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stevethehairington · 2 years ago
mustache steve has me thinking thoughts goddammit.
eddie is just eating his morning cereals, expecting steve to join him soon after he’s done shaving. steve had been growing a beard for some time now and he’s finally decided it’s too annoying to keep tidy and clean. but when steve finally comes out of the bathroom he’s sporting a beautiful pornstache. eddie chokes on his cereal
YESSSSS SFKJGLKFDGS, this is IT this is EXACTLY IT, YES, i'm obsessed with this idea, actually.
steve with a beard is nice. eddie likes steve with a beard.
eddie also likes that steve is shaving said beard off. ever since steve decided to grow it in, and ever since it started to actually fill out and take shape, it's been driving eddie absolutely bonkers. the beard made steve looks rugged and handsome in a mountain man kind of way, and eddie knew he had some tendencies but boy oh boy did he not realize the depth of those tendencies until this beard. he's had an even harder time controlling himself around steve lately, and it's all that god damn beard's fault.
so yeah, eddie's gonna miss that beard once it's gone, but he's grateful for the return of his sanity.
that is.
until steve walks out of the bathroom, whistling something softly under his breath as he joins eddie in the kitchen.
eddie looks up from his bowl of cereal, ready to crack some joke about steve's face being smooth as a baby's bottom once again around his mouthful of honeycomb, but then his eyes land on it.
and he promptly chokes.
it, being steve's mustache. because he didn't get rid of it all. he'd shaved the sides of the beard off and cleaned up his chin, but he'd left that stupid patch of hair right over his lip. shaped it up real neatly and, and-
he'd given himself a goddamn pornstache.
the worst part of it all? it's even sexier than the beard.
eddie does not know why, he does not know how, but goddammit, it's working for him, it's working so much.
he is a weak weak man.
he's not going to survive this.
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lookismaddict · 2 years ago
Lookism Chapter 442 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made. The sole purpose of this is to provide summaries/reviews for each chapter so if you don’t want to see the rest of it, then just keep scrolling. It’s your choice.)
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Time to cry all of our hearts out. 😫
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Nuuuuuuuuuu poor babies 😭
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Ugh, this is making me feel touched and all. Everyone gathered in one place because they really respected him. Bruh, Imma cry again 😭😭😭 I hope Taesoo Ma, Gongseop Ji, and the rest of the First Generation would somehow investigate his death and avenge Jichang. 🙏🏽
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Oh shit... 5th Affiliate. 💀 Did I mention that I don't like this phase of Eli? I mean, sure. You're doing this all for your family in Hostel, but there's another way to settle this and provide for them, no? I mean, you got friends bro. You don't have to shoulder the burden on your own. Learn how to depend and rely on those who you hold dear too.
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King, it's ok. Just undrown yourself and stop siding with Workers.. 😀
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I stg, this twink of a crew leader is afraid of Daniel Park. Little did he know, Daniel and James Lee are actually a team lol. I swear, it's like Eugene blames Daniel for everything now that Daniel tried to interfere with his plans. Mf would now blame him for everything and anything that doesn't work out.
Mandeok: *suddenly walks into Eugene's office* Eugene, the coffee maker isn't working anymo-
Eugene: IT'S HIS FAULT! IT'S ALL DANIEL PARK'S FAULT!!! HE ERADICATED SOME OF MY AFFILIATES, AND NOW HE'S AFTER MY COFFEE MACHINE?! Yuseong: *starts to rock back and forth in his chair, cradling himself while afraid of his brother's psycho outburst*
Come on stink, get it together. You're going coo coo now. I don't know why I thought of Eugene in this scenario. It was funny in my head.
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Oh great. NOW, THEY'RE THERE. 🙄
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WHO'S GOING 100 MPH ON THE MAIN STREET BRUH??? Also, who tf are YOU mf? 🤨
Also, omg. PTJ, do you always ctrl + c and ctrl + v on your characters' hairstyles or something? Because Warren doesn't look like Zack anymore, but now he looks like-
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Like ok, I get it. You're addicted to the copy + paste hairstyles, but I don't wanna have to do this, but... Imma hand over the scissors to Eli and have him end the ctrl + c, ctrl + v era. 😭 Bc, wth is this shit? But they look good tho, ngl.
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If he took, "I need a big boy" to heart, then I don't want it. 💀💀💀
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Nah, it must be all that coke protein powder. Goo gave him a whole bucket of protein powder and Logan would be sniffing and eating it all.
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Well, obviously "No." Logan. Also, HOT DOC IS BACK!!! Ofc he is. He's the main star of the First Affiliate.
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What did he mean by "I'm not sure though?" 😀 Also, the way Logan said, "How cute is this bastard... Should I give you a kiss?" and Warren replying with, "I'm taken, so no thanks." MAN, WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T TAKEN? THEN WHAT? 🤨 ALSO, THE WAY HE SAID HE'S "taken" NOW BC HE HAS SALLYAHSIDFHSDFIUSHDFIUW. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT GOT ME SCREAMING.
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AWWWWWW MAAAAAAAAN, I wOnDeR wHo CoUlD tHaT bE ??? Definitely, not Daniel Park.
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"Will Logan Lee face off with Daniel Park soon? Will they ever find Jinyoung Park now? Who will be the next to arrive at the First Affiliate??? Tune in, next time ONNNN-"
Yeah man, F this.
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yellowfingcr · 7 months ago
"Tell me 'bout it." Seems as though that sudden quiet's gotten to him. Lordsworn surrounding them are still charred corpses on the ground, only just crumbling from their tormented last moments into ashes swept away by the rain. Embers of insanity hiss in a manner all too similar to a dying man's last gasp as they're doused, and Sam sets his jaw before looking Heysel full in the face. As if to prepare himself for the molten tears still drip-dribbling down her cheeks, for the stretch of her too-wide grin, for the light in her eyes that makes every last one of his instincts scream... "What's it worth? What's it cost?" Sam wheezes, a cough then three rattling within chest before he can gather himself properly. "Why...?" Somehow, after everything they've seen together, that last little question gets bitten off. Swallowed. Why're ya doin' this to yerself?
“Yesssss,” comes the reply from beneath the singed hood, serpent-slow. The word trickles out of her with the languid tempo of something thawing; she cannot offer any more air any more quicker, she can’t, not quite yet, the effort, gods the enormous exquisite effort it takes to call forth frenzied flame- her hands hover somewhere close to her skull but know still the unwiseness of touch right now, despite the abject want of her palms to press, as if to try to prevent further decanting out of her sockets though not of flame but of something else- her tears- her brain- herself- 
Heysel distances her fingers. Not too much. A meager shield between their gazes that does nothing to prevent him from spotting the raw-pinkness of her, peeled open, the last pearls of the dread orange, the white of her gritting teeth. He has watched her die by poison but he shouldn’t have to see her like this too clearly, regardless. What death does to people he knows well. The flame does worse.
“I hear you, Sam.” She breathes, in, out, deep, hard. “Questions. Yes. A moment. Please.”
Her fingers, trembling still, fish out the flask of tears. She tips her head back, and without ceremony pours the content over her face. A gasp. A tension, then an unclenching.
But what at least next returns to look at Sam is Heysel, blinking as if only freshly awakened. By all means this is just a woman under the raining grey sky, together with him. She was never on fire and she was never burning as others burned, screaming, screaming.
Only the edge of her hood remains singed brown.
“You know, out of all people, I’m surprised it’s you asking this. I actually think you know what this is about. Why I do it. Why I wanted it.” The ground squelches as she moves a step closer to him. “You, so very aware of how this world coils and turns. Maybe the one who knows it best.”
Scorpion to scorpion, viper to viper. No two things planted unto the soil of this existence that walk it the same way but she with blind faith believes he understands her to some crucial fundamental rare degree because he exists in a similar shape- the shape of a man who learned, so fast, about power and its truths. Power lethal, to decide what halts and what continues. Power to change a man by relentless threat of what might be. The hierarchy the possession and lack of it generates. This is the true shaper of bonds between living. Do you hold such a cudgel? Do my hands stand empty of it? How will you use it? What can you do to me? How can I defend myself? What threat must I own in turn so that I might stop you?
“I’d emerged from the grave not much earlier than when it happened, yes? When I found the village. Most people happen upon it, at one point or another,” she whispers, “And I met the screaming people of it. And I was hurt by them. By their dread fire. It cut so awfully through me. It’s so far beyond anything description can capture. It hurts in manners not just of the flesh. It hurts the- the soul, the you-ness, and armor does nothing, and meditation does nothing, it is such a perfectly awful thing, it is. Violence does strange things to a mind but not like frenzied flame does. I’d never met such a divine horror. I screamed. I burned. I died. I returned, and I said I need this. This thing none can shield from. None with consciousness. I want it. I'll pay what I must to possess it. If there is any way to possess it and remain."
A light tilt of the head. Water hesitates through the paths of new scars.
“So I went and studied it. Every spell you can call forth of that kind was hard won, my friend. What you learn is the scholastic fettered reward and the price of it were the countless lives who tried and failed before a lone thin success at controlling this fire. It’s very precious knowledge. It took me so long. I hurt so much. I loved it so, this process, I am so fond of learning. I returned to the village over and over and over and over again. To understand. Make it mine. And I did. Even if it's not much, what I can do. And I’m… so… glad.”
Gods above her smile. The bright honesty of it. Self-mutilating saints of faraway lands were represented in paintings with that expression. The serene bliss of someone who can never be gripped, because what can you take away from someone so unafraid to take away from themselves?
“It's power and it's a pivot and it's a reminder. That sliver of frenzied flame that I learned is such things and a myriad more. I would not wish this upon anyone. But I am happy I wished it upon myself.”
“Sam. Maker of my poisons. My spider-smart friend. Do you understand?”
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writingsofwesteros · 11 months ago
Alicent teasing Rhaenyra with the poolboy- yesssss
Aegon talks to his friend Oberyn Martell about letting Jace use his club for Cregan Stark's party, of course the fact that Aegon met him with Daenora by his side may or may not have swayed him...
"One night, Oberyn," Aegon said. "My nephew wants to throw a massive party for his Northern friend, and they had such a good time at your club last time they came with me-" "I have a event that I may be holding that night, my friend, I can make no exceptions-" Oberyn paused when Nora came in, in her little Prada mini-skirt and that tight white button up that showed the shape of her breasts perfectly, her legs accentuated by the heels on her feet. "Aeg, What's taking so long? I have my appointment at Vivienne Westwood in like half an hour," Nora said as she walked up to her brother, looking at him expectantly as Oberyn eyed her up and down. "Sorry Nora, two minutes," Aegon replied. Nora turned to Oberyn, and asked, "Do you not want to let them throw the party here?" Her hand rested on her hip. "Doesn't seem like a smart business decision, quite frankly."
