#S4 odm gear
mikasas-red-scarf · 1 year
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aengelren · 5 months
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Eren wearing the new ODM gear by Isayama
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Donnie really just invented ODM gear huh
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arminsumi · 1 year
hiii! It’s me again! (i’m becoming your fan fr)
so, I wanted to came up with the idea that during the raid on Liberio (s4) armin meets the violetevergarden!reader who is marleyan weapon who got badly injured, and and first sees armin as a treat when he wants to treat her wounds ^^ i would like to see that also with Eren but i think it will be too much work for you…
i will thank you in advance, hope you have nice holiday! take care of yourself ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Marley's Guardian
Armin x fem!Marleyan!reader
Overview; Armin feels compelled to help you after you emerge from a fight with Mikasa and Levi badly wounded.
Contents; canon!au, fluffy angst, fraternizing
Warnings; major S4 spoilers!! injuries, war/battle setting
Note; i rewatched a bit of this show and cried, i forgot how beautiful it is. thank you for your lovely request my angel 🥰 you take care too!
p.s. i'd loveee to write this for Eren too but maybe another time hehe
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"Keep your eyes and ears alert for her." Levi's voice echoed in Armin's head.
"Mikasa and I will be responsible for slaying Marley's Guardian. The rest of you stay far away from her. I don't need anyone dying on me tonight."
As much as everyone was bitter to admit it, you were the strongest enemy on the other side of the sea.
In the Scouts you were referred to as Marley's Guardian; known to be the soldier that protected them from taking a finishing blow during the Battle of Shiganshina.
Now the invasion of Liberio was at hand.
You were perched on the rooftops, alert and ready for battle when a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and struck the center stage where Willy Tybur was currently giving his impassioned speech.
You watched as his blood was squeezed out of him by Eren Jaeger. The roar didn't send chills down your spine, nor did its appearance frighten you. For you there was nothing to fear, except...
"Your mission is to keep Levi away from Zeke." your captain had instructed beforehand. "Avoid confrontation with two Ackermans."
Armin sat in a vacated apartment, watching out the window as you leaped from rooftop to rooftop and became smoothly airborne in the night sky.
Mikasa and Levi swarmed you, their hearts panging as loudly as yours.
Although you were Armin's enemy, he looked at you with amazement and awe in his big eyes. He was taken by you.
"So that's her..." he thought, watching your battle intently.
You moved swiftly and calculatedly, like a cat.
Armin's eyes struggled to follow you, they were darting around the night sky. Sometimes he lost you, and only found you again when he saw a flicker of ODM gear.
"Blood...?" he muttered under his breath when he saw you again.
You changed course desperately. It seemed like you were trying to escape the overwhelming fight.
You headed straight into the window of the vacated apartment building where Armin was hiding.
"Where is she going — !! "
He pulled out of sight just in time before you hurtled through the window with a violent smash.
The glass was pierced, shards flew everywhere. The sound of breakage and your body thudding on the wooden floor startled the atmosphere.
Armin flinched and reactively shielded himself with his arms as some glass shards struck his body. His cheek begun to bleed, a thin river of crimson ran down it.
He kept one shaky hand on his sword, ready to draw it. Knuckles white.
But his grip loosened when he saw you struggling to push yourself up with two hands.
It felt like a major moment when you and him looked at each other for the first time. For a second, Armin admired your beauty, albeit with a bit of bewilderment in his chest.
Your chest was violently heaving up and down. He could see you were pained by the impact of hurtling through a window, but injured by the fight with relentless Ackermans who now flew back hurriedly to Eren in the main battle.
You looked at him and he looked at you. Panting. Him less than you.
He lowered his gaze to your abdomen. "You're bleeding." he commented.
You didn't respond.
Armin cautiously approached where you limply laid.
"I just want to help you, I promise." the blond assured.
But as he approached you, you made a swipe at him and shuffled away like a cat. He very nearly got scratched.
"I'm not going to hurt you." he said earnestly.
