#Rx Driving Glasses
drbtinglecannon · 1 year
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side mirror on my car: “objects in mirror are closer than they appear”
me, nearsighted (don’t have glasses yet): “yeah, just like my vision”
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lovecolibri · 1 year
FINALLY found a place to make an eye appointment you all have no idea how happy my executive dysfunctioning ass is right now. I haven't gone since 2020 when my work changed our eye insurance to a plan only like, 2 places within over 100 miles take 🙄 (and those places have awful reviews). My glasses won't stay on my face and I cracked the frame dropping them and I miss wearing contacts. I'm SOOOO excited to get new glasses that actually fit and new contacts so I can wear my sunglasses again. Literally just vibrating with joy today.
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rxsafetyglasses · 4 months
Enhance Night Driving Safety with Rx Safety Prescription Glasses
Improve your night driving experience with Rx Safety's premium prescription night driving glasses. Designed to optimize visibility and reduce glare, our eyewear ensures comfort and safety on dark roads. Choose from top brands like Wiley X and Oakley, with options for customization to meet your specific needs. Enjoy the confidence of driving with ANSI-approved protection and exceptional clarity. 
Visit Rx Safety for the best in night driving eyewear.Call +1 866 653 5227 or email [email protected]  today!
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Copywrites Reserved ©️GeminiMoonMadness
A retrograde in astrology is when a planetary object appears to move backwards, which essentially means the planet's energy is somewhat effected, so those life areas that fall under that planet's domain are not as easily expressed. It’s a very karmic thing to have in the natal chart, your soul chose to incarnate to learn deeper lessons regarding the areas of life ruled by that specific planet/asteroid. To know if you have a natal retrograde in your chart, look for Rx or R on a generated chart calculator.
Fun fact: Mars is the rarest retrograde.
If your Ruling Planet is Retrograde it will make you doubt yourself more and you may experience self image issues.
For example: A Gemini Rising with a natal Mercury retrograde or A Sagittarius Rising with a natal Jupiter retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde gives you lessons around communication, learning and intellect. You may struggle to articulate words and speak up or may even talk too much and not know when to be quiet.
Venus Retrograde makes someone’s nature more intense & deep. They take their connections very seriously which may cause these individuals to go through difficulties in regards to their one on one relationships. Since socialising is not taken lightly there can be some sort of awkwardness when participating in small talk and general shyness in order to avoid superficial connections.
Mars Retrograde individuals may lack forward movement, assertive abilities, have a dulled passion & drive. They may feel fatigued & tired more than often. Your sex drive may also be effected because of this.
Jupiter Retrograde individuals tend to have different or unusual perspectives, belief systems, or sets of morals. They prefer to learn from their own experiences rather than from others. This placement gives me “what do you know because you’ve experienced it yourself VS what do you know because you were told” vibes.
Saturn Regrograde burdens you with responsibilities and a sense of duty in your life. You may struggle with boundaries and find it difficult to say no to others.
Uranus Retrograde may make it hard for you to fully express your inner originality and unique side. These individuals are born a rebel and may also experience unexpected & sudden karmic events in their life.
Neptune Retrograde takes away your rose coloured glasses, you may have to face hard and painful realities as the neptunian illusion is stripped away. You’re meant to discover the truth behind your illusions, realise what is sacred and be a source of light in others lives.
Pluto Retrograde brings more growth opportunities into your life. You may have a fear of letting go which you’re here to learn the importance of doing so. You need to take control of your life as your shadow side may take over if you don’t do the work to transform/grow. (Shadow work is necessary with this placement)
(I know Lilith isn’t a planet, just adding it)
Lilith Retrograde can make you a sexual deviant (because sexuality is part of Lilith’s nature and here it's manifesting differently). You may struggle with following your instincts and acknowledging your desires. For example: Someone with a retrograde Lilith in Virgo would not be the typical control freak Lilith in Virgo person, instead they will be very messy.
