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transsongtaewon · 5 months ago
Yoohyun's house is as empty as he is himself. It looks beautiful in the way catalogues do and he lives there, because he has to. Because it's for the best.
The bed is big and empty and he barely ever sleeps in it. The living room is filled with bright light and no one to bask in it. The kitchen is used frequently, but without joy.
It is the only place he has made in some way his own.
Likely, no one besides him would even be able to tell. The appliances are state of the art and hardly look used, the cupboards almost empty.
There are only two sets of everything: Two plates, two bowls, two glasses, two mugs, two pairs of chopsticks, two spoons.
It is the only concession he allows himself. After all, it's not like anyone else ever comes into his big empty house, trying to find him out. And if they do, Yoohyun will kill them the second they try to dig through his kitchen and get their terrible hands on his pairs of two.
He keeps them just in case. One day he will need them both.
He makes himself a dinner that doesn't even bother to taste like ash and serves it on one plate, with one pair of chopsticks and one spoon and one glass of water. He never touches the other ones.
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mango-yoyo · 3 months ago
6.2k | rated E | a/b/o | carcar
Suppressants and regulators are strictly regulated by the FIA, after enough incidents of possible doping claims. It's been this way for the past few decades now, and there haven't been any problems with it. It's actually quite convenient, to have them provided and know that they're high quality and safe, because the FIA can't afford to do anything less. Oscar hasn't had any problems with them, and takes them as scheduled. Until now, where he's about to go into an unregulated rut in the middle of the public bathrooms and possibly definitely create a massive incident. He might even end his own career, and it's going to be his own damn fault for forgetting the blasted pills in the first place. In comes Carlos Sainz.
my @f1-fic-secret-santa fic written for @weegreenbean. hope you enjoy it!
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prudentseer · 10 months ago
I don't have too many headcanons, but I do think etho and Joel definitely stalked each other's social media after the breakup lol. Well as much social media etho might have at leasf.
What do you think about swedish beams, and the implications for boat boys lol honestly I would just like to know what u think of swedish beanss.
Big fan of the fic™
Welcome back anon! Glad to see I didn't scare you off with my paragraph and thank you for a headcanon of your own about Fic™. I totally agree, they definitely made burner accounts to stalk each other's profiles even though they're over each other and don't care what the other person is doing or who they're seeing (liars). Etho, with his little to no presence online, definitely posted more after the breakup just to seem extra fine.
As for swedishbeans, I find them hilarious; no notes. I think Iskall himself put it best, he doesn't know Joel that well so everything he does is just ten times funnier. He just decided one day that he was going to be insane about Joel and committed to it 110%. Even though Joel is...lets just say standoffish by the bit, both Iskall and him know that Joel will do anything if it's for humour.
It's soap opera levels of story and drama and it's even funnier that it's basically completely one sided. From the mail spam, to the "breakup", to the rebound to Jimmy, to just being crazy on Twitter and his own comment section. Hell, he's making a love tunnel for Joel just to show him how *over* Joel he is. Iskall is just so funny, watching some of his second channel videos/vods have been an absolute treat (and apparently Joel was a fan of his content before joining hermitcraft so take that as you will). At one point during stream Iskall was like "What does Etho have that I don't?" and his entire chat was giving him reasons that he just agreed with.
So yeah. I hope he keeps doing the pathetic, obsessive "ex" bit even if it's just for a little while longer.
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kkatts · 3 months ago
posted chapter 3 of my allstar fic!! you should definitely check it out 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
chapter 3 here!
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revnah1406 · 2 years ago
Operation Kingslayer: 2/?
Warning!: This chapter contains specific violence, and a detailed description of torture methods.
(All locations and places that appear in this Fic are fictitious and based on the Ghost Recon Wildlands video game)
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton - @revnah1406
Alyssa "Aly" M. - @alypink
Captain Arjun - @welldonekhushi
Mandy Macfie - @alidravana
Charlotte "Jade" le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
(I'll bring more OCs soon!)
- Operation Kingslayer's playlist here! 👀✨
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Ch: 2/?
The sound of the helicopter's blades was the only thing that could be heard in the dark Bolivian sky. Inside the chopper, Jade observed the landscape that was presented below her feet, several meters below. Dark mountains full of forest and jungle, deep valleys, and huge swamps.
"Bolivia is a country with a great diversity of landscapes. Surely we will have to visit many of them during our stay here" Aly's voice was heard through Jade's headphones.
She looked at her partner who was sitting next to her and nodded. "I have a feeling we won't just have to fight the cartel" Jade commented looking into the deep forests of huge trees.
"Wolves, jaguars, piranhas, giant snakes and a huge number of alligators…" Sparrow who was sitting in front of Jade sighed also looking in the same direction as her. "Let's just say it's not going to be a walk in the park"
"Have you been to the Bolivian Andes, Sparrow?" Aly asked.
"No... I don't know this region of the Andes... But I was in Chile with my older brother and in Argentina by myself, where I climbed Aconcagua a few years ago..." answered Hannah.
"We're getting closer, the meeting point is a few clicks away" Mandy's voice came over the radio. She was flying the helicopter at a low altitude, avoiding the skyward glances of hostile onlookers.
"Copy that, Macfie," Arjun replied.
As everyone left that bar ready to take down a second drug cartel, Laswell made one last call to Canada. They were going to need a reliable pilot, Nikolai and Isobel Williams were too busy working with Farah and 141. So their only option was Mandy Macfie. They had worked with her on many occasions. Mandy had saved the team's lives on more than one occasion, always arriving at the most opportune moment to perform an emergency extraction.
"Prepare your belongings. Bowman will be waiting for us at the indicated safe house, but we better not trust ourselves, we don't know what we'll find, so keep your weapons up and the trigger ready. We will enter through different points, Sparrow and I will enter through the main entrance announcing our arrival. Jade and Aly, you'll be in the back in case the situation becomes compromised."
Everyone nodded to Captain Arjun's instructions. They began to organize and load all the belongings. They were going to be alone in Bolivia against an entire cartel. The only thing they could take was what would fit in their backpacks and tactical vests. Ammunition, provisions, first-aid kit, weapons... Everyone carried at least two long weapons that they carried on both sides of the backpack, a sniper rifle and an assault rifle. In addition to their pistols and the knives of preference for each one.
What would define their life, their home and their survival would be carried on their back or in their vests. Unlike the Las Almas Cartel whose headquarters were in Las Almas city, the Santa Blanca Cartel was spread throughout Bolivia. Having bases and headquarters in various regions and provinces of the country. They didn’t have external support for the moment either, it was the five of them against an empire. So they would have to move fast and carry light luggage.
"I have visual on the landing zone," Mandy announced.
"Copy! We'll get off the chopper in two" said Arjun.
Jade nodded as she finished packing her Karambits into the small of her back, Sparrow screwed the silencer onto the barrel of her sniper rifle, and Aly finished checking that the mini surveillance drone's hardware was in good order.
"We're ready," Hannah said determinedly.
Arjun nodded "Okay, get ready to act. Keep your radios on at all times."
Mandy landed the chopper in a clearing on top of a hill a few hundred yards from the safe house, everyone waiting for the chopper's engine to go silent, watching outside for any possible threats. The forest was quiet, the night was dark, only the silhouettes and shadows of the trees could be seen.
