#Regina mills fanfiction
fromthelakes · 10 months
Jealousy, Regret, Reconciliation
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Pairing: Regina Mills x fem!reader
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 2k
Summary: In the midst of a lively evening at Granny’s Diner, Regina Mills becomes increasingly agitated by a misinterpreted situation between her secret lover (you) and Ruby, sparking a heated argument. The night brings a storm of emotions, keeping both you and Regina awake, haunted by the recent conflict.
A/N: Heyy, this is my first ever fanfiction and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it. I just wanted to try writing a jealousy fic of Regina because… why not? Also I’m not sure how to tag this because, again, I’m very new to writing fanfiction. Anyways feel free to leave any advice or criticism on how I could improve my writing (please be nice though, because I am sensitive af lmaoo). Oh, and the classic "english isn't my first language" applies to this
The atmosphere at Granny's Diner was as vibrant as ever, filled with its customary chatter and laughter. Regina Mills sat in the corner booth, seemingly focused on her drink. Yet, her gaze intermittently drifted towards you, engrossed in what seemed like an innocent conversation with Ruby Lucas, your laughters blending in with the diner’s ambiance.
Despite the celebration for a milestone achieved in Storybrooke, Regina's attention remained elsewhere. She noticed the way Ruby's gaze lingered on you, and a flicker of unease sparked within her. Though typically composed, Regina couldn’t help feeling a twinge of jealousy seeing Ruby direct playful banter at you.
Regina had always been protective, especially of you. The two of you had been friends for years, your bond growing stronger as time passed. Recently, however, your relationship had shifted, blossoming into something deeper and more intimate. You and Regina had been secretly dating for several months now, relishing the clandestine nature of your romance, keeping it hidden from the prying eyes of Storybrooke's inhabitants.
As the evening progressed, Regina found it increasingly challenging to ignore the growing jealousy that had taken root within her. Each playful exchange between you and Ruby fueled the flames of her simmering frustration, her jaw clenching with suppressed emotions.
Inwardly seething, Regina took a deliberate sip of her drink, a facade of composure masking the turmoil raging within her. The cool liquid did little to quell the storm of emotions churning beneath the surface as she maintained a poised exterior, concealing the inner conflict brewing within her.
As Ruby leaned closer to you—a gesture Regina interpreted as flirtatious—her jaw clenched further, the surge of jealousy nearly escalating. Her grip on her drink tightened, the glass threatening to shatter under the pressure of her clenched fingers. She had to look away, fearing that her emotions would betray her in front of everyone.
Ruby's laughter crescendoed, a sound that grated against Regina's frayed nerves. Each interaction between you and Ruby felt like a dagger twisting in her chest. Regina's mind raced with irrational thoughts and deep-buried fears. The ache in her chest had morphed into simmering anger, a blend of jealousy and frustration.
Eventually, the tension proved too much to bear. Regina abruptly rose from her seat, the sharp clicks of her stilettos echoing across the wooden floor of the diner, drawing your attention. Your eyes met hers, capturing a glimpse of something raw and untamed within Regina’s usually composed expression before she stormed out of the diner, her sole focus on escaping the suffocating atmosphere.
You watched her leave, a furrow forming on your brow, a mixture of confusion and concern evident. Sensing the tension that had soured the once cheerful atmosphere, you quickly excused yourself from Ruby's company.
Outside the diner, the cool night air failed to offer any relief as Regina briskly walked down the sidewalk, the echo of her heels punctuating the silent night with each determined step. The weight of unresolved emotions hung heavy in the air, evident in her gait and tense posture.
“Regina!” you called out, your voice cutting through the stillness of the night. Regina hesitated for a moment, the rhythmic click of her heels faltering before she continued walking, determined to distance herself from the scene that had stirred up a storm of emotions in her.
Desperate to bridge the growing distance between you, you quickened your pace, the echo of your own heels resonating as you tried to catch up to her. “Regina, please!” you called out again, the urgency evident in your voice.
Regina slowed down, hesitating for a fleeting moment before reluctantly turning to face you. Despite the distance, the streetlights illuminated the conflict etched on her features, a blend of hurt and frustration.
As you finally caught up to her, you were slightly taken aback by the look on her face. "What's wrong?" you questioned, worry lacing your voice.
"What's wrong?" Regina scoffed, her eyes flashing with suppressed frustration. "Can you not see it? How you entertain every flirtatious remark from Ruby as if it's some kind of game?"
Your brows furrowed into a puzzled expression. "Regina, Ruby and I are just friends." you defended, a hint of frustration creeping into your tone.
Regina's facade cracked, her voice rising with pent-up emotions. "Friends? Can't you see how she looks at you? How you laugh at her jokes and bask in her attention?
"I don't know what you're talking about," you retorted, a surge of defensiveness colouring your voice. "Ruby is just a friend, and you know that."
"Don't play ignorant!" Regina's words cut through the air like a knife. "I saw the way Ruby practically threw herself at you, and you seemed all too eager to indulge her!"
Confusion swept over you. "Indulge her? Ruby was just being friendly!"
"You don't see it, do you?" Regina's voice wavered between anger and hurt. "I've watched the way she looks at you, and it's not just harmless banter!"
Caught between Regina's piercing gaze and the unexpected accusation, you felt a surge of frustration rise within you. "Regina, it wasn't like that! Ruby and I were just having a conversation—"
"You can't be that naive!" Regina cut in, her frustration boiling over. "She was flirting with you right in front of me!"
You let out a scoff of disbelief. “Are you serious, Regina?” you questioned, eyebrows raising in astonishment. “Are you actually suggesting that? Or are you just fucking jealous?” you shot back, your disbelief now mixed with irritation.
Regina’s eyes widened, her initial frustration giving way to a mix of surprise and indignation. “Jealous?” she snapped back, letting out a breathless chuckle. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just pointing out the obvious.” Her words carried a sharp edge, her frustration still palpable.
“You’re overreacting!" you retorted, anger and hurt evident in your voice. "Sorry I didn't realise I needed your permission to talk to someone!"
The words hung heavily in the air, each sentence fueling the fiery argument. Regina's jaw clenched, her emotions unravelling with each passing second. "This isn't about me. It's about you and your constant need for attention from others!"
Her words cut deep, and you felt a surge of frustration mingled with hurt pride. "Is that what you really think?” you questioned, the words coming out with a mixture of hurt and astonishment.
Regina’s gaze hardened, the tension palpable in the charged air between you. “It’s not about what I think, it’s what I’ve seen.” she retorted sharply, her voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and lingering hurt.
You stared at her, a lump forming in your throat. The air around you seemed to disappear, making you feel suffocated. “After everything—” you paused, struggling to contain the tumultuous emotions threatening to spill over. “Do you not trust me?” you whispered, tears threatening well up in your eyes as you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Before Regina could say anything, you turned away and stormed off, leaving her standing there in the chilly autumn night. Regina watched you disappear behind a corner before she let out a frustrated groan. 
Regina got into her car, slamming the door shut with an echoing thud and driving away. Both of you retreated to your respective homes, leaving the echoes of the heated argument haunting the empty streets of Storybrooke.
As the night settled in Storybrooke, both you and Regina sequestered in your separate residents, enveloped in the lingering aftermath of the argument. The thunderstorm raging outside seemed to match the intensity of emotions both you and Regina were experiencing, leaving you both unable to sleep.
Regina sat by the window of her dimly lit bedroom, the occasional lightning illuminating the shadows that danced on the walls. Her mind was a chaotic whirlwind, replaying the argument with you over and over again. Frustration mingled with regret as she pondered her rash actions. She knew her emotions had gotten the better of her, unleashing a torrent of pent-up feelings she had desperately tried to conceal.
Regina continued watching raindrops race down the glass pane, mirroring the tears she had refused to shed. Her thoughts drifted back to the moment she had stormed out of Granny’s Diner, her heart aching with the realisation that she might have irreversibly damaged something precious with her outburst.
Meanwhile, you sat in your own dwelling, the distant thunder echoing the turmoil in your mind. The argument replayed in your thoughts like a broken record. Confusion and frustration gripped you as you pondered the misunderstanding that had spiralled out of control.
Despite your best efforts to push the heated exchange aside, you couldn’t shake off the unease that lingered. Regina’s words cut deep, leaving wounds of misunderstanding and hurt. You hadn't anticipated this level of conflict, especially with someone as close as Regina.
As the night wore on, the storm showed no signs of relenting, as if mirroring the unresolved tension between you and Regina. Each raindrop that splattered against the windowpanes seemed to echo the unspoken words and emotions that lingered between you.
In a sudden surge of determination, Regina couldn’t let things remain this way. She couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling of discord that had settled between you two. Despite the pouring rain outside, Regina made a decision.
Grabbing her coat, Regina dashed out into the storm, the raindrops pelting against her skin. She hurried through the deserted streets of Storybrooke, the only sounds being the rhythmic drumming of the rain and the occasional distant rumble of thunder. Each step towards your house felt heavier than the last, fueled by the urgency to clear the air and mend what felt irreparably broken.
Lost in your thoughts, you were startled by the sharp knock echoing through your home, interrupting the solitary brooding. You hesitated, puzzled by the unexpected visitor in the midst of such a storm. As you approached the door, the knock came again, more urgent this time.
Opening the door, you were taken aback by the sight before you—Regina stood there drenched, rainwater streaming down her face, making her usually impeccable appearance dishevelled.
"Regina, what—?" Your words were cut short as Regina closed the gap between you in an instant, her hands softly cupping your face and her lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
Your initial shock quickly gave way to a surge of warmth as you reciprocated the kiss. Despite the storm raging outside, this moment felt oddly serene—the only thing that mattered was the feeling of her lips against yours.
Regina pulled back slightly, her eyes searching yours, a mix of apology and vulnerability reflected in their depths. “I’m so sorry.” she murmured, the words tinged with sincerity. “I didn’t mean for things to escalate earlier. I just...”
Regina’s lips parted, but no words escaped. You reached out, gently brushing a rain-soaked strand of hair from her face. Your gaze held a silent understanding, an unspoken acknowledgment of the tangled emotions that had led to this moment.
“I overreacted.” Regina admitted softly. “I let my insecurities get the better of me. I never meant to hurt you.”
The sincerity in her gaze was undeniable. You could sense the walls she had meticulously built crumbling down, exposing her raw feelings beneath the surface.
You gave her a sympathetic smile before pulling her into a tender embrace. Regina’s arms wrapped around you and her breath hitched slightly as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your familiar scent.
"I didn't mean to upset you either." you whispered into her hair. Regina’s embrace tightened slightly as a silent acknowledgment of your words.
You both lingered in the embrace, finding comfort in the closeness that transcended words. However, as if nature had its own timing, a sudden rumble of thunder echoed through the sky, reverberating around you. Regina instinctively pulled away, her eyes widening slightly in realisation.
You glanced towards the downpour outside, the intensity of the storm painting the world in shades of grey. The reminder brought a faint chuckle from both of you, a brief interjection in the midst of the emotional intensity. 
"Come on, I don’t want you to catch a cold." you said softly, a playful smile tugging at your lips as you pulled her inside your home, away from the rain-soaked night. As Regina stepped over the threshold, you closed the door behind her, shutting out the storm and the chaos of the outside world.
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heart-ripping · 4 months
Crowning Jealousy.
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pairing: Regina Mills (The Evil Queen) X Reader
summary: in which the queen is unable to control her greatest desires in claiming her mistress.
words: 1474 words, 8781 characters.
warnings(+18): queen!regina, mistress!reader, adult themes, kissing, jealousy, ownership, pet names.
ah, yes. craving for a jealousy fic from the evil queen.
The grand ballroom of the shadowy castle glittered with dark opulence, illuminated by flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the walls. Nobility from distant, sinister lands gathered for the annual Black Masquerade, a night of dark revelry and forbidden pleasures. At the top of a grand staircase stood the Evil Queen, her fierce gaze surveying the room with an air of cold command. Her gown, a deep, blood-red velvet, clung to her figure, and a black, bejeweled mask concealed her face, adding to her aura of menace.
Regina's eyes, a gloomy shade of dark brown, scanned the room, searching for one person in particular—her mistress, her lady. A vision of sapphire blue, you wore a midnight-blue gown that flowed around you like a shadow, your raven-black hair cascading down your back. Your mask, adorned with dark and delicate feathers and sparkling jewels, framed your radiant face, which glistened with mischief and allure.
As Regina descended the staircase, her presence commanded immediate attention, the room falling silent as the nobles turned to bow and curtsy before their queen. Her steps were deliberate, each one echoing with the promise of power and cruelty. She finally spotted you in the center of a circle of admirers, your laughter and flirtations grating on Regina's nerves.
You chuckled, your eyes alight with amusement, as you entertained the attentions of several noblemen, including Prince Charming, a handsome and charismatic rogue known for his charm. The sight of him leaning in close to you, whispering something in your ear, sent a jolt of cold fury through Regina.
"Your Majesty," Prince Charming greeted, bowing deeply as Regina approached, a smug smile on his lips. "I was just discussing the upcoming festivities with—"
"Is that so?" Regina interrupted, her voice a chilling whisper that sent shivers down the spines of those nearby. Her gaze locked onto you, harsh and possessive. "I trust you find the conversation... enlightening, my dear?"
Your eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and defiance as you curtsied to the queen. "Very much so, Your Majesty. Prince Charming has quite the... unique perspective."
Regina stepped closer, her hand finding its place on the small of your back in a gesture that was both possessive and threatening. The cold touch of her fingers sent a shiver down your spine. "I hope you don't mind if I steal my lady away for a dance, Charming. There are matters that require my immediate attention."
Prince Charming bowed again, his smile faltering slightly under Regina's vicious glare. "Of course, Your Majesty. It would be an honor to witness such a dance."
Regina led you to the center of the ballroom, the crowd parting in silent awe and fear. The orchestra began to play a haunting waltz, the music filling the grand space with its dark, melodic tones. As you both began to move, Regina's grip on your waist tightened, her jealousy burning like a cold fire.
"You seemed to be enjoying yourself with the Prince," Regina remarked, her tone rough and controlled, but with an underlying threat.
