#Rewards in Afterlife
The Relationship Between Faith, Works, and Salvation: A Comprehensive Exploration
Exploring the Interplay of Faith, Works, and Salvation in Christian Doctrine Introduction In the quest to understand salvation and its implications, we encounter a nuanced relationship between faith, works, and divine judgment. While mainstream Christian teachings often emphasize salvation by grace alone, a deeper examination reveals that works also play a critical role in the final evaluation…
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spencereid · 10 months
i love being unwavering in my religious beliefs in the face of those weirdo evangelicals who tell you finding god is the only way to get to heaven and no matter what you do that belief will get you there.
they just really have a special way of using religion to not take any semblance of accountability in their actions.
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
i need to think more about asgardian religion. but i also need to sleep. but ummm thor's faith as a fundamental need vs thor's willingness to radically rebel and leave everything behind vs thor's awful tragic soul-crushing life vs loki's tendencies towards doubt and nihilism vs loki's occasional stark black and white patriotism vs loki condemning himself while thor refuses to let him go while their RELIGION apparently condemns him too..... i am rotating it all in my mind
i know it's loki who says of himself he wld go to hel even after an honourable death and he's maybe not the most reliable source, like maybe there ARE interpretations by which valhalla is not Just Point Blank Space Racist... but i am also just Intrigued by the possibility of a thor who DOES think loki is Fundamentally Damned but loves him regardless
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eli-kittim · 2 years
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Christian Universalism Debunked
By Eli Kittim
Universal reconciliation (also called “apocatastasis”) is the belief that, in the end, everyone will be saved. Advocates of this position assert that the concept of an eternal hell was never part of Judaism or early Christianity. Although this is certainly a very appealing view, there are many problems with it. For one thing, it is, in effect, a denial of free will, as if God will somehow coerce us into union with him. For another, morality has been thrown to the wind, as if there is no punishment for lawlessness. This doctrine essentially urges us to do what we please because, in the end, we will literally get away with murder! It reminds me of Aleister Crowley’s occultic expression, “Do what thou wilt.” The motto is, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we’re saved. Thus, whether or not you murder, torture, molest, or harass innocent human beings is unimportant and irrelevant. You’re going to heaven. So carry on. There’s no need to stop. This position reminds me of free grace theology which essentially says the same thing: don’t stop sinning because you’re already saved. Therefore, both views are unscriptural and unacceptable!
The New Testament does not support universalism, and in fact mentions the reality of hell many times. The belief in hell is also contained in the Nicene creed and in the writings of the apostolic fathers. In fact, universalism was officially condemned as a heresy in the second Council of Constantinople (553 AD), when Origen’s teaching of apokatastasis was formally anathematized. Universalism is, therefore, not only a heresy but a denial of scripture. Nevertheless, since the apostolic age, there have been quite a few people who have affirmed the doctrine of universalism. The latest proponent is religious studies scholar David Bentley Hart with his 2019 book, That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation.
Universalists come in many different flavors. Although some reject the existence of hell completely, others see it as a sort of purgatory prior to entering heaven. Universalists typically argue that the concept of eternal hell is based on a mistranslation of the Greek term αιών (aion). However, the word αἰώνιος means “ever-lasting,” or “eternal” (see Liddell and Scott. An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon). Moreover, the idiomatic phrase «εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων» does mean “forever,” as seen in the following examples:
Gal 1.5 - ᾧ ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν
αἰώνων ἀμήν.
Phil 4.20 - τῷ δὲ θεῷ καὶ πατρὶ ἡμῶν ἡ
δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν
αἰώνων· ἀμήν.
1 Tim 1.17 - τῷ δὲ βασιλεῖ τῶν αἰώνων
ἀφθάρτῳ ἀοράτῳ μόνῳ θεῷ
τιμὴ καὶ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας
τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν.
Rev 1.6 - καὶ ἐποίησεν ἡμᾶς βασιλείαν
ἱερεῖς τῷ θεῷ καὶ πατρὶ αὐτοῦ
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς
τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν.
Rev 1.18 - καὶ ὁ ζῶν καὶ ἐγενόμην νεκρὸς
καὶ ἰδοὺ ζῶν εἰμι εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας
τῶν αἰώνων καὶ ἔχω τὰς κλεῖς
τοῦ θανάτου καὶ τοῦ ᾅδου.
The No-Hell Argument
Universalists claim that there’s no hell, and especially no “eternal hell.” Let’s see if their claims can be substantiated. How do the universalists explain the fallen angels who are locked away? Where are they imprisoned? (2 Pet 2.4). Doesn’t sound like the land of the dead (Sheol)! Plus, the Greek words that are used in these particular contexts suggest “eternity,” not annihilation or apocatastasis. For example, Jude 1.6-7 (NRSV) reads:
And the angels who did not keep their own
position but deserted their proper dwelling,
he has kept in eternal [ἀϊδίοις] chains
[δεσμοῖς] in deepest darkness for the
judgment of the great day. Likewise, Sodom
and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities,
which, in the same manner as they,
indulged in sexual immorality and pursued
unnatural lust, serve as an example by
undergoing [ὑπέχουσαι] a punishment
[δίκην] of eternal [αἰωνίου] fire [πυρὸς].
By the way, «αἰωνίου δίκην» means “eternal judgment.” So the question is, if all the damned are eventually saved (universalism), or if they simply die in the land of the dead (annihilationism), then why did God *prepare* (ἡτοιμασμένον) the eternal fire (τὸ πῦρ τὸ αἰώνιον) for the devil & his angels? (Mt 25.41, 46 [eternal punishment; κόλασιν αἰώνιον]; cf. Mk 9.48; 2 Pet 2.4; Jude 1.13; Rev 14.11; 20.10)! The Greek phrase «κόλασιν αἰώνιον» actually means “eternal punishment.” Daniel 12.2, in the Septuagint (LXX), also mentions an “everlasting life” for the righteous, as well as an “everlasting shame” for the wicked:
καὶ πολλοὶ τῶν καθευδόντων ἐν γῆς χώματι
ἐξεγερθήσονται, οὗτοι εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον καὶ
οὗτοι εἰς ὀνειδισμὸν καὶ εἰς αἰσχύνην
English translation by L.C.L. Brenton:
And many of them that sleep in the dust of
the earth shall awake, some to everlasting
life, and some to reproach and everlasting
The Greek phrases «ζωὴν αἰώνιον» and «αἰσχύνην αἰώνιον» mean “everlasting life” and “everlasting shame,” respectively. Look up the phrase «εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων» (Gal. 1.5; Phil. 4.20; 1 Tim. 1.17; 2 Tim. 4.18; Heb. 13.21; 1 Pet. 4.11; Rev. 1.6; 1.18; 4.9-10; 5.13; 7.12; 10.6; 11.15; 15.7; 19.3; 20.10; 22.5)! The phrase «εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων» means “for ever and ever.” Moreover, if the damned die once for all, then why is the word “eternal” used to frequently describe their punishment? Is it simply that our *memory* of them will be “eternal”? That’s not exactly what the Bible says. So, is the Bible (or God) lying to us or trying to confuse us?