"Come on." Arjun ordered getting out of the helicopter followed by Aly.
Before leaving, Sparrow stuck her head in through the cockpit door.
"Thanks for the ride." Sparrow bumped fists with Mandy.
Macfie smiled and nodded again. "Always a pleasure, Sergeant."
Jade also appeared who offered Mandy a pistol.
"Stand by until we make sure everything is calm. If you hear shots, prepare the engines"
Mandy nodded and accepted the gun. She checked the bullet cabin, making sure it was loaded.
"You have to be alert, for the moment the entire territory of Bolivia is considered hostile. If you hear something or see something that we haven't reported, shoot" Jade advised.
"Copy that, be careful out there."
They both went outside, Arjun and Aly standing guard, pointing their rifles at the tree line and the house.
"Ready to board," Sparrow announced, grabbing her weapon as well and touching her captain's shoulder indicating that she was right behind him.
The moment Jade's boots came down from the helicopter and touched the ground, they all started moving towards the safe house. It looked like a hunting cabin in the middle of the woods. It was made of logs and stone, had a front porch, and small windows. There seemed to be a dim light inside.
They all moved in formation, muffling their footsteps on the ground. When they got to a close distance Arjun waved for Aly and Jade to part ways. Both women surrounded the house, avoiding the windows and watching the corners, always with their weapons raised. They reached the back door and waited for the other two members of the team.
Arjun and Sparrow approached the porch. Hannah peeked out of one of the windows, looking inside. It looked like a hunting cabin inside too, everything had a very rustic feel to it. It was in the dark, the only source of light was a lamp on the table, it seemed to illuminate some documents and plans.
"There's no one… but I have visuals of possible useful intel" she said through the radio attached to her vest.
"Get ready, on my signal we board" Arjun ordered, moving to the side of the door. "Sparrow, do the honors."
Hannah returned to her captain, stood in front of the door, waiting for the order.
Arjun pushed the button of his radio. “now”
Hannah kicked the door hard, Arjun came in raising his rifle pointing in all directions.
By the second team. Jade slowly opened the door, signaling for Aly to wait and watch her back. Aly nodded and stood in the doorway, eyeing potential blind spots in the cabin's interior layout.
Arjun was the first to enter, pointing in all directions, watching his steps. Sparrow followed, gun raised. They found no one in the room.
"Hall clear" Arjun reported
"Captain." Sparrow called to him.
Arjun turned to the sergeant. Sparrow was looking at a huge proofing board on the wall just above the fireplace. There were photographs, maps with marked places, transcripts of telephone conversations, coordinates, newspaper clippings…
"Looks like Bowman has been doing her job…" Sparrow muttered.
"This will make things easier." He answered.
Arjun walked over to the table where a study lamp illuminated some plans for unfamiliar installations. He was going to comment something else but a slight sound was heard, perhaps it would have gone unnoticed by someone normal. But as soon as he heard it, he raised his rifle in that direction.
Sparrow was quick to react when she saw her captain raise his weapon.
A woman was at the door leading to the corridor. She appeared to be in her forties, with blue eyes and blond hair. She was pointing a pistol at both soldiers.
"I suggest you get out of here or the consequences will be fatal." The woman threatened.
"You are in no position to make demands, ma’am. Put the gun down." Hannah ordered.
Arjun aimed between the woman's eyes, he discovered the small detonator that she was hiding in the other hand.
"You underestimate me" The woman smiled confidently.
A karambit poked out from behind the woman and rested its curved point on her throat.
"You underestimate us" Arjun replied as Jade slowly pushed the knife towards the woman's throat, without saying a single word.
There was the sound of a loaded rifle, behind Jade and the Woman. Aly was taking aim from a distance, in the darkness of the hallway.
The woman smiled wryly and raised her hands slowly in surrender.
"Alright, you got me. We don't have to figure out how this situation will be resolved."
"Are you Karen Bowman?" Arjun asked without lowering the gun.
The woman looked at him, studied his stoic expression, and finished by nodding slowly.
"You must be the ones Kate sent me."
Arjun gave a slight nod, ordering Sparrow to lower her weapon. Hannah compiled but the guard kept her up. Jade put the knife away and Aly stopped aiming, moving closer until she was next to her partner.
"I didn't expect you so early." Bowman commented, putting the gun in the waistband of her jeans.
Arjun bowed his head "We go where we are called"
Bowman nodded "is it just you four?"
"For now...we have a pilot too." Arjun mentioned.
Aly switched on her comlink "Mandy, it's all clear, we've found Bowman."
"Roger, I'm on my way." Mandy replied.
"So…" Bowman paced the room, examining each of the members. "Laswell believes that you can take down the Santa Blanca cartel…"
"That's why we're here, right?" Sparrow raised her chin but kept a serious expression.
Karen raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly. "It remains to be seen what you are capable of"
Jade started flipping through the evidence board.
"This is from the previous task force?" She asked, looking at all the information.
"That's right. Months of research." Bowman sighed "I'd better bring you guys up to speed. The sooner we start, the sooner we can take down these sons of bitches."
"Entering the house" Mandy's voice came over the comms.
"Copy, Macfie. You may proceed inside" Arjun replied.
The pilot entered the safehouse. Sparrow gave her a slight nod in greeting. Mandy moved closer to her, scanning Bowman and the situation with her eyes.
"I have a feeling it wasn't the best welcome." she whispered.
"You have a good feeling" Hannah replied.
They both returned their concentration to the CIA agent. The team surrounded the table while Bowman went to the proofing board and tore off a few photos.
"The Santa Blanca empire is supported by four main pillars."
Bowman posted a photo of a man who looked like a Christian bishop, with a huge golden Cross hanging from his neck and a serious expression, then a second photo of a somewhat ostentatious-looking young man smirking into the camera.
"The First Pillar: Influence." Bowman began to explain "Santa Blanca’s trying to win the love of the Bolivian people, they fill their brains with false promises and lies." She pointed to the man dressed as a bishop promising the locals the entrance to paradise and the eternal and divine forgiveness of God if they collaborated with the Cartel. The drug traffickers are great devout Christians, but above all they have a special fondness reserved for "La Niña Blanca."
"La Santa Muerte…" Aly murmured.
Bowman agreed.
"This is one of the first ways they have to win over their followers. The other is by following in the footsteps of Pablo Escobar, building houses for the poorest neighborhoods, giving aid to families... in short... creating a good image of the cartel. Everything to sweep the shit under the rug and avoid prying eyes."
The CIA agent put another photo on the table. It showed El Sueño shaking hands with a man who was dressed as a military general.
"The second pillar is Security. El Sueño has been in charge of reducing the military and police forces of all Bolivia based on bribery. So do not expect support from the government or the army."
"What about the rebels?" Arjun asked.
"The rebels are a large group of Bolivian guerrillas who have been fighting the cartel for years. Pac Katari is their leader, I know him well, but you will need a good victory if you want to earn his respect and trust. He will not welcome you with open arms at first. I advise you to make yourselves heard, that the voice spread among the Bolivian people, and that your deeds reach their ears. Only then may you get rebel support."
