#Rocket watches Supergirl
rocketonthemoon · 7 months
Not good but “correct” ending? That’s quite the stance
so i'm gunna preface all of this by admitting a) I still haven't seen all of the show (i'm missing a couple of episodes basically from 3/4/ and quite a bit from 5) and that b) it's been a while since I last watched the parts of the show I HAVE seen so. Bear with me
But yes. I absolutely believe this was the Correct ending for the CWSG's version of Kara. like I said, from the get go, the Kara we're introduced to struggles with her dual lifestyle. Becoming Supergirl makes her feel free and confident. She's EXCITED by being able to use her powers and be more of herself instead of hiding all the time. Kara's regularly confronted for being a bad liar - both by the show going 'haha isn't this silly' and by the characters - and personally I view her hard line of "you lied to me" that she draws with other characters comes from her extreme dislike of the fact that she's lying about herself. She comes out to at least one character every season except maybe 3? And every time her behavior with those characters transforms into Kara becoming more comfortable and more herself. And no matter how you view Kara's relationship with Lena, the reveal and the aftereffect is the big push through the season both plot and character-wise
For all of the writing's faults, the one line they did manage to make through the entire season is Kara's struggle with her dual identity. I don't even like calling it "secret" because I think they do actually a decent job of showing that Kara views - or at least wants - her life not as a secret but rather two halves that she can't seem to make fit together. How much of that throughline is Melissa Benoist's understanding and evolution of Kara as a character (the famous interview at the end where she admits to apparently pitching Kara's ending makes me suspect it was quite a bit) and how much of that was actual show projection, I don't think we'll actually ever know. But for this version of Kara that we sat with through 6 seasons of TV with, anything else for a character arc would've just felt static imo. If CWSG can say it's about anything, it can say it's Kara's journey of self discovery.
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i have been on tumblr for god knows how long without ever introducing myself so.
Hi, I’m Chloe, I’m (almost) 20, I’m from the UK. I’m currently a second year uni student studying to be an english teacher and i have been on tumblr for like…idek atp more than 6 years at least. I’m bisexual and it really shows when I see an older woman ;) Oh and I also use She/Her pronouns!
I don’t write fanfics and instead just scream about them but i always get the urge to return to writing so theres a possibility that i might just randomly dump something 🫡🫶🏻. Not saying it’ll be good more so just “here have this”
update - not a full week after this post, i have written a Hotchniss fic entitled ‘The Phoenix and The Rocket’ :)
fun fact about me : I am a religious pagan. I have had a very complicated relationship religion (big up my catholic dad and protestant mother. shitheads for that) and eventually i decided on ‘why not all’ so :) yeah. I’m not practicing due to space right now so i have no personal relationships with deities but LOVE to hear about interactions that others have. Tell me about Loki being a little shit! Tell me about Apollo bullying you! love it.
Interests that might crop up
- Criminal Minds (I am a Hotchniss shipper. I also headcanon Emily to be Bi with a female preference.)
- OUAT (Specifically SwanQueen)
- Currently watching supergirl :)
- Marvel (Black Widow in particular)
- Twilight (briefly had a hyperfixation and now it wont leave me alone)
- Alice in wonderland / tinkerbell (Both my comfort films with very happy childhood mems <3)
Some of you might remember that i was a pretty hardcore h*rryp*tter blog a few years back. I am no longer a fan / in support of that extremely problematic franchise but don’t blame the ones that love it if you want to unfollow me.
I’m rlly nice i promise :)
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melonypanda · 1 year
My Adventures with Superman 1x2 My Interview with Superman
Have I mentioned POC Lois Lane yet?! I love her
don’t use our real names, ok *uses real names immediately after*
Silver banshee AHH I LOVE HER CHARACTER DESIGN she was one of my favs from the few supergirl episodes I watched
I love the idea of them using tech instead of meta powers
This is my first time hearing the theme song?! This is so good although a little bit short
Meet cute and clark being late
Identity porn my favorite
[I’ll be Lois lane and you pretend to be superman]
What is this team rocket?!
I would die for Kyle he’s my favorite so far
Escaping must escape! No stop we gotta go investigate cuz suddenly we are the mystery gang
Imma be honest I’ve never been a big Superman fan so I’m not super familiar with the villains but this show is gonna change that
[i mean it worked when we did it with livewire YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE?!]
Rip to the freeze tech freezing but like I’m different
Incompetent bad guys being incompetent
Yes go off get ur heat vision I feel like a proud mother somehow
Metropolis is so pretty they gave us actual shots of scenes of the city instead of just whoop there goes hero *looking at u Snyder*
Superman is the worst at interviews tbh and same
Their personalities are different and like if I didn’t know better I would actually think they were 2 diff characters like I see why u could never think that they were the same
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rustingcat · 1 year
OK, this deserves its own post!
Superman is the biggest dick ever. I'm so mad!
This post is a continuouation of my dive into the nonsense that is Supergirl Silver Age comics. You can find part 1 here.
So, superman have left his only blood relative and only other survivor of their dead planet in a random orphanage in a different city and just left.
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Kara had been accumulating knowledge on her new strange planet by herself while simultaneously trying to control her new powers and save people in secret.
Why secret if she already has a secret identity, you ask? Because Superman decided she should not let anyone know that there is even a Supergirl in existence! So, despite yearning to find a new family and a place to belong to, she sabotage her own adoption attempts and a chance to find a new home so she can keep her promis to Superman!
So one day, when she meets krypto, she is so excited and lets herself be free for the first time since she landed on earth. They play together underground so no one can see her. But big ol' Sups catches her and calls her out for disobeying him.
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So, of course, he put Kara into a small rocket and yeet her out to a floating asteroid in space to banish her for A YEAR!
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What the actual fuck dude!
And then she spent a week surviving by herself, watching her friends from a distance because Superman didn't tell her she couldn't watch them from afar.
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She gets a message from Sup that she needs to return for one day because of a kryptonite bullshit. Unsurprisingly, people have been looking for her cause an orphan disappeared for a week! So she dirty herself to keep her identity a secret and manage to fight off all the reporters who ask her questions, all expect one. Clark Kent grabs her and starts accusing her of lying because her skin is so smooth. (WTF)
She realised it's Superman (who didn't tell her his identity until then) and reveals herself to him. He tells her it was all a test to see if she can maintain her secret identity!
So she asks if it means she can finally reveal herself to the world, and he says no.
This cruel test was so he could tell her his fucking name! THAT SHE FIGURED OUT HERSELF!
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I hate him so much.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman (a super-powered rom-com)
(Thanks to Omar David)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros Discovery. Please don’t sue me]
I would like to start by saying it must be extremely difficult to write for any media where Superman is involves, whether comics, TV, movies, books, radio, etc. I mean, the guy is stupid-strong, stupid-invulnerable, stupid-fast, and has a metric shit-ton of powers that put him leagues ahead of anyone he might square off against.
Therefore, you have a few options:
Create adversaries on his power level (like DC did with Doomsday in The Death of Superman), but then you have an opponent that’s on Superman’s level that the rest of the lineup will have to deal with.
