mirecalemoments01 · 1 year
Japanese Tourist's Pricey Surprise: When a Crab Dish Costs $680
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A Japanese tourist visiting Singapore recently found herself in an unexpected and rather pricey dining situation. After ordering a crab dish at the Seafood Paradise restaurant, Junko Shinba was shocked to receive a bill totaling $680, or approximately Rs 56,503. Perplexed by the exorbitant cost, she called the police, claiming that she was not adequately informed about the meal's price. This dining debacle serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of clear communication in the restaurant industry. A Costly Culinary Experience Junko Shinba's dining adventure took place on August 19 when she and her friends decided to dine at Seafood Paradise in Singapore. Everything seemed ordinary until they received the bill, revealing the staggering cost of the chili crab dish she had ordered. The dish had been recommended by a waiter, who mentioned it as a $20 option. However, the crucial detail omitted was that the price was per 100 grams of the crab. The Missing Information Ms. Shinba later recounted that the waiter's recommendation lacked a crucial detail – he failed to explain that the crab was priced per 100 grams. Consequently, when her group received their order, they were astounded to discover that they had been served approximately 3,500 grams of the dish, leading to a jaw-dropping bill of $680. Ms. Shinba expressed her astonishment, saying, "We all became speechless knowing that one dinner for four adults cost that much. None of us were informed that the whole crab would be cooked only for us, as some other restaurants serve crabs partially." Calling in the Authorities In the face of this unexpected expense, Ms. Shinba took a bold step and asked the restaurant to summon the police. Officers promptly arrived at the scene to mediate the situation. The restaurant staff maintained that they had not overcharged Ms. Shinba's group and even presented a receipt from another customer who had ordered a similar dish. A Discount and Resolved Dispute After a discussion that must have been as intense as the chili crab itself, the restaurant agreed to offer Ms. Shinba a discount of approximately $78 (Rs 6,479) as a goodwill gesture. While the dining experience may not have been what she initially expected, this resolution at least mitigated the financial impact. Differing Perspectives The Paradise Group, representing Seafood Paradise, defended its staff, asserting that they had "clearly communicated" both the price and weight of the Alaskan King Crab before the order was placed. To avoid any potential miscommunication, the staff went so far as to bring the entire crab to the table before preparation. Nevertheless, when it came time to settle the bill, Ms. Shinba refused to pay and opted to file a police report. As a result, the restaurant manager facilitated the police report. Seeking Additional Support In addition to involving the police, Ms. Shinba reached out to the Singapore Tourism Board about her dining experience. Her case was subsequently referred to the Consumers Association of Singapore, adding another layer to this culinary saga. This incident serves as a reminder that transparent communication in the restaurant industry is paramount. Clear information about pricing, portion sizes, and any additional charges should be provided to customers to avoid any unexpected surprises when the bill arrives. While dining adventures can sometimes lead to delightful discoveries, they should never leave diners with a sense of speechlessness, especially when it comes to the cost of a meal. What led to the Japanese tourist's shockingly high dining bill?The Japanese tourist, Junko Shinba, was charged an unexpected amount for a crab dish due to a lack of clarity regarding the pricing method used by the restaurant. The dish was priced per 100 grams, a detail that was not adequately communicated to her. How did Ms. Shinba respond to the hefty bill?In response to the astronomical bill, Ms. Shinba called the police, claiming that she was not properly informed about the meal's cost. The police arrived on the scene to mediate the situation. Was the dispute eventually resolved?Yes, after a discussion between Ms. Shinba and the restaurant staff, the restaurant offered her a discount of approximately $78 as a goodwill gesture, which she accepted. Did Ms. Shinba seek further assistance in addressing her concerns?In addition to involving the police, Ms. Shinba contacted the Singapore Tourism Board about her dining experience. Her case was referred to the Consumers Association of Singapore for further resolution. Read the full article
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thetigerham · 15 days
Sunday, September 8, 2024
It is Monday now. But yesterday I went on the loveliest bike ride. I think it came to about 12-13 miles total. I drove to a parking lot in Leesburg that abutted the W&OD trail, optimistically hoping that I might reach the Purcellville end of the trail.
