#[muse] caitlyn — headcanons.
movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
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☾ *  ── Animalistic Associations
:: To which Zaun embraces and Piltover Blinds
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
I’m surprised that many fankids for Piltover’s finest don’t include adopted kids. Like you don’t think a more aged and mature Vi 15 years or so down the line wouldn’t be the type to adopt some poor Zaunite orphan and give them a home? Especially considering how she takes after Vander and all. and that Caitlyn wouldn’t ever say no to that
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knightfeared · 9 months
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➤ MISC HEADCANONS. [ ; ] ft. *@arcanescion Impulse Control.
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◈ Jayce has no impulse control & he is more often then not led by his curiosity, so do with that what you will. Most if the time he will pause & consider the possible outcomes before he acts & it can vary depending on the seriousness of the situation or what’s at stake exactly. *Panda’s Cait is his impulse control 90% of the time & I fully Headcanon Viktor usually nudges him to go off regardless because whatever he’s thinking of usually leads to good ideas . . . Usually. Within a lab setting anyways.
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◈ Littol brainworm that stuck & here we are. I am gently logging it here because I need it ahaha
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◈ I am also going to gently nudge *Panda’s well developed hc about why Caitlyn is the designated Impulse Control for many outside of Jayce because it blows me away & makes so much sense.
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arcanescionmoved · 11 months
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Note: While this headcanon involves Jinx, if you write Jinx and don't like this or your Jinx wouldn't do it just tell me. This is by no means required but something I just headcanon personally.
Caitlyn's time with Jinx wasn't just a kidnapping for her twisted tea party. Jinx had some time to hurt Caitlyn, and not just mentally torment her, but physically and psychologically tortured Caitlyn as well. It's why Caitlyn is so terrified of Jinx because of the time left with Jinx that left more than just physical scars on her.
Caitlyn's back has scars on them from where Jinx cut into her, bringing her "lies to the surface." It took a few days before they could be treated properly, so the wounds couldn't be cleaned or covered for some time. There was some infection that had to be treated and the inflammation in the cuts caused the formation of the scar rather than quick healing. So the words that Jinx cut into her back, or just random cuts with no other reason than to cut (as Jinx was unpredictable with her mental instability and anger at Caitlyn). Jinx cut the words devil, traitor, sister-stealer, and wicked which scarred up.
It took no time at all for Caitlyn to cover up the scars once she was able to with some tattoos, as she couldn't look at her own back for almost four months after the situation with Jinx. It was a trigger for her and at times she swears she could still feel the blade cutting into her skin.
The tattoos on her back include different kinds of branches with cherry blossoms on them, a mix of koi fish, and ribbons to twist and turn on her back to cover up the scars. While it does a good job to hide the damage the truth is, it doesn't hide the memories. She will still flinch if she sees a flash of blue or if someone comes up behind her and touches her shoulder or her back she'll react very defensively.
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starlightspoken · 1 year
TAG DUMP: Caitlyn Reynolds
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ferinehuntress · 3 months
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˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍.
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◈ what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?  ⋯  Alright, I got a list of four so be prepared. My first muse was Caitlyn, I absolutely fell head of heels in love with her because I understood her in so many ways. We were both in the police force, both know how to use weapons expertly (no I am not lying, I could do a 40 out of 40 shot with my M16 and perfect shots with my 9mm as well. I was an expert shot in the military) but also her empathy. So naturally, I was drawn to her and who she was. And don't get me started on the haters of Caitlyn (and Caitvi) that I am even more protective of this character. She's so badass and yet so full of compassion and heart. She's such a good soul and I love to write her for all for all of this and more.
Vi, I was going to write first, but for some reason I didn't. Don't ask, I don't know why, but then I got encourage to try. Vi is like other characters I've written: Kassandra, Eivor, and other very strong ladies. So it was easy to pick her up, but what was hard was my fear of just not really giving her the same devotion as I did Caitlyn and the worry of copying or just, being the 'same ol same ol'. But she's here now and she's definitely going no where XD
My newest edition is Karlach and Aylin (Don't make me chuckle because Aylin and Karlach make me think of Caitlyn and Vi)
Aylin, I could not deny wanting to write her. A paladin of Vengeance, a demigoddess of the moon, AND! AND! tons of angsty torment to write out? Okay, but besides that, Aylin is an amazing character. She's straight to the point, full of care for people, a giant heart, and will do whatever she needs to to root out evil. I already have so many headcanons for her and I've only had her for a few days now! I'm drawn to her heartbreaking story, because there is SO much we don't really know about. 100 years in the Shadowfell? That is a LOT of shit to go through, and we don't even know a sliver of it so I plan to really expand her story. But there is also before the shadowfell, who her father is, how was she raised. There is so much of her story I want to give justice to. Just, a great character to explore.