"So…if we do their job, we will get their attention?" Sparrow rested both hands on the straps of her vest.
"The rebels are also in charge of helping those most in need in Bolivia. If you locate stores of supplies, weapons, ammunition, fuel... mark them with location beacons. So that the rebels can find them, it is also a good way to announce that you are their allies." Bowman replied.
"And the other two pillars?" Jade asked.
Karen nodded and placed another photo on the table, this one showing a very beautiful woman with a little girl by her side. The photo appeared to be taken from inside a car. The woman and the girl were walking through a wealthy neighborhood surrounded by bodyguards.
"The third pillar: Smuggling. This woman is the mastermind of all smuggling operations. You could not imagine what she is capable of inventing to be able to get cocaine across the borders. She manages to send and export to more than sixty percent of the entire globe. They didn't earn the title of one of the biggest cartels in the world just like that."
Bowman took two more photos. It showed a very old man, wrinkled, graying hair, brown skin, and sun-spotted. And in the other, a young man in his early thirties with features similar to those of the older man.
"And finally, the fourth pillar and the base of the entire Cartel: Production. Bolivia has been a great producer of the coca plant, for cultural and medicinal uses, but it was illegal. Although with the arrival of Santa Blanca it has become massive The cultivated fields are full of forced laborers."
"Labor slaves." Mandy gritted her teeth.
Bowman nodded again.
"The trafficking and kidnapping of people is an open secret. Santa Blanca claims to ensure jobs for all Bolivians but they only force them to work until they die. The cartel blames the rebels for the Bolivian deaths, trying to give them a bad name."
Bowman put her fists on the table.
"If we can knock down one of these pillars, we can shake the cartel and make Santa Blanca weaker."
Arjun looked at his team for a few seconds, then looked back at the CIA agent.
"Where do we start?" Arjun asked decisively.
Bowman dragged two photos to the center of the table with her fingers.
"We'll start with Production." Bowman began to explain.
Aly took the photograph of the older man and looked at it carefully.
"He is Rodolfo Yana. But everyone knows him as "El Yayo", unlike the rest, he is Bolivian, he is about seventy-three years old, but don't let his age confuse you. He is the main cocaine producer for Santa Blanca. Before El Yayo was a coca union leader but his ambition brought him to work with Santa Blanca. He is willing to work with the Cartel in order to protect his people and their customs. Thanks to Santa Blanca, Coca crops are legal and they are protected. Many say that he is a traitor, others define him as a true survivor."
Aly passed the photo to Jade, who stared at it for a while.
"This is our first objective?" Jade seemed somewhat confused, she didn't expect to have to go after someone so old.
Bowman agreed.
"El Yayo is a great defender of culture and traditions. At first, El Yayo got stable and well-paid work for many cocaleros in Bolivia. People treated him as a savior for giving work to so many people. But the demand for Cocaine for part of Santa Blanca just grew and grew. Good paying jobs turned into forced labor." Bowman sighed "El Yayo is a man who prefers to make agreements than use violence. So maybe we can negotiate with him…"
"How did we get to him?" Arjun asked.
Bowman put the second photograph next to the one of El Yayo.
"This is his grandson, Gonzalo Yana, he is about 25 years old, they call him El Emissario. He is the manager and head of production of cocaine. His grandfather knows how to grow coca, and he knows how to process it. He is actually a spoiled child. He is arrogant, carefree and does whatever he wants, hoping that his grandfather or other underbosses will bail him out. Don't be distracted by his behavior, Gonzalo is a genius when it comes to processing coke. With the knowledge inherited from El Yayo and his master's degree in chemistry is capable of processing the purest cocaine on the entire market."
"How did we find him?" Jade crossed her arms.
"To get to El Yayo, you first have to find his grandson. It will be our trick to find him." Karen explained, "We had Gonzalo caught by the balls a few months ago, but he fled the country like the coward that he is. Luckily we know that he returned to Bolivia a few days ago, knowing that the old task force has been taken off the game board." and taking into account that he cannot leave the production of Cocaine unattended. El Emisario or The Emissary believes that he is now safe and that he can return to business without problem." Bowman paused. "Now we just have to find it. We know it's in Ocoro, but going door to door into every cocaine lab in the region would be a waste of time. The cat would never catch the mouse."
"I can check all the radio and phone stations and channels in the area. Maybe I can intercept something." Aly suggested.
"That's why I love you, Aly." Sparrow joked. 
"Might be a good start. Let's get to work then" Arjun said, beginning Operation Kingslayer.
"Let's go for that bastard"
The helicopter was flying over the Ocoro region. The night was moonless, it was the perfect time to act. Sparrow loaded her assault rifle. Arjun was at her side readying his gun as well.
"Okay, let's go over the plan. Aly, you're going to overwatch from a high point with the help of the surveillance drone. Keep the sniper rifle ready, I'm sure we'll need it. You'll be the one preparing our entrance."
"Got it" Aly was sitting in the cockpit together with Mandy. She had the exact coordinates on her laptop. Thanks to hacking and intercepting the radio channels in the Ocoro area, she was able to listen to a conversation with Gonzalo Yana and was able to triangulate his exact location.
"Sparrow and I will board through the first floor, while Jade will enter through the roof. We will take Gonzalo Yana out through the roof"
"Roger." Jade responded by assuring that the blade of her knives was properly sharpened.
"Okay, we'll look for Gonzalo Yana, remember that we need him alive. If the rest show resistance, you have full permission to shoot."
"We are arriving." Mandy's voice blared over everyone's comms.
"Understood! Everyone get ready"
When they reached the agreed point, they all prepared to slide down the rope. Sparrow leaned back into the cockpit.
"We are ready."
Mandy nodded. "Go carefully."
Sparrow gave Mandy a fist bump and patted Aly on the shoulder.
"Be our eyes, Aly." Sparrow smiled confidently.
Aly smiled and nodded.
"I'll watch your back"
"Sparrow let's go!" Arjun was ready to go down the rope.
"Copy, Captain!" She turned to her two companions "take care of yourselves, my ladies." the sergeant said goodbye.
Jade, Arjun and Sparrow slid down the rope.
When they all reached the ground Mandy piloted the helicopter to get Aly into the most suitable position to observe the facility from a distance but also to be close enough for her to connect to the main network and work her magic.
The team wasted no time, and began moving in formation. Taking care not to make noise.
The Ocoro region was a rural area. Mountainous, with small forests and numerous cultivated fields. The team walked a little further until there was an old industrial warehouse between the trees. There were huge outdoor spotlights illuminating the darkness of the night and a wall enclosing the restricted area.
They reached a high position to be able to observe the facilities well. The darkness covered them and prevented them from being seen.
"What do we have here…" Sparrow muttered, taking out the binoculars. "There are few entrances. Four floors, I suspect they will have a few more floors in the basement." The sergeant began to explain "Small windows and concrete walls… it's like a fucking fortress."
"Containment measures? Guards?" Jade asked. Who began to enlist her gear  to be able to make her entrance. Putting the silencer on her pistol and securing her bulletproof vest.
"There are a couple of machine guns stationed at the main entrance, snipers on the roof and in the watchtowers. Heavy armored guards at each corner, they wear ballistic helmets, we won't be able to take them out with one shot."
