You were so close. You needed to reel it in. Get it together.
"I just didn't understand how you could." His confession broke any restraint you had. Your hand flew to your mouth, trying to subdue your cries. When Kyle pulled you to his chest, his arms wrapping around you, you allowed yourself to crumble.
Not even for yourself, but for him.
For the kind heart you now knew broke with every sideways glance from passer-byes. For the hateful and prejudice world you lived in and for how they could overlook such a wonderful man just because of something as basic as the color of his skin.
You weren't sure how long you stood crying. You weren't certain if the knock on the door behind him actually happened or something your mind had conjured to try and pull you from your fit.
Eventually you did pull away from him. Your face covered in snot and tears. Seeing that you still were in need of it, Kyle pulled you back to him, only this time your face wasn't buried into his shirt.
You stood there. His arms wrapped around your back while yours found their home around his waist.
"I used to love when you would come back to my place directly from base as soon as you got back from a deployment." You said, breaking the silence. "I would be waiting like a kid on Christmas waiting to see what trinket made you think of me. You made me feel like even though we were so far away, you still thought about me."
"Always." He said, before his lips pressed against the top of your head. "Not a day I didn't miss being here with you."
The two of you eventually settled down on the couch. Both on opposite ends with a hot cup of tea in your hands and the array of take out containers half empty. You had planned for a night of eating your feelings so there was luckily enough food for two.
"I don't want to say no." You admitted. "But I need time. Before I even think about saying yes to all of this again."
"Not all of this," he reminded. "Just me. I'm doing my part in groveling, let the others figure it out. Or at least that's just what Price told us. Although you would be doing all of us a favor if you talked to Johnny?" Your ears perked up. You hadn't seen or heard from Johnny since Friday.
"What's wrong with Johnny?" You asked.
"Lad didn't cope well with you going on your date." Not that you had fucked him and said it was a mistake.... or maybe he kept that tidbit to himsle.f
"It wasn't a-" you started.
"I know," he said. "Simon happened to be nearby." You shot him a look, letting him know you weren't buying that lie, before he continued. "But he didn't. Fuck you're lucky we were able to drag him out of your apartment before you got back and he made an even bigger fool of himself."
"What are you talking about?" You asked. "What do you mean by drag?"
"Johnny called Simon. Told him you were on a date and to bring your ass back. Although you had made it a point to fuck him and leave-- absolutely no judgement, by the way-- he was going to make it a point to never leave your bed."
"My top sheet..." You had come home to your comforters and pillows on the floor. When making up your bed, the top sheet was missing. You had just assumed you didn't put it on or maybe it was in the wash.
"Refused to put his clothes back on. Me and John couldn't risk carrying a naked, screaming Scot through the streets without making a spectical. So we rolled him up and carried him of like a rug. A very heavy, squirmy rug."
"Oh," your hand flew to your chest. "Johnny." He was the bleeding heart of the group so you weren't exactly surprised. He was also the one who blew up shit, so he was definitely one for dramatics. "So that's how Simon figured out about dinner. But the drinks-"
"Whenever Simon is home, he's your shadow. The only time we don't worry about you is when we know he's with you." That made you roll your eyes.
"You act like he's my guard dog."
"He is."
"Is not." You defended, your conversation from Saturday night coming back to you.
"You're not my body guard, Simon." You snapped.
"Not trying to be," he said. "I was never trying to be."
"He's not." you said again.
"You're right." Kyle relented, shrugging his fucking shoulders.
"You're saying that like you're just not trying to argue with me." He took a sip of your tea. "Kyle!" He sighed before looking at you as if the last thing he wanted to do was continue on the subject.
"He is." He said. "Your guard dog."
"I mean he protects me, but all of you do." He shakes his head, a huff of air going out of his nose, almost amused.
"Not like Simon." He admits it almost as if he were ashamed. "I want to say something." He said it as if he were preparing you for the next words to come out of his mouth would change the course of the night. "I need to say it because it would make me less of a man and even less of a friend if I didn't. But I don't want you to hate me or yourself for it."
Why would you hate yourself for it?
"Fine." you agreed, giving him permission to continue. "I won't hold it against you."
"You were always the one to coordinate things to do. One-on-one dates. Helping John with paperwork when shit got to crazy and you were the only one the uptight asshole would let touch his files." You gave a small smile remembering how John had barked at a recruit to get the fuck out of his office before peppering you with kisses at your arrival. Giving small pecks of appreciation as he explained what he needed you to do and how to do it.
"Helping me after my shoulder injury and staying on my ass about the physical therapy."
"Well someone had to." You countered.
"This past Christmas when Johnny needed to get his sisters gifts so you made a whole day out of it going to see lights and ice skating." Johnny was the proud owner of a freshly bruised tailbone after landing flat on his ass and swearing off skating for the rest of his life. Feckin' ice.
"Okay?" You asked, not really sure where Kyle was headed for this. He had pointed out what a good girlfriend you were, had been. How you had always tried to be helpful and do whatever needed to help your boys out.
He stopped. He looked at you as if he were debating to tell you what he had warned you about. He looked down at the floor before taking his bottom lip in between his teeth.
"Fuck." He muttered.
"Spit it out, Kyle!" You whined, now clueless to what point he was trying to make by all the examples of what a good girlfriend you had been.
He looked at you with the same solemness that a friend looked at another friend before having to call them out on their shit, knowing that the pill they were about to be given would be a hard one to swallow.
"You never did that with Simon."
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Kinda fluff?? But y/n crying over something not too serious and Harry softly smiling and comforting her with his hands stroking over her teary cheeks and he says ‘you look so pretty even when you’re crying, my pretty girl -you’re okay :)’ somethin along those lines???? Idk
omg ok I imagine this as pregnant y/n and almost-dadrry
check out our Patreon!
"I'm s-sorry I'm crying." Y/N whimpered out, her hands wiping at her cheeks as Harry sat in front of her. "It's just so cute and you're so nice to me even when I'm mean and I snapped at you b-before you left." A fresh round of tears boiled over, trailing over her cheeks.
"Shh. S'alright. My sweet girl. There's no need for tears." He hushed her, reaching over to wipe them away with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He had gone out to the shops for them earlier this morning and Y/N had been very upset over the last of the strawberries having been used for his protein smoothie. She had been thinking about them all night and to go down and see the empty container on the counter was devastating. Especially to a pregnant Y/N. The hormones had taken over and she had felt a bit out of her mind.
Her tone had not been kind, more accusatory and convinced in her brain that it had been a personal attack. She was huffy and stompy and called him an ass before he left, and Harry being the understanding man he was simply frowned soft before kissing her forehead on his way out.
It hadn't taken long for her to realize she was overreacting- which meant tears the entire time he was gone, and sobs when he had arrived back with chocolate covered strawberries and a stuffed duck toy that Y/N had been moony eyed over in the shops a few days back, along with the other groceries.
Harry was so nice to her even when she was being mean. It hurt her heart that she had been nasty to him over something so trivial and then he arrived with peace offerings he didn't even need to make.
"But I was so mean!" She sniffled, eyes watery and slightly red as her bottom lip puffed out. "I didn't deserve the treats. Didn't deserve anything because I'm a fucking mean pregnant lady and m'so lucky to have you."
Harry cooed, tugging his grumpy woman into his lap. His hand cradled the back of her head and tucked her into his neck, letting her cry it out as he rubbed up and down her back, her hands balled into his shirt and the stuffed duck toy in between their bodies.
"You do deserve it. S'my baby in there causing all the fuss, hm?" His tone was gentle, soothing her hiccuped cries. She felt pathetic like this but somehow he knew how to make her calm down. "You were upset and it's okay to be upset. Don't like being snapped at but I know you don't mean it. You're tired and sore, and growing my baby in this body is no small feat. You're doing amazing." His lips kissed the side of her head as she stayed nestled in his chest.
"Always going to take care of you. You deserve nice things and to be held when you cry. Not gonna be mean to our baby when they get upset, hm?" he felt her shake her head, tears wetting his shirt. He didn't give a shit. "Exactly, my love. I'm always going to take care of you. Thank you for apologizing. I accept it- but I understand why you're so cranky." Harry had dreamt of getting Y/N pregnant for as long as he could remember. He could take a few snaps and sobs for this. She was the love of his life.
"Now, let's finish crying it out so we can eat those berries, hm? Look absolutely gorgeous when you cry but it breaks my heart."
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atinystaypixie · 3 months
Just something short and based off what I said this morning
It only took you one time to hit Ony with the “I’m grown” line. You had more to say but it never came with how fast he had you bent over with your ass stinging. He respects everything about you and wants the best for you which is why he doesn’t appreciate the unnecessary attitude you were giving him.
He was simply trying to be a loving boyfriend and provide for you, but you got defensive. You aren’t used to being taken care of and it was embarrassing to feel like you were relying on him so much. He already filled your gas tank, gave you money, and now he was questioning you about groceries. It already took all of you to accept his offers the first time, but this is the third month in a row and you can’t handle it.
Ony knew your job paid you enough to get by, but he also knew it wasn’t enough to have your pantry and fridge completely full all month. He wasn’t going to let his girl have to wait for a paycheck as long as he was around. You meant everything to him and if it were up to him you would be living under his roof by now.
He understood you though and didn’t want to cross your boundaries. You weren’t someone who accepted help easily, but he would be damned if he sat back with funds while you lacked something.
Which is how you got here. All he asked was if you had eaten today and if you needed anything from the store. Your eyes swiveled and started targeting other objects to focus, avoiding his question. He didn’t like when you lied and sure as hell didn’t like how you were getting heated.
“Yea, I had some snacks earlier.” You said starting to look past his shoulder instead of his loving stare.
“Okay…,” he tried to let it go, “and what you gon’ eat later?”
“I don’t know yet, maybe some more snacks. I’m not that hungry so I’ll find something.” That made him suck his teeth. He went in your fridge earlier to grab a drink and saw more ingredients than meals, few ingredients at that.
“Bae, y’know you need to eat. You want me to go to the store-”
“I know how to eat, Ony. I don’t need you babying me all the damn time. I’m a grown ass woman,” you raised your voice. Lied, cut him off, and attitude? That wasn’t going to fly, not when all he tried to do was take care of you.
One second you were standing and the next your cheek was squished against the couch cushion. You felt his hand holding you in place by the neck as he kept you bent over the armrest. Before you could even finish your little lash out you felt several stings on your asscheeks.
He had never done this before and it caused you to immediately silence. Your jaw slack from the shock of his actions. You couldn’t tell if you were angry or wanted to melt into a puddle in front of him.
“Y/n,” that puts your attention back on him. His voice lowered and serious as he said your name. “I do my best to respect your boundaries. I understand you don’t take well to receiving, but I’m your man. I won’t let you go hungry just because you don’t want to ask me for anything. Ion like you lying and lashing out at me either. Let’s fix that, igght?”
By now he is rubbing at the skin he made contact with, his chest touching your back as he’s closer to your ear. “Answer me.” A sniffle and nod is all it takes for him to let up. Moving around to sit on the couch, he pulls you into his lap. Seeing you cry is not something he enjoys and he makes quick work to swipe his thumb across your tear streaked, brown cheek.
“Sorry, Pa,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his neck. The tears weren’t from the pain of the slaps against your ass, but more so from your heart shaking. You knew he loved you and he had torn down the walls you sheltered the fragile muscle in long ago. It was hard letting him love you the way he did.
Your lashes, that he insisted on paying for, fluttered as he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “It’s fine, baby. I’m here and I ain’t gon’ stop caring for you, so Imma really need you to work with me. Now give me a kiss and let’s go get you some food.”
Pixie’s Flying🧚🏽‍♀️
I knaauurr it’s been a min since i released something. Yall I have been swamped in school and I am even taking summer courses rn. Free me plz😞 I have so many drafts and not enough time.
Also i am changing from “thoughts of a slutty virgin” to “pixie’s flying”
ENJOY! Reblog, like, and comment💜!
Pixie’s Masterlist
Taglist: @un-lawliet @tophamhat-kyo @nobianna @angxlwritez
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ot9snumber1 · 8 months
sub!momo bratting with mistress!sana then acting all innocent and nice with mommy!mina so that she doesn’t get punished.
however, mina had been watching on the security cameras in the house and her and sana take turns using momo 😵‍💫
i blushed like fr woah... ceo!mina and lawyer!sana btw but its not that important
"momo, i'm working." sana scolded, swatting momo's hand away from her thigh.
momo frowned. sana wasn't even doing anything! she was just reading a bunch of papers with words momo didn't care about. "but i'm bored, sana!"
sana raises her eyebrow, setting the paperwork down on her lap and looking at momo. "mind repeating that?" she asks, teeth gritted.
momo's eyes flickered with fear at first, but she realized the silver lining to this situation. if there was one thing sana prioritized over defending her clients, it was making sure momo stayed obedient to her and mina at all times.