And Karlach, oh my heart, Karlach. A barbarian who loves  violence and yet is a complete teddy bear with a heart of gold? How could I not write her? Again, a great storyline, and so much to explore on that wasn't shown in the game. She's right up my alley as all my girls are strong, defiant, yet dealing with traumas of their own. I love writing characters like this who are so full of heart and love despite what they've been through. And Karlach, with ten years of imprisonment in hell serving a archdevil and experimented on? Yes, there's lots to play on here. ◈ is there anything you don’t like to write?  ⋯  hmmm, not really sure. It all depends really on comforts around. The only thing I won't write for sure is the death of my characters (unless its aylin, who can die and come right back cause she's immortal) but the others, death is finite there is no coming back. I refuse to write death for my muses, and I will not write lovers turning to enemies or lovers killing each other either. ◈ is there anything you really enjoy writing?  ⋯  I'm about telling a story, I WANT the depth in writing, to create immense feelings and connections. I want you to feel what my muse feels, to see what they see, experience it. If I can make you cry, that means I've done a good job, or if I make you laugh then I'm doing good. I very much lean into angst, I like heartbreaking stuff as well as the comfort that comes with it. Give me one charrie fighting for another, desperate to save them. Give me a muse breaking down and another comforting them. Give me a muse struggling with trauma, or trying to help another going through it. Let one muse watch their partner getting tortured and hurt and the feelings it brings up. Anything angsty like that. ◈ how do you come up with headcanons?  ⋯  There's multiple things that can stir a ehadcanon. One is looking at pictures and going 'oh OH!' cause something pops into my head, another is replaying a game or rewatching the show. A lot of it comes from talking with my friends and ideas popping into my head. My headcanons are often an explanation to their history or effects of history. My headcanons bring to light more of the history, personality, and design behind a character. If you want to see jsut how in depth my headcanons go, look up Caitlyn, she has over 60 headcanons. ◈ do you write in silence or do you play music?  ⋯  I need music, all the time. Silence is... unnerving, to say. I can't do it at night either, I have to put on some green sound or something that will help calm my mind. I am very hypersensitive in hearing, which is why I like green or brown sound. I tend to put on songs I like (I have a music repeat list) or I put on violin music. ◈ do you plan your replies or wing them?  ⋯  I'm not really sure? I mean, I like to plot things out, but this isn't a hard to do script (somethings the muse will decide to do something else). But when writing, I tend to let the muse flow. I don't really wing stuff, if I'm thinking of what you mean. I read a post, and then I take each paragraph and I react to that paragraph. ◈ do you enjoy shipping?  ⋯  I do! But I have come to be kind of... picky? Its hard to explain. Like I love shipping caitvi, but I don't care to ship caitlyn with anyone else (unless its BG3, then she will ship Karlach too XD) but yeha. I love romantic relationship, but I'm picky on who.
◈ what’s your alias/name?  ⋯  PANDA! That's about it XD ◈ age?  ⋯  35 going on 36 soon ◈ birthday?  ⋯  September 29th ◈ favorite color?  ⋯  Blue, Green, Silver, Teal ◈ favorite song?  ⋯  I don't really have a favorite, more a list of songs that maek me happy. If I hear it and like the tune, its a favorite. ◈ last movie you watched?  ⋯  Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among Thieves. ◈ last show you watched?  ⋯  Uhhh..... Probably Arcane or Bluey XD ◈ last song you listened to?  ⋯  No idea, the music is playing right now on random. ◈ favorite food?  ⋯  Anything Italian. My favorite has always been Lasagna. ◈ favorite season?  ⋯  Fall, I love the comfort of falling leaves and changing colors and the way it is just a comfortable time. Not too cold, not too hot. Just perfect and comfortable. ◈ do you have a Tumblr best friend?  ⋯  Well, I have a bit more then one? @shimmerbeasts & @jynxd I am really close to, we talk about everything all the time. I'm also close to @playgroundmonsters and @undercity-merc, I enjoy talking to them and they have similar interest with me ^^. I've also gotten to know @goldenfists really well and consider her close <3
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @piltover-sharpshooter ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ Anyone who wants to really, I'm not really sure who to tag for this.
