support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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she-whodreams · 2 years
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godhatesadam666 · 4 months
301 cal breakfast
Today I've planned to eat 515 cals but with house work some dancing and yoga I'll definitely be in the negative anyway
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loveemeskinny · 1 month
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Mmmmh, some pretty i^spo🖤
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almondgyal · 7 months
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Breakfast 🍌🫕🍫
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fluffycloudgirl · 2 years
can someone drop a good website for super low cal recipes
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the-krebs-cycle · 2 months
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that one guy from the mulbangs / me restricting
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dbfhotchner · 2 months
YES YES YES down 5 lbs in only 3 days of fasting im so excited
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The ironic thing is that the more you starve yourself, the more your body will correct for it later by gaining weight to keep you alive. Not this week, but years down the line.
Dieting actually makes it *more* likely that you'll gain weight later. Dieting fucks with your metabolism, basically tricking your body into thinking it's in a famine. But it's not. You're doing this to yourself.
Not to mention the internal damage and long-term health effects that come from an eating disorder. Sorry if you don't like heart damage and getting lightheaded whenever you stand up. Do you ever need to walk up stairs? Those get harder too.
But sure, try to be skinny when you're young. That's when your eating disorder will work the best. It's honestly not really that impressive to anyone outside of your clique or thinspo circle, but go off. Hope you look cute in your thinspo photos! Hope those photos don't come back to haunt you!
Be warned, because the clock is ticking. Every bit of damage you do to yourself will be felt later on. It's in your best interest to figure out how long you're going to play this game with yourself.
🍓 Ask me any eating disorder questions you have! I've been specializing in this since 2002, when my college roommate got super deep into her bulimia, and now I run a private practice where I work with teens and adults with every kind of eating disorder. I love, love, love working with eating disorders, especially when people don't want to listen to me.
Be nicer to yourselves, girls.
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animedweirdo · 5 months
I never post anything on here even when I was active but man...
I can't recover. Like I can't. Its either binging or restricting and what.
I was "recovering", meaning i was binging every day, the past 1 1/2 years and gained 40 pounds. Why??? I feel so disgusting and my belly is flopping over and i have more stretchmarks than hair😭
I really do want to recover but I don't think I can until I return to the point where I didn't want to be awake to escape the sensation of my skin touching my skin....AHHHHHH (this is really primarly a sensation issue so pls don't feel attacked!)
I'm currently 190 pounds...and I have to go back to 150.
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godhatesadam666 · 6 months
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Trying a new diet think I'm gonna post most of what I eat
Corn on the cob (84)
2 hard boiled eggs (132)
Mixed leaf salad 60g (10)
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loveemeskinny · 12 days
Once you get through those first pangs of hunger the rest will be, ironically, a piece of cake🖤
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care-aboutme · 7 months
I have a broken rib and have no idea how long it’ll be until I can work out so I’m just gonna have to go so crazy with my restricting
any and all tips for losing without working out pls & thank you xoxo
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unknown24ed · 5 months
As someone fat looking to be skinny when you stop restricting and stuff do you not just put all the weight back on I’m curious I’m starting restricting tomorrow and I’m just gonna drink water and black coffee any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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skinnyxdreamz · 8 months
Why isn’t there a tablet to actually boost metabolism?! Like proven results am I missing something
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typootrying · 6 months
english version below!
kochani, macie jakieś rady co do r3strykcji podczas egzaminów, ważnych testów - aby móc być maksymalnie skupionym? mam w sobie jakieś poczucie, że mogę odpuścić, bo intensywny czas, ale z drugiej strony - ostatnio mam dawkę motywacji, warto by to wykorzystać
guys, any tips on restricting during the exam period? I want to be as focused as possible. we can do a masterpost afterwards
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