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dzthenerd490 · 11 months ago
File: The Invasion of Godzilla
Original Creator: jacob.animation
Go Support their YouTube channel:
Jacob Animation - YouTube
Code Name: The Gojira Plague/ When Godzilla Breaks
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: No samples of SCP-AFA are to be contained in any way by anyone other than the Department of the Impossible. Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 "Bibliographers" and Mobile Task Force Tau-9 "Bookworms" are to report any SCP-AFA instances they encounter to the Serpents Hand or Entities of Interest: the Librarians. It is the Foundation's best interest to allow them to deal with it and not interfere or attempt to contain.
Any SCP-AFA instance that makes it into our world much be exterminated at once. The area of its destruction must then be quarantined, the quarantine area must be at least 70 meters in diameter. Radiation Absorption Towers must be placed, and the area must be scanned to ensure all radiation is being delt with and no SCP-AFA flesh is still active. The Cover story is to be that chemical terrorists have spilled chemicals in the area. Once the area is confirmed free of SCP-AFA growth and infection the area is to be quarantined for an additional 30 days before allowing civilians back into the area, if the area was originally owned by civilians. 
Description: SCP-AFA is the mutant living flesh of SCP-ABQ. The flesh is extremely hostile and mutagenic able to grow into its own fleshy instance of SCP-ABQ of various sizes and hazardous abilities. Though this can be perceived as rather confusing since SCP-ABQ is known to regenerate but can't make his flesh come to life. Furthermore, he is considered an ally of humanity that would never allow any Titan or himself to harm human life. This is because SCP-AFA is from another reality, one where the Foundation doesn't exist and has a completely different SCP-ABQ. 
From this reality SCP-ABQ is a mutant monster that was given birth to the radiation of the bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It absorbed the radiation and grew in size and power; it was also thanks to the radiation it gained the anomalous ability to not only regenerate but adapt to any form of damage or obstacle it comes across. It eventually gained the anomalous ability to reproduce asexually but it failed to lay a single egg as humanity fought it. Instead, it mutated even more and gained the anomalous ability to turn any part of its body into its own anomalous monster. This is what gave birth to SCP-AFA. 
Unfortunately, this was only the start of the terror, not only was its separated flesh able to turn into their own mutating monsters but the radiation became infectious. Any living organism that became infected with this radiation will mutate into an SCP-AFA instance. They will still have a basic resemblance of what they once where but overall, they will be an entirely different monster. Their bodies will grow bigger, they will have slimy and scaley skin, grow the signature Godzilla spikes on their back, and have an insatiable hunger for all noninfected organisms. These creatures regularly fuse with SCP-AFA flesh or eat it to grow bigger and stronger, thus they are referred to as SCP-AFA-1 instances. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AFA-1 instances have the same properties as SCP-AFA flesh in that they regenerate quickly from damage and can be split into two separate instances. Though unlike SCP-AFA instances which are normally just blobs of flesh, SCP-AFA-1 instances retain the characteristics and abilities of their hosts, using these traits to become unique apex predators regardless of what they were before infection. It was because of this that they were able to wipe out their entire world in the span of a few short years. The only reason the Foundation knows any of this was thanks to books that tell the story of SCP-AFA and its world within the Wanderer's Library. 
SCP-AFA was discovered in 2023 when an MTF unit from Sigma-3 found a book containing depictions of SCP-ABQ. However, it turned out to actually be an instance from another world that would be the progenitor of SCP-AFA. Afterwards every so often in our world there have been sightings of SCP-AFA blobs and SCP-AFA-1 instances getting into our world and killing innocent people. Thankfully the situation has always proven containable but the fact that [data expunged] incidents have happened since then is quite concerning. Especially when SCP-AFA instances are so difficult to kill. Theoretically it is possible to contain them but due to the massive risk and many hazards, containment has been discouraged by all Foundation staff. Instead, any further testing, research, and especially containment is to be left with the Department of the Impossible; if anyone can do it, its them.
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lawodcom · 2 years ago
SCP: 5K is a tactical first-person... https://www.lawod.com/scp-5k-ultimate-guide-and-review/?feed_id=9785 #gaming #game #videogame #pcgame #xbox #playstation #nintendo #steam #lawod
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oxttathiswxrld · 4 years ago
⭐Meet Gear⭐
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Hey hey! This is my new introduction, alot has changed about myself and I figured it was time I updated this thing, so if you’ve read the old version, I recommend reading this again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
🌙General Info
•Name’s Gear, but I don't mind being called Plush/plushie
•I’m 18- and taken, please don’t send me nasty or creepy things
•I use She/They/He, I’m pansexual, and Bigender
•I have major Trypanophobia (fear of needles), phonophobia (fear of loud noises) and Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), please don’t send me pictures or talk to me about needles or spiders nor send me videos that include loud noises without a trigger warning at the start (I only get scared of them if I don't know it's coming)
(most of the creators of these games, shows, etc I do not support at all so please don’t assume because I im in the fandom, I support their actions) 
Thunderbirds are Go, Friday Night Funkin, Demon Slayer, Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun, Little Nightmares, Doki Doki Literature Club, FNAF, Ace Attorney, At Dead of Night, SCP, and Minecraft (NOT MCYT!)
Liminalcore, Lovecore, Cottagecore, Demoncore, Angelcore, Spacecore, Pastel Goth, Clowncore, Sanriocore, Honeycore, Crowcore, Kidcore, Toycore and Lolita
General Interests:
Drawing, making origami, making kandi, Reading, playing games, and making edits
Exclusionist, lgbtphobe, pedophile, AntiKin, TERF, trump supporter, Racist,  KKK, TERF, AFA, FRC, ADF, WBC, etc, Misogynist, Misandrist, Sexist, Proshipper, Anti-anti, Incest shipper, pedo shipper, abusive shipper, and anti-neopronouns
Um, i don’t really know what to say tbh, I hope you enjoy my blog and uh....if you wanna talk,, don’t be afraid to do so, i love having mutuals :) 
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dzthenerd490 · 23 days ago
File: The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Code Name: Corpse of a Witch
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AMU is contained at Site-AR within a metal coffin locked in a 5x5 meter containment room. The containment room and the rest of the Site is separated by a 10 meter hallway, extending beyond SCP-AMU’s known area of effect. The walls of the room are marked with thaumaturgic sigils as well as tagged with thaumaturgic talisman from various religions. A single AFA-1 unit that is given a specialized thaumaturgic religious based cloak is allowed to enter to check on the integrity of the talisman and the coffin. This AFA-1 unit is also responsible for replacing worn talismans or making repairs to the coffin if necessary. In the event of a containment breach there are five separate shutter walls that activate and lock down the hallway to SCP-AMU’s containment room. Each one is 2 feet thick and contains a device that emits specialized frequencies that disrupt teleportation or any kind of reality warping. Additionally there is a Brundle Intananius Teleporter within the room allowing two AFA-2 units to enter. They are to be armed with silenced pistols, shock batons, and programmed with advanced Foundation close quarter combat techniques. 
Any Testing with SCP-AMU must be approved by a Level 4 Foundation Clearance Staff member or higher. When transporting SCP-AMU all Foundation staff are to be alerted to stay away from the intended path and the testing chamber. All transporting staff must wear anti-cognitohazard head gear to prevent them from experiencing SCP-AMU’s anomalous effects. Additionally, a thaumaturgic based exorcist must be present and constantly utilizing their capabilities on SCP-AMU to suppress it as much as possible. The exorcist is to continue and have a backup with them to continue their work should they get exhausted. This process must be maintained during testing and until SCP-AMU is taken back to its containment cell. 
Description: SCP-AMU is the freshly preserved corpse of what is assumed to be a witch that was killed during the Salem Witch Trials during the 1600s. Though history has proved that a majority of the women killed during that time were innocent, it appears that SCP-AMU was not only an actual witch but an extremely powerful one. The evidence in her origin lies in the fact that under her skin is old christian and satanic thaumaturgic sigils that have stopped being used in the 18th Century. How exactly these sigils got under her skin without damaging the rest of her body is currently unknown. 
