#Rose & Jasmine Shower Gel
stardust-swan · 3 months
Everyday Ways I Honour Aphrodite
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(NSFW warning)
🌹Roses, roses, roses. Rose soap, rose lip balm, rose hand cream, rose lotion, rose perfume, rose oil on my pillow before falling asleep, rose candles, rose incense, roses in my garden, rosewater toner, rose face mist, rose shower gel, dried roses in the bath... Just roses everywhere you can fit them.
🌹Reading romantic books and poetry, watching romance films
🌹 Reading books and poetry about Aphrodite
🌹Making myself feel beautiful with pretty jewellery and makeup. Even just a swipe of tinted lip balm boosts my confidence (I use French Girl Rose Noir). I try to wear at least a little bit of makeup or jewellery daily, even if it's just a pair of studs or a subtle lipstick
🌹 Even if I'm just staying at home all day I'll spray perfume and put on jewellery and do lipstick just to feel sensual while I'm lounging around playing Animal Crossing (currently wearing a comfy embroidered nightie, small gold hoops, a pretty bracelet and a little bit of YSL Orange Perfecto lipstick as I write this)
🌹 Embracing my sensuality. Swaying my hips, feeling the softness of my body, dancing freely, engaging in self-pleasure, taking nudes, trying to unlearn the shame associated with sexuality from my upbringing. I don't watch porn often as I find most of it unhealthy and misogynistic (I only like this one random Japanese couple's channel and some vintage and Korean softcore), but I enjoy toys (my favourite is the rose), erotic literature, erotic film, audio porn (usually in other languages because I find a lot of dirty talk just makes me cringe but I still get enjoyment out of hearing little moans and silky low voices so I get that and avoid secondhand embarrassment from bad dirty talk by listening to it in languages I don't understand), and erotic fine art.
🌹 I try to get really comfortable when I'm engaged in self love. Lipstick and perfume on, hair styled, lingerie or nightie that makes me feel sexy, a candle lit or rose, ylang ylang and jasmine oil in my diffuser, soft music playing. Then I'll position myself comfortably, and stroke my thighs, tease my nipples, squeeze my breasts, lick my juices off my fingers and use it like a lipstick, painting my lips and nipples or using it to lightly lubricate my clitoris. Running my hands all over my belly, thighs and breasts, experimenting with different types of pressure and stimulation. Just luxuriating in the sensual feelings I can bring to my beautiful female body.
🌹 Wearing jewellery with seashells, pearls, emerald, ruby, bronze, copper, gold, jade, garnet and iridescent beads
🌹 Enjoying apples, honey, figs, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, olives, lettuce, rosewater and chocolate. I like buying Guylian chocolates as they're seashell shaped, but any chocolate will do (my favourite chocolate bar to buy is white chocolate with strawberries). I also like foods that you can taste the rosewater in like rose macarons and Turkish delight.
🌹 Making foods with ingredients she likes, like honey cakes, Persian rose love spell cookies, rosewater nougat, Persian love cake, baklava, cornes de gazelle, mhencha, etc... I mostly stick to Mediterranean, North African, Arab and Persian recipes, as they commonly use ingredients like rosewater, honey, pomegranates, and figs.
🌹 Carrying rose quartz in my pocket and keeping rose quartz under my pillow
🌹 I use a rose quartz roller to massage oil into my face
🌹 I keep a mini Venus de Milo statue and a swan trinket box on my bedside table
🌹 Drinking a drink made up of honey, cinnamon, milk and hot water at night to relax
🌹 Wearing pretty lingerie under my clothes, even if it's a basic outfit
🌹 I often fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves
🌹 Gold highlighter swept on my cheeks and body shimmer on my collarbones, reflecting light like sun rays on the ocean
🌹 Doing little offerings, like spritzing her statue with perfume, or offering up a portion of food I'm eating that I think she'd like
🌹 Lighting incense in scents like myrrh, frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and jasmine
🌹 Drawing myself relaxing baths with fragrant oils and salts
🌹 Reading hymns, Sappho's poetry, and listening to Athanati Afroditi
🌹 Listening to music that's romantic or sensual (this is my playlist)
🌹 Carrying a hand mirror and admiring myself as I check my makeup
🌹 Adding honey to tea
🌹 Writing letters and poetry about love and beauty
🌹Admiring women I find beautiful without jealousy or resentment, just appreciation
🌹Using these emojis: 🌹🦢🌊🪞🍎❤️💘💗💕💋🕊️🫒💄
🌹 Wearing pink, red, aqua, and seafoam green
🌹 Being consistent in self care. No matter how low my spoons are, unless I'm so dog-tired I end up falling asleep on the couch at 8pm, I force myself to do my evening skincare routine - cleansing, toning, eye cream, moisturiser, oil. And I always feel better for it even if I was exhausted before. Much smaller but I'm also consistent in oiling the ends of my hair daily and spraying perfume before bed. And I keep up with getting my hair done and brows waxed every three months without fail.
🌹 Doing exercises that make me feel sensual. I'm really lazy tbh but I push myself because I know Aphrodite would want me to take care of my body. I pick exercises that make me feel good and desirable, like yoga flow, belly dance, and exercises that target my womanly attributes.
🌹 Giving compliments!
🌹 Doing a big self care day every Friday (the day associated with her). Hot oil hair treatment, foot soak and exfoliation, removing old nail polish and buffing and filing nails, face mask, teeth whitening....
🌹 Going to the pond in winter and admiring the swans
🌹 Going to an art gallery in my city just to look at the painting Venus and Cupid (Day) by Fragonard
🌹 Sleeping on silk sheets as they feel sensual (they're also good for your hair and skin)
🌹 Making my own diffusers and cosmetics from natural, aphrodisiac products. Homemade bath salt with rose petals and pink salt, homemade lip mask with olive oil and rose oil, and adding oil of rose, jasmine, sandalwood, and cinnamon to a diffuser as I find these scents stimulating and sensual.
🌹 And of course, thanking Lady Aphrodite every day.
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icarusredwings · 21 days
What things smell like according to Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine. A series of smell based headcanons. Do with these whatever you want :)
Ororo: burnt marshmellows, rain, chunky chocolate chip cookies, protien shakes, spansih rice, chillies, and cocoa butter. She always smells great.
Scott: cucumber shampoo, the remaints of a bonfire the next day, fresh dry cleaning, axe shower gel, lavender sheets
Jean: caramel latte, lavender sheets, vanilla spiced chai, books, mint ice cream, fruit smoothies, stinky hair product, lemon poppy seed muffins, sassafras
Hank: Books, sanatizer, various chemicals, a very specifc fur dander, kinda musky but in a 'im covered in fur and sweaty' kind of way.
Rouge: "Dolly Parton", brick and concrete dust, cherry blossoms body spray, freshly engraved wood, strawberries and milk conditioner, spicy gaucamole and freshly sizzled sausages.
Gambit: tv static, a fresh deck of cards at the casino, spicy jumbo, gin, lime jello, hair gel, "suprisingly good actually"
Kurt: brimstone, smoke from franckinsense, myrrh, a less smelling dander then hank, Holy chrism oil (olive oil and Balsam made by catholic priests), metal, and blue raspberry. Fur/ beard pomade sometimes for special ocassions.
Morph: even when changed he can smell is sandlewood shampoo, he smells like how "Jack Outta smell", latex, pine and cedar, clear nail polish, "that ugly quilt that your grandma kept on the back of her couch that was the warmest, softest thing you've ever slept with."
Charles: Old man fart, metal, chalk, shoe polish, nutmeg, wool, "a trusting hug", books, mahogany, expensive champagne.
