#Rev Academy
lizzy06 · 3 months
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𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓼𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓿𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 <3💖💖
Hey Guy!! It's me Lizzy06!!!😆😆 I am hoping to make this place as a go to for Fanfic Recs...
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Jujutsu Kaisen - pt.1, pt.2
My Hero Academia
Onepiece (wip)
Demon Slayer(Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Spy x Family
Tokyo Revengers
Stray Kids
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aphrosdytus0 · 2 years
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Welcome To DreamyPara! Maid Cafe~
(This is my first time starting a writing acc so please give advice on how to improve <3)
Menu!! (Masterlist)
Genshin Impact
Tokyo Revengers
Demon Slayer
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
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Atlus I'm on my knees. Please give this to me as an alt costume. TT0TT If it's not already available/DLC already make it! I WILL actually pay money for this! lfjdaslkfj; gimme bargain bin Tatsuya alkjfdklasj
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Misc Masterlist
My Hero Academia
Characters: Kimi, Ana
Attack on Titan
Crossovers: MHA
Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Kana
Monster Prom
Characters: Cassandra
Golden wind
Characters: Tira
La Squadra: Haunted doll au, Secret stand, Fantasy au, How they meet
La Fluffdra: 1,
Re-married Empress
Oc: Hecate
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Characters: Mayumi
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ASL brothers HAIKYUU!! AU!!!!!
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Day one of Self Indulgent month for me! I love these three, i love haikyuu, i love killer whales!
(The Naval Academy is this au’s version of marines)
For those who dont know, in Haikyuu (and prob in real life too but in my experience its not as important as they make it in the anime) The "Ace" of the team is the person who primarily scores points via spiking. Theyre the Hard Hitter, basically.
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Design talk👇
Originally, i was gonna make their school mascot just "The Pirates" but i couldnt figure out a clever pun with the school name so i scrapped it in favor of an animal mascot. I figured I would have a wider range of puns that way.
I landed on Orcas as the mascot because I think they really embody a pirate way of life. Theyre strong, hang out in groups of a mix of found family and their actual family, hate the rich, and theyre fun loving! And also im a bit biased because theyre my favorite animal, but hey, i said its self indulgent month, didnt I?
Their school name is a play on the word for Killer Whale (Shachi シャチ) and the word for 'knowledge' (Chishiki 知識), i just smashed the two words together. I'm very proud of myself for coming up with that given i dont speak japanese at all.
Anyway, with their designs, I was taking inspiration from orcas to match the design themes of haikyuu. Ace's hair is bleached on the underside to look like the underside of an orca's body, I made ace and sabo's eyes look more whale-like, the clip in sabo's hair is meant to resemble to spots behind orca's eyes, and I tried to make luffy's hair look more like it's round and spiking down more than i usually do.
Ace is wearing a ''way of the ace" shirt in the first picture, Luffy is wearing a shirt that just says "VOLLEY BALL" because i think it would be funny if he wore a bunch of those Zero-context-poorly-translated-random-english-words shirts that theres a bunch of in Asia. Sabo dyes his hair like delinquents do, but it doesnt much look delinquent~y because of how soft it looks. He means to do it to make him look like a delinquent though. Sabo still has his scars in this au, but he uses his hair, arm braces, and leg braces to cover them up. LUFFY AND ACE HAVE FUNKY SOCKS BECAUSE NO ONE CAN TELL THEM (or me) THEY CANT. Sabo wears athletic socks though because he's a debbie downer. He defends himself saying “It’s practical” and Ace and luffy call him “practically a Debbie Downer.”
Luffy is very good at receiving from growing up with Sabo and Ace practicing setting and spiking with eachother and assigning Luffy as Ball Boy. So he got the libero position from that cuz sabo and ace put in a good word for him. Nepotism.
I didn't feel like coming up with designs for them, but Zoro and Bepo are also on their team (theyre in the fifth image sitting on the right of the line of students). Koala and nami are student managers, Robin is the teacher manager, and Franky is the coach. all other straw hats/luffy friends, rev army comrades, and whitebeard brethren are in the stands. Im trying to keep the ages consistent with how they are in canon.
I didnt do a very in depth research, but i couldnt find what Japanese schools have as mascot costumes. and given no one wears any costumes in haikyuu for their team, i can kind of assume they dont use them over there. But unfortunately for them, I'm American. And part of the backbone of our schooling system, is Vaguely Unsettling Mascot Costumes. My sister says my design for it looks like its from Club Penguin, and i find that delightful. [moment of silence for my billions of fallen Puffles, taken from me in The Shutdown] Anyway.
I thought I was clever coming up with the equivalent of the Marines in this au being a Naval Academy. And their mascot being Seals, famously the animal that gets the absolute Worst Of It from orcas. Get shit onnnnn
I believe thats about it, thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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jackalopenecropsy · 4 months
ok i'll indulge myself....
part 1(?) of biker gang!141 and an interesting fem grunge!reader... if u want more
cw; slight mentions of blood
The streets were pretty quiet this time of night. The only sounds to be heard were barking dogs or tires occasionally skidding in the distance. And the teenagers were never out this late in the fall, as school just started or they were working their dead jobs at the gas station or high school graduates pouring the same 5 drinks at a bar.
You liked walking around- even though it was maybe 1 or 2 in the morning- mainly because you had your scary guard dog with you, (who wasn't even a bit scary, he was just a police academy dropout with a fear of cotton swabs and squirrels) but also because the air this time of year smelled the best. It did wonders for your skin and sinuses, so why not? Walking around in the daytime was a lot more of a chore anyways, teenagers skating sporradically with fruity vapes on necklaces or older men just leaving their blue collar jobs for lunch while staring at you with unreadable expressions.
The northwoods, sigh. You'd told yourself that you'd leave it all the time when you were a kid. Over the years, a mix of the economy making that absolutely impossible and an aquirement of taste for small-town life made it a lot easier to accept the impossibility of it. Bartending and eventually being remote in editorial work kept you afloat in the small house you'd been able to buy flat out in the south side of town.
That part of town was just cemeteries and neighborhoods, neighborhoods and railroads, and gas stations and bars. As most south sides were. Another luxury of living where you lived was the copious amounts of streets and drag-worthy strips of old highway that laid for miles in one direction or another.
You used to work as a freelance flag girl for drag racers on some shitty craigslist copy, but quit l because the only racers that wanted you were full of white-claw drunk young assholes rooting for douchebag car modders who compensated for their dick sizes by throttling so hard that the pop of their exhausts sounded like gunfights. It was too loud and to risky and too tasteless.
But in the ends of the summer, it was taken over by the bikers. Not bicycle-bikers, but motorcyclists.
You were absolutely terrible at hiding your drooling depraved stares at every single one of them. The young women in skin-clad leather and red lipstick with matching sleek bikes, the finer-aged older men in their lean-back harleys with bandanas, the cute guys your age in their blackout helmets and their modestly-modded bikes. Oh, the variety, oh the taste. You had once thought about picking up biking yourself, but when you told your friends they all cackled at the idea. You were too absent minded at times; definitely from all the weed you smoked. Only half embarassed, you agreed.
Tonight was no different than the other nights of early Septembers before. Your dog lapped his tongue in the air catching stray dew drops falling from leaves overhead as you took your time walking accross the street. He swayed his tail so hard that you almost got knocked over a few times. The sound of a motorcyle revving in the distance made you slow your speed to a halt, listening intently, shamefully to see if you could get any bit of eye candy while out.
You recognized the sound of the engine, which soon became engines as the sounds came closer.
'Oh... a group of Kawaskis?? No... that's at least two more different motorcyles, but a few Kawaskis.. Do I hear a Harley?'
You blinked to yourself before shaking your head.
'God fucking damnit, you geek. You should NOT be able to tell what motorcyle model someone's riding from the fucking engine.'
Before you can shamefully walk back towards your house, you feel your dog tug harshly at his leash. You try to hold him back, but he yanks with one solid push of his back paws on the blacktop, and before you know it, you're hands and knees down on the hard ground as he's running full speed towards the sound of the motorcycles.
You groan in frustration as you stand up in a small bit of pain, your fishnets torn to shit as your palms and knees are scraped just enough to bleed a reasonable amount for getting launched by a 90 lb dog of muscle.
"Riley!" You shout and run at him, dodging a few trash cans along the street's edge as you do so. "Riley, goddamnit! Come back! Here boy!" Your converse were broken in enough to give you good ground as you chased him, and you almost grab his loose leash dragging behind him- until you trip over your own feet again just before you do.
You stay on the ground this time, unworried for your dog, as he's a big boy who knows how to not get hit by a car or get lost. More focused on the soul-eating embarassment of being outrun by a dog with more anxiety than a war veteran, and tripping twice in the process. You ignore the growing and stalling sound of engines beside- or in front, you can't tell being face down in the gravel- you as you're grovelling.
"Eh... excuse me miss? Are you alright?" You hear a gruff, dark voice mumble from just above you. You whip your head up to look at 5 people in bikers helmets just in front of you, their motorcyles off or stalling as they stand looking down at you on the ground.
"Oh- oh my- uh yeah- don't worry about me I'm great. I just tripped- nothing serious." You wave them off as you try and cover the growing fluster on your face. You stand and shake the dirt off your hands before swiping it off of your zip up, shaking it out of your gloves too. You look up to see none other than Riley, sitting contently behind the man in front of you, eagerly being pet by one of the bikers with a skull design painted onto his helmet and visor.
"Riley!" The biker looks up and your dog wags his tail hard enough to knock the bikers over too, and barks at you. "You are so not going to get any treats when we get home." He whines and continues barking, then twirls in a circle.
"You're dog's name is Riley?" The man in the skull helmet asks- and you suddenly become hyperaware of how all of the bikers are staring so intently at you. And those that have spoken so far have sickeningly thick English accents.
"Ah- yes, yeah. I was just on a walk and I heard you guys from the other street- but he just loves motorcylists so much, he took off on me. Usually he just waits until they pass us by. I'm so so sorry if he got in your way or anything." You scramble to try and seem somewhat normal as you switch between standing like a deer in their headlights, and holding your arms as the wind blew against your back.
"Ain't that a funny coincidence." The biker next to him stated, his accent thicker, and different. Possibly scottish.
"You watch it- It is a good name for a dog like this." The skull-helmet points an authoritative finger at the scot before patting Riley's head again. The man in front of you laughs heartily and takes his helmet off, revealing an older- FINELY aged man with hair in a short, short pulled back light brown and gray spotted ponytail. His mustache pulled down into a scruffy beard by mutton chops, giving him a real grizzly harley-rider look. You swore your jaw dropped when he took it off, and you were quick to cover your mouth when he smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about that miss- You've got a good dog protecting you. My names John Price." He walked up and took your hand from your face, squeezing it lightly. "My boys back there are harmless. You seem to have roughed yourself up a bit." He tilts his head as he leans back and looks you up and down, still holding your hand. Oh how deeply thankful you were that he was blocking the headlights from illuminating your red face.
"Yeah- I'm fine though, really! I just, can't keep up with Riley if I tried." You laugh and tremble a little as the cold air catches up to you. He raises an eyebrow- and fuck it gets to you because it makes him smirk a little bit too.
"Well, no offense but you look like you're in no condition to walk home like that!" A woman's voice comes up from behind Price's. You squint at the light when she comes up, and you see a blonde woman about his age with smile lines and blue eyes that could knock you down to your knees yet again. "My name's Kate, don't let John here scare you, he's just an old man." They banter a bit as you stare into space, begging any ethreal being to show you a sign that this is real life.
'Fuck being bisexual, god hates me.' You curse to yourself as you smile shyly at her.
"We can give you a ride home if you'd want! I wouldn't feel right letting you have to get yourself home with blood down your legs." Price motions with his free hand at your torn fishnets, rocks littering the cuts on your leg.
"Oh- I don't want to impose or anything, and I'll have Riley!" You struggle to keep yourself still as the wind continually stings.
"Lass, you're shakin' like a leaf in this wind." The scottish man shakes his head in his helmet, leaning back against the flat of his bike.
"You ain't getting home with just a dog draggin' you forward." The gruff voice of the skull-head from beside him made you look away in embarassment. They were all right, you were blocks away from home, and you didn't have your phone on you either.
"Um.. If you're sure you don't mind... but what about Riley?"
"He can ride wi' me!" The scott excitedly patted the flat he was leaning on, shuffling a few top panels to show a compartment on the back of it that had a hooking mechanism for leashes. Assumedly he had dogs too, and how greatful you were for it.
You sigh in relief that you wont have to limp home in your misery, as strong as you are, the chunk of you lost twice to the blacktop actually hurt more than you'd ever want to admit.
Before you can take a step forward, you're lifted off your feet and holding the shoulders of Kate. She laughs as you gasp and sets you on the back of skull-head's bike so you can backpack him, right next to Riley in the odd formation their bikes created.
"I promise he's not as scary as he looks- right Simon?"
"I don't bite." He chuckles deeply and you tense against his back as he does so. "You might want to hold on tho', I'm not exactly the easiest ride." You blush, hard as he says it, and the group laughs loudly as they start their bikes.
"Oi, treat her nice Si." A soft voice jeered from the last bike to Kate's right. "Or else I'll have to take her off your hands."
"Nice try Gaz."
"Boys! Quit scarin' her." Price chuckles and lights a cigar as he revs his engine. "Or else she wont wanna see us again. Now where do you need us to take you, love?"
'Ah.' Was all that crossed your mind as you locked your arms around Simon's waist, and you all shot off down the street.
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featherandferns · 6 months
rumours (fic)
jj maybank x grumpy!fem!reader | HEAVILY inspired
content warning: mentions of drinking and smoking; absent parents
word count: 20k.
blurb: your life has been surrounded by rumours, and so has JJ Maybank's. One night, out of the blue, he strikes up a conversation with you. From there, the rumours only grow, and some rumours are far worse than others.
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There was a rumour that you and your sister weren’t allowed to date until graduating high school. That one was true, until March of Junior Year.
Kildare Academy was full of spoilt assholes.
Well, in fairness, not everyone fit into that category. Some people were spoilt but bearable, and some people were assholes but not particularly spoilt. Rafe Cameron was the perfect culmination of both. He was in your junior year despite being a senior. He flunked so hard last year that the academy insisted that he retake it to graduate with a subpar diploma. At the yacht club, it had been the talk for about two months, much to the displeasure of Ward and Rose Cameron. You’d found yourself sharing nearly every class with Rafe since the year started and, man oh man, was it torture.
He found you the perfect bear to poke, never passing the opportunity to make a jab about your clothes or your face or your overall demeanour. The latter to mean that you weren’t the most approachable of people. Whilst you self-described as tempestuous, others might prefer the term ‘heinous bitch’. Rafe Cameron knew how to push your buttons it seemed, and you in turn knew how to bite back just enough to leave a mark.
“I can’t wait to get out of this town,” you complain to your friend Mia. “If I have to spend another seventeen years surrounded by these half-wits then I’ll pull a Sylvia Plath, I swear.”
“Clearly today has been a good day,” Mia chuckles. She’d known you long enough for the bitter grump of your character not to phase her. “Rafe bothering you again?”
“He’s intolerable,” you tell her, indirectly answering her question. “In music today he thought it’d be funny to put cola in the trombone. Men blow my mind with their stupidity. God knows how the patriarchy was even formed with how little brain cells they use.”
The two of you walk down the stairs of the school, heading to the parking lot amongst the herd of students. The spring weather is finally creeping in now that you're in March. The floral smell of blossoms hangs in the air, embracing the world in a warmish breeze. The briefly pleasant moment is rudely interrupted by none other but the devil-boy himself. His bright red Mercedes whips into the throughway of the parking lot. He doesn't seem to care about hitting anybody. To him, others are like bowling pins: he’d probably take delight in taking someone out.
You and Mia ignore him as you walk up to your car. At least, that was the plan, until you look up from your keys in time to see your younger sister Charlotte hopping into the back of Rafe’s pimped out ride per his offer.
“That’s an interesting development,” Mia remarks.
You watch as Rafe revs the engine - grinning like the pompous asshole he is - before jetting away. He narrowly misses knocking some poor kid off his bike in the process.
“It’s disgusting, is what it is,” you correct, promptly blinking away the surprise.
You follow Mia into your car, tossing your track bag into the backseat, and start up the engine.
Charlotte was only fifteen. She was young, innocent, carefree and (more often than not) insufferable. You couldn’t be more different. Whilst Charlotte searched for the good in people, you tried to find ways to stay as far away from them as possible. The only tell that you were related were your features. The same nose and same chin, you taking your father’s eyes and her your mother’s. At school, Charlotte enjoyed pretending that she didn’t know who you were. Your reputation didn’t pair well with hers, and at fifteen, nothing was more important to Charlotte than popularity. Those things didn’t matter to you. What someone thought of you didn’t make much difference to your mood or your future. Studying on the other hand? That was the stuff of consequence. Nevertheless, you cared for your sister. Her cushioned upbringing made her vulnerable. She had been sheltered by your family’s wealth and because of your father’s obsessive protectiveness, her experiences with boys were minimal. That to say, having her in Rafe’s line of sight certainly made you uneasy.
You drive home chatting to Mia about the plans for the weekend - planning to head to The Wreck for lunch on Saturday - but you can’t stop thinking about Charlotte sat in the back of Rafe’s car. When you pull up outside Mia’s house, she pauses just after opening the door.
“What do you think that was about? With Charlotte and Rafe?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” you reply, turning down the radio. "But I’m not gonna let it go any further.”
“Amen,” Mia agrees. With that, she gives a small wave and climbs out the car. “See you tomorrow.”
“See ya.”
When you pull up outside your house, you spot your dad sitting on the porch. He’s probably reading notes about the latest case he’s taken on. As one of the best lawyers on Figure Eight, he always has plenty of work to be chipping away at. Sometimes it feels like he has a new client every week.
You make your way up the neatly kept garden path, the creaking gate giving you away.
“Afternoon sweetheart,” he says, not looking up.
“Hey dad,” you reply, walking up the steps.
“How’s your day been? Made anyone cry yet?”
“Not yet, but the day’s still young,” you return, only half joking. With that, he glances up. “How’s the case?”
“Long. Boring. Don’t let on that I said that.” he says. “Where’s your sister?”
Before you can delight in telling, as if manifested into existence, Charlotte comes floating up the pathway. Her ridiculously short white tennis skirt floats in the wind like a dove’s feathered wings taking flight. Not one hair is out of place and not one eyelash misaligned. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as she makes her way up the stairs.
“Where’ve you been?” your dad immediately quizzes.
“Nowhere daddy.”
“How come you’re later home than your sister?”
“Well, somebody wouldn’t give me ride,” Charlotte replies, shooting you a glare. Her perfect smile takes on an edge when you lock eyes.
Your dad sighs and looks up at you. “We talked about this. Until Charlotte gets her license, you drive her to and from school. Y’all are both heading to the same place anyway, so what’s the big whoop?”
“She hijacks my radio and plays fluffy pop crap.”
“Taylor Swift is not ‘fluffy pop crap’. She’s the bible itself. You’re just not used to listening to good music,” Charlotte replies.
Swallowing your anger, you correct your stance, folding your arms across your chest. Biting back a smirk, you say, “ask Charlotte which guy drove her home today.”
“Don’t change the—Guy? What guy?”
Charlotte’s face goes to drop but she recovers quickly. Taking a reproachful step towards your dad like he’s an unpredictable stray dog, she talks in a sickly-sweet voice.
“Now, daddy, don’t be angry, but there’s this boy at school and I think he—”
“Believe me, I think I know what he’ll be thinking,” your dad immediately cuts in. “And the answer is no. It is always no.”
As your little sister’s eyes flash to yours, you grin victoriously. Enjoy, you mouth to her. The angry twitch in her brow is delightful.
“Daddy, this is ridiculous! I’m the only girl in high school who isn’t dating!” Charlotte whines.
“You’re fifteen, you don’t need to be dating. And you’re not the only girl. She isn’t dating either,” your dad replies, shoving a thumb over his shoulder in your direction.
“And I don’t intend to. I got bigger fish to fry,” you say. Charlotte’s deadly stare hardens tenfold. “Besides, the boys in this town are whack jobs.”
“Like music to my ears,” your dad practically sighs. Very rarely do you seem to please him, but your stance on boys appears to be the one common ground the two of you have. “Now y’all both know the rule: no dating ‘til you graduate.”
“This is so unfair! The two of you are so unhinged!” Charlotte goes on. She seems about a minute away from stomping her feet and waving her fists like a toddler throwing a tantrum. You’re only half ashamed to say that you relish in every moment of it.
You see, Charlotte was a daddy’s girl. Pretty, pink and poised, she loved the theatrics of Kook life. At the yacht club gatherings and the monthly dinner parties, the two of them would soak up every minute whilst you’d skulk in the back, headphones in and bitch-face on. You’d never much connected with either of them. Your mom understood you well, but she wasn’t around now, so, what did it matter? All the Kook crap was just that to you: crap. Fickle people who were so rich that their nerves were deadened, leaving them to enjoy nothing more than gossiping about everyone and everything. Whilst one half of the island waited tables and sweated out in the sun day-and-night to keep the lights on, the other was complaining about their golf clubs not being shiny enough. It was all crap.
“Alright, fine. Here’s how we fix this. Old rule out, new rule in. You can date,” your dad says to Charlotte. Her smile is instantaneous. As your mouth goes to gape open in horror – the thought of Rafe Cameron snapping up your sister like a crocodile preying on a bunny – your dad makes your day. “…when your sister does.”
“Har har,” you grin.
Charlotte points accusingly at you. “But she’s a mutant! You couldn’t pay a guy to date her!”
Your grin only grows with the thought.
“Then I guess you’ll never date. Oh! I like the sound of that,” your dad gloats. God, you have never loved him more. “Now get out of my hair, the both of y’all. I need to get these notes done for tomorrow.”
“Thanks dad,” you chirp, promptly heading into the house. Charlotte is quick to follow.
“You’re evil,” she hisses.
You shrug, back facing her as you start up the stairs. “And you’re spoilt.”
“Urgh! Has it ever occurred to you that you’re like clinically insane!?”
“Don’t care!” you sing-song before darting into your room, closing the door behind you. Through the wood, you hear Charlotte let out a shriek.
Smiling, you dump your school bag and take up shop at your desk, hoping to get some studying done, peaceful at last with the thought of Rafe Cameron never getting near your sister.
There was a rumour that when JJ first spoke to you, you spat in his face. That one was false.
“Hiya princess.”
The rasp of a guy’s voice interrupts your conversation about the yacht club’s annual spring-ball with Mia. Slowing turning your head to your left, you come face to face with a dirty-blonde haired boy. He looks to be about seventeen. His skin is slightly glossy, presumably from sunscreen and sweat, and there’s a smirk hiding behind his smile. That’s when you know that this boy is trouble.
“You talking to me?” you ask, unimpressed.
“Who else?”
“Hopefully anyone,” you say.
Mia snorts. You look away from him to share a bemused look with your friend. This guy cannot be serious…
“You need’a hand there?”
Eyebrows pulling together, you glance at him. He seems to think you’re confused about what he’s referring to, nodding down to the Sprite bottle in your hand. The cap’s still on. The truth is, you’re confused as to why he’s even talking to you at all. Wordlessly, you lift the bottle to your mouth and secure your teeth around the cap. There’s the satisfying click-crack as it comes lose and you spit it on the floor by his feet. Then, holding his gaze, you take a drink. His eyebrows quirk up in surprise.
“That’s, uh, certainly one way to get a guy’s attention,” he says, chuckling to try and regain some charm.
“My mission in life,” you return. Then, before he can cook up something else to say, you turn to Mia and loop your arm in hers, guiding the two of you to the exit of The Wreck. You’d been planning on heading out anyway, having finished your lunch earlier, and this was a sign from the universe that whatever good time you’d been having was officially over.
Unfortunately, the guy doesn’t seem so easily deterred.
“I’ll pick up at eight then?”
“Oh, yeah, eight. Uh huh,” you agree dismissively.
He falls in step with you on your left, hands casually shoved in his short pockets, combat boots loudly thudding on the wooden floor.
“Well, you know, the night I take you to places you’ve never been before.”
You see his boyish grin in your peripheral, making you whip your head around to meet his stare.
“Where? The seven-eleven off main street?”
His lips part, blundering for some quick-witted reply, but you don’t give him chance.
“Do you even know my name, screw-boy?”
The smirk is back, full force. Tilting his head slightly, self-assured, he replies, “I know a lot more than you think.”
“Doubtful. Very doubtful,” you assure.
Finally, you and Mia seem to shake him. He doesn’t follow you to your car door and he probably made the right call, because you were moments away from using the bottle of Sprite as a weapon. As you unlock the car, Mia leans against the side of it.
“What was that all about?”
You spare a glance back to The Wreck to find him stood there, glancing inside the building as if debating heading back, scratching the back of his neck. His misplaced confidence seems to have dwindled significantly. Ah, success.
“God knows."
“You know, I think that’s JJ Maybank. One of them Pogues who hangs out with John B,” Mia says.
JJ seems a fitting name for him, you think. You vaguely recall seeing the Pogues hanging around. Kiara from the academy seemed quite close with them. You watch as he pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting up and taking a drag. Gross.
Pulling open your car door, you look back to Mia. “Come on. Let’s hang out at the beach.”
“Yeah, and far away from that nutjob,” she snorts, walking around the car to the passenger side.
As you go to climb in, you find yourself looking one final time to the entrance of the restaurant. The messy haired boy is nowhere to be found. Good riddance, you think to yourself. Happiness restored, you swing into the driver’s seat and shut the car door.
There was a rumour that your mum was in witness protection. That one was false.
You weren’t entirely sure how it got so late but it was nearly one in the morning. Having spent the past three hours studying, you’d sort of lost track of time. Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head when you’d checked your phone screen.
“Goddamn,” you mumble. Pushing away from your desk, you close your notebook and switch off your lamp.
Walking to the bathroom, you don’t bother closing the door. You know your dad’s asleep by now and with his own en-suite, there’d be no reason why he’d need to use this bathroom. Charlotte is probably asleep too: beauty rest and all that. You turn on the faucet and pull your hair out of your face. You wash and dry and reach for your toothbrush. That’s when Charlotte appears.
“Oh,” she startles. “Didn’t know you were still up.”
“Could say the same to you.”
You take in her pyjamas. They’re Roller Rabbit, selling at $150 a set. Pastel pink and plum purple, they sit sweetly on her dainty frame. You on the other hand are dressed in an oversized t-shirt that you got given for free at an indie film festival, and a pair of boxer-short bottoms.
“Cute pjs,” you tell her.
“Thanks. Daddy bought them for me,” she chirps.
Charlotte makes a b-line to the vanity. She opens the drawer and retrieves the tweezers. You watch her in the mirror as she tames her already perfect eyebrows. She makes eye contact with you through the reflections, taking in your own nightwear. “You could try a new look, you know? People might like you if you weren’t so hostile.”
“I’m not hostile,” you defend. You put toothpaste on your toothbrush, breaking the line of gaze. “I’m annoyed.”
“Potato potata. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if people didn’t like me.”
“You forget that I don’t care what people think,” you reply honestly. What would it matter if some thought you unwelcoming? Everyone ends up as bones in the ground anyway.
“Sure you do,” Charlotte says. “At least on some level.”
It’s too late in the night (or early in the morning) to argue. Instead, you start brushing your teeth. Charlotte goes on pimping and preening her appearance in the mirror silently. She produces a jade face roller and begins massaging her cheekbones and jawline. It takes everything in you not to roll your eyes. As you’re rinsing out your mouth, you see Charlotte’s extensive skincare routine continue. If someone was to walk in, you’d think she was heading to the Oscars at the crack of dawn. She unbuttons the top two fastenings of her polo pyjama top and shrugs it down enough to reveal her collarbones, taking the effort to jade-roll them too. That’s when you notice the string of pearls around her neck.
“Nice pearls,” you comment, putting your toothbrush away. They did suit her, as did most delicate jewellery.
“Dad buy them for you too?”
“No,” she says. “They’re moms.”
Your stomach twists like a viper. “Moms?”
“Yeah. Daddy found them in a drawer last week.”
“And what? Now you’re just gonna start wearing them?” you say aghast, spinning around.
She frowns, looking over her shoulders. “It’s not like she’s coming back to claim them any time soon.”
You scoff. “You’re woefully missing the point.”
“Whatever,” Charlotte mumbles. She looks back to her reflection, smiling at herself, lifting a hand to fiddle with the small beads. “I think they look good on me.”
“Well trust me, they don’t,” you lie before promptly leaving the bathroom.
There was a rumour that you wrecked Rafe Cameron’s car. That one was true.
“Morning Lucy,” you greet, walking into An Offer You Can’t Refuse.
“Morning. Early start for a Saturday, don’t you think?” Lucy replies from behind the counter.
You shrug and shift your tote bag further up your shoulder. “Wanna get first dibs, I guess.”
“Well, all the new stuff is back there, like always,” she says, gesturing with her head to the far end of the store.
You were somewhat a regular at the shop. It was the only spot in town that sold old movies. Not old movies like the nineties. Old movies like the early 20th century: the black and white classics, with extravagant sets and telephone-voices and an untouchable charm that modern things just couldn’t quite capture. You weren’t a film snob exactly. You’d sit through a Marvel movie and tag along with Mia to see the latest cheap jump-scare horror. But those weren’t as gripping, as enthralling, as captivating as the classics. Somewhere along the way, you’d made it your life mission to see every old movie on earth.
Flicking through the cases, you pick out a couple that had been sat on your list. One was a thirty’s flick and the other from the sixties. Lucy settles up with you and you slot one in your bag. You keep the other out to read the back, scanning over the summary as you walk out the door.
“Nice car.”