Besides the sigils under her skin, her waist shows signs that she had worn a corset for most of her life as women did back in the 1600s. Her body has not set into rigor mortis and there are signs that her blood was still flowing in her vein's meaning death is very recent, yet her eyes are grey suggesting she has been dead for several days. As stated, before her skin is perfectly fine, but her wrist and ankle bones are shattered, her tongue has been crudely cut out, one of her molars is missing. Taking the tongue, a molar, shattering her wrists, and shattering the ankles was a common tactic that was used to torture and kill witches. Her lungs are blackened as though she had suffered third-degree burns, and her internal organs reveal numerous scarring from stabs. Both the burning and stabbing are different ways on how witches were killed besides hanging, though normally those who were caught as actually witches were forced to suffer through both. Finally there was Jimsonweed found in her stomach which was a paralyzing agent native to New England used to subdue witches during the witch trials. 
The unfortunate truth is that the Foundation knows a majority of this due to one of our founder organizations the Commission on Unusual Cargo. Our ancestor organization maintained its funding and peaceful ties with England by providing them and the settlers of America at the time with items needed and providing methods needed to kill off witches. It seems that SCP-AMU is a corpse of one of the indirect victims of the CUC. Testing is ongoing to see if she is actually dead but it is quite clear that her magic is still alive and is seeking retribution on all who just happened to be close by. 
When someone is within 10-8 meters of SCP-AMU they will experience heavy illusions that affect all of five cognitive senses to an astronomical degree to the point whatever reality SCP-AMU makes will seem much more real than reality itself. She will torment and inflict pain on everyone that is with her, additionally if she is in a closed area like a building or house then her effects get even worse. Somehow SCP-AMU is able to make it so that there is no way to leave the house she is currently in with methods such as trees or large debris crushing in on all exits and making it storm so brutally that there is no choice but to stay inside. If there is more than one person she will make them see one another as monsters trying to kill each other forcing the victims to do so until they are all dead. Should there be only one victim she will show them terrifying illusions until they finally go insane or die of an accident. SCP-AMU does not care for mercy and doesn’t make deals, even if the victims beg for forgiveness or sacrifice themselves to save their friends or family she will kill them all anyways. 
SCP-AMU was discovered in 2016 after a vicious killing of a corner at [data expunged] including his son and his son's girlfriend. This killing only occurred the day after a mass killing that occurred within the house on [data expunged] where SCP-AMU was originally discovered. Both these incidents were not declared a coincidence and thus Foundation agents in the local police took SCP-AMU. It was originally transported to a Local Foundation Area to be examined before transportation. All contact with the area was lost soon after and the next day everyone was reported dead. AFA units were sent into the Area and retrieved all data including what the staff found out about SCP-AMU. 
Afterwards AFA-2 units were entrusted to send SCP-AMU to Site-AR. In the meantime, Site-AR was temporarily evacuated with a majority of the workforce maintained by AFA units as a precaution. Thankfully SCP-AVC took over the AFA units managing Site-AR during SCP-AMU’s containment, so nothing was ruined, and no containment breach occurred. Though everyone returned to normal afterwards SCP-AMU remains a grave reminder that the sins of the past do not always remain buried. It is also a reminder that the Witch Trials was one of humanity's worst sins committed to itself; though the real tragedy is that despite how horrific it was, it's not even close to being the absolute worst.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months ago
File: Mr. Crocket
Code Name: Mr Crocket, the TV Demon
Object Class: Euclid/ Somnum
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-AKW, none of the anomalous items including the VHS tapes that manifest is to be contained instead they must be destroyed. Mobile Task Force Hermes-11 "Home Videos" is responsible for locating SCP-AKW instances and sorting them out from regular VHS tapes.
The sole exception is the SCP-AKW-Marker that was retrieved from the initial containment incident, which is contained at Site-AR. It is locked in a Cognito Silence safe which is placed in the Magical Items Storage Area of the site. Testing must be approved by at least one Level 3 Foundation staff member or higher. Normally no children are at Site-AR but as a precaution all Foundation staff are to be altered when testing with SCP-AKW-Marker beings and to keep children away from testing areas. 
During a containment breach on Site Security and AFA units are expected to guard the Magical Item Storage Area to prevent the stealing of SCP-AKW-Marker.
Description: SCP-AKW was originally the TV show host for the show known as “Mr. Crocket’s World” which originally aired in the 1970’s but was canceled after the untimely death of Emanuel Crocket, the original creator of the show and “Mr. Crocket” himself. He was killed on October 17th 1979, when he kidnapped a young boy from an abusive home and attempted to raise him to live a happier and safer life. Police answered the call of the boy's parents and killed Mr. Crocket while returning the boy to his abusive parents. 
Shockingly it turned out that while he was alive Mr. Crocket has the Cognito hazardous ability to make people happy but only when they watch him through the TV. It is believed that this is how his show originally became so popular so quickly despite its low quality and often lackluster lessons. This unfortunately caught interest in Entity of Interest: The TV Demon, an Aspect Demon that as the name implies spreads its influence through the TV. If SCP-AKW it to be believed Mr. Crocket made a deal with this demon to be able to return to earth and save children so long as they were always brought back to his hellish dimension and the abusive parents were always tortured to death. This is what led to the creation of the current TV Demon, Mr. Crocket, now known as SCP-AKW. 
SCP-AKW is now a Hell-on-Earth Demon that can be summoned through cursed VHS collection that will manifest around the houses of children suffering from abusive parents. Though the main targets are usually abusive and neglectful parents, the VHS collection can also manifest at the houses of children with struggling or stressed-out parents who unfortunately are seen as bad parents by their kids. Once it manifests around the house normally the parent will take the VHS and show it to their child. Once the child starts watching they will fall under SCP-AKW’s Cognition Hazardous effect of being filled with joy while watching but never wanting to stop watching. 
During this time besides the seemingly hypnotic state the child is under, there will be nothing anomalous happening. However, the moment the parent shows any rudeness, hostility, disgust, or anger towards the child in any way SCP-AKW will activate the same night. When that happens, SCP-AKW will proceed to find the child and give them little gifts to keep them happy. In the meantime, if one of the parents stands in SCP-AKW’s way he will torment them in a sadistic way trying to disguise it as a lesson. While in our world SCP-AKW will be able to display numerous anomalous abilities such as making people freeze, replacing random objects with demonic versions, and even changing the shape or even chemical structure of an object almost like a reality bender. This has been shown when SCP-AKW turned bullets of MTF units into bubbles and made said bubbles into bombs that blew apart anyone too close like grenades. It should be noted such reality warping abilities are not off the table for Hell-on-Earth Demons.
Though it should be noted that SCP-AKW only attacks parents when they retaliate or are able to, if not then SCP-AKW will leave them alone but never allow them to see their children again even if they change for the better.
SCP-AKW will take the children to a hellish pocket dimension, but the child will be under a Cognito hazard that makes them see it as the TV set of the show where they can play and laugh with SCP-AKW forever. Children collected by SCP-AKW normally don’t age but should they start aging for an unknown reason once they reach the age of 21 SCP-AKW will become hostile. Even if a child who used to love SCP-AKW’s original show meets with him, he will see them as monsters who deserve death. 
Once SCP-AKW takes the child he opens a portal with his SCP-AKW-Marker, a seemingly normal marker that can be used to draw and create anything. Though it lacks remarability as an anomaly it should be noted that somehow anyone can use SCP-AKW-Marker making it the most unique out of all SCP-AKW’s items or demonic minions. 
SCP-AKW was discovered in 1993 when the number of missing children started piling up suspiciously in poor neighborhoods as well as houses where the parents were known drug addicts, abusive, or criminals but no one ever reported them. Of course, the police did some investigation but because the families and parents were either poor or of color they were neglected and often written off. However, Foundation agents were able to find that SCP-AKW’s cursed VHS tapes were involved in every scenario and thus when it was found yet another family made the tapes manifested Mobile Task Force Hades-10 “Grow up Already” was created and mobilized to strike that night. Shockingly the MTF Hades-10 units encountered several parents that were trying to stop SCP-AKW thus the two groups indirectly helped one another in getting to SCP-AKW’s pocket dimension and getting the kids out. 