Laura: "teen spirit", a shitty cheap "girl power" deodorant that doesn't do well hiding the sweat, apples and peaches, kinda woodsy.
Wade: Cancer, gun smoke, citrus dish soap, blood, oranges, taco sauce, infected skin once in awhile, red dye 40, slight over cooked and crispy apple pie, sugary cereal
Puppins: wet dog, dog dander, oatmeal senstive skin puppy shampoo, chicken, "the dirtest trash she can find to roll in on her walk"
Althea: Old lady, way too strong perfumes, butter biscuits, tea, peppermint candies, more cocaine, "baby powder", lanvender linens, cotton and daisy's Landry detergent.
Big/serious lies: smell like Gasoline and salty sand near the sea.
Small fibs/playful/ teasing lies: smell like Anise
Lies with decent intentions/are bent truths: smell like honey
Those two are easily mixed up.
Innocent (the person truly believes it. Ex. A child saying dinos are real) truth: smells like thick vanilla creamer.
Filling, whole truths (the person knows for a fact its a truth) smells: like fresh baked rolls/buns
Cancer smells vary like: urine, nail polish remover, some people have a pungent semi sweet smell like rotting fruit, and tar is another smell, depending on which part of the body. If already in late stages, one can smell like cadavers. Even spicy almost.
Pregnant people vary in scent but he can smell the rise of different hormones: Some hormones sweeter then other. If you asked him he would say cinnamon or dying roses. If you're later in your term the scents are more soft like lotion or custard. Lemon ussually.
Serotonin; cheese, lemon cakes, fruity, a bit light, and flakey like a pastry. Marshmellow fluff.
Dopamine; sweet fresh coffee, doritos(?), cocaine. Don't ask why he knows what cocaine smells like. He was alive during coke cocaine.
Endorphins; Sweaty Sex, mint, dark chocolate, violets, chemicals, varies by persons pheromones
Oxytocin; "playful cherries", freshly washed cotton pillows, the warmth of a bath, skin on skin hugs, strawberries
Joy/relaxation/relief: Jasmine, vanilla sugar cookies, fresh soup.
Anger/disapproval/hurt: smoke, the back end of a cigarette, spicy curry, iron, blood, "spoiled raw chicken left out too long"
Fear/excitment/anxiousness: Adrenaline smells like oil, paint, salty pretzels almost.
Tears: Oceans, lillies, fresh water lakes
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even in those quiet moments, i hear your voice
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elriel month prompt six: words unspoken
Another Secret Dating Modern AU installment. Read other fics in the series here
It was the laziest of Sundays, but it had been a while since Azriel had spent the entire morning in bed. He probably hadn’t done so since his teen years, when he’d sneak out of the house with Cass and Rhys and binge drink the cheap beer they’d bought with a fake ID in the local park all night, coming home just before the sun rose and sleeping the entire following day away. But honestly, if all his mornings included Elain Archeron tangled in his sheets, her jasmine scented hair splashed across his pillows and soft skin pressed up against his, he would do it more often. 
Azriel had never thought he’d be the type of guy to be down so bad for a girl, but the more layers of Elain he got to uncover, the more he realised he was made for someone like her. The broody guy who loitered in shadows, falling for the sunshine flower girl. He snorted at the absolute irony of it.
He’d promptly ignored the incessant texts from Cassian at seven am, his brother hounding him to meet at the gym for a session. It wasn’t going to happen. Not today. Today he was going to do nothing but lounge around with his girl. She’d been busy all week with work and assignments, and he’d barely gotten a chance to see her. 
If it was just their schedules that kept them apart, he may have been more compliant in her absence, but they had the unfortunate burden of also having to sneak around their nosy siblings. He loved that Elain was so close with her sisters, and he with his brothers. After all, they were all each other had.
Their little group had only grown closer since Rhys and Feyre had introduced them all, and he loved the bonds he shared with each, but sometimes they were all just so damn clingy.
He chuckled, wondering what their group must look like to outsiders. Probably something like the Cullen’s… Azriel grimaced, it was Elain’s fault he even knew that reference.
Elain had come over late last night after a dinner shift at the restaurant. Tired and cranky, she had dumped her bags in the doorway and made a beeline straight for his shower, complaining she smelled of fried calamari and beer. Azriel had laughed, thinking she was being melodramatic. She always smelt fucking amazing. 
She had emerged from his tiny ensuite twenty minutes later, wrapped in an oversized towel with her hair thrown up in a messy bun and steam wafting out of the door behind her like tendrils of smoke. It had taken all his willpower not to stalk over to her, whip that towel off her body and throw her onto the bed. Fuck, she was gorgeous.
She had further sealed his fate, driving home the final nail in the I Love Elain Archeron coffin, when she’d gone rummaging through one of his drawers. She’d turned around with a proud grin on her face when she’d found what she was looking for; an old band tee he’d had since college. Throwing on the faded tee she loved to sleep in so much, she’d curled up in bed beside him, giving him a soft peck on the cheek before settling in. 
Azriel’s eyes had almost rolled into the back of his head. She smelled like his shower gel, and that, paired with the oversized t-shirt she wore, had him internally peacocking in some fucked up, masculine alpha-male type of way. Whatever. He loved seeing Elain in his clothes, even if that did make him some sort of primitive, territorial bastard. She tucked herself into his side and Azriel had all but beamed in male pride.
He’d thrown on a Netflix movie for them to watch, but it had barely been ten minutes in before she had fallen asleep, her face pressed into his chest as her breath fanned across his skin. He’d simply smiled down at her and pulled her closer, rubbing a hand down her back, bringing his palm to rest at her waist. He’d let her sleep, his own eyes growing heavy as the warmth from her tiny form drifted over him and lulled him into a peaceful slumber not long after.
The following morning, he'd awoken early but remained in bed, not wanting to disentangle himself from the limbs she had wrapped around him in their sleep. Elain dozed peacefully as he looked over at her, and not being able to resist her thrall any longer, he gingerly rolled over onto his side. Gently pushing aside the hair that had slid over her face, scarred fingertips fluttering over her serene expression, he pressed the softest of kisses to her nose.
She didn’t stir.
He leant forward again, peppering her face with feather-light kisses, brushing his lips lightly over her cheeks, her eyes, her temples, her jaw. 
With a deep exhale and a stretch of her legs, Elain’s eyes finally fluttered open, blinking as she adjusted to the light. The soft morning sunlight filtered through his window and gilded her hair in streaks of brilliant gold and honey brown. He couldn’t help but gape in awe at her, she’d never looked more beautiful.
“Morning,” she croaked, her voice still thick from sleep, face half buried in the pillow. 
His lips twitched into the ghost of a soft smile. Elain had breezed into his life just a few months ago, but in that short amount of time, she’d managed to awaken something deep within him that had long been slumbering. Something he had not even been sure he would ever possess, that vulnerable ability to open oneself up to another person entirely and just… trust. Yet here she was, making him fall head over heels for her in close to no time at all.
Beneath the rumpled sheets, she hitched a leg to rest over his hip and his skin prickled in response, delighted at her proximity.
He smirked, running a hand down her smooth thigh. “Morning, tater-tot.” 
She chuckled at the ridiculous nickname, and Azriel catalogued that laugh to memory. He couldn’t recall how it had started but every day since they’d been together, he’d think up of a new— albeit random— nickname to call her. She laughed every time, often remarking about the increasing ridiculousness of the names he gave her. He liked to keep her on her toes that way, and tater-tots were cute. Only psychopaths didn’t love potatoes.
Snaking an arm around her waist as his other hand gripped the thigh she had hitched on his hip, he tugged Elain across the sheets and into his embrace. Plunging his hand into her thick hair, he angled her face and kissed her, lazy and slow.
