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leonardalphachurch · 9 months ago
i voted no for every character on that blog besides price and caboose ftr
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lokigodofaces · 1 month ago
I love how when I read this I wasn't sure if you were talking about a specific event or just the entire show because Jemma repeatedly goes through A Lot but I do think that her trauma gets overlooked a lot of the time.
We as a fandom need to begin discussing how overlooked Jemma's trauma is
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shadow-company-phoenix · 6 days ago
Phoenix + Barrage Teen AU
Oh man. I actually cranked this out.
I genuinely loved writing this and I hope that you guys like it too. If anyone with any ask blogs want to be put in (in any kind of way) then send me a message or an ask! I love all of you and will definitely add more people (whether they message me or not LOL)
...this may or may not be 1.9k words. It also isn't beta read so there are probably mistakes LOL. Don't mind me. I'm just a little guy
“This is stupid.”
That was the first thing that Phoenix said the whole car ride. He couldn’t believe it. Who in their right mind would choose him? He was loud and rude, not to mention one of the older kids.
If fifteen was considered old, anyway. In his mind it was, because the older kids didn’t get adopted. They were taken from foster house to foster house until they aged out of the program. That’s what Phoenix had expected to do, already mentally preparing for it.
“You may think that now, but they’re good people. They foster a lot for us, and we’ve never had a complaint about them, even from the rowdier ones,” Phoenix’s case worker, Emily, said from the driver's seat. She had insisted on driving him, getting him a milkshake and something to eat on their way over.
He liked her well enough. She was nice, sure, but she had so much…hope for him. Hope that he couldn’t see himself, that made him feel sick if he thought about it for too long.
“Whatever,” he muttered under his breath, looking out the window.
Phoenix hadn’t realized that he was falling asleep until the car stopped and Emily was gently shaking his shoulder. He jerked awake, sitting up straight again, and blinked rapidly. “We’re here,” Emily said.
Phoenix didn’t say anything, just unbuckling himself and getting out of the car. He went around to the trunk and grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. That backpack had everything that could possibly matter to him, and he would be damned if he left it in Emily’s trunk.
For just a second, he stared at the house in front of him. It was simple, but bigger than anything Phoenix had ever been in before. Two stories tall with a nice looking porch and a well tended yard. He was hesitant to go in, to do more than just stand by Emily’s trunk, but then she was next to him and ushering him away from the car.
She guided him up the porch and knocked on the door. Phoenix barely had time to shuffle behind her and prepare himself before someone was opening the door.
“Well, hello there,” a man’s voice said, full of warmth. 
Phoenix picked up on the southern accent, which really shouldn’t have surprised him. He’d been living in Texas for almost two years now, and yet it still surprised him whenever he heard anyone other than Emily speak.
“Hi, Mr. Graves. I’m Emily. We spoke over the phone?”
The man hummed in acknowledgement and smiled. “Ah, of course! Ms. Simmons, it’s wonderful to finally meet you in person. Please, come on in. Let me get you something to eat or drink.”
Emily just laughed softly and shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Graves, but I do have to be getting back soon. I just thought I’d see a certain someone off for the last time.” She stepped to the side, exposing Phoenix.
It won’t be the last time, Phoenix thought to himself. It was never the last time. There would never be a last time. Not in the way that she was thinking, at least.
“Of course, of course. You must be—”
“Phoenix,” he interrupted, not wanting to hear the name that was on his birth certificate.
The man raised an eyebrow but smiled. “Phoenix. Right then. I’m Phillip Graves, but just Phillip or Phil works fine,” he said kindly.
Phoenix stared at him, unspeaking. He scrutinized every detail, every small mannerism about the man in front of him.
“He doesn’t talk much around new people,” Emily explained, resting her hand on Phoenix’s shoulder. “Oh, and he doesn’t really let people touch him. I’m surprised he lets me do it, really.”
“‘Course. Tha’s jus’ fine, darlin’. Ain’t nothin’ to worry ‘bout. How's about you head inside and meet everyone else,” Phillip said, still smiling.
Phoenix stared at him for a second before looking over at Emily. She just smiled and turned to him. “It’s alright, Phoenix. How about a hug before you go? I just have to tell Mr. Graves a couple things before I get going,” she said sweetly.
Normally, Phoenix would just refuse since he’d be seeing her again in a month, maximum, but there was something in her eyes that told him he should do it. So, hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. Emily let out a small laugh and squeezed him back before letting go.
“You’re gonna do great, Phoenix. Remember, you can call me anytime.”
Phoenix looked up at her and nodded slowly. “Okay,” he said quietly, his voice scratchy. He could have sworn he saw tears in her eyes, but brushed it off as a trick of the light.
Phillip moved to the side, letting Phoenix step inside the house. He looked around in awe, unused to such…nicety. Still, he kept his guard up. This could all be a facade, something to give him false hope.
He walked down the main hall slowly, keeping one hand on the pocket knife in his back pocket and the other on his backpack strap. He looked at pictures that lined the walls, stopping to look down at one that rested on a nightstand next to the doorway that led to the rest of the house.
Hesitantly, Phoenix picked it up and looked at it. It was a wide shot of Phillip and a bunch of different people that Phoenix couldn’t even pretend to know. Phillip had his arms wrapped around a man with a cane and someone else with a surgical mask and sunglasses that covered his face. They all looked…happy.
Phoenix gently put the picture down, not knowing what to think of so much happiness being in the palm of his hand, and continued past the doorway.
The living room had a warm and cozy sort of feeling to it that Phoenix couldn’t explain. There were pillows and blankets on the couch, a mug on the coffee table and some random show playing on the TV. Phoenix stared at it for a while, silently becoming transfixed with characters that he didn’t even know the names of.
“Phil say if he was coming in soon?” a man’s voice asked from behind him.
Phoenix jumped and whipped around, taking a few steps back. The man was the same one from the picture, the one with the cane. He had it with him now, using it to walk over to the couch where he sat down.
“Sorry, sorry. Didn’t mean ‘t scare you. You can call me Scott. Or Leggy. I’m Phil’s husband,” the man said.
“‘Leggy?’” Phoenix questioned.
“Yup. Got my knees fucked up after an accident, hence the cane. Some dumbass coined the nickname and, well. I liked it well enough to keep using it.”
Phoenix just blinked and nodded once.
“I’m gonna assume that you’re—”
“Phoenix,” Phillip said, walking through the threshold and into the living room. “I see that you’ve met my husband.” He walked over to Leggy and leaned over the couch, pressing a kiss to Leggy’s forehead. Phoenix curled his lip at the open display of affection, but he didn’t say anything.
“Was just tellin’ the kid ‘bout my nickname,” Leggy said, moving his cane so that it rested against the arm of the couch.
Phillip just shook his head with a chuckle. “Is Cedric around?”
“Said he had something that he was working on and went up to his room. I didn’t ask many questions, just told him to be down for dinner,” Leggy responded.
“...who’s Cedric?” Phoenix asked.
Both pairs of eyes snapped over to him, and Phoenix shrunk slightly under their gaze. What could he say? They were intimidating.
“He’s another kid we adopted. One that still lives at the house, at least,” Phillip explained, his gaze soft as he looked at Phoenix.
“Oh,” was all Phoenix responded with.
“You can head up to your room if you’d like. It’s the first one on the left upstairs. Dinner’s around seven. We’ll call you down,” Leggy said.
Phoenix nodded and turned away from them, only looking back for a half second before going to the stairs and climbing them. He looked down the upstairs hall. There were two doors on the left, one all the way down, and three to the right. The only ones open were the first one on the left, which was supposedly his room, and the one all the way down, which seemed to be a bathroom.
The first door on the right had a sigh that said “BARRAGE” on it. Phoenix tilted his head but didn’t say anything, instead going into the first room on the left.
He was shocked to find a boy hunched over a desk in the corner of the room, seemingly doing something. The sight of him set Phoenix on edge, but he didn’t make a move to fight or run. Yet. He was very close.
The boy jumped and whipped his head around to look at Phoenix. He had scars down his face and his nose was a little crooked.
“Fuck—I mean—shit—” The boy stumbled over his words, a hand held over his heart. “You scared the shit outta me.”
“...you’re in my room.”
The boy looked at Phoenix curiously before nodding. “Yeah. Was just making sure that e’rything was where it’s s’posed to be.”
Phoenix nodded slowly and the two just stared at each other for a second before the boy cleared his throat and held a hand out. “I’m Cedric.”
For a second, Phoenix looked at his outstretched hand before eventually taking it. “Phoenix,” he responded. Cedric nodded and pulled his hand back, stuffing it in his pocket. “So, you’re also…”
“Adopted? Yeah. Pops pretty much picked me up off the side of the road and brought me back here,” Cedric answered coolly.
Phoenix nodded slowly. “Are they…should I…”
Cedric shook his head vehemently. “No, absolutely not. Dad and Pops are the best you can get, trust me. Ain’t nothin’ t’ be afraid of with ‘em. Except maybe the after dinner talk, but that’s just rules ‘nd shit. Nothin’ like what you’re thinkin’.”
They stared at each other again before Cedric looked past him and to the door. “Well, I’m gonna head back to my room. If you need anything, I’m just across the hall.”
As he walked past, Phoenix turned and asked, “‘Barrage?’”
Cedric stopped in the doorway and turned to look back at him. “What?”
