#Reg applys them for him
ratwiththetats · 3 months
James getting little star nail stickers so he can be close to Regulus at all times.
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foursaints · 9 days
fanonwise i sometimes feel that we don’t treat barty crouch jr’s relationship to his father with the amount of nuance that it’s given in canon.
i see more evidence for their dynamic as one of a prodigal son‘s unexpected betrayal, rather than him being openly defiant from the beginning. barty jr disdains his father more than he fears him.
barty’s character is more about being Stifled than it is about being Penalized, if that makes sense. he is a docile thing on the outside. for a counterexample: sirius continuously rebelled against his parents and was punished for it, over and over. barty is more the case of a child dutifully abiding with something spiteful and ugly growing underneath his surface, larger each passing year.
barty’s revenge, and his anger, and his suffering, are all quiet things: the secret burying of a bone, the forced muteness of imperius. barty doesn’t react when he speaks about his father or sees him in disguise. he admits to never truly considering him a father, seeing more of himself in tom instead.
this is more compelling to me than casting him as a sirius-variant!! it’s a slow type of resentment— leading to torture and ending in revenge— and i like the idea of barty as someone in Waiting. he’s the deferential mirror of a man he doesn’t respect (but never truly, not inside). barty jr was a son raised to take the place of his father: obeying to the letter until he suddenly didn’t, and finally usurping him in the most violent way possible with patricide. his father wanted an heir to replace him and he created a perfect one, in the most tragically ironic way possible!! this will always be more interesting to me than a barty who is plainly defiant from the outset— it flattens him!!
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Dimple - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 173 - NSFW and explicit, minors DNI
It took him a while to realize they were there. 
It wasn’t even the first time they had sex that he realized. He was…rather distracted, thank you very much.
But a few weeks later, he saw them for the first time. As he slowly, deliciously, slid into Regulus, making both of them release twin moans that caused a vibration up James’s spine. He spied both dimples on Regulus’s back, the divots in his skin making James almost come right there as he imagined leaning down and biting them.
“Fuck, Reg,” he groaned, sliding his hands over Regulus’s waist and to his hips, until each of his thumbs were pressed into one of the small craters, applying enough pressure to bruise.
But Regulus, who was on his elbows and knees, only keened, pushing even more into James’s rough embrace. “Harder, James,” he moaned, his heat swallowing James’s cock so completely that the older boy’s entire body was on fire with pleasure.
“Anything, baby,” he whispered, beginning to pound into him with earnest, his fingers pressing into the dimples in his back, his heart singing.
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bloodbruise · 2 months
Regulus skin gets pink easily
holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. why have i never thought of this before. you're a genius nonnie.
james finds it so endearing. loves when reg takes a shower and his shoulders and chest flush pink from the heat of the water. it's a look that only james gets to see--regulus soft and tender and at home. loves how his whole body is always a bit rosy in the summer, sunburn never quite fading into a tan like james'. or how he can make the tips of reg's ears burn red when he calls him his boyfriend in front of anyone. james throws around "and my boyfriend will have a black coffee," to the barista at the coffee shop, or a "let me introduce you to my lovely boyfriend," to a new friend, and regulus has to fight against his whole body turning a pleased shade of red.
but as sweet as it is, its also startlingly hot. like how james doesn't even have to try to paint his ass in handprints. a firm hand and a few slaps is all james needs to have reg's ass mottled red and starting to purple. its a heady feeling, to see regulus' cheeks burn, when someone asks him about the red marks that circle the base of his wrists, knowing that they came from the chafe of james' tie binding them. especially delicious when he wraps his hand around regulus' throat and applies just enough pressure to cut the flow of air, so he can leave a beautiful imprint of his hand there.
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arctrooper69 · 4 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 3:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Jealously. Mentions of masturbation (nothing explicit).
Despite the initial crash landing, the mission seemed to have been successful and the trip back to Ord Mantell was, so far, uneventful. The ship lay in a sleepy silence, punctuated only by Wrecker’s occasional snoring from where he lay on the ground against Gonky with Omega and Lula tucked safely in his arms. Phee and Tara played a quiet game of Dejarak and Echo sat watchfully in the co-pilot’s chair beside Tech, who was engrossed in something on his datapad until the ship dropped from hyperspace and landed smoothly back on the planet.