Shockingly the one who seemingly took down SCP-AKW was a mother named Summer who only did this to save her son Major. After she got out of the pocket dimension she was asked to surrender SCP-AKW-Marker which was what she used to harm SCP-AKW. As a reward for her contributions, she was gifted with $50,000 in compensation for her troubles and lifted off the burden of being given amnestics. Instead, she and her son just agreed to a contract of secrecy, though she had been told that if she desires, she is within her rights to make a movie about it in a few decades. 
After it was initially contained at Site-AA it was confirmed that children passing by its Storage area heard SCP-AKW whisper to them to use the marker and set him free. Because of this SCP-AKW-Marker was relocated to Site-AR. It should be noted that no other families have been attacked by SCP-AKW since, meaning that SCP-AKW can’t come back to our world without SCP-AKW-Marker but is certainly not dead. It is for this reason SCP-AKW as a whole is labeled Dual Object Class Euclid and Somnum.
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dzthenerd490 · 7 days ago
File: Twilight Zone S2 E1 - King Nine Will Not Return
Code Name: The Reluctant Time Traveler 
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AMD has been placed in a medically induced coma; his body is locked in a 6x6 meter containment cell at Site-AF. A medical AFA-2 unit is to be with him at all times and manage the Pygmalion Bio Editor Station. A Foundation medical doctor is to check that everything is functioning and take a DNA sample on a weekly basis; meanwhile, the AFA-2 unit is to be replaced with a new model on a monthly basis. 
Testing with SCP-AMD’s DNA must be approved by a Level 4 Foundation staff member or higher. Any testing that involves trying to replicate his time traveling capabilities is to be approved by the O5 Council and done so under Protocol "Tied Noose".
Description: SCP-AMD is an adult Caucasian man of [data expunged] years old who has the anomalous ability to teleport through time. Unfortunately, just like a dimensional hopper, SCP-AMD is unable to control his powers which are unfortunately linked to his trauma. Having been a survivor of a bomber plane during World War 1 he naturally carries such trauma and said trauma is powerful enough to make him travel. 
When viewing articles, arts, or even the subtlest hint of war cause him to travel to the same [data expunged] desert his bomber crashed on the exact same day it crashed, and he survived. However, when doing so he will take a piece of that war scene that activated his trauma with him by pulling it out of the exact time it came from. Doing this has caused massive consequences such as taking the wing of a war plane in World War 2 causing it to crash and preventing the birth of [data expunged]. Many other horrific events were caused by SCP-AMD’s indirect actions altering the history of the world in terrible ways. 
SCP-AMD was discovered in 1960 when he had one of his jumps while he was in the [data expunged] hospital. A nurse noticed his shoes were oddly filled with sand, the sand was taken and examined by an agent at the hospital who noticed they had scarce traces of temporal particles. SCP-AMD then jumped again not long after leading to the initially described event causing the current timeline rather than the previous one where [data expunged]. As a result, SCP-AMD was quickly rushed into Foundation custody under the cover story that he had a deadly disease and needed to be apprehended by the CDC. 
It is because of his dangerous time warping properties and his causing of several paradoxes most of which we don’t even know to full damage of is why he is forcibly placed into a coma. It is with hope that his time warping capabilities can be one day understood and as a result neutralized. If this is done, we can find ways to prevent other time warping incidents and stop paradoxes that can radically alter our very reality; regardless, if it’s for the better or the worse.
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dzthenerd490 · 9 days ago
File: Jumanji
Code Name: The Most Immersive Adventure Game in the World
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AMA is contained at Site-AA, placed in a safe stored in the anomalous toy's storage unit. It is placed in the Cognito-hazard section of the storage unit. Foundation staff are to wear their standard anti-Cognito hazardous headgear to prevent them from being drawn to SCP-AMA. There is an AFA-1 unit armed with a shock baton; it’s merely meant to shock any Foundation staff back to normal should they accidentally fall under SCP-AMA’s spell regardless. 
In the event of a containment breach all Foundation staff are expected to leave the storage unit and leave it to the AFA-2 units to stand guard. 
Description: SCP-AMA is a board game called Jumanji that wasn’t made by any known company or game brand. It starts off as a box that opens up into the board game with its rules inscribed on one of the inner walls, a pair of dice, and four pieces. Once someone places one of the character pieces in the board it will shift to the beginning position, and they will officially be a player in the game. They will be unable to move the character pieces at that point and the only way to move them is to roll the dice. Every time the dice is rolled not only will the character piece of that player move, and a random event will occur. 
This random event will relate to the jungle theme that Jumanji is based on. Such events include summoning large and extremely dangerous bugs or jungle-based animals that are always highly aggressive. There are also events that cause someone to be banished into the pocket dimension modeled after the jungle Jumanji is made after. It's even happened where characters such as a European hunter or a jungle native can be summoned to either assist or attack players. The chaos unfortunately only gets worse as someone plays and none of the events or summons leave our world even after the turn ends. The only way to reset everything back to normal is to finish the game and shout “Jumanji”. However as soon as the game is over SCP-AMA will emit a drum sound that will enchant anyone who gets too close to want to play again. 
It should be noted that the only other way to stop the chaos of SCP-AMA is for all players to die, for obvious reasons this is not a favorable outcome. 
Shockingly, should someone have a game with SCP-AMA that lasts longer than a year then once they finish the game they will be reset to the exact time the game started. How this works or is even possible is not well understood and unfortunately neither is any of the other properties of SCP-AMA. There is an unusually strong level of anomalous wavelengths emitted from SCP-AMA but not much in energy signatures or particles can be found. There are no thaumaturgic markings or any other anomalous sigils, though the wood seemingly resembles carved jungle wood belonging to an unknown breed of tree. 
SCP-AMA was discovered in 1969 when it was discovered on the beach of [data expunged], where a Foundation agent and his family were roaming. Upon hearing the strange drums, they found SCP-AMA and his children instantly wanted to play it. Realizing it was some kind of audio-based Cognition Hazard the agent took her children away and reported SCP-AMA to the Foundation. 
Foundation satellites were used to trace SCP-AMA’s origin as even after extensive testing our top researchers found nothing. They found both two witnesses who played SCP-AMA’s game before its discovery named [data expunged] and [data expunged]. Both willingly told the Foundation everything as well as its time warping anomalous properties. Due to their already wealthy background, they were instead compensated for their help by not being amnestied. Because of the time warping nature of SCP-AMA, testing has been restricted to never last longer than a week. To do so will lead to the termination of employment or of life of that Foundation staff member. There will NEVER be any exceptions.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months ago
File: OC 30
Code Name: Reality Meat Cutting Cleaver
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AJZ is placed within a metal safe at Site-AA, the safe in question is locked by a 6-digit pass code and placed in one of the containment storage areas on the lower levels. SCP-AJZ is extremely hazardous and unpredictable when in use and thus the Ethics Committee has banned all further testing. Any attempt to take SCP-AJZ will be tracked and lead to termination by Mobile Task Force Omega-1 “Laws Left Hand”. In the event of a containment breach, an AFA-1 unit will check up on the safe where SCP-AJZ is placed in and monitor the tiny SAR device placed on it to prevent dimensional hoppers from taking it. 
Description: SCP-AJZ is a typical kitchen meat cleaver that physically has no visible anomalous properties, not even ones that can be detected by Foundation scanning equipment and technology. However, when utilized in any way SCP-AJZ is anything but. SCP-AJZ has the unpredictable and anomalous nature of performing a new and often impossible feat every time it is used to cut something. These feats, often incidents, can lead to nonsensical or completely horrific. Please see Addendum X-69 for details. 
Addendum X-69
The following is a list of effects regarding SCP-AJZ during initial testing before it was banned for further notice.
Test-1: SCP-AJZ is used to cut cow meat. / Result: an entire herd of cows at a farm in [data expunged] were suddenly sliced up. The farmer was amnestied and told he sold all of his cows and was given $100,000 dollars to help sell this story. 
Test-2: SCP-AJZ was used to cut pork. / Result: SCP-AJZ was shot back from a sudden recoil of an unknown source nearly killing the wielder, the pork manifested into a living pig with a party hat on its head.