“It uhm. Your door says Barrage. Why?”
“Oh, that.” Cedric chuckled and shook his head. “Just a nickname ‘s all.” And with that, he was gone, the door to Phoenix’s room closed behind him.
Phoenix stopped and stared at the door before shrugging off his backpack. He tucked it between the bed and the desk, only opening it to grab a silver coin out of the smallest pocket and holding it tightly in the palm of his hand. He kicked off his worn down shoes, tucked his pocket knife under his pillow, and climbed into the bed, trying to wrap his head around everything that was happening.
Just yesterday he was sleeping on an uncomfortable cot with a couple other kids in a room, and now he had his own room with a real bed and comfortable blankets and pillows. He looked down at the coin, running his thumb over the edge, and closed his eyes. He wouldn’t sleep, he couldn’t, but he could pretend. Even if just for a little while.
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jade-kyo · 7 months ago
RvB 20th rewatch: s1
Here it is, after giving myself some time to let the post restoration emotions settle I am finally commencing my 20th rewatch of RvB 1-13. I’ll be sharing my thoughts as I go and doing a few other special things. I’ll also be rewatching the PSAs, miniseries, and some of the extra stuff that’s on the dvds! Welp let’s get started with season 1!
Trocadero really didn’t have to go that hard right out the gate but they did that for us
Grimmons and chucker really started it all huh…
Also the way one of Sarge’s first lines is a grimmons joke istg
The way the characters are so well established right from the get go- they say so much with so little. Like right away you get that Sarge doesn’t like Grif and Simmons sucks up to Sarge without them ever directly saying it. They just have natural flowing and sounding dialogue that allows you to infer all this information so easily and I just RAAAHHHH THIS SHOWS DIALOGUE IS SO GOOD
“A walrus” “didn’t I just tell you to stop making up animals!” Is one of my favorite lines in the whole show I quote it so frequently
Remember when Caboose called Tex a slut? Absolutely wild times fr
I love how this show allows its characters to have bad comebacks and lame jokes. It’s part of what makes the characters feel so damn real cause let’s face it- we all fail to have witty comebacks from time to time
“WHO IS RUNNING THIS ARMY” a line that came back to bite RT in the ass so many times lol
Love how the character that can’t aim for shit had the sniper as his signature weapon. One of the funniest bits in the show.
Also love how in the time that they spent arguing over the teleporter they could’ve walked to Donut 😂
“What the fuck are you babbling about” is also one of my most quoted lines
Donut really was the only normal one in the beginning lol
Ah the true inciting incident- Church’s first death. If that hadn’t happened we’d probably have an entirely different show.
Remember when Vic was also normal
“That makes you a gay robot” Caboose predicted the entire story in one line
Church: explaining that he’s a ghost. // Tex who knows the entire truth: oh I am going to milk the shit out of this
Girlie really just said yes and to a bit Church didn’t know he was a part of
“I never told him… he was my son” imagine if In restoration when Sarge dies he told Grif he was his son… honestly that single throw back could’ve redeemed the entire season for me could you IMAGINE I would have LOST IT
Church’s determination to save Tex being their downfall is such an established thing all the way back in season 1 and it follows the entire series and I just AGDJGAKSHSKHSKDGDJHD
They were doomed from the start
They could never escape the cycle
O’Malley my beloved
Holy shit the nostalgia hit hard during those credits, it’s only season 1 and I’m already getting teary eyed I’m not gonna survive this rewatch
Welp season 1 is done! God I love this show so much. Truly there are no words for how much it means to me. It just feels like coming home every time I watch it.
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fishfingersalad · 1 year ago
Rvb skating hcs, bc I miss skating but I can’t figure out how to put the brake back on my blades, and where I live is rlly hilly so I need it or else I'm trapped in the cul-de-sac.
Putting a break cause its a real long list lol
Alpha Church (Can’t actually skateboard, swears he can but he's sooo wobbly) Tex (Can actually skateboard, makes fun of church) Tucker (Between Church and Tex’s levels, hes decent at it) Wash (Don’t think I need to explain this one) Niner (I’ve seen a lot of wheelchair niner hcs, shed totally do wheelchair skateboarding) Palomo (Falls over a lot, but hey he just keeps on going.) Bitters (Absolutely holds it over Palomos head that he’s better at skateboarding) Theta (canon)
Kai (Dunno if this one needs an explanation, she might like derby ngl) Donut (He seems like he’d use them as transportation, just skatin around) South (She’d do roller derby and get so competitive about it) CT (Seen some videos of people doing sweet flips and tricks w skates) Ohio (She gives me the vibe of someone who’s got cool iridescent pink roller skates) Andersmith (Picked up skating cause the younger lieutenants were into it) Matthews (He’s a bit unbalanced, but he’s determined)
Carolina (Speed, blades are faster than skates) Simmons (He is shaky as hell, but he is trying. Won’t skate anywhere that’s not flat.) Kimball (Lina taught her, they race) Dr Grey (Dunno, just vibes) Jensen (Much like Simmons but with more uneven terrain) Epsilon Church (Picked blades so he could skate w Lina, and to be different from Wash n Alpha) Omega/O’malley (I'm just picturing him chasing people around at high speeds, cackling) Eta (Wanted to try something new, and to spend time w Theta)
Florida (Specifically figure skating) Felix (Honestly idk, he’s cold and sharp like an ice skate) Delta (He’d ramble about why it’s an intellectual sport, but actually just thinks its fun) Sigma (He’d be rlly pretentious about it)
York (Guy has no balance but still wants to be included) Iota (Cheers on Eta and Theta, does sick scooter tricks)
Grif (I think he’d have a longboard that he rides around) Sarge (Quad bike) Doc (Also a longboarder) Idaho (I think he’d prefer dirt bike racing) Iowa (Quad bike, it’s like a mongoose) Caboose (Mountain bike, no real explanation, just vibes)
Doesn’t skate (or bike or anything):
Lopez (He prefers cars, might've made an electric skateboard at some point but doesn't rlly use it) Wyoming (Can’t see him skating at all ngl) North (Cheers everyone else on and records videos) Maine (First aid) Locus (Tried to skate once and fell over. Now he just broods from the benches.) Doyle (Too nervous, prefers to just watch) Gamma (I don’t think he’d go outside much ngl)
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wbne · 10 months ago
Finished restoration. Thoughts below (spoilers ofc)
SISTER!!! 479ER!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEILA!!!!!!!!!
What did they do to you Dylan
Caboose just casually knowing Spanish. Sheila translating the spanish into english for Lopez. Hilarious
I know this show is the "standing around and talking" show but the scenes where they were just recapping a bunch of stuff kind of frustrated me
Sad Sarge died. Really wish he didn't :[ I will admit that the scene building up to it made me feel very tense. "Nothing bad ever happens to the kennedys" lookin ass. Didnt feel much in the actual moment though. Just went "oh the theories were actually right"
Doc??? Doc????? Hello???? This one definitely hit me more. What the hell. I was really confused about the whole Wash situation but that explains things a bit better
(Did Hullum just want the characters he voiced to die?)
"Hey numb-nuts. You call that grief? Drop and give me 40 boo-hoos" ok all things considered that was pretty funny
Honestly that whole talk with Carolina and Wash... man. Pain. Also dead Freelancers cameo yay :]
Cliff scene LOL. Wash you dummy
Texas finally won! And the scene of Church and her walking in the recovery unit made me happy. They reunited... (before... y'know)
Simmons got his time to shine. I'm happy. Also cocking the shotgun one handed? Not even with his robot arm? Whew
Also I don't care what anyone says ow-sicka-ow-ow was funny
'bow chika bye now' bye chika bye now tucker :((
Also hello the torture? "Ten Years, Executing" LEAVE TUCKER ALONE!!!
LEAVE THETA AND DELTA ALONE TOO!!! Delta telling Theta to come help him when Sigma was being mean... I MISS YOU DELTA
Grimmons and Grimmons fans in shambles. What do you mean he's frigging leaving. What. How did we have "Come with me" and "Goodbye Simmons" in the same movie. That "come with me" made me verbally say "Grimmons..." out loud and you just make it not happen? You're killing me guys. Making S19 non-canon just for this alone /hj (but also /s)
Spent most of the movie either going "WOAH X CHARACTER IS HERE" or "what on earth is going on". Overall it was... eh?
I liked the whole Doc & Wash thing, Tucker's turmoil, Chex scene at the end and Simmons being a bit of a badass but otherwise it was ok... Caboose did also get to shine a bit (whilst also getting grabbed by the throat a lot (leave him alone)) so that is actually quite nice.
I might need to let my thoughts simmer a bit cuz I can feel myself pingponging on how I felt about X and Y. Overall... I think... considering the state of RT and constraints, it wasn't too bad? But compared to other seasons... yeaaah.
I think I'll have S17 as my jumpoff point (S14-17 you are canon to me), but I will consider some things from S19 to be canon. Just not sure what yet. (Simmons can be a cool guy in canon though... he deserves that :])
I'm glad Burnie got to end his show, at the very least.
I am also very glad fanfiction exists
Thanks for the good times RvB o7 bow chika bye now
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sapphire-weapon · 2 years ago
Talking about her writing... the point to me is that the main theme of the series, bioterrorism, is such a heavy and complex issue, so a moraly grey character would require the same complexity as well and i never felt that the writing staff perceived this in the original timeline. is straight up "oh she is in fact a mercenary, but see, she never really gives the samples to the bad guys even thought we dont explain how the fuck she pays her bills like this and never faced the consequences of betraying this psychos", and that's so fucking boring, nonsense and frustating.