Give him an opponent who works behind the scenes who undermines his image and confidence (and might be able to tweak his nose a few times as well), which is why Lex Luthor exists. However, without giving Superman  someone to punch, the readers will get bored after a while.
Give him some very specific weaknesses (such as a certain green rock), but you can’t have Kryptonite constantly showing up to Save The Day for the bad guys.
Make it more about the human side than the super side. However, much like my second option, people are eventually want to see the hero just punch things.
Make it campy (see Superman III and IV), and you can watch those films to see how horribly wrong that can go.
...which bring us to Lois & Clark. The show (thankfully) didn’t make a powerful adversary (or at least they gave themselves a way to remove the threat from the series the few times they did), but ticked the other four boxes (though to be fair, there’s no way they could NOT use Kryptonite in some way)
This was the first time we saw a post-Crisis on Infinite Earths version of Superman (as originally depicted by legendary writer/artist John Byrne in 1986) on screen, and there were a ton of changes...
His core powers were somewhat diminished from the Silver Age
A lot of his more absurd powers (such as destroying planets with a sneeze, rebuilding the Great Wall of Chine with his vision, and his “amnesia kiss”) were gone
He knew nothing about Krypton save that he was originally born there (the Silver Age Superman was constantly referencing Krypton)
He was the sole survivor (no Supergirl, General Zod, or Krypto the Super Dog)
His costume wasn’t made of Kryptonian fabric (meaning it was also invulnerable, but just normal fabric (which, thanks to an “aura” around Superman, meant it stayed intact through most of his battles, though Byrne loved to draw the cape getting torn in every fight!)
In the comics, the S-symbol was made after the Daily Planet coined the phrase “Superman” following his first public appearance, as opposed to being a Kryptonian relic.
And, most importantly, Martha and Jonathan Kent were alive and well in Smallville (in the Golden and Silver Ages, Pa Kent died when Clark was a teenager)
Most of these elements remained for Lois & Clark, though the writers reverted the S-Symbol to being from Kal-El’s rocket.
But enough of the exposition, on to the meat of the series!
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The show follows Clark Kent (played by Dean Cain, who would return into Kryptonian orbit a number of years later as Supergirl’s adopted father), intrepid reporter for the Daily Planet (in a time where newspapers were a hell of a lot more relevant than they are now) and his alter ego...
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...Superman. I should note that when we first see Clark (before he even has the iconic costume of his alter ego designed for him by his mother) he’s already wearing glasses. Exactly why is he doing that if he has no alter identity to conceal?
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And what is Clark Kent/Superman without Lois Lane (played by Teri Hatcher)? Cain and Hatcher had awesome chemistry as friends/rivals as well as able to play the “will they/won’t they” tension very well (at least until they actually did)
The pair’s first meeting with Clark “in costume” was...kind of explosive.
(Thanks to DJDoena)
But the Daily Planet is more than just Lane and Kent (as much as they seem to hog the front page), so rounding out the Planet’s staff (at least the ones in the opening credits) are...
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...Daily Planet Editor in Chief Perry White, who is Metropolis’s biggest Elvis fan...
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...and Perry’s gopher (and later staff photographer) Jimmy Olson. However, the producers thought the actor looked a bit too much like Cain...
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...so he was replaced in season 2.
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Also a casualty in season 2 was Society Pages columnist Cat Grant. The producers felt the character was a bit too “risque” for their target audience (often rumored to be sleeping with fellow staff members) and she didn’t return after season 1.
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As I mentioned earlier in this review, Martha and Jonathan Kent are alive and well (and apparently Smallville is close enough to Metropolis that they occasionally make trips there) Jonathan is a down-to-earth kinda guy while Martha is constantly trying to expand her horizons (usually with a new hobby every week...
(Thanks to Guardian Images)
...including sewing)
But what is Superman without a great villain...
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...and he got a hell of one with Lex Luthor (played by John Shea). One other HUGE change in the Superman mythos was to Luthor. After Crisis he drastically changed from a “FOOLS! I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL MUHAHAHAHAHA!”-type mad scientist to a brilliant (and thoroughly corrupt) industrialist who would bend the legal system to keep his hands clean despite some blatantly obvious criminal activities (and managed to thumb his nose at Superman every time), and he was written to perfection in season 1. However, due to scheduling conflicts, he was written out with panache...
(thanks to ScreenBlaster13)
However, this being super-heroes, he came back from the dead for a couple of guest appearances.
The tone of the show was kept light, bordering on silly at times (such as casting Sonny Bono as mayor (and having him constantly dropping Sonny & Cher lyrics in his speeches) or having an episode where prohibition-era gangsters are cloned and allowed to run rampant in Metropolis) While Superman was a big part of the series, the fact that he was almost an afterthought in the show’s title should show where the real focus of the show was.
For two seasons, the show centered on the rivalry and budding relationship between Lois and Clark, then in season 3 the romance really kicked into gear, culminating in their marriage. Unfortunately, by then the series was starting to unravel, completely coming apart by the time the series was cancelled at the end of season 4.
As always, if you would like to say a particular episode reviewed, please let me know!
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gaykarstaagforever · 9 months
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As goofy as this image is, give it credit for being an actual scene from the actual story.
...Which is some racist thing about Supergirl becoming a witch after she gets possessed by a demon in India. She is only cured after she finds Kryptonian lava floating in space and swims in it.
Yes, she grows horns. You know. Like Indians have.
The other story in this issue is about Clark Kent riding in a hot air balloon to watch a rocket launch to the moon. He falls out and lands in a secret valley cut off from the world, inhabited by...Quakers.
Quakers? Not Amish? Did you mean Amish?
The DC offices are in NYC. That isn't that far from Pennsylvania. You guys could've checked.
At any rate, Superman uses his powers to render medical aid to a couple of people, stays long enough to become a blacksmith and fall into a love triangle (for some reason), then leaves. He tells the Daily Planet Clark survived the fall by landing in a snow bank. I guess that also excuses the, what, SIX MONTHS he was away, farting around with this nonsense?
Real missed opportunity to put Superman on the cover dressed like the Quaker Oats guy. Or an Amish farmer, because that's what you actually meant, idiots.
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ovenproofowl · 3 years
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Rocket Launcher vs Magic Kitty
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mrsluthordanvers · 3 years
Prompt: Lena finds out because she catches Kara “making up” quotes for supergirl in her articles
Read on AO3
Lena knows she’s not spying. It is technically her property after all. She owns CatCo now, and this is a CatCo supplied notebook and every idea in it belongs to her, contractually. But it doesn’t make her feel any less guilty, flipping through the lined pages, scanning the messy notes Kara has scribbled in the margins.
She didn’t know it was Kara’s when she picked it up from her couch after the weekly morning meeting. But the moment she recognizes Kara’s distinctive print, she can’t put it down. Kara’s avoiding her, which puts a pit in the bottom of Lena’s stomach as Kara’s best friend. But she’s also been missing meetings, and disappearing for hours with no articles or ideas to show for it. And that is unacceptable as Kara’s boss.
