#Regulus Black request fic
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moonylvs · 3 months ago
Be Careful!
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Summary: You get a new piercing and the guys find out and maybe they worry a little too much!
This was a request!: 'Hello! Could you possible do a romantic Jegulus x reader who's obsessed with getting piercings and maybe the boys are freaked about watching her get one or keep accidentally hitting her new piercing and hurting them?' I think I changed the idea a bit but I hope you like it, anon!
Pairing: Jegulus x Reader
Words: 1.5k
ⓘ Warnings: None I think? mostly fluff! Use of yn once (English is not my first language so I'm sorry for the mistakes, I hope this doesn't stop you from enjoying the story!)
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Piercings were nothing new to you, you'd had a few done over the years, mostly in your ears, you thought they were cute and you had a million earrings that you swapped out over the days.
But most of these piercings you had made before you started dating James and Regulus, so they never saw when you made them or the days that followed.
James absolutely adored them, when you cuddled he would watch and play with them, Regulus loved them too, sometimes he had even given you some earrings in the shape of a star or with thin chains as a gift.
That day you decided that you wanted to try another kind of piercing, not one on your ears, you thought about one on your lip or maybe your nose, but you didn't know how much the teachers at school would like it so you preferred not to risk it.
After a while of thinking you finally decided and hours later you had your piercing, it was one in the belly button, it wasn't painful and they told you it would heal fast, which reassured you.
You didn't tell anyone that you were getting it done, not thinking it would be important, besides you thought of giving James and Regulus a little surprise.
But that day you didn't have time to say anything, James was stuck practicing on the Quidditch pitch and Regulus had to tutor a third year boy.
You didn't think much of it, you waited until they were both free to tell them.
That moment came relatively quickly, because the next day after breakfast James invited you to Hogsmaede, he said he had already told Regulus so the three of you would meet there.
It didn't take you long to get ready, putting on a skirt and a not too tight white blouse, you didn't want your clothes to be rubbing against the piercing and cause you pain.
When you arrived at Hogsmaede you could almost instantly spot James and Regulus, who were sitting on a bench in front of a Honeydukes.
Regulus didn't take long to notice you, smiling slightly, his eyes sparkling at the sight of you.
James followed after, smiling broadly and standing up, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you.
“Hi love” Jmaes said sweetly, leaving a kiss on your forehead and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You smiled instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck and sinking into his arms, for a moment you forgot about your piercing, but quickly remembered it, as you felt a twinge of pain the moment your body touched James'.
“Ouch!” you couldn't help but let out a low gasp of pain as you felt the contact, instantly James pulled away, his brow furrowing with concern, in a second Regulus was already at his side, looking at you with the same concern.
“What happened? Did I hurt you?” James asked instantly, looking you over from head to foot for any sign of discomfort or harm, James thought maybe he had hugged you too tightly or had been too rough.
“No, no, I'm fine” You said instantly, giving him a reassuring little smile. “It's just that I accidentally crushed my piercing when we hugged” You said with some amusement, but only earned a confused look from both boys.
“Piercing?” Regulus asked with confusion, looking at your ears in search of a new piercing, but his brow furrowed as he didn't notice any new ones, he knew your piercings by memory so he would have noticed if there was a new one.
You couldn't help the slight chuckle you let out when you saw their confused faces, but you simply nodded.
“Mhm” You mumbled, lifting your white blouse very slightly so they could see your belly button, which had an earring that was silver and had a pretty light blue gem.
Both boys' eyes instantly widened, staring at the piercing in your belly button.
They were both silent for a moment, just watching it, they were totally shocked.
“Why didn't you tell us you were getting a new piercing?” Regulus said abruptly, his brow slightly furrowed and his voice sounding more serious than he intended.
Your brow furrowed instantly, watching him with some annoyance, did you have to tell them when you wanted to do something to your body?
“Why would I have to tell you?” You said with confusion and harshness, though your tone didn't sound entirely annoyed.
Regulus' face changed to one of confusion, he now understood that the question had sounded very bad and his tone of voice hadn't helped.
James noticed the tension instantly and quickly interjected.
“He didn't mean it like that!” James said instantly with some concern, making a denial sign with his hands, to which Regulus nodded instantly, his face paling slightly now he realized that you had definitely taken his question the wrong way.
“I meant why didn't you tell us so we could go with you or at least know so we wouldn't hurt you, like now” Regulus explained calmly.
Your face instantly relaxed, now you understood everything better.
“It was something out of the blue, I just wanted to do it and I didn't have time to tell you, I thought it would be a surprise” You said calmly, your face slightly embarrassed by the way you had reacted earlier.
“It suits you” Regulus said, tilting his head sideways and smiling slightly.
You could only smile brightly, feeling your cheeks flush red.
James next to him smiled too, but for a moment his face turned worried, now that he knew you had a piercing he felt bad for hugging you so tightly.
“I didn't hurt you, did I? God, I hugged you so hard didn't I? I'm sorry, if I had known-” James quickly began to say, repeating over and over again how sorry he was that he hurt you.
