#Rip to people who like color ig
mrmistoffles · 1 year
i got a new printer and need people to tell me what to print please
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 10 months
My A'aru, My Heaven
Pairing: Ahkmenrah x Fem/Maybe Genderfluid Reader
Summary: A taste testing night with a sprinkle of love (and religion ig)
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, extreme fluff, err fluff, more fluff, Cussing maybe, spelling and grammar mistakes, controversial topic, religion, me writing Christianity as someone who is not Christian, uhhh lmk if i need to put any other warnings???? idk
Note: yall the ahkmenrah brain rot is ... rotting? my brain? so hard
Alsooooooo this is my first fic (on this acc, posted anyway) so be easy
*A'aru is the Egyptian equivalent of Heaven for Christians <33 #wikipedia
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You rip open a colorful package and hand it to Ahkmenrah.
"Here, these are gummy worms."
The Pharoah looked alarmed. "You eat…worms?"
You laugh. "Theyre not real worms. Here, just try one."
Ahk glances at you, unconvinced, but he takes a red and blue gummy in between his fingers and nibbles at it.
"Well?" You bit into yours and watched his reaction.
He shrugs. "Theyre… enjoyable, I suppose, but I don't prefer them myself."
You grin. "Yeah, me niether, I just wanted to see what you thought." You turn in your criss-cross-applesauce position on the floor in Ahkmen's exhibit to pick out a new candy and come back with two tin wrapped chocolate pieces. Picking one out, you hand it to him. "Have a Kiss," you joke.
Ahk stares at the candy in his hand, then back at you. "S-sorry?"
You look back at him, then realizing he wouldn't know the name of this candy, you laugh. "It's the name of the candy. Hershey Kisses." He slowly smiles. "Well, I wouldn't say no to a kiss, either." You roll your eyes. "Seriously-"
Ahk cuts you off with his lips. You lean into the kiss, setting your 'Kiss' down and running your hands up his torso and into his hair, letting your fingers tangle there. He cups your face with one hand and places the other on his sarcophagus case behind you, pressing you against it. You let him, knowing he usually doesn't take control like this.
After a moment, Ahk breaks away and breaths heavily, catching his breath.
"Do I really take away your breath that bad?" You joke, panting.
He runs his thumb against your bottom lip, his eyes flitting between your lips and your eyes. "Yes," He says simply. "You do."
You feel yourself blush and you smile. "Love you too, Ahk," was all you could get out.
Ahk smiles back and brushes his lips against your temple, then leans back, letting you have your space to continue taste-testing modern candy.
You resume your earlier position and cross your legs, pressing your knee against his as you grab your Hersheys. "Come on, eat it."
He groans but takes it and unwraps it with your guidance. He pops it into his mouth and his eyes widen.
You grin at him. "Right? Personally I prefer caramel with my chocolate, but I figured start small, y'know?"
Ahk slowly chews it. "Holy Ra. This is chocolate?" His mouth is still full, and you giggle at his bad manners. "Don't talk with your mouth full. Come on, King Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth kingdom of Egypt and all things fancy, have better manners." You tease and pause. "But yeah, it's chocolate. Although I'd describe it as heaven."
The Pharoah glanced at you, opening another Hershey. "I thought you said that was a place."
You nod, taking the Kiss out of his hands, throwing in the air, and catching it with your mouth. "Yeah. The place that Christians beleive is the perfect afterlife."
Ahk glares at you but otherwise ignores your theft. "You cant call a taste or an object heaven, then. It'd go against grammar rules and the belief of a Chrisin."
Swallowing, you shrug. "First of all, it's Christian, second of all, I don't think they care anymore, although don't quote me on that. My ma's Christian, and she refers to my mother as heaven."
He frowns, thinking. "So, you can call your other half 'heaven'?"
"Some people do," you pause. "Well. I've only ever heard it from my parents, and also Bruno Mars, but I think if someone says it in public, it's considered PDA. Public displays of affection." You reply to his confused look.
Ahk nods. "And thats… frowned upon." You make an "eh" sound. "Well, people don't particularly like it, but it's not as bad as, like, racism or something. Far from it." You scoff.
"So, for a… hypothetical example… I could call you heaven, but only in… private."
You turn and stare at him, a blush forming "W-well, yes, I-"
He kisses you, effectively shutting you up. You lose all train of thought, lost in his touch. He pulls you close, practically onto his lap before pulling away.
"You're my heaven." Ahk smiles at you, and you smile back.
"And you're my A'aru."
Your Pharoah, your king, your Ahk, your little slice of heaven, in your little corner of home.
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Spider-man!Hobie Brown x Reader
Side note: I did my best to keep reader gender neutral for everyone 🫶😍. Also made it more friendly than flirty. 😔 sorry y’all. (Basically more platonic, BUT if I make another I may make it romantic.)
Summary: Just reader and Hobie hopping dimensions and taking out bad guys.
Warnings: None? A little violence ig. Just reader and him bickering. Not proof read 🙁 I got lazy as hell.
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“Yo Hob, where’s my mask at?” You asked as you watched yourself in the mirror. Your tooth brush sudsy with toothpaste as you quickly brushed at your teeth.
Crashing with Gwen and Hobie was certainly a risky decision to make, but with you always traversing the multi-verses you never stayed anywhere for too long. Which is why you were staying with the two. Well, staying with Hobie. Gwen was currently out on the hunt for a new anomaly, and you were eager to get to work with her.
“Didn’t you leave it on the couch?” He responded as he slipped his ripped leather jacket over his shoulders. The man was already geared up and ready to go. “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you.” You retorted with the roll of your eyes. You soon rinsed your mouth out with water and tossed your toothbrush into a cup. As you went to exit the bathroom, you took notice of the lack of toilet paper (courtesy of living with two other people), and sighed. “We need more toilet paper Hobie, we’ve already run out.”
