Hello! it's been a long time since the last time something was posted on this blog. I hope you all have been well and staying healthy. How has the current pandemic affected your struggle with social anxiety?
P.S. If someone is interested in helping me maintain this blog by posting social anxiety related posts and replying back to messages, please DM.
thank you :)
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“Grow at your own pace.”
— Unknown (via deeplifequotes)
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I have been suspicious of having SAD but I’m not entirely sure, when I searched up why I felt the way I did, SAD did pop up as a possible reason... I don’t know if I should go to a doctor and see if I do have it or not, maybe I’m just extremely anxious when it comes to being the center of attention or just being around people in general, I have had panic attacks due to being in a crowded and noisy place. I just wanted to know if you think I should go to a doctor or not?
Hi Anon, even if you aren't sure or just suspect it may be SAD (none of us really know for certain until we receive a diagnosis by a health care professional) I do recommend consulting a therapist or your doctor for a proper diagnosis and tell them about all these feelings you've been experiencing. It can be very scary but I can assure you it is well worth seeking help. Let us know how it goes ❤️
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Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you, and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
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Thriving with Social Anxiety: Daily Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety and Building Self-Confidence
Yesterday I was at Barnes & Noble without the intention of finding this book it actually found me! I picked up a copy and so far have found it VERY helpful and can relate to mostly everything the author mentions in the book. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a book companion during your therapy process or if you are unsure of where to start or what social anxiety is. 
Barnes & Noble link
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gentle reminder
that little stumble, mistake, or tiny slip up you made, wasn’t as big or as noticeable as your brain might be making it out to be – you’re okay, take a breath, try your best to not be so harsh on yourself; you didn’t make a fool of yourself, or anything like that
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me, finally getting a chance to say something I’ve thought about for twelve days straight: oh, hey, that reminds me, funny thing, this just came to mind but
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I like someone with social anxiety, but idk how to get close with them. Like they can’t carry a conversation well and I’m doing a lot of the talking, not that I mind, but I feel like they’re not interested in me. They also run their fingers through their hair when their anxious. They do this a lot when they’re with me. Am I making them uncomfortable? What should i do to make them comfortable and less anxious?
Hi Anon, it’s very sweet and kind that you are taking the time to better understand the person you like. Do you know any specific things that trigger their social anxiety? For example, I get very anxious in loud crowded places. So if I’m on a date with someone at a place like this i’m going to be anxious and not able to focus on them and the conversation. So, I always try to meet them at a place I either already know and feel comfortable or just try to look up a quiet place. So try small things like figuring out what specific things trigger their social anxiety then you can hangout with them at a place that doesn’t expose them to their triggers. Also, don’t be afraid to ask them what would make them more comfortable and less anxious. You can do this by texting them as some anxious people may communicate better in writing than verbally. I hope this helped a bit, let us know how it goes
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Crisis Text Line
Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 access to a trained Crisis Counselor for when you feel any painful emotion for which you need support. Text HOME to 741741.
“Anyone, anywhere, at any hour of the day in America can send a text to 741741, and you will get a response from a trained crisis counselor and so almost instantly you won't be alone in what you're going through. You won't be alone in what you're feeling and how you're struggling, and so I would encourage you to reach out, to be honest, to believe that you deserve friends, to believe that you deserve a support system, and to believe that you deserve whatever help you need.” -Jamie Tworkowski, TWLOHA Podcast.
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Hi❤ is there any natural remedy to anxiety that you know of? Like some herbs or a specific kind of tea flavour idk, anything really Thank you!
Hi Anon! I’m not aware of any but I’ve heard meditation does help reduce anxiety. Also here is a link of 17 small but significant lifestyle changes that can help people with anxiety. Hope this is helpful :)
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THE MOST embarrassing thing happened to me I just can't get over. An old friend of mine came up to me recently in public with her family. I haven't seen her in like a year and the mom was asking me questions like "how's school" but i felt like I couldn't catch my breath, wanted to cry, and when I get nervous my face gets red and blotchy, legit looks like it having an allergic reaction. It was very obvious I was having some kinda issue. after the fact I just felt like such a fucking freak.
Hi Anon, you are not a freak! I lost count of how many times something like that has happened to me. If I see someone I know at the store I get so anxious having to go say Hi that I'll avoid them just so I don't say hi. Also, sometimes we feel our anxiety is very obvious externally but sometimes it really isn't we just think it is. I'm sure they didn't notice you felt that way as much as you think they did :) Moral of the story is you are not alone we have all had those moments we call embarrassing but really weren't many times, it'll be okay i promise 🙂
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Hi. How do I know if my anxiety is normal anxiety or SAD? Im 21 and I still can’t order McDonalds or any other restaurants. Even if I was with a friend, I’ll still feel REALLY anxious and always ask them to order for me or lie that I’m not hungry. I remembered in 8th grade my friends forced me to order our food and I told them I just couldnt but they never understood, even I didnt understood why I just cant and I just started crying in the restaurant.
Hi Anon, it's tricky to say exactly what kind of anxiety it is. The only way to truly know is by seeing a therapist for a diagnosis. However, I experience the same anxiety when it comes to ordering my food. I could never go to a fast food place and order my own food because I'd get anxious thinking I would forget my order when it'd be my turn or that I would forget to even speak. So it could be social anxiety you're experiencing. Hang in there though because when I was 21 I thought I would never be able to order my won food... fast forward to 7 years and I am now able to do that :) baby steps. Write down on your phone what you want to order this way when it's your then you can read your order directly from your phone.
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Any tips for going to therapy when you have SAD? I like my therapist and I have stuff I want to talk about but as soon as I get in the room it’s like I can’t say anything and I need him to completely guide or prompt me... I don’t know what to do it feels like it’s not going to work and I don’t know how else to fix this. Thanks for everything you do 💕
Hi Anon! One thing my therapist suggested to me when I first started therapy was to email her with things I wanted to talk about in therapy but kept forgetting or got too anxious to bring it up during our session. I suggest you to do the same. Email your therapist 2-3 days before your next appointment (written communication can be easier than verbal for many of us with SAD) and let him know what things you want to address during your next session and also let him know how you are feeling regarding the progress of the therapy (can be via email as well) Trust me therapy does work but if you are feeling like it’s not working and you still feel that way after telling your therapist this and no change or progress is made then maybe he is not the right therapist for you and you might want to look for another one that that will help you better :)
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