Stunned, you stop and look up, finding none other than JJ Maybank. He’s sitting on the bonnet of your car with such carelessness that one would assume he owned it.
“Are you following me?” you outright ask.
He looks offended by the insinuation. Gesturing across the street, he says, “I was in the fishing shop. I saw your car and I came over to say hi.”
Rolling your eyes, you put your movie in your bag and continue to your car. “Hi.”
Before you can reach for the handle for the door, JJ slides over, effectively blocking it and forcing you to meet his gaze once more. You catch a whiff of his cologne. It smells more modest than some of the fancy crap the guys at school practically drown themselves in.
“You’re not much of a talker, are ya?”
“Depends on the topic. My car doesn’t really whip me up into a verbal frenzy,” you return, folding your arms across your chest.
JJ takes a moment simply watching you. It’s annoying. First, he interrupts your pleasant weekend by wiping his grubby cargo shorts all over your car, and now he’s trapped you in the most disinteresting conversation of all time. You quirk a brow, hoping that your displeasure reads plain and clear on your face.
“Can I help you?” you prompt, annoyed.
The smile he gives you is less cocky than usual. It’s almost curious. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”
You frown. “Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?”
He shrugs. “Well, most people are.”
“Well, I’m not,” you counter.
Whatever he was thinking before seems to have passed. His grin turns smug again, as quick and smooth as the moment dusk turns to flat-out night.
“Well, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked, huh?”
Oh, brother.
You gasp, feigning your fluster by lifting a hand to your sternum. “Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby.”
With that stellar performance, you practically shove him out the way whilst forcing the car door open. JJ seems to take the hint and backs off, shoving his hands in his short pockets. He watches you climb in your car and he pulls out a cigarette in the process. You’re half-surprised he doesn’t keep blabbering away. JJ doesn’t seem as wounded this time by your dismissal and you’re not sure whether that ticks you off more. As you glance in the rearview to reverse out the parking spot, none other than Rafe Cameron drives up behind you. He then parks illegally in the middle of the parking lot, blocking you in.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
“What is it? Asshole day?”
Rafe shuts off his engine and walks past your car with a faux swagger in his stride. It makes you sick.
“Do you mind?” you loudly ask him as he goes by.
He doesn’t even spare you a glance. “Not at all.”
Your blood is bubbling under your skin, boiling up your nerves and burning up your patience. Doing one last glance at the Rafe’s back as he walks away from you, you don’t think twice before pulling your keys out the ignition. Getting out the car and slamming the door shut, you storm over to the ugly Mercedes. With the car key positioned between two fingers, you lean down slightly and dig it through the paint and into the metal, dragging it along in a satisfying streak. The sound is as pleasing as nails on a chalk board. One cut doesn’t seem to diffuse your anger enough, so you go in for a second. You debate doing a third but better to be safe than sorry. So, you pocket your keys and start walking home. You can pick up your car tomorrow. As you go to leave, you catch JJ’s impressed expression in the reflection of Rafe’s blacked out windows.
There was a rumour that you and JJ hooked up at an outdoor movie night. That was completely false.
Over the dialogue over the movie, the swell of the orchestral music, and the mumbled chatter of friends and families, you can’t hear the soothing lap of the sea waves on the sand. That didn’t take away from the beauty of the scenery. Twilight had painted the sky in the most ethereal pinks, purples, oranges and blues. The boats which had taken anchor looked like shadows with how the sun had dipped. Huge trees framed the waterline cinematically. You can’t seem to help glancing at the view every now and then. It feels like something from a coffee table book. No wonder the beach was your mother's favourite place to be.
There were few island traditions which you liked, but the movie nights were one of your favourites. From March onwards, they ran bi-weekly. A huge screen would be put up in a lawn and people would come with deckchairs and picnic blankets and take up space on the grass. Snacks and cakes and drinks would be shared in the jovially calm atmosphere of the evening. There was a snack bar over near the bathrooms selling bags of candy and pre-prepared tubs of popcorn. When you hadn’t been shooting looks to the view, you’d been looking to the snack bar, debating buying some. At the rumble of your stomach, you relent.
“I’m gonna go get some snacks. Want anything?” you ask Mia in a whisper.
She doesn’t look away from the film when she shakes her head.
“Okay. Be right back.”
Standing up, you whisper out apologies to other movie-goers as you slink away from the lawn, venturing to the snack bar. It’s only when you’re seconds away do you recognise JJ Maybank. He’s wearing longer pants this time, still of the cargo material, and an old t-shirt that says Pelican Docks on the left breast. It looks well-worn at the sleeves. His hair is tucked under a cap. The most notable thing you pick up on is the fact that he isn’t smoking. Every other time you’ve seen him outside, he’s had one of those cancer sticks stuck between his lips. It’s annoying to admit to yourself that he looks good.
Ignoring him, you head straight to the girl manning the snack bar.
“A bag of Sour Patch kids please,” you smile, holding out a couple of dollar bills. She exchanges them for a bag of sweets. Candy in hand, you walk over to JJ.
“If you’re planning on asking me out again, you might as well get it over with,” you tell him, already disgruntled.
He looks away from the movie screen. “You mind? You’re kinda ruining this for me.”
You frown, glancing between himself and the film. “You like ‘Singing In The Rain’?”
JJ shrugs. “Course. Don’t you?”
The guilt from assuming is overshadowed by your curiosity. Before you can think of something to quiz him with, he’s talking again, eyes fixated on the actors.
“I mean, it’s no ‘Casablanca’ or ‘Some Like It Hot’, but I’ll take it,” he says casually.
Your eyebrows must shoot up into your hairline. “You know the movie ‘Some Like It Hot’?”
“No doy. It’s a classic,” JJ says. “Jack Lemmon is a natural in roles like that. It’s kinda rogue of me to say but I gotta admit, I think he’s better in that than in The Odd Couple.”
The question ‘you know The Odd Couple?’ is on the tip of your tongue but it’s silenced by a loud crash in the movie, catching your attention. You watch the theatrics of Cosmo as he performs ‘Make Them Laugh’, and you can’t help but smile. It’s one of your favourite parts of the movie.
“You know, I saw you earlier and I was gonna come over,” JJ admits, drawing your gaze to him once more. “I’ve never seen anyone look so sexy without even trying.”
The pre-teen at the counter snorts, clearly having overheard. When you and JJ look to her at the same time, she flushes bright pink and presses her lips together in embarrassment. It makes you laugh though, and when you look back to JJ, he’s holding back too. The sunset and reflection of the screen is painting his face in a youthful glow. The smile on his lips seems more genuine than before; it’s no longer bolstered up with ostentatious flare. His self-assured demeanour remains though. You can see it in how relaxed he stands, shoulders loose and back.
“You’re not surrounded by your usual cloud of smoke.”
“Yeah, I quit. Turns out they’re bad for you,” JJ says.
“You think?” you mirthfully reply.
Come with me to the keggar tomorrow night,” JJ asks out of the blue.
You don’t roll your eyes this time. In fact, you’re not even annoyed. Instead, you find your smile growing. “You never give up, do you?”
“Is that a yes?”
You chuckle under breath, passing your candy bag between hands and turning to return to Mia. "No."
You begin to walk away.
“Well, is that a no then?” JJ calls. Someone shushes him abruptly.
Sniggering, you call back, “no!”
“Nine tomorrow night! I’ll pick you up!”
“Hey, shut it, man!”
“Sorry, dude. Jeez,” you hear JJ mumble.
You bite back your laugh, making your way back to the film. Mia is waiting impatiently for you. Taking your spot on the blanket again, you fight the urge to look back over your shoulder to JJ. She takes the bag of candy despite her earlier turn-down.
“What took you so long? You missed the best song,” she whispers.
You shake your head and steal a gummy, eyes fixating on the screen again. “Doesn’t matter.”
And then, you’re lost to the cinema. 
There was a rumour that you threw up on JJ’s shoes at the keggar. That one was (unfortunately) true.
You know you’ve made a mistake braving going downstairs for a snack the moment your foot hits the final step.
“Daddy, it’s only for one night!”
Charlotte is there, whinging away, stood beside her friend Laura. You didn’t like Charlotte all that much but you liked Laura even less. Whilst Charlotte was losing her sense of humanity bit by bit, Laura was a hollowed-out husk dressed head to toe in Shien. Maybe if she had a stellar personality you wouldn’t care, but she didn’t. She was cruel, two-faced and you trusted her as far you could throw her. So, you were obviously thrilled to find her stood in your house.
“You know anything about a party?” you dad asks you, roping you unwillingly into the conversation.
You shrug, shaking your head no.
“Of course she doesn’t know, she’s a cave troll,” Charlotte snarls.
“That’s a new one,” you mutter under breath, starting for the kitchen.
“If she isn’t going, you’re not going,” your dad tells Charlotte.
“Urgh!” Charlotte exasperates. She rushes over to you, taking you by the shoulders and forcing you to meet her gaze. You’re a little surprised to find how genuinely desperate she is to leave the house for a dumb keggar. “Can you please forget that you’re completely wicked and just be my sister for one night. Please.”
You suck your teeth, feeling your conviction dwindle. Suddenly the half-completed page of notes about maths drops in your priorities. Charlotte seems to notice. The puppy-dog eyes come out in full effect - the ones that she used to get the new Mac book and the ones that she used to get your old pair of converse when they suddenly became trendy again.
“Please,” she begs, doubling down.
You sigh, shaking your head as if in disbelief of your own actions. “Fine, I can make an appearance.”
Charlotte looks over to Laura and they begin to squeal, hopping up and down like the floor is lava. You realise that she’s wearing the pearls still, but before you can think much more about it, you’re trapped in a hug. Everything tenses, from your head to your toes, and it isn’t over soon enough. You open the downstairs cupboard and retrieve a jacket to combat the spring breeze that’s likely going to haunt the beach at this hour. Your dad is lecturing Charlotte and Laura as you shrug it on; you pass them to the door.
It's a little frightening to open the front door and come face to face with someone who you’re not expecting to be there.
“What are you doing here?” is the first thing out of your mouth when you meet JJ’s eyes.
“Nine o’clock, right?” he replies.
It’s impossible to bite back the smile that’s coming to your face at the sound of his voice. When did that start to happen?
“Well, I’m little late, so,” he admits almost sheepishly.
You blink out of your stupor with that. A man who can’t even be on time for a date that he practically begged for – once again, the bar is on the floor.
“Whatever, I’m driving,” you tell him, brushing past and down the porch steps. He follows.
“Nice digs here.”
“Thanks,” you reply. You pull open the front gate and it creaks like it might snap off any moment.
“Y’all rich and can’t afford to oil that damn thing?"
“Help yourself to it,” you jokingly quip back. You pull your keys out your coat pocket and unlock the car. “Hop in.”
The drive to the keggar is mostly quiet. JJ points out the turnings you need to take and you refuse to let him turn on the radio. He goes to put one leg up on the car seat but must see your sideways glare, making him stop. Instead, he rests an arm on the window frame and taps his fingers along to a non-existent beat.
He’s dressed rather nice. Quite casual, but you supposed for a keggar, it didn’t much matter. It wasn’t like you were dressed to the nines either. A grey sweater hangs slightly big on his frame, but it sits on his broad shoulders a little too nicely. He’s wearing a pair of black cargo shorts which are muddied with dust on the thigh, probably from biking, and those damn cargo boots again. No cap this time, he lets his blonde hair sit mussed, seemingly from running his fingers through it. That’s something he seems to do. A lot.
When the two of you park up, the beach is already buzzing. It’s swarming with people from your school and his, yapping away to one another. People are passing drinks and passing out. Some are carrying coolers in and others are shot-gunning the moment their feet touch the sand. Sighing, you mentally prepare yourself for a hellish night.
JJ tries to walk beside you but you seem to be one step ahead every time. He takes to following your tail around the keggar as you survey the scene. A girl vomiting in the corn; a group passing around a bong; a group of horny dirtbags jeering and cheering as two girls make out. A brunette girl comes stumbling over, practically throwing herself at JJ.
“Kiss me,” she slurs, clearly hammered.
JJ doesn’t look too thrilled but it doesn’t keep you from rolling your eyes and continuing on.
“Not tonight, girly,” you overhear him say. You then hear his footsteps behind you once more.
His popularity among the Pogues is startling. Soon enough, someone else is coming up to him, followed by a third. You overhear good-humoured conversation kick up, spirits high, and the smacking of hands as they enact a brief handshake. It seems a good opportunity to ditch him.
The moment of freedom is over quicker than the final week of summer. Rafe Cameron, in all his knobheaded glory, saunters over.
“Didn’t peg you as a keggar girl,” he tells you. Even on the night, you can’t catch a break from him.
“You know me: full of surprises,” you return dryly.
“Surprising in that outfit too. Nice to see the puppies out today,” he says, licking his teeth as his eyes shamelessly flit down to your top.
You roll your eyes. “Eat crap creep.”
Rafe doesn’t seem to be finished. He follows after you leisurely when you walk around him. “Your little sister coming tonight?”
“Stay away from her, Rafe,” you warn.
“Oh, sure, sure, I’ll stay away,” he nods, raising his hands in mock surrender. The most wicked, twisted grin sinks into his skin. “But I can’t promise she’ll stay away from me.”
Your disgust must read plainly on your face. Rafe chuckles darkly, apparently finished with the interaction, and you watch as he makes his way over to his pack. You shiver out your repugnance and distract yourself by making another lap of the keggar, hoping to find your sister in the process.
Unfortunately, you’re not quick enough to get to her before Rafe. He’s fiddling with a strand of her hair, looking down at her in a way that she might think is doting but you can only read as looming. Your stomach sinks as he notices you, jutting up his chin proudly.
“Yo. Look who found me,” he taunts.
Intestines are now in your shoes as you spot his hand looping around her waist and laying grip. Charlotte tangles her fingers into his, a red solo up in her other hand, and goes to lead the two of them away. You quickly dart after her.
“Charlotte, wait, can I talk to you?”
“Don’t address me in public,” she hisses, horrified.
You hope your expression is as pleading as hers was earlier, but it mustn’t be, because she continues to move away from you.
“Go, enjoy the night,” Charlotte says. She probably thinks she’s being nice, putting your mind at ease, but it makes you all the more concerned. “That’s what I’m gonna do.”
Looking around as if something or someone might tell you what to do next, your eyes fixate on the coolers. You soon find yourself taking a swig of tequila. It burns as it runs down your throat; you close your eyes with wince.
“I’ve been looking all over the place for you!”
You open them to find a very disquieted JJ.
“I’m getting trashed bro,” you reply, lifting the bottle up in proof. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do at a party?”
“Not with that crap,” JJ replies.
Rolling your eyes, you take another shot. “Whatever. I’ll catch you later.”
Then you’re walking away from him and weaving through the crowds. The trashy RnB music playing over a loudspeaker thumps through the sand and rattles through your bones. You find yourself collecting drinks like a pre-teen collects trading cards. With each sip, the alcohol goes down easier and easier, and your control becomes lesser and lesser. You’re only half sure of the time. Nobody here looks familiar to you and you have no idea where Charlotte has gone. The thought of her with Rafe has you reaching for another drink but it’s taken from you before the bottle can meet your lips.
“How about I have this one?” JJ offers.
You snatch it back. “No way, this one’s mine.”
Was that your voice? Jeez, maybe you’re more drunk than you thought. That doesn’t keep you from necking the whole thing, some dumbass cheering you on. Dumping the bottle in the sand, you pull a face to JJ, extending out your arms as if to say ‘see – what you gonna do about it?’ .
The makeshift dancefloor becomes randomly appealing. The rhythm of the music seems to have finally crept out of the ground and into your bones, and you stagger your way to the crowd of dancing, swaying drunks and begin to move to the music. Closing your eyes, you drag your hands up your sides and into the air, hips dipping and diving to the song. It isn’t your usual thing but you find the groove to it. The reason you lose it is the elbow that suddenly jams into your back. You wince in pain and tumble forward, balance screwed from all the drinks. The ground comes to meet you surprisingly quick and you don’t have time to put your hands out to save your head from hitting a stuck-out branch from driftwood.
“You alright?”
It’s JJ.
“I’m fine,” you slur.
When you go to stand, everything is spinning. It makes you slip in the sand and nearly face plant a second time.
“You’re not fine. Alright, come on,” JJ mumbles as his hands gently take your biceps. You grumble out complaints as he helps you off the ground.
The music drifts away from you as JJ guides you somewhere. The shakiness of the world makes you feel nauseous so you opt with keeping your eyes closed. There’s a throbbing from where you hit your head.
“Can I talk to you?” someone asks. You don't open your eyes to find out who.
“Not right now, man. I’m a little busy,” you hear JJ return, patience clearly dwindling.
“Can you give me a second?”
The firm but friendly hold JJ has on you momentarily vanishes. You hear the crunch of sand as he walks away a few steps but you’re too busy fighting to keep yourself upright to see where he’s gone. Just as you’re about to lose the fight, JJ’s back, catching you and steadying you on your feet.
“Woah, woah,” he chuckles. “Come on.”
As the mayhem of the party fades, you find the pounding in your head to lessen. You’re slowly lowered to sit on a piece of driftwood.
“This is so patronising.”
“Leave it to you to use big words when you’re smashed,” JJ says.
Braving to open your eyes, you find JJ digging around in his cargo pockets. “Why are you helping me?”
“I’m worried you might got a concussion,” he tells you. He produces a small box from his pocket, no bigger than the palm of his hand, and he cracks it open.
“You wouldn’t care if I never wake up,” you snort. The scrunch of your brows has you reaching up to the stinging pain of your head wound. Before you can touch at it, JJ’s pulling your hand away by the wrist.
“Sure I would.”
 “Cause otherwise I’d have to start taking out girls who actually like me.”
“Like you could find one.”
“See? That right there, makin’ me swoon, mama,” JJ ribs. He reaches out for your face then. “Alright, this might sting a little.”
His fingers are warm as they touch your skin. He lightly coaxes your head up and back by the edge of your jaw. You watch with half-blurred vision as he concentrates, gently dapping what must be an alcoholic wipe to your cut.
JJ has a pretty face. Dimples that are visible even when he isn’t smiling. A soft jawline that sharpens when he’s flexing, whether it be in concentration or aggravation. The long slender nose sits nicely on his face, guiding into surprisingly neat eyebrows and eyes with lashes so long Charlotte would cry with envy.
The wipe hits the deepest point of the wound. Flinching back, you hiss in pain.
“Sorry,” JJ mumbles.
“S’okay,” you quietly reply.
He finishes dabbing the blood away and sighs, pulling the wipe back. JJ seems to notice your stare at that point, flitting his eyes down to meet yours.
“Your eyes have a little grey in them,” you observe.
His lips twitch in a smile. Maybe it’s the warmth of the booze, but you’re half sure that the boy blushes. Your eyes glance down to his lips, the one part of his face you haven’t yet analysed. JJ clears his throat and removes his hand from your head. He litters the wipe on the beach floor and shoves his hands in his short pockets, creating some distance. He doesn’t move any farther away from you though.
“How’d you know to do all that?”
“Cleaning cuts?”
“Mhm,” you say.
“Kinda have to learn, when you grow up in a house like mine,” JJ vaguely replies.
You spare a glance at his side profile to find his eyes trained ahead in an almost vacant stare. He comes back to himself, looking at you.
“So, uh, why’d you let him get to you?”
“Who? Rafe?”
“Uh huh.”
“I hate him,” you state.
JJ purses his lips and nods. “Fair ‘nough.”
Someone whoops out to another in the far distance. You try to ignore it, instead focusing on the susurrus of the wind, the sighs of the sea, and the steady inhales and exhales of the boy sitting beside you.
“So, your mom a nurse or something?” you ask.
“My ma?”
“Yeah. With the cut cleaning and all that.”
“Nah, she ain’t a nurse,” JJ replies. “Fact, I don’t know what she is. She ain’t around anymore.”
“That sucks,” you say.
He shrugs. “Happened a long time ago. She walked out on us so guess there can’t be much to miss, right?”
“I guess,” you agree, though you’re not sure if you fully do. For some reason – maybe because of the alcohol blurring your barriers – you find yourself telling him, “My mom walked out on us too.”
You nod, and instantly regret it.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It gave the yacht club something to talk about for like a year,” you say, cracking a smile.
JJ grins. “You Kooks gotta have your gossip.”
“Oh yeah,” you whistle, nodding. “Otherwise we’d actually have to start making conversation about shit that matters. Or realise how little we all like each other.”
The two of you laugh and lock eyes. His dimples are now out in full force, teeth shining in the off-cast street lamp glow and enchanting moonlight.
“You know, you’re not as vile as I thought you’d be.”
His smile only grows. “Thanks. I think?”
The pulsating pain in your head seems to vanish for a moment. You think it’s because of JJ and his weirdly wonderful ways. You think it is, until you realise it’s because your body is distracted by a whole new problem.
Head whipping down, you aim away from your shoes and somehow directly at JJ’s.
And then bam: vomit.
There was a rumour that you and JJ hooked up in the back of your car. That one was false.
It’s abnormal seeing JJ sat behind your steering wheel. His elbow is propped up on the window ledge, knuckles cracked as he grips the wheel at the top, guiding it with the other hand. You keep stealing glances. He focuses ahead on the road. It’s pitch-black asides from the glare of the headlights and the few and far between streetlamps. You’re not entirely sure how you got to this point with him, to have him driving your car and to find yourself completely okay with it.
The playlist that the radio is humming out changes to the next song. You instantly feel your body soften in the passenger seat with the swell of violins and cellos. Naturally, gradually, they find a melody. It’s solemn and serene all at once.
“I love this song,” you hear yourself say.
“What is it?”
“Love Theme, from Cinema Paradiso,” you reply.
JJ’s lips twitch with curiosity. “Never heard of it.”
“It’s my favourite piece of music of all time,” you tell him. “It makes me cry.”
“Really? Don’t know if any song’s ever made me cry.”
“Then you’re listening to the wrong things,” you're quick assert.
JJ chuckles at that, but he doesn’t disagree.
The piano chimes in now; steady waltz-like chords which complement the strings flawlessly. You sigh and watch the world pass by through the window. After throwing up, draining the alcohol from your body in the least flattering of ways, you feel more stable. There’s still a blur to the edge of the world hinting that you’re not fully sober but you no longer feel out of control. The three mints which you had the moment you got in the car helped to freshen your mouth.
“It’s a pretty song,” JJ observes. You’re surprised that he’s listening to it. “Is it meant to be happy?”
“Sort of. It’s the third version. There’s three reprises of the song throughout the film. The movie’s sort of a culmination of genres. It’s a love story about Salvatore and Elena, this girl who he’s completely infatuated with throughout his teens. But it doesn’t work out. It’s also about his relationship with Alfredo, this old man who runs the cinema. Salvatore falls in love with cinema and Alfredo is like a father figure to him. As he grows up, he’s pushed to leave the small town and live his life.”
JJ whistles lowly. “That’s a lot’a unpack.”
“Sorry,” you meekly reply. Maybe you rambled on a bit too much.
“Don’t be. It’s interesting,” JJ says.
You glance over to him and see him smiling, and you struggle to bite back your own, looking back to the road.
“You seem to have a thing for movies,” JJ notes.
“I love them,” you sigh, pushing your hair behind your ears. The music builds at that moment, with the wind instruments taking control of the melody and pushing the emotion to another level. You find your eyes slipping shut on reflex. It’s with them closed that you find the confidence to admit, “I want to write movies for a living. But nothing like the new crappy things. Films like the old ones. The ones with real emotion and meaning behind them. I’m so sick of the cheap rewrites and remakes. All the CGI junk that fills the cinema now and the empty scores.”
“So, why don’t you? Write movies, I mean?”
As JJ asks you this question, he pulls up outside your house.
You scoff. “Yeah, my dad would just love that. He wants me to go to school for accounting or economics. Something with ‘a future’.”
The engine shuts off but the song continues to play. JJ glances down at the radio, his eyes scanning over the song title. He seems lost in thought, or perhaps lost in the music, and you feel a small smile settle comfortably on your face. He’s so pretty in this light. He’s pretty in any light.
He seems to remember himself, coming out of his stupor in a similar manner to how he did back on the beach. Looking up to you, JJ catches your gaze. He reflexively switches off the radio, cutting the song off and enveloping the two of you in silence.
“You uh,” he begins, gesturing lamely to the house, “don’t seem the type to ask for your dad’s permission.”
“Oh what? Now you think you know me all of a sudden?” Your tone is teasing. It’s so different to the usual bite it has from your other interactions.
JJ shrugs. “I think I’m starting to.”
The honesty behind his words has your lips parting, somewhat taken aback. The bad-boy façade that he hides behind seems to have slipped tonight. You hold his gaze and he offers you a warm, tender smile. There’s a nervous yet excitable thrum in your chest. It's terrifying.
“Yeah, well, the only thing people know about me is that I’m scary,” you say dismissively.
“Well, I’m no picnic myself, so,” JJ muses.
And it’s things like that which catch you off guard. Your efforts to push him away and close him off are so easily dismissed. He seems to have a talent for peeling away your walls and it never feels intrusive. Instead, it makes you feel seen. Understood. It’s something that you haven’t really known since your mom walked out. Mia understood you to an extent, but you weren’t sure that she knew you. You weren’t sure if you’d ever let her, as awful as it sounds.
“Well, thank you. For driving me back,” you quietly say.
JJ nods. His eyes never stray from yours. He’s so beautiful it’s unfair.
“Course. Anytime.”
He takes a breath and it’s shaky, tempered with nerves, and that’s when you wonder if his heart is beating as fast as yours. If his stomach is full of butterflies too, bringing about the most addictive of anxieties. As his tongue darts out to dampen his lips, you find yourself taking the leap. Slowly, so slow that you’re not sure you even are, you lean forward to him, letting your eyes slip shut. In the moonlight, in your car, after the conversations of the night, you finally feel as though you have seen the real JJ, and he’s seen the real you.
A second passes.
Then another.
Then a third.
You hear the rustle of clothes and the creak of the car seat as JJ shifts. It makes you open your eyes. He’s watching his fingers trail along the leather grip of the steering wheel, knuckles uncomfortably tight and lips rubbing together.  
“Maybe we should do this another time,” he eventually says.
For a moment, you just sit. You take him in. He doesn’t appear cocky or disgusted, or even amused. He seems timorous. It’s so confusing and irritating that you find yourself defaulting to anger. It’s that anger that smothers the burning hot embarrassment you feel deep in your chest. It conceals the crumbling disappointment of not having his lips on yours. Suddenly, you want to be as far away from him as possible.
You scoff and push open the car door. It slams loudly behind you as you storm back up to the house, arms wrapping around yourself in comfort as you feel your heart painfully pulling at your throat. The sting of tears is hard to fight but you manage to keep them at bay until you’re in your bedroom. It’s there that you feel safe enough to cry.
There was a rumour that JJ tracked you down in a movie shop. That one was true.
Have you ever had so much on your mind that it’s physically impossible to concentrate, even on the simplest of things? Ever since the keggar three days ago, that’s how you’ve felt. Studying was more gruelling than usual. You would start reading an exert from Romeo and Juliet and somehow, you’d find your mind drifting to the sound of JJ’s voice on the beach, telling you about his mom. Watching movies was no longer an escape because any guy on screen had you back in the passenger seat, basking in JJ’s beauty. Even now, stood in An Offer You Can’t Refuse, you find yourself staring blankly at the back of a DVD case, trying to make sense of the blurb.
Sighing, you give up and shelve it. You wander back to the main throughway of the store and look at some of the more recent releases. Tugging your cardigan tighter around you, you round the end of the shelve, heading for the exit, to instead come face to face with JJ.
It’s a shame that your stomach twists unpleasantly at the sight of him.
“Excuse me, have you seen ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s?’ I’ve lost my copy?”
You hold back a grunt and opt to roll your eyes instead. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard there was a secret screening,” JJ tells you, humour lining his words.
You scoff. “You’re so…”
“Charming?” he offers.
You breeze past him.
“Unwelcome,” you correct.
“You’re not as mean as you think you are, you know,” JJ suddenly tells you, tone taking an edge.
Mystified, you return, “and you’re not as badass as you think you are.”
“Oh, somebody’s still got their panties in a twist,” JJ quips.
Spinning around, you raise a finger threateningly. “Do not for one second think you had any effect whatsoever on my panties.”
JJ lightly taps your hand away. “What did I have an effect on then?”
It’s moments like these that you’re thankful your mouth is quicker than your mind. “Other than my upchuck reflex, nothing,” you lie.
JJ sighs, frustrated.
In the corner of your eye, you see the movies of the week. The universe works perfectly sometimes. Snatching up a copy, you shove Breakfast at Tiffany's in JJ’s chest before leaving the shop.
It sucks to be mad at JJ. You don’t want to be, but you don’t know how not to be. The whole night felt like an oxymoron. There was a moment when things felt so perfect and then he shattered it. It was abnormal. All that hard work to get you out on a date; the time taken caring for you and driving you back, checking you got home safe; and the conversations that felt far from empty and false…And then nothing. You knew JJ wasn’t a virgin. Not all rumours are based in truth – you knew that – but when it came to JJ Maybank, it was common knowledge that he had a way with girls. You weren’t the first girl for him to lay eyes on, and you certainly wouldn’t be the first girl he’d kiss, so why did he suddenly seem so discouraged? It didn’t make sense.
You close the car door and start up your engine.
You had more important things to sort out than deliberating over JJ’s intentions. Since when had a man ever interrupted your life before? There were some math notes which needed finishing back at home, and a track meet practice to prepare for tomorrow. Life was bigger than some pretty teenage boy.
Catching your eyes in the rearview mirror, you harden your gaze. “Get a grip.”
Your day doesn’t seem to improve when you get home. Whilst you’ve managed to put thoughts of JJ to bed, letting the irritation rest, your dad seems unwilling to give you peace. You walk through the door to hear himself and Charlotte talking animatedly about the Spring Ball at the yacht club.
