#Rue bennet euphoria
zendayastan · 9 months
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I miss euphoria Sundays
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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Mada Hayyas Parts of Me Never Left That House // Mitski A Pearl // Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright // Morrissey in an interview with David Thomas for SPIN // Renee Ahdieh The Wrath and the Dawn // pinterest // Bernhard Schlink The Reader (tr. Carol Brown Janeway) // The Front Bottoms Be Nice To Me // Miranda July It Chooses You // Euphoria (2019-) from And Salt the Earth Behind You dir. Sam Levinson // pinterest // pinterest // Silas Denver Melvin Grit // Fiona Apple Left Alone
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n0vabug · 1 year
Sleeping and Bowling
Summary: Reader sleeps in and Maddy skips school to go to her house, they cuddle, go bowling, yk that kind of stuff.
This was a request btw :)
Warnings: None, it's all fluff :) Words: 1.3k
Maddy walked into school that morning and immediately went to her girlfriend's locker, like normal. Maddy waited and waited. No (Y/N). She thought it was kind of weird since (Y/N) rarely ever missed school. Even though she wouldn't say it out loud at the moment, she was a bit worried that (Y/N) hadn't bolted through the school doors to hug her. Maddy eventually walked away, she went to look for Jules to ask her if she knew where (Y/N) was. It turns out (Y/N) was actually perfectly fine. She was just overslept that morning and when she woke up, she just decided to stay home since she would've been late anyways. Jules and (Y/N) had always been close. Jules was the second person (Y/N) came out too and also the second person who knew (Y/N) liked Maddy, but the first, was Lexi. (Y/N) was also pretty close to Lexi as they both had similar personalities. Lexi and (Y/N) had been friends since primary school (first grade to be specific). Lexi knew about (Y/N) liking Maddy since they started High school, and the second Maddy and (Y/N) started dating, Lexi was thrilled, like jumping up and down and continuously hugging (Y/N).
"Hey bitch, do you know where my Girlfriend is?" Maddy asked the blonde
"Yeah, she just texted me and said that she slept in today so she's just saying home." Jules responded and chuckled a bit at the end. She found it kind of funny since (Y/N) never sleeps in and is always on time.
"I'm gonna kill her." Maddy said obviously joking, which made Jules laugh.
Maddy decided to leave school and spend the day with her girlfriend, she wanted to take her bowling that night, and maybe watch a movie with her, Maddy literally wanted to do anything with her. They both really loved each other, (Y/N) was always doing kind gestures, showing Maddy every love language and giving Maddy all her love. Maddy on the other hand loved it, she was more of a physical touch quality time of person though, but every time (Y/N) showed any type of love to Maddy, she always said, "Ew (Y/N), that's like really gay." after that, (Y/N) would just give Maddy a look of confusion and say, "Aren't you literally gay?" The first that time Maddy did this, (Y/N) didn't realize she was joking and was upset because she thought Maddy didn't want to be with her, which led Maddy into explaining that it was all a big joke and she didn't mean it and a lot of cuddles and kisses from her. Maddy obviously wasn't homophobic, she never has been.
Maddy left the school and immediately drove to (Y/N's) place. Maddy got to her house, walked up to the door and knocked. (Y/N's) mom answered the door, she was one of the nicest people Maddy had met, next to (Y/N) of course.
"Oh hi Maddy!"
"Hello Mrs. (L/N), is (Y/N) here?" Maddy questioned the older woman
"Yep, she overslept, but she is just hanging out in her room if you want to come in. Do you need anything?" (Y/N's) mom said while opening the door more so Maddy could come inside.
"No I'm fine, thank you though!" Maddy said with a smile on her face. (Y/N) and her mom were both genuinely nice people, that's what Maddy liked about there house, it was sweet.
Maddy knocked on (Y/N's) door, and before (Y/N) could even say "come in", Maddy had already walked in.
"Oh hey Mads, I didn't know you were-" Maddy cut (Y/N) off by pressing a soft kips to her lips, but sadly, the kiss didn't last long. "Well, that's one way to say hello" said (Y/N) laughing.
"Well if I'm being completely honest, you make it very hard for me to like not miss you." Said Maddy, and before (Y/N) could get a word out, Maddy spoke up again. "Oh also tonight, you should like totally come bowling with me, Kat, Ethan, and Jules, and then you and me come back to your house and have a sleepover, if it's okay with you."
"That sounds like a great idea, also you basically live here, Mads, and I love it when you stay, you don't have to ask me." (Y/N) said with a smile. Maddy just smiled and admired her girlfriend for a minute before cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for another kiss, this time one that lasted a bit longer, Maddy melted into this kiss as she felt the warmth of her girlfriends lips flow perfectly against her lips. After a few minutes they both pulled away, out of breath.
"Come on let's get ready for tonight."
"We still have 7 hours Maddy."
"Well I want to make sure we both look perfect and I want to do your makeup." Maddy said with a grin on. her face
"You know I don't like a ton of makeup Mads." (Y/N) responded "Why don't we like relax for a bit before getting ready, we don't need 7 hours."
"Ugh fine, can I do a little makeup at least, also if we're relaxing then we're cuddling." Maddy said with a satisfied smile on her face.
"Fine you can do a little bit of makeup." (Y/N) said which made Maddy smile. (Y/N) laid down and patted the spot next to her for Maddy. Maddy laid on (Y/N's) chest and buried her head in the crook of (Y/N's) neck. Maddy's arms were around (Y/N's) waist while (Y/N's) arms were on Maddy's back. The two laid like this for a while until they both fell asleep.