"i said, i'm bored, sana." she repeats, a smirk gracing her face.
sana sighs. if she indulged her this one time, she'd stay put for the rest of the day. "on your knees, now." she says, setting her paperwork on the coffee table and putting her glasses on top of her head.
momo smiles excitedly, returning to her obedient self and doing as her mistress says.
sana smiled. she didn't like when momo would be a brat for attention, but her heart could never resist giving in to the poor girl. (plus, the punishment would be more fun with mina around later.)
momo was sitting by the counter, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone while snacking on some nuts while sana prepared dinner.
the doorbell ringing brings momo back to reality, perking up instantly because it meant mina was home. she looks at her mistress expectantly. sana turns to look at momo, smiling fondly when she sees the girl looking at her like that. "you get the door, baby. i gotta watch the tteokbokki."
momo nods, immediately getting up and running to the front door.
"looks like someone missed me." mina smiled, kissing momo's forehead as the older girl hugged her. sure, she could've used her keys to get in, but being greeted by one of her girlfriends was better than just walking in.
"'course i missed you. you were gone for too long, mommy." momo pouts, still clinging onto mina as she took her tie and blazer off. "really now? but didn't i give you a treat before i left?"
sana chuckles when she hears momo's whines get louder, no doubt mina had to drag her to get all the way to the kitchen. she lowers the stove heat before walking over to her girlfriends to give mina a kiss.
"how was work?" she asks, petting momo's head.
"uneventful, i had tzuyu take care of my meetings."
"really? i thought the proposal from park was important."
mina smiles devilishly, her hand running through momo's hair. "well, i was planning to be productive today. but something on our cameras caught my eye."
momo stiffens. surely, she couldn't have seen her act of rebellion against sana earlier, right?
sana pokes her tongue against the inside of her cheek, smiling. "oh, right. i thought i saw something unusual, too. didn't you, baby?" she coos, scratching momo's head lightly as the girl seemed to shrink in mina's embrace.
momo yelped when mina landed another slap to her ass. she was sniffling, even as mina rubbed her skin to soothe the pain ever so slightly. "what's the count, sweetheart?"
sana simply watched the show, finishing her serving of tteokbokki as mina further bent momo over her knees.
"n—nine?" she whispers, wiping her nose. mina brings her hand up again, giving momo another hard slap. she winces in pain, a loud groan escaping her lips. "be confident in your answer, sweetheart. mommy doesn't like when you don't know what you're saying."
"sorry." she mutters, "ten, mommy." momo quickly follows, eager to prove that she learned her lesson. "good." mina says, leaning down to press a kiss to her back.
momo was about to stand up before mina started dragging her fingers along her folds. "hm? did i say you could move, sweetheart?" mina raises her eyebrow, her fingers still moving up and down at a steady pace.
"no, sorry. i thought—"
"you thought i was done? oh, honey, sana and i aren't stopping until we know you've learned your lesson."
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imagineredwood · 8 months
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Request: Can I get an imagine where the readers family disapproves of her relationship with Happy
Pairing: Happy Lowman x female reader
Warnings: Toxic family, dysfunctional family arguably, some angst, crying
Word count: 799
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"It doesn't matter, babe." "It does matter!" Happy flinched at the sudden rise in your voice, exasperation dripping from your words. He looked over at you, arms out wide at your sides, fingers trembling from how worked up you were. He could hear the shake in your voice and released the pull tabs on the trash bag he was currently trying to take out. He let it go and faced you with a sigh, your hands slapping against your sides in defeat when you let them drop. Your voice was softer when you spoke again, but more broken. "It does matter, Happy. They're my family. It matters that they can't stand you. It matters that their dislike for you is enough to put me at a distance. It matters that this is now the third baby shower that they've just mysteriously forgotten to invite me to. It matters that my family cares more about not liking you, than loving me. It fucking matters, ok?" Heavy tears were gathered in your lashes by the time you finished speaking, Happy kicking himself for his words earlier. He trekked across the kitchen and stood in front of you, hands coming up to rest on the tops of your arms and rubbing comfortingly. "I'm sorry. I know it matters. I just meant…their stupidity and selfishness don't matter. Their ass-backward way of thinking doesn't matter. But I know it does because it matters to you. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." You nodded, his thumb coming up to brush away the few stray tears that had managed to escape. "It's ok. I see what you mean." There was silence then, you sniffling and willing the tears to stop while Happy tried to comfort you, his jaw twitching in fury that your sadness was a result of your own family. It was like a switch clicked then as if someone had turned on a lightbulb. One that made him see clearly and twist his stomach into knots at the same time. He swallowed roughly and stared at a piece of dust on the fan. "Do you wanna split up?" His words caught you off guard and you lifted your head away from his tear-soaked t-shirt to look at him with squinted eyes. "What?" He didn't look at you as he repeated himself. "Do you want us to split up?" You said nothing for long enough that he had no choice but to break and look into your watery confused eyes. "Why would you ask me that?" It was his turn to be exasperated now. "Because your fucking family can't just be happy for you and be happy that you're happy with me. They can't swallow their pride or their dislike for me enough to put you first. They wanna ostracize you and neglect you and bully you because you choose to be with me. They're not gonna let up. They haven't let up for two years. The only way you get your family back is if you leave me. You can't have both. They won't let you have both. So do you want to split up, yes or no?" You sniffled, your heart aching as you looked at him.
"You'd do that? For me? You'd let me go so I could be with them again?" He hesitated, his jaw so tight you worried his molars might crack. "I'd let you go so you could be happy. I wouldn't want to. But for you, I would." He wasn't usually a man of many words when arguing, his words always being concise and to the point. This time was no different, but at the same time, everything had changed. Your shoulders settled some and you reached out, taking his face into your hands. He avoided your gaze, looking past you until you squeezed gently. His mahogany eyes finally settled on yours and you pressed your lips to his for what felt like an eternity. When you finally pulled your lips away, he reached up and held his hands on top of yours, waiting for your answer. "You're the only one then." He squinted, not understanding. "You're the only one that cares if I'm happy. They don't. They know I'm happy with you and they don't care. They only care about what they want. But you want me to be happy." The Son nodded once. "And I'm happy with you. So there's your answer." He stood still, giving you a chance to change your mind. A chance to back out. Tell him you missed getting included and wanted that back. But you didn't. You held your hands to his cheeks, squeezed once, and then let them go, your arms snaking around his waist as you settled your head on the dry side of his chest.
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@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous  
SAMCRO taglist 
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formulapookie · 1 month
under the cut to read on tumblr, here to read on Ao3
I need you like air bezzetti 2.5k words
Bez is known for being clingy and affectionate with people he likes.
And his friends are all ok with that, even when he's drunk and gets clingier than usual.
At least, that's what Bez thought, until two seconds ago when he went to hug Cele for the like hundredth time that night and Cele told him to leave him some space, that he was suffocating tonight, that he could stop acting like a child and stay alone for three minutes.
And Cele was drunk, he didn't mean it in a bad way, but Bez is a soft hearted person, and takes everything too harshly.
So he stops clinging all together.
The day after Cele wakes up to an empty bed and no usual sticky note with a wobbly "buongiorno" written on it Bez always leaves if he gets up earlier than him. Which is already strange, but Cele marks it as Bez being hungover and forgetting about it.
They're at Bez's, and they're completely alone for a few days, which gives Cele more than one idea to not get bored while enjoyng each other company.
He gets to the kitchen, his breakfast is ready, but Bez is not sat at the table, he's over at the kitchen sink, already cleaning up his mug.
"Amore you already ate?" Bez nods, he isn't even watching Cele directly, who makes a strange expression.
"Amore are you ok? You seem off today" Bez sniffles, but it's so quiet Cele doesn't hear it. "Yes I was just really hungry after drinking last night, we can have lunch together I have to go to the store now"
This is not like Bez at all, even when he's hungry he would still sit at the table with Cele if he already ate, wait for him to finish and then shower him with kisses, and then order their groceries from an app, too lazy to go out and actually buy them himself.
"Bez cut the shit what's wrong? Why are you so distant? Is there something you want to tell me?"
Bez looks guilty, he's got watery eyes, he's picking at the skin around his nails, biting the inside of his cheeks.
"I am just doing what you asked me Cele" the boy doesn't understand, what does he mean he's doing what he asked him?
"What are you talking about? When would I have asked you to not even kiss me good morning? Or to just randomly go to a store you never set foot in unless we're already out because we're both lazy and order food from home?"
And Bez doesn't understand, because just some hours ago he was asked to leave some space and that's what he's doing, so he doesn't understand why Cele would now tell him not to. His brain is flooding with nonsense, Cele can see him getting lost.
"You asked me to leave you some space because I was suffocating and that I have to stop acting like a child"
Cele frowns, he didn't think Bez would've taken it so personally.
"Bez I meant in that moment, it was hot and I just needed a few minutes alone to recharge, I didn't mean to completely stop being near me, no no amore I would never say that I'm sorry if you got that wrong"
Cele gets closer, pulling Bez into a tight hug and he can feel the older relaxing, the tension that so obviously was built in his body going away.
“I’m sorry I was overwhelming yesterday I just- I wanted to hug you I didn’t want to be annoying I know I am sometimes but-”
Cele stops the nonsense with a kiss, mouth pressing lightly on Bez’s having him shut up.
“You’re not” kiss “annoying” kiss “at all amore, you’re like a super cuddly teddy bear and I love it” another kiss, deeper than the first ones, hands cupping his face and pulling the older closer.
“I am not?” Bez is someone who internalises everything, and Cele knows an efficient way to shut his mind up.
“I promise you’re not” Cele smiles, and Bez can feel he’s being honest with his answer, smiling back.
“Now, if you still don’t believe my words maybe my actions will convince you more” and Bez’s brain starts working, it takes him a few seconds to understand, still a bit foggy from the night’s drinks
“Wh- ah” as he gets what Cele is hinting to he’s nodding furiously, taking his boyfriend’s hips in his hands and pulling him closer.
They make out slowly at first, Bez still needing a bit of reassurance and Cele being more than happy to give it to him.
Once he’s sure of it Bez begins moving Cele closer and closer against the kitchen counter.
“Marco Marco wait let’s go to the bedroom”
He nods, pressing another kiss to the boy’s lips and taking him by the hand guiding him to their room.
As they’re inside Bez drags Cele to bed, having him sit on his lap in a matter of seconds, the younger rolling his hips brushing their dicks together, making them both moan.
“You’re beautiful, perfect Marco absolutely perfect” and it gets Bez flushed, Cele knows that, knows that even the slightest praise gets him aroused, the boy had found out a few months in they’re relationship, when he’d told Bez how good he was at sucking his dick and Bez came in his briefs, going completely red and extremely embarrassed, while Cele had found it extremely fucking hot, and he never stopped praising him whenever he got the chance.
When he felt more bratty he would straight up do it when they were out in public or together with their friends, Bez needing to mentally restrain himself from dropping to his knees for his boyfriend.
“Cele can I suck you off?” Cele smiles stroking the older’s hair and moving a string behind his ear “of course amore, you’re too good at it for me to say no”
And Cele can feel Bez’s dick twitch in his pants at the praise, a barely audible whimper leaving his mouth.
The younger moved to sit on the bed, while Bez shifts on the floor, knees agains the cold tiles, a bit uncomfortable yeah, but he doesn’t care right now.
since they both sleep in just a t-shirt and boxers he doesn’t even go through the trouble of unbuttoning pants, Cele simple lifts his hips and lets the other take his briefs off, as his hands have already made their way to Bez’s curls.
The older doesn’t waste anytime teasing, and just wraps his mouth around the boy’s dick, making him whine immediately.
Cele didn’t lie before when he said Bez was too good at it, he truly is, Cele still remembers the first time they hooked up and Bez got his mouth on him, he had lasted embarrassingly little, the other was simply a magician with his tongue, and he was mesmerised.
“Mh Marco you feel so good, you’re so beautiful like this” he keeps on stroking Bez’s hair, which gets the other fuelled almost as much as the praise falling from his lips.
Bez likes sucking him off, but he also desperately needs to be inside him, and wants the moment to come as soon as possible, so when he reaches the base of Cele’s cock again he takes out his tongue a little, pressing it on the base and dragging it up until the head, still applying pressure which made Cele’s head spin.
