#Regulus is sick of it
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curiouslymyown · 2 months ago
Autistic Regulus Black who only wears certain clothes/textures, he has about 5 outfits that he cycles through, and in anything else he can quickly feel trapped
So, imagine James’ surprise when he finds Regulus curled up in one of his hoodies, looking perfectly comfortable
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pages-and-1nk · 2 months ago
Regulus is an absolute BABY when he gets sick.
He can take literally anything else- a broken bone and he won’t even bat an eye, paper cuts are almost a regular occurrence, and he wears a bruise like it’s a fashion statement- but the flu? A cold?
He hates it with a passion because there’s nothing he can do to stop it. He can wash his hands a thousand times, disinfect surfaces regularly, and there’s still going to be some snot nosed toddler coughing ahead of him in the grocery line.
So, every time he gets sick he’s dramatic and he wallows like he’s going to die, like some sickly victorian child, like suffering is imminent.
Of course James indulges him, lets him cuddle up in bed, makes a soup Effie always cooked when he was younger, tucks him in and kisses him even though Regulus will protest with “stop James you’re gonna catch it!” And he’ll just smile and kiss him again because “but you look so sad.”
By the end of it James does indeed get sick, but that just means they are both sick and miserable together.
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swimmingclass1978 · 11 months ago
What if reg was an animagi and he could turn into a duck.
Imagine walking down the hogwarts corridor and you see james and sirius being chased by a duck with a wand in its mouth.
Idk just something about fussy duck reg sitting on top of james' head quacking at everyone
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ultravioletbrit · 4 months ago
“worry” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 298 words
“cozy blankets” - 25 Days of Jegumas - Day 10 - @noblehouseofgay
“You’re sick, love.” James tries to be firm but loving.
“It’s just a cold, James.” Regulus argues and tries to get out of bed. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’ll go—” He’s interrupted by a violent coughing fit that has him doubling over. James is sitting on the side of the bed and rubs Regulus’ back as the cough settles down.
Regulus sits up and faces James with a sheepish look. “That was just a coincidence.” He tells him in a small voice. “I had something stuck—” He sniffs twice before he can continue. “—stuck in my throat.” He sniffs again.  
“Reggie…” James says softly as he’s rubbing his hands up and down Regulus’ arms.
Regulus pouts. “It’s just a cold.” His bottom lip starts to quiver. “It’s just a cold, James.” He leans forward to rest his forehead on James’ chest, James wraps his arms around Regulus’ back. “It’s just a cold” He starts to shiver, and his word come out shaky. “It’s just… It’s…  I'm so cold, Jamie.” His voice cracks and he’s shaking in James’ arms.
“Oh, baby.” James whispers and pulls him closer with one arm and reaches the other across the bed to grab Regulus’ favorite cozy blankets. He wraps the blankets around Regulus and pulls him in for a tight hug, rubbing his back to warm him up. Regulus snuggles against James for a few minutes until his shivering calms down.
After a few moments, Regulus sniffs once then so softly James almost doesn’t hear him, “Jamie?”
“Yes, love?”
“I think I’m sick.” Regulus whispers sheepishly.
“I think so too, baby. But it’s okay,” James squeezes him and kisses the top of his head. “I’m going to take care of you.”
Regulus sniffs once and pulls his blankets tighter as he snuggles impossibly closer to James.
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starchasersunseeker · 7 months ago
"You're just like the nazis if you ship jegulus / if you like Regulus / Barty / Evan / any character that was a death eater"
What the fuck is wrong with you all??? That's not a good take you think it is.
My great grandparents were literally in concentration camps. How dare you make such an awful comparison? Comparing FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to real life events is actually very sick of you. To call someone a nazi or nazi sympathizers just because they enjoy exploring FICTION makes you a very gross person.
I don't care if you think you're superior for liking a different ship or for hating certain characters. You are not. You're actually well bellow everyone else for making such horrible comparisons. You are playing limbo with the underground with how terrible you are.