(Y/N) woke up and immediately panicked, not knowing what time it was and not realizing they both fell asleep. "Shit, shit, shit" she said, which woke Maddy up.
"What time is it?" (Y/N) asked in a panicked voice which worried Maddy a bit.
"Calm down baby, it's only 12:14." Maddy responded in a reassuring voice, which caused (Y/N) to let out a heavy breath that she didn't realize she was holding in, showing that she was relived.
"Wait, how the hell did we sleep for 4 hours." (Y/N) asked confused
"I don't know, but let's get ready, bowling is at 5."
"Okay Mads, we can get ready." (Y/N) said with a smile and kissed Maddy's forehead.
~~~Really short time-skip~~~
The two girls changed into their outfits, Maddy finished her makeup, and was adding finishing touches to (Y/N's), she was sitting down while Maddy straddled her lap.
"Can I add diamonds to it?"
"Sure, why not." (Y/N) said smiling
Maddy put a few diamonds on (Y/N's) face and smiled as she added the last one. "Okay, I'm done, what do you think?" Maddy moved off of (Y/N) as she got up and walked towards the mirror.
"You know, I'm not the biggest fan of makeup, but when you do it, I love it." (Y/N) said which made Maddy smile and pull her into a warm embrace.
"Come on let's go." Maddy said while grabbing her bag and intertwining her hand with (Y/N's) and dragging her to the car.
Maddy was always the one driving, she loved to treat (Y/N) like the passenger princess, Maddy loved to give her the aux, which is rare because Maddy doesn't even let Kat or Cassie (when they were still friends) control the music, but she loves (Y/N) so it didn't matter.
Both girls had arrived, they met up with Kat, Jules, and Ethan, they went bowling for a couple hours until they eventually were tired of it. Maddy and (Y/N) parted ways with the others and drove back to (Y/N's) house. They both took showers, put their pajamas on, and did whatever they had to do to get ready for bed. (Y/N) let Maddy pick a movie as they both laid on her bed, in the same position they were earlier. Maddy couldn't even see the movie because of the position she was in, but she didn't care.
"Hey, Mads?"
"I love you"
"I love you too (Y/N)" Maddy says, as she leans up and kisses (Y/N) on the forehead.
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ch3rrywond3rland · 1 year
Here for you
Fezco had know Y/N since the first grade. They never used to talk, unless they sat next to each other in class, and then they would only talk about school and assignments. Eventually, they grew up and Fez stopped attending school. She thought about reaching out to see if he was okay, but decided against it when she realized that: 1- she did not had any way of contacting him; and 2- it was, quite frankly, none of her business. So that was that, for a while. Until she became best friends with Lexi, who sometimes hanged out with Cassie and her friends. And they knew Fez, so, consequently, her and Lex also did. He recognized Y/N immediately and even went up to hug her. They started hanging out a lot and eventually started dating, which was a surprise to all of us. They were complete fucking opposites who somehow complimented each other. I had seen her around his house sometimes and she was one of the nicest people I'd ever met, and treated me like we'd known each other for ages despite not having had an actual conversation.
Fez and I lay resting on his bed after a long morning of doing absolutely nothing. A blunt hangs from his lips, the smoke creating a bubble around us. My arms are wrapped around his torso and our legs intertwine, yearning for proximity.
As I'm about to kiss him, loud knocks coming from downstairs startle us both. We look at each other worryingly, and I grow afraid that Mouse is popping by for a surprise visit.
He seems to notice my fear, because he sprints out the room before I can even get up. I do so, reluctantly, and follow his path downstairs.
"C'mon man, don't be a dick." I hear a familiar voice coming from outside.
"Rue?" They both turn to look at me standing at the bottom of the stairs. Fez offers me his hand and pulls me closer to him.
"Nah, I'm serious...you can't come in."
"Look man, all I- all I need is just like, a few OC's"
"Sorry, I can't help-"
"Fez, I've had a fucked up day. This is all I'm asking, okay? I just need you to open the door for me, okay?"
"Nah, man..." He nervously runs his hands through his buzz, trying not to glance at her.
"Just open the door, man." Her palms push the metal door, making the sound echo all throughout the house. "Just open the fucking door. C'mon, tell him, Y/N."
She hopefully looks at me, and I look down, gulping.
"I'm sorry, Rue."
"Nah, you both gon' do me like that? Fuck you, man."
"I'm not gon' help you kill yourself, man. I'm sorry, but you can't be comin' here no more."
He starts closing the door and Rue pushes herself against it, in a worthless attempt to break it down.
"Fez, I'm begging you just to open the door." Her fist meets the metal, again. "You're full of shit, man."
Fez's forehead rests on my shoulder, my hand soothingly rubs against his back, trying to comfort him somehow.
"You know you make your living off of selling drugs to teenagers. And know, all of the sudden you wanna have a fucking moral high ground? You're a fucking dropped out drug dealer, you know that?"
I stand on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck. His' hug me by the waist, pulling me closer.
"You're a fucking dropped out drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells. Open the door!"
Her scream makes me jump and I feel Fez's breath hitching against my neck.
"Open the door!"
"I can't do it, I-"
"Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!" Rue's voice breaks and my heart clenches.
I hear sobbing before she speaks again. "You did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life so the least you could do is open the goddamn door and fiz it!"