“Marco God you’re made to do this fuck- so good”
Bez obviously can tell that Cele is close, the hand gripping his hair is tighter, the little moans he makes when he’s sucking him off becoming erratic, the unconscious bucking of the hips, and the precum leaking becoming increasingly more and more.
“Marco Marco Marco I’m close I fuck you feel amazing I need to come all over your face amore”
Bez moans around his dick and he knows Cele’s second away from his release, so he lets go of him and has him take control of the situation.
Hand tilting his head slightly back, telling him to take out his tongue and closing his eyes, and then coming all over his boyfriend’s face, some ending up on his tongue and lips, some over his cheeks, which cele rapidly cleans up, kissing Bez with hunger and making him taste more of him, moans of pleasure increasing every passing second.
“Marco I want you to fuck me please i’m going to be good for you I promise”
Bez comes up from the floor he was kneeling on, kissing Cele again, moving him more to the centre of the bed, moving his mouth to kiss his jaw and neck, drawing more moans from the boy, who's getting needier by the second.
He breaks away to get the lube in the bedside drawer, and he's quick to flick the cap open and coat his fingers with it.
"Quick come on" "You just came amore, eager today?"
Cele smiles softly, but the smile rapidly switches to an expression of pleasure when Bez unceremoniously pushes one finger inside, quickly adding a second one, scissoring them to have Cele moan already at the stretch.
"Marco more please, need more" "You're so cute when you ask me that you know?"
Cele blushes, Bez kisses him again, open mouth on his neck, sucking slightly on it. Cele's hands go to tug at his curls, making him moan, Bez has many weak points other than getting praised, and having his hair played with or pulled like that is one of those.
He quickens the pace of his fingers, making space for a third one and pushing it in, and Cele already feels so good around him like that, so easy.
"Can I-" "Yes fuck Marco yes you can just do it I'm going to go crazy if you don't fuck me soon"
Bez is quick to replace his fingers with his dick, slowly pushing inside Cele who moans as he can feel every inch of Bez sliding inside him.
“Marco please” Bez has stars in his eyes, almost completely pulling out, just the tip still inside, just to slam back in, groaning at the blissful sensation of Cele tight around him.
“Cele fuck you’re so perfect” the boy whines, a long dragged out moan leaving his chest and echoing in the room.
Bez needs to fuck him, needs to see him come all over himself, drooling like he’s just been fucked stupid.
He moves his hand to tangle itself with cele's, who squeezes it as he keeps moaning Bez's name in loop, his other hand reaching for the older's back, nails scratching it lightly.
Bez wants to ruin him, have him beg, seeing him being so responsive has him think about how beautiful he looks when he's not thinking anymore and just moaning moaning moaning.
It almost makes Bez laugh, the fact he thought Cele wanted him distant, when right now the boy is trying with all his strength to pull him closer and closer.
Without any warning Bez picks up his pace, making Cele's nails dig more into his shoulder, and the older leans down to kiss him hungrily, as if Cele was a precious meal to be eaten and tasted.
" 's so good fuck you are so good I'm so close already" and Bez could've told he was from the way his back was already arching slightly, his legs shaking and the blush covering his face already reaching his ears as well.
The temperature in the room is rising quickly, neither can think straight, both of them hyper sensitive, wanting more.
Bez's hand placed beside Cele for support moves to the boy's dick, and he whines again, he needs his release so much he's practically crying.
"Marco don't stop oh fuck" Bez is now completely gone, he wants to absolutely fuck him dumb, leave him uncapable to speak, which is not something they do like yeah they may fuck a bit harder on days where one or both had a particularly bad race, but the need to fuck him so good Cele will never think of anyone but him is new, and it's hot.
"Mine, all mine fuck, I love you Cele so much" it's all said in a rough voice close to the boy's ear, making him moan louder than before, back arching off the bed and the nails on his shoulder practically drawing blood, and he's coming, a lot, all over his own stomach and Bez's hand, squeezing the one still holding his hand.
And Bez can't last long with the way Cele clenches around him, seconds later he's coming inside him with a grunt, biting at Cele's shoulder to quiet himself down.
They both stay still for a moment, catching their breaths and trying to regain composure, both a mess of sweat and curls. If they could, they'd probably stay like this for hours, pressed so close there's not even space for air between them.
But realistically they know they have to shower and break away, so Bez slowly pulls out, a moan of discomfort coming from Cele, who's let go of the other's shoulder, letting him move to his side before laying next to him.
"Amore" "Mh?" Cele's tired and hungry, he just wants to eat what BEz made for breakfast and sleep. "Gotta shower, come on get up" "Nooo, I want to stay here" "I get it Cele I truly do but you have to clean yourself or it's gonna be uncomfortable later you know that, I'll help you up"
Bez nuzzles at his neck, leaving a soft kiss on the juncture between neck and shoulder, receiving a whine from Cele, who slowly gets up.
"Can you wash my hair Bez?" "Yeah of course, but you have to get in the shower if you want me to" They manage to walk to the bathroom and when Cele sees Bez's back in the mirror he covers his mouth and lets out a little yelp.
"Oh god sorry I - I didn't mean to scratch you like that sorry does it hurt?" His shoulder is red and looks like a wild cat attacked him, but it's fine to Bez, hot even, to have those marks on his body, just as hot as it is to see little hickeys on Cele's collarbone and neck.
"It's not a problem amore, it doesn't hurt, and it's hot to see how much you liked that" Cele is blushing again, looking anywhere but Bez, hearing a chuckle coming from his boyfriend.
"Get in the shower it's getting late come on, I still have to wash your hair"
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fluffnari · 2 years
Hi hii I saw that requests are open and may I request some fluff with Xiao and Kazuha where they take care of their s/o when they’re feeling sick/stressed if that’s ok with you? ^^ (either headcanons or a short scenario like the “Rumor has it” is fine with me!)
Anyways thank youuu and have a good day! :D
Characters: Xiao | Kazuha | Wanderer Comfort | Fluff | Slight Angst Hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting<3
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Something told him that morning something was wrong. To not let you go out on your commissions for the day. But he trusted you when you said, "I'm perfectly fine!"
It was a lie.
The sound of his name being called summons him to a scene he wishes to never see again. You laying on the ground with a group of Fatui members around you, laughing tauntingly at your frail state. Xiao knew for a fact that you normally would be able to handle yourself, this solidified his earlier thoughts.
"Xiao, I'm sorry." You apologize, voice sounded just as frail as you looked. "I didn't feel too well when you asked, but i thought..."
"It's okay, I'm here now."
You look up at him as you're lifted, pulled in tightly into his chest. Worry showed on his handsome features and it made you feel even more bad that it's because of you.
It seemed Xiao knew exactly what you were thinking. "It's important to tell me these things, but don't stress yourself over it. You'll only feel worse."
A soft mattress greets you as he finished talking. He goes as far as to tuck you in, setting up a wet towel and gently placing it onto your forehead. The coolness making you sigh, closing your eyes in relief.
"Let me know what you need, I'll get it."
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The sudden stress hit you all at once. It felt like your heartbeat was amplified as it pounded throughout your body as if it was connected to an amp.
Tears fell down without your permission, a lump in your throat that brought on a dull pain there. How did this come about? You were just trying to help, get the job done and over with so that you can return to the ship by the evening.
To return to Kazuha.
The merchant you had to escort was out right rude and unbearable. He took every hit at you that he could, from you you were dressed, talked, looked...by the end of it you just wanted to shut him up.
You hadn't meant for Kazuha to be there and witness it. But when he asked how your commission went, you broke down. His smile fell as he rushed to you, pulling you into a tight hold. You didn't register this at first nor the soft words he whispered into your ear.
Not until your breathing slowed down and your cries turned into sniffles.
"Do you feel better?" he asked softly, hand running through your hair. He feels you nod. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You shake your head. "Can we call it a day and cuddle?"
"Of course," he pulled away, kissing your head. "Whatever happened to make you cry, you're safe now. I'll always be here for you, I love you."
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When you didn't show up at the time you agreed upon, he had half a mind to leave without you. Four steps in and he growled in frustration before turning around and heading to where you live.
Who are you to skip out on a plan you made together?
He doesn't knock when entering, just walks right in and takes notice of the unusual silence. Everything looked the same as the day before, as if you hadn't returned home. But that couldn't be it, because when he left, you were home.
Making his way towards your bedroom, he can hear you coughing. It sounded like it hurt with how dry it was. Wanderer is met with the sight of you rolled in your blanket, face looking so pale with shallow breathing.
He froze.
The image reminding him too much of something else, a familiar panic forcing it's way up and making him rush to your side. Fingertips brushing against your skin, it's easy to feel that you have a high fever. You're not up to see him fret over you, collecting everything he needs as a wet towel is placed on your head.
You whisper the name you gave him, his eyes connecting with your tired ones. A weak smile on your lips, the sight calming him down some. You were just sick, and once you're well enough you will be back to annoying him. Good.
"Just rest, i got you."
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thorin-baby-bear · 2 months
Glowy Stars
A Lost Boys Agere fic :))
Tags: Little!Reader, Flip!Paul, x reader
CW: Paul gets a little panicked, but he gets lots of hugs and reassurance afterwards!
A/N: I've had this idea like forever, and I finally finished it! Also, Reader takes a bit of a backseat to Paul in this one, which is not at all how I meant it to be but is how it ended up lol! I hope you enjoy :)
“Alright, baby bat bedtime!”
You stared down from where you floated, hand pressed to the ceiling. Paul looked up with his hands on his hip and a shuffle in his feet. You tilted your head to the side before looking back to the ceiling and the Very Important Job you were working on that was almost finished. Just a few more stars, maybe some moons, and you couldn’t forget about all of those comets still in your pockets!
“Kid,” Paul called again, trying to sound more firm and failing, “c’mon down, I need to get you tucked in before the others get home.” You huffed and shook your head before sticking another sun on the ceiling.
“Don’ wanna.” You called. Paul frowned and looked around for backup before remembering it was just you and him. With a frustrated sigh, he kicked off of the floor and flew up towards the ceiling. You glanced at him as he came to a stop next to you.
Paul opened his mouth to say something, but you turned back to your project, floating slowly away and leaving a little trail of stars. The older vampire groaned and rubbed his eyes. If it had been earlier in the night, this would’ve been cute. He would’ve had the time to chase after you, maybe steal a few stars along the way, it would have been fun! But it was late, and he didn’t have time, and the others would be back soon and they would see he didn’t have you all ready for bed and they’d think he couldn’t watch you and-
So maybe he was also a little regressed. Not little little, like you were, but kind of middle, like he was 13 again. It was just enough that it was noticeable, and just enough that it was making everything else a little bit too overwhelming. As he watched you float and giggle happily and thought about what the others would think when they got back, his eyes began to water. He shook his head roughly. He was a big kid, a grown up even, he shouldn’t be crying over this! But the tears still came, and he found himself pulling his knees into a tight ball and shoving his face between them.
For a while, he felt angry at himself for crying, he told himself that it was stupid. But eventually he just felt sad and scared. He tried not to sniffle too loudly so he wouldn’t alert you, and he thought he was doing a good job too until-
“Paulie?” A little voice came from his side. He popped his head up to look at your big, questioning eyes. Neither of you said anything for a long, sniffly moment. Then, ever so slowly, you reached up and placed a little glow in the dark star on his forehead. “’s okay, it keeps you safe.” You murmured, wrapping yourself around one of his arms.
Paul reached up and touched the star gently, carefully, before giving you a watery smile. “Thanks,” He mumbled as he bumped his head to yours. You nodded and smiled wide before starting to float away again. This time, however, you kept hold of his hand as you went.
“Help?” You asked, reaching your free hand into your pocket and offering Paul some sticky stars and planets.
Paul hesitated. You both really should be going to bed soon but…
“Aw what the heck.” He smiled, reaching out and taking the stickies. “Where do you want ‘em?”
When the others got back you and Paul were still up, giggling and shouting and sticking little glow in the dark stars and planets and comets all over the cave. David put his hands on his hips and shook his head as Marco giggled at the two of you. “Alright you two, bed time.”
You grumbled, but then he fixed you with his Stern Look and bedtime didn’t seem so awful anymore. You floated down, still holding Paul’s hand, and began to trudge towards the nest.
“Hey Paul, can I talk to you for a minute?” David called. You looked at Paul and he hesitated before nodding and letting go of your hand. You nodded and continued on your way. Paul took a deep breath and turned, watching as David started walking towards him. Behind him, Marco was still giggling and Dwayne had started to put out the lights in the cave with a fond shake of his head.
Paul looked down and shuffled his feet as David stopped in front of him. “So, bedtime, hmm?” Paul cringed a little bit and nodded.
