#Reno FF7
Cissnei: I think you have PSTD.
Reno: Yeah I have PTSD. Proficient Talent for Sucking D-
Cissnei: We ALSO need to talk about your use of humor as a coping mechanism.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 hours
Lazard and Tseng lead their respective teams in a tournament to finally prove which one is better
Tseng and Lazard have locked themselves in a janitor's closet after leaving numerous clues around HQ, declaring that whichever group finds them first will be the winner.
Tseng: You'll see that the turks will find us in no time, as they're exceptionally trained to locate targets in record time.
Lazard: That's what you think. When my boys are determined, there's nothing that stops them.
*The door opens and Sephiroth is standing there*
Lazard: AH! I TOLD YOU SO!
Tseng: Sephiroth, where's everyone else?
Sephiroth: The Turks and the SOLDIERs found the first clue at the exact same time, causing a fight to break out that ended with Zack swallowing the clue during a moment of panic.
Sephiroth: Cloud Strife took him to the emergency room, and they were both no longer involved in the search.
Sephiroth: Rufus was under the impression that you, Tseng, had abandoned him and has since locked himself in his room, refusing to come out.
Sephiroth: Cissnei, Emma, and the rest of the turks found the second clue and were convinced it meant you men were kidnapped and taken to Costa Del Sol. They're on there way there as we speak.
Sephiroth: Reno found the third clue, but Genesis harassed him with a stapler until he gave it up. Genesis was somehow convinced you were at the theater in sector 8, and led a field trip over there that conveniently coincided with the new Loveless show opening.
Sephiroth: Angeal claimed "people die every day" and has since taken over SOLDIER as the new director.
Sephiroth: The same went for Reno and Rude, who upon realizing that Tseng was gone, threw a party to celebrate their newfound freedom.
Tseng: .......
Lazard: But not all is lost. You have outdone yourself, Sephiroth. You're the only one who followed the clues diligently and found us.
Sephiroth: Actually, I was at Reno's party and accidentally broke a cup. I came in here to fetch a broom.
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emeraldblonde · 5 months
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chrollc · 5 months
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reno sinclair.
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mitsame · 6 months
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new super ff7 college au 2024 edition
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lilithapril · 3 months
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Reno the Turk ❤️⚡️
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raintides · 10 months
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sinking into the ff7 hole
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white-rose-of-wutai · 2 months
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beefarrn · 4 months
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*casts cure* *casts cure* *casts cure*
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brilcrist · 4 months
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FF7R countdown~
3 days to gooo!🥹🤟🏻
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beriidesu · 21 days
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Reno: *whispering* I think Rude mad at me.
Elena: What makes you say that?
Reno: Watch...
Reno: *addresses Rude* Babe?
Rude: Fellow associate.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
we need more Tseng content
Out Of Context Things Tseng Has Seen Around The Shinra Building
• Reeve walking into a board meeting with a paintball gun, going "This is no longer a safe space."
• Sephiroth and Chadley playing darts with cutout of Professor Hojo's head as the target.
• Rufus, Cissnei, Zack and Lazard playing soccer with the decapitated head of the President Shinra statue.
• Cait Sith and Sephiroth wearing matching friendship bracelets.
• Zack Fair screaming, hanging onto Dark Star's leash, being dragged around the Skyview Hall after a failed attempt at walking them.
• Reno and Rude attempting to domesticate a raccoon that had collar with the name "Princess" on it.
• Lazard beating Heidegger with a rolled up magazine, also during a board meeting.
• Angeal, panicked, heading into the elevator holding a fully grown cannabis plant while going "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
• During an interdepartmental meeting in the auditorium, the turks and SOLDIERs sitting on opposite sides, trash talking each other. What shocked Tseng was Sephiroth flashing Reno the middle finger.
• Cloud Strife braiding Sephiroth's hair. Genesis approached and began teasing them for being childish. Cloud calmly finished the braid before beating Genesis with it (repeatedly).
• Lazard and Rufus carrying a coffin at either end. Fearing the worse, Tseng intercepted them and demanded that they open it. Inside he found Sephiroth (alive). When asked what he was doing, Sephiroth replied "serving as a practice dummy"
• Scarlett walking in Genesis' direction, followed by Genesis diving under a nearby table, followed by Sephiroth pointing at said table and telling her "He loves to play hide and seek."
• Sephiroth happily coming back from Reeve's office carrying a box of legos.
• Cissnei holding Zack's legs while Angeal holds Zack's arms. They're carrying him to medical while Zack squirms and and shouts: "RELEASE ME! I DON'T HAVE THE FLU! I JUST DRANK ORANGE SODA TOO FAST AND THREW UP! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?"
• Reno standing at a corner selling brownies. Fearing the worst, he intercepted, but found out that they were just regular brownies and Reno had just recently gotten into baking as a hobby.
Zack was standing in line and was very unhappy.
Zack: Aw, man. They're just regular brownies? This is false advertising!
Reno: What about the advertising indicates that they're edibles?
Zack: The fact that you're selling them.
• Cloud dropping down from the vents, followed by Zack, followed by Angeal, followed by Genesis, followed by Sephiroth. They're all wearing glow stick necklaces. When asked what they were doing, Sephiroth replied "friendship"
• The turks and SOLDIERs were made to put on a theater performance to promote interdepartmental bonding. Tseng was made to supervise the practices. Tseng gave up after he walked into the first practice and saw:
1) Cloud suspended from the ceiling, reciting Loveless boredly while a group of people panic, trying to get him down.
2) Reno and Zack fighting (loudly) over who gets to play the role of Tree #4. This argument quickly turned physical.
3) Genesis sitting in a director chair, shouting at Sephiroth through a megaphone, instructing him to sweep the stage better. Sephiroth grew impatient and thwacked the chair legs with his broom, breaking it. Genesis fell (violently).
4) Rude wearing a wig.
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emeraldblonde · 25 days
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Reno. See you keep your priorities straight. - Copy that, boss.
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024), dev. Square Enix
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chrollc · 4 months
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donutjames · 11 months
The Turks, sephiroth and Cloud gonna go watch the barbie movie     
Rufus' treat cuz everyones depressed
edit: somehow i forgot to slap the damn picture in
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