Prior to beginning my ride, I ate sushi at a place called Japomen, which was a fast food-style sushi place in the middle of a Lotte market (they had a sort of food court in there). I gave it a try because I craved sushi, but I also wanted the caffeine/energy of a fountain soda. So many of the good sushi places around here only have cans/bottles, and I prefer good fountain soda wherever I can get it. I also hate having to be that weirdo that's like, "I'll order a bottle of Coke, but I don't want it until the food is ready." (Because I want it to be cold while I'm eating, obviously.)
Thoughts on Japomen:
The actual sushi was a solid 7/10.
The customer service was 10/10 (the ordering was done on kiosks; but the guy behind the counter was very kind about accepting my modification of no cucumber).
General sitting ambience was 8/10 (would have been nice to have more booths).
Fountain machine was there but needed more carbonation (5/10).
The music in the food court and the Lotte at large was loud and annoying (3/10).
So overall, a 6.6. Not too shabby.
Anyway, if I had wanted to make it all the way to Purcellville realistically, I should have eaten heartier for lunch AND brought some protein snacks...That ride would have been 30 miles total. Who knows? Maybe someday if I start earlier, I'll try to do the whole thing.
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The beginning of the path was near some glimpses, generally fenced off, of quarried land. One of the memorial benches near an overlook was dedicated to a man who had been a water resources engineer in the area. I always like to look at memorial benches and I liked the detail on this one about Eric, who was tragically young when he passed, riding on streets of gold. It was a nice sentiment and the view, though it was of austere, carved out, earthen landscapes, was still stunning for its scope.
I continued on the path, which was pleasantly shaded for most of the journey. The trees bending overhead occasionally imitated a vaulted roof.
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Possibly the most beautiful part of my ride was an area to the right of the main path that was carpeted in golden wildflowers, where a few deer were eating. During this part of the journey, I was listening to Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe.
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I ended up turning around a little ways past this cool bridge in Leesburg, intent on grabbing a slurpee and taquito from a nearby 7-Eleven.
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seoforestaurants · 1 year
Rating restaurants can be confusing. Here's a how-to rate restaurant guide to make an informed decision the next time you eat out!
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2022.7.21(Thursday)🌻🏥🍝☕️ 今日から、4連休(有給休み取り)、今日は、緑園都市ところの緑園ストレスケアクリニック病院🏥で、書類しに行って来ました✌️🥰😊🌻🍀 #緑園都市 #緑園都市駅 #緑園ストレスケアクリニック とても、いい、優しい先生でした🥰😊👍🌻🍀🌟✨ ☆私の夢は、一人、一人、出たい気持ちで、一人暮らしをしたい夢が無なう場所へ #一人暮らし #一人暮らしの叶う場所 #一人暮らしの夢 病院の後は、ランチで、久しぶりのrestaurant R ところ食べに行って、(前菜🥗魚料理🐟デザート🍮)食べました✌️😋❤️💖🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ 魚料理🐟美味しいかったです🥰😊👍💖❤️🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ #restaurantr #ランチ #魚料理 #デザート ランチの後、A.cafe(エー・ドット・カフェ)ところ食べに行って、(夏のアフターヌーンティーセット🫖🍑🥧)食べました✌️😋🥰💖❤️🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ 夏のアフターヌーンティー美味しいかった🥰❤️💕💖🌻🍀🌟✨また、季節の限定あれば、楽しみです♪♪🥰😊❤️🧡💕🍀🌟✨ #acafe #カフェ #夏のアフターヌーンティーセット カフェの後、緑園都市噴水広場⛲️ところ行って、噴水も、変わらず、綺麗な風景だった🥰😊🍀🌟✨ #緑園都市噴水広場 ☆おまけにフローラ 緑園都市店 花屋💐🌼🏵🪷ところで、向日葵🌻買いました🥰😊👍💖❤️🧡💕🍀🌟✨ #フローラ緑園都市店 #花屋 #向日葵 今日は、一日中、リラックスしながら、ゆっくり出来て、過ごせました、楽しかったです♪♪✌️🥰😊🌻🍀❤️🍀🌟✨ #楽しかった思い出 #楽しかった思い出がよみがえる #また楽しみが増えた 明日は、Snow Man岩本照の映画「モエカレはオレンジ色🍊🧡」🎞観に行って来ます、楽しみです♪♪😍🥰❤️❤️🧡🧡💖💖💕💕💓💓🍊🍊 #モエカレはオレンジ色 #モエカレはオレンジ色映画 #snowma #岩本照 #ラブコメ (緑園都市駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgR52vxpfMA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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resturantrants-blog · 6 years
Guys... this bitch just called and complained to a manager that we wouldn't take a catering delivery last night. She said she called around 5 yesterday and asked to place a delivery for catering. One of the girls working on to-gos said "sure! When is it for?"