So i'm really glad with remake timeline at least trying to develop some nuances over this, and i kind of understand people like the anon of a few days ago because it's so annoying get her stans just ignoring the fact that why the hell there would be a redemption arc setting like this if she didn't made any mistake.
i mean let's be honest here tho, resident evil has literally never treated bioterrorism as a complex issue. it's very black and white in the RE universe. bioterrorism exists so that we can have the main protagonists do cool action guy shit against big monsters.
but ada does give the samples to the bad guys -- at least, on the occasions that she actually gets them. she would have still given the G-virus to wesker, if she'd had it. you'd also have to believe that she's also gotten other shit for him over the years, considering he actually goes back and contracts her again for the plaga even after she fucked up with G. somewhere in the six years in between, ada "redeemed" herself in wesker's eyes and got back into his good graces.
and she did give not one, but two plaga samples to simmons (the one from RE4 and the one from damnation).
the issue is that we don't know why.
we don't know why she worked for wesker for years and years. we don't know why she gave plagas to simmons. it seems a little counterintuitive, since she gives the samples to these fucking guys and then helps leon clean up the mess that's caused after she hands the shit over.
either she's actually legitimately unintelligent and thinks that simmons isn't going to do anything bad with the plagas (which i do not believe is the case), or she thinks that because simmons is the US's NSA that leon will somehow sniff it out and it'll be fine (which he then doesn't actually do, so that begs the question why she continues to rely on him), or she's been in some way acting under duress this entire time (LOL), or she's literally just in it for the money and has a fucked up "i'll deal with it later" mindset.
the correct answer is:
none of the above, because she's literally just a dragon lady stereotype who's there to look sexy and drag leon around by the libido.
it seems like remake is gearing up to turn her into a character that's like... she's been doing this for so long that she just filters it all out as noise and literally has never had any reason to think about what she's doing any deeper than "do job, get paid" until leon inspires a change of heart in her and she snaps back into reality, but by then it's too late.
which is cool. i hope they follow through with that. because her character makes absolutely no sense on its own in OG in a context divorced from leon.
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rakkikuroba · 2 years ago
Some of the hardest boss in RE in my opinion and my experience.
No note for Neil or Alex because I struggled more with Pedro that with them lol
12. Mr X. I was too horny to really concentrate on the fight.
11. Lisa Trevor. Giving Barry his gun back for her to just punch him out of the platform made me so fucking angry. Also the Tyrant killed him during the last fight when I was trying to keep everyone alive :)))
10. 20h of gameplay to spent 10min on the last bad guy?? i didn’t like RE4. And I certainly didn’t like the fight against Saddler.
9. Wesker. I have something like 10 tries and 5 of them are me trying to figure out how im supposed to kill the fuckers while struggling with keeping ammos. Sheva was really fucking useless.
8. Jack Norman. Jack is in this because he is honestly the most fucked up BOWs bro could teleport and make illusion of him. Overall it’s was pattern recognition (thx autism) that beat his ass. Also he is terrifying? And Chris was absolutely useless.
7. The Haos. I didn’t have bullet anymore so I would wait for Piers to attack for me. It was long because the bot in RE6 are useless and they kept not healing me while standing right next to me?? And the Haos’s kind of the only memorable boss in RE6 because Piers dies right after :(
6. Jack Krauser this time. (To explain i played the og) COULDN’T THEY TELL ME SOONER I NEED TO USE MY KNIFE??? Leon went kaboom so much because of this
5. Nemesis. Not even going to specify which fight. The two last one. Carlos was useless "Careful more zombies coming" I KNOW IT’S THE 6TH TIME YOURE TELLING ME I CAN’T SHOOT NEMESIS WHEN HES RUNNING ON FUCKING WALL. And i couldn’t figure out how to shoot bro with the big gun.
4. Excella and the cadavers. GUESS WHO ALSO WAS USELESS DURING THIS FIGHT?? SHEVA!! (At least she helped with Jill because i just shot Jill without thinking lol.
3. William but only with Leon (?). Like i spent so long trying to correctly shoot him without him throwing shit at me and with Claire I did it in under 10min??? Then he beat my ass again in Darkside Chronicles. I didn’t feel very sad for him very long…
2. Alexia. Alexia is a pain in the ass. And a naked one. Im at the very end, I have 10 ammos left, Claire’s mourning, my health bar is red. And you’re in a very small space AGAIN. She sends little insects that one-shotted me and then when you finished phase 1 you get phase 2 where she fucking flies and you have to shoot her except she flies and dodges and sends fireball. Almost rage quit (then 5min after Chris get his ass whooped by Wesker)
Special mention for Pedro, ily you’re not on this list because i didn’t beat you with Claire the first time i played lol.
For the fat T-Abyss zombies. You were a pain in the ass because you could one shot me (the most annoying part was the hundred of other zombies who kept spawning)
Not special mention for Simmons. Because you just couldn’t take a hint and kept coming back in another animal, lion, t-rex, fly??? Not even the same animals group?? I can’t remember who else i fought in Re6 because it wasn’t rememberable.
For the little guy in re4, can’t remember his name. Annoying but kinda cathartic ?
And for the OG tyrant, eat shit. But good job killing Wesker lol
Who else did we fight? Do we fight a boss in RE0? I don’t think we did? I mean the plant but not really we exploded it. The plant? I can’t remember the name of the guy im too tired it will come back tomorrow.
1. THE FUCKING TYRANT IN CODE VERONICA. MY SWORN ENEMY. THE VIDEO GAME ENEMY I PROBABLY SPENT THE MOST TIME TRYING TO BEAT. Im not even kidding it took me 3 days to beat his ass. I was in tears when i finally pushed his ass out of my plane. He’s the fucker i don’t want to see in the Remake lol.
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thebiggerbear · 3 months ago
This was the very first thing by you that I ever read and I fell in love with it as well as your writing!!! One of my favorite Dean scenes in the later seasons is the dream Sam has with the pizza and pie, and Mary calling him "little piglet...with love". Plus you included the Latin flair on one of my favorite holidays, girl, my heart was bursting at the seams as I read this while also drooling while also slightly jealous of Dean LOL. (you should know as I'm typing this I am daydreaming about the flan, you should just straight up know that LOL)
The rich custardy goodness is calling to him like a siren song.
I am happily being led while pushing Dean out of the way to get to it first. Lovingly of course lol.
“You’d also be 300 pounds,” Sam remarks, taking a sip of his beer. You eye Sam with a frown. But Dean just laughs it off and cuts his little brother a slice.
Not going to lie, I'd be giving Sam a little bit of the stink eye myself. What is so wrong with Dean enjoying himself a little? Besides...give me ALL the flan!!! Sam doesn't know what he's missing.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he says. His voice is a quiet, deep rumble washing over you. You know what he’s thanking you for: good food, and a small, but warm Christmas.
This made me smile because it is so sweet and so Dean. ❤️
“He ate half his weight in pig,” Sam says. You can’t exactly deny that, but you cross your arms and turn to him, leaning your hip against the counter. “So? It’s Christmas. Let him be happy,” you retort.
Exactly. Let the man enjoy it.
“Even though you guys didn’t have enough money at times, your brother always made sure you were fed,” you explain. You meet Sam’s gaze, squeezing his arm. “Sometimes he went without.” Sam’s expression slowly slackens, contemplative and dismayed at what you’re implying. He dries his hands on a kitchen towel and rubs at his mouth, like he’s reeling back the years of evidence in his mind and trying to confirm if you were right. “You don’t remember?” you gently ask. Sam shakes his head. “I mean, I knew things were tight. I remember him taking care of me, obviously. But…” He doesn’t remember his brother going hungry. It carves a hole of remorse in his chest.
This right here is perfection. It made my heart break for Dean as well as Sam for their childhood, what Dean had to sacrifice at times to take care of Sam, how Sam never realized it before...just so perfectly written and so on point.
You slide into bed next to him and lay your head on his chest. He groans deep and slowly lowers his arms. One of them wraps around your frame.
Okay, this is just beyond sweet. Literally made me
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Moments like this are worth melting for. 😉 (seriously though, I'm pretty sure I have to call someone to get the wetvac to get me up off of the floor)
The whole ending scene just makes my heart glad, especially with her offering to go for a walk with Dean, most likely keeping in mind what Sam said (while Sam is keeping what she said in mind - like I said, perfection!) , but I especially loved the ending sequence right here:
Dean makes a sound of mild interest in the idea. “I guess, if you like stringy trees and frozen lakes.” It’s winter in Lebanon. Not much to look at. You smirk and press a kiss to his chest. “I mean, that, and you in some little Richard Simmons shorts.” Dean gives you a look, and you giggle so hard it shakes your whole body against him. “Honestly, I think that’ll really do it for me,” you tease. You walk two fingers across his thigh, where a cute pair of ‘80s-style exercise shorts would cut off. Dean grabs your hand and rolls you over, pinning you underneath him on the bed. His thigh slips between both of yours, causing friction against your jeans. And he smirks down at you. “Sweetheart, I don’t do shorts.”