“I’m not sure,” your dad sighs.
“But daddy, I’ve gone to them before.”
“But this one’s different. The guys there are older now. You’re older now. After last year, and our reputation, I’m just…”
The creaking floorboard before the kitchen doorway gives you away. Charlotte jumps at the chance to lasso you in.
“What if she comes?”
“She has a name,” you mutter, heading to the cupboard for a snack.
“I mean, if your sister goes then you can go, but I doubt she will.”
“She will what?” you ask. Cereal bar in hand, you tug away the wrapper and take a bite.
“Go to the Spring Ball.”
You guffaw loudly. “Yeah. No.”
“Knew it,” your dad says.
“Oh, come on! What’s wrong with the Spring Ball?” Charlotte carps.
You roll your eyes. “They’re stupid and performative and in bad taste. And old-fashioned. It just makes me feel icky. Whilst the Cut are trying to raise money to renovate the parks, we’re throwing balls for the fun of it. Plus, they’re boring. It’s just a bunch of rich morons talking about other rich morons. No offence, dad.”
“Plenty taken,” mutters your dad.
“You’re exhausting,” Charlotte tells you. “And unhinged.”
“Thanks,” you grin before taking another bite of your snack. You go to leave. “I’ll be upstairs.”
There was a rumour that JJ snuck into your school. That one was true.
You started running track following your school guidance counsellor’s advice. It was after you kneed Kelce so hard in the balls that he had to go to the nurse (you pride yourself for that achievement daily). Track was a good way to let off steam though. The world felt smaller and simpler on the circuit. You felt as though you could run away from all the things that were bothering you: Rafe, your dad, Charlotte, your mom. And now, JJ. The steady beat of your feet hitting the sand-topped track works like a metronome for your musings.
You’d heard the rumours that had been circulating about the night of the keggar. Charlotte hadn’t told you what happened between herself and Rafe, but there was a rumour that he didn’t drive her home. Apparently, someone called Louis had given her a ride back. You’d seen him at school every now and then. He’d only transferred a few months back so there wasn’t much to know about him. He seemed harmless enough though. Compared to Rafe, a rabid dog would be preferred.
“Good pace!” your coach praises loudly to you as you complete a third lap.
You’re panting in the warm sun. April was right around the corner now and the temperature was picking up, bit by bit, every day. Slowing to a jog, you direct yourself to the benches and retrieve your water bottle.
As your swallowing your third sip, you hear the loudspeaker system crackle to life. At first you don’t pay it much mind, assuming it’s one of the band members checking everything is working for a game tomorrow night or something. But then a voice is droning out of the speakers. It has a Carolina twang to it that is more common on the Cut and a youthful rasp that’s now all too familiar.
‘Morning you wonderful Kook folks.’
You stare wide-eyed at the speaker.
‘Y’all are probably busy preparing your caviar or whatever the hell it is that you be doing out here on Figure Eight, but I’m here to read something I prepared. Brighten up your day and all that.’
Surely you have heatstroke. Surely this is not happening.
“’I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.’”
Sense and Sensibility. You glance around the field as if to check that you’re not the only one hearing this and - yep, you’re not.
“‘Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all, I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.’”
Dirty Dancing. Lips twitching into a smile, you’re in disbelief. Some people are sniggering at the cheesiness, others are completely befuddled by the whole thing. It is rather random. If you didn’t know what he was doing, you’d be confused too. Well, you still are, in fact. Did he know you'd be at the track today?
“And my personal favourite, ladies and gentlemen: ‘No, I don’t think I will kiss you, although you need kissing. Badly. That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.’”
Your perplexed smile turns more sober with that. Something trills in your chest – most probably your heart – and you nod in quiet approval.
“Alright then, Kooks and…Kooklemen. Y’all have a blessed day.”
The speaker clicks off with a crackle and some people on the field whoop and cheer, laughing and jeering. You shake your head and finish your drink, grinning like an idiot.
Maybe, just maybe, you can find some room to give JJ another chance.
There was a rumour that JJ Maybank spent his free time fishing. That one was true.
JJ Maybank was like a candy bar. He had a way of being sweet without being sickly, and he stayed on your mind the same way one gets chocolate stuck between their teeth. After asking around, you’re told that the best place to find the so-called delinquent was at a local fishing spot, down some old jetty. The floorboards creak unnervingly with every step you take. The sun is high in the sky, it only being mid-morning, and you find JJ easily. He’s perched on the end of the jetty, leaning forward against the rotting wooden railing. In one hand he’s supporting a rod, the wire of which is submerged deep in the water, waiting for a bite. There’s a small cooler by his feet alongside a bag of fishing tack. The back of his t-shirt has a large circular graphic on it. It’s well washed but you can make out the ‘sex-wax’ text.
“Yo,” you call out.
He startles then turns. There’s a strange flurry of emotions that cross over his face in a second when he lays eyes on you.
“Hey. How’d you find me?”
“I have my ways,” you reply, finishing the journey to him.
JJ moves so his back rests against the fence, body now facing you, and you pause a comfortable foot or so apart.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“I was kind’a an asshole at the movie store, the other day,” you say, uncomfortable in your confession. The proud twitch of his brow doesn't go unnoticed. “So, I figured it was only right to fess up.”
“Mhm. Anything in particular brought this on?” JJ wonders innocently.
You smile at that, rolling your eyes. Nevertheless, you play along. “You know, it’s so weird. This voice came over the speakers at school yesterday and it got me thinking.”
“Oh? You know who it was?”
“I don’t know,” you sigh, scratching your hairline. “Maybe God?”
“You sure it weren’t an angel?” he checks, tongue poking through his teeth with his boyish grin.
“Nah, but he sure had the voice of one,” you play along.
The entertained lift of JJ’s brows makes your smile flatten into something more genuine.
“Did you get in trouble for it?”
“For breaking into Kook Academy and hacking your intercom?” JJ asks. His face scrunches up as he shakes his head falsely. “Nah.”
“Mhm. Sure.”
“I’m a pro, sweetheart. I was in and out, like an ops-mission,” he recounts, using his free hand to gesture lamely like a discount spy.
You roll your eyes once more and move to stand next to him, separated only by the cooler. Leaning your arms forward on the jetty fence, you sigh and close your eyes, basking in the sun.
“What’re you doing right now?”
“Right now?” you say, opening your eyes to look at him. He nods. “Nothing much.”
“Wanna go to the break? Hear the waves are meant to be pretty sweet today,” JJ asks.
Your lips twitch at the corners. His seem to mirror. “Sure, yeah. Sounds good.”
“Sweet. Lemme just pack this stuff up,” he says. “My friend’s lent me his car for the day so we can ride there in that.”
There was a rumour that you nearly drowned when you went surfing with JJ. That one was completely made up.
The water is so blue you can almost taste it. The gradient of blues and aquamarines is mouthwatering in beauty.
Sighing, your feet sink into the sand, desensitised to the burn on the soles of your feet. On one shoulder you have your rucksack. It’s packed with snacks that the two of you picked up from a local shop: granola bars and a large back of chips, that sort of thing. JJ found some cans of soda when turfing through the cooler. Tucked under your other arm is a surfboard that JJ’s letting you borrow; there were three attached to the roof of the beat-up camper van he’s borrowing. JJ’s carrying a tattered looking picnic blanket that he dragged off the backseats and his own board. It seems JJ’s surfboard is the thing that is the best kept out of all the belongings he has.
JJ whistles. “Pretty good swell, huh?”
“Hell yeah,” you agree.
He walks in front and dumps the picnic blanket, lazily spreading it out with his foot. You put the rucksack down with it before leaning down to place your board carefully on the sand. As you go to stand, you find your eyes falling on JJ’s back. He’s tugging off his shirt, lats and triceps tensing and relaxing with the quick change. You can’t help but stare. The guy’s in good shape – nobody can disagree with that. He turns and catches your eye just before you can divert your gaze to the water, frowning as if assessing the waves. There’s an amused smirk that comes to his face, cocky like always.
“Enjoying the view?” he asks.
Your face scrunches in deliberation. You pretend that he’s referring to the sea. “Yeah; the waves look pretty strong.”
“Mhm,” he hums, entertained.
It’s then that you decide to seek some revenge. Casually, like the whole situation doesn’t make your heartbeat with elated anxiety, you pull your top off, revealing a crotchet-style bikini top. Living in Kildare meant that bikinis instead of underwear were sort of a given. Unbuttoning your shorts, you wiggle them down your body before stepping out and tossing them on the blanket. Glancing up, acting as if you’d completely forgotten JJ was there, you quirk a brow. He’s staring shamelessly at your body.
“Something up?”
“Not yet,” he mumbles.
It’s hard to bite back your smile. Hard, but not impossible. Dipping down to retrieve the board, you strain a little as you lift it.
“Come on. We’re wasting daylight,” you tell him, walking past towards the water.
“Yes ma’am,” you hear him say.
The crunch of sand behind you tells you he’s following. Then, his pace picks up and he’s rushing past, taking a moment to dab at your head jokingly.
His laugh is light like buttercream frosting. You chase after him, towards the break, and soon enough you’re sliding atop of your board and paddling through the wake. JJ’s just a bit ahead. His back glistens in the sunlight with saltwater. You swallow your pride and dignity and let your eyes trail up his legs and butt. The water makes his clothes stick more than usual. He steadily rises to his feet, finding his balance on the board in such a natural manner that one would think he was born on it. The way he leans forward and back is effortless. He tames the waves like a creature of the sea, dipping on the currents and following the dives. You can’t help but sit up on your board for a moment and watch. His face is tight with concentration but the joy is as clear as the water. The sharp edge of his jawline teases you as you watch him surf. The tremble of your heart and knot in your stomach isn’t unfamiliar and yet it still catches you by surprise. To distract yourself, you paddle out some more before rising to your feet.
You know the old saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’? You never much believed it until today. The two of you must have been on the water for an hour. Somehow, simultaneously, the two of you agree that it’s time to call it off. The scratchy over-washed cotton of the blanket is only slightly uncomfortable on your legs as you sit. JJ takes your rucksack and digs about for a snack. You opt for taking in the quietness of the beach; it feels as though you’re the only souls for miles.
“Who’s this?” JJ asks.
You glance over to find JJ holding up a photo he’d taken from your wallet. A part of you wants to make a jab about how he’s snooping around, but you don’t. Instead, you smile weakly.
“My mom.”
“Oh,” JJ says, looking back down at the photo with new interest. “She’s pretty. Can see where you get your looks from.”
“Thanks,” you smile.
JJ reaches back into the back and pulls a can of soda free. He tosses it to you and you crack it open.
“I go through phases of having it in there,” you say, nodding down to the photo that he continues to hold. “Sometimes I want it around and other times I don’t. I know that probably sounds dumb.”
“No, it doesn’t,” JJ responds rather easily.
He tucks the photo back away in the wallet, safe and sound, then grabs a can of sofa for himself. He reclines on his elbows. Your eyes fixate on the shark tooth necklace hung around his neck on a discoloured piece of yarn. It rises and falls with each steady breath he takes. As your eyes trail down his stomach, you notice the water droplets drying in the sunlight. In a desperate effort not to stare, you find yourself watching him crack his feet, outstretching them on the sand. Crossing your legs, you take a sip of your soda and glance back up to his face. Then, you follow JJ’s line of sight to the water. The routine of the waves pulling in and pulling back, over and over, is calming in a way few other things are. As the sky’s mosaic of colour darkens by the minute, the water reflects it back like a mirror with a pretty shimmer.
“Sometimes I wish I had a photo of my ma.”
“Don’t you?” you ask, looking to him again.
He shakes his head. “My dad went on this crazy rager when she left and burnt up all her stuff. I was too young and stupid to take a photo for myself and hide it somewhere.”
“Bold of you to assume that you’re not still those things.”
JJ snorts, shooting you a glance. “Thanks.”
You smile back but correct your manners. “Seriously though, that sucks. I’m sorry.” It’s a lame understatement for the reality of it, but it’s all you can think to say. Tenderness isn’t something that comes very naturally for you.
He shrugs, looking back to the water. You know he’s trying to act like it doesn’t bother him, and maybe if you’d only met yesterday, you’d believe it, but there’s something about his composure that tells you that it isn’t true.
“I just wish I could remember what she looks like, y’know?” he says, looking to you once more as if seeking affirmation. You give a small nod. “I mean, I can’t even remember her voice. Not that it should matter. Fuck her, right? She’s the one who left.”
He takes a hasty sip of his soda, breaking eye contact. You frown and watch him, and deliberate whether to speak your mind. I mean, of course you’re going to, but it feels good to deliberate first.
“Well, no, not ‘fuck her’,” you eventually say.
JJ looks to you, eyebrows knotted: bordering on angry.
You continue. “I think it ain’t that simple. It’s why I go through phases of having that photo of my mom in my wallet. You can be mad at someone and still miss them. At least I think you can. They’re not binary things, or mutually exclusive. So, I don’t think it’s as simple as ‘fuck her’.”
There’s a moment where JJ just looks at you, as if he’s soaking you in the same way the two of you are basking in the warmth of the sun. It’s a certain kind of stare; the kind where you don’t feel calculated under his gaze but unquestionably seen. There’s a momentary concern that you’ve offended him but then JJ gains this almost-smile that’s becoming more and more familiar to you, and he nods.
“I’ve never really talked to anyone about her before,” JJ confesses.
You smile sadly. “Me too. About my mom, I mean. Dad shuts down when I bring it up and Charlotte…She remembers things differently.”
“Well, it’s nice to talk about it.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “It is nice.”
The whispering of sea waves melts into the sound of songbirds and geese, singing and squawking in a weirdly melodic harmony. There’re crickets in the dunes which chime in from time to time and you take a moment to look back to the water, close your eyes, and enjoy it all.
“So, what’s your excuse for it?”
“My excuse for what?” you wonder, never opening your eyes.
“You know.” There’s a soft scrape on your skin as JJ kicks some sand off his feet and onto yours. “For acting the way we do.”
Sighing, you deliberate on how to answer. JJ has this way of opening you up. With others, you were hard-shelled and closed off, but like a pistachio, he knew where to pry just right to get you to spill. It was like he already knew the password so you never questioned letting him through the door.
“I don’t want to care what people think of me. It makes no difference, whether I impress them or not, so what should it matter? Why should I waste my time with it?”
“‘Makes no difference?’ Like makes no difference whether they stick around?” JJ wonders.
You open your eyes and look to him, a little taken aback by how easily he translated your words. “Sure. Like that.”
“Like your mom?”
It doesn’t affect you when he asks that. If someone else were to, your fury would spike suddenly and you’d snap. Say something you’d regret. But maybe because JJ might understand more than others, it doesn’t. So, you nod.
“Yeah,” you quietly reply. “Like my mom.”
“I get that,” JJ muses. It’s with that small token that you feel comfortable to elaborate.
“I think it really came clear after she left, how fake people can be,” you say. “Seeing how all our so-called friends reacted. At the Yacht Club, my dad was the laughingstock. Everyone talked about him, about mom leaving, like they didn’t know him. Like he wasn’t this great guy - which he is - and like they hadn’t been drinking cocktails and pints on his tab for years. It was so fake. That’s when I realised that people will think whatever they want to, even if they say another thing. So…why bend yourself backwards to try and change it?”
Sniffing, JJ nods in understanding as he digests your story. His toes dig into the damp sand and you find your own spare hand reaching out and playing with the grains, sifting through them soothingly.
“What about you? Why do you act the way we do?”
“I guess the same, in a way,” JJ replies. You notice that he likes to gaze ahead when he talks about himself, like eye-contact is too painful. Too vulnerable. “With my dad being who he is, people just assume the worst about me. I’m sick of trying to prove them wrong. They’re gonna think what they wanna think so what’s the point, right?”
“The ones who care enough won’t judge a book by its cover. They’ll get to know you and see through all the bullshit,” you assure him.
His head turns with that. Unblinking, he asks, “like you?”
You’re momentarily stunned by the bluntness of the question but soon enough, you’re smiling at him.
“Yeah. Like me.”
When JJ smiles, his teeth peak through in this adorably youthful way. There’re dimples that poke through his cheeks and no tension in his forehead or jaw. Just happiness. You like him like this, all tousled and sun-kissed and seawater bathed. It’s strange. Sitting here with him on the beach feels like the first time you’ve ever been to the water and truly appreciated it. It’s like you’d always thought you would sink, so you never swam. But now, with JJ looking at you the way he is, and the way the two of you seem to click in an inexplicable manner – as if you’d been the two missing parts of the other’s jigsaw puzzle – you realise that maybe you were wrong to make such an assumption.
“It’s weird. We come from such different lifestyles but I don’t think anyone understands me as good as you do.”
JJ’s voice is quiet but not small when he tells you this. It’s a private thought that you’re honoured for him to have shared. There’s only one way you can think to answer.
Leaning forward, you leave your drink abandoned on the blanket and cup his jaw, fingers damp from condensation. His lips meet yours willingly. The kiss the two of you fall into makes your feelings for him all the more obvious to you, and all the more terrifying.
There was a lot of rumours about the both of you. Some were true, and some were not.
JJ drops the campervan off at his friend John B’s house. It’s this quaint fishing shack that could definitely do with a lick of paint on the boarding, and a few fresh nails to keep the porch from caving in on itself. But it’s homely by how clearly lived-in it is. There’s no emotionless ornaments like in your house; only fishing gear, empty cans of beer by the stairs leading up to the front door, and far-from-new throw pillows. You wait on the grass at the bottom of the stairs as JJ heads up to the door, skipping one of the steps entirely. He raps with his knuckles on the door before letting himself in.
“Yo! John B, you home?”
“Back here!” you hear a guy call back. JJ vanishes into the house, car keys in hand, ready to hand them over.
Shoving your hands in your short pockets, you glance out to the backyard. There’s an impressive sized tree from which a hammock hangs, and a less than stable looking jetty. A sort-of shed stands, filled with all sorts of tools and gear, and a half-waxed board lies on a table.
“Alright, let’s bounce,” JJ says, reappearing. He hops off the porch and grabs your hand like it’s second nature, guiding the two of you away from the house.
“You known John B a long time?”
“Since kindergarten,” JJ replies.
“Damn. Don’t think I’ve ever known someone that long. Well, apart from Charlotte.”
“What’s her deal, anyway?”
“Who? Charlotte?”
“Yeah. Like, is she as conceited as everyone says she is?”
Your brows quirk up. “People say she’s conceited?”
Watching JJ fumble and stumble over his tongue is entertaining. He looks to you, mildly panicked. “Well, like, I don’t say that but—”
“I’m just messing with you,” you grin. He unconsciously gives a small sigh of relief. “I know she’s conceited. And spoilt. And bratty.”
“Hm. Sounds like you’re really fond of her,” JJ chuckles.
You laugh under breath and rock your head from side to side in deliberation. “She’s hard to love but harder to hate.”
“That’s ice cold, girl,” JJ whistles.
The moment your feet hit the tarmac of a main road, you realise that you’ve been following the blonde-haired boy blind.
“Where are we going, by the way?”
“To mine.”
“To yours?”
JJ seems to catch onto the innuendo. He looks to you and adds, “my bike’s there. I can give you a ride home.”
 “Oh.” Something inside you sinks with disappointment. You don’t dwell on it though. “Thanks.”
The weight of JJ’s fingers nestled between yours is casually intimate. Usually you’d feel coddled and clammy and want to pull away, but instead you feel safe.
“What’d you think I meant? When I said we were heading to mine?” JJ asks you.
You quirk a brow and pull a face which seems to be answer enough. He cracks up. “I mean…I’m down if you’re down…”
“Slow and steady, JJ Maybank. Slow and steady,” you return with a grin.
“That’s my motto baby,” is his sultry reply, topped off with a wink.
You’d be lying if you said your body didn’t flush with that comment.
“You’ve got a reputation, JJ. I’m not gonna be another notch on your belt,” you jokingly say.
JJ rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, half of my reputation is bullshit rumours.”
“Same here, amigo.”
“Yeah, I’ve gotta admit, I’ve heard some pretty batshit things about you,” JJ tunefully says.
Smirking, you turn to look at him. “Oh really? Like what?”
He takes a moment to think. The eventide light shadows his skin like a painting. “The state trooper?”
Ah. You remember that one. Bobby Cromack spread a rumour that you’d kicked a state trooper in the balls during a protest. On accounts that no protest ever existed that month in Kildare, that was a lie.
“False,” you say. You take the opportunity to debunk some of that you’d heard about JJ. One that you were certain wasn’t true was the rumour that he ate an entire turtle raw. “The turtle?”
He blows a raspberry. “Bullshit. The college guy?”
“Hearsay,” you say. Apparently, a friend of a friend of someone at Kildare Academy saw you at a frat college party in Wilmington, snorting coke off some guy’s chest. Incredible how easily fake news flies. “The hooker?”
“Lies,” he debunks. So, JJ didn’t lose his virginity to a prostitute. “The Banksy side-gig?”
You guffaw. “Complete crap.”
Yes, it appeared that people at school thought you were spending your free time running around Kildare, throwing up mediocre spray paint art as an act of rebellion. Stunning.
“Damn. You’re just full of disappointments, ain’t ya?”
JJ leads the two of you up a small dirt road and through a culmination of trees and shrubs, a house begins to emerge. It’s slightly bigger than John B’s but still small. It is somehow even more banged up, but not in an inviting way like his friend’s. No, this place looks desolate and lonely. Sad even. You feel a sympathetic tug when you notice JJ’s shoulders tense at the sight of it. You’re not even sure he realises that he’s doing it. There’s a bright red bike that you recognise; it’s sheltered under a small shack in the garden. It seems that neither of you are ready to close off the conversation yet. Instead, JJ takes you to the steps of his porch and the two of you sit. You lean against one pillar and him against the other. The wood is splintering and the paint is peeling off in strips. Facing one another, you slot your feet between his staple combat boots.
“Tell me something true.”
“Something true?” he checks, rubbing at his jaw. You nod. “I don’t like snakes.”
Laughing, you shake your head. He seems to like your laugh, smiling at the sound and sight. “No. Something real.”
JJ reaches out and plays with one of your laces.
“Something nobody else knows,” you explicate.
“Okay,” JJ nods. He retracts his fingers from your shoe, using his hand to help him keep his balance as he leans forward. You can smell the salt on the skin of his neck from the sea as he presses a kiss to your skin. There’s something sensual about the warmth of his breath on the apple of your cheek.
“You’re sweet,” he says. Your lips push together, suppressing your smile, and JJ pulls back only to move to the other cheek. “And sexy.” He pulls back so he can plant a kiss on your lips. You love how JJ kisses. “And completely hot for me.”
You guffaw, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes. “You’re amazingly self-assured, has anyone ever told you that?”
He frowns momentarily before nodding, saying, “I tell myself that everyday, actually.”
The smile that his joking response brings you quickly fades when he kisses you again. There’s something different about this kiss. Something passionate, and emotive, and sensuous. When his hand reaches up to cup at the place where your jaw fades into your neck, you find yourself leaning into his hold, deepening the kiss. The brush of his tongue on yours sends electricity shooting from your head, down your spine, straight through your toes. It’s over all too soon. When he speaks, he’s close, and he asks his question against your lips.
“Go to the Spring Ball with me.”
“What?” you dumbly ask, eyes slowly opening.
“The Yacht club spring ball. Go with me,” JJ clarifies.
Your smile doesn’t falter as you gaze into his eyes, admiring the flecks of colour. The answer is easy. “No.”
His brows gently tug together. Smiling, he repeats, “come on, go with me.”
“Is that a request or a demand?” you half-joke. The magic of the moment is dissipating as quick as vapour. He doesn’t reply but the way he holds your gaze suggests that he’s still waiting for an answer. “No.”
“No? Why not?”
You pull away now. “Because I don’t want to. Because it’s a dumb tradition for fake rich people.”
“Come on! People won’t expect you to go. Plus, it’d be a laugh seeing the look on those Kook asshole faces when you show up with me, don’t you think?” JJ prompts.
You frown. Something manifests in your gut. It weighs heavy like a stone. Cocking your head, creating more distance between the two of you, you ask, “why are you pushing this?”
JJ’s lips part. You see them try to form words but nothing comes out. It makes you prod further.
“What’s in it for you?”
He turns, sitting fully on the porch, feet side by side on the step below. You watch his side profile and notice how his jaw ticks and tightens, like he’s annoyed. Like you telling him no has annoyed him. That stone turns into a rock.
“So, you’re saying I need a motive to be with you now?” JJ asks, tone clipped.
Your anger ticks. “You tell me.”
He scoffs and shakes his head, glancing out to the unkept yard. Suddenly, he looks to you. There’s a dark, twisted look on his face that’s so scarily unfamiliar. “You need therapy, you know that? Has anyone ever told you that before? Like you’re actually sick in the head.”
The words hit like darts aimed straight for your heart. You swallow the pain and keep your gaze steely but your voice gives you away. It’s shrinking and holds no conviction as you say, “answer the question, JJ.”
The ugliness of him only grows as he shakes his head once more. There’s a sick smile on his face that comes and goes quick like a hurricane before he sardonically says, “nothing, alright? Just the pleasure of your company.”
The rock in your gut is a boulder; it makes you feel like you’re sinking into the ground. The shock barely has time to settle before he delivers another blow. You watch JJ dig into his short pockets and pull out a pack of cigarettes, shucking one free and propping it between his lips. He said he was quitting. Scoffing, you reach out and take it as he searches for his lighter. You toss the cigarette carelessly on the ground before getting to your feet, hastily walking away from him. It’s like you can’t get away fast enough. Your arms wrap around you in a far from comforting hug the minute you feel obscured by the foliage. When you realise that JJ isn’t following you, your head dips and lips tremble. With the call of a songbird, your mind flashes back to earlier that day, at the beach, and your tears finally start to fall.
There was a rumour that your sister wanted to go to the spring ball with Rafe. That one was (thankfully) false.
Academics don’t hurt you the way people do. Math equations can’t talk back and Shakespeare quotes don’t bite. Throwing yourself into your studies seems the best way to get your mind of JJ’s cruel words. The look on his face when he snapped at you was so different to the way he’d been with you before. It was cold and callous and downright mean. It was also befuddling, how defensive he got. JJ and Spring Ball didn’t seem like the most obvious pairing to you. You knew that JJ liked to stick-it-to-the-man and get under the Kook’s skin, but pushing the spring ball just to take the piss was so abnormal. Maybe that was what hurt the most.
You’re halfway through analysing a sonnet from Romeo and Juliet when there’s a soft rap on your bedroom door.
“Come in!”
It creaks open and you glance over to find Charlotte. She softly closes it behind her. Then, she takes a seat on your bed.
“What’s up?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you say, closing your notebook. Spinning around in your desk chair, you face your younger sister.
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. She stands out like a sore thumb in your bedroom, amongst your old movie posters and tapestries and postcards, and the deep grey and white of your bedsheets. Her blossom pink skirt doesn’t quite fit the theme.
“Why don’t you want to go to the spring ball? Is it just to keep me from going?”
You sigh and look away, down at the floor. Shaking your head, you say, “no. I just don’t like the yacht club people. You know that.”
“You act like you’re not one of us,” Charlotte tells you.
“Because I’m not,” you reply quickly, offended. She quirks a brow.
“Look at where we live! At the car you drive! We’re in a lucky position in life and it’s stupid to act like that isn’t true!”
“I can acknowledge my privilege without leaning into it,” you say.
You weren’t stupid. You knew your socio-economic status gave you an advantage in life. Not once had you ever had to worry about money, or not having dinner on the table, or not being able to go for coffee. Your dad worked hard to get to the place where you were at now; it wasn’t handed to him. Nonetheless, spending more time with JJ, seeing his and John B’s homes, made you realise just how easy you had it. That didn’t mean that you liked the frivolities of the lifestyle, though.
“Look, I know you think the yacht club is dumb and fake and all of that stuff,” Charlotte reals off. “But I actually care about it. I really do. It means something to me.”
“But it’s so—”
“You can preach all you want, but it won’t change my opinion,” Charlotte interrupts. You slam your mouth shut. It’s a fair point (something she rarely makes). “Look, there’s a guy that I really like, and he wants to take me.”
“No.” She says it in a way that makes you think she’s almost amused at the thought. “Louis. He’s actually nice.”
“Actually?” You check.
She smiles and nods. She has a pretty smile. “Yes. Actually. But daddy won’t let me go if you don’t and I really want to go.”
You swallow. It’s clear where this conversation is going now. Sighing, you look out the window. It’s windy today. Blossoms keep getting blown from the trees and they pass by your window like fake snow.
“The thing with the yacht club isn’t just as simple as not wanting to get all dressed up for some dumb tradition,” you admit. “I don’t like how they treated dad, after mom left.”
“I know,” she says. Then, after a moment’s thought, adds, “But that wasn’t everyone. Remember how Mrs M brought us casserole for a week? And Mr Cameron invited dad out on a fishing trip? Some people are fake, that’s true, but not everyone. Not everyone has ulterior motives.”
That last sentence has your eyes snapping back to hers. She doesn’t seem to realise what she’s said. In fact, it looks like she’s waiting for you to tear into her like you usually would. But when you take her in, you see a sweet fifteen-year-old girl who’s a little tightly wrapped in cotton wool, who wants an excuse to wear a pretty dress and dance to trashy pop music and get to know a cute guy. The thought of keeping her away from that makes you feel guilty. Plus, if you’re there, at least you can keep an eye on her from the outskirts. Check that this Louis isn’t just another Rafe in disguise.
She blinks at you, confused. “Fine?”
“I’ll go. We can go.”
“We can!?”
The way her whole face lights up like New York at night makes the night of horror already worthwhile. Starting to smile, you nod. The hug that Charlotte fires at you nearly sends you falling out of your chair. As much as you hate hugs, this one might be the best one you’ve ever had from her.