The bitch was like "tonight at 6:30."
"I'm sorry ma'am, but we need at least 24 hours notice for catering deliveries"
Bitch proceeds to get angry and starts yelling at the poor girl. Eventually it gets to the question they get the most on to-gos "well, do you do anything like door dash or uber eats?! I need this delivered!"
We don't. So she hung up.
Today she called and complained to the manager that the girl who took her call was being rude and refused to take her delivery order. Sounds strange cause he knows the girl and she doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that, but whatever. He apologizes to the bitch and asked for details about what went wrong. She said she called at 5 and asked for a delivery at 6:30 and "that is more than an hours notice so a catering delivery should have been fine"
Manager tells her again that policy is 24 hours notice at the very least for deliveries. He realizes what's going on and quickly shuts her down.
So a lot of people don't know what happens when you call a restaurant for a catering delivery. At our place the bill has to be over 100 dollars, theres a 15 percent delivery fee, and of course we need 24 hours notice. That is all because we now have to bring in one extra person just for that delivery.
We do not have just a bunch of staff at the ready in the store for deliveries every day. We are lucky if we get 2 deliveries a week. So when you place an order for delivery we now have to look at who all is trained to take them, see who isn't already working at that time, and now call everyone and ask them to come in on their scheduled time off to take your delivery.
Don't even get me started on those 2,000 dollar plus even orders... those can get even more nightmarish
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amunraanders · 4 years
Patrick Jane x Reader fluff story  I wanted to read some for myself,but I couldn`t find any that I particularly liked ,so here`s mine :)
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It was a late sunday night,the sunset was now long gone and the sky was filled with grey puffy clouds that surrounded the moon from all sides.(Y\N) sat on the couch besides the window that was slightly a jar ,because of how hot it had gotten in her apartment,so as she sat there and watched the moon get engulfed by its attackers ,a cold and fresh breeze entered ,flushing her alredy pink cheeks to a flaming red color.The coldness of the night didn`t help her cool down,her thoughts were a mess,filled with all kinds of different situations,but mostly it was occupied by him,and a cold breeze simply would`nt  do the job in cooling her down.With sweat dripping down her forhead she closed her eyes thinking about that one time in the elevator when their bodies touched for mere seconds due to the lack of space.She found it funny,the way he apologized for getting too close,his voice was soft but there was also a hint of something else in it,and just for a second she found herself fantasizing about them being alone in that same elevator,his hands rummaging her body and a soft moan escaped her lips as she bit down on it.Oh how she wished that him being nice to her would mean something more than just being nice,she felt like they had a connection,stolen glances,daily jokes that only she would understand ,made her feel a bit special,she had to admit that but as hard as it was to accept ,Jane always found an excuse to not show up at their `date`,if she could even call it that.He asked her out two times already `just as friends` as he mentioned but each time an excuse followed,so when earlier on he called her,she knew for an instant that he would cancell their meet up. `Sad` she thought to herself,it could have been a lot of fun,just the two of then joy riding,a sigh left her lips and she tried to redirect her thoughts to the movie that had long ended..
`Knock Knock Knock` Three loud knocks disturbed the silence in her almost empty apartment,the echo sending vibrations through it ,making her jump up a little.(Y\N) felt a bit startled at first then confused,as nobody had announced wanting to visit her,besides that it was late,too late for any co-worker to visit,her parents were out of state and friends were busy partying through the night , `its too late..ooh maybe it`s Mrs.Miller,she seems to have difficulty in finding her apartment `she murmured to herself ,and befóre she could sort her thoughts another three knocks came raining down like tunder on her heavy,creaky,old wooden door.