Annihilationism: How ‬Bart Ehrman‪ Gets Things Wrong In His Book, Heaven and Hell
Although some believers in universal reconciliation (aka “apocatastasis”) might accept the notion of hell in some short-term temporal sense, they do not accept it either as a place of endless torment or as a place of ultimate “annihilation” for the wicked after the last judgment. And although this subsection is on the topic of annihilationism, I’m discussing it simply because it has a great deal to say about the term αἰώνιον (everlasting), which the universalists mistranslate!
In his “Fresh Air Interview” with Terry Gross, world-renowned biblical scholar Bart Ehrman falsely “states that eternal rewards and punishments aren’t found in the Old Testament.” This statement directly contradicts the teachings of the Old Testament. Much to Bart Ehrman‪’s‬ dismay, there is a clear reference to a resurrection from the dead in the Old Testament in which there are definite rewards and punishments that await both the righteous and the wicked. In fact, these rewards and punishments are said to be “everlasting.” The following constitutes a further treatment of Daniel 12.2 (NRSV), which reads:
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the
earth shall awake, some to everlasting life
and some to shame and everlasting
The so-called “Theodotion Daniel” form of the Septuagint (LXX) confirms that the rewards and punishments in the aftermath of the resurrection are indeed *continuous* by using the Greek word αἰώνιον, which means “everlasting.” Daniel Th 12.2 proclaims:
καὶ πολλοὶ τῶν καθευδόντων ἐν γῆς χώματι
ἐξεγερθήσονται, οὗτοι εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον καὶ
οὗτοι εἰς ὀνειδισμὸν καὶ εἰς αἰσχύνην
The Hebrew text (BHS) of Daniel 12.2 reads:
‎וְרַבִּ֕ים מִיְּשֵׁנֵ֥י אַדְמַת־עָפָ֖ר יָקִ֑יצוּ אֵ֚לֶּה לְחַיֵּ֣י עֹולָ֔ם
‎וְאֵ֥לֶּה לַחֲרָפֹ֖ות לְדִרְאֹ֥ון עֹולָֽם׃ ס
The key Hebrew words are עוֹלָ֔ם ‘ō·w·lām (everlasting) and לְדִרְא֥וֹן lə·ḏir·’ō·wn (contempt). In short, the dead are not annihilated, nor do they sleep forever, as Ehrman mistakenly assumes, but are rather *resurrected* to exist either in an “everlasting life” of Blessedness or in “everlasting contempt.” What is more, Daniel 12 is found in the Masoretic and Qumran texts and is not, therefore, a later edition.
As for Ehrman’s other false statement “that eternal rewards and punishments aren’t found . . . in the teachings of Jesus,” he should go back and restudy the Koine Greek of the earliest New Testament gospel, namely, the gospel of Mark! The English translation of Mark 9.47-48 reads as follows:
And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear
it out; it is better for you to enter the
kingdom of God with one eye than to have
two eyes and to be thrown into hell, where
their worm never dies, and the fire is never
Two things are indisputably mentioned by Jesus that are both unequivocal and categorical: the *punishment* is •everlasting• in that neither human beings nor the fires of hell (γέενναν) are put out or extinguished. In short, human beings never die and the fires of hell never end. And this pericope is considered to be part of the sayings of Jesus! Thus, in accordance with Daniel 12.2, Jesus definitely confirms the duration, rather than the extinction, of the afterlife! In fact, the Greek term πῦρ (“fire” of hell) in Mark 9.48 is the exact same term used to designate “the lake of fire” (Gk. λίμνην τοῦ πυρὸς) in Revelation 20.10! The Greek text (NA28) of Mark 9.48 is illuminating in this regard. It reads:
ὅπου ὁ σκώληξ αὐτῶν οὐ τελευτᾷ καὶ τὸ
πῦρ οὐ σβέννυται.
The Greek term σκώληξ (skóléx) means “worm,” “symbolizing perhaps the loathsomeness of the penalty” (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon) or it maybe used figuratively as a general term of contempt for a living being. Moreover, the Greek phrase οὐ τελευτᾷ means that their “organism” (or “worm”) never ceases to exist; it does not come to an end. Equally, the Greek phrase οὐ σβέννυται means that the fires (Gk. πῦρ) of punishment are not put out: they are not extinguished or quenched! It’s also important to note that Mark 9.48 is not an interpolation because it’s preserved in Isaiah 66.24. It’s part of the Old Testament tradition.
In other words, Jesus clearly teaches in Mark 9.47-48 that there are eternal punishments precisely because people do not cease to exist after death, nor are the fires of hell put out (cf. Mt. 25.46). And Daniel 12.2, among other places in the Old Testament (cf. e.g., Isa. 66.24), supports the New Testament teaching of the abiding presence of rewards and punishments for both the righteous and the wicked in the afterlife! Further supportive evidence comes from Rev. 20.10, which contradicts annihilationism by explicitly stating that the damned “will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Gk. βασανισθήσονται ἡμέρας καὶ νυκτὸς εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων)! Besides, if annihilationism is true, why, then, will the damned be resurrected? To die again? (Jn 5.29). It doesn’t make any sense! It is, therefore, deeply misleading and particularly dangerous to assume that the Bible does not speak of an afterlife or that there are no ultimate consequences for our actions here on earth!
Universalists Misinterpret Scripture
Universalists are putting a spin on practically every scriptural verse they mention, adding a speculative (private) interpretation that is not in the text, while ignoring other parts of scripture that say the exact opposite. It’s a sort of *confirmation bias* in which they add interpretations to the text that are not explicitly stated. For the sake of convenience, I’ll simply mention a few verses that they often use to twist scripture in order to make it say what it doesn’t actually say.
For example, Rev 5.13 is talking about the new creation——that is, everyone who has been reborn in Christ——when it says that all will sing praises to God. But it doesn’t mean that the most violent and wicked demons that ever lived (such as Satan) will hold candles and sing praises to God. Or, take 1 John 4.14. Yes, Christ is the Savior of the world, meaning that his atonement covers all human beings, provided that they’re freely willing to come to him. But that doesn’t mean that the will of the people can be forced into salvation. Similarly, 1 Timothy 2.4-6 says that God wants all men to be saved. But this verse is simply informing us of God’s disposition, not that all men will definitely be saved. Along the same lines, Philippians 2.9-11 says that every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. But this could be referring to the new creation following the judgment, after the former things have passed away. Besides, during the judgment, the unsaved will certainly recognize that Jesus is Lord, even if they despise him. It’s a similar situation to the demons who acknowledge God’s existence in James 2.19. Moreover, the narratives in Ezekiel and Isaiah, which claim that all nations will come to worship God, are true. But they are symbolic of those particular nations that will be saved. They don’t imply that each and every person that ever lived will be saved, or that there is no judgement:
Psalm 1.5 - Therefore the wicked will not stand
in the judgment nor sinners in the
congregation of the righteous.