There was a rumour that JJ’s dad beat him. He never told you that was true, but you had a feeling.
JJ’s house seems eerily quiet. It isn’t the sort of quiet that makes you feel as though nobody’s home. It reminds you of the quiet in the movies when the hostages are hiding from the bad guys. The kind where nobody wants to step on a twig and give away their location. Something about it stops you from heading up the porch and knocking on the door. You’ve barely rounded the corner of the house, about to see what you can spot around the back, when someone is grabbing at you from behind. It’s a man, you can tell by their arms. One wraps around your middle, fastening one of your arms to your side, and the other comes to cover your mouth. It muffles your panicked yelps.
“Calm down, calm down, it’s me,” JJ’s whispering frantically in your ear.
It doesn’t stop your struggling though. He’s barely pulled you away from the house before you shake free, shoving him off you. He takes you by the wrist then, guiding you into the marshland.
“What the hell, JJ!”
“Shut up, alright? He’ll hear,” JJ shortly replies.
You do as he says begrudgingly and let him take you further from the house. Eventually, JJ lets go. He takes a second to catch his breath, bringing his arms up to clasp his hands behind his head, back facing you as he paces.
“What’s going on?” you ask.
He shakes his head. “Don’t matter.”
Turning around, it seems as though his whole demeanour has reset. Well, almost. There’s a tension in his muscles that he can’t fully shake. You overlook it the same way you overlook the bruise forming near his eye. It’s brown and purple. Definitely caused by more than a tap on a doorframe.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“I had to come see you,” you say. Suddenly, with the spotlight on you, the confidence that Charlotte instilled within you falters. “About the other day.”
“The other day?”
“Yeah, on your porch…” you clumsily say.
JJ raises his brows, changing his weight from one leg to the other. It seems easier to fixate on his cap rather than meet his eyes. It’s green and purposefully frayed on the edges; it compliments his skin tone well. Swallowing your pride with a sigh, you awkwardly twiddle your fingers.
“I came to apologise for how I reacted.”
“You did?”
Your eyes dart down from his hat to meet his. “Yeah. I shouldn’t have questioned your motives. It was dumb of me, and stupid, and…dumb.”
“Said that one already.”
“Shut up.”
You sigh and rub at your forehead like this conversation is causing you a headache. It turns out pride and stubbornness are sisters.
“Anyway, I just wanted to come and say sorry and see if you still wanted to go. Maybe,” you rush out.
“You wanna go to the spring ball?” JJ frowns.
“Yeah. Charlotte wants to go and my dad—You know what, that doesn’t matter. Because you’re right,” you tell him, cutting yourself off in the process.
His eyebrows almost shoot into his hairline with that. Something tells you that he doesn’t hear that phrase a whole lot.
“It would be funny to rub it in the kook-club faces. And maybe I’d actually enjoy the night if I went with you.”
JJ purses his lips and plants his hands on his hips, looking off to the greenery. You know what he’s doing. He’s basking in this moment, with you stood, tail between your legs, and milking it for what it’s worth. It isn’t exactly amusing, but it does somehow ease your anxiety.
“So, you’re saying that I’m right and that you want me to take you to your fancy spring ball?”
“Yes,” you reply through gritted teeth.
“Huh.” JJ nods, pulling a face. “So this is what it feels like to be right…"
"It’s oddly unsettling.”
“Look, do you wanna go or not, cause I’ve got plenty of other things I can do with—”
JJ makes it to you with two large strides. Your face is enveloped by his hands as he guides your lips to yours in a smooch-like kiss. It’s awfully annoying how all of your worries seem to melt away with that one gesture.
“Yes. I’ll go with you,” JJ says the minute he pulls back.
You want his lips on yours again already, but you practice restraint. Bringing a hand up to lay over one of his, you look up into his eyes. God, he’s so dreamy.
“I’m sorry for questioning your motives,” you repeat, more sincerely now.
JJ swallows before nodding. “You’re, uh, you’re forgiven. I’m sorry too, for saying the things that I did. I gotta pretty ugly temper sometimes and I just speak without thinking.”
You missed the smile that comes to your face. Nobody makes you smile like JJ does. Nobody gets you like JJ does either. As if trying to tell him so, you lean up and kiss him again. You can feel his smile against yours, melding and merging like you’re two of the same souls. You assume that this is JJ’s way of saying yes; he’ll join you to the spring ball.
There was a rumour that your sister punched Rafe at the spring ball. That one you weren’t sure about.  
The yacht club was a cream building with pastel green shutters and doors. It stood in front of the beach, surrounded by perfectly trimmed green fields and a stone’s throw from a golf course. Several flags stuck out of the thatched roof, waving proudly in the air. For the spring ball, the porch had been decorated with ivy and flowers. Purple and blue blossoms were intertwined with foliage and string-lights, dancing up the poles as if growing. The main event was held in the back, facing the sea. The extensive decorations continued, only now with white sheer-like fabric hanging from place to place, creating somewhat of a shelter. A makeshift dancefloor was put down using wooden boards directly before a small stage for live musicians to perform throughout the night. Tables for snacks which looked as though they’d been meticulously crafted by God himself lined the back wall of the building.
“Holy crap,” you can’t help but mutter at the sight of it all.
JJ whistles lowly in wordless agreement. His fingers intertwine with yours, squeezing, and you look up to him.
“Ready for this?” he asks.
“Are you?”
He grins with that. “Baby, I was born ready to show these Kooks a good time.”
You roll your eyes, smile flowering on your features, and guide the two of you up the porch. The moment you pass Mr and Mrs Johnson, dressed in the over-the-top attire, you hear their hushed whispers. It makes your smile grow.
JJ manages to snag a couple of drinks for the two of you from the bar. You sip and lead the two of you outside, into the belly of the beast. Adults stand chatting away, gushing falsely over their lives. Did you hear the Carol got accepted into Yale? Oh, isn’t it just marvellous! You spot Charlotte fairly quickly and it brightens the night. She’s dancing with Louis, giggling like a child on Christmas morning, and he’s watching her like she hung the stars shining in the sky above.
You and JJ find a quieter spot to the side to people watch. Your leg rests against his as you perch, sipping on the champagne.
“You look beautiful, by the way,” JJ says, breaking the silence.
Looking to him, you smile. He’s the only person who can make you bashful. “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean, I kinda forget to say earlier,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. You love when he does that. It makes you giddy to know you have that kind of effect on him.
“Well, what I think you said was ‘wow’,” you correct.
You know that’s what he said. You think the look on his face, somewhat mesmerised, and the way that the words made your heart hammer like you’d run a marathon, will be permanently etched in your memory.
JJ smiles, looking down to his shoes. You have no idea where he got them from. They’re seemingly brand-new leather loafers, starkly different to his worn-down combat boots.
“You don’t clean up too bad yourself, Maybank,” you clumsily compliment.
He shrugs, confidence somewhat boosted. Glancing down at you, he asks, “Oh really?”
“Mhm. Kinda like you in a penguin suit,” you say.
You fix his collar just for an excuse to touch him. He seems to realise this, wrapping his fingers around your wrist to hold it steady before dipping his head down. Your lips meet his in a chaste kiss that has your toes squirming.
“You wanna walk around. Show my penguin suit off to a few more people?”
You laugh quietly, nodding. “Sure.”
The peruse of the party is probably heightened by the alcohol that JJ keeps managing to sneak for the two of you. At any opportunity, you’re whispering in his ear or his in yours with jokes and jabs about people’s outfits. Rose, looking like lady liberty. Mr Dulany, here to haunt us from his grave. As the night rumbles on, you find yourself actually enjoying it. Somehow, someway, the two of you find yourselves on the dance floor. You’re letting JJ swing you around in some makeshift jive to the mini orchestra’s upbeat rhythm. His theatrics have you practically doubling over. JJ was born with two left feet and then some. You don’t care though. It’s perfect.
When the song ends, there’s a lull as the band catches their breath and sips on some water. The crowd applauses, including yourself, and JJ nods at you as if approving of the talent. It makes you laugh even more. Just as you go to make a joke about it, an all too familiar swell of violins emerges from the stage. Your lips part, head darting over, hands pausing mid-applause, because there’s no way. There is no way that they’re playing what you think they’re playing.
The melody materialises out of the melancholic chords and your heart breaks into a million pieces. Cinema Paradiso: Love Theme.
You scoff in wonderous disbelief, extending a finger dumbly to the stage as you look to JJ, mouth agape. He’s grinning, watching you like he was waiting for your reaction. It patches your heart back together in an instant.
“They’re…” you begin to say.
He nods. Leaning forward, beside your ear, he tells you, “I called in a favour.”
You pull back suddenly, meeting his gaze, checking for some sign of a lie. But he isn’t. He’s smiling, sweet and safe, and you can’t help but step towards him and wrap your arms over his shoulders, around his neck. He accepts your embrace willingly, hands finding solace around your waist. JJ holds you against him as the two of you sway. You practically hide your face in the lapel of his blazer, smiling like a drunk. He did this for you. He remembered this specific song, this specific reprise, for you. The weight of the realisation nearly brings you to tears. Nearly.
In this cocoon of JJ, it feels as though the music coils around the two of you like a snake, trapping you in the lovingly lugubrious song. It ties in perfectly with the distant sound of the ocean. That’s when you realise that you’ll never be able to hear either of those things again without thinking of the seventeen-year-old boy who busted his ass to win you over. You have no idea what you did to deserve him, or what possessed him to pursue you, but whatever it was, you’re eternally grateful.
It takes a split-second to register the hand shoving at your shoulder. It pushes you apart from JJ, making you stumble over your heels as they catch in your dress. After untangling it, you look up to find Rafe’s back facing you. Stepping around him, about to intervene, you see JJ’s face. Something about his expression stops you. He looks anxious.
He looks terrified.
“Look, I didn’t pay you to take out her psycho sister just so some little punk can take out Charlotte instead.”
In that instant, JJ looks like someone who’s just found out his whole religion is a lie, and it’s his fault.
The words parse together slowly. Each syllable as it registers feels like another vice wrapping around your lungs, robbing you of air.
Pay you…
To take out…
Her psycho sister…
JJ isn’t looking at Rafe. He’s not even acknowledging that he exists. He’s staring at you. It doesn’t feel like his usual stare; the kind that makes you feel like he can see you through smog. No. It makes you feel exploited.
That’s when you finally find enough oxygen in your body to form some words.
“Nothing in it for you, huh?”
That same God-awful feeling from the other days returns but tenfold stronger. The urge to just get as far away from JJ as humanly possible. The urge to run. You turn and rush away from the dancefloor, from the crowds, from whatever chaos is bound to follow Rafe like a shadow. From JJ. From the only person you’ve ever really trusted since your mom.
Even though you’re outside, the air feels suffocating. You’re trying to navigate your way around the building, to the carpark where you can call an Uber or just walk home. Anything, anything¸ but stay here, near him.
But JJ’s persistent. You’d known that from the moment you met him. You can hear him calling for you, his voice desperate, and it makes everything hurt even more. He’s faster than you, especially when you’re wearing heels. When he catches up to you, his fingers wrap around your upper arm.
“Please! Please, just lemme explain!” JJ pleads.
“You were paid to take me out by the one person I truly hate.”
You shake him off and turn to face him. He looks guilty as sin and you can’t do it. Can’t bare it. Turning again, you continue to walk away.
“I knew this was a set up.”
The gut feeling from the porch is so horrifically ironic. You should have known. You should have known.
“It wasn’t like that!” JJ insists.
“Really?” You snap. He grabs for you again and you stop, meeting his gaze. You’re not sure how you’re not sobbing. “What was it like? A down payment now and then a bonus for sleeping with me?”
“No, look, I didn’t care about the money, alright!?” JJ desperately insists. You can’t seem to look away. His eyes hold so much feeling but it all feels so lifeless now. “I…I cared about you.”
It all feels so fake.
“I don’t believe you,” you whisper.
Shaking your head, you swallow thickly. The tears finally come, teasing at your waterline, stinging like Rafe’s words from moments ago.
“You’re so not who I thought you were.”
JJ almost physically winces. You push his hand off your arm and go to leave but he’s relentless. He takes you by the wrist with a firm grip, his other hand taking you by the jaw. Then his lips are on yours. The kiss isn’t like the others. It’s dirty and disgusting and disingenuous and desperate, and you shove him off by the shoulders. You glance over him, wet cheeked, like he didn’t cause this. But he did. He hurt you. He hurt you.
This time, when you walk away, JJ doesn’t chase you. Maybe that’s what hurts most of all.
There was a rumour that JJ was paid to take you out. That one was horrifically, painfully true.
When your mom left you cried for a week. Endlessly, morning through to night, tear after tear. It would sometimes pass, but then it would hit again, out of the blue, like a boat colliding with an iceberg in the sea in the vast darkness of night. But after a week, you didn’t have anything left. You just felt hollow and empty. Then you promised that you wouldn’t cry about her anymore.
“You want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”
You sigh and try to focus on the comforting black and white picture on your laptop. George Bailey stands beside sweet little Mary, stood in the night.
“Hey, that’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon, Mary.”
“I’ll take it.”
The gentle knock on your door is almost a blessing. It’s hard to distract yourself from the awful pain in your chest.
“Come in,” you call out.
Charlotte creeps in, closing the door behind her. She leans against it and looks at you. You’re wallowing in your bed, tucked under a blanket, surrounded by comfort snacks that Mia brought for you and tissues.
“What’s up?” you ask her when she doesn’t speak.
She shakes her head and walks over, climbing onto the bed. She crawls around so she can lie on her back, and you wordlessly turn yourself over, rest your head on her stomach, and begin to cry for what feels like the millionth time. Her fingers lovingly stroke your hair, soothing you through your pain. Suddenly, you’re immensely thankful for your sister. You wouldn’t want her any other way than how she is, no matter how whiny and spoilt she can sometimes get.
“Charlotte?” you sniffle.
“Yeah?” she quietly asks.
It feels like another splinter cracks into your heart as the confession falls from your lips. “I really miss mom.”
She’s still a moment, and then she’s wrapping her arms around you, hugging you tight and close. For once, you don’t pull back. You let yourself be held by your little sister.
“I know,” she whispers. “I do too.”
There was a rumour that JJ regretted what he did. You weren’t sure if that one was true, but you wanted to know.
About a week after the spring ball, you finally brave the outside world. The old movie shop is your first point of call considering you made your way through all your ‘to be watched’ films in the past seven days. It’s nice knowing that you won’t run into anyone in the shop; that you can lose yourself to the world of fiction in sepia and black and white.
The brass bell chimes as you walk through the door.
“Hiya Lucy,” you say.
She glances up from the spreadsheet she’s ticking at, smiling at the sight of you. Then, as if something dawns upon her, she’s waving out her hands for you to pause. “I have something to give you!”
You didn’t put anything on hold. Wandering over to the counter, you lean against it as Lucy ducks down to rummage for something under the desk. Eventually, she heaves an old typewriter onto the counter.
“There’s a note, too,” she says, bobbing back down to search.
Whilst she looks, you reach out a finger and trace it over the iron letters. They’re cold and a little dusty, and beautifully ornate. It’s painted black with gold accents. You’ve never seen something so beautifully vintage. Maybe your dad or Charlotte put it aside for you, as a pick-me-up. You can’t imagine it to be very cheap, not with the quality it is in and the year it was made.
“Here,” Lucy sighs. She holds out a small envelope for you. You take it with a small thanks and open it up.
For you to write your movies.
The two initials printed in black ink make you pause. You stare at it, throat constricting painfully at the sight. You look to the typewriter again and then back to the note. Just like everything else with JJ, you’re overcome by a confusing concoction of emotions.
Remembering Lucy, you flash her a hopefully unbothered smile and tuck the note in your back pocket.
“Thanks, Lucy,” you say. You brace yourself and lift the typewriter with a huff.
“You got it?”
“Yep, yep,” you strain, beginning towards the door. Some nice old lady holds it open for you as you struggle out, hollering a farewell to the storeowner as you go.
The whole drive home, the typewriter watches you. It watches you as you park and it watches you fight your way up the stairs. Finally, in the quiet of your room, you sit and digest the note. It’s funny that a one sentence message has left you so stumped. But you don’t know what it means. An apology, most likely. But is that enough? An apology for lying to your face for over a month. For letting you open up to him and for letting you believe that he was doing the same, only to find out there was a paycheck at the end.
It's so frustrating that no matter how you try to, and no matter how much easier it would be if you did, you just don’t hate him. You don’t. You can’t. You can’t believe that everything that happened between you was a front. Every little anecdote and gesture, ever look and kiss, was all an act. It just can’t be. Just like you’d said to JJ on the beach, feelings aren’t mutually exclusive. ‘You can be mad at someone and still miss them.’ Is that what this was?
Pulling open your desk drawer, you turf around for some pages of plain paper. You tuck them into the typewriter and practice a few of the keys. There’s the aesthetic clack as they mark the page and the ping when the edge of the page is met. Once you feel confident in how it works, you slot a new piece of paper in the machine and sigh. And then, you begin to type.
I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick.
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you’re always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you’re not around
And the fact that you didn’t call.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you.
Not even close.
Not even a little bit.
Not even at all.
You reread the poem time and time again. It feels like healing, in a strange way, almost as if you’re soothing your wounds with a homemade balm. Finally, for the first time in a week, you feel yourself give a genuine smile. Gently taking the paper from the typewriter, you deliberate what to do with it. The answer comes to you clear like the water at daybreak.
There was a rumour…
Like clockwork, you find JJ on the fishing jetty. His back is to you once more, only this time he’s wearing a loose navy-blue button shirt. Those same cargo shorts and those same combat boots adorn his lower half. His long, tousled mousy-blonde hair is out free, not buried under a cap: your favourite style on him. You make your way down the jetty slowly, giving yourself time to change your mind. There’s a nervousness in your stomach and it doubles when JJ glances over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps. The moment he sees you, he leaves his rod propped and turns around fully.
“Hey,” he breaths.
You come to a stop in front of him, leaving a safe distance. “Hey.”
“What, uh…I didn’t know you were coming here,” he eventually says.
You shrug. “I didn’t know I was, ‘til now.”
He nods, uneasy, and pushes his fingers through his hair. His wonderful nervous fidget. You love that one almost as much as the neck scratch.
“The typewriter?”
“The typewriter. What’s that for?”
He shrugs, gesturing out to you. “For your movies. So you can write those films that you wanna make.”
“But what’s it for?”
JJ catches your gaze and flounders. He shakes his head and glances off, inspecting a corner of the jetty. You take a step forward but he seems to think you’re going to leave, because suddenly he’s looking up at you again and talking. “I’m really sorry about how everything went down.”
You pause in place and watch him. In one of your hands is the poem, folded up into a tiny rectangle, withered at the seams from fiddling.
JJ shakes his head. “I’m not proud of it. At first, I was happy to. I mean, I was getting paid to take out some random chick. I don’t come from much and that amount of money can stretch a long way.”
“I know,” you quietly say.
“No, you don’t,” JJ says. He isn’t exactly angry; it seems he just wants to be clear. “My dad’s a deadbeat, alright? He gets fired from every gig he gets and I gotta help keep the lights on. It ain’t your fault, and I’m not blaming you, but you don’t know what it’s like living from paycheck to paycheck. You ain’t ever had to worry about going hungry, or not having gas or power for a week, or going without internet for a month. So, when Rafe offered me $50, course I said yes. I’m a scumbag who’s dirt-broke with no fucking morals.”
You can’t help but close your eyes. It hurts to hear him talk about himself like that. It hurts to hear him admit to taking the money.
“But then I actually got to know you,” JJ continues.
He’s watching you when you open your eyes. Gauging your reaction.
“And I meant everything I said to you. I didn’t make any of that shit up – the real stuff. And I meant it when I said nobody has ever understood me like you do,” JJ tells you. His voice is thick and weighty with emotion.
You purse your lips in a bid to keep from crying. “What about the movies?”
“Well, I didn’t like them all that much before I met you,” JJ admits. “But you’ve made me a fan. To be honest, they make me think of you.”
“And the typewriter?” you can’t help but ask.
JJ’s lips tease to smile. “Well, this asshole paid me a whole bunch of money to take this really cool chick out. But I messed up and I fell for her, so I had to do something useful with the money.”
Your thumb brushes over the paper of the poem. It feels like a safety blanket. You can’t tear your eyes from his and it seems he feels the same. He nods, gently, as if confirming whatever doubt you have.
“I don’t expect you to just forgive me. I know you don’t trust easy and I threw that in your face. But I don’t wanna lose you. I want you around forever, if you’d let me.”
The heaviness in your gut is gone. There’s a feeling of enlightenment that washes over you. Here, stood before you, honest and open, pockets empty and heart on a platter…You find yourself taking a chance. The pain from your mom leaving you without rhyme or reason fades behind one simple fact: all people are different people.
You no longer want to give JJ the poem. It doesn’t feel right to, at least not right now. Pocketing it, you dampen your lips and deliberate.
Eventually, you nod, “I’ll let you. It’ll take time for me to trust you again, like I did before…But I don’t want to lose you either.”
JJ’s smile slowly grows. It’s your smile, the one he saves just for you, and you feel the pain already passing just by seeing it. Stepping towards him, you make the first move to reconnect. He’s more than happy to accept, pressing his lips to yours in a tender, tired kiss.
“‘Sides,” you say, looking up at him, arms thrown around his shoulders. “Everyone knows the best movies are when the couple gets together at the very end.”
551 notes · View notes
I've been dreaming of the Ambitious King.
Long live the King of Beasts, he who shines like the sun.
He stands atop the heap, clutching victory in his righteous grasp.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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"We've come to finals of the interschool Spelldrive tournament!" an announcer blares over the stadium. "It's down to the wire, and this will be the deciding round. With the scores tied, it’s anyone’s game!!"
A crowd chomps at the bit for a winner to emerge from the field. They lean forward in their seats, clutch onto hope, stuff their mouths with soda and popcorn. This is a show, the players, actors, and they, the audience.
Leona allows himself a smirk.
We’ll give’m a real show-stopper then. That crown is as good as mine.
“What should our strategy be this time, sir?” a teammate—a Scarabia student—asks.
They’re huddled shoulder to shoulder, one student contributed from each of the seven dorms. Their allegiances may lie in different places, but they all wear the same black and violet uniform. They are all Night Ravens, united under one banner: his.
“We’ll finish this in a single decisive blow,” Leona replies, snapping his goggles on. “I’ll take the disc and score us that final point. The rest of you, cover me.”
“You heard the boss,” the smallest player says. It’s Epel, tiny but feisty—a contrast to his big blue eyes and lilac waves of hair. “Don’t worry, Leona-senpai! I’ll fer sure keep’m offa yer tail!”
“That’s what I like to hear, kid.” He raises his head and calls, “Clear!”
And with that, the players peel off into their own positions. The other team, uniforms pristine white and hemmed in royal blue, are patiently waiting. Leona pulls up to the center of the field where the referee and the opposing team’s leader await.
When he looks, he falters.
It’s a face that is frighteningly similar to his own.
The same skin color, the same lion ears and tail, the same construction of the features—if not softer and more friendly. His mane is held up in a ponytail, bright red-orange that fades into a golden yellow. He’s younger than he should be, missing the slight creases under his warm brown eyes and the lines that flank his perpetually smiling mouth.
An icy dread creeps up from his core. The world around him seems to slow and come to a complete stop.
But this can’t be. My brother is 10 years older than me. He’s no longer a student, he’s—
“Leona? Is something wrong?” Falena inquires with a cheeky grin. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to play against family.”
Annoyance flares up.
Brother or not, Leona detests that smile. The smile of a man that has robbed him of everything.
“Dream on,” he snarls back. “I’m overthrowing Royal Sword Academy and you."
The referee lets the disc drop and blows into his whistle. “BEGIN!!”
"Aaand it's started!!" the announcer declares.
His body instinctively kicks into action. He swipes the frisbee, keeping it afloat in a blaze of blood-red magic.
RSA swarm him, magical pens at the ready.
“Protect him…!” he hears Epel shout. “Protect the king!!”
His team charges, each of them trained on their target. NRC and RSA, reflecting the other, copying movements as they bound around on the field, seeking an opening or cutting it off.
Leona blows into enemy territory, furiously racing to the goal post.
"What's this?! It looks like Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team has already devised a plan to secure victory. They're closing off any aid the RSA team can offer to each other!"
The crowd revs up like an engine coming alive, a slumbering city waking. Blood thunders in his ears, louder than his audience.
"Oh no, you don't!"
"Oooh, and here comes the upset! It's Captain Kingscholar of the RSA team, come to interfere with the game plan!"
Leona swerves, and a stream of fire narrowly misses him. "Tsk!"
A flash of red and gold, and there's his brother at his side. "Sorry, Leona. It won't be that easy."
"Knock it off. I don't have time to play games with you!"
He dives, trying to shake Falena off--but he pursues, relentless in the chase. They thread each other in the sky, trading spells.
Explosions of heat and color. Shards of ice whizzing by, columns of water. Windy whips lashing at them. All-consuming light and darkness.
"This is amazing, folks! We are witnessing a brotherly quarrel the likes of which we've never seen before... Look at that dazzling display of flight technique and spellwork!"
Through it all, Falena' laughs.
So carefree, so cheerful. A knife twists in his chest, and the anger spikes again.
"That's enough...! I'm ending this," Leona snarls.
His magic collects in a single sphere. There is no body to it, no true shape--only a contained vortex of gales. They violently churn in an endless cycle, raising a storm in a jar.
He sends it hurtling at Falena, who moves to conjure a barrier--
Too late.
The ball expands, releasing its energy in one deep sigh. The audience is slammed back into their seats, the players blown to the ground or sent crashing into the bounds of the stadium. They're dazed, confused, scrambling to rebalance on their brooms.
The path, he sees, is clear.
He lets out a monstrous roar and blitzes for the goal post. The disc sparkles, charging with power for the final blow as he gallops toward his prize.
The announcer hops back on, his voice frantic. "Could this be it?! Can Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team reclaim the throne from his brother?!"
Noise builds around him. RSA players calling out to each other, NRC players changing his name, the crowd cheering.
It's now or never.
Leona spikes the disc with all his might. It clears, the winning shot like a shooting star. Some golden object encapsulated in a blaze of fire.
The adrenaline in his blood sings with triumph. His tired muscles, his heavy breathing, the sweat upon his brow--badges of honor.
The sound intensifies, joined by whistles and shrieks. Feet stomping, hands clapping. People standing and hugging their neighbors. (Leona thinks he sees Crowley among them, sobbing uncontrollably.)
“This is incredible, ladies and gentlemen! You’ve just witnessed history being made today…! Night Raven College has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, breaking Royal Sword Academy’s 99 year win streak!!"
Leona slowly returns to the ground, dismounting from his broom. He lands beside Falena, who is sprawled on his back and wearing the usual smile.
"Ahahah, looks like you beat me," he says casually.
"... Fool. Get up, you look ridiculous. The acting king of the Sunset Savanna shouldn't be rolling around in the dirt." Leona looks away, but awkwardly offers a hand.
Falena laughs and accepts it, hauling himself up. "That's a funny joke. When did you get a sense of humor?"
He scowled. "I didn't make one."
"Are you still half asleep? And you still beat me?" Falena punches him in the bicep. "That's my talented big bro."
"What... big bro?"
There it is again: something cold and sinister inside of him. The lingering feeling of wrongness.
Suddenly, the adrenaline in him turns toxic, and he feels as though his flesh and bones are burning. Leona seizes Falena by the shoulders and shakes him.
"What the hell is going on... Gaaah!"
A metallic screech fills the stadium. Pain blossoms in his ears, and Leona rushes to guard them, hands dropping away from Falena.
"Oops, sorry! Technical difficulties, folks!" the announcer apologizes. "It looks like even our equipment wants to cheer for Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team, the star player of today! Let's give him a round of applause!!"
They explode with excitement, Clapping and calling out louder than he can think.
"What a judicious young man!"
"He controls such powerful magic with ease...!"
He stands there, shocked, at the rain of adoration. Him, recognized? Respected, saluted, and seen as the wonder he is? Him?
His mind clouds.
What is this,,,?
He turns, finding his teammates jogging over, Epel at the head. There are members of his own dorm with them--Ruggie, Jack.
"We gotcha now, Leona-san! Thought you could get away without getting your fur ruffled, huh?" Ruggie snickers, then gives Jack a thumbs-up. "Alright, fellas. You know what to do!"
"Hah, the hell is this? I didn't ask for a surprise after working my tail off."
"Sorry, Leona-senpai! Ruggie-senpai's orders!" Jack says very seriously. "This is the only way to give you a proper sendoff for carrying us to victory... You've earned it!"
"1, 2, 3...!"
Leona is seized and hoisted into the air with a collective whoop of excitement. Tossed up, up, up. The stadium lights glaring, sound blasting.
He returns back to his peer's arms, and heaved up again. Down and up, down and up. Each pass makes him more nauseous, blinded and deafened by the dizzying joy.
"Long live the king! Long live the king!!" they chant.
The king... me? Leona fights against it, pushing as hard as he can.
But his body is tired, his mental capacities drained, his emotions worn. The situation, too sweet, too cloying.
I'm... the king... I won. This is my prize.
He closes his eyes and lets himself fall.
This time, for good.
When he opens them again, he swears he sees a dark figure flying high above the stadium. Not on a broom, but floating of his own accord. A pair of horns protrudes him his head, and he glimpses a pair of ghostly white hands clapping.
One additional spectator with glowing green eyes.
"Congratulations, Kingscholar."
210 notes · View notes
lilacmingi · 10 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader
Word count: 4,790
Note: I’m doing something new with this little series. Each part will have two imagines based on the duos from the Bouncy music video, so you guys are getting TWO imagines in one :D
Hongjoong released a long sigh, staring through the telescope he held between his glove-clad hands.