His uniform was stained with blood, his blond hair bespattered with it too.
Armin drew closer. "You can trust me." he said.
He wondered why your eyes were still fearfully staring at him. Then he realized you were eyeing out his blades and gear.
"Will this help?" he dismantled his ODM gear and let it fall to the ground with a metallic thud. "I'm unarmed now."
The apprehensiveness in your face dulled out, but you still had a look of bewilderment as he came closer.
You felt puzzled.
He was a soldier, an enemy; a threat. So why did he show tenderness and humanity to you?
Slowly – for what felt like an infinity of a time – you let him draw closer to you.
He was cautious. Curious. Confused.
Cautious that you might try with your last bit of strength to kill him, but curious about if you would let your enemy treat your wounds. And confused, because he had no idea why he was betraying Levi's order's to stay away from Marley's Guardian.
"It's alright." he said comfortingly.
You remained still, your piercing eyes calculating his movements as he took off his military rucksack to retrieve medical supplies. It made him nervous to be your object of focus, even if you didn't seem hostile anymore.
When he showed gentleness in how he wrapped the bandages around you, you felt... well, you felt something, but you couldn't quite understand what it was or what it meant.
"Your name... what is it?" you asked him. You felt you just had to know his name, at the very least.
He looked up at you, his breath hitching. "Ah – ah, Armin." he said.
"Oh. The God of Destruction?" you remarked.
Armin felt awkward and awful. "I am the Colossal, yes." he admitted almost guiltily.
"That's very strange. You're the God of Destruction, but you're helping me. Why?" you asked blankly.
You seemed doll-like to him, he was absolutely intrigued.
"I... I don't know. I couldn't just leave you here to bleed out."
"But that's what you're supposed to do."
"I know, but I couldn't." he said, temporarily biting an end of the bandage.
Your blood got all over his hands and uniform but he didn't care.
"I don't understand." you furrowed your brows and began to tear up. It was all so confusing that it made you want to cry for some reason.
"Why are you treating me kindly?" you choked.
Armin forced himself to focus on wrapping your bandages or else he would have cried, too.
He breathed heavily as he listened to the battle outside continue.
He didn't answer you.
When he finished tending to your wounds and was sure that you could make it on your own, he disappeared after giving you a long, blue-eyed stare.
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moonspirit · 1 year
Armin is basically your guide to leaving the forest. He is what Humanity needs to retain its Humanity.
Armin is hated on so much after S4 for being "useless" and "not living up to Erwin" but people forget, Erwin was so good because he had YEARS of experience. When Erwin died, he was what, 40-ish? At 15-19, Erwin was much the same as any ordinary cadet, you can see in the flashbacks in S3 Part2, a very young Erwin crying with a wounded/dead soldier and trying to fend off a Titan.
Armin is the embodiment of what the survey corps stands for - "Understanding". He is a pacifist and optimist but not naive, he knows that he has to kill when push comes to shove. He doesn't like violence but agrees that it is necessary sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that. He's a very relatable character. Don't forget that Erwin recognised his potential. He literally looked shocked when Armin theorised Reiner to be hiding inside the walls in RTS arc. Armin is the first character in the whole show to internalize his enemies thoughts and actions and try to understand it from their pov. He always tries to talk first and when that doesn't work, he pulls the trigger. You can tell me "his talking doesn't work!" but that doesn't mean you don't try. He's convinced and manipulated people plenty of times. If your only option is always to kill first before anything else, then you're not in your right mind.
A character is not weak simply for wanting peace. Armin doesn't run from his conflicts, he always faces them head on whether he likes it or not. His yearning to choose the method with the least bloodshed is actually admirable - it's easier to just pull the trigger in a world like SnK where people hate you, no? Why go through all the effort of trying to make people understand? He's a very strong character because he stands by his convictions.