"leave them to me"
"Alyssa what is your status?" Arjun spoke into the comm.
There were a few seconds of silence.
"In position and waiting."
Aly was about 300m away, in an elevated position and perfect for providing overwatch. She was lying on the grass with the sniper rifle slung over her shoulder, peering through the rifle's telescopic sight. Next to her was the drone ready to be sent and the laptop that showed on the screen the synchronization with the central electrical system had been completed.
"Do you have visual on the target?" Arjun asked.
Aly looked through the windows of the building. Until she finally found a lighted window on the top floor.
"I have visual on Gonzalo Yana. Fourth floor, last room on the right."
Sparrow pointed the binoculars in the same direction.
"Affirmative. I see that bastard." Sparrow confirmed.
"Alright. Whenever you want Alyssa." The captain spoke.
Aly looked away from the scope for a moment and focused on her laptop, typing for a couple of minutes.
"Starting attack in three, two, one…" Aly hit the button "Lights off. All security systems disabled"
And suddenly, all the lights that illuminated the facilities went out. Everything was left in complete darkness. The guards outside were confused and kept alert for a long time. Until one of them mentioned that it was a simple blackout, and that it was normal in this region.
The team waited until the guards calmed down and went about their business, waiting for someone to fix the electrical system.
"Jade." Arjun whispered.
The named one nodded, clutching her pistol with the silencer attached in one hand and a karambit in the other.
"Good luck" Sparrow spoke "We'll be waiting"
Jade smiled and patted Hannah's shoulder before walking off down the hill. Stealthily approaching the entrance of the facility.
When she reached it, she put her back to the wall and waited silently for the guard to get close enough. She adjusted her grip on the handle of the knife, and when the guard was at appropriate distance, Jade clamped a hand over his mouth and buried the knife in his neck, between his shoulder pads and helmet. Carefully she dragged the body to a safe place so they wouldn't find it. But as soon as she put the body on the ground, another guard appeared walking casually without noticing what was happening around him. But he would end up noticing if he kept advancing in the direction of Jade. She wasted no time, grabbing one of the knives from the dead guard's tactical vest and throwing it with such precision at the guard that the knife sliced ​​through the air to slam into the second guard's face. The man fell backwards like a sack full of stones.
Jade sighed quietly in relief. Wasting no more time, she hid the second body next to the other and continued advancing. Jade melted into the shadows, using only her knife.
She would stab a guard in the neck and with two silent shots finish off the second. The bullets were always perfectly accurate, one in the bulletproof vest and one in the face. It ended with the vast majority of narcos who were standing guard abroad. She took care of those who were positioned behind the fixed machine guns and those who guarded all the entrances. And nobody noticed what was happening.
Jade was cleaning the blade of her knife on the clothes of the corpse of one of the guards, when she spoke through the comms.
"Aly, the sniper on the watchtower could compromise my position. To the east."
It didn't take long for Aly to aim the sniper rifle where Jade indicated.
"Got him"
As soon as he was in her sights, she held her breath, made some final calculations, and pulled the trigger. The enemy sniper disappeared into the darkness after being shot in the chest.
"Enemy sniper is down." Aly reported on the radio
Jade was able to continue creeping through the darkness around that drug lab until she found an emergency ladder that led to the roof. She climbed them carefully so that her boots did not make noise against the metal of theladder, she knew perfectly well that company would be waiting for her up on the roof.
When she got to the top, she saw two snipers walking around on the roof. Light-footed and keeping low, she took down the first sniper without a problem, but the second one apparently turned around ahead of schedule. Jade had to react quickly, with the pistol pointed at his chest and fired a couple of times. The sniper's bulletproof vest retained both bullets even though both shots nearly sent him to the ground.
The MI6 agent pounced on him when she saw that he was trying to communicate by threadbare. Jade wasted no time in pulling out her knife and making two quick slashes, the guard was able to defend himself by covering his face with both arms. Jade took the opportunity to kick his stomach hard, making him lose his balance and make him drop the sniper rifle to the ground.
The angry guard lunged at her, but Jade was faster and dodged without a problem. They kept up close combat for a while, the sniper throwing hard, heavy blows, while Jade moved nimbly, brandishing her knife, slashing across his arms. She would shift the knife from one hand to the other, changing the position of the curved blade, and every time she found a gap to get through his guard, she would not miss the opportunity to try and stab in the neck. In the end she managed to slip over the side and quickly rolled across the ground and made a quick, deep gash behind the knee. The man fell to his knees because the tendons could no longer support his leg.
Jade wasted no more time, she was tired of playing. With her other hand she drew a second karambit and using all her strength stabbed just below his jaw. The curved blade of the knife pierced the roof of the mouth while the first knife slashed across the throat.
When Jade pulled out the knife the soldier fell to the ground bleeding to death. She wiped at the blood splattered on her face, then hit the button on her communicator.
"I'm in position." He announced looking at the corpse of the guard.
"Roger that, I'll let Macfie know so she can have the helicopter ready for extraction" Aly replied.
While Jade dealt with the guards outside, Sparrow and Arjun moved through the compound, ready to enter through a back door that led to the facility's warehouse.
Arjun cleaned the blade of his knife on the dead guard's clothing while Sparrow stood guard, making sure no one approached them unnoticed. The captain managed to pick the lock on the door and opened it carefully.
"Come on, Sergeant." Arjun whispered.
Sparrow followed him into the facility.
The building was dark as expected. Both soldiers moved through the corridors in silence, Arjun taking the lead while Sparrow brought up the rear. Thanks to the silencers they eliminated any hostile people they encountered.
"Shoot carefully, there are civilians in the laboratories" Arjun said.
They found the stairs and went up to the second and then the third floor, leaving not a single living guard behind. They entered a room that appeared to be a communications room. There were computers, shelves full of documents, and radios with different comms channels. Some guards could be heard talking on the radio.
"First and second floors are the laboratories… The third is the offices?" asked Sparrow, puzzled. "This is not a normal cocaine lab…"
Arjun returned to her when he was sure the room was clear.
"This is a gold mine, we could get information from here." Arjun commented. "Sparrow, make a Backup copy of all the files on the mainframe. Alyssa can process the data later."
"Arjun, Sparrow! The guards have found one of the corpses." Aly announced agitated. "They're starting to go up the stairs!"
"Bloody hell… we should have hidden the corpses better." Sparrow cursed.
"We didn't have time for that, our priority is Gonzalo Yana…" Arjun leaned his back against the wall right next to the window and leaned out slightly to see what was happening outside. The guards seemed to be flustered, looking out the windows of the building and running all in one direction.
"Jade, what's the situation outside?" Arjun asked.
"Everyone is very nervous, they are entering the building." Charlotte replied.
"Understood. Aly, how much time do we have?"
"A minute at most." she answered.
"Sir, Gonzalo Yana will escape if we don't hurry." Sparrow nervously said, shifting her weight from her leg.
"I know." Arjun closed his eyes and pondered for a few seconds what to do. They couldn't leave without the information from the central computer, and neither could they leave without Gonzalo Yana. So he only had one option left. Trust his teammate. Arjun knew full well what Sparrow was capable of. It was not their first mission together, he was aware of the skills of the sergeant and that he could entrust the fate of the mission to her.
