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nightmareinspector · 15 days ago
Use this ask an excuse to talk about something you really like right now!
I've been saving this ask for a rainy day bc i knew from the start I wanted to infodump about my persona 4 silent hill au and I knew when I start I won't be able to stop . I love u.
It follows the bad end after the IT wrongly kill namatame and the fog starts rolling in. So I think it would take place about February ish in the games timeline. Narukami had his doubts about the killing after the fact but has kept them to himself. Nanako is dead, Teddies missing. So much has gone wrong and he doest want to tell everyone they were wrong after everything. Truthfully, he doesn't want them to be wrong.
The IT wake up to find that every non persona user seems to have vanished. (Except adachi..... weird.) In its wake, various monsters inhabit the town instead. Kind of horrific. It seems like a total bad dream.
Initially I have everyone separated, but Yukiko is literally trapped within the inn, only freed from her cage when Chie fights through to her. Yukiko sustained injuries in her sleep that put her in a similar position to Eileen Galvin, and Chie is her daring Prince, sworn to protect her.
Yu wakes up to find nanako leading him through the fog, through to an amusement park. She remarks on how she's always wanted her big bro to take her to a place like that. Grief overwhelms Narukami as he laments losing Nakako, and yet as rust and rot consume him, he's convinced himself Nanako is alive. This is more than a dream (or nightmare). It's way too real. Next thing he knows, he's stranded on the streets, looking for her.
Yosukes overslept in Junes... he preps for his morning shift in a but of a daze, only to see... Saki. Real, in the flesh. She gives his hand a squeeze and his heart leaps. It feels so so wrong. But he's missed her so badly... she calls him hana-chan, and doesn't seem to remember the incidents at all. What the hell is going on in there......
The first years i don't have ironed out as much, I want rise to be similar to Lisa, Kanji on the tracks of a ufo ending, and Naoto to play the part of Douglas, solving pieces of the incident. Rn I've mostly fleshed out what yu and yosuke go thru bc I'm fudanshing out....
Oh and yosuke shoots yu by accident. Oopsies.
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sky-snz · 2 months ago
idk how to explain it, but u write like...everyday, simple scenes so well?? like w the little drabbles and w the longer Lily/Jonah, Mick/Harley stories too...like the mundane, regular things (w some added snz for spice!) so fluidly.
js some observations from an editor 👍
Thank you, wow :)
To be honest, relatively recently it's been more difficult for me to put together extensive plots for snzfic. Some of the series I'd written weren't meant to be series but had been inspired by comments (Hold Me, for example lol. Actually, fun fact, Mick & Harley were inspired from a one shot with nameless characters too). A lot of the time my mind invents scenarios and then characters to be in them, and sometimes I feel them out by subjecting them to regular stuff like dealing with wasps in their coffee, scrolling when they should be sleeping, making breakfast etc. It can seem unimportant to the plot but it adds character, the way different people do these things.
Also, lately I find it comforting to explore mundane/everyday things in writing. I love details and little human quirks that make them unique. It's not always grand scheme plot but it just makes things a little less serious so I get to wind down some. I'm glad it's being enjoyed~ 🫶🏼
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snaffirmations · 1 year ago
I always had a feeling that snails are magical wise creatures, that just chill in after-rain grass, and if we could hear them they would give us very wholesome advices. Very much appreciate this blog. Greetings from my snail friend Tobi 🐌❤
snails are very wise creatures indeed. they have two (2) whole braincells, one dedicated to loving food and the other to loving you
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remus-poopin · 1 year ago
1,5,10 and 27 for the snape asks ;3
1. Do you have a snOTP? What is it?
I’m not really a shipper so I don’t really have any ships I feel that strongly about but if I had to choose for Snape than maybe platonic Snily (if that counts lol)
5. Do you think Snape ever loved anyone other than Lily, romantically or platonically?
No, I don’t think he loved any other person romantically (I think I’m in the snapedom minority because I actually think Snape did have romantic feelings for Lily). I don’t really see him being that romantically active tbh. Platonically I don’t think so either. I think he may have cared for his DE friends but I’m not sure he loved them. Maybe I can see him loving the Malfoys though.