You laughed softly, leaning in closer to the queen, your breath warm against Regina's ear. "My queen, are you jealous?"
Regina's lips curled into a cold, sinister smile. "Perhaps. You are the most enchanting creature here, and I do not share what is mine."
Your eyes softened slightly as you gently cupped Regina's cheek, your touch a stark contrast to the queen's cold demeanor. "You have no reason to be, my queen. My heart and body belong to you alone."
The sincerity in your words did little to soothe the jealousy seething in Regina's chest, but it did ease some of her tension. She pulled you closer, your bodies pressing together as you both danced, your movements a sinister ballet of dominance and submission. "I know, love. But seeing others vying for your attention reminds me how precious you are to me, and how much I despise sharing."
Your smile was tender as you whispered, "And I am reminded every day how lucky I am to be yours. No one else compares to you, Your Majesty."
The dance ended with a dramatic flourish, the music fading as the two women shared a lingering, possessive kiss, sealing their bond for all to see. The nobles around them applauded, but the sound was a distant murmur, insignificant compared to the intense connection between you and Regina.
As the night wore on, the queen and her mistress remained inseparable, their dark love a beacon of power and desire in the shadowy grandeur of the castle. Though the brown-eyed terror of jealousy might rear its head from time to time, Regina knew that your heart was hers—now and forever. Your love, forged in the fires of darkness and tempered by the strength of your bond, was unbreakable, a testament to the power of your union.
The grand ballroom gradually emptied as the night wore on, the festivities giving way to quieter, more intimate gatherings in the castle's many dark and opulent chambers. Regina led you through the labyrinthine hallways, your footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls. Torches flickered, casting long shadows that danced around you like silent specters.
Finally, you arrived at the queen's private chamber, an imposing door of ebony wood carved with intricate designs of serpents and roses. Regina pushed the door open, revealing a room that was the epitome of dark luxury. Rich, crimson drapes framed tall, narrow windows, and a grand canopy bed dominated the space, its dark silk sheets inviting and soft. Candles flickered, their soft light casting a golden glow over the room, creating an atmosphere of both intimacy and foreboding.
Regina closed the door behind you, the heavy wood thudding shut with finality. She turned to you, her eyes gleaming with a mix of possessive hunger and something deeper, something more powerful. You met her gaze with a smile, your own desire and affection were clear in your sensual eyes.
Without a word, Regina stepped closer, her hands finding your waist and pulling you close. Your lips met in a fierce, possessive kiss, all the pent-up jealousy and longing pouring out at that moment. You responded with equal fervor, your hands sliding up to tangle in Regina's dark hair, pulling her even closer.
Regina's lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of burning kisses that made you shiver with pleasure. The queen's hands roamed, one cupping your cheek while the other traced the curve of your waist, pulling you tight against her own body. Your breath hitched, a soft moan escaping your lips as Regina's teeth grazed your skin.
"Mine," Regina whispered, her voice a low, possessive growl. "You are mine, pet."
Your eyes fluttered open, filled with a mix of adoration and desire. "Always, my queen," you murmured, your voice breathless and filled with longing. "I am yours, now and forever."
With a swift, fluid motion, Regina guided you toward the grand canopy bed, your bodies entwined in a dance of passion and fuel. You fell back onto the soft silk sheets, your hair fanning out around you like a dark halo. Regina followed, her movements graceful and predatory as she hovered above you, her eyes never leaving you.
You came together again, your kisses growing more urgent, more desperate. Your hands roamed over Regina's back, feeling the taut muscles beneath the luxurious fabric of her gown. Regina's own hands explored every curve of your body, memorizing the feeling of your skin and the sound of your sighs.
In the dim, flickering candlelight, the queen and her mistress became a tangle of limbs and whispered promises: Their love is a fierce and unyielding force. Regina's lips found yours again and again, each kiss a claim, each touch a declaration of ownership.
Hours passed like moments, the world outside the chamber forgotten as you both lost yourselves in each other. Finally, as the first light of dawn began to seep through the heavy drapes, you lay together, your bodies pressed, your breathing slowing to a peaceful rhythm.
Regina brushed a stray lock of hair from your face; her touch was surprisingly gentle. "You are my greatest treasure, my darling," she whispered, her voice softer than it had been all night. "No one will ever come between us."
You grinned cheekily, your eyes filled with contentment and love. "And you are my queen, my love, my everything," you replied, your voice barely more than a sigh.
As the morning light grew stronger, casting a warm glow over the dark room, Regina held you close, your hearts beating in unison. At that moment, all the jealousy and possessiveness melted away, leaving only the pure, unbreakable bond between you two.
And so, in the quiet sanctity of the queen's chamber, your love story continued as a testament to the power of passion and the strength of your connection.
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greyfongschemmenti · 6 months
This Is How It Feels | Part 1
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Pairing: Regina Mills x Reader
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 1k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In a mystical town where dark magic intertwines with everyday life, the formidable and wicked Mayor holds sway over all. One rainy night, a mysterious stranger appears, a curious mind who slowly will uncover secrets and allure. As the Mayor and the stranger's paths cross, a forbidden attraction blooms, leading to a spark that both don’t understand. Can love and happiness be brought with danger, betrayal, and a battle between light and darkness.
As I’m rewatching OUAT I have gotten the feeling to write this fanfic. Hopefully you all will like it. I will try to keep the gender of the reader neutral.
The rain poured relentlessly as you arrived in the quaint town of Storybrooke, your car broke down at the town’s entrance and you’ve been walking into town seeking a dry place to wait out the storm. You find the only place that’s open tonight, a diner by the name of Granny’s. Shrugging your backpack on you push the door to head inside the establishment. There’s some people in the establishment, a couple of young adults chatting and laughing over milkshakes and fries. You wipe the raindrops off your sleeves then find an empty booth in the corner.. You place the backpack in first then take a seat looking at the door, a little quirk you always do for safety. You hate having your back towards a door. Reaching down your pocket you pull out your phone to realize it has no power “crap, I forgot to charge it”. You mutter under your breath as a menu slide towards you “Welcome to Granny’s! Oh my, you're soaked!” a red haired young waitress greets you warmly. 
You look up and give her a small smile then take the menu to give it a glance “thanks, um yeah my car broke down just at the entrance of town. Had to walk in the wait to find help”
“I'm so sorry to hear that! Let me get you a towel and a hot cup of coffee to warm you up.” She pours you a cup of coffee and look at you more intently as you look at the menu “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before”
“Uhh, yeah I’m not…from here. I was—“ you begin to explain but notice eyes looking your way. Ruby looks over her shoulders then turns back to you “don’t worry this town isn’t used to new people.” She kindly explains as she gives you a warm smile. 
You sit up straight and tug on your sleeves as a defense mechanism “I see that. Um thanks for the coffee. I think I’ll just have this for right now” you give her a soft smile. Ruby returns the smile and turns to leave when you almost forgot “oh! I’m sorry. Do you have a phone I could use to call a mechanic?” 
Ruby gives you a nod “yeah sure, but Billy's shop is closed for the day. We have lodging. You’re more than welcome to stay here until he opens. His shop isn’t that far from here” she gives you a sympathetic smile 
You look at her and give a short nod “That sounds perfect. I'm grateful for your help.” Giving her a small smile as she turns back to head to the counter. You prepare your coffee then take a sip. The door opens and a dark haired woman steps inside heading toward the counter “Ms. Lucas can I get a coffee to go?” Her voice is short and direct as she pulls her dark gloves off her hands. 
“Sure thing Madam Mayor” 
She turns around to face the crowd as she leans against the counter to wait for her order.You glance around the diner when your eyes rest on the mayor. you gaze at her profile and feel a pull. You shake your head in disbelief as you take another sip of coffee. Sliding out of the booth to grab your backpack. You reach down into your pocket to pull out your wallet and take out a couple of dollars for the coffee and tip. You turn around when with a second to react you grab the person you almost collide with by the arms to prevent them from falling. 
Time seemed to stand still as your gaze met the Mayor’s. In that instant, a torrent of emotions surged through your body. Your heart quickened its pace, aflutter with a mix of excitement and nervousness. A tingling sensation crept up your spine, sending shivers down your arms as if touched by an unseen force. Not understanding why you’re feeling like this.
“Watch where you’re going” the dark haired woman raised her voice. A flush of embarrassment tinged your cheeks, but you quickly regained your composure as you released her arms. "I'm sorry," you murmured softly, straightening up.
The Mayor looks you up and down in a quick glance. She quickly composed herself, her lips curved into a small smile as she spoke, "Well, you saved me a day at the cleaners, so no harm done." She raised her coffee cup in cheers, the warmth in her eyes matching the gesture.
Your smile mirrored hers, a chuckle escaping your lips. Her gaze lingered on you, curiosity sparking in her eyes. "You know, as Mayor, it's my job to know everyone in this town."
You shrugged, a small smile playing on your lips. "I'm just a passerby. My car broke down just outside town. Granny's has been most hospitable." you reach your hand out toward her “I’m y/n.”
"Regina," she offered you a warm smile though her smile falters a bit "Welcome to Storybrooke. I should get going." With that, she made her way towards the door.
"Goodnight, Madam Mayor," you called after her, watching as she opened the door and stepped out into the night.
You stood there for a moment, the memory of her lingering presence still fresh in your mind, before finally making your way to the diner counter to inquire about a room for the night. The thought of seeing Regina again brought a flutter of anticipation to your heart, wondering what new encounters and connections awaited you in the charming town of Storybrooke.
The warmth of the diner and the kindness of the people in Storybrooke start to melt away the coldness you felt from the rain. You find yourself wondering about this mysterious town and the people in it. As you settle in for the night, the sound of the rain outside lulls you to sleep, your dreams starting with the images of the mayor, a soft smile appearing on your lips.
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stayevildarling · 5 months
could you do a hurt-comfort fic w either:
lou x tammy x reader
wilhemina x regina mills x reader pleaseee
Wilhemina Venable x Regina Mills x Reader- Burying our memories (AU)
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A/N: I think this is absolutely not what you expected with this request dear anon. However the first thing I thought of was an AU with dark Mina x the evil Queen so I hope nevertheless you enjoy this <3 For anyone who has watched ouat please ignore how I altered the curse and changed the story
tw: dark mina, evil queen, cursing, degrading, blood, pain, angst, hurt
word count: 7k
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
The dense greenery of the enchanted forest sways gentle in the cool breeze, casting shifting patterns of shadow and light upon the forest floor. With swift motions, you run through the tangled undergrowths, your breathing coming in ragged gasps as you glance over your shoulders, trying to see if they had gone, if you were safe.
Moments before, your day looked like it usually did, as you found yourself in the heart of the village, your heart heavy with the weight of injustice. The villagers lacking the most basic things including food, water and supplies to survive, due to the Queen's oppressive rules. And somehow over the years, after slowly losing your family and purpose altogether, you turned out to be an aid for the poor lost souls in the forest and village, their silent pleas echoing in the depths of your soul.
Somehow you had turned into your own version of a Robin Hood, wanting to help out, regularly crossing boundaries and stealing from the Queen's garden and palace grounds in order to provide for them, rid them of the poverty and pain they had endured for years now. And somehow, today you had been careless, not caring about the sound of alarms piercing through the stillness of the night. The queen's guards descended upon the village with ruthless efficiency, riding their horses, their gleaming armour announcing their presences further.
And now as you attempt fleeing through the labyrinth of the forest, trying to reach your sanctuary hidden deeply inside the forest, the branches tear at your clothes, the thorns pricking your skin and causing for blood to run down your arms and legs, leaving a crimson reminder of your foolishness before. Fear and desperation mingles in your veins as you push and push forward, occasionally glancing behind your shoulder to reassure that you would manage to lose them again, just like you had done many times. And if you were in a clear state of mind, you would have noticed that you took a wrong turn, ignoring the wanted poster with both your face on it, among other faces, like Snow White, all enemies to the queen who had been on her wanted list for quite some time now.
With a loud thud, you feel yourself losing your balance as you must have bumped into something, feeling a warm sensation before hitting your head on a nearby branch. It takes a little while for your vision to clear, before you find yourself face-to-face with a woman cloaked in darkness, her sharp features illuminated by a flickering lantern. Through a teary vision, due to the pain piercing through your body, you notice dark red hair styled in a sharp quiff, a shade of very dark purple, almost black coating her body. There's a calculating gleam in her eyes, as she finds you pathetically whimpering on the floor, her lips curled into a smirk.
,,Well well'' she remarks, her voice hushed ,,You seem to have gotten yourself into quite a predicament, running from the queens guards I presume?'' she questions and if it wasn't for the pain, you would have noticed the odd sense of familiarity you seem to feel and how you almost would have recognised her. Your heart pounds in your chest, torn between fleeing, the sound of shouting guards and horses still lingering in the air. But there was something about the woman's demeanour that stops you, a sense of intrigue mixed with caution.
Before you can respond, the older woman bends a little to place the lantern on the floor, the bright sensation causing you to close your eyes only momentarily. As you open them again, you watch as she balances on a cane before extending a gloved hand, offering assistance. ,,Come with me'' she offers, her tone surprisingly gentle. ,,I can offer you refuge, but you must trust me''.
Despite the feeling of doom and danger, you see a glimmer of hope in her offer, and so with a silent nod, you accept her outstretched hand, allowing her to lead you deeper into the shadowy depths of the enchanted forest. And it takes several minutes, for the pain to stop throbbing, the blood from your earlier wounds to stop pouring, until you can collect your thoughts. And as you walk behind her, following the sound of her cane and the light source provided by the small lantern she carries, something about the way she walked alarms you. And then it finally dawns on you, finding the familiar trees with carvings on them, where she was leading you, your secret path to the palace that you would often use in order to sneak to the grounds to steal in order to provide for the poor souls of the village.
And then at last it dawns on you who was walking in front of you, who's assistance you agreed upon. You didn't know her name, you had heard it plenty of times but you couldn't recall it, only remembering how she was the assistant to the wicked queen, the people in the village often mentioning her, how she never spoke much but was always by her side. As the forest echos with whispers of secrets, yet to be revealed, panic shoots through your veins, glancing around you to think of a quick escape and as you stop walking, you are quick to turn around, trying pathetically to begin running, however your legs give in as you feel a sharp pain, before everything goes black, having calculated your steps wrong, having put your trust in the wrong hands as the woman never had the intention of helping you, knowing you had been searched and chased for the longest time.
