#Romancing the Process
alisheaburgess · 1 year
Dev Diaries: End of Day 8- I've learned some things...
Dev Diaries, Masterlist
Start of Day
I learned some things about myself!
When I was taking the JavaScript courses the other day, I was really struggling to understand why, and therefore what, we were learning.
I kept thinking that I was either just too burnt out (a possibility) or just not able to understand it in general. The last one seems drastic but it went through my mind. The instructors were doing a lot to make the courses digestible and still I was struggling.
Then today, I was taking the HTML courses and it suddenly hit me what was wrong!
After I took the first HTML course back in week one, I mentioned that HTML and CSS just kinda made sense to me. I was thinking that maybe it was from my blogging experience. After today, I think that's true.
The one thing the JavaScript courses never did is explain why we were doing the things we were. There wasn't a real world example for me to tack it to.
I will take some time this next week to check for videos on YouTube to show me what JavaScript is really used for. C# made more sense to me because I had an idea of what I was using it for. The first few times I saw it was talking about game dev stuff. I knew why we were doing the things because they were showing what was happening to the game itself.
I need a Homebase to trace it to and get oriented. Otherwise I'm just trying to store all the info and I don't have a system to put it into...so it's either not in one and just chaos, or it's copied into about 7 lol. That's it's own special chaos.
If this works and I get a better understanding of JS, then I'll go back and re-watch those courses to make sure I really grasp it.
I did get a small combo of HTML and CSS today. Most of today was planning and gauging how much time I want to spend and doing what. 😋
I'm trying not to edit these too much because I want to keep it as real as possible.
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kelogsloops · 3 months
Another little sketchbook piece, experimenting with low light and a glow effect. Been loving these light-focussed works lately!
🎵 Blue Wednesday - Cascadia ft. Dillan Witherow
prints | tutorials
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urfriendlywriter · 2 months
20 angsty romance prompts part 2
(feel free to use <33 tag me when yall writeeee)
crying in your lover's arms
^ face buried in their chest, while their heart breaks at your every sob :(
"i wish i loved you less." but it is spat at the other person angrily, immediately being regretted after the words leave their mouth.
watching them cry and not knowing what to do (ouch-)
"why do you love me when you know i can't- shouldn't love you back?"
"you messed me up, you fcked me over and what- how dare i? how dare fckn you!"
"i am sorry. i am so so.. so.. sorry. please.. let me go."
"don't you dare do this to me- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!"
"... why can't.. anybody see--that... I'm tired?... " (if written write, this wud traumatize me)
"I'm done waiting for you, [name]."
them literally on their knees, "please, please--just please trust me! Why is it so hard for you to believe me once?"
^ "how many times do i have to get hurt by trusting you!!?"
"i am not sorry that i don't love you. I'm sorry that you don't love yourself."
"i loved you, believe me. i did. then you turned into someone else, someone... scary."
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP HURTING ME? why--why am i the one.. always losing everything..?"
"listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there."
"so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]."
hands trembling while holding their pale, bloodied face, "k-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE-please please, talk to me."
"promise me you'll be okay, and that you'll keep living. moving on, even without me." "only if you do the same." (this happened irl yall)
"you saved me then killed me all over again."
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st-hedge · 2 months
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I can’t believe they’d managed to animate kusuriuri’s insane character design and then decided to make it even more insane. The most character ever
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cj-etc · 4 months
Forbidden Romance Prompts
Sneaking out of an event/party to be together
Holding hands under the table at meals, hoping nobody catches on
Secret glances in public/out with friends
Finding excuses to see each other (group project, work meeting, car troubles, etc.)
Texting/writing letters to one another and having to hide their responses
Seeing each other in public and having to ignore each other/stay apart, as much as it hurts
Secret meeting spots
Being discovered and begging to keep things quiet
Fake enemies
Planning to run away together (you would never do it)
Kissing in the car
Small gifts
Why is it forbidden?
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mayasaura · 3 months
To be clear, I do ship Marcille and Falin!! I just ship them as.... complicated, you know? They have dyke drama. Marcille is deluding herself that Falin hasn't grown up and she's not going to age, and she's not going to die no matter what Marcille does, and Marcille isn't going to have to live most of her life having lost her. Meanwhile poor Falin would like a step by step written explanation of how to convince her very good elf friend that she is an adult, and has some potentially adult feelings about getting wet and naked and crawling into bed together
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swdlovell · 5 months
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smchaleart · 2 months
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"Dearest Gentle Readers" - Happy Bridgerton day! Who's excited to see Penelope shine in Season 3?
I had a lot of fun designing this piece for this upcoming season! If anyone wants to check it out, I have it in my inprnt shop!
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d0cshartens · 1 year
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seeing gerard covered in fake blood really is a good omen today has officially been blessed
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warningsine · 2 months
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Like, not every queer person feels like they arrive into existence with an attraction to, like, a specific kind of person, and that's okay too.
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writers-potion · 1 month
Do you have any like relationship personality dynamics? Like flirty and grumpy but a bit more specific? Or general. Thanks
List of Dating Styles for Your Romance Novel
Here's a list of popular romance tropes I made! If you're looking for specific dynamics between characters, I think that post would help.
I'll focus on various dating styles your characters can have. You can have fun matching one style to another to create various relationship dynamics!