Psalm 7.6 - Rise up, O Lord, in your anger;
     lift yourself up against the fury of
my enemies; awake, O my God;
you have appointed a judgment.
Jn 5.24 - Very truly, I tell you, anyone who
hears my word and believes him
who sent me has eternal life and
does not come under judgment but
has passed from death to life.
Jn 5.29 - and [they] will come out: those
who have done good to the
resurrection of life, and those who
have done evil to the resurrection
of condemnation.
Rom 2.3 - Do you imagine, whoever you are,
that when you judge those who do
such things and yet do them
yourself, you will escape the
judgment of God?
1 Pet 4.17 - For the time has come for
judgment to begin with the
household of God; if it begins with
us, what will be the end for those
who do not obey the gospel of
2 Pet 2.4 - God did not spare the angels when
they sinned but cast them into hell
and committed them to chains of
deepest darkness to be kept until
the judgment;
What is more, Ephesians 1.11 doesn’t say that God will bring all people under Christ, as some universalists have argued. Rather, it says that those who have been saved have been predestined to obtain an inheritance according to God’s will, and that all things work according to his will. Besides, in 1 Corinthians 15.22-28, Christ is said to eliminate all his enemies, and after that he will recreate a new universe in which God will be all in all (in the new creation, that is!). It means that God will be in all the righteous people that remain, not in all the wicked to whom he says “I never knew you; depart from me” (Mt. 7.23 ESV)! Moreover, if “the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Mt. 7.14 NRSV), does that sound like universalism? And if “no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit” (Jn 3.5), how, then, can people who are not born of the Spirit be saved? And if all will be saved, then why are we commanded to preach the gospel? Why do we need to be reborn then? Why even believe in Jesus? Thus, universalism has clearly embraced aberrant teachings based on mistranslations and misinterpretations!
The Universalists Claim that Eternal Hell Does Not Exist Because God is Love
But God is also Justice. Everyone will be punished accordingly. Everyone will be judged. No one will get off scot-free. Everyone will get what they deserve. You don’t have to look very far to see the coming judgment, such as Jesus waging war on the Antichrist (2 Thess. 2.8), or waging a just war in Rev. 19.11, or the wrath of Christ that leaves corpses lying dead by the thousands (Rev. 19.18), or “the great winepress of the wrath of God”:
Rev 14.19-20
So the angel swung his sickle over the earth
and gathered the vintage of the earth, and
he threw it into the great winepress of the
wrath of God. And the winepress was
trodden outside the city, and blood flowed
from the winepress, as high as a horse’s
bridle, for a distance of about one thousand
six hundred stadia.
Rom 12.19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave
room for the wrath of God, for it is written,
‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the
Deut 32.35
for the day of vengeance and recompense,
for the time when their foot shall slip?
Because the day of their calamity is at
hand; their doom comes swiftly.
Isa 13.6
Wail, for the day of the Lord is near;
it will come like destruction from the
Isa 13.9
See, the day of the Lord is coming,
cruel, with wrath and fierce anger,
 to make the earth a desolation
and to destroy its sinners from it.
Jer 46.10
That day is the day of the Lord God of
hosts, a day of retribution,
to gain vindication from his foes.
 The sword shall devour and be sated
and drink its fill of their blood.

Does that sound like universal salvation? So even though God is good, he is also just.
There are two views on opposite sides of the spectrum. One claims that all the wicked will be destroyed, while the other asserts that they will be saved. Both are wrong! As we have seen, both annihilationism and universal reconciliation (apocatastasis) are not consistent with the teaching of Scripture. The Bible tells us that the wicked will continue to exist in “shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12.2). Their everlasting abode is described as an eternal place “where their worm never dies and the fire is never quenched” (Mark 9.48)! John 3.36 (NIV) says categorically and unequivocally: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.”
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When Everything Everywhere All at Once said "The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind, especially when we don’t know what’s going on" 
When the Good Place said "Why choose to be good every day when there is no guaranteed reward now or in the afterlife... I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.” 
When Jean-Paul Sartre said "'Hell is other people' is only one side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also 'Heaven is each other'. Hell is separateness, uncommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven on the other hand is very simple, and very hard: caring about your fellow beings."
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6esiree · 2 months
Confessing To Them That You’re A Virgin
Imagine you confess to Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Vox, and Adam that you’re a virgin before you have sex for the first time?
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The sound of your sweet, innocent voice softly whimpering ‘I’m a virgin,’ against his lips consumed Alastor’s mind to the point that his hand paused its leisure trek across the lacey fabric of your underwear, eliciting a disappointed whine from you. He reluctantly parted from your shared kiss, staring down at you in an attempt to find some semblance of a lie, only to discover that you were telling the truth behind your heavy-lidded gaze. In short, your words were a welcome surprise to the man hovering above you.
“Well, isn’t that just lovely?” Alastor hummed with an unmistakable gratification in his voice. His thumb gingerly pressed against your clothed clit almost in reward, applying just enough pressure to alleviate the growing ache in your core. “In fact, that simple revelation is even lovelier than any sound you’ve made thus far, ma chérie.”
“That is…relieving,” You nervously laughed, arching your back off of the mattress and into his touch in search of some desperately-needed friction, your wetness seeping through and pleasantly staining his thumb. “Oh, that feels nice,” You said, your chest heaving in anticipation. “But I think I need more than that. Please, Al.”
Alastor chuckled, mumbling ‘Of course,’ hooking his fingers into the lacey waistband of your underwear, pulling them down and revealing your cunt—so, so ready to be spoiled by him and him only. You tried to clench your thighs together, feeling very much exposed underneath his stare, but Alastor quickly reassured you. He parted your legs, shooting you a tender smile before dipping his hand into your folds, locating your clit and massaging it to slowly ease you into the act.
“Like this?” The wet sounds that emitted from his ministrations made it so that all you could do was feverishly nod in response. Alastor’s other hand traveled up your plush thigh, making you suck in your stomach with a gasp. “Relax, ma chérie, I must prepare you. It’ll burn at first, yes, but you’ll thank me when I finally make you mine.”
Despite his eagerness to claim you as his own as he gently prodded at your entrance, Alastor focused on pleasuring you instead of the manner you greedily swallowed him. You were just so warm, wet, tight, and inexperienced, your cunt fluttering at the pad of his fingers curiously feeling around your gummy walls. What a welcoming sight you made for his straining cock, writhing and mewling while he simultaneously massaged your clit and pumped his hand into you, but Alastor withheld himself because he loved you.