Oberyn grinned and asked, "Oh, how so?" "If you own a club, I figured you'd be smart enough to know that wherever Targaryens go, everyone follows." Nora told him. Aegon watched the exchange, sliding a possessive arm around her waist.
"Ah, indeed? And tell me, will you be in attendance as well?" Oberyn asked with a smirk, and Nora raised a brow at his cocky tone. "Maybe. Though usually when I RSVP at parties there's at least a venue." "Forgive me, but I can't see an event planned by a young boy like your nephew bringing in the traction that my club should get." Oberyn replied, and Nora rolled her eyes. "Hey! I'm helping him," Aegon said defensively, and Nora shot him a look that said, let me handle this. "My point exactly, dear friends," Oberyn chuckled. "It's his idea, of course, and my brother's helping out- but Jacearys asked me to head up this whole thing. I'll be planning for him." Nora said. "And before you try to imply I can't plan a party, we both know you know who I am, sweetie, so let's not pretend you don't know. Why else do you think the Lannister's white party last month was such a hit? Sienna's my best friend, you think she didn't learn a thing or two from me?" Oberyn leaned against the bar, and before he could respond, Nora said, "Actually, I don't think your club has what I'm looking for. I need something that screams exclusive, something that can handle my vision. But thank you for you time," Nora turned on her heel, and pulled Aegon with her. "Wait, now let's not be hasty," Oberyn reached out to grab her hand. "I'm a flexible man- and my club is exclusive." He told her. "It is yours, whatever night you chose. My people will reach out to you." He said.
Nora smiled victoriously as Aegon looked at her in awe. "Good. Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Martell." "Call me Oberyn," He said smoothly, watching as she walked out with Aegon. When she and Aegon got in the car, he said, "Since when are you helping?" She rolled her eyes affectionately and said, "Since you both need my help, obviously. She spoke to Criston in the driver's seat, telling him, "Cole, Vivienne Westwood please." Aegon chuckled and pulled her up on his lap. "You had him eating from your hand, Nora." He kissed her neck. She smiled. "Jealous?" she asked. "Not as jealous as Aemond's gonna be."
NORA IS THE BEST!! Coming in and conquering, we love that from her !!
"Not as jealous as Aemond's gonna be." he's a big baby, thankfully him and Helly are enjoying their time together
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months ago
First off yesssss Danny has an ice core/space core while Wisp/Dames/(Damon?) has a fire/star core. But ALSO which is perfect for a little bit of drama beCAUSE you know who else has a fire core? Vlad. You know who is obsessively trying to adopt a certain halfa (or halfas?) into his family? Vlad. All I'm saying is that when his manipulation tactics with Danny doesn't work, there's a perfectly cherubic little boy with a fire core right there that's young enough to be much, much easier to manipulate....
Why, after all! They have the same core, Vlad could help Damian with his powers much better than his brother can. And if Damian is on his side, it'll only take a little convincing to get Danny on his side! He's seen how protective the boy is over the toddler....
Which wouldn't be a bad plan, if it wasn't Danny and Damian that Vlad was messing with. Vlad is going to get crushed. Curbstomped. Turned into a fine paste by one truly incensed mama bear.
And aaaaa Wisp is a little kitten. A mischievous and playful little kitten, who likes to play hunt Danny when his back is turned (it MIGHT work if Damon didn't have a tendency to giggle whenever he got close... Or set off Danny's ghost sense/flood the parent-child bond they have with the sense of lightjoy-play.) And yesss his ghost form as is is very simple. He's gonna have a blast experimenting once he gets older and he settles more into his person.
Baby ghosts SO have a much easier time at shapeshifting/changing their size. It's kinda like how kids have a ton more energy than adults do but also a built in defense-mechanism to hide from 'predators'. Makes it easier to hide under their parent.
Yesyesyes to the ghost cannibalism. Whenever they go into the Zone and have to leave the spectre speeder, Wisp is under strict conditions not to leave Danny's side, and just as an extra precaution, Danny's scarf acts as a secondary child leash just in case Damon gets the idea to zip off somewhere. (They usually don't have too much of a problem, Damon prefers to be close to Danny in the zone out of ghostbaby instinct. Much safer to be tucked under baba's underbelly than it is anywhere else. But... just to be safe. Or if they're in the Far Frozen/Greater Athens/one of the mega-isles)
I've thought it before but I don't think I've said it -- and if I have, I'll say it again -- but you know the Batman Shadow Blob thing he's sometimes drawn as? That's Danny. That's Danny 100%. He can just go Full Shadow Ghost at a whim and it's so fun, he loves hiding in his friends' shadows and scaring the shit out of them. It's less fun when he inflates his size and turns into a great snarling, vaguely-human-shaped shadow beastie when someone tries to go after Wisp.
Rip to that one dude in the Greater Athens, he still gets nightmares sometimes.
Danny has never MacGuyvered something faster in his life than when Damon started floating, flying, and going through walls, and when he started getting the hang of it. Damon's threes were terrible. Oh man. Danny was convinced he was going to go gray before 16.
He kept the leash in his backpack or bag Always whenever he went out with Damon before Damon stopped running off.
Aaaa I love that Danny and Bruce have some kind of friendship/bond after that initial trust is established, that's so sweet. I don't see them having a relationship that isn't like, Danny dunking on him, that often. So that's super sweet <333. They talk about their Damians over tea, and Bruce has baby pictures from Talia (they trade).
Honestly tho I imagine Danny being super skittish/shy around his template at first, if only because of his own trauma and insecurities. He feels extremely guilty over his own existence lol. Lmao even. He's very polite to Batman when they first meet because he feels like he needs to make it up to him somehow, even if his creation was out of his control.
(he empathizes with the man HARD because he was also cloned. So its a special kind of hell that danny is in where "yeah I know what its like to be cloned so i know how violating that feels" and "i'm a clone, i feel so gross about myself bc i know what its like to be cloned. i can't stand the skin im wearing, oh god" aND "nothing about me is unique. i'm a ten cent copy of something far more advanced than me." all co-exist with each other. He's got clone trauma^3 <3)
And after Batman reveals his identity to him, I see Danny struggling to look him in the face a lot. It pulls up all those ugly feelings in him over his own identity. The first time Danny went home post-reveal, he covered all the mirrors in the house (or at least in places where he would see it) and flinched away from his reflection for a while.
Batman has to reach out and bridge that gap first before any kind of connection can be made lol. But once they get over that initial awkwardness, I can see them very much developing an almost sibling-like bond despite the age gap. Danny very affectionately calls him "template" as a playful nickname. And, as a personal hc I have, calls him Buzz.
("You know! Since all your kids call you "b" and a 'bee" is a type of insect, and bees buzz! So, Buzz!" "I thought it was because Buzz Aldrin was your favorite astronaut--" "ssHHHHHUSH DAMON")
Wisp so play-hunts with Kon whenever he visits. He's not really allowed to with Sam or Tucker since they're 'squishy humans who will get VERY hurt with your teeth if you bite them -- yes even if they're baby teeth' but Kon is not only okay with it, but invulnerable! So Damon's got the okay to play.
Which also makes me think of like, Danny and Damon visiting Wayne Manor, and they're chilling on the couch with some of the other Fam. Damon is leaning against Danny and idly using his hand as a chew toy, and showing off some very frighting fangs while he's at it. Danny looks completely nonplussed, and is either scrolling boredly through his phone, or talking to like, Tim or Bruce or something.
"uhh--- Danny.. are you sure Damon should be--"
"Dw it's fine, he's still got his baby teeth. The adult fangs haven't come in yet."
"Adult fang--?"
and Danny gently grabs Damon's face, squishing his chin between the web of his thumb, lightly ignoring Damon's indignant whining, and uses his thumb to push his upper lip up to show off the little fangs on Damon's upper jaw. "Ghosts have fangs, although they all look different from ghost to ghost. Wisp is still little, so he's got baby teeth. And only on the top shelf. Once he starts losing them, his big ones will come in. And they'll probably look like mine."
He lets go of Damon, and then hooks his finger around the corner of his mouth and pulls the skin back to show off some fierce looking fangs, both top and bottom canines look much sharper and bigger than a human's should, and the teeth surrounding it look a little sharp as well.
"I still wouldn't let him bite you though, the itty babies can do some serious damage when they want to."
(honestly baby ghosts probably have even sharper teeth than adults do just because its an even better defense mechanism. And I'm pretty sure that's a thing with most if not all animal species. Because I know for fucking certain its a thing for humans. Seriously! If you've ever worked with kids, those mfers have some seriously sharp chompers on them. I've never seen sharper human teeth than I have on a two year old toddler. they've given me BRUISES in a single bite.)
"I don't plan on being bitten by any Damians a day in my life, thank you very much, but I'll keep that in mind."
ALSO. i have more doodles
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Over 900 prompt
Okay I love the Danny is a clone of Batman aus but I've never seen this done.
Danny and Kon dating and Then Danny learning his parents cloned Batman thinking he is a ghost only to find out he isn't and kept Danny as their kid.
Just think of the hilarious reactions
Caue this immediately popped into my head.
Kon: *muffled screaming into Tim's couch*
Tim: ....you good?
Kon: danny is the clone of Batman
Tim: ...
Kon: I'm the clone of Superman
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thedanoriddler · 3 years ago
✨ Edward Nashton (Riddler) With a Curly Haired!reader - Headcanons ✨
Warnings: none; I’ve tried to be as gender neutral as possible and not even mentioned specific hair lengths. There’s a brief mention of him being Riddler and doing Riddler stuff™️, and you’re aware he’s Riddler in this scenario? But nothing too murder-y, this is basically fluff
This nonsense is inspired by the fact I curled my short pixie cut, my mother family criticised and hated it, and not a lot else but also the fact I spent years straightening my hair within an inch of its life, hating even the slightest wave in my hair, so… yep!
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You’re so scared when you start going out with Eddie that once he sees your hair in all its untamed glory, he’ll be less into you or something - which could not be further from the truth
Look, the man wraps his head in clingwrap and his hair is kind of flat because of it so seeing you with full on beautiful voluminous curls??? Instantly he’s in love
He’s obsessed with your curly hair, like literally obsessed with it to the point it’s not even funny
With your permission, he likes to touch your curls, almost like petting them, because they’re so??? soft??? He can’t for the life of him get over how soft your curls are, or how they feel against his fingers???