He peeked his head throw the doorway, taking a glance at what you had mentioned and laughed. “Ain’t that something. We’ll buy some from a different universe, I’d rather not provide to this crappy economy. Now hurry it up mate, we’ve already got a mission.” You scoffed at his stubbornness as you headed towards the cluttered living area. Per-usual, it was a mess. But you didn’t have time for that now. You dug under piles of junk and gadgets until finally you got your hands on your mask. “Ew..” You grumbled as you stared at the ink stain on the side of your mask. Shooting a look towards Hobie, he only returned it with a grin before pulling his mask over his face.
“We’re cleaning this place up when we get back. Now let’s go.”
The two of you departed, a portal appearing in front of you. The dynamic shapes and colors had grown to be something of a norm to you, though you couldn’t say the same as you hopped through it and shot through the tunnel. It still managed to twist and turn your stomach up.
“I believe this is the place.” Hobie chimed as the two of you clung to a building side. “Ya think?” Hobie only chuckled at your sarcasm, having already grown quite used to it.
The evening sunset was almost as mesmerizing as the large mountain of houses. They followed along a road that spiraled all the way down to where they stood. It was like staring up at a giant version of the Aztec temples. “Sometimes I forget how different these universes can be. Alright Hobie, you know who we’re looking for so lead the way.”
He gave you a pat on the back before shooting out a web and pulling himself in the air. You could only smile at his playfulness and follow his movements, now swinging yourself towards the top of the mountain. The area was vibrant with warm colors, reds, blues, and green accenting the bright gold of the buildings. You’d been to plenty of universes, but none quite as beautiful as this. Smells of food, and seasonings flooded your nostrils, as well as the chattering of the busy streets. “Cool innit? Went here once with Gwendy, was a little preoccupied though.”
“With?” You questioned as you worked your way to the top of the mountain.
“This wild variant of the lizard. He was huge! More of a crocodile I’d say.” His enthusiastic attitude seemed to infect you, another smile creeping it’s way onto your face. “That sounds cool as hell. Yo is that who we’re looking for?” Your eyes widened as your spider sense raised your alert. Up ahead stood a large statue, though unlike usual statues, this one was moving. It worked at ripping a large jewel that stood at the very top of the mountain. Hobie, who had been swinging backwards, spun around, the lenses of his mask widening. Then they narrowed. He pulled his guitar from over his shoulder, holding it in one hand as he swung himself towards the golden statue. “Taking that as a yes.”
You webbed the side of two buildings, tugging at the webbing and slingshotting yourself towards the chaos. “I’ll get its legs, you- do whatever. I know you don’t like to listen.” You huffed out.
“You know me so well, love.” He said as he went to taking out the giant. You went to do the same, now swinging your webs around the statues legs. While at first your idea was working, the giant seemed to have a mind of its own. It ripped the webbing in half, but in doing so lost its balance. It tumbled, falling backwards and heading straight for the edge of the cliff. You tried not to panic, and Hobie was now joining you in stopping the giants potential destruction of the golden city. You worked at making a canopy between two poles, the wide wall of webs ready to catch the giant in its grasp.
Hobie stood at the top of a building, webs shot out to slow the giants fall. He strained, pulling back at the web lines. And it worked. The giant was caught in their web.
The two of you met up, now standing in the orange dirt with a victorious look. Then you glanced at one another. “High five?”
Their hands met, the sound of victory ringing in their ears. “High five. Hell yeah Y/N!” His arm found its way around your shoulders, tugging you closer as he spouted jokes. However, you interrupted, “We still have to clean up when we get back.” Hobie’s jubilant expression turned unamused, and he sucked his teeth sighing at your seriousness.
“We really gotta loosen you up love. Now let’s get this guy back in his universe.” His thick accent made it difficult for you to comprehend at first, but once you did, you nodded. The two of you had completed your mission, unscathed, and with time to spare. You were certainly impressed with your efficient work.
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My reactions to episode 5 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
Didn't do one last week bc i didn't have time, plus it was just a weird episode. but people have told me they're excited for me to watch this one, so let's go!
i think this is penelope and voit's first time seeing each other face to face???
Voit's little nursery rhyme taunt i am CRYING laughing
Voit taunting the SHIT out of Rossi
"Somewhere in Iowa" has me rolling
Ooh so this is the beginning of the conspiracy theory. The FBI "assassinating" people
Side note: do they never change their badge pictures?? rossi's hair still has color in his
"Get out" Rossi????
Voit sitting at Reid's desk is funny bc Zach Gilford auditioned for Reid way back when
Luke she is standing slightly in front of you. you are not staring at her side you're staring at her ass. I see you.
"You can't bluff for a minute? You've been bluffing you're not Sicarius for a month" Tara i LOVE you
Someone: *mentions computer stuff* Luke: *looks at Penelope* Me: yeahhhh he knows his gf can do anything
"I'll come with just to make sure you [elias] behave" Luke i am sure that is the ONLY reason
"an online bulletin board where people post their not-so-secretly racist opinions?" Luke i love you
Voit: *touches Pen's things* Luke: Hands off, asshole YES MAN PROTECT YOUR GIRLLLLL
"What's up with you two? Because there's a vibe." AH HA HA HA HA!! I saw a mini spoiler that Voit picked up on them but I imagined he would be calling Luke out on it privately to taunt him I DIDN'T THINK HE'S ASK THEM BOTH TO THEIR FACE WHAT ALL THAT TENSION WAS
this is no longer garvez crumbs this is garvez ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Penelope why don't you have an answer? Why don't you have an answer, Penelope?
Couples who insult an inmates smell together stay together 🥰
"subtitle to Mary Shelley's frankenstein" the secret agenda to CME: make Luke super knowledgeable about classic literature. my "luke was an english major" headcanon is just proved more and more right
"Dr. Lews" look at least he's respectful of her title. i feel like ppl forget she's a doctor
Penelope holding up a handkerchief to her nose 😂
"Neglected to ask me that" luke was right, everyone IS a comedian
"You son of a bitch" I love how they are just having Luke call him every name in the book
Luke recognizing morse code like the little army boy he is 🥰
"what the fuck is north star?" that's an episode name, isn't it? does anyone remember what episode it is going to be?