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piltover-sharpshooter · 3 months
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Tagged By: @witchcraftandburialdirt (Thank you dear!)
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? ━━ This is going to sound incredibly basic, but it was Caitlyn's depiction in the Warriors cinematic. Before that Cait was always shown in her awful stripper parody of herself costume, so seeing her be so cool while at the same time getting the itch to get back into RP was a perfect combination. And I'm glad too, cause I started writing a few moments before she became extremely popular cause of her ASU and Arcane, so I always have some food and inspiration!
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ Not per se? I tend to be open to a lot of stuff depending on the partner I am writing with. If it counts, I guess I don't like being thrusted into a position where I HAVE to write something I'm not comfortable with without my partner having double checked.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ I'm going to be real with you chief, I like writing dumb shit. It's just fun, I try to both have fun with my writing and make others have fun as well. I love angst, I love smut, I love fluff, I adore all of it, but funny stuff? Comedy? Oh that's my jam, I am here for the memes.
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━70% of the time it's usually me talking to other people and a subject with be brought up, like amount of languages learnt, or instruments, and such and I end up thinking how does Cait relate. The other 30% it's actually something I have completly stolen from other media lol. I will just see something that jumps at me and think 'Oh Cait can do that too'
do you write in silence or do you play music?  ━━ I tend to write in silence, if nothing else because listening to music while writing makes my brain's wires get mixed. There are times when I listen to music, but it's more for ideation and inspiration.
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━I tend to wing it! I ask beforehand if we have a plan for the specific thread, and if so I try to steer it in that direction, but for the most part I don't know what I will do until I get behind the keyboard.
do you enjoy shipping?  ━━ Absolutely, I am a ship whore. Clarification, I don't ship with anyone ever, and I do enjoy just a biiiit of preamble, characters meeting and interacting
what’s your alias/name?  ━━ Monkey or Choncc preferably
age? ━━ 27
birthday? ━━ The 25th of October
favorite color? ━━ It changes depending on my mood, but purple
favorite song? ━━ Don't have one! I tend to listen to a lot of stuff until I get bored of it and move on until I decide I can come back to it kek. At the moment my favorite song to listen to is Industry Baby .
last movie you watched? ━━ Madame Web, it was trash, I loved it.
last show you watched? ━━ Dungeon Meshi! Sidenote, WATCH DUNGEON MESHI.
last song you listened to? ━━Molgera's Theme Remix. (Blame @songofsilentechoes I've been listening to it religiously)
favorite food? ━━ Oh fuck, I'm a fat bastard how can I pick ONE?! You have milanesas, pasta carbonara, pizza, and so much more....shit I'll have to go with a classic and say double cheese burger, but that's a tough one and very interchangable.
favorite season? ━━ Winter. FUCK THE HEAT, ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE HEAT. COLD SQUAD FOR LIFE. Unless I'm at the beach
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ Shoutout to my VAMPIRE SQUAD. @thegoldentigress/@nova--spark , @angelicxlly , @heredis-sanguinis and @weapon-turned-jack
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Tagging: @songofsilentechoes @risingshine @undercity-merc @ferinehuntress @shimmerbeasts @playgroundmonsters @blackrosesmatron @darkin-of-shurima @heredis-sanguinis @weapon-turned-jack @nova--spark And whoever else wants to!
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ferinehuntressmoved · 8 months
📌 & 🏆
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*  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺. -> 📌 ― a staple on the dash & 🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
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Okay, so, a staple on the dash. Would it also include a staple on this blog, because hands down @shimmerbeasts is the first person I think of. A lot of what she has done has taken the aspects of arcane and literally ran 110 mph with it, creating original and unique headcanons that absolutely enhance and craft and even deeper view of the world. Not only that, but she gives voice to each and every character with unique style and love that is some of my favorite things to read. Everytime I see her on my dash, I literally run to read to see what she's up to. She is a massive inspiration and joy to always see on my dash and has had so many influences on my blog to really encourage the way I write and handle Caitlyn and how I view Zaun as a whole.
