#st xi kink
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: Nero is mindlessly focused in on Spock - on *hurting* Spock, even more so than just killing him. And he recognized Kirk "from earth's history". So he MUST know alllll about Spock & Kirk being the ultimate dream team, BFF's, fucking like bunnies, what have you. And now he's got Spock's captain here, beneath his hands. What better way to get revenge?
But of course, he'd want Spock to SEE. I'm sure Nero would feel the need to explain, in explicit detail, exactly why it's Spock's fault that he's chosen to (whatever you pick, pervy, violent, etc.) poor Kirk. I think it'd be interesting to have BOTH Spock's reactions. Not to mention Kirk's. I can see Kirk maybe being all indignant - WTF, you're torturing me to hurt Spock? But he doesn't even like me! Or perhaps he'd get a funny look on his face as he realized just what those feeling/memories he'd received from Spock Prime's meld were.
And then! Rescue! And awkward aftermath. Anybody? Pretty please?
Fill: 1/1
Part One Part Two + Sequel Part One Part Two
Author: hitlikehammers
Archive Link: One Two + One Two
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danveresque · 1 year ago
your WIP list!!! Please! Tell me about Tiberius (Kirk is raised by Nero AU). 👀
Oh man, @kuwdora, this fic is so old. So, 14 years ago someone prompted this on Star Trek Kink Meme:
Jim Kirk, having been taken by Nero (for whatever reason) and growing up learning both Standard and Romulan, getting hot ass tats, having stubble, and just generally being a badass - a cool one, not an evil one.
Anyway, I started writing this but never finished it on the Kink Meme itself. I've just kind of randomly added to it when I feel like it. It's one of my favourite things I've ever written so I'm keen to finish it at some point (I finish things, damn it, I finish things!).
You can still see how it started here: https://st-xi-kink.livejournal.com/7804.html?thread=21400188#t21400188
I still have some artwork I was cobbling together for this
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Also, I can't remember if this was going in the direction of Kirk/Bones, but if I know me, of course it was
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oraclekleo · 3 years ago
Lee Min Hyuk (Monsta X) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Lee Min Hyuk
Stage Name: Minhyuk
Group: Monsta X
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Lee Min Hyuk
Minhyuk (Monsta X)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - 3 of Pentacles
Minhyuk in general isn’t into power play of any sort. He believes that both partners are equal in a relationship and they both have to make an effort for it to work. He’s likely to work on the relationship, make sure to remember all the important dates, celebrate the anniversaries and always have a romantic surprise on St. Valentines. He expects his lover to appreciate what he puts in.
Libido - 8 of Cups
Minhyuk is seeking for freedom and release when it comes to sex. He surely can’t have a bigot or too traditional lover. Minhyuk wants to indulge in his senses and wants to forget the world around when he’s with his lover and he expects them to pay full attention to him as well. He likes to explore and spice the bedroom activities up with something new often.
Turn On - 2 of Cups
Minhyuk is on a search for his true soulmate. He’s seeking unconditional love, deep emotional, spiritual and physical connection with a person. Minhyuk is likely to be attracted to someone who he can share all the good and bad with, a companion for life with its ups and downs. Shallow people and gold diggers have no chance with him.
Kink - Queen of Pentacles
Minhyuk loves sensual pleasure. Anything from light finger brushing of his hair, massages, kisses, couple bubble baths, to finest bed sheets and mutual masturbation. He needs his senses to be pleased with all the luxury. His lover should wear some fine lacy underwear, heavy and pricey perfume and Minhyuk will go crazy.
Dirtiest Secret* - XI Justice
While Minhyuk needs a good companion for life, from time to time he will give in to his temptation and try to corrupt them. He gets both amused and aroused while encouraging his lover to do something that makes them blush, be it dirty talk, toys or semi-public sex.
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Thank you for reading!
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css1992 · 4 years ago
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
Warnings: 18+, explicit, references to past non-con/rape (not between main pairing, not explicit), daddy kink, Peter in lingerie, references to gaslighting and abusive relationship (not between main pairing, not explicit). The warnings are for the story as whole, not for this chapter specifically. I’ll add more in the future, if needed.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
“He can’t do this!” Ned slammed his hands down on the counter between them, as Peter took a swig of the cheap wine he bought with the last ten bucks he had in his wallet. “He isn’t even in all of the videos, at least half of the money is rightfully yours!” He kept going, stating the obvious, but Peter just sighed and shrugged.
“I’m not disagreeing with you, Ned, I’m just relaying what he told me: he’s not gonna give me anything. It’s his channel, his equipment, the money from the subscriptions goes straight to his bank account, so it’s his. It’s all his. His words, by the way.” He took another swig of wine straight from the bottle. He had been drinking from a small glass Ned offered him – he wasn’t a pirate – but it soon proved to be too small to quench his pain, so. Yeah. Pirate style it was.
“You have to sue his ass, Peter, he can’t get away with this,” MJ intervened. She was sitting next to him on a stool by the kitchen counter, so he turned to look at her with a deep frown on his face.