Chiron Retrograde means that trauma is deep within and may even come from a past life. In this lifetime, these individuals are here to re-evaluate your relationship with anyone & anything that doesn’t support you anymore. They may find it challenging to accept their feelings and the simple fact that humans are imperfect and vulnerable.
Ceres Retrograde individuals can struggle with having the nourishment, support, resources they need and may experience a lack in some way. This usually means that your upbringing failed to teach you the proper lessons about nurture and self care, so you'll have to learn it yourself. Check your Ceres sign and it will teach you what you need to nurture.
Juno Retrograde individuals may have commitment issues or trauma they need to work through. This also is an indication of past life karma in regards to relationships. These people are the lone wolves, they tend to avoid partnerships & may even prefer to be single and independent.
Vesta Retrograde individuals may lack devotion and discipline. It can bring up issues around fear of sexuality or intimacy, obsession, prostitution or selling yourself short in some way. They’re here to learn the value of service, this will examine how much dedication they’re putting into their life. When we put in little dedication, we can suffer. When we put in too much dedication, we can suffer as well. They may struggle with feeling like they fit in because they tend to lack devotion and/or generosity for others.
Pallas Retrograde may make someone aggressive, immature, have criminal tendencies and daddy issues. These individuals strategy may not be accept by society, with a ‘pick me’ vibe. They are inclined to manipulate and lie but can overcome these traits with self awareness and shadow work.
Amor retrograde individuals have some sort of discomfort when it comes to romance. You may have some old love issues and traumas to work through. These people tend to take a different approach to romance.
Cupido Retrograde may mean you have way too many crushes or rarely have any. You become too infatuated at times, or lack passion, and need to find a balance between the two.
Eros Retrograde may cause some issues around sex. This indicates there may be past trauma on a soul level, so you need to work on acknowledging your desires and acting on urges and fantasies in a healthy way.
Hermes Retrograde people tend to be in the wrong crowd and often find themselves taking the fall for others mistakes. These people tend to be good people but they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. Possible fertility issues. Due to past accidents or incidents they have experienced in a past life may give them travel-related fears in this life. (fear of flying, fear of water, fear of driving, fear of bikes, fear of trains, fear of horses, etc.)
Eris Retrograde people may unintentionally cause trouble by doing things they thought wouldn’t be an issue. They may not like confronting others because it feels uncomfortable or they feel attacked whenever they speak up for themselves - They tend to experience a lot of gaslighting yet they usually hate fighting with others. They may often feel as though they are alone even when surrounded by other people.
Aphrodite Retrograde individuals may experience extremes from having stalkers to not being adored by others at all. They may feel unseen and unappreciated by others, making it often difficult to appreciate themselves. They tend to experience a lot of drama and may not be the most jealous person but rather the person who is too insecure to be openly jealous as if it’s like they expected it, “too good to be true” vibes.
I tried to be as informative as I could and added as much variety as I can with the asteroids I’m familiar with. There are other retrogrades I haven’t listed here.
Let me know which of these you have!
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sunkissedchld · 11 months
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
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𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde (rx), it appears to be moving/rotating backwards from our point of view on earth. it's important to note the planet is not actually moving backwards - it just looks that way because of its position in relation to earth and the sun. with that in mind, the sun and moon cannot be in retrograde.
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𝒊𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde, often it makes it harder to deal with its energy. it could cause a lot of internal conflicts that also impact connections with people throughout one's life.
having a planet in retrograde in your natal chart is not a bad thing or a bad placement - it just means one has to work a little harder to understand and harness the energy of the planet compared to ones that are direct.
technically, this post was made to read for natal retrogrades, but it can also be useful if you want to know general challeneges that can occur during transit retrogrades also!