And ohhh, 10/10 blog!! Again, I feel like this is everyone XD If I follow you, I love your blog <3 but there are two blogs from me.
one is @goldenfists, omfg, can I tell you how much I love Joo? No lie, the first time I saw this blog I was like 'omfg, look at how amazing this writing is and the graphics and omg....' and absolutely wondering how she found me XD Not me being a shy little muffin going 'omg, I have ideas, do you want to plot' and I swear it kind of just exploded from then into something so amazing! But its not just the writing with me that is awesome, nor the graphics they have! Their writing with everyone, their headcanons for Sett, how much love and adoration she has for her muse. I just love it <333 and I love getting to talk with her as often as I can cause she's so sweet <3 Just, absolute 10/10 blog yes.
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realmyths · 6 months
So I'm lowkey still considering removing some muses. I'd be keeping all my OCs, only canon muses would be affected. However, I really don't know who I should get rid of, as I genuinely love all my muses. What I might do is make the muses I'm considering getting rid of request only for a while, and see how I feel after a while of that. Note that this does NOT in any way mean having less threads with these muses of mine. It's more a way for me to sort of...gauge how much muse I have for these characters and whether or not I should remove them. Rn the muses I'm considering removing are:
all Arcane muses (surprising, I know, but I find all of them challenging in different ways. Sometimes I like the challenge, though. And I genuinely love all of them. Maybe I'll keep Vi and Caitlyn and Mel, though. Maybe I'll just delete Jayce and Viktor, Idk.)
Anissa Pierce (Black Lightning)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (MCU & headcanon-based)
The last two I haven't added properly anyway. However, I could be convinced to keep them if there's interest in them. So if you'd like to interact with any/all of these muses, feel free to comment! <3
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movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
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The burns on Caitlyn's shoulders were so severe that Tobias decided to try a ritual procedure with Caitlyn in hopes of providing more comfort to her. Skin grafts were not working, despite immediately using them so he turned to his Ionian culture and knew of a special ritual, also known as a rite of passage, was done among the people. For most of his culture, it was more of a symbolic process, meant to connect deeper to the roots of their Lhotlan ancestors. The process of grafting feathers to the arms, legs, or other parts of the body was a choice made by young teenagers to connect and reflect on the world of their ancestors. By doing so, it made them more bird-like but also a sign of respect and honor to those in the past. Protectors, healers, and those who bring wisdom.
However, Tobias looked at it from the angle of a doctor. With Caitlyn having that bloodline, the ritual would work and the feathers would adapt and thrive on her body, but his reasoning for doing so (and offering it to Caitlyn) was to provide better protection and insulation against the burns. This ritual has been a centuries-old technique, but it's not always successful as the feathers and grafting must connect to the tissue and blood vessels so that the feathers can thrive and grow continuously.
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With Caitlyn's approval (as she was doing to help her welfare but also because she wanted to honor their ancestors), her father immediately went to work to find one of the birds from Ionia. The ritual of finding a bird also was linked to the idea of becoming 'one with the bird'. The bird provides healing against the ailment which she shares feathers with and becomes more bird-like, just like the Vastayan ancestors. The blue bird was not harmed, and the feathers taken were used from the molting. At the same time, another bird is used (one that has recently passed by the shafts still viable) in which they were used to be surgically connected to the shoulder. The entire process took hours with Caitlyn under while Tobias did the work specifically himself. He didn't trust anyone else with his daughter's quality of life but also because he knew of this ritual explicitly and while he was doing this for science, he did not wish to insult his ancestors either.
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He used four different feathers to help Caitlyn with her burns on both shoulders. The upper feathers were Contour feathers, the most colorful and smooth feathers will protect from temperature, precipitation, and wind. Underneath these feathers were the Semiplump and Down feathers; which both provide insulation and comfort to keep the area cool and comfortable. Lastly, he also included some Filoplume feathers, which she could use for sensory input, primarily the use of temperature control and knowing when she needed to get out of the sun or cold.
The procedure had been a success after checking on it in a few days. Blood was regulated and processed through the feathers which would keep them alive, though she would have to learn how to handle the molting seasons, when old feathers would fall off and replaced with new ones, and learning how to properly preen and care for them. Caitlyn also needed to ensure that her feathers received light to keep them healthy while also learning how to clean them without the water affecting her burn sites.
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The dark blue feathers cover her shoulders completely, from the top portion near her collarbone down below her shoulder. The feathers provide complete insulation and comfort for Caitlyn so that she can continue to do her job and move as needed without discomfort or pain.