“Did you not hear me saying I just spent my last ten dollars on this bottle of wine? I have, like, twenty four cents left in my pocket. And that’s it. I can’t hire a lawyer, I can’t even feed myself right now!” He raised his voice a little, but quickly got himself back under control and apologized. His friends were not to blame for his predicament – they did try to warn him Beck was bad news, he didn’t want to listen. “And you know what? I don’t give a fuck. He can choke on all of it if he wants, the videos, the money, the subscribers, I don’t fucking care.” It wasn’t true, of course. Well, partially. He really didn’t care about the money, videos, subscribers, etc, but he cared about Beck. He would have given everything else up if it meant he could keep him.
Which was stupid of him, of course. But he certainly wasn’t winning any awards for being a great decision maker.
“It’s still not fair. I mean, I knew that guy was sleazy, but you’d think he’d have the decency to at least give you something, you know? You’ve been together for three years, he’s been making money off your ass for almost as long. How could he just fucking kick you out and not give you a single dime? After all the money you’ve made for him? It’s fucking sick, that guy is fucking psychopath if you ask me.” MJ’s face was turning red from anger, which made Peter smile a little. It felt good to know he was loved by someone, even if he hadn’t been the best friend to them for the past few years.
The thought made him close his eyes for a second, guilt creeping over him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d called either of them – maybe on Ned’s birthday, almost two months earlier. They used to be inseparable, the three of them; the three musketeers, as corny and lame as it sounded. For years, those two were the only family he knew, but when Beck came into his life, everything changed.
Stupid fucking Beck.
Peter used to think of him as his own personal super-hero – it did feel like he had come to save him, after all. They met when he was seventeen, he had been living in foster homes for almost seven years by then, after Ben and May passed away. At the time, he was with his fifth family, and there were so many children in that house, so many of them came and went, that their foster parents didn’t really keep tabs most of the time. It was easy to sneak out, and Peter did, often.
He met Beck on one of his night walks – and their first meeting should have raised all kinds of red flags, but for whatever reason, it didn’t. Beck slowed the car next to him, rolled down the window and asked how much Peter charged for a blowjob. Just like that. The teen gasped at first, but when he looked around for a moment, he realized he wasn’t in the most family friendly neighborhood. There were, in fact, some men and women around him who definitely looked like they were there for that, but Peter was in sweats, for crying out loud, and he definitely looked his age – or even younger than that.
His wide eyes must have given him away, because the older man quickly apologized and showed him a charming, white smile. He made up some excuse about mistaking him for someone else and the boy said it was ok. He was going to keep walking when Beck asked what his name was. Then how old he was. Then where he was going, where he ha come from.
Looking back, Peter knew he should have run. He should have left, because there was no excuse for an adult man like him to keep asking a teenager so many questions right after he basically offered him money to suck his dick. But that Peter, that 17-year-old boy, was still a bit too naive. To have such a handsome man showing interest in him – his kind, blue eyes smiling at him, warm and safe – was inebriating. He actually looked at him. And cared. At least Peter thought he did at the time. And he was so lonely back then, even that little bit of attention meant the world to him.
He should have run, but he stayed. Should have run, but got in his car. Should have run, but ended up giving him a clumsy hand job in the backseat, after just a few sweet promises whispered in his eager ears. Beck was so good with words, he could have convinced Peter to jump off a bridge that very same night if he wanted.  
They exchanged phone numbers. For weeks, they texted and called each other, until they could  meet again. By then, he was smitten. At twenty, he could see how innocent he had been, how trusting and open he was with a complete stranger. A 32 year-old stranger, at that. Ned and MJ, his only friends from school, warned him that it wasn’t okay. That it was weird for a man his age to be interested in a teenage boy, but Peter said they were wrong. He said he wasn’t just a regular kid, he had been through stuff they could only imagine. He was mature and experienced, and Beck could see that, which was why he liked him.
Looking back now, it was embarrassing how wrong he was. Beck was an illusionist. Sad thing was everyone could see the trapdoor but him.
“So what are you gonna do now?” MJ asked, fishing another bottle of wine from under the counter and placing it in front of Peter, who almost cried in gratitude.
“You mean besides crying myself to sleep for the next few months?” He wasn’t really joking. The only reason he wasn’t crying right at that moment was because he had spent almost three hours bawling his eyes out on a park bench close to their – well, Beck’s – apartment, hoping against hope that Beck would reconsider and come after him. When it became clear it wasn’t going to happen, he headed to the only place he knew he could find refuge – even if he didn’t deserve it.
“Yeah, besides that, obviously.” She opened the wine bottle and before he could take it and drink straight from it, she poured three glasses and Peter sighed, defeated.
“I have no idea.” He answered, only slightly surprised that he actually meant it. He had absolutely no clue what to do. For three years, he hadn’t had to worry about money – or anything, really. Beck took care of everything and he just assumed it would always be like that. That he would always have him by his side to take care of him.