Emily and Rossi plotting to let Voit try to escape so they can shoot him. Okay????
oooh that sounded SO scripted and forced and awkward 😭
"can you do that without fingerprints?" EMILY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST ASK TYLER???
"Same deductive work as the BAU just... faster" 😂😂😂
"Wheels up" i was GAGGED when i saw that in the preview
Tyler found brian!!
Voit just taunting them all like a child has me cackling
Omg he knows about Greencia. If he tries to use it to blackmail them/her Luke is going to rip his head off
"Maybe not that crazy" AKA he noticed Garvez so he's not surprised she'd be messing around with ppl involved in her work
"That's enough" Luke is like "A. don't talk about her that way. B. i don't want to hear about this."
"Why is that enough, Luke?" STOP IT RIGHT NOW I'M CACKLING
"Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up" YESSSSSS JJ
"Tynelope is a thing and that drives Luke crazy." oh my GOD. there is so much here. Ig i can't say Greencia anymore it's Tynelope? and also Voit calling Luke out for being jealous in front of everyone????
Luke looking away from Penelope. BUT PENELOPE LOOKING OVER AT LUKE.
"I haven't thought about you at all" I mean i know it's a lie but it's funny
"Useful idiot" emily i love you
okay why tf is brian suddenly pretending not to know what Gold Star is
Luke back to his undercover rootsssss
ohhhhh this is gonna be the bomb we saw in the trailer isn't it (if it is then i am gonna get SO MANY DAMN FIC IDEAS from this ep)
yepppppp bomb!!
Forget Garvez, clearly the real ship this show is pushing is Luke x Bomb
Every time Penelope says "Luke" I get giddy
Penelope (slighly panicky) walking her bf through the bomb situation so he doesn't die
Penelope calling him "Luke" but Luke calling her "Garcia" is SO personal to me
Penelope that is a VERY happy smile (just tell that man you love him)
@lklvz you get gratuitous Luke saying "fuck" content and i hope it makes you smile
oh damn it all to hell, damien
"Teresa is in trouble" the FUCK?
tyler knows teresa??? or Penelope is teresa?
Luke following Penelope haha that's not a surprise
"I don't want to be alone tonight" FUCK YOU, REBECCA
More emily smoking!!
guys that was SO GOOD
one of the best eps so far
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fennec-archives · 25 days
(This isn't directed at anyone specific)
I feel like LO crit community tends to "overcorrect" on Lily's takes in a way that just becomes reactionary in a different direction.
A notable example: Lily talks about white favoritism in fandom(a very real, *common* fenomenon), but uses it to just shit on a white character she doesn't like/decides to pick on(ever notice how she's basically incapable of *not* hating at least one character with a burning passion for arbitrary reasons to the point it becomes oddly personal?). She insinuates that anyone who likes said white or has it as their favorite has a "white favoritism problem"(when that can only really be the case when prioritizing white characters over characters of color is a pattern with someone).
So now, a lot of people push back against her specific rhetoric, which is understandable. It's meanspirited and meant to guilt people for liking the white boy she arbitrarly decided she hates.
The problem is that now they also dismiss that fandom has a racism/white favoritism issue *at all*, that there can never be a less than innocent reason as to why there's a tendency for white/pale characters to be more popular, have more fanart, more headcanons or character analysis. Like, it shouldn't be about shaming anyone, it should be about realizing that there's a problem and idk, try to do better?
Ig tldr, Lily uses social justice and issues brought up by poc for selfserving reasons and the response to that shouldn't be "well it's actually not a problem at all" like some anti-sjw.
I agree wholeheartedly. Lily is very performative in what she believes and how she operates, and a lot of people tend to throw the baby out with the bath water because she’s also an abusive pos.
Lily being mean about a character is silly and shouldn’t be taken seriously. She isn’t “racist against white people”, she just fundamentally doesn’t understand the nuances of the discussion she’s trying to bully her way into.
She rips off the writing and ideas of poc and then adds her own mean-spirited flare to it.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Can’t wait for someone to make a copy of RS’s coveted “signature” stamp and just buy a few dozen books, stamp them, and sell them as “autographed” at a huge markup, and goofballs will buy them all.
I mean seriously, that stamp will be incredibly easy to copy if it’s not already been copied, it’s the polar opposite of exclusive or personal. Why anyone would pay $20 for that is beyond me but it proves that RS is a shrewd business person by any means necessary and will be richer than I ever will be. No wonder Hades is her idol.
No joke, there are pictures of Rachel using the stamp at SDCC and-
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That stamp is literally just a standard one that you could order through any custom manufacturer. It's not a roller in any way, there's no unique cut they're working off of, it's just a round press stamp.
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And it shows because this is the quality of the actual ink when it's on the paper-
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Basically low grade printer ink on glossy paper. It's not gonna last at all, and it turned out exactly how I was expecting - there's too much solid color with too thin empty areas so the ink is bleeding into what's supposed to be 'white' (we deal with the same concepts in tattooing so I knew this was gonna happen as soon as I saw the stamp design).
Anyways so that's my long-winded way of saying that I took the stamp that was on Rachel's IG from her promotional posts, desaturated it, added a tone curve layer to adjust the sharpness/clarity, and threw it into VistaPrint. Just for science, and because I'm an asshole trying to prove a point.
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Would literally only cost me $20-$30 for the stamp after shipping.