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A shiver crawled up Lucifer’s spine at the feeling of your plush lips softly murmuring ‘I’m a virgin,’ the revelation caressing his ear in a way that shouldn’t have felt as delicious as it had. But in his passion-addled mind, the simple phrase only served to spur his efforts to make your first night together unforgettable, the once delicate grip he had on your hipbones tightening after he overcame his initial disbelief. To know that an attractive sinner like you had abstained from sex even in this damned afterlife just…astonished him.
“Oh, honey, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t honored to be your first,” Lucifer sighed into the column of your throat, pulling your half-naked bodies flush against each other. “Would you be offended if I told you that I doubted you at first?” He tentatively added, “Seriously, you’re so, so perfect I was asking myself, ‘How is that possible?’”
“Oh, shut up, Luci,” You giggled before interrupting yourself with a breathy moan, his hands traveling underneath your bralette and enveloping your breasts. But nothing could compare to the way he thumbed at your soft nipples. “You don’t really mean that. I’m just…another sinner, there’s nothing special about me.”
Lucifer pushed up the cotton barrier separating your now hardened buds from his awaiting mouth, shaking his head with a, ‘No, no, I’ll show you,’ before latching onto a breast, eliciting a pleased gasp from you. He stared up at you with raw, utter adoration as your eyes fluttered shut, clearly lost in the throes of passion. His tongue sensually swirled around your nipple, all while one hand dipped into your underwear, collecting the slick in between your folds to prepare you for the long night ahead.
“Does that feel good, honey?” Lucifer asked as he pulled back from your breast with a ‘Pop!’, the pads of his fingers effortlessly massaging your clit with the help of your wetness. “Yes,” You breathed out, and he would have responded if you hadn’t reached down and gently palmed his erection, a groan escaping his throat.
You tried to ignore the pleasure building up in your core as you shakily undid Lucifer’s pants, but unfortunately, that proved to be a difficult task for your inexperienced self. He inserted a finger into your entrance, your warm, wet, gummy walls immediately clamping around him; but as his thumb circulated your clit, you adjusted to the intrusion, allowing him to slip in another finger, and yet another. While Lucifer craved your touch, he’d rather focus on demonstrating just how much he appreciated being your first.
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How could a straightforward phrase such as ‘I’m a virgin,’ put Husk in a daze? Perhaps it was the way you had innocently uttered those three meager words against his cheek, your usually confident demeanor wavering in your state of nervousness—or perhaps it was because if your revelation held any truth at all, that meant you had chosen him out of every sinner in Hell to be your first. As you writhed on his lap, his clothed erection bumping against your slick-drenched cunt, he wondered what ultimately made him worthy.
“Christ, are ya just tryin’ to rile up this old man or…?” Husk dared to ask, his hand leisurely traveling down the delicate swell of your belly, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. You quickly shook your head, slightly jutting your hips forward. “Shit, babydoll, I can’t believe ya chose me to be ya first time.”
“You know, Husk, you’re too hard on yourself,” You said, your back relaxing against his chest as he finally touched you where you needed him the most, his fingers slowly massaging your swollen clit. You craned your neck and kissed at his fuzzy jaw, eliciting a pleased groan from him. “I wouldn’t want anybody else but you to have me like this.”
Husk dipped his head and captured your lips in a languid, passion-filled kiss, trying to communicate how grateful he felt over your words through this simple act. You understood, and he knew that by the way you reciprocated the kiss with equal fervor. He rewarded you by massaging your clit a little faster, chuckling as you parted from him to let out a thankful moan, your thighs trembling. You were close already, unused to being touched by a hand that wasn’t yours, but you refused to finish so soon.
“Come on, don’t hold ya’self back,” Husk rasped against your neck, eager to prepare you for your first time with him. You had no idea how much of an adjustment his cock would be because of his form. “Ya need to finish at least two times,” He added, his sandpaper tongue darting past his lips to lap at your skin. “Got barbs there too...”
You moaned at the revelation, excited but also slightly nervous. Still, you held yourself back, the embarrassment you felt over your inexperience motivating you to hold onto whatever was keeping you from finishing right then and there. Nothing could get past the wise old bartender, however. ‘Mm, ya ain’t slick, babydoll,’ Husk chuckled, his other hand coming down to part your folds, collecting your wetness before sinking in two fingers. You bit your lip at the intrusion, stubborn, but oh did he love that about you.
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There was no way the pretty little thing straddling his hips had whispered ‘I’m a virgin,’ against the edge of his screen, almost making him short-circuit. But as Vox sunk back into his office chair, taking in the sight of your dipped head, flushed skin, and plush lips quivering in embarrassment, a gratified smile immediately spread across his screen. Despite the lingering doubt simmering in the depths of his stomach, the idea of stripping you of your innocence was just far too tempting for a somewhat old-fashioned individual like him.
“So, what about me convinced you that I was the one, sweetheart?” Vox asked, masking his excitement with nonchalance as his hands leisurely traveled up your thighs, pushing up your skirt and revealing your lacey, slick-drenched underwear. “Assuming that you’re telling the truth and not trying to appeal to the time I came from.”
“Vox, we’ve been together for half a year already,” You started, but then he proceeded to press two fingers against your cunt, teasingly massaging you through the cotton barrier. “Yeah, I’m well aware that we’re in Hell,” You shakily continued, your clit throbbing at the stimulation, “But I’m not going to sin left and right, either.”
Vox hummed—you had some good points, admittedly. Six months and the most the two of you had partaken in was passionate make out sessions in between meetings and quick, mutual handjobs until his body ultimately succumbed to the exhausting nature of his hectic work schedule…and nothing more. At that moment, the doubt in Vox’s stomach was quickly washed away by guilt, something he rarely ever felt. But the realization only inspired him to make your first time with him memorable.
“Shit, you’re right,” Vox said, the sudden apologetic tone in his voice catching you off guard. He reached out to you with his free hand, caressing your nape before pulling you in for a kiss that left your lips feeling slightly shocked. “We’re not fucking in my office—I’ll just tell Papermint to rearrange my schedule.”
Soon enough, Vox had you writhing underneath him in the comfort of your room, his fingers pumping in and out of your tight, wet, squelching cunt as his thumb massaged your clit. But nothing could compare to the way he unashamedly stroked his weeping cock in front of you, his pants hanging loose around his hips. ‘Fuck!’ You arched your back and whined, clenching around him as he curled his fingers and hit up into your walls, already teetering along the edge. Oh, was Vox ready to selfishly claim you.