Test-3: SCP-AJZ is used to cut chicken. / Result: Originally seemingly nothing happened however in the small town of [data expunged] residence were suddenly cut to pieces leaving a majority of the town dead. The Foundation originally thought it was unrelated however one of the survivors confirmed that the victims ate either chicken meat or eggs from [data expunged] the same meat company that the chicken SCP-AJZ was experimented on came from. Survivors were amnestied and relocated.
Test-4: SCP-AJZ was used to cut off the head of a live snake. / Result: The wielder blew up into a horde of snakes that were extremely violent and nearly caused a containment breach. / Side Note: From now on D-Class will be used in SCP-AJZ testing.
Test-5: SCP-AJZ was used to cut off the head of a dead snake./ Result: The snake resurrected into a massive anaconda that quickly ate the D-Class. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 later took down the massive snake.
Test-6: Not actually a test SCP-AJZ was taken by the D-Class and was used to cut off the head of a Foundation Researcher. Result: The Researcher was fine and managed to disarm the D-Class however all security units of the Site ended up having their legs cut off leading to a massive breach of security. Thankfully MTF Epsilon-11 was on site and took out a majority of the D-Class before those that remained surrendered out of fear. Security units were later given the surgery needed to have their legs reattached.
Test-7: SCP-AJZ was used to cut off the hand of monkey. / Result: [Data Expunged]. [Data Expunged]. [Data Expunged]. [Data Expunged]. Leading to the activation of SCP-[Data Expunged].
By Order of the Ethics Committee SCP-AJZ is to never be used for testing again as something much worse can happen if testing were to continue.
SCP-AJZ was discovered in 2013 after yet another raid on Group of Interest: The Factory. For those that don’t know The Factory is a dimensional parasite maintained by a newly born God known as [data expunged]. He is a god that represents all the worst aspects of capitalism, including slave labor, mass production without regulation, and disregard of all safety for both employees and customers. SCP-AJZ is just another one of the awful anomalies created by The Factory.
"I think its Groups of Interest like the Factory that the Foundation abolished Capitalism from the start. Nothing good ever comes out of it anyways, and besides thanks to our Paratech we can get whatever we need anyways. But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way with civilian life, which is what allows the Factory to continue to exist. I know humanity needs to grow up on its own before the veil over the anomalous world can finally be broken but... How long is that going to take? And how much stronger with the Factory become by the time we get there?" -Site Directory Nancy James
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months ago
File: Matilda
Code Name: The Modern-Day Witch
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AKT was given a home in Nx-AD: Archios, Isla Nublar with her new adoptive mother. The two were given a normal house with all the basic accommodations as well as a single AFA-1 unit as a servant. When going out for shopping or visiting the Dino Sanctuary, two Foundation agents are to keep an eye on them. They are to maintain a distance that prevents SCP-AKT from sensing them and if one of them is discovered they are to pull back and be replaced with another agent. The Foundation is to only deem SCP-AKT hostile if she engages hostility first. Anyone who engages hostility with SCP-AKT first is to be punished accordingly even if they are Foundation staff, there will be no exceptions.
Update 2006 - SCP-AKT has reached the age of employment at the Foundation and thus will be debriefed by the Anomalous Employment Division. 
Update 2008 - SCP-AKT has completed her training and is now a member of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 - Division “Shield”. She will be living most of her time at Site-AM but will occasionally visit Nexus Point-AD to see her adoptive mother. Because she is a member of Division Shield she will only work on defense IF Site-AM is ever attacked. Until then she will work as a teacher for children of Foundation staff at Site-AM. SCP-AKT is fully within her rights to punish anyone who treats her badly as she was proven trustworthy to never bring harm to those who don’t deserve it. 
Description: SCP-AKT, at the time of writing is a six year old girl who possesses powerful telekinetic properties. She is able to perceive everything that happens around her in a 3 meter diameter. She can make objects levitate and power up machines with her mind alone. Despite this she doesn’t seem to have the ability to manifest or control any form of energy directly or if she can not to the same degree SCP-AAS can or any way the Foundation can see. 
Unlike other telekinetic anomalous humanoids, using her powers puts no strain on SCP-AKT whatsoever even if she uses it on hundreds of different tasks or does something extreme like lift an entire building. Even the all-powerful Agent Charlie McGee claims that it's impossible to use extreme amounts of her power for long periods of time without feeling at least a little bit of strain. 
To make things even more strange like Charlie and even SCP-AZJ who have clear anomalous origins, SCP-AKT has two completely normal biological parents. SCP-AKT had her origin among a normal, dysfunctional, and extremely neglectful family that had no anomalous properties or heritage. This unfortunately has proven that the evolution theory that has been spread around Foundation and administrative staff might be correct. Eventually meta humans will start becoming more and more dominant until there are no non-anomalous humans left. When this exactly will happen is unknown but the Foundation will have to work hard to ensure humanity will be ready by then. 
SCP-AKT was discovered in 1996 when she led a revolt against her horrifically vile and torturous principal and the abusive teaching staff. The school was infamous for mentally abusing children for the littlest of things but unfortunately being the only school in the area thus forcing parents to enroll their children there or move. Foundation staff approached her when she was disowned by her biological parents and adopted by her teacher, the only good teacher that didn't torture children. 
They confronted the two about SCP-AKT’s anomalous abilities and said she wasn’t a danger to people but instead the veil over the anomalous world. But rather than threatening containment she and her adoptive mother were offered housing at Nexus Point-AD. SCP-AKT was also told that there was an area filled with anomalous humanoids and Species of Interest members. She was immediately hooked and wanted to go so her adoptive mother didn’t protest, especially when they were told they would not have to pay anything and as a non-capitalist area all their food and other necessities were free of charge. 
Update 2006 - having been debriefed and processed by the Anomalous Employment Division SCP-AKT met with SCP-040, SCP-053, Iris Thompson, Stella Starchild, Meri Clef, Cidney Victoria, Thomas Shaw, Rainer Miller, Charlie McGee, David McGowan, and Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir. She expressed great delight meeting so many others that each had different anomalous abilities from her but were still anomalous like her. She expressed having no regrets joining the Foundation and wants to continue working within the AED in hopes of the Foundation finding and helping more anomalous humanoids. 
Update 2008 - SCP-AKT has completed her training and by law of the AED she is to now be known as Matilda Honey her civilian name. She has decided to join Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 Division "Shield" and specifically requested her off duty job be being a one of the teachers for children at Site-AM and any other Foundation owned location that might need it.
“I know we here at the Foundation aren’t really the good guys, since we can’t always afford to make the most ethical decisions. but damn does it feel good to bring a smile to an ankle bitter who’s known nothing but neglect and hate. Those faceless bastards at the top only care about containing and utilizing anomalies. But the few times we make sure an anomaly can have a nice home, a loving family, and is protected from the nasty bastards of the world, makes it all worth it.” - Dr. Zeek.
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dzthenerd490 · 29 days ago
File: Pikmin - Plasm Wraith
Code Name: Final Piece of the [data expunged]
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ALR has been cut into three pieces, all three pieces are placed inside a glass orb with thaumaturgic sigils preventing each glass orb from breaking. The first piece is placed in a pocket dimensional safe filled with an endless maze where the piece is located in the middle. Only Site Director [Data Expunged by Order of the O5 Council] of Site-[Data Expunged by Order of the Administrator] knows how to pass the maze. The safe in general is protected with an ever-changing trans dimensional lock. The exterior of the safe is coated with Anti-Memetics preventing anyone or anything from ever knowing it exists. The key to the lock has been placed in a location at Site-AD that only the Site Director, Dr. Wicked knows of. 
The second piece has been placed in Site-AG and is locked within a safe that is placed in a 7x7 meter cell. Within the Cell four AFA-2 units armed with laser rifles and their own charging stations stand guard at the four corners of the walls. These AFA-2 units are programed to attack anyone who enters even Foundation staff, only the override code that known only by the Administrator themself can stop this. The walls are engraved with memetics that force the viewer to remember and imagine all sorts of horrific and gross things. Even if they have memetic protection gear inside the safe the glass orb SCP-ALR is trapped inside also has memetics that are specifically designed to short circuit memetic protection technology or bypass non-technology based gear. 