Hunter took moments like this whenever he could get them. It was rare to have time to himself, especially now that Omega and you had joined the squad. But right now, rest did not come so easily to him.
Your outburst at Tara, the way you zoned out during his mission brief, not to mention the cold shoulder you'd been giving him for the past few days - it just wasn't like you.
From a tactical perspective - as your squad leader - he knew that he should go and find you as soon as possible, sit you down and demand you tell him what was going on. It was his duty, after all, to make sure his squad was okay both mentally and physically. It was imperative that he knew everything in order to be able to move smoothly and efficiently as a team.
But for some reason, Hunter felt glued to his seat. Something fought that well-trained commando logic from inside of him, pressing upon him, crushing him like a foot on his chest.
Taking a deep breath, he sat up straighter, cracking his neck.
“Emotion is natural. Fear is natural.”
Hunter remembered the words of one of their trainers on Kamino. He'd laughed it off with the rest of the squad. Scared? Genetically enhanced special forces commandos? Not likely. It was so long ago, he barely remembered the lesson. It wasn't important at the time. Maybe it applied to regs, but not to him. Hunter was their leader, their older brother - he couldn't afford that kind of weakness. So why had he suddenly remembered it now?
“They are in every man's very nature, but you're different. You don't have the luxury to dwell on those feelings. You freeze, you die, so train yourself to let it pass. Focus on the task at hand.”
Hunter let the strange emotion pass, willing the weight to lift from his chest
It felt different though, everytime he glanced towards your bunk, he couldn't help but to recall how you felt cradled in his arms. How your breath caught in your throat when you met his eyes. You hadn't even noticed, but he did.
The door to the fresher opened and you stepped out, turning towards him.
Hunter stood, intent on coming to the bottom of whatever this was. A faint, peculiar scent wafted from you. The feeling he’d so skillfully pushed away only moments ago, bubbled to the surface again. It swirled in his stomach, pooling with tangible heat beneath his skin. It made him hungry in a way nothing had before. He shifted uncomfortably, thankful for the way his armor hid the growing bulge in his pants.
Touching your face, feeling your body in his arms, wishing it was anything but the brutality of battle that called you to him.
He’d been with women before - a drunken fling, or a way to blow off steam after a long mission. This was different. You felt different.
He glanced away, shame springing to the surface at the hopelessness of his desires - but he could hear your body tense, and feel you turn away.
Oh gods, she knows.
Maybe it was the moment his hand rested far too long on your knee. You had stared at the gesture - but it was one of the rare moments when he couldn't really tell what you were thinking. Perhaps the way you stiffened signified your discomfort - perhaps he'd misread that small spark in your eyes.
Hunter stood quietly for a moment, opening his mouth as if to call you back to him, but he made no sound. He closed his mouth again, drawing his lips into a frown, codpiece loosening in a melancholy disappointment.
No. I have a job to do.
“Hey,” he called over to you, keeping his voice low so as not to draw attention from the others.
You froze. Oh gods, he can probably hear my heartbeat. He can smell me and I just…. You glanced back at the fresher door.
Oh gods, he knows.
The thought of him was too much. His hands on your skin, his lips on yours, those beautiful amber eyes that bled sincerity and comfort - it was all too much. It was a lie. You had to let it go or you would explode. Finally alone in the fresher, you could close your eyes and imagine that it was his fingers that caressed your sex and not your own. The release you craved had come almost too quickly and now you were left with an empty longing.
“What.” Your reply came sharply, colder than you’d intended.
“Are you okay?”
The question caught you off guard and you nearly found yourself telling him everything.
I can’t do that to him.
Airing the stupid schoolgirl crush you had on him would only serve to make him feel guilty. You didn’t want his pity.
“I’m fine, Hunter.”
I’m not fine, this is killing me.
“Are… are you sure?” He paused, unsure what kind of response he even expected. You sounded tired. “It’s important you let me know if something is bothering you.” he finished.
“I said I’m fine.”
Hunter shook his head, suddenly incensed by the cold rebuttal. There had to be something wrong and he would find out what.
You can fix this, a voice in his head demanded. Man up and fix this. That's your job isn't it?
“What’s going on with you!?” He snapped, visibly frustrated.
That was not what he'd meant to say - or maybe it was. Hunter didn't know anymore.