He’s always careful not to pull too hard when he runs his fingers through your curls, as if scared that he’ll pull them out of their shape or something
^ This is also nice because your hair gets tangled sometimes, and he doesn’t want to pull on a tangle in case he potentially hurts you in the process
Honestly, sometimes he wakes up in the morning while you’re there still asleep, and he just stares in awe at you and your messy bed head of curls
You’ll be embarrassed about how messy it looks, but Eddie’s just like “omg 🥹” and it’ll make you feel so warm inside
When it’s super humid and your hair frizzes, he still thinks you’re super cute even when you’re pouting and hating it
You complaining you hate your hair and Eddie being like “you shouldn’t! I love it!” Because it’s all you, and he absolutely thinks you’re perfect the way you are
If you so much as mention straightening your hair or changing it so it’s not curly anymore, he full on whines and pleads with you not to because “(Y/N), noooo, your hair is perfect like this please don’t change it, please 🥺”
He wouldn’t force you to not change it, if you really wanted to then he’ll accept it, he loves you anyway, but he just??? loves??? your??? natural??? curls?? so much 🥺
It really makes him sad when you say you hate your hair, because how could you hate any part of you??? Who could hate anything about you???
Let’s be honest, the main reason behind wanting to change it usually is because of family or other people being dicks
If your family makes comments about your curls - “oh, I liked it better straight” “that looks like a mess” “you can’t go out like that!” - or coworkers/other people laughing at your hair, expect Eddie to be fucking furious about it and to praise your hair even more
Him on stream as Riddler taking a moment away from discussing killing and violence to rant talk about you yet again and the chat erupting into hearts when he talks about you being self conscious about your hair, especially after your family or co workers have made mean comments
“yesssss curls ftw 💜” “fuck the haters curls are cool!!!” kinda stuff and you see the chat (because of course you’re behind the camera reading the chat) and just blush so hard
Yes his followers all adore you even though you’ve not been on camera lmfao he talks about you so often it’s almost ridiculous
Honestly just the thought of Eddie running his fingers through your curly hair, both of you soothed by the feel of it, so warm and comfortable together 🥹😊
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wr3nns · 2 years ago
I can't believe the possession and Flapjack death predictions were actually correct.
The way he calls him "Flap" I'm. I'm going to perish.
He liked himself he was happy he was content he had a positive self-image and then they just had to go and. They just went and. They just.
I just kept thinking about how much of a hell all those little details must have been to animate and they did so so so WELL I'm so impressed and happy with the results it's so pretty and full of life and character. The little rainbow heart pin on Camila's jacket, the costuming details, the stitching, the little character motions, the expressions, the shapeshifting, the magic, the.
THEY BROUGHT OUT THE FRAMES. the frames the frames the frames the frames the fra
their moodbuilding and tension and the atmosphere and
that fight scene was so so so so so so cool and epic and magnificent and the slow build of dread and unease and how it manifests and hits that peak and then it's just outright FEAR and
Amity was gonna surprise her with the rebus and the clue and the puzzle and she was gonna give her girlfriend something with hope and she was gonna give her a nice surprise and she was gonna do a nice sweet thing and
and Luz accidentally outing Hunter bc she's just so freaked out and scared and not in the right headspace and they're having a MEDICAL PROBLEM and she doesn't know what to do and
and BOTH of them getting outed and the others not blaming them or getting upset over it because
Willow taking up photography and Hunter getting really into sewing and Vee becoming more her own person with her own shape and image and self-expression and
The haircut, the book, how he nudges the book away a little bit
Amity not knowing how the library boxes work and getting freaked out by their mechanics and aefkjakjlef she's so silly I love her
the fashion the outfits the montage the physical representations of the passage of time my HEART
Gus with the little magic amplifier pendant earring and
nonbinary masha yes yesss i remember seeing the nails and just doing so much hand flapping because YESSSSS
sgregafrgsergserg jacob. everyone is so fed up with him it's always so funny asdkjfnjkleawh
i'm good i'm cool i'm awesome i'm great everything is fine and dandy and nice and
i mean Hunter is made in part of palistrom wood and
luz's human mom can finally meet her owl mom,,, and her demon brother,,, and
Hunter. finally finally finally being able to cry openly and being able to cry when he was always holding back the tears before you could SEE IT but now he's part of the family... and he gets to be emotional,,, and Luz gives him a little hug
and he can't hold back the tears for Flapjack. that was his emotional support palisman. actually. like really actually you can see it. that was his emotional support palisman. seriously. like actually his emotional support animal. his best friend.
but he'll be okay because he has family and a support system and there's gotta be a possession recovery thing in the demon realm, i mean it just. i mean. man's gonna find some books i just know it. that's what he does. he reads.
he hasn't seen his face yet he doesn't know. he doesn't know
gus and willow i love you i love you you're best friends you match each other's energy you're so silly you're so powerful you're so supportive you're so wonderful
he wants to play flyer derby with his friends. he has friends. he wants to play flyer derby with his friends. he
give the palisman a kiss too,,,, camila is such a good mom, Luz is such a good kid, i love them they're so good so good so wonderful
i want to draw
the sheer amount of little background details is stunning. i'm in awe. the little character traits too.
hunter with a mullet but at what cost. is he gonna get another haircut
is belos just hanging out on the other side of the portal? Why did he even want to go back there??? i thought he wanted to be in the human realm. maybe he needs more palismen. what would he go back.... hmmmmm.....
the huntlow moments are so sweet and wonderful and i love them they're so good i love them
the lumity moments the little light spell amity made the fact that glyphs work in the presence of titan's blood. would glyphs be more powerful around king. he could use glyphs, since they're just symbols and stuff, and he can draw, we know that,
willow willow willow willow
VEE!! she's just got the one face, just the one. just one. her little transformation sequence was so cute,,, kinda like a coming out, like this is how i wanna be now, introducing myself.
SPEAKING OF WHICH the lumity studios presents.... yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!
playing in the rain,,, in the mud,,, sillies. lovelies. little children. i love them oh my gosh they're so wonderful
I love this show
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on-a-lucky-tide · 3 years ago
Yesssss A Witcher’s Champion!!!! Very excited for more of that deliciousness.
Would love to hear more about your Gaetan origin fic!
Yoo, I'm so glad you chose this one because it's inspired by the tone in your writing and that of @whyzowl. Not necessarily the content, but this kind of gritty rawness that doesn't shy away from the tough stuff? As a result, some content warnings are needed and absolutely no hard feelings for not clicking the read more: mention of addiction, creepy madame who has her eye on Gaetan as a future asset (clear intent to groom), child labour.
The story gets quite dark because I wanted to focus on the cat school collecting the most vulnerable and broken within society. I know there's a fair amount of sensitivity - and rightfully so - around this idea that the cat mutagens cause mental illness. So, I'm trying to be very careful to avoid demonising certain mental illnesses, while exploring what formative experiences could have shaped a man like Gaetan, who loses control in Honorton. It's hard and I'll need about five sensitivity readers before it's ready for posting. (None of the above in the snippet.)
"Your problem is costing me money," the Madame said icily, her long nails tapping on the polished surface of her desk. Gaetan watched her from behind Ma's skirts, admiring the glittering choker at her throat. She reminded him of the toads he chased at the sewer entrance. Sometimes, if he caught them, he would squish their big bellies gently to watch their eyes widen. He never hurt them, that he swore to his Ma. He weren't a monster. 
Ma wasn't well. She hadn't been since Gaetan could remember, and he had just seen his seventh summer. She had this special medicine, a white powder, that she stored in little pouches by her eye paint. It helped with the pain, which had to be getting worse, because Ma had been taking a lot more medicine recently. She cleared her throat, her voice reedy. "'M sorry, ma'am. I can take on more, I can."
"The boy," the madame turned her watery eyes down to Gaetan. "He can take on extra duties."
Ma sounded upset. "Ma'am, please–"
"He can work the kitchens, running drinks. If he proves himself to be reliable, then he can even collect the money from clients–" 
Ma seemed to relax a little. "Thank you, yes. He can do that."
"–and when there's a little hair around his cock, he can earn his money as we all do," the madame reached across her desk and pulled a small, ornate case towards her. The jewels encrusted in the bronze metal were as pretty as the ones around her neck, "get yourself under control. Or I'll put you both out on the streets."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank ye, ma'am."
Ma took her medicine more often. She needed it. Gaetan felt proud for being able to provide it for her. In the mornings, he scrubbed the kitchens until the skin on his hands had blistered from the harsh soap, and as the sun set and the halls filled with bodies and the smell of sweat, Gaetan weaved through the legs of patrons with drinks. 
The madame praised him. He was a good worker. Handsome little elf, she called him, not that he was anything like an elf. His ears were round for one, he checked in a mirror a couple of times to make sure. When she said it, she petted his hair that she liked him to tie behind his head; pretty little thing, they'll love you in a few years.
It was a night like any other night when it all started, the only difference being that the Lillies were in town. He recognised them from their uniforms; blue tunics with three silver symbols on the breast. Temeria's finest, the towncryer called them. Gaetan thought they smelled as bad as everyone else who visited. The madame had a stern word with their commander. "No violence, do you hear? Not like last time." She spoke through clenched teeth.
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titleleaf · 2 years ago
much ado with red and white, please!
Yesssss YESSSSSS it's body horror consent issues hours on titleleaf dot tumblr dot com
much ado with red and white (Shakespeare's Histories, Henry IV/Prince Hal hanahaki disease noncon, CW for discussion of incest and consent issues
Where the fuck do I start with this one -- I love bullshit medieval medicine and I extra love bullshit medieval medicine explanations for fantastical or imaginary conditions. There's an incredible fic for Webster's Duchess Of Malfi that takes the fandom omegaverse trope and refracts it through the lens of Early Modern medicine and constructions of sex/sexuality, for instance. Translating the unrequited-love focus of hanahaki disease into an Early Modern-does-Medieval context is a lot of fun, and I drew on then-contemporary writing about melancholy and unrequited desire to get the wheels turning here.
The idea that an unrequited craving can be dangerous or have some permanent effect has fascinated me since I was a kid (Rapunzel's mother just wanted some damn lamb's-lettuce!) and I think I brought to the table here too the story of Amnon and Tamar from 2 Samuel, this intensely selfish desire that flips like a switch to disgust and contempt as soon as it's satisfied. On the one hand it's possible to read Amnon's contempt in that exchange as being driven by shame as soon as sexual frustration is no longer there as an obstruction, kind of a very dark form of post-nut clarity, but on the other it's just the basic-ass grim case of a man who really only wants one thing from the object of his desire and has no respect or regard for them otherwise. Henry isn't in quite that position -- his love for his son isn't exclusively or even primarily sexual -- but him pursuing temporary relief is going to wreck him in the long term.