While you battle through unconsciousness, the woman had already alerted the same guards that had chased you before, who carried you inside the palace, the place that you had feared for years. And as the woman returns to the queens chambers in the middle of the night, not disturbing much sleep as her majesty had been awake, pacing back and forth contemplating her next steps and the secret curse she had been planning on casting for years, almost on the verge of completing it, finally having all the necessary ingredients, her peace is interrupted. ,,Busy'' she snarls as she is lost in her pacing, unaware who is standing in front of her.
,,Something demands your attention in the dungeons, your majesty'' the redhead woman announces, causing for the brunette to turn around, as her eyes sparkle with curiosity. And as her curiosity gets ahold of her, she brushes past her most loyal assistant yet, the sound of the queens heels and the other woman's cane echoing through the castle as they pass countless guards. And at last they make it to the dungeons, watching your almost lifeless frame on the floor, in restraints. ,,Well well'' the queen chuckles lowly, glancing at the other woman with a hint of excitement in her brown eyes. ,,Was she caught stealing my apples again?'' she chuckles as she approaches you a little closer.
,,No your majesty, I found her in the woods'' the other woman announces, causing for the queens head to snap in her direction, as she bites her lip in anticipation, almost a hint of lust in her eyes. As you slowly wake up, despite your body screaming in pain, you open your eyes, catching a glimpse of the woman who you had feared for the longest time, accompanied by the woman you had wrongly put your trust into hours before. ,,You lied to me'' you scream, struggling through the restrains as anger flashes in your eyes. The Queen simply chuckles lowly, seeing your pathetic attempts to regain your freedom. ,,My dear, you have no idea who this is do you?'' the queen remarks, causing you to avert your gaze in frustration. ,,This my dear is Wilhemina Venable, my most loyal companion'' she begins, her hand wandering to the redheads cheek, squeezing it a little, her eyes sparkling with pride for how she had managed to capture you after her countless failed attempts in the past.
And despite the circumstances, your eyes betray you as you watch the scene unfold before you, for the first time really getting a glimpse of both women. And you couldn't deny how utterly beautiful they were, at least from the outside, both their hair styled sharply, exposing their faces plastered in dark makeup, the same brown eyes despite the different shades. The queen was wearing one of her usual dresses, black this time, plastered in diamonds and jewels, Wilhemina dressed entirely in a dark shade of purple. While the queen is busy with admiring the other woman, feeling drawn to her for capturing you, you watch as the redheads brown eyes travel towards you, almost a sign of pity in them before she speaks again.
,,What are you planning on doing with her your majesty?'' causing for the queen to chuckle, and you knew what this meant as you had always been running from death, knowing you had deserved it for stealing and running from her for years. Closing your eyes, you wait for what awaits, waiting for her to open the bars, approach and rip out your heart, as you had watched her do it to innocent people many times. However to your surprise she begins pacing a little, thinking about what to do with you. ,,I think we'll keep her'' she announces with a chuckle, and as you open your eyes you notice the confusion in the redheads features.
,,Where she comes from my dear, people bathe in the river and use pinecones for money'' she exclaims, her eyes piercing right through you. ,,I think she can be of great assistance, considering she knows the village and forest so well'' she carries on, Wilhemina simply nodding, trying to avert your eyes. ,,She would make an excellent pet'' is the last thing her majesty says before leaving, leaving behind a very puzzled and confused Wilhemina. She looks at you one more time before following, leaving behind an ever confused you. ,,Pet?'' you think to yourself, trying to pinch yourself to see if this was all just a dream or if maybe you had already died a while ago.
The remainder of the night is spent in the eery dungeons, the restraints keeping you from moving all that much and so the only thing you can do is try and relax as much as the situation allows you, leaning your head against the cold and damp wall behind you, trying to calm the raging storm of thoughts. Eventually sleep finds you, despite it being broken as the castle was considerably loud, even in the night and sometimes you thought you heard screams from the lost souls that had found their ending in the same dungeons you are sitting in. The next morning, you are awoken by one of the guards, as he undoes your restraints, pulling you up by your arms and forcing your shaky legs to follow him as he takes you towards her majesty.
With heavy eyes from the remaining pain lingering on your body and lack of comfortable sleep, you blink a few times as he lets go of you, dropping to your knees in the process. And as you glance around, you notice an unfamiliar room, filled with fancy mirrors, a balcony overlooking the palace grounds, a large dining table and fireplace to the side. And you also notice the same two familiar faces that you had last seen last night, Wilhemina sitting in one of the armchairs by the lit fireplace, her cane resting beside her, the same shade of dark purple but a different outfit. And in front of you, you find her majesty, wearing a red dress, her hair down and despite it all looking beautiful, yet intimidating.
For some reason, you feel the urge to stand up and so with all the strength left you balance and face her as she takes slow and calculated steps around you, walking in a little circle, occasionally glancing at the other woman in the room before speaking. ,,Now now, what are we going to do with you, pet?'' she questions with a little chuckle and it causes you to gulp, wondering just why she hadn't killed you yet, considering all the wanted posters and the hatred you knew she felt towards you for your actions.
The room fills with silence before a low chuckle ripples through it, this time not from the queen but her loyal companion. ,,We can have her for supper can't we dear?''. And again they have you gulping and you could easily try to make an escape, the guards having disappeared now, despite expecting them outside this room. But your curiosity keeps you on your shaky legs, glancing at the older woman who continues circling you like prey. ,,No, no'' she tuts, shaking her head a little ,,We can't waste such a beautiful little thing, now can we?'' her voice sounds almost mocking and you have no idea whether she was being genuine or not.
Silence stretches on, before an idea pops into your mind, knowing what her majesty desired and considering she hadn't killed you yet, maybe you could truly be of assistance to her and her companion, maybe just maybe you could even continue to do what you had been doing, helping out the villagers if you played your cards right. ,,Your majesty?'' you try and her head snaps towards you, eyebrows raised as she never expected one of her prisoners to speak to her like this, adress her in the correct way, other than if she was about to take their life. ,,Yes?'' she questions curiously, her eyebrow remaining raised. You clear your throat before speaking again ,,You are trying to look for Snow White correct?'' you speak carefully, knowing this subject was more than a little touchy to her.
,,Yes, do continue'' she ushers, as her eyes lock with yours. ,,I am not the biggest fan of her either your majesty, perhaps I could be of assistance to help you find her?'' While Wilhemina chuckles, the brunette walks away sighing before she turns to you again, her eyes overtaken by anger. ,,Did she also get the one you loved most in this world killed?'' her voice is filled with venom, though her eyes filled with pain. Wilhemina averts her gaze, knowing Regina for a very long time now and knowing how much that had changed her. ,,No, of course not, I'm sorry your majesty'' you begin speaking again before adding ,,But we have met briefly and I can help you find her'' you try again.
This time the redhead woman stands up, her cane echoing through the room before she halts right in front of you, her dark brown eyes piercing through you. ,,We have our own spies in the village, what makes you think you can find her?'' she spits, almost feeling pitty at your pathetic attempt. ,,Well Ms Venable, you also have tried to find me for years and I know what it's like... to run, you know?''. Her eyebrows raise in the same way the queens had moments before, admiring how polite you are, admiring your manners despite it all and being able to tell that you didn't do any of this to be spared as she is utterly aware you could have tried to make an escape by now or even simply accept your fate.
,,If you don't like that, perhaps I could be of assistance with your gardens your majesty'' you try next, trying to think of anything to make yourself useful to them, while still seeing some of your own gain and advantage. The queen smiles then before turning serious ,,You mean those same gardens you have stolen from many times?'' she scoffs, glancing at Wilhemina who remains in front of you, her presence intimidating. ,,It's just I couldn't help but notice how some of the fruit didn't exactly look too healthy your majesty and your stunning castle, deserves a worthy garden'' you finish your proposal, assuming that she would kill you next or send you back to the dungeons.
,,Guard'' she shouts and as he enters hastily, you close your eyes, awaiting your fate. ,,Get me the gardener now'' she shouts and as he practically runs away, Wilhemina's eyes widen as she turns her head to face the queen, surprised she would listen to you, especially the possibility of agreeing as she knows exactly what is about to happen. A little while later a middle aged man enters the room, almost tripping over his feet, clearly intimidated by the presence. ,,I hear you haven't been taking care of my gardens the way you are meant to'' she tuts, and with a swift motion, before he even gets the chance to explain himself, she has him on the floor, with a flick of her wrist his neck snapped, moments later the guards carrying his lifeless body from the floor a few steps away from you.
All you can do is freeze, feeling terrible that this was the result of your words, not thinking about the consequences your proposal held for the innocent man. And despite feeling like screaming, you stay still, not daring to look up at either of them right now, the realisation slowly sinking in that this wasn't good, that you are trapped by a deranged witch and her odd companion. ,,Fine'' she finally speaks again ,,You can look after the gardens and you may be free to go to the village whenever you please and provide me with information on Snow White'' the queen speaks, before she approaches you. As you look up, you watch as she brushes past Wilhemina before taking your cheeks into her hand and squeezing them ,,But if you think for one second you can escape and not return, you are mistaken'' she warns and as your eyes lock with hers, you can't help and fight the tears beginning to swell in them. ,,Yes your majesty'' you agree with shaky breaths, before she releases you from her tight grasp.
,,Guard'' she shouts again, the same guard entering hastily yet again. ,,Take Y/N to a room, she will be overlooking the gardens and feed us information on snow white'' she explains, before he nods ,,Yes your majesty'' he speaks before he ushers you to follow him. And you do, not once looking back, your feet still shaky from the interaction that had unfolded. The walk feels like it lasts a lifetime, until he finally leads you to a door, opening it and ushering you to go inside. It wasn't nice in the slightest, a lot of dirt, spider webs, barely even a window but there was a little table and chair, a bed even and it connected to what you assume to be a small bathroom. And despite it giving you dungeon vibes all over again, at least you wouldn't be restrained any longer, regaining a small sense of your freedom. He leaves moments later, and you can't help but collapse onto the bed, it really wasn't much of a bed, more of a mattress but nevertheless, you close your eyes as sleep finally washes over your tired body and aching bones.
The next time your eyes force open, it's a few hours later and as you glance around the small room, you find some things that had been left on the small table. As your curiosity gets ahold of you, you find a few sets of clothes, a washcloth and even some papers and pens and despite unsure who had left it there, you appreciate it. Moments later you finally rid your body from the dirt and blood that the last two days had left on you, putting on some of the clothes and leaving your room. It takes you several minutes to find a guard, asking if he could point you in the direction of the gardens and hesitantly he does, leading you to what you assume to be the old gardeners shed as you find all the necessary tools and so without thinking about it, you get to work, watering the bushes, trimming some of them to get them into perfect shape, nurturing some of the fruits and vegetables and correcting any mistakes that the previous gardener had made, for whatever reason taking this task quite seriously.
It's dark as you eventually return inside, quickly having the hang of it by now and finding your room, finding a meal on your table and despite again unsure who had left it, feeling grateful as you hadn't realised until now how much you had been starving. After finishing your meal, you change your clothes again, washing the now dirty ones from working in the gardens all day, before sitting on your bed crossed leg, trying to figure out what to do as beside the day light, you had lost all sense of time a little bit. And so the only thing you can do is reach for the pen and papers, writing down the events from the past few days, sketching a little as well as it always had been your passion, unsure why but it really being the only thing you could do and several hours later passing out on your bed as sleep washes over you.
The next day, you find yourself doing the same things, her gardens were huge and as her majesty overlooks them, finding you working as you kneel on the floor, planting some flowers, she can't help but watch carefully, something about you utterly intriguing. You lose yourself in your task, unaware of who was watching before a presence startles you, causing you to drop your tools clumsily. You watch as Ms Venable circles around you, carefully observing without speaking a single word and it for sure intimidates you, having her observing and careful eyes on you. ,,You seem good at this'' she states, noticing how all the bushes and hedges had the exact same length and a part of her confused as to how you had managed that. ,,Thank you Ms Venable'' you almost whisper, after the last encounter quite terrified of them both and she can tell. ,,Have you managed to gather any information yet?'' she questions curiously and you gulp then before looking up at her as you still kneel on the floor.
,,Not yet, I was wondering whether I may be allowed to leave this afternoon to try and I was wondering whether I would be allowed to collect some seeds?'' you ask, your voice shaky. ,,Seeds?'' she chuckles then, almost mocking your words. ,,Yes Ms to plant some more vegetables and fruit and flowers you see'' you try your best to convince her. ,,I'm sure her majesty doesn't mind, as long as you return in the evening and report back to us'' she almost scolds, her features turning more serious and stern. ,,Of course Ms Venable, thank you'' is all you reply with a small smile, unsure why you had smiled in the first place but it somehow came natural. And before you know it she leaves, her cane echoing with each step before it stops altogether as she reaches the palace again.
Several hours later, you finally make your way to the village, using your secret path through the forest, stopping briefly by your hide out and gathering some of your things, putting them all in a small bag and changing into one of your usual outfits, feeling much more comfortable that way. You opted for one of your beige ones, leather trousers, boots and a vest, a shoulder bag with your belongings. On the way to the village, you had also collected some seeds, hoping if you worked briefly and hard on the gardens, you could still provide the village with food, hoping that you could somehow stuff it in your bags so no one would notice. And as you finally make it to the village, you are met with the usual families, the children greeting you excitedly as they knew you always brought them things but today you unfortunately come empty handed. ,,We haven't seen you for a couple of days'' one of the villagers exclaims, scanning your features and noticing some cuts and bruises on your face. ,,Brief encounter with some guards'' you chuckle, not wanting to go into too much detail. ,,I don't have anything today unfortunately but I should soon'' you exclaim, however you are met with compassion and understanding.
