#Ryoko Sekiguchi
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las-microfisuras · 4 months ago
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“Los escritos, que se cuentan entre las obras más abstractas que produce el ser humano, son capaces de perdurar a lo largo de distintas épocas, de sobrevivir a la muerte de su autor, sin que los vivos los alteren. Todavía pueden leerse y apreciarse. En los escritos más íntimos, como las cartas manuscritas, el cuerpo de quienes ya no están se manifiesta con mayor firmeza. Esto explica la perversa atracción que suscitan las correspondencias entre escritores en quienes tratan de hallar su voz. Sin embargo, esta no tiene nada que ver con la voz real”
Ryoko Sekiguchi, "La voz sombra". Editorial Periférica.  Traduccioón de Regina López Muñoz 
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eva248 · 5 months ago
Lecturas de octubre. Primera semana
La ley de los cerros / Chris Offutt. Editorial Sajalín, 2024 Tras veinte años como agente de la División de Investigación Criminal del ejército, Mick Hardin se retira y planea instalarse en Córcega. Antes, viaja a su Kentucky natal después de una ausencia de dos años para pasar unos días con su hermana Linda, la sheriff del condado. Una vez allí, Linda lo pone al día del caso que está…
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age-nu · 1 year ago
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dandanjean · 1 year ago
Nagori 1
La coutume de l’o-miokuri surprend souvent les Occidentaux en visite au Japon. Elle consiste à raccompagner la personne qui s’en va, comme cela se pratique dans beaucoup d’autres cultures, et comme elle s’est pratiquée longtemps dans les gares et les ports. Au Japon, cependant, elle ne concerne pas seulement les grands départs. En ce moment que je suis au Japon, ma mère reste sur le pas de la…
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matsiro-be · 1 year ago
(Encore) une recette avec des verts de poireau.
Huile de poireau, condiment inspiré par François-Régis Gaudry.
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Créé par la japonaise Ryoko Sekiguchi , ce condiment s'est fait connaître par François-Régis Gaudry, journaliste culinaire, et est présenté dans la vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLDpoITfc70.
La préparation est simple :
Bien nettoyer les verts de poireau et bien les sécher,
Ciseler les verts et les mettre dans un bocal,
Ajouter une pincée de fleur de sel puis écraser à l'aide d'un pilon pour faire sortir le "jus",
Couvrir d'huile d'olive,
Eventuellement, ajouter du piment en flocons,
Conserver au frais 1 jour avant de l'utiliser.
A servir sur du riz, des nouilles, salades,.... selon son imagination.
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marcogiovenale · 2 years ago
ryōko sekiguchi e amandine andré @ bologna in lettere: tra poco i video online
http://www.bolognainlettere.it/2023/04/25/international-poetry-review-sekiguchi-ryoko/ http://www.bolognainlettere.it/2023/04/25/international-poetry-review-sekiguchi-ryoko/
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
When I try modernizing Palestinian cuisine, I am not trying to make it acceptable to people. When I think of a dish, I don’t ask myself: “Is this gonna please the Europeans or the Americans or the Chinese?” I try to create a dish that is respectful of the flavors, and that has an identity that is very much mine. For instance, I love working with freekeh and I know you hate it. Still in my set menu, I try to force down your throat some freekeh. You know I could make an effort when ì know you’re coming over for dinner and not cook it but if I happen to have a vegetable that works well with it, well I still cook freekeh, whether you like it or not!   Don’t forget, cooking is a magic act, a sacred moment. This is why I am in the kitchen. I was recently speaking to Paris-based Japanese writer, Ryoko Sekiguchi, and we came up with this concept of “cooking of light,” “la cuisine de lumière”) [”hikari no ryôri”] and she linked it to another concept that she came up with Japanese chef Shûichirô Kobori, namely “cooking of prayer,” “la cuisine de prière” [”inori no ryôri”]. Cooking is a sacred moment of intimacy and of creation, which requires respect.  We have such particularities in our kitchen, that we should be putting forward and that we should be protecting from all those coexistence and peace initiatives, which are not really about peace and coexistence. Peace is about justice. When sometimes people ask me: “Would you work with an Israeli chef?” I say: “My conditions if an Israeli chef wants to work with me are that she or he has to accept a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders, accept Jerusalem as the capital of two states, accept the right of return of Palestinians refugees. If there is a resolution that is just to our rights as Palestinians of course I will work with an Israeli chef.” But as long as there is no justice and equality there’s no way I could work with an Israeli chef.