"C'mon, let's go." I tug his hand, leading him back upstairs.
"If you don't open this door right now, I swear to- I swear to God, I will fucking hate you 'till the day I die."
"I'm sorry." He says from halfway up the stairs and she seems to hear because she high-pitchedly screams.
I make him lay on top of me once we reach the bed. His head lays on my chest and my fingers run through his head.
"It's okay, she didn't mean it."
"I know." He says, but I hear him breathe out in relief anyways.
"I love you."
"I love you, too. Thank you for everything."
I smile and kiss his forehead, drifting into relaxation.
A few days have gone by since the encounter with Rue and Fez dragged me to a Halloween party he wanted to try and sell stuff in.
I had been invited, but didn't plan on coming. However, Lexi had also insisted she wanted someone to be with. Which was a total lie because we'd arrived less than half an hour ago and she'd already disappeared from my side.
Fez and I are sitting on a couch outside, and he is just finishing a deal when I see Rue walking towards us.
"Hey, babe." I motion my head to her direction and Fez's eyes follow.
We watch as she sits down on the other side of the sofa. I start getting up from Fezco's lap but Rue is quick to talk.
"You can stay." She offers me nod and I smile at her.
"It's fine, I think you two should talk." I turn towards Fez.
"I'm going to go find Lex, look for me when you're done." I give him a wink and he sweetly smiles, eyes twinkling.
I start walking away, but decide to stop in front of Rue.
"You look amazing, Rue Rue." She looks up at me and smiles, seemingly still embarrassed after our interaction. Still, I reassure her by gently grabbing her head and placing a kiss against her temple.
As I make my way back to the house, I hear Rue's voice talking to Fezco.
"She's an angel."
"Yeah...she is."
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slut4sugu · 1 year
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─── . ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀ ♡ SOME WORDS FROM KAM: I just want to thank all of your for 100+ followers! It has been so much fun writing for you all and I greatly appreciate the support! So now I hope you all enjoy this milestone event!!
─── . ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀ ♡ SOME WARNINGS: some of these works will have mature content so minors Dni! I will label the ones that are sfw and nsfw, happy reading and thank you all so much again!
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Here is SZA’s full SOS album in case you wanna listen to it however you want </3
NO.1 - SOS.
I CAN DO YOU BETTER [feat!] hobie brown
Lyrics : bestfriend!hobie x black fem reader, readers ex on the phone, fingering, hobie being evil </3, use of names like: doll, pretty thing, princess, cunnilingus, cursing, mentions of weed and alcohol use, bit of a slow burn
Summary: Your bestfriend hobie comforts you after getting broken up over the phone with your ex, and gives you the treatment you’ve always deserved.
Come Back Darlin feat! [feat!] rue Bennett
Lyrics : ex!rue x fem!black reader, mentions smoking, makeout session, rue being slightly sappy, thigh riding, being almost caught by Gia, fluff at the end </3, cursing
Summary: you broke up with rue because her addiction was too concerning and you felt as though she would never change no matter what you said to her. After an argument you broke up, though as weeks then months passed rue started to realized your her drug. The strongest there fuckin is.
BULLSEYE [feat!] assassin Toji x fem!black reader
Lyrics: Toji being hot as usual, reader having to treat his scars, suggestiveness, fluff, use of the name: doll, pretty, baby, princess, ma, toji being a sweetheart, use of guns, cursing.
Summary: you didn’t know what toji specifically did for work until you started to put pieces together, the excessive guns, weaponry, especially the scars. Then one night your boyfriend of 2 years sat you down an told you everything.
NO. 4 - LOW.
SHOW OFF [ feat!] 42!miles x fem!blackreader
Lyrics: miles being protective of you as per usual, jealousy themes, cursing, rio being suspicious, slight angst then fluff, reader being worried for miles, miles spoiling reader, slight suggestiveness
Summary: you found out that miles was the prowler, and assured him you would still want to be with him despite what he does as a ‘job’. But because you know he makes your relationship a secret, so that not even uncle Aron would know.
F*CK OFF [ feat!] suna x fem!black reader
Lyrics: atsumu being a dick, angst to fluff, smoking, stoner suna, skipping school, alottt of cursing, fighting between atsumu n suna, suna being a sweetheart to reader, cheating themes, mentions of a abusive relationship between atsumu and reader
Summary: After a long awaited break up with a toxic atsumu, you struggle to love yourself again. So your old friend comes to ease your mental pain, and real ease some tension.
MY HEART [ feat!] ? x fem!black reader (it’s a surprise <33)
Lyrics: ? being an absolute sweetheart, use of vibrator, slight age gap, reader is in her late 20’s and ? is in her early 30’s, cunnilingus, edging, aftercare, use of names: Honey, princess, sweetheart, baby
Summary: ? met you one day at a concert and couldn’t take her eyes off your cute outfit for the whole show, after getting your insta, meet ups begin to happen in discreet locations and reserved buildings before turning into stays in her penthouse.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜
- Rue Bennett
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay.
Pronouns for Y/N: Any/Gender neutral
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Tapping mindlessly through Instagram stories, you watched video after video pop up. The play had taken a dramatic and hectic turn midway through when Nate Jacobs stormed off and Cassie Howard interrupted the play in some desperate attempt to put a stop to it. In the end, she'd been run off by her former friends and the play had continued. At least, that's what you had gathered from all the posts.