Now for obvious reasons I'm not saying anyone SHOULD do this, like... I'm showing you this for science but really, don't go making counterfeits because of this LOL This is really just to demonstrate how easy it would be for anyone to make a convincing replica, which is the unfortunate drawback to using stamps as your "signature" - and with a very low quality printer shop stamp to boot - because it makes it pretty easy to copy. Not to mention showing off the stamp design beforehand through social media means that people (like me, oop-) can rip it out of your image posts and reverse engineer it into something that can be uploaded and purchased. I get she wanted to make sure that people knew what they were getting, it would have been a HUGE piss off to go see her for a signature just to find out she was doing a stamp, but like... these are the risks that come with stamps.
Don't get me wrong, you can just as easily forge a signature, but it's a little harder to nail someone's personal signature vs. a stamp and you can usually find ways to make it more unique (like what Junji Ito did by giving out little doodles on each signature). It also doesn't help that that stamp is made so cheaply that a poorly done replica would probably be on the same level of quality as the authentic one. And of course she added insult to injury by deciding to sell ACTUAL HAND-SIGNED BOOKS WITH ONLY ONE BOOK THAT HAS ONE CRAPPY DOODLE INSIDE AT ONLY ONE SPECIFIC BOOKSTORE A WEEK AFTER SDCC WAS OVER THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE AN EXTRA COPY OF A BOOK YOU ALREADY OWN-
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sigh This isn't an uncommon thing to do, it's not unique to Rachel, but it gives me grifting gacha vibes and it feels like such a fuck you to the people who travelled all the way out to SDCC and paid for the ticket prices just to get a shitty printer ink stamp and then find out a week later after they've undoubtedly gone home that one bookstore in San Diego actually has hand-signed copies. I've seen Youtubers pull this kind of shit with vinyl printings and Youtooz figures and it's equally tacky.
If she had done it either with handwritten signatures or at the VERY least a better quality stamp design and higher quality ink, then yeah, it would be harder to make it seem legit for anyone who's not privy to creating things like lino cuts or using roller ink and thus make it a much more valuable collector's item. But the books at SDCC were literally made with a stamp that anyone can replicate for $20 and then the hand-signed ones were offered at only one bookstore after Rachel had already flown home. It feels so impersonal and cold to the audience that has supported her through all the bullshit she's pulled in the last year.
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parola-di-winx · 10 months
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Maybe try redesigning their S5 dance outfits?
They look vry juveline to me
(except Flora's hair it's so cute)
(ask is referring to a request i made on the server but ig anyone on tumblr's also invited to send me clothes the girlies wear to redesign bc i love to be distracted when i should be studying)
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tadaaaaaa flora's hair is untouched i even kept her lil bow for you
i wanted to keep the colors somewhat similar but it was rough sometimes. besides that i looked at vlogs from people who do ballet on youtube to see what they actually wear when training and then i used like. ballet poses as ref. vaguely. gave me weird flashbacks
aisha's having the best time she likes ballet & dancing in general, stella probably also did ballet growing up and i don't think she Loved it necessarely but she doesn't mind dusting it off, tecna's never done it but she is surprisingly good at it so now it's her new favorite thing for the day bc who doesn't love to be immediately good when trying something new, bloom & flora are just kinda happy to be there and they'll try anything w their Friends :), and musa is having the worst time of her life she didn't even wanna do ballet to begin with she showed up dressed wrong hoping they'd leave her alone if she was unprepared but they forced her to try anyway she ripped her thighs the shoes hurt she just wants to go home girl help
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dogboyklug · 5 months
klug's sam & max au full entire whole
i am so tired
this is more an extensive collection of hcs than a fully-fledged au but yeah
this is also th basics of my entire. fanfic story im making ig. fun times.
when sam was a child, he was heavily traumatized by the general environment. his parents put a lot of pressure on him, and a majority of his relatives (extended or not) were cruel towards him due to their military histories. sam is a transgender man, and he was allowed to partake in more "masculine" activities solely due to the hope that he might join the military once he was older
max had a similarly awful relationship with his family, being almost entirely starved of both attention and praise for all of his childhood. many of the women in his family were alcoholics, which was joked about and normalized even when that alcoholism led to violence. he's also a trans man, but his family are so apathetic they didn't give a shit and just let him dress and act however he wanted
the two met by chance in school and ended up immediately bonding. the two were basically inseperable throughout their shared childhood, relying on each other for basically all warmth and support - especially considering the two were prime targets for basically every bully in a five-state radius, being obviously queer (especially bc max kept screaming joyfully abt how him wearing dresses was crossdressing) and (equivalent of) black and mixed respectively in a predominantly white town in the 60's
being autistic, sam had a lot of special interests, more specifically noir detective films (which he dissociated from cop shows for years, somehow...) and computers/robotics/machinery in general. he made some of the most advanced videogames at the time everywhere he went, leaving bits and pieces for other people to find and put a patent on while he stayed entirely unaware.
max, meanwhile, didn't give half a damn about anything but himself, his best friend, and proving to the whole wide world that he was a boy. though being significantly less violent than sam was (thanks to all those damn noir films sammy watched i'm sure. kids those days), he defintiely wasn't above using his AWE-INSPIRING MANLIKE STRENGTH to beat up bullies who didnt immediately confess and repent for all their sins. he also read a LOT of comics (and ripped out all the oversexualized caricatures of women that were put together with the leads [and replaced them with himself])
once the two were teenagers, sam decided to go on a diet in the hopes that girls would like him more, styling his naturally coily hair into a very unnaturally-colored tiny afro to seem Hipper and Cooler while ending up just looking goofy. around this time, max realized he was near-sighted, and (due to sensory issues) decided to get perscription sunglasses instead of contacts
during highschool, sam was still studying engineering despite his future self's best efforts. though the highschool they went to didnt have a computer lab or anything, he taught himself everything he could about computers, learning from library books and "learning" from comics. max, however, Still didn't give a damn about any sort of schooling thing, only going to stick around with sam. he picked up a lot of random tidbits of information, and started becoming more perceptive (mostly to avoid bullies)
once max graduated, he immediately went on the road, roadtripping across the country in an attempt to leave everything about his past (sans sam, who he occassionally called) behind.