Immediately he shut his mouth, seeing your expression phase from one of shock, to one of anger that mirrored his own. He just wanted to help! He just wanted to make things better. Why did you have to make it so hard?
“Excuse me!?” Your eyes flashed, matching his frustration with anger of your own.
It forced its way through your veins like red-hot coals.
What the hell am I doing? You thought. Pining away like a lovesick teenager for a man I work with!?
You sighed.
But he’s so much more than that. The feelings you tried so hard to beat down, forced themselves up through your anger like weeds growing in the cracks of a walkway.
You mowed them down. No. It’s a fantasy. It isn’t real. Get it together before someone gets hurt.
Hunter doubled down, “You heard me. I just want to know what your problem is so we can work out whatever it is!”
“My problem!? Oh my gods, Hunter! I’m fine! I told you I’m fine so please just leave me alone!”
Hunter opened his mouth and closed it again, unable to put words to the whirlwind of confusion, grief, and anger that spiraled about him like a storm.
He watched as you spun sharply around and headed out the door.
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meowmeowriley · 3 months
Elder Emo
Ghost had been lost in thought, planning out his lessons for the following day, when he'd passed a room in the barracks and faintly heard music. Paramore? Normally he'd hear rock, pop, or occasionally something in Japanese. Not emo. Not what he'd been expecting, but a pleasant little throwback for him. He smiled to himself as he made to walk away, taking a mental note to pull up his old playlist and get lost in nostalgia later. But then he caught a bit of the conversation happening in the room.
"No she didn't tell me what it was all for, I stole it, dipshit."
"Why does she need 700 different eyeliners?"
"Are they different? Or is she just a hoarder?"
"Nah, mate. Some are like sticks, crayons, others are liquid. This one says eyeliner, but it looks like the eyeshadow stuff."
"That eyeshadow stuff is useless. Comes off too easily."
The two men were crowded around one's bed, it had been littered with a bunch of makeup, and they didn't seem to know what each was for.
"This is stupid."
"You said you wanted to finally have your emo phase, this is where it starts." The second man picked up a bottle of liquid eyeliner and leaned in close to the mirror, posed to paint his lower waterline with it. Ghost could no longer keep quiet.
"That's a mistake." His voice cause both recruits to jump, scrambling to salute. He rolled his eyes, but returned the gesture, if only to release the two.
He approached the bed scattered with makeup. Ghost couldn't say that he'd ever spoke to either of them, but he'd be damned if he didn't set them on the right path before they fucked themselves over here. "The liquid is for around your eyes, gives a bolder look than the stick. It's not for your waterline, you'll give yourself an eye infection like that." He handed the first soldier his choice in liner from the menagerie before them. "The liquid is bolder, but it smears, not smudges. If you're going for emo, you'll want a smudged look, the stick is better. Lay it on thick, and use your fingers to spread it around and smudge it out. And if it says waterproof, believe it. You'll need makeup remover to get that off." He said that last bit pointedly. If it weren't for regs, he'd let them just leave it like he had. Day old eyeliner that you slept in after a concert always looked so much cooler than when it had been freshly applied, at least in his opinion. Then another thought occurred to him. "Who'd you steal all this from?"
"Uhm... my sister... sir." The first man admitted sheepishly.
"Hmmm." Better a sibling than another soldier. "Give it back. You're in the army. You've been issued war paint, use that." He shrugged. Then added "I do."
The pair were quiet, clearly still not quite sure what was happening. "As you were." Ghost nodded and started to take his leave.
The second cleared his throat. "Uh... ahem... any uh... any music recommendations?"
Ghost turned in the doorway. He thought for a moment, and then "Well, you're listening to Paramore. If you want music from the same time, there's always Hawthorne Heights or Blink-182. You want something heavier look into Breaking Benjamin. Or more upbeat go for All Time Low. If you want something newer, Twenty One Pilots just released some new songs, or there's TX2, who draws a lot of inspiration from the greats. That's a start."
Both men smiled. The first spoke up. "Thank you, sir. This'll be a lot easier with an elder emo around."
Elder emo? Who- oh. Ohhhhh. When? How did that happen? He wasn't supposed to make it this far. Huh.