So, yes, she is going through Kara’s notes.
Lena skips through the first few pages of notes that belong to articles already published, including a few interviews with her that she tries her best not to linger on. Even if a couple doodled hearts make her smile as she gets comfortable behind her desk. The further she flips through Kara’s notes the more it becomes obvious that Kara is starting to rely on a singular source. Supergirl.
It’s hardly surprising to Lena; she knows that Kara’s name has been on more than a few bylines about the superhero. She knows that they know each other. But still she lingers, one finger tracing across the page as she reads.
At first it’s simple notes. Things like “quote from Supergirl???” and “source?? Supergirl?” with little arrows pointed to specific ideas that need to be fleshed out. A few pages later, the notes disappear. They become somewhat tidier, Supergirl is still at the centre as Kara’s most used source. But now there are direct quotes from Supergirl directly written in. Except it’s not just one quote, but rather lists of them. Some quotes are completely crossed out and rewritten underneath, words are occasionally scribbled out with new words crammed above. Different variations of the same wording, until Kara seems to be satisfied. One quote circled so heavily that Lena could see the spot where Kara’s pen broke through the paper.
Lena’s running her finger over the spot when someone clears their throat, startling her.
“Have you seen my-” Kara’s already looking around the office before she’s even finished her question, eyes landing on her notebook on Lena’s desk. “You found it!”
Lena nods, but pulls the notebook closer when Kara goes to reach for it, making her forehead scrunch.
“Is everything-”
“-are you fabricating quotes?” Lena asks point blank, as she settles back in her chair taking the notebook into her lap as she taps a finger against it.
“No?” Kara’s forehead wrinkles further as she watches Lena with a tilted head.
Lena hums as she picks up the notebook and makes a show of rapidly flipping through the remaining pages. “By my count, I would say there’s at least… 50... different quotes in here from Supergirl that you’ve reworked so heavily they can hardly be considered quotes anymore.”
There’s a pregnant pause when Lena looks back up at Kara. She’s gone so still, Lena wonders if she’s still breathing. Lena blinks once, twice, and suddenly it’s like she’s seeing Kara for the first time. The way her blue dress shirt is straining at the seams around broad shoulders. How Lena can make out the lines of her abs where it hugs her around the middle. Even the fabric on her khakis are pulled tight across her thighs.
Admittedly, Lena has checked out Kara on more than one occasion. This is not the first time she’s noticed how Kara is probably hiding a six pack under her knit cardigans. But this is the first time Lena’s noticed how Kara looks like she might split a seam if she so much as makes the wrong move. How she almost looks out of place in her own clothing, contained somehow.
“Oh.” Lena breathes as she puts the notebook on the desk between them. “I see.”
“Lena…” Kara croaks as she takes a step forward but halts again when her phone chirps.
They stare at each other for a moment before Kara’s shoulders finally slump, “There’s an emergency…”
“Of course.” Lena nods, her back rigid as Kara looks back and forth to the office door before she ultimately chooses the balcony, shedding her shirt before she takes to the sky.
As soon as she’s out of sight Lena lets out a deep breath, looking between Kara’s shirt now laying on her floor to the notebook still sitting on her desk. A giggle starts to bubble in her chest, growing steadily until she’s laughing out loud. Still laughing even as James comes to ask if she’s okay as she carefully wipes tears from her eyes.
“Perfect.” Lena nods as she stands. “But you need to start sending another reporter to interview Supergirl. And I just heard she’s responding to an emergency.”
High above the city, Supergirl can’t help but grin as she turns mid-air and rockets towards the alien across town.
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thornedrose44 · 4 years
For prompts: Kara and Lena holding hands for the first time. One of them tentatively reaching our, their fingers brushing until they are intertwined and the other gives a small affirming squeeze.
A/N: Okay so when I first saw this prompt I missed the first time part. So therefore enjoy this angsty hurt/comfort mess filled with love that I think is becoming my signature genre.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Lena’s entire body was in agony. Complete and total agony. 
Her legs were probably broken as well as a few ribs. Her right arm was numb and immobile which probably should have been the most concerning but at this stage Lena was just grateful that there was one part of her body that wasn’t pure pain. 
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Two-hundred and fifty metres. A mile. A hundred miles. It might as well have been the distance to the moon and back.
Lena wasn’t even sure that she had managed to cover more than a couple of metres with how she was dragging herself forward mere inches at a time with her one good arm. 
She stretched out her left arm into the cracked and broken earth, digging her forearm in with the minimal strength she could muster (her teeth gritted and jaw clenched the whole time) before pulling her broken body forward.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
It didn’t matter that she was making minimal progress, it didn’t matter that the pain was so intense she was close to blacking out every time she dragged herself forward. It didn’t matter because all she could see was the crumpled blue and red heap at the centre of the battlefield. 
All she could see was Kara and there wasn’t a force on this - or any other - planet that could stop Lena from reaching her.
Alex would be coming for them, Lena didn’t doubt that, would be racing through the ruins of National City to get to her sister but that did nothing to ease the unbearable fear that Kara’s immobile body evoked. Lena couldn’t just lie there not when Kara was in sight. 
An alien invasion of epic proportions had required a full scale evacuation of the city and, unfortunately, this time there was no lead weakness that they could exploit. It was their weapons versus Earth’s weapons which came in the form of two powerful kryptonians. 
Kara was the heavy weapon, taking the brunt of the attacks to protect the citizens she cared for so deeply whilst firing back with heat vision that eviscerated their ships. Superman was on rescue operations pulling people from rubble and hurrying them along.
Lena had been working with the DEO, tweaking weapons and plans to beat the enemy, when she saw the sight of Kara bruised and bloodied on the screens. It was then Lena did what she had promised herself she would never do.
Had promised herself the second she had seen Lex power-crazy and at his cruelest that she would never follow in his footsteps.
Would never ever, ever put on Lex’s suit.
That version of her had never been in love. 
That version of her had never seen Kara hurt.
That version of her had never wanted to inflict pain like she did in that moment.
She unlocked her most secure vault and unleashed the one weapon that made her physically sick to look at. 
Lena had been in the air and joining the fight less than a minute later, appearing out of nowhere to shield Kara’s faltering body from a rocket.
Lena looked over her shoulder as her kinetic field absorbed the explosion, watching as Kara’s face morphed from shock to gratefulness to concern. 
“Lena, what-” Kara panted, unable to fully summon the energy to shout.
“You’re not doing this alone!” Lena yelled back in return, green eyes desperate for Kara to understand.
“Lena…” Kara cried, blue eyes distraught at Lena being involved, at Lena getting hurt but most importantly of her wearing the suit that she knew Lena despised to save her.
“Together, Kara!” Lena shouted to break through the kryptonian’s mental spiral. “You promised, Kara. You promised! There’s nothing we can’t do together.”
Blue eyes slowly cleared to be replaced with sharp, determined focus.