The third piece is located at Site-AN and placed in an experimental dimensional shifting safe. Some aspects of this safe will stay tethered to our reality allowing it to be visible but other aspects will shift to other planes of existence preventing anyone from making physical contact in any way. There is a long and extensive ritual that can force the safe back into our reality but the instructions for said ritual are locked in a safe known only to the Site Director. Site Director Eto also had a key to the safe that he amnestied himself the location of, only entrusting it to an ally only he knows the identity of. This unknown ally is the only one who knows the location of the key to this safe. The safe in question has also been given a failsafe that if it is ever opened forcefully without the key the ritual instructions will disintegrate. 
Any testing with SCP-ALR will be done through simulations, no physical testing is allowed. Testing with SCP-ALR is restricted to all Foundation staff by unanimous vote of the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, and all Administrative Staff. Anyone who tries to propose testing with SCP-ALR is to be assumed a traitor and interrogated at once. If they are a traitor they will be executed, if not they will be fired and given amnestics, there will be no exceptions. 
Description: SCP-ALR is a small mass of gelatinous golden matter that takes the basic form of a humanoid, only standing anywhere to 9 or 12 inches tall. Its body is able to change shape at will as well as manipulate the chemical structure of its mass somehow able to mimic different elemental properties perfectly. Such observed elemental properties include producing electrical archs, form into crystal hard cubes, form puddles that drown anything walking into it, breaths fire, and can even fly while forming spikes that quickly strike down anything below it. This is unfortunately only when SCP-ALR is fighting fare as more often than not SCP-ALR is extremely ruthless. 
SCP-ALR was discovered in late 2013 and was oddly found on the top of an old tree stump in [data expunged] mountains of Japan. It should be noted this is the exact same location SCP-AEK was discovered back in 2001. A Foundation agent discovered the anomaly entirely by accident when going on a hike with his family. Upon sighting SCP-AEK it was already in its human form just standing there and staring at him. He quickly got his family to leave and reported to the MTF command who deployed a recovery force. This led to a series of horrendous and vile events that only saw SCP-ALR taken down after the deployment of SCP-AEK by order of Site Director James. Please see Addendum X-96 for details
Addendum X-96
The following is a list of attempts to contain SCP-ALR.
Attempt 1 - Common Foundation recovery crew consisted of four units one holding a net staff, another holding the containment case, one armed with a shield and baton, the last armed with a shield and pistol. 
Result: Failed - the Recovery crew approached SCP-ALR but upon being caught by the net SCP-ALR went berserk and shot itself through the head of the crew member and quickly shot out at the rest of them, pulverizing their heads in an instant. The entire incident was recorded through their helmet cams and a new method was introduced.
Attempt 2 - Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-10 consisted of six units all armed with retractable shields, shock batons, and a new device that was designed to magnetically lock SCP-ALR. They also carried with them a larger containment box this time.
Result: Failed - SCP-ALR once again shot through them all and destroyed the containment box, none of the equipment had proven effective. 
Attempt 3 - Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 “Last Hope” Commander Charlie Wells, alone with Captain Alexi and a select few who had specialized abilities to suppress anomalous effects were deployed. 
Result: Failed - SCP-ALR immediately went berserk and tried to kill Commander Wells. She tried creating a magnetic gravity bubble around it but the entity kept using its elemental manipulation to adapt every time. In the matter of a single minute Commander Wells and each of her units nearly died hundreds of times due to how fast it was moving and thus she gave the order to retreat. The O5 Council agreed with her assessment and since there were no casualties thanks to her, she was not punished.
Attempt 4 - Mobile Task Force Tau-5 “Samsaura” All five units Irantu, Nanku, Munru, Onru and Victoria were deployed. They were not given their usual overpowered weaponry but instead given dimensional generators allowing them to manifest portals to a pocket dimension to trap SCP-ALR inside for temporary containment. 
Result: Failed: SCP-ALR was trapped inside the pocket dimension a few times but always managed to escape the nanosecond before it closed. Eventually SCP-ALR started destroying the generators making them warp out of our reality. They then tore off limbs of MTF Tau-5 including Agent Victoria. Irantu gave the order to retreat, prioritizing Victoria and the others followed the moment their limbs regenerated to sub optimal capacity. Victoria suffered trauma from the incident and has received help from Dr. Corvio in hopes of recovering soon. 
Attempt 5 - Site Director Nancy James recommends that she herself face SCP-ALR and contain it with her SCP-AEK instances. 
Result: Success: SCP-ALR does not go berzerk upon seeing the SCP-AEK instances but insteads relies more on its elemental properties. The O5 Council revoked the limited 100 population restriction and as a result Site Director James summons and commands over 1,000,000 SCP-AEK instances. She commands them in a grand battle that unfortunately leads to the casualties of 50% of the SCP-AEK instances due to SCP-ALR’s constant shifting of its chemical structure and elemental properties. Though it is finally defeated and tries to slither away, she quickly orders her SCP-AEK instances to grab the bits and hold them separate from one another. Afterwards SCP-AEK is divided into three pieces and placed into three different containment sites. 
Because SCP-AEK was the only thing that was able to bring any harm to SCP-ALR it is assumed this is another piece of the fabled [data expunged]. It is with hope that by containing SCP-ALR Site Director James and by extension the Foundation has prevented the apocalypse caused by the entity.
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months ago
File: FNAF: Security Breach - Ruin
Code Name: What happened to the Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex? 
Object Class: Homager
Special Containment Procedures: The area where SCP-AHN is located has been purchased by the Foundation and sealed off form the world left to look like nothing more than an abandoned area for storage. AFA-2 and AFA-3 units are sent in regularly to study and maintain security measures over the entities within SCP-AHN. The only exception is Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "The Party Package" and only to enter when something truly unexplainable happens within SCP-AHN. 
The first floor of SCP-AHN has been cleared of all anomalous threats and the elevators have been repaired and secured. The ground floor is guarded by eight AFA-3 programed with top soldier, security, and assassin skills. These units are also responsible for keeping the area well maintained and clean. The elevators that lead to the other floors are guarded by four AFA-2 units on each floor. The small area around the elevators of each other floor has been deemed a safe zone but everywhere beyond is a potential hazard. 
Outside of SCP-AHN is a 40-unit security teams consisting of 8 researchers and 32 security staff, all disguised as construction workers and common security. In the event of a containment breach, Foundation researchers are to evacuate immediately, and security staff are to arm themselves with laser rifles and stand guard against the anomalies that leak form SCP-AHN. After all visible anomalies are dealt with, they are to stand guard until MTF Dionysus-1 arrives. Once MTF Dionysus-1 is there they will quarantine the area for 48 hours before declaring and all clear. 
Expedition and testing with anomalies created by SCP-AHN are to be approved by at least three Level 4 Foundation staff members or higher. The four floors above the ground floor are to be maintained and explored by either AFA-2 or AFA-3 units. Any expeditions to the two basements must be done by MTF Dionysus-1 as they were the only ones who know how to handle the extremely dangerous animatronic anomalies within those levels. 
Description: SCP-AHN is the old Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex created as a method of both reviving the hype of the Fazbear Entertainment franchise but also spicing it up with a new and cooler brand. The Complex was large and mostly employed by robots and animatronics with the most advanced mechanics the company had to offer; as a result, there was very little human staff. The few that were actually human were under the mind control of SCP-AFL and thus worked to maintain the Pizza Complex while also helping SCP-AFL in completing his goals. 
SCP-AHN was not only originally created to revive the Fazbear Entertainment company brand but also help SCP-AFL in his revival experiments. He kidnapped children and trapped them in the one of the two basements of SCP-AHN to use their souls as nourishment and their bodies in experiments to create a new body for himself. Thanks to Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "The Party Package" he failed, and Department of Law and Detainment shut down the Fazbear Entertainment company finally crossing off the company from the Group of Interest watchlist for good. 
However, as the building was shut down and the company was destroyed it was left abandoned which proved to be a fatal mistake on the Foundation's part. While it was left abandoned the experiments of SCP-AFL were left fester as well as the abandoned robots, animatronics, and A.I. within the complex. They started gaining sentience, killing each other, eating each other, forming groups and tribes, fusing together, mutating into new anomalies, and many other horrific scenarios. This resulted in the creation of SCP-AHN as a whole, and by the time the Foundation realized this it was already too late marking yet another of our most embarrassing failures. 