"Anytime." He nodded as he left them. He tried not to let his emotions show as he made his way down the hall, but internally he was brimming with pride. He'd made it so much further than anyone had ever thought, especially himself. It took a couple of baby emo's for him to see it, but he'd made it. He was still here. Despite the odds.
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rxsilabeth--er · 1 month
Trans!reg with a mommy kink tho...
MMMMM, numnumnum! YOU ATE! Face sitting, putting on makeup on Reggie, edging, tit sucking (is that thing?)
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Softly as you applied the lipstick to his face, making him as pretty as your heart desires was one thing and completely ruin it by riding and cumming on his face was another and Regulus loved both of them equally since either way he gets to make his love and his mommy feel nice.
like you're don't lower yourself completely on his face and he almost begins crying, "Ah..please! I-I want you, Please-mama!" babbling out randomly words until you softly lower yourself on his face, with his mouth already kissing your clit and making out with your cunt, as you grind yourself down on his puckered-up lips on which you applied lipstick and lipgloss..
The sticky lipgloss leaving imprints on your inner thighs where he kissed and when he was basically making out with your hole, the stickiness provided more friction only causing you to grind under on his face since the friction felt so sweet, almost comparing to his babbles and whines and cries, he sounded so sweet, crying, babbling nonsense,
"Mom-mommy, need-you-this...No-..mmm..fuck- ngh! Ple-ease~" his hands gripping your thighs as you grinned down, cumming and soaking his face.
Getting up with a sickly sweet smile, cooing at his face, lipstick and lip-gloss smudged, mascara running down, hair disheveled, lips glistening, tears on his cheeks, eyeliner and eyeshadow rubbed and messed...
Oh he looked divine and so cute, made you wanna make him cry louder to see if he would sound and look ever cuter with your juices and tears mixed together on his face~
Riding him as he's your own personal dildo, bouncing up and down on his cock as his hands are tied up and his mouth are softly licking and kissing your boobs, leaving hickeys and sucking them softly, trying to calm his sobs of pleasure,
"Hm..mama-ugh, fuck please! More-more! More!!" whining in your ear as you rode him but right before he came you stopped.
Simply settling your weight on top of him and not moving as his tears of pleasure turn into one of frustration as he cried for his mommy to simply move, move and make him feel better if only for a while!!
He promises to be a Good boy~
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yanderewritingdump · 9 months
Your shy neighbor definitely knows you heard him through those thin walls. (Part 1)
MDNI, no pronouns used but implied female reader, no smut this chapter but Reg is thirsty. Mention of a mouse.
I've got no clue where I'm going with this tbh.
Reg knows you heard him. Every time he sees you now your face flushes such a pretty color and you can't manage to look him in the eye when you greet him the handful of times you've crossed paths in the past week.
He'd feel embarrassed about it, but the way you were eyeing him in the rarely working elevator door's reflection makes him want to do it again. He’d make sure that you got to hear your name loud and clear while he got off. He especially likes the way your eyes linger on his hips and thighs. He wasn’t the most muscular man by any means, but he knew he was strong enough to manhandle you and fuck you any way you asked.
And he wanted you to ask.
Some part of him pondered on the how it was kind of messed up that he found it harder to say anything to you than have you listen to him through the wall while he came, but he was kind of messed up. That was the only way he could explain how he needed to find a reason to be outside of his apartment to look at you every time it sounded like you were about to leave yours. He was starting to wonder about putting some sort of plant out in front of his door just to have one more reason to be out there. If he grew flowers, would you make a comment to him and tell him how pretty they were?
Reg watched you sneak glances at him in the doors’ reflection two more times. He was too mesmerized by the smell of your perfume and soap swirling around him to be subtle about how he was looking at you. He wanted to cup your ass as perfectly as your dark pants. He wanted to see how pretty your new lipstick looked when it was smeared from his kisses. What would your carefully applied makeup look like after he buried his face between your thighs until you pushed him away? He might frame the stained bedding just so he could look at it and think about the feeling of your thighs pressed against his ears and how you taste. He wanted you, in his life, in his arms, in his bed. He wanted you like he wanted his next breath.
It was only once the elevator dinged for your floor that he noticed your flushed face pointedly turned away and caught sight of his dark, intense look. His long, disheveled hair and the sleepless, sunken look of his eyes made him look more threatening than inviting. Especially with the way he was gripping the railing on either side of his hips hard enough to make his knuckles blanch and his vein to pop. At least the thick fabric of his jeans and rumpled shirt lessened how obvious his growing arousal was.