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𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒔
this retrograde is what's most known when people talk about retrogrades. with this planet in retrograde natally, you could find it hard to communicate with others. this could be in that you have a stutter, or you could be too harsh or too passive when addressing others (depending on the sign). you could be too impulsive in your actions, or you could overthink and inhibit yourself from taking charge in your life. i could also see people with this planet in retrograde finding it hard to write and learn new languages.
you could find it hard to fall in love and/or to find, be in, and maintain relationships of any kind - but especially romantic ones; it could take a long time for you to start dating compared to others. this planet in retrograde can also make it hard for people to develop and sustain self-love and self-attraction. you may not see yourself as handsome or beautiful and/or others may look down on you or ignore you because of your looks. this is another planet that could make it hard to get along with people because venus is also associated with harmony overall, but the issues with beauty and love are more prominent.
you could find it hard to bring your drive and passion to the surface. you could find it hard to be self-motivated and may prefer to take things slow throughout life and see how things pan out versus taking control. if you know the musical hamilton, you could be similar to aaron burr in waiting for things to happen to or for you versus making things happen. i could see natal mars retrograde manifesting as someone being asexual and/or having a low libido. you could have issues with bottling up anger, creating anger issues; if underdeveloped, i could see this leading to self-harm or other violent tendencies - this is not absolute
it could be hard for you to recognize your luck and/or you may feel as if you have no luck even if you actually do. this is a "the glass is half empty" type of placement. you might have taboo beliefs, and people may make you feel as if you’re weird or wrong for them. although people may make you feel that way, your belief system may still be strong depending on your jupiter sign. there's a possibility of not being fit for tradtional higher education. you may feel like you have to create your own luck and could have trouble trusting the universe and your guides to provide for you.
you could be too harsh on yourself when it comes to having structure. you may burden yourself with responsibilities no one else is giving or expecting of you. you may put more boundaries and limitations on yourself than is naturally expected of you. i could see this placement manifesting as asceticism in some people. you might feel like people never live up to your expectations, or they always let you down, so you only trust yourself to get things done. with this placement, there's an emphasis on self-motivation and high ambition.
it could be hard for you to express your individuality outwardly. maybe you’re too worried about how much you’ll stand out amongst others, and so you try to fit in with the majority instead of recognizing how different you can be. you may be more cautious about expressing your rebelling views. you could be more focused on individuality on a more personal level versus on a societal one. in the case of rebellion and innovation, you may feel the need to rebel against yourself and ideas you put on yourself versus ideas society puts on you.
your dreams could be more intense and grandiose than other people's dreams are - this could be in visual dreams you get while sleeping and/or in terms of life goals. you could be deeply spiritual and in tune with your intuition; you might even be able to predict when things will happen to you, or you could get deja vu often. you could overly daydream when it comes to personal goals and ideals; you might use daydreaming and other forms of escapism as a way to constantly ignore everyday life. the idea of realism could be foreign to you.
you may go through life transformations regularly. you could change your appearance often, or explore different religions all throughout your life, or your beliefs could change drastically as you get older. you could have strong power over yourself and possibly others - even unkowingly. you could find comfort in traditionally taboo things, espeically the occult and/or horror and things of that nature. in addition to constantly going through transformations, you could have fond memories of the past and have a deep connection to the concept of nostalgia. you could constantly look to the past in order to change who you are in the present or future.
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bluevelvetea · 3 months
Whiskey Trio x Kn8
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the inevitable dcmk crossover no one really asked for
Big thanks to @itssagaruu for enabling the collective brainrot about this crossover and @iceclew for accidently motivating me to finish it with the Conan glasses Hoshina
More under the cut! (Possible spoilers for dcmk)
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my baby didn't deserve this but I believe his death would still be a sacrificial suicide just like in canon but Shucihi covered it up as an accident or even took the blame himself again out of consideration for Zero's feelings
this man right here would've been Kafka's biggest supporter and hype man they would get along so well ;; I need them to interact ;;
I believe Taka'aki might still be with the police in this AU
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How many Gundam references can you put in a single crossover that doesn't even involve Gundam? Yes.
Rei is a walking Gundam reference after all
Probably has like 1% less maximum combat power compared to Shuichi and he hates it
This man right here is competitive to a fault
Very responsible but unhinged
Still drives a Mazda RX-7 like in canon
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He'd be best friends with Hoshina because they're both menaces (affectionately)
why is he still wearing the beanie? No one knows.