Some of Piltover don't like her 'display of feathers' as it's very animalistic and doesn't fit into their culture of a prime and proper design. A part of Caitlyn had no problem doing this, as she was already different and a step apart from Piltover, never once fully fitting in so to embrace her willingness to do so only fueled Piltover to view her in a more negative sense. For Caitlyn though, this not only gave her protection and comfort, but it felt more natural to her. As if this was a part of her, a part of who she was. Also, in time, Caitlyn learned how to adapt the use of her feathers to better help her in fighting, including gauging wind speed and direction, and even the sensory movement around her that she can tell when someone is nearby just by the movement of her feathers in reaction to wind or water.
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jynxd · 8 months
💻 ― excellent writing
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Okay so I am going to cheat and put three people here because I can't not say something for them both.
@hexcoremagician - I will shout them out them out until she actually get sick of hearing this sap come out of my mouth (or I guess fingers here.) But they pour so much blood, sweat, and tears into Viktor. Like I could see hear Viktor through their writing and their headcanons are on par with amazing ones too. Plus I've been following them since they popped in the Doctor Who rp community. And I just instantly fell in love with how they write. They know how capture the magic in every one of their characters.
@gauntlets-shot - This would have also qualified under the thread prompt, but the way I've seen them write Vi and Caitlyn, it's just jawdropping. This is going to actually just be a theme for everyone here, but like the one above, I can see and hear the muse through them. Along with the mun just being so easy to talk to, its all just amazing all around.
@ferinehuntress - So many people are gonna get tired of me my god. But seriously a 10/10 Caitlyn. I love the work Panda has put into their headcanons and how unique their Caitlyn is. (You sent this ask of course :P) I love that Caityln is so heavily headcanon based, it brings so much more to character. Makes them feel alive!!
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arcanescionmoved · 1 year
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Caitlyn became an enforcer when she was struck out of her mother's grasp. She went to the academy when she was 23, spending six months in the training regiment.
Since then, Caitlyn had a pretty good standing record for the first year. She did her job, did it well, and went where she was told and when she was told. But working in records for a little bit, she started to notice something off. The way the records were kept about her undercity dealings, about incidents and accidents and she started to piece things together. When she was twenty-four, she started to develop what others called "The Great Conspiracy." It first started with a corkboard and writing stuff down. Whether it was found in records at the Enforcer hall or talking with informants.
There were a few instances that got Caitlyn suspended from work. One was when she went to go talk with an informant that came from Zaun up to Piltover. She was in mid-conversation when other enforcers came to arrest the man on 'chargers of breaking and entering' and Caitlyn got into a fistfight with some of them. Her suspension was a month as it was her first offense.
Another was when she snuck onto a crime scene without proper approval. She was caught and much of what she had done whether taking photos or notes were confiscated and destroyed. Caitlyn was lucky she had an eidetic memory and remembered everything she saw and drew it down. However, this got her suspended for another month.
Other situations have happened that caused Caitlyn to have some penalties, extra duties on guard, or small infractions that she was punished for because she didn't follow proper protocol or violated certain procedures.
Caitlyn grew tired of how she felt like Marcus kept blocking her at every twist and turn, but even so, she continued to figure out her own 'conspiracy theories' because she believed she was onto something despite the constant ridicule and blocks from Marcus and other enforcers under him. She wasn't fired due to her position as a councillor's daughter and the fact that her family standing provided Caitlyn with a privilege she didn't even think about at the time.
As Caitlyn put it, "she was not the best enforcer," because she believes in doing what is right by people, and not right by the law.
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warpaiint · 1 year
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Meet Selene.
Caitlyn got Selene for her sixteen birthday from an exotic import of pets from the east. Her father had saw the cat and thought that it might provide her with some companionship that she was sorely lacking due to being homeschooled, having no friends and with Jayce's expulsion from the academy.
Honestly, Caitlyn hated the gesture at first, because she still considered Jayce a brother to her and the fact that her parents thought a present would sooth over all the troubles and they appear like a perfect happy family again. However, Caitlyn could not deny the kitten, as it wasn't her fault she was brought into the household as a tool by her parents to appease her.