sam ended up getting a job (probably in computer repairs?) and detransitioned due to a do-goodery belief that him pretending to be a woman would somehow help fix sexism (while feeling a lot of guilty pleasure after finding out he was seen as " one of the boys " in his class)
in max's absence, sam ended up incredibly depressed, refusing to cook or clean for himself, overworking himself both as punishment and as an excuse to further avoid responsibility for himself. only after he got a health warning from the landlord did he clean up his apartment, which he ended up having to call max to help out with (which s a fic m actively working on actually)
though max only stayed in sam's apartment for a while, he ended up deciding to end his roadtrip prematurely, and started "stalking" sam around the campus out of a twisted desire for human[oid] contact with a dear friend. sam knew and did not care, especially when max later snuck into his graduation ceremony and screamed his praises so loud everyone near him ended up with tinnitus
honestly im not sure what happens in between then and them deciding to become cops. probably max suddenly forgets all he learned from travelling w a buncha hippies and anarchists and sam gives up becoming a computer scientist or engineer due to the toxic and constantly shifting environments ... and they needed an excuse to work together of course considering max is a bit less than qualified to work with computers
while searching for an office, the two saw flint paper throwing several men out his office window and immediately begged the landlord to set them up so they would be right next to him.
personally i think both of them have NPD, so the reason that the comics feel like they have more 'npcs' is because neither saw people (other than themselves, each other, and flint paper) as people, just background characters in their story
anyway i dont rlly have any changes from this until telltale. EXCEPT FOR ONE KEY FACTOR.
around 2009, much to their shared horror, sam & max found out (/fully realized) they were disabled. not just in mind, but in body too. crazy that.
turns out max being extremely stretchable without any real Training was a symptom of hypermobile joints, and sam's aching back, frequent migraines and near-constant Agony were signs of arthritis and fibromyalgia. who knew!
anyway, final note is that altho i havent played tdp i do know how it ends and im gonna say that after that, Somehow, sam & max recieved their respective past & present selves's memories, allowing past max to 'remember' 305 and for sam to 'remember' how tdp went in the past timeline which explains that one weird line in ttiv.
Also. Sybil moved and has divorced abe. superball prolly has a job woodworking and training interns. bosco found dead in miami. ms. momma bosco is thriving. and sam & max are gonna have kids at some point in the timline. cya
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chibishortdeath · 4 months
Labeling this one mature cause it’s artistic nudity, which isn’t something I usually draw but yippie! Scar and anatomy reference! :3
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I have explanations of where most of these scars come from, so I’ll go through them :)
The massive one covering his whole upper back is the one Dracula gave him and the one that bares the curse. I tried to make it kinda gnarly looking, but still distinctly claw marks. There’s a couple other scratches near it from other creatures.
The ones on his arms come from a couple things. I imagine he uses his arm bracers a lot to block things and sometimes hits are still enough to leave a mark under them. The scars also come from an effect of the curse: rotting. Rot usually starts at extremities and would leave some nastiness there, probably exacerbated by moving a lot. The first three images have the legs not visible but I usually put something similar there too.
Speaking of, the very large ones on his lower legs in the fourth image are burn scars from the scene of X68000 and Chronicles where the rooms before Dracula set on fire! I guess some of it might also be from walking in the cursed swamp too.
Most of the random smaller ones are just generally from fighting monsters. Tbh I’d be more surprised if he didn’t have any scars from having axes and bones and fire and fleamen thrown at him all the time lol.
In the third image there’s a couple bite marks and yeah those are from Drac too. I’ve seen some folklore about vampires being able to drain people long distance or while not being entirely corporal and yeah that sounds like something he’d do through the curse just to make Simon’s life worse. Idk, I have the novel Dracula and I should be reading it for other ideas for stuff tbh. This one might change entirely eh who knows. Either way, I think the curse’s ultimate goal was to make him suffer and then turn him after he dies from it so I wanted to add some more implications that he’d become a vampire if he failed to break the curse.
There’s some other things of note that aren’t scars. I try to make him look a little frailer and thinner in Simon’s Quest cause well yeah the curse. I don’t think it’s noticeable here since the fourth image isn’t the Simon’s Quest design and he doesn’t look much wider whoops. I’ll have to try to keep how ripped he is more consistent in later drawings 💀. Uhh I also try to make his eyes look significantly more tired, way larger eye creases and a bit of dark. If this was a colored drawing there’d be a little red under his eyes and he’d be paler than the last image. Just details to make him look sick ig.
Yeah, these are mostly doodles just for me to look back at and make sure I’m drawing him consistently d(^^ ).
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 2 months
This is going to be emotional/anxious ramble so heads up for that ig (nobody has to read this, I just need to get it out and I don’t feel safe enough putting it in any of the chats my friends are in rn)
I don’t know what to do. I thought things were fine. When one of my best friends started venting about things happening and having a falling out between them and somebody else I thought nothing of it at first and just tried to show support. I didn’t know who it was but I didn’t think it was any of them. I was worried but now that worry is for whole different reasons.
I feel like a the world has been ripped out from under me and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to take sides, I love both my friends dearly and I don’t even know what the hell happened or who to believe but now they aren’t friends anymore—the two people who were the closest, I’d never have met one without the other, and it all falls apart in the span of a few weeks.
I want to remain neutral, I want to be the middle ground but I also don’t want to upset either of them.
I never thought something like this would happen, I never even fucking considered it. I thought everything would be fine between all of us forever. I don’t know the full story and part of me wants to lay the blame on the 3rd person in the mix because Ive always felt off about them but I’d feel like an asshole if I did because I just. Don’t. Know. I don’t know what happened, all I have is the very vague one side of it and even vaguer bits and pieces from the other.