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A groan seeped past Adam’s lips at your murmured admission. It was such a simple, straightforward phrase, yet the way you had sweetly uttered ‘I’m a virgin,’ against the shell of his ear filled him with an overwhelming need to plunge his cock into you and have you scream his name until your throat was spent. However, he managed to withhold himself from doing that, the logical part of his mind reminding him that you were a sinner. How could somebody damned for eternity be pure in any way whatsoever?
“Shit, as much as I want to feel honored for being the one to pop your cherry,” Adam said, his hands squeezing your breasts from underneath your bra, eliciting a moan from you as he thumbed at your soft nipples. “You can’t expect me to believe you. I mean, you’re in Hell…explain to me how a babe like you hasn’t been fucked.”
“I haven’t even been here for a year, Adam,” You said, slightly taken aback, but at least he compensated for the mild offense he caused you by pushing your bra up and latching onto a nipple, his eyes fluttering shut while his tongue circulated your hardening bud. “And I sort of, um, died before I could find the right person…”
Adam’s ego inflated at that, and while he didn’t wholeheartedly believe you, he still decided to reward you. You let out a sigh as he reached down and pulled your underwear aside, the cold air kissing your cunt and making you shiver. ‘I’ll believe it when I see it,’ he chuckled, his hand gently cupping you, one thick finger collecting the slick in between your folds before sinking into your entrance without any warning. ‘You’re terrible,’ You hissed, holding onto his shoulders, bringing your chest closer to his face.
“Me, the angel? Terrible? Sure, babe, whatever you say,” Adam said, pulling back from your breast with a wicked smile. You narrowed your eyes at him, your lower lip jutting out with a pout, but all that did was amuse him. “Come on, you can’t blame me. I mean, fuck, you’re just so gorgeous,” He sighed.
Your heart fluttered at his words…and so did your cunt, which only served to spur on Adam. He grabbed your wrist and pressed your palm against his erection, all while he inserted another finger into you, his thumb slowly circling your clit to soothe the burn of being stretched. He huffed, his throat bobbing in anticipation as you freed him from the confines of his briefs, the head of his cock lathered in his precum. ‘Can’t wait to make you mine,’ Adam eventually admitted with a whisper, lost in the way you pumped him.
@cosmiiwrites @pumppkinlynn @spookieroz @gxstiess @polyo-nym-y @cosmiccandydreamer @vvzhyxx @shinynewboots @freakyfrye
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@pscentral event 31: faceless
Why choose to be good every day if there is no guaranteed reward we can count on, now or in the afterlife? I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone. The Good Place (2016-2020) created by Michael Schur
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I can't play on the dreblr server because it's the Monthly Event, and I fucking died saving a friend from a witch.
I just wanted to build pretty house why must minecraft be so cruel to me, personally
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acis-arts · 1 month
I had this idea for a while now, that when Narinder was still part of the Old Faith, he used to have a Disciple that he was very close to. After Shamura introduced him to the idea of change, he wanted to find a way to make Death flow backwards. His Disciple helped him through his research and experiments, so for that, Narinder rewarded them by having his first resurrection be of his Disciples deceased loved one.
Now I was thinking, what if that Disciple was Forneus. Her deceased loved ones then being Aym and Baal who died at a very young age from sickness.
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Narinder successfully resurrects both of them, but not long after, the other Bishops confront him. They argue that Death shouldn't flow backwards, as it is supposed to be the ultimate end of all Life. Narinder on the other hand sees it as an opportunity for the ones who never even got a chance in Life.
The confrontation of course ends with the Bishops receiving their eternal wounds and Narinder being chained away. After that Shamura seeks out Forneus and takes her kits away from her. They're "not supposed to be alive" so Shamura does what they think is right and sends them to Narinder, intending for them to become his Keepers.
Meeting the kits of his faithful Disciple in the afterlife again, Narinder wants to lay their souls to rest. He ultimately decides not to and instead keeps them by his side, raising them there as best as he can. Narinder wants his freedom back and once he gets it, he wants to bring Aym and Baal back with him and back to Forneus again.
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fantasyyluvr · 1 month
Hey, i read the “Bat-boys finding out your pregnant” and may i ask for more? It was sooo cute that i need more of it 😭💕
The Batboys fathers HCs
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A/N: this request is long overdue that I’m sure the requester doesn’t even remember it, but I’ve arrived at last. I hope this is what they wanted. The Absolute Power run has restored my love for Nightwing and comics. ❣️
Dick Grayson is a fun dad. At first, Dick suffocated beneath the weight of fatherly duties. He wanted to be better than Bruce. Dick loved him, but he could admit that his boyhood wasn’t a salubrious environment for the young mind. No child should have to carry the weight of Bruce’s mission. Thus, Dick’s mission became ensuring yours and the baby’s lives were secure, safe, and joyous.
Pale beams of sunlight kissed your cheeks good morning. The aroma of maple syrup wafted throughout the house, tickling your nostrils as you carried yourself down the stair steps, footfall by footfall. There Dick stood at the stove, scooting the black spatula beneath a golden pancake and flipping it into the air, causing your baby to burst out into a fit of giggles before the pancake hit the skillet with a sizzle. He was proud of himself for making his baby laugh.
“Well, well, look at mama.” A grin crept across his lips as he spotted you creeping closer, supernovas bursting in his electric blue irises.” You were snoring in a pool of drool when I awoke, so I grabbed the baby and started breakfast.” Vibrant seas of pacifiers, rattles, and toy pianos adorned the house.
Dick attempted to rush the developmental process. Not out of callousness, but sheer excitement to have a child. He had already stocked the baby in dolls, trucks, pacifiers, fruit snacks, apple juice (watered down, of course). He even installed a nightlight that short circuited the house at first, but Bruce helped him fix it. Reading is good for the baby right? Dick is on it. He’s already ordered the best and most classic tales; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Seuss, Little Red Riding Hood.
Dick Grayson has read multiple novels on fatherhood, motherhood, child development, postpartum depression. He hates surprises, and babies are the breeding ground of surprises. He will pack the go-bag full of onesies, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, toys because he doesn’t want you to be in public and not have the materials.
“Give me a few days to install the new changing table. You’ll love it.” Crimson blush adorned his tanned cheeks, a proud grin dawning on his lips, showcasing his pearlescent teeth.” It broke when I weight checked it, thank god. Damian, albeit reluctantly, is coming out here tomorrow to translate the instructions.”
Jason Todd is the protective, paranoid father because he’d placed a bullet in the worst humanity had to offer, witnessed otherworldly horrors done to the little guys, the folks who lack billions of dollars to hole up on secluded islands and cabins. He can’t eradicate all the scum, can’t caulk the fractures villains seem to keep slipping through—and that terrifies him.