Her soft body melted into him as she sighed into it, kissing him back decadently as her hand came up from beneath the sheets to cup his cheek. He shuffled even closer to her, sidling up beside her, pressing their chests together. Elain in turn shifted, hitching her leg higher on his waist, sinking deeper into his sheets, all but mewling at his unhurried attention.
Azriel felt her delicate fingers creep up to card in the hair at the nape of his neck, her tongue laving at the seam of his lips. He opened for her, allowing his tongue to lazily caress hers as he kissed her, nice and slow, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth gently. 
A small whimper escaped her throat, her hips canting softly into his, and that was all it took to spur him into action. Gripping her thigh in his palm, Azriel rolled them over, settling himself on top of her, his hips cradled in the soft space she created for him between her split thighs. 
He tore his lips from hers, a true testament to his will. Or perhaps it was just proof of his hedonistic desire to simply stare at the way Elain was sprawled out beneath him, that debauched urge all but demanding he visually engross himself in how tantalizing she looked whilst spread out in his bed. 
She always looked beautiful, but there was something about this moment; the way her doe eyes would soften, the way her hair would lay tousled around her, the adorable pink flush colouring her cheeks… he would never tire of it. If he had any talent with a paintbrush or skill behind a lens, he would capture it to keep forever, but instead it was another thing he promised to commit to memory.
Holding himself above her, a muscled forearm resting on the pillow beside her head, Elain merely gazed up at him, a small, secret smile blooming across her lovely face. They never needed words, and yet they could always discern what the other conveyed. In the short time they’d been together, they’d become so proficient at quietly observing each other, they could often converse simply with a pointed look across the room or a subtle twitch of an expression. He loved that. He loved feeling seen by Elain, and in turn documenting her every little quirk, interpreting the meaning of each one of her silent cues. He intended to be proficient in the unspoken language of Elain Archeron and nothing could sway his determination.
He was so fucking done for.
Elain drew her arms up, slinging them about his shoulders, hands hanging limply behind him as her fingertips brushed his shoulder blades. Goosebumps erupted across his skin, and he couldn’t help but sink into her warm embrace, her body so supple and welcoming beneath him. 
The old t-shirt she wore had ridden up around her hips, and as he drew himself closer to kiss her, he pressed his hips firmly into the warm centre of her.
Something akin to a squeak escaped her lips, causing her in turn to wrap her long legs around his waist. He marvelled at her warmth, relished in doing nothing but exist in Elain’s hold. Kissing her deeply, keeping his machinations unhurried and languid, he couldn’t help but think he would happily live and die in this very spot. 
Shifting beneath him, Elain’s hands trailed up his body and dove into his hair, deepening the kiss as her thighs split imperceptibly wider, allowing his rapidly hardening cock to nestle snuggly against her. She loved it. She let loose a little breath, her back arching at the increased pressure on her sensitive folds. She bit his lip gently, unable to control the pleasure slowly building, and rolled her hips, seeking more friction where she needed it the most.
Azriel chuckled, pulling back once more to look down at her. Her pupils were blown wide, all traces of sleepiness gone. In its place was a sultry, sexual profligacy, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she gazed back up at him.
“Az, I need… uh!” she trailed off at a particularly delicious roll of his hips.
Azriel tenderly brushed the golden strands of hair that had fallen into her face. “I know, baby,” he cooed, placating her with another languorous thrust of his hips, benevolently rolling into her, burying her deeper into his sheets with the motion.
Elain’s mouth popped open, her eyes heavy lidded, the brown of her irises sparkling with desire behind them. He lived to see her pleasure splashed across her face.
Running a hand down his chiselled abdomen, Elain pried open the waistband of his underwear and eased one slight hand beneath the cotton. Her fingers were exploratory, fondling him lightly before finally wrapping them around his shaft. His head flopped heavily between his shoulders at her touch, his mouth falling open with an exhale. 
Her touch immediately sent sparks of pleasure ricocheting through his veins, her fingers well practiced in his preferences. The pressure she applied was just how he liked it. Fuck.
Gathering his wits, he gripped the hem of the tee she wore and slowly pulled it up her torso, exposing her iridescent skin one slow inch at a time. Her grip around him tightened, unhurriedly stroking the hard length of him. 
Pulling the shirt up to her collarbones and exposing her breasts, his mouth watered at the sight of her curves, her peaked nipples ready and waiting for him to steal a taste. Lowering his face to her chest, he puckered his lips around the hardened bud of one, his tongue laving hungrily at her skin. A soft cry escaped her as she flung her head back into her pillow, her back arching beautifully.
The movement allowed him to twine a hand beneath her, pressing his palm firmly against her back to push her breasts into his face, effectively smothering himself in the swell of her curves.
Releasing her nipple from his mouth with a soft pop, Azriel licked his way across the valley of her breasts to the other side, lavishing the second with the same attention. He traced a broad hand around her waist and up to cup her breast, sinful fingers replacing where his mouth had just been, his tongue continuing to lick and suck at her chest with a reverence he reserved solely for Elain. He moaned at the taste, the scent and feel of her skin engulfing his senses completely.
He sucked and pulled and licked at her skin, teeth nipping the sensitive swells of her breasts until he’d left several blooming violet marks splashed lovingly across her chest. He knew she loved the little reminders of his passion, that the thought of wearing his love bites hidden beneath her clothes excited her. And he loved giving them to her. He could never get enough.
A short yelp escaped her at a particularly enthusiastic pass of his teeth against her hard nipple.
Seemingly decided she was done with being teased into oblivion, Elain had grown increasingly needy and pointedly pulled his cock free from his boxer briefs, stroking him with increased fervour.
She gripped him hard and twisted her hand around his shaft, just how he fucking liked it. Azriel shivered at her touch, hazily admiring the way she was able to work him up just as effectively as he had her. His blood pounded in his ears as he grew almost painfully hard, his cock leaking and standing at attention.
Elain continued to expertly stroke him, whilst the fingers of her other hand twined in his hair. Administering a sharp pull, the tug caused him to reluctantly tear his mouth away from her plush breasts.
He crooked a brow at her insistence, injecting a low timbre in his voice he knew drove Elain wild. “Yes?”
Her only answer was another soft whine as he pointedly rolled into her dripping folds again, her own hand still wrapped around his cock adding to the friction.
He gazed down at her, a smug grin blooming across his lips at the desperation he saw leaching from her. Her chocolate brown eyes smouldered and she all but trembled with want, his hips pinning her resolutely beneath him.
He watched the way her throat bobbed as she swallowed thickly, the way her nipples had turned a bright pink from his ministrations, how her kiss-swollen lips parted as her breath panted out before her. She gazed at him how a hungry beast may observe its prey, and he knew that same desire was reflected in his own eyes. Stooping down for one last peck to the little dip between her collarbones, he settled onto his forearms, pressing his chest flush against hers.
Sensing her small hands fumble to line up his cock at her needy entrance, Elain exhaled contentedly, eyes beautifully fluttering into the back of her skull as he began to sink slowly into her. 
So soft. She was always so fucking soft, and tight and warm for him. And wet. She was so fucking wet.
He shuddered above her, pausing halfway, allowing her to adjust to the intrusion before he continued. Biting her lip, she slung her arms over his shoulders once more and urged him onwards with a small tilt of her hips, imploring him to go deeper. Silently begging him for more.
Rolling his hips into hers, she cried out as he finally pushed all the way in, her slickened walls enveloping him deliciously as she trembled beneath him. She looked up at him with that burning desire they both felt so acutely written across her face, her teeth sensually sinking into her plush bottom lip. She all but begged him to move, her eyes expressing everything she needn’t voice.