Oh, Dean, nice try. We all know you do. 😉
This was just beyond sweet and it was something I very much needed back when I read through it the first time. (I'm sorry I didn't leave feedback until now! I'm trying to be better about that these days) I love the way you write the Winchesters and this one shot cemented you as one of my favorite writers I've come across in this fandom (as well as a few others 😉).
I definitely cannot wait to dive into the Midnight Espresso verse and get more of these two. You did a beautiful job here, lovely!!! Well done!!! 😊💖💖
Get Stuffed
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized Latina!Reader
Summary: Dean enjoys the way you cook Christmas dinner with a Latin flair, even if Sam likes to tease him about his insatiable appetite. You remind Sam about the true reason behind one of Dean’s biggest quirks.
AN: This was requested by my lovely friend @iprobablyshipit91: Sam making the usual digs at Dean about his diet, and how much he eats, and the reader pulling him aside and telling him to back off as he doesn’t realize how much Dean went hungry as a kid to make sure Sam was fed.
Word Count: 1,800 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, innuendo, tinge of angst
**This story can be read as stand-alone, but you can also check out the full masterlist of one-shots below. ⤵️
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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“Aw, hell yeah,” Dean mutters. He rubs his hands together and surveys the immovable feast that’s about to get shoveled into his mouth.
This Christmas marks roughly your first year living with the brothers Winchester in the bunker, and a few months after your first anniversary with Dean.
He’s made it very clear that he enjoys your cooking, especially of Cuban food. So you’ve gone all out for Christmas: white rice and your grandmother’s recipe for black beans, boiled yuca with plenty of garlic, bread drizzled with more garlic and olive oil, and Dean’s favorite…
“What’s this part of the pig called again?” he asks. And he uses a large fork to spear into the mountain of roasted meat that you’ve already cut and piled onto a platter.
You come in from the kitchen with the bread in hand, placing it on the dinner table. You sidle up behind him, where he's seated.
“The shoulder,” you say, squeezing both of Dean’s. He hums in interest as you press a kiss to the side of his head. “It’s called pernil. Marinated with garlic, mojo, bunch of good stuff.”
He predictably steals a juicy piece of meat, plopping it into his mouth. He grins while he chews and makes a happy sound.
“Ohoho, yeah.”
You share an amused look with Sam, who sits beside his brother. By the time you’ve found your seat on Dean’s other side, he’s already serving you and Sam the same hefty portions he serves himself.
You know for a fact you’re only going to eat about half of your plate. Sam manages to polish his off. Dean does as well…and serves himself twice more before you break out the dessert.
“Please tell me that’s a flan,” Dean says, drumming his fingers on the table.
“How the hell are you still hungry?” Sam asks.
The look on his face says he’s half entertained, half disgusted. Dean is still sucking on the crispy skin on a piece of pork. He licks the juices off his fingers.
“Have I taught you nothing?” he says. “There’s always room for dessert.”
He tosses you a wink, followed closely by a suggestive smirk. You glance at him with a smile as you set down the metal pan.
“It is a flan,” you affirm. “I tried my hand at coconut this time.”
“Ooh, tropical,” Dean says, waggling greasy fingers. He wipes them on a napkin before he reaches for the pie cutter, which is usually reserved for his favorite dessert. Although, flan is rapidly becoming his second go-to. The rich custardy goodness is calling to him like a siren song.
“How can I get you to make this more often?” Dean mutters while carving out a generous slice.
Your lips curve. You rest your chin on your hand and lean towards him, earning his gaze. “If I made it all the time, you wouldn’t savor it, now would you?”
Dean smirks. His gaze lowers to your lips, like he’s contemplating some persuasive maneuvers.
“You’d also be 300 pounds,” Sam remarks, taking a sip of his beer.
You eye Sam with a frown. But Dean just laughs it off and cuts his little brother a slice.
By the end of the meal, all three of you are stuffed. Dean groans and leans back in his seat. A gurgle mounts audibly from his stomach.
“Jesus. Are you erupting?” Sam says.
Dean holds up a finger. “Wait for it.”
You give your boyfriend a bemused look. You know exactly what’s about to happen. As does Sam, who’s grimacing.
A few seconds later, Dean does erupt, with a truly legendary belch.
“Nice,” you say wryly. Dean squeezes your soft, thick thigh and backs his chair away from the table.
“Well, since I roasted the pig and you did the rest, I’d say it’s Sammy’s turn on cleaning duty,” he says.
“Thanks,” Sam says, with a wan smile. Yours is more jovial, even as Dean’s hand toys with a curl of your hair after he stands.
“I’m gonna shower off the meat sweats,” he says.
You giggle, but you nod. “You do that. I’ll help Sam a bit, put away the food at least.”
Your smile becomes more genuine when Dean drops a kiss on your forehead from above.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he says. His voice is a quiet, deep rumble washing over you. You know what he’s thanking you for: good food, and a small, but warm Christmas.
You reach up and give his cheek a tender touch, before he withdraws and makes his way to the bedroom he shares with you. It leaves you and Sam to collect what’s on the table and bring it all into the kitchen. While Sam does the dishes, you start to put away the leftovers.
Something has been nagging at you all night, though you’ve tried to stamp it down time and time again. You don’t know if it's your place to say something. Especially if Dean doesn’t seem bothered…but it bothers you. And you’ve never been one to hold your tongue.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” you begin, even as a small bit of trepidation niggles inside you.
Sam looks over at you. He’s quick to catch the serious note in your demeanor.
“Yeah, what’s up?” he replies. You okay? his eyes also ask.
“Why do you get on Dean so much for enjoying his food?” you ask.
Sam blinks. Then he scoffs a little. “There’s enjoying, and then there’s gluttony.”
“He’s not that bad,” you argue.
“He ate half his weight in pig,” Sam says. You can’t exactly deny that, but you cross your arms and turn to him, leaning your hip against the counter.
“So? It’s Christmas. Let him be happy,” you retort.
Sam levels you with pinched brows. “He’s not in his 20s anymore. All that crap he eats is going to catch up to him someday.”
“What, you expect him to down some kale smoothies?” you reply, giving a pointed brow raise and a teasing smile. “Get up at the crack of dawn for a bare-chested run?”
Sam shoots you a dry look.  
“My point is, I’m not gonna survive hundreds of monster attacks just to get taken down by cholesterol,” he says.
You sigh a raise a placating hand. “All right. I get what you’re saying. I’m just saying…have you ever thought about why he loves food so much? Why he overindulges sometimes?”
Sam's brow quirks. It’s a question you know you need to tread lightly in order to answer. You uncross your arms to lay a hand on Sam’s wrist. He stops washing dishes and turns off the sink to give you his full attention, sensing your shift.
You look up at him, and you steel yourself.
“He might’ve mentioned once…that you two sometimes had a hard time growing up. With John taking you guys from motel to motel while he was working a job, and every now and then, leaving you guys alone longer than he meant to.”
Dean had been more than a bit drunk when you’d gotten this out of him. Hearing about that aspect of his upbringing had upset you, not just as someone who cared about him, but the caretaker in you smarted.
“Even though you guys didn’t have enough money at times, your brother always made sure you were fed,” you explain. You meet Sam’s gaze, squeezing his arm. “Sometimes he went without.”
Sam’s expression slowly slackens, contemplative and dismayed at what you’re implying. He dries his hands on a kitchen towel and rubs at his mouth, like he’s reeling back the years of evidence in his mind and trying to confirm if you were right.
“You don’t remember?” you gently ask.
Sam shakes his head. “I mean, I knew things were tight. I remember him taking care of me, obviously. But…”
He doesn’t remember his brother going hungry.
It carves a hole of remorse in his chest.
This isn’t the first time he’s had to reexamine Dean’s role in his life, and not the first time he’s felt this flavor of guilt. But he sighs and really doesn’t know what to say.
You seem to realize that, and you squeeze his arm one last time.
“Just keep that in mind,” you implore.
You soon leave him to venture upstairs, but there in the kitchen, Sam makes a resolution before the new year. One that includes having a conversation with his brother.
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You find Dean in your bedroom. Now in his most threadbare sweatpants and an old black shirt, he lays over the covers on the bed. His eyes are closed and his arms are folded behind his head, but he hears you when you come in.
You slide into bed next to him and lay your head on his chest. He groans deep and slowly lowers his arms. One of them wraps around your frame.
“Think I overdid it a bit,” he admits, cracking his eyes open. You smile and gently pat his stomach. 
“Wanna go for a walk tomorrow?” you ask. “We can go down to the park.”
Dean raises a brow at you. “You hate walking.”
“Not true,” you shake your head, before you rest more comfortably against him. He tucks you in beside him and begins to run his fingers down your arm. It’s a bit distracting.
“Could be nice, with the right view,” you add, though you shiver a little at his touch.
Dean makes a sound of mild interest in the idea. “I guess, if you like stringy trees and frozen lakes.”
It’s winter in Lebanon. Not much to look at.
You smirk and press a kiss to his chest. “I mean, that, and you in some little Richard Simmons shorts.”
Dean gives you a look, and you giggle so hard it shakes your whole body against him.
“Honestly, I think that’ll really do it for me,” you tease. You walk two fingers across his thigh, where a cute pair of ‘80s-style exercise shorts would cut off.
Dean grabs your hand and rolls you over, pinning you underneath him on the bed. His thigh slips between both of yours, causing friction against your jeans. And he smirks down at you.