"Captain." Sparrow eagerly awaited further orders.
Arjun took a deep breath and opened his eyes.
"Focus on the computer and make sure you extract all the useful data. Client lists, contraband, locations of other labs…everything." Arjun walked towards the door. "Make sure they don't kill you, sergeant."
"And what are you going to do, sir?" Sparrow asked.
"Jade, get ready." Arjun ordered over the comms and then looked at his sergeant "I'm going to get that rat out of his hole." Arjun left the room and without wasting any time ran towards the stairs leading to the top floor.
Sparrow wasted no time too, pulling out an external battery to power the computer and a flash drive from one of her vest pockets, and began backing up all the files.
Gunshots could be heard inside the building, surely Arjun had engaged in combat with the remaining guards on the upper floor. Sparrow ignored her desire to go help her captain and watched as little by little the percentage bar on the computer screen filled up.
"Sparrow on your six!" Aly's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
Hannah spun around as she saw a huge soldier lunge at her with a knife. Sparrow had to drop her weapon to use both hands to prevent the knife from plunging into her face.
Sparrow was between the table and the attacker. She used all her strength to get that guy off her. She pushed him away from her and punched him in the nose. The guard swayed slightly, holding the bridge of his now bleeding nose.
"Puta zorra…"
Sparrow wasted no time, as the man lunged at her again, Sparrow raised her fists, punching him again in the face and then in the ribs. She moved swiftly across the room, dodging the knife that the man swung dangerously from side to side. Sparrow had to admit that this man was tough to beat, no matter how hard she hit him, it seemed as if he wasn't affected. Even though his face was covered in blood.
Sparrow took a quick look at the computer, five percent left for the backup to finish. She had to hurry, she had to finish this jerk and get back to Arjun as soon as possible.
"Come on… I can last all day." Sparrow waved a hand, signaling for him to come closer to continue the fight and further anger the guard.
She was walking slowly back towards the window. As the guard ran towards her to punch her in the face, Sparrow dodged quickly, managing to get behind him. As the guard turned back to her, Hannah kicked him in the chest. Causing him to stagger a couple of meters away from her.
The man was ready to attack again, but suddenly, a sniper bullet broke the window glass and went through the guard's head. The man collapsed on the ground lifeless and staining the ground with his own blood.
Sparrow smiled at the corpse at her feet, then looked at the hole in the window.
"What would I be if it wasn't for you Aly?"
Aly watched through the scope of her sniper rifle as Sparrow waved to her from across the room. She smiled, happy to see her friend safe.
"You know it's always a pleasure to watch your back, hermosa"
Sparrow looked away from the window when she heard the notification that the backup had finished. She rushed to grab the flash drive and the battery, then grabbed her weapon and ran to the top floor.
Along the way, she encountered several enemies and didn’t hesitate to shoot. She finished with any obstacle that was found along the way. When it came to dealing with firefights, there was no better soldier than her. She eliminated all the guards until she went up to the fourth floor.
Suddenly Sparrow, between the shots, saw Gonzalo Yana being thrown into the air, out of a room. Arjun came out soon after, his expression completely serious. For a moment Hannah felt sorry for that Narco, when Captain Arjun was angry, he was a scary man.
Gonzalo Yana began to flee in the direction of the stairs that led to the roof. But it seemed like Arjun didn't care, in fact he cared more about taking down the remaining guards in the corridor. Using only his pistol, a knife and a perfect aim, he finished off all the guards. When silence finally reigned in the place again, Sparrow was finally able to get out from behind the wall that she used as cover.
"Are you okay sergeant?" Arjun asked, although he didn't physically show it, he was worried about Sparrow.
"Affirmative sir." Hannah hurried over to him. "What's with that asshole?"
Sparrow was still confused, Arjun had let Gonzalo Yana run away.
"The Rat is cornered. Let's go for him"
Arjun walked up the stairs leading to the roof in no hurry. While they watched the Narco run up them so fast that he almost tripped more than once. Arjun didn't need to chase him, he knew exactly how this was going to end. It was like when a murderer knows that he doesn't have to waste energy running, he knows perfectly well that he will find you, no matter where you hide.
Gonzalo Yana banged open the door leading to the roof, but as soon as he stepped outside. The point of a karambit landed on his neck, so stealthily that the man seemed to him that he had been cornered by a ghost. He was petrified with fear.
Jade held the knife to the target's throat when Arjun and Sparrow appeared on the rooftop shortly after.
"We have the target." Arjun announced through the comms.
"Roger, Macfie is on her way." Aly replied.
"Who are you?!"
"You're not the one asking the questions here, kid" Arjun replied with a sinister tone.
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into! Do you have any idea who I am?!" Gonzalo Yana seemed to be on the verge of hysteria.
"Oh, we know that very well… Sparrow, knock him out."
"It will be a pleasure"
When Gonzalo Yana woke up. He found himself tied to a chair in a small room with no windows, just a light bulb hanging from the ceiling above him.
There was a red-haired woman sitting in a chair similar to his. But she wasn't tied down, in fact, she had a grim look on her face, kept silent, deep in her own thoughts.
"We don't have to make this any more complicated than it already is." Arjun's voice was heard behind Gonzalo.
The captain had his back against the wall and his arms folded.
"Don't waste time lying or hiding information from us. It will only make it worse."
"I would rather die than tell you!" Gonzalo Yana seemed to want to hide his fear behind his anger "You are naive! You don't know what you are getting into…"
Arjun ignored the Narco's words, kept calm and kept talking.
"Rodolfo Yana." Arjun mentioned the name of El Yayo. "Where is he?"
It took Gonzalo a few seconds to understand what they were asking of him.
"The old?" He laughed "No, you'll never find him. Listen amigo…you're not aware of how deep this shit hole is. You're just foreigners who think you can come here and remove all the shit and get out of it unscathed. The simple fact: If you touch a single hair on my head, you’ll mark a cross on your back. La Santa Muerte will come for you and will hunt you until the end of your days."
Suddenly Arjun grabbed Gonzalo Yana's hair and pulled his head back, forcing him to look into his eyes. The light from the ceiling made Gonzalo only see a dark silhouette of a man.
"I think you already disappointed me. You already were, not to me but for everybody. Because of your "pathetic" self.. decided to choose this path with your family who had nothing to do but to cause suffering." Said Arjun, in a tone capable of making anyone's skin crawl "we are not what you see... we are not what you think. I could snap your neck right now and end your poor, pathetic life. But no, you have a much bigger purpose.." Arjun brought his face close to Gonzalo's "when we're done with you… you'll wish I'd snapped your neck."
Gonzalo Yana had not realized that he was sweating and trembling the moment Arjun let go of his head.
Arjun walked towards the door, but before leaving, he patted Jade on the shoulder.
"It's all yours" and left the room.
When he stepped outside the safe house, he found Sparrow, Aly, and Mandy waiting outside. Crickets could be heard in the bushes and a cool breeze blew gently.
"There is no turning back." Arjun mentioned. "Jade will get us the information we want."
Aly sighed in concern. "Jade is good at what she does, she's an MI6 agent after all but…this will affect her."