“Uh huh, bedtime.” He mumbled.
David raised an eyebrow. This was not very Paul like behavior.
“You know, you can’t always just give in when they-”
“Yeah I know, alright? Just tell me I can’t watch them again and lets be done.” Paul tried not to sniffle too much, but the tears were already threatening to come back. David’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I- what?” He asked.
Paul shook his head as the tears started to flow. “I did a bad job. I didn’t get them to bed.” He wiped his nose roughly. “So you’re not gonna let me babysit anymore.”
David sighed and shook his head. He bent down, making eye contact with the taller vampire and trying to understand what was going on. His eyes were puffy and a bit baggy, and they darted around the room the way they always did when he was…
Ah. It was starting to make sense.
The elder vampire grabbed Paul’s shoulder and pulled him into a gentle hug. “Of course you can watch them again.” He murmured. “Honestly, I kind of expected you two to still be awake. You’re not exactly known for your rule following, are you?” Paul huffed a bit and shook his head against David’s coat.
“Besides,” David chuckled, “look at how nice you two made the cave!” Paul looked up right as Dwayne put out the last flame and gasped. All across the ceiling, stars, suns, comets and planets twinkled brightly. They almost looked real, if you squinted just right. Paul found himself grinning ear to ear at the beautiful sky he had helped you make. Marco whistled and floated towards the two, Dwayne close behind.
“Hey, that’s pretty nice!” He grinned. “The best the cave’s looked in years, I think.” Dwayne nodded and put a gentle hand on Paul’s shoulders.
“Good job.” He whispered, looking over David’s shoulder as a grumpy huff came from the nest room. “And you to, y/n.” David glanced back and sighed as you stared at him innocently.
“Okay. Bed time, for real this time.” He said, keeping an arm around Paul and leading them all back towards the nest. You grinned and grabbed hold of Paul’s hand. He smiled down at you before leaning down sneakily.
“Hey, you got any more of those things?” Your smile widened as you pulled more glow in the dark stickers. Paul giggled and swung your joined hands back and forth.
“It looks awful dark in here, don’t you think?”
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Lily- a DCA!Serial Killer AU drabble
CW: vomiting, mention of drug use
" 'Boy,' she said courteously, 'why are you crying?' "
Sun read aloud to the collection of children at the day's reading circle, his voice module shifting to a higher, feminine pitch to match the character Wendy when speaking her lines. Today's book was 'Peter and Wendy' by J.M. Barrie. Some of the children gathered around him giggled, finding it as silly as when he was pretending to cry as Peter Pan just seconds earlier. A smile of his own was etched on the sun animatronic's face plate, it always elated him to hear the children laugh.
" 'Peter could be exceedingly polite also, having learned the grand manner at fairy ceremonies, and he-' "
"M-Mr. Sun…?"
A small voice croaked his name, and a smaller hand rose in his peripherals. He knew the voice, and his eyes fell on one particular child. His jovial smile became one of concern. The child didn't look very well.
"Lily, are you alright?"
The child, Lily, looked up at Sun with watery eyes slightly obscured by her glasses. She was shaking, appeared rather pale, and a hand was gripping at her shirt over her stomach. It was a familiar sight to Sun. As well as the children, as some had warily begun scooting away from her.
"I…h-have to go…"
Sun knew what that meant and he nodded. Tucking a bookmark in between the pages, he sat the book in his chair and carefully scooped Lily into his arms. "The reading circle will continue in just a moment, Sunbeams! We will be back very soon! Gavin, please make sure the little ones behave," he instructed one of the older kids as he was already on his way to the library's bathroom, hurrying inside.
He knelt with her in front of one of the stalls, removing her glasses and tucking them over the collar of his sweater, then he brushed back her black hair for him to hold. With his other hand, he rubbed Lily's back as she began to cough and retch into the toilet. He gave her a sympathetic look.
"There there, Sunbeam. Get it all out," he gently instructed the poor girl. He had done this a few times with her in the past. The poor thing was prone to sickness due to a heightened sense of anxiety, least that's what Lily's mother told him over the phone the first time it happened. Fortunately, Sun was unbothered by such predicaments. He was used to dealing with ill children.
When Lily had finished, he moved to the wall and let her sit in his lap. He returned her glasses to her, then reached into his pocket and gave her an apple juice box he grabbed before coming here. She sipped it while he continued rubbing her back. "Are you starting to feel better, Lily?" he asked, soft enough that his voice didn't echo.
Lily rubbed at her eyes and nodded with a sniffle, but that didn't stop her from crying. When asked what was the matter, she hiccupped, "I-I feel bad, f-for making you always stop story time…! I-I don't mean to…I'm sorry, M-Mr. Sun…!"
"Aww, Sunbeam…" Sun pulled her into another gentle hug, a hand going in circles on her back. "There is nothing for you to be sorry for. I am not at all upset, sweetie. Only worried. I know you can't help this. Just take a breath. Everything's alright." Sun held Lily close as she buried her face into his sweater, shaking a little less. The small girl sniffled, letting out a shaky breath. She adjusted her head in an odd manner, almost like she was…nuzzling him. He continued rubbing her back as the smallest sob escaped her.
"…I wish you were my mom…"
His hand froze in place.
Sun went completely still. His smile fell entirely, his eyes trained on nothing. It was barely a whisper, but he heard it. He heard it. In that moment, he looked back. Every time he saw Lily and her mother together. She ran when dropped off, and walked when being picked up. She never willingly held her mother's hand. The rare times Lily would glance back at him. The look on her face…
"What was that, Sunbeam?" he asked, feigning ignorance.
Lily flinched a little in his arms, keeping her face buried. She let go of him, rubbing at her face. "N-Nothing," she answered meekly.
"Oh, alright then." He forced down his building anger. 'Later', he told himself, and he stood up, placing Lily on the ground. "Now, how are you feeling? Are you ready to go back to the circle?" Thinking for a moment, Lily eventually gave him a shy nod. He smiled warmly. "Wonderful! Let's hurry off to Neverland, shall we?" He lightly booped her on the nose, glad to see it warrant him a giggle out of her.
Holding her hand, he walked out of the bathroom towards the reading circle. Though outwardly cheery as he greeted the little ones and resumed reading, that sting still lingered at the base of his chest. Silently, he sent a message.
"Jackie Langman."
"Lily's mother?"
"…I'll look into her."
"Thank you."
Moon sat on the edge of the pier, his legs crossed. The tide was high, and he didn't want his uniform getting wet. He stared out at the empty, moonlit horizon of the bay. No boats were out at this hour, everyone had already docked in for the day. It was a quiet place, free of prying eyes and cameras. No motor engines disturbed the night's peace, leaving only the sound of the wind and the waves…
And the approaching footsteps behind him.
Moon didn't need to turn around to know who was walking down the pier. Before long, Sun joined him in sitting, placing himself at Moon's left. Seeing the high-rising water, he crossed his legs, too. Sun hung his head low, heterochromatic eyes shining back at him in his reflection as his hands rested on the pier's edge.
"…What did you find?" he asked.
Moon glanced at Sun briefly from the corner of his eyes. He could sense something looming in his twin's tone. He looked back out to the horizon with a sigh. Right. Cut to the chase, then.
"Jackie Langman. Single mother, divorced her husband--Lily's father--when Lily was only 3. Began shooting narcotics around that time. Reports from neighbors claim to have heard shouting from inside their home and things being broken. Police could never find anything. Jackie claims to have gone to rehab for her drug use, but there are no records indicating she ever went."
Moon heard the sound of wood creaking on his left and glanced to Sun, whose shoulders were tense. His hands gripped the wood, causing it to begin splintering. His rays rattled like a snake's tail. Moon let out another small sigh. "Sun-"
"Why didn't I see it sooner…?" Sun interrupted. His brows were tightly knit, teeth gritted together. His colored pupils had shrunken a little. "Three months…Lily's been part of the reading circle for three months. They were there…The signs were all there, and I didn't see it."
"Sun, you can't burden this on yourself," Moon told him calmly.
"Do you know what she said to me earlier?" Sun continued, like Moon hadn't said anything. "In the bathroom, as I held her. She told me, 'I wish you were my mom'." Moon's eyes widened slightly, hearing this. Sun smiled, but it was full of bitterness and self-disgust. "That was when I realized. Only then did I…" An inhale rattled in his chest, clearly fighting to keep himself composed. “I hate that I had to pretend to not hear what she said…”
Moon remained silent for a moment, allowing Sun the chance to collect himself. "Sun. As much as you hate it, we can’t let anything rouse suspicion. Especially from the kids. But don’t worry. What matters is that we know, now. And we can do something about it. I've already looked at potential guardians. Her dad is just as crooked as Jackie, so he's a no-go. Lily has an aunt up in Milwaukee; she seems pretty clean, and it looks like she's tried to fight for custody over Lily in the past."
"We need to act now." Moon blinked, confused by Sun's sudden declaration. "Whatever we do, we need to do it now."
"Sun, hold your horses. We still need to find a way of getting to Jackie, and make sure Lily is out of the way," Moon explained. "I understand your anger, but we can't jump into this-"
"And why not?!" Sun's voice cracked as it rose. The wood under his hand cracked as well, his face plate twisted with rage, as well as fear, colored pupils now rattling pinpricks. "We can't sit and plan and wait too long about this, Moon! We just can't! We need to act now, before it's t-too late…!" His voice wavered, and his eyes flickered before squeezing shut. Sun's breath shuddered as he tried to control it, like he was fighting to keep himself from crying. "I-It can't happen again…"
Moon waited once again, giving Sun a needed moment. Then he reached and placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Sun. Look at me." He instructed softly. Sun did so, his optics shining. Moon gave him a gentle, but firm look. "It won't be like how it was with her. We won't let that happen. I promise you."
Slowly, Sun managed to calm himself down. He took a breath and thumbed away the oil tears in his eyes. Once composed, he gave Moon a faint smile. "Thank you, brother…"
Moon returned that smile to Sun, lightly patting him on the back. Then he stood up, stretched his arms over his head, and offered a hand to Sun. "Shall we get to work?"
The other animatronic accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet. Sun gave a firm nod, walking with Moon back down the pier. "Let's do it." He would save Lily, no matter what it took.
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
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CG!Diluc and Little!Venti
(venti getting overwhelmed in angel's share, and dadluc coming to the bard's aid.)
-aka a small draft I cooked up because I couldn't sleep.
Venti was never really one to be...quiet. it was an odd sight to see at the main bar of Angel's Share - Venti being completely silent. Usually he was up and about, yelling at other patrons across the bar, or playing his ballads, which would undoubtedly gain him a crowd and a half. A crowd for the fellow in green meant simply one thing:
The bard would ask for payment in glasses of wine and only the richest apples, which he would snack on during his breaks.
But not tonight. For the entire night was his break.
Diluc finished serving a table, glancing at the other, who was slumped over his barside, quiet as a mouse. Not a single glass has been by his side all night, and he'd gotten to the tavern half an hour ago. Usually, not ordering or drinking anything would give Diluc the right to kick him out, but he could tell something was wrong.
"Venti." He simply said. "Are you okay?"
The bard in question forces a smile on his face, looking up at the man. "Why, of course." His voice is dead, long gone from this realm. Usually, he's cheery, but it was probably a facade.
"Do you want a drink?"
He simply nods, ordering apple juice, to his suprise.
Hours pass, and he seems to get worse. More patrons leave, and as the night progresses and more alcohol finally hits people's bodies, it gets louder. People start to yell, and there's a fight or two between people that doesn't escalate much, but Venti can see blood.
With the sight of the crimson dripping onto the wooden floorboards of the tavern, he leaves. It wasn't a lot, most likely sourced from a nosebleed, but he's seen enough blood in his lifetime. The door clicks behind him, and not a single patrons notices.
But Diluc does.
When Venti's able to calm down, he slips to the side of the building, and silently cries. It doesn't take Diluc two minutes to follow the sound, and find the other.
"Luc..." He coughs out. Diluc slips himself next to him, and he can't help but feel worry and concern course through his mind.
"I'm here, kiddo." He says. The 'kiddo' part wasn't really intentional, as he had cared for Kaeya a few days ago, and his brain was probably still in 'Caregiver' mode. Curses. "How do you feel, Venti?"
He sniffles, hardly able to get words out. "Fuzzy....an'...an' I wan' it to go away. But it won't...". He manages. "Am I dyin', Diluc?"
Diluc shakes his head. "You're not dying. Did the blood upset you?" Seemingly, he's attempting to change the subject.
"mhm." Venti nods, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "I saw a lot of blood in th' Archon War. Blood is scary."