Jason never imagined a life worth living to be possible. He’d thought himself a sentient zombie, an unlucky boy yanked from the eternal peace of a cold, soundless grave and forced to enact vengeance on behalf of the common folk who lack the means to undertake the mission themselves. He never considered Red Hood to be a hero; merely a restless phantom with nothing else to bide his time until the sweet release of the afterlife deigned to shatter his manacles to the mortal world. That was until he’d fallen over the sun, offering endless devotion to his goddess, and you’d rewarded his offering with a daughter, a lovely girl. He’d abduct the moon and wrap it in a silken bow if only you’d give him permission.
“Catch, papa,” your daughter had called out, retrieving the little football and sprinting toward him, tiny feet carrying her over the damp and verdant grass of y’all’s backyard. Jason never brought the both of you to parks—an excess of people to watch, different personalities and behaviors; a myriad of possibilities for tragedy. Too much room for error in a vast, leafy expanse.
“You’ve gotta bring it to me first,” Jason called back, outstretching his muscular arms, awaiting her arrival. He was paranoid and distrustful of the world, not a killjoy. Y’all’s daughter’s bedroom was littered with vivid nail polishes, fluffy scarves, glittering tiaras, and Monster High dolls. Your daughter had always adored Frankie Stein and Frankenstein because they reminded her of Jason and herself, the dolls and humans both sharing pale white streaks of hair. He hadn’t known whether to laugh or weep upon hearing those words from her lips, innocent and completely unaware of the accuracies spanning far past hair color.
“Jason, I love you, but we are not cooping ourselves up in the house this summer.” The words were firm and unyielding—but lacking any true bite.
“ I’ve given you grace. I let a lot slide because I understand your background. But we’re just not doing it this summer. Its too hot to not go to waterparks and enjoy ourselves because of possibilities.” A damn good point rested upon your tongue, and he knew it.
“Fine.” He relented with a jocosely petulant huff.” But we take a gun with us.”
Tim Drake is an ambitious father. It’s been said before, but I don’t believe he’s as active as the fandom would believe. Though, his absence isn’t born of malice or indifference, but ambition, a thirst for a legacy. He wants to be a man his significant other and child can be proud of, a father worth bragging about. There’s also a large chamber seated within his mind that knows not how to be a father, for his parents were cold, choosing to throw dollars at his gripes and needs rather than be present.
One of his greatest fears is disappointing the both of you, like he was disappointed by his own parents, so disappointed he couldn’t even despise them. Tragically, the mission to avoid history’s repetition had placed him before a mirror, his parents gazing back at him, a smug smirk curled on their lips because they know that he’ll be on their end of the glass within a few decades.
Can he be blamed? Tim wants the absolute best for his family. The best grades, the best schools, the best scores, the best scholarships. He’s not naïve enough like Dick to believe hard work and persevere can lift a nobody anywhere. There are no bootstraps to be pulled taut. It’s an illusion, a sauce wealthy people spoon over their meals to disguise the taste of nepotism and privilege. Manipulations the rich regurgitate to excuse themselves from having to acknowledge the unfair, biased system they’ve upheld.
The door to his limousine slammed closed, his child seated beside but, but farther than ever. What could be said? Jerking forward, the limousine rolled into drive, coasting beneath autumn streaked clouds, as though her father had gifted her the sky from a florist. Bruce hadn’t prepared Tim for the teenaged terror years. He couldn’t help but wonder if he himself had been this capricious and fickle as a teen, or if he were merely that bad of a father.
“Do. . . do you want a Milkshake? From that one place by the house, like we used to when you were young.” Tim couldn’t help but raise a hopeful raven shaded brow. He could smell the stench of sweat, an anxious perspiration, cleaving to your school uniform. It must’ve been a test day.” I’ll clear the rest of my schedule for us. . . if you want, of course.” He extended an olive branch, granting her the choice to engage and accept, or set the course for the rest her teenage years.
Damian Wayne does not want children. He doesn’t know how far his taint would bleed, and all he can envision are the ways he could disgrace the mind of a child. His village was rotten and evil. Bad fruits bear worse seeds.
Damian’s devotion was love, the purest kind he knew, a primal desire to protect and cherish that of which he adored. You forged suns in his heart, set the butterflies in his belly aflutter. Beneath a weeping of sheet of violet sky, the both of you had sworn to love the other until Earth imploded—and when it did, he would find you in another universe.
He doesn’t hate children. In fact, he would be a decent babysitter for Dick and Jason, and whenever Tim deigned to grace the BatCave with his presence. But, Damian is staunch in his childfree attitude, and you respect it. Truthfully, you weren’t even sure you wanted kids. No, you and Damian battled crime, traveled the world and experienced culture, learned histories outside of the filth pumped into his mind by the Al Ghuls. Bruce was saddened by Damian’s decision against children, but he ultimately respected it—and him.
Damian knew he was poisoned and rotten and always would be, no matter what emblem was sewn over his breast. He was content with the life the both of you had, and knowing Dick, many more children are to come, so he’d never get lonely.” Beloved, what do you make of Italy? Not the tourist parts where the history is washed, but the ripe lands.”
Bruce Wayne is a weary father. He knew the birth of his youngest child was redemption, his last chance at preserving the Wayne name since Damian had sworn off children. But Bruce was aged, hardened, jaded, weary. He had scars to last a lifetime, some worn on his heart, though majority were worn on his skin.
The Wayne brownstone was eerily silent since Alfred’s death. Bruce’s son sat around the oaken table, coloring a picture of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Alfred. Bruce’s heavy lids fell over exhausted, dim blue irises, his brain flitting back to the memories of Alfred, gathered at the stove and learning a recipe. I am. . . old, Master Bruce. My time on this earth is not infinite. You must learn more than the ways of fists, the words echoed in his mind. Reminding him that old age wasn’t even the murderer of Alfred Pennyworth.
He fetched an inhale before pulling himself off of the couch, and padding over toward his son at the dinner table.” What’s that? Oh, a pretty picture. A real artistic talent, like Damian.” Bruce was unsure of his fathering more often than not. He knew how it appeared to his son’s school counselors and the principal—old, washed up playboy Bruce Wayne saddled with another young son. That was far from the case, but the masses will believe anything when they’re given nothing.
Bruce fetched a pot and skillet from the creaking cabinets of the brownstone, far from the elegance and cleanliness of the manor. Alfred would’ve been mortified to see the mess, he almost chuckled, but withheld it. Lest his son raise a question, for the explanation would be too complicated and long-winded for his young mind.” So, what do you see for dinner tonight? What makes that belly growl like a lion? Mac and Cheese? Lasagna? Hamburger Helper?”
Bruce knew exactly what his son would choose. Asking was merely a courtesy. Bruce knew him, raised the boy from the minute he was weaned. He knew what his son would do before his son knew what he himself would do. The Batman wasn’t a slacker, wasn’t lazy.