His parents are both legends much like Isao and for some reason I think Tsutomu and Isao are very similar in many points
We are not comparing Mary to Hikari though
Shukichi would be a renowned strategist working for the JAKDF
Masumi would be the most unhinged new recruit they've seen since Narumi
Some general h/c
Hagi, Matsuda and Date were trained alongside Hiro and Zero as well
And yeah then they died in the canon order too ;;
Maybe with less explosions and trucks though and more Kaiju action
I need Kir to be a part of this so bad too
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
🌸 Big 🌸 Byakuya 🌸 Energy 🌸
A while back there was a meme with a question about your fave crossover; I'm not a big crossover person, but any time we watch anything there is always running Bleach commentary, whether it's "this is what [Bleach character] would do in this situation" or "oh hey it's Kibune" because the show has some strangely-dressed weirdo with shaggy hair and rectangular glasses. Like I mentioned yesterday, we recently watched Initial D for the first time, which for the uninitiated is an anime about a bunch of guys who drive down hills every night. Sometimes they also drive *up* the hill.
With apologies to Initial D superfans, the human characters really didn't do it for me, though the cars are wonderful 110% of the time. None of the human characters except, that is, Takahashi Ryosuke, because he has the
outside of Byakuya himself. Like, inasmuch as none of the human characters stood out to me, the one thing I do really respect about them as a group is that this show is filled with a bunch of the least cool people you will ever meet in your life, and I love that. But Takahashi Ryosuke is on his own wavelength even in such storied company. The point of this post is not to talk about Initial D so much as it is to celebrate the sheer force of Big Byakuya Energy permeating this other man, because it highlights the intensity of the BBE of it all. Does Takahashi Ryosuke predate Byakuya? Sure, but it's *Big Byakuya Energy* because this is Kuchiki "28th Head of the Noblest of the 5 4 Noble Houses" Byakuya we're talking about.
Here's Takahashi Ryosuke's Top 5 BBE Moments:
1. He once corrected a member of his racing team by stating,
🌸 "I didn't give him advice. I gave him instructions." 🌸
Which reflects an exactitude of diction/intent that Byakuya probably restates on the daily re: his vice captain, Renji.
2. When his teammate/brother [Renji] crashes his car because an opponent illegally/nefariously throws oil over the road, someone asks him if he shouldn't offer [Renji] support, because his car is broken and that's sad. And Takahashi Ryosuke was just like, no, because
🌸 "If I were him [and didn't want to suffer those consequences] then I simply would not have crashed." 🌸
Peak Byakuya logic/critique
3. His primary arc is defined by a hardline adherence to a seemingly arbitrary rule he's set for himself. (He takes even less time to explain his reasoning to the rest of the class than Byakuya does.)
5. This is way later in the series, well after we'd decided this guy had Big Byakuya Energy, but I shit you not, he has a doomed past romance with a young dead lover. Also, this romance is wrapped up in THE MOST GOTHIC ROMANCE PLOT you can possibly imagine a Mazda RX-7 to be part of.
And his primary nemesis in this arc's street name is **SHINIGAMI**
6. Actually, he also plucked his brother/teammate from the wilds of some bike gang, aka Inuzuri, the chop shop capital of Soul Society. (In the universe where Byakuya is Takahashi Ryosuke, Renji and Rukia have been combined into one person named Keisuke).
Bonus: Here he is throwing his 8 trillion kan heirloom scarf onto Renji:
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This is all incredibly endearing to me, because Byakuya is the weirdest weirdo known to man and I adore him, and it charms me greatly to know that if Soul Society were Car Society,
Byakuya's That Guy driving around with a rotary engine because of course he is.
Takahashi Ryosuke is what would happen if Byakuya's reigai found a car dealership. Byakuya would absolutely address him as 'kei' and they would be bewildering and insufferable together and I would die happy.
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elizabethplaid · 5 months
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Red-purples in the sun - April 9, 2024
Another day at the library. Really loving these purple fashion glasses. The cat's eye lens shape is so much more suited to me than the big ones on my brow-line frames. I'm also more drawn to these than the red ones, so I'm pretty sure these will be ones I need to fill with Rx lenses, if I get the chance.