He rubbed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
“Are you going to keep doing porn?” Ned asked, a worried expression on his face. Peter remembered he hated the idea when Beck first suggested it, as soon as he turned eighteen.
People are gonna lose it, Beck said. A pretty little twink and a hot daddy? We’re going to be a hit.
And they were. Their first videos blew up quickly, people were either disgusted by the thought of them together – because of the age gap – or completely enthralled. The haters helped them get more views, and Peter soon learned that there really was no such thing as bad publicity. Beck promoted their videos on twitter, where they accumulated thousands of followers. Peter remembered that, back then, many people sent him worried messages, saying he was too young, that Beck was a predator, that he was taking advantage of him.
In retrospect, they might have been right, after all.
He wasn’t too sure about doing porn when they first started, he knew once they released the first video, there was no going back, there was no way they could ever take it down – the internet was forever. Nothing was ever truly deleted. He wanted to be a dad someday, what if his children ever saw those videos in the future? What would have Ben and May thought? What about his parents?
None of this matters, honey, Beck assured him. These kids don’t even exist yet, don’t worry about them. And your relatives, well… They’re gone, sweetie. You can’t really disappoint them anymore.
So Peter did it. And he was terrified at first, he felt so exposed, people all over the world could see him in his most vulnerable moments, all of him, in every position Beck managed to put him in, in any outfit he thought the public might like, in any setting he thought might bring in more viewers, more subscribers, more money.
Soon, just the two of them weren’t enough. Their viewers wanted to see Peter with other people – other daddies –  and Beck saw another opportunity to increase his profit. Peter was strongly against the idea at first, it felt too much like prostitution, which was where he wanted to draw the line, but, again, Beck sweet-talked him into it.
It’s nothing like prostitution, honey, he said. I’ll be there the whole time, I’ll be the one filming and directing, I’ll be the one paying the other actors, all the profits are ours. How is that anything like prostitution? It’s just like what we’ve been doing so far.
So not only there were a bunch of videos of him and Beck out there in the world, there were also lots of videos of him with other men, some of whom were old enough to be his actual dad. There was even one video in particular that he was specially embarrassed by – and sadly enough, that was the most viewed one so far. It was fucking humiliating.
At some point, Peter should have realized it became all about money for Beck – and maybe it had been like that all along, he just hadn’t noticed before. Over the last few months of their relationship, they never had sex just for fun, just for the hell of it. There were always cameras, and lights, and roles to play. Beck never said he loved him anymore. Barely touched him. Barely kissed him. He should have seen it coming. He had been too blind, or just… Didn’t want to see what was happening right before his eyes. He ignored all the signs. The voice in the back of his head telling him something was off.
But anyway, porn. Could he still do it?
“I don’t know,” he answered, finally. He looked at his best friends and sighed with a shrug. “To be honest, it was never something I enjoyed, and I don’t know if I could ever do it without him somehow involved, you know? I did it with him because I felt… Safe? I don’t want to get involved in the actual porn industry, I’ve heard some pretty fucked up stories.” Peter had heard horror stories about other boys in the industry, and even though his own story was no fairy tale, there was nothing so bad that it couldn’t get worse.
“How about Just4Fans?” MJ asked and both Peter and Ned turned to look at her in shock. “What? You guys were pretty popular, right? You won awards and shit, so there must be at least a few hundred people out there who would pay money to see some dirty pictures of you, maybe some short videos. That way you won’t need to go into professional porn and you wouldn’t need a partner, but you could still make decent money. And fast.”
Well, it actually made sense. It wasn’t like there weren’t hundreds of videos of him being fucked raw all over the internet, anyway. A few dirty pictures couldn’t hurt. And besides, it didn’t need to be forever, just until he figured something out.
“That’s… actually not a bad idea,” he conceded, drinking the last of the wine in his glass. MJ sympathetically filled it up again and he mumbled his thanks.
“What do you think he will do now?” Ned asked carefully, and Peter shrugged for what felt like the hundredth time. There was so much he didn’t know.
“Probably keep shooting videos with his new boy-toy.” He managed to say it with a steady voice, but his eyes burned. He still couldn’t believe how… replaceable Beck thought he was.
When he noticed them interacting online a few months earlier, before the boy was even eighteen, Peter was alarmed, but when he confronted the older man about it, he said he was crazy and seeing things, picking up fights for no reason. He always twisted things in a way that, somehow, Peter was the one apologizing to him in the end.
Months later, just weeks after the kid turned eighteen, there he was – homeless, penniless and lost – meanwhile the other guy was probably getting comfortable in his bed. If Peter didn’t hate the kid, he would pity him. In a few years, he would probably meet the same fate.
“Do you think he would take the videos down if you asked?” Ned asked, and Peter scoffed.
“Yeah, right, those videos will still make him a lot of money monthly, he’d never delete them.” And Peter would have to live with the fact that he would always be just one google search away from complete humiliation and exposure. If he ever tried to get a serious job, those videos would stand in the way. If he ever managed to meet somebody decent and good, those videos would be a testament to what sort of person he was in the past. Fuck, some of them were really fucked up.