`Fine.fine.I`m coming,I hearded you the first thousand times you knocked` (Y\N) said under her breath,half pouting ,at the thought that someone might actually need her help that late,so as she stood up,pulling her sweat soked t-shirt down ,to hide her even wetter underwear she started looking for the keys,spotting them tossed into a corner with the dress,shoes and purse she had worn that night if he hadn`t found an excuse to not meet up again.`Its kinda your fault.Why do you need to live in this fantasy would when there are plenty of men offering you flowers and fancy dinners,at fancy restaurantrs` she reasoned with herself as she shook her head in denial.
`Why didyou ignore my call` the all too familiar voice spoke in a soft,loving way,reassuring her that she was safe,and as the clapping sound of his shoes came closer to where she was,she felt her cheeks flush a burning red color ,that was impossible to hide.Not wanting to meet his gaze,she started fumbling around with the keys she had picked up earlier before realizing,that she never got to open the door.
`Did you just pick my door open` she turned around with frustration visible in her eyes,not just because of the situation Jane put her in,but because of the fact how vulnerable she felt when he was around.He made her feel like she could trust him without actually saying the things she wanted to hear.It was a connection she never felt in that way before.
`You didn`t answer my question` He was now standing right behind her,his body mere inches away from hers,his hot,thick breath against her neck,the heat radiating between the two of them ,almost unbearable.His left hand reached out for her,making her turn around in a swift motion before locking their gaze.
`I thought we..` Jane paused for a moment,his eyes wandering from her lips to her eyes,as he inspected each facial expression she made,each move and each heartbeat that echoed through the room,but (Y\N) knew better ,not to fall for his little game,she deeply wished for it to be true,but she knew that he couldn`t feel the same way she felt towards him.
`You`re playing with me Jane..And although I enjoy it,we both know that you don`t feel the same way I feel about you.Quit the games,it starts to get borning`She felt like her heart was about to explode,having him that close yet so far away from where she wanted him to be.His lips were  two inches away from hers,yet she would never feel them pressed against hers,their bodies were  slightly touching,yet he would never touch her the way she imagined he would do.
`You like playing this game,even tho you don`t want to admit it sweetheart.I can see your true self,after all you were the one that showed me.You were always attracted to men that are out of reach,those whose attention is almost impossible to get,and when they finally give you the attention that you desired,they become just like the rest,those who buy you gifts,those who want to buy your company with money.Usless,because inyour eyes ,love and affection cant be bought with money.Did I get it right?`
`Almost` She said,biting her lower lip,as her right hand reached behind his head ,playing with his blonde locks,never taking her gaze from his,she took her time with moving her left hand,down between their bodies,waiting for him to pull away or at least rebel against her doing so,but insted of doingso,he took it and placed it over his growing bluge unterneath the tick material that separated,her,from what she wanted so badly.
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livelifethroughme · 2 years
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roomslot27 · 2 years
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chefherrera · 3 years
