snamioneconfessions · 4 years
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I am 100% sure that my friends and family will be creeped out by my otp so I always make sure that no one's around me when I read snamione fics.
Artist: foxyx
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jenli88 · 6 years
I must say that I earn a new talent of making a very... very short MV lol This one is less than 20 seconds (how on earth did that happen? lol) Well, nonetheless, enjoy the clip! (And plz, dont hex me because of its length XD)
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I know there are many ships in the Harry Potter. Some are logical, or at least understandable. Others are cute even though there is very little canon basis. Some offer something interesting in fanfics. But others are just… weird in my opinion. 
Like Snarmione, W*lfstar, Sirius/Ginny, Sn*rry, or even Snape/Sirius.
Sn*rmione: Is it because people think Hermione is a bit like Lily? That is the only reason I can find.
Wolfstar. Extremly popular despite it’s glaring flaws. Sirius told Snape how to freeze the Willow, Sirius and Remus MU-TU-A-LLY suspected eachother (as in Remus was ALSO suspicious of Sirius. It’s not just a one way situation), Remus had no problem believing Sirius capable of betraying the Potters and Killing Peter and 12 other persons, and then in OOTP he wasn’t really there for his ‘friend’. That’s not romantic relationship material. it’s barely friendship material tbh.
Sirius/Ginny: Didn’t know it even existed until a few days ago. My main issue with it is the same as for Snarry, Snarmion, or character shipped with an adult, while they are still students. Adults, as in about 20 years older.
Snarry: An abusive teacher and one of the students he abuses? Really? Just going to quote what the autor has to say about Snape for those who do not think he is abusive as a teacher:
JKR: OK. Snape is the - er - very sadistic teacher loosely based on a teacher I myself had, I have to say.
Snape/Sirius: They loathed eachother. Need I to say more?
That’s just my opinion though. People are free to ship whatever they want of course.
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justadearie · 7 years
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I Won't Leave You
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atdlhea-betz-blog · 8 years
With her mouth pulled into a moue, she said with some great somberness, 'Darling, something has come between us.'  There was a tired look in Hermione's eyes as she cast them down at the gulf between husband and wife.
Epilogue, chapter 118 of And They Didn’t Live Happily Ever After
And They Didn’t Live Happily Ever After
Epilogue: Chapter 118
"Darling, Something Has Come Between Us"
Summary: Ten years later, the Snape family returns to England for a visit.
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4786826/chapters/23103501
AFF: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=38787&chapter=119
Ashwinder: http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=29181&i=1
(Ashwinder is still having a chapter order problem and the epilogue is posted third from last chapter on the story page chapter list.  Follow the link to go directly to this chapter, as chapter 116, Part I & II, come after the epilogue.  Ashwinder has been notified of the problem.)
YES!  This story is now complete, done, finished, wrapped-up, kaput!  So if you’ve been holding out to read this in one go, you now have 900,000+ words of angst, lust, betrayal, frustration, disappointment, ecstasy, deceit, fury, elation, resignation, love, forgiveness and suspense to keep you entertained.  Now, wouldn’t this just be peachy if someone in Hollywood read this and wanted to turn this into a cable TV series...
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clioeshistoria · 7 years
The fact that h*rmione is paired with everything that breaths (or not) is proof that jk didn't bother to develvolp other female characters, besides H*rmione "what every female character should be like" Gr*nger...or it just means that her character has no personality? Idk
Pretty sure there's a fic out there pairing her with a dementor....
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just-antithings · 2 years
Funniest interaction with antis I've ever had was was when I got told off for mentioning that I DIDN'T like snarry and snarmione. Apparently the mere mention of them existing was inappropriate for the minors in the server. First and last day on that discord lol
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sarahsversi0n · 4 years
Reacting to some HP Ships
Hinny: I love it. So pure. Awesome
Romione: I love it. Friends to Lovers smut here i come
Drarry: Um i used to ship but its hella toxic
Dramione: Hi guys, welcome back to ships I hate more than life
Dron: N-O-P-E
Harmione: No. They were friends. FRIENDS.