,,Have either of you heard anything about Snow White lately?'' you ask the group of villagers, before most of them shake their head. ,,I believe she has last been seen up north, by the rivers'' one of them exclaims and you simply nod, appreciating their honesty, despite feeling terrible considering what game you are playing. Noticing the beginning dawn, the sun beginning to set, you opt to return to the palace, knowing you would never be able to make the journey up north within the next few hours. And it doesn't take long until you find yourself in front of the familiar back door, some guards already awaiting you. ,,Your majesty wants to see you'' he explains before you gulp and follow him.
He guides you back into the room you had been in before, the two of them sitting by the fireplace, before you stand awkwardly, feeling as if you are interrupting their peace. ,,Tell me, any information?'' the queen questions before she stands up and walks over to you. ,,Yes your majesty, apparently up north by the river'' you explain before she signals to the guard who remained standing there before he leaves at her instructions. ,,I would have checked the information for myself but I know I needed to return tonight'' you explain yourself and she simply furrows her eyebrows before scanning you, noticing the outfit change and the bag. ,,Well well, did our little pet make a stop somewhere?'' she asks, glancing at Wilhemina who simply watches with a chuckle. The brunette is quick to take the bag from you, her eyes glancing through the contents of it, noticing some seed pouches and chuckling as the redhead had filled her in on your earlier request. ,,What is this?'' she questions, holding up your notebook.
,,My notebook your majesty'' you exclaim, averting her gaze as your cheeks grow red a little. She skips through the pages, impressed with the several sketches, some from the villages, some from the forest and even one of her castle. She slides it back into your bag, before walking back over to her armchair, leaving you confused and stranded, unsure what to do next. ,,I feel like some tea, you dear?'' the queen announces and you aren't sure whether to leave them to it or whether they still needed you. ,,Of course'' the redhead begins, reaching for her cane but the queen stops her by waving her hand. ,,No no'' she tuts ,,We have a pet now remember dear'' she instructs and Wilhemina simply chuckles before they both look at you. You glance around the room, unsure where you are supposed to get tea from, however the redhead glances towards a backdoor behind the dining table and you nod gratefully before quickly walking through the door, finding a small tea kitchen there.
And so it doesn't take long before you enter the room again, carrying a little tray, before approaching them, with shaking hands placing it in front of them. ,,Anything else I can get you?'' you ask almost obediently and if you would have looked, you would have noticed the sparkle in Wilhemina's eyes. ,,No pet, but how about you join us considering you did so well today, I heard they have a trail on Snow White'' the queen chuckles and your eyes widen at her offer, but as Wilhemina pats the space next to her, you simply obey, quickly pouring the tea for them, before glancing at the fire, softly crackling, providing you with some warmth, as you feel a little awkward, under their careful gazes. ,,So tell me Y/N, what led you to steal from me in the first place?'' the queen begins, causing you to gulp as the last thing you expected was to find yourself having small talk over tea with them. ,,Yes Y/N'' Wilhemina mockingly carries on ,,We want to hear all about you'' she exclaims, again having you gulping and squirming in your seat.
The next few weeks, carry on the same way they had previously, most of your days are spent with taking care of the gardens, regularly going back to your village, providing them with some of the food that you had grown and nurtured, in secret of course. Your nights mostly looked the same as well, spending them in your room, doing some writing or sketching in your notebooks. However lately, they had often demanded your presence in the evening as well, as you often provided them with tea, the occasional wine, and any information you had on Snow White. And you couldn't help but notice how they seemed a little less strict, they stopped calling you pet and started with your actual name. You are sure by now they know that you have continued providing for your village and they hadn't killed you yet, not even mentioned it. And so, ever so slowly, your life at the palace felt almost normal as you had quite the freedom now, not having to let the guards know where you are going as they and her majesty knew you would always return in the evenings. And so it almost felt like home, appreciating the fact that you don't have to sleep on the wet and cold forest floor anymore but you knew there was something off, you should be terrified, trying to run from them after seeing all the horrible things they had done in the past but something about being around them so much, you started to understand more about the queens pain and the reason for her actions.
,,Where on earth is she?'' she paces around her large chambers, the anger flaring in her eyes as her magic sparks, her emotions bubbling out of the brunette.
Her loyal companion, sits by the fireplace, trying to keep her composure, before balancing on her cane, the sound echoing through the room. ,,I'm sure she just lost track of time'' the redhead tries calming her down, placing a hand on the queens shoulder but she is having none of that, quickly escaping her grasp. ,,She always returns, we were foolish to believe that she wouldn't betray us'' her raised voice rings through the air again, startling the redhead a little.
And Wilhemina wasn't sure whether the queen was actually concerned for your wellbeing, or simply considering whether to kill you, having noticed how Regina had almost gone soft since bringing you to the castle, still plotting her curse that she had worked on for a while but considerably softer with the people in the villages, especially your village. She knew all about you still providing them with food and yet Regina hadn't kill you and so Wilhemina had began wondering whether the brunette may feel the same way about you that Wilhemina had started, despite never talking about it.
The silence is interrupted when a guard enters ,,Your majesty'' he begins but she was having none of it. ,,Not now'' she shouts, waving her hand, getting ready to send him flying out the door. ,,Your majesty, we have finally found her'' he announces, the sound of more guards filling the air before her head snaps towards him. ,,Snow White?'' she questions, despite your best information and efforts lately, they still hadn't managed to capture her. ,,No your majesty'' he begins, before Wilhemina's heart stops in her chest.
They watch as another guard, drags your body inside, your face filled with blood as it pours from your mouth, your clothes stained and bruises beginning to plaster your face. Your eyes are closed as they throw you on the floor, in front of both women, smiling at themselves thinking they had captured you. ,,Are you both out of your minds?'' she shouts and the smiles quickly vanish from the guards faces. ,,Your majesty, Y/N has been searched for years'' he tries to justify his actions. ,,Didn't you two fools get the memo? she hasn't been searched for months, she belongs to this palace'' Wilhemina shouts, usually keeping her composure but unable to in this moment.
,,Pathetic idiots'' the evil queen shouts, in a swift motion making them turn into dust, wiping them from their existence quicker than either of them can take their next breath or justify their pathetic actions. Wilhemina is quick to rid you from the chains, her hand brushing past your cheek, the blood staining her leather gloves. Almost helplessly, Wilhemina turns to Regina, who simply stands frozen, before turning on her heels, abandoning you both as she leaves towards her balcony, trying hard to keep her emotions and rage at bay.
The battle of unconsciousness wins in the end, barely aware of the encounter that took place and so when you wake next, you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings, a dark room, the only light sources some candles. As you try and force open your eyes, you notice the interior almost entirely a dark shade of lilac and your eyebrows furrow, trying to recollect the events from before. All you remember is trying to make your way back to the castle, stumbling upon some guards who clearly had no idea who you were and how they didn't listen to your pathetic attempts of explaining. How they beat you, hurt you and dragged you back to what you assume to be the castle. The last thing you see before sleep washes over your tired and beaten body is the lilac large sofa you are laying on before everything goes black and quiet.
Meanwhile Wilhemina had returned to the queens chambers, opting between getting you back to your room or a little closer to them and so she decides for one of her rooms in the end, needing the help of a guard to get you there, yet she trusted that same guard, having helped her with some of her secret missions in the past. She watched over you for a while, gently ridding you from the blood and changing your clothes for you, unsure why she was doing it but ignoring the thought for now, wanting to check on Regina. She finds the other woman still standing on her balcony, overlooking the gardens, despite the darkness of the night surrounding them. The cane echoing announces the redheads presence, as she stands beside her majesty, silence surrounding them.
,,How is she?'' the brunette asks, not averting her gaze from the dark night sky for a moment. ,,Fine'' Wilhemina mutters, still unsure how to read Regina's actions so far regarding you. And as the redhead catches a glimpse of the other woman's brown eyes, she can see something unfamiliar in them, something she couldn't read. ,,She's causing me to go soft'' she suddenly speaks, taking Wilhemina by surprise. ,,Is that such a bad thing?'' she questions in return, the queen averting her eyes again at the redheads statement. ,,Where is she?'' Regina asks after a moment of silence before Wilhemina speaks again. ,,She's safe'' and the statement causes for the queens eyebrows to furrow as her eyes draw towards the redheads again. ,,Where is she?'' she speaks again before Wilhemina swallows hard ,,In my room''.
,,Your room?'' her eyebrows raise now, surprised at the statement. ,,You are going soft too my dear'' she chuckles before giving her companion that nod, that nod that indicated she was tired and would retreat to her own chambers for the night. ,,Good night your majesty'' Wilhemina speaks before giving her the space she had silently asked for and retreating to her own room. In her room, she finds you still asleep and a wave of worry washes over her, having seen some of your wounds when changing and washing you before, concerned at the severity of them. ,,Y/N?'' she speaks almost softly, almost lovingly, so unlike the usual stern and intimidating woman. And her soft voice draws you from sleep instantly, as you open your eyes. And then it kinda dawns on you, who's room you are in and you instantly jolt, thinking you didn't belong there, unaware of who had put you there in the first place.
,,I'm so sorry Ms Venable'' you try, your voice still hoarse from sleep. ,,I don't know how I got here'' you apologise, trying to balance on your feet, however a sudden wave of pain washes over your body, causing you to tumble forward but a steady body forces you to remain still, stopping you from falling over. ,,It's okay dear'' she speaks so softly yet again and as you look up, you catch a glimpse of her brown eyes and how they sparkle, how suddenly she seems so much nicer, so much less intimidating and just a person, not the evil queens loyal companion. ,,Come on, let's sit you down'' she tries and you quickly obey, not wanting to cause any discomfort for her, unsure why she used a cane in the first place, but often sensing how uncomfortable she was whenever you caught a glimpse of her.
,,I put you here'' she confesses, causing your eyebrows to furrow in confusion but when the realisation sets in, your cheeks growing red a little, feeling silly for your earlier panic. ,,Is the pain quite bad?'' she asks, her features filled with concern but you quickly shake your bed. ,,No Ms Venable'' you assure, the pain much better now despite the remaining feeling of unbalance whenever standing up. The room fills with silence as you catch a glimpse of what you assume to be her chambers, the large wooden wardrobe in a corner, a large mirror, a desk with several books on them, two armchairs and a fireplace in the corner. As your eyes meet hers again you can't help but notice how she is staring at you, looking at you up and down as your eyebrows furrow in confusion, mirroring her actions to check if there was something wrong with your appearance.
,,You are quite pretty for a peasant'' she speaks quietly and now you are definitely contemplating whether you are awake, whether this was real. ,,Tha- Thank you Ms Venable'' you stumble over your words, unsure what to reply before she speaks again ,,You may call me Wilhemina'' she offers ,,But only when we are alone'' she instructs and you quickly nod your head, feeling a knot form in your stomach. The room fills with silence again, as you feel yourself relaxing in her presence a little, trying to think how you had gotten here in the first place, how being captured after all these years got you to a first name basis with her majesty's most trusted person. ,,What happened to you tonight?'' Wilhemina asks, drawing your thoughts and eyes back to her.
And then without hesitation and the usual composure you have around them, you fill her in on what had happened with the guards, and she listens intently, her jaw stiffening a couple of times when mentioning some of the more violent details. Before she can reply, the door bursts open, and your eyes widen when seeing the queen enter, in a dark nightgown, her hair down, the makeup gone and for the first time feeling like actually seeing Regina. ,,I can't sleep'' she sighs before noticing your presence and tensing her shoulders, not expecting you to still be there as it had been hours since Wilhemina mentioned having you in her room and assuming by now that you had left to your own room again.
,,And what are you still doing here?'' she questions, more to Wilhemina than yourself really. ,,We were just talking'' Wilhemina informs, her features remaining neutral. ,,I'll leave you to it your majesty'' you speak, quickly on your feet and ignoring the pain and dizziness as you brush past her and return to your own room. That night you have a hard time finding sleep, equally to the queen before, as you toss and turn at first, before eventually giving up on the idea of sleep and retreating to the comfort of your words and sketches as the pen flies over the pages of your notebook.
The next morning you return to your usually tasks, going on about your day, finding an odd sense of peace and quiet in the gardens. Unaware who was again looking over you, observing quietly from her balcony. And the next few weeks continue just like that, you going on about your usual tasks, having your evening encounters with both women who stopped tolerating your presence and started appreciating it, as you bring an odd sense of calm around them, some life into their monotone lives. And within those weeks you feel yourself increasingly drawn to both women, especially after they had taken you to your village a few days ago in the queens carriage, how you assumed Regina was going to bring her usual wrath of violence over people but instead her carriage brought food and supplies for your people and you couldn't believe your eyes, just as stunned as the poor people who feared as soon as they heard the queens guards and carriage arrive.
And you wondered whether maybe, just maybe the queen was going soft, unaware of the events that had taken turn behind closed doors, of how the queen had casted her spell and how it was slowly brewing, unaware of what it would bring, chaos, forgetting and what she had always desired most- her own version of a happy ending. And so tonight, you were unaware that the upcoming day would bring just that, unaware that tonight was your last with them. You had been confused about the queens unusual cheerful mood, how she had invited you to join them for supper, how Wilhemina could barely stand your gaze. How silently Wilhemina had pleaded for the queen to stop her curse but she couldn't stop it as it had been brewing silently for months and how nothing could stop it now, despite her beginning to silently regret it, despite her never admitting that to no one, not even herself really.
You find yourself sitting beside Wilhemina by the fireplace, how her eyes linger on the dancing flames, not having said much all night. ,,Wilhemina, is everything okay?'' you question silently and as her eyes meet yours, you see the pain, the doubts in them and so many unspoken words. However, your peace is interrupted when the queen enters, the door banging shut in the process and your heart stopping in your chest as you notice what she was carrying in her hands. Your notebook slaps against the table as she throws it on it, leaving behind a very confused and startled Wilhemina.
,,What is this?'' the redhead questions, her eyes meeting the angry queens eyes.
,,Ask her'' Regina spits, her angry eyes meeting yours. Wilhemina's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she looks at you. You can't do anything but stand, taking a step towards her majesty, knowing if she had read it, you would be beyond screwed.
,,I can explain your majesty'' you pathetically try but before you get the chance to, she takes a step closer, the echoing of her heels matching her inner turmoil as her eyes shoot daggers towards you, before you gasp as a hand extracts your heart, watching in shock as she holds it in her hands, the sound of it beating steadily filling the room.