Kara had made that promise to her everyday since they stopped Lex. Had made that promise to her whenever Lena’s guilt created even a slither of physical distance between them. Had made that promise to Lena whenever there was an awkward moment or fumbled conversation. Had made that promise to Lena every game’s night when she claimed Lena as her partner. Had made that promise to Lena whenever they came close to crossing the line of friendship that had been growing fuzzier and fuzzier with each movie night they had spent cuddled up in each other’s arms. 
“El Mayarah.” Kara murmured clear and proud, jaw lifting up and a familiar righteous fire flickering in her eyes.
“Up, up and away?” Lena teased, priming her jets in readiness.
“Up, up and away.” Kara repeated, hand twitching by her side as if she was about to reach out for Lena so that they could soar up into the sky together.
It was the final ship that took them both down and created a crater that wiped out at least two streets. 
Lena hit the ground first - though Kara followed less than a heartbeat later - the Lexsuit taking the brunt of the impact and saving her life but leaving her body wrecked. Crawling out of that hunk of twisted metal had been more traumatising than the terrifying plummet to Earth and knowing - because she could see Kara’s unconscious form falling nearby - that Supergirl would be unable to catch her.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
Stretch. Dig in. Pull.
The closer she got to her red and blue goal, the more her hope dwindled, the more her heart broke causing an ache that surpassed all of her physical injuries. 
Kara was so still.
Kara, who Lena inextricably linked to activity, motion… life.
Kara, whose ever restless legs bounced through meetings and close games of chess.
Kara, whose fingers constantly sought to make contact with Lena’s hand or to brush through Lena’s hair. 
Kara, who was ever quick to spring to her feet and sweep Lena into a hug.
She should not be still in this dead wasteland as Lena crawled towards her.
Lena’s strength gave out a couple of feet away from Kara, her arm unable to pull herself forward. A scream of frustration and anguish ripped from Lena’s throat at being denied the comfort of simply touching the person she loved so much in the world when she was so close.
Her fingers stretched and stretched, clawing at the blackened earth, Kara’s pale finger milimetres from reach.
Lena inhaled sharply as her fingers made fleeting contact, hope rekindling in her chest.
Lena’s index and middle finger curled slowly around Kara’s index finger, intertwining them together with that single contact point.
“Kara…” Lena breathed.
She was grateful for this connection. Grateful to be with Kara in any way possible but still finding it not to be enough.
She was greedy. Greedy for more. Greedy for everything.
So this could not be how it ended. She and Kara would not end here.
“Kara.” Lena repeated urgently. “Please, Kara.”
She squeezed Kara’s finger with all the strength she had left in her.
“Not like this.” Lena begged. “Please, please don’t leave me.”
The returning squeeze of her finger was so light, so tender that Lena could have easily imagined it except for how heartbreakingly familiar it was. 
It was how Kara always touched her: soft and gentle. 
It was all the affirmation Lena needed. She knew then that this wasn’t the end of them. She knew then, as she slipped into a deep slumber awaiting the rescue that was undoubtedly coming, that everything would be okay.
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vicstwashington · 2 years
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 We don’t have any news on Season 5... But I have a few notes on the next season. Lol
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After the ending of the finale episode... I immediately thought of several thing I want to see change in Season 5.
1. I like her... But Rocket doesn’t bring anything to the group & I want to replace her.
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My choices. Princess Amethyst, Green Lantern’s Jessica Cruz, Raven & the one I’d REALLY like to see... Starfire!! 
2. B & C storylines. 
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It’s clear The Brion storyline isn’t over. I can see what will happen next! His people betray him & the Outsiders will come in & save him. 
This whole season watching Beast Boy was just so... tiresome. I’m just not a fan! 
Also, I don’t need to see Violet’s journey into finding themselves.
3. Give Wonder Girl her flowers!
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Both Nightwing & Superboy get full BIG storylines... But Wonder Girl? Leading a team, we never see! Cassie should be standing next to both of them. Now with Supergirl coming in... She’ll definitely be left for dead now. 
4. The Shazam Family.
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The finale end credit scene we seen Mary Bromfield as one of Darkseid new Furies. I’m going to need to see the whole family show up! in fact I might need to see Mary beat them all up when they first meet up with her. Now this can be the B Storyline for Season 5.
5.  Darkseid’s new Furies
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I still think Barda will turn on Darkseid eventually. 
Mary or Black Mary (As she’s known now!) I’m going to need her to be the most violent one of this group! Zatanna trained her... So, I’m also going to need a Black Mary vs Zatanna moment.
Kara Zor-El is most definitely will be the main character of this group! We also found out that Kara wasn’t in the phantom zone. I’m VERY excited to see Kara & what they do with her.
6. Superboy & Superman.
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With Kara coming into season 5. Clearly Conner & Clark will be a main focus of the season. I’m going to need M’gann really involved in this storyline. I don’t want to see her pushed aside as just the wife of superboy. Also, the light has all of the Kryptonians. Superman will want to save them... But are they really worth saving? I bet in superman’s eyes yes! 
7. The Legion of Super-Heroes 
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Ma'alefa'ak was sent to Durla... Home of Chameleon boy.
Ursa Zod or the new Emerald Empress is now at Daxam with her unborn son (Lor-Zod) determined to wreak vengeance for the House of Zod.
We haven’t seen the last of Three Legionnaires. Maybe Brainiac-5 will show up with them. 
I’m excited for Season 5 & I hope we get it!! 🤞🤞🤞
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rocketonthemoon · 3 years
“It’s really hard to find hope” maybe if you hadn’t THROWN IT INTO THE SUN KARA
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naralanis · 4 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 10)
Previously on LBitR...
“Calm down,” Lena whispers, even though she’s having trouble doing exactly that at the sight of the empty bench where she had left Kara waiting not even an hour ago.
“Don’t tell me to calm down,” Alex hisses; the muzzle of her gun dis rather painfully on her back, and Lena would really like to step away from it, but the agent has her arm locked in a vice grip. “Where the hell is she, Lena? She was here when I followed you in!”
“Walk with me,” Lena says, quickly scanning the area--they’re standing in a stiff, unnatural way, and the last thing she wants is to draw any attention, especially when they’re both wearing stolen LuthorCorp lab coats right outside the building. She takes one tentative step away, hooking her arm around Alex’s as if they were just friends walking down the street arm-in-arm.
Thankfully, Alex understands Lena’s not-so-subtle hint faster than Kara ever could; her image-induced expression relaxes into a smile that barely looks forced, and her grip of Lena’s arm, though still tight and borderline painful, shifts so that it appears more casual.
“Is there any way you could have been followed?” Lena asks, subtly looking around them, noting that Alex is doing the same.
“That’s always a possibility,” Alex admits, sounding both panicked and defeated at once. “But I was very careful.”
“OK, let’s not panic yet,” Lena tells both Alex and herself. “Kara and I made plans to rendezvous back at the motel if I was gone too long or if anything happened.”
Alex gives her a look--it’s weird to have a patented Alex-Danvers-look-of-disapproval coming from a stranger’s face. “You weren’t gone for long, though.” She doesn’t voice the alternative.
