#in the end we will all be gods(/angels/saints/heavenly warriors) or monsters and nothing else... HMMM
tyrannuspitch · 1 year
i need to think more about asgardian religion. but i also need to sleep. but ummm thor's faith as a fundamental need vs thor's willingness to radically rebel and leave everything behind vs thor's awful tragic soul-crushing life vs loki's tendencies towards doubt and nihilism vs loki's occasional stark black and white patriotism vs loki condemning himself while thor refuses to let him go while their RELIGION apparently condemns him too..... i am rotating it all in my mind
i know it's loki who says of himself he wld go to hel even after an honourable death and he's maybe not the most reliable source, like maybe there ARE interpretations by which valhalla is not Just Point Blank Space Racist... but i am also just Intrigued by the possibility of a thor who DOES think loki is Fundamentally Damned but loves him regardless
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