Incest isn't a metaphor for anything and need not be a metaphor for anything but Shakespeare handed me a blank check for all of my favorite things -- complicated relationships between adult family members, childhood baggage with implications for foreign policy, guilt, anxiety, paranoia, poorly-understood desires, the royal family as a criminal enterprise. Hal's relationship to his father has been not just shaped by but actively distorted by monarchy -- in some ways hereditary divinely-appointed rule is this grand, magnified version of the "natural" state of things under patriarchy, but the reality of exile and usurpation and inheritance and allegiance all within one big already-dysfunctional family just kind of shatters any potential for relationships without a shitload of baggage. Henry's feelings regarding his son are cross-contaminated by the whole range of things he feels regarding Richard II (and about his own bygone youth, health, and posterity) and Hal has to navigate that minefield. Dying from Unrequited Pining Disease because you oops accidentally killed the guy you're pining for and it turns out your son is not, in fact, an adequate substitution... oops.
I looooove body horror and botanical grossness -- hanahaki disease first and foremost looks gorgeous, it's super aesthetic and tailored to fanart and moodboards and whatnot, but fusing it to the idea of the king's body having a parallel relationship to the land he rules (fruitful or sterile, health-giving or sick) is really fun.
I forgot how fucking mean it is to have Hal straight-up go "I'll do this only if you step down and let me become king, I don't want to do this, it's disgusting to me" and Henry being like oh yeah totally totally I'll do whatever you want, I'll give you whatever you want, just let me fuck you, and then not even doing it. There's a third part of this fic series that I need to finish up and post already where he gets some comeuppance for that, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hal is trying to make the best of a really really really bad situation.
It was really hard to figure out a plausible textual background for Henry's own understanding of incest, sodomy, and specifically parent-child incest between two persons of the same sex -- he doesn't understand it as destructive or damaging for many of the reasons I or any other modern person might do but in terms of sexual sin and lechery. Robert Manning of Brunne's early 14th century poem Handlyng Synne outlines incest as one part of the seven-part sin of lechery, and it's very explicit about the degree of closeness being part of the problem, here, have a very shitty translation:
Þe þryddë synnë ys þe werst | The third sin is the worst,
Þe clerk[es] calleþ hyt 'yncest,' | the clerks call it 'incest',
 whan men take kyn yn felawrede | when men take kin in fellow-rede
And wyþ hem doþ doun flesshëly dede; | and with them doth do fleshly deed
Þe ner[ë] syb she ys hys kynde, | the closer-related a family member she is to him,
Þe morë plyȝt shal he þere fynde | the more plight shall he there find
There's a whole constellation of fucked-up sexual-sin concepts floating around for both Henry and Hal, but they actively obstruct either of them being able to articulate what's going on between them (Henry having displaced his desire for a more distant kinsman into a nearer one, even) or why it's damaging. Henry's trying to make a deal with what he's doing like it's different from other sins only in severity and it's not going to work out amazingly for him.
I forgot I use the idea that semen is the same kind of life-essence found in bone marrow in this fic and having spent the week elbow-deep in rendered bone marrow, it's especially narsty. Henry ejaculates a horrifying amount across all three of these fics since it seems so intuitively linked to the idea of somehow consummating an unrequited desire but it's all absolutely ghastly.
The title of this fic comes from one of my favorite pieces of Shakespeare writing, Katherine Duncan-Jones' paper on contemporary receptions of Shakespeare's Venus And Adonis -- taken from the letters of William Reynolds, a deeply unwell Elizabethan citizen and prolific correspondent with lots to say about religion, sex, politics, his monarch, sex with his monarch, and the content of Shakespeare's verses:
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(It's just a funny off-handed summary of the content of Shakespeare's elaborate wordplay, to me. Like saying Hamlet has lots of stuff about flowers and recorders and shit.) I write about a lot of characters who've fully bought into the whole white-skin, rosy-cheeks, red-lips paradigm of beauty and incidentally a lot of characters with easily-flushed faces, both Richard and Hal among them. Pale sick skin and flowers, jizz and blood, it's all happening in this fic.
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misseviehyde · 2 years ago
Mommy knows best
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David sighed as he looked around his new home and listened to the racket coming next door from his daughters room. The little bitch was playing music incredibly loudly and refusing to come out and help him unpack. Chloe was acting like a total brat... again.
He supposed she was still angry about the divorce - but did she really have to take it out on him? It was her mother that had cheated on him and driven a wedge into their family. Laura had moved in with her new rich boyfriend and Chloe would clearly rather spend time at their luxurious house than at her Dad's new home.
He'd bought the apartment because it came fully furnished. Chloe's Mom had left him with almost nothing. It had all happened so fast.
Running his hands through his greying hair he unzipped his suitcase and walking over to the wardrobe pulled it open to begin putting his clothes away. He whistled as he worked, trying to ignore the thud of the bass coming through the wall.
Spoiled fucking brat... she needs to be brought under control.
David rubbed his eyes tiredly. It almost felt like he'd heard a voice coming from the corner of the room - but that was impossible. He was alone.
Maybe you're not as alone as you think simp.
This time David was sure he had heard a voice. He whirled round and peered into the corner. But there was nothing but an old fashioned full-length mirror in the corner of the room.
Elaborate silver scrollwork framed the mirror and it's silvery surface almost seemed to ripple as if it were alive. Intrigued he stalked closer and to his surprise saw a figure staring back at him.
Hello loser.
There was a woman in the mirror gazing back at him. A beautiful stylish woman. She was dressed all in black - in clingy tight fitting leather that left her smooth perfect legs on show and her beautiful figure clearly evident. Manicured nails and pedicured toes shone glossily back at him as she held him with a steady gaze. A sexy pony tail rose from her scalp - her hair black and her face bold with strong makeup and dark glittering eyes. Dollar sign earrings hung on either side of her head - this was a girl-boss and no mistake.
It was hard to tell how old she was - his age probably... but she was in a lot better shape than he was. She looked assertive, competent - the kind of woman who liked to hit the gym and work out. She looked like a man eating dominatrix... he could just imagine her sucking off some big alpha cock whilst making her cuckold husband watch.
He had always had a thing for women that treated him like trash. It was why he let his wife cheat on him for all those years - why he now allowed his daughter to push him around. Why he could do nothing but stare in admiration at the woman in the mirror.
Yes that's right. Women take advantage of you because you're a useless fucking cuck
The woman in the mirror laughed, her hands on her hips.
But even a useless cuck has his uses. I'm trapped in this mirror and I want out.
David knew that something evil was happening. He should cry out for help from his daughter, but the music next door was too loud and he couldn't seem to stop staring at the woman in the mirror.
Yesssss, that's it loser. Come closer. Come to Mommy.
The woman untied her belt and let her leather dress fall open. Underneath she was naked... her body perfectly toned and curvy in all the right places. A tattoo of a scorpion stood proud on her thigh - and David couldn't stop staring at her luscious breasts and shaven pussy.
Yes, isn't my body just the best? Come closer cuck. Get your dick out for me.
David was helpless to resist as he approached the mirror and unzipped his belt. His trousers fell to his knees and his cock sprang out.
Pump it for me...
David's hands stroked up and down his cock as the woman in the mirror began to touch and play with herself. She moaned, her pony tail swishing as she rolled her head and her eyes fluttered in delicious pleasure.
Sinking to her knees slowly, she grinned maliciously and opened her mouth invitingly.
David knew it was impossible - but the compulsion to slide his dick into her mouth was too strong. He pushed his cock up against the glass... and to his amazement with a wet glop it sank into and through the glass.
That's it cuck... give me your fucking cock.
David groaned as he felt the mirror woman's lips slide round his dick and he felt her begin to suck. She reached out and the glass bulged and parted as her hands came through and she slide them around his ass.
"Ohhhh fuck, ohhhh my God," groaned David as the woman's head began to bob up and down - her pony tail bouncing as she sucked and slurped his dick. He felt himself being pulled deeper into the mirror and the glass beginning to bulge and flow outwards as he thrust his hips into her face.
The woman's hands were on his back, she was sucking him so hard now... his dick had never felt so good... it felt like she was draining him of everything.
glug glug glug mmmmmmmhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh
With a wet pop the woman pulled her head off his cock and standing up pulled him deep into the mirror. He groaned as she flowed like water, her physical form starting to engulf him and flow over him.
A hand formed around his cock, pumping and stroking as she enveloped him and he felt himself being absorbed.
That's it... don't fight it.
David groaned as soft luxurious skin flowed over his own. Manicured nails sprang from his fingers and looking down he saw firm full breasts forming on his chest. He felt the woman's face flowing over his... her lips merging with his own as he groaned orgasmically and began to cum.
With every spurt - his dick shrank and as the last of the mirror surface wrapped around him and flowed over his body - his ass swelled up and a tight pussy formed over his crotch.
Trapped inside the woman - David felt her thoughts and memories beginning to smother his own. He felt his pony tail bouncing on his own head, as his new clothing formed around him and he reached down to tie up his leather dress. Licking his lips David tasted expensive lipstick and he ran his fingers over his skin, thrilling at the softness of his body and how good it felt.
Just let yourself sink into nothingness. Become me...
The mirror behind him was just an empty frame now - as empty and blank as David's thoughts as he felt it all slipping away. It felt so good to surrender to this new body. It felt so good to merge with the woman.
You're going to love being me. You're going to love being a woman.
With a groan David let go and allowed the woman to flow into every part of his soul.
It felt so good to surrender... to just become her.
There was no going back.
Vivian opened her eyes and stretched languidly. "Mmmmmh, that is SO much better."
Adjusting her dress, she picked up David's phone and took a selfie. "Yes, I really am perfect."
Her perfect lips curved into a wicked smile as she walked over to the door and out into the corridor. Pushing open the door to Chloe's room she smirked at the look of surprise in the other woman's eyes.
"What the... who the fuck are you?"
"Don't you remember me bitch? I'm your step-mother."
Vivian's eyes bored into Chloe's and the girl felt her will being drained. Her mouth dropped open stupidly as the evil bitch dominated her daughters will and rewrote her mind to accept this new situation.
"Don't try to resist Chloe. Your days of fun are over. From now on you will do anything I tell you."