The play hadn't been on your list of things to do, especially when your ex and her new beau would be in attendance. Despite their relationship having only recently gone public, Cassie Howard had gone from being the sweet, meek, kind-hearted girl that had made your heart flutter since grade school to a shell of her former self. Another one of Nate Jacobs victims. It'd only be a matter of time before they continued the break-up then make-up cycle.
Sighing heavily, you shut your phone off and tossed it aside in hopes of finding something else to occupy your mind. Your eyes scanned the room, lingering on forgotten homework and scattered clothes. Before you could debate which task to do first, the soft sound of something clattering against the window. You waited a moment, hearing it again and again.
Rising from the bed and approaching the window, you thrusted the curtains open and peered down, spotting the girl immediately. She waved her hands at you and smiled widely. Finally having your attention, Rue made her way toward the fence and climbed on, pausing briefly when it wobbled.
"Rue- Oh, my god." You pushed the window up and stuck your head out, watching her attempt to balance herself on the fence. "You know I can just open the door for you, right?"
"Nah, I got this!" Rue nodded to herself and stuck her arms out once she got her footing. The gap between the fence and the side of the house couldn't be considered large by any means but for someone like Rue, it'd be quite the leap.
"The door is right around the corner, Rue. I just need to go downstairs-" Before you could continue, she made the leap, hands successfully gripping onto the window ledge while her legs kicked out wildly. A string of muttered curses and huffs left your lips as you helped pull the teenager in through the window and onto your bedroom floor.
"What are you doing here, Rue?" You breathed, watching her stand and dust herself off as if she hadn't borderline forced her way into your home.
"You weren't at the play," She breathed and adjusted her flannel before brushing some curls out of her face. "I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. You know... considering..."
"Considering you knew my girlfriend was cheating on me and only exposed her for your own benefit?"
Rue winced and nodded, a soft sigh escaping her. "I'm sorry. I-I should've told you sooner... I fucked up. I fucked everything up and I know it might be a little too late but I'm hoping we can fix things. I want... I want us to be close again. You, me, and Lexi. I can't remember the last time we all hung out. I miss you."
"You're clean?" You couldn't help but ask. Her addiction had gotten in the way too many times for you to allow her back in without some suspicion.
"Yeah," She nodded, giving a weak smile. "And I'm for real gonna try to stay clean. I promise."
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
Shits and Giggles
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Rue Bennett x Fem Reader
Summary: You become Rue's rebound from Jules; you are aware from the beginning that this wasn't a serious relationship. However, what happened in your bed with her seemed pretty momentous.
Word Count: 2k+
Trigger Warning: Smut and Drugs
Ever since you first saw Rue, you knew you were going to get close with her. She was a beautiful mentally ill druggie and what could you say, that was your type. You guys really gravitated to each other because of your issues. It's easy to be with someone who is struggling the same as you because you don't have to explain things that are unhealthy yet normal. It was nice not having someone judge you for your depression room or wanting to rot in bed. Not to mention drinking or getting high with someone who wasn't doing it to post online. It's not like you didn't know that this was toxic, you just didn't care. Both of you had people in your life that lectured you daily. People who were always gazing at you with disappointed eyes. You were each other's escape from that, and that meant a lot to the both of you. 
You met her when you were skipping class in the bathroom smoking. She asked you for a couple of puffs off the blunt, which you gave her. You complained about how teachers would seem to pick on the kids whom they knew didn't pay attention. You asked if she wanted to ditch with you and she was more than happy to do so. You walked the 30 minutes to your house, Rue asked you if your parents would be home and this is when you told her your mom had died. She didn't say much about her dad dying but she did let you know. There was no need to explain because you both knew what it was like. Like a mutual agreement not to acknowledge each other's suffering. It was the first time you'd ever snorted a pill. You were nervous, like super scared but she talked you through everything which made you feel comforted. You turned on Jersey Shore and laid in bed together, just zoning out. You had a swamp cooler that directly faced your bed, which made the room ice cold. This brought you two closer underneath the blankets. 
After taking a nap, Rue FaceTimed her mom to show she was at a friend's house. You sat at your desk with your laptop and pretended to be working on homework. This made you both burst into laughter once she hung up. Your dad came home from his 16 hour shift and greeted you before going to bed. You shared the burger king that he brought home for dinner. When Rue lit the blunt in the middle of eating, you knew she was going to be a bad habit. The one time you did that in front of someone they called you disgusting for doing so. When she did this so nonchalantly, it really left an impression on you. 
"I think we're going to be great together," you said, stuffing your face with the golden fries.
"Are you sure about that?" she asked to take a drag before taking a bite of her burger. 
"If you let us be then yeah," you said, taking the blunt from her. 
Ever since then, you two were pretty much inseparable. It was definitely weird at times; once, you were walking down the hall hand in hand with Rue and passed Jules. It made you feel bad, especially because you knew that they were together when she was sober. It made you feel inferrer a bit, like Jules got the real Rue. You never brought this up to her, because you didn't want to scare her off. You also were doing drugs with her so it felt a bit hypocritical to say anything about that. 
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Rue, picking at your lunches. You were trying to finish a math assignment that was due next period. Rue was drawing things like bongs and weed flowers, knowing it would distract you because it had to be raised. She kept laughing when you would playfully scold her for doing so. 
"It's just a piece of paper," she would taunt you.
"iT's jUsT a PiEcE oF PaPer," you would mimic. 