“So… Should we create fake twitter accounts to trash talk his short dick or what?” MJ was already grabbing her phone and Peter laughed halfheartedly, shaking his head.
“He’s not worth it. Karma will take care of him, I’m sure.” He drank the last of his wine and whimpered sadly. “So… Can I crash with you guys for a few days? I promise I’m not gonna overstay my welcome! I’ll be out of your hair as soon as the Just4Fans thing works out.”
“Of course you can, nerd, stay as long as you need. We’ve got your back, c’mon.” MJ got up from her stool and gestured for him to do the same. “Do you mind taking the couch?” She asked as she headed to her bedroom in the tiny apartment.
“Not at all,” he answered with a sigh of relief, then went to grab his suitcase by the door. Three years together and that was all he had to show for it. A single suitcase with a few changes of clothes, after being kicked out of the house on a cold February night. His eyes burned but he took a deep breath, blinking them rapidly to avoid the tears.  
“Then make yourself at home. Our casa es su casa.” MJ placed a pillow on the couch and handed him a thick, warm blanket.
“We’ll figure something out, okay?” Ned clasped him on the shoulder with a gentle smile on his face.
“Okay.” He sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his crushed chest.
He waited for his friends to go into their respective rooms, waited to hear their quiet snores, before he allowed the tears to run freely down his face, replaying everything Beck said to him when he kicked him out.
Before he knew it, he was a sobbing a little, so he buried his face in the pillow to muffle the noise, as he tried to convince himself that things were going to be okay, that he was going to be okay. But at that moment, that was hard to believe.
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anika-ann · 4 years ago
There’s 1111 of people who are willing to put up with my stuff on their dash... you know what that means?
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(image source)
That’s right! Since I’m terrible at filling up prompts, I decided to host another writing challenge...
I know that’s not much of a thank you, so just let me say to all my followers and people who help to spread my work: 
Thank you! ✨🥰❤️
Now, onto the rules and prompts... check it out under the cut!
There are 40 prompts of various types and a bonus, so I hope you’ll find one to inspire you, or at least one you’ll just like ;)
EDIT: Masterlist of submitted stories is HERE.
You don’t have to be following me, I know I’m not for everybody :D
As of now, it’s one prompt per person, one person per prompt. We’ll see how it goes. Claim a prompt via an ask or a DM. But please, if you claim it, try to write it...
Keep it Marvel (any character) or CEvans characters, please. Movies, tv series, comics (?), whichever suits you the best. If you truly want a different movie/show characters, DM me please.
Fluff, angst, humour, I take it all. Smut must be properly tagged and with a warning before the text of the fic. (Absolutely no underage smut or incest. Also I’m not a big fan of non-con and extra dark, but you can DM me and we’ll figure it out if you insist.)
Drabbles, one-shots, first chapter/prologue to a new series. No word limit, because that would make a hypocrite. If it’s over 500 words, please, please use the keep reading bar.
Canon or non-canon ships, reader inserts, pairing with an OC, no pairing at all, platonic relationships – bring it all.
When you choose a line/dialogue prompt, you can still make it an AU completely of your choice, just to be clear.
Tag me in your fic when posting and use # ann1111fc. I should respond within 3 days with at least a heart. If I don’t, DM, it means tumblr ate it all.
Deadline: 1st July. Should be enough ;) If you need an extension, DM me. We’re all only human and life gets in the way.
Lines/Dialogue prompts:
(feel free to alternate pronouns/names/insults/states/tenses; some quotes taken from favourite shows, some pretty random)
1. “Is that judgement I’m hearing?“
2. “I thought you said you had faith in me.” @nekoannie-chan 
3. “I get all tingly when you take control like that.”
4. “Say/Do it again. I dare you.”
5. “You always have an excuse, don’t you?”
6. “I want to say something I’ve never said to you before… thank you.”
7. “She’s kinda hot…. I’m gay, not blind.”
8. “I’m losing my mind.“ @smediumsmeatbae with Steve
9. “Did I say that out loud?” @donutloverxo
10. “Sorry is not gonna cut it, not this time.”
11. “Just breathe, okay? Deep breaths, come on.”  @just-one-ordinary-fangirl with Steve
12. “There had to be a better way to phrase that.”
13. “You’re escaping without me?!”
14. “I was wrong about you.”
15. “He‘s mostly a jerk… but every once in a while, he can be a dick.”
16. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
17. “You look like crap.” “Thanks, I saw the mirror this morning.”  
18. “No offence.” “Offence taken.”
19. “This outfit? It’s a part of my cover!” “Well, it doesn’t cover a thing!” @saccmaass
20. “So we’re not doing the ‘what happens in Russia stays in Russia’?” “We’re still in Russia!”
Tropes and AUs
(take all the liberty you need, e.g. Language differences can range from misunderstandings to a kink  😏, Culture shock from an alien to intercultural relationship etc.)