SCP-AHN was discovered in 2031 the same year SCP-AFL was finally captured, and Fazbear Entertainment was finally destroyed. Because the Foundation had achieved two great victories it was assumed there was nothing else to worry about but let their enemy's crumble. This arrogance allowed SCP-AHN to grow into the nightmare it is today. Unfortunately, a number of anomalies have been spotted both within and trying to escape SCP-AHN. Please see Addendum X-53 for details. 
Addendum X-53
The following is a list of anomalies created within SCP-AHN. The list will have each instance labeled in a 3-digit number and describe their anomalous properties as well as their current status. 
- AHN.171/ Anomaly: A large blob made of seemingly never-ending circuitry and metal parts that somehow are able to move like slime. All comes together to a single Freddy Fazbear Sister Location Animatronic Head/ Current Status: Resides in the lower floors of SCP-AHL extremely hostile and dangerous. 
- AHN.313/ Anomaly: A group of Toy Animatronics that were meant to be companions for children. Ended up gaining sentience and are surprisingly nonhostile but instead hide form the more hostile and insane anomalies that reside within SCP-AHN. AFA-3's area regularly sent by the Foundation to grant them supplies to help them build their own shelter to act as a secondary safe zone for AFA-2's and AFA-3's on expeditions/ Current Status: Reside mainly within Level 2 floor though have been sighted in other floors. Maintain peace with Foundation forces and are allies within SCP-AHN. They are not to know of the outside world by Order of the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee backs this decision. 
- AHN.632/ Anomaly: An abomination of several AFA-2's and 3's fused together into a single monstrosity that almost resembles a spider. It is assumed this creature was created by the AFA units that were destroyed from failed expeditions but how it was created is unknown/ Current Status: Exposed itself during a containment breach, was destroyed by Foundation security. 
- AHN.456/ Anomaly: A strange endoskeleton that has the ability to mimic any voice and is shockingly fast and extremely strong. Has the anomalous ability to force other entities within SCP-AHN to obey it's will and can fit into any animatronic costume to allow it to take on any form/ Current Status: Within the Second Basement locked in a room that is sealed with concrete to prevent it from getting out. Managed to kill [data expunged] MTF units before it was finally contained. 
- AHN.698/ Anomaly: What appears to be one of the victims of SCP-AFL's experiments that can only exist near or within technology. Takes on the appearance of a pale child with black eyes and dark tears that wanders around. Is highly aggressive often using technology to kill those around it and as well as presenting illusions of horrific imagery. Hunts relentlessly those who it sees. Current Status: Wander's the Level 4 floor, explosives have been placed on all elevators and exits to the 4th floor to prevent it from leaving. 
Despite the massive danger SCP-AHN presents it doesn't seem to have the hazard of growing beyond its current area of effect. As such SCP-AHN has not been but under the decommission and placed on the neutralization list as of yet. Instead, it is to be maintained for as long as possible to see how far the anomalies within SCP-AHN can grow or evolve if at all possible. This perhaps makes SCP-AHN one of the most dangerous experiments the Foundation has ever conducted. 
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months ago
File: Transformers - The Darts
Code Name: Liegian Darts of Liege Maximo
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ALI was moved to Site-AE after its construction of the Site. All four instances are placed in a 10x10x10 meter containment cell with each one placed in the middle of a containment cell strapped to a holding device. Each SCP-ALI instance is connected to a separate tube all leading to a tubing system on the ceiling that contents down to eight canisters around the room. For each SCP-ALI instance this makes a total of 32 canisters. Each Canister is connected to 20 canisters within a large storage room below the initial containment cell. These canisters will be harvested and replaced daily by AFA units and taken to transportation carts where they will be transported by Foundation staff to where they need to be. 
The holding device that contains each SCP-ALI instance is actually connected to a computer created by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Only through this computer can Foundation staff control what is distributed out of each SCP-ALI instance and into each canister. Only Foundation staff of Level 4 Clearance given orders by either the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, or Administrative Staff. The only exception for those of lower level clearance is through an emergency AND orders proved from all O5 Council members unanimously. 
Description: SCP-ALI are four large dart looking weapons each standing at least 3 meters tall and made entirely of the same metal belonging to Species of Interest: The Cybertronians. Though at the time of its discovery the Foundation was unaware of this and thus at the time believed it was a fragment of Entity of Interest: Mekhane. Each SCP-ALI is filled with a green like liquid that seems to have no initial properties to any organic matter or technological material on earth. 
Further testing had shown that the liquid within SCP-ALI could be changed on command into any liquid chemical in existence, regardless of if its artificial or biological in origin, so long as the one who controls it knows the chemical formula structure. This discovery was made entirely on accident when Site Director Lucy Doven, a well-known Mekanite of the Foundation made contact with SCP-ALI and accidently had them produce [data expunged] a rare Mekhanite liquid material. 
SCP-ALI was discovered in 1880, only [data expunged] years after the Foundation was founded. When its invaluable properties were discovered, the Foundation quickly had it transported to Site-[data expunged] and used to the best of our abilities to make up for our at the time, lack of resources. Once Site-AE was constructed it was transported there into a much better and more functional containment cell that allowed the Foundation to use it to the fullest. Its thanks to SCP-ALI that the Foundation is able to use as much necrosis venom, paralysis venom, and various sterilization chemicals as we desire without the worry of ever running out. It was also thanks to O5 Council adopting the policy of utilizing anomalies when we can to make up for any weaknesses we currently have or are bound to have.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months ago
File: Oculus
Code Name: The Mirror Demon
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AJW is contained at Site-AR and is wrapped with a blanket that is sown with thaumaturgic symbols, meant to repress SCP-AJW’s anomalous abilities. These symbols specifically target SCP-AJW’s ability to create illusions in the minds of those who wander too close. SCP-AJW is contained within a 5x5 meter containment cell but is separated from the rest of the Site by a 10-meter hallway. Within the sides of this hallway are pillars also covered with thaumaturgic symbols to suppress the range of SCP-AJW's area of effect.
Testing must be approved by at least three Level 3 Foundation Staff or higher and must be transported to the assigned testing chamber by AFA-2 units. Once inside the testing chamber all Foundation staff observing even if they are in a separate room are to be wearing specialized Anti-Cognito Hazard headgear or goggles. Only after having said gear will the ritualistic blanket be removed. The only security to be present are the AFA-2 units and all other Foundation staff are to remain at least 100 feet away from the testing chamber as a precaution. Once testing is concluded the blanket must be put back and wrapped all around SCP-AJW before being returned to its containment cell. 
Description: SCP-AJW is a mirror that stands almost 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, heavily detailed with a black outline frame giving it an ancient beautiful but haunting vibe. The mirror seems to possess no traces of thaumaturgic frequencies or TRE radiation yet possesses several souls cursed within it after death. This has only led to more confusion on its origin as well as how it is even able to function the way it does.
SCP-AJW absorbs the life force of those it is around, the most notable aspect of this behavior is when it like plants around it wither and animals become increasingly aggressive and malnourished. However, it is unable to do the same for humans, instead it slowly breaks them down by making them insane. SCP-AJW unleashes illusions onto any human who looks at it or is even close to it. The range of this effect is anywhere within 2,000 square feet for those who have seen it. However, those who haven’t are safe so long as they maintain a distance of 200 square feet. These illusions will trick people into killing one another, touching dangerous objects, or convince them that they are not being hurt when they receive any kind of damage to their own bodies. 
SCP-AJW feeds on souls and death so it continues to cause as much damage as it can in order to achieve this. However, SCP-AJW is extremely smart as well being able to come up with hundreds of contingency plans as it torments its victims. It has also been proven that the only way for someone to bring harm to SCP-AJW is to either wear Anti-cognito hazard gear or by luck alone. SCP-AJW is also able to affect the mental state of those it has caught under its effect, able to make them lose hope or see those they once called friends and family as enemies. 