She laughed and continued until you finished the last equation and raised the last doodle. You kissed her on the cheek and she hung her head down giggling to herself. You practically huffed half a cart down in the bathroom before entering the cafeteria. She pulled your chair closer and nudged you with her shoulder. The bell rang shortly after, you got up and threw both of your trays away and started walking towards your class. Rue pulled you by the arm into the bathroom, the one with the scratched mirror behind the E-building. None of the girls used it to actually go to the restroom because they couldn't examine themselves obsessively in the mirror. She helped you sit on the edge of the sink, resting each hand on either side of you. 
"And where did you think you were going?" she asked.
"5th period," you responded rhetorically. 
"Why don't we go to your place and uh, have some fun? she stated more than asked. 
"You won't get in trouble?" you asked.
"I'll think of an excuse letter," she said, giving you a kiss before helping you down. 
You guys took the bus back to your place, neither of you wanted to walk the distance. Once you were home you went back to your bedroom and cranked the AC on. Rue complained about the icebox of a room you have which made you laugh; there was no way you were turning it off. You went to your closet and pulled out your half drank bottle of Kirkland vodka. You went into the kitchen and grabbed a tall glass and filled it with ice before heading back into the room. You pour a good amount of alcohol into it, letting it chill for a minute. 
"You're so high maintenance, why don't you drink it out of the bottle?" she asked. 
"Well sorry if I don't want my entire chest and throat burning after the first shot," you said, walking over to her and kissing her forehead. When you walked back to strain the liquor into the shot glasses, she followed. 
"Seriously this seems excessive," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind. 
"Quit your bitchin' and take this with me," you said, turning around and handing her the tiny glass. You quickly cheer and both tip your head back. 
You pull away from her and go digging in your backpack, grinning from ear to ear once you feel the plastic baggie. When you pull it out, you show Rue she matches your grin. It was two tabs of acid that had a faint picture of the Rick and Morty logo, barely visible due to the discolorations. It didn't take long to kick in, well it did but due to the second and third shot it didn't feel that long. You were both giggling and dancing with each other around your room. Knocking each other over every once in a while, landing on the bed. You would quickly recover once a song motivated you both enough to start dancing again. You were feeling light, like your head could lift you off the ground. Rue kept running her hands through your hair which would make you shiver. Rue kept wanting to do a line but you eventually found another way to distract her. 
The last time you fell on the bed you ended up face to face, rubbing each other's foreheads together. She kept running her hands down your arm and the exposed skin on your side. She kept mumbling about how soft you were. Hearing this come for her was making your stomach flip. Somewhere between cuddling and rubbing against one another you start to make out. She was laying on her back and you were straddling her. You were holding her head in your hands as you kissed. She quickly sits up which catches you off guard. You pull your tee-shirt off and get slightly embarrassed when you are reminded of the fact that you didn't have a bra on. She stared at your chest for a while before taking your nipple into her mouth. You let out a moan and let her pull you as she let her back fall against your mattress. You pull away and tug at her sweat pants, she takes the hint and helps you take them off. You smirk and take your shorts off, you start grinding against her. You hover back over her and start to give her a hickey on her neck. She starts playing with your chest as you do this. This made it harder to kiss her neck because you were moaning so much. 
"Fuck you look like a pornstar," Rue said flipping you over and shoving her hand into your panties. 
She started playing with your clit, using her middle finger. You bury your face into her neck and let out a couple moans. If she already thought you looked like a pornstar so you might as well sound the part. You were completely soaked, this was the first time you'd ever done anything like this with rue. The sexual tension between you had been building for so long, that even hearing her voice sometimes made you melt. It was nice to have a sexual experience with someone and not worry about how you looked or came across as. She continued to stroke you, arched you back and buckled your hip up every once in a while. You tried kissing her but you were in such a state of pleasure that your lips were just pressed together slightly. It was like she was trying to eat your moans. You pull away from her right before your climax. 
 "Do.. you wanna, uh.. 69?" you asked, trying to catch your breath.
"Yeah but only if you're on top of me," she said. 
"You're sinister for that," you said, getting on top. 
"And much more," she said, smacking you with what felt like all the strength she had. 
When you started eating her out, you were pleased to feel that she was just as wet as you. You were kind of worried that she might not be as into you as you are her but that thought quickly left. You start flicking your tongue slowly, slowly increasing your pace as she did the same. She penetrated you with her fingers which made you gasp and press yourself onto her face. When you did this, she smacked your ass with both hands causing you to squeal. You tried to keep your rhythm but you were finding this hard because of how close you were getting. You were full on riding her face and fingers at this point. You could tell that Rue was getting close because he rhythm was becoming spotty. As you started to cum, you could feel her clit harden slightly. This was just enough encouragement to keep going instead of sitting up and going full cowgirl on her face. You both rode out your orgasm before you fell back next to her on the bed. 
You grabbed your tee-shirt and wiped her face off before doing the same to yourself. You both looked over at each other and couldn't help but burst out laughing. Not because it was awkward, more likely from the drugs that were still in your system. You both change into different clothes before cuddling back in bed. Rue had fallen asleep for a while while you played with her hair. You noticed some of her curls sticking to her neck because she was so sweaty. You grabbed a hair tie and pulled all her hair into a bun. Every once in a while you would plant a kiss on her forehead or nose. She was holding onto by the waist, you woke her up to ask if her arm was losing circulation from being underneath you. 
"Don't wake me up to ask stupid shit like that again," she grumbled. Right as she finished the sentence, there was a hard knock at the door which made both of you jump. 