Diluc nods, offering his hand to the other. "I understand. War is scary, kiddo. You're so brave for going through that." Diluc is simply just testing the waters. He knows that Venti is the Anemo Archon, and that he's lived through almost 3000 years. He's sure to have seen things which have left him unsettled and traumatized no doubt.
Something that a mortal like him can hardly comprehend. But still, he tried to help.
"mhm. Had to hurt people, but I didn't wanna-" Venti choked out, curling up into Diluc's side in order to not burst out crying in the middle of the street.
"You said you felt fuzzy earlier, yes?"
Venti nods. "it happens sometimes, an' I don't know why. My brain just goes all..weird."
"and how do you make it stop, Venti? Have you found a way?'
He nods. "Sometimes I just get blankets and wrap them 'round myself. Sometimes it just goes away after a bit."
"you could be experiencing age regression, Venti."
The bard falls into silence once more. "What's that? Is it good...?"
"it depends how you look at it. It's when you feel like a kid again, and do kid things. There's a few things it's linked to, such as stress or PTSD." Judging by the fact that Venti's an archon, not to mention an old archon at that, he suggests that Venti has some form of PTSD, or maybe even some sort of survivor's guilt. But, he puts that aside and carries on for now. "Sometimes people can feel mentally young, and they do activities like that. They use items like pacifiers, teethers, bottles, you know?"
Venti shakes his head. "Never been a kid. You're just sayin' words."
Diluc chuckles, realising that he's right. "You're right. Just...try sucking on your thumb, it might help with your thoughts."
Venti nods, doing just that. He finds himself cooing and chirping at the feeling,
"you can chirp?" Diluc questions.
Venti nods. "Mhm. Wisp."
"ah, okay. Do you want to go back to your place tonight, or do you want-"
Diluc cuts himself off, as he feels Venti crawling into his lap. "No leaving me."
With a chuckle once more, he scoops the other up with an exaggerated grunt, resting the younger against his chest. "To the winery, I suppose."
Diluc trusts that Venti won't sneak to the basement and get himself intoxicated beyond relief, as he's probably very deep in his headspace, judging by the fact that his thumb hasn't left his mouth, and every single shiny thing under the night's sky seems to catch his attention.
Venti eventually settled into his shoulder, putting like a cat as he dozes off. Diluc lets him, making sure they he is safe and content before walking to the winery. He's sure to get the other fed and clothes, perhaps with a stuffed animal, too.
The thought of the bard being homeless passes his mind, but decides to leave that until Venti is much...bigger in headspace.
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Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: I Was So Much Younger Yesterday
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Fandom: Night Hunter
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC
Word count: 3K
Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Chapter Summary: It’s time to celebrate Faye’s 16th birthday. Also, Walter works out a way for Kam to practice expressing her needs. 
Chapter warnings: crying, Daddy kink(if you don’t like this, turn back now because damn), slight dumbification kink, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, creampie, creampie tasting, the term ‘cumslut’ used lovingly
A/N: New Story Art! *cheering and applause* Now, it’s time to get to serious business. Um, I like Angie. And I wrote her like I see her. Also, this chapter gets quite kinky so heed those warnings, please. Un-beta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me, model for Cover Art credits
Cross-posted on AO3
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Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Kamaria’s POV
Three Months Later
“...Happy Birthday dear Faye, Happy Birthday to You!”
We all cheer as Faye blows out her sixteen candles. Her parents stand by and film their child celebrating with her friends. Angie starts to cut the cake and gives Walter slices to hand out. They work so well together. You’d never know they went through such a rough separation.
Sweet Faye with her curls and her chubby cheeks, looking for all the world like the baby she was. Her purple cocktail dress matches the flower in her hair that I helped her with. 
It was nice to feel like a part of the team, working with Walter and Angie on organizing the party for Faye. But, let’s face it, it was mostly me and Angie doing the planning and Walter nodding along. Angie and I got along well enough, I think she just appreciated that I cared about Faye and that meant more than anything.
Angie says goodbye to the last guests leaving while I finish tidying up Faye’s gift haul. She dozes on the couch curled up on Walter who is snoozing as well. Angie moves a blanket over both of them and comes to help me clear away dishes and any lingering trash.
“I have to thank you for helping out with Faye earlier. She’s in that stage where everything I say is just not ‘cool’ enough,” Angie wipes her hands on a dish towel and looks from Faye’s sleeping form to me, “I remember this time in my life where my little girl valued my opinion above all else. And now it’s like she chooses the exact opposite of what I suggest.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll realize one day that she is so lucky to have a mother who actually wanted her,” I squeeze my eyes closed, deciding to open this old wound, “My mom never wanted to be a mother and she made that abundantly clear by leaving me and my Dad when I was a kid. He was never emotionally available so I had some interesting times in life, to say the least. But, just know that I’m sure she’ll come around. It may be in a year or two, but for now, you have a Daddy’s girl on your hands.” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. 
I don’t notice Angie coming to my side until she puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Having a loving mother next to me offering me comfort is suddenly too much to handle and my eyes start to blur from unshed tears. I begin to protest my emotional reaction but then Angie speaks.
“It doesn’t make you weak to cry when you’re upset.” 
Her hushed words are like a soothing balm on a decades-old burn. One shaky breath is all I take before the tears are streaming down my face. Angie’s face crumbles as well and she wraps her arms around me. I realize that it has been a long time since I’ve had a “Mom hug” and I cling to that warmth as I quietly weep. 
When my sobs turn into sniffles, Angie rubs my back in calming circles. We separate and she cups my cheek in a display of affection. I nod and smile in appreciation before taking a deep breath to collect myself.
Walter and Faye pick this moment to finally wake up. Thank goodness for small favors, they missed my little moment. I wipe my eyes and face quickly before smiling at my boyfriend and his daughter. While Faye is none the wiser, I can see the gears working behind Walter’s eyes. He can always see right through me, but he won’t make his suspicions known until we’re alone. Something I truly love about him, he is not a scene-maker.
I walk over to Faye and give her a big hug before sitting down next to Walter and holding his hand. “How did we do on your big day, sweetheart? I’ll take you falling asleep as you had quite a time.”
“It was perfect. It was everything I wanted. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Kam.” The grin never left her sweet face. It is all worth it to see her happiness. 
“You’re welcome, love,” Walter cupped Faye’s face and she beamed back at him. Truly a Daddy’s girl.
“Alright, birthday girl. You are welcome to stay up as long as you like. Just for tonight, that is,” Angie walks over to us and kisses the top of Faye’s head before smiling at Walter and me, “I am going to bed. Thank you both for your help today. Goodnight.” She pats my shoulder before heading upstairs.
If Walter notices our non-verbal exchange, he doesn’t mention it.
“Alright, girlfriend. Who was that adorable kid with the curls? He was cute.” I can’t help but make Faye blush and make Walter roll his eyes. It’s like my talent. 
“That was Albert. He’s in my English class. He likes Federico García Lorca and Mission: Impossible movies. That’s all I needed to know.”
“Which means he either knows enough to seem intelligent or enough to actually be intelligent,” I smile and yawn before stretching.
“On that note, I think it’s time for us to get home and for you to get to bed.” Walter ends the conversation without adding his two cents about this Albert kid. Faye gets the hint and follows suit.
“Yeah, I’m tired anyway. Thanks again, you guys.” Faye yawns sympathetically.
Walter and I leave after hugs and final birthday wishes. On the car ride back to his place, Walter decides to bring up his worries. 
“So, did something happen while Faye and I were out?” He broaches the topic carefully.
“Angie was feeling a bit left out of her daughter’s life. I simply told her that she has a Daddy’s girl on her hands.” I smile at the side of Walter’s face and look back at the road.
Walter surprises me by pulling the car over and turning to face me. “You want to try that again, Princess?” The pet name is enough to put my brain in gear and answer fully.
“I told Angie about how my Mom never wanted me. And then I cried. A lot.” I hated how he was so good at getting me to say what I didn’t want to say. But I had to respect his abilities.
“Why do I always have to work so hard at getting the truth out of you, Princess?” He reaches over to hold my chin between his thumb and forefinger, “You’ll work on that tonight, do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy. I understand.” Suddenly out of breath, I slip into subspace with ease.
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Walter’s POV
I love this woman, I do. But there is nothing harder than getting her to face her emotions. Getting her to tell me when she’s dealing with sadness or anxiety is like pulling teeth. I have literally been in the line of fire before. But getting her to admit when she has cried is harder than any S.W.A.T. mission I have ever been on.
We get back to my place and after her shower, I instruct her to stay undressed. I have her sit on the bed against the headboard. While I undress, I deny her the ability to touch herself. I watch her squirm while I slowly remove my last piece of clothing.
My dick throbs between my legs as I lock eyes with her. She licks her lips and fights the urge to reach out and touch. I settle on her punishment and a little piece of me actually feels sorry for her. This one might wreck her.
“Since it’s so hard for you to be honest about your feelings, we’re going to work on that tonight. You have to express when you have needs. All you have to do is tell me what you need when you need it. You must use your words, Princess. Is that clear?” I cross my arms and look down at her.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” I smile as the praise washes over her, “How do you feel about restraints, baby?”
She shifts on the bed a bit and plays with her hands. “I like being restrained.”
“Good,” I reach into my nightstand and pull out a silk sash before beckoning her to sit at the edge of the bed, “Put your hands together for me, palm to palm,” She does as she’s told and I tie her hands together. “How does that feel? Not too tight?”
“Feels fine,” She scrunches up her nose and looks up at me, “I won’t be able to touch you, though.”
“Yeah. That’s kind of the point, Princess,” I push lightly on her shoulder so she lays down flat and her hands stretch above her head, “Just lie back and let me work. And you tell me when you need more or less, alright?”
She nods and I raise my eyebrows. “Yes, I’ll tell you what I need.”
“Good girl.” I lean down and capture her lips in my own. I poke at the seam of her mouth until she lets me enter. I lick into her mouth, tasting and sucking on her tongue. Moving my kisses to her jaw then to her neck, I suck and bite at her sweet spot until she lets out that precious little moan of hers.
Trailing my tongue across her clavicle, I kiss down her chest and lavish attention on her breasts. These perfect fucking tits I love so much. I kiss both nipples and knead the soft flesh but don’t go any further until I hear a whine. “Use your words, Princess. What do you need?”
“Your tongue…can you suck on my nipples, please?” Her breathing speeds up.
“That’s my good girl.” I swirl my tongue around one nipple while running my thumb over the other. I suck the pebbled peak into my mouth and tease it with my tongue. Suckling at her for a few moments more, I switch to the other side to give just as much attention. I feel her thighs rubbing together in search of friction, so I kiss down her soft belly, stopping to nip at her hips. 
Pulling her legs apart, I can finally see my prize. I want to dive right in, but this is an exercise to have Kamaria tell me what she needs so instead I kiss at her inner thighs for far longer than I normally would have to prove a point.
“Daddy, please eat my pussy.” She pleads, moving her hips closer to my face. Such a good girl for me, and I tell her as much before I kiss her mound and then slide my tongue up and down her wet slit.
“Fuck! You taste amazing, Princess.” My hands grip her thighs tight before I begin to lap at her like a man starved. Her sweet nectar is more than enough to satisfy me and I want to drink her in and never look back. Her whimpers only make me work that much harder. Sucking on her clit, I let my tongue dance against the swollen bud and am rewarded with a squeal. 
“Need your fingers, please.” Such a polite little thing, isn’t she?
“Yes, baby.” I reward her good manners with two fingers straightaway. She’s soaked and they slide in easily. We both groan and I massage that inner bundle of nerves before returning my attention to her clit. I flick my tongue on her button before working my fingers in and out of her core.
“Just like that, don’t stop!” Her words go straight to my dick and I curve my fingers. Before long, I can feel her channel clamp down on my fingers but I keep working at her as her juices coat my hand.
“Too much, too sensitive!” She cries, her body shaking under me. I lift off her clit and still my fingers before licking them clean and wiping them on the comforter.
“You did so good, Princess,” I kiss up her body and nibble at her neck, “But I’m not done with you yet, baby.” I get up from my spot between her legs and move her to the center of the bed. Maneuvering her on her side, I slide up behind her and lift her leg. I enter her swiftly and we moan in tandem.
I pull back out until just the tip is inside then I slam back in. Gripping her hip, I start a punishing pace inside her walls. The way her cunt squeezes me is like paradise. She was made to take my dick. I was made to claim her pussy.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” All she can utter is a string of curses and I feel triumphant that I fucked language right out of her brain.