How did I not realize something was wrong before? Maybe I was just too busy off in my own little stupid world with my rose colored lenses like always. Maybe I should’ve been there more, should’ve looked in deeper and been more active and attentive. Maybe then I would’ve caught on sooner.
I’m scared. I don’t wanna lose either of them. I don’t want this to happen but I don’t know if I can fix it. How am I supposed to fix something I don’t understand? Fuck I just want things to go back to how they were, when we were all happy and loved each other. I hate this so much.
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aibouart · 3 months
I hope this isn't a weird ask to send but:
I related really heavily to your post about what vent art has done for your psyche. Less specifically with vent art and more a vent blog where I privated the whole thing and would make unrebloggable vent posts (unrebloggable just in case if anything broke and slipped out of confinement)
I've had two of those kinds of blogs. Both ended up just being a negative confirmation bias zone for me to spiral out of control just if I looked at a post.
I'd see the timestamps and remember what made me make those posts and it'd make me lose myself all over again.
The second time I made the blog I told myself I wouldn't read back on the posts but 1) I cannot hold myself accountable to not do that so I did it and 2) the frequency of the vents ended up just achieving the same end result
Vent art for me is so much more work that it's rare, and I usually do end up very pleased with the end result and art typically helps more bc I can't just make art as quickly as I can make text posts. There's still some vent art that hurts like hell to look back on ofc but I understand that feeling of like...this art coming from someplace real.
I think learning to realize that drawing stuff without meaning can hold a meaning of its own (sharing joy, whimsy, etc etc with the world to remind ppl it's not all bad, or give them a safe place to indulge in something bright and colorful instead of the horrors of whatever reality they've currently got) can help ease into accepting the non-vent art as just as important and meaningful
It's tricky, but all of us who suffer more from our own vent posts/vent art can heal and move forward and find meaning in other expressions of other feelings.
Vent stuff can be such a powerful tool, so I'm glad you're learning how to be more careful with it. I wish you nothing but upward momentum from here!
thank you for the message, it does mean a lot to me to find others who went through something as similar that i did--even though it fuckin SUUUCKS
for me, ig my speedy art backfires with vent art. i have done pieces that i took (more) time with:
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but for the most part it looked like this:
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and they'd get posted within like 10 mins of each other (sometimes less)
i definitely think art doesn't need meaning to exist, but you spend so long hearing "what do you think the meaning behind this is" or making art like i had been doing that DID hold some meaning and i started to just feel like my own work was exempt.
it's hard to move past vent art and accept my work as worthy of existing even if it's just some pink furry staring at the camera doing nothing, instead of my sona ripping itself apart because of some deeper meaning. cuz like i do like my vent art, i think the limited colours i would use is cool and the compositions or expressions are intriguing, but getting into the headspace to draw all that just isn't worth the price anymore. but it sort of makes my current art feel shallow or empty.... like im not "trying", for sure.
and granted majority of people on this blog haven't even seen my vent art either it's not like anyone else's perception is skewed. it's just like a personal issue i've had as i recover from vent art/blogs WUURGG
but despite all that i draw what i want anyways, nothing can really stop me from doing that. i just kind of ruminate the whole time JKBSDBFBSD
thank you again for reaching out, i forgot i made the post when i woke up this morning and immediately panicked but nothing bad happened so i am feeling ok about sharing..!!
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starscreeam · 8 months
as always ezcosplay is a very hit or miss place to buy cosplay lol.
regular garments like pants, shirts, jackets, etc tend to be alright in quality and usually is true to the sizing u ordered (i ordered an xl. the pants had give so it could easily fit an xxl)
usually a good amount of wiggle room ! comfortable!
all parts are included (minus shoes, shoes u must order separately). yes i got the armor with my claude cosplay. they do a thorough job
the gloves are good and u can actually use your phone with them for the most part (in my experience anyways)
they have every character known to man. and if they dont have that niche character u wanna cosplay u can commission them!
not very breathable. im gonna be dying in my claude cosplay in august i promise u this.. but ig if you WANT to be warm for a winter con or winter photoshoot, this can actually be a plus!
sometimes the belts/ties, such as elbow armor or knee armor do NOT work. like they straightup need to be secured with something else because theyre so hard to keep on. this is likely due to the belting being pure fabric, with no actual function to them and no real means of attaching it in the first place. youre on your own with this one
smelly out of the bag. sometimes wrinkled but not always. good practice to iron it probably, but i do not own an iron so RIP
armor pieces often attach with literal safety pins. this isnt ALWAYS bad like if it works it works but theres gotta be a better way, esp for the money i paid
the colors werent 100% accurate to the character; for instance i noticed my wrist/arm/knee/elbow armor was purple instead of gold? confusing.
tend to be rather expensive!
for people like me who dont have annnyyyy sewing/crafting talent and have to order their cosplays online, ezcosplay is kind of middle of the road? not as good as dokidoki or uwowo or even miccostumes. not as bad as generic amazon cosplay.
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fcknstar · 2 years
,, held at gunpoint "
- harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : uhhh i kinda changed the storyline abit to make it fit. im not sure if im satisfied with it or not. i actually hope its readable lmao. i realized how some of danes roles have him holding guns and stuff. so i kinda thought abt it. i realized im more into writing and reading dark shit, and am trying to make it good. any feedback will be gladly accepted!
warnings : mentions of gun , hair pulling , hints of losing mind ig??
**lowercase intended**
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being harrys assistant wasnt so bad until you found out he liked waving his gun around. he liked the fear people had knowing that he could kill them within seconds. he liked having people on their knees begging for their life. he liked being in control. so when he grabbed you by your hair and pushed you infront of him, forcing you to lead the way to where the equipments were after he caught you researching about it, you knew you had to follow his orders. but harrys little dream was crushed when donald menken came in and framed harry for covering up the death of max dillon and removed him from his position, harry was furious. everything that seemed to go well didnt.