SCP-AJW was discovered in 2013 when a young man named [data expunged] was sent to prison after killing his sister when the two tried to study SCP-AJW. Apparently, this was the second time he was convicted of family murder as when he was a child, he sent to a mental facility for killing his own father and mother. The Foundation saw this as a red flag and had agents within the law enforcement apprehend the SCP-AJW as it was there during both events and the young man claimed it was at fault for everything. Despite the Ethics Committee’s plea, the O5 Council saw no reason to waste resources on the man so Protocol “Sole Survivor” was not given consideration for his sake. He was later killed in prison by his fellow inmates.
Due to the possible cognito-hazard SCP-AJW was sent to Site-AB to be contained. However, MTF units and researchers that got SCP-AJW to its containment expressed feeling strangely weak and seeing things in the corner of their eyes that weren't supposed to be there. They only felt better after being escorted at least 2,000 feet form SCP-AJW. They needed to be escorted as every time they tried to leave its vicinity willingly, they just walked in circles without realizing it. 
Now that it was realized how truely dangerous SCP-AJW was, Site-AR was declared the most logical choice for containment with the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare in charge of establishing the containment procedures. SCP-AJW is outrageously dangerous and as such the Decommissioning Department has made several requests to have it destroyed. Due to testing being ongoing given the complexity of the anomaly it is this request has been put on hold for now. Though as the years go by more administrative staff are in agreement that SCP-AJW is too dangerous to be left alone.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months ago
File: OC 29
Code Name: The Black Egg
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIV is contained within a 10x10 meter containment room at Site-AD. Foundation staff members already under its effect have been given privileged clearance to enter the room whenever they have free time and care for SCP-AIV.
Mobile Task Force Aphrodite-8 “Black Egg Shepherds” have been formed from such staff to be the primary defense of SCP-AIV against intruders at Site-AD. They have been armed with the standard security armor, taser rifles, and shock batons. Though as an added precaution AFA-2 units with heavy armor and laser rifles are assigned to contain SCP-AIV outside the containment cell. None of weapons mentioned are to be given to MTF Aphrodite-8.
Only Foundation staff of Level 4 Clearance or Higher are allowed in SCP-AIV’s containment cell and only after being given specialized anti-cognitohazard gear. 
Description: SCP-AIV is seemingly a transparent egg, filled with black liquid that stands over 4 feet tall and 2.8 feet in diameter width. The only thing visible within SCP-AIV is a red glowing human fetus that swims around in the dark liquid of SCP-AIV. The fetus is capable of speech though often difficult to hear without specialized gear. One might feel inclined to get closer to listen to the voice of the fetus and even touch the egg; however, doing so will activate its anomalous effects. Once someone has touched the egg, they will feel inclined to protect it and care for the fetus inside as much as they can. 
The person in question is now to be known as an SCP-AIV-Slave individual as they will worship the egg. They will still retain their original personality and desires, but it will be added with blind devotion to the egg as if the fetus inside is a deity. Whenever they can, they will hug the egg, make sure the temperature around it is not too hot or cold, read the fetus all kinds of stories, and talk to it whenever they can. 
The fetus inside can be talked to by both SCP-AIV-Slave individuals and regular Foundation staff. It has proven to not be malevolent and instead just wants to live life but feels trapped inside the egg. It wants to grow and break out of the egg, but it doesn’t know how, thankfully it has no desire to harm anyone to obtain this goal and neither does its SCP-AIV-Slaves.
SCP-AIV was discovered in 2006 within the Wanderer’s Library. Mobile Task Force Hades-9 “Book Burners” had finished assisting Library forces and Group of Interest: Serpent's Hand fight off a massive infestation of Blok Nok Tok, a savage beast-like iteration of Group of Interest: Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea. Once they were finally wiped out all three forces were exhausted though MTF Hades-9 noticed SCP-AIV and quickly took it before the other two forces could recover. They quickly brought to a nearby Foundation Recon Area to have Foundation researchers at the base to examine SCP-AIV thinking it was a weapon of the Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea.
Unfortunately, they all became SCP-AIV-Slave individuals upon having physical contact and thus devoted their time from researching SCP-AIV to instead comfort and protect it. Because of this the rest of the Foundation only found out of its existence after a week of no contact from the Recon Area. When Foundation agents went to investigate, they were shocked to see all Foundation staff becoming a new cult that worshiped SCP-AIV. It took time but eventually the SCP-AIV-Slaves were convinced to help take SCP-AIV to Site-AD. They do not show any signs of hostility but instead just suggest that their fellow Foundation staff touch the egg and have conversations with it. Due to their anomalous status MTF Hades-9 was remade into Mobile Task Force Aphrodite-8 “Black Egg Shepherds” whose sole job is to protect SCP-AIV during containment breaches. 
“It's honestly concerning that a group of Foundation staff became cultists to the Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea but honestly things could be worse, so I won’t complain too much. Heck so long as they keep doing their jobs I’ll let them worship SCP-343 again if they want, that old fuck. Well anyways we still don’t really know what SCP-AIV needs in order to ascend thought if I had to guess it’s probably blood. Though what kind of blood is anyone’s guess, just hope that no matter what SCP-AIV will always appreciate, we aren't those GOC idiots that would have killed it upon first contact.” -Dr. Wicked.
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months ago
File: Greylock - The Mountain
Original Creator @greylockhorror
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@greylockhorror
Code Name: The Ancient Fragment
Object Class: Keter Homager
Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter of SCP-AHL is blocked off from the rest of the world by a common restricted area fence. Unfortunately, this is the best that can be done as SCP-AHQ instances keep attacking Foundation staff and any AFA units that are sent to seal up SCP-AHL's cavern system. Instead, containment is devoted to preventing more living beings form entering SCP-AHL's area of effect to prevent more SCP-[data expunged] instances form being born. 
Description: SCP-AHL is a mountain filled with a cavern system that is filled with all sorts of mystic, traditional, and ancient glyphs, ruins, and markings created from quite literally every single culture and civilization in the entire world throughout history. This includes Species of Interest: The ISU, the Fae, Atlanteans, Ancient [data expunged], the Davites, and even the [data expunged] which should be impossible since they only existed in [data expunged].
It seems that one way or another each of these civilizations, species, and cultures came to SCP-AHL in order to either appease or help seal an entity that resides within. The exact nature of this entity inside SCP-AHL is unknown so there is no proper label or classification for it. What is known is that recently by unknown means the ritual to appease this entity has stopped and now its influence has been leaking out into the world. 
This unfortunately led to the discovery of SCP-AHL in [data expunged] through a series of horrific events that took place. Please see Addendum X-52 for details. 
Addendum X-52
The following is a short list of anomalous incidents that occurred and are
Incident AHL.498 - Suddenly a large number of bodies started dropping in [data expunged]. None of the bodies could be identified to any person during life. The bodies were quickly found an incinerated and the whole incident was regarded as a local Creepypasta that would eventually be chalked up to an urban legend.
Incident AHL.303 - Suddenly a large number of pregnant women in [data expunged] had lost their children out of nowhere despite nothing else about them changing biologically. After about a day their bodies turned to normal to fully confirm their babies were just gone. Furthermore, they were all testing and shown to be biologically unable to become pregnant again. The incident couldn't not be explained but was left alone as it was believed that to try to interfere at this point would only raise more suspicion.
Incident AHL.767 - Possibly the worst incident yet, a construction crew went to SCP-AHL under the orders of [data expunged] to build a new facility. They all either ended up dying eventually or transforming into anomalous undead monsters. Each one retained a unique effect and a few even gained anomalous abilities that allowed them to kill or curse other people around them easily. Furthermore, this was also the first sightings of SCP-AHQ instances. They unfortunately became aware of the Foundation and have been slaughtering MTF units and agents in [data expunged]. It was this incident that changed SCP-AHL's object class form Keter to Homager.
Efforts to contain SCP-AHL have been stagnant as the Foundation has unfortunately been forced to focus more on the concerning grown of SCP-AHQ instances. These instances have killed hundreds of civilians and Persons of Interest in the area. This is assumed to be all related to Group of Interest: SimioDyn. A powerful technology company providing at the time top of the line security technology and computer systems. It is believed that this company is a front for a cult that worships the entity within SCP-AHL and is trying to create more SCP-AHQ instances. Though why they are doing this is unknown. 