Pressing a kiss to her jaw, her neck, behind her ear, he nuzzled his face into her silken hair as he started to move. 
Rocking in and out of her slowly, he lengthened his strokes, feeling her clench deliciously around him with each pass. Her arms came to wrap around his middle and her nails scraped down his shoulder blades, a sure sign that Elain was holding herself back from tumbling over that edge too soon. He knew she wanted him to come with her. Knew she loved it when they found their pleasure simultaneously in a puddle of heaving chests and garbled pleas. He’d let her have it, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for her.
Edging their way ever closer to their pleasure, he continued to plunge impossibly deeper into her, over and over, the feeling of her delicate muscles beginning to flutter around him. Their chests had grown slick with sweat causing them to slide against each other with each stroke, only adding to the debauched eroticism. Knowing she loved the stimulation to her nipples, loved his weight atop her, he pressed her more firmly into the mattress beneath them as he continued fucking into her. 
“God— Az!” 
It was a desperate, reverent plea, her fingernails scraping down the skin of his back leaving red marks in their wake.
Elain attempted to clasp her knees together, her taught thighs pressing into his sides as he continued to drive into her wet heat. Pulling his face from its resting place nuzzled against her neck, he lay his forehead against hers. 
Their hot breathes mingled in the space between them, gasps and moans falling from their lips as Azriel drove into her over and over, as deep as he could possibly go. Nudging that elusive knot of nerves he knew would have Elain seeing stars with every drive of his pelvis, a small cry bubbled from between her lips, her fingertips digging into his muscled back as he pounded into her. 
Feeling his own orgasm looming, he swiped his tongue into her mouth, catching the whimpers and cries she let loose like they sustained his very lifeblood.
Trying and failing to hold his composure, his movements grew sloppy and frantic as they both hurtled toward their climax, their bodies slamming together and edging ever closer to that summit. His head emptied of all other thoughts but Elain, Elain, Elain; and with one final, heavy thrust, she cried out, her face twisting into a pageant of pleasure. 
Her hands clutched frantically at his biceps as she came around his cock, her breath catching in her throat as her plump lips opened into a pretty O. The sounds of her orgasm reached their crescendo, and only moments passed before Azriel was following closely behind.
With a stuttered grunt and an echo of her name he spilled into her, her folds fluttering around his shaft, her tight inner muscles heightening his pleasure.
His mind short-circuited in his bliss, but he focused on the feel of her flushed breasts pressed beneath him, their mingled releases dribbling around him, her breath fanning across his sweaty face. Elain. He could never fucking get enough.
They remained tangled around one another and panting. Brown and hazel eyes screwed shut, but parted lips softly grazing the others’ as he sloppily rocked them through the final throes of their pleasure. 
Azriel’s arms gave way as he slumped heavily into Elain’s embrace, her tense muscles now softening and turning pliant once more. She glistened with sweat, the golden-brown hair at her temples curling against her glowing skin.
His mind had gone blank. Utterly quiet in the wake of his climax. All except for one thought that emerged from the heady fog: this. 
This. This. This.
This is how he wanted to spend all his days. With her. Irretrievably intertwined in each other. Warm, safe, peaceful. In their own little haven of quiet understanding and unbridled desire. The way she understood him, saw him, without the need of any unnecessary words. 
Yes, this was fucking it. He’d never be able to go back to life without her.
As the haze of passion cleared, he became conscious of his entire bulky frame completely smothering his tiny girlfriend beneath him. Fuck, he was probably crushing her lungs.
Pressing a chaste kiss to the hollow of her throat he attempted to pull their sweat-slicked bodies apart, but she only mumbled something that sounded like not yet and pulled him soundly back on top of her, wrapping her legs securely around his waist to hold him in place. 
Ok then, he wasn’t going to argue.
Instead, Azriel just smiled into her neck, gently brushing the hair away from her face as he murmured into her skin, “Love you, too.”
She only hugged him tighter.
A special thanks to @tswaney17 for helping me pull this out of the trash💚
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brokoala-soup · 1 year
I think my aesthetic might be something along the lines of cottagecore and light academia with a tinge of Studio Ghibli and bits and pieces of chaotic academia. So this includes:
classical music blaring out of cheap speakers, homemade food served in reused takeout containers, half dying houseplants in everything but traditional flower pots, the fragrance of jasmine and mint, mirrors reflecting sunlight on to disorganised bookshelves with the most random collection of books, soups in glassware, gel pen doodles all over my notes, herbal teas in whiskey glasses, locally sourced incense sticks, handmade woolen blankets over commercially sold quilts, baking granola bars on a lazy sunday afternoon, adding chocolate to literally everything, mid day naps when the weather is cloudy yet humid, ribbon ties instead of stapler pins, making my own spice powders, scented oil lamps, being obsessed with cloves, sleeping on a bed full of pillows only to find over half of them on the floor next morning, missing alarms because closing my eyes for two more seconds won't make me fall asleep again, picking flowers and herbs from the garden, sleepy afternoons, careful skincare but with the most day to day products, eucalyptus oil, use and throw inhalers to deal with my anxiety because the smell of menthol calms me down, short nails and neutral manicure, smelling like flowers one day and like the sea the other, getting excited whenever I spot the moon, absolutely in awe and in love with the clouds because they're amazing and so creative, puppies, calligraphy using ball pens, homemade mocha latte using soya milk, my grandma's childhood earrings that I wear all the time, newspapers, organic vegetables sold by retired social workers, tote bags, reusable metal water bottles, hot showers and cold rinses, using my grandmother's favorite brand of soap because I love smelling like her, herbal hair oil, smelling like sandalwood, cooking pasta with the family, reading secondhand books, collecting fused light bulbs, pencil underlines, postcards, 1 am poetry, pop instrumentals and pensive journaling, benzene rings on page margins, berry flavoured cough syrup, baking bread, long walks, loud conversations, thrifting, e-books, chocolate wrappers hidden between dictionary pages, colourful periodic table prints, plushies, honey, fleece blankets, sleeping cats, signet ring, dried rose I'd bought for myself and carried around like a trophy travelling back home with it in the public bus, twinning perfumes coincidentally with my best friend, vintage looking brand new ink pen and expired ink, sticky notes with motivational quotes covering my wall, never buying perfumes and only using the ones I'm gifted, random words that remind me of niche incidents or memories written along the corners of my study material, pearl jewelry set that my dad gifted my mom but it's me who wears it now, combat boots bought at ¼th it's price at a discount clearance sale, all my jackets being bought from different countries by my dad and thus each serving as a token of memory, lipstick shades that match only extremely specific vibes and look off and odd at other times, cherry lip balm stick that I've used only twice, daily calendar sheets reused as a notepad, birthday candles from my 16th birthday sitting on my work table, the lingering smell of multiple beverages in my room because I seldom wash the cups I drank them from and now they're cluttered all over the room, hand me down luxury watches older than me, chipped nailpolish, reminders written down on tissue papers, bus tickets all over my bag, sugar-free chewing gum, deodorant that never washes off my clothes, wearing clothes purchased 5 years ago and getting compliments simply because it's not trendy but is unique, mini origami cranes, rose sprays, lychee scented sanitizer, baking bread at home on weekends, homemade hair masks, turning up late because i was busy enjoying life walking through the eucalyptus grove on the way to class, running to the station yet missing the train, all my everyday ornaments having a deeper meaning to me.
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
Curious question: How long does it take you to dry your fur after a shower or a bath for example. And how do you get your fur to look so fluffy and soft?
"Ah, so! This is, as you'd expect, something of an involved process.