“Sweetheart, I don’t do shorts.”
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AN: 😂 A little callback to S1 at the end there. I hope you guys liked this! Just in time to prepare for my Christmas cooking! ❤️💚
Keep Reading:
Next up in this series is "A Wish to Build a Dream On":
Summary: Dean has been harboring the archangel Michael in his mind for weeks now, putting a strain on your relationship as you struggle to help him. When Dean makes a wish that accidentally brings his father back from the dead, you get to meet the (in)famous John Winchester. But as always with magic, your boyfriend’s wish has unintended consequences.
▶️ Next Story: A Wish to Build a Dream On
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leonardalphachurch · 2 years ago
unrebloggable bc this is not finished but do you all want to see my attempts at definitively proving that all of seasons 1-10 takes place on the same planet. it’s. So Much. under a read more bc it’s LONG.
okay so like a month ago i made this chart:
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sorry if you can’t read this it’ll all be explained anyway. anyway here’s what i wrote today. when i made the chart i checked references but today was 100% from memory which is why there’s no episode numbers lol. note that i’m using the map names for zanzibar, high ground and rat’s nest, though those are not their canon names. i’ll probably replace them if i ever finish this.
BLOOD GULCH -> RAT’S NEST: In season 6, episode , Sarge leaves Blood Gulch and arrives to Rat’s Nest on a warthog
(NOTE: Wash is explicitly stated to have to downgrade his armor to go back to BGC, while Sarge seemingly upgrades without comment. Is this a diegetic change? Shrug.)
RAT’S NEST -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 6 episode , Sarge, Grif, and Simmons leave Rat’s Nest and arrive to Zanzibar on a warthog.
ZANZIBAR -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 3, episode , Sarge, Grif, Simmons and Donut leave Zanzibar and arrive to Blood Gulch on a warthog and a ghost, respectively. In season 4, episode , Church leaves Zanzibar and arrives to Blood Gulch presumably on foot.
ZANZIBAR -> QUEST: Throughout season 4, Tucker, Caboose, Andy and the alien walk from Zanzibar through all the various locations associated with the quest (Great Burning Plains, Great Swamp, Great Freezing Plains).
QUEST -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 4 episode , the quest crew leave from the final quest location and arrive back to Blood Gulch presumably on foot.
ZANZIBAR -> DESERT: In season 10, episode , the entire BGC leave Zanzibar and arrive to the desert on warthogs.
DESERT -> STORAGE: In season 8, episode , Caboose and Epsilon walk/float from the desert to the offsite storage unit. In episode , Sarge, Grif, Simmons and Tucker also NEED TO CHECK THIS I FORGET
STORAGE -> SIDEWINDER: In season 8, episode , Tex and Church NEED TO CHECK . In episode , Wash, Meta, and Doc also NEED TO CHECK on a warthog.
(NOTE: Sidewinder is stated o be an ice planet in season 1, episode , as well as seemingly shown to be an ice planet in season 10 episode . Whether or not Sidewinder is on a separate planet is up for interpretation.)
DESERT -> YORK DEATH: In season 10, episode , Carolina and Epsilon leave the desert and arrive to the site of York’s death on a mongoose.
YORK DEATH -> NORTH DEATH: In Recovery One, episode , Wash leaves York’s death site and arrives to North’s death site on a warthog
NORTH DEATH -> CITY (R1): In Recovery One, episode , Wash and South leave North’s death site via warthog, which we later see with them when they are in the city. NEED TO CHECK THIS.
(NOTE: The city where York and Tex meet in Out of Mind is never shown to be traveled to or from, therefore cannot be confirmed to be on the same planet. I believe it is a valid interpretation to assume the city in Recovery One is the same as the city in Out of Mind, but this is speculative and unconfirmed.)
YORK DEATH -> VALHALLA: In season 10, episode , Carolina and Epsilon leave York’s death site and arrive to Valhalla on a mongoose
VALHALLA -> DESERT: In season 7, episode , Sarge, Simmons, and Caboose travel from Valhalla to the desert via warthog, through the water. In season 8, episode , NEED TO CHECK
DESERT -> VALHALLA: In season 8, episode , Sarge and Grif drive from the desert to Valhalla via Warthog. In episode , Church and Caboose NEED TO CHECK. In season 10, the BGC travels from the desert to Valhalla via warthog. NEED TO CHECK ALL OF THIS
VALHALLA -> STORAGE: In season 10 they go from Valhalla to the storage unit but i really don’t remember the exact sequence. they end in valhalla, so do they go back and forth? NEED TO CHECK
VALHALLA -> COMMAND: In season 6, episode , the guys travel from Valhalla to Command via tank.
(NOTE: There is the possibility to connect Command to Zanzibar, though it’s speculative. In season 10, episode , the cast travels from the place the UNSC is storing Epsilon to Zanzibar via warthogs. Both Command and the UNSC storage facility use parts of the Halo map “Standoff” to portray their exteriors. However, the UNSC storage facility uses the map “Orbital” for its interior while Command uses a variety of other maps. For example part of command uses the map “High Ground,” which is the base Church was at for 14 months between seasons 5 and 6. This shows that simply using the parts of the same map is not enough to be considered proof of two places being the same location. Therefore it cannot be confirmed whether or not it should be Command or a separate storage location that connects to Zanzibar.)
VALHALLA -> HIGH GROUND: In season 6, episode , Church, Wash, and Caboose travel from Valhalla to High Ground via mongooses. NEED TO CHECK
HIGH GROUND -> VALHALLA: In season 6, episode , Church states that he, Wash, and Caboose walked from High Ground to Valhalla.
HIGH GROUND -> ZANZIBAR: In season 6, episode , The Meta leaves High Ground on a mongoose which is later seen at Zanzibar. NEED TO CHECK
The places that remain unconnected to the rest of the planet are Battle Creek and the city in Out of Mind. Battle Creek is only accessed via teleporter and the OoM city has already been explained. There’s also the teleporter nexus but I don’t consider that a. place. though anyway it is only accessible via teleporter.
so uh. yeah. this is what i do with my time.
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ya-boi-yamori · 10 months ago
Finally watched Restoration here's my thoughts!:
Soo first of all HOW DARE THEY NOT HAVE DONUT. All they could do is add him in a gag?? I mean it was funny, I love cheerleader Donut but they should have had him for the final episode. Especially for Sarge. I don't really know where he went Doc mentioned him but that's it. Were they not able to get Dan to come back? Donut could have at least showed up at the end and Simmons could have explained what happened idk. Also what exactly happened to Doc anyway? It wasn't until Carolina said something that I realized he was dead? I guess he died at Chorus so maybe everything past Chorus was non-cannon? I guess nothing really tied into the Blues and Reds or the Shinso Paradox. So I think that's the biggest problem is that it's a bit confusing I don't know what's canon and what's not and what we should take into account. Burnie did what he could with what he had but he could of worked it a bit better(*cough**cough* Donut) Also wish they explored Tucker a bit more like he went through a traumatic experience and they barely explored past him coming back, maybe he could of been the one to stall Meta so Tex could retrieve the AIs. It was also a bit slow overall. Ok enough gripe, I loved how it all wrapped around! Sarge's death literally broke me😭😭 At first I honestly thought it was going to be some sort of gag which I'm glad it wasn't (because I felt like that would have ruined the moment) Sarge going back to save Caboose, giving Simmons leadership and admitting he always liked Grif was so sweet, yes a bit sappy, but the titual RvB sweet. Also CHEX!! They are the Hetero couple ever!! I love them so much it's stupid! I'm so glad they got to be together again even if it was in a Marvel level set-up lol. And I'm glad Carolina showed up I was so scared she wasn't going to, it was driving me crazy not seeing her with Wash. Which why did she leave him exactly? I know they wanted the big reveal when she showed up to help fight, but she would not have left Wash alone imo. I think the fights where good, a bit all over the place at times but fun overall. Anyway Caboose is the best character fr, also Micheal did a good job with his voice ! I don't think Tucker will leave, since Caboose would be alone, it would be cool it they showed us that but whatever. I'm glad Grif was able to leave, he deserves a rest, I like to believe that like Geoff he's chilling and making a podcast with the other reds :) (tho urm Grif and Simmons should have kissed🙄) I HOPE THEY SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN!! I also loved the Lucifur cameo, he was so cute, I wonder who's cat that is in reality? I think I'll give Restoration a 3.5/4 out of 5 not perfect but I'm so glad I watched it! A big big thank you to the team and Rooster Teeth in general I'm glad it was able to grow and advance for 21 years. Rest in peace RvB and RT let your inspiration live on and I can't wait to see what each employee accomplishes in the near future. This right here really is why we're here, Thank you❤️💙
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Offici...
and they do sing about his teachings. and  i learend kept to it am hmble as possible. 
but ghwb has the stuff morlock and to explain it. and more tapes fun ones like thetoe
haahh lol fun ok
and they attack his toes a bit not much he uses stuff and it is at bay mostly  is a worker ok 
and we do too
and geeze ok im fine no and i did tons of heinous stuff. and out soon.  will be. and no he is not is ucut off i see that.  was vey mean to many they all look now see it. and ok mb get help and way too much for me and us our ace
gene simmons
and truet is over the top
Zues Hera
and me too ronnie james dio way too much he says it kiss and gene said it. who are you, what is the plan they have...and macs dont have a paralell and do act accordingly and we shall thank you and haha grandpay he is a three yoear old kinda ahhah
ok funny  not shrunken nt grown and huge.  will be and for his other job.  as Jurell and os oon and i have  that
ghwb some of it
0 notes
castle-dominion · 1 year ago
castle 6x22 veritas
the beckett framing episode liveblog, or the framing beckett episode? The episode where they frame beckett? the grammar is something & I don't want to confuse it with the s5 3xk one where they framed castle. framed past tense?
the framing beckett episode.