Sparrow nodded, agreeing with her.
"If we hurt Gonzalo Yana…" Mandy had a serious expression like everyone else. "We will send a clear message to El Sueño."
"Sir…I understand this is a covert mission. But we really don't know where we're going. We don't know what El Sueño is capable of." Sparrow spoke. "You saw how many guards there were in just a cocaine lab in the middle of nowhere."
Arjun nodded understandingly. "I'm aware, Sergeant. I'll talk to Laswell, maybe he can pull more strings. But for now, we're the only ones who can stop this madness."
"And what about the Rebel forces?" Aly asked.
"They will be considered hostile until proven otherwise. Although Bowman is an old friend of Laswell's, I don't trust her." Arjun crossed his arms and looked at his boots "We'll figure something out. But for now, we're dealing with this jerk."
Meanwhile, inside the Safe house, Jade and Gonzalo Yana were left alone in the room.
Jade was silent, she was terrifyingly calm. There was no emotion on her face.
"We can do this by hook or by crook." She began to explain. "I just need you to tell me a place and a time."
"If you think I'm going to tell you where my grandfather is. You're so wrong, puta."
Jade spent some time studying the man's body language. He was scared, but he hid it well. His hands were restless despite being tied. He kept his head up and still but his eyes were unable to maintain eye contact with Jade.
"We know that you recently returned to Bolivia, and we know that you have conversations with your grandfather. He is always the one who has to save you, right? You always end up in trouble and make El Sueño angry. But Rodolfo Yana is always there to protect you." Jade explained.
"That doesn't matter…you're not going to get me to talk. It doesn't matter what you do." Gonzalo Yana smiled sideways.
Jade nodded a few times and sighed. She got up from her chair and walked over to him.
"I see you made up your mind."
She rested her hand on Gonzalo's temple and looked at him for a few seconds.
"I will ask you a question. And you must answer honestly." Jade spoke again "Where is Rodolfo Yana?"
"Fuck you, pendeja."
"Wrong answer"
Jade pressed into the space between the eyebrow and the eyeball.
Jade closed her eyes and continued pressing on one of the most painful points in the body, there are many nerves in that area and it causes great pain and discomfort when pressing on it.
The screams echoed through the room, so loud that surely the people outside could hear them.
"Let's try one more time." Jade eased the pressure but didn't pull her hand away. "Where is Rodolfo Yana?"
Gonzalo was breathing heavily, he looked like an animal. But still he said nothing. He kept silent.
Jade, getting no response, pressed again. The screams resounded throughout the place.
The interrogation began to be a game of tug of war, Jade asked questions, and Gonzalo did not answer what she wanted. It seemed a bit like a game of cat and mouse. But this time the Cat played with the mouse until he died from exhaustion.
"Please! I don't know! I don't know!"
"No I don't know's. Just answer my question. It's easy, come on."
The game continued, gradually escalating until Jade decided to use more effective methods. She didn't want to come to this, but he gave her no choice. It was time to pull out nails, Jade started with the toes. She wrapped the toe with a rubber band to reduce the flow of blood, neither too tight nor too loose, she wanted Gonzalo Yana to see the blood but not bleed to death. Then with a toothpick she inserted it between the nail and the finger.
Gonzalo Yana screamed in pain. The nail was separated from the toe. Jade looked at the Narco once more waiting for an answer but he just whimpered. So she ended up ripping it off.
Gonzalo was dying, tossing and turning in his chair. He seemed like an animal dominated by hysteria and fear.
"Please, please! I already told you I don't know!"
"If you so much as breathe another 'I don't know’, I will rip another one of your nails. Think. Remember. We could do this all night." Jade stayed calm. 
The hours passed, until finally the cat caught the mouse. The screams stopped instantly.
Everyone waited outside. Sparrow paced back and forth like a caged lion. Arjun was thoughtful with his arms folded. Aly was trying to clear her mind and ignore what she had been hearing for hours trying to decipher the information Sparrow got from the lab's central computer. And Mandy going through the topographic maps of the area.
The door to the Safe House opened. Jade came out wiping her hands on a bloody rag. She approached Arjun without saying a single word and handed him a piece of paper with the exact location and time where Rodolfo Yana could be.
Then she left, without saying a single word. She entered the forest and disappeared into the darkness and the undergrowth.
"Jade…!" Aly tried to follow her but Mandy stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Sparrow walked over and shook her head. She knew that Jade needed to be alone. She had to collect her thoughts and deal with her internal struggle.
An internal struggle that the whole team had.
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gongyussy · 3 months ago
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deepthroating a gun without breaking eye contact...... he put his entire gongyussy into that | SQUID GAME 2
+ the video because the sound he makes when he puts the gun in his mouth? [redacted]
update: he improvised that. the man really said i'll go full slut.
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mountainshroom · 8 months ago
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i like the log and the pool
16K notes · View notes
eridan-ampora · 2 years ago
i love it when characters are codependent. i love it when losing someone feels like losing a limb. i love it when two people "complete" each other so wholly and terribly that one can barely function without the other. i love it when the fear of losing the only person who understands them is so all-consuming they'll destroy anything to stay together, including themselves.
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bloominglegumes · 2 months ago
still thinking about soundwave face and trying to figure things out bc im.nuts??? ur silent intimidating spymaster making these faces under the mask like just think about it
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skyrigel · 1 month ago
Possessive!Simon is one thing, but you ? You’re crazy about him. When it comes to him, you go all feral like a hissy cat pawing at their steak, he's your meat ! And Simon—so oblivious, so utterly devoted, he doesn’t even notice the hungry eyes trailing over him. All black gear, a half-masked, mysterious, broad shoulders and puffed out chest —of course birds and bats, all are salivating over him.
It boils your blood, ofcourse your man is hot, but eyes on him. Fuck no. You claim.
You tangle yourself around him, arms locking behind his neck, rising on your toes, dragging desperate, searing kisses along his jaw, his cheek, the edge of his mask. Grinding into him and ecstacy reveling because Simon gets all flushed under you.
None of these eyes can do that. Only you.
And then, without shame or hesitation, you yank the mask down, baring his lips just for you, claiming his starved mouth. The way he moans, all taken back your lips hot with slick and need for possession. Your fingers curl tight, nails scraping sharply on his nape as your body presses flush to his. Call it pathetic, call it insane, call it what you want but you will have him. A silent dare, a wordless mine.
Simon exhales rough and low, hands gripping your waist, grounding you—but not stopping you. Then, very effortlessly he lifts you, dragging you so close, his voice thick with heat as he mutters, "Always yours.”
Like he’s reminding you. Like he’s making damn sure you never forget who he belongs you.
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transsongtaewon · 9 months ago
The cork popped to loud cheers, sending foam and champagne flying into the air. Yoojin backed away, laughing, barely even annoyed by how the drops landing on Hyunjae's hair only made him look more beautiful. Like gems sparkling in the sun.
"Hand me your glass, dear husband."
Yoojin was pulled out of his revery. Husband. It would take him some time yet to get used to this title.
"Do you need help even with something as simple as this?", he griped but came closer, holding out his glass. Hyunjae carefully poured the rosé champagne, making sure not to spill a single drop more.