I'll probably keep posting pictures of me wearing both frames for awhile, to keep up the comparisons. I mean, obviously I need the brow-line ones to drive.
I like these Sparkling Ice drinks, too. The 1-liter size is nice, but I suggest getting the smaller ones if you're trying the different flavors for the first time.
I really loved how the sun hit the liquid, and I knew the purple frames would pair well.
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Today is the day I drive myself to the twin cities of west texas for a mammogram & to finally renew my glasses rx.
Of course it's hard as hell to see out of the ones I have now.
So please keep me on your prayers!🙏
I've been praying since I made the appts and I know God is watching over me. Still, it is the firstvtime I've driven myself out of town in 3 years. I'm nervous and excited. When hubby drives we don't even stop for food! It's straight to the dr.'s office & straight back, only stopping for gas & restroom breaks and even then he's hurrying me.
It's going to be so nice to take my time & run some extra errands, Every morning on my way to work, I hear radio ads for Keith's Hamburger Station. I'm going there for lunch!! 😘😁🍔
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
From Super Solid Sports
2 seater evolution model!
Efini RX-7 "Type RZ" Shocking launch!
The pinnacle of pure sports, RX-7
The long-awaited 2-seater model "Type RZ" has appeared. The RZ, which is the ∞ of the predecessor model, is a hot car that seeks a higher level of driving!
While the city is full of high-power domestic cars, it has created a world as a true pure sports car. It's already been 10 months since the RX-7 underwent a full model change. The sport model, which has been whispered by users for a long time, has finally appeared! The RX-7 hot model's 2-seater design, which has a sense of easiness, is the result of prioritizing weight reduction over comfort. In addition, the front seat was changed to a specially developed glass fiber RECARO full bucket seat, which succeeded in reducing the weight of the two seats by 8.5kgs. As a result of weight reduction with air conditioning and audio as options, the vehicle weighs 1,230 kg, and the power to weight ratio of 4.82kg/ps exceeds even the lightest normal type S! This is the same number as the NSX. It's not just about lightening the weight of the car.
The damper that supports the car has been increased in size, and a newly developed damper with increased damping force has been adopted. Combined with the Pirelli P-ZERO, which was also designed exclusively for the RZ, performance will not disappoint users.
In addition all sorts of improvements have been made to parts that cannot be seen.
Focusing on the lsd which is the decisive factor for acceleration in RZ, the normal final ratio has been changed from 4.100 to 4.300.
As a result, the super-powerful acceleration different from the Mazda RX7 was obtained.
In order to support this driving force, the engine and differential mount rubber hardness has been increased, and the sense of directness and rigidity has been enhanced.
Needless to say, knee pads, front passenger seat
It is full of equipment that gives you a sense of running, such as a rest.
Only 300 real sports RZ This guy is super radical!
It should be noted that this "RZ" will continue to be sold in the same way.
Sophisticated newly developed dampers give direct handling pleasure
The matching with the Pirelli P-ZERO blacked out wheels specially designed for Type RZ is exquisite.
Recaro glass fiber full bucket seats can be reclined in 4 stages.
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captain-habit · 1 year
For the record, trying to allow myself to get used to a new glasses prescription while driving, in the rain, and running hours worth of errands (in the rain) while also having not eaten real food since 9am........
...was pretty damn foolish. I should've switched back to my old Rx for the time being 💀
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cyberdykes · 2 years
i got new glasses today and my prescription changed going DOWN he told me my old prescription was too powerful for me LOL my eyes are really pretty much fine without glasses but i feel crazy to not wear them and i definitely can’t drive without them but in my day to day life i kind of don’t need them like that badly. my rx is basically like -0.5 in both eyes or something. but i also have astigmatism so i guess i need them for that too. i also had a psychiatrist appointment and therapy today so big appointment day. tomorrow i have a haircut just a trim. i desperately need it lol. i’ve been doing a lot of coloring book lately lol.
