#S I Clarke
andstuffsketches · 1 month
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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frownyalfred · 10 days
just letting y’all know, there’s some freaks on here who ship *checks notes* Batman and Superman together. so. you know. watch out for that.
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Have you heard of our Lord and Savior, Chloe Sullivan going 'Clex? Canon'
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marv-el-spot · 6 months
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FILMS WATCHED IN 2024 The Ron Clark Story (2006) Dir. Randa Haines.
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koroart · 6 months
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Superbat 1am WIP — goodnight everynyan 😴
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klmmcqueen · 1 month
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[distant sounds of projector running]
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gelphiegifs · 8 months
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Gelphie Femslash February Day 15: Favorite Gelphie Scene
At this point in the story Glinda has spent years cultivating this public persona of Glinda the Good, despite missing Elphaba terribly she doesn't let those feelings get in the way of how she's trying to live her life. We know Glinda is unhappy as hell but she's still willing to put herself in the spotlight as this carefully curated figure and has spent a significant amount of time and effort doing so.
And yet the second she sees Elphaba again, all of that crumbles.
The Wizard is there! The man who could order her imprisonment if he wanted to is right there and Glinda knows this and she does. not. care.
Glinda didn't even know if Elphaba was alive, she's been dealing with these rumors about her for YEARS and she's so incredibly relieved to see her again she just has to hug her and she throws caution out the window to do so. (And this is GLINDA we're talking about. Her whole character relies on NEVER throwing caution out the window---except when Elphaba is involved. Elphaba is the only reason Glinda ever goes against the status quo but that's a whole other post.)
The scene plays a little differently with each performer, of course, but I love when Elphaba is portrayed as an active participant instead of just waiting for Glinda to approach.
Elphaba absolutely knows she's in danger, and yet she reaches towards Glinda and even shakes her arm a little impatiently while Glinda is frozen (sometimes Elphaba even walks up to her, too.) She's in danger and she doesn't care at all, she wants to allow herself this moment of reunion. Even while she's behind enemy lines. Because this is Glinda!! This is her Glinda who is right there!!
I could go on and on and on about this tbh but it's so precious how they haven't seen each other in years and they're on opposite sides and they're in this very dangerous place and through all the shock and disbelief of seeing each other again they still hold each other even for a moment.
Then it's back to business. "Only you shouldn't have come, if anyone discoverates you---" because Glinda is Glinda after all and there is work to do, but for a few seconds nothing but Elphaba mattered. It was like they were alone in that room.
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supermanshield · 1 year
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"Can I help it if my tastes are a little... exotic?"
World's Finest #213
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devine-fem · 4 months
Now… Due to my birdflash fixation, I have completely struck out and decided to make this post to explain why I read/headcanon them as exes. I now realize that this is going to be a long, drawn out way of saying “I think they have explored each other’s bodies,” well, it’s a little bit more than that 😭. In my head, I always felt as though Wally and Dick’s relationship sometimes read to me as two people who felt greatly for each other in their youths then over time found other people and new purpose and continued to pull away from the other.
Sometimes they treat each other kind of like how I’d treat an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, especially in Flash/Nightwing years.
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Now I think it’s important to talk about their roles as Robin and Kid Flash, they are characters created to be relatable, the whole sidekick schtick was about appealing to the younger audience. It was such an early era that it should be noted that Dick and Wally did not have anyone else. Unlike now, Dick has a plethora of Robins to have seperate and distinct relationships with, same thing with Wally, any insecurities and worries can make someone feel extremely lonely. They did not have anyone, anyone but each other.
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The early years for Robin and Kid Flash must had been confusing for the both of them so they had to confide in each other. Around this time I feel like it could be easier to fall more into a queerplatonic relationship with someone, Dick could feel confused and lonely, as he does then seeks and finds in Wally, with emotions hitting a peak I could totally see them accidentally falling for the other and sharing a relationship that’s a little more than friends…
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It’s a big contrast. Wally has shown this big obligation for helping Dick and being there for him. This has always been strange to me. His inclination to try and be that person for him, which to me can feel like someone clinging to a relationship they know is slipping away.