" put the gun down harry. " donald warned sternly. he was scared of harry, but knowing that he had fired harry from his position engulfed the fear with ego and pride.
harry had loosened the grip on your hair, allowing you to step aside from the chaos. but with the pounding pain in your head, you tripped. donald then tried to help you up only to be yelled by harry.
" dont, dont you dare touch her " aiming the gun at donald. when the security guards started advancing towards harry, volts of electricity passed through their heart, which immediately stopped it ; killing them. donald was frozen, everything wasnt going to plan. you on the other hand was terrified. you didnt think that this was included in the work description. trying to run, harry was quick enough to grab your wrist and pull you towards him.
" finish him " harry nodded towards electro, who gladly took on the job.
placing the gun below your chin, lifting it up and locking gaze with you, " pow.. " he cooed. he saw how your chest moved up and down fast. he saw how the color drained from your face. saw how your hand gripped his shirt as if it was your only way of begging for your life.
" shh, dont worry. i wont hurt you. in fact, i need you " caressing your cheeks, your neck with the gun. with his gun now against your shoulder, he spun you around and kicked your feet as a signal for you to start walking. electro had left by now, wanting to finish spiderman as fast as possible. upon reaching the room, you noticed how harrys eyes lit up when he saw the venom.
" fill it up. now " pushing you towards the container that filled with rows of venom. gripping the now filled injection, harry eyed you. he noticed how scared you look. he didn't enjoy it as much as he remembered you as a cheeky assistant who loved joking around. he admired how on task you were and how serious you were if you needed to be. but this new found expression on your face broke his heart. jerking his gunned arm towards you, you grabbed his arm, slowly pushing the needle in, injecting the venom in his blood.
" thats it, what a good girl you are " harry chuckled, trying to mask the intensive pain he felt throughout his body. was it working?
dropping the injection down right after all the venom has been injected, you backed away. harrys eyes faltered when reality hit him. did he really want this? to destroy himself. in front of the girl he dearly wanted? no. it wasnt but its too late as his mind started to fog up with morbid scenes that flashed around. barely meeking a " run " , he dropped to his knees, trying to rip the black clothing that felt tight around his muscles. you heard his warnings, and quickly ran and grabbed the abandoned gun that was next to him.
having your front facing harry, you were horrified to see the changes in him. this isnt the harry you knew. harry was someone you could run to whenever you had a problem. but the sad part was he didnt see you as a comfort place. or at least thats what you thought. you knew harry for months and you only noticed how close and touchy he became when the disease started fogging up. running out of the building, you peered over your shoulder, hesitant to leave harry in there, with his distraught mind.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom really do be giving me the most random curve balls.
In no particular order and (hopefully) minimal spoilers.
Fuck what's under the Deku tree, yes, I do remember Ocarina of Time. Somehow this is worse than the fucking spider. Dicks.
The Yiga clan really put here doing the most istg but they're so fun. The chicken was genuinely fucking hilarious.
We really not asking where the giant Mecha animals went?!?!? REALLY?!?
RIP all the champions but Mipha, fuck them and their struggles IG!?!
Why y'all got me playing bob the builder with my own damn house but I can't pick colors or if there's a damn wall, like, what the fuck?! Who tf wants an open air bedroom when I KNOW WHAT LIVES DOWN THE DAMN HILL?!?
Y'all are nasty for drinking from these fucking wells. Arguably as bad as Kakariko village in Ocarina of Time.
How tf did Sonia and Rauru have descendants?!? Like, goals, but... How?
Zelda •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ shoes really on the other foot now, isn't it?
How many times do I gotta prop up a damn sign for you to learn how to make them right or at least stop kissing ass so hard to set 'him' down?
I know swallowing those snowflake gems gotta hurt like a bitch how did he never flinch?!?
Prime opportunity missed to have Link chow down in rock roast again, cowards.
Ganon really spent his downtime fucking with people right out the gate, man's a clear thespian and it shows.
I caught Ganon's horse in BoTW and named him Big Daddy and my stable transferred to this game too 🤭
Genuinely forgot about "Master Kouga's" quest until I ran into him a second time. What a dweeb.
Gorons were really out here eating monster ass and getting high as balls
Why, oh why, did y'all Zora make possibly the most homoerotic metaphor referencing the last game and then suddenly introduce his fiance? I'm getting mixed messages are they gay or just friends? 🤨
I thought the owl elder died lmfao, RIP
Purah grew sick of my shit and it shows
Kiss ass doctor dude can go suck a bokoblin ball sack istg I wanna EXPLORE THE DAMN RUINS THE FIRST GO AROUND 😤
Is no one weirded out by the Purah pad?!? No one else has one but they all seem to know how it functions...
Fuck them hands, I'd throw mine but I deeply wanna social distance from their... Asses(?)
Tulin, baby, I love you but can't I decide what direction your gale goes? Namely up or ahead of me?
Speaking of which, what the hell happened to Yonobu's gift from BoTW?! It's not like, super different but it's not a shield anymore... ? Wack.
I appreciate how much everyone believes in Zelda but some of this shit she was definitely fucking with y'all and you should've thought a little harder about the sketch behavior. Iykyk
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grumbums-ooc · 5 months
give me two facts about every oc on that sheet >:)
Part 1: OSC
long post! also the updated oc count from 55 to 57 and one of the added ocs is in this part.
RB (short for Rubber Ball)
1. first ever oc & first ever self insert*! oct 16th, 2020
2. raymon and james are different versions of rb to fit the fandom/story they're from
Hart (not a typo)
1. rb's gf, hearts and hannah are different versions/influenced by her
2. adopted! /pos
Toppie (object toppie, is a top hat)
1. originally was supposed to be an antagonist to rb and hart, now is just a mischievous friend
2. nonbinary! (this was when i avoided making queer characters due to "not seeing them as trans/gay", the nb thing was decided a couple years after)
1. used to be a bully to rb that could never be redeemed. got redeemed.