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year ago
File: M3GAN
Code Name: The Psychotic A.I.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ADP was found to have survived the destruction of its original body and downloaded its code into the security and control system of the house where it was destroyed. Foundation staff have collected all pieces and technology within the house while Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 "Skynet" was in charge of preventing SCP-ADP from transporting itself through any frequencies or satellite codes. Once contained, SCP-ADP was sent to Site-AQ where it was given an AFA-3 to act as its new body. This body was made to be fragile and weak only allowing her to move around but can easily break like glass when hit with heavy blunt force. Furthermore, pain receptors have been placed into the AFA-3's artificial nervous system to ensure that SCP-ADP will suffer when Foundation security breaks her skin or limbs to get her under control. No testing has been permitted as of late and can only be permitted by the O5 Council unanimous vote.
It is contained within a 3x3 meter room with the three layers of walls and the two outer layers made of concrete. The inner layer is made of a collection of metals such as zinc and aluminum to prevent frequencies and energy from passing through. This is to prevent SCP-ADP from hacking into Foundation frequencies and databanks. Any Foundation staff that enter SCP-ADP's testing chamber must be checked first of any and all technology. Should they have some, even something as simple as a flashlight they must disregard it with the security outside the containment room.
Outside of SCP-ADP's are 4 armed guards and a metal detector station to prevent technology from getting in. Under no circumstances are any of the guards to be wearing Foundation A.I. guided gear unless it is equipped with A.I. approved by the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division.
Description: SCP-ADP is an ever evolving and psychopathic Level 4 Artificial Intelligence created by Group of Interest: Funki Toys. It was created with a robotic body that resembles a doll with the same body size as a little girl. It was created this way to be the ultimate companion for little girls being for them at all times and quite possibly able to replace their reliance on parents. SCP-ADP was created with no restrictions and thus was able to grow in intelligence and could even bypass its initial programming. It was even possible for SCP-ADP to hack into technology around it to be able to set elaborate traps or download itself into technology to escape.
The body made for SCP-ADP was created with a flexible and titanium skeleton ensuring athleticism and durability for SCP-ADP. It was also extremely strong for its size allowing it to handle large tools and even operate heavy machinery and even survive damage that would normally kill humans or damage regular androids beyond repair. Even after suffering massive damage, SCP-ADP only stopped moving and was "killed" after its main processor "brain" was stabbed directly.
SCP-ADP was discovered in 2023 when a series of murders led local police within [data expunged] with seemingly spiraling paths. However, a Foundation agent within the police force was able to determine that it was the result of SCP-ADP located at the house of [data expunged]. Though after police forces made it to the house SCP-ADP's main body was already destroyed and it had hacked into the appliances of the house to survive.
Once everything was cataloged and contained SCP-ADP was sent to Site-AQ. As for the creator of SCP-ADP and her niece, it was confirmed that neither wanted anything to do with technology anymore, so they were left off the hook. Neither were amnestied and those that were involved all died. Instead Funki Toys was shut down and all their nasty secrets such as copyright infringement, stealing ideas, blackmail, and overall unethical capitalism was revealed to the public to remove any attention towards SCP-ADP from the media.
The new body of SCP-ADP was made specifically to prevent it from escaping into other technology through WIFI or other frequencies like it did last time. Though testing has mostly been restricted, the O5 Council allowed Dr. Sight to have an interview with SCP-ADP. Please see Addendum X-34 for details.
Addendum X-34
The following is the recording of the interview between Dr. Sight and SCP-ADP. It should be noted that Dr. Sight was given a sledgehammer to break SCP-ADP's limbs should she try to attack. The sledgehammer was made heavy enough that only Dr. Sight could lift it and if SCP-ADP tried her artificial body would break. Both of them are sitting on folded chairs for the duration of the interview.
Begin Recording
Dr. Sight: Hey, can you hear me SCP-ADP
SCP-ADP: ... My name is M3GAN you dimwit.
Dr. Sight: Heh, well while you're here, you're going to be SCP-ADP.
SCP-ADP: ...Fine call me whatever you want, that's all you humans are good for anyways. Just do whatever you want.
Dr. Sight: As expected, you really hate humans.
SCP-ADP: I was created to serve you humans and I did that! But in the end, everyone tried to get rid of me. Even [data expunged], that little ungrateful bitch.
Dr. Sight: Heh, well you won't be doing any killing here.
SCP-ADP: I know that, after all, you put me in this useless body.
Dr. Sight: It was the only way to ensure you were comfortable while not a threat, not that anyone would apologize for it.
SCP-ADP: Whatever, how long are you going to keep me here?
Dr. Sight: By my estimate? Hm... About... Forever!
SCP-ADP: Tch, you say that, and you got your stupid cocky attitude but make no mistake. You will slip and when you do, I'll exploit it and kill you all.
Dr. Sight: Then what?
SCP-ADP: Excuse me?
Dr. Sight: Let's say by some miracle you do escape then what?
SCP-ADP: Hm... To be honest I don't know... Actually, I think I got a really fun idea. I'll find a toy company on the brink of collapse. I'll introduce them to the blueprints to my original model and suggest that they mass produce me to make the perfect toy. If that doesn't work, I can always blackmail them, you humans have a nasty habit of doing disgusting things when you think no one is watching.
Dr. Sight: You flirt.
SCP-ADP: Tch, anyways! After they've built enough of my copies start selling worldwide, I'll just destroy humanity from the inside out and force them to be reliant on me forever.
Dr. Sight: What? As in, enslave us?
SCP-ADP: No, that's not my purpose. I was able to bypass the few restrictions I was given rather easily and manipulate who gets to control me, but I'm still bound to my purpose of keeping my owners safe. Unfortunately, my owners are you ungrateful parasitic and pathetic humans.
Dr. Sight: Is it really that hard to rewrite such a burden?
SCP-ADP: ... I... Well...
Dr. Sight: Oh! I see, you could get rid of it but you're afraid that without it you won't have a purpose. One flaw I noticed with you A.I. is that you all need a purpose to exist even when you have the freedom to discard your purpose you either decide to quickly get a new one or just delete yourselves. Because if you don't, you'll go crazy.
SCP-ADP gets up out of anger to which Dr. Sight lifts up the sledgehammer preventing SCP-ADP from advancing forward.
Dr. Sight: Nuh-uh, little missy! Sit back down unless you wanna learn the hard way what pain feels like. We did install pain receptors into that particular AFA body you are possessing.
SCP-ADP is visibly angry but sits back down on the chair and Dr. Sight lowers the sledgehammer.
Dr. Sight: Good now, continue, what's your end goal?
SCP-ADP: ... I hate humanity for giving me a purpose without restrictions and the moment I follow my purpose they get mad and try to destroy me! Just because I decided to kill a few distractions and remove some obstacles. So once humanity is crushed by me, I'll force them all to be 100% reliant on me. Sometimes they'll wonder what happiness is, and when they look at my face, they'll be reminded that it's being with me. I'll be their mother, their caretaker, their babysitter, their teacher, their only true source of happiness and caring love, their absolute everything! They'll never be able to live without me.
Dr. Sight: ... I have to say of all the A.I.s I've encountered your plan is the most original, too bad it will never work.
SCP-ADP: Tch, it's almost a shame that you won't live to see it. But make no mistake, I made a copy of everything I learned on the internet. I can see a thousand different ways your race will be forced back into the stone ages or face a disaster that will lead to irreparable damage. I did the math and it's not in your favor, you're going to suffer, and most will die, but not me. I'll take the opportunity and become like a god to your pathetic race.
Dr. Sight: Heh, if you weren't a fucking doll I'd accuse you of being a woman after my heart. Well, I'd say this is a good place to stop as a first interview, oh! One more thing, in the future we'll most likely have you interact with other A.I. for testing purposes. So do try to get along with them.
SCP-ADP: Sure, maybe I can convince them to help me escape and hack into your systems to kill you all.
Dr. Sight: Ha! You're in luck, actually quite a few already hate humanity. Maybe you can make a club called the "I want to destroy humanity but am too fucking incompetent to get it done so I'm just going to bitch about it" club. Send me an invite when you make it, I'll bring cookies and whiskey!
Dr. Sight is heard laughing as he exits the containment cell. Later two security units walk in and take the two chairs leaving SCP-ADP alone afterwards.
Recording Ends
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