Even their champagne was pink. Matching the rest of the wedding, from their suits, to the decorations, and even the flower petals thrown by his children were all various shades of pink, ranging from a pale pastel to eye-searingly bright.
"As my beloved partner, isn't it your job to assist me in everything, as I shall assist you?" Hyunjae handed the bottle over to Yoojin, who started filling a second glass.
"I suppose I have no other choice, then."
He handed the glass to Hyunjae and turned to look at their guests. Everyone he loved was gathered here, smiling back at him (some more reluctant than others). An arm slid around his waist, Hyunjae's presence as reassuring as always.
"Thank you all, our dear guests, for coming to this wedding." Yoojin raised his glass. "To many happy years!"
He heard the toast echoed from all directions and took a sip of his champagne. Sweet and fruity, making him want to lick his lips.
Before he could get too absorbed in his drink, Hyunjae's face leaned closer. "To many happy years, dear husband."
The kiss tasted even sweeter than the champagne.
Written for Sctir Pride Week Day 1: Pink/Alcohol
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mango-yoyo · 1 month ago
all the ways to say (i love you)
rated T | chapter 1/3 (2.9k) | secret admirer | lesteban (lance/esteban)
Lance loved giving gifts. He’d had his fair share of romantic partners, and Lance’s favorite thing to do was to give them presents. He loved puzzling over packaging and ribbons and handing them over at the most opportune moments, watching for their reactions. It was always nice to see them appreciated, even off-handedly. Admittedly, sometimes his presents were nitpicked for being too simple or not being expensive enough, but Lance didn't mind too much. He also never really received gifts of his own, but that was also okay. He didn't really need to, and it didn’t stop him from giving gifts anyway. Sometimes he thought it might be nice, but who would give him gifts anyway? That was when the flowers came.
written for lancelovefest2025 @no00000000. happy Valentine's Day!
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formulapookie · 6 months ago
Don't speak just feel bezzetti, 2.1 k words
smut under the cut
There must be something like 35 degrees in this god forsaken room right now.
The smell of sex and Bez’s cologne is filling up Cele’s nostrils, making him dumb. Well, dumber than he already is.
He's been on edge for what? Two? Three hours maybe? Maybe even more, he  doesn’t fucking know.  The only thing he knows is he needs to cum, needs to have his release or he’s he’s going to go fucking mad.
Bez smells so good, sounds so perfect, everything he does or says get him more and more aroused. 
“You’re so good Celin, so so good, behaving so perfectly for me, only for me yes?”
Cele nods, hes so fucking hard he wants to cry, he needs Bez to make him cum, then he wants to feel the older inside, again, until he can’t even say his name anymore.
His senses are enlightened, multiplied a hundred times, each little movement of Bez’s hand on his cock feels like a hundred degrees more rising in his stomach.
He moans louder when Bez presses into his slit, making his back arch and his eyes water more.
“Don’t lose control Celin, keep being my good boy, and I promise I’m letting you have a nice reward at the end”
Cele nods again, he needs it.
Needs to cum as much as he needs to breathe, maybe even more than that.
He feels Bez’s lips on his neck, so fucking hot, he leaves a bruise there, Cele bets he’s full of them by now, that sensation is the only thing keeping him from detaching from reality.
“Celin, are you still with me?”
Cele nods again, moaning at Bez’s movement, his thigh twitches under Bez’s attention, and the older uses that weakness to place a hand there, his stupid long and hot hand keeping him still.
“Don’t. Move.”
Cele wants to beg, needs Bez to fucking act on his delayed orgasm now, because he wants to cum. 
“Wish I could see your eyes now amore, crying from this, so full with need I would give you everything you ask for”
Cele makes a muffled sound, he wants that too, wants it so much it hurts.
He can’t touch, see or speak, he can just hear, smell and feel.
In all honesty this situation is his fault, he decided to get Bez jealous, he was the one who basically flirted with the barista, he went and glued himself to Pecco touching and giggling at his muscles.
It’s only fair Bez chose this as a punishment for his actions.
He moves his fingers, well at least he can move them, the bloodstream hasn’t been stopped completely by the pretty red ropes tying his arms together behind his back.
The ropes feel hot against his skin, he’s sure he’ll have marks from them as soon as he gets them off.
He’s sat kneeling on the bed, his abs are tight, tensed up, he knows Bez must be liking the view.
He wishes he could see it, but the blindfold is too fucking thick in front of his eyes, he can’t even see a little bit of light through it.
Bez has been touching him for forever now, after fucking him and filling him up, he can feel his boyfriend’s release still inside him, a unholy squelching sound every time he moves slightly.
Bez kisses the corner of his mouth, still never stopping his strokes.
“You want to cum I bet”
Cele nods once again, he can’t even fucking talk with that fucking gag ball he’s got, he’s just drooling around it, getting it wet and shiny.
“Like your dick when I tease too much” Bez had said at the view.
“I don’t think you deserve it yet now do you? I’m really really upset by the little stunt you pulled today, you know”
Bez stops his movements, Cele presses his legs together for a bit of friction but bets slapped on his thigh.
“No no bimbo, you can’t do anything, do I have to tie your pretty thighs too?”
No no no no he might just die if this shit happens now.
He shakes his head, he just wants his release, wants to beg for it.
“If I take off the blindfold will you behave?”
Cele nods, he’s been doing that an awful amount of times now, he needs to look at Bez in the eyes, maybe he’ll take pity, maybe he’ll let him cum.
Or maybe he will just look at him and make him needier without actually giving him anything.
Both options are really attractive.
“Ok then, I’m taking it off, you deserve it”
Bez’s fingers dance around the string tying the blindfold for as much as two seconds before pulling it and letting the fabric fall, finally letting Cele see a bit of the room around him.
It’s night, but there’s a soft light from the bedside table and the moon shining through the window so he can actually see Bez’s expression, even if it gets him a bit to gain back his sight.
“Oh Cele now you can look at yourself, so pretty for me” Bez takes his chin between his fingers and turns him to face the mirror.
He can’t lie, he’s hot like that.
Black hair disheveled and messy, dry tears at the corner of his eyes, drooling around the gag ball and his dick hard in Bez’s hand.
“You’re so beautiful bimbo, I would’ve let you cum hours ago if you didn’t act like a slut at the party, you know that right? But I think now you’ve earned it”
Cele tries to get out a “please�� but with the gag ball on it only comes out a muffled sound, making Bez smirk.
“Let’s do this, since you behaved so good when I took off the blindfold you can cum twice, ok?”
Cele can’t even nod this time because Bez gets his hand around his dick again and strokes.
“I’d say the first just with my hand and the second one while I fuck you”
It’s not even a question, Bez knows Cele will like it, knows he wants it bad.
The older shifts to be directly behind him, he can feel the hard on pressing on his back, Bez’s lust filled eyes staring at his figure in the mirror.
He starts kissing at his collarbone, Cele forced to look at himself as he crumbles under Bez’s touch.
His boyfriend resumes his movements around his dick, slow, calculated ones, each dragging him closer to an orgasm he’s been chasing for way too long.
He can see that damn “12” tattooed on Bez’s ring finger, and seeing it wrapped around his cock makes him feel owned.