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ecstarry · 8 months ago
james and reg both traveling alone and end up with the seat next to each other and they make small talk because james is reading a book that reg loved and its a long travel so eventually reg falls asleep with his mouth open against james’ shoulder and james notices when he’s kinda waking up so he acts like he’s sleeping too hoping the really handsome man won’t move away because he actually really enjoyed having him that close and then james ends up falling asleep against reg and reg takes james’ book and takes the insane liberty to annotate stuff on the sides to ‘enrich’ james’ reading and writes his number on a piece of paper and leaves it as a bookmark
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beataylorsversion · 19 days ago
regulus would go and watch the gryffindoor quiditch training
he would tell the rest of the slytherin team that he was spying on them
secretly he just liked seeing james bossing everyone around in his quiditch robes
after months of this, dorcas started to join him
supossedly because "reg isn't the best at this whole spying thing"
but coincidently she was only there on the days marlene was training
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Rich city teens Barty and Regulus just running away one night and never looking back. Regulus waiting on his bed, backpack on his shoulder, Barty throwing a rock at his window, waiting down below with his own duffel bag and the car his father got him for his 16th birthday, Regulus climbs down, jumping into the passenger seat as Barty climbs in the driver's and they just go, laughing in disbelief cause they never thought they'd actually go through with it, they don't really have a destination in mind but Regulus has got a postcard Sirius had sent him and nothing stopping him from going anymore, Barty suggests after that they take a trip to Italy, people don't question money, and they took lots of it from their parents before they left.
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daysbookshelf · 2 months ago
Mind empty just Rosekiller and their stupidly niche inside jokes that no one else gets. Like they’ll just look at each other and say something before just bursting out laughing in the middle of class while Reg and Dorcas look at each other like wtf
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curiouslymyown · 5 months ago
Barty: I’m not in love with Evan
Regulus: okay?
Barty: I mean, just because I think about him all the time, and want him to kiss me, and have him do disgusting things to me-
Regulus: ew
Barty: -doesn’t mean I’m love with him!
Regulus: okay..
Barty: and just because he’s perfect and smart and funny and so fucking attractive doesn’t mean that I want to be his boyfriend
Regulus: okay??????
Barty: anyway this is ridiculous, why are we talking about this?
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serenisastar · 4 months ago
Walburga: Sirius I am your mother!
Sirius: nuh uh
Walburga: fuck you mean ‘nuh uh’?!
Sirius: NUH UH!!!
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heliosinwater · 2 years ago
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i know its a scientific fact, but this is absolutely criminal.
i should not be taking astronomy what am i doing
(book: Guideposts to the Stars by Leslie C Peltier)
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ultravioletbrit · 5 months ago
“birthday” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 288 words
cw: nsfw / implied sexual content
James has Regulus pressed against the bathroom door. James’ hands are on Regulus’ hips as he kisses along his jaw. Regulus’ arms are around James’ neck as he runs his fingers through his hair.  
“We should get back.” Regulus mumbles as he tilts his head to give James more access to his neck.
“Okay.” James responds but makes no attempt to stop kissing.
“Sirius is going to kill us.” Regulus says, but he tightens his grip on James’ hair and whimpers as James nibbles down his neck.
“He’s not going to kill us; he’s going to be thrilled.” James says then bites down on Regulus’ collarbone. Regulus lets out a gasp that quickly turns into a moan.
“He’s going to be thrilled we had sex in his bathroom?” Regulus pulls James’ hair, bringing him back to his mouth.
“Okay, maybe not about the sex in his bathroom, but that we got back together at his birthday party.” James says after several minutes.
“He’s going to try and take credit for it somehow… He’ll end up saying something like… ‘You’re all here today because of me’… ‘This day wouldn’t even be happening if it wasn’t for me’.” Regulus mumbles between kisses.
James pauses and pulls back slightly to gaze into Regulus’ eyes as a smile grows on his face. Regulus gives him a questioning look.
“What day?” James asks with a smirk and Regulus furrows his eyebrows for a moment until he realizes what he said, what he implied. Regulus’ eyes go wide, and James’ smirk grows. After a moment Regulus just rolls his eyes.
“Stop talking about my brother and just shut up and kiss me, Potter.” Regulus says as he grips James’ hair and brings him back in for a kiss.        
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months ago
I genuinely haven't rewatched the Harry Potter movies in years and I don't know if I can bc I might start sobbing and eating my walls cuz like just the thought of all that happening to my baby Harry Potter you mean the kid with lightening McQueen light up sneakers and glasses too big for his face and he keeps losing his favorite stuffed animal and crying even though it's right behind him he just hasn't noticed it you mean the little guy with a gap in his smile bc he lost a tooth ripping open an ice cream Popsicle with his teeth even though his loving and alive parents told him not to that kid is going to go through so much trauma all bc some old farts needed a soldier and he'll be unrecognizable by the end of the series yeah man idk if I can handle that
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messingwithmoony · 3 days ago
regulus black is the type of guy to always be sick but deny it AS he's coughing his guts up on his genuine deathbed
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ecstarry · 4 months ago
regulus who has little to no free time making some time to watch james’ current hyperfixation so they can talk about it together
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