Unthinkably, Lena reaches out and gently pats the hand on her arm. She means for it to be reassuring--it’s the kind of thing she would do for Kara--the kind of thing she has been doing for Kara over the last couple of weeks, but Alex looks just as puzzled by the action as Lena is.
She removes her hand and clears her throat. “Still, our best bet is the motel. Did you drive here?”
Alex nods. “Great,” Lena continues, mind already working a mile a minute. “Kara probably took the bus back--we didn’t want the car to be seen downtown,” she explains, and Alex lets out an undignified snort.
“That’s remarkably sensible of you,” she quips sarcastically. Lena ignores her.
“What I’m saying is, if you drove here and we take your vehicle, we may beat Kara to the motel, or get there shortly after her. It’s one hour from LuthorCorp to the motel by bus--she’ll switch routes at least twice on the way.”
Alex looks impressed despite herself. “And if she doesn’t show, what then, genius?” she challenges, lips pursed.
Lena breathes out steadily, calmly. “She will,” she says with as much conviction as she can possibly muster in her tone, because the alternative is simply unthinkable.
Alex smacks her lips, slowing her walk as she considers their limited options. “Fine,” she finally concedes, dragging Lena down an alleyway.
They dispose of their lab coats in a trashcan in that same alley, and Alex practically hauls Lena towards a secluded spot behind down another alley a few blocks away.
“You better hold on,” she says, removing a few strategically placed cardboard boxes to reveal a sleek black motorcycle, discreetly parked behind a dumpster. “I did not bring an extra helmet.”
Lena does hold on, mainly because Alex weaves and cuts through traffic like an absolute manic as she follows the directions Lena has to practically shout in her ear as they go. She knows Alex is desperate to find Kara and make sure she’s OK, but Lena also wishes she would ease off the gas a little; she’s got enough to be afraid of at the moment.
She feels like her heart is about to burst out of her chest when they finally reach the hotel; they’re nowhere close to the room she and Kara had checked into, but she’s already fumbling in her purse for her key card. with Alex hot on her heels.
They stumble into the room together, and Lena has to stop, has to take a second to try to stop the cold dread she immediately feels at finding it empty, exactly as they had left it this morning.
Alex begins pacing like a caged tiger immediately. “She’s not here,” she gasps, tapping at the image inducer at her temple, and then it’s Alex, really Alex, looking worried and panicked and slightly disheveled in this empty room, and now Lena is belatedly realizing it’s up to her, Supergirl’s would-be killer, to try and comfort the hero’s sister while they wait.
As if she is not on the verge of a panic attack herself.
“We knew she wouldn’t be,” she tries to reason, keeping her voice as even as she can, though she can’t stop tugging at her fingers out of sheer nervousness.
She’s doing the math in her head, thinking of the bus schedules, of which one Kara probably had gotten on and when; she’s mapping out the routes in her mind, considering the usual trip times, factoring in the average Metropolis traffic at two in the afternoon on a Thursday.
Alex takes one look at Lena’s fidgeting hands and immediately sighs, sinking into one of the beds. “Take that stupid wig off,” she barks. “Blonde you is freaking me out.”
That lets out a little chuckle, but it feels like some kind of hysteria. She takes a seat on the opposite bed, and Alex regards her quizzically.
“Kara said something similar yesterday,” she explains, carefully removing the wig and setting it on the nightstand. “That’s too bad; I really thought I was pulling it off.”
The attempt at humour falls completely flat--Lena can see it plainly in Alex’s wooden expression. “You definitely weren’t,” she deadpans. Her knee is bouncing up and down, up and down, up and down, boot tapping dully on the carpet.
It’s driving Lena insane.
“Kara will be here soon,” Lena says, still tugging at her fingers. Alex doesn’t look convinced. 
“And if she doesn’t?”
Lena has no answers to that, refuses to consider the possibility.
“She will,” she says again, in an almost silent whisper, for her own comfort. “She will, she will, she will.”
Alex says nothing, only continues with her bouncing knee, keeps her gaze locked onto Lena. And Lena, Lena tries not to squirm under the agent’s scrutiny; she fidgets, she stares at the blinking red numbers of the alarm clock, steals glances at the door--she looks at anything and anywhere to avoid Alex’s gaze.
When Alex does speak again, her voice is low, but it still startles Lena enough for her to jump a little in surprise.
“What do you remember about that day, Lena?”
When Lena turns to face her, Alex’s eyes are as hard as stone. Her scowl has returned, and the way her brows are furrowed is far more telling than the cold tone of her voice. It says, plain and simple, I don’t trust you.
It takes Lena a long time to come up with an answer Alex may find even remotely satisfactory--she knows that ‘I don’t know’ that is on the tip of her tongue simply won’t cut it, even if it is the honest answer. Her memories, the few that she does have from that day, are murky and sparse, and don’t feel altogether hers.
She struggles to recall any details, searches the blurred images interred somewhere in her subconscious and tries to make sense of the tangled mess she has been left with. “Flashes,” she tries, settling for as much truth as she can muster at the moment. She swallows. “I remember... I remember Kara falling--I remember seeing her from the top floor at LuthorCorp.”
Alex raises a brow like she doesn’t fully believe her. “The top floor?” she asks, voice oddly neutral. “Not from the basement labs? You didn’t watch it from the screens?”
Lena furrows her brows, tries to poke at whatever remnants of memory she has latched on to. “No, I don’t...” she closes her eyes, sees Kara falling, riddled with green, her body limp falling past her windows as fast as a bullet. “I-I don’t think so, I was... I think I was at the top floor.”
“You were apprehended in the basement, Lena,” Alex says brusquely.
“N-no, that can’t be right,” Lena chokes out, but all she sees behind her lids is Kara’s body falling, and her mind provides the most horrifying sound effect as it hits the pavement. “That can’t be, I watched her fall, I w-watched from my window.”
Alex shakes her head. “What do you remember before the rockets?”
Lena rattles her brain with difficulty; her lungs can’t quite return to their normal rhythm with the images her mind is supplying. “Before?” she gasps, keeping her eyes shut so she doesn’t have to see, doesn’t have to wither under Alex’s unyielding disappointment and doubt.
“M-myriad, the, um, the Fortress, ah... I was there with K-kara, and--”
She’s close to hyperventilating; she can’t get the image of Kara’s body--her bloody, broken body falling, falling--out of her mind.
“The Fortress? Lena that was two weeks befo--Lena? Lena, are you OK?”
Lena can’t respond--she can’t speak, she can’t even breathe. her brain is giving her the most terrifying flashes of memories, memories that don’t feel like her own, and she’s scrambling to fill that gaps at the same time as the images come, unbidden, to her mind. Her mental boxes are teetering, swaying in their little organized, compartmentalized stacks, unbalanced, and she can’t, she can’t breathe.