10. Do you think Snape's character has changed the way you think/feel about others?
Actually yes, a lot. When I first got into the snapedom it was from a lot of meta and analysis and one of the things that kept popping up was the class conversation, DE grooming, and radicalization. I think this (along with all the left-tube Contrapoints type videos I was watching at the time) really changed my perspective on the people who join hate groups. Because I’m a black queer women and I came of age on tumblr during the rise of the Alt-right movement it was very hard for me to see the humanity in those people (not that I wasn’t capable but I just wasn’t interested in trying to). I think I did myself a disservice in not trying to figure out what the hell was going on with these people because if I did I would have had a much better understanding of the people who were apparently against my whole existence. It was very easy to write these people off as just hateful racists and leave it at that.
Learning about radicalization and how young (white) men, usually poor, usually bullied, and usually victims of SA or assault are drawn to hate movements where they feel like they can reclaim some of the power that “was stolen from them” that they feel was rightfully theirs in the first place (that they are “entitled to by society”) helped me understand those movements more deeply and how they function (I’m actually writing something on this rn and I want to make it into Snape meta eventually).
Reading the Snape meta got me more interested in that process as it was very relevant to todays American politics which was always an interest of mine. Me coming to like Snape actually humanized those people for me, which I feel is incredibly important because dehumanization, even of those who are extremely shitty is never helpful (my black ass still wouldn’t want to be anywhere near these people tho). My love for Snape mostly comes from the fact that he made it out to the other side from that hate. I think that’s a really valuable story to tell, especially in our times.
So my love for Snape has really increased my empathy and that is something I’ll always be grateful for.
27. Do you think Snape was close to his mother?
I wouldn’t say close because I don’t think she really spent a lot of time with him or anything like that. I always viewed her as distant and a bit defeated. I think Snape definitely liked her more than his dad, but I don’t think they were a close mother son duo by any means.
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agoodcupoftea · 2 years ago
re: Shavuot scenarios, I love the idea of staying up all night but I just think it’s a disaster for one’s immune system…
See, this is good....
Someone thinking it's just their allergies kicking in as they try to learn but really they're coming down with something
Someone who sneezes during early S/hacharis and blames it on the flowers but really staying up all night has tipped their health scale and they're getting sick
Late night sniffles over a sefer are hot that's all
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Are you and thebloommaster gonna write more dabihawks snz fics on ao3? I’ve been waiting for so long for new updates. Love u 😍
Ahhhhhh I'm so sorry for such a late response! I don't have notifs on and I don't get messages often so I don't even check 😭
But YES we will eventually!! I'm the problem because I'm in med school so my free time is like negative 5 hours per day 😭😭😭 but there will be more eventually~ pleased and honored that you enjoy them so much 🥰
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snailifier · 2 months ago
@=: snes?
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nightmareinspector · 15 days ago
fudanshi out with me
God it would be an honour
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sky-snz · 2 months ago
Your spellings are always soooo good
Aww thank you! I’m a big fan of sound, lol. I find it fun to try and express the dynamics of any given sound with just letters and formatting.
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snezus-christ-risen · 3 months ago
C and T for Agatha and/or Rio?
Fulfilled this one here!
The prompts were Contagion and Tissues
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remus-poopin · 1 year ago
21, 43, 48 for the Snape asks, if you’re still answering them? :) ty!
21. What particular memory do you think Snape used to conjure his patronus?
Ok so I now subscribe to the hc that @serpenera presented in this post that the patronus is a symbol of hope not just happiness and therefore needs a happy memory of something that will keep you going forward, so obviously for Snape that’s going to be Lily related. After Lily’s death I think like mentioned in that post, he would think of Harry finally safe and out of danger.
43. What's your favourite headcanon about Snape? Is there a movie/song/book that reminds you of Snape?
I think my favorite hc is that he actually likes Luna and enjoys teaching her. I think he would appreciate her creativity, individuality, and kindness while also emphasizing with her being bullied. Idk but I can’t see him giving his usual asshole attitude to her.