“That’s right, Princess. Let this dick fuck you stupid, baby,” No sooner do I finish that sentence do I feel her walls flutter around me, “Oh does my baby like being fucked dumb on Daddy’s dick?” The answering whine tells me all I need to know. Adding ‘dumbification’ to the list of kinks my baby girl has.
Pulling out and moving Kam onto her back, I get to my knees and push her legs open, Entering her again, I reach up and hold her bound hands in one fist. From this angle, I can slam into her and stimulate her clit at the same time.
“Need to…touch you. Please…Daddy?” Her words are punctuated by thrusts, the look of yearning in her eyes.
I pull the knot free on the sash. Her hands immediately go to my hair to tug me down for a kiss. I can taste her desire and hunger for closeness. I growl into her mouth and she whimpers back. Her legs wrap around my waist and pull me in deeper. We pull apart from the kiss and rest our foreheads together.
“Tell me what you need, baby girl.” At this point, I am panting. So close to release. I just need to hear her say she needs it.
“Look at me while you cum inside me, Daddy,” This little brat actually smiles up at me as she shatters me.
“Fuck!” The dam breaks and my hold on reality fucks all the way off. My eyes search hers while I empty my balls into her waiting cunt. I keep stroking inside her and the sensation is heightened once I feel her come around me. She could gonna be the death of me, and I’d love every minute of it.
I lean down and slot our mouths together as I pull out. I swallow her whimper at the feeling of emptiness before I look down to see her thoroughly ruined snatch. My cum still leaks out and I can’t help but feel proud to see her so full. I smile down at her before getting up from the bed.
I clean up a bit in the bathroom before fetching a damp washcloth. Entering the room again, I find Kam lazily playing with herself. “Enjoying yourself, Princess?” I reach down and clean her gently.
“I love how sensitive I am right now. It feels so good.” Her eyes roll back in her head as my hand moves over her folds.
“Do you think you can give me one more orgasm, Princess?” I know I might be pushing it, but seeing her so aroused is making it worth asking.
“Yes, please, Daddy. I wanna cum again for you.” 
That was all I needed to hear before I’m between her legs again. I lean down to lap at her slit. Tasting my spend and her juices mixed together is heavenly. Can’t believe I’ve never done this before. By the surprised moans coming from Kam, I’d say she was enjoying this as well. 
After making out with her pussy for a while, my fingers find their way inside her tight wet heat. Curving my fingers as I move them in and out, I’m rewarded soon after with a strangled moan and her walls fluttering around my fingers. I wait until the convulsing stops to remove my fingers. A dirty thought enters my head and I run with it.
“Open your mouth, Princess,” As she follows direction, I lock eyes with her as I put my slick-coated fingers in her mouth until they disappear, “Such a good girl for me. Sucking our cum off my fingers like the hungry little cumslut you are.”
She moans around my fingers and if I didn’t literally just cum a liter, I’d be balls-deep in her again. When I remove my fingers from her mouth, she actually whines in protest. I can’t help but kiss that adorable pout before grabbing the washcloth again to wipe away the evidence of her arousal.
I throw the cloth in the hamper and lay down next to my love. I check her wrists to make sure the sash didn’t dig in too deep before kissing her forehead. “How’s my baby feeling?”
“I feel amazing. Spectacular,” She stretches and cuddles into my chest as I wrap an arm around her, “I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“I’m right there with you. I probably fried a few brain cells but it was so worth it,” I hold her chin and bring her gaze up, “I’m also proud of you for saying what you needed. Now, we just have to get you to do that out of the bedroom.”
“Practice makes perfect, right?” There’s my little brat.
“Cheeky. But not wrong. We’ll work on it together, yeah?” I say, pulling the comforter over both of us as Kam’s eyes start to close, “Love you, Princess.”
“Mhm,” Her short answer lets me know that she is absolutely fucked out and I’m chuffed, “Love you, Daddy.”
Her fingers work their way through my chest hair, something I’ve noticed as a comfort activity for her. If I was a cat, I’d be purring every time she does it. But if she ever found out how much I liked it, she’d probably use it against me somehow. Little minx.
I listen as her breathing evens out and I’m not far behind. I can safely say today was a good day. Nothing can ruin this feeling.
Can it?
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Chapter 9
A/N: Ehehehe, that ending sounded menacing at all, did it…? Well, anyway. This chapter’s song was “Starving” by Hailee Steinfeld & Grey. “Starving” is about a relationship that’s getting more adventurous in and outside of the bedroom. I really enjoy writing in Walter’s POV, especially the kinky stuff. Hopefully, you enjoyed it too. 
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@enchantedbytomandhenry @astheskycries 
@deandoesthingstome @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @foxyjwls007 @rosiesluv7 @livisss @slut4henrycavilll
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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foreveranevilregal · 7 months
Encantober Day 27: Grave
So...I know it's almost March and Encantober ended months ago, but I promised myself I'd finish it, and here it is. I had more ideas for this prompt, but I lost my outline so I'll add them in once I post it to AO3. @encantober-official
Dewdrops clung to the grass as Alma made the habitual walk to where her Pedro lay. There was a slight chill in the early morning air; she pulled her shawl more tightly around her shoulders. She loved the stillness of those early hours before the town awoke.
A misty haze hung in the air, blurring the outlines of the headstones lining the graveyard. As she approached, the headstones grew clearer. The one marking Pedro’s grave was large and ornate; intricate designs carved around the edges. After the funeral, after the burial, after she’d had time to process the tragedy, she had insisted that the spot where he lay be marked with something truly special.
“Hola, Pedro,” she said simply, resting her hand along the top of the headstone. A caress meant for his cheek, given to cold damp stone. She smiled wistfully, taking in the familiar sight. Alma tried to visit regularly, but today was different. Today marked the anniversary of when her Pedro sacrificed himself to give her and their children the chance for a better life. Technically, it might have been yesterday. She wasn’t entirely sure. They couldn’t exactly check their pocket watches while they were fleeing for their lives. But she liked to think it happened after midnight. The oppressive darkness surrounding them sure made it feel like it was the middle of the night, and that was good enough for Alma. She couldn’t bear the thought that lives so important to her could enter and leave the world on the same day, brushing past each other like a breeze blowing by a candle flame.
So, as a family, they chose to commemorate it on October 18th. That way, the children could celebrate their birthday unmarred by the tragedy. It was better that way.
“Ay, Pedro…” Tears spilled down her cheek. “We had quite the year. Antonio got his gift. He can speak to animals. Isn’t that wonderful? You loved animals so much. I remember the adventures we had with those horses. With Toñito’s gift, it’s like part of you lives on inside him.” She shook her head, the corners of her lips tugging up into a smile. “But I’m sure you already knew that. No doubt you had a say in his gift.” It wasn’t an opinion she had ever dared to voice to anyone else, but Alma had a sneaking suspicion that Pedro had lived on in the house that had mysteriously sprung up in the valley across the river. Their Casita.
Clearing her throat, she continued. “We lost our gifts and got them back again. Mirabel…she saved us all. You would be so proud of her, Pedro. She’s just like you. Thanks to her, our magic is stronger than ever.” She sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes. “And Brunito came home. We are all together again. Well…” she choked back a sob, “not all of us.”
She pulled a candle out of her pocket. It wasn’t the magical candle that had sustained them for all those years. Instead, it was an ordinary candle; one you could pass by a thousand times and not throw a second glance. But love had a way of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, and it had been their love of candles that had first brought them together. Carefully, she lit the candle and placed it near the headstone. She closed her eyes, murmuring a quick prayer.
The sun climbed slowly up the horizon, streaking a brilliant yellow through the gray. Alma traced the letters on the headstone, bargaining with herself for more time. Couldn’t she stay just a little while longer? But in her heart, she knew she couldn’t. Giving the headstone one last lingering look, she nodded stiffly and turned to head back home.
The sun was higher in the sky than Julieta would have liked by the time she made it to her papá’s grave. Despite her best efforts, she just hadn’t been able to finish cooking all the food any earlier. Between tending to injuries and checking on her children, it had taken her far longer than anticipated to prepare the foods she wanted to bring with her. Over the years, through some clever sleuthing, she had learned what had been some of her papá’s favorite dishes. Every year, without fail, she had prepared them for him on today’s date. Although she knew the occasion they were marking, she preferred to think of it as saving him leftovers from their birthday, because that thought didn’t make her want to burst into tears.
Agustín accompanied her on her trek, both for moral support, and to help her carry the sheer amount of food she had prepared. “I, uh, think your papá will be really happy to get all this food.” He winced, hefting the basket higher on his arm to alleviate the soreness of the weight.
“Ay, Agustín, is the basket too heavy?” Julieta studied him concernedly. “Maybe I should have asked Luisa to help…”
“No!” His face turned red from exertion. “Let her rest, mi amor. She’s been working so hard lately. Ever since you got your gifts back, it’s like everyone forgot how to get by without them again.”
Julieta pressed her lips together, guarding her tongue. She knew he was right, but now wasn’t the time to fight that fight. Now she wanted to honor her papá and show him how much she loved him the best way she knew: through food.
Finally, they reached the graveyard. Agustín placed the basket on the ground with a heavy thud. It was filled to the brim with the foods Pedro had enjoyed most, both sweet and savory. His stomach gave an involuntary gurgle.
Julieta chuckled at the sound. “Is someone hungry?” She teased.
“No…” Agustín lied.
“I told you; you should have eaten before we came up here.” Julieta tutted, shaking her head good-naturedly.
“But I wasn’t hungry then!” He argued.
“So you are hungry now?” An amused smile played on her lips.
“Yes! I mean, no! I can’t think,” he complained, rubbing his temples.
“I’ll feed you as soon as we get home, how’s that?” She patted his cheek playfully. “But don’t even think about touching this food. It’s all for papá.”
“I would never!” He insisted, horrified at the assumption.
But Julieta had moved on from the banter, spreading out the various dishes in a cluster around the candle she saw tucked into the corner. Mamá must have been here already. Her candle was still burning brightly, she noted with a smile. Hopefully it would make it through the day.
Once she’d arranged everything to her liking, she addressed her papá. “Papá…we never got to know you growing up, but it was your sacrifice that allowed us to have such a good life.” The words came easily to her, having heard her mamá repeat them time and time again. “I know it’s not enough of a thank you, but I made all your favorites. It would have been better if you could taste them for real, if they could have helped you stay with us, but this will have to do.”
Agustín wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a nod of approval. They stood there for a few minutes, basking in the faint warmth of the morning sun before Julieta bid her papá farewell and they headed back.
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mostboringcrossover · 3 months
First Chapter of my fic has been posted! AO3 will always be updated first, so if you want it earlier than on here, I suggest going to A_Burning_Skull (my user) and looking there for updates! Of course I will always post the newest chapter here with all it's details like a good little tumblr rat. Fic below the cut!
Setting The Scene
Summary: 5th year Leander tries his best to comfort a conflicted Asher before Garreth interrupts the moment with some startling news.
Words: 1,727
Warnings: No warnings (except for the lack of proofreading)
The halls of Hogwarts were silent as Leander Prewett made his way down the corridor to the Gryffindor Common Room. The large stained glass windows cast intricate patterns on the stone floors as the light of the moon shone through them. Each step the boy took was punctuated by an echoing clink of his dress shoes against the polished stone. It was about an hour passed curfew, 10:00pm to be exact. Leander had graciously been given a pass by Headmistress Weasley, as he had things to wrap up before the end of his fifth year.
It was a week away from summer, and Leander was more than thrilled at the prospect of getting back out of the castle walls and home to his own bed and his own room. Some pleasures you couldn't find at Hogwarts, even if it was a literal school for magic. Some things came from the coziness of a warm blanket or a home cooked meal. Speaking of blankets, the boy could do with one of those right about now. Leander yawned and stretched his arms above his head, trying his nest to keep himself awake for the few more steps to the portrait of the fat lady. Unfortunately for him, she had already gone to sleep, which meant that he would have to wake her up in order to get it, and he hated waking her up for anything. Reluctantly, he knocked on her carefully constructed frame, stepping back as the woman woke up with a grumble. She yawned and blinked the painted sleep from her eyes, then spotted Leander standing there and made a bit of a fuss.
"Ah, good evening, Mr.Prewett. Back late again I see? What purpose do you have for interrupting my rest? You do know it's quite rude to wake a lady from her beauty sleep." The Fat Lady complained, receiving an annoyed eyeroll from the young Gryffindor.
"Yes yes I am aware that I've woken you up, but do you expect me to go anywhere else but my dorm at this hour?" Leander argued back in a rather hushed tone, crossing his arms.