“Shit,” she vaguely hears Alex say, marginally registers the agent rushing to her side, but then someone is touching her and there is another flash--it is white hot and painful in her brain, like an electric shock, and she feels someone grabbing at her shoulders, pushing her down hard, pulling, and dragging, and, and--
Lena yelps and recoils, bats away at the hands reaching for her shoulders in uncontrollable, all-consuming panic.
It’s another voice, worried, coming from someone bursting through the door with force, nearly slamming it off its hinges. Lena’s only somewhat aware of Alex yelling--she sounds happy, surprised, worried, and a whole gamut of other things Lena cannot focus on, because suddenly, there’s just warmth all around her.
She’s being held, tight, tight, tight, but it isn’t restrictive--it’s the opposite, warm and comforting and it envelops her almost entirely, like a heavy blanket, muting the sounds of her own frantic heartbeat.
“Sh, Lena, it’s just me. You’re OK. I’m here, I’m here.”
It’s Kara’s voice--low in a soothing murmur, rumbling in her chest as she whispers right at Lena’s ear, and the vibrations are soft, reassuring, and tranquil, almost enough to ease Lena’s trembling.
She’s wrapped tight in Kara’s arms as her awareness returns, slowly and fuzzy. Kara’s hand rubs circles on her back, and Lena instinctively tucks her head under Kara’s chin, seeking more of her warmth. Kara is taking deep, deliberate breaths, and Lena finds herself subconsciously trying to match them at every inhale and exhale, using the pressure of the rise and fall of Kara’s chest against hers as guidance.
When the flashes cease, she dares open her eyes again. Over Kara’s shoulder, her gaze locks with Alex, who’s awkwardly standing to the side, watching them closely.
“OK,” the agent says, gaping a little. “What the fuck?”
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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any thoughts on the Super Pets!
Very much a fan of them as a concept. Always had a fondness for Krypto in particular on account of the Krypto cartoon series from way back when (can you believe Krypto got a cartoon series before Wonder Woman?).
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Krypto is just a fun concept, a dog with the powers of Superman. Loads of people have dogs and this one is Superman's. Kal has to walk him around the solar system, keep him from ripping apart visitors to the Fortress of Solitude, and let him know he's the best dog a Kryptonian could ask for. Loved the direwolf Krypto look from the New 52, maybe you could reconcile that with the more "normal" Krypto by establishing that Krypto can "Hulk out" into direwolf form when he feels threatened? Don't mind him being able to pass as a regular dog either, he mirrors his master in that regard, but were I to choose a real world breed to base Krypto off of I'd go with the breed of dog Henry Cavill has: an American Akita. Akitas are big, fluffy, and cute, but they also were bred to kill bears and are one of the hardest breeds to train (while also being one of the most loyal when they are properly trained) which fits Krypto perfectly.
Not really a fan of Krypto travelling to Earth in a rocket, too similar to how Kal and Kara travel there. Morrison's idea of Krypto making it to Earth via being in the Phantom Zone works much better, especially since he can be Clark's "guardian angel" that way. Watching over him from a far and silently trying to give Clark support and encouragement when he needs it. As Clark's powers grow he should be able to almost sense that there's some being that's been following him, and it's benevolent, but not even he can pierce the barrier separating the real world from the Phantom Zone. When he finally meets Krypto in the PZ however, he immediately identifies Krypto as the presence he's sensed, and makes sure to bring Krypto back with him to reality.
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As for the rest of the Super Pets, aside from a general rule that I don't think any should be Kryptonian besides Krypto:
Streaky - Streaky would work better if she (yes make her a girl cat please) was a last member of some other alien species that just so happened to look like a Earth housecat. Kara adopts her because she can see the similarities between the two of them, and they bond for life. Streaky and Krypto hate each other but will begrudgingly co-operate if the situation calls for it. Give Streaky the ability to fly, but otherwise I'd want her to have a different powerset from the other Kryptonians and Krypto.
Comet - Christ this... thing. Kara's horse who was also her boyfriend (briefly) and also apparently dated Lois too? The hell? Dare I say he's the source of the horse girl meme? Comet is one of those freaky Silver Age concepts that make you wonder what was even the point of the Comic Code when so much wild shit was still getting through! King's apparently bringing him back for Woman of Tomorrow and I can't lie, I'm fascinated to see what he does with Comet given the history between Comet and Supergirl. Otherwise he seems pointless, what good is a superhorse when Kara just gets around via flying anyway? Gail Simone did argue that having a horse would probably make Supergirl more popular however, so what the hell he can stick around I guess.
Beppo - He's dumb but he's a fun kind of dumb. Make it so he's a product of the same experiments that create Titano and he can work fine.
Cool that there's an upcoming Super Pets movie, given the popularity of superheroes and Paw Patrol (plus the talent of those involved) I hope it's great and I hope it does well. Would be nice to see the "sillier" aspects of Superman succeed on the big screen which will hopefully push DC to be less ashamed of them in the comics.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
Metallo!Lena AU Part 22
Despite Kara's patent joy over being included in Lena's holiday event, Lena can't shake the feeling of disappointment that follows her. She can't put her finger on what bothers her about the photo Kara prints and gets framed of them, until one night she's glaring at the picture and a wayward thought darts across her mind.
I should have kissed her.
The thought stops Lena in her tracks, her brain record-scratching to a halt. But as shocking as it is, her new revelation soon envelops her like a warm blanket. She wants to kiss Kara. She... loves Kara.
Lena's eyes sting with tears-- she's in love. A state so pedestrian, so normal... it's something she'd never imagined she'd have again, and yet here it is, proof that despite the parts of her no longer her own, she's still capable of the one thing it is to be human. To love.
She laughs then, a wet sound that leaves her sniffling as she cranks up the holiday radio. The familiar music fills the room, and Lena lets herself bop around to the beat, unable to sit still.
She's in love.
She's alive.
She doesn't tell Kara.
As soon as her initial euphoria dims, doubt surges in to take her place. What if Kara doesn't feel the same way? What if the reason Kara got the photo of them framed is because it perfectly encapsulates their friendship-- their friendship, and nothing more?
If Lena says something, and Kara doesn't feel the same way, she'll ruin everything that fills her life with joy: their friendship, working with Supergirl, being roommates, everything. So Lena keeps her discovery to herself, and instead cherishes every moment she has with Kara.
They bake cookies for Kara's annual holiday party, and Lena takes a mental snapshot of Kara smiling at her over coffee, her cheek smudged with flour. She helps decorate the tree, and feels her hand burn under Kara's touch when Kara wobbles on the ladder and reaches for her in reflex.
She avoids the mistletoe Kara puts up like the plague, determined not to be caught beneath it with Kara or anyone else.
There's something special in the way Kara welcomes others into their home. The guests are comfortable enough, but there's a stiffness in their postures to be in someone else's home, but Lena isn't stiff. She's totally at ease, as much a host as Kara. But her eyes are never far from Kara, who looks festive and cozy in a flattering christmas sweater.
Kara glows in the the twinkle of the christmas tree lights, her smile warm and infectious. Heat pools in Lena's chest, and this time it has nothing to do with the kryptonite sitting there. Its all Kara, all smiles, and when Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree comes up on the playlist, Lena lets Kara pull her into the dance they never got at the gala.