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ARRACHERA. Este es un plato hermoso, intenso, necesario. La carne, Canada Beef AAA, va sazonada con sal y pimienta, cortada en rajitas y salteada con ajo y cebolla con un poco de fantástica manteca de puerco. Imagínese. Pero las cosas no terminan ahí. Va con una salsa martajada de chile piquín fresco y alcaparras, y, claro, con su merecidísimo toque de comino (muy de Nuevo León). Adorno con rabo de cebolla finamente rebanado y cilantro picado y sirvo con tortillas de harina. No sabe usted lo putamadre bueno que es esto. Un triunfo del espíritu humano, sin más. Lo tengo en el menú del restaurantr chef Herrera. Pídalo con una cipa bien fría de Chardonnay sin madera o con una cerveza clara, como usted guste. Bien verga este pedo. Dése la vuelta, estamos en la plaza XO, en la colonia del valle, en San Pedro Garza García. Sea feliz y marque al 8136742276 para reservar. Le contestan Michell o el Choreko. P.D. el de la foto es el Choreko. #guisosvergas #cocinamexicana #cocinanorestense #nuevacocinanorestense #cocinaregional #arrachera #tumamaesminovia #monterrey #canadabeef https://www.instagram.com/p/CU_mKpOAmY3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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starwoodmotors · 7 years
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Hosting last stop for the first #RestaurantRally for @parkupfront! Thanks to everyone who came out. #StarwoodMotors http://ift.tt/2o8uLpr
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Episódio 10 - Serie especial de Natal. Fui busca lá as 20.00 como combinado. De vestido sofisticado apareceste.. Revelando um óptimo bom gosto.. Não estava a espera de tanta veste... Mas encheu me o olho.. Deslubrante para um primeiro encontro.. Fico a olhar um pouco.... Apreciando cada tecido em ti vestido.. Cada bordado por ti abaixo... A tua pintura suave na face.. O teu cuidado com os contornos nas sombracelhas... Lábios... Unhas... Naturais.. Gosto! O natural atrai me... Gosto do salto alto preto a condizer com o teu vestido da mesma cor... Denutando se um gosto pessoal apurado... Desvio o olhar... Para não perceberes que te examino de alto a baixo... Algo na garganta faz me ficar seco e sem palavras.. Não estava a espera de tão beleza e Sensualidade em ti... Mudo de conversa e de olhar e sorriu um pouco nervoso... Segurei a tua mão devagar... Dei te um beijo na face regular... Tímida mas de sorriso simples e natural.. Pareces estar algo nervosa... Algo corre nas tuas veias mais rápido que o teu sangue... E lembro me do livro... Ela leu o livro.. Obrigado pela rosa que me deixou no livro que lia.. Gostei muito da surpresa... Encantada.. Foi um gosto meu simples para si recatada.. Noto que existe algo mais no teu olhar mas não pergunto... Sim estava a ler um livro e usei como marcador.. Então é o livro interessante.. Sim, mais ou menos.. Estou a ler ainda o início.. Disfarcas te como uma mulher discretamente sabe.... Mas eu percebi que já o tinhas lido uma boa parte. Não faz mal... Veremos o que surje... Se ela lê o resto vai pensar o que de mim... Bem não sei.. Vamos jantar menina A.? Vamos Senhor D. Dei lhe o meu braço para se apoiar em mim... Abri lhe a porta do carro... Tirei lhe o casaco que lhe cobri os ombros.. Entrou suavemente no carro mas atrapalhada.. Sentou se primeiro e uma perna de cada vez entrou.. Sem se aperceber... O vestido levantou e deixou a disco Berto, uma perna atrás da outra.. Contive me mais uma vez... Virei o olhar.. Agarrei no volante e mudanças e conduzi para o restaurantr...no caminho Disse lhe.. Obrigado por estar aqui comigo... Tímida e ficaste vermelha na face... Eu é que agradeço o convite..disse ela.. D.V.N.M.A. https://www.instagram.com/p/B6X7w3IhIDV/?igshid=tnlmkpp3ugrw
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2022.7.21(Thursday)🌻🏥🍝☕️ 昨日から、4連休(有給休み取り)、昨日は、緑園都市ところの緑園ストレスケアクリニック病院🏥で、書類しに行って来ました✌️🥰😊🌻🍀✨ #緑園都市 #緑園都市駅 #緑園ストレスケアクリニック とても、いい、優しい先生でした🥰😊👍🌻🍀🌟✨ ☆私の夢は、一人、一人、出たい気持ちで、一人暮らしをしたい夢が無なう場所へ #一人暮らし #一人暮らしの夢 #一人暮らしの叶う場所 病院の後は、ランチで、久しぶりのrestaurant R ところ食べに行って、(前菜🥗魚料理🐟デザート🍮)食べました✌️😋❤️💖🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ 魚料理🐟美味しいかったです🥰😊👍💖❤️🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ #restaurantr #ランチ #魚料理 #前菜 #デザート ランチの後、A.cafe(エー・ドット・カフェ)ところ食べに行って、(夏のアフターヌーンティーセット🫖🍑🥧)食べました✌️😋🥰💖❤️🧡💕🌻🍀🌟✨ 夏のアフターヌーンティー美味しいかった🥰❤️💕💖🌻🍀🌟✨また、季節の限定あれば、楽しみです♪♪🥰😊❤️🧡💕🍀🌟✨ #acafe #カフェ #夏のアフターヌーンティーセット カフェの後、緑園都市噴水広場⛲️ところ行って、噴水も、変わらず、綺麗な風景だった🥰😊🍀🌟✨ #緑園都市噴水広場 ☆おまけにフローラ 緑園都市店 花屋💐🌼🏵🪷ところで、向日葵🌻買いました🥰😊👍💖❤️🧡💕🍀🌟✨ #フローラ緑園都市店 #花屋 #flora 昨日は、一日中、リラックスしながら、ゆっくり出来て、過ごせました、楽しかったです♪♪✌️🥰😊🌻🍀❤️🍀🌟✨ #楽しかった思い出 #楽しかった思い出がよみがえる #また楽しみが増えた 今日は、Snow Man岩本照の映画「モエカレはオレンジ色🍊🧡」🎞観に行って来ます、楽しみです♪♪😍🥰❤️❤️🧡🧡💖💖💕💕💓💓🍊🍊 #モエカレはオレンジ色 #モエカレはオレンジ色映画 #snowman #岩本照 #ラブコメ (緑園都市駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgR26QfJVQS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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resturantrants-blog · 6 years