It was not a picture that made him look safe. Or sane.
He was cursing himself as you hurried off, taking long strides to reach your apartment faster without looking back at him. He wanted to chase after you, tell you that he would never hurt you, but that would probably make it worse. Maybe he could knock on your door later and say that he had gotten too many of your favorite cupcakes from a client and couldn’t eat them all to make you think he was nicer. Not that you needed to know that he kept a batch in his freezer just because he had heard you complain to a friend that they were so good but too expensive for you to get regularly.
Obviously, he messed up somewhere, and he would die if you started avoiding him or thought he was dangerous to you.
He set the cupcakes out to thaw once he slunk into his own apartment. It would be more plausible if he didn’t hand you cupcakes that were frozen solid, right? He should probably shower and shave too, make a slightly better impression on you than when he was staring at you and fantasizing about how your makeup would stain his bedding.
About the time he had decided on his plan and taken his shirt off, you screamed.
You were potentially a little too easily startled. Typically, you could manage to just yelp or jump a little, but realizing something small and fuzzy happily gnawing on the snack you were reaching for on your counter was enough for an actual scream. You were having a stare down with the small rodent you thought might be a mouse. Clutching a hand over your chest, you wondered if your housekeeping had given you a rodent problem, when your front door slammed open. There was your neighbor, shirtless and even more rumpled looking than he had been when he looked like he was undressing you in his mind. His dark eyes were wide as he found you standing in the kitchen unharmed.
“Are you okay?” he asked, scanning your body before looking around your cluttered apartment. That might have been the first time that he had actually spoken to you in the three months that you’d lived beside him, and the low, husky quality of his voice caught you a little off guard.
You felt the embarrassed flush start creeping up your neck as he took in the state of your apartment. “Uh, yeah,” you managed weakly, trying to keep your eyes away from dangerous new territory available to you. “Yeah, sorry. I got surprised by an unwelcome guest.” You chewed your lip, looking back at the rodent, who surprisingly seemed undisturbed by the noise as it turned back to the bag of dried fruit it had chewed open. Your neighbor made a noise of understanding when he followed your gaze to the little brown creature gnawing away. You glanced back at him, flustered at his presence in your home after the frankly pornographic noises you had heard last week, the look he had given you minutes ago, and the fact he had burst in. Now you would have to ask him to get the rodent out of your apartment like a wimp because you really, really didn’t want to have to touch it and get potentially get bitten because you didn’t know how to handle it or what it may have had. “I-I hate to ask, but do you think you could get it out of here?”
You didn’t want to seem lame. He was attractive in a messy, sleep derived way. And . If he’d seemed any more approachable, you would have flirted with him.
He nodded briskly, squeezing past you into the kitchen. His chest brushed against yours, despite his best intentions it seemed, and heat and the smell of coffee wafted off of him. He scooped the creature up with a practiced hand, and you back out of the way, mystified as he walked out of your apartment and turned in the direction of your other neighbor. He didn’t say a word as he knocked on the door and handed the creature to a girl that looked to be in middle school. He did manage to grunt out, “You’re welcome,” when she cradled the animal and thanked him for finding “Minnie.”
Of course it was a pet mouse named Minnie. You were just glad you hadn’t had a more violent reaction to finding it and that your neighbor had known about it.
You lightly caught his elbow as he moved to go back to his home. “Thank you. I probably would have set Minnie outside to be hawk food if I had caught her,” you murmured, hopefully low enough for the girl not to hear you.
He shrugged, dark eyes looking down at you a little too intensely for a moment. “It’s nothing. Here’s my number. Next time something happens, call me. I’m good at getting rid of pests.”
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kiwi2229 · 10 months
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 412 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Makeup
CW: Implied NSFW
James is in trouble. In a big trouble. And it's entirely Regulus’ fault because this boy just marched into the Gryffindor common room wearing tight black jeans, a crop top and make-up. He has a long black eyeliner and smoky black eyeshadows. And if it's not driving James absolutely insane.
He is positive that he's dying. Regulus looks so hot. When he finally snaps from his shock he manages to say “You