"Dinner's on the counter!" your dad shouted through the door, when you both looked over and saw the panicked expression on each other's faces you both started laughing.
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boobabietch · 4 months
Four - One direction
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Steal my girl - Paige Bueckers
Ready to run -
Change your ticket -
Spaces - Rue Bennett
Illusion - Robin Buckley
18 - Kate Martin
Where do broken hearts go? - Regulus Black
Fireproof - Ellie Williams
Night Changes -
Stockholm syndrome -
Once in a lifetime -
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Ok so boom, hi boos!! Haven’t been active in a while but finally I’m done with school so I can start this project I’ve had for a while! So basically I’m publishing a one shot for every song on the album Four by One direction. As you can see many songs don’t have a character yet so suggestions are always welcome! I’ll try to write the ASAP because I’m really really excited about this.
Hope you enjoy!
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Requests are open!
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catisdeadd · 1 year
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✰ euphoria
pls like or reblog if used/saved !!
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cloveswifey · 1 year
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Parings: Fezco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Cute fluff, rue being a hard y/n x fez shipper.
Words: 0.7k
Type: Fluff
Y/N and Rue have been best friends since their middle school days. The two girls were inseparable, always giggling and having heart-to-heart conversations about life.
As they entered high school, they made a new friend in Fez, who they met through Rue. Fez was a charming and charismatic guy who quickly won their hearts over.
"This is Fez," Rue announced, as we stood inside Fezco's store.
"Yo," he said, nodding his head as he rolled up a joint.
"Hello," I said, nervously smiling at him. "I'm Y/N." I couldn't help but notice how handsome his face was.
Over time, Y/N started to develop feelings for Fez, but she was too shy to admit them to him or even Rue. Rue, on the other hand, was the biggest Fez and Y/N shipper alive. She was always dropping hints to Fez about Y/N, hoping that he would pick up on them and make a move. But Fez was always oblivious to her subtle suggestions.
Time felt like it had come to a standstill for Y/N when Fezco arrived at school with a beautiful blonde by his side.
"Yo, Rue, Y/N," he said, nodding towards us. But Y/N couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable look the girl was giving them. It was a mixture of "stay away from him" and "I know not to fuck with you."
The girl introduced herself as Charlotte, and for a brief moment, it seemed like Fezco had found himself a great girlfriend.
However, their relationship was short-lived, as Fezco walked in on Charlotte on top of Nate Jacobs, who ended up getting his face smashed in.
One day, the group decided to go on a fun adventure to the beach. They packed their bags, loaded up the car, and drove off into the sunset.
As they arrived, the three of them raced to the water, splashing in the waves like little kids.
"I challenge you to a race!" Rue exclaimed excitedly, taking off her shorts and running towards the ocean.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Fezco laughed in response to Rue's challenge.
I also laughed and quickly followed Rue, ready for the race. But as I took my shorts off, I noticed Fezco looking at me strangely. I shrugged it off, assuming it was just my own paranoia.
They took silly pictures, built sandcastles and enjoyed some yummy snacks together.
While sitting on the beach and enjoying the sunset, Rue turned to Y/N and nudged her playfully. "So, Y/N, when are you going to make a move on Fez?" she teased, causing Y/N to blush furiously.
"Come on, he's so into you!" Rue added.
Fez, who had been listening intently, turned to Y/N and smiled. "She's right, you know. I've actually had feelings for you for a long time," he said, taking her hand in his.
From that day on, Y/N and Fez became inseparable. They went on cute dates and shared many special moments together. Their little trio became an unstoppable force, with Rue always happy to see her two best friends together. Everyone around them could see how much they loved each other, even before they admitted it.
As Y/N and Fez got closer, they learned that their friendship had evolved into something much deeper. They fell deeply in love with each other, and it was the happiest they'd ever been. Rue, who was always there for them, had no problem taking a back seat to let her friends enjoy their romance.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and Y/N and Fez only grew more inseparable. Their love story had been long in the making, and it was clear that they were meant to be. From that day on, they knew that their bond was something truly special, something that would stand the test of time. And Rue, who had played such a crucial role in their love story, was happy to have witnessed it all.
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zendayastan · 2 days
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Favorite episode 🪽
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cinepughs · 1 year
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starring zendaya ✰ challengers (2024) dir. by luca guadagnino
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n0vabug · 1 year
Summary: Maddy thinks the reader is cheating on her
Warnings: Angst, swearing, mentions of cheating, Cassie being a bitch and flirting with the reader, slight mentions of drinking, etc. Words: 1.5k
(Y/N) was a pretty quiet person, but could be very talkative if she was comfortable enough. (Y/N) had met Kat during their Freshmen year, they quickly became very close. As they got further into high school, they met more and more people and their friend group started to form. Kat, (Y/N), Lexi, Cassie, Maddy, Jules, and Rue. (Y/N) had set her eyes on Cassie Howard at first, they dated in their Sophomore year for about 3 months, but Cassie got really controlling and a bit crazy too. After that, (Y/N) went through a bit of a depressive episode, because even though Cassie was controlling and crazy, (Y/N) had still loved her. Maddy quickly noticed (Y/N) during this time, so Maddy decided to try and help her through this. Cassie was her best friend after all, so Maddy gave some great advice and became really close with (Y/N). After that (Y/N) developed feelings for Maddy and accidentally blurted it out once while she was drunk. Maddy mentioned it when (Y/N) was sober, and lets just say, it went great. They started dating the summer before Junior year and during Junior year.