It's unfair to burden him with Erwin's legacy at this age. He's also selfless to a fault. While Erwin did care for his soldiers, he never hesitated to use them as bait. Armin lacks that trait - being ruthless. Instead he has shown time and time again that he'd rather sacrifice himself so others can go unharmed. Despite the lack of experience, he still came up with some of the best plans, strategies and deductions in the show, some of them conjured up within seconds, and all that when he was even younger than he is now. Reiner was sweating and shitting his pants when Armin figured out the Female Titan's intentions in under 30 sec. At 15, Armin secured the collosal Titan for the scouts with just 1 casualty - himself. Just a few examples. He lacks Erwin's experience and deals with a severe lack of confidence, but for his age, possesses a lethal brain and outstanding intellect.
One of his most forgotten contributions is during the Scouts vs Kenny's squad. It was his analysis of the anti-personnel ODM gear, and following strategy, that allowed the scouts to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents' weapons. They wouldn't have won those fights with such success otherwise. He's extremely perceptive. Notice that when he fucked with Bert's mind back in S2, it was bec apart from Reiner (who knew from long ago), only he had noticed Bertie boi had a thing for Annie. He pays attention to his surroundings. He picks up on every little detail. He knows where to hit where it hurts. His 'Annie' strategy with Bert in S3P2 fails because he didn't realize Bert was a different person, someone who had stopped Annie from being his weakness. That was a crucial lesson Armin had to learn, but he learned it. He's very good with his words. People don't want him to open his mouth and change their minds (eg, Connie with Falco, Daz & Samuel). He's a genius strategist and war tactician in the making, give him a few years and see what he becomes.
One of my most favourite moments is during the table scene with Eren before getting beaten up, the only psychological attack Eren fired at Armin ("You're only visiting Annie cuz of Bert"), did not sting Armin at all, it only shocked him that Eren would try to bullshit him into that false logic when clearly Armin knew better. So Eren chose to beat him up, but Armin still had the final word. "You're the slave Eren" absolutely got under Eren's skin.
He isn't dumbed down post S4, it's just that the stakes are infinitely higher.
There's a lot of blame on him for "not doing anything in those 4 years despite having a genius brain" etc etc. Armin wasn't commander. They were dealing with a hostile world which they were desperately trying to understand for the first time in a 100-year history of being isolated inside the walls. It is one thing to understand people inside the walls and fuck them up (like Erwin did multiple times) but another entirely to deal with several countries in a world you discovered overnight. Politics and diplomacy is hard af. I doubt Armin would have been able come up with some 20/20 vision plan at that point to end the whole conflict anyway. Pixis didnt. Hange also didn't. Nobody did! The island had other intelligent people too!
Regarding Erwin, the whole point of his death was to show that he was put to rest from his suffering. It is the end of Erwin's story.
I dare say that if Armin had become Erwin 2.0, the haters would have said "Oh, he's just a copy of Erwin, he's not his own person!" So, conclusion: he's not supposed to be Erwin. He's his own person with his own methods and he's 19, leave him alone and please compare people with comparable experience.
Dude also went through a ton of issues as a young kid and has a severe inferiority complex, guilt at being revived instead of Erwin and the constant pressure of living in Erwin's shadow. Add to that his best friend of 19 years disappears, forces him to nuke a port and kill people against his desires, then pushes him away, doesn't explain shit, snaps and goes on a mass murder spree - you have a guy under extreme duress and he's still thinking of the big picture on Paradis, that genocide is wrong even though it's his best friend doing it. He has already subconsciously realised that they cannot stop Eren without joining hands with the same enemies they tried to kill a while ago. So despite having a mental breakdown, he still goes to get Falco back, because as a person, he values humanity and understanding above everything and can't watch another one of his comrades lose his shit and feed a lil kid to a Titan.