It’s important to note that as Nightwing, the people there for Dick was not Wally, by this time, Wally became the Flash, found family, found love and entered the JLA. He was moving on and so was Dick but they still feel this inclination to call each other “best friends” though all the evidence says otherwise. It feels like one is clinging to a broken friendship to me.
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He’s always so concerned for Dick because he knows how often he represses his emotions.
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It’s why in my head, I can totally see Dick and Wally in their Robin/Kid Flash eras, losing their way, getting confused and confiding in each other in let’s say: a romantic way and now as adults they don’t know how to deal with it.
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I know Dick is just thinking here but like, they do this A LOT. Like what is the need for this constant tension in the air with these two? Why is it so awkward? Why does it feel like there is something they want to say but can’t bring themselves to say it?
It makes my mind want to fill in the blanks…
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Here they are saying flatly that it feels like an obligation. This is the closest they’ve gotten to really talking about how their dynamic has changed. It’s very sweet. It’d also be due to outside factors, like DC not knowing what to do with these two and refusing to let these two acknowledge that they are not best friends anymore and their lives have changed greatly. The thing about Superhero comics is that there’s so much fighting that the characters never get a chance to sit and just talk so it’s more the writers constantly trying to cling on to what they remember the Robin/Kid Flash dynamic to be and making it seem like these characters are clinging to their relationship.
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Thry gush about the progress they make a lot and Wally feels like… I don’t know, his pride may fill the void the graysons left behind? Like he’s kind of a subtle replacement. It helps with my idea that Dick could be greiving his parents then quickly subconsciously seek and confide in Wally. Their relationship just is distinctly different from all their other friends in a way I can never pin down or the writers refuse to acknowledge. How Dick is much closer to Donna and Roy but they both still are mindlessly attached to one another like there’s this secret third thing keeping them together.
Wally has fully moved on and found his soulmate. Dick found Kory and fell pathetically in love but now he has nothing again and in canon still does this “Oh my best best friend to ever was, Wally~” It feels very much like someone hasn’t gotten over their little break up… 🙄 Even now they still comfort and talk about each other with a little bit more love and affection then they might do their other friends for this same weird reason.
Although, there’s one Wally West panel that Birdflash shippers had taken out of context: the one where Wally says “I got married and he didn’t.”
It’s not saying that Wally wishes he got married to Dick, 😭 but even then that goes into the little foulder of evidence that proves I think Wally and Dick’s relationship is ex-coded because it’s literally a bunch of thought bubbles about how Wally is heartbroken that he has moved on with his life and his life with Dick and they are no longer as close as they once were at all. (I can’t fit the panel in this post so I can just hope you know what I’m talking about) <- but my point is: Birdflash as a ship could be so much better if we stopped ignoring Linda and started treating them as exes instead. It’s so much more interesting. This is what I mean when I say they are my favorite exes.
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frownyalfred · 10 days
BATMAN?? and SUPER?/ man? together? impossible. shrimply impossible. i've never seen ANY one ship them together EVER i definitely haven't seen them give each other a little smooch. next thing you're going to say is that bruce wayne is batman >:)
Yeah I mean clearly it’s just a super problematic ship. The age difference between them is really bad. Like Bruce is 40 and Clark is 38? Anyone who thinks they belong together romantically or writes for that ship is disgusting.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
fandom and all its """kon resents clark""" this and """clark is mean to/mistrusts kon""" that. actually, kon canonically goes to clark to bitch about his rogues gallery:
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"Superboy's told me all about this guy."
(adventures of superman #533)
can you imagine? he just calls up superman to talk shit about scavenger (and presumably others too!!). i just know he's lounging midair in the most ridiculous poses while slurping up a milkshake he made clark buy him and spouting ridiculous teen slang that clark has to make several mental notes to look up later. this is the mark of a truly beautiful family bond and i, for one, would like to see more of it.