I. Language differences @galaxy-barnes with Bucky
II. Mistaken identity @chase-your-dreams-away​ with Steve
III. Body-swap
IV. Amnesia @sophiria with Steve
V. Murder mystery
VI. Last seconds/minutes to live
VII. Truth serum
VIII. In a closet
IX. Fake relationship @what-is-your-backupplan-today with Bucky
X. A/B/O dynamics @stargazingfangirl18 with Ransom
XI. Culture shock
XIII. Fairytale/Fantasy AU @elysianecho with Ransom
XIV. College AU @secretswiftymarvelfan with Steve
XV. Escort AU  @queen-kass-the-writer 
XVI. Soulmate AU @trashywritestrash
XVII. Coffee shop AU/Bakery AU
XVIII. Angel (and/or Demon) AU @hufflepuffvs with Matt 
XIX. Medieval AU
XX. Flower shop AU @a-little-counter-esperanto
Aka the category where everything is possible.
MCU/Marvel series x anything. I don’t even care with what. Just bring it!
You can check out few shows I watched in my bio, but the list goes on and on, and you don’t have to pick one of the ones I mention. Just try to make it so even people who haven’t watched the series in question can so-so catch on.  
You don’t have to claim a crossover, but you could let me know if you’re planning one for this challenge, so I know what to look forward to 😊
1) MCU x Pacific Rim @rodrikstark with Steve
Happy writing! (on not, depends)
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bumackerman · 4 years ago
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I. 18+ only! minors do not interact! ∴
a. you must be at least 18 years of age to interact with my account, as well as my works.
II. discrimination and/or bullying is forbidden! ∴
a. do not send hate to me, or anyone interacting with my account. you will be blocked and reported as soon as it is sent. i do not condone bullying, hate speech, discrimination, ignorance, or bigotry of any sort. this is a safe space for adults.
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I. disabilities, or anything related! ∴
a. i will absolutely not write about a disability unless i’m educated on it, or i have it myself. please do not request them. it makes me very uncomfortable.
b. not only that, but it can also be incredibly offensive to requests if you do not have that disability yourself.
II. character x character. ∴
a. i will not write about your ships. this blog is character x reader only!
III. sub!reader! ∴
a. i am not a sub, i do not like writing for sub!readers, nor do i like reading them. it’s not my thing. there are plenty of other blogs that write dom!characters. i’m just not one of them.
IV. teacher/student relations (and age gaps). ∴
a. to me, it sounds like fetishizing pedophilia (unless it’s specifically stated, and implied multiple times that they are in a college au or something).
b. teachers should not be fetishized, nor should students. i won’t shame anyone who writes about it, i just don’t feel comfortable doing so.
V. weapon play. ∴
a. personally, i am not intrigued by this concept. it doesn’t scare me or make me squeamish or anything, but it’s also isn’t arousing.
b. me aside, it can possibly very triggering for people, and i’d rather not take that chance.
VI. yandere characters. ∴
a. i find it very creepy. i will not write about something that scares me.
b. i also only write for the canon version of characters (personality-wise), so that would be a direct contradiction.
VII. furry-play and/or omegaverse content. ∴
a. again, not my thing. i don’t want to write about something i’m not into, and not educated on.
b. what i will write about are puppy boys, bunny boys, stuff like that.
VIII. specific appearances. ∴
a. please do not request things such as ‘fem!reader’, or things that imply requesting a specific appearance. i will decide on my own accord whether or not it will be fem, gen-neu, or masc.
IX. triggering topics. ∴
a. i will absolutely not be writing anything that could possibly trigger a larger audience. things such as; r*pe, p*dophilia, s*mnophilia, inc*st, self-h*rm, s*icide, eating d*sorders, k*dnapping, etc.
X. waste kinks. ∴
a. the only bodily fluids i will include in my writing are sexual fluids. i will not write about blood, feces, urine, or vomit.
XI. other. ∴
a. some other kinks that i will not write about are fisting, age-gap, foot fetish, daddy kink, etc.
b. i will not write for;
hunter x hunter; killua zoldyck, gon freecss.
my hero academia; todoroki tōya, mineta minoru, akaguro chizome, shigaraki (all for one).
demon slayer; kochō shinobu, shinazugawa sanemi, iguro obanai.
attack on titan; erwin smith, floch forster.
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I. headcanons and drabbles. ∴
a. choose a maximum of four characters per request.
b. be reasonable with the complexity of the request, but also, please be detailed with what you want. that way, the results can be as accurate as possible, and i can have an easier time writing it.
II. question and answer requests. ∴
a. you can choose one character per request.
b. you may ask anywhere from 1-10 questions from a character, and they will answer it how they see fit.
c. you can request as many times as you’d like, but please be reasonable.
III. full fics. ∴
a. i only write fics for collabs, commissions, or upon my own discretion.
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if you have read these terms, and understand what has been stated, please leave a comment letting me know that you agree, and plan to abide by my rules while on my page, and/or when requesting something. if you are requesting anonymously, leave a note that you have read my rules, or i will not be fulfilling your request. please come back every once in a while for updated information. thank you.