I also believe that Armin knew Falco was a decent kid, considering what he was taught in Marley, and choosing to save him was symbolic in that Armin wants to save the one kid who sees through the fucked up hate. In this moment he was the closest he'd ever been to Erwin (since Erwin's death) with that calculated risk, but also very true to being *himself* , very Armin, because he jumped to his death, aka, selfless. Rescuing Falco was a v good call, not only because the kid is a shifter and therefore necessary to form the alliance, but also cuz if you are a manga reader, well, you know why. He slapped sense into Connie, rescued Falco, showed a young Gabi what compassion meant and won her trust , and laid down the foundation for the Alliance before even knowing Hange and Levi were alive. He always sees the bigger picture.
And don't even start with the whole AruAni hate, they had a thing going on right from S1 during training years. If anything, Bert's memories of Marley only reinforced his already existing feelings for Annie and he "understood" her. He didn't forgive her. He "understood" her. See what I'm getting at? AruAni only further supports the fact that children of war are just children in the end, and love can permeate even that imaginary barrier of being on "opposite sides". It's a beautiful ship and I'm fucking glad it's canon. Something to smile about in this depressing show T_T
Kenny's ideology of "everyone being a slave to something" applies to nearly everyone on the show. But not Armin. From his birth, he has only been motivated by one thing - curiosity to see, curiosity to understand, curiosity to experience. There is nothing that ties him down so much that he can't die and give up. He is arguably the most "free" character in the whole of SnK.
Eren sets out to achieve freedom at the cost of freedom itself. But for Armin, freedom is simply the beauty of simple, little things. They are the two sides of the same coin.
I'm not being aggressive in any way, my comment is only to throw some light on Armin's character. I respect everybody's opinions at the end of the day and I'm not engaging in any wars.
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yeagerfate · 1 year
what their hugs feel like.
pairings: eren, jean, armin, reiner
genre: angsty hurt/comfort
warnings: panic attack (in eren's), jean has to relocate reader’s shoulder, reader walks in on reiner when he’s about to shoot himself (sorry), i love them, you can tell jean and eren and reiner are my fav aot boys (i love them soooooo much mwah mwah), s4 spoilers in reiner's, s1 spoilers in jean’s, can you tell i wrote jean's, reiner’s and armin’s way after i wrote eren's. anyways reiner makes me so sad i want to hug him :( he is so
note: hi, this is my first post on tumblr! i am so excited to post some of my ideas on here. currently, my requests are open. if you have any ideas, let me know! reiner’s is by far my fav out off all of these and i really don’t like armin’s lol, i don’t have a beta reader so i tried to proof read this but idk if it worked, also my top 3: eren, ymir, and reiner/jean i can't choose. is this bad please tell me this isn't bad
Eren's hugs are determined yet soft.
All he wanted to do in that moment was make you feel safe; an expedition had just ended. You were shaken from the titans you'd seen, eating innocent soldiers who were just doing their jobs
"It’s fine," Eren murmured to you as he held your hands tightly to ground you. It wasn’t fine, and he knew that, but he still told you it anyway. He just wanted you to stop being so terror-stricken
Your hands were shaking, your eyes were darting around like you were looking for a titan to come get you, and you were breathing heavily
"N-no it isn't," You replied, your voice small. "You don't understand, Eren. Those people-"
He had cut you off when he pulled you into a warm hug. "Shh. It’s okay,” He whispered. "We’re okay now, I won't let anything happen to you."
His embrace was welcoming and comforting, and for a moment you'd almost forgotten about what you'd just seen
Your face was hidden in the crook of his neck as you began to calm down. Eren slightly turned his head to the side to kiss your cheek sweetly, his eyes closing as he comforted you silently. His hand went up to cup the back of your head, and he began to rub his hand back and forth as you sobbed quietly
His free hand was drawing circles on your back. Your arms, however, were wrapped around his neck desperately
"You’re my girl," Eren whispers. "I promise I’ll keep you safe."
Jean’s hugs are warm and tight. I imagine he has a firm handshake too but that’s off topic lol
During the Battle of Trost, You ran out of fuel for your ODM gear and had to make a run for it while a titan was coming at you. (Though you were saved by a strange, mysterious titan with long brown hair and green eyes. You thought he had a striking similarity to Eren but would never say such a thing out loud especially since you knew how much he hated the titans. Later on you found out you were right though. He does have titan powers!)