It is Sunday, which was always when Maddy and (Y/N) hung out together, they usually went out to different places. Yes, every weekend, but both of them seemed to really love it and if one of them had a bad week, or just had any stress or something bad going on, that's when they would go to the other's house, and have a movie night with their favorite snacks and drinks, whoever was sad or stressed got to pick the movie they watched and got a lot of kisses and cuddles.
"(Y/N) come here!" Maddy yelled from the other side of the store. "Yes, Maddy?"
"You would look so good in this!" Maddy held up a dress, which in (Y/N's) opinion, was very ugly."1. I love you Maddy, but I hate that color. 2. Again, I love you, but I'm gonna be completely honest, that is really ugly."
"Ugh, whatever bitch, it would probably look better on me anyways." Maddy said jokingly, which made (Y/N) give Maddy a look of offense. "Chill out, I'm just joking." Maddy said, then giving (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips.
(Y/N) and Maddy walked around the mall, with their hands intertwined the entire time, until they finished going inside every store that looked appealing to them. As they were about to walk out, Maddy spoke up, "Okay so like I really need to pee, I'm going to find a bathroom before I get a UTI." (Y/N) chuckled at this and just waited for Maddy outside the bathroom. While standing there, (Y/N) thought she had seen a familiar face walk inside a store. The familiar face being Cassie Howard along with her younger sister, Lexi Howard. It was rare for them to get along like this to the point where they actually did stuff together without their friend group, but it happens sometimes. (Y/N's) thoughts are interrupted by Maddy walking out.
"You ready to go?" Maddy asks.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine why?"
"You just seem super out of it"
"I'm just kinda tired, Mads. Getting 3 hours of sleep and then drinking an energy drink in the morning, is not the best thing to do, it's starting to catch up with me." (Y/N) says while laughing. Both girls leave the store and get in (Y/N's) car, (Y/N) drops Maddy off at home, goes to her own house, showers, and goes to sleep.
The next morning, (Y/N) got up and got ready for school. When she walked in, she was immediately greeted by her girlfriend.
"Hey!" Maddy yelled as she ran up to (Y/N). "Hi, I got to go to class, okay? I'll see you later!" (Y/N) says. They both say their goodbyes and walk to their classes. (Y/N) was walking to class but quickly got stopped by someone calling her name.
"(Y/N), hey, can we maybe talk for a moment?" (Y/N) turns around, and sees her ex-girlfriend, Cassie Howard. "I guess so, about what?" (Y/N) ask suspiciously, she would have never expected Cassie to be talking to her right now.
"I can tell you're still in love with me, (Y/N)" Cassie says as she grabs (Y/N) by the waist and pulls her closer. "Cassie, what are you talking about, I have a girlfriend, please get your hands off of me." The younger girl says, but Cassie doesn't listen, she lifts up (Y/N's) chin with her finger. "Cassie, stop, I have a girlfriend!"
What neither of them didn't realize, is that Maddy and Lexi had seen the whole thing, Lexi had saw how (Y/N) tried pushing off her sister and wasn't enjoying it, but Maddy on the other hand, didn't realize that (Y/N) wasn't enjoying this, Maddy instead had thought (Y/N) was cheating on her.
"You fucking bitch, did you actually think you could cheat on me and fucking get away with it?!" Maddy yelled at (Y/N). "You know what, (Y/N)? You weren't the fucking shit anyways!" (Y/N) had tears streaming down her face.
"Maddy it's not like that (Y/N) wasn't-" Lexi tried to help (Y/N) out but Maddy shut her up.
"Shut the fuck up, Lexi, this doesn't fucking concern you!" Maddy yelled at the Lexi. "Why the fuck are you crying. You weren't shit (Y/N), you were fucking annoying, and you weren't even that fucking hot either. You were a shitty ass girlfriend, and I hope I never fucking see you again!" Maddy ran to the bathroom with tears in her eyes, (Y/N) fell to the floor with her knees against her chest, uncontrollably sobbing.
"Cassie, why the fuck would you do that?" Lexi yelled at her older sister as she then followed Maddy to the bathroom.
Lexi saw Maddy standing at the sinks, trying to fix her makeup that was a bit messed up since she let a few tears slip. "Maddy?" Lexi tried approaching Maddy calmly to avoid being yelled at again. "I know you don't want me to be talking to you right now, but there is something really important I thought you should know. "What is it?" Maddy says confused and partially annoyed. "(Y/N) wasn't cheating on you, Cassie grabbed her and started being all weird and flirty with her, (Y/N) was trying to push Cassie away, I just thought you should know that." Lexi said which made Maddy's face change to guilt. "Are you sure?" Maddy asked. "Just because Cassie is my sister, doesn't mean I'm always going to take her side, but just trust me, I know (Y/N). She loves you, she would've never done something like that." Lexi before walking out to check on (Y/N).
"Hey, you alright?" Lexi asked (Y/N). "I just don't understand. I mean why did she immediately assume I was doing something wrong, does she not trust me? Did she really mean all those things?" (Y/N) said through tears, Lexi wrapped her arms around her. "She didn't mean any of those things, she was just mad. She may look confident, but deep down she gets scared and insecure. Trust me, she still loves you." Lexi reassured the older girl.
Lexi sat there for a few minutes with her arms wrapped around (Y/N) until Maddy started walking in their direction. "I'll leave you two alone" Lexi walked away and went to her class.