For what songs remind me of him: Everytime I listen to The Smiths I think of Snape because ✨ vibes ✨but this song in particular is literally sooo Snape coded it’s insane
Also everything in my cokeworth cunt playlist
48. Did you feel Snape was the "good guy" even before the reveal?
Hm so when I was a kid I read the first couple books but once I got to GOF I stopped and only heard them through audiobooks that my grandma would constantly play for us at her office (she was very into the series lol) but I wasn’t fully paying attention. I did however watch all the movies in theaters and I was much more into that. When the HBP movie came out I think I was 7 or 8 and I don’t remember feeling all that strongly about Snape or Dumbledore dying (I really only cared about Hermione and maybe Harry). So I wasn’t really thinking about Snape and or any plot twist to come. I think when the last movie came out in like 2012 or something I was in 5th grade and the Always scene happened and it was definitely not expected for me. So honestly no I didn’t think he was the good guy, but I don’t think I was even thinking about him at all.
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agoodcupoftea · 1 year ago
Does anyone have any wav requests? I might try something later today but I'm stuck on ideas
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snailifier · 2 months ago
hello snailifier! the emoji kitchen is a website you can use to combine emojis, one of those being the snail. when you combine the snail emoji with the hugging emoji, the snail remains the same. this seems to imply that snails are nearly always ready to hug. what are your thoughts on this? do snails like hugs?
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@=: snis is snorrect! none of us got snugged enough as snildren sno we snalways snelcome the opportunity
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secret-explosion · 5 months ago
Headcanons of a sick or sneezy V//ox? 🥺
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this!
I have a feeling his sneezes changes as the decades went on. When he first came to hell and had a 1950's style TV, which was much more prone to overheating and overloading. Plus, there were not as many reliable vents. Hence, when he sneezed, it was so violent that this man used to blow a fuse each and every time. This was especially a problem when sick. Try as he might, that head of his just wasn't made for quiet sneezes nor the ability to hold them back. Tired of being black screened and useless until someone replaced his fuse, he decided it was time for some adjustments.
He tinkered throughout the years until eventually he had a much more efficient screen, volume control, and a better ventilation system. With Filters! With fewer allergens to make him sneeze and a reliable control of volume, he was now a master at stifling! With a few nearly imperceptible sneezes, the allergen is out of his vents and off to bother someone else. However, with all the adjustments he made, he is more computer than TV; leaving him much more susceptible to accidentally downloading viruses. On top of it all, he still runs into the problem of blue screening when caught in a particularly bad sneezing fit nowadays
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what allergies/sensitivities do you think dabi and hawks have? how intense? 😈
Is any and everything depending on how we want to torture them an acceptable answer? 👀😈
But ooo ok ok:
Hawks- I would say I assume he doesn't have as many allergies but rather he's got a sensitive nose, especially when he's sick. Even his own feathers make him sneeze when he has a cold. Maybe he's allergic to some random uncommon flower and he only discovers this because of all the bouquets his fans throw at him. Flying up so high makes his nose extremely cold, so it's all runny and sniffly when he gets back down (that's what the high fluffy collar on his jack is for 👀)
Dabi- oh this man's body is FUCKED and you know that includes his immune system. Awful mix of doesn't work well enough yet works too well in ways he doesn't want. Absolutely allergic to dust and mold, which is awful for all the shitty rundown bases the League stays in. Spring and fall allergies, he gets a break in the summer but it's so hot that he gets quirk fevers so is it really a break? 👀 the stray alley cats that are attracted to the heat he gives off make him sneeze -ironically- kittenish fits and he hates his inability to say no to them. Hawks buys him the good allergy meds when he finds out tho. Even candles with too strong of scent will set him off. And don't even get him started on Hawks' feathers (or do, since Hawks has the kink)
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jennyfair7 · 7 months ago
Have you seen the Sneleton at Party City?
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@tearosesarts not at Party City but IN MY HOUSE! 💀🐌
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I found it at the grocery store last year after you tagged me in a post about it - it was fate 😍 It’s so wrong it’s right 🤣 Thank you for thinking of me! 🥰
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