"Tired?" You questioned.
He scoffed. "No."
"I'm used to staying up late. You should know this by now."
"Yeah, yeah." You waved a dismissive hand, repositioning yourself on the raised platform Hongjoong sat upon, fixing your gaze on the city below. "How many nights are we going to spend keeping watch out here like this?"
"Until we get the signal."
"The signal." You muttered through a sigh of exasperation. "And when will we be getting that?"
"Don't know." Hongjoong pushed the telescope closed and set it aside.
You leaned back, resting on your palms while gazing out at the nighttime cityscape lit up with vibrant neon hues from the different signs displayed on buildings. The streets were empty, completely vacant and void of any civilians. This place you called your temporary home was practically a ghost town. Despite the people here being away from the government's control, they all seemed to prefer to move quietly throughout to city so as not to draw any attention to themselves.
The sound of a motorcycle revving loudly echoed somewhere in the distance.
Well, except some people.
Hongjoong chuckled softly. "That must be Seonghwa."
"Must be. What is he doing anyway?"
"Riding around with his new motorcycle gang I suppose."
"That doesn't seem like something that pertains to the plan."
"No, but who says we can't have a little fun while we wait to put the plan in motion? He grinned.
"Yeah. You have a point."
"Plus, we're just regular civilians going about our daily lives. Isn't that right?"
Hongjoong adjusted the hat on his head, pushing it back enough to where he could look up at the stars. His cowboy attire was a bit ridiculous, but it was his disguise and unfortunately yours as well. All the boys were staying in separate hideouts around the city. You, Hongjoong, and Mingi were located in a part of the city that had a more western feel to it and in order to blend in, you had to dress the part. Not only that, but the boys were wanted for their crimes against the government and they needed to keep a low profile, lest they get captured by the android guardians.
"Mingi's face is plastered all over the city." You commented, recalling the numerous sketches of him you had seen stuck to nearly every building.
"I know."
"You don't think our cover is gonna get blown?"
"No. There have been plenty of times we've almost been caught in the past, but we always make it out."
He had a point. All of them were uncannily lucky when it came to escaping the clutches of the android guardians. Yes, Yeosang got captured once, but he was brought back completely unscathed with his emotions still intact. That was a miracle in and of itself. There wasn't a day that went by where the boys weren't thankful for all eight of them being safe.
"At this point, what are we even watching for? Nothing has happened in Prestige Academy for months."
"We're not watching for anything. We're just keeping an eye on them."
You hummed and nodded, your fingers mindlessly fiddling with the fringe on your vest.
"Do you ever miss home?" You questioned, eyes locked on the dreary slate gray city of Strictland far in the distance—a reminder of how vastly dissimilar this world was from the one you grew up in.
Hongjoong pursed his lips in thought.
"Not really. Our lives weren't exactly perfect and it seemed like none of us had a purpose. The group broke apart and everyone was dealing with their own issues. Here, we have a purpose and whatever problems we had back home are insignificant now, especially compared to the threat we're facing here." There was a brief pause before he added, "What about you?"
"Do I miss home?" You questioned.
He nodded.
"No, but sometimes yes. Back in our world, I felt stuck I guess. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and I felt like I was being held back. If you can believe it, I feel more free here, even with all the rules the government is trying to enforce."
Hongjoong chuckled softly. "I get what you mean."
"When we first started this journey together, I was terrified. I didn't think I had it in me to make such daring moves, but now I want to do thrilling things like infiltrating an academy, but I do sometimes miss the normality of my old life. I miss hanging out with you guys in that old tin building."
"I do too." Hongjoong smiled fondly, turning to you. "But it's like I said earlier, who says we can't have a little fun? This dystopian world may be bleak, but we can still take it easy and have moments of normalcy."
The light from the large neon sign reading The Goat shone along his face, highlighting his side profile as he looked at you. It was a heavenly sight and one that had your heart thumping wildly with adoration.
You felt strongly about Hongjoong and had been quietly swooning over him for a long time now. Unfortunately, with all of the chaos constantly going on around you, there was no possibility of confessing. However, in this moment of vulnerability, you found yourself uttering something you normally wouldn't say.
"I'm glad I'm here with you."
Hongjoong's head lifted at your words. Now that he was looking at you, his eyes studying your face, you got nervous.
"Sorry." You murmured an apology, fiddling with the fringe of your vest again. "It's just that... well, you mean a lot to me and if we hadn't gone on this rollercoaster of a journey together and I stayed at our old home I'd probably be miserable. What I'm trying to say is that I'm thankful that we stuck together."
His gaze softened, a gentle smile gracing his pretty lips.
"I feel the same way."
A beat passed and Hongjoong scooted closer, it was unnoticed by you, as you'd turned your gaze back to the neon dotted cityscape ahead, staring out at the nighttime scene. His lips pressed together in momentary contemplation while his fingers fidgeted with the chains attached to his black leather gloves.
Hongjoong was a smart man, but your words caused him some confusion. Was that a confession? A subtle way to declare your feelings without saying it outright? Maybe you were just showing him appreciation for your companionship—or maybe you were hinting that you wanted something more. He hoped it was the latter.
There was only one way to find out.
He had taken on the android guardians multiple times, broke into a museum to steal the Cromer, snuck around Strictland to set up speakers, and now he was planning to infiltrate Prestige Academy to save as many students as possible, which would be one of their biggest and riskiest plans ever. Confessing is nothing compared to that. It should be a piece of cake. Keyword should.
Swallowing his pride and pushing away his nerves, he leaned over towards you, the movement grabbing your attention. Seeing how close he was made you tense up, but you didn't make any efforts to move away. Truthfully, you didn't want to.
His eyes were a little wider than usual, hesitancy swimming in his brown irises. The reason for that reluctance, you didn't know.
"Hongjoong?" Your voice came out much quieter than you intended. "What's happening?"
"I'm about to kiss you."
There was a brief pause of silence as your brain processed what he had just said. The only word that managed to come out of your mouth in response was,
You hardly had time to internally cringe at your lame response as Hongjoong's lips made contact with yours, promptly silencing your thoughts. Their softness alone had your mind turning to mush, your eyelids sliding closed as you practically melted into him. His gloved hand moved to cradle the side of your face while your hands relocated from your lap to the nape of his neck to keep him held close, hoping that this moment would last long enough for you to believe it wasn't a dream. His kisses were so delicate and slow. It felt like he was pouring all of his emotions into it, conveying just how much you meant to him with each gentle press of his lips.
Only a few moments passed before Hongjoong's kisses became a little more heated as he picked up the pace, moving his lips with more urgency. He even nipped at your bottom lip a couple times, earning a quiet squeak of surprise from you. You were thankful to be sitting down or else your knees would have given out on the spot. He chuckled lowly against your lips, amused by your reaction. His sultry laugh made your heart thump rapidly, your hands tightening into fists.
It wasn't long before your hands moved to his hat, pulling it off his head and tossing it to the side somewhere so you could card your fingers through his blue locks, grabbing handfuls of it. He let out a low hum that vibrated against your lips and sent a rush of butterflies to your stomach. After a particularly dizzying kiss, you sighed out his name, your mind far too clouded to realize what you had said. Hongjoong couldn't ignore the way that lit a fire in him. He liked how you sounded and he wanted to hear it again.
At this point, keeping watch was at the back of Hongjoong's mind. All he could think about was you and how glorious it felt to be kissing you like this and what it would take for you to say his name again.
"Say my name." He sighed out between heated kisses. "Please."
You did as he asked, repeating his name in a breathless whisper, egging him on.
His hand that cupped your cheek slid around to the back of your neck, his thumb gently rubbing your nape. You suppressed a shiver as he took your bottom lip between his, encasing it in warmth.
The both of you parted ways, Hongjoong's eyes looking hazy while his tongue darted out to wet his lips that were slightly swollen from your intense make out session. It seemed impossible, but he looked even more stunning than usual.
"What was that for?" You questioned breathlessly.
"I didn't know how else to convey my feelings."
"So, instead of just confessing, you did something riskier by kissing me?" You asked amusedly.
"What can I say? I'm a man who likes to take risks." The statement was confident, but judging by the pink tinting the tips of his ears, the thought of straight up confessing hadn't crossed his mind.
"Now what?"
"Well..." Hongjoong trailed off, his hand finding yours. "We can be together and still take down Prestige."
You gave a lighthearted chuckle. "Alright then. If you think you can handle balancing a relationship and overthrowing the government."
"Please." He scoffed playfully. "I'm the captain. I can handle anything."
Hongjoong's eyes shifted slightly, moving away from your face and focusing on something in the distance.
"Someone's coming." He announced, his gaze fixed on a figure riding a delivery scooter.
You chuckled softly even though you were bummed out that the moment had ended.
Duty calls.
He scrambled for his telescope, opening it up and peering through the glass.
"We didn't order any food." You mused.
"I know."
He zeroed in on a logo stuck to the delivery scooter that read Blue Bird Delivery. A silent sigh of relief was released. As the person approached, Hongjoong began messing with the pulley system attached to the roof of the building, lowering a beat up metal bucket to the ground below.
The moped came to a stop and the rider pulled out a plastic bag, placing it in the bucket before Hongjoong raised it.
"Is that Yeosang?"
"I think so."
The driver, who you assumed to be Yeosang got back onto the scooter and took off towards his next destination.
Hongjoong removed the plastic bag, carelessly tossing it aside as he opened the styrofoam takeout container. Inside was a single Cheongyang chili pepper.
Your brows furrowed in perplexmxent, wondering why Yeosang would bring you something like that. Hongjoong removed the paper from the container and examined it briefly. Glancing around, he broke open the green chili pepper, pulling out a rolled up note that had been put inside.
"What it is?" You inquired, watching as he unraveled it.
"It's time."
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐈 | 민기
The atmosphere in the dim Chili Peppers bar was filled with the sound of low murmuring from the few patrons it housed, the occasional sound of clinking glasses or pool being played accompanied the low conversations. You pressed the corners of the wrinkled paper to the wall, hanging a new wanted poster, this one bigger than the ones that already hung there. Most of them depicted the same man while others showed images of a few other fugitives who were believed to run in the same group. The only thing that was different from the rest was that any poster that showed this particular man said DEAD OR ALIVE in large letters. You weren't exactly sure as to why this man was wanted, but you heard whispers throughout the city that he looted local businesses in the area and sometimes traveled with a group of other fugitives. Some even say he runs with the masked men in fedoras, but you're not sure—this town talks a lot.
The wooden doors of the saloon squeaked as they were pushed open by a strong force. A tall figure stepped into the establishment, all of the attention drawn to him, the chatter in the bar coming to an abrupt stop. Every patron in the saloon had their heads directed towards the stranger, their eyes following him across the room. He wore a large hat that blocked his face, keeping his head low as he approached the bar you stood behind. You took note of the large shotgun strapped to his back, not thinking too much of it, as quite a few people around here carried weapons with them.
"How can I help you?" You asked, leaning on the wooden bar top.
"Why else do you think I came to this bar?" The man responded, his voice low and incredibly deep.
"Not everybody comes into this bar to drink, you know."
"Soju." He responded, taking a seat on one of the stools.
Reaching underneath the bar, you grabbed a shot glass and a cold bottle of soju from the mini fridge. Cracking open the alcohol, you poured the clear liquid into a shot glass, sliding it over to the man. His gloved hand reached out and lifted the shot to his lips, downing it just as quickly as you had poured it. He slammed the glass down onto the counter with his head hanging low. It was only when he raised his head that you got a clear look at his face.
First, you noticed his strikingly handsome features, then instant recognition. This was the man from the wanted poster.
You opened your mouth to speak, but your voice was stuck in your throat as he stood up, pulling his long, leather coat back to flash the gun sitting in a holster on his hip.
"When I turn around, duck under the bar." He instructed lowly.
What? Is what you wanted to say, but you didn't have time as he spun around, pulling the gun out.
You dropped to the floor and covered your head as the sound of gunshots rang out above you, some stray bullets hitting the bottles of alcohol displayed behind the counter, the shattered glass falling onto you, liquor splashing onto the wooden boards of the floor.
You didn't even have time to consider wether you trusted this stranger or not, yet you did exactly as he said without a second thought. Then again, it was the only thing you knew to do when you saw him draw his weapon.
A thump sounded from above you, the noise drawing your attention. The man now stood on  the bar holding the shotgun that was previously strapped to his back, firing the weapon mercilessly. Based on the heavy thuds you heard after every shot, he was good.
"Alright. It's safe. You can come out now."
Deciding to peek out from your hiding spot, you slowly stood up, peering over the bar top. Bodies littered the floor, tables were overturned, and shell casings were scattered everywhere. Your eyes were blown wide in surprise as you took in the scene before you. The stranger hopped down off the bar, landing behind the counter with you. You unconsciously took a step back, still wary of the man.
"Who are you?" You asked in a shaky voice, rattled by the experience you just had.
When you didn't respond, he held his hands up in a placating manner to show he wasn't a threat.
"I won't hurt you. I'm a good guy."
Still skeptical, you studied him for a moment, your eyes scanning his sharp features for any signs of dishonesty.
"I saved you." He added.
"Saved me?"
"Yes. Everyone in this bar was working for the government."
Your expression shifted upon hearing that.
"Strictland is getting tougher on enforcing their rules and regulations. They were going to bring you in and have your emotions taken away."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing, shaking your head in denial.
"That's not possible. This is the outskirts of the city. The government has no control here."
"They're trying to."
Mingi could see your breathing start to quicken, a look of fear crossing your features.
"What do I do?"
"You come with me."
"But I don't know you."
"Have you ever heard of The Black Pirates?"
"They're a group of people who are rebelling against the government and trying to undo what Strictland has tried to enforce. Me and my friends work with them."
So that's why his picture is all over the city. Those other wanted posters are probably the friends he mentioned.
"Trust me, it's best if you listen and come with me." He added.
After taking a few seconds to think it over, you caved and agreed to go with Mingi. It seemed to be your best and only option.
"Smart girl." He commented. "Follow me."
Taking a final glance at the bar that was in complete disarray, you turned your back and followed Mingi out of the establishment. There was something sad about walking out of that dingy bar. It felt like you were leaving a part of you behind. Chili Peppers was a place you had spent a year working at and met many  different people. You were well-acquainted with the regulars and enjoyed catching up with them when they came in. It was a fun job and one that had marked a new start of your life, so walking away from it broke your heart.
"Can I go back?" You asked.
"Probably not. You'll need to lay low."
Unable to look at the bar any longer, you dropped your head and moved forward, rounding the corner of the building. It was only when Mingi came to a stop that you lifted your head.
He stood before the side of the Chili Peppers bar, staring at the multiple wanted posters depicting a sketch of his face that were plastered along the siding. Painted in harsh and aggressive black streaks across the posters was a giant Z. Mingi rolled his eyes, letting out an annoyed huff.
"So freaking persistent." He muttered under his breath.
"What's that?" You inquired.
His tongue poked the inside of his cheek in agitation. "He's the one in control of everything going on in Strictland."
You pressed your lips together as a bitter taste invaded your mouth. "I see."
Mingi turned to look at your expression, seeing the discomfort that flashed across your features as unwanted memories more than likely invaded your mind. It was clear to him that you felt ill will against Z.
"We all hate him." Mingi spoke up, hoping to ease your mind a bit. "That's why my friends are here. To get rid of all these rules and laws. This world is... wrong."
"I used to live in Strictland." You spoke up after a moment of silence. "I had to watch my friends turn into emotionless zombies. The android guardians tried to get me, but I fled. That's how I ended up here in the outskirts of the city. I felt safe... until now."
Mingi frowned upon hearing your story. Z and his twisted way of thinking has ruined so many lives. Your story was just a reminder of why he and his friends constantly put themselves in the line of danger and why they needed to continue doing so.
They wouldn't stop until this world was saved.
Your feet dragged through the dirt that lined the streets of the city, your eyes cast downward to stare at your shoes as they kicked up tiny puffs of dust.
"So, where are you taking me?"
"My hideout."
"And where is that?"
"Rooftop of The Goat."
"Rooftops aren't very secretive."
Mingi chuckled softly. "No, but it's the perfect spot to keep watch. My friends and I split off into groups of two so it would be harder for us to be tracked down and possibly caught if the android guardians decide to infiltrate this temporary safe haven. I've been staying in this part of town for a while."
"I heard about a group of people displaying acts of rebellion against Strictland's government and they've never been caught. It seems like they slip away in the nick of time every single time." You paused for a moment. "That was you and your friends, wasn't it?"
Mingi gave a nod.
A short walk through the dusty streets led you to the building with the giant neon sign reading: The Goat shining brightly at the rooftop, the word entrance accompanying the name of the building. It was then that you realized there were no doors.
"Come on." Mingi beckoned, climbing up a set of rickety metal stairs that lined the side of dilapidated building.
With each step, the stairs rattled softly and you hoped they would stay together long enough for you to reach the top.
"Hongjoong." Mingi announced, using his knuckles to knock lightly on a metal pipe as the both of you emerged on the rooftop.
"Oh, Mingi. Hi." A man with vibrant blue hair and cowboy attire greeted while peering through a telescope.
"Any news?"
"Not at all." The man who you assumed was Hongjoong lowered the telescope and pushed it together into its compact form before setting it aside. When he finally turned to look at Mingi, his eyes landed on you.
"Who's this?"
"You know I told you I was going to Chili Peppers to take care of some business?"
"Everyone sitting in that bar tonight was working for the government. Y/n was the bartender and the only one there with her emotions in tact. They were going to bring her in and brainwash her."
"The government has no jurisdiction here."
"They don't seem to care. You know Z is going to try and get his way no matter what."
"Great." Muttered Hongjoong. "Just what we needed."
Mingi removed his hat and let out a sigh, running his fingers through his short, choppily-cut pink hair.
"This is bad." He said to Hongjoong.
Meanwhile you were left to watch the tense exchange between the two, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. These two and their friends were the only people who could undo all of the damage Z has done to Strictland and here they are, visibly distraught.
"We still have the raid on Prestige." Hongjoong mentioned, making your ears perk up.
"Right." Mingi nodded. "That'll surely light a fire under Z. He won't see it coming."
Hongjoong peered into the distance, presumably where Prestige Academy sat.
"It's just a matter of time." He murmured.
"What's going on with Prestige?" You inquired, too curious to keep your mouth shut.
"We're going to sneak in and break everyone out of their trances. We've got an elaborate plan in place, we're just waiting to put it into motion." Mingi explained.
The government of Strictland was very powerful and this group of, you weren't sure how many people, are out here making big moves in order to save humanity. You commend them for their bravery but at the same time you wondered how someone could be so brave.
"I can't believe you guys do stuff like this."
"We have to. It's what we're here for." Mingi told you, his eyes holding a tsunami of emotions: commitment, determination, perhaps even a hint of fear.
"I'll leave you two alone." Hongjoong spoke up. "If you need me, I'll be downstairs."
With that, he stood up and entered a door that you assumed led to the inside of the building,  leaving the rooftop so you and Mingi could converse in private.
"Have a seat." The pink-haired male gestured to a raised platform resembling the front of a ship with two telescopes set up on it.
He stepped up on the platform, offering you a gloved hand to grab onto, which you did and allowed him to assist you onto the raised surface.
He set his hat aside and took a seat, his long legs hanging off the side of the platform. You followed suit and made yourself comfortable beside him, resting your arms on the metal bar of the railing that lined the ship-like structure.
"So, what's your story?" You asked, gently swinging your legs back and forth.
Mingi's captivating lips stuck out in though while his eyes focused on the buildings in the distance.
"I guess I should start from the beginning."
And so he did. From being brought here by the Cromer to taking the places of the masked men in fedoras and saving Strictland. You stayed silent the whole time and let him speak without interrupting. When he finally finished, a heavy and lengthy silence hung in the night air.
"So, you're not from this world." You said it like a statement.
"And you agreed to take the place of the men in fedoras just like that?"
"Yes. There's no way we can go back to our old world, especially knowing this one needs saving."
An overwhelming rush of admiration swelled in your chest, as did your respect for Mingi, if that was even possible.
"You and your friends are so brave."
He huffed out a light chuckle. "Yeah, I guess we are. It's weird. When we were told we would have to step up, we did. We did it without thinking."
"Do you ever get scared?"
"A lot. There have been times where I worry our plans won't work or one of my friends is about to get caught. I'm afraid one day, we won't be so lucky."
"If you need an extra person on your team, I'm willing to step up."
Mingi's brows raised, his sharp eyes becoming rounder in surprise.
"I'm not sure what I can do, but I'm willing to help however I can." You added.
"Are you sure?"
Yes, Mingi had just met you but he felt somewhat protective of you and there was a small part of him that couldn't see you get hurt or captured by the android guardians.
"Yes I'm sure." You were adamant in your decision. "I lost the only friends I had to that dictator. He stripped them of their emotions."
Mingi's eyes met yours, serious and searching for more confirmation even though he could see it clearly on your face—there was no changing your mind.
"We need all the help we can get, but it won't be easy." He told you.
"Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. I'm up for whatever Strictland has to throw at me."
"Very well."
About that time, Hongjoong emerged onto the rooftop with a large sheet of rolled up paper in his hand that you presumed was a blueprint.
"Joong, we've got a new recruit." Mingi informed him.
"Is that so?"
You nodded in confirmation.
"What do you say we fill her in on the plans to invade Prestige?"
"I'm way ahead of you." Hongjoong wiggled the blueprint in his hand, bringing it over to spread it along the ground, revealing a grand plan. "Let's begin."
Seonghwa & Yeosang ⟡ Yunho & Jongho ⟡ San & Wooyoung
Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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trolagygirl2022 · 3 months
Manon VS the Dream Academy contestants
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The Star, Knight of Wands rev, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Wands, Queen of Swords, 2 of Wands.
Ok I'm going to be quite honest here, a lot of the energy I'm getting here is "we've actually worked hard!! The only reason why she's in the group is that she's black!!!" and shi. Their energy is quite bitter. I'm picking up on someone, they have prominent fire and air signs in their chart? They could have the biggest feud with her? Anyways, they know deep down that Manon is a star. You know that one song Megan Thee Stallion did with Yuki where she's like "I get money, I'm a star, star, star?". That's literally the energy here. You can be talented but if you don't have the star power then you can't really go places. She just has it in her, there's something about her that intrigues people and I'm very certain that they are quite jealous of that. It's like when POC work hard for something and people are like "you got in because xyz not because of skills!". Yeah they're really hard on her and have a lot of higher expectations because she's black. I gotta keep it real with you guys. I also see them thinking she paid her way in? Yeah they don't think she deserves it. Judgement under the deck tells me everything I need to know...
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totothewolff · 4 months
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Grand Prix Elite Academy (4/10)
+18 | professor!Toto x reader fem!student, sewis, carlos x reader, collegue au | romance, smut, comedy, gossip, betray
Summary: Your life turns 180 degrees after receiving your acceptance letter for the Grand Prix Elite Academy, the most exclusive and prestigious Formula One College, designed to shape the future drivers of the motorsport world. You will try to navigate your new life among the Monaco elites, survive the campus dynamics and rivalries between the faculties, and try to win this year's Elite Cup to beat an undefeated Mercedes, all while befriending your eclectic classmates, join the wild parties, have a couple of make-outs under the racing circuit benches, lose your v-card and get over that stupid crush you have on professor Toto. Will you make it alive to graduation? Race to Greatness! Author's note: This is a Formula One college AU fic set in an elite academy in Monaco, where the F1 Teams are Faculties, their Team Principals are professors, the FIA is the college board, and all the grid drivers are your classmates. You are accepted under a scholarship program called WomenOne and have lots to catch on to after years of putting your racing dreams on hold. Becoming the outcast new girl is always challenging, especially when all of you live on one campus.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter > Chapter 4: The Kids Are Not Alright
As the morning sunlight streams through the grand staircases of the main building, you sit with your group of friends, placed on different steps, almost forming a circle as you chat with excitement and laughs with some racing gear and helmets scattered around them.
Other students pass you by, entering the large double doors to the main hallway entrance.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts from Lando's and Charles's Starbucks cups as they sip and joke around, discussing their latest racing strategies and sharing stories of their weekend adventures.
The sound of revving engines at the distant hum as you all wait for their morning classes or free practices to begin.
"That fucking bitch I'm going to cut her in half! And I will tear that wig off Britney's head," Leandra lets out.
A bald Nico is a funny visual.
"I'm not trying to play the devil's advocate here, but are we sure she was involved?" Max asks out loud.
Leandra rolls her eyes at him, as does Seb.
"Still, she can do no wrong under your eyes after all these years," Carlos points out.
"Just saying! Please don't kick me out of the group! I need friends." Max goes a little red with embarrassment.
"Calm down! No one is going to do that!" Charles quickly adds. There was a time when Max was the odd and unexpected link in the group; now, everyone is fond of him. "But, it's just facts, bro. She's the one who knew about Y/N being a sad virgin."
"THANK YOU CHARLES!" you add while he giggles.
"The knowing about Y/N being a sad virgin, I get it. Naya also knew the part about Y/N being broke and this year's "Charity Baby," but we all also knew that." Lewis joins in the fun.
"AW GUYS, YOU ARE SO SUPPORTIVE!" you interrupt them with murderous eyes.
Lewis holds his chuckles as he continues: "But the part of Y/N wanting Toto to deflower her, Naya wasn't there to witness her telling that to him." he points out.
"WHAT!?" you scream. At that part, you throw your arms in the air to everyone's amusement.
"Don't you remember?!" Mick says, amazed.
"Please, be joking." you start praying.
"He is not. We all heard your drunk ass asking Toto to fuck you."
"OH MY GOD!" At that moment, you want to get run over by the McLaren car roaring in the distance at the circuit track.
"If you want a life-changing first-time experience," Lando says. "I mean," he looks at his crotch and back at you, then winks. "I have cock to spare."
"Cock to spare," Leandra repeats, bursting out laughing. "How do you come up with this shit?!"
"How does that shit work with girls?! That's the real question," Carlos adds, laughing too.
"SERIOUSLY! THANK YOU GUYS!" you squeak, furiously red.
"Yes, but Nico was there. If Nico is there, Naya is there, and vice versa," Seb says, sounding extremely unhappy with Lewis.
He had remained quiet so far before he let it all out: "Didn't I tell you? Don't invite him! It doesn't matter how much Nico swears he has changed, he is always trouble!"
The couple starts to argue.
It's the first time you witness them acting other than being utterly in love with each other.
Lewis and Seb tend to get lost in each other's eyes for hours, feeling like the world is non-existent around them while sharing soft chats and sweet kisses around campus.
"Honey, I asked for your forgiveness times enough already. What else do you want me to do..." Lewis replies, getting exasperated with him.
"Well, now that you are friends with Nico again, why don't you go and ask him about it?! Ask Nico if he is the one behind the printed posters addressed to Y/N pinned all over the hallways! OH! And in that process, why don't you warn him to stay the fuck away from her!"
"Like that would work," Lewis says, sighing.
Seb then gets on his feet and suddenly climbs up the stairs in a rush, looking really mad. His short skirt sways in the wind, his boots' heels echo on the stairs, and his bag moves violently behind him as he opens the big double doors.
"Honey!" Lewis calls for him, gets fast on his feet, and goes after him.
You give them enough time before following their steps. You deeply care about Seb and want to make sure he is okay.
He is also your project partner in Christian's "Race Engineering" class, your first subject of today, and knowing how prickly of a professor Christian is, you want to make sure everything is fine.
You find the couple in the hub of the old library. Walking inside there feels like stepping into a time capsule.
A retro vibe wraps you as you step on the blue carpeting on the floor; a golden glow emanates from the large windows.
The shelves there are lined with worn, leather-bound books that seem to hold secrets and old stories, while vintage posters and track maps adorn the walls displaying the bygone eras of Motorracing.
This small library is always empty since the main one is way bigger, more stylish, and modern. People sometimes use this one to hook up, hiding among the tall bookshelves in the many corridors.
You catch them talking almost mouth-in-mouth. Seb is lean on a study desk, ass on it, legs hanging.
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And Lewis is resting his hand on Sebastian's Aston green pleated mini skirt. Lewis's other hand caresses Seb's hair and cheek as he whispers soft things to his lips, like, "Nico doesn't mean shit to me. I love you. I will make it up for you. You are my rock. I need you by my side" you are able to hear him as you approach them.
Then the bell sounds, Lewis kisses Seb goodbye, grabs his helmet on the table next to Seb's legs, and gives you a warm smile on his way out while pulling up half of his racing suit on his way out.
"He is going to spend the entire day on track! My poor baby always ends up exhausted after that. I won't be able to join your study session tonight. I will be preparing his ice bath for when he returns." Seb tells you as he hops off the study table.
Seb is so dedicated to Lewis and is so adorable to witness. "All good with you two, then?" you ask shyly.
"Always, dear." Seb reassures you, sounding all happy now.
"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You looked distressed for a minute. You know I care about you, right?"
"I know. You are a good friend, thank you." Seb squeezes you in his arms for a brief second on your way down back in the main hallway, and then he explains to you. "It's this Nico thing. He always tends to get under my skin. I hate throwing tantrums at Lewis like that, but I can't help it sometimes!"
"I get it, now. Hey! By the way, with all of this, I haven't been able to tell you yet how hot you look!"
"Thank you!" Seb twirls for you, grabbing your hand in the process.
"Your legs look unbelievable!" you add. "Fishy, fishy"
You two keep walking hand in hand until you reach the classroom's door. "I know, thanks! Lewis agrees with you. You know? He is in this phase now that I drive him crazy when I wear mini skirts. The other day, he was barely able to hold himself. He almost takes me raw at my desk in the student affairs office. He felt so hard under those pants. Mmm, delicious." Seb lets out a long sigh.