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You know every Bat has like an assigned super and they are always trying to solve their own shit so I guess it's good that they are the ones who have a Kryptonian on speedial cause my ass would be shouting either Clark, John, or Kon for every minor inconvenience.
I am not getting shot when I got a bullet proof vest who listens to my heartbeat and has some homoerotic vibes towards me during our every interaction. Instant backup don't need no panic button cause I got my pining alien friend.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
One thing people get wrong about the Trinity is that Clark/Superman isn't the optimist.
He talks about having hope and believing in people. But really he is a pessimist who tries to be optimistic. who is always struggling with a fear people can't change and can't be saved.
Bruce/Batman is the optimist. He is always sure people can change, be better, are better, that things will be better in the morning.
It's only the fact Clark loves humans, earth and everything about the average life that he keeps that small seed of hope.
Going on to Diana, Diana isn't a pessimist or an optimist. People say she is the beacon of Truth in the Justice League. But Diana isn't just driven by a need to bring truth to light. Honestly Diana is a bit of a fatalist.
She is basically immortal, has seen the worst and the best of humanity and fully believes everyone should have a chance to live the best life possible because it will be over before they know it. She knows that life is imperfect and fleeting and everyone she loves will one day die, but she wants to fight so they can have as many seconds of love and happiness they can.
It's why they work so well as a trio.
Clark wants to believe in humanity like Bruce does, Bruce wants to love every second of life like Diana does and Diana wants to fight for that reason to have hope everyday like Clark does.
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therogerclarkfanclub · 5 months
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The Night Security
Danny decides to tag along with Dani and travel around the world. With him now being in his late twenties he decided he could use a break from all the craziness back home, and he's been wanting to spend more time with Dani.
Dani despite it being years still looks the same, they had gone to Frostbite to make sure nothing was seriously wrong, Dani was completely healthy but it seems Vlad's messy attempts at cloning alongside her also being a halfa had made it so Dani would age a lot slower than a normal human would.
Danny until that point hadn't realized that he also looked very young for a man who was almost 30, but he could just get away with it by just saying he had a baby face.
To gain money for their travels Danny decided to start doing random jobs normally he would end up with being night security since those positions weren't very popular and always had a position open or where willing to have an extra pair of eyes on the job.
With that being said Dani and his sleep schedule were completely flipped over now being practically nocturnal. They would go out shopping or have fun while the moon was still high in the sky.
Now with that being said, he had no clue why there always was at least that one person at whatever job he would have that seemed to believe he was a vampire,
Yes a vampire, and he could brush it off if it had only happened once or twice but no! This has happened in the majority of his jobs.
And look he gets it, he only gets night jobs, he hangs out with Dani outside only when the sun is nowhere in sight, and yes both he and Dani were sensitive to the sun but that was normal for people with pale skin they would burn easily and considering that pale blue eyes tend to struggle seeing with too much sun clarity especially since they're not used to being around the sun as much as before.
See he gets all those can kinda be vampire things but they where also just very normal and common human things as well.
So yes he was out here fighting vampire allegations instead of ghost ones like when he was young.
" Mr.Kent sir you dropped this."
Clark turned around slightly spooked he hadn't heard the young man a moment ago, which should be impossible with his super hearing. Focusing on the man In front of him he realized that the heartbeat he was now hearing was... too slow, unhealthily so. If he had just been hearing the heartbeat he would have been sure it was from someone dying, but the man In front of him showed no struggle or weakness in spite of that.
Clark snapped back into the present. "Oh! Right sorry about that, it's been a very long day usually I'm out of here long before the sun sets."
"No worries man I totally get that, I just saw that you dropped your glasses case near me and wanted to quickly return it."
"Well thank you Mr.?"
"Fenton, Danny Fenton I work the night shift here."
Danny doing his job
His coworkers spraying holy water to prove he's a vampire:
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check my tags for some extra ideas I had on this
Just an Idea
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uchihashurin · 1 month
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Posting some of my School Spirits fanart here
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