“If you look away I’m stopping bimbo, so if I were you I’d look at myself”
It’s filthy, but so good, degrading in a way that gets Cele hot under his skin. He moans again when Bez passes a thumb on its head, shivers all over his body.
The older sucks a hickey on his neck as his strokes quicken, his hand working faster and faster to get him off.
“Be good bimbo, cum for me, cum all over my fist”
Something that sounds vaguely like “Marco” comes out Cele’s mouth before he arches his back and finally comes, hot white liquid flowing out his dick like a fountain, he’s never came this hard before, he’s rolled his eyes back, he can feel electricity in each of his limbs, his brain is completely empty, just pure pleasure filling every inch of his body.
“Fuck I didn’t think you could cum that hard look at you, you’re still leaking eh, look how much you had in you”
Bez hasn’t stopped smirking since he took off Cele's blindfold, probably he’s been doing that since before even.
Bez’s fingers are completely coated with cum, white and glistening, and he’s already thought of a way not to waste it.
“Gonna fuck you now yes? You behaved well but I'm still angry by your little act from before, so you’re gonna keep that little toy in your mouth mh? So you are not so loud when I fuck you stupid”
Cele begs with his eyes, to please please please let him free to speak and scream his name.
“I love that you think looking at me like that will get me nice Celin, but it won’t work tonight, you actually have to face the consequences of your actions, so maybe next time you will think twice before acting like that”
Bez puts a hand on his back, he’s fucking hard again, he wants to cry.
“Spread your knees, good like that”
Cele barely manages to follow the order Bez is pushing two cum-coated fingers inside, spreading him way more than necessary, this is just a way to remind Cele he has no power in this, every ultimate decision is up to his boyfriend.
“You’re gonna take me so well aren’t you? Would you take the others too like this? The barista maybe?” Cele shakes his head, Bez adds a third finger and finds his prostate, but Cele knows he can’t cum until he’s been fucked and Bez gave his permission. “Or Pecco? You seemed so interested in his arms today, you were clinging to him, if you needed attention so bad you could’ve just begged me to fuck you like very other time, instead you had to act like that and now look, you’re being punished”
Cele’s entire body shivers, he wants to get fucked so hard he can’t think anymore, not even about the gag still in his mouth.
He moans again and looks up meeting Bez’s gaze in the mirror.
“You want to see how beautiful you look when I fuck you? I’ll show you”
Bez gets a hand tangled in cele’s hair, tugging at them slightly and making sure he has to look in the mirror.
He aligns his dick with the younger’s hole, which by now is all pink and spent.
“Perfect” he whispers before pushing inside, burying himself deep already at the first thrust, leaving no time for Cele to focus that he’s already pounding him in the mattress, holding his head up by his hair and using his other hand to squeeze his ass.
Bez is nice, usually. Romantic, caring, sweet, considerate. But right now he’s fucking him like he hates him, and God it’s hot.
Cele can’t look away, he watches himself get pathetically more and more aroused for Bez, absolutely wrecking him, his pace fast and deep, almost dirty, like it’s something to be done in a great rush and secrecy.
“You look good like this, you know? Crying and moaning under me. Might have you do it more often amore”
Cele is so fucking sensitive, at everything. Words, touch, thrusts, sounds.
So when Bez groans directly beside his ear it’s really not his fault if he almost comes, and it’s really not his fault when he gets on the edge again once his boyfriend calls him beautiful again.
Once Bez starts kissing at the nape of his neck he feels like he could never ask for something better in his life.
He’s being fucked senseless, yeah, seeing stars at every thrust, but the kisses are tender, loving, possessive in a sweet way.
Cele thinks about Bez’s tattooed finger curled around his neck, branding him like a property, and he’s on the verge again.
When Bez starts losing the rhythm Cele finally knows he’ll cum soon, Bez likes filling him up when he just had his release, because he’s oversensitive and clenches around him in a way that makes the older go crazy for it.
“Fuck I love you Celin I love you”
It doesn’t take long from there, just a few more thrusts, and then Cele is coming again, just as much as the first time, untouched, moaning around the gag in the desperate hope Bez will actually pity him and take it off.
Luckily, orgasms get Bez vulnerable at his pleas, and he immediately removes the toy and lets it fall on the bed, letting go of cele’s hair and turning the younger’s head slightly just to manage to kiss him deeply, moaning in his mouth when he finally cums inside the boy.
For five minutes after that, neither speaks, they just calm their breaths down, Bez unties Cele’s wrists and arms are sore, reddish, itchy even.
Bez kisses all over his neck to say sorry if he’s been harsh, cele answering he was, but he liked that too, so there’s really no need to worry.
“You really looked hot with that thing, only downside I couldn’t kiss you” “Yeah, true” “Can we kiss now?” “Yeah of course amore” “You owe me all the kisses you didn’t give me while fucking me” “oh it’s a lot eh, I warn you” “I love your kisses. I don't care how many you give me, I just need them”
Bez smiles, pressing a chaste kiss on Cele’s lips then letting him get overwhelmed by the insane amount of kisses he deemed fit for that moment.
“Love you”
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prudentseer · 11 months ago
hi!! i read your fic (the mariana trench one) and i LOVED the smalletho in it. while reading i couldn't help but let the hamster wheel thats controlling my brain says "this part reminds me of this song" and it happened a few times. so i made a playlist based on smalletho!! thank you for the amazing 16 chapters, i read them all in a single day. youre very amazing. have an amazing life, thank you!
Hello! You're my first ever ask!! Probably my own fault as I never promote my fics anywhere or tell people my asks are open (or maybe I'm just being egotistical in thinking people would want to talk to me) but either way, I'm slightly surprised you went out of your way to find me and very honoured!!
I find it hilarious that you just refer to the fic as "the mariana trench one" because you're so real for that, my titles are too goddamn long and annoying to type even for myself. So much so that I've made an oath to myself that every new fic I write has to have a title 5-6 words in length MAX.
With all that babble out of the way I'm so glad you enjoyed my fic and even more glad that you were inspired to compile an entire playlist of songs because of it!! I'm not the kind of person to relate songs to characters/fics because my music taste is too narrow for that but I've listened to the playlist and just...YES. Risk, Internet Stalking, Kiss With A Fist, etc is literally smalletho in my fic. Seeing Skinny Dipping by Sabrina Carpenter in the playlist is not a surprise to me because Chapter 13 was inspired by another fic by the name of "resistant, but going down with the ship" by @insomnya777 (you may know them from the smalletho superhero AU) which is based on the song itself.
Thank you for introducing me to more music and thanks again for reading and reaching out!! I hope you have a good one as well!
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kkatts · 1 month ago
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this next fic is gonna be hella fire
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revnah1406 · 2 years ago
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So it's been a While since the last time I posted something about Black Ops or Mason's Legacy.
I have a few things prepared and cooking in the oven, for my beautiful Abby Mason. And one of them is this one! I'm so excited for this drawing! I tried a whole different style and it was so fun! I learned a lot of things and I could improve my art!
Anyway here you have a couple of drawings of my Oc Abby Mason from my fic Mason's Legacy! Here you can find small details that changed Abby's appearance.
I'm still working on the next chapter and I hope I can post it soon!
Love ya!💖
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