Maddy kneeled down next to (Y/N). "Maddy, I promise I would never do any-" (Y/N) is cut off by a passionate kiss, which was surprising because she thought she was about to be killed. "I'm sorry, I may have assumed a bit too quickly that you still liked Cassie and were cheating on me with her, I just get really scared sometimes? What I said was pretty harsh, and I promise you didn't mean any of it, I was just really mad in the moment. Can you forgive me? I love you."
"I guess I can forgive you, but if anything like this happens again, just please try and ask me about it first instead of yelling, but thank you for apologizing, I love you too." (Y/N) says. "Okay I can try and do that, only for you though, but do you forgive me enough to leave this shitty place and go to my house, we can maybe watch a movie and order food?" (Y/N) smiled at this. "Yeah I do, that sounds great"
Both girls went back to Maddy's house, they both changed into something comfier and laid in Maddy's bed, their bodies intertwined with one another. They stayed like this all day and even after they fell asleep.
A/N Sorry for taking so long to write this, I have been pretty busy 😭😭. Anyways I didn't proofread this because it's 3 in the morning and I have to wake up in 4 hours. If you have any requests for any Euphoria characters, or any characters I write for in general, then lmk, requests are always open. By the way, I have a couple Sam Carpenter imagines on my Wattpad that I haven't posted on here, so if you want to check it out, my Wattpad is @n0vabug! By the way thank you so much for all the notes, I highly appreciate it!
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parkershows · 1 year
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Coachella, 2023
Zendaya At Coachella | Zendaya Wallpapers
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Happy International Lesbian day!! ⚢
part 1
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
❝ it’s only a matter of time. ❞
❝ do i even know you anymore ? ❞
- Rue Bennett
❝ it’s only a matter of time. ❞
❝ do i even know you anymore ? ❞
Pronouns: Any/Gender neutral
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Sluggishly walking down the hall, you felt exhaustion tugging on every muscle in your body. School had taken forever and work had been hectic. But at least you were home. Just a simple shower and then you'd order takeout and-
You paused upon hearing rummaging coming from your parents room. Your brows furrowed and you pulled your phone out, checking the message your mother had sent explaining they'd be getting home late. You reread the message over and over, feeling the backpack strap slip from your fingers and onto the floor with a soft thud.
The hairs on your arms rose and you inhaled shakily, tightly gripping your phone with one hand and reaching for the nearest vase with the other. You kept your eyes trained on the bedroom door, taking slow steps toward it and seeing the light peeking through the bottom. You nudged the door open and surveyed the room before looking toward the brightly lit bathroom and stepping further into the room. Spotting the figure, you stared at them.
"What the fuck are you doing, Rue?"
The girl in question flinched and whirled around, eyes slightly widened. She looked horrible. Sweat covered her skin and caused her brown curls to stick to her forehead and cheeks. There were bags under her eyes and she looked frail. She stumbled slightly, appearing to be unable to hold herself up for long. And yet, she smiled widely, albeit a nervous smile.
"Oh, hey! How are you?"
"How'd you get in?" You questioned, cautiously setting the vase on the drawer and eyeing her.
"Through the window-"
"What the hell?"
"-it was open so I just... you know. Were you gonna hit me with that?" Rue laughed nervously, pointing a shaky finger at the vase. You pursed your lips at her, gaze shifting onto the messy bathroom counter. Had she been searching for the medicine cabinet? You stepped closer and spotted it. Your mother's precious jewelry box.
A wave of nothingness washed over you, shoulders slowly slumping and brows lifting slightly. Your lips pressed into a line and you looked back at Rue, watching a mixture of emotions pass over her features as she searched for an excuse. You could only blankly stare at her and wonder... what happened to the girl you used to ride alongside to school? the girl you raced around with during recess? the girl who would show up on your doorstep with shy little Lexi in tow to ask if you could play at the park?
"I-I-I was looking for-"
"Do I even know you anymore?" You asked breathily and Rue blinked, her body freezing at your words, almost reeling back as if you'd slapped her.
"Yeah..." She didn't even believe it herself. "Of course you do, (Y/N). It's me-"
"No, it's not. This-" You motioned toward her. "-is some sad pathetic version of yourself."
Rue flinched. The numbness left.
You inhaled deeply, feeling the anger begin to seep into your veins. So many years, so many tears, so many cruel words you endured, and a goodbye you hoped would bring the old girl back. But rehab had obviously failed.
Her eyes welled up with tears and she pressed her lips together, attempting to stop them from quivering as she looked at everything but you. "I know... I fucked up.." She whimpered and sniffled, crumbling up the end of her shirt in her hand. "But I tried-"
"You didn't try hard enough!" You snapped abruptly and she bowed her head, shoulders beginning to shake. "You know it's only a matter of time before you end up dead in a ditch because of your own selfishness, Rue! It's not just about you! Can't you at least try for the rest of us? The people who love you?"
The bottled up anger overflowed despite how hard you tried to contain it.
Hot tears began blurring your vision and you shook your head, releasing a breathy laugh. "Is this because of that girl? Jules? Funny how a complete stranger made you sober right up but your mom couldn't get you to quit. Your sister couldn't get you to quit. Your best fucking friends couldn't. Why weren't we enough? Why wasn't I enough?"
"I-I know," She hiccupped and crumbled to the floor, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "I'm sorry..."
"Fuck your apologies." You roughly wiped at your wet cheeks, lifting your phone and sending a text to Gia. "And get the fuck out of my house, Rue."
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