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borom1r · 1 year
thinking abt incorporating Thórr into my practice but besties the ex-christian “im not good enough/doing enough for god” guilt is REAL
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gibbearish · 2 months
smth i think ppl who werent raised christian need to understand is that a) fear of death will make you do things you wouldnt otherwise do and b) being raised christian fundamentally kneecaps your ability to process death. most christians are the way that they are because if the bible isnt true, if god isnt real, then neither is heaven. if there is no heaven, then all their loved ones who have died arent actually waiting for them, there is no place theyll get to spend forever with the people they love now, there is no eternal reward for being good, there is no guarantee of any afterlife whatsoever. and as science progresses and christianity becomes harder and harder to maintain, as various claims in the bible get disproven and we learn more about how life actually came to be, that possibility that Death Might Actually Be Something They Have To Fear After All gets stronger, and so that protection of the idea must get stronger too. the bits of the bible that are too hard to defend have to be removed or papered over or talked around, the rules that dont make sense have to be explained or maintained without question, the people who dont believe must be agents of satan sent to damn their soul to hell. the way they learned to cope with death is to say it didnt happen, not really, not in a way that mattered, theyre still out there somewhere, youll see them again someday. and with that came a promise that their death wouldnt be permanent either. it all has to be true, that heart has to be maintained, because otherwise. otherwise, this is it, and we dont know what happens next. otherwise, death becomes scary again. otherwise, death is no longer the loading screen before your eternal reward. otherwise, they have to think about what might come next, how their actions affect others here and now, fully grieve the people theyve lost, grieve the eternal life of happiness and love they were promised from birth. and that is. hard. and while obviously none of this excuses the way they treat people, i do think that like. keeping that in mind during interactions with them, being aware of how high the stakes are for them, can very much effect the way you approach those conversations.
at the heart of every horrible christian with bigoted views and worse actions is a scared little kid who doesnt know where you go when you die, because the answer they were given when they first asked is turning out to be full of holes. and while you may not be able to work with the adult in front of you here and now, maybe you can at least find that little kid for a moment. maybe you can sit down with them and say yeah bud, that is pretty scary, isnt it? it's scary not knowing what's gonna happen to you. it's scary learning something you thought was true might not be. maybe you can tell the kid that theyre allowed to be scared, that being scared doesnt have to mean hurting others. and maybe the kid wont listen, maybe youll have wasted your time, who knows. but maybe not. and even if you did, youll have learned something about how to find that kid in others, so was it really a waste?
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Still playing Skyrim. And I’m interested to report that the game is actually better than I remember, on balance. But I’m kind of fascinated by what’s going on with Lydia, mechanically and narratively.
Lydia is the first follower who gets shoved in your face just by virtue of following the main quest. There are others you can pick up earlier, but not without finishing errands (for Faendal and Sven), by forking up a pretty big chunk of change for the early game by hiring Janessa, or by going out of your way in some other manner. If you’re completely new to the game and you’re just powering through the main story as it’s presented, she’s the first option for a follower that the game highlights for you in giant blinking neon lights. And as a quest reward, she’s mechanically kind of a godsend at that point in the story; a doubling of carry capacity, an excellent meat shield and distraction, a way to extract utility from weapons and armor you don’t want to use yourself. More subjectively she provides the impression of a stalwart ally or companion in what can be a very lonely worldspace to exist in. There’s very little reason not to take her with you, and once you have her, the majority of companions being equal, there’s very little reason to get rid of her until she stops level scaling.
Despite the mechanical utility Lydia provides at a crucial point, and the resultant likelyhood that you’ll haul her along for the ride, she’s only a couple steps up from the companion cube. She has no specific, non-fungible impact on the narrative beyond demonstrating Jarl Balgruuf’s favor. Her deferral to you is automatic; if someone is actively paying her a salary to help you defile graves, cut deals with every deity on the continent and invade the afterlife, it sure as hell isn’t you. It isn’t clear what her gig under Balgruuf was before she was assigned to you. She has no personal narrative. She has no personal side quest. One of her biggest inklings of personality is when she expresses vague dissatisfaction with being treated as a pack mule, but then she does it anyway.  She’s party to world-shaking events and political upheavals, but she’s present purely in her capacity as your appendix, so reality simply treats her as your plus-one. 
She’ll block doors you’re trying to get through, and she’ll get mad at you if you push her out of the way. She’ll charge into battle or set off traps while you’re trying to sneak. She’ll microaggress you with stock Nord dialogue while pulverizing your enemies, a plurality of whom are also Nords. She’ll distract bosses long enough to buy you breathing room for a healing spell or a potion. You’ll kill her by accident with an ill-timed area-of-effect spell, roll your eyes, and, ultimately, probably reload your save. Because she might only be a couple steps up from a companion cube, but the whole gag with the companion cube is how ridiculously low the threshold is for the audience to get genuinely attached to something in a video game. A thin character invites apophenia. Behaviors that are purely downstream of dev thoughtlessness will still imply character traits if taken at Watsonian Face Value. In this case, inexplicable undying loyalty, reserved comments on impressive landmarks, and comical stoicism in the face of some of the weirdest events it’s conceptually possible to encounter.  So here’s to weird, underbaked companions in Bethesda Games, and everything we can project onto the void they provide. And Here’s to that related genus of character- units in squad-based tactics or management-sim games with permadeath mechanics who last long enough and accumulate enough equipment, skill points, etc. that they become your Special Little Guy despite otherwise lacking any deliberate character traits.
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kyuuumie · 16 days
random sfw billdip headcanons (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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headcanons below the cut (๑◕◡◕๑)
🌲 - dipper often reminds bill that he’s human and will die eventually, to which bill either scoffs, claiming he’ll just drag dipper back from the afterlife, or outright avoids the topic, unwilling to even entertain the idea.
⚠️ - bill loves showing off his vast knowledge of the universe, but dipper constantly questions and challenges him, which secretly delights bill because dipper’s curiosity is one of the things he adores most.
🌲 - dipper spends nights pouring over ancient texts and magical lore, while bill lazily hovers over his shoulder, correcting dipper’s translations or making fun of the humans who wrote the texts.
⚠️ - bill’s idea of a date is often something surreal, like visiting a nightmare dimension or exploring dreamscapes. dipper complains at first but ends up being intrigued by the strangeness.
🌲 - dipper is prone to overthinking and insomnia, so bill, who doesn’t need sleep, often floats around the room narrating absurd dream stories or weird facts to help dipper relax.
⚠️ - when they argue, bill tends to get loud and dramatic, sometimes altering reality to prove his point, while dipper stays calm and logical, which drives bill crazy.
🌲 - dipper has a fear of thunderstorms, and although bill doesn’t fully understand why he would be afraid of something harmless, he awkwardly tries to comfort dipper, sometimes making the thunder quieter or altering the storm to be less frightening.
⚠️ - bill will sometimes alter reality slightly, like changing the color of the sky to match dipper’s favorite shade of blue or making stars form constellations spelling out embarrassing messages of love.