-b.y.a. (updated 6/9/21)
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ikkeii · 4 years ago
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I. 18+ only! minors do not interact! ∴
a. you must be at least 18 years of age to interact with my account, as well as my works.
II. discrimination and/or bullying is forbidden! ∴
a. do not send hate to me, or anyone interacting with my account. you will be blocked and reported as soon as it is sent. i do not condone bullying, hate speech, discrimination, ignorance, or bigotry of any sort. this is a safe space for adults.
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I. disabilities, or anything related! ∴
a. i will absolutely not write about a disability unless i’m educated on it, or i have it myself. please do not request them. it makes me very uncomfortable.
b. not only that, but it can also be incredibly offensive to requests if you do not have that disability yourself.
II. character x character. ∴
a. i will not write about your ships. this blog is character x reader only!
III. sub!reader! ∴
a. i am not a sub, i do not like writing for sub!readers, nor do i like reading them. it’s not my thing. there are plenty of other blogs that write dom!characters. i’m just not one of them.
IV. teacher/student relations (and age gaps). ∴
a. to me, it sounds like fetishizing pedophilia (unless it’s specifically stated, and implied multiple times that they are in a college au or something).
b. teachers should not be fetishized, nor should students. i won’t shame anyone who writes about it, i just don’t feel comfortable doing so.
V. weapon play. ∴
a. personally, i am not intrigued by this concept. it doesn’t scare me or make me squeamish or anything, but it’s also isn’t arousing.
b. me aside, it can possibly very triggering for people, and i’d rather not take that chance.
VI. yandere characters. ∴
a. i find it very creepy. i will not write about something that scares me.
b. i also only write for the canon version of characters (personality-wise), so that would be a direct contradiction.
VII. furry-play and/or omegaverse content. ∴
a. again, not my thing. i don’t want to write about something i’m not into, and not educated on.
b. what i will write about are puppy boys, bunny boys, stuff like that.
VIII. specific appearances. ∴
a. please do not request things such as ‘fem!reader’,or things that imply requesting a specific appearance. i will decide on my own accord whether or not it will be fem, gen-neu, or masc.
IX. triggering topics. ∴
a. i will absolutely not be writing anything that could possibly trigger a larger audience. things such as; r*pe, p*dophilia, s*mnophilia, inc*st, self-h*rm, s*icide, eating d*sorders, k*dnapping, etc.
X. waste kinks. ∴
a. the only bodily fluids i will include in my writing are sexual fluids. i will not write about blood, feces, urine, or vomit.
XI. other. ∴
a. some other kinks that i will not write about are fisting, age-gap, foot fetish, daddy kink, etc.
b. i will not write for;
hunter x hunter; killua zoldyck, gon freecss.
my hero academia; todoroki tōya, mineta minoru, akaguro chizome, shigaraki (all for one).
demon slayer; kochō shinobu, shinazugawa sanemi, iguro obanai.
attack on titan; erwin smith, flock forster.
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I. headcanons and drabbles. ∴
a. choose a maximum of four characters per request.
b. be reasonable with the complexity of the request, but also, please be detailed with what you want. that way, the results can be as accurate as possible, and i can have an easier time writing it.
II. question and answer requests. ∴
a. you can choose one character per request.
b. you may ask anywhere from 1-10 questions from a character, and they will answer it how they see fit.
c. you can request as many times as you’d like, but please be reasonable.
III. full fics. ∴
a. i only write fics for collabs, or upon my own discretion.
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if you have read these terms, and understand what has been stated, please leave a comment letting me know that you agree, and plan to abide by my rules while on my page, and/or when requesting something. if you are requesting anonymously, leave a note that you have read my rules, or i will not be fulfilling your request. please come back every once in a while for updated information. thank you.
-b.y. (updated 5/24/20)
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hausofsin-blog1 · 6 years ago
okay, here’s a quick post of who i’m feeling, there are old and new muses here but they all have some basic info, and some kinks i’m feeling! like if you want a starter or hit me up to plot! warning, i like taboo things
evaline - s*fia bl*ck-d’elia fc - horse back rider - bi - sub
winnifred - j*ssica ch*stain fc - brothel owner - bi/female leaning - domme
rox - al*xis r*n fc - sugar baby - bi - sub
sally - s*phie t*urner fc - prostitute - bi - switch
willa - young m*dchen am*ck fc - omega werewolf - bi - sub
adora - ann* h*thaway fc - succubus - bi/female leaning - domme
cedric - f*nn c*le fc - medium - hetero - switch
beatrix - h*ailee st*infeld fc - mermaid - bi - sub
nova - br*dget s*tterlee fc - omega dragon(can be werewolf) - bi - sub
fletcher - r*chard m*dden fc alpha werewolf/selkie/elk shifter(idk how i want to play him) - hetero - dom
aphrodite - iskr* l*wrence fc - bi - switch
zeus - n*kolaj c*ster-w*ldau fc  - hetero - dom
hebe - h*iley l* r*chardson - bi - sub
artemis - adr*enne h* - lesbian - domme (who finds out she’s domme kinda later on?? it’s a plot point)
rowenna - em*ly r*tajkowski fc - the sun - bi - sub
marietta - b*lla h*did fc - princess - bi - switch
josefina - m*rgot r*bbie fc - princess - bi - sub
morgana - c*rla g*gino fc - queen - bi - domme
here’s the whole thing, but here are highlights
anything to do with cum honestly
anything to do with supernatural creatures
forced public
n*pple play (especially for josefina, she’s got her nipples pierced and it’s fave thing tbh)
daddy/mommy kink, but not age play
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: The Enterprise is commissioned to ferry yet another Ambassador across the universe and, though not happy about it, Kirk follows orders and the Enterprise is burdened with the company of a flirty alien Ambassador for awhile - a few weeks/months. Whatever.