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rxsafetyglasses · 4 months
Fashionable Lens Choices: Popular Tints for Prescription Sunglasses
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When it comes to crafting the perfect look with prescription sunglasses, selecting the right lens tint is a crucial step. This choice not only adds a fashionable touch but also contributes significantly to functionality and comfort. At RX Safety, we're excited to showcase an extensive collection of sunglasses, featuring top-tier brands like Wiley X, Nike, Bobster, Oakley, and Smith Optics. From classic elegance to sporty flair, our commitment is to offer a diverse range of styles paired with popular tints that enhance your vision and elevate your fashion game. Let's embark on a journey through the captivating world of lens tints, exploring their importance and the transformative impact they can have on your eyewear experience.
The world of lens tints is diverse and fascinating, with each hue offering unique benefits for different preferences and activities. Let's explore some of the most popular lens tint options for prescription sunglasses:
Gray Tint: This timeless option offers excellent overall brightness reduction without distorting color perception, making it perfect for everyday wear in various settings. Ideal for individuals seeking a versatile tint that combines style and functionality.
Brown/Amber Tint: Enhancing contrast and depth perception, brown or amber-tinted lenses are ideal for outdoor activities. They filter out blue light, reduce eye strain, and add a touch of warmth to your view, perfect for sports enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.
Yellow/Gold Tint: Excelling in low-light conditions, yellow or gold-tinted lenses provide enhanced visibility and reduce eye fatigue. They improve contrast for a clearer view, making them perfect for dawn or dusk activities such as cycling or driving.
Green Tint: Offering a balanced blend of color accuracy and contrast enhancement, green-tinted lenses reduce glare without distorting colors. They provide a soothing effect for extended wear and are suitable for various outdoor activities.
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Specialty Lenses for Enhanced Protection: At RX Safety, we understand that some activities require more than standard UV protection. That’s why we offer sunglasses with specialty lenses, providing added safety and functionality for your specific needs.
Transition Lenses: Transition lenses, also known as photochromic lenses, adjust their tint based on lighting conditions. Available in both brown and gray, these lenses darken in bright sunlight and clear up indoors, providing seamless protection and convenience. They are perfect for those who frequently move between different environments, eliminating the need to switch between glasses.
ANSI-Approved Safety Lenses: For individuals needing extra protection, many of our sunglasses come with ANSI-approved safety lenses. These lenses meet stringent standards for impact resistance, ensuring your eyes are safeguarded during high-risk activities such as shooting or industrial work. With ANSI-approved lenses, you can have peace of mind knowing your eyes are well-protected.
High-Quality Lenses at Affordable Prices: Our American lab is dedicated to producing top-quality lenses at competitive prices. At RX Safety, we use only high-grade materials to ensure durability and performance in all our products. Whether you choose polarized lenses, transition lenses, or any other specialty tint, you can trust in the quality and reliability of your prescription sunglasses.
The Bolle Vulture Sunglasses are perfect for an active lifestyle, combining style and functionality. With a trendy flat-top design, they are available in seven color variations and can be customized with prescription lenses. For added comfort, they feature rubberized nose pads and temple bars. Additionally, these sunglasses offer options with polarized lenses, making them ideal for various outdoor activities.
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The Wiley X Kingpin Prescription Sunglasses offer both safety and comfort effortlessly. They provide 100% UVA/UVB protection and clear vision without distortion. Meeting ANSI Z87.1 standards for safety, they ensure optical clarity and protect against high impact. These sunglasses are compatible with prescriptions and come in two stylish options: a matte black frame with polarized Captivate Venice Gold Mirror lenses, and a matte graphite frame with Captivate Polarized Green and Blue Mirror lenses.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 8 months
Info: Kirk/Spock - Glasses Kink, Bottom!Spock please!
Spock has to get glasses (do Vulcans ever have bad eyes?). Kirk loves them. (Spock eyebrows + glasses = LOLs) (thread)
Fill: 1/1
Author:speccygeekgrrl (drive-thru-rx)
Archive Link
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lunajunctionvintage · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Style Green Round Glasses - Unisex - Zenni Retired Style.
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