,,Regina-'' Wilhemina shouts, quickly on her feet and her eyes travelling from you to the brunette.
,,I have had a feeling this carried your secrets'' she speaks, her eyes wandering towards your notebook. ,,And I wasn't surprised to read all your little confessions, find all your little sketches'' she speak almost mockingly, her eyes filled with both rage and pain.
,,Regina- what is it?'' Wilhemina tries again, her heart beating fast, her hands trembling with fear.
,,She loves us dear, both of us, the pages are filled with it'' she informs her companion, who simply stands there with a shocked expression as the room begins spinning a little.
,,Regina stop'' Wilhemina demands, her eyes pleading with the queen, her cane banging on the floor twice.
Regina's grip on your heart tightens, her gaze cold as she holds it in her hands, causing you to gasp for air. ,,Stop?'' she repeats, her tone dripping with disdain. ,,Why would I stop? when I have finally uncovered the truth about our little pet?''
Fear courses through your veins as you watch the scene unfold before you. Wilhemina's eyes widen in shock, her features mixed with disbelief and anguish. ,,Regina please'' she pleads again, her voice barely above a whisper ,,This isn't necessary''
,,You know that she loves us, you have known for a while now, we both have'' she pleads again as she steps forward, her voice filled with desperation.
Regina's eyes flicker with anger but Wilhemina continues, her words gaining strength. ,,Love should triumph over revenge'' she argues, her gaze never leaving Regina's.
The Queen's expression softens slightly at Wilhemina's words, a flicker of doubt crossing her features. For a moment it seems as though she might relent, before she senses that her curse almost reached you, knowing it was too late, that she couldn't fix this, before her eyes harden once more, her resolve returning.
"Love is a weakness, Wilhemina," she retorts, her voice cold and unforgiving. "It blinds us, makes us vulnerable. We cannot afford such weakness in our world."
Before Wilhemina can respond, having heard those same words fall many times from the queens lips, Regina reaches out and places your heart back in your chest. The pain is intense, causing you to drop to the floor, and as Regina leaves the room, Wilhemina rushes to your side, abandoning her cane, pulling you into her arms as she braces for whatever comes next.
As she glances towards the door where Regina stands, a thick cloud of purple and green already surrounding her, the dark curse finally having reached you, she is quick to press a tender kiss to your lips, causing your eyes to open. ,,I love you Y/N'' she murmurs against your mouth, her voice filled with emotion. ,,No matter what happens, remember that''
Then, as the room fills with smoke and darkness, Wilhemina shields you with her body, trying to protect you from the curse's effects. As the world fades around you, you cling to her, unaware of what is happening, unaware that in a matter of seconds you would forget everything, forget them, forget your life and the woman still trying desperately to hold you close, despite it being useless.
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poisonappleeater · 5 months
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Neverland Lover Pt. 1
Regina Mills x transmale!reader
takes place in s3 in neverland !! i dont remember some details of the plot of this arc so forgive me for any inaccuracies :( ALSO also reader is a bandit bc yeah (gender identity may or may not be significant to plot)
Regina’s been non-stop worried sick about Henry. Even when it was her turn to sleep, her eyes never closed. Yours rarely did either. Not when you were surrounded by the dangers of Neverland. And especially not when you were so busy watching her pace around a tree in the dead of night, when she would chew her apple-red lips, when she would hold her stomach with worry. But you were the only one who ever noticed. You didn’t know why no one else ever showed concern. Sure, maybe it was understandable to be weary of a woman with ambiguous morals, a murderous history, and a callous tone; but she was a woman with a heart. And it wasn’t blackened, not completely. It couldn’t be. Not with the way she protected her son. Maybe you were partial to Regina, and maybe your debilitating crush on her had something to do with it. (You’ve tried EVERYTHING to rid of your feelings for her. You couldn’t. And you knew she’d never go for you. A refined, ex-evil Queen of the Enchanted Forest/Mayor of Storybrooke had no business fraternizing with a bandit like you. You weren’t even sure if she saw you as a man.) You stared at her in the night, an infatuated hiccup in your heartbeat.
You, her, and the Charmings trekked through Neverland once more in the dim cerulean light before hearing snapping branches. The sound didn’t come from any one of you… Regina snapped her head around, onyx-hued hair following her motion.
“What was that?” she questioned. It was silent again. Everyone slowed their movements. You and Mary Margaret reached for your arrows.
“Maybe a bird?” David blurted. Mary Margaret looked at him and sighed. She loved him, but damn, he was dense. Before you could nock an arrow, the vindictive cries and yelps of Lost Boys pierced the air, swoops of swinging vines approaching you as the boys flew into view. You, Regina, and the Charmings gave each other wide-eyed glances in preparation for whatever was to come.
David muttered, “Okay, not a bird. Got it.”The Lost Boys surrounded you, some with hand-crafted knives in clutch. David and Emma held their swords at the ready, and you and Mary Margaret took aim. Regina conjured a fireball with a graceful flourish of the wrist (and maybe you blushed a little at the sight). She found your eyes with her own. Perhaps it was the light of the flame, but there was warmth in her gaze.
“Where did you hide the boy?” growled a ratty, blonde lad through gritted teeth. He must have been referring to Henry.
You spoke first. “We hid him nowhere. He’s not here.”
“And even if we did know where he was, we wouldn’t tell you,” asserted Emma.
The scrawny boy revealed plaque-riddled teeth with a snarl. “You’re so sure, eh? Maybe we can get you to tell us,” he mused. “Boys!” On command, the small army of scoundrels hurled themselves at you in attempt to chokehold you and the others. You stabbed one in the thigh with an arrow as he tried to pounce on your shoulders; David rendered a boy unconscious with the handle of his sword. Peering over your shoulder, you saw Regina flip one boy over with bare hands and toss one into the trees with a plume of purple smoke. Without her knowing, a third Lost Boy tried to attack her from behind.
“Regina!” you warned her. You made quick work of nocking another arrow, aiming at the boy’s shoulder. Regina turned to look at you, the boy mere milimeters away from her. In due time, your arrow hit the lateral deltoid of the scrawny cretin, effectively demounting him from his attack. Regina breathed heavily. With you unguarded, you were ambushed by two boys. Dammit. You struggled harshly but were able to hold their necks in your elbows. Just as you stabilized your hold, you felt the white-hot sting of metal in your side. The blade, albeit short, felt infinite in length as it continued to plunge into you. The pain was debilitating. You wailed with the air you had left in your lungs. Abruptly, the runts, previously cackling, were launched away from you. You heard two thuds, and the two boys fell silent. Regina must have taken them down with a spell.
“Dammit, Y/N,” Regina knelt beside you immediately. All the Lost Boys were unconscious, and the only sounds left were your agonied groans. She placed a hand tenderly beneath your head before observing your surroundings. That’s when you noticed the Charmings peering down at you with concern and care in their faces, but confusion as well at the affection Regina showed you.
“We need to get out of here,” Mary Margaret reasoned. Regina faced her, an incredulous expression on her perfect face.
“Does it look like he can walk right now? Give me a second. It won’t take long.” She slipped her royal blue blazer off. Regina’s soothing, velvety voice was enough to distract you from the pain for just a moment. The pain quickly returned when she reminded you of it.
“This is going to hurt.” Regina knitted her brows in concentration. Before you could provide any sort of response, she swiftly removed the knife from your abdomen, sure to maintain its angle to minimize further damage to your body. You yowled through gritted teeth, your heels scratching at the dirt floor as your legs moved.
“Sorry…” Regina crooned, efficiently putting pressure on your wound with her blazer before hovering her hand over your abdomen. You watched in fascination as your pain dissipated with a violet glow, your lesion seemingly undoing itself.
“Thank you, Regina.” A sparkle appeared in her eyes when you said that. Regina nodded ever so slightly in response, looking down subsequently to avoid your gaze.
David interrupted the tension, likely without noticing. “Let’s go.” Mary Margeret took your hand to help you up now that Regina was suddenly unavailable to you, lost in her own thoughts.
The pixie-haired brunette noticed Regina’s aloofness and smiled at you emphatically. “Yeah, let’s keep moving.”
You sat alone in the dead of night near the fire that you all put together. (Regina lit it with a fireball. You couldn’t get over how cool that was.) You rubbed your fingers over the spot on your lower right abdomen where Regina healed you. You played the scene over and over in your mind, missing the feeling of her hand beneath your tired head, the sensation of warmth as she treated your injury. Everyone was asleep, and it was silent aside from the crackle of the fire. That was until you heard footsteps approaching from behind. You turned and nocked an arrow in a fraction of a second.
“Just me.” Regina announced and sauntered ever so gracefully to a spot a few feet away from you. She knelt near the flame. You stared at her for a moment, letting yourself become familiar with the details of her face: the small scar above her lip, the curve of her nose, the shape of her profile. Your heart fluttered. You glanced at her wine-colored blouse, remembering her soiled jacket.
“You didn’t have to dirty your blazer just to fix me up.”
“You didn’t have to look out for me when we had our tussle with the lost boys.” It was silent again for a moment, although it felt long. “I could’ve handled myself,” she added. You shrugged.
“You already had two rascals on your hands.”
“How’s the stab wound? Any residual pain?” Regina changed the subject, eyes averted. She spoke softly, a rasp in her voice.
You replied, “None at all. And thank you, again. You’ve saved me a hell of a lot of trouble.” Your expression of gratitude perplexed the dark-haired woman, and silence remained stagnant in the air until Regina spoke again.
“You treat me kindly. Why is that? Ulterior motive?” she asked cynically. She raised an eyebrow. Heat rose to your cheeks, your eyes widened. You stuttered before mustering a proper response.
“You’re human. There’s no reason for me to treat you less than that.” The woman in the silk blouse broke out into a chuckle.
“But I have a heinous past. You know that, don’t you?” You didn’t know how to answer that without disclosing your feelings. You shrugged again and turned your head away from her in hopes that the warmth of the flame masked the warmth in your cheeks. Regina stopped laughing when she realized your sincerity.
“You really see me that way?”
“You’re not evil, Regina.” When you look turned to look at her once again, her eyes were already on you. The expression on Regina’s face unsettled you slightly, solely because it was akin to the way she looked at Henry. Wet eyes, subtly raised brows, slack jaw. You’d never seen her look at anyone else in Storybrooke that way. Your stomach flipped.
“Well, goodnight, Y/N,” Regina nodded, standing up, brushing herself off, and walking off before lying against a tree. You knew she was only faking sleep. You remained vigilant while your friends slept, leaving you to ponder a gorgeous, raven-haired woman.
feel free to reply with any opinions or criticism!! hopefully ill be faster w posting the next part
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
Once Upon A Time Fandom Masterlist
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This is my Once Upon A Time Fandom Masterlist ✨ which includes all the OUAT characters and ships I’ve written for! Check out my post with all my request details— Requests & Prompt-List! My main navigation post—
Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
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Regina Mills/Evil Queen Masterlist
Thanks for sticking around 🤍✨🫰🏻 Leave a comment, reblog a post, message me—I want to hear your thoughts!!
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
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thegrantwater · 25 days
new fic alert!!! new fic alert!!!
finally posting something after almost another year long hiatus from writing. i got a little more in depth about where i've been and what it's been like to write this in the end notes of the fic, so if you're curious go there, but i'll definitely be posting about it on here soon. so in the meantime....
we fill the gaps (you and me make three) chapter 1 is posted on my ao3! i've been dropping little hints about it for months, and my story for last years sqsn was the main driving point behind this fic (and yes the title for both fics comes from the same song, in my mind strange birds is a predecessor or sort of outline to this). the intro of strange birds was actually ripped straight from the draft for this, because i started rewriting season 1 almost two years ago and at the time had written some pre-henry-curse regina analysis to tie into it. this first chapter covers the events of s1e1 to about s1e19, and the rest of s1 up to the curse breaking will be chapter 2. consider its length both a treat and a warning that this is going to take a while.
love you guys <3
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐧 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐝 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐞 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐛𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐱 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐠𝐡 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐍𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞 & 𝐂𝐨.
𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 & 𝐂𝐨.
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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glassheartstonesoul · 2 years
ouat fic idea lol this is inspired by highschool sweethearts by melanie martinez bcs I imagined regina listing the stuff melanie says in the song to the reader anyway onto the fic idea basically I imagine this as a multi chapter fic but a short one (2-8) chapters depending on the writers decisions so the evil queen would ask..force sounds more like her she’d force the reader to be in a fake relationship with her bcs of something related to snow and charming idk what exactly y’all can fill in the blank and basically she’d end up falling for the reader and there’d be angst ofc but at some point there would be a love confession and the reader and evil queen would become a real couple and the evil queen would give up her evil ways for the reader
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year
i feel like an embarrassingly small amount of people are going to answer this bc only like 0.5 people care lmao but i am in a writing mood and want to know which (if either) of these people are interested in rn. asking bc i know there was a handful of people into my percabeth fic on my old blog but idk if they followed me here.
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drghostwrite · 2 months
Black is my color…
Pairing: Regina Mills x wife!reader
Summary: One jealous Regina.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, smut(like dirty sexy jaw dropping), some kinks (mommy, slight bondage/blindfold, strap on)
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Being married to the mayor was one thing, always looking the part, being a driving force and support system, sometimes even her protector, honestly it wasn’t that bad, Regina had changed and everyone loved her so being mayor was like a no brainer.
Being married to Regina Mills, that was a whole other story, at first it was rough, proving to her that she deserved to be loved the way she loves, too many countless nights were spent arguing or even holding her in your arms as she cried from exhaustion and everything; though no one ever said marriage was easy.
You had your good times too, you had family and friends, you were a nurse but recently opened a bistro on Main street which allowed you to do your own thing and support Regina any way she needed, even if that meant mid day make out sessions in the office.
It was that time of year again, town hall meetings, because of not only owning half the town and also being the Mayors wife you also had to sit through back to back meetings with her.
“Dear, what’re you wearing?” Regina called out to you as she stood in front of the mirror putting earrings in. Your arms wrapped around her resting your chin on her shoulder.