Ooh plot heaVY! lOVE A GOOD FLASHBACK SEQUENCE! (that wasn't supposed to be caps) Wait why is the audio like that? cut together? I only notice bc I record audiobooks & play with audio. It is otherwise great) Ooh what is going on with the van & hiding & night stuff? all suspicious-like. Nice camera. *talks to herself* like me! nice camera case. she was rushing to get in the car & follow & then she was slowly taking her notes? Not planning on piccing the notebook but u could. None of the other times were underlined, why underline this one?
Ooh nice lighting!
Oh he's in chicago? HE REALLY DID RESURRECT DERRICK STORM! He's done with his crazy hotel room days? Did that stop after alexis was born or after he fell in love with beckett or what? Lol those were the days. KB: That was lack of sleep, not lack of enthusiasm. Project? Who is jason marks? He was the guy earlier in the ep in the dark but,, who is he? KB: I don’t know. I backed off. (teasingly) See? I was being responsible. RC: No, being responsible means taking backup. (You think YOU are enough backup?) (con't) Maybe it’s time we brought Ryan and Esposito into the loop on this. What loop? What are y'all talking about & why are they NOT in the loop? KB: I love you RC: Yeah well, you better. It’s two weeks until the wedding and it’s too late to return the tux. s7 premier: *still has the tux* *& also it is folded really really weird*
DUN DUN DUN IT'S JASON MARKS she was there last night, she is going to become a suspect or smth Ryan loves her. You ok? & he looks pretty in blue. Girl... maybe tell them... girl maybe call Castle 23.59 & 2.00 but becks knows he was alive at 1:15. In fact, she was THERE in the middle of the kill window, she had opportunity & possibly motive & she's a cop so she has means. KB: Ryan, were there any witnesses? Anyone that saw a car driving away? She is asking that bc SHE might be seen tailing him. Why doesn't she come forward as a witness tho? I mean ig it could be bc she would have to explain WHY but yk. Or she'd become a suspect.
Why would he need to SPECIFY two block radius if they USUALLY do 2 blocks? "hunch" she says Was that a slur or was she saying "you know, just call it a hunch" Timeline will be easier for me to see once I get the actual ep. rn idk when becks was called to work & what time she was at home & what time she is back in the bullpen
Asks if she's ok <3 <3 they are FRIENDS they LOVE EACHOTHER & the LIGHTING "Hell of a hunch" he says looking at her
She was TRYING to find out who the driver was! DUN DUN DUN VULCAN SIMMONS IS DRIVING ah 1:16. she gonna get spotted? KR: What’s a drug lord like Vulcan Simmons doing mixed up with a DC political consultant anyway? us: *eyes emoji* Ok but we caught VS in relation to johanna's murder back in like s3, we figured out it was racken & becks went to almost assassinate him in what the s5 premier, so we know this was a bracken thing, did beckett not tell ryan & esposito that they have a real connection? Oh yeah it would be smart of him to periodically cut things off & rebuild.
RC: No. We talked about this. No unnecessary risks. s8 Castle: no *bugs bunny* He did MORE than just kill your mom. He had other ppl killed before, he's had other ppl killed after.
RC: We’ve been looking at Marks’s death like it’s a setback. What if it’s the breakthrough we need? That's true! Very true! RC: Vulcan Simmons just became the prime suspect in a murder investigation. You’ve been given an all-access pass to his life. We play our cards right, you nail him with this?
Why taking her into your office?
you SHOULD be kicked off the case! I love Gates <3 Maybe if she's off the case they need to TALK TO RYAN & ESPOSITO
My man would NOT cut a deal to implicate bracken, bracken would get him out somehow.
Ah yes new york no vehicles lol Why is it so dark? I wish it was lighter so I could pic his outfit.
I'm def going to need to wait to watch this to liveblog. (my uncle is over rn so we are watching smth else but I'm liveblogging off the transcript heh)
Castle sleeps with his door open?
girl destroying evidence. VS: Me lying dead? You here trespassing? With that big old grudge you carry? What are your bosses going to say to that? Me: & also she wouldn't kill u bc u r the path to bracken Doesn't he work for racken? u saying that?
It's the middle of the night...? Why r u still at work & y r u calling HER in the middle of the night &.. ugh
Esposito calling Castle not Ryan not Gates. Wait... Esposito was calling Beckett but she wasn't picking up because she is out, that's why he called Castle. Rick doesn't SAY Kate is not present. Wait he calls it the vulcan simmons investigation
the audio is so... it changes bc ofc it does depending on if u r in the warehouse or quiet home.
I think when I watched this I totally thought becks killed him. Except I wouldn't bc they don't let our characters do that sort of thing.
Oh it's morning, not middle of the night. FIVE TIMES DURING A HALF HOUR? LONG TIME
vg *LOOKING AT BECKS* whoops caps.
Gates knows beckett knows VS's world? at least now the car is not inadmissable evidence. Love how Ryan calls castle away first & talks to him before going to , gates. Remember what happened last time?
Oh IA cool. Wait not cool that is for cops, oh no they're onto her, exceot kate said she didn't kill him .. Who is calling..? (kate totally shouldn't have gone or should have brought backup. Or a recording device.) wouldn't the killer KNOW how many shots they fired? couldn't they check the casings to the bullets they picked out? couldn't they check how many bullets they released from their magazine? (except since beckett is being framed-- unless she's lying to castle --then of course they'd leave one to trace back to her. & they'd also still dig em out so that it looks like a cop who knew what they were doing.) Vulcan Simmonas is not a small guy. Tbh a lot of medical complications aren't from ppl being fat, but from them being big. It happens from muscles too! Body builders also struggle with surgeries & stuff because they are big & heavy & bulky & hard to move!
Is that your personal gun or your cop gun? idrk how stuff like this works, not even in canada let alone the usa. (then again most guns in canada are not handguns, they're more for hunting or rural life.)
Polite of him to let her know bc he respects her ig... *calling the ballistics report wrong* It's going to be like that time castle was framed. Yeah man, you still need to arrest her even if she didn't do it. Even if smth else is going on (I read a fanfic set after the roof hanging episode, s4e23 my nickname was still always which was already the ep title lol, with cole maddox, I feel like it would fit better after this episode. Except no that was also 3xk themed...) (*I considered nicknaming it the cole maddox one, the roof hanging one, & probs others.)
ooh she gone
I love Castle lol. & I love Gates. She was head of IA before this & she is just so good. Can't or won't?
RYAN ESPOSITO CASTLE & LT NEW TEAM, BECKETT GOT WRITTEN OFF THE SHOW. that would actually be interesting. A uniformed officer longtime background character made into a more prominent character? Ann Hastings, LT, Jenkins, I just wish we got more names of the other detectives too. *sighs dreamily* LT Scott Tolliver my beloved, body blocking the window for his friends. Ryan nice tie but sad face. *just discussing their little Family Things with LT right there* (at least he's just off to the side keeping watch) (& he loves them! He's willing to take some extra time escorting castle out!
OOH SMITH IS ALIVE! (barely looks like smith tho)
Nice flowers ah the swings! Not the library where she arrested him & he went when he escaped jail? Harbouring a fugitive? RC: For the couple that has everything. Two matching burner phones, GPS turned, of course. Couples that have matching burner phones together, stay together. (Except then this exact same arc continues & they do the other thing. In fact, that technically starts next episode even tho it really starts in s8...) KB: Listen, Castle, I can’ ask you to stick around anymore. RC: You don’t have to ask. I’m volunteering. (like the esposito fiancee one! I'm volunteering. They love each other. Btw I should clip this. I usually clip funny stuff but this is just...) (she has such an accent. she is ethnically slavic canadian-american, fillion is also canadian-american, but their accents are so different. Wait, wasn't fillion from edmonton? I know it's a city, but it is also alberta, maybe that's why I like his accent the most.)
& just a side note, she REALLY needs to hide her identity a bit more. Maybe tuck her hair up und-- wait. Julia Ogden moments. She's skinny enough (tho still nicely boobed) that she can pass for a boy (despite being nicely boobed), I said to tuck her hair up under a toque & then let the ends hang over her face like emo bangs & she's also p tall, maybe just put some shadow on your chin or above your lip. It only works from a distance but yk. & then also if you stick some lidocaine in your cheeks (or hold cottonballs in your mouth) it changes your face shape.
sito being sus. (he is rly bad at this. I thought he was military trained to be good at this. keeping secrets.)
know vs knew
Like the baudelaires getting in the newspaper while they were in the last chance general store.