"Y... yes Mommy," gasped Chloe.
"Good girl," purred Vivian.
"But what about Daddy?"
"Your Daddy was a fucking loser. He's me now and we won't be seeing him again. Now turn down this fucking music and do your homework. There are going to be some big changes around here."
Chloe obeyed without question. After all... Mommy knew best.
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icharchivist · 3 years ago
hiii icha!!! a very quick ask tonight (my time) lol. I’ve emerged from the cave of exams only to have… well I still have more exams. but I did take some time to chill and go thru the blazing beachside passion event! i was soooo hype when I realized it was gonna be muku juza centric like FUCK YEAH!!! we did not get nearly enough of that in the main autumn troupe story and like I get why but I’m rly glad they’re delivering here. side note I was rly glad masumi was not a part of this event lol bc it meant that the beach episode was like. normal. ummm but let’s see. I flinched at the shirtless sprites bc I was like guys. that’s hot oil. ur gonna get burned. think it may be bc today I like made enough stir fry to feed 10 people dinner lol. overall I thought this event was real sweet tho! muku as a prince and juza as his knight was a very good pairing—feel like muku specifically would appreciate that kinda setting, yknow? as always tho I have so many Feelings abt juza and this event just made me have more Feelings… he is so <3 like something abt juza makes me want to pat his head I think. like even the way when he’s like not opening up abt why he’s uncomfy with muku and tasuku is like “you trying to start a fight with us with that glare?” I was like jumping out of my seat yelling like “tasuku!!! that’s juza’s UPSET face!!!!” I feel like that’s a really common problem with juza through like so often he is feeling like. Sad or Shy or something like it and ppl interpret it as him being scary which is like. man I get why he’s so reluctant to open up yknow? and I wonder if that’s specifically why juza might gravitate to acting, out of all things—if he’s scary and intense without meaning to… well, acting is all abt projecting certain feelings emotions ideas forth right? it’s all an art of making the audience perceive u in the right way. which is something that I think juza doesn’t quite feel in his day to day life so I like to think acting helps him in that regard… hm. honestly I think I have more Thoughts About Juza than thoughts abt this event in specific lol? tasuku being so blunt with him made me smile tho, it feels like very in character that after being literally forced into a time loop so that the only way out was to reconcile with tsumugi he’d be kinda blunt abt conflict resolution right? speaking of juza I really love his casual sprite like so much bc the posing is just very. it gives this sense of cool aloofness but when u look at it u can also interpret it as him being shy and reserved and I think it like communicates that duality well? hm yeah. muku and juza were cute tho. i think it’s interesting how they both feel the other is like “too cool” for them so they feel inadequate when the communicate with each other… it’s rly interesting bc like it’s not really one person’s fault there i think? anddd closing notes I thought the mention of kyuchan/ku was nice—clearly the story’s prepping for kumon in act 2, AND like I feel with the “citronia” at the end of clockwork heart runaway royalty citron is pretty much confirmed but I’m still so happy that my small theory from Alex in wonderland is shaping up to be correct with like the “for muku’s sake, I had to play the role of a king! it was so unpleasant.” like yesssss. yesss that’s what I want! i also wish since kazunari’s nickname for tasuku is localized as “tax” they could make a joke abt him being a taxi. since he does get roped into this beach trip bc he has a car and can drive lmao. also citron saying smthing was a catwalk and being corrected to cakewalk genuinely shook me bc I thought catwalk was correct… that’s all!
HELLO FRIEND!!! it's so good to see you again
First of all, good luck through your exams, i hope you can manage through it and have a good time still :( and i especially hope you manage to find some time to rest. I am cheering for you so hard o7
Second, you have a TIMING, i was litterally talking about this event to a friend just yesterday evening. I woke up to your ask and i was puzzled for one minute like "wait WHO did i talk about this event TO yesterday" it's incredible.
BUT YEAH FUCK YEAH BLAZING BEACHSIDE PASSION! With how much you love Juza this one must have been a little pearl.
putting under cut bc it's getting long enough as it is DLKJFDLKJF
"I flinched at the shirtless sprites bc I was like guys. that’s hot oil. ur gonna get burned." fun fact, it actually happens in SR!Omi's backstage ( [Omi's House is Now Open!] - "Incident at Omi's House" if you're reading on the Archive). He gets burnt because of the oil and Izumi has to take care of him while he keeps brushing his own pain off, it's very Omi like. (speaking of backstage if you have time/energy for it, Citron's R for this event, [A Chilling Watermelon Split] - "Thrilling Watermelon Split" , is a SIGHT. I love when Citron gets murdery.)
So really you're right and they should all know better, especially you Omi, but i guess the fact it's Omi "i don't take care of myself" Fushimi monitoring the whole group may have added some issues on the careless department.
Anyway the event was great and i agree with you so much! honestly, the play made me cRY. I think it's peak Tasuku to basically talk about processing your emotions via acting and yknow what, it's helping Juza plenty, so good for him, and the play itself was just so soft. The setting of Muku as prince and Juza as the knight was so good and represent them both so well.
AND YEAH HELP, so, when i first read this event i didn't care much for Tasuku so during that scene i was just "wtf is your problem dude", but now that i Understand:tm: him i'm just, oh yeah the guy is just super blunt because he gotta expose what the main misunderstanding is and hope the person in front of him is going to at least do something to clear it if he is to help through it. Learning from Winter! in a way. But me gushing about Tasuku aside (me?? about /winter/???? This is so out of character), i agree that still it's just that It's How Juza is TwT like, Tasuku has no reason to know that he doesn't specifically hang out with him, but like. That's the issue poor Juza's facial expression get misinterpreted all the time!! Tho i think it's really a feat that we, as the audience, can now interpret Juza so well in comparaison. He's just trying so hard TwT
"and I wonder if that’s specifically why juza might gravitate to acting, out of all things—if he’s scary and intense without meaning to… well, acting is all abt projecting certain feelings emotions ideas forth right? it’s all an art of making the audience perceive u in the right way. which is something that I think juza doesn’t quite feel in his day to day life so I like to think acting helps him in that regard…" yes yes yes completely yes, it's about Juza reclaiming how people perceive him, while also learning how to make himself clearer, and, like, i don't think he expected it but it also means people are more used to his actual bodylanguage from working with him which means that it's not just about how he can work through it but how other people are doing the effort to understand him too. It's really so good.
The Tasuku's mention lmao yes this is exactly it. Man has been caught into One (1) Timeloop and just decided to not let building resentment happen again god bless this mass of muscles.
Also agreed on Juza's sprite i really love the dynamic of this one and you're really right about the duality.
and yeah i'm all with you, i really like the Muku and Juza dynamic and the way they both inspire each other and also intimidate each other? Honestly i can't blame Muku for the way he misinterpreted Juza because i feel like his Rejection reaction is just off the charts and he himself has a hard time really figuring out Juza's bodylanguage since he basically go back to thinking he's at fault there (and tbh i feel like, the fact as cousins it's likely Muku always saw Juza with Kumon there was a contrast in personality that made Muku think it was a Him Problem rather than a Juza problem), and i can't blame Juza for struggling to explain himself especially with how people just generally interpret him. But i'm just so happy they both managed to discuss it finally and that they're able to see how much they misunderstood and how much they care for each other.
Also YEAH the Kumon's build was honestly so soft. I genuinely love how the rookies are built up in act 1, i remember getting so excited when this event first came out.
FOR CITRON YES YES YES, god I LOVE Citron in this event. Like i talked about Tasuku because of course but i genuinely think Citron is doing so much like. Like!!! Citron is always going the extra mile for Muku in general, you feel that he's extremely protective of him and that he'd be willing to do anything for this kid. The fact he got really upset at being casted as a King in Alex in Wonderland, yet now is most likely the one who prompted the scenario because he knows how much being a Prince matter to Muku and you know what. If Muku wants royalty, Citron is going to give him the best one he can give him, no matter his own feelings about it. It's genuinely sweet. idk there's just something about the way Citron doesn't even complain and probably just prompt it because he is so invested in making the situation better that just makes me soft. (Citron/Tasuku being driving force about solving a misunderstanding situation tho. muah.) But yeah of course i won't say much about Citron's arc but :3c i do love how the build up is consistant there and honestly it makes it very rewarding when you catch on to it early, which you did which is great :3c
YOU'rE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE TAX NICKNAME… between being the taxi for everyone AND the fact he's constantly carrying Hisoka around, Tasuku should embrace the nickname. "Yo "Taxi" isn't writen on my forhead" while he's carrying Hisoka on his back would be a hilarious situation for everyone else to go "well. actually." and him realizing he's doomed either way.
OH YEAH OMG THE CATWALK TOO i also thought it was catwalk, weirdly enough? like, in French went we say something was easy we do say stuff like "it was a piece of cake" so i understood the idea of cakewalk in a way, but i didn't really see where the walk came from dLFKJDF meanwhile the idea of Citron managing his way through a catwalk in an "easy" way felt so Citron that i didn't question it. Like, yeah of course being on a catwalk is a piece of cake for Citron, have you SEEN Him?? the guy looks like he belongs anywhere that could put his beauty forward. But now that i think about it for normal people Catwalk probably come with more stress than Citron probably implied. Still, cakewalk…
I remember really loving this event, i loved the Muku and Juza arc and i loved the Citron bits, and upon reread i really loved the Tasuku ones too. He acts so grumpy the whole time like he didn't want to be dragged into it but he still gives his everything for everyone around him and that's genuinely soft. I also remember getting soft that he keeps track of the silly things Citron says (there's a scene just before they leave Mankai where Citron is being overdramatic, and Tasuku rolls his eyes, but then Citron refers to it again later by saying something completely different and Tasuku is just "didn't you say it was /that/ instead". King of "i'm dealing with Arisugawa everyday, i will keep of your silliness against my will i'm programmed to do that now".)
In the end i don't have much to say about Omi and Kazu despite loving the fact Omi is probably the one Juza has more reasons to be comfortable around so he can open up more easily (and that i do love that it follows up on the two of them becoming biker buddies like man. Omi i hope you live it well.), and Kazu is mostly here for the hype squad and driving Tasuku more crazy in the car with Citron and Muku but we love that about him.
This event was really good and the feelies were incredible.
Thank you once again for being back at it on my inbox <3 it's always a pleasure to see your rambles and impression on stuff, i love the things you catch and focus on! And i love thinking back about my sweet sons, they're all so great.
A pleasure to see you, and good luck with your exams still :3c
Take care!