So, imagine, if you will, that I've just exited the shower or bath - I tend to favour a long soak in an appropriately sized bathtub, for the record - and I'm soaking wet, all of my fur is weighed down by a half ton of water."
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"That's only slightly south of an exaggeration, incidentally.
In years past, I used to sit myself down in a mesh chair, put on an audiobook or an album I was looking to indulge in, and dual wield a pair of ultra-quiet hairdryers I'd fashioned for just such a task. It was, in its way, quite the relaxing experience, though it could take up to an hour if I had spent a particularly long time soaking in the water."
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"As I've gotten busier and busier, however, I've had to speed up the process, and as a result, I've fashioned a cubicle that can blow dry me in three minutes flat. I simply step up, enter my usual program, and modern technology takes care of the rest.
Obviously, the blow dry tends to account for at least some of my volume - thank you for noticing, incidentally - but the rest comes from a carefully engineered shower gel and shampoo formula that I produce myself. "
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"Most often, I trend towards a jasmine-spearmint blend that leaves me smelling rather fresh, but I have a few others I've been trialling, including a honey-cinnamon, petrichor-lime, and passionfruit-rose.
And, of course, the brushing. One hundred strokes a night has never been more necessary than it is for me."
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ketchup-monthly · 2 years
Batfam members favorite/most used item from Bath and Body Works
with the help of @space-specs
Bruce- Car insert that the kids gave him. its in the Batmobile and its shaped like a dinosaur. the smell is apple :) (idk what kind of apple. it just smells like apple and Dick switches it out for a new one every few months. anyone who rides in the Batmobile that doesn’t know about the clip is so confused)
Dick- several one single wick candles in The Perfect Christmas scent that he uses year-round (fragrance notes: pine, cinnamon sugar,] toasted marshmallow)(the other batkids try to confiscate his candles when it isn’t the holiday season but somehow he always has more)
Babs- 3-wick candle in the Birchwood Forest scent that Steph got for her (fragrance notes: vanilla, white birch trees, bergamot)(it makes the clocktower smell so nice and that helps with the long hours of Oracle-ing. plus Cass says that the color of the jar matches the Oracle color)
Jason- Teakwood cologne that he wears in costume as well in his normal day (fragrance notes: mahogany, black teakwood, lavender)(when hes early on patrol, people are like "huh, the Red Hood smells weirdly good?" and he has to live with that)(no i totally didn’t make my fav batkid use the same cologne that i do shut up specs (totally lying) -ketchup)
Tim- Warm Vanilla Sugar wall air freshener that Steph got him that she moves and he has never been able to find and destroy (fragrance notes: vanilla, white orchid, sugar, jasmine, sandalwood)(we promise this was a Steph prank. neither of us can stand this smell -ketchup)
Cass- Black Tie 3-in-1 face, hair, and bodywash because she just doesn’t see  the practicality of using several different soaps, Babs (she also has a veritable army of single wick candles in her closet) (fragrance notes: sage, dark tonka bean, sandalwood)(Steph later introduced her to a better conditioner later, when she was first learning to take care of herself, the 3-in-1 soap was the best option)( @godlytomatoes​ contributed to this, as well as the army of candles idea)
Steph- the notorious Blueberry Sugar Pancake scent in a shower gel (fragrance notes: blueberries, sugar, pancakes, caramel cream)(this scent is so strong jfc)(unrelated, but Steph’s shampoo smells like strawberries)
Duke- giant bottle of Orange Blossom hand sanitizer that he's had since 2011 (fragrance notes: idk it smells like orange and orange flowers?)(tbh we know this used to be a scent bc specs’s grandmother had it and yeah. sunshine scent for sunshine boy!)
Damian- White Tea and Sage foaming hand soap that he keeps in his personal bathroom for when he just needs to wash his hands during the day (fragrance notes: tea, lemon, herbs)(he has other soaps for after he uses the restroom or for when he washes his paintbrushes, but the foaming soap is for just washing his hands when he feels that they're dirty)(is this giving us the hc that Dami is a bit of a germaphobe? yes. and we wholeheartedly accept it)
Cullen- Rainbow Waves pocket hand sanitizer in the crab case. its attached to his lanyard (fragrance notes: sangria, melon, misty waters)(its gay and was a gift during pride month and it smells very good)
Harper- Dark Kiss body mist for date night *winky face* (fragrance notes: black raspberry, burgundy rose, bergamot incense, dark vanilla bean, plum musk)(it sounds like it smells so freaking good and its purple and shes purple. it fits)
Kate- Pure Wonder body scrub bc it makes her sparkly and is great before a night of patrol or date night (fragrance notes: rosé, star jasmine, white amber)(she prettyyyy and deserves a pretty and sparkly body scrub to clear her skin and stuff. smell nice and sparkly)(like a vampire)
Alfred- wall plug from Jason in the shape of an old fashioned lantern in his personal quarters with the scent Laundry Day (fragrance notes: fresh air, eucalyptus, lavender)(his rooms smell so clean without him needing to constantly clean them. the scent is also particularly relaxing, and is stress relieving!)
Terry McGinnis- he carries around Sunshine and Lemons hand sanitizer spray on patrol as Batman but also for Matt (fragrance notes: yuzu, grapefruit, sunrays)(what do sunrays smell like??? idk but Batman just whipping out citrus hand sanitizer spray to clean things is funny)
Matt McGinnis- Salted Butterscotch single wick candle to annoy Terry (fragrance notes: warm brown sugar, sweet cream, sea salt, melted butter)(it started as him being a little brother pain in the ass, but he does eventually grow to like the smell, even though it kinda makes him hungry)
Jarro- Vanilla Bean Noel lotion (“what else would an alien starfish possibly need???” -specs)(fragrance notes: vanilla bean, caramel, sugar cookies, whipped cream, snow-kissed musk)
Drake Winston- Ocean in a lotion because working at the garage is tough on his hands :( (fragrance notes: blue cypress, vetiver, coastal air)(this smells very fresh, but he only uses it after a day of work and/or patrol, when hes going to go to sleep so the texture doesn't bother him bc BaBW is notoriously oily, at least in my opinion -ketchup)
Carrie Kelley- Black Chamomile aromatherapy bubble bath (fragrance notes: chamomile, bergamot)(its calming, and after roaming Gotham with only a slingshot for protection, she really needs it, and bubble baths are so fun!)(if someone says that you're too old for bubble baths, they're dirty rotten liars and have no joy in their lives. bubble baths are for everyone! -ketchup)
Jim Gordon- Babs got him a wall plug with the Smoked Vanilla Whisky scent for Christmas two years ago, but somehow the scent hasn't gone away yet (its a night light shaped like the bat signal) (fragrance notes: dark oak, bourbon, smoked vanilla)(the night light plug is specific to Gotham and shines a little bat signal onto the ceiling)
Bette Kane- Orange Ginger lotion bc it smells good and moisturizing is important (fragrance notes: orange, ginger)(smells nice and is energizing, which is a great pick-me-up in the morning when she needs to get ready for school or work)
Luke Fox- Vintage hand soap bc smell good :) (fragrance notes: blue lavender, pepper, vintage woods)(idk ive never smelled this but i want to so bad bc they sound like they would smell so good together and BaBW usually hits when it comes to the men’s fragrances -ketchup)
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? ― Caitlyn always uses Black Orchid and Juniper Oil shower gel which is often the scent upon her, along with the scent of jasmine and rose for her hair. The scents she has are usually soft and subtle without being overpowering.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? ― When she's not wearing silk or satin gloves, Caitlyn's hands are typically very soft, finely shaped manicured fingernails (usually always tipped in silver). She has a scar on her right front palm that is slightly raised, but otherwise, her hands are without blemishes or heavy callous.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? ― Typically three meals a day, breakfast is usually eggs, pancakes or french toast, yogurt and fruit. Then Lunch is more lightweight, sandwiches are salads of sorts, and dinner is usually pastas and meats.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? ― Caitlyn can sing but she's no professional. She's not amazing at it, but she doesn't sound bad either. Its average but decent to listen to. More likely then not, she will hum songs her mother would sing to her that she could fall asleep too or orchestra style music she's played on her violin.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? ― Some Tics that Caitlyn has is tapping her fingers against something (whether its a book, a desk, her knee or anything) when she's doing things. If not tapping her finger, she can tap a pen and if its a feather pen might twist it around between her fingers. Another tic she has is if its too quiet, if her ears are hurting her, she'll start humming softly, distracting her own personal thoughts to focus on the hum.