Oh no someone in the stairwell. Or that. How did that call go to your ONLY RECENTLY PURCHASED BURNER PHONE? (unless they already had the burners for the "project")
He's late bc he was a little busy getting shot, like castle's dad MS: Yes, and I thought I’d found it. I got to one of Bracken’s men, who told me there was something that the Senator was afraid of. A recording made by a former associate to protect himself. A recording in which Bracken admits to murder. (wouldn't the man who recorded it have told him abt it tho?) Thanks bonvolio. What fold? Are you alone smith? Lol he's right: Detective, you are radioactive. You can’t even help yourself. WAIT THAT REMINDS ME OF YOU CAN'T EVEN HHHEALP YOURSELF BIG RATS BIGGER SACK HANG LOWER ETHAN NESTOR RUSSIAN ACCENT MOMENT
The one guy is really sus of rysposito. Btw I love how the depression anxiety substance abuse post traumatic stress disorder poster appears to have no commas between them. What move would you make if you DID know where they are? VG: Gentlemen Me, reading the transcript: *french accent* Gentlemenn I LOVE gates! VG: Beckett’s not a killer, I know that. But she’s going to go down for this open and shut unless I can protect her. And I can’t do that if I’m left in the dark. So if she’s being set up? I need to know why. Hasn't she killed someone before? Yeah I remember dick coonan was onscreen Ryan asks esposito permission first lol Imagine if gates didn't even KNOW that johanna was murdered lol. rysposito don't KNOW everything, not even as much as caskett do.
Don't u need to be 21 to get a hotel room in the usa? Just change her look not his? He's the famous one. KB: We’ll never find the truth if we run away. RC: Kate, we’re never going to find the truth if we’re dead. Castle ALWAYS knows a guy.
Oh good changing her hair. (You know, that would have been fun, we haven't had significant hair changes since s1 2 & 3, then s3's hair was half the time cool half the time .. exactly like the next several seasons.)
not gonna be castle babe. Unless it is & it's going to be funny tense moments. dun dun dun bracken himself! How tense! lmao it built character?? (but she can't move on from her mom's murder u said to her basically u couldn't move on from the death of the neighbourhood kid) (side note I like how vulcan simmons is Black & william bracken is white.) WB: (sighs) So I guess there’s no point in asking for your vote, is there? XD That's a really Something thing to happen, thing to say. poetic, sexy true. You have people for that, I want you... kinda romantic...
WB: There is no truth. Not anymore. Episode title: Veritas
What's in the pill? How long does it take for that pill to kick in? OOH HAVING SEEN THIS BEFORE I KNOW WHY SHE ASKS Well you surely have the jigsaw puzzle somewhere still...
Gates my beloved
Is she drinking it? Is it like when the murderer is trying to bury me alive & I keep eating the dirt faster than he can bury me so I stay alive? bc if she wanted, she could spit it out all over herself & ppl would be like "why did she get so much booze on herself if her blood alcohol wasn't even that bad?" Will Castle show up? Is thomas/sergio wearing gloves handling this gun? (yes) Drunken suicide. I see. She's playing a dangerous game getting it so close to him pushing her trigger... & boom! she's def drunk but she could also drink even Castle (a man who is big & has mass & def drank enough in his day) under the table in a contest. *spits out the pill which TOTALLY would have dissolved by now* These two ppl have just been killed... too bad we can't kill bracken as easily. Ok transcript, not only is she drunk, she is also just hit in the head. Call Castle Blood on the wall
Castle <3
Flashbacks & thoughts & clips & memories & ooh I love! Was monty friends with johanna?
INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT RECORDS ROOM (FLASHBACK) (so glad they remembered how they said they met) KB: You’re Montgomery. I mean, Captain Montgomery. (My man was already a captain at this point. When was he a detective? with the guy who went to prison & left information with his memaw?) RM: Do I know you, Officer … (he glances at her name badge) … Beckett? KB: No. No, sir. I just – I’ve always wanted to do what you do. I wanted to be in homicide. (& he brings her in!!! He really is her dad!) RM: Is that right? What are you doing now? KB: (confused) Patrol. RM: I can see that. But what are you doing in the archives? KB: I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t – I didn’t mean to be here. I know I shouldn’t be. But I - I was looking into a case. My mom’s homicide. He glances at the box of files. (So glad that-- I lost my thought) RM: Johanna Beckett. KB: Did you know her? RM: I know her case is unsolved. And you were reviewing the files to see if they might have missed something? (.. How much do you know? ig I'll find out as the ep goes on) KB: Yes, sir. RM: If the case is unsolved, chances are the answers aren’t in that file. (he right) KB’S face falls. RM: What did your mother do, Officer Beckett? KB: She was a lawyer. RM: And you think her death might have had something to do with a case she was handling? KB: Well the detective that was working her case, Raglan, said that it was just random, but – RM: Well did you look though her personal belongings? Old notebooks, journals, diaries? ..Cassette recordings?.. Stuff like that? KB: (nods) Yes, sir. Tons of times. But I haven’t found anything that seems relevant. RM: ... Well keep looking. (NO NO NO SAD YOU CAN SEE HIM) (con't) You never know when something might turn up. (Or maybe protect her by telling her to stop. Remember when she recovered for a bit? & then she relapsed. She really IS an addict.) KB nods. RM: Nice meeting you, Officer Beckett. He salutes her and she salutes back. He gives her a sad smile. RM: Sorry about your mom. KB: Thank you, sir. He leaves.
I have this town close by one of my fave museums that has a population of 300 & it is really beautiful with historical stuff & I love it. Tbh it is more of an extension of the nearby city than its own town.
Wait was monty a legit associate? or was he just accidentally involved? I mean he wasn't... intentionally there but i I feel like once youre in you can't really get out. Which ig he couldn't, lockwood killed him. Ok so u can pronounce the g in belongings but u can't pronounce ANY t?
call ryan & esposito to do it for u
Sus. a pair of detectives out here taking a shift like this? They should have come in complaining "Why do we need to take a shift guarding her place? ugh. How annoying." grab the stuff & go grab the stuff & go grab *DROPS IT?* the stuff & go WHY ARE YOU WAITING THERE WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT THE STUFF NOW YOU HAVE TWO MINS TO SKIDADDLE FRICKING.. lol subpoena her notes so u write in shorthand. Love it. I love my own shorthand. Eth & thorn & ampersand & ampersand for "that" which is a thorn with a line... one of the many proposals for eng... I got in trouble in culinary school bc my shorthand was for me to read. I'm like "girl this workplan is for me, if you want someone else to read it give them the textbook i copied it from. if this was my restaurant we would use shorthand still but it would be less short & more standardized."
lol they would SO be able to decipher it Told u to get out. Why would she give it to her husband & child?
(I love esposito's unimpressed face, rystle look ashamed, beckett looks shocked) DONOVAN and his men have arrested CASTLE, BECKETT, RYAN, and ESPOSITO. None of them are happy as the elevator clicks open and they follow DONOVAN through the bullpen. GATES gapes at them when she notices from her office. (Poor gates) Yep. I'm not watching bc I don't have access, I'm on the transcript rn instead of looking up my school supplies or my bus route to my psych appt... but maybe I shall clip. I remember the bloopers the handcuffs came apart & esposito/JH ran away.
KB: The elephants RC: ??? (I'm glad he doesn't understand) "this one's good with money" what if castle DID get beckett to throw them out? & has she seriously never dropped them when moving? did she take them with her when she moved to DC? did she not sell them bc she was downsizing to travel? I'm getting a rock collection from a friend moving to australia.
Or you know, just... ask someone. Yell over to ann hastings who adores you. ask her to open the elephants. ask donovan to let you check your elephants. I mean he wouldn't let you. Shout to gates to do it once they take you to jail. Or maybe walk over there calmly so as not to arouse suspicion. Holy crap he pulls his gun on her! Heck yeah gates for taking down donovan's arm! Lol love the slow motion
There would either be more stuff before that on the tape or they would be at the end of the tape. (I wrot ethat during the transcript. There is actually a decent amount of audio that I didn't know was part of the recording while watching) Like how the audio still kind of sucks WAIT LAST EPISODE, THE ONE WITH THE Hi8, THAT WAS A LEADUP TO THIS) Wow language. Wowie! You were like "ooh you're mafia extorting! bad you! But I'll take your money!" & now you're like "I've had people fucking KILLED before"??? (he knows ppl bc he was assistant da, of COURSE he knows)
WB: Well it’s simple, Linda. I’m tired. The backroom deals, the corruption, the waste? Oh I figured it out. He is not just the guy saving his neighbourhood kid friend, he is not just doing senator things, he always has been about the money. Back with the extortion ring. He was doing this BEFORE the extortion ring. *sees beckett who is supposed to be dead* except they totally told him that becks escaped & killed his guys. He knew. He was saying "you can't be here" bc he thought becks was arrested. & discredited
he didn't do it, he hired dick coonan to do it. *catching this on film* Ooh music
& they're all just... no longer under arrest?
lmao ok. I love it.
But this is not the end of the season?
Hey with having already liveblogged while my unle was over yesterday from the transcript, I only spent an hour or so on this ep! Nice!
0 notes
m1ssjess · 2 years ago
Omg Prime has SEASON 1 of Top Chef
Thoughts on Season 1 Episode 1:
Where the fuck is Padma? I'm sorry Katie Lee but WHERE THE FUCK IS PADMA???
Tom Colicchio is a baby
Gail Simmons is a baby
Omg I totally remember who the final 3 are just from the intro
LEE ANNE was from this season!??