Guys please listen to the damn hosts
"Yes sir, it's about a half hour wait for your party of 13. I understand that there are empty tables over there sir, but we do not have available servers right now to be able to provide you with excellent service. All the servers we have right now are currently on the other 5 large parties that walked in before you, along with their assigned tables that also got sat before you arrived. I realize, sir, that it may appear that our bartenders are standing back there "doing nothing" but they cannot leave the bar area and have their own responsibilities to take care of. Please sir, stop yelling at the 17 year old girls behind the host stand that they are lazy and that they should be able to serve you. Did you know that by law in this state they cannot serve you in this restuarant until they are 19? It's because of the way we serve alcohol here. Yes sir, even if your party does not order any alcohol they cannot legally serve you. Yes sir, I will gladly get my manager so they can tell you everything that I just did! Oh what's that? You're never coming back? Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but please have a nice day!"
Don't try to tell people how to do their job. Because what ever you're about to say, they have either
a) already thought of and it wont work or
b) breaks company policy (or laws now apparently)
Do not come in on a Sunday afternoon, after church, with 7 or more people and expect to be sat right away when you know damn well that everyone else is doing the same thing. You should have gotten there early, called ahead, or whatever.
Most importantly do not fucking complain about how no one goes to fucking church and turn around and complain why we dont have enough staff working right now. You wanna know why we are understaffed?
Because they are all at
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rdglobal · 8 years
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Restaurant - Suk Sagar Menu - Idli Chutney, Pav Bhaji, Cheese Pav bhaji, Veg Cheese Pizza, Masala Pav, Chaas, Lassi, Cold drinks And few more food items. Ratings overall - 10/10 👍 😇 👍 #LetsMeetNEat #SukSagar #RestaurantReview #RestaurantRating #FoodBoss #iamlovingit #LiveToEat #foodlove #FoodTravel #foodhighway #myplate #foodlove #FoodOfIndia #food #foodblogger #FoodDiaries #IndianFood #IndianPlate #foodieguy #eatingdisorder #Bhukhad #RDFood (at Girgaum Chowpatty)
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botecodebolso · 7 years
Pizza Bar - Pizza por APENAS 25 MANGO!
Pizza Bar – Pizza por APENAS 25 MANGO!
QUE ISSO, BICHO! 🍕 Tem promoção SIM no PIZZA BAR.
De segunda a quarta, pedindo pelo delivery ou retirando no balcão, você tem 06 opções deliciosas de pizza por APENAS 25 MANGO! Se liga só: • Mussarela • Marguerita • Atum • Calabresa com cebola • Paulista • Frango com catupiry
Vai ficar com vontade? LIGA E PEDE! Delivery: 📞(13) 3323-1297. Pizza Bar | R. Tolentino Filgueiras, 45 | Santos – SP |…
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tinseltine · 8 years
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For more on joining Renzell visit tinseltine.com @renzellrestaurants #Renzell #Diningout #PhillyRestaurants #PhillyFoodies #RestaurantRatings #PrivateTastings @aldinephilly #finedining #tinselandtine #Contest #foodblog #blogpromotion #socialmediamanagement #rafflecopter #Subscribers #PhillyInfluencer #LeAnneLindsay
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