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lesondupapillon · 1 year ago
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Parce que nous serions régulés par les ombres,
/ Ryoko Sekiguchi
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abitofouterspace · 10 months ago
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Nagori / Ryoko Sekiguchi
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pabloduranstudio · 2 months ago
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Ryoko Sekiguchi, Ecrire double, Les presses du vide, octobre 2011.
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cwr000ng · 2 months ago
"La nostalgia non è né sofferenza né tristezza: una stagione che svanisce è lasciare il posto a un'altra, perché "Nessuna partenza, nessuna separazione avviene in un istante. Anche se il momento della partenza dura appena un secondo, rimangono ancora le onde, la luce che ha lasciato il tempo passato insieme." [....]
Rimane solo nagori. Non nel senso stretto del termine, ma simbolicamente: il retrogusto, le consistenze e le emozioni a esso legate restano ancora nitide. Me ne ricordo come se fosse ieri, riesco a proiettarne tutte le immagini sulla mia retina e ritrovarne le sensazioni sulla pelle. La stagione è forse piú toccante quando è divisa, vacillante, in quell’andirivieni nel quale non smette di dondolarci teneramente.
Nagori. La nostalgia della stagione che ci ha appena lasciato - Ryoko Sekiguchi
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risingofthemother · 1 year ago
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happy place
the literature section of the paper is the only thing i read in full
definitely going to get this book
l'Appel des odeurs, Ryoko Sekiguchi
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awrldalone · 1 year ago
15th September 2023, 6.38am
I've just gotten home, the clothes I hung before I left at 9.30pm are still wet, the dishes I washed are not, and I have to stay awake for at least one more hour to reserve my language classes for the year. I'm still undecided between Russian and Japanese, but I have some time to think about it.
For the past couple of days I have let the hecticity of life surround me. I have no proper routine, no proper goal, not yet. I know things will change next week, with the beginning of classes. I can already picture myself taking notes in the warmth of an overcrowded room, with a professor who never shuts up, and my fingers tingle with excitement at the idea of picking up a pen and learn again. During this past year I have started reading a lot more non-fiction: essays by James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, Susan Sontag, but also scientific texts, like some physics lessons by Carlo Rovelli and Richard P. Feynman, or even Wassily Kandisky's terrible attempts at making art a science, or Ryoko Sekiguchi's essay about the state of Nagori and la nostalgie qui vient de nous quitter. I have been hungry for knowledge, I am insatiable, curious in a way I have not been since childhood.
I have started going to the gym again, after three months of not going. The building is large and flat, as if it has been squashed to the ground by a heavenly hand. The actual gym is not the best – but it's the cheapest, and the closest to home. The machines are old, and there's not enough dumbbells to let everyone workout at the same time, but i can wait on the side for a bench to free up.
I still hate my body, despite everything. I carry this hatred in my heart. I have a backpack of problems, but I have gotten so used to its weight that I would no longer feel like myself if I solved them. I really need to see a psychologist.
After three months of not being able to control how I look, buying my own groceries, working out at my own pace, walking everywhere helps a lot. i have started taking pills for acne too; they make me thirsty.
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dandanjean · 1 year ago
Nagori 2
On croit parfois universels certains concepts qu’on estime essentiels à la vie, et on s’étonne d’apprendre qu’ils ne s’appliquent pas partout. C’est le cas, par exemple, des notions de « société », de « liberté » ou d’« amour », qui n’existent en japonais que depuis l’ouverture du pays au XIXe siècle, comme concepts traduits des langues européennes. Le constat étonne toujours les…
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links-ensemble · 2 years ago
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linsaad · 2 years ago
Le curry japonais, c'est le goût de la liberté. Il représente la capacité des Japonais à assimiler un goût d'origine étrangère, à se l'approprier pour le déployer joyeusement en milliers de styles différents.
Ryoko Sekiguchi
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