“if I had my way I would say nothing, I’m going to tell them my wife wasn’t feeling well and I needed to take care of her.” You placed gentle kisses on her neck.
“Hm cute… but really?” She asked a hand coming to your hair as she leaned back into you, you inhaled the scent of her expensive perfume holding her a couple seconds longer.
“how’s this look?” You stepped back and in a moments notice she wanted to jump you, you had on the black knit top that hugged your upper body perfectly, the deep green suit complementing your skin tone the pants hugging your smooth curves, the stilettos peeking out made your legs look amazing.
“Absolutely amazing.” She said kissing you passionately.
“well then Mayor Mills, time to go remind this town what a power couple we are?” You held out your hand.
“Always.” She grinned, taking it and following you out to the car, when you arrived at the town hall you watched as people gathered and whispered among themselves.
when Regina entered the conference room followed by you it fell silent, power just permeating the room, there was a sense of security and gentleness that followed you and it was intimidating to most.
It wasn’t long before the meeting started to get slightly heated. You sat next to Regina, who was now distracted by how good you looked, oh how she wished she could take you right there, in front of everyone.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and looked at you a silent plea for help and immediately you were at her side.
“okay, okay…” you spoke up.
“So you do have a voice?” Gold snarkily replied.
“Gold…” Regina growled lowly, and he smirked.
“Hey she’s pretty persuasive at times… I’ll give her that…” Gold said raising his hands.
“Cause she’s hot, like dirty sexy hot… no offense…” Ruby started explaining, “if you weren’t married to the scariest person alive I would sleep with you.”
“Uhh, Ruby.” Snow gasped as the younger girl shrugged. You heard Regina scoff me open her mouth behind you.
“Well fortunately enough, I’m happily married and my sex life is not the topic of this meeting.”
“well just saying though, no wonder you always get what you want… Regina’s hot too but you, she’s lucky she got her hands on you first.”
“Amen Sister.” Grumpy added. You knew your wife was on fire behind you as you stood and ended the meeting.
“Honestly if you ever, you know get bored… call me.” Ruby play flirted with you before leaving as you just rolled your eyes.
You felt as Regina quickly grabbed your hand and basically pulled you to the car. The car ride home was silent, Regina sat there not saying a word, you reached over and ran a hand on bare thigh were her skirt was lifted.
“Regina, love are you okay?”
“I’m fine…just ready to be home.” she said with sass and laid a hand on yours, you pulled in the driveway and she followed you in the house.
“I’ll be right there.” You said kissing her perfectly painted lips, going to put your keys away as she brushed past you to go upstairs. When you got up there you could tell something was off but thought maybe she was just tired, your eyes followed her half clothed form as she walked around your room in her underwear and the satin top partially unbuttoned. You wrapped you arms around her from behind, kissing her neck, “Hey, are you sure your okay?” She leaned her neck back to give you more access before turning around and pushing you back.
Soft kisses from you turned into bruising kisses from both of you as she pushed you back onto the bed, on flick of her wrist and you were unclothed, her in just a black lace lingerie set.
“Mm…” you said as her kiss stole the words from your lips. You let your hands roam her body, as she did the same to you, but not before she grabbed your hands off of her hips gathering them above your head.
“How much do you love me?”
“more than anything…” you replied.
“and you trust me?”
“with my entire life…” you said as she kissed you, her hands held yours in place as she was above you.
“Hm,” she softly moaned, “then be good for mommy.”
You let out a soft moan as she applied some pressure to your hands, grinding her hips into yours as she straddled you. You saw as she sat back biting her lip, going to move your hands but you felt the soft fabric as it strained against the headboard.
“Baby…” you whined.
“uh uh…” she moaned back, biting her bottom lip.
“mommy?” You asked, with a whine.
“are you asking or telling?” She leaned forward her breasts brushing your stomach as she slithered up your body, her hands roaming the goosebumps forming on your skin.
“I need you…” you whispered breathlessly.
“need me?… come on, you can do better than that…” she said her hands teasing your excited body, “I’m going to make you beg for my attention.” She chuckled darkly, her pupils blown as she pulled a hard nipple into her mouth.
“mommy I need you.” You whined out begging for her to touch you, to fuck you until you were seeing stars.
“if only they could see you now, the sexy and domineering mayors wife, falling apart at my touch.” She whispered in your ear, one hand traveling down to your core, between your legs where she was lying.
she slowly pulled her middle finger through your folds, teasing you, drawing moans from your plump lips. She knew you well, too well, enough that just her skilled fingers brushing against your sensitive clit was bringing you close to the edge, she moved down the bed her breath warm against your core.
“I-shittt, Regina…” you hissed out as she licked up your slit, pulling your clit into her mouth, letting her tongue make magic, you felt one finger then two slide in as she started pumping them, the black satin fabric around your wrist straining as you tried to touch her. You were so close panting, as you were on the verge of climax, then she pulled out, sitting back up to straddle your hips.
“Ughhh…” you let out a frustrated moan as she had robbed you of your high.
“not yet darling,” she said kissing your lips, her tongue roaming your mouth.
“don’t you taste amazing?” She asked you as you could taste you on her lips, she placed kisses on you neck and breast, leaving dark red marks that would definitely be purple by morning.
“the marks…” you struggled to get out, you would leave them on her in the most discreet places knowing that she hated when anyone else could see and yet here she was leaving them everywhere that someone could and would see them.
“I want everyone to know who you belong to, who’s wife you are, who makes you feel this good.” She said marking your body, hands pulling at the restraints as you tried touching her again.
“Damnit… let me touch you, please.” You begged again.
“Only if you’re a good girl.” She said crawling off of you and standing next to the bed, she stripped of her panties throwing them on the bed next to you, she tied another piece of black satin around your eyes, disappearing into your large walk in closet, you tried peering but the fabric wouldn’t let you see anything.
When she returned you felt as the bed dipped beside you and she undid your wrists, she slowly slid the blindfold from your eyes and you shot up on your knees pulling her into a kiss, but you were quickly met with a hand grabbing your hair and pulling you back.
“be a good girl for mommy.” She said her white teeth peeking through her signature smirk. You looked her over seeing the strap on that she currently wore, the thick black dick staring back at you.
“go ahead… show me what you can do.” she trailed as you lowered yourself in front of her pulling it into your mouth, feeling the bumps and ridges on your tongue. She sat there watching, admiring the perfect view of your ass in front of her. You looked up at her making eye contact as she reached down lifting your chin so she could pull you closer to her.
“you ready?”
“yes, mommy.” You said in a low tone watching her lips lightly part.
“Mm, then be a good girl and ride mommy’s dick.” She said sitting down her back against the pillows, you straddled her lap feeling as she positioned the toy at your entrance and you slowly lowered yourself. You hissed as you felt the slight burn as it stretched you, slowly turning into pleasure, you started grinding your hips against hers, the double sided strap on bringing you both pleasure.
you started moving you pace a little faster, “oh god, shit,” you reached out steadying yourself on the head board, your wife taking in the view, you riding the silicone cock, skin glistening, your boobs bouncing in front of her, it wasn’t long before you were both on the verge of climax, she thrusted up into you matching the pace of your hips, her hands gripping onto your hips helping to guide you, keep you steady. You threw your head back, eyes rolling in pleasure as a loud moan escaped from both of your lips. Your orgasms rocked your body, your legs shaking as you felt your muscles clenching.
You stayed there a moment the toy inside of you both as you sat in her lap, letting your breathing steady, gently kissing her lips, breath ghosting over each other as it slowed, you climbed off of her settling next to her on the bed.
“I would never leave you…” you whispered breathless, “I’m always yours.” You looked at her as she smiled at you and climbed on top of you placing delicate kisses on your lips.
“Dear, I’m not done with you yet.” She whispered in your ear, one hand going down to spread your legs, quickly repositioning herself between them, pushing the silicone toy back into you.
“im not going to be able to walk tomorrow,” you said breathlessly in between moans.
“Not when I’m done with you.” She said thrusting back into you bringing you to the edge of another orgasm.
******************************************************** Taglist:
@poisonappleeater @thesamesweetie @gayestswiftie
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cosmicanemoia · 10 months
There aren't enough jealousy fics in any platform known to mankind.
I'm a sucker for jealousy fics, and I can't be the only one. Right?
Like, where are the rests of fanfic where (romanoff/maximoff/weems/mills/schemmenti/etc...) going feral because they think someone wants to steal their lady (reader)???
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heart-ripping · 4 months
Bound by Duty.
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pairing: Regina Mills (The Evil Queen) X Reader
summary: your forced marriage to the mayor of storybrooke.
words: 1335 words, 7406 characters.
warnings: husband!regina, wife!reader, forced marriage, fluff, soft regina.
another one for the hungry ladies.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the small town of Storybrooke. The streets were quiet, and the air was heavy with an uneasy calm. In the grand old mansion at the town's center, preparations for a wedding were in full swing.
You stood in front of the mirror, barely recognizing the reflection staring back at you. The white gown you wore was beautiful, adorned with lace and pearls, but it felt like a shroud, suffocating you. Your hands trembled as you adjusted the veil, your heart pounding in your chest.
A soft knock at the door broke the silence. Your mother entered, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and resignation. "My dear, it's time," she said quietly.
You swallowed hard, nodding. You knew this day was coming, and had known it for months, yet it still felt like a bad dream. You were being married off to Regina Mills, a woman twice your age, to settle your family's debts. It was a tradition as old as the town itself, a custom you had always hoped would die before it reached you.
Your mother took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You are doing this for our family. Remember that."
You forced a smile, though it didn't reach your eyes. "I know, Mother."
The walk down the aisle felt like an eternity. The faces of friends and neighbors blurred together, and their expressions were a mixture of pity and approval. You felt their eyes on you, judging, sympathizing, but none of them truly understood the weight you bore. At the end of the aisle stood Regina Mills, tall and imposing, her face a mask of calm.
The ceremony began, the officiant’s voice a dull hum in your ears. You focused on breathing, trying to steady yourself. You glanced at Regina Mills, seeing the lines of age and responsibility etched into her face. She was a woman respected by the town, a pillar of the community, but to you, she was a stranger.
"Do you, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the officiant asked.
Your throat tightened. You forced the words out, your voice barely a whisper. "I do."
"And do you, Regina, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," Regina replied, her voice firm and steady.
"You may now kiss the bride."
You braced yourself as Regina lifted your veil. Her kiss was gentle, almost hesitant, but it felt like the final seal on your fate. Applause erupted around you, a cacophony of approval and celebration, but to you, it was just noise.
The reception was a blur of forced smiles and polite conversations. You moved through it all like a ghost, accepting congratulations and well-wishes with a numb detachment. Your mind was elsewhere, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.
As the evening wore on, you found yourself alone in the garden, seeking solace among the flowers. The night was cool, the air filled with the scent of roses and jasmine. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?"
You turned to see Regina standing behind you. She looked at you with an expression you couldn't quite read. "Yes, it is," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
She stepped closer, her presence both comforting and intimidating. "Look, I know this isn't easy for you. It's not easy for me either. But I want us to try. I want us to find a way to make this work."
You looked up at her, searching her eyes for any hint of sincerity. You saw a flicker of it, buried beneath the layers of duty and expectation. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for something more.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded. "Okay. Let's try to make the best of it."
Regina smiled, a real one this time, and for the first time that day, You felt a glimmer of hope. The road ahead was uncertain, but perhaps, together, you both could find a way to navigate it.
The days turned into weeks, and you slowly began to adjust to your new life. The mansion, once a symbol of your confinement, started to feel a bit more like home. Regina was kind and patient, giving you the space you needed while also trying to bridge the gap between you two.
She would often find you in the library, lost in a book, and sit with you, sharing stories of the town and her experiences as mayor. You listened, slowly opening up about your own dreams and fears. You both found common ground in your love for literature and a shared desire to make a difference in the community.
One evening, as you both sat by the fireplace, Regina handed you a worn leather-bound journal. "This was my mother's," she explained. "She used to write in it every day. I thought you might like to read it."
You took the journal, feeling the weight of its history. You opened it carefully, reading the elegant script of a woman you had never met. The entries were filled with thoughts, dreams, and reflections on life in Storybrooke. As you continue to read, you felt a connection to Regina's mother, a woman who had also navigated the complexities of responsibility and power.
"Thank you," You said softly, looking up at Regina. "This means a lot to me."
Regina smiled, her eyes warm. "I'm glad. I want you to feel at home here, My love. I want you to know that you're not alone."
As the weeks turned into months, your bond grew stronger. You worked together on various community projects, finding joy in making a positive impact on the town. You began to see a different side of Regina, a woman dedicated to her people, willing to listen and learn.
One day, while you were visiting her son's school, Henry, Regina watched as you interacted with the children, your laughter filling the air. She realized how much she had come to care for you, not just as her wife, but as a partner and a friend.
That evening, she took your hand as you walked through the garden. "Darling, I know our marriage didn't start the way either of us wanted, but I've come to cherish the time we've spent together. You've brought so much light into my life."
You felt a lump in your throat. "Regina, I—"
Regina stopped, turning to face you. "I want us to be more than just a duty to each other. I want us to build a life together, to find happiness in this marriage. Will you give us a chance?"
Tears filled your eyes as you looked at her, seeing the sincerity in her gaze. You realized that somewhere along the way, you had started to care for her too. "Yes, Regina. I'll give us a chance."
Your relationship blossomed from that moment on. You supported each other through challenges, celebrated successes, and found comfort in each other's presence. The mansion no longer felt like a prison, but a home filled with love and laughter.
Years later, as you both sat on the porch watching the sunset, You rested your head on Regina's shoulder. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"
She kissed your forehead, her heart full. "Yes, we have. And I wouldn't change a thing."
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. You had entered this marriage out of duty, but you had found something far more precious. You had found a partner, a friend, and a love that had grown through understanding and patience.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, You whispered a silent promise to yourself: you would continue to make the best of this marriage, not just for your family, but for the love that had blossomed between you and Regina. It was a new beginning, and together, you both forged a path filled with hope and happiness.