The dude sets his sights first on Uhura, and Spock is tense whenever they're near each other. Kirk will have none of that and tells the man off, failing at being at all diplomatic.
Spock relaxes after Kirk's passionate outburst makes the man keep his distance from Uhura.
However, the guy then turns his attentions to Kirk. Used to being flirty and outrageous himself, Kirk takes this in stride, interpreting it as an apology and a bid of friendship. He is completely oblivious that the guy touches him too much, too long, or whatever inappropriate things he does.
Spock finds that he CAN'T STAND IT, and doesn't even question why what only made him slightly uncomfortable with his girlfriend makes him want to scratch out the Ambassador's eyes when turned on his captain.
Bonus points for Spock keeping closer to Kirk whenever the man is around, and growling at him under his breath. Also would just die off happiness if this all lead to claiming!sex with copious amounts of 'you're mine' snark and marking via bites/hickeys/scratches/whatever.
TLDR; Spock doesn't like strange Ambassadors crowding his captain damnnit! Jealous!Spock, dominant/possessiveness kink.
Fill: 1/1
Author: ennyousai
Archive Link
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soundverse · 7 years ago
September 2017 Album Playlist
Rush - A Farewell to Kings (1977) #40thanniversary Cheap Trick - In Color (1977) #40thanniversary R.E.M. - Document (1987) #30thanniversary Van Morrison - Poetic Champions Compose (1987) #30thanniversary LCD Soundsystem - American Dream (2017) Mogwai - Every Country's Sun (2017) The Incredible String Band - The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion (1967) #50thanniversary Canned Heat - Canned Heat (1967) #50thanniversary Four Tops - Reach Out (1967) #50thanniversary Elvis Presley - Moody Blue (1977) #40thanniversary Steely Dan - Can't Buy A Thrill (1972) Steely Dan - Countdown to Ecstasy (1973) Steely Dan - Katy Lied (1975) Various Artists - Men in Black: The Album (1997) #20thanniversary Puff Daddy - No Way Out (1997) #20thanniversary Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation (1977) #40thanniversary Cornelius - Fantasma (1997) #20thanniversary Velvet Revolver - Libertad (2007) #10thanniversary Echo & the Bunnymen - Echo & the Bunnymen (1987) #30thanniversary Grateful Dead - In the Dark (1987) #30thanniversary Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Life (1987) #30thanniversary Pet Shop Boys - Actually (1987) #30thanniversary Pink Floyd - A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987) #30thanniversary Eric B. & Rakim - Paid in Full (1987) #30thanniversary Primal Scream - Vanishing Point (1997) #20thanniversary Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (2007) #10thanniversary Styx - The Grand Illusion (1977) #40thanniversary Brian Eno - The Drop (1997) #20thanniversary Syd - Always Never Home (2017) Rush - Hold Your Fire (1987) #30thanniversary Jebediah - Slightly Odway (1997) #20thanniversary The Crystal Method - Vegas (1997) #20thanniversary Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This (2007) #10thanniversary Jack Johnson - All The Light Above It Too (2017) Neil Young - Hitchhiker (2017) Primus - Brown Album (1997) #20thanniversary Death Grips - Death Grips EP (2011) Death Grips - Exmilitary (2011) Smash Mouth - Fush Yu Mang (1997) #20thanniversary Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E (1997) #20thanniversary Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam (2007) #10thanniversary The Shadows - Jigsaw (1967) #50thanniversary Otis Redding - Live in Europe (1967) #50thanniversary The Yardbirds - Little Games (1967) #50thanniversary Interpol - Our Love to Admire (2007) #10thanniversary St. Vincent - Marry Me (2007) #10thanniversary Jethro Tull - Crest of a Knave (1987) #30thanniversary Kanye West - Graduation (2007) #10thanniversary 2Pac - 2Pacalypse Now (1991) 2Pac - Strictly For My N.I.G.G.A.Z. (1993) Thug Life - Thug Life Volume 1 (1994) 2Pac - Me Against The World (1995) 2Pac - All Eyez On Me (1996) Makveli - The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory (1996) 2Pac - R U Still Down? (Remember Me) (1997) 2Pac - Greatest Hits (1998) 2Pac + Outlawz - Still I Rise (1999) 2Pac - Until The End Of Time (2001) 2Pac - Better Dayz (2002) 2Pac - Tupac: Resurrection (2003) Chicago - Chicago XI (1977) #40thanniversary Terence Trent D'Arby - Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent D'Arby (1987) #30thanniversary Mick Jagger - Primitive Cool (1987) #30thanniversary James Blunt - All The Lost Souls (2007) #10thanniversary The Kinks - Something Else by The Kinks (1967) #50thanniversary Ringo Starr - Give More Love (2017) Yusuf - The Laughing Apple (2017) Angus & Julia Stone - Snow (2017) Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold (2017) Yes - Going for the One (1977) #40thanniversary
