#Reylo cosplay
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kylowanderer · 11 months ago
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throwback to my formal Reylo costumes! 🌷 Fun fact, Rey's outfit was inspired by Taylor Swift's red carpet look from her 'Wildest Dreams' music video!
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stljedi · 4 months ago
Star Was Cosplay
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reyturnofbensolo · 1 year ago
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@cosplaybrightly @coolspot88
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tiscodime · 2 years ago
"I Need Someone To Be Able To Show Me My Place In All This."
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megilins · 2 years ago
skip to 2:11 fellow Reylo shippers 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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watchingtheearthrise · 1 year ago
saw some people claiming that cait corrain isn’t or is “barely” a reylo and while i do not think she’s representative of the fandom as a whole, that’s just wildly incorrect. she had a very popular fic called play to win that was an esports au and she used to cosplay reylo stuff all the time. you can still see it if you search her old ig handle commandercait.
Right. I had heard of that and discussed it very briefly over on Twitter/X (like maybe a half post idk, I’ve been busy with other stuff the past couple days).
It brings up some good discussion, though. I’ve seen a handful of shippers claiming that Cait “is no longer a Reylo” and all that jazz. And they’ve said this because of the drama, and not really before? (I’ve looked around a bit, her books are in lists of “Reylo authors” on Goodreads for example). But…who decides who is or isn’t part of a fandom anymore?
Starting down that trend just makes it a slippery slope: Who decides it? Who do they give that power? Will the others accept that? When does it turn from ‘overseeing’ to bullying? Will people get ‘exiled’ just because?
As we know, the internet is forever. You can’t just cut ties with things—especially someone else’s ties with fandom. They aren’t yours to cut. And, even though I’ve seen plenty of people, plenty of times, arguing that they’ve “cut off” and “kicked out” people from their fandom, said problematic people’s actions still hang onto the fandom like a shadow. I don’t think I’ve seen a fandom (and this includes anti-ship fandom) that doesn’t have at least one problematic event/person in its past.
And, yes, she isn’t the sole rep of the fandom at large. It’s unfortunate that the authors she* chose to attack got attacked, and I’m glad to see not only the Reylo fandom but book readers at large coming in to support them.
(*While evidence points to it being Cait alone, with rumors of it being a ‘friend’ of hers still swirling, I won’t settle on a 100% belief it was either of them until I hear/see proof for either case)
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captainx-camino · 1 year ago
Friendly reminder that back in 2016, I was chased from this site for two years after enduring several weeks of constant death threats and suicide baits from Kyl*xers and other anti Reylos, all for the heinous crime of posting a picture of me kissing my own partner while in cosplay.
That will never happen again.
Now, if you spam my inboxes, I'll just make more of what pisses you off~💕
It's called growth, honey. 🫰
Fucking try me.
Kiss, kiss.
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pranzill · 5 months ago
A long, long time ago this blog needed an introduction post, so here it is!
Hi! I'm Giada, but you can call me Pranzill; my blog's name is just another one of my many silly names.
Pranzill on AO3;
Pranzill on Twitter/X;
Going straight to the point, here's where you'll find:
#my art (mostly wincest/spn fanarts);
#my fic(s) (for now, wincest fics and ficlets/wincest wednesdays);
#asks (my answered asks);
#my photo(s) ; #my post(s);
- You can freely share but DO NOT REPOST to other platforms without asking/give credit.
I think you can have an idea of what this blog is about from the title; Supernatural AND the brothers AND wincest are my hyperfixation for now, so here's where I dump everything about those.
What I post about most is the infamous ship (what do you say? They're all infamous for a reason or another? Oh yeah then so...) I'm talking about Wincest, lol.
You can find also other ships, 'cause we don't throw away anything here, but the ones I like most other then Wincest are Sastiel, Samwena, Megstiel and Wincestiel (...etc...)
I don't dislike Destiel, I'm not against it, at all, but I Iike it in my own way, thank you very much, and I absolutely try to attract as little as possible aggressive opinionated people about it (but it's the same about anything else really, this is just based on an unfortunate personal experience). Peace and Love!
About the multifandom nature of this blog, you can find practically anything I come across and like, but the most recurring fandom posts/reblogs are from:
Trigun - Star Wars/Reylo - LOTR - Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai (Twittering Birds Never Fly) - Spider-Man/Spideypool and last but not least, My Beloved Friends' Art and Writing and Any Other Great Artist whom I'll support with all my heart!
Have fun!
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kylowanderer · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's day with my newest reylo cosplay edit!!
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tcoops16 · 2 years ago
Several content creators I followed from YouTube made accounts on Tumblr, so I created an account to follow their posts here. This was high school era me, and my GF at the time Religiously used Tumblr. (They still do to this day. Uh, hi there 👋) So naturally I had more of a reason to use the app back then.
Unfortunately, the app ran like crap on my old phone, so I barely used it on mobile. I would still check the website, but nothing ever really peaked my interest. I came from YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Not many of the creators I followed were on here. Notable Exceptions of course are Markiplier and creators from cosplay community.
When I got to college, I began watching more anime, plus I became hooked on the Reylo fandom when the Star Wars Sequels were in theaters. So I browsed tumblr more often. Several of my friends had blogs, so I gave them a follow.
But I went away since YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch were more my style in finding gaming content. Plus many of the Facebook groups I joined filled my phones library with memes… so many memes.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the gaming community on tumblr. I had Wrench from Watch_Dogs 2 as my Profile Pic for the longest time!
But I was gone. Only sparingly checking the app, and following my IRL friends blogs when they mentioned they had it.
Then everything changed when Elon attacked.
How did you find tumblr?
I really enjoy talking with tumblr users so I thought I'd try posting more prompts to get some conversations started.