"You do know that entering the common room after curfew would result in the loss of house points, correct?" Said The Fat Lady
"Yes yes, of course I do, but you can't take any away since the house cup has already been awarded–" Leander smirked triumphantly, "–to us." He finished. With the new fifth year being in Gryffindor house (and the savior of Hogwarts no less) their little victory against the goblins and foul wizards had awarded Gryffindor house a few extra brownie points that furthered their win. "Now, could you please let me in?" Leander asked, and The Fat Lady huffed.
"What's the password?" She asked.
"Expectans draco." Leander spoke clearly, meaning 'Waiting for the dragon' in Latin. The Fat Lady made a noise of approval, then opened up to allow Leander inside. The boy crawled through the entrance into the dim common room. He was prepared to light his wand with the lumos charm, but instead he found the room to be lit by one of the fireplaces crackling. Though that isn't the only thing the boy heard, he also heard the sound of... sniffling? Was there someone crying? Leander slid out of the tunnel and to his feet, tucking his wand into his robe pocket and made his way over to the sofa where he heard the crying.
"Erm... hello? Are uh- are you alright?" Leander spoke up, leaning over the back of the couch to try and get a glimpse of who was so upset. The boys eyes widened, surprised at who he saw crying. It was Asher, all curled up in his pajamas like he just crawled out of bed.
"Asher? Is that you?" Leander spoke up, walking around the couch and sitting down near the ball of sadness. Asher sniffed, rubbing his eyes and looking up. Leander finally got a look at his friends face. Ashers eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks rosy and tear stained. The Prewett boy felt his heart break, but he held his own. There didn't need to be two crying boys right now.
"Oh- Hello, Leander... Did I wake you?" The blue haired boy asked, once again rubbing his eyes and unfurling himself a bit.
"No, no, I just got here. What's going on with you?" Leander responded with his own question. He knew Asher was a little sensitive, and he knew only a fraction of what the other had been through, so he took this moment as a chance to better understand what his friend was going through. Asher took slow, shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself down. He felt sick to his stomach, like he was going to throw up at the thought of what he had done.
"I... I did something bad... really bad..." Asher finally confessed, his voice was strained with the intense emotions that wracked his brain. "I think I just ruined someone's life..." Leander gave Asher a strange look, like he didn't believe him. Asher must've seen this, because he kept talking. "Before I went under the school and defeated Ranrok, Sebastian and I had a falling out... He did something... something unforgivable and-" Asher started crying again, "-and the Headmaster found out about his dark magic thing and got angry and then the topic of his Uncle must have come up because-"
Leander suddenly interjected "Wait- Sallows Uncle? Why is he important?"
"Because Sebastian killed him!" Asher finally choked out, his voice louder than he had meant it. "... He killed his uncle and- Ominis and I turned him in to the Ministry and now he's on his way to Azkaban for it!" Asher started to break down again, tears pouring from his eyes like mini waterfalls. Leander just stared in both bewilderment and confusion.
"Wait a minute- You sent Sebastian to Azkaban for murdering someone? Asher that's a good thing. Why on Earth would you be crying over that?" Leander sounded genuinely confused. Normally people are quite happy when a criminal is apprehended. Why was this any different?
"Because now I'm the one responsible. What if I made the wrong choice by turning him in? I mean... he was my friend..." Asher tried to find reason to his actions, but he just couldn't seem to-
"Was he your friend?" Leander interjected
"Was he your friend, or did you have something he wanted? What did he do for you after all you had done for him?" Asher thought about this for a moment, just silently staring at his fiddling hands.
"Well," The blue haired boy began "He helped me get a book that I needed and didn't out me about my magic to everyone... that's something..."
"So after spending your precious time running around and feeding into his delusions of whatever might be going through his head that day, all he had ever done for you was get you a book?" Leander sounded frustrated, not with Asher, but with Sebastian. Sure the two boys had a bit of a dueling rivalry, but that was the worst Leander ever got. A stupefy to the face probably hurt less than all of the things Asher had to endure with the Slytherin at his side.
"It was a helpful book-" Asher tried.
"All books are helpful, Ash! They're books! You know what's not helpful? What Sallow was doing to try and-" A loud crash came from the upper level dormitories. A noise so sudden it felt unnatural in the usually quiet common rooms. The two boys jumped in shock and looked around to see if they could find the source of the noise. The sound of a door, as well as very frantic patterings of footsteps against wood traveled from the balcony all the way down the winding staircases. Asher squinted his eyes as a small light appeared and followed the way if the steps, his vision just barely able to make out a mess of unruly ginger curls.
"Garreth?" Leander spoke up, confused as to why the still pajama dawning boy looked so frantic. He spotted that Garreth had a piece of paper in his hand and rolled his eyes.
"Whatever concoction you've come up with now you can wake someone else up to try it. It's too late to deal with the after effects." Leander scoffed, waving his had dismissively at the other boy. Garreth came to sit with them in an armchair, his expression clearly one of worry. A rather rare look for him to wear.
"I wish that's why I was here. I just had an owl come flying through our windows and knock me in the head. Bloody thing almost took out my entire shelf of prototypes." Garreth complained, beating around the issue enough to make the other two anxious.
"The paper, Garreth?" Asher probed, fixing his posture to sit up straight.
"Right, yes! It's a letter from Ominis. It wasn't addressed to anyone, so I opened it up and read it for myself. It's something about Anne I think. I didn't want to read too far incase it was personal." Garreth continued, handing the letter over to Asher who nearly snatched it from his hands. The boy unfolded the paper and began scanning the words. The handwriting was curly and slanted just slightly. There was no doubt this was written by Ominis now. Asher felt his heart start to pound, and his stomach dropped down to his feet. He must've looked pale, because suddenly Leander was shaking his shoulder gently to get his attention.
"Ash, mate, what's wrong?" Leander asked, leaning over to try and see his friends face better. Garreth leaned forwards in his armchair, his leg now shaking with a slight of anxiety. Asher didn't look up, he just stared at the words written in meticulous black ink on the parchment. Finally, after what felt like years, he spoke up.
"Anne's left Feldcroft for good..." His voice was almost a whisper, a mutter to be generous, though his words were just enough to be heard as the two red haired boys shared a look of shock and both exclaimed a very confused:
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meowburgerz · 11 months
note: written from bobby's point of view. she is delusional and her idea of bailey is very much rose tinted so dont expect anything too fucked up
My name is Bridget Odalis-Orion Baumann, but everyone knows me as Bobby. I am 18 years old.
This is my Bailey Journal. I am in love with a man much older than me. His name is Bailey, if you hadn't already guessed. He's very tall, and handsome, and he saved me when I was 16. We have a special connection, that's why he saved me. I think he was meant for me, I've never seen him married in my 8 years of knowing him, and I know ALOT about him. Trust me.
I am definitely his favourite. He let's me sit in his office when there are thunderstorms and he pats my head when I do my chores. The only reason he charges rent is because he doesn't want it to be unfair for anyone else, otherwise I think he'd sweep me up and claim me as his... ahh Bailey is so cute <3 Even when he calls me all sorts of names, I know it's because he loves me.
Oct. 4th 20XX 8am
Today something amazing happened. Bailey touched my face. My face!!! His hands were so big and warm...
It was only because of what happened at breakfast- the tiny boy who sat opposite to me decided to pipe up. He said something about Bailey extorting him, but that didn't sound right, so I tuned it out. Eventually Bailey came to check on us all, and he told the boy to be quiet. He obviously didn't like that. He finished his glass of orange juice before lobbing it at the wall behind me! The bits of glass scattered everywhere, and a particularly large bit slashed my cheek.
I didn't really realize what was happening until I saw Bailey infront of me. He spoke in his deep, husky, handsome voice... and told me to get up. I snapped back to reality and felt the blood running down my face. 'Go to my office and wait.' Oh!! Oh my... that means I'd be alone with him, right? I tried to conceal my joy and scurried off to his office. My smile faded when he brought the tiny boy in by the scruff of his neck. I watched as Bailey dragged him to his desk. He told me to close my eyes and I did. I heard alot of slapping, and the tiny boy crying. It was none of my business.
Eventually I heard the boy leave while sniffling. Then I heard Bailey get up and shuffle through some things on his shelf. Then he sat down. Then he said the loveliest sentence ever...
'Come and sit here, brat.'
Whenever he calls me brat... something in me twitches. I think it's my clit, to be honest. Anyway, he patted his leg. He wanted me to sit in his lap!! I didnt hesitate.
He had alcohol wipes, water and a bandage sprawled on his desk. He gripped my cheeks and held my face infront of him. His grip was so strong... He'd definitely leave an imprint for a few hours after... I didn't mind, of course. And his eyes.... oh my goodness gracious I could look into them for hours. Bailey's eyes are a beautiful shade of brownish-red... and his gaze is always so dark... Like he's thinking of all the ways he could ravage me... And those thick eyebrows too... So expressive and handsome. I especially love his stubble. Sometimes I imagine what it would feel like rubbing against my face as he kisses me... So rough, while his lips are so soft... - I will stop myself here. I need to keep telling the story...
He used the water to wash away the blood. Then he picked up an alcohol wipe.
'Don't fucking scream.'
Clit twitched again. God he's so fucking sexy when he gets mad. I wanted to scream just so he had an excuse to bend me over his knee and... ahem.
I decided to be a good girl and stay quiet. He wiped the cut on my cheek- it really stang!! Ouch ouch ouchhhh!!
He quickly ripped the back off the bandage and placed it on my cheek, smoothing it out with his thumb. His thumb was so close to my mouth... I wanted to lick it.
His hand smelt a bit musky actually. I think he might have been masturbating earlier. I would've loved to see... I know his cock is big. The dent in his pants is huge. And he's definitely hairy down there, because his chest is. I don't think he's cut... but that's just my hypothesis. I'm yet to find proof. I want to see his cock with my own eyes... I saw a peak of it once, when he left his fly open. I was horny out of my mind for a week straight and nearly squirted myself to death.
He patted my cheek after he made sure the bandage was on properly.
'Make sure you clean it. I'm not taking you to hospital if it ends up infected.'
His voice is so low... I can't get over it. I can feel it rumble in my stomach. It's so hot. He's so hot. My face was so red. I probably would have came right there if he kept touching my face. But he didnt. :(
I got off of his lap and thanked him before scurrying away. My face was still so red holy shit. I kept thinking about his hands and his face and his voice and FUCK HOLY SHIT. I need him inside of me so badly.
I haven't stopped thinking about him since then. The way he called me brat... how his thighs felt while I sat on them... If I shuffled any further back into him I would have felt the outline of his cock against my ass... Oh my god. Why didnt I push back. FUCK I'm so stupid. If I pushed back..... he would have grabbed my hips.... then he could've humped against me... then... then.... ahhhh...... Okay. Calming down now. As soon as I left Bailey's office I ran to my room- wasn't hungry anymore!!! Just desperately horny...
Of course, I got my vibrator out. Bailey's hands were just all over my face- I could still feel the indents of his fingers. And the bandage... I'm definitely keeping that. I'll have to stick it to this page once I remove it. I jacked off for about an hour non stop. Bailey fuels my sex drive way too much. My clit went numb after. It's still tingling a bit now actually...Might need to get a cold compress. It was worth it though. Thinking of Bailey manhandling me... lifting me onto his cock and forcing me down... tearing my... hymen.... oh dear. I'll be right back...
I'm back. My clit is numb again. No regrets. Except for talking about my hymen. I don't have one. It's pretty common for it to break while doing things like sports so I reckon that's when mine broke, because I've NEVER had sex. I'm saving my first time for Bailey. And he'll be the only one to ever feel the inside of me. Ever.
Anyway, I'm sitting here now, half naked and very disheveled, writing this before I get scatterbrained again. Thank you for listening to me Bailey Journal. I do have some friends, like Robin and Sydney and... Kylar? I guess? But they don't really understand me and Bailey. Robin doesn't really like Bailey for some reason, Sydney doesn't really know who he is, and Kylar is kind of hard to conversate with. Whenever I mention Bailey she seems to glare at me. Anyway, I'll probably be back in a few hours to write about something else Bailey has done- he seems to know exactly how to fluster me <3
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Madix taking care of Dakota when he gets sick while their hanging out. Romantic caretaking is nice and all but I love a good bromance.
Thanks for the requests! For some reason my brain really wanted to add some cold/flu symptoms and the result is this inaccurate fic that also has emeto. Enjoy! And I used prompts from THIS post to help me beat writer's block:
62. "Shh, keep your voice down. ____ is sleeping."
43. "He's too stubborn for his own good."