While you were trying to get away you’d dislocated your shoulder. Because you’d taken health classes during training, you’d immediately realized what had happened, and a terrible sense of dread ran down your spine. You really didn’t wanna deal with the pain of someone relocating your shoulder
Once you’d found Jean, your best friend who you had a huge crush on, You told him what had happened
His face dropped
“Please, I need you to fix it for me. I don’t want to let some random nurse do it in an uncomfortable, smelly tent after this is over. It hurts so bad, please, jean,” You begged. Nurses and doctors already gave you a lot of anxiety when you were a kid, and now that you were in a life-threatening situation it was even worse
“Okay,” He replied. “Okay, okay, okay…” He muttered to himself, and took a deep breath. He was extremely scared he somehow wouldn’t do it right despite his first-aid training and would hurt you even more
It seemed as soon as he started he finished, but it was the worst pain you’d ever felt in your entire life
You screamed in agony and discomfort, and even though you only dislocated your shoulder, it felt like your entire body was aching
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He cried out. He immediately pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your back and pulling you in
Tears streamed down your smoke and bloodstained face, and everything felt so overwhelming. You were just glad Jean had done it for you and not some stranger
“Holy shit, fuck, fuck, fuck, that hurt like a son of a bitch,” You gasped out. Your voice was hoarse from all the screaming
And a couple days later, when you finished truly recovering and you finally had time to think about what happened, a small blush had risen to your cheeks, thinking about the way your bestfriend had helped you.
Maybe, you did have a chance…
Armin's hugs are soft and sweet. They’re laced with love
Armin had been completely humiliated in combat training today. Shadis had partnered him up with Marco, one of the worst fighters in the 104th, and yet he still couldn't hold his ground.
He was so embarrassed he didn't even show up to dinner, which made you, Mikasa, and Eren even more concerned. Marco felt horrible
So, you decided to sneak into the boy's dorms. No one else was even there anyway, and you'd never really gotten in trouble before, so you weren't afraid of Shadis
"Armin," You called out, but your voice was cautious. You didn’t want him to be caught off guard
As you walked to his bed, your heart broke. Armin looked like he was both famished and in complete despair. His knees were tucked to his chest and tears spilled out of his baby blue eyes. His blonde hair was messy and knotty, and you could tell he was stressed. You sat next to him and the bed creaked obnoxiously
"How am I supposed to make it if I can't even do good in combat training? It’s so basic, I’m not gonna make it if I can't get better. what am I gonna do? I don't wanna be shipped off to the fields. I-“
"Armin, honey," You cooed, and placed your warm hand on his shoulder. You guided his head to lay on you. "You underestimate yourself. Who cares if you're not as good at combat training? We’re fighting titans, not people. You excel in the education part of training, and you're respected by your peers. I am so proud of you, Armin. I know you will succeed. and if you get shipped off, I’m going too."
Armin sniffled, and as he looked up at the confident look on your face, he knew that you were right. He pulled you in for a hug, and hid his face in your neck.
"Eren’s worried about you. He says he'll beat Marco up if you want him too!"
Reiner’s hugs are desperate and hesitant. It’s strange for him to receive affection after everything he’s been through
One day, you decided you wanted to surprise Reiner at work. You could tell something was off with your husband but you couldn’t quite tell what it was; you wanted to cheer him up
You didn’t even think of knocking. You visited him so much nowadays that it was an afterthought. And thank the Lord it was
The sight before you was horrifying. You opened your mouth, but not a sound came out. As soon as Reiner saw you enter his office, he freaked the fuck out
He dropped the gun, watching as it made a loud clatter on the wooden floor. His eyes were wide and his sweaty hands were shaking. He looked almost fearful; like the little boy he once used to be… the one who would get screamed at during training because he was so weak
“What… is this?” You dropped the cookies you had made specially for him, but you didn’t care. Suddenly, you were breathing heavily, and if you blinked one more time tears would fall. Your vision was blurry, and the entire room looked shaky.