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greyfongschemmenti · 5 months
This Is How It Feels | Part 4
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Regina Mills x Reader
Warnings: injury
Word Count: 1.7k
The morning air was crisp as you left the cozy embrace of the tavern, your boots clunking lightly on the worn steps. With the weight of your backpack snug against your shoulders, you stepped into Granny's Diner, where the black and white checkered floor gleamed under the morning sun. There, you spotted Henry, engrossed in a thick leather-bound book at the bar counter.
"Hey, Henry!" you called out, a smile gracing your lips as you approached.
Henry glanced up, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Hey, y/n. What brings you out, are you heading out already?
"Uhh…no actually I was gonna just head for a little camping trip in the woods," you replied, gesturing towards her backpack. "What about you?"
"Just needed some fresh air before school," Henry shrugged, his gaze returning to the book. "Sometimes I feel like I'm just in the way around here."
Your heart went out to him, and you slid onto the stool beside him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Wanna talk about what’s going on?"
Henry paused, contemplating his words.  “My family are all kind of like heroes. They are always helping people in town with their troubles. My mom is the mayor and my other mom is the sheriff. My grandmother’s…was…a teacher and my grandfather was a deputy. They like to serve people. I try to help but I always end up getting in the way just stumbling in their shadows.” Henry's expression softened as he looked down at his hot chocolate. 
Listening empathetically, you reached for the coffee pitcher and poured yourself a cup, a thoughtful expression on your face. While you get a nasty glare from Granny but you continue on "It sounds like you're struggling to find your own path amidst their legacies."
“My own path?” he looks up at you and you nod while mixing the cream and sugar “yeah, it sounds like you're really grappling with finding your place among your family of heroes. That's completely understandable. I’m sure you feel a bit overwhelmed by their noble professions”
Henry nodded, his gaze fixed on his hot chocolate. "Yeah, exactly."
Henry nods as if that’s the issue then you continue as you slam the sugar container on the counter to get his attention “But here's the thing, you have your own strengths and passions that are unique to YOU. Have you thought about what really lights you up, what makes you feel alive? What makes Henry..well…Henry?"
Henry shrugs and shakes his head, and you give him a sympathetic nod "Maybe you don't see it yet, but I bet you have qualities that make you special in your own way. You don't have to be a carbon copy of your family members to make a difference. Heroism comes in all shapes and sizes, and it's about finding what feels right for you."
Henry hesitated, but your encouragement seemed to embolden him. "I've tried, but..."
“It’s scary but remember, Henry, it's okay to take your time figuring things out. Life's a journey, not a race. Keep exploring, keep learning, and don't be afraid to try new things. You'll find your place in the world, I'm sure of it." you put a hand on his shoulder giving it a light squeeze then offer him a smile. 
“Henry” Regina calls out to her son as he quickly looks over “mom! How much did you hear?”
Regina offers a kind smile and “very little. Come on we gotta get you to school” Henry nods, grabbing his bookbag and the book. He walks with Regina to the door then stops to turn around “Hey y/n?”
You look up at him and see him give you a smile “thanks, it means a lot”
You offer him a smile and cheer your mug to him “anytime you need someone to talk to” he laughs and you notice Regina gives you a soft smile then mouths out a thank you as they walk out the diner. 
With a sense of contentment, you finished your coffee and left money on the counter, bidding goodbye to Granny as you stepped back into the sunlight.
As the afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky, you found yourself deep in the heart of the forest, surrounded by towering trees and the gentle rustle of leaves. Enjoying the hike and watching the birds and animals. You set up camp near a babbling brook, the sound of rushing water lulling you into a state of peace. You decide to take a moment to take some landscape photos and sketch for a bit. Capturing the golden hour of the day as the rays of the sun shine through the ceiling of trees. 
But as darkness fell, a sense of unease crept over her. Every snap of a twig sounded like an ominous warning, sending shivers down your spine. You look around for any possible predators. It could just be an opossum or maybe there’s a possibility of it being a bear. Setting your books down you stand grabbing a flashlight to make sure the space around your camp is secured. 
Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the forest, freezing you in your tracks. Your heart raced as you fumbled for the flashlight, keeping your cool. If this is a bear trying to get your sights on it first so you can find the best escape plan. 
Another noise of a twig snapping and your head turns quickly to the source of the noise. Slowly backing up towards your camp you crouch down to pack up your bag. A shuffle is heard a couple yards away and you point your flashlight over “who’s there!” 
There was no response, only the eerie silence of the woods. Your breath caught in your throat as you zip up the bag and then kick dirt into the campfire. You take a cautious step backwards, your senses on high alert.
That’s when you hear it. A loud howling noise is heard followed by what looks like a massive black shadow behind your shoulder. You take off in a full blown sprint. Hurdling over large trunks and ducking low branches as you try to run in the direction of the main road. You hear the growling getting closer and you hid behind a large tree. Taking a moment to breathe as you look around for a branch or maybe some rock formations you can climb to get higher ground. You peek over and see what looks smaller than a bear but bigger than a dog. You have no idea if it was possible for wolves to be located in this region. As far as you know there wasn’t. 
Okay, the road should only be about half a mile away. I can make it or atleast get closer to find help.
You take a deep breath and then find your courage and sprint off again. Hearing the growling again behind you but then, disaster struck, your foot gets caught on a hidden root, sending you tumbling to the ground with a sickening thud. Darkness engulfed your vision as your head connected with the forest floor, stars dancing behind your eyelids followed by total darkness.
When consciousness returned, you found yourself in unfamiliar surroundings, the soft glow of lamplight casting shadows across the room. Confusion clouded your thoughts until Regina's familiar face came into view, her touch a comforting anchor in your view of confusion. A sudden pain shoots your face “ouch” you wince. 
“Sorry” Regina whispers as she softly presses the cotton ball to your head. “Just cleaning the cut”
"Regina?" you murmured, your voice hoarse.
Regina's expression softened with relief. "You're awake. Thank goodness."
"What... what happened?" you ask, struggling to piece together the events that had led them here.
Regina sighed, her voice gentle. "Someone found you unconscious near the woods. You took quite a fall. But don't worry, you're safe now."
You nod as you get the information
Regina offered her a reassuring smile. "Just rest now. You'll be okay. I’m actually almost done here and I can give you a ride to Granny’s…"
"Thank you, Regina.” you offer her a warm smile as you find the strength to sit up on the couch “I appreciate the offer”
As she assured you of your safety, gratitude flooded your senses, mingled with a newfound appreciation for the kindness of others. 
As Regina walked you to your room at Granny's, you couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness between you. "Thank you, Regina. I really appreciate all your help tonight."
Regina's gaze softened, her eyes meeting yours with a warmth that sent a flutter through your chest. "Of course, y/n. I'm just glad I was able to find you in time."
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah, me too. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't."
There was a pause, the air between you thick with unspoken words, until Regina spoke again, her voice soft. "Listen, y/n... I just wanted to say... I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to you."
Her words caught you off guard, and you felt a rush of warmth spread through you at the sincerity in her voice. "I... um, thanks, Regina. That means a lot."
Regina's gaze lingered on you, her expression unreadable, before she cleared her throat and stepped back, breaking the moment. "Well, um... I should let you rest. You've had a long night."
You nodded, though a part of you wished she would stay a little longer. "Yeah, I probably should. Thanks again, Regina. For everything."
With a small smile, Regina turned to leave, but before she did, she glanced back at you over her shoulder. "Get some rest, y/n. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
You watched her go, a smile playing at your lips as you settled into bed, the memory of her kindness filling you with a warmth that lingered long after she was gone. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more between you and Regina. And as you drifted off to sleep, you couldn't help but wonder what the future might hold.
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httpjupiterbby · 8 months
Swanqueen fanfics recommendations:
note: ngl i’ve been wanting for someone to ask me this. also all the recs are multi chapters… don’t get me started on how many one shots i saved or how many are in this post 😅
Every secret it keeps - Two years into emma and regina's loving marriage, emma discovers that she's somehow, impossibly, pregnant. Unfortunately, no one in this family is naive enough to believe that true love can make babies, and the swan-mills family is thrown headlong into a situation that will strain at the seams of their family– or tear them apart completely.
Dusk til dawn - what happens when the evil queen returns to a post-swan queen storybrooke? How will regina and emma's former relationship affect her pursuit of a happy ending with the savior? (warning: elements of mommy kink, ageplay/regression, and a bit of everything in between; even if you’re not into that, i would still give this one a read! it’s so good and super cute! .)
Storybrooke scandal - Regina Mills and Emma Swan have a long lasting sexual relationship with each other, but they got married along the way, however not to each other. Behind closed doors their relationship still continues, but what will happen when their respective husbands find out about their secret relationship and what will such a scandal do in the small town of storybrooke?
Making exceptions - No magic. Multi-chap. College AU: Emma Swan is a culinary arts student. Regina Mills is her English teacher.
Whispers in the night - AU: Emma's plagued by grief over the loss of her best friend. She joins a support group and meets Regina Mills. They share their heartbreaking stories and come out as friends. Can they find a way to become more than that?
Nine months to love - Regina overhears that Emma is pregnant. As the months pass, she is frequently at Emma’s place, and Emma at hers. Emma and Regina grow emotionally closer as the pregnancy goes through ups and downs. 10 chapters.
Project wingman - Regina has a secret admirer. Unknown to her, this mystery person has been standing right before her eyes all along.
We'll always have hope - “Are you saying I seduced you? “Regina frowned. “If I remember correctly, it was you that pinned me against the bed. It was you who kissed me. It was also you that pulled my panties down using your-“ Emma had messed up. She had messed up badly. There was no way she could choose between her best friend that she had been in love with for years and her husband who she just kind of tolerated. After their impromptu trip for their son's graduation, A few positive pregnancy tests changes Emma’s life forever and makes the decision for her.
Could you escort the maid? - Emma Swan is a 28 yr old aspiring writer who happens to be a professional escort. On a night out with a client Emma obtains a chance to save for her dreams when she is hired by a respected rich couple Robin and his wife Regina as their new maid.What happens when Emma soon realizes their marriage isn't as it seems and what will Robin do when he sees that she is falling for his wife
Darkness Falls - The story of how Emma and Regina discover they share true love is a rocky one. Snow White interferes stripping Emma and Henry of their will and Regina is on the run from a town that has turned on her. With few allies, how will the Queen restore her family and what will be the fall out of Snow's magical manipulations?
Bridges of storybrooke county - Based on the plot of the movie/novel 'The Bridges of Madison County'. Regina is a married and unsatisfied housewife living on an Iowa farm, Emma is a globetrotting photojournalist. Their fateful meeting begins a love affair neither of them is ready for. (And if you want to know whether Francesca gets out of the damn truck this time? You'll have to read the whole story.)
The choices we make - Would you give up the love of your life in name of a dream? Emma Swan and Ruby Lucas have a hard decision ahead and this will change their lives completely, and everyone around them.
What we could of had - Emma breaks up with her high school sweetheart, Regina out of the blue.Ten years later, Regina gets a visit by two adorable kids claiming to be hers.
Someone will remember us - On day one of her junior year at Boston College, Emma makes a fool out of herself in front of the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen. She tries not to dwell on it, though – after all, it’s not like the woman is going to end up teaching one of her classes.
A date with destiny - Regina Mills is a 35 year old, rich business woman who is also a virgin. Emma Swan is a 28 year old friend and roommate of fellow business man Robin Locksley and works for Killian Jones. Regina's assistant is tired off suffering from the backlash of her boss's stress and decides to set her up on a blind date with Robin but he can't show and so sends Emma instead.
Circumstance - Emma is an owner of a renowned Fitness Club called Swan Fitness and is also a grad student seeking a Master's in Counseling. Regina is one of Emma's professors and soon to be a member of her club. Will they allow their circumstance to prevent their feelings from evolving? Or will they fight to have their chance at their happy-ending? (TW!!!!)
Indecent Proposal - Emma Swan, a single mother, struggling to pay for her son's medical visits along as his medication, gets more than she bargains for when she meets Regina Mills. New York's bachelorette billionaire who offers her the solution to all her money problems: 2 million dollars and a signed contract stating her companionship for an entire year. One year, where anything could come into play.
Miss Swan goes to storybrooke - Regina Mills is running an underdog mayoral campaign when her hapless partner in crime, Neal Cassidy Gold, hires his new girlfriend to be a part of it. It's hate at first sight. Emma Swan is infuriatingly attractive, infuriatingly competent, and– most infuriatingly– will absolutely bring down their entire campaign if Regina doesn't get rid of her first.
Hi, i'm calling to answer your craigslist ad - Emma, Just like every 18-year-old foster kid, just aged out of the system. With nowhere to go, Emma searches Craigslist's Ads in hopes that she may find a job. While Browsing the "live-in housekeeper" section Emma comes across a post titled: "Seeking Live-in Pet/housekeeper". Starts off as OutlawQueen, ends with SwanQueen.
Chronicles of eris - After bringing back Marian from the past, Emma is left to deal with the consequences and repercussions of that decision. Two months of silent treatment from Regina is enough to push Emma completely over the edge. Together she and Ruby jump into a portal to the Enchanted Forest in order to figure out where they belong in the world.
To woo the queen - Emma Swan finally confesses her love for Regina Mills but as soon as she does, Regina pulls away. If it was just a casual fling Emma wanted, Regina thought she could have done with just that, but an admission of love and feelings scares Regina. Will Emma be able to woo her lady love and change her mind?
Bridges - Emma Swan has always run from everything and everyone; make no connections and no one can hurt you. But one night, something stops her from running. She meets Regina standing at the edge of a bridge, and everything changes. Major TW for suicide, depression, rape/non-con, abortion, child abuse, baby conceived by rape
The Girlfriend Experience - Emma Swan is a successful soccer star who was born with a dick. Regina Mills is the escort she hires to give her the 'Girlfriend Experience' but it turns into more. Little does Emma know, Regina is actually a victim of Mr Gold's sex slavery trade. What will they have to risk to be together? Smutty G!P! (last time i read this, it was still getting updated..)
What have you done - Regina is not speaking to Emma over Marian's sudden appearance. Emma decides she's had enough. Set at the end of Season 3, before things got "frozen." The beginnings of Swan Queen. So what started out as a simple one-shot, expanded and will continue for four chapters.