You couldn't help the giggle that came out of you at seeing him so worried, your hand went to his cheek, instantly silencing him.
“I'm fine, James, it was just a light brush, you didn't hurt me, okay?” you said softly, lightly caressing his cheek and leaving a kiss on his cheek.
“Are you sure?” James asked with a little pout, still worried that he might have caused you some pain.
“Mhm, but maybe a kiss would make me feel better” You said with a small amused smile, looking at his lips for a moment.
You didn't have to tell James twice, in a second his lips were on yours, leaving a soft kiss, his hands were on your waist, making sure to keep distance between both bodies, he didn't want to make the same mistake twice.
Regulus next to you just watched the two of you with affection, a small smile on his face at how careful and sweet James was.
“God forbid yn decides to get a lip piercing because that will be the end of you” Regulus muttered towards James with amusement when you and James finally broke away from the kiss.
James couldn't help but laugh, even though he himself knew that would be the end of him, the boy couldn't go a day without even giving you a kiss.
You instantly laughed, then moved closer to Regulus, cupping his cheek and leaving a kiss on his lips.
“Don't even mention it because I know you would suffer the same” You said with amusement, to which Regulus' cheeks turned pink, although he tried to hide it immediately, rolling his eyes.
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The next few days were torture for both of them, James barely hugged you for fear of hurting you, but Regulus had found ways to stay glued to you, he spent most of the time holding your hand, or sitting you on his lap with his hands on your legs and not on your stomach.
James spent most of the time on top of you, watching you not to hurt yourself, you had tried to tell him that it wasn't necessary, that it wasn't even painful and he didn't have to worry so much.
But simply said, James didn't give a shit.
James spent all his time with you, walking in front of you in the corridors so that no one would accidentally hit you, always making sure that the clothes you wore weren't too tight so that you wouldn't hurt your piercing.
Regulus was a bit more reasonable, the boy asked you to let him take care of your piercing, to which you said yes, it was one less load and Regulus was very delicate.
Every day, when you woke up and before you went to sleep Regulus would clean your piercing, using soap and water with a wet washcloth, being careful not to hurt you, the black-haired boy would take his time and James would stand by and watch him the whole time, muttering a “Be careful, Reg” every now and then, to which Regulus would just roll his eyes, saying he was being careful.
The next few weeks it was like this, even though their concern was extreme for something so insignificant, you were grateful to both of them, because you were able to spend more time with them and enjoyed their care.
Although probably after a few weeks, you had started to get sick of the phrase "Be careful!"
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This is so cute! I feel like I may have strayed a bit from the original idea of the request but I hope you like it! xoxo
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ultravioletbrit · 3 months ago
“linger” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 904 words
“stories” - 25 Days of Jegumas - Day 18 - @noblehouseofgay
Regulus is waiting outside the Winter Festival with Sirius and Remus.
“Stop fidgeting.” Sirius slaps Regulus hand away from where he’s fidgeting with the hem of his jumper.
“He’s late.” Regulus mumbles.
“He’s two minutes late. Calm down.”
“What if he saw me, turned around and left?” Regulus asks nervously.
“It’s not a blind date, Reggie. He’s very aware of what you look like.” Sirius rolls his eyes.
“But he’s never seen me on a date. What if he saw how I look on a date and decided—”
“Regulus.” Remus cuts him off and nods towards the parking lot.
Regulus turns around and his nerves increase tenfold when he see James and by the time he stops in front of them Regulus feels like he can’t breathe.
“Hi!” James smiles brightly.
“Hi.” Regulus whispers.
“Sorry I’m a little late, I was here… I was… erm… I…” James trails off rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Sirius snorts. “He was nervous and has been sitting in his car for the last 20 minutes.” It’s not a question and James doesn’t correct him he just blushes and glares at Sirius.
“Sirius, leave him alone.” Remus tells him. “Should we go?” He asks and pulls Sirius into the festival without giving anyone a chance to answer. Regulus and James fall into step behind them.
It’s only quiet for a moment before Sirius turns around. “So, should we start with baby pictures or embarrassing stories from his childhood?” He asks James with a cheeky grin and Regulus’ eyes grow wide with panic. “Oh, calm down, Reggie. Like he hasn’t already heard embarrassing stories from your childhood.” Sirius smirks and Regulus freezes.
Remus grabs Sirius’ shoulders and turns him back around. “Leave them alone.” He hisses in Sirius' ear as they continue walking.
Regulus and James wait a moment longer, then followed behind them. “I haven’t heard embarrassing stories about you.” James tries to reassure him and Regulus huffs disbelievingly. “I really haven’t. Honestly, he would probably be embarrassed for you to find out how much he gushes about you. He’s only ever told us how great you are. It’s actually kind of intimidating.” James clears his throat. “It could erm… could probably make some guys feel a little insecure and really nervous to be…” James trails off when Regulus stops and looks at him.