“What are you doing? Honey… Reiner, please, please don’t leave me. I need you here, please, Rei, stay, stay,” You pleaded, and suddenly your arms were wrapped tightly around him, his face hidden by your stomach. He was still sitting in his chair, completely in shock
You were hyperventilating, shaking, and were about to throw up. What happened? Your sweet Reiner was going to do this to himself? You thought everything had been going good… had you not been paying enough attention to him?
A thousand thoughts were running through your head but they all were interrupted when you felt his strong, muscular arms wrap around your torso. His shoulders shook rapidly, his face hidden away in your shirt, and for the first time in your entire life, you saw him cry
“Sorry, ‘m sorry, please don’t-“ His voice was laced with anguish and despair and all you had ever wanted in that moment was to take his pain away. The sounds of his weeping broke your heart, and his deep voice almost sounded unnatural while crying. You were not used to it at all; he’d always tried to “act like a man” around you, and not worry you. All he did was bottle up his emotions, unbeknownst to you
“It’s okay, we’ll do this together, honey, it’s fine, you’re fine, it’s good,” You breathed out, your voice heavy. You both knew it was definitely not fine, but you’d work through it together. Reiner was your husband, after all.
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zaimta · 2 years
a/n- i’ve seen this scene in the manga but watching it animated hurt sm more mappa sure knows how to animate a story. also i am not accepting requests for aot im just writing for it here and there bc i’m really into it!!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
you watched as hange braced for the rumbling knowing what they had to do. you watched as hange named armin the 15th commander of the scout regiment. you watched as levi said his goodbye to hange. no matter how you thought of it no matter how many times you looked for a different way you knew they were going to die.
as levi walked back to the rest of the group you broke into a sprint, weaving around to tackle hange into a hug, you knew you couldn’t stand by and watch them die. you felt their arms wrap around you the best they could with the ODM gear.
“i know i don’t want to leave you either but…this has to be done and you and i both know it.” they spoke softly as their hand came up to cup the back of your head.
you looked up at hange eyes hot with tears “please don’t go…we can find another way we can do something anything else!”
they softly wiped away your tears and smiled at you. they kissed you softly for the last time and rested their forehead on yours. “i will always love you y/n.” they stepped back from you and flashed you a smile “levi…take care of them for me okay?” levi nodded wordlessly.
he reached out to wrap his arm around your stomach to keep you from lunging at hange begging them to stay once more. your screams were agony to him and the rest of the corps, your heart shattering screams begging hange to come back.
you watched as they fought from the seaplane. and for the last time, you watched them soar before they fell to their demise burning like a shooting star.
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muekyn · 5 months
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s4 odm gear eren… my absolute beloved <3
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celestie0 · 3 months
mappa pls s4 eren w manbun in upgraded odm gear PLSSS 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥
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razer-kun · 8 months
Imma be totally honest, I never understood why people liked Floch Forster. Like, there are a small handful of moments where I will root/cheer for Floch, but that's about it. The only consistent thing I like about him is his English dub VA, b/c he also voices Reki from Sk8 the Infinity.
"Oh, well he's a well-written character."
. . . how?
"Like, his character development is pretty good."
Oh yeah, right. He goes from an overconfident and then annoying jackass rookie in season 3 to an extreme nationalist jackass who imprisons or kills anyone who disagrees with him or does something he doesn't like in season 4. . . great character development.
Like, fr, as much as I dislike Gabi, I actually cheer every time I rewatch s4, and she shoots his ass and he falls into the water. . . which he ends up surviving, only for Mikasa to shoot her ODM gear into his neck. . . which I also cheer whenever I watch.
Screw Floch. Normally, I'd give hot male characters a break due to pretty privilege, but Floch isn't hot enough to catch a break from me.
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firwhorl · 8 months
i've been thinking about differences between eren and gabi, and a big thing i think is that she's more clever.