"Hey! Don't eat bread in front of the poor!" you complain, slightly jealous but in good faith.
"Oh, shit, I forgot about your virgin-ess! Sorry! I hope you find the cure soon." Seb jokes with you.
"I just need to convince Toto to supply me the injection to solve it!" you fool around.
"Slut!" Seb playfully tells you as you two grab your seats inside the classroom.
"Ough," Seb moans in a low voice for the fourth time, trying to make you lose it sitting next to you at Toto's class while the professor turns to face the screens again, his firm ass and muscular back in display for you two to enjoy the view.
"As you can see, class," he says, gesturing to the complex graphs and charts, "these simulations show the effects of different wing configurations on downforce and drag. The blue line represents the current setup, while the red line shows the potential gains we could achieve by modifying the wing's angle and curvature." His voice is calm and authoritative, but his hands move quickly and precisely as he uses a laser pointer to highlight key points on the screens.
Some of your classmates lean forward, their eyes fixed attentively, as they write notes on the complex data and ask questions about its implications for their racing strategies.
Toto asked the class to come up with an example by reading the intricacies of the data displayed on the screens in front of him to form a decision on a fictional course of a race.
"Shut it! You idiot, you will get us in trouble. I'm already standing on thin ice with him," you silence Seb, trying to keep your composure.
After what Mick told you, you haven't been able to focus the entire class nor look directly at Toto, fearing crossing his gaze, with your mind going back to that night, trying to puzzle all the shit you did under the alcohol influence.
Every time Seb moans for you in a low voice as Toto turns his back for something or moves suggestively, you struggle to hold your chuckles.
"Miss Y/LN, Miss Vettel, do you have anything you want to share with the class?" his deep, powerful voice addresses you.
You feel Toto's eyes set on you. His glasses slightly sliding on his appealing nose.
You go all pale, darting "Don't you even dare!" eyes to Seb.
"No, sir." you quickly reply.
"Miss Y/LN, why don't you come sit right here?" he commands you more than asks you, pulling a single chair and placing it in the middle of the room, at the front, near where he stands, in a place where everyone will notice your slightest move. "Since you appear to be on the moon this entire class, this is the best spot to get you back on track, and Vettel."
"Yes, professor?" Seb answers.
"Last warning, another distraction, and you go out."
Nico looks more than pleased that you two are getting scolded.
You have been avoiding going to your dorm all day long. You even tried to get transferred to another room at the Student Affairs front desk, but they informed you it wasn't an option since you were under no harm and because you are located in a dorm that belongs to the scholarship students housing program.
Then, why is Naya in there with you? It makes no sense; her parents are wealthy.
You close the entrance door, returning from the long study session you organized in the main library for the "Trackside PU" extracurricular, and you enter your dorm without making considerable noise, going straight to the kitchenette to place your tumbler inside the small dishwasher.
Naya is studying and writing notes on her iPad at the round dining table. There's a lot of tension in the air as you both become aware of the other's presence.
She's wearing reading glasses. You have never seen her with those before. She looks even hotter.
After a few minutes, you hear a clear "It wasn't me" that she lets out loud enough for you to listen.
You send her a look.
"Nico was inside my bedroom when you came in here. He heard it all. I told him not to do it," Naya explains.
"It's the truth!" She holds your gaze. "Torger is also mad at him for doing that, but he doesn't know how to address the matter with you yet."
"Can't Toto speak for himself, or does he pay you to act as his messenger?" That sounded harsher than you expected, but she pushed you to react like that.
Naya gives you no comeback. "Now that I cleared things, I'm going to bed. I had a long day," Naya says while stretching. Good night," she tells you as you look at her short grey skirt and Mercedes' blazer uniform. She is looking on point but with her tie loosened. Then you remember, you still have no faculty.
"You tell me."
"Just ignore her! Naya hates that, not feeling relevant enough. Maybe just try to move on." Lea advises you while attempting to remain empathic but being honest.
As you all condition in the sleek, high-tech training center, pushing yourselves to the limit, your sweat-drenched bodies showing your intense workouts.
The sounds of pounding music and clinking weights fill the air as you all tackle your individual routines.
Lewis grunts with effort as he lifts the massive dumbbells, his piercing gaze focused on the weight above him.
Sebastian, meanwhile, is on the stationary bike, his powerful legs pumping away as he sprints through a virtual reality course.
Lea, ever the showgirl, is working on her agility and flexibility. She leaps and spins through gymnastics-inspired exercises, exchanging suggestive looks with the trainer she banged at Lewis' birthday party.
"What if Nico tries to blackmail me?!" you ask the trio as you go all cheeta on the treadmill. "He has the photos." you sound way too overstressed. "I fucked it big time! I'm so losing my scholarship due to all this! I shouldn't have gotten drunk! I'm going to disappoint my dad!" you struggle to speak, tears running down your face as you fully panic at the high-end training facility.
Not even a week has passed by since the incident, and you have been receiving lots of DMs on your GPEA app of guys offering to deflower you and a couple of nasty dick pics that you had to flag and report.
"It's not coming to that. We have your back!" Seb reassures you.
"It's best if you speak with Toto about it. It's making you feel miserable," Lewis says. "Niki is the only one who puts Nico in place. Toto could talk to Niki to make him stop the gaslighting. And also, Toto can deal with Naya's antics."
"Maybe she didn't do it herself, but I doubt she feels bad for it. She lets no one get near her precious Torger," Lea adds and imitates the way Naya says Toto's name with her accent and all.
"Just remain cautious around her, please," Seb asks you.
That night, you have the most bizarre dream.
"You're a virgin!" Massi screams at you, his voice dripping with condescension. "How can we expect you to be a top-notch driver when you don't even know the thrill of passion?"
The room erupts into laughs and snorts. All your classmates go into a chorus of mocking jeers. "Virgin! Leave!" they chant, waving their hands in ridicule.
Before you can protest or defend yourself, Massi slams his fist on the table, and you feel yourself get dragged out of the GPEA.
"TOTO!" You try to reach for him as everyone laughs and points at you in the hallways.
Then it morphs to visuals of Toto's strong hands pressuring your hips, pulling your skirt up, and roughly fucking you against his desk.
Your bodies moving in a fast and desperate rhythm, throwing papers, pencils, and stuff all over the lecture hall floor, your moans and his grunts echoing in the empty room, skin slapping against skin hard, he going deeper inside you, pulling your hair, forcing you to arch your back.
You wake up with a cold sweat and wet panties, feeling disoriented, scared, and horny at the same time.
You rub your eyes, trying to shake off the vivid memory of the crazy dream that had just left you.
You get off the bed.
You lace up your running shoes and step onto the misty veil that shrouds the campus racing track surrounded by the woods. It's early morning, and the skies are still dark. The air feels crisp and cold.
You went out for a jog because you could not sleep a minute more after having those crazy dreams about you getting expelled from the academy and that triple x with Toto.
You set off briskly, your footsteps echoing off the asphalt as you weave through the deserted track.
The sounds of nature gradually replaced the silence as the skies became washed blue, preparing to welcome the sun.
There's nothing that motivates you like hate. You feel now a rage to shut their mouths, to show them.
You don't notice how hard you are running till tiny gravel debris starts peeling off the track under your tracking shoes, and you feel your legs tensing in your black sporty booty shorts.
At the same time, your iPhone bounces violently on your arm holder, and your headphones are about to fly out of your ears.
You drop yourself out of breath on the grass next to the chicane, exhausted and unable to move further. The perfectly maintained green grass feels cold and wet against your ass. 
You are struggling to catch your breath, and rage tears are coming out of your eyes. Your strong, fast strides left most of your fury leave of your body.
"You good?" you hear a deep voice from a distance.
You feel another panic attack coming your way and start bracing for impact, shrinking.
"Yes, it's nothing," you quickly reply, struggling to talk. You sense an instant and desperate urge to keep running even if you feel about to puke just to avoid Toto right now.
"So, you casually hyperventilate on cold mornings?" Toto asks you, approaching you, arching an eyebrow.
He calmly keeps jogging till he closes the gap between you, now able to observe your face and features. You look like a distressed mess.
So Toto is an early bird?
You don't notice the tears falling from your eyes until they blur your vision, and your body starts shivering under the cold breeze, running out of warmth.
Toto unzips his sports jacket and offers it to you, grabbing your attention.
You instantly are about to reject it, but he knows it beforehand and tells you, "Take it," before you can even wave your hand.
It sounds more like an instruction.
"I think I know the reason behind those tears, and I'm deeply sorry for the situation. I heard the gossip. It's a small campus." Toto drops himself on the grass beside you, bending his knees. The muscles in his toned legs look so fine.
Before he explains, "Nico is a highly competitive and strong-willed student. He plans on graduating from here with a deal and a seat on an F1 team secured. He has this unhealthy way of dealing with those he considers threats."
Toto notices you shaking your head.
"How am I a threat? No one even wants me on their faculty, puff" you laugh it off.
"Nico knows you got here because there's something special in you. And I believe so, too," Toto replies, encouraging you.
You give Toto an "Are you kidding me?!" look.
He smiles brightly at your reaction, with his gorgeous teeth showing. "I'm rooting for you!" he adds.
"The one who called me a small-minded quitter or that I had no mindset, how was it? I don't recall exactly."
Toto rolls his eyes at the pettiness. "Anyway, Nico likes mind games, that's all. But that mixture makes him a ruthless fighter and a true champion. He has that fire! Nothing gets in his way. Not even Lewis' raw talent or Naya's strategic mega-mind."
"...And also make him an awful human being!" you add in a funny voice, full of dislike.
Toto tries to remain diplomatic, so he doesn't give you an answer to that.
"So that's what Nico wants? To play his games with me and watch me fail? Sorry, but I'm not giving him or you all the pleasure."
"Did I truly offended you that much? With just some words and facts, mostly facts." Toto asks you, a bit skeptical.
"You made it personal. You threw my mom's passing as a low punch, basically."
"Wasn't my intention you perceived it like that. I get what you went through more than you imagine."
He sounds sincere.
"Just so you know, I didn't give up my dream. I choose to help my father achieve his. You judged me way too soon. I do have a hunger to win and push for more, but I need a chance to do so."
"Is that so?! Was I wrong, then?"
"I think you should apologize."
"To you? What for?"
"Didn't you listen to a word of what I said?!" you let out. Shit! You went too far again. "...sir?"
"I find you so intriguing. You feel the need to add a sir to address me when, almost a week ago, you wanted me to fuck you right there, and now you are fighting me when I try to look after you. What's on that head of yours?"
"About what I said that night at Lewis' birthday party, I was..." You are now totally red.
"...You were completely drunk. I would never accept you that invite, not under that state."
"So all good?"
"All good."
"Puff, great." You look relieved.
Wait, under that state... So... Is a yes when sober?!
"You know, most people get burned falling into Nico's games," Toto warns you.
"I'm not most people." You hold his gaze.
Toto looks at you in a way you can't read as he sees the fire burning in your eyes, your rage on display, and your hunger to show something.
Your eyes wander to his lips. You can't help it. He notices this and slowly leans towards you, closing the gap between you as if a magnetic force pulled you closer.
As he is near your mouth, he whispers to your lips. You feel his breath brushing your skin. "Is that all you can jog?! You are not even halfway through the circuit. If you want to put people in shame, you better jack on," Toto teases you before getting on his feet.
"Eat my dust." You follow him and start jogging faster than him, passing him by.
You sense his eyes going all over your body as he enjoys the view of a sweaty you in those tiny booty shorts, ass, and hips swaying around meters in front of him.
You turn around to see Lance running your way, crossing the gardens.
"Hi, Sir Lancelot!" you offer him your hand after stopping your scooter.
"Ma'lady," he kisses it, greeting you. "All better now?"
"Slightly, yeah," you let out a sigh.
"Since you have been all stressed out lately, I thought inviting you to decompress at our Bonfire Night the following weekend would be nice. I hope you can join us."
"Sounds excellent, but what's a Bonfire Night, and who is "us"?"
"I always have to remember you are new around here! It's like talking with a baby! Always in need of explanation," Lance says.
He is such a sweetie but terrible with words.
"Every year, my dad hosts a bonfire party at the beach for friends and family, like many of our neighbors on that night. We spend the entire evening there, having the best time, eating, dancing, and drinking until sunrise. It's at our house in St. Tropez!"
"Oh, it sounds so cool!"
"The guys are coming, Charles, Yuki, Pippa, Lea, Sewis. So what do you say? We leave next Saturday at 4 p.m. on my dad's yacht at the harbor here."
"Count me in!"
"So, I told Lance I'm coming! I had no idea the rich did that bonfire thing-ritual every year."
"It's a tradition! We have many," Charles corrects you while trying to assemble a sandwich, smashing mayo on the bread with a knife. "I'm glad you are in the mood to join us! You do need it."
"Give me! What you are trying to do is just sad." You wash your hands before grabbing ingredients and starting to prepare a decent Saturday morning breakfast.
"Can I have one? Please!" Lea smells and sees you perform magic in the pristine kitchenette at their dorm, handling bacon, avocado, eggs, pepper, olive oil, and toast bread like a pro.
"Coming right your way!" you slide a grilled sandwich on each of the three plates.
"It's like the Upper East Siders' going to the Hamptons to act even richer near water, but in this case, it's in our mansions by the beach at St. Tropez," Charles says while biting the perfectly made sandwich and making pleasure gestures.
As Lea almost finishes hers, she tells you. "Feel like joining me today? I'm going to buy my outfits for the bonfire night. I would love a second opinion."
"I would love to, but I promised my dad I would visit him and Diesel."
"Who?" Charles asks.
You pull out your phone to show them pictures of your dog.
Massive squeals and aws come out of their lips.
"I need to meet him!" Lea says, "We could go to your dad's after shopping!"
After spending hours going from shop to shop and stopping for a well-needed boba, you arrive at your family's components store, and you two wait for your dad to join you.
"Could you please stop playing with the labeler?" you ask Lea, amused and almost laughing as she goes all over the shop, holding the labeler gun in her hands, nearly James Bond-style, tagging random stuff.
"But I love it! Beep, beep," Lea says as she presses the button and throws more product labels.
"Hey! Don't dare to label Diesel!" you warn her as she aims it in his direction.
"Never. Besides, he would be priceless, right? You little, sweet, furry baby!" she bends to pat Diesel and says with the most ridiculous voice.
Diesel quickly turns his head your way when he hears his name, bandana swinging in the air. He then runs like crazy to the doors as he smells your dad approaching. He goes all nuts as your dad enters the store, then runs to push his bowl with his nose, knowing it's lunchtime.
"Dad!" you give him the biggest hug as he pulls you off the ground in his arms.
"Our world champion is in the house! Hi, baby, how are you? We missed you."
"Splendid!" you lie, after almost having three panic attacks in just one week. "Dad, I have so much to tell you! That campus is to die for!"
Let's better not mention the parties, the nasty gossip, all the alcohol consumption, and the drugs.
"Hi, Mr. Y/LN. It's nice meeting you, sir. I'm Leandra de Vries," She approaches you, returning the labeler to the counter.
Your dad offers her a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, Leandra. You are in great luck today! I made my signature lasagna for lunch. It's Y/N's favorite!"
"YES!" you throw a fist in the air, already tasting the flavors in your mind, all excited.
"Oh great, I love Italian!" Lea says.
"Let's go upstairs, girls, lunch is waiting. Come on, Diesel, come here, let's go!"
Diesel goes first on the stairs. He used to be scared of stairs, so he takes his time climbing them before entering your small loft on top of the store.
"This is where I live, welcome." You receive Lea inside and give her the tour. It takes little time.
"I had a closet about this size. It's cute and cozy in here. I like it," Lea says, bouncing on the sofa before taking her time to look around at the pictures you have on a shelf. "She's your mom, right? You look like her. She is beautiful."
"Yes, thank you, that's her, the one and only. God, I wish she was here to see all of this."
"She is so proud of you, and she is watching it," your dad says, gesturing with a finger to the sky before returning to serve the dishes.
You three spend a great time chatting up and filling your stomachs with delicious food and some wine.
On the ride back to campus at night, Lea asked her driver to pick you up, she jokes with you in the backseat of the luxurious car.
"You forgot to mention your dad was hot and single!"
"Girl..." you look straight at her, smirking.
"I already love you like a daughter..." Lea teases you.
A hysterical laugh escapes your lips. "Please don't!"
"I'm joking, I'm joking," she bumps your arm softly with her fist. "I have limits. I would never! You know, it's just my dark humor," she tells you.
"I live for your dark humor."
The highlight of your week is that letter from Williams offering you a place on their faculty, which you immediately accept.
You can't believe you are going to use the same facilities Senna did during his time here.
You call your dad full of excitement!
"Congratulations, Miss Williams!" Charles tells you as he opens the door of their dorm, welcoming you with a hug.
"Congrats!" Lea also comes to hug you. "It's super difficult getting in that one. They are super duper hermetic! By any chance, do you have any link with the Williams family?" she looks surprised.
"Maybe it's due to Claire being in charge, you know, since I'm a girl and I'm here because of the WomenOne program, maybe she gave me a shot."
"Sounds unlikely," Charles agrees.
"To be accepted or invited there, you have to have stellar references or be close to their family, which you have to be insanely rich or Formula One royalty basically," Lea explains.
"They rejected Naya, even being a Lauda! Go figure," Charles tells you the gossip.
"Oh, but that was because Frank and Niki are opponents!" Lea addresses you.
"Then who knows, but I'm so excited, I can't believe it yet! I hope it's not Nico pulling me a joke." You roll your eyes.
"Please don't mention that name again; maybe he could Beetlejuice here! God forbids!" Charles jokes.
"Well, let's get ready. The chauffeur is picking us up at 3:00 p.m."
"Y/N, so that you know, it's the third most demanding faculty. You got this!" Lea encourages you.
"Understood, thanks. It's a really exciting day!" you let out, all happy.
"Oh, Charles is the most excited!" Lea throws him a dirty look.
"Okay..." you look back and forth between them. "What's the tea?!" You instantly ask, watching the interaction.
"He is Lance's aunt's lover."
"No shit!" your eyebrows go to the roof.
"I... I... WAS... we don't do that anymore." Charles quickly adds, starting to pack his things in his duffel bag.
"Come on! You always end up fucking no matter what! He always says that," She looks incredulous at him. "That's a cute duffel!" she points to your purple packed bag.
"Not this time!" Charles sounds so sure.
"Let's bet! One on, he gets no action tonight. Two on she will suck the collagen out of him."
"Show me your outfit for tonight! You asked me to help you with your makeup, right?"
"You can't seriously be wearing that! Whose swimsuit is it? Your grandma's?!" Lea looks you up as you exit her bathroom in your bathing suit with the dress you are to wear on top hanging in your left arm.
"Why?!" You thought you looked fine. "It's Victoria's Secret!"
"It's huge! And ew!"
"No way!" You look at your reflection in the large mirror. You are wearing a two-piece electric blue bikini with a twist-front top and matching boy short bikini bottoms that cover you up to your belly.
"Also, you need to moisturize that skin properly. It's looking a bit dry." She handles you some jars with creams.
"Really?! Oh thanks"
"You always give me no time!" She goes inside her closet. "I'm again pulling a miracle!"
"Fairy godmother, please help me!" you beg, now getting self-conscious while applying the cream to your legs and arms.
Be careful with what you wish for.
"Are you serious with this, Lea?! Why do you insist on having my ass on full display every time!"
"Because it makes you look so hot! That high-cut V-shape is so flattering on you! Besides, all cheeky thong bikinis are so sexy!"
"For sure, one of my titties is flying out of here at some point," you say as you fix your top to hold the girls in place better.
"Your skin looks so shiny and fresh now," she says, and you agree. "You look so fucking hot!"
The two-piece monochromatic green strap bikini Leandra gave you has a tie knot front and cutout design, revealing a bit of extra skin up there. It matches the high-cut leg and cheeky back bottom that accentuates the best out of your curves; the high-waisted Brazilian thong is very revealing.
"I trust you fully, okay? Thank you," you say, feeling confident with yourself now; the workout routine you have been under is showing.
"Carlos is going to get rocket hard when he sees you!" Lea lets out, all excited.
"Shut up! He is going, too?" you squeal, eager. "Lance didn't mention him."
"Carlos Sr. owns the house next door. Carlos and all his hot Spaniard cousins and friends will be there like every year. I'm almost 100 percent sure he will try to hook up with you tonight. I manifest it. It's in the air."
You look at yourself in the mirror one last time and from all angles.
You look and feel good, and you hope Lea is right. You want some action in your life.
You observe in awe the majestic, three-story-high yacht that's way bigger than your house, with its gleaming white hull and gleaming chrome railings sparkling in the afternoon light.
After passing the security check, you board with your friends and start searching for Lance inside among the guests who have already arrived.
A luxurious Mercedes car pulls over, and a hot, tall man descends on the dock and boards the yacht with an air of confidence and sophistication. He is wearing a light linen shirt, blue swim trunks, sunglasses, and espadrilles men's shoes.
All the wealthy elites are wearing their finest beach attire, diamonds and pearls glinting in the sunlight.
Lance is inside the ship, standing beside his stunning mother and billionaire dad in the main salon, which has comfortable seating areas where guests can mingle and socialize over champagne and canapés. The yacht's interior is opulent, with lavish furnishings and sparkling chandeliers.
After chatting for a minute, he lets you know he has to stay there to welcome all his guests but that Lewis and Seb are on the upper deck.
So you all choose to go hang out with them and take in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea.
The waiter offering the cocktails around blocks your view of Toto boarding the ship as you grab one of the glasses.
Then you turn your back in his direction, quickly catching Charles's step. You finish climbing the stairs just as Lawrence welcomes Toto with a "My good friend!"
The sun is setting rapidly now, and the yacht is beginning to move out of the harbor. Its engines are purring smoothly as it cuts through the waves, picking up speed.
Lewis's abs look great in that see-through "Sea Maiden" Burberry t-shirt paired with bright orange pants.
"Are those real?!" You feel his abs, greeting him, making Seb laugh as Lewis has him wrapped around his arm. Seb's chin resting on Lewis's shoulder.
"Lucky me!" Seb says, wearing a beautiful two-piece ensemble: a cute baby blue and white stripes bikini top paired with a Miu Miu white mini skirt. This time, he has natural short hair and sunglasses. His waist looks tiny.
The drinking and partying started from the get-go, with music and laughter creating a relaxed vibe.
Lance and you dance around for a while, holding your drinks in hand before you need to pee.
You go down the narrow, long hallway to the bathroom when you see a girl closing the door going in. "Dammit!" you let out before turning back around.
As you exit the hallway, Toto enters it on his way to the same bathroom door, only to find it's in use.
As you approach St. Tropez, you can see the many bonfires on the long beach coast twinkling on the horizon.
The yacht docks at the Stroll mansion, where a staff team had set up a massive bonfire and a beach party like no other.
There are food tables, a very famous DJ, gift bags with everything you need plus luxury items, beautiful white and natural wood-looking outdoor sitting areas with stunning flower decor, and Cantoya lights that give the place such a vibe.
You and your friends disembark last. You are already having a good time on deck. As you finally make your way down to the beach, you are welcomed by the smoking hostesses in bikinis, who offer you roasted marshmallows.
"Follow me! I asked our people to set us our own bonfire in a spot far away from my parents!" Lance informs you.
And he was right. It was less crowded and far from the main action but still on site.
As you walk there, feeling the still warm sand on your feet, you pass a breathtaking house with an oceanview front and an open concept.
Carlos waves his hand from the pool there, grabbing the group's attention.
"Where are you going?!" he screams.
"To Tortoise," Lance screams back. "See you there?" You assume it's a reference. Carlos nods his head.
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Ten minutes later, he arrives with some of his cousins and Lando. They all get introduced, and the boys choose to start playing beach volleyball. It turns out Tortoise is the nickname of that court.
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant hum of the DJ's music create a pulsating atmosphere.
As you sip your cocktails, Lance's team goes back and forth from the bar to your location. You all enjoy the music and cheer for Lewis and Lando playing against Carlos and his cousin.
Nearby, Yuki and Pippa are going at each other, sharing passionate kisses, she is sitting on his lap, wearing a tiny bikini, and Yuki's hand is all over her ass.
After Lewis falls on the sand and misses the shot, Seb laughs really hard, making Lewis go after him.
Seb starts running to the sea in his cute two-piece bikini. Lewis catches him midway, pulling him up from the ground and into his arms before taking his top off.
Seb lets out a small scream, quickly placing his hands over his chest, covering his nipples, and looking your way, making you all laugh.
They start playing in the waves before Seb pulls Lewis down to the wet sand with him.
They start caressing each other, making out hungrily, their hands going everywhere before they go behind some palm trees.
Lewis stays on his feet, back leaning against them in complete pleasure.
The volleyball game's second round caught your and Lea's attention.
A group of guys, all lean and muscular dudes living nearby, are playing a fierce match against the double C, Charles, and Carlos.
Their sweat-drenched faces and glistening skins make them look like they've just stepped out of a fitness magazine.
You two can't help but watch as they leap and dive for the ball, their muscles flexing with every movement.
One of them, a tall, big, blonde-haired guy with piercing green eyes, caught Lea's eye. He couldn't help but be drawn to her, feeling a spark of attraction ignite within them.
"Boys, you look so heated! Why don't we go for a dive-in?" Lea says, getting on her feet once the game ends, pulling off her clothes, and locking her eyes with the hot dude.
You all watch Lea run naked into the waters as you all scream and whistle, mesmerized by her openness, cheekiness, and hot body.
The blonde dude wastes no time following her. They get further into the waters, now barely visible; she grabs herself tight to his neck, her face buried in his shoulder as they fuck.
Everyone in here is making you so horny, and you can't keep ignoring Carlos' sweaty and delicious body.
You need some fresh air! What are you saying?! You can't get fresher air!
Before you leave to get a drink, Lando approaches you. "What are you hiding beneath that?! You are the only one still with clothes on."
"A cute and hot swimsuit," you say, all confident and playful.
"LET US SEE!" Pippa turns her head still on Yuki's lap.
You slide down your dress slowly.
Carlos devorous you with his eyes.
"WOAH! WOAH!" Lance lets out.
Lando throws a kiss in the air as you walk to the bar to get a drink on your own.
You notice, when you turn back a few steps away, Carlos biting his fist, watching your ass sway as you go.
The music gets louder as you reach the house's massive pool. The modern Stroll mansion is a work of art.
The bonfire roars to life, sending flames shooting high into the air as the beach erupts into a frenzy of activity. People laugh and dance, others gather around the fire, and some jump into the pool.
Toto can't believe his eyes. That's you, and a lot of you is on display. He feels an instant sensation traveling through his body.
Toto's eyes wander all over you as you pass before him on the other side of the pool. He gets on his feet and jumps into the pool.
Heading toward the bar, swimming across to catch you in there. Just as the bartender gives you your drink and you sip it, you turn around to witness Toto stepping out of the pool, water running all over his muscular body. You can't help but follow the water down with your gaze.
"But if it's the Williams girl!"
"Hi, Mercedes boy!"
"Boy?!" he laughs a bit at that.
"I didn't see you at the yacht!"
"We were upstairs."
"And where are you now?"
You point in the distance to a miniature bonfire.
"Feeling better, then? I hope you are having a good time; you look like it." You sense his eyes going all over you without discretion.
"I am! You?" you suggestively bite and suck your straw. Is that how you are supposed to flirt?!
"Meh. Lawrence is a friend."
"You can join us if you want."
"Sure, I can pop by later. Don't drink too much," Toto says, stealing the drink from your hands, putting the straw in his mouth, and sipping it.
Toto wanders away from the party as he takes an important call. Being the boss requires 24/7 availability.
He is close to the Sainz Mansion, enough to overhear Carlos and Lando's conversation.
"Y/N looks so appetizing," Carlos says.
"The way he looked at you, man, she is just waiting for you to fuck her." Lando agrees and adds.
"Right?! I felt the same! I'm going to take Y/N to my bed as soon as I see her. I think I still have condoms upstairs. See you around."
Since everyone but you seem busy fucking and hooking up, and Carlos is nowhere near, apparently, you go for a walk to take in the beautiful surroundings.
It's your first time at St. Tropez, and it's as gorgeous as you heard. You venture to go exploring further past the Stroll's house.
Toto watches you from a distance, wandering all by yourself. He catches your step, and you more than gladly invite him to join you.
Soon, it's just the two of you alone in front of an empty mansion. It's a quiet, lonely beach, just for your voices and laughs as you talk about life, finding things in common, and starting to know each other.
He gets near the sea, dipping his feet in the water as he slowly walks in. You follow his steps. The wet sand feels soft against your toes.
Soon, you are standing before him, half your body inside the water, with the moon reflecting on the surface.
You feel Toto slowly pulling the string off your top, unwrapping the tight nod in your back and causing it to fall down to the sea.
The cold air hardens your nipples as well as your excitement. Toto looks down at your breasts.
The waves move your bodies against each other.
"Beautiful," he lets out and kisses your neck. Before cupping one of your tits and rubbing your nipple with one of his thumb fingers, licking it with his tongue, moving it in circles, playing with your nipple, arousing you before claiming your lips.
You kiss him hungrily, dancing on your tip toes, stroking yourself against him.
He pulls you tight against his naked, firm chest in a fast move, and proceeds to place a trail of kisses from your temple to your shoulders, where he starts to move down to your chest. His lips biting and sucking your nipples.
He wraps your legs around his waist, pulling you by your thighs with a firm grip, and carries you deeper into the sea.
You feel your breasts rubbing on his skin, your naked skin brushing, making him get hard, or so you feel against your inner thigh.
Toto holds you in place by the ass as he starts pushing your body against his, up and down, slowly, as you two make out, your hands going all over his wet hair.