“You… you’re nervous?” Regulus asks quietly, and James give him a shy shrug. Regulus narrows his eyes incredulously and James purses his lips to the side and looks away sheepishly. After a moment, he looks back at Regulus with an unspoken question in his eyes. They exchange several glances with varying emotions having a bit of a silent conversation that basically says ‘yeah, we’re both nervous.’
They both seem to relax a little and they start walking again. But as soon as they catch up, Sirius turns around.
“Okay, how about some embarrassing stories about Prongs?” Sirius asks, wiggling his eyebrows. “And I definitely have embarrassing pictures.” He pulls out his phone and James groans under his breath.
“Sirius.” Remus snaps. “Leave. them. alone.”
Sirius fusses a bit but Remus pulls him forward and James continues behind them. Regulus stops to linger at one of the booths and after a moment, he feels James come up beside him.
“We shouldn’t have done this.” Regulus whispers.
“Oh.” James says sadly.
“Not this.” Regulus gestures between the two of them. “That.” He waves dismissively in Sirius’ direction. “I don’t know why we thought a double date would be smart.” Regulus sighs.
“Because he wouldn’t let me take you out otherwise.” James says simply.
“What?!” Regulus’ head snaps to look at James.  
“Yeah, he said I could only ask you out if he came with us.”
“I don’t need a chaperon, James.” Any remaining nerves are instantly replaced with irritation. “And what do you mean, let you? Like he needs to give you permission?”
James’ nerves also seem to be slipping away, and have been replaced with a cocky, relaxed smirk that only irritates Regulus more.
“What?” Regulus snaps.
“I agreed to a double date for our first date, but I also told him that’s all he gets. He’s not allowed on any other dates unless specifically planned or invited. No randomly showing up where we are. No ‘oh, that’s where I left this’ if we’re hanging out in the living room. No barging in or sabotaging us in any way… and he said ‘okay’.” He shrugs then pauses for a moment. “Plus, I was going to ask you out either way, but this way, any future dates will be Sirius-free.”
Regulus’ irritation is slowly melting away and he narrows his eyes at James.
“You think there’ll be future dates?” Regulus raises an eyebrow with the hint of a smile.
James smiles back and steps into Regulus’ space. He slowly lifts his hand and tucks a curl behind Regulus’ ear.
“Only if you want there to be.” James answers with a bright smile as Regulus leans into the touch.    
“Sirius! Leave them alone!” Remus’ voice breaks them out of their moment and they look over to see Sirius holding up his phone.  
“What? I need embarrassing first date pictures!” Sirius defends himself and looks at his phone with a huff, “Well, that’s not embarrassing at all.” He complains. “That’s sickeningly adorable.” James grins and Regulus leans into his side a bit, letting James’ arm wrap around his shoulder. Regulus gives his brother a small, smug smile. “Ugh, you two are going to be insufferable, aren’t you?” Sirius whines.
“Sirius.” Remus rolls his eyes and pulls Sirius away again. “Leave them alone.”
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kocichvvj · 2 months ago
muggle au where Sirius tries to win custody of Regulus. I need a fic.
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zeel-zzz · 16 days ago
does anyone have any marauders fics they're working on?
i'm bored and i wanna read wips
(i will ready anything)
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birdieardley · 5 months ago
Does anyone have fic recommendations, where, because of his abusive family, Regulus became non-verbal or/and started doing mutism. Like he can talk but he also cannot (autism and trauma, yn)
And it's been several years since he hadn't talked so everyone is used to it.
If it can be a Jegulus fic that would be super cool but I'm open to anything
He doesn't have to be verbal again but he also can, idc. Can be a fic where he's just mute (and deaf?) but I like autistic version of him and his traumas
I'm begging on my knees
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archiebaldo1414 · 2 months ago
If anyone has some just fluffy fics of regulus being taken care of when he has a bad period I’ll love you forever.
On an unrelated note the cramps are cramping this month✌️😘
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jamie-potters · 18 days ago
does anyone have a marauders era x greys anatomy au fic?
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aithusarosekiller · 5 months ago
Sorry to be annoying but I am making a new backup account incase anything happens to this one!
It is @sunstargazer and I will be moving onto it immediately if tumblr support choose to be difficult and terminate this acc for any reason!
Putting my usual tags so it's easy for my followers or ppl who may have seen me before to find
My ao3 is still flowerslefthere and my tiktok is still evermoreomens :)
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toretore888 · 6 months ago
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Please read all tags and triggers
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aurynsia · 3 months ago
🎁 Tis The Fiction ᯓ★
Christmas Event!
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A/N: Thank you for 200 followers everyone! I’m making this a holiday event as well as a follower milestone celebration, so get excited for some fics!
Thanks for all the love and support! I’ve grown unbelievably in only a month on this blog and every note is so so so appreciated <3
——————— ⋆𐂂˚⟡˖ ࣪ ———————
⛄️ Instructions ᯓ★
Request a prompt and a character from the list below, and specify if you want the fic to be fluff or smut.
I’ll write an x reader fic based on those selections, up to 2K words <3
——————— ⋆𐂂˚⟡˖ ࣪ ———————
⛄️ Prompts ᯓ★
“Are you sure this sweater is ugly enough?”