(this sounds like i want to say that gabi is better than eren but i swear this isn't the purpose of this, i love them both lol)
like the scene with magath where gabi was like "okay if you want to sacrifice 800 soldiers instead of me i understand, i am really great and also cute" to reverse-psychology him into agreeing to her plan, and when eren attempts to convince people he brute-forces it:
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when we're introduced to gabi we're told that she's the top warrior candidate by far, and the armored train incident is there to show us why: she's terrifyingly effective because of the eren-like passion and hot-headedness plus being clever and resourceful (about how she presented herself to people and the tools she had), which isn't like eren at all.
...except for one time?
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he was also ridiculously effective in that situation, but he never acted similarly after it? (at least before s4 and even then it's not quite the same). so i don't know why that is?
maybe this scene is more metaphorical, supposed to symbolize the future (eren lost in the metaphorical forest, then cobbling together a devastating way to fight back), but still, what does it mean for eren's characterization in-universe?
another thing is that sort of in reference to fighting against mikasa's kidnappers eren said this:
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but he doesn't fight much with weapons after the broom-spear incident. if you don't consider his titan a weapon he has that one titan kill with odm gear i guess, and it's very much not unlike him to go at people unarmed
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he also bites his hand to turn into a titan while a lot of other shifters prefer to use a tool for that when they can. but gabi keeps having an affinity to weapons and actually doesn't fight unarmed.
i feel like it Means something but i'm not sure what. eren thinks he wants to fight only because it's necessary, he actually would want to fight anyway but gabi wouldn't? maybe something will come to me after i'll have some sleep. if anyone else has potential answers or thoughts i'd be curious to hear them
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sintiva · 1 year
the way i choked seeing s4 eren in odm gear,,, just a leisure scroll through my camera roll and i almost died
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aengelren · 10 months
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ambrosialdesire · 5 months
i want jean so badly. him in the black odm gear in the first few s4 episodes… lord - 🎀
i've seen some goodass fanart with him in the black odm gear and out of all of them, it works so well the most on him. THEY SHOULD'VE KEPT USING THEM LIKE WHY DID WE GET ONLY A FEW EPIS WITH IT ON UGHHHH
don't get me started on that isayama sketch of black odm gear on reiner and even though you could barely see him in the back, I'LL DEVOUR EVERY CRUMB OF ART THAT HE'LL MAKE OUT OF THAT SEXY ASS MAN
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
I’m a different anon from before but if you want to see an official concept art of Eren in the S4 scout uniform just Google “Eren season 4 odm gear Isayama”. If you search “Eren season 4 uniform” you’ll get lots of amazing fan art. Sorry for being redundant but I thought you’d like to see this.
We truly were robbed 🥲
omg yes i've seen the official art and it just makes it worse tbh 😭 his little smirk???? ahhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭
the fanarts help scratch my itch but i'd kill to see eren zoomin around in s4 odm gear 😩
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hihihi :DD so im not using my selfship AU because its very mundane and boring 👀 so im using another AU i'm writing where reader is more important to overall plot of canon :3 i always flip flop back and forth between who i imagine
ask me about some self-insert lore!
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
some of the more uh, stubborn, characters were against her joining the scouts. being a merc from the underground that purposefully snuck her way into the scouts for a kill job did not sit right in most people's mouths. unfortunately, she learned later on that this was heavily influenced by levi and his own origin story. other than that, some characters are iffy about her because she's a little rough around the edges 🤭
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
nah. but she's pretty good with daggers. she can use the swords on the ODM gear fine, but she prefers smaller ones. she's also quite short and small, so she can maneuver tight spaces easier than most. she's also good at the sneaky sneak, which is how she somehow snuck on the 57th expedition last minute.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
she's definitely an antagonist at first and goes through a redemption/revenge arc to more closely align with the protag (minus s4 eren lol) throughout the series. i'd say antagonist s1, and redemption arc is like s2-early s4.
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