Lawyer vs. love - Regina Mills is a hard-ass lawyer from New York. Her life is nothing more than work until one day she meets Emma Swan, a barista with a troubled past. But, when a jealous ex comes to town, everything seems compromised and when Emma is sent away she asks Regina to do something that seems impossible.
A moment of truth - After Emma and Regina finally confess their feelings for each other, the dam breaks. This is the story of discovering their love for each and realizing that it had been there all along. This story is low on the angst but high on the feels and does contain plenty of magical sex.
Safe in the arms of love - Storybrooke AU. After an attack, Regina is forced to confront a past she spent her life burying. Can Emma help her find her way back before the darkness threatens to consume her? SQ ending. Trigger Warnings: Rape, assault, child abuse, violence, sexual content, stalkin
Group therapy - Emma Swan meets Regina Mills in group therapy. Contains potentially triggering content such as self-harm, drug use, and discussion of eating disorders. SwanQueen.
One touch - Emma is in therapy, and Regina Mills is her therapist. Eventually SwanQueen. Warning: this story contains mature themes that may be triggering to some individuals. Please read with caution !!!!!!!
In sickness and in health - As if being in an accident wasn't enough, now she's being told she's forgotten the last 3 years of her life? And in those 3 years, she got married...to her? Just great.
Bait and switch - Henry Mills is sick and tired of his mother’s skating around the truth and not realizing that they are perfect for each other and that they belong together. So he has a plan to bring them together and convinces his grandmother to help.
Broken together - After experiencing a great loss, Emma leans on Regina for support. Can she get through this with the help of Regina and Henry? (TW!!!!) (will squeeze the fuck out of your heart)
One more try - Emma and Regina are having relationship issues. (this will eat your heart out!)
Reservation for ms. mills - Senior Henry Mills tries to set up his daughter Regina and Emma because he thinks they'll be perfect for each other. One way or another. (major romcom vibes !!)
Out - Regina breaks up with Robin after returning from the NY road trip. She begins to question her sexuality and decides to test the waters with a familiar face in town. Emma’s jealously rages and Killian is confused. Some Red Queen. Mostly Swan Queen.
Lost time - Emma gets accidentally sucked into a portal to a realm where time works a little differently and when she comes back she's got a little surprise with her. (crazy shit. read it.)
Love undefined - It’s been eight years since the last time Regina and Emma saw each other, eight years since Emma lost part of her happiness, her family, and everything fell apart. But she hasn’t forgotten those three years in New York, or any of what Regina had brought into her life. And if she can be honest with herself, she might even admit that she wants it back.
What’s wrong with emma swan? - Since Emma's return from the Underworld she is a shadow of her former self. Snow seeks Regina's help to get to the bottom of what's wrong with Emma. When Regina discovers the truth their lives are destined to change forever. An unexplained pregnancy and their evolving relationship leads to a future that neither of them saw coming.
A million tiny little things - emma swan doesn’t seem like the kind of person you’d leave in charge of your kids, but somehow she’s landed the job of nannying the mayor’s son. no matter her rebellious streak, she’s more than a little concerned that she’s breaking the cardinal rule of nannydom: do not, do not, start sleeping with your employer. swan queen romcom au.
The staircase - Regina could still smell her cologne and feel the cheap pleather pressing into her back. The brunette sucked in a breath. She was still lying on the floor at the staircase's base and she stared back up at it. Everything was different now. Changed. She felt broken by what had just happened, appalled and enraged, dirty. (TW!!!! very very fucking dark. probably the first dark fic i’ve ever read)
Villains don’t get happy endings - It had been her sacrifice—the price she had to pay. Save everyone she had cursed for 28 years while simultaneously losing the one person she loved the most. Villains, after all, didn't get a Happy Ending. That was reserved for Princesses and Saviors. A 'what if' story where it's Regina, not Hook, who visits Emma in NYC at the beginning of 3B.
Miles to go - Everyone has their own story, this one is theirs and it paints the picture of a love story that spans over two decades, with all the ups and downs and everything else in between. (so fucking amazing!!)
Little match girl - Emergency circumstances lead Emma to move in with Regina and Henry, and the unexpected attraction between the two women stresses their current relationships. At the same time, someone is targeting Storybrooke's children with deadly consequences. (TW!)
The story - Takes place after 3x22. After everything they've been through... After everything that was said between them Robin leaves Regina for Marian and Emma is there to pick up the pieces. Swan Queen Angst and Romance
Oops - Emma and Regina get together at the mansion after they break up with Hook and Robin. Obviously, they get drunk and well...things happen. After one night of pure passion what will happen between the mayor and the sheriff when that night changes their lives, and their relationship, forever.
Skinny love - What are you going on about?" Regina swallowed harshly, really looking at the only person she has been able to bare her soul to. "You don't want me anymore because you found somebody else. Somebody better." Emma looked blankly at Regina. (a-fucking-mazing)
Memento Mori - Regina rejects Emma to stay with Robin after they've slept together. Emma winds up pregnant and tries to win the Mayor back. When the pregnancy is revealed, Snowing forces Emma to Underworld to save who they believe is the baby's father. The Underworld could prove fatal for Emma and her baby. Will they survive or will Regina lose her chance at having true love forever? (the fucking best- i’ve been looking for this..)
Crazy changes - A chance encounter in a bar changes Emma Swan's life forever. One of those changes is the arrival of Regina Mills in her small town. But there's more to the newcomer than meets the eye and when Emma finds out the truth behind a family feud, she must re-evaluate everything she thought she knew.
For endings are where we begin - Regina Mills is your average working mom - she spends long hours at her bakery, loves her son Henry with all that she is, and can touch dead things and bring them back to life. Emma Swan is an orphan, an ex-convict, and a bailbondsperson residing in Massachusetts. She is also currently dead. This is the story of how they meet. [a Pushing Daisies AU]
Forget me not - Tired of feeling heartbroken after Robin's death, Regina takes a Forgetting Potion to eradicate all memories of her True Love. However, things don't go to plan as she can still remember Robin, but has no idea who the blonde sheriff, who goes by the name of 'Emma Swan', is.
Direct and linear relationships - Emma Swan is a barely 17 year old senior. She just has to worry about getting through the year, but a new Physics teacher might make her last year in high school much more interesting.
A single kiss - Emma is only a teenager when she falls madly and irrevocably in love with Regina Mills. She is convinced that Regina is "The One" for her, but it's a love that cannot be. At least not at the time. When Emma returns home years later will they finally find love and a happy ending?
Flu love’s kiss - Magic returns to Storybrooke bringing back magical illnesses as well. 'Love Flu' is going around and it's catching. Swan Queen.
Temporary Distractions - It's been a month and Regina won't speak to her, until she does and Emma is left pretending to be in a relationship with her so that Regina can get through a dinner invitation with her pride intact.
Not going anywhere - Emma’s life was finally starting to come together. She has her parents. Her bond with her son growing. Regina’s walls have slowly started to fall, their friendship blossoming. This doesn't settle well with a select few townspeople that believe there is no hope for The Evil Queen, so they kidnap Emma. They will make her see things their way at any cost. Emma is found beaten and left for dead with no memory of who she is. The ones that took her still at large, Emma is left in the care of the only one who can truly protect her and the only person she allows near her. (tw!)
Reckless abandon - After Regina and Emma spend a night together, Emma is left to deal with the fall out, and a life-altering event, all alone as Regina changes her mind and decides Emma is not what she wants, after all. Will Regina realize what she's done before it's too late? Angst and Swan Queen. (the fucking best!!!!!!)
Casual sex - Emma and Regina begin to have nothing but casual sex diving head on into a friends with benefits, well more so enemies with benefits what will happen when one or both begin to start actually feeling something for each other.
Lattes & lace - Regina's a successful, focused businesswoman running a burgeoning lingerie line that is just starting to gain international attention. Until one winter, an irritating woman opens up a coffee shop next to her studio... and generates constant distractions. But not all of the distractions are a complete disaster. Only few.
Take a chance on me - As Emma recovers at the mansion from an encounter with Storybooke's latest threat, nightmares start to plague her from the trauma she suffered as a child. As Regina comforts her, the women grow ever closer. When Regina is attacked, Emma vows to do everything she can to protect the now terrified and vulnerable mayor.
Teacher’s pet - Emma Swan is starting her senior year this year and she's got a pretty easy schedule. But as her friends tell her about the Creative Writing teacher and how no one has passed her class with an A, what will she do? And who exactly is this 'bitch' as they claim her to be? Swan Queen-Student/Teacher AU
The reason why - Emma Swan never stopped wondering why she left without a word, not even a goodbye. She was used to being left behind and abandoned but when Miss Mills her favorite teacher/mentor of three years disappeared without explanation it still stung. Now over ten years later and a chance run in she might finally find out the reason why.
The crush teacher - Emma Swan's life was easy. She was constantly hanging out with her friends and was dating the most beautiful boys at school. But everything changes when a new teacher starts teaching her at school. Feelings and sensations that Emma had never felt before begin to appear.
A fortunate mistake - After Emma and Regina share a night of passion and a morning of misunderstandings sprinkled with some amnesia, Emma ends up getting married to Hook. But when Emma realizes she’s pregnant, their worlds get turned upside down. With Regina’s unwavering support and Emma slowly piecing her memories together, will their love prevail?
I’ll be home for christmas (with my fake girlfriend) - When her girlfriend dumps her the week before Christmas, Regina Mills needs a date to placate her mother’s insistent badgering. Emma Swan, who’s never really spent Christmas with an actual family, steps up to the plate. Throw in a very pregnant woman, her two children, and a Christmas Eve party? Emma and Regina experience a Christmas weekend they won’t soon forget.
You again - Emma and Regina have known each other since they were kids, and it's amazing how they just can't stand each other.
Has anybody ever told you - After a night on the tequila Emma Swan drunkenly causes mayhem in Granny’s leading to a few home truths for our Madame Mayor.
The rain came pouring down - Emma and Regina have spent the past year working on Operation Mongoose. Emma has fallen in love with Regina and is sure Regina loves her back... until a surprise shows up from the recent past.
A date to remember - AU. Regina is a very successful architect who runs her own company in NYC. She has no time nor need for love. Although, to spice things a little, she allows herself to indulge in a date per person, in order to get some action – no strings attached. Would she change her own rules after meeting a beautiful blonde? Swan Queen (No!Magic)
A month and a half of wednesdays - 40 weeks is ten months not nine... They have it all wrong.Emma spends every Wednesday night at the mills Manor, and has made a little discovery after one wild Wonderful Day with The Mayor.
Waking up - Emma wakes up in the hospital with no memory of her life in Storybrooke with her family. When she sees Regina, though, she suddenly feels a connection between the two of them and feels like she knows her. But how?
Always & forever - Regina Mills is a 34 year old widow who lost her husband Daniel just 4 years after they married. Not only has she lost Daniel but she's lost her 4 year old son as well; Henry. Before their sudden deaths she saw herself as the happiest and luckiest woman in the world. Now that the two people that she's loved most are gone she's afraid that whoever she ends up meeting next will vanish from her life forever. Now to avoid that pain again she's completely shut everything and everyone around her out. Family included.
Pixie dust never lies - A revealed secret, a broken heart, and a stormy night lead Regina and Emma on a path of self-discovery. In the end, they will have to make a choice that will shape their lives forever.
A new perspective - Regina disowns her mother and moves to London. Cora takes Emma under her wing and cultivates a business and a personal relationship. Regina and Emma meet after Cora's death and the fireworks start!! Slow burn SwanQueen and SwanQueen Family. Don't worry, dears, our ladies are alive and kicking through the entire story!!
There goes the neighborhood - SQ AU: Emma Swan has recently relocated to a neighborhood just outside of Quantico, VA after the death of her husband (Neal). She and her twin adopted daughters are just trying to find happiness again. Meanwhile, her new neighbors Robin & Regina Mills have a less than happy household. The women clash from the start, but through a marital betrayal the two women begin to see each other in a whole new light.
Stolen darkness - What started with a dream had revealed to Emma who she really was, upon the confessions of the Charmings' past sins, Emma embarks on a journey of self discovery. Dark Swan, Maleficent, and Swanqueen.
Mirror, mirror. - Emma is working her side-job as a mover when she finds the mirror, shattered in the back of a wardrobe. She takes it home, drawn to it for some reason. Regina finds the mirror in the back of her mother's old wardrobe. It was once broken and put away in a time of duress. Yet the mirror she is holding looks as good as new. When Regina speaks into the mirror one night, Emma answers.
Shadow Haven - Emma Swan is a PR agent who is sent on a holiday by her boss. Regina Mills is the owner of a private island named Shadow Haven. There is more to Regina than initially meets the eye. Swan Queen romance / BDSM story.
Feather of a swan - Emma Swan also ended up cursed in Hyperion Heights. With absolutely no memories of Storybrooke, she gets by working as a bounty hounter. After a particular long day, she just longs for a drink, and goes into Roni's Bar to get just that. But after she meets the bartender, nothing wil be the same again.
In it together - After both Hook and Robin are killed (and Hook doesn't come back in my story!), Emma and Regina grow closer. At first it's about getting each other through the grieving process, but eventually it turns into a much deeper connection.
@ hunnyfresh | ao3
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@LZClotho (LZielinsky) | ao3
@LunaCeMore | ao3
@ClashofShips | ao3
@Z_OTAKU19 | ao3
@ starsthatburn | ao3
@ emmasyellowbug | ao3
@JuiceCup | ao3
@AshKnight | ao3
@Ash M. Knight | fanfic.net
@IShipLOVE | fanfic.net
@ angstbot | ao3
@rhysMerilot | ao3
@XSerendipity92X | fanfic.net
@AnotherEvilRegal | fanfic.net
@Nasty Nikolo | fanfic.net
@Gravity In the Air | fanfic.net
@PlayfulMay | ao3
@LittleSwanLover | ao3
@AOBZ | ao3
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poisonappleeater · 4 months
someone for the love of GODDDDDDD publish a regina fic. ANYTHINGGGGG. jesus fucking christ ive been reloading the regina x reader tag every day for god knows how long and that number has not changed a single time.
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