🌲 - dipper struggles with trusting bill fully, always keeping one eye open for tricks, but deep down, he knows that bill wouldn’t harm him at this point—if he wanted to, he already had plenty of chances.
⚠️ - bill often has fantasies of apocalyptic scenarios where he and dipper rule over a broken world together, though he’s never shared it with dipper because he knows how much dipper values the world’s stability.
🌲 - whenever dipper has a nightmare, bill immediately senses it and dives in, reshaping the dream into something less scary, though he often makes it weird and chaotic instead.
⚠️ - bill gets incredibly jealous when dipper spends too much time with other people, making passive-aggressive comments or causing minor reality glitches as a sign of his displeasure.
🌲 - dipper constantly acts as bill’s moral compass, reminding him that not everything needs to end in chaos or destruction. this creates a strange dynamic where bill tries (and often fails) to tone down his destructive tendencies for dipper’s sake.
⚠️ - bill warps time whenever dipper is about to miss something important, like giving him an extra few hours to finish a project or study. dipper gets annoyed because it’s technically cheating, but he appreciates it.
🌲 - dipper sometimes struggles with the moral implications of being in love with someone as dangerous as bill, but he ultimately decides that love isn’t always black and white, and his feelings are genuine despite the risks.
⚠️ - bill constantly tries to make deals with dipper, offering outlandish rewards in exchange for little things like affection or time together. dipper always refuses, but bill keeps trying, purely for fun.
🌲 - dipper isn’t afraid to call bill out on his more questionable behavior, and though bill laughs it off, dipper knows that bill respects him more for being able to stand his ground.
⚠️ - bill struggles with human etiquette, often forgetting small social norms. dipper has to remind him not to laugh maniacally in public or avoid turning a small argument into a reality-warping event.
🌲 - dipper finds it hard to express his deeper emotions around bill, knowing that bill thrives on control and chaos. but in rare moments, he lets his guard down, and bill responds with surprising tenderness.
⚠️ - bill tries to cook for dipper but ends up using ingredients that are barely edible. dipper appreciates the effort, even if the food is... questionable.
🌲 - dipper’s natural curiosity sometimes drives him to ask bill questions about the darker aspects of the universe. while bill is more than willing to indulge, dipper always keeps a careful boundary between curiosity and crossing into moral grey areas.
⚠️ - bill sometimes reads dipper’s thoughts and responds to them before dipper can even say anything, which dipper finds both unsettling and endearing.
🌲 - dipper has become so desensitized to the supernatural that bizarre occurrences, like reality warping or bill’s eldritch transformations, no longer faze him.
⚠️ - bill often hints at his ability to make dipper immortal, teasing him with the idea of an eternity together, though dipper isn’t sure if bill is serious or just messing with him.
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caturnmoon · 28 days
Saturn & Pluto: Their Similarities and Differences 🪐
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🪐I thought I’d take this opportunity to chat a little bit about Saturn and Pluto; and what makes them similar and different from each other. 🪐
Cold giant planet ruling time (represents Kronos the Greek god of time) fathers, traditions, hierarchies, hard work, aging, old people, isolation (to an extent), refinement, and lessons. Saturn traditionally rules the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius and the 10th house of public image, legacy, and career. Saturn rules aging and lessons so wherever Saturn is placed or emphasized in your chart will illuminate where this process will take place for you. It requires us to own our karmic lessons, learn them through taking ownership, and then we reap the rewards of that effort. If we are still repeating unhealthy patterns and not making the necessary steps forward to grow and learn from them, Saturn will restrict and make life uncomfortable. In order to challenge us to leave these themes behind to step into a more evolved “adult” role in our lives. We normally experience this more acutely during the transit of our Saturn returns starting around 27 and ending around 30. Whatever isn’t learned from this astrological coming of age is rolled over into our karmic debt and the lesson will be enhanced during your second Saturn return somewhere in your 50’s. Saturn rewards hard work and patience. So it’s not all restriction and loss only if these traits are acknowledged. Dramatic changes can occur within the house and placements in your chart because Saturn is the teacher wanting to give a lesson for you to learn so you can mature and grow. Once these are learned, the effects of these lessons lessen. Lean into this time and reflect inward. Saturn loves responsibility and ownership.
Pluto is the tiny dwarf ice planet furthest from the sun in our solar system. In modern astrology Pluto represents the sign Scorpio, which is ruled also by mars. Pluto is associated with Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and death/the afterlife. Themes associated with Pluto and the 8th house are death and rebirth, sex, intimacy, joint assets, taxes, debts, inheritance, power, transformation, desire, drive, psychology, trauma, and the occult. Wherever Scorpio or Pluto is in your chart tells you how you can embrace your inner power in powerless situations and the subconscious as well. Through burning to ashes, the phoenix rises again, better than ever and wiser. Pluto will initiate dramatic change(s) that asks you to grow and make you more resilient than before. Pluto can shake us up and ask us to get in touch with our inner power and subconscious fears. How we observe our relationship with control and fear. Only through facing these fears and uncomfortable emotions, can we transform the negative into a positive. Only through being victimized can we be survivors and thrive. Tap into the inner victim and touch the shadows. Pluto demands that you FEEL the uncomfortable and embrace the darkness. It’s part of the process to finding the light again. Pluto is associated with shadow work and themes associated with great potential for healing and dark psychology. The 8th house also rules trauma and violence to an extent. The ugly horrors that the human experience has to offer and isn’t often talked about openly. You can’t have the light without also having the darker nuances of life. The duality that’s to be respected within ourselves and others. Pluto doesn’t ask you to completely eradicate the darkness, but to become one with it through the light. Merging. Intimacy with self in order to embrace true vulnerability and intimacy with others. True union. Pluto rules this as well.
Saturn & Pluto: Similarities/Differences
These two entities are similar to each other in that they both require us to “own our shit” so to speak. Saturn asks us to grow up through responsibility and work through restrictions and hard work to accomplish our goals. Pluto asks us to grow through dramatic changes/shifts of power and shadow work. Confronting the subconscious fears in order to grow and become more resilient and empowered. Their differences lie in outward influence vs. inward. Since Saturn rules the 10th house, these changes and lessons normally affect our public image and drive to meet goals through taking personal responsibility. Pluto asks us to take the external and go into the depths of what makes us tick with these factors. Flip them inside out. How can we rise above the tumultuous change and get to know ourselves better from the process. To feel more intimately empowered as a result. How we can utilize healthy control to prevent it become obsession and compulsion.
🪐Saturn and Pluto both are wonderful tools to acknowledge in our charts/lives if we let them. I don’t like ruling by fear when utilizing astrology because that isn’t what astrology is about in my opinion; it’s facing the realities of life and how it impacts us, and then using the information it provides for improvement and discernment. Only through acknowledging the shadow can we appreciate the light. ☯️
Until next time!! 🖖🏼👽
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