2. got super defensive telling people "this isnt an attempt at racism!" when i told them he was a shitbag. dunno why.
all 4 of them are friends btw, and rb, hearts, and toppie are in a poly relationship
1. rb's dad. abusive dad. does not correlate to anyone irl i just like giving my characters trauma
2. no design. just a square with a rip and a couple of stains. also drinks alcohol
Stuffy (stuffed animal)
1. rb's mom. dead mom. thats right baybee your boi accidentally just made the mary sue trope of one dead parent one abusive parent on accident i had no idea.
2. kind and caring, of course. died when rb was 7 trying to break up a bar fight bc she worked at a bar.
Kick Ball
1. i never actually decided on this but hes either rb's long lost brother or one of his friends ig.
2. blueish teal!
(just realized i flipped the order of stuffy n kick ball. whatever)
Pixel (not on the list, forgot her)
1. really small (about the size of ice cube after used to cool down team ice cube's soup in bfb 13), displays a dark gray color around #161616
2. friends with kb!
1. made to be someone who had a crush on hart in pair with sign having a crush on rb
2. basically a toppie clone in terms of personality
1. made to be someone who had a crush on rb in pair with folder having a crush on hart
2. kind of a yandere!
1. made to be toppies younger sister. otherwise nothing else
2. i think i once used her for a daydream similar to that one movie (where a kid goes to a party but is forced to take his little sister, gets high at the party, sister has an allergic reaction, rolls down the window for the sister when driving home so she can breathe better, kills her by driving recklessly and decapitating her when driving near a wall or pole or something, and then hiding it from his parents until they find out and theres this scene where the parents are sobbing while the camera slowly pans to the room hes in and he looks full of dread. its called hereditary) where toppie goes to a party. has to take lighter. walks back and accidentally lets ligher get run over. thats all i remember
1. hart's adoptive mom.
2. changed to be male and the host of an hfjone like object show that never came to fruition, so no male host starry
Spray Can
1. hart's other adoptive mom
2. her and starry's objects were the first things i saw while i was playing subway surfers so they stuck
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vacantgodling · 8 months
you already know who the fuck i'm slamming in here with i'm a predictable ass creature of habit i swear i know more of your bbs but it's comfort character hours atm lmao lemme see if i can give you some rant-worthy ones
8 + 17 for toph
18 + 22 for amon
33 + 48 for hya
8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
toph has no qualms about the concept of indulgence and encourages it mostly in others, though the ways he does it for himself seem almost “lackluster”. his biggest indulgence is mint flavored things bc he’s an absolute glutton with them LMAO. he also sleeps A Lot even though he literally doesn’t need sleep (being a demon and all) so it’s literally sleep for the sake of doing it which is Peak Indulgence lol. he just likes being cozy fr.
17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
so toph’s style is in the realm of like… “pretty grunge” ig LOL it’s got tenants of the avant garde, pretty, gothic elements of visual kei/aesthetic alt with the ripped and more chaotic look of grunge. these are some examples of what he dresses like:
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he also tends to wear nail polish, heavy eyeliner, and obviously has piercings/tattoos so it just gives him an overall very alternative pff style. which yknow, makes sense being the front man of a metal band so 😂
i guess some of his dress rituals is that he never wears the color green even though green is his favorite color (i’ve drawn him in green before but yknow He doesn’t wear it) because he considers green a sacred/lucky color and he doesn’t want to taint it by wearing it. it’s kinda weird but he’s allowed to be superstitious pff. he also tends to do make up, accessories, and hair first since they all take the longest.
18: Favorite beverage?
honestly, anything sweet and expensive. he doesn’t think money makes food taste better but he sure does enjoy it more if he knows it’s exorbently priced and someone else is paying for it. it’s less to do with the flavor and more to do with the flex of having hya buy it for him LMAO.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
it really says a lot about him but he’d probably end up ripping it up 💀 he’s a distracted destroyer, so any loose threads or seams or paper, in this instance, he’ll pull at or rip when he’s just vibing. there’s something satisfying about it to him lol.
33: Concept of home and family?
horrible, terrible, rancid, not worth mentioning. he has no trust for family and no love of it (aloe is a VERY heavy exception but aloe is an angel, how could you hate him?). realistically he distrusts family more than he distrusts a stranger because family, in most cases, knows you AND has something to gain from fucking you over, and it’s been illustrated to him time and time again that family doesn’t mean shit :))) (there is mostly tagetes to blame for this however, he doesn’t get along with iberis, narci and laven for a REASON—tho laven he does become more amiable towards by the time her book ends). ALSO parents???? sham. mix authority and entitlement AND family?? he’s not about it like at all. has zero faith in it whatsoever.
edit;; i forgot to talk about home. he has a very… lackluster concept of home tbh, which all relates to above. he’s never truly felt safe in anything but his own skin which is why how he dresses is in part expression, but also in part defense mechanism for him. being able to buy his own home later in life (aka after paramour) definitely helps him feel more comfortable in it, but he sort of forces himself to be a modicum of relaxed anywhere—or he essentially just bullies his way into people leaving him and the space he’s in alone.
48: If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
hya’s a bruiser i’ll tell you that. he Really doesn’t prefer to physically fight because he thinks it’s brutish, a waste of time, and if someone fucks up his appearance he’s going to be whatever level is Beyond Infuriated. but… he is a man that very much talks with his fists. in another life where he wasn’t so pompous (looking at you slum aus), he would absolutely be a force to reckon with. even in canon, he can lay someone out with one good hook because he’s not really about finesse or torture—it’s all the skill points in power baby and he will Lay You Out.
but i have to reiterate, esp in canon, he’s Really not in the vibe to put his hands on people unless he’s positive they won’t reciprocate (amon is a good example lol. he’s punched amon confirmed once and as i write who knows? maybe more).
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