He then puts you down before making you turn around; you back against him, and you feel his now full erection on your ass cheeks as he rubs you against it while kissing your neck, squeezing and cupping your tits with both his big hands before moving to play with your nipples again.
The sensation sends you to heaven.
He starts sliding his big hand down your body, leaving a trail of warmth on your stomach. You feel his fingers sliding your bikini bottoms' light and small fabric to the side.
You sense the water brushing your pussy as Toto's index finger starts caressing your folds while he bites your ear lobe.
"I couldn't resist not being your first," Toto confesses. "You are an enigma that I want to unwrap slowly," he whispers to your ear.
You moan for him several times as he slowly and tenderly pushes his finger into you, exploring your insides.
"Warm and wet for me," he whispers, hot against your ear. You place your hand on his forearm with a tight grip.
"It feels so good," your voice is barely a whisper. Toto inserts a second finger inside you, giving you time to adjust to the feeling.
Then he starts fingering you, making you moan and say things that for sure will make you die of embarrasment tomorrow. He is torturing you with the pleasure of his different speed rhythms.
Just about when you start gasping for air, he leads your right hand inside his swim trunks to wrap it around his hard cock.
"Do it this way," Toto guides you as he reads the hesitation in your eyes. You start rubbing his dick as he keeps finger fucking you.
"Faster and in a twirling movement like this," he shows you how he likes it. It's great that you are a fast learner; you soon make him groan.
As you go on him, jerking him off, he bites your lip.
Minutes later, he pulls his dick out of his swim trunks and starts rubbing the tip of his cock between your ass cheeks as he groans loud and cums on you, grabbing your tits tight as you arch against him.
He softly pats, slaps, and squeezes your ass a couple of times as he claims your lips. You make him wrap his toned arms around you as you slide your hands all over them.
You keep kissing till you start to feel the chilly air. You get put together before Toto carries you back to the beach, where your bikini top is nowhere to be seen.
You can't return to the bonfire party topless like that.
He picks up his white linen shirt from the sand, places it on you, and buttons it up for you. Your naked breasts are still visible under the fabric.
You pull him closer, stealing him many more kisses. "Don't leave yet," you whisper against his lips.
You two lay on the sand. Well, Toto does. He places you on top of him as you keep exploring each other's bodies, tasting every corner and spot with your wet tongues, leaving traces everywhere.
You break the hot, wet kiss you are sharing to catch your breath.
"You should go back to your friends before they worry," he tells you, unconvinced.
"Oww," you whine.
"Okay, you win" he smiles against your mouth and continues kissing you, his hand squeezing your ass.
After a couple of minutes, he tells you. "I'll see you around, okay? We will make time for ourselves this week."
"Like, ahem, when?"
"Whenever you like."
You give him a couple of "final" goodbye kisses before he buries you beneath his body, shifting positions, placing himself on top of you and in between your legs, kissing you passionately, unable to pull away.
"Go," you push him away playfully. "I can't quit you". You steal him another quick kiss before he gets on his feet, dick looking hard again.
You return to your now completely drunk friends bonfire party with the biggest smile on earth, wearing a sizes bigger man's shirt with visibly no top beneath.
Seb and Leandra give you THE look.
And you go all red under their stares.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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reareaotaku · 4 months
Masterlist IV [Complete]
Masterlist V | Masterlist III | Masterlist II | Masterlist I Updated: Aug. 28, 2024 [9:39 PM CDT] * = Slight Nsfw/Nsfw Content
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Lydia Deetz
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Goofy Movie
Max Goof
She Said See You Later, Boy [Pt. II of He was a Skater Boy] Birthday Celebration Max Goof Headcanons Max NSFW Headcanons* Max Dating Headcanons
Bradley Uppercrust III
Bradley Headcanons Birthday Celebration Bradley NSFW Headcanons*
Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
Birthday Celebration
Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday Celebration Bobby Headcanons*
Birthday Celebration
Birthday Celebration
Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles
Michelangelo 'Mikey'
Mikey Headcanons
Sweet Pretty Thing
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
Tori Vega
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Andre Harris
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Cat Valentine
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Robbie Shapiro
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Beck Oliver
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Jade West
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Miles Morales
Miles Morales Headcanons Another World
Gwen Stacy
Yandere! Gwen Stacy Headcanons
My Babysitter's a Vampire
Ethan Morgan
[Yandere] Ethan Morgan Headcanons
Richie Tozier
First Kiss
Emperor's New Groove
Male! Yzma Headcanons
Miles Fairchild
Impress a Crush New Girl
Dork Diaries
Mackenzie Hollister
Mackenzie Hollister Headcanons
Malcom in the Middle
Reese Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson Headcanons
The Middle
Axl Heck
Love Thy Sister's Friend Axl Heck Drabble
Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Being Friends w/ Kim Possible [& More]
The Goldfinch
Theo Decker
But I Love You
Boris Pavlikovsky
Yandere! Boris Pavlikovsky Headcanons
Diabolik Lovers
Kou Mukami
Yandere! Kou Mukami Headcanons
Azusa Mukami
Yandere! Azusa Mukami Headcanons
Carmen Sandiego
Graham Calloway
Yandere Crackle Headcanons
Inside Job
Brett Hand
[Toxic] Brett Hand Headcanons
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher Headcanons Bill in Prison Equally Obsessed Reader Hate, Hate, Hate Yandere Bill Cipher Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Jealous/Yandere Bill Headcanons
Reverse Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Keep You Here [Pt II]
Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Monster Fall AU Monster Falls [Pt II]
Dipper Pines
Aged Up! Dipper Pines Romantic Headcanons Reader who can Jump Dimensions
Stan Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU Lost in Town [Pt I] Stan Pines Headcanons Yandere! Stan Pines Headcanons
Ford Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU College Ford w/ Painter Reader Yandere! Ford Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Stanford Gleeful Headcanons Enemies 2 Friends to Something More* Hot & Sweaty * [^PT II] Good Morning I Can't Have You*
Schroeder Headcanons
Phineas and Ferb
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson Headcanaons
Ferb Fletcher
Ferb is quiet as a mouse
Fairly Oddparents
Periwinkle 'Peri' Fairywinkle-Cosma
Peri Headcanons Human Reader More Peri x Human Reader Headcanons Peri x Toothfairy!GN! Reader
Billy Loomis
Prank Call
Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
A Knight
Bran Stark
Yandere! Bran Stark Headcanons
Jon Kent
Apple of My Eye
Damian Wayne
Apple of My Eye
Dick Grayson
Watcher or Stalker?
Tim Drake
Tim Drake Headcanons
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
True Hate-filled Love
Mean Girl
Regina George
Regina George Headcanons
Own Characters
Rich Boy Lucas
Kidnapping Lucas
Yandere! Jinx Headcanons
Miguel Rivera
Miguel Headcanons
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince/Fire Lord Zuko
Yandere Zuko Headcanons
Katara Headcanons
Avatar Aang
Avatar Aang Headcanons
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
hey love! could you do hc’s for tfp! Optimus, Ratchet, and Smokescreen celebrating their human partner graduating highschool? <3
[human!reader post includes: TFP Optimus, Ratchet, and Smokescreen]
arghh hopefully these are good, struggled a bit with these but this was a nice prompt. Finally getting back into writing :3
Optimus Prime
Optimus is literally the sweetest. At first, he doesn't understand what graduation really means but as soon as you explain it he is beyond proud
Doesn't exactly get the cultural significance of graduation on Earth, but congratulates you for your achievements with a lil smile
Primes don't party but for you...yeah maybe he's willing to. Just a little
If no one does it first, he suggests having a little get-together at the base to celebrate (which shocks everyone) It's really important to him that you get recognition for your hard work
balloons and a poster labeled "Happy Graduation (insert year)" with little pictures drawn by the other Autobots
you know what he probably gives you an inspirational speech
After the celebrations, he offered to give you a drive in his alt-mode. The two of you cruised around late afternoon or night, either chatting or enjoying the calm silence. He was curious about what humans do for this event and asked you questions about it, as well as whether or not what he planned was good enough. If you asked, he'd be more than happy to tell stories about his own experiences; it reminded him of the academies back on Cybertron.
In private, he will not stop gushing about how well you did. Very soft very soft
Another one where you kinda have to explain what it means. He's honestly impressed and congratulates you. Recalls when you would come back from your studies exhausted and relieved you no longer have to deal with highschool
Of course brags to the rest of the team. Look at his partner, look at their accomplishments, now!!
Not a fan of big parties either and suggests a small celebration, possibly between the two of you since he's one to value privacy.
He gives you the choice to choose how you'd like to spend your day. He's happy with taking you for a drive, or just settling down somewhere scenic for a bit of relaxation for the rest of the day
wants to surprise you with a small simple gift, asks the trio for advice very discretely (they are going to tease him for the rest of their lives)
He actually cares so much about you and is genuinely proud, good job y/n thumbs up
ooh this mech is so hyped, immediately wants a big party at the base and will drive you to and from your graduation
if you agree to it, you're definitely having a grand entrance btw. He wants to SHOW YOU OFF!!
He so badly wanted to go up there and just hug you to his chassis, but watching from his alt-mode would suffice. His engine would rev whenever it was your turn and you couldn't help the small smile
The type of person mech that wants fucking,, fireworks, party, music, etc
if that's not your thing, that's fine. Insists on taking you on a drive too and really show off the fact that he's a sports car (do not drive on populated roads, you will get a ticket) You two soon find yourself screaming with laughter as the wind blows through your hair
if you do agree to a party he's going all out, so so so proud
Brings you up to his faceplate with infinite praises
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reilliane · 2 years
Septem ⊱⊰ Genshin!Various
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PART 01 OF 02 [ PART TWO ]
✤ she/her - ✤ words: 8k
✤ An Academy built to hone and prepare gods-to-be and blessed mortals for the world beyond — isn't it a dream come true, when a blank Vision greets you in invitation?
✤ tighnari, al haitham, kaveh, zhongli, albedo, gorou, itto, ayato, xingqiu, childe, dottore, razor, cyno
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Septem (VII) Academy, the grandest and most prestigious amongst all learning establishments.
Sitting at the center of the continent of Teyvat and surrounded by seven nations, it isn't merely praised for its grandiose edifice, but as well as its invaluable tutelage.
Only a handful are able to enter such a place; one's entry is advised when their ambition is recognized, and they are given a magical gift; a Vision.
One morning, you expected nothing out of the ordinary. You will wake up from your sleep, prepare yourself for the day, and head out to the cafe to make ends meet. Nothing special to it, you are a simple, magicless civilian trying to get by.
That is, until a flash of silver twinkles at your bedside and there lay, a blank Vision.
Initially, you did not know what to make of it. The morning it appeared, you carried on with your day, baking early to prepare the sweets and other delicacies that will be put on display.
Come eight o'clock, people will start flocking in, from late students rushing to get some bread on the go, to stressed out secretaries attempting to secure their bosses their daily caffeine. The revving of cars won't be heard as much until the clock strikes ten, and so the busy day continues.
You only remember that you received a Vision when you're closing up for the night, gawking at the sight of it on the counter when you remember leaving it at the bedside table.
Why would such a blessed gift appear, when you've little to no—as embarrassing as it is—grand dreams at all?
You grew up with your grandparents, who passed when you were eleven. The money they left behind is more than sufficient enough to cover the expenses until your hairs turn white, and you've been managing it well, secured for emergencies.
Life isn't bleak—but neither is it colorful. It's just there, and you are merely someone traversing past it.
You have a nice, large cafe that's pretty famous in town, so your occupation is practically set for life. But with the arrival of that invitation... well, you can't just throw it out even if you tried, and it'd be a waste of opportunity.
Perhaps it'd give you the additional colors you've been seeking. An extra chapter of adventure in your life. And thus, a decision has been reached.
After securing the bakery with a fellow professional in the field the following morning, you set off towards the single gateway that bridges the nations to the distant Academy.
The Statue of the Seven is located at the city park, a place visited by many. You won't lie and say that you aren't feeling nervous at all. Plenty of eyes lay upon your figure, sparkling in interest as whispers grow louder.
It isn't a normal occurrence to see a student—or well, to-be-student—of the only magical academy, after all.
Vision gripped in one hand, you lay your palm upon the stone foundation of the Statue, unsure of the process of bridging- or is it called teleporting nowadays?
You just got the invitation yesterday and it didn't come with any user manual (obviously)! Not even a thorough search in their website helped, it only contained their schedule of events that includes the general public.
Students are just expected to head over to Septem and that's it! Oh, Celestia, what if it doesn't work? What if you actually needed to do something first? Perhaps you should call their admissions' office-
Hey, why didn't you do that?
Mumbling incoherent things under your breath, you move to substitute the Vision for your phone. At least, that was supposed to be the plan.
Before you are devoured by anxiousness that stems from overthinking and the tons of expectant looks on your person, a chorus of voices ring deep in your mind.
“𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝, 𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬, 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬.”
The world turns white in a blink of an eye—and you are lulled to sleep.
You haven't had such a wonderful slumber all your life until then, it is like you've fallen onto a bed of clouds, cushioning both body and spirit.
Although the quietude of the world is superlative, you can almost hear soft strings that reverberate in harmony.
What breaks you free from sleep's lullaby are hushed whispers and the feeling of your consciousness returning. Drowsiness batted away with a few blinks, you come to wake and acknowledge the growing volume of utterances.
The first thing you notice is that you are floating with a glow that steadily begins to dissolve into gold dust the closer you reach the ground, where five cloaked figures await.
One of them steps forward to guide your descent, holding onto your arms and helping you stabilize yourself in case you wobble.
“No one expected a student to come in the middle of the year, so you missed the entrance ceremony. Nonetheless, welcome.” greets the woman bedecked in vermilion and gold.
An ethereal kind of aura envelops the room the moment she spoke. Silver hair billows around her, floating as they defy gravity, and her eyes bear the shiniest of golds. She sounds stern, but kind.
“Oh,” you quip, “I'm sorry... ?”
A snicker rings from the group of four that stands behind her and you tip your head, attempting to identify the source, but their hoods are pulled down to conceal their visage. Only their lips can be seen, some curled up whilst others are thinned into a line.
She merely lifts her brow, amused. “I am the Sustainer. And fret not, the apology isn't quite necessary, dear.”
You take the moment to observe your surroundings; a vast hall with columns of pews. The light that pores through the stained glass gives the impression that the gathering hall is modeled after the image of an imposing cathedral.
With a glance over your shoulder, you jump, seeing two enormous hand statues splayed open, directed skyward, as though to hold something between them. Is that where you appeared... ?
“Do you have your Vision with you?” surprised, you nod, a little embarrassed that you're this jittery.
The gift presents itself at your open hand, grey and blank, yet to be bestowed of its true power.
Nodding, the woman—Sustainer, as she introduced herself—guides you to step in front of the hand statues and points at the empty space between its palms.
“Let's get you sorted, then.” you lift your hand in offering and the Vision flies out of your hand, moving in between the statues. Rays of light start to coruscate through the large, stained glass behind them, as though being beckoned by the Vision.
The Sustainer glances behind her—towards the four, you presume.
“As unfortunate as it is, our Hearthleaders, or Archons, as you know them by, are incomplete. Three are presently dispatched for executive training, but do not worry,” she gives you a reassuring hum, “If you are ever sorted to their Hearths, then I will summon the Masters.”
You've yet to fully understand the abundance of terminologies the Academy has to offer, but you'll be honest and say that you're getting intrigued by the second.
Maybe going here was a good choice, after all!
“Ad Astra.”
To your astonishment, the rays flashed even brighter, they've become so blinding that you had to close your eyes. Only when it has dimmed to a considerable degree are you able to blink and adjust your sight, feeling an incomprehensible frisson in your chest.
Is this what magic feels like? You ponder in awe as the [c] light of your Vision beats at a steady rhythm, like a heart. It floats back down to your waiting hands.
“Septem Academy welcomes you, [Surname] [Name].”
The Sustainer smiles, golden eyes appearing even warmer than before as she beckons the four behind her to make way down the carpeted center of the gathering hall.
They do as she says, following shortly after you tail along.
“As you have just recently enrolled, the classes may be too advanced, so until you've caught up, you will stay at the Hearth and learn at your pace until it's fit for you to attend class in the campus. I will have the professors know and send in the syllabuses. Of course, you are free to enter the campus library to study if you so wish.”
Down an enclosed corridor that's only lit by torches with seven respective flame colors, you cannot help the wonder that blossoms inside.
Given the technological age, you expected the Academy to be more modern like most universities in Teyvat. Instead, it's rather antiquated in nature (like you're in a fantasy setting!), which is foreseeable, because Septem is in a league of its own.
Eventually, enormous double doors are reached at the end of the hall, opening on their own to reveal a brightly illuminated room.
It is circular and open spaced—a huge gazebo, if you will. In between each marble columns stand seven tall mirrors, each accented and arrayed accordingly.
A moment is needed for you to notice that beyond the place is the celestial body itself, the skies. Rolling clouds complement the azure canvas, touched with a ray of the sun.
You wonder if the eventide will be just as majestic.
“Now, unveil your Vision.”
A sense of nervousness and excitement causes your fingers to tremble in the slightest, unwrapping from the Vision that now thrums with life. The glow of white dies down, eventually marking out a detailed insignia that has your eyes widening.
The Sustainer lifts her hand, and with a voice that commands the heavens, announces.
“Ab intra—”
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— Kaveh/Tighnari/Alhaitham
“Hearth Dendro!”
Flower petals bloom from nonexistence, falling as a gentle shower that commemorates the arrival of another student blessed with wisdom—governed by curio.
One petal lands on your palm and you gasp in awe. It is soft, probably the softest petal you've ever touched. It is as soft as the voice that comes to greet you next, a little girl whose viridescent eyes glimmer with content and mayhap even a sliver of excitement.
Though young, she exudes an aura of someone who has lived far longer than you have.
The Sustainer vanishes into red cubes, and the rest of the cloaked figures disappear through their respective mirrors after a bode of farewell and welcome.
“Hello,” the lone figure peels her hood away and gives a warm smile, “I'm Hearthleader Buer. I'm glad to have you with me.”
It's impossible not to smile in return.
“Same here! I'm a little nervous, but I hope I'll do fine.”
“That is normal,” she nods and begins to float off the ground to meet your level, “Every flower starts as a seed. You will grow and bloom eventually, so do not worry too much!”
It takes you everything not to coo at the adorable sight, aware that she is much, much older than you. Not to mention, she is an Archon, so even if she displays a really amicable atmosphere, you're extra chary not to overstep your boundaries and be disrespectful.
Nahida begins to move, floating towards the right. “We'll go to the hearth now. We don't have as much students as other hearths do, but it's still a lovely place.”
“I'm sure I will enjoy it,” you say as the two of you leave the gathering hall.
She leads you to a mirror accented with vines and flowers. The surface of the mirror swirls upon her touch. She smiles at you, hand extending out.
Wordlessly, you take her hand, and enter the mirror.
Hearth Dendro's dorm is beautiful and bright. Their own portal is behind a canopy of vines, so when you weave past them, the hearth greets you in all its splendor. White marble, lush green hues, and draping leaves adorn the enormous place. It's almost like living in a glasshouse.
Flowers with glowing pistils coil around banisters and ceilings, serving as a gentle light source for when night falls. It even has a grand botanical garden with a gazebo at its center!
The students of Hearth Dendro on the other hand, are... definitely driven. They all have their own sorts of objectives and are surprisingly not one for much chatter — save for a sweet girl named Collei, Hearthleader Buer herself, and this craftsman known as Kaveh.
They all seem rather busy, which apparently is an understatement, because they're almost never not busy. You later realize that they are inarguably the most studious students in Septum, specializing in all kinds of research. Still, they manage to give you a warm welcome in the garden.
When you ask them about the other Hearths, they appear less than eager to introduce those of Hydro's... you wonder why.
Although their schedules are packed full 'till the weekends, they always spare one special day in honor of your Archon, who they often refer to as Hearthleader Kusanali. It's a wonderful celebration, something akin to a birthday ceremony, and it's the best time to converse with your hearthmates out in the gardens.
“Hey, hey come take a look at this—isn't it wonderful? This will be built one day, so for now, it's a miniature version- Don't knock it off-!”
Kaveh is... unique, in the dorms. While the rest are definitely more mellow, he's a bit more unreserved. His gears are constantly being ground, more so when he's in the same room as Alhaitham.
He is just as eager and studious as they are, however, and that shows itself in the display of miniature structures he has in his room.
One can count on him to be less uptight, though he's not afraid to be strict when the situation calls for it—ah, and he's anonymously tasked with bringing entertainment onto the table, and boy does he do it well. Does it have something to do with his snark?
He is the first to greet you, actually, and takes up the responsibility of helping you through your studies to catch up—which would've seen full merit if he wasn't jesting, going off on a tangent each second, and shoving his phone in your face.
When he puts his mind to it, however, he can be a good tutor! Unfortunately, with him, you learn more about hearsay than actual lessons, so a different student decided to help you out.
“What do you think you're doing? That's clearly poisonous! Which hearth do you belong to, you lost lummox- oh, you're the new student.”
Tighnari is one of the best tutors there is, as far as you have experienced. Alhaitham sometimes gives off an almost condescending aura, and Kaveh teases you first before actually teaching anything.
Tighnari has a surprising amount of patience for someone who can be so sassy. You first met him not during your official welcome, but when you enter a greenhouse to peruse and study mushrooms out of curiosity.
Before you can even think of touching one, a hand has slapped yours, followed by a 'tut-tut!' and an unimpressed look from the student himself.
He acts like a brother figure slash mentor to sweet Collei. The first few times she excuses herself to hang out with you, he gives you the sternest and most threatening look ever! One that said, 'put yourselves in danger, and you're cleaning all our rooms'.
It wouldn't have been so bad if you know that everyone's room might as well rival a professor's messy office desk.
Under his austere personality, however, is a kind, understanding man. When you fell asleep in the library late in the night, studying, he carried you back to the hearth along with your reading materials.
If he's particularly busy himself, then he'd sit at the side with a steaming cup of tea prepared for you to drink the moment you wake up. His sense of responsibility has numerously led him to staying up late with you in an attempt to drill all the knowledge in your head.
Oftentimes, Alhaitham, the Master—the Archon's righthand—, just as busy, will join the late night studying.
“Haven't you already gone over this material? Oh, right, you've just enrolled... then, this isn't too complicated for you, is it?”
He can be such a pompous person and for what!? Nahida assures you that he isn't, though, and says that it's merely his way to drill in some well-needed vigor in you to be better. And you're bummed, because it's working. You can mumble stuff about him all you want but he'll still manage to hear you over his headset.
Admittedly, Alhaitham's expectant hums and stares are what led you to pull all-nighters. You're used to it for you've baked some nights away, but you may have forgotten the stress of being a student and not a baker. You often have to keep your emotions in check whenever speaking with him, all because of his blunt tongue.
One second, he can be scrutinizing your 'recklessness' for staying up late and you'd be resigned, then the next, he'll either be giving away a passing comment about your lack of sleep or forcing you to head back to the hearth. His concern—that he somehow masks as 'stating nothing but facts'—is sufficient enough to surprise you.
'What good will this do if you're half-asleep tomorrow?' he'll chide, but will grow quiet if he sees you nodding off. You'll wake up next morning with a study guide on your tabletop. Offering him your thanks will only a yield a nonchalant shrug, followed with a, 'Don't count on it next time'.
That was a lie. He still ended up giving study guides.
Your days in Hearth Dendro are certainly a bit taxing, but with it comes the comfort that your hearthmates are a single call away. For as driven as they are in their scholarly work, they are just as driven to lend a helping hand whenever it is so needed.
When there is nothing to do, everyone will lounge at the garden or the greenhouse, where stories are shared. You'd think that they won't have anything to share other than the contents of their thesis, but they can be surprisingly talkative about other things, too!
... And those 'other' things are gossip about other Hearths.
Kaveh argues that it's actually 'information', and both Nahida and Collei sound pretty engrossed each time, so you learn to go along with it.
Besides, who says it isn't amusing? As long as it doesn't involve you, of course. But with your recent enrollment, it cannot be helped that you are the talk of the town.
“This is the fourth time I try to enter our Hearth only to see another student attempting to go inside with the objective of seeing [Name]! It isn't a problem, but she's still learning at her pace here, she'll eventually go in the campus, why can't they be patient?” “Kaveh, keep your voice down. Perhaps if you weren't advertising her so much every time and posting unsolicited pictures, then they wouldn't be as inquisitive as they are now.” “Phah! At least I act like we have a new member, unlike someone who doesn't even seem to care. How rude of you to [Name]! And for the record, I do have permission!” “I applaud your ability to say such things when she's sitting right beside you.” “Hehe! Well, [Name]'s gotten pretty famous overnight for her sudden appearance. I'd say their interest is well-placed, don't you think so, Tighnari?” “Yes, Collei.. Also, this 'intruder' seems to be that hot-blooded doofus. Can it truly be-?” “Ah, the one from Hearth Geo with the faux horns, correct? He can be quite the determined one, that's for sure.” “Certainly, Hearthleader. Well, him and a few others... oh! Would you care for some sweets?”
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— Zhongli/Itto/Gorou/Albedo
“Hearth Geo!”
Flaxen dust bursts from nonexistence, falling as a gentle shower that commemorates the arrival of another student blessed with fortitude—governed by order.
It reminds you of fairy dust, revitalizing your energy the second it falls upon your person. You feel refreshed, nervousness disappearing with a single exhale.
The Sustainer vanishes into red cubes, and the rest of the cloaked figures disappear through their respective mirrors after a bode of farewell and welcome.
The one left behind saunters with a delicate tug of the cloak's hood, unveiling eyes as gold as the dust that have now decorated the floor. They're mesmerizing to look at.
“Greetings, I am Hearthleader Morax, though you may simply refer to me by my other name, Zhongli. It is nice to meet you.”
Ah, his voice. It's the second thing that catches you off-guard. Wow, that's heavenly.
It's a little embarrassing to admit that you lagged behind in your response in favor of being bedazzled by the fine Archon before you, but he doesn't seem to mind at all.
“It's nice to meet you, too, Hearthleader!” that might've come off as too enthusiastic...
But he only chuckles, gesturing towards a crystalline-looking mirror dipped in gold. “Well then, let us be off. The others await your arrival.”
A floating abode. Hearth Geo's dorm is an abode in a floating abode, does that make sense? You're speechless when you first stepped down from the crystalline cave, which is their portal.
It's extravagant, but not over the top. Bedecked in auburn, gold, and silver, the whole hearth almost appears festive, with a hint of class. Zhongli explains that this complementing style comes from two refined ladies, Ningguang and Yunjin.
Draperies and banners line the walls, like a coat of arms. They aren't overly flamboyant either, well, save for that one statue of a dragon by the floating rock next to the main island.
Overall, it's a cozy looking place! If you stare longer at the conflagrant sky, you'd begin to think that it's in an eternal state of sunset, but it does dip into the evening; a time when levitating crystals of all sizes will start to glow.
Zhongli speaks highly of his hearthmates, often pitching in a good chuckle when he recounts an amusing shenanigan of theirs. They all sound so accommodating that you cannot help but be eager to see them.
Hearthleader wasn't lying when he said that they are waiting, gathered in the common room and more than ecstatic to welcome you with open arms—one man takes this literally. There is little time to react and absolutely zero time to register that you are being spun around.
“I can't believe we got another one! We're getting biiiiig! Hi there, freshblood, I'm the one and oni, oni sumo king, pride of oni, beetle gladiator-”
Arataki Itto, who scoops you into his arms and gives a heavy slap to your poor back. He means no harm, but you still stumbled at it, almost being floored if not for the calm blond man who catches you without batting an eye, as if used to it.
His usage of 'freshblood' is strange if not alarming, though you find out that it's just his way of referring to new people and to honor his ancestors. He's actually a noble guy who can't stand any kinds of prejudice. Meaning, he's got your back twenty-four-seven! He proudly declares that his strength isn't just for show! (Like a vigilante, though he ends up causing most of the trouble)
Itto is loud and some kind of a doofus, but he means well! ... If only his academics are just as well. He volunteered to tutor you, actually—and everyone but an amused Zhongli are shaking their heads behind him to signify that you should decline. Well, you didn't, what could go wrong?
Surprise, surprise, everything did. It's a wonder how he got to his current year, but you won't ask, no, you don't have the courage to anymore... so you can just listen to him lament about the 'brutes' in Hearth Electro as his attention deviates for the third time.
Itto invites you to this group chat called the Arataki Gang, filled with his friends and one mediator from the Hearth he's pouting about earlier. Buckle up for a loud time, he's bound to invite you along in his 'underground battles' which really is just for a beetle fight.
“Oh, hey! Is something the matter? Did you want to check out the place? I can show you around, no big deal! Let me just secure my equipment real quick.”
Sweet Gorou, your savior who saw you on the verge of passing out after getting back your results. Sweet, sweet Gorou who offered a tour around the humongous dorm to take your mind off of things, and because you still get lost in the halls.
He's adept with the heavy compound bow (guns, too!) and you often see him in a section of the dorm, particularly the archery range, honing his skills to perfection. He seems incapable of letting loose, always keeping a stern visage on, but with a few nudges and shoves he can be quite easygoing, too.
It's cute that he attempts to hold onto earnestness, though. You find out that it's because of his future as a General after he completes his studies, which is a story for another time, he assures it! Now, just- set your phone aside and let him teach you already!
Wakes up before everyone else and takes up the role of being everyone's alarm if they're sleeping in. With Noelle, the two of them are the greatest pair when it comes to keeping things in topnotch condition. There is no escaping his keen eye and sharp nose.
It's unnerving how he almost knows what you need at the right moment; ah, you're hiding from Itto? Hide there! Do you need to pick up the modules and guides from your professor? No biggie, he got 'em right here! Did you just say you want to unwind? Well, there's always video games available in the game room, he can be your player two!