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: Spock Prime and Kirk Prime go to the Alternate universe, where the new Spock and Kirk are having a difficult time with their other selves sexin' up. Prime Spock and Kirk are unaware the ~new ones are watching. "I REALLY don't want to see this… damn, that's hot! we gotta try it"
Fill: 1/1
Author: anonymous
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: Kirk/Spock. While villainz are torturing both of them (or right after), Spock manages to mind meld with Kirk in an attempt to help him control the pain; dauntingly protective and angry "I'm going to kill them for doing this to you" stuff gets through and then they probably do kill the motherfuckers after all because they've just figured out they need to make it out alive so they can have lots and lots of sex. (thread)
Fill: 1/1
Author: anonymous
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: NuTrek, but dude, let's get back to the OLD prompts (like, from the 70's…)-
Kirk and Spock are stranded somewhere cold… One Blanket, two people. GO!
Fill: 1/2
Author: anonymous
Fill: 2/2
Author: anonymous
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: Kirk/Spock- Kirk thinks Spock talking dirty would be just hilarious, only it turns out that it's actually quite hot, in that blunt and grammatically correct way.
Because, don't get me wrong, the Vulcan pick-up lines fics have had me in STITCHES, but I think there's another angle to this. :) (thread)
Fill: 1/2
Author: anonymous
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Fill: 2/2
Author: anonymous
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: A long time after the movie, Kirk/Spock Prime.
The USS Enterprise gets called to the Vulcan colony on request of the Ambassador (Spock Prime) who is on his death bed. Kirk reflects on their recurring meetings (and the subsequent mind-meld sex thing they do) and stays by Spock Prime (alone with lots of hand-holding and touching and just plain natural intimacy, and also really very private as Kirk is the only one that Spock Prime wants to see) and they do one last mind-meld kiss as Spock Prime dies (do a bit on where Kirk finally leaves Spock Prime's room to tell someone that he died).
Lots of angsty sadness on Kirk's part because he felt that Spock Prime was the only one with whom he had any meaningful relationship- who never doubted anything he did from the moment they met (mention how he had no doubt that Kirk would be captain and how he seemed confused that he just wasn't), who always believed and loved him, regardless of what he did- and this carries on for the entire time they are there for the funeral. Lots of reminiscing here, about all the mind-meldy sex and the lovely, fuzzy emotions they induced, please.
Then, the night before the Enterprise leaves again, Spock v2.0 seeks out Kirk because he doesn't understand why he's all sad and basically wants to absolve the issue so his captain can work properly. He finds Kirk alone on the bridge, sitting in his chair. He attempts to talk to him but Kirk doesn't respond.
Finally, after a while of accomplishing nothing, Kirk stands up and just kisses the hell out of Spock. A long, drawn out dirty kiss. Then he pulls back and storms off without explanation because it wasn't the same as kissing Spock Prime at all- there was no mind-meld thing, no connection- it didn't even physically feel the same.
Ends with Kirk walking back to his room on the Enterprise (not to the place the colony gave them), vowing to never return to the Vulcan colony if he can avoid it, because really, what's the point anymore? The other Vulcans don't like him anyway.
Okay, I am aware that the prompt is long and that the resulting fic will be long too. But I just need this fic and I'd really like to see someone put the prompt into prose. I meant what I said in the title. I will write any prompt the writer for this prompt wants.
Fill: 1/1 + AO3 + FFN
Author: mytsie (lirulin)
Archive Link + Here
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 1 year ago
Info: Spock/Kirk! Kirk develops a severe phobia of mind melding after what happened in the cave with Spock Prime. Pre-existing relationship, first time, whatever, but Spock feels that mind melding is an integral part of connecting with his 'partner' and stuff seriously, stuff, I don't care what kind of stuff, just STUFF happens when Jim denies him. Or maybe Spock accidentally traumatizes Kirk by mind melding before asking, just kind of assuming it's okay if they're doing the nasty.
I DON'T EVEN KNOW GUYS, I just want some melding!phobia. GO GO GO
Fill: 1/1 + Sequel
Author: jade-starlight
Archive Link + Journal + Sequel
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