Caitlyn grew fondly attached to the feline, naming her Selene after the moon spirit. The two easily bonded and Caitlyn showered her cat with love and attention, and often found it difficult to move when Selene decided it was time to sit on her lap. Whenever Caitlyn is sick or hurt, Selene will stay right by her bedside, giving little bathes to her forehead and nose bumps, and then snuggling against her Caitlyn.
Selene is very cautious of outsiders, she doesn't like new people and will often hiss and resent when they show up at the estate. There has only been a few times where Selene has broken from this habit and accepted a newcomer. Selene is very attentive to people and their reactions with Caitlyn. Most people who come to the estate are not there for Caitlyn and come for business or other manner of interest. However, there have been a couple of people who have entered the estate and Selene was calm and curious: those two are Jayce and Vi. Selene took interest in them and did not react in an aggressive manner.
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heredis-sanguinis · 8 months
🌼 ― creative headcanons
Panda's Caitlyn is *cheff's kiss*
The headcanons and all together coherence of them is amazing and a delight to read. I have to admit that we have yet to interact between our muses (the draft is still being worked on, because I am continuously trying to deliver something that is to my liking) But I find myself constantly going back and forth between the headcanons just because they are such a treat to read.
I love reading thoroughly phrased headcanons and Panda knows how to deliver them!
And it goes beyond just Caitlyn! There's a scar map, headcanons relating to her family, heritage, past, heck even worldbuilding on top of all of that.
And it is all neatly organised for quick look-up and going back and forth. While that speaks more for Panda's organising skills, it definitely helps.
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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Good Afternoon everyone,
I hope you are all having a good Christmas eve, and those on the other side of the hemisphere, I hope it is a wonderful Christmas. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, whether you celebrate Yule, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and so many other festivals that are around, I hope they are a wonderful thing for you this time of month.
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I'm going to be online today, gunna do some more drafts, maybe some headcanons, we'll see what my headspace wants to do. I don't know why, but feeling like Caitlyn is my main focus again (Vi is also a main character, but she's still very new to me) I don't know, it makes me feel happy again.
You all see how many headcanons, drabbles, fanfics, and artwork I have of her. She is my dearest muse of all. so yeah, I'm just feeling a bit better like my focus is on her again (even though it always has been, I don't know what made me feel like it wasn't?)
I know, its confusing. Anywho, thank you all for being with me, continuing to strive with my changes as I fully find out what I really want to do on this blog. Its been a very difficult year, but you all make it so worthwhile. I can't give gifts to everyone, but the least I can say is thank you and I am honored and delighted to have you follow me and want to write with me. <3
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valerienada · 1 year
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PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver [VALERIE MOORE] passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus [22] anos, ela é uma [ATRIZ] conhecida pelos seus fãs por ser muito [MADURA E DETERMINADA], embora há quem diga que nos bastidores ela possa ser bastante [INSEGURA E TEIMOSA]. Você ouviu o que os tablóides andam dizendo sobre ela? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que [VALERIE COBROU O DOBRO DO CACHÊ PARA TIRAR A ROUPA EM CENA EM SUA NOVA PERSONAGEM]! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que não comprometa os seus futuros projetos porque realmente gostamos de vê-la no topo!
Menina Viaja o Universo como Millie Hops - 2014 a 2017
Os Herdeiros como Efie - 2015
Os Herdeiros 2 como Efie - 2017
Os Herdeiros 3 como Efie - 2019
Epiphany como Caitlyn Howard - 2020 a 2022
A primeira aparição de Valerie nas telinhas foi logo no começo dos anos 2000, pouco tempo depois de seu nascimento. Tudo aconteceu muito rápido porque sua mãe era a maior incentivadora da carreira da mini atriz. Amelie Moore também havia tentado seguir essa carreira no passado, mas precisou largar tudo para criar uma filha sozinha. Todas as expectativas e frustrações da mulher foram despejadas na criança, que por sorte, possuía muito talento.
Valerie fez alguns pequenos trabalhos quanto criança, porém sua grande chance foi quando conseguiu um contrato com a Disney. Estreou na série Menina Viaja o Universo, uma continuação de um clássico dos anos 90. O carisma e a beleza da menina logo chamaram atenção do público infantil, que passou a vê-la como uma inspiração.
A reputação de Moore sempre foi impecável, como uma estrela da Disney deveria ser. Sua mãe era responsável por sua carreira e era bastante exigente com os comportamentos da filha. Valerie chegou a usar por muitos anos um bracelete de castidade, algo que a mulher havia inventado para reforçar a “pureza” da atriz.