“... I wondered who it was that's walking around the dorm at this hour in the night. You can't sleep, you say? Mm, if you wish, you can join me. Others say that being idle while with me makes them drowsy.”
You don't know what Albedo means, but that sounded.. sad. People get sleepy around him? How awful, he means nice, doesn't he? You should go and see for yourself! ... And oh, how correct those 'other people' are.
Albedo may be taciturn, but he does not evade giving answers when asked. Most of the time, he's either in the laboratory or the parlor, tinkering with chemicals or drawing in his sketchbook.
Again, you didn't know what he truly meant by 'people being drowsy around him' until you actually took him up on his offer at the famed witching hour; three in the morning. Merely sitting from afar and watching him work around the lab whilst delineating his process is more than enough for you to doze off.
It can be his soothing voice coupled with the clinks of lab equipment and the sounds of his laptop's pressed keys, either way, it's safe to say that whenever you can't sleep, you seek him out—and he has no problems whatsoever! You always wake up with a blanket and a horrible stiff neck, but the nearby beverage and his pleasant 'good morning' does not fail to lighten your day. That is, if you can ignore Gorou's horrified sermons about lack of sleep in the background.
There are times when you genuinely help him, though, because goodness he's incredibly smart. Your grades have been pulled out of the gutter because of him and you couldn't be more grateful. Ah, and he's- actually an exchange student!? He's from Aurum College? Wait, isn't that from Khaenri'ah?
“How are you faring? If you need any guidance with your classes, do not hesitate to approach any of us. Oh? You've nothing to do? Then, how about some osmanthus wine?”
Geo's Hearthleader, you did not expect him to be such a good listener and storyteller, what with the austere expression on his face all the time. You thought that, as someone who governs with order, he'd be a stickler for the rules, but he isn't!
He's pretty laidback, it almost seems like Ningguang—the Master—is holding most of the reigns. His affable attitude, however, is not an excuse for anyone to deviate from the rules. Itto has broken a pretty important one once and Zhongli's silent fumes are unable to be dissipated in weeks, or so Yunjin said.
Knowledgeable in nearly all fields, it once struck you as strange that he's yet to fully 'graduate'. You don't know how Archons' educations go, but you do know that it's important for every incarnation of theirs to undergo a certain number of years in Septem before fully embodying their role in their respective nations and replacing their predecessors.
It goes without saying that everyone in the Hearth looks up to him, always going for well-needed advice or sometimes to even just get a decent story. His mind is rich with history and knowledge, so no one minds at all when he starts speaking and doesn't stop until the sun has risen. It's the Hearth's take on a 'movie marathon', though it's more of a story than a movie.
There's no guarantee that everyone's still awake after he is finished—maybe except for you and Albedo, who may have gotten used to staying up late. Zhongli isn't content with the derailed sleeping schedule, but you both listened so well, how can he ever begin a scolding session?
Zhongli holds a special ceremony for everyone in the dorm to attend, one akin to a birthday party, called Descension. Only it celebrates the inauguration of the hearth itself from many, many years ago.
From Yunjin's performances to Itto's challenges, despite everyone's clear disparity in personalities, it is a day where Hearth Geo becomes more united than ever.
“That was an amazing performance, Yunjin... ! I've got goosebumps all over my skin!” “Oh, thank you! I had someone help me with the song, I wanted the best for today's Descension. I see that Hearthleader is just as pleased, it makes me happy.” “A performance as splendid as that deserves only praise. Indeed, it was wonderful.” “Hm... and the feast is excellent. Noelle has outdone herself again, say, come here, why don't you rest for a bit? Let Gorou and Itto be with their endeavors.” “If the Master deems it fit, then I shall gladly accept! Come, [Name], I want to taste the sweets you baked, too!” “Haaaah!? [Name] baked something and I didn't get first taste?! Ridiculous! Gimme, gimme that now-!” “Running down the stage like that won't bode well for you, Itto, calm yourself... though the excitement is understandable, it won't be good if you rush.” “Albedo is right, calm down- hey, look out for that-! Everyone get away, he's gonna crash!” “THAT CROISSANT IS MINE- WOAH!” CRASH! “...” “... How are the contingency funds for Itto's mishaps, Ningguang?”
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— Ayato/Xingqiu/Childe/'Dottore'
“Hearth Hydro!”
Raindrops descend from nonexistence, falling as a gentle shower that commemorates the arrival of another student blessed with bourne—governed by excellence.
Surprisingly, they did not dampen your clothes, for they scatter into myriads of blue dust upon touch. Still, there lies a sensation akin to having resurfaced from a calm ocean.
The Sustainer later vanishes into red cubes after assuring that the corresponding Master has been summoned, and the rest of the cloaked figures disappear through their respective mirrors after a bode of farewell and welcome.
Maybe only at least half a minute has passed until the mirror to your left, one of silver and blue—it reminds you of the pretty stained glass in the hall a while ago—ripples, and out comes a man with a fixed smile.
He's handsome, though you can't help but be on edge. Are you overthinking things, or does something else enshroud that smile of his?
“A lovely afternoon, is it not? I am Kamisato Ayato, Master of Hearth Hydro. Will you give me the honor of welcoming you to our palace?”
Apprehension? Scrutiny, maybe?
You cannot be too sure, but he does seem kind, so you try not to over analyze. For all you know, it can just be the nervousness from before beginning to take over again.
Another thing that you pick up on, other than his ambiguous smile, is his air of elegance. You cannot see anything amiss, as though he embodies the word perfection itself. It's rather intimidating, for if he is like this, then what of your other hearthmates?
If his special power is mind reading, you'd like to shut down, because he's chuckling into his white sleeve that's free from creases. “Do not be so agitated, my lady, your Vision has sorted you well.”
Goodness heavens above, you hope he doesn't notice the pink of your cheeks!
“Shall we be off?”
Not relying on your voice to respond, you only take his arm that he raises for you to link your own with, and head into the mirror.
When he said that bit about welcoming you to the palace, you didn't expect it to be literal! Emerging from a swirl of blue portal located beyond an extravagant arch, you take in the sight of Hearth Hydro's dorm- if one can even call it that. This elegant monstrosity before you, is a palace. A mix of old and modern.
It isn't overly big and exaggerated, but it still is huge. The second you step in, water avatars of all forms can be seen, from jellyfishes to water clones. You would've ogled at the entire infrastructure if not for the Master tugging you along to the parlor.
Unsurprisingly, with a dorm as giant as the palaces in storybooks, it does not come as a surprise that it is able to cater to the personal whims of everyone that occupied it.
Other than the rooms one can be naturally found in a castle, there are training barracks, laboratories, and—is that an observatory at the top? It feels like going back in time. The only touch of modern tech such as televisions and other appliances is at a different side in the palace.
Under the eyes of your hearthmates, whose gazes zero in towards you upon the suspenseful entrance led by yours truly, you start to feel incredibly small. It doesn't need to be verbalized; how all of them emanate this air of majesty. (Save for that one gingerhead).
Fear not, however, for though nothing but excellence seems to exude off of their miens, they are far from being the cavalier students you feared they'd be. Some, most of the time.
“Comrade! Wanna get out of this stuffy palace? I haven't been to Liyue lately, would you want to- Huh? Haha! How? We sneak out, of course!”
Childe may be the 'black sheep' of the Hearth what with his torpor towards the axiomatic courtliness of his hearthmates—he practically is their opposite, brash and always seeking some form of chaos instead of grace—but he has his serious moments every now and then.
He spends most of the time at the training grounds, very rarely joining the others in their fancy tea time, not like they mind. The palace will definitely be much gloomier if he's not around, though, so they still invite him regardless of whether he attends it or not.
Septem Academy, much like any other schools, hosts competitions and events for the students—and Childe is the Hearth's savior, winning things left and right especially if it has something to do with combat. He thrives in it.
You find out that he gets along with almost everyone, though you aren't sure if it's genuine... but he's amicable, so is that really a problem? As long as he doesn't stab you in the back or anything, then there's nothing to raise your eyebrow at.
The number of times he has dragged you to sneak out of the palace to shirk duties—the Master never fails to punish both of you when he finds out—can no longer be counted. You said you'd regret it, but Childe is someone who knows how to enjoy life for what it is, so you still end up joining him in his made escapees. You even end up taking him to your cafe and he loves it!
“Careful, my lady, you wouldn't want to fall down those steps now, would you? Here, let me help you carry those to the library. Mm? Don't worry, I was headed there myself, anyway.”
Ah, another frequent escapee. Xingqiu upholds noble etiquette much like the rest, but astonishingly has his own side of mischief. You did not believe it at first when Childe said that he's pulled pranks with Xingqiu as his partner in crime... until you caught the latter in the act.
He has a way with words, too! He's the one responsible for swaying you to join Childe in your top secret mission to sneak out of the Hearth and the Academy (gate passes aren't allowed during exams week), covering for both your lives and sometimes joining in on the fun. Barbara caught the three of you one time and was torn between snitching or not. She didn't. Yelan did.
A sweet gentleman, but is efficient with the sword, as well. Other than his love for swordplay, you've caught his nose buried in books most of the time in the palace library.
It has become customary for the two of you to arrive at the library in the afternoon, just after lunch, to either read a good book or study. Of course, that includes dozing off together, be it all over the table or the plush loveseats by the fireplace.
You two will not wake up in time for supper—the cozy library might as well be a gigantic bedroom—so it is up to Mona to do the honors and take you away from dreamland. If they leave you be, you'll wake up at around eight. From then on you'd both either skip dinner or resume reading, eating a bunch of snacks that are available in the nearby pantry.
“If I have intimidated you in any way, it wasn't my intention to. To requite for it... oh, Septem will host an Overture Ball for the three Hearthleaders' return. May you accompany me as my partner?”
Ayato has a sound reason for his actions, apparently. Being the Head of a renowned family that's targeted one too many times, the need to ascertain and scrutinize strangers comes as second nature. He's like a cryptic prince, observant and shrewd.
Aside from that trait of his, he can be solicitous. He acts mostly for the benefit of many but is not afraid to throw in some risks, which makes him great and, at the same time, someone to be wary of. No one will want to be in his bad side... really, don't test his patience...
You're in his good graces, though, much like everyone else—so as long as you do not stray, you are guaranteed a wonderful stay at Septem Academy. He has connections, after all, and he's not afraid to use them! He also has an endearing sister that he tells you of, she belongs in Hearth Cryo.
With his finesse and early experience, it's no wonder that he ended up being the Master, too, so he's extra bus juggling responsibilities and academics at the same time. Not to mention, the duty of being Head of his own family.
His busy life thus keeps him away from most of your hearthmates unless the day calls for the usual tea time. You've taken it upon yourself to knock at his study and accompany him. He once even helped you with the subjects you're lagging on behind! From then, he sorta begins to expect you around him. He likes the company!
With the way he acts, if not for the Hydro Vision at his waist, you would've thought he belonged in Hearth Dendro. An opinion that made him squint at you very discreetly...
“. . .”
You aren't a hundred percent certain about it, but there might be another hearthmember who hasn't shown nor introduced himself. A passing blur of blue and white, that's what you see turning the corners at night.
When you asked Yelan about it, she says that even they are unsure about which hearth that student is officially affiliated with—and that's not even the student, but a 'copy'.
Childe has a lot to say on the matter, though, saying that the 'real person' is on leave, and the clone left behind merely liked to roam about this particular dorm.
'Dottore' is the code name, other than that, everything is enclosed in obscurity.... you wonder when you'll get to see him for yourself.
No one also said it outright, but you deduce that they're probably in some kind of rivalry with Hearth Dendro. You believe it pertains to your hearthmates' ability to keep up with them in terms of excellence... or perhaps it's a case of student's pride?
You've only seen students from that hearth a couple of times, but two men in it just clash with Ayato, Childe, and that one student on leave. It doesn't help that your hearthmates have this subtle air of smugness that they downplay... as if aiming to provoke in a passive manner.
And worse, their rivals are just as smug, if not prideful.
Nothing too harmful, though! At least, you hope... it's a good thing Barbara, Kokomi, Mona, and Candace are sweet mediators. (Yelan and Xingqiu seems to enjoy the little feud, though).
“Alhaitham sure knows how to press buttons, hm? He's twice as overbearing today and it's only because I lost an argument! Heh, can't say I'm not challenged, though.” “Who wouldn't feel triumphant if he's won against a renowned Harbinger? If you are just as invested in academics as you are in your combat skills, perhaps we could've won ourselves.” “Now, now, Master, comrade. You saved the latter half of the debate! I say we stood our ground well! Oh- this tea is actually tastes good!” “It sounds so exciting to be in the same class as you three! I wish I could've seen it for myself..” “Don't we have a free day tomorrow, Kokomi? We can sit in and watch their second debate with [Name]. We can even do a little cheer!” “I wish to join as well, I've no qualms that it'd be more interesting than taking up politics for the fourth time in a week... ah, my lady, here are the sugarcubes.” “Thank you. But isn't tomorrow's attendance for your class a requirement, Xingqiu?” “Ho! Lady Yelan, No such rule dictates that I've to stay for the entire class.” “And that is your excuse for cutting class? I see.” “I think you disappointed Candace, comrade.”
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— Razor/Cyno
“Hearth Electro!”
Lightning and thunder roars from nonexistence, deafening with its echo that commemorates the arrival of another student blessed with ideals—governed by volition.
Its unexpected boom prompts you to jump, heart lurching along in shock and a bit of fear. Wow, that took your breath away... but right now, was that lightning violet? It's such a pretty color.
The Sustainer vanishes into red cubes, and the rest of the cloaked figures disappear through their respective mirrors after a bode of farewell and welcome.
The figure left behind is swift to introduce herself, pretty eyes and braided hair of violet unveiled. From the looks of it, she's strict, but her voice has a gentle lilt to it that quells your nerves.
“Greetings, [Name]. I'm Hearthleader Beelzebul. I noticed that you were caught off-guard by the thunder, are you by any chance, afraid of them?”
Oh no, was she disappointed? It's not like you're that afraid or anything!
Flustered, you shake your head, clarifying your surprise in earnest. “Oh, no, no! It just caught me off-guard, I wasn't expecting to hear it so suddenly when the weather isn't stormy at all.”
“Ah,” she has a pretty smile, “I'm relieved. As your Hearthleader, I wish only the best for you and your journey into mastering Electro.”
The heels of her shoes click against the floor, stopping only when she reaches a gilded mirror whose surface wheels into an abyssal portal of deep violets. A magical sight, like one of a fairytale's.
“The Hearth may bewilder you for a moment, but I've no doubt that you will get accustomed to how things are without difficulty.” she lets you step inside first and immediately, you are overwhelmed by a sense of catharsis—like the insecurities and fears rooted deep within have let go.
You are brought back to reality when a steady hand holds onto you, followed by a hearty laugh.
“That always happens to newcomers! It never gets old, does it, Hearthleader?”
It doesn't even seem to be remotely possible, but Septem Academy is a place of magic, so anything can be possible—and that includes the fact that you are on a flying warship, the portal, that is sailing through the clouds.
Hearth Electro might as well be a fairytale of its own, for it changes forms once a month, morphing into an image of the reality that each Hearthmember envisions.
The huge ship, to your amazement, already includes all sorts of rooms and necessities one would find in a more 'normal' dorm. As Beidou explained, 'sailing through the clouds' is basically the Hearth reshaping itself to fit the next image of reality, which ends up being a floating abode in the likeness of the buildings in the nation of Inazuma.
Everyone is more than willing to tell you the array of realities their mindblowing Hearth has to offer; from castles to even a temple-like dorm, it's thus normal to opine that Hearth Electro is one of a kind. All hearthmembers get a turn, so you can only wait in the coming months, thinking about how your envisioned reality will be shaped.
The Hearth's maverick kind of subsistence had a lot to do with the members that belong to it. All are vastly different from one another, united only by a singularity; the drive to embody their ideals. It might also be because you learned that they're all 'misfits' in their own ways, but you can't be the judge of that.
Hearthleader Beelzebul says that it is beyond convoluted to comprehend the nature of each element and what unites everyone blessed by it, so it's better to just let it be.
“For your help! Thank you. Means... a lot, to Razor. To Hearth, and to Lupical.”
Initially, when you met Razor, you thought that he's sort of aloof, unwilling to converse with anyone unless he finds it necessary. Turns out that he's just a little bashful and isn't much of a talker—it does not mean that he's unfriendly at all!
Lisa did the honors of introducing him to you and things went smoothly afterwards. Razor is a little weak on language-centered subjects, but fares well at the rest, more so at classes that recites the need for hunting and tracking down things. You do not know too much, but they say it's more of a specialized course that you can get into once you catch up to academics.
He likes to be in the kitchen if not in his room or outside, always making those cute hashbrowns in the shape of a paw. You didn't take him to be one who does well in culinary things (did he just mix whole pinecones in that!?) but that one dish he served—that made everyone nervous at first—actually tasted like heaven.
Apparently, before becoming a student, he was an orphan who tended to himself alongside a pack of wolves. It seemed impossible for this is a modern world! But then you recall that Hearth Electro quite literally is an oddity itself, so you don't question it. Besides, it's rude...
Razor gets along with everyone, more so with some of the students in Hearth Pyro. Whenever you're free from studies, you offer to cook or bake with him in the kitchen. It's always so endearing to whip something up with someone, after all.
Cyno, on the other hand... is intimidating... and he looks like he's choosing what kind of judgement to befall upon you when your eyes first met! Although Yae looked on in amusement at your fear and Sara assured that you shouldn't be wary of him, you can't help but grow even more anxious.
It has come to the point that you only managed to utter his name and go completely silent when he comes in the room, turning as white as paper and feeling as though you've committed a cardinal sin.
So imagine your utter bafflement when one night, as you are about to sleep, a knock came upon the door—and Cyno is there. The staring is only cut off when he spoke, and it's-
“What holds both days and students? Septem(ber). Because September is a month and Septem is the name of the Academy.”
Heavens above how could he say that with a straight face, was that a joke? That was a joke, wasn't it- you're about to laugh, wait- are you allowed to laugh!?
In the end, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, unable to tell whether it's because of his ability to look serious, or because of the joke itself. He looks surprised, but then all he does is blink, say good night, and saunter away as if he hasn't just dropped a joke that made Beidou guffaw next door.
It was easier being around Cyno afterwards. He isn't half bad at all—that is, as long as you do not break any of the Academy's rules or any of the Hearth's—you can't believe that all it took was an unusual 'confrontation' from the student himself.
Whenever Keqing and Kuki aren't around to help you understand a particularly complicated subject, he swings by to teach you—good heavens, he's smart as he is cunning. You end up dozing off whenever he does help, though... his voice is pleasant to listen to...
That is, if he's not speaking like he's going to condemn you for even having 'the audacity to nod off'! Because of this, he just sends you a link to his online study guides, and you both share!
Despite his sangfroid, however, there are times when he simply asks you to tell him if his newly constructed jokes are funny enough. If you told your past self that you'd end up being Cyno's 'joke evaluator', you would've laughed.
Being able to sit down and just talk with your hearthmates is more complicated than you imagined, and it's because of everyone's varying personalities. To work around this, your Hearthleader—or Ei, as Miko refers to—issues a duty upon everyone.
Each month, a student whose reality is currently the one shaped by the Hearth is responsible for hosting an event in which everyone will participate. There aren't any restrictions, so it can be tea parties, movie marathons, and even trips outside the Academy.
Fischl elaborately informs you that Hearth Electro prides itself in its 'get-togethers' solely because of the fact that the activities are different each time at the end of the month. You heard that they've gone to visit a literal ruins one time and got trapped in it for a week!
“Hearthleader, you're in charge of this month's get-together, aren't you? Do you have any plans?” “Yes, Keqing. I've thought of some things, but I'm unsure as to what will be preferred by most. Indulge me, everyone, how does attending a sweets buffet sound to you?” “My, Ei, aren't you just taking advantage of this event to satisfy your sweet tooth?” “Haha! Well I expected nothing less. Even if I would've liked some more active things to do, I sure don't mind sitting down and just taking a breather for once. Manning the wheel does take a lot outta me.” “Likewise. I'm not suited for idle matters, but as it is Hearthleader's choice, I respect it.” “Razor... same as Cyno and Beidou's reason.” “Fret not you cuties, actually, I was tasked by Ei to go fetch a gate pass for us all and I did see some sort of itinerary when I dropped it off in her room. And her laptop was open to some tourist spots. Right, Sara?” “Indeed. Other than a sweets buffet, I believe that Hearthleader has plenty of other things in mind.” “You're right about that. I checked the mora on hand and it does seem like we have more plans than eating cake.” “Hoho! The kind graces of our Hearthleader is most worthy of praise, surely, there is more to a sweet pinnacle of this month's celebration. I do wonder what awaits us all come the conclusion of the month to come! Kuki, how is our new outlander faring, will she be able to come?” “[Name] did really good, actually. She caught up well, I've no reason to believe that she'll be left behind to keep studying when she aced her exams.” “Wonderful. Then, after the sweets buffet, we shall explore the historical Chasm, or if you all prefer otherworldly locations, then Enkanomiya is also a destination.” “Haha, that's a good joke, Hearthleader!” “... But I'm not joking.”
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A lot can happen in the span of five years.
Your life at Septem Academy may have just begun, but with the way things kicked off at a great start, you're relieved to say that maybe the adventure really is just beginning, as well.
Ah, but before all that, perhaps you first need to catch up on learning how to utilize your newfound [element].
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a/n: i begin my notes by saying that the interpretation of each hearth/element's blessings, (aka solidity/valor/widsom/etcetc) are my personal take! hoyo doesn't confirm anything after all :')
also this was long! so i only added four hearths. now, septem i say has five years of schooling, with the fifth year being some kind of 'mastery' year in which the whole focus is on their vision. and the professors.. wELL i won't go into detail, but they're going to be those from Celestia, because again, Celestia is good here jahdkashdsa
everyone is human, only archons are, well, archons! for adjustments, however, there aren't any characters under 18, and no one above 23 either (except for archons lmao?? also, didn't include klee/diona and other child characters here)
hm, and i'll end my long long ramble here lmao, can't get it too long! part two will include the rest of the hearths!
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @hey-comrade-hold-stil @limelightsuperhero @chloeloe @loptido @windyventi @nejibot @ganyuqrt @justrinnn @yasunamilk @alana5021 @coco-goat-milk @mininji @koi-chairowo
742 notes · View notes
queersrus · 3 months
Literature theme
[literature theme]
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types of literature, a general theme with nothing too specific picked out
mystery theme(link)
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auto, autobio, autobiogra, autobiographi/autobiography, aca, acade, academ, academe, academi, academia book, bookette, booketta, bookelle, bookella, bookine, bookina come, como, comedi/comedy
drama, dys, dysto, dystope, dystopi, dystopia, dystopian esse, essey/essay/essae, essie fictia, fiction, fanta, fantasy, fable, folk, folklo, folklor/folklore, folktai, folktale, fae/fay/fai/fey, fairy/faerie/fayrie, fairytale/faerietale
gen, genre, genra/genera histo, histori/history, historia, historica, historical, histfi, historfi, histofi, histoficti, horr, horro, horror litera, literatura, literature, literaturette, literaturetta, literaturelle,
literaturella, literaturine, literaturina, literar, literari/literary, lege, legend, legenda, lyr, lyre, lyri, lyric, lore myth, mytha, mytho, mythos, mythic, mythica, mythoca, mythaca, mytholo, mythology/mythologi, mag, mage, magi, magic, magica,
magical, mem, memo, memoi, memoir novel, novela/novella, nonfi, nonficti, nonfictia prose rome, roma, roman, romanti, romantic, romantica, romana, romanta,
romantica, romance, romancia, rev, revi/revie, review, rea, real, reali, realis, realism, realisme, realisma scifi, sciefi, sciefic, scienfi, scienfic, scienficti tale
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
li/le/ly/literarine(literaturine)/literaturself li/litere/literacy/literarine/literaryself(literacyself) bi/be/by/bookine/bookself gi/ge/genry/genrine/genreself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
lo/literature/literatures/literatureself lo/literacer/literacers/literacerself(literacyrself) lo/literaryr/literaryrs/literaryrself bo/booker/bookers/bookerself go/genrer/genrers/genrerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
lit/literature, lit/erature, liter/ature, litera/ture, literature/literatures, litera/cy, literacy/literacys, lit/eracy, lit/literacy, lit/literary, liter/ary, litera/ry, lit/erary, literary/literarys bo/book, boo/k, bo/ok, bo/ook, book/books, book/mark gen/re, genre/genres, gen/genre
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the literacy expert, the literary device, the literature librarian, the literature reader, the reader of literacy/literature, the writer of literature, the author of literature
*one who writes literature, one who reads literature, one who oversees literary devices, one who hoards books of literature
author, writer, reader
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*one can be replaced with any prn.
feel free to ask to be tagged when we post
26 notes · View notes
ninapi · 1 year
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For Haikyuu go here
For Jujutsu go here
For Tokyo Rev here
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☆゚Upper Moon Two: Origin
Premise: A journey trough Douma's life as a human, was he always as bad? The reminiscence of his real past lingers as he dies, not the things he always remembered but the reason itself that made him choose the demonic path.
Word count: 2395
☆゚ Upper Moon Four: Relentless Emotions
Premise: The line between being rescued and captured can be very thin, it all depends on who gets to be in charge for the day. Battling against their own feelings, they were only allowed to feel one emotion each, even when they had feelings for the same person, they were really the same demon after all. Could it be possible they fell for a filthy treacherous human? Nah…
Word count: 4337
Bonus Chapter
☆゚Wind Pillar:
❀。• Liquid sunshine
Premise: A life without the demon corps was just meaningless. Living with a heavy survivor guilt can really eat someone from the inside. That was until a weak light arrived in the most unexpected way possible, breathing life back into his lungs, making him feel needed once more.
Word count: 5081
☆゚ Bonus chapter 1, Bonus chapter 2, Prequel
❀。• Depths of Fate
Premise: Sanemi goes out of his way to take care of a sick young woman who captivated his heart since their first time seeing each other. A love like this wasn't possible for a man like him, or so he thought, fate has many faces and he would end up seeing them all up close.
Word Count: 5708
☆゚Water Pillar:
❀。• Blessed rain
Premise: Lacking resolution was his weakest attribute, after losing his established lifestyle and many friends in battle, finding something worth living for can be challenging. But there's always a rainbow after a rainy day and he found that rainbow when his low was at its peak. A lost soul finds another.
Word count: 4563
☆゚Sound Pillar:
❀。• Shattered
Premise: A broken man, a shattered dream and purpose. Retirement made Tengen feel useless, a rather confident man shatters to the ground, new resolution and sense of one self blooms from it as he meets the right person at the right moment.
Word Count: 4551
☆゚Mist Pillar:
❀。• Sweet Innocence
Premise: Soulmates come at unexpected times and places. Muichiro goes on his final mission, one that he would get to remember to his very last breath. A short lived love blooms with the worse possible timing.
Word Count: 3286
☆゚Snake Pillar:
❀。• One sided
Premise: Love isn't always something beautiful, wanted, expected. Iguro had always been in love with Mitsuri, but that didn't stop his Tsuguko from falling for him.
Word Count: 3686
☆゚ Stone Pillar:
❀。• Flavored Tears
Premise: A tale as old as time, a love as big as it can possibly exist. A traveling merchant gets lost and stumbles in Gyomei's mountain, a meeting that only destiny could make possible.
Word Count: 4044
☆゚Shinazugawa Genya:
❀。• Rommates…?
Premise: Zenitsu trips you and Genya into being roommates in your first year of college, disregarding Genya’s everlasting crush on you.
Word Count: 7638
☆゚ Bonus Chapter
☆゚ Haganezuka Horaru:
❀。• Fireflies
Premise: Haganezuka gets a marriage proposal from one of the elders of the village, marrying was a must for those in the Swordsmith's village, self preservation of the clan and its techniques was absolutely mandatory. He hated the idea to his very core, to say the least.
Word Count: 3544
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☆゚Kimetsu daycare
Premise: Kiriya calls the former pillars to celebrate his coming of age ceremony. Since the three of them have children, his sisters offer to take care of the lot. Welcome to a hell of a day in the Kimetsu daycare.
Word Count: 4026
☆゚Kimetsu Academy, Teachers edition:
❀。• Rengoku Kyojuro: Be Mine
Premise: Destiny can be a fickle thing. One little mistake while dialing a random shop opened a new door for his desolated heart; one he was more than eager to go into.
Word Count: 3985
❀。• Tomioka Giyuu: Training Camp
Premise: Giyuu asks for one of the interns at the academy to be assigned to his care as the training camp was approaching and he didn’t have enough energy to deal with all the brats and their antics.
Word Count: 3660
❀。• Shinazugawa Sanemi: Infinity
Premise: Kanae convinces Sanemi to go on a blind date in a combined effort from all the teachers at the academy to battle Sanemi’s imminent desolated future.
Word Count: 3485
❀。• Uzui Tengen: The art of beauty
Premise: Tengen never thought possible to fall in love so bad that he'd want to give away his freedom and finally settle down. Who said a flamboyant life can't have a bit of loving~?
Word Count: 3472
❀。• Himejima Gyomei: Righteousness
Premise: Teaching children was his dream, taking care of his buddhist temple his responsibility. Finding love wasn't in his priority list, but not having to take care of everything on his own was certainly refreshing for Gyomei and made him feel warm inside.
Word Count: 3075
☆゚Kimetsu Daddies
❀。• Vol.1 Shinazugawa Sanemi
Premise: Everyone has insecurities and parenting can certainly bring even more to the plate. Taking a trip to memory lane to the first days of his fatherhood journey makes Sanemi realize maybe he isn't half bad himself.
Word Count: 3639
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