Madix sat on the floor with his back up against the couch. There was nothing wrong with the couch—other than it currently being taken up by Dakota’s sleeping body—but Madix preferred to sit on the floor to play video games. Maybe it was a habit from his childhood, sitting closer to the tv than necessary, but he swore it helped him win. Plus, this way he could better reach the bowl of chips on the coffee table. 
He really shouldn’t have been eating chips just then considering that he and Dakota were meant to go to the movie theatres in less than an hour. There would be popcorn there, but he couldn’t stop himself from snacking. Like sitting on the floor, barbeque chips were an essential element to the Saturday afternoon gaming session. As a kid, he’d been limited to two hours of play time on the weekends. As an adult he could play for as long as wanted, if his schedule was free.
Technically, they would need to leave for the theatre in half an hour, but Madix didn’t think that was going to happen. The congested snoring from behind him told him that they would be better off staying home. 
Dakota had said earlier that he felt fine enough to keep their plans, but Madix had been skeptical. 
“You don’t sound good,” Madix had said after Dakota coughed into his elbow for the umpteenth time since arriving at his house. It was a wet, rattling cough that worried Madix. He kept looking back his friend, watching Dakota’s energy drain away the longer they played video games, like an avatar’s health dwindling with every strike. 
Dakota sniffled and answered without taking his eyes off the game. The screen was split down the middle for two-player mode. “I might be getting sick. My throat is kinda scratchy.” 
“Do you still want to go to the movies later today?” 
“Yeah of course,” Dakota insisted. “It won’t totally hit me until tomorrow anyway. That’s what Sundays are for.” 
“Right…” Madix said slowly. He was going to say more but Dakota started coughing again. Madix could hear phlegm crackling in Dakota’s lungs when he inhaled sharply. He waited until Dakota was finished to carry on. “I really don’t mind rescheduling. You don’t want to be coughing like that during the movie.”  
“Mads, I’ll be fine,” Dakota said after clearing his throat. “Try worrying instead about the fact that I just obliterated you.” 
Madix frowned and looked back to the tv in time to see his HP drop to zero.
They played for a while longer, switching to a cozy game when Dakota said that intensely staring at the screen was hurting his eyes. He blinked hard, trying to make the burning go away. Dakota’s sniffling and coughing took away from the peaceful background music, but Madix didn’t mind. He had already decided—even before Dakota fell asleep—that they’d skip the movie. As much he didn’t care about the constant coughing and throat clearing, an entire theatre of people surely would. 
At some point, Dakota had gotten up from the couch. Madix could hear him in the bathroom, clearing his throat and blowing his nose. The boy came back to the living room with the tip of his nose tinged red and glassy eyes that shone in the light. He seemed to have forgotten that they were playing a game together, leaving his controller on the table. 
“Ugh, fuck.”  He fell back on the couch with a huff, stretching his legs out and taking advantage of the fact that Madix sat on the floor. He clasped his hands together atop his belly.
“Are you alright?” Madix asked. 
“I’m a bit nauseous. It’s kinda weird.” 
Madix shrugged. “It’s not that weird to be a little nauseous if you’re swallowing a lot of phlegm.” 
Dakota grimaced. “‘A 'bit' might have been an understatement.” He groaned, massaging his thumb and index fingers into his eyes. “I really don’t need my stomach hurting on top of everything else.” 
“Still think it hasn’t hit you yet?” Madix asked, rhetorically. It was obvious to him that Dakota was properly knocked out from this bug. Dakota let out an exasperated sigh as his half-assed reply. 
Eventually, Madix found himself playing alone. Only the sound of snoring kept him company as he roamed the digital terrain of the game. The movie time came and went, and Dakota stayed asleep. Madix did not wake him. There were many times that Dakota sounded like he was drowning in the mucus that coated his airway. Madix had to stop himself from shaking Dakota awake whenever his worries got the best of him. Sleep was good. Sleep was the best thing for him. 
That sleep was almost shattered when the front door opened, and Riley came in from the rain, dripping wet and squeaking his soaked shoes on the tile. He was singing whatever song had been playing in the car, unaware that he was not home alone. Unaware that Madix was not at the movies with Dakota like he said he was going to be. 
His singing came to an abrupt stop when he saw Madix in the living room. “Oh hi, love. What are you doing here?” 
“Shh, keep your voice down. Dakota is sleeping.” Madix said quickly, wincing at Riley’s outdoor voice. His boyfriend must have been singing his heart out in the car. Riley only slid across the floor in his socks when he had Harry Styles stuck in his head. 
Riley looked to the couch, noticing for the first time that Madix wasn’t alone. Thankfully Dakota was still asleep. Riley covered his mouth. “Ah sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t think you guys would be here. Or, you know, asleep on the couch for that matter.” Riley frowned, still watching Dakota’s chest move up and down. His breathing was shallow and ragged. “Is he okay?” 
Madix shook his head. “He’s sick. He just passed right out.”
“Aw, wouldn’t he rather be at home?” 
“Probably.” Madix nodded. “But he’s too stubborn for his own good.” 
“Is it just a cold, you think?” 
“Maybe,” Madix said, chewing on his bottom lip as he listened to the crackle of Dakota’s lungs.  “But he did say he was nauseous, so I’m not sure.” 
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m only here to shower,” Riley said, slowly making his exit. 
“Oh yeah, text me when you’re coming home.” 
 “Sure.” Riley answered. He spared one last look at the sick boy on the couch. “Please try not to catch whatever he has.” He gave Madix a knowing look. “I know you. You’re going to fuss all over him when he wakes up, and before we know it, you’ll be snoring like that.” 
“Excuse me, I’m a very careful caregiver. I wash my hands.”
“Oh, thank God you wash your hands. Not many people know that trick.”  
“Alright,” Madix said with a laugh. “Go shower before you wake him up with your sarcasm.” 
But Riley was right. Even before Dakota was awake, Madix couldn’t help himself from fussing over him. The grey tint to his skin worried Madix. Dakota’s face was knotted with tension even at rest. 
But the thing that worried Madix the most was the way Dakota shivered. He shivered under the blanket that Madix had draped over his body when he first fell asleep. Now Madix wondered if that blanket wasn’t such a good idea, not if Dakota was running a temperature.
Madix peered down at his friend (the video game long forgotten) and sighed. Dakota really didn’t look well, with his cracked lips and skin that shone with cold sweat. Madix placed his hand on Dakota’s forehead. He was not surprised by the heat he found. He was however surprised when Dakota’s eyes opened suddenly. 
“Sorry,” Madix said, taking his hand away from Dakota’s face. “It looks like you have a fever.” 
“S’okay,” Dakota mumbled, letting his eyelids droop once again. “Do I?” 
“Oh, one hundred percent,” Madix said frankly. “You are a very stubborn person who should be at home right now.” 
Dakota took in a long breath. The exhale was more of a drawn-out moan. At the end of this slow cycle, he didn’t’ even respond to Madix’s comment, instead choosing to say, “I don’t feel good.” 
“What’s bothering you? I have cold medicine. Tea if your throat hurts. Pain relievers. What do you need?” 
Dakota’s brain lagged with all the information thrown at him. Everything felt wrong. Most concerning though was the strange way that his belly gurgled. “I guess…” he started slowly, “my stomach hurts.” But then talking hurt his throat and the sound of his own voice hurt his head. “Mmh no, actually everything hurts. 
“Right, so a magic pill to fix it all then, coming right up.” Madix went to the kitchen, keeping an eye on Dakota as he did so. “We’ll start with Tylenol and see if that helps.” 
He came back with pills and a glass of water. He sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing the couch and his poor friend who was lying on it. Dakota’s eyes were closed again. Madix touched his arm. “Sit up for a minute, Kota,” he said gently. 
Dakota groaned and fought against gravity to get up. Madix’s hand on his back helped a lot. As soon as he was sitting upright, he slouched over while a wave of vertigo and nausea lapped against his senses. The living room shifted as if he were seeing it through a kaleidoscope. He put his head in his hands in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. 
“Come on, Dakota.” Madix said, resting his hand on his friend’s knee. “You can lie back down once you take these pills.” 
Dakota did not lift his head. That simple movement felt like a herculean task. The gurgling in his stomach got worse as he thought about opening his eyes. “Madix…” he whined from within the darkness of his hands. His heartbeat pulsed in his temples. “I don’t feel right.” 
“I know, man. I’m sorry.” Madix gave his knee a squeeze. 
Madix had but a millisecond to think about the implications of what Dakota just said. He said right. He didn’t say good, like before. ‘I don’t feel good’ meant something very different compared to ‘I don’t feel right’. The exact difference became very clear to Madix when suddenly Dakota was heaving up the contents of his stomach onto the floor. 
Vomit spilled between Dakota’s legs in a stream of sickly greenish-yellow. The immediate next wave followed a deep gurgle that clawed up his already sore throat. He let out a moan as his belly spasmed painfully. 
“Oh my—okay,” Madix muttered quickly as the carpet got covered in sick. He had since moved his hand from Dakota’s knee to his shuddering shoulder. That body part wasn’t in danger of getting hit. Madix rubbed small circles with his thumb. 
Dakota choked up a mouthful of lingering sick from that last wave. “Guh, oh God. I’m sorry,” he said before gagging again. His shoulder rolled forward with the next bout. His voice was incredibility thick from the congestion and now the nausea. 
“It’s okay,” Madix promised. “You’re fine.” Well…
Yeah, Dakota was not fine. He coughed up the next sludge of sick that fell passed his lips. 
It was a small gush because there wasn’t much in his stomach other than cereal from breakfast and mucus from his lungs and nose. Vomiting it up was still hell. It came out of his nose, mingling with snot that dripped from his lips. 
“Oh, Kota,” Madix cooed, seeing the strings of bile and mucus hanging off his nose. Luckily there were napkins on the table that he passed to his friend. “Here, wipe your face.” 
Dakota took the napkin. He blew his nose, almost gagging again at the feeling of chunks coming out. “Fuck, that’s gross,” he said, throwing the napkin on the floor. In the splatter of sick. He sniffled and cleared his throat. And he cleared his throat again. Then he coughed. And cleared his throat. 
“Will you take this water now?” Madix asked, picking up the glass that he hastily set down when Dakota started vomiting. He did not offer the pills. “No use taking the Tylenol just yet.” 
Dakota took small, but grateful sips of the water. It soothed his raw throat for but a second. He wiped his mouth and moaned. Madix took back the glass of water, so it didn’t spill in Dakota’s hands. 
“Okay,” Madix began slowly, trying to catch his friend’s eyes, but he wouldn’t look up. “Kota? Are you alright?” 
Dakota sniffled. “What do you think?” He still didn’t look up. 
“I’m sure you feel like crap, but are you done throwing up?”
Dakota shrugged and didn’t offer anything else. 
Madix just sighed. He was used to unhelpful answers. “Would you rather the bathroom or the bedroom? You can’t stay here,” Madix said, looking down at the mess on the carpet. “I have to clean this up before Riley gets back.” 
That was when Dakota looked up. There were tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I should have moved. I—I just felt so…I don’t know…weird. My head hurts and—”
“—Dakota,” Madix interrupted, putting his hand firmly on his friend’s back. The fire was still raging beneath his skin. “There’s no need to apologize. You’ve got a fever. You’re sick. It’s not your fault.” 
Dakota sniffled and looked at Madix with wet, bloodshot eyes. “So, you’re not mad?” 
Madix chuckled incredulously. “Do I need to take you to the hospital?” He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m not mad. How could you think I’d be mad?” 
“I dunno.” 
Madix just laughed. It was nervous kind of laughter because none of this was in Dakota’s nature. He was clearly in need of sleep and fever reducers. “Anyway, it seems like you’re done throwing up. Let me help you to bed.” 
“Okay…” Dakota said lazily. He let Madix guide him to the second bedroom, dragging his feet on the floor. As they walked down the hall, Dakota spoke sloppily as if he were drunk. “Please don’t leave when I’m asleep.” 
“This is my house. Where do you think I’m going?” 
“Just stay here. Promise.” 
Madix sighed. “I promise. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Good,” Dakota mumbled as he crawled to the top of the bed. He quickly brought the blankets up to his chin. He coughed and coughed, until Madix thought they’d have to burn the duvet. 
Madix made sure there were tissues on the nightstand and a bucket on the floor. He took Dakota temperature with a thermometer this time. It wasn’t good. “I’m gonna check on you an unhealthy number of times, just so you know,” he said, setting down a water bottle on the nightstand. 
“How many times?” Dakota mumbled, his fevered mind latching onto the word ‘number’ for some reason.
“Okay, Kota,” Madix mumbled in a laugh. “Get some rest.” 
He left Dakota to his fever dreams, and immediately washed his hands. 
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