Bad habits include Caitlyn being a workaholic. She will often go days without sleep is she's deeply invovled in her work (specially if it involves the death of people and others could die). This also goes into her eating habits, as if she's working so hard she can forget to eat and causing herself to not sleep like she should.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE/WEAR? ― Caitlyn has a variety of clothing she wears, all dependent on what she's doing. However, what she regular wears is pants and regular comfortable shirts. this can be long sleeve button up blouses to shirts that fall off her shoulders, and more often then not she always wears some sort of corset (whether its under the bust or over the bust style). The corsets aren't meant to make her little smaller, but more for functionality. Almost always, she wears calf to thigh high boots.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? ― Caitlyn is affectionate yes, but she's respectful of boundaries as well. She will always gives hugs if someone is in need of one, and if she is in a relationship she will often touch the cheek, the arm, or hold a hand. She likes to express herself in touch but never in a way to is unwanted.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? ― She often will sleep her left or right side, and doesn't move much in her sleep.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? ― If she wanted to, yes. Caitlyn knows how to project her voice, how to command a room, and how to gain the attention of people. However, more often then not she prefers to speak calmly and quietly with people next to or in front of her and not across a room.
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pluuginstore · 2 months
The Best Perfumes for a Romantic Evening
Selecting the ideal perfume for a romantic evening can seem like searching for a needle in a haystack of fragrances.. But fret not, dear fragrance aficionados, for this Perfume Gift Guide is here to help you find the best scents for every budget. Whether it's a romantic date night, a candlelight dinner, or a special occasion, we've got the perfect picks for you. Plus, don't forget, the pluugin store sells original WPC perfumes at affordable prices. Now, let's dive into the world of romantic fragrances and discover the perfect scent for your evening of love and allure.
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Best Perfumes for a Romantic Date Night
When it comes to setting the mood, the best perfumes for a romantic date night are those that evoke a sense of intimacy and allure. Here are our top picks:
High-End Splurge: Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
Why We Love It:
Long-lasting perfume for date night
A timeless classic with a blend of orange, jasmine, and rose that creates an enchanting and sophisticated aura.
Perfect for an elegant candlelight dinner or a night out at a fancy restaurant.
Budget-Friendly Gem: Zara Red Vanilla
Why We Love It:
Romantic evening fragrance for women on a budget.
Offers a warm, sweet vanilla scent with a hint of pear and blackcurrant that’s both cozy and captivating.
Ideal for a cozy night in or a casual romantic dinner.
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Sensual Perfumes for a Romantic Evening
Nothing sets the mood quite like a sensual perfume. These fragrances are designed to attract and allure, making them perfect for a romantic night.
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium
Why We Love It:
Sexy perfume for a romantic night with a mix of coffee, vanilla, and white flowers.
It’s bold, daring, and utterly irresistible, making it a top choice for those looking to leave a lasting impression.
Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede
Why We Love It:
Romantic perfumes for special occasions with a delicate blend of peony, red apple, and suede.
It’s soft yet luxurious, perfect for a subtle yet enticing allure.
Long-Lasting Perfumes for Date Night
You don't want your perfume to fade halfway through your romantic evening. These long-lasting perfumes ensure you stay fragrant all night long.
WPC Deziner Boutique Sensation Eau De Parfum
Why We Love It:
Bestperfumes to wear on a romantic evening with notes of Moss, Musks, Sandalwood, and Vetiver.
Its rich and opulent scent lasts for hours, making it perfect for an all-night event.
Lancôme La Vie Est Belle
Why We Love It:
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Fragrances that attract men with a sweet blend of iris, patchouli, and gourmand.
This long-lasting perfume not only smells divine but also makes you feel like a million bucks.
Perfumes with Aphrodisiac Scents
A perfume with aphrodisiac scents can elevate the romance of your evening. Check out our top selections that are sure to captivate and charm.
Gucci Guilty
Why We Love It:
A seductive mix of mandarin, pink pepper, and peach that’s perfect for sparking a romantic connection.
A great choice for a romantic dinner or a night out dancing.
Dior Hypnotic Poison
Why We Love It:
A bold and daring scent with notes of almond, jasmine, and vanilla.
Its intoxicating aroma is perfect for a memorable night.
Perfume Tips for a Romantic Evening
To ensure your perfume works its magic, follow these perfume tips for a romantic evening:
Apply to Pulse Points: Dab your perfume on your wrists, behind your ears, and on your neck for maximum effect.
Layer Your Scents: Use matching body lotions and shower gels to intensify the fragrance.
Make sure you don't overdo it: A little goes a long way. Too much perfume can be overwhelming.
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Top Date Night Fragrances
Here are a few more top date night fragrances that are sure to make your evening special:
Marc Jacobs Daisy: A fresh and floral scent perfect for a springtime date.
Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb: A powerful floral fragrance that's both sweet and sophisticated.
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue: A fresh and citrusy scent that’s perfect for a summer evening.
Choosing the right perfume for a romantic evening can make all the difference. Whether you're looking for a sensual perfume, a long-lasting fragrance, or something with aphrodisiac scents, there's a perfect perfume out there for you. And remember, the pluugin store sells original WPC perfumes at affordable prices, so you can smell amazing without breaking the bank. So go ahead, pick your perfect scent, and make your next romantic evening unforgettable!
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sanajames · 4 months
The Essence of Elegance: A Guide to Perfumes for Women
Perfume is more than just a scent; it's an expression of personality, mood, and style. Finding the perfect fragrance can be a transformative experience, elevating your confidence and leaving a lasting impression. At Bash, we offer an exquisite collection of perfumes for women, each carefully curated to captivate the senses and enhance your allure. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of perfumes, from understanding fragrance families to selecting the ideal scent for any occasion.
Understanding Perfumes
Perfumes are crafted from a blend of aromatic ingredients, including essential oils, aromatic compounds, and solvents. These ingredients come together to create unique fragrance compositions that can be classified into several families:
Floral: Floral perfumes are characterized by the scent of flowers, such as rose, jasmine, and lily. They are feminine, romantic, and perfect for everyday wear.
Woody: Woody perfumes feature warm, earthy notes like sandalwood, cedarwood, and patchouli. They evoke a sense of grounding and are ideal for confident, sophisticated women.
Citrus: Citrus perfumes are fresh and invigorating, with notes of lemon, orange, and bergamot. They are perfect for summer days and add a burst of energy to any ensemble.
Oriental: Oriental perfumes are exotic and sensual, with notes of spices, vanilla, and musk. They are perfect for evening wear and evoke a sense of mystery and allure.
Fresh: Fresh perfumes are clean and revitalizing, with notes of green tea, cucumber, and aquatic accords. They are perfect for active women who appreciate a light, refreshing scent.