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sopebubbles · 4 years ago
what the FUCK bestie there is some serious shit to unpack here
1. we absolutely stan jin I am in love with this man and if he doesn't start dating y/n I will actually go feral. she feels s a f e in his shirt bc it smells like him, I seriously went 🥺
2. hobi is the only man ever! coming to pick her up, holding her, knowing her so incredibly well because until the kim brothers, he was the only one to take the time to get to know her. (also jealous hobi yesssss give me 2seok x y/n or give me death)
3. fuck their parents. they suck. I hate them. call social services for gods sake.
4. namjoon tries so hard, and even though he messed up it's lowkey not his fault. being in love with yoongi is obviously Not The Move, but like imagine the pressure he's feeling from home and not having present parents, that shit can't be easy!
sorry for the long ass breakdown, but dude, this was just A Lot and I cried thanks bye
AJGKSJFJS it was a lot I agree! Let's see...
1. Jin is really amazing. So understanding and doesn't ask any questions. He doesn't need to know he just needs to comfort and he does it so well. He somehow always just knows what she needs. But she's affecting him too.
2. Oh Hobi Hobi. Imagine how out of his mind with worry he was when she didn't show up. He's also feeling so many things, I think being able to hold her made him feel good too. 2seokyn is a real ship. Girl needs a lot of support, so why not get two of the best guys on earth right?
3. Her parents are truly awful. How is anyone getting away with this??? I can't get over how sad their childhood was, never being held or hugged. While Jin and Tae had the opposite. Their mother was very sweet and affectionate and taught them that it was okay to be like that. She's so damn touch starved, poor thing.
4. Poor sweet lil namjoonie oppa. He can't help that the heart wants what it wants. He lowkey fell for yoongi before he and Yn started interacting at all, and he's a little blind.... but he's gonna shape up, or at least he's gonna try.
Don't be sorry! I loved it!!!
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detectivesplotslies · 4 years ago
Take Me To Your Leader
Oumota Week 2020 - Day 4: (Mutual) Pining  / Promise
Description: Kokichi has captured an alien, so he claims! Kaito doesn’t believe him! Elementary school friends au. Word Count: 1366
Read on AO3 here 
“You did not capture an alien!” Kokichi kept skipping ahead, as the taller boy followed him out onto the sidewalk. This was the third time he’d declared that since they left the playground where Kokichi had made his announcement to everyone. It had mostly been met by giddy excitement, boos or disinterest from the others, but no one had challenged him on it. No one else, that was. Only Kaito Momota, the boy who always got into arguments with their teachers on every topic in any textbook, especially science. Apparently they weren’t teaching them enough for him. “Oh yeah, what makes Kai-chan so sure I didn’t? Have you caught an alien? Are you an expert?” Kokichi called back without turning to look at his classmate, grinning the whole time. There he was, in his Spider-man shirt and spiky mess of purple hair, and a frown on his face. “No, but…” He paused and shot back, “Where would you even be keeping it?!” Where? Oh he knew a place!
Kokichi spun on his heels and bounced right up to Kaito, eyes big and bright, hands up to his chest in little fists, Kaito almost stumbling into him. “You wanna see where?” “I- what?” “I saaaaid, do you want to see where I’m keeping it?” The taller kid squinted down at him, tilting his head a bit. He was definitely thinking about it though. Hardly sure about it anymore, huh? “...Yeah I guess, I’d like to see where you would keep it. If you had one. Which you don’t!” He puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms. “Aw well, if Kai-chan is gonna be like that then I won’t.” The smaller kid turned tail and went back to skipping away, only to be stopped two steps later with a hand on his shoulder. “Kokichi wait-” “Yesssss?” Kaito looked at the ground and wrung his hands together. “...Okay maybe you did capture an alien.” His tone sounded like he was reasoning it out, it wasn’t a fact yet, but could be. Kaito’s hands fell to his sides and balled up in fists.“You happy now? Will you show me?” When he looked up Kokichi had his pointer finger to his lips, and tapped them thoughtfully. “I dunno, seems awfully convenient-like. What if you’re trying to steal my alien?” “I’m not gonna steal your alien!” “Okay, how about this,” Kokichi started, lowering his hand and pointing at Kaito. “You promise to close your eyes until I say you can open them again, that way I know you can’t steal my alien since you won’t know the way back!” His impish little grin returned. “Kaito Momota is no thief! I promise,” he declared, holding a fist to his chest and closing his eyes then and there. The smaller boy blinked. Right now? He waved a hand in front of the spiky haired boy, and no reaction. After a few more seconds, he added, “Well? Is this good?” Well, looks like we’re doing this. “Perfect!” Kokichi grabbed him by the wrist and took off in a run down the sidewalk. Behind him Kaito stumbled, his stupid flip-flops clattering as he tried to keep step. Despite his protests, when the leader peeked behind him the boy’s eyes were still scrunched tightly shut even whilst dragged. The two of them wove around pedestrians, the gremlin in front cackling with laughter at each time his blind passenger apologized for bumping one. He was oblivious to the disapproving looks the pair were receiving even with the attempted niceties. Kokichi stopped only once, to wait for the light to change for them to cross the street. He was not going to risk that, even if it’d be funny to see him jump at the car horns.They reached the park, and started across the grass, bouncing in springy steps. “Hey, where are we going?” “Shhhhh, you said you wouldn’t look!” “I’m not!” Kokichi yanked him towards the wooded area off to the side, and ducked, pulling him square into a low hanging branch. Face first Kaito bounced off it with a thwack! “OW!” “Aw okay, I believe you now, Kai-chan!” “YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!” His free hand covered his mouth to stifle a snicker, before chiming back innocently, “Did not~!” Then to the contrary of his claim, the boy pulled him through more leafy barricades, ignoring the sputtering and grumbles as he pulled him deeper into the woods. Carefully he picked his way past the bent hiking path sign, long overgrown and rusted over. Up the former path was the old forgotten rest point, a worn down brick building covered in graffiti and scratched odes to bad date nights in the woods for local teens. One last time, Kokichi checked to be sure that Kaito wasn’t looking, before speeding back up and taking him inside, tugging aside the makeshift curtain door where the old one was off its hinges. He stopped in the center of the little room, the place barely more than a shed in size but decked and done up in all his treasures, and released his captive’s wrist. Kaito’s arm dropped and his expression looked surprised a moment. “We’re here?” “That is classified information,” Kokichi tuts, as he quietly circled the other boy. He’d made it the whole way without peeking but… what now. Despite his claims, this liar was fresh out of extraterrestrials to materialize for this persistent space nerd. He was rich in plenty of other things though, from snacks to collectibles, from wires to plants. He glanced around then back to Kaito, standing there with his hands on his hips now, chin out and nose up, like a hero ready to be awarded some medal. So ridiculous. Then an idea struck, staring up at that face. Silently he crept to the side, to a potted houseplant, rescued from a windowsill one frosty morning, and plucked a big wet leaf. He shook it a bit, and then seemingly satisfied with it, snuck back towards his guest mischievously. Now this will do it! He took a step right in close to Kaito’s side and stuck the tip of the leaf right into his upturned nose. The reaction was instant. The yelp, the eyes opening and and the hands up to his face. “What the heck Kokichi?!” Luckily Kokichi expected that, and yanked it right back, dropped the leaf and stepped onto it. He put on a big pout. “You scared it away! I told you not to look ‘til I said so! Silly Kai-chan, the alien just wanted to probe you a bit! How rude of you.” “Rude of me? That was NOT an alien! What did you even-” He stopped, and blinked, finally seeing where they were. The little run down building was barely a shed, but it was stacked top to bottom with things. Kaito could see boxes upon boxes, and around them 7 different convenience store mascot standees, sticks of every shape and size, and the ceiling was strung with enough wind chimes and bells to make up a full percussion section. “WHOA. Where are we?” “Top Secret,” Kokichi said quickly, squinting at the other. “Alien confinement cell. You’re gonna need to replace it since you aided in the escape, you know.” The taller boy didn’t seem to hear him at all, walking towards the nearest box and rummaging through. Touching all of his things. It only took a moment for Kokichi to scurry over and grab him by the elbow before he could take out a toy race car fully. “Heeey paws off!” “You have so much stuff, is this like, your secret base?” “You don’t have the clearance to know that!” “Ah c’mon, Kokichi! Look, I promise I won’t tell anyone,” Kaito said, dropping the car back in the box and turning to him all serious. There he went again, promising. The last one though, it had gone pretty well hadn’t it? The smaller boy’s expression changed, looking him over a long silent moment. “Fine, but I’m gonna have to swear you into secrecy. Can’t have all the inter-galactic secrets spread around school.” “AWESOME! You won’t regret it!” “Already do,” Kokichi lied with a dramatic sigh.
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nahimjustfeelingit-writes · 5 years ago
Reader being intimate with Erik for the first time after being in an abusive relationship.
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Y/N had to remind herself that everything was going to be okay.
Erik was here. He was her protector.
Erik would never hurt her.
As she stood in front of her vanity, stroking her hair and running her fingers under her eye to trap the tears, she could say that she finally felt sexy again. The room was candle lit because of the intense thunderstorm, the change in lighting casting shadows of her curvy silhouette across the room. The oval shape of her ruby colored nails dragged down past her collar bones, resting on her protruding cleavage. The high crotch black lace teddy was a gift from Erik. He wanted her to feel desired again; properly. Goosebumps surfaced over her skin that reminded Erik of brown sugar. This was the night. After over four months into the dating phase, Y/N was finally going to have sex with Erik.
When they first met, she hadn’t expected for him to cling to her like he did. She was broken, depressed, seeing a psychiatrist who made her read motivational books and write journals about her recovery from abuse. It hadn’t worked until Erik showed up. Now, Y/N couldn’t live without him. Erik was the constant reminder that her past was really in the past.
When she finally opened up to him about her past abusive relationship with her first ever boyfriend, the only man besides Erik that she’d ever been with, he cried. He cried, then his face morphed into this dark sinister glare.
Listen to me, Y/N, THATS THE LAST TIME a motherfucker puts their hands on you, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you in anyway. I mean that shit, I swear I’ll put a fucking bullet in their head.
She could remember the glossy appearance from the tears in his eyes, his nostrils flared, skin reddening to a deep russet color and gold caps like fangs. He grabbed both of her hands, squeezing tightly before resting his head on them. From then on out, Erik stayed true to his word.
Back to the intimacy, Y/N shook the memory from her brain, a shy and delicate smile gracing her glossy lips. The sound of the thunder and the smell of the rain lulled her. The only thing missing was Erik...
“Hey, gorgeous.”