“Office colleagues make the worst party guests…”
“Who the hell hung mistletoe here!?” - James Potter
“Don’t fret, my family loves you.”
“Just wrap a bow around your head, and boom! Perfect present.”
“You kiss on New Year’s, not Christmas Eve!”
“You’re the only thing on my wishlist…”
“I’m trying not to rip the wrapping paper!”
"Snowstorms are temporary, this is permanent."
“You know I love a Christmas feast…”
——————— ⋆𐂂˚⟡˖ ࣪ ———————
⛄️ Characters ᯓ★
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Spencer Reid
Steve Harrington
Dave Lizewski
Jess Mariano
Count Vronsky
——————— ⋆𐂂˚⟡˖ ࣪ ———————
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dead or alive? (sirius & regulus)
a/n: a little black brothers angst! still debating whether or not i like it, but sharing it anyways. heads up for reg not doing too hot.
It is 04:00am and dark. Sirius is sat with his back against the bathroom door in his brother’s flat. His phone lies discarded on the floor, the bright screen of his messages with Barty acting as a torch in the early morning shadows.
‘Regulus?’ he repeats, voice quiet and thin. It sounds less like a name and more like a hope, feebler than he wants it to. He clears his throat abruptly and gives it another shot.
‘Listen,’ he says, attempting to bargain with the nothingness. ‘I’m not asking you to come out here and have a nice little chinwag about your feelings or any of that idiocy. I’m not a therapist, and I’m not going to force you to tell me about any of the shit you’re going through right now, promise. I just need to know that you’re okay.’ Sirius’ eyes flick down to the Whatsapp messages at his feet. He rubs his face roughly with his palm and gazes bitterly at the ceiling.
‘The things Barty’s been telling me are fucking scary, you know that? You’ve got to know that. Just knock or something. Come on.’ The clock down the hall cuts through the silence with a few jarringly loud ticks. It is 04:02am.
‘Fuck’s sake, Reg,’ he swears, exasperated. ‘Open the bloody door.’
‘You can’t hide in there forever. Aren’t you freezing? I’m freezing. Why don’t you ever put the heating on? I know you can afford it.’
‘I swear to God, this is getting ridiculous now. I know you’re there. I can see your damn shadow.’ Sirius’ long pale fingers tie themselves into knots over and over as he fidgets. More agonising silence.
‘Regulus.’ The door remains shut, and the shadow behind it remains unspeaking. It is 04:05am.
‘Should I get someone else here? Is it just me that you don’t want to talk to, is that it? If I got Evan or Remus or, shit, literally anyone else, would you speak to them?’ Desperation is beginning to crawl out of Sirius’ throat, mangling his words into raw, strained sounds that chase after each other quicker than they ought to.
‘Come on. You haven’t got vocal cords for nothing, you are aware of that right? Just say something. Just let me hear your voice, and then I’ll go away and never bother you again, yeah? Just let me know you’re alive. Please, Reg.’
‘You’re my little brother, you know. You’re still my little brother. I know you hate me, a-and I hated you too, for… longer than I should have, and growing up was pretty shite - I think we both understand that now. You know, I’ll always feel guilty for leaving you. I swear, there hasn’t been a single day where the guilt hasn’t eaten me alive, James could tell you. So you’ve every right to hate me. Really, you do. You could hate me for your whole entire life and I’d get it, seriously, I would get it! But you’re my little fucking brother, Reggie. C’mon. Just do this one thing for me, this time. I need to know my little brother’s okay. I need to know he’s here with me and not… not dead on the fucking floor. Give me that much.’
It is 04:12am when the handle turns. Sirius isn’t expecting it at all - he’s aching and exhausted and terrified and too used to silence. He jumps when he hears it, turns wide, shining eyes towards the sound with unsure anticipation. There’s a few moments of clumsy shuffling, and then the door is opening inwards onto a dull gloom that clings to the tiling and old-fashioned sink with unrelenting intensity. It is very quiet. For one terrible moment Sirius thinks, irrationally, that maybe Regulus isn’t there. That he’d been sitting in the hallway for the past twelve minutes begging thin air and the ghost of who used to breathe it. But then the shadows are shifting, taking on form and contour, becoming something more familiar. Regulus crawls out from behind the door with shaky breaths, and lets himself be lit by the phone on the floor in all his wretched vulnerability.
Sirius doesn’t move, at first. He just stares at his brother. Sees his grey eyes reflected back at him in a slightly younger yet equally pained mirror image. Sees those eyes flicker and move and relishes in the aliveness of them. Sees a not dead brother. Then it processes somehow, and he’s pulling that wonderful, infuriating, not dead brother hastily and instinctively towards him with both arms, and holding him, and crying without realising it. Regulus lets it happen. He collapses into the hug.