Choosing the Perfect Perfume
Selecting the right perfume involves considering your personal preferences, skin chemistry, and the occasion. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect perfume for women:
Scent Preference: Consider the scents you're drawn to. Do you prefer floral, woody, citrus, or oriental fragrances? Experiment with different perfume samples to discover your signature scent.
Skin Chemistry: Perfume can smell different on each person due to individual body chemistry. Test the fragrance on your skin and allow it to settle for a few hours to see how it develops and interacts with your natural scent.
Occasion: Choose a perfume that matches the occasion. Light, fresh scents are perfect for daytime wear and casual outings, while richer, more intense fragrances are suited for evening events and special occasions.
Season: Consider the season when selecting a perfume. Light, floral scents are perfect for spring and summer, while warm, spicy fragrances are ideal for fall and winter.
Longevity and Projection: Pay attention to the longevity and projection of the perfume. Some fragrances may linger on the skin for hours, while others dissipate quickly. Choose a perfume that suits your preferences and lifestyle.
Styling with Perfumes
Perfume is the finishing touch to any outfit, enhancing your overall ensemble and leaving a memorable impression. Here are some tips on styling with perfumes:
Layering: Enhance the longevity and complexity of your scent by layering perfumes with matching body lotions or shower gels from the same fragrance line.
Pulse Points: Apply perfume to pulse points, such as wrists, neck, and behind the ears, where the skin is warmer and the scent will radiate throughout the day.
Hair Mist: Spritz perfume onto a hairbrush or hair mist to lightly scent your hair, leaving a subtle trail of fragrance wherever you go.
Clothing: Spray perfume onto clothing, scarves, or handkerchiefs to infuse your wardrobe with your favorite scent. Avoid spraying directly on delicate fabrics to prevent staining.
Signature Scent: Find your signature scent that resonates with your personality and becomes your olfactory calling card. Experiment with different fragrances until you find the one that feels like an extension of yourself.
Why Choose Bash
At Bash, we believe in the transformative power of perfume to evoke emotion, enhance confidence, and create lasting memories. Our collection of perfumes for women encompasses a diverse range of fragrances, from timeless classics to contemporary favorites. Explore our fragrance collection to discover the perfect scent that speaks to your unique essence.
In conclusion, perfume is a personal and intimate expression of identity and style. By understanding fragrance families, choosing the perfect scent, and styling with confidence, you can create a sensory experience that leaves a lasting impression. Visit Bash to explore our curated collection of perfumes and embark on a journey of self-discovery through scent.
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stardust-swan · 3 months
My current perfume layering routine:
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(I'm going for light and sweet roses and vanilla for the summer, but with a slight exotic twist)
Wash with sandalwood soap (I leave it sit for a few minutes because sandalwood is good for your skin)
Wash again with Imperial Leather Rose Milk and Mallow shower gel
Massage Palmer's Cocoa Butter Oil into my body while it's still damp (it smells like soft vanilla)
Moisturise with Nivea Rose and Argan lotion
Apply rose oil on my pulse points
Then spray perfume on top of the rose oil. My current favourite is Fatima Pink by Zimaya, which is a really really close dupe of PDM Delina and lasts for ages (if you like Delina but don't want to pay €260 and don't mind using a dupe I'd def recommend this for €40, it's the same scent and longevity in a different bottle). It smells like sweet, light roses, a bit fruity, and to my nose it smells kinda like Turkish Delight.
I'm also:
Using Jurlique rose hand cream every time I wash my hands
Washing my hair a couple times a week with As I Am coconut cowash, shampoo, and leave in conditioner (they smell like coconut and Shea butter)
Oiling the ends of my hair daily with L'Oréal Elvive Extraordinary Oil (love the smell of this, and it also just glides on and softens the hair without looking greasy)
I also have been using honey peel masks, honey and almond sheet masks, oil pulling with coconut oil, applying Glossier birthday balm throughout the day and Klavuu rose lip treatment morning and night, massaging my scalp and hair with a mix of hot argan oil, black castor oil and jasmine oil once a week, and massaging argan oil into my face, lashes and brows at the end of my skincare routine (but nobody will be able to pick up on these scents except for me unless they're way too close lol)
Roses are in bloom at this time of year, and are classically feminine and elegant. Vanilla is also feminine and adds warmth and sweetness. Sandalwood is woody, exotic, and calming, while coconut is tropical, sweet and nutty, perfect for summer. Which is the vibe I want to evoke this summer - feminine, sweet, and summery, with some exotic allure.
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ravindsl · 5 months
Unveiling the Best Shower Gels for Women in India
In the realm of personal care, a luxurious shower experience can uplift the senses and rejuvenate the soul. For women seeking the ultimate indulgence, finding the perfect shower gel is paramount. In India's bustling market, where options abound, we embark on a journey to discover the finest shower gels tailored to women's needs, from hydrating formulations to captivating fragrances.
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Shower gels offer a sensorial escape, cleansing the body while enveloping the senses in a veil of fragrance. The best shower gels not only leave the skin feeling refreshed and revitalized but also cater to specific concerns such as dryness, sensitivity, or the desire for long-lasting fragrance. Whether you crave the crispness of citrus, the sweetness of florals, or the warmth of spices, there's a shower gel to suit every mood and preference.
When scouting for the best shower gel, it's essential to consider factors such as formulation, fragrance, and skin type compatibility. Look for shower gels enriched with moisturizing ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and natural oils to combat dryness and maintain skin hydration. Additionally, opt for fragrances that resonate with your personal style, whether you prefer subtle sophistication or bold allure.
In the diverse landscape of the Indian market, several brands have garnered praise for their exceptional shower gels tailored to women's needs. From established names to emerging favorites, there's no shortage of options to explore. Brands like The Body Shop, Dove, Nivea, and Fiama offer a diverse range of shower gels infused with nourishing ingredients and captivating fragrances. Whether you're seeking a refreshing burst of citrus, a floral bouquet, or a sensual blend of spices, these brands have you covered.
For women with dry skin, selecting a shower gel that provides intensive hydration is paramount. Look for formulations specifically designed to replenish moisture levels and soothe dry, parched skin. Brands like Biotique, Himalaya, and Forest Essentials offer luxurious shower gels enriched with hydrating botanicals and natural extracts, perfect for restoring suppleness and vitality to your skin.
When it comes to fragrance, the best shower gels evoke a sense of blissful indulgence with every lather. Whether you're drawn to the timeless elegance of rose, the exotic allure of jasmine, or the invigorating zest of citrus, there's a fragrance shower gel to tantalize your senses. Brands like Lux, Palmolive, and L'Occitane offer an array of fragrance-infused shower gels that transport you to distant realms with their captivating scents.
In conclusion, the quest for the best shower gel for women in India is an adventure in self-care and sensory delight. With a plethora of options to explore, each offering unique benefits and fragrances, there's no excuse for settling for anything less than perfection. Whether you seek hydration, fragrance, or both, the right shower gel is sure to elevate your bathing ritual, leaving you feeling pampered, refreshed, and ready to conquer the day.
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roguescores · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cowshed, Ameliorate, Terry, Beautyspace, & Grow Gorgeous Bundle- NWT.
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mikkisworld · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ROSE Shea and Vitamin E Shower Gel by Bath & Body Works.
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williamjone · 8 months
Avon fragrances
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Far Away: A Timeless Journey
Embark on a sensory expedition with Avon's iconic fragrance, Far Away. This timeless scent has enchanted hearts for decades, weaving together notes of exotic florals, warm spices, and amber. Far Away is more than a fragrance; it's an olfactory journey that transcends time and space, inviting you to dream and discover the farthest reaches of beauty. Whether worn for a special occasion or as an everyday indulgence, Far Away leaves a lasting impression of allure and sophistication.
