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dzthenerd490 · 3 months ago
File: Greylock - The Mountain
Original Creator @greylockhorror
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Code Name: The Ancient Fragment
Object Class: Keter Homager
Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter of SCP-AHL is blocked off from the rest of the world by a common restricted area fence. Unfortunately, this is the best that can be done as SCP-AHQ instances keep attacking Foundation staff and any AFA units that are sent to seal up SCP-AHL's cavern system. Instead, containment is devoted to preventing more living beings form entering SCP-AHL's area of effect to prevent more SCP-[data expunged] instances form being born. 
Description: SCP-AHL is a mountain filled with a cavern system that is filled with all sorts of mystic, traditional, and ancient glyphs, ruins, and markings created from quite literally every single culture and civilization in the entire world throughout history. This includes Species of Interest: The ISU, the Fae, Atlanteans, Ancient [data expunged], the Davites, and even the [data expunged] which should be impossible since they only existed in [data expunged].
It seems that one way or another each of these civilizations, species, and cultures came to SCP-AHL in order to either appease or help seal an entity that resides within. The exact nature of this entity inside SCP-AHL is unknown so there is no proper label or classification for it. What is known is that recently by unknown means the ritual to appease this entity has stopped and now its influence has been leaking out into the world. 
This unfortunately led to the discovery of SCP-AHL in [data expunged] through a series of horrific events that took place. Please see Addendum X-52 for details. 
Addendum X-52
The following is a short list of anomalous incidents that occurred and are
Incident AHL.498 - Suddenly a large number of bodies started dropping in [data expunged]. None of the bodies could be identified to any person during life. The bodies were quickly found an incinerated and the whole incident was regarded as a local Creepypasta that would eventually be chalked up to an urban legend.
Incident AHL.303 - Suddenly a large number of pregnant women in [data expunged] had lost their children out of nowhere despite nothing else about them changing biologically. After about a day their bodies turned to normal to fully confirm their babies were just gone. Furthermore, they were all testing and shown to be biologically unable to become pregnant again. The incident couldn't not be explained but was left alone as it was believed that to try to interfere at this point would only raise more suspicion.
Incident AHL.767 - Possibly the worst incident yet, a construction crew went to SCP-AHL under the orders of [data expunged] to build a new facility. They all either ended up dying eventually or transforming into anomalous undead monsters. Each one retained a unique effect and a few even gained anomalous abilities that allowed them to kill or curse other people around them easily. Furthermore, this was also the first sightings of SCP-AHQ instances. They unfortunately became aware of the Foundation and have been slaughtering MTF units and agents in [data expunged]. It was this incident that changed SCP-AHL's object class form Keter to Homager.
Efforts to contain SCP-AHL have been stagnant as the Foundation has unfortunately been forced to focus more on the concerning grown of SCP-AHQ instances. These instances have killed hundreds of civilians and Persons of Interest in the area. This is assumed to be all related to Group of Interest: SimioDyn. A powerful technology company providing at the time top of the line security technology and computer systems. It is believed that this company is a front for a cult that worships the entity within SCP-AHL and is trying to create more SCP-AHQ instances. Though why they are doing this is unknown. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months ago
File: OC 35
Code Name: Your life is not your own, the law says so
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AMF has been contained at Site-AR, it is contained within a Containment Analysis Tesseract within a 10x10 meter containment cell. The room is seemingly empty but has four turrets hidden in the ground, four turrets hidden in the ceiling, and eight hidden in the walls, two for each wall. They are all given different ammunition and programmed to scan all kinds of different threats with different spectrums of light, wavelength frequencies, and even phases of reality. These turrets are to be relied on even during a containment breach. Though as an added precaution during a containment breach, 6 Security units armed with Foundation laser rifles will be assigned to outside of SCP-AMF’s containment. 
The Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare is fully in charge of testing in regards to SCP-AMF. Any Foundation staff member that isn’t Level 5 Clearance or in DTASMW that tries to interact with SCP-AMF will be hunted and amnestied of ever knowing SCP-AMF existed. If they manage to utilize SCP-AMF’s anomalous properties even if it is something miniscule, they will be demoted to D Class and used for brutal experiments, there will be no exceptions. 
Description: SCP-AMF is a silver sphere that measures only 1 inch in diameter. Once touched, it will allow the wielder to think more clearly about other people they know, even people they have seen only once in their lives. With SCP-AMF they can see everything about the person they are thinking of, their history, their health, their personality, their thoughts, and so much more. All the information will be clearly processed into their head as if it's something they always knew. Should the holder focused on a particular person, they can even see their lives in different realities. 
This is where SCP-AMF’s anomalous properties can be utilized to its full effect. When the holder is focused on both a target in our reality and is able to focus simultaneously on certain aspects in another reality they can switch them out depending on what the wielder wants. These aspects will gradually take effect in our reality, altering records, altering people’s perceptions and memories, though shockingly never directly at the victim. 
For example, a victim can be rich and talented yet have their reality swapped with a version of themself who is poor and talentless. Everyone will perceive them as such and all their records and history will back it up. Yet their money (physical that is) will not go anywhere, and neither will their talent. As such this wouldn’t seem like that big of a deal but someone who is innocent could very easily be given a criminal record or given a history where they were the one who committed a recently committed crime with the fingerprints, recording, and/ or witnesses to prove it. 
SCP-AMF was discovered in 2017 within the US when a serial sexual offender had assaulted several women for at least a month. He always managed to get away with it by using SCP-AMF to make his victims look like criminals or simply uncredible. As a result, he got away with the crimes time and again, which ironically resulted in him getting the attention of the Foundation.
The Department of Law and Detainment created a false crime against him and managed to get him arrested despite his efforts in utilizing SCP-AMF. Unfortunately, he found the identity of three agents and made them no longer Foundation staff in our reality, all of which ended up dying due to accidentally trying to access Foundation restricted areas they previously had clearance to. Before the Foundation could find a way to get SCP-AMF away from him to prevent further damage, he was attacked by Group of Interest: Damned Requiem. 
For those that don’t know Damned Requiem is a group of Fallen Angels, Demons, and Spirits who have taken the law into their own hands. They despise how human law has evolved and actively seek out criminals to punish them regardless of the severity of the crime. They unfortunately view all humans with distain and a lack of sympathy. Even victims of crimes are often threatened by Damned Requiem to testify against their attackers if they originally refuse to do so. Their families can either be held hostage or members of DR will give the victim a weapon and force them to kill their attacker.
It's not exaggeration to say that Damned Requiem is a thorn in the side of the DLD. However, that does not deny that more agents could have been erased from our database and suffered unearned consequences for it had they not taken SCP-AMF from him. Thankfully they are not interested in anomalous items, so it was left behind, allowing the Foundation to recover it. However, due to the dangerous nature of SCP-AMF, it has been ruled by the O5 Council that SCP-AMF will not be used restore the lives of the victims. Instead, they were given Foundation compensation money of $50,000 dollars, new identities, and relocated to different states in the US.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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