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loomis-maxima · 11 months ago
Okay so I need some Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy mutuals 😭 Any fans or blogs that are down for being hp/hl moots just drop a comment here, the fangirling and headcanon's are too much, I need my people <3 (18+ only please, ty😭)
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schrodingersachillesheel · 2 months ago
Send me your fic requests!
have an idea but can't write?
searching for something specific but can't find it?
just don't have the time to write it out?
fuck it, i'll do it 🤷‍♀️
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Good Omens
(if you have one that's not listed, there's a 50/50 shot i know anything about it)
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beaurulestheocean · 9 months ago
does anyone have any jegulus fic recommendations? like non popular ones?? i’m craving them
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deadpoetsargas · 1 year ago
I need fics recs that goes like this or something along the lines of:
James: I have a crush on someone
Sirius: Tell me who is it
James: you don't want me to say it
Sirius: Prongs just do it!
James: it's Regulus
Sirius: ...
Sirius: okay now unsay that
(Basically just sirius being like "no make it a secret again i don't want to know" or "put those words back in your mouth and down your throat james")
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ourloveisforthelovely · 2 years ago
Regulus Black AU
Request:  i dnt rlly have a fleshed-out idea on this nasty request but what abt a smut fic on regulus but he's a priest. ik its insane but i thought of regulus black/paul atreides wearing the clerical collar thing and oh my god he looks so hot
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: Mature- smut, religious smut fic
AO3 Link
A/n: I left his open where I could possibly write future parts if there is any interest. 
Everything that Regulus ever did was for a reason…at least that was what he told himself. Growing up as the second son in a home where he was obviously unwanted had led Regulus into thinking that nothing happened by chance. Everything was planned. Everything happened for a reason. Sometimes the reasons weren’t always 100% clear but a reason was, nonetheless, there.
That was what led Regulus to become a priest. It seemed completely illogical at first but after a few years, Regulus felt as if he had made the best choice for himself. He no longer dealt with his horrible parents. For once, he was part of something good. Regulus also, for the first time, felt as though he belonged.
It didn’t take long to get used to the “lifestyle.” In no time at all Regulus fit into the priesthood perfectly. He enjoyed the rigid schedule, the church's various affairs, and the need to feel wanted. Sometimes the feeling “wanted” part involved listening to people’s rather concerning sins they committed or lonely elderly widows who cared too much about their herd of cats. Regulus learned to push his once sarcastic and easily annoyed ways aside and learned to have more empathy for the poor widows. Sometimes as simple as “there there” was all the poor women needed.
All of that changed one Sunday during the month of May. It was a typical Sunday mass. A typical Sunday where Regulus sat listening to his superior read the day’s message. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as Regulus’ eyes scanned the congregation before him. Regulus had quickly learned who were regulars and who only turned up when they had done something and were in need of God’s forgiveness. For the most part, everyone seemed to be there…and then Regulus’ eyes landed on…you. The new face…The face that had been plaguing Regulus’ dreams for the past 2 weeks…the face that Regulus envisioned running his hands over before kissing the plump lips that had begged for his attention…the fact that he could throw away everything for.
Regulus quickly looked down at his lap before muttering a quick prayer for forgiveness. Human or not, he wasn’t supposed to look at a woman like this. He wasn’t supposed to think of a woman like this. Regulus had pledged his life for something greater. Now here he was acting like even more of a sinner than someone who slept with multiple women a week.
This isn’t supposed to happen. I’m not supposed to be lusting after a woman.
Regulus swallowed his thoughts before bravely looking up at you again.
Father, she is beautiful.
Regulus once again quickly chastised himself for that thought. While he was free to admire his father’s creations that didn’t mean he was supposed to be thinking about having you beneath him.
Until you turned up 2 weeks before, Regulus had always assumed that he was asexual. He had never had much of an interest in sex. In fact, it seemed repulsive to Regulus…then you showed up. You showed up with your parents in a soft light blue dress and bashed the sexual desire right into him.
You had come to visit your parents for a few weeks, from what Regulus had gathered. Your parents were what Regulus considered “A+ Catholics.” They were the type that showed up from whatever even the church had. Both husband and wife were kind, thoughtful, “normal” people. You were the daughter that moved to the US to become a ballerina. Now here you are causing Regulus internal chaos.
All of that led to Regulus’ current predicament…he stood hidden in the shadows watching you. You had come to drop off a box of clothing donations at your mother’s request and Regulus was the guy that had to talk to you.
Over the years, Regulus had learned to put his shy nature to the side and talk to people without much difficulty. That wasn’t the case today, however. Today, Regulus had no idea how to talk, how to think, or what to do. He knew that he would have to face you eventually but for the moment he was fine being in the shadows.
“How am I supposed to talk to the girl that is making me wake up with a raging hard-on? How am I supposed to not focus on her lips, her breasts, her hips…anything… Father, forgive me.”
Regulus silently thought before telling himself to get a grip. You were just a woman and soon enough you would probably be back on your way home. Regulus could forget these feelings…until the next visit. Hopefully, by then, Regulus could have better control of his mind.
Taking a breath, Regulus pushed himself out of the shadows and moved to where you stood.
“You must be Y/n.”
Regulus said in a smooth soft tone. You turned to face him with a kind smile.
“Yes, my mother asked me to drop these things off…father….”