Depois de alguns anos como parte da indústria, Valerie ganhou seu primeiro grande papel de  destaque, como a protagonista da trilogia Os Herdeiros. Os filmes foram um enorme sucesso, fazendo com que o nome da loira estivesse na boca do povo e nas manchete dos tabloides. Nessa época, a atriz já era uma adolescente e por conta de toda a pressão, sua relação com a mãe ia por água abaixo. Já circulavam alguns boatos de que a estrela estaria com planos de deixar a Disney, mas ninguém esperava que a mudança viesse tão rápido.
Logo após o lançamento do último filme da série jornalistas deram a notícia que o contrato de Valerie Moore com a Disney estava encerrado. Além disso, a parceria profissional dela com sua mãe também chegava ao fim. Começando a vida adulta em Hollywood, muitas novas propostas surgiram para a carreira da loira. No entanto, foi o sucesso Epiphany que fez com que Valerie se tornasse uma atriz reconhecida e respeitada.
Valerie é filha de uma atriz que não fez muito sucesso nos anos 90. Ela não conhece seu pai e até hoje ninguém descobriu quem ele é.
Apesar de todos acharem que o bracelete de castidade usado pela loira era uma grande besteira, Valerie só perdeu a virgindade depois que deixou a Disney.
Quem conhece bem os bastidores sabe com a mãe de Valerie é uma pessoa extremamente complicada. Não foram poucas as vezes que ela gritou com funcionários e com a própria filha, fazendo com que essa má fama respingasse nela.
Quando foi chamada para fazer o papel de Caitlyn Howard em Epiphany tinha acabado de sair da Disney. Muitos acharam a proposta problemática, já que ela estava saindo do público juvenil para um completamente adulto, mas Valerie topou o desafio.
Desde sua primeira cena mais sensual na série, Valerie vem recebendo muitas críticas de seu antigo público. Quando a cena de nudez de sua personagem foi ao ar na segunda temporada, o nome da atriz ficou por horas em primeiro lugar nos Trending Topics do Twitter.
Muse e Valerie são amigas há muito tempo e por isso possuem uma conexão incrível. Ela é aquela pessoa que a atriz sempre menciona nas entrevistas quando é perguntada sobre amizades famosas. (F)
Já com Muse não foi uma amizade à primeira vista, porque ambos tinham opiniões formadas sobre o outro. Foi só depois de se conhecerem melhor que ficaram muito próximos. 
Muse e Valerie são crias da Disney, praticamente cresceram juntos e por isso têm muitos fãs dessa amizade. Mesmo com as diferenças ao longo dos anos ainda continuam muito próximos.
Muse é aquela amizade conselheira na vida de Valerie. Quando a atriz sentia que sua carreira desmoronaria a qualquer momento, era para essa pessoa que sempre ligava. 
Valerie sempre teve sua vida romântica muito privada, por isso poucas pessoas sabem que Muse foi seu primeiro namorado. Ainda eram bem jovens quando tudo aconteceu, portanto ela lembra de tudo com muito carinho. (M)
Já com Muse foi um turbilhão de emoções. Ninguém sabe ao certo se eles chegaram a namorar, mas na época que aconteceu, o nome dos dois não saía da boca no povo. (M)
Muse foi seu relacionamento mais recente e pela forma como tudo acabou, Valerie ainda não superou. Guarda muito rancor e outros sentimentos pelo ex, mas acabam se cruzando por ai o tempo todo, porque Hollywood é menor do que parece. (M)
Muse e Valerie são apenas amigos, mas seus fãs shippam esse casal como nenhum outro. São tantas fanfics e teorias que ela já chegou a se questionar se é apenas amizade. (M)
Muse e Valerie sempre competiram. Tudo que uma fazia afetava a outra direta ou indiretamente. Os sites de fofoca sempre incentivaram a rivalidade feminina, por isso sempre que estão no mesmo lugar pode ter certeza que vai ter climão.  (F)
Valerie é o tipo de artista que toma muito cuidado com a sua reputação e por isso odeia mentiras. Muse foi responsável por gerar um rumor com o seu nome e desde então não se dão bem.
Muse e Valerie fizeram uma campanha juntos e desde então não se suportam. Porém, como trabalharam para a mesma marca, fingem que são amigos, afinal o mundo das celebridades é cheio de mentiras mesmo.
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