Rarry: Kinda ship ngl
Nuna: I mean...i ship it a bit so0000
Deamus: It's canon and jk is to much of a dope to see it
Wolfstar: same as deamus
Snagrid: thats gonna need a big bed also no just no
Snarry: nope throw in in the trash
Snarmione: mom mom im scared
Sron: peace guys im leaving social media
Snape x anyone: he deserved to die alone
Fremione: help me im in lurveeeee with my brothers best friend kinda weird
Herminny: Not against in but there my brotp
Luna x Theo: remember when theo and luna talked to each other? i don't either
lunarry/huna: Okay. Like it.
Hermione x Luna: Sure its alright
Runa: This one doesn't feel right
Chomione: I saw some really cute fan art for this. I want more but its okay
Cho x Ginny: Kissing while fighting over harry
Pansmione: Gender-flipped drarry, nice fan art tho
Blon: rip off drarry wtf
Percy x Oliver: YESS! Needs more fanfic and fan art
Flintwood: Nope nope NOPE
Dransy: Its okay i guess i mean kinda just a brotp
Albus x Minerva: there is like an 100 year difference between them
Ron x Ginny: sweet home alabama
Bill x Charlie: first of all, sweet home alabama. second of all, charlies dragon sexual
Fred x George: WTF WTF WTF sweet home alabama sweet home alabama
Lavender x Parvati: yes yes yes please but parvati's mine thou lavender srry
Minmione: wtf
Ginsy: nope nope im goooooooood
Ginetrix: Haha. oh wait. you were serious. oh no
Ginadora: NOPe
Fleurmione: not to shabby
Fleurdora: such a boss aesthetic for this omg
Doramione: i dont like this one
Cissamione: no
Bellamione: NOOOOPE
Pottermort: DO you feel me, tom? do you feel me inside of you?
Starbucks: brotp
Snupin: so yeah welcome to my blog, todays ep. is called telling everyone my husbands' a werewolf!!
Pansy x Ron: nOoOoOoOoOOooooo
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ilvermourn · 7 years
Dumbasses: i can ship who ever i want! Freedom to do whatever. That doesn't make me stupid for shipping abusive ships and just plain wrong ones!!
Dumbasses: *continues to ship maleo, karamel, frostar, olicity, snarmione etc etc*
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jane-court · 6 years
anyways if you ship snarry or snarmione or ect, your getting a swift Block
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snamioneconfessions · 4 years
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I wish there were more Soul Mates stories featuring Severus and Hermione. A bond created by fate to bring the two of them together.
Artist: foxyx
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jenli88 · 6 years
A new MV of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger! And yes, this time it has reasonable length lol Enjoy!
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Severys Snape ruined Remus Lupin's life. He didn’t only ruin Remus Lupin’s life. He ruined the life of every single werewolf in the UK. When Snape decided he couldn’t bear not having what he wanted (for example, SIRIUS BLACK GETTING KISSED BY A DEMENTOR) and spilled the secret, he didn’t only tell the whole school. He didn’t only tell the kids’ parents. The told the whole Magical World. But, you know. Bravest man I ever knew.
Um, if you read my blog it should be rather obvious that I don’t think he is somehow perfect or that all those things aren’t problematic. I happen to love Snarmione, yeah, and I sure as hell think that is an interesting character, but he is interesting because of his flaws and all those unbalanced traits, not because I see him as a tragic hero. The world isn’t black and white and I’m not trying to make it so either.
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justadearie · 7 years
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Shrieking Shack
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atdlhea-betz-blog · 8 years
Chapter 116 is up!
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The Wedding, by dokinana, commissioned by Betz
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen
“Vivieron Felices Y Comieron Codero Y Salmón" (And They Lived Happily Ever After, and Ate Lamb and Salmon) Summary: Come join Hermione and Severus at their wedding. Please specify if you will have the lamb or salmon at the reception. Ashwinder Part I: http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=29156&i=1 Ashwinder Part II: http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=29157&i=1 AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4786826/chapters/22585133 AFF: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=38787&chapter=117
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hey @ people who ship underage ships, yall are gross and hate csa victims
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