“Black…my name is Regulus Black.”
You again gave him a smile. The young priest before you was definitely pleasing to look at. Pleasing wasn’t even a good enough word. He was downright breathtaking! You swallowed looking him over in hopes that he didn't catch you doing so. Everything about him was perfectly polished…from his perfect curls to his without a wrinkle uniform down to his perfect hands…
Fuck, he is too pretty to be a priest.
You didn’t take back that thought. This man could get any woman that he wanted yet here he was in a position where he couldn't actually do anything…damn shame. You should have been embarrassed or felt bad about these rather unholy thoughts but you weren't.
You replied, keeping your eyes on his. Regulus was quiet a moment as he tried to think of something to say. Staring at your lips or your perfect legs wasn’t going to be helping him any.
“Is your grandmother well? Your mother had mentioned that she was off-color last week.”
Regulus asked. Asking about your grandmother seemed to be the safe option.
“She is feeling much better. Apparently it was a bit of a cold. Mother called me acting as if she was on death’s doorstep and ordered me to come home. Grandmother tends to do this a few times a year. I think she looks for a reason to get everyone in the house.”
A small smile played on Regulus’ lips.
“Your grandmother is amusing. So where are you visiting from again?”
“Las Vegas.”
You replied. Regulus nodded.
“That’s right. Your mother says that you are a ballerina.”
You slightly chuckled at that one. Your mother wished that you were a ballerina.
“Not exactly. That’s what my mother wants me to be. That was what got me to America but I didn’t stick with it. I’m a showgirl.”
Sweet merciful crap!
That was the only thought that Regulus could get through his mind. He couldn't even get a word out. You were a showgirl…probably half-naked at any given time…All Regulus could envision was you dressed in a skimpy bodysuit and high heels.
Father, help me.
“I perform in a casino on the strip. I’m not an exotic dancer or anything. I’m my mother’s disappointment.”
You replied as a soft blush came over your cheeks. Regulus quickly forced himself to start talking.
“No judgment, whatsoever…I’m my mother’s disappointment also so I understand.”
You seemed genuinely surprised with his reaction and Regulus had to congratulate himself on now totally blowing it.
“You’re the first that hasn’t said something judgmental about it. My parents are totally embarrassed.”
“Sometimes parents, even meaning well, don’t have all of the right answers or solutions.”
Regulus said, softly. You brushed a strand of hair from your face sending your sweet scent right in Regulus’ direction. It only took one breath for him to be love drunk from your scent alone.
“You are definitely right about that one.”
20 minutes later, the two of you were still quietly talking. Had the situation been different and he was actually “available” you had the feeling that you would have had the offer of a date…which you would have accepted. You liked Regulus already. Everything about him seemed “perfect.” It wasn’t only his looks but his soft voice and kind demeanor. He was shy…shy and decent.
A decent guy wasn’t something that you came across often. You were used to the kind of guy that made lewd comments to you on your body. Regulus, even though he was looking, didn't go that far. You knew a lot of his was probably because of what he was. He probably had no interest whatsoever. You were just the daughter of a member of the church.
And then it happened…neither Regulus nor yourself was sure who initiated it but the two of you were kissing. This kiss was different from any other kiss that you had shared with someone else. This kiss felt...forbidden, wrong, yet so right at the same time. You sighed as Regulus slowly slipped his tongue into your mouth.
Where did a priest learn to kiss like this?
You thought, savoring the moment until Regulus snapped back into reality and stepped away.
His face instantly went scarlet. Regulus was in an internal panic for a moment. He kissed you! He kissed you as a man was supposed to kiss his wife. Regulus kissed you and he was NEVER supposed to do that.
“I am so sorry…I don’t know what came over me.”
Regulus stammered. He wondered, for a moment, if he were dreaming. Would this be just another dream where you vanished not long after the kiss and he woke up aching?
When you didn’t vanish and he didn't wake up, Regulus knew that he was awake and he had, in fact, kissed you.
“I am in trouble.”
He thought before your soft voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“It's okay…I mean, I’m not complaining. I’m only curious where you learned to kiss like that?”
Regulus shifted uncomfortable a few times before speaking again.
“I had kissed a few girls before I became a priest. Apparently I haven’t forgotten that skill. We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Regulus said. You watched him with a small smile. Your eyes were gently fluttering between his face down to the obviously noticeable hard on in his black pants.
“You don’t seem to want to stop.”
You commented. Regulus closed his eyes before speaking.
“No, I don’t want to but I have a job…a promise I made…I have a purpose.”
Regulus was relived when you didn’t torture him any further. In fact, you seemed almost too understanding.
“As you, father. This has been interesting.”
You replied before moving to leave but was stopped the moment Regulus spun you around and pushed you against the wall. Soft hands locked around your wrists as he raised them above your head.
“Don’t go. You have been teasing me for the past two weeks. Don’t you realize how hard it is to say no?”
Regulus murmured against her lips. He had gone back in for a kiss but decided to savor the moment. From your sweet scent to feeling your body pressed against his, Regulus wanted to make this moment last as long as he possibly could.