By the end Lena is laughing and giddy with happiness, her face flushed. They flop onto the couch together, giggling. Kara leans into her, and Lena knows in that moment there is no other place she would rather be than right here, her arm hooked through Kara's.
She is home.
After the new year, Lena finds herself in a state of calm. L-Corp has completed its rebranding and is running smoothly. The media furor around her has largely dissipated with no shocking news to feed them. She and Kara are in a state of perfect harmony.
Even her work with the DEO has been minimal over the holidays, so when Lena is pinged with a set of coordinates, Lena relishes the change of pace.
With a touch of her watch Lena's armor slides into place around her, and she when arrives at the location she's surprised to see Supergirl hasn't beat her there. Cueing her comms, Lena radios back to the DEO.
"Command, this is Luthor. I am on site, please advise."
"Luthor, this is Command. Supergirl and Director Danvers have just wrapped up at another location and are en route. Secure perimeter."
"Roger that."
Lena scopes out the area from a distance first. There doesn't appear to be any movement external to the building, so when she finally approaches she doesn't expect any interlopers. Even so, the lack of life from inside the warehouse puts her on edge.
Maybe it's another warehouse of Coville's, she reasons, and the DEO is concerned more kryptonite may be present. Even if it were, something feels off. Lena carefully approaches, and upon finding nothing of interest at the perimeter, gets a little closer.
As she steps close enough to peer into one of the windows, several things happen at once. A small grenade clinks to the pavement behind her, issuing a thick plume of smoke that blankets the immediate area in a dense fog, blinding her. Lena immediately switches her optics to thermal, just in time to see a hulking figure loom with a rocket launcher at the ready on his shoulder.
When it fires, it releases not a rocket but a fine metal mesh that wraps tightly around Lena with enough force to knock her from her feet. The figure clicks a button and the net comes to life with electricity, surging through her armor and shorting out every circuit. It blinds and burns her, and suddenly her suit locks into place around her, dead in the water.
With her optics gone, Lena can't see or hear anything except her own ragged breath, until an unseen hand reaches under her chin and rips her helmet open. The smoke from the grenade fills her nose and lungs, making her choke. Through tearing eyes Lena can just make out the shadow of another figure crouching next to her.
Something sharp pricks against her neck, and in moments Lena's senses begin to blur. The last thing she hears before losing consciousness is a familiar voice.
"Welcome back, sis."
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stennnn06 · 4 years
83 for supercorp please :)
83 - “Another sleepless night, huh?”
Runnin this back to S2 where everything was new and fresh....when Lena toyed with Supergirl, and times were simple. Got a few requests for this one, so will also do a later season post-reveal version. 
The footsteps touch down gently, the wind barely a whisper as the curious hero walks across the balcony. Lena turns from her desk, sensing something behind her. Her muscles tense for a moment, before she realizes who stands outside. She walks over to the door and opens it.
"Supergirl? What a surprise," Lena greets her, arms crossing. She knows better than to think this is a friendly visit. "Is everything okay?"
"Of course," Supergirl assures her, smiling under the pale moon. "Your light is the only one on for miles. Another sleepless night, huh?"
"You've been keeping tabs?" Lena feels her chest warm at the unexpected intrusion, but not in an unpleasant way. It's surprising, but she tries to keep it from reaching her face.
"Over the city," Supergirl tries to navigate. She pauses, tilting her head in Lena's direction. "And you," she admits, shrugging. "I wanted to make sure you're okay after...everything."
The shuttle explosion and helicopter attack had been less than 24 hours ago, so it seems only natural that Supergirl would be on high alert. But for Lena, it's already water under the bridge. Just another fine day in the life of a Luthor.
Lena steps over the threshold outside into the warm night air. She closes the door behind her, and Supergirl follows her lead.
"It's par for the course, Supergirl," Lena chuckles dryly as she leans over the railing. "You'll learn that about me soon enough."
"I look forward to getting to know you," Supergirl says quietly.
Lena doesn't know why she almost believes her. Why she would even dare to trust that a Kryptonian would want to get to know her. She supposes she's just a glutton for punishment. But Supergirl's eyes are unwavering, with a sincerity that defines otherworldly, and Lena forgets to question. She sighs, looking out over the city.
"It's quieter here than I thought it'd be," Supergirl says, following her gaze and staring out over the horizon. The street lights glow a comforting yellow, and a few cars drive slowly down sleepy side streets. It isn't the nonstop chaos of Metropolis. There's an easy current here, flowing through the city like a lazy river.
"It's almost unsettling," Lena grins. "I'm used to chaos."
She's sure Supergirl knows it all -- the lies, the terrible, awful things her family has done and will continue to do. And she doesn't fault her. Luthor will always be a name that comes with a price. But if Supergirl has preconceived notions, she doesn't show it. She simply squares her shoulders and places two calming hands on the railing of the balcony. She's surprisingly gentle, the way she barely touches the steel, even though Lena knows she could bend it in half. The idea sends a current straight through her core.
As if she can read her mind, Supergirl glances over her shoulder and smiles softly.
"I want you to know I'm here," she says, her voice kind and easy, like a gentle wave.
"You're hard to miss," Lena replies, because it's easier to deflect than fall into whatever kind of pull Supergirl has.
"I mean I'm here for you," Supergirl corrects. She twists her lips like she's thinking, then reaches into a pocket that Lena can't see. She pulls out a watch. It's ancient, but familiar, and majestic in ways that Lex's is not. She hands it over. "In case you ever need me. Just press that button and I'll be there."
"We hardly know each other," Lena protests, staring at the watch, dumbfounded. "How do you know I won't use this against you?"
"You won't," Supergirl says, her smile dazzling and confident.
Lena swallows heavily. It's completely unexpected, but she can't help the way her heart pounds in her chest. She takes the watch -- and, by extension, an offer of trust. She nods quietly.
"Thank you," she whispers.
"I'll be able to tell you everything one day," Supergirl says, as if she knows the future, and knows it to be true. "But this is a good place to start. I'll see you soon, Lena."
She nods once, and then rockets into the air, strong and powerful and fast, and Lena feels the way her entire body trembles in her absence. She looks down at the watch, the gears and mechanisms intricate and sacred.
"Good night, Supergirl," she whispers into the night.
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s4mmysbunk3r · 3 years
Sam Winchester x fem!reader fanfic: Wedding Bells part 1
A/N: This ficlet can be enjoyed on it’s own or with the other tie in chapters: 1. Seashells from California. 2. Late for your Date. 3. The Hidden Gem.
Will Y/N be able to marry the love of her life Sam Winchester, or will her insecurities get the better of her? Will Sam be able to calm her down in time to say I do? Enjoy!
“Oh fuck,” you say. “I’m marrying Sammy.”
“It’s ok, Y/N,” says Bobby. “Sammy is just as nervous, I think, but what matters is that you are both so in love with each other than nothing else even matters. He would walk hell for you Y/N.”