Bold and Seductive
Imari, a fragrance that exudes boldness and seduction, is a celebration of femininity in its most powerful form. With a captivating blend of oriental spices, florals, and warm vanilla, Imari is designed for the woman who embraces her strength and sensuality. Each spritz of Imari is a statement, a proclamation of confidence and individuality that lingers in the air, leaving an unforgettable trail of mystery.
Elegance in Every Drop
Elegance personified, Rare Diamonds is a fragrance that captures the essence of sophistication. With exquisite top notes of plum, guava, and sparkling aldehydes, this fragrance unfolds like a rare gem, revealing its layers of floral and woody accords. Rare Diamonds is a symphony of luxury, evoking a sense of refinement that makes it an ideal choice for those special moments when you want to exude grace and allure.
A Symphony of Fragrance Notes
Avon fragrances are crafted with precision, and the top notes play a crucial role in creating the initial impression. Whether it's the citrusy burst of bergamot, the freshness of floral elements, or the zesty allure of fruits, the top notes are the opening act that sets the stage for the olfactory journey to unfold.
Heart Notes: The Essence Unveiled
As the fragrance evolves, the heart notes come into play, revealing the true essence of the scent. Floral arrangements, spicy nuances, and aromatic accords form the heart of Avon fragrances, creating a captivating and harmonious blend that lingers on the skin. The heart notes are where the fragrance tells its most intimate story, capturing emotions and memories.
Base Notes: The Lasting Impression
The base notes, with their deep and lingering tones, leave a lasting impression that defines the character of Avon fragrances. Woods, musk, vanilla, and other rich elements form the foundation, ensuring that the scent endures throughout the day, creating a signature aroma that becomes uniquely yours.
Avon Fragrances for Every Occasion
Indulge in the sophistication of Avon fragrances that embodies daytime elegance. With a blend of jasmine, rose, and creamy vanilla, Cherish is a symphony of floral and oriental accords that create a captivating aura. Whether heading to the office or enjoying a brunch with friends, Avon Cherish is the perfect companion for the woman who appreciates timeless beauty in the daylight.
Evening Glamour: Avon Luck
As the sun sets and the evening unfolds, Avon Luck takes center stage, capturing the essence of glamour and luxury. With sparkling citrus, red berries, and velvety floral undertones, Avon Luck is a fragrance designed for those special nights out. It adds a touch of allure and sophistication to your evening ensemble, making you the star of every glamorous affair.
Fragrance Layering: Your Signature Scent
Avon encourages the art of fragrance layering, allowing you to create a truly personalized and unique signature scent. By combining different Avon fragrances, body lotions, and shower gels, you can craft a fragrance profile that resonates with your individual style. The possibilities are endless, and the result is a fragrance that is distinctly yours, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.
Beauty for a Purpose: Avon Foundation
Beyond the allure of fragrance, Avon is committed to making a positive impact on the world through initiatives like the Avon Foundation. By purchasing Avon fragrances, you contribute to causes such as breast cancer awareness and domestic violence prevention. Avon believes in beauty with a purpose, and your choice to indulge in their fragrances becomes a small yet impactful step towards making a difference.
The Avon Promise: Quality and Accessibility
Avon's commitment to quality craftsmanship is evident in every fragrance they create. From the sourcing of the finest ingredients to the meticulous blending process, Avon fragrances undergo a rigorous journey of creation. The result is a collection that rivals high-end perfumes in both quality and craftsmanship, offering you an affordable luxury that doesn't compromise on excellence.
Accessibility for All
Avon believes that beauty should be accessible to everyone. With a diverse range of fragrances that cater to various preferences and budgets, Avon ensures that the joy of wearing a luxurious scent is not limited to a select few. Avon fragrances are designed to make the world of fine perfumery inclusive, allowing individuals from all walks of life to indulge in the beauty of exquisite scents.
How to Choose Your Avon Fragrance
Avon fragrances span a wide range of fragrance families, from floral and fruity to oriental and woody. Understanding the fragrance families can guide you in selecting scents that resonate with your preferences. Whether you lean towards the freshness of citrus or the warmth of vanilla, Avon has a fragrance waiting to be discovered.
Test and Experience
Fragrance is a personal journey, and the best way to find your signature scent is to test and experience different options. Avon offers fragrance samples, allowing you to explore the scents at your own pace. Apply a small amount on your wrist, let it evolve, and observe how the fragrance interacts with your body chemistry before making your choice.
Consider Occasions and Moods
Avon fragrances are versatile, offering options for every occasion and mood. Consider the atmosphere you'll be in and the emotions you want to evoke when choosing a fragrance. Whether you're aiming for daytime freshness, evening allure, or a fragrance that seamlessly transitions from day to night, Avon has a scent to suit every mood.
Embrace Fragrance Layering
Unleash your creativity by experimenting with fragrance layering. Combine different Avon fragrances, body lotions, and shower gels to create a customized scent that reflects your unique style. Fragrance layering allows you to express your individuality and ensures that your scent is as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are.
Avon fragrances are not just scents; they are symphonies that play on the senses, creating an orchestra of beauty, memories, and empowerment.
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men--fashion · 8 months
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Prestige Pour Femme Perfume for Women
Prestige Perfume is more than just a fragrance; it’s a statement of elegance and allure. It celebrates the charm of prestigious beauty and captures it in a bottle. When you wear Prestige Scent, you’re not just wearing a scent; you’re wearing sophistication and distinction.
Perfume has always been a way to encapsulate and express one’s personality, style, and sensibility. It’s a silent but potent form of self-expression that has been cherished for centuries. The fragrance you choose can speak volumes about you, and in this article, we’ll dive into the world of Prestige Perfume a fragrance that celebrates prestige, elegance, and allure.
Glimpse into Elegance
Prestige Perfume is a testament to the charm of prestigious beauty. It’s not just a fragrance; it’s a journey that captures the essence of creamy vanilla and Dutch rose, leaving an enticing and regal freshness that is meant to be savored with every spray. This perfume is a tribute to those who appreciate the finer things in life.
Fragrance Accords
In the world of perfumery, the term “accords” refers to the harmonious blend of different notes that create a unique scent. Prestige Perfume is a floral and oriental fragrance that artfully combines various accords to deliver an extraordinary olfactory experience.
Oriental Symphony
The accords come together to create a symphony of scents that evolve on your skin, leaving a lasting impression that is both distinctive and memorable.
Fragrance for Women
Prestige Perfume is designed for women who appreciate the finer things in life. When you wear Prestige Perfume, you’re not just wearing a scent; you’re wearing an aura of elegance that lingers in the air.
Alluring Notes
The top notes of pear, black currant, and grapefruit provide an invigorating and refreshing opening, setting the stage for what’s to come. The heart notes of jasmine, rose, and pineapple add a touch of floral sweetness and romance to the fragrance. Finally, the base notes of cedar, patchouli, and vanilla bring depth and warmth, leaving a trail of enchanting allure.
Application Tips to Make it Last
To make the most of your Prestige Perfume, follow these application tips: Spray on pulse points: Apply the perfume to your wrists, behind your ears, and on your neck. Avoid rubbing: When you apply perfume, refrain from rubbing your wrists together. Layering: Consider using a matching body lotion or shower gel from the same fragrance line to enhance the longevity of your scent.
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eatthaimarket · 1 year
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Cherlive Jasmine and Rose Shower is an innovation shower gel researched specifically for sensitive skin. Patented by the use of fresh jasmine flower extracted through steam distillation of jasmine flower.
✨ 100% organic process complete with glutathione to reduce dark spots
View product info at 👉 https://eatthaimarket.com/brand/cherlive/
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