“You don’t have to say no. I know you aren’t supposed to do this but what’s one little mess up? We all make them…priest or man on the street…everyone sins.”
You replied, watching the frown on Regulus’ face. He didn’t reply for a moment before standing back up straight. Glancing over his shoulder, Regulus made sure that no one was watching the two of you. He was thankful there was no one but knew that this needed to be taken someplace more “secluded.”
“Come with me.”
Regulus ordered before wrapping his hand around your wrist. He guided you to a quiet office off of the church sanctuary and locked the door as soon as you were inside. Once satisfied that the two of you were indeed alone, Regulus pulled your body back against his.
“You’re right, everyone messes up but I’m not supposed to mess up like this.”
You slipped your hand down to wrap back around his and pulled it up to your clothed breast. Regulus didn’t move at first but after you cleared your throat his hand tightened.
“Something tells me that you want this sin, Father.”
You commented, in a seductive tone. Regulus chuckled before continuing to grope your breast through your dress.
“I suppose that I do.”
He replied, giving you the initiative to continue. You stood on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his lips. Kissing your way down his jawline to his neck, you stopped at the collar of his shirt.
“Shall we stop and forget this never happened?”
You asked. Regulus frantically shook his head.
“Don’t stop.”
He whimpered. You stroked one hand down his chest. Stopping at his belt buckle, your eyes rolled back to his, as if asking permission.
“Keep going.”
Regulus ordered, wondering where this sudden surge of bravery came from. Your hand went back to his shirt and gently undid each button. Regulus shrugged his shirt off as your arms wrapped around his neck. He closed his eyes and savored each kiss that you peppered down his chest.
Is this how a woman is supposed to really make a man feel? Is this really so forbidden?
Regulus thought. He could definitely get used to this. The feeling of your hot lips on his skin was indescribable. This was the best feeling that Regulus had ever had…physical attention…this was heaven!
Regulus’ eyes snapped open the moment that you stopped touching him. His mouth dropped when he realized that you were on your knees before him. Your eyes were locked on his face as you moved to cup his erection. When Regulus’ body pulsed under your touch, you couldn’t help the little smirk that formed on your face. It hadn’t taken long at all for your own desire to come roaring back. You sighed feeling the lewd thoughts come right back to your mind.
Damn, he feels huge!
It had been so long since you had actually slept with someone. You were as desperate as Regulus appeared to be for some physical affection. The wetness was starting to slip from your pussy and down your thighs
Regulus quickly reached down and unbuckled his belt. You weren’t moving fast enough for his growing desperation.
“Don’t stop.”
He said, softly. Regulus moved to kick his pants off leaving the only layer of clothing preventing you from getting your hot lips on him was his thin boxers. You didn’t wait a moment longer before pulling the hem of his boxers down and his cock sprang free.
He is huge!
You thought looking at the size of Regulus’ cock. Regulus groaned when you wrapped a hand around his shaft.
“I’ll make you feel good.”
You said in a lust-filled tone before wrapping your mouth around his cock. Regulus’ head fell backward as your tongue drifted over the head and down to the vein on the underside. What you were doing with that sweet yet sinful tongue of yours was enough to make him moan.
You wanted to take more of Regulus into your mouth but were stopped when Regulus reached down and gently pulled you back to your feet.
"Lust is one of the cardinal sins, and now you've made me lust for you. I have wanted you from the moment that you first stepped foot into this church. Now I’m taking what I want…and I don’t care what anyone says. Take your dress off, love.”
You didn’t have to be told twice. Regulus kept his eyes on you as you gently slid your pale pink dress off. The lust once again started flowing through him as the swells of your breasts came to light followed by your bare pussy.
She’s not wearing any knickers!
Regulus’ mouth dropped at that thought. Your bare pussy was one of the most beautiful sights that the young man had ever seen. Forget the immaculate cathedrals and Vatican City…nope, it was your naked body!
“May I touch you?”
Regulus asked. Forget the fact that you had just given him a blow job, he wanted to make damn sure that you wanted him before he even thought of touching you.
“You may.”
You replied, waiting only a moment before Regulus quickly stepped forward. His right hand reached up to cup your breast. His long fingers teased and tweaked your nipples before going back to greedily cupping the whole thing. You sighed enjoying each teasing motion until Regulus picked you up and placed you on the table to your left.
Regulus swallowed before going back in for another small kiss then moved down to your breast. Never in a million years did Regulus ever think that he would be sucking on a woman’s breasts IN THE CHURCH of all places yet here he was. His tongue traced over each dusty bud before gently nibbling. Your body jumped slightly as Regulus went back to suckling.
You had become aware of Regulus’ cock nudging your clit with each of his movements.
“Are you thinking of what you want me to do to you?”
Regulus asked, looking up from his place. Where his sudden surge of bravery and bedroom wisdom came from, he did not know but he was thankful for it.
You nodded, feeling the heat spread through your body. The thought of Regulus’ long, thick cock filling you up with no mercy made you ache even more. He would indeed stretch you and you longed for it. You longed for his cock stretching your tight cunt until you were made just for him. Every sinful thought made you wetter and wetter, and the warm ache was becoming insatiable.