I was in a nostalgic mood this week and was trying to remember how I first came to tumblr. It got me thinking that it would be cool to learn other's origin stories. I'll go first.
Even though I'm a big nerd who loves Star Trek (DS9 4 life) and Anime (Fairy Tail forever) it was WordPress that brought me to tumblr. Back in 2010 while in college I worked part time for a WordPress theme shop called Obox Themes. They were looking for new markets and decided that tumblr themes would be a good area to get into. I fell in love with how easy it was to modify my digital home and how there was a whole community of people hacking and releasing themes. Creating a WordPress theme from scratch would have been impossible with my skillset then but with tumblr I could do anything with my handy CSS guide and a few energy drinks.
Over the years what kept bringing me back was the themes. They were funky, weird and sometimes a little broken but who cares. It seemed like the entire web was trying to be grown up but tumblr was Toys R Us, they said it’s ok to be a kid. I loved that. Whenever I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere else I’d come back to tumblr and make a new theme (https://www.tumblr.com/themes/by/nick). I use to love clicking on the installs and seeing what kind of fun folks were using my stuff. What kind of people liked the weird stuff I did. It's your turn. What brought you to tumblr?
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reyturnofbensolo · 2 years ago
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unexpectedreylo · 4 years ago
Some cosplayers decided to make their own Reylo happy ending.
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possessionisamyth · 2 years ago
Fandom is 90% minorities. You know what else fandom spaces are? Extremely racist without verbatim. A lot of white fandom think because they’re neurodivergent, disabled, or some branch of LGBT that it excuses their whiteness, and you coming at me like this absolutely proves my point. Do you know what I see when I participate in fandom at large? I see a lot. Especially while speaking from the perspective of someone who actively participates in fandom, has been for over 15 years, and who is currently running a fandom server with well over a thousand people in it. So yeah, I know what the fuck I’m talking about.
Also, I do think before I speak. And I can tell you that the real mega problem is the complete elimination of spaces for teens and children to figure their own shit out combined with the sanitation, all of which is done by corporate capitalist spaces requirement for things to be marketable. You know, the rich people who say whether or not these sites are allowed to be on their apps so they can make some kind of money.
Instead, if you want to discuss censorship, would you perhaps like to discuss the sheer amount of anonymous hate and racial slurs artists of color in fandom face for merely cosplaying or even drawing pale characters into a different race until they delete or have to “get thick skin” to endure the abuse? Would you like to talk about the colorism white fandom perpetrates onto brown characters of color so much so that people who offer corrections or alternate views are also bullied into silence? Maybe even the masculinization, hyper-sexualization, or racial fetishization as soon as someone’s race is slapped to a certain ethnicity, and the similar patterns that happen every single time we get a brown character?
Do you want to talk about how the most popular mod for an interesting fantasy game like, hm, say, Dragon Age is one where the main dark skinned black woman is made white? Do you want to talk about how in, errr, Red Dead Redemption there are concentrated hate campaigns to mass report people who even bring up the racism they’re dealing with within that fandom? Do you want to talk about, oh, idk, literally everything that happened with Reylo fans in the Star Wars trilogy fandom? These are all recent things by the way. I could go older, like the amount of fanfiction I scroll by that loves framing some of my favorite brown characters as hyper aggressive rapists since the existence of livejournal. Or! Oh! Oh, we can talk about how the constant yelling about “puritanism” within fandom spaces from majority white fandom users, is also being used as a silencing tactic for people who are simply criticizing the source material and not fandom content itself.
We could also discuss how the sheer lack of nuance and critical thinking has created this vocal minority, that has no idea how to use the block button when they see shitty underdeveloped opinions of teenagers online, and how they’ve morphed it using leftist vocabulary to frame it as though their personal rights to produce stories and art are being impeded on due to children and the mass public. Ignoring the fact this is also a case where they could, just, continue reading the books, and enjoying the stories like they have been. Or, do what fandom is supposed to be, like, make a small group of friends who all like the thing so you don’t have to see shitty opinions nearly as often.
I mean, I also like the prospect of being able to filter out tags and it absolutely sucks that certain people don’t know how to moderate their content, so there are a lot of bad faith takes to make and be seen. This is a problem compounded by previous statements, I won’t lie. It is also nice to get that dopamine boost of feedback from strangers when publicly posting the art and ideas that popped out of your brain. It does suck when people dunk on it for being “problematic” aka something they don’t prefer. Yet, as someone who does moderate their content to the best of their ability in this online hellscape, people like you get on my nerves the absolute most due to the fact you inflate your inability to mass block in the notes of posts you don’t like and it overshadows the very prevalent problems that actually lie within fandom.
I could go on. I have many examples of absolute bullshit from anime, to comics, to movies, to TV shows, to youtubers, and so on. I know how the internet has changed, because I’ve watched it happen and am watching it happen in real time. I simply wanted to address the misuse of this particular comic of which the original intention was for the difficulties minorities face offline when it comes to their civil rights being impeded, and their efforts to make safe spaces for themselves in public being intruded upon until they’re forced out of those spaces or silenced. But, we can gladly talk about how even in fandom spaces that’s a prevalent and recurring issue if that’s what you want to do.
Fandom was literally created for freaks by freaks. If you can't handle freaks in the freak hobby, then get out.
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I wish I had a bae to do cosplay with.
But in all honestly he’d probably demand a break up as soon as I suggest it.
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kylowanderer · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas everyone! I present you Reylo in Nutcracker! I hope you like it!  Loved working on this one! 🎄💙❄
#reylo #reylocosplay #nutcrackercosplay
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skyloreyn · 5 years ago
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be with me...
instagram @bitchincosplay 
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