Omg the music is the same. The intro. The background music. It's weird because not much else seems the same (lighting, camera set up, stages etc) but the music is what is making me believe that this is honestly related to the show I watched last Thursday.
Omg I was 16 when I saw this for the first time
It's like just another reality show - which I hate. I was telling a co-worker about season 20 today and how the only reason I can stand top chef is because it's about the food 🤣
DUDE they have a girl who is HALF WAY THROUGH culinary school. JFC. Was the criteria that low??? One woman HAS ZERO RESTURANT EXPERIENCE.
Omg I still hate Tiffani.
Omg I think I love Tiffani.
That first quick fire challenge? Endure 30 minutes on the Line in a running restaurant. Holy cow how far has it come...
DUDE JUST STRAIGHT UP STARTS A VERBAL FIGHT with the guest judge. Holy shit. What a dick. Not even responding to criticism. "Chef did you throw out that sauce?" (Dude used his finger to taste a sauce while on the line in a resturant he literally just stepped into; Chef tore him a new one)
Omg they're shopping. they have an hour to shop??? It's so leisurely???
Wait what were the terms for the elimination challenge?? Signature dish for $30? For how many people? I literally do not know. I have picked this up from chatter in the grocery store.
The sommelier did a fricken wine tasting during their shop. That's how freaking long they had. JFC.
Tom is just carrying in the knife block 🤣
Omg they are cooking for each other. People look worried.
Omg. I am fairy certain that they hired Ken (finger tasting dude) as a plant to stir shit up because he is now SCREAMING "KARATE" noises in the kitchen to pump himself up??? 🤣
Jesus this is such a 00's reality show.
They are only making ONE PLATE????
Wait I do remeber some trivia about how the one plate thing pissed off Tom because the food got cold before the judges got to eat it. So to this day: they always have to make (minimum) two plates, one for tasting and one specifically for photography.
*counts* 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8 people tasting their food and they seriously just made one plate of food!!??
I thought the brief was to make your signature dish and no one is being prompted to explain why???
Ahahaha they all tore Ken's dish to shreds "I was expecting more with all the ego on display" 🤣
Ahahaha all the professional chef are not having any of the Sommelier's BS. I LOVE IT.
Omg it's so weird to see them all in the green room in casual clothes.
Man you can really tell the difference between the pro chefs and the *ahem* not by just their honest feedback of trying their competitor's foods.
Holy shit apparently the sommelier can actually cook.
Lol Ken's BS the night before is definitely playing into him being eliminated. There is clearly a more deserving person to go home but it's him.
Bleah. People are just sitting on the prep tables!???
Lol Gail and Tom's standards and critisims havn't change in 20 years.
Oh course Harold won. Of course Tiffani was in the top 3. It's just so abundantly clear that the professional chef are going to wipe this competition with their non-pro competitiors.
"Please pack your knives and go"
Omg the last minute of the episode was previews from the rest of the season and it was all interpersonal drama. Not even a single mention of food or the culinary challenges they are going to face. Jesus I am glad it's come a long way in the last 20 years...
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emptylotfiasco · 9 months ago
short story:
Tumblr media
long story: ohh god what the fuck was that what the fuck was that. why did donut only have a single line in simmons' thoughts. why did carolina only appear at the end. the audacity to retcon season 15 onwards to make an even worse season. killing sarge. i feel like i just watched a marvel movie.
just. some of the characterisation was bad. its strange that the reds had to be convinced to go on the big mission to save everyone when they spent the whole show growing into their responsibilities and doing heroic shit. its strange they left caboose behind to get killed by the meta after they spent the whole show learning to get along and be ride or die with eachother. on the OPPOSITE end its strange that sarge gave grif that whole speech about being hard on him because he knew he could be better. lol no. he is a jerk to him because he doesnt care about how grif feels. and obviously, its strange that grif left simmons at the end, because being separated from the reds and blues would drive him crazy and fuck you that was his best friend for 18 seasons.
fans respond well to emotional moments in the previous seasons but this felt like an emotional jerk off session. just a whole lot of unearned emotional moments and deep conversations that felt stunted and out of place. the funeral scene was ten minutes long. there were so many conversations about wash's feelings (when carolina started to ask him about why he felt he had to earn doc's aid i was so over it. why are we delving into his self esteem issues right now after everything that happened.) there was always a balance between comedy/drama and they did not manage that. having more scenes wouldve made the moments feel earned and i know they couldnt do that but. i still wouldnt have included a lot of this stuff.
there was a lot of hand holding, with the excessive emotional conversations, the long, constant recaps of stuff that happened in previous seasons and the show-dont-tellness. it is obvious that epsilon split himself into other fragments. it is obvious that tucker is in the meta suit and he has all the fragments and is evil. maybe if they spent less time explaining everything they could fit more stuff lol. that is also something i feel applies to all the emotional shit, they could have used a lot more subtlety.
if they wanted a rounded season focused on reflection of all the previous seasons and character arcs (which it did feel like they were trying to do tbf) i think jason's original s18 pitch wouldve been good for it. this did feel like a giant collection of plot beats and i heard it was supposed to be a trilogy but was rushed so that makes sense and explains a lot of the problems. under no amount of time constraints could i forgive them fumbling grimmons though. fuck. they only have themselves to blame for that.
some things i liked: how tex was handled (that made me so happy that was so sweet. best tex lives fic and its written into the show<3 i know tex's VA left on bad terms with RT so the fact that she came back just makes me. god i love tex), carolina appeared that made me happy even though she shouldve been here the whole time but whatever. her and tex fighting the meta together was awesome. caboose snapping tucker out of it (im such a big fan of them<33). wash throwing himself off a cliff because thats the best way he can think to solve a situation. amazingly in character. any time the reds goofed off it made me giggle and kick my feet. the church youtube skit committed egregious sins i already mentioned but i think it was cute that it was in a 2D art style. the zoom security guards and basically the few bits of comedy always landed and were really funny.
anyways. i cant expect them to make a good season while their company is getting shut down. this was definitely rushed, probably not a finalised draft and done under time constraints. i dont blame them, i am not upset that it didnt deliver. but that does not mean it was good. im going to pretend it was another epsilon simulation. and im still writhing at them retconning season 15 for this.
hey akalegos... justg finished watching the new rvb season and unblocked all the tags i think im gonna throw up
How’s it going emptylotfiasco….
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a-shizno · 2 years ago
A rvb dnd au where Tex was originally supposed to be the BBG of the campaign but Church’s character rolled a nat20 in seduction leaving the DM scrambling to:
a) find a way to give her personality
b) salvage the plot with the fact that Tex is not only a PC’S girlfriend but and old flame (thanks a lot York)
c) Figure out how to act out said personality and said plot changes
D) not murder Wyoming about how much he’s laughing
(‘shut up i let York keep his character as a ghost because he died to a series of unfortunate nat1s from the group as a whole during the first session. Not because he was sulking’)
It all comes to fruition as the following:
• Carolina tried to kill off Tex a couple of sessions in. She wasn’t prepared to do more than a simple NPC and monologues as a DM and felt that her stilted characterization was not something she wanted to ruin the campaign
• explained that Tex had made a pack with a strange God to become a warlock so they could obtain their goal
• established that Lopez was an enchanted suit of armor that was cursed to speak Spanish. York decided possess said armor
• Wyoming (who was playing Sarge btw) got written in as a villain because his“don’t act like it’s that hard to fix a campaign! Just write in a secret boss that we never could’ve predicted being such a thorn in the side when we were so focused on Tex!” Speech was not taken as well as he hoped
• Carolina brought back Tex bc she actually missed being able to interact with the others in game
• North fucked up a side quest by picking up a cursed blade! (guess who he played). He was aware that the quest was to guide crunchbite to the artifact! He knew he shouldn’t touch the glowing sword! He was going to take it for the lols. Now he has earned his consequences!
(Too bad he adores Junior with all his heart, made him a custom figure and everything)
• Connie and South very much are Simmons and Grif respectfully and the fact that the irl pinning is so severe that they have accidentally made their characters act like a married couple
•Tex’s betrayal marks the end of the first campaign where they take a break so Carolina could make a new campaign for they characters
•mean time they played two shot Out of Mind, and Recovery One in which they see some very familiar characters
bound to a relic that was hidden away He would give these smaller beings of ‘himself’ to do his will and help his people he would give them to the Director, the man he based his human visage after, not realizing that the siege was won and that the Director was now using these fragments to Gain more power as a ruler. He gives them to his strongest knights.
• Washington joins the campaign! He as new to DND, having tested the waters in the two shot and just just added himself but as a moody badass.
•Church is a god!
•The meta is still a thing and Maine, (who was very tickled to be the big bad) had been playing Lopez but took a break to play meta
•Church’s sacrifice is the end of another campaign!
•we tune back in on the new campaign! And Washington had a request for Carolina between stories
•even Maine was shocked when is was revealed by breaking Lopez’s sigil mid session that Sir Washington was a villain for this campaign, all except Florida
• Florida was heartbroken when he realized that two characters was too much for him at the moment and he had to choose between his characters. He eventually mentioned this to Wash who hinted that he could fix the issue
•he did not tell Florida beforehand the plan but he can’t complain bc it definitely solved the problem and the fact that he was able to save Doughnut’s life while giving Doc the spotlight was really great all around.
• with the artifact being saved Church is reborn as epsilon
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