“That’s why I’m worried!” you cry. “What if I’m not good enough for him! I’m not, am I? You know that Bobby! Fuck!” You fling your heels off and storm away. Tears streak your eye make up down your face as you hyperventilate. “I can’t do this!”
You dive into the womens bathroom and lock the door. You slide down to the floor. “Fuck!” you swear, and you fold your mouth. Not only are you not good enough for Sammy, but now you’re ruining his wedding by being a little bitch! Large tears roll down your porcelain cheeks to the floor. You hold your hands to your breasts which are soft under your dress and your white teeth clack. “Fuck.”
A fist slams at the other side of the door which shakes your whole body, and you crawl away from the door. “Occupied!” you wail. 
“Y/N,” says Sam from the other side of the door.
“Fuck… fuck, Sammy…” You continue to sob.
“I have your heels,” says Sam. “Bobby said it seemed like you were having a hard time with them…”
“It’s not my heels I’m having a hard time with,” you cry. “It’s you, Sammy!”
You can hear Sam start to cry on the other side of the door.
“Y/N…” You can hear a thunk as Sam leans his broad forehead into the door. “Y/N, please tell me what is wrong, I can help.”
“You can’t,” you cry. “Sammy, I’m about to ruin your life!”
“What are you talking about, Y/N?”
“I don’t deserve you Sammy,” you say. “Don’t you see? If you marry me you’ll be throwing your whole life away. Don’t waste it on me, Sammy. Go find somebody who deserves you, please!”
“I already have found somebody!” Sam says. “Y/N, I remember the first night I first laid eyes upon your body. It was so dark and so scary, and so loud, and blood was swirling, and my brain was overloading, and my ears were roaring, and my fingers were biting. And I remember my eyes fading to black as the demonic ichor poisoned my veins. It was the demoness Ruby who bewitched, bothered, and bewildered my mind. I was opening a seal and I did not even know that there was any idea that that could have even been conceived as something that was realistically possible. I was a coward and a fool and I was about to eviscerate the world and succumb to the boiling tenebrosity within my hallowed soul. And as I stood there and cast the demon blood spell I could feel the earth rocking beneath my timbs, and Ruby was howling, cackling, shrieking, caterwhauling like a demonic witch. Evil was thick in the air, with the sweet and sickly scent of pure evil. The horrible scene was unfolding, unravelling, unwinding in front of my demonic obsidian orbs. The horns of Satan were forming and rising out of the swiling whirlpool of blood pooling at my timbs. The Devil was rising in Atlanta Georgia, and he was rising at my hand. My hand was still outstretched, my eyes still black as sin but I could only watch the terror, and hear the terror of the demoness’s laughter, the demonic witch and her laughter. Tears ran thick and fast down my face from my eyes black as ebony. And I knew, Y/N, I knew, that everything was ending and it was my fault. And the incubus whore, Ruby. But then, the doors exploded apart and crashed apart and fell apart on the floor in pieces. And I was terrified. I thought the world was exploding. But it was only you. And when I twisted my body and twisted my neck and chin and moved my eyes to look at what had fallen and crashed behind my face, that’s when the glorious light of the sun broke over the jagged mountains of my hate. And the sun was you, Y/N. It was you. And it was still dark, and the ground still rattled like a snake, but there now ignited a flame of hope inside of my chest. And I didn’t know who you were or what you were doing there or why you had come or how you had found me or what you wanted from me or what you intended to do or why you weren’t scared of Lucifer rising and rising and rising in front of you. But what I did know, was that somehow this world would continue, and it would follow at your high heels. And Y/N, that’s when you strode with your legs into the that darkened House of God, and you walked right past the incubus whore and didn’t even look at her, and she didn’t dare look at you, because you were looking at me, and I was looking only at you. And I felt your eyes swallow me like the deepest throat until all that existed was you and me, looking at each other’s eyes. And you said one word: “Sammy!” And that’s when I knew you were my Supergirl. You grabbed hold of my large hands and held them in your hands, and the spell imploded behind me, and Lucifer melted into a pile of demonic blood, and the demoness whore Ruby fled for her life. And all you had to do was break that evil concentration for the spell to end and the world to be saved and it was only ever you. And I looked at you and I knew inside my body that I never wanted to look away ever again. And when my…brother Dean Winchester came bumbling into that cathedral, all too late to do anything, and you turned and you looked and you laid your eyes upon him and you opened your mouth and you spoke words and those words told Dean Winchester that he was too late and that he was always too late and that I deserved better than someone who only pretends to care about me when it’s too late. And when he fell to his knees in tears, he knew you were right. And I knew you were right. And after he left, and I looked at you and you looked at me and I asked you who you were and you said words I’ll never forget, and those words which you spoke, I’ll never forget them, and I’m sure neither will you. And then I knew who you were, and you knew me, and I’ve always known you, and you’ve always known me. And what we knew, Y/N, was love. Between us. Between you and I. Between one sorry man and one beautiful woman. That’s how it felt. And I know that’s how you felt too. So I asked you out, and you said yes, and we went immediately to Ruby Tuesday. And we ate of the same burger, our eyes locked, our souls bound. And I knew that this would never end. I watched your luscious lips part and encompass the burger patty and all of the toppings, encapsulated in your mouth, and your teeth white as pearls and sharp as daggers dug into the meaty delight of the burger. And you bit deeply, strongly, passionately, flirtatiously and sundered your piece of our shared burger. Your lips smacked together ever so daintily, with a few specks of bun and patty still visible on your rocket red lip gloss. You chewed, moving you jaw up and down, up and down, up and down, juices dribbling down the corner of your mouth and supple chin. And then, your throat tightened, and the lump of this burger, of our burger, slid smoothly, gracefully down your slender oesophagus and toward your little tummy. And then with slender fingers you selected a napkin off of the checkered vinyl table, and you lifted it in your fingers, and then, Y/N, you folded your napkin with all skill and grace of an origami virtuoso, and as if putting the finishing touches upon your magnum opus with the gentle stroke of a brush, you dapped at your rocket red lips until your plump lips were cleared of debris from our burger. And then you curled your slender fingers around your red plastic translucent cup, and lifted it to those matching red lips, and you swallowed gulp after gulp after gulp of chilled Dr Pepper, condensation dribbling down your chin to the checkered vinyl, and I watched as you wiped your napkin over that, too. And that’s when I knew. That’s when felt the truest love I have ever felt in my life. And it was your love, Y/N. And every moment since then, I have been fighting, I have been praying, I have been dying, for you, all for you, always for you, just for you. I brought you that seashell from California, I fought off that nest of vamps that were tailing you to our date, I defended your honour against a demon who only wanted your body. You are my only and my all. You are my greatest treasure and my greatest weakness. You are my left hand and my right. You are my lifeboat and my sail in this tepid ocean. So be my lifeboat, be my sail, and let’s set out across that tepid ocean, let’s sail away! So will you please open up this bathroom door, and come marry me?”
You heave a sob. “Sammy…”
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