"Do you want me to touch you?"
Regulus asked, his voice deepening.
“Yes, Father.”
You cooed, making Regulus tremble. He chuckled before running a single finger down your wet slit. Regulus swallowed as he watched your juices seep from your body. He gently spread your legs, biting his lip, as your soaking fold spread. Your clit was glistening in the warm lights of the room.
“You’re so wet. All of this from a little making out and a blow job?”
You could only nod a moment before recovering.
“Looking at you caused this too. You’re so handsome…and that body…enough to make me a whore in church.”
Regulus chuckled.
“I suppose that we have something in common”
Regulus moved to kneel between your legs. His gray eyes were now hyper-focused on your wet cunt.
“I want you to kiss me there.”
You said, hoping it sounded more like an order. Something told you that this was Regulus’ first time. As much as you wanted to be in control, you decided to let him call the shots. He deserved a good memory to think back on in the coming days. Regulus licked his lips before moving forward. He placed his tongue on your opening and licked teasingly up to your clit. You gasped under him wanting to buck your hips.
Regulus, meanwhile, was savoring the taste of your juices on his tongue. Moving to suck your clip into his mouth, Regulus slowly pushed two fingers inside. He didn’t want to but his mind went back to the porn that he had watched as a teen. Shamefully, he didn't find it at all appealing then but now…he tried to remember the moves the men in the film used on the women.
When you cried out and your ships bucked upward, Regulus knew that he was doing something right. It only took a few more licks and you were spamming. Your tight pussy clenched around his fingers. You cried out as an orgasm began to rip its way through you. Regulus quickly pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He lapped up your juices as if he were a dying man that had found an oasis in a desert. Your pussy wouldn't stop convulsing as he lavished your body with more and more attention.
Moving to his feet, Regulus looked down at you with lust-filled gray eyes. His pupils were blown as he took his cock in one hand and rubbed it over your clit. You gave him a nod before spreading your legs wider.
“Please fuck me.”
Regulus waited a moment before gently shoving his entire cock inside in one thrust. The both of you moaned together at the delicious stretch and burn caused by his cock splitting you open. Regulus started to thrust inside, faster than before, making your breasts bounce each time. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room as Regulus moved to once again hold your hands over your head.
The two of you moaned and whispered little reassurances of just how good this felt. Each movement of his cock made your core ache.
“I’m close.”
Regulus moaned against your mouth. He knew that he wouldn’t last long. Never having sex before made him realize that he had no control over his orgasm. He would come inside of you a lot faster than he wanted to.
“Come, I need to come too.”
You gasped as Regulus’ thrusts began to get sloppy. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath as your orgasm tore through you. Your cunt began to spam around Regulus’ cock pushing him over the edge. His cock jerked before spurting rope after rope of thick cum deep into your pussy.
Neither of you moved for a moment. You were the first to make a move. Reaching up, you pulled Regulus back down for a lazy kiss. He smiled against your mouth, enjoying the feeling of his half-hard cock still being lodged in your body.
“That was amazing.”
You whispered. Regulus moved to say something but stopped suddenly when he heard someone calling his name. The two of you froze for a moment before quickly dressing. Regulus turned his attention back to you.
“Take the second door and take a right, that will get you out of here without anyone noticing.”
You nodded before quickly putting your shoes back on. Turning your attention back to Regulus, you stroked a finger down the bridge of his nose as the door handle began to turn.
“Thank you, Father.”
You whispered before rushing out of the room.
The next morning, you walked back into the church. You were hoping for another repeat of the previous day's events. Maybe this time, it could end with a little more cuddling and a lot less hurrying out.
Regulus looked up when you stepped into the sanctuary where he was quietly getting this ready for the next service. When he didn’t smile or let any emotion come across his face, your heart began to pound. Something about the look on his face made your heart pound.
He greeted you with a formal tone. It wasn’t the tone of the man that you had made love with the day before.
“Regulus…It's good to see you…I was wondering if you would…”
Regulus held a hand up.
“Yesterday shouldn’t have happened. It was a mistake and I should have never given into that temptation.”
Regulus felt instantly guilty at the stunned expression on your face. He never wanted to hurt you but he felt as if he had to.
“You seemed to feel differently yesterday.”
You replied, feeling a surge of annoyance come through you.
“Yesterday I was tempted and gave into a sin that I promised to never commit. I’m sorry, Y/n but I have worked too hard to throw everything away for a showgirl. You must understand that I am a priest not some boy toy for you. Perhaps you should…”
You held a hand up.
“You’ve made your feelings clear.”
You didn’t wait to give Regulus a second to talk before turning and walking from the church without another word. Maybe you were foolish for hoping that something would come from this. You were foolish for thinking that maybe Regulus would be more than just a priest…maybe it could have been love? Would you ask Regulus to give everything up based on one day of passion-filled romance? No, but what if it could work out?
Not now….
You thought before disappearing down a busy street and out of sight.
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