Flirty: Throwing cheezy comments without batting an eyelash, teasing, having fun watching the other turn into a tomato
Mother/Father: always nagging their partner, giving advice, putting up with their bad days with patience (not in a toxic way, please run from people who actually tries to be a parent rather than a lover)
Grumpy: Someone who always complains about what their partner does/tries to make them do...but does it anyway with actual effort.
Sunshine: Generally naive, upbeat characters who makes their partners smile.
Nerdy: Lost in their own thoughts, can talk about their interest for hours on end but will listen to you also, you can never be confused about what they want for their birthday.
People Pleaser: Someone who believes they need to adapt themselve to the other person to make the relationship work. They're nice, funny, comfortable to be around but once you try to unveil their true self, things will get complicated fast.
The Committed Robot: Look, they might be a little slow to picking up the subtle cues, but if you program them right, a reliable output for each input is assured... They WILL cry with you, even though they're acting with a mindful of question marks.
Independent: They don't believe in relying on their partners and prefer to be given time to sort through their problems. Sometimes, maybe a little too compulsively.
The No. 1 Fan: They will love and cheer you like a fan would love their favorite artist. Compliments and support during the hard times, trusts more in you than you do in yourself.
The Wolf: Sexual innuendo? Check. Romantic moods and open to talk about sex? Check. Respect? Check.
Hope this helps!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
💎For early access to my content,  become a Writing Wizard 
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alisheaburgess · 1 year
Dev Diaries: Day 8...We Back!!!
Dev Diaries, Masterlist
Romancing the Process...coming soon
June 4, 2023
The Day number will just be a log number as I may not do Dev stuff every day. I'll be including the dates though.
Now that I have a month to take classes, I'm going to be a bit more strategic with what I'm taking and when. I want to get the most out of this 😊
For the Dev side, I'm going to finish up the bigger courses that I wasn't able to get into before. They will mainly be HTML and CSS. There are a couple of them that have intros to Python and the like. I have already had a little bit of Python in other courses, so I'm kinda looking forward to that one and more C# 😁 that's the one I'll be learning for my game dev stuff.
For the Diaries though...
I'm thinking about having a separate Design Diary (non-web design) and Doodle Diary because I'm also going to be working on those. I mainly want to so I can find things easier later but also... so I remember what all I'm doing now 😂😋
I am starting Romancing the Process! Which is just a diary of all the crazy stuff I'm learning, trying, and just my story as I experience it. I think it's gonna be fun (for me at least lol)
My goal for this month is to be as job ready as I possibly can be! I'm going to be purging my belongings as well in case I need to move. This will trick my brain into cleaning which is useful even if I don't move 😅 I'll be going over this more in Romancing the Process. I am trying to get a balance of input (learning) and output (creating). This is gonna be so much fun!!!!
Weekly DevPlan:
Courses to Tackle for the Week (starts Monday, today is bonus)
Improve UX Prototyping
Soft Dev
Full-stack Dev
1 Class at a time! 😊
The prototyping course is introductions to a bunch of tools you can use. It's kinda boring to start but then I turn into a child when they start the actual prototyping part 😂🤣 It's so much fun and I can't wait to get to play...I mean...use them.
I won't be doing each of these every day. They are in order of importance. I want to get the first three done this week. The bottom two be the least important and can take all month if need be lol
I've already done a prototyping course but it's super close to being completely done. I've almost exhausted their library of UX stuff 😅🥰 This is the last fuller course they have for it. After that it's just shorter courses that I plan to filter in.
Let's Go!!!
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boydevision · 2 years
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House of Wolves - Bridgestone Arena - Nashville, TN - August 23, 2022
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urfriendlywriter · 3 months
i wrote a line in my work, that just hits.
"i stopped looking back at all the memories, pictures, and videos. It's painful to see the life that i lived and loved, knowing I'm still searching for pieces of myself that i lost as I grew up."
and that was my cue to stop writing n sit n sob
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celestialwrites · 10 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ comforting dialogue prompts
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ “i’ve got you, you’re okay.”
♡ “don’t worry, i won’t let anything happen to you.”
♡ “will you stay?” “of course, i’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.”
♡ “please just let me hold you?”
♡ “i swear that if you don’t get down here and let me take care of you i will make your life hell!”
♡ “what the hell are you doing?” “shut up and let me hug you.”
♡ “i love you, you know that right?”
♡ “i’m going to take care of you until we are old and wrinkly, get used to it, darling.”
♡ “i won’t stop until you let me take care of you!” “alright fine! fine! you can!”
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cj-etc · 2 years
Showing Romantic Feelings Without Kissing
Let’s be real, the biggest way to show romantic attention between characters is through kissing. However, your characters shouldn’t have to kiss in order for it to be obvious that they’re in love. Here are some other ways to show that connection!
Hand holding
Sitting close to one another
Quick hugs
Secret glances
Light touches (arms, legs, etc.)
Napping together
Making sure the other eats/drinks
Inside jokes
Fixing the other’s clothing
Laughing way too hard at the other’s jokes
Going on walks together
Looking at something and wanting to show the other immediately
Late night walks/talks
Going to one another for advice
Leaning on each other’s shoulders
Driving each other home after a long day
Sharing drinks/food
Sharing clothing
Helping each other with work/other tasks
Incoherent bickering over nothing
Feeling possessive of one another (to a certain extent)
Telling each other’s friends about one another
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