He’d been stuck in traffic from work all the way on the other side of town. Now, he was soaking wet, dreads sticking to his forehead and clothes like a second skin.
“Erik,” her voice was like a lullaby.
“What’s all this?” Erik fully enters the room, softly closing the door behind him.
“Here,” Y/N lifts from her seat at her vanity, walking over to Erik. She started taking off his suit jacket, allowing it to drop to the floor with a soft thud. Next, she loosened his tie, her eyes looking up at him, half of her round face shadowed from the luminance of the candles. Before she could fully remove the tie, Erik grabs both of her hands, bringing them to his lips before resting them under his chin.
“Baby...what are you doing?” He actually spoke that in a purposeful hushed tone this time around. The softness of his voice relaxed her.
“I’m undressing you...so we can make love.”
Erik closes his eyes, Y/N’s hand coming up to swipe the dreads away from his forehead. His forehead wrinkled, lips parted because he loved the way her smooth fingers grazed his scalp.
“Baybeee,” she whines.
“What?” He wanted her to tell him what she wanted. He needed her to say it. Erik wanted his woman to take control of the moment.
“Take me...I’m ready,” she stood on her tiptoes, planting a soft kiss to his neck, “Bayyy,”
“You’re ready for me?” He grabbed hold of her face, staring deeply into her oval shaped eyes, “you know what your asking? Right?”
She nods, eyes glossy, “yeah, I know.”
He allowed his forehead to touch hers. Y/N was ready to see what sex with Erik would be like.
“Lay on the bed, let me see you.”
Y/N reluctantly let go, making her way to the bed. She pressed her body into the cotton duvet, waiting for the next move. Waiting was the hardest part. She aches for him. Erik never let his eyes leave hers as he slowly undressed. Y/N saw him naked plenty of times but this was their first time being intimate with one another. They would both see each others nudity with new eyes. He only had his briefs left, he purposely waited to watch her eager eyes regard him. Once he saw that pure lust circle within her light brown orbs, he knew it was time to show her his big dick.
Boxers around his ankles, Y/N takes in a sharp breath, fingers pressed to her lips. He was rather...large...no...fucking extra large. Looking at his dick fully now she wished she’d let him enter before. Mercy. Erik was...everything. A good man with some good dick.
“This what you want tonight?” He stroked it, pulling back on the head of his dick, his slit opening to reveal to her the build up of his pre cum.
“Yes, please.” Y/N sat up in the bed, pulling the straps to her teddy down.
“No, I’ll undress you.”
Letting her hands drop to her sides, Erik walks to her, Y/N laying back to allow him better access. The minute he took those straps to pull down painfully slow, the vision of her body had him biting his lip and grunting.
“So beautiful baby,” he allowed his finger tips to linger over her hardened nipples and belly button, “ so fucking beautiful baby. Thank you.”
Erik takes his hand to hold her head towards him, planting his lips against hers. He sucked on her bottom lip, then he used his tongue to part her lips. Erik took it slow, soft smacking of their lips so sensual. Y/N stopped kissing to breathe better, her teeth grazing her lower lip before letting go. Erik’s thumb rubbed it soothingly before his head began to descend to her heaving chest. The suckling he did to each one had Y/N begging him to fuck her. He gave each nipple a soft suck and a sharp lick. He even massaged them while sucking and licking. Her pussy had a heart beat of its own from how much she enjoyed this.
“Fuck, Erik,” she moaned, “that feels amazing.”
Finally, when she was on the verge of cumming, Erik trails his tender kisses down her belly. It tickled but she loved it. The feeling of his tongue dipping into her belly button had her thrusting her hips. All he did was kiss and lick on her before he got to the real treat. Y/N was so turned on. Her body was electrifying.
“I’m gonna take real good care of you,” Eriks reassurance caused Y/N to tear up.
“I know,” she rubbed his cheek with her knuckle, “go ahead, show me...”
With a lazy smirk, Erik was face to face with her waxed mound. Gently, he closed her thighs, planting kisses on her knee caps all the way down her legs to the tops of her feet. She writhed, chest arched forward and eyes low with longing. The lure of his actions... she was driven to insanity.
“Oh, God, just eat me.”
Her hands were pulling his dreads.
“Patience, let Daddy learn what makes this body tick.”
Y/N let out a rather loud moan from the way Erik’s tongue dragged along her inner thighs. She gripped his dreads again.
“Easy, baby, let me learn...”
He learned a lot. What made her moan, giggle, sigh with pleasure. She was so sensitive to him. That’s good, Erik will be the only man to make her feel like this, like this was her first time but 100 percent better. That’s right, this body was her temple...a temple he would properly explore.
The softness of his plump lips against her outer mound...boy did that have her screaming ooooo. She couldn’t even begin to form the words for how good it felt. He was so close to spreading her phat lips to take a look inside like she was housing the finest treasures in there.
“Y/N...I’m so close to seeing that pussy...so close baby...”
She let out an airy sigh, eyes looking down at Erik as he spread her lips, the sound of her creamy pussy making her skin flush. The look on his face was the look as if he were ready to cum. His dick had to be hitting against the bed from how much it twitched and fattened up with arousal.
“This right here,” Erik shook his head before meeting your eyes. His eyes were warm and affectionate. This caused her to bite down on her bottom lip to stifle a cry. She had never, ever, experienced this. Erik was enamored by her vagina, looking at it the way he did because it was a gift, a precious and sacred part of Y/N that shoulder NEVER be tainted with filth like the man she was with. That grotesque excuse for a man did not deserve to fuck her or touch her or look at her, even speak to her. Erik wanted to kill him. As he stared at the slippery pink of her pussy, engorged clit, tight entrance, he was reminded that Erik needed to be there for her, between her legs and in her life. He loved her.
“If only you could see this...how beautiful it is...your pussy,” his eyes even became glossy, “I promise I will never...”
“Baby, I know,” She strokes his dreads to the side, “just show me, please.”
He had her soul. It was his now. The way he had her legs spread, the way his eyes would bore into hers. The feeling of his lips and tongue tasting all the areas of her pussy. He sampled areas that she didn’t even know she had. Now his fingers were added to the mix, coaxing her into climax. This was going to be the best orgasm. Y/N was yelling his name, crying out for him to keep going.
“Oh my God, it’s right there, I can feel it!!!”
“Yeah? Right there? Let Daddy have it, Y/N. This how you supposed to feel..”
“Yesssss, ohhhh. Her toes pointed to the ceiling.
“Let me have it, baby...”
She shook, her body giving in to the overwhelming intensity of that orgasm. He made her cum with his mouth.
“Let me have it...let me have it...” he continues on and on until she gave him yet another.
“Oh, I love you...I love you so much.” He reminded her.
Y/N needed his lips again. Their bodies were heated and sweaty already.
“Fuck me, Erik.” She whispered into his ear.
“Ugh,” he groaned.
He lifted up, grabbing hold of his dick and rubbing it along her soaking wet folds.
“You hear that? That’s that pussy making noise for me...I can’t wait to show you how you’re supposed to be fucked.”
Erik’s dick split her open. She allowed him to fully enter her, Y/N’s eyes clouded with lust and bewilderment. Erik grabbed the headboard, his head falling forward. He was loosing control. His muscles were painted with candle light and it made Y/N want to kiss and lick him everywhere. This was her man, her protector.
His hips moved like he was dancing slow motion, each time her toes would curl and her nails would drags down his back. Y/N could feel herself getting ready to cum again. She locked eyes with him, mouth falling open each time he would thrust forward hard.
“Harder,” she encourages.
Erik picked up the pace but kept it steady, his hips snapping into hers suddenly each time before stopping. She curled up under him, pussy unable to take the pleasure. This made Erik pull her legs over his shoulders. She had no where to go now. He was going to show her how a man is really supposed to treat her. Tender love and care not manipulation and humiliation.
“Oh, fuckkkk, you’re gonna make me cum,” he had his hands on the back of her thighs now, punishing her pussy. Y/N could only moan, no need for words when Erik damn near took her breath away. There was no other feeling to compare this to. How could anything compare to the way her pussy wrapped around him? How it creamed all over him? She was at a loss. This is exactly what she would be receiving.
“Fuck, Erik, Baby, I can feel you getting thicker,” her pussy was at its widest, “baby, I’m so opened up for you...baybeee, oh gosh, bayyy,”
Erik let her have it all.
“Bay bee, bayyyy, babe,” her quiet tone, the tremble in her fingers on his shoulders, it drove him wild.
“Good fucking pussy, all mines,” Erik buried his face in her neck, his hips snapping into her harder. She squeezed her eyes shut, mouth hanging open for the rest of the ride.
“I’m cumming... oooh, mhmmmmmm, I’m cumming, girl.”
He lifted up, eye brows worried, “Look at you.., look at you letting me take this pussy...fuckkkk!”
He released in her, the tight hold pulling more cum from him. He could collapse right now. Y/N moaned out softly, as Erik finished himself inside of her. Slipping out finally, Erik watched her cum mixed with his drizzle onto the bed sheets. Erik relaxed on top of her, his eyes searching hers.
“Y/N, that was...” He shook his head, grabbing one of her hands to kiss and rub against his cheek, “Baby, that was magical.”
He was so soft and caring. Y/N could finally relax her muscles and calm her nerves.
“I felt it too...that spark,” she kissed the tip of his nose, “You are, amazing and heavy as hell.”
They both share a laugh before Erik pulls Y/N against him, cuddling eachother. She knew they would have sex again but this was what she wanted for them both at the moment.
“You make me feel, wanted...”
“Hey, you are wanted don’t forget that”
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starbuck · 5 years ago
Terror Notes: “Go For Broke”
well… I guess I’m really doing this! Some proper, bullet-pointed notes for each episode of The Terror, starting with ep 1: Go For Broke!
I wrote these out last night (and edited them this morning to make them readable - you’re welcome!) so I hope that y’all enjoy my thoughts and assorted nonsense! I tried to save my comments for points I actually wanted to make because I feel like they bring something to the table but I still ended up writing A Lot lol
I love that Crozier couldn’t even be bothered to be present in welcoming Sir John and Fitzjames onto Terror, making Little and Hodgson do it by themselves. One could argue that he had important captain-y things to be doing at that time or something but I’m not 100% sure that wasn’t the case. 
idk if it’s just the angle, but I paused the episode just as the shot of the officer’s mess is coming in from above and Hodgson’s hands make me so uncomfortable. They look so bone-y and weird. (Just what you came here for, I know. Hand commentary.)
Cannot tell you how uncomfortable it is, after many rewatches, to listen to Fitzjames recounting in a casual, lighthearted manner 1) shooting people 2) people catching fire (and burning to death), and 3) their burning flesh smelling “like roast duck” (so, like something edible) and it’s even more uncomfortable to have the closeup be on Hodgson’s face as he laughs at the ‘roast duck’ comparison.
On a lighter note: I love that Fitzjames felt the need to remind everyone what size cherries are by illustrating it with his fingers. In case they forgot, I guess? As someone who occasionally speaks unnecessarily with my hands, big mood tbh.
I LOVE it when Fitzjames gives Little that affirmative tap on the arm after he compares Fitzjames’s injury to Lord Nelson’s. My friend Eli and I refer to it as The Fitzjames Arm Tap. I would like a Fitzjames Arm Tap, pretty please.
God, Sir John loudly setting his hands on the table to try to dispel the tension from the ‘birdshit island’ debacle as he attempts to change the subject is so funny. I’m gonna stop just pointing out things I find funny soon, I swear, but I just cannot handle this scene.
Between Hodgson looking horrifically embarrassed by Crozier’s outburst at Fitzjames and Little looking nervous when Crozier shoots him a look as Sir John says that there’s no reason to be concerned about the ice, it really does seem that they were having to ‘manage’ him even back in ep 1 when his alcoholism wasn’t completely out of hand.
Personal sidenote about this: My Pop-pop is often rude to workers in stores and restaurants (he doesn’t drink thank goodness but he has Alzheimer’s coming on which has worsened his temper) so I very much understand the feeling of being on-edge that an outburst is going to occur and trying to deal with the fallout when it does. Just going by my own experience, I can imagine Little apologizing to Fitzjames for Crozier’s rudeness as soon as they were out of Crozier’s earshot (not that anything Little could say would heal the deep psychological wound that Crozier created but hey, it’s something).
The way that Sir John brushes aside Dr. MacDonald’s and Crozier’s concerns about moving Young when he’s in such bad shape never fails to upset me but also ~foreshadowing for hauling the ill on boats oooohhh~
I said I was done pointing out random things that amuse me but the speed and agility with which Des Voeux pops out of the hatch and onto the deck after Orren falls into the water is just so funny. I could watch that two second clip on repeat all day. Might gif it so I actually can.
Is this a good time to point out that there’s also a scene in Moby-Dick where someone falls from high up on a mast and drowns? It’s in a chapter all about bad omens experienced by the crew of the Pequod and The Terror definitely has some similar vibes going on with the sun dogs displayed in the establishing shot of Erebus in that scene and David Young, a “warning of things to come,” on his way over.
The second(?) time I watched the part where Young tells Stanley that he didn’t think anything of getting headaches since he’s always gotten them, I had this thought pass through my head that was like “oh god, I had chronic migraines for years so I’d never have known if I had lead poisoning either!” but then I realized that this probably was not a relevant concern I should have.
Not sure I have any deep commentary on this but as Gore informs Sir John and Fitzjames about the blocked propeller, he’s standing in the same spot, in the same room as Goodsir will stand next episode to tell them about his death.
Also regarding this scene, I love how Gore waits for Fitzjames to give him the go-ahead to leave before actually going. I know that Fitzjames is his superior officer too but, since Sir John already dismissed him, it seems like waiting for Fitzjames’s approval isn’t really necessary, yet a nice thing to do. Perhaps this is a legitimate formality, but something similar happens later in this episode in the command meeting when Crozier asks Gore how many sun dogs he’s seen; he looks to Fitzjames and waits for his nod before answering Crozier. He doesn’t look to Sir John, he looks to Fitzjames. I know that we know essentially nothing about Gore but like.. underrated ship???? Just saying…
Ten nights ago, I was unable to get to sleep for at least an hour because I started thinking about David Young’s saying “I want to go to my grave as I am” and, of course, that ultimately doesn’t happen for him but also, this, like all things about him, is a “warning of things to come.” I’m pretty sure that no one else was properly buried until, arguably, Fitzjames and ironically, that was explicitly not what he wanted done with his body (and, since his grave was later looted by Hickey, similar to the way that Young’s autopsy ultimately achieved nothing, it didn’t really matter anyway).
I know that this happened exactly ten days ago because I forced myself to wake up and write it down in my notes app, lest I forget, which only prolonged my sleeplessness. I suffer for my analysis. 
Ah yesssss Tozer’s lesbian haircut. We love it! Why does my hair not look like that when I take a hat off? I’d like to file a complaint.
Was just thinking the other day about how Hartnell being the one to notice that there was something up with the ice in ep 1 is followed up on with Blanky complimenting Hartnell’s ability to read the ice to Crozier in ep 7. I wonder if Blanky ever gave him like. ice-reading lessons after becoming aware of his interest and natural talent at it in ep 1? That makes me happy to think about.
The two people who we’re shown awoken by Young’s screaming are Sgt. Bryant and Morfin and like. Do I even have to explain why that’s an Oof?
The way that Goodsir hesitates before knocking on Stanley’s door and Stanley irritatedly closing his book before answering the knock in an exasperated voice would be comedic in any other context. If I’m being honest, it still makes me laugh. As does Stanley’s “As if that weren’t plain.”
I’ve pointed this out before but mmmmm... that shot of Stanley in profile with the open candle flame in the background… the foreshadowing in this ep is thicker than the smoke at… Oh alright, I’ll stop. 
God, the autopsy/dive scene…. Collins being lowered down and entering the water paralleled with Goodsir’s initial cutting into Young’s corpse, the breaking up of the ice paralleled with the cutting of the bone-saw. But most significant to me is the parallel of what is seen/not seen and the long-term effect that this has. Collins sees Orren’s corpse (and then presumably never tells anyone about it), reinforcing his guilt over Orren’s death, the beginning of his mental health decline. Goodsir doesn’t see the cause of Young’s death in his autopsy and this not knowing about the lead poisoning until it’s too late to do anything about it is the cause of many of Goodsir’s later problems as well. And, to finish it all off, both the autopsy and Collins’ dive were ultimately for nothing (considering a spinning propeller is useless when your ships are frozen in). 
Crozier and Blanky’s simultaneous face journeys as Sir John rambles on about how there’s nothing to worry about and they’ll find the passage any day now are truly legendary.
I wrote some pretty extensive tags on this already but man… Crozier’s comment about how not all of Sir John’s men returned from one of his previous arctic expeditions is just so nasty and awful. Like, yes, Sir John is wrong to undersell the danger they’re in and Crozier is advocating for the correct position here, but that was completely uncalled for and horrible to say, particularly in a command meeting, in front of so many people. And Sir John looks legitimately upset by it too. He gets over it quickly, at least on the outside, but I still feel really bad for him (and I NEVER feel bad for Sir John so this is weird for me).
“But of course we will not be abandoning Erebus, or Terror…” Let’s check back in six episodes and see how that’s going! 
Crozier slamming his fist on the table to prove he’s not being melodramatic reminds me of this one post (that I sadly can’t find rn) about Jesus Christ Superstar that’s like “‘CUT OUT THE DRAMATICS’ Judas hollered dramatically.” It’s such an Overall Mood.
I don’t have a developed commentary on this at the moment but it’s an interesting reverse-parallel that Sir John had no concern for Young’s well-being when he was alive, ignoring Crozier’s concerns about moving him from ship-to-ship when he was in such poor health, yet now that he’s dead, Sir John is the one to recommend that Young be buried which Crozier is surprised by, and seems to feel is unnecessary.
There’s been so much amazing commentary already made about Young’s burial scene so I’ll skip it except to say that Hickey’s irritated sigh when he hears footsteps coming towards the grave is SO funny. That’s exactly how I feel when I know that someone is about to tell me something that will annoy me.
Goodsir was really getting into the emotion of Sir John’s “eulogy”/motivational speech before he remembered the promise he made about Young’s ring. Also, what triggered his memory was Sir John saying “We shall earn our loved one’s cheers and embraces,” so no doubt a reminder of the traumatic “Your loved ones will be there in Heaven to welcome you! :)” “I never knew my mother or father” exchange (or maybe just a reminder of the fact that he was supposed to get Young’s ring to his sister but just let me scrape a little humor out of this. God knows I need it).
The shot of Bryant praying in his hammock the night before they get completely frozen-in is honestly deeply upsetting to me. Especially considering he’s a marine so he Did Not Ask To Be Here, yet there he’ll die.
According to Melville, ship’s compasses occasionally spun round-and-round when a ship was caught in a severe storm and this was an incredibly upsetting thing to behold because of how disorienting it was. So, considering that, Fitzjames keeps his composure pretty well but he clearly has some reservations about how things are going and Sir John has no comforting-sounding remark about ‘Magnetic North’ to offer him now.
The bit where Sir John “sees” Crozier, on Terror, turn away from him with a half-smirk on his face is interesting because there’s no way he could have possibly seen Crozier’s expression at that distance and I’m doubtful that he’d even have been able to make out the identity of anyone he might have been able to see on Terror’s deck. So really, it speaks mostly to Sir John’s mental state; his seeing their getting frozen in as a loss against Crozier and imagining that Crozier would see it as a victory for himself.
Ugh the final shot is making me think about @catilinas’s post comparing a shot of the two ships stuck in to the shot of the ink drops from ep 3 and I am LOSING IT but I was losing it anyway because it’s 2AM now and my entire body feels like gelatin. 
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Clan Praesidium HC - their Trial focuses on Protecting. Perhaps a team fight against overwhelming numbers/strength, where you and your teammates ALL have to last until the end. Or a fight where you have to keep your opponents away from something/someone. But I could see this being the Trial that Clarus excels at, if he takes any Trials. (The Praesidium Arm is a shield, in varying sizes and shapes to fit the bearer's combat style)
Yesssss. Clarus has to get involved because it’s a three-persons team Trial and none of the Praesidium are gonna help the Kinslayer by being the third member. It’s a mix of Trial though, the first like- two days of the Trial are holding off stealth based infiltrations and stuff, then the last day and night is just- endless waves of attacks that gain strength as time goes on and you HAVE TO HOLD OUT or else you fail the Trial.
They are grudgingly impressed by Regis’s magic Shield skills and Very Impressed with Clarus’s everything. This man was practically made for this Trial.
Cor only wins with them because of Sheer Spite driving him to Throw Hands with each wave of attackers and win against the majority of them. The Praesidium are a little ... alarmed honestly. Because they’ve only ever had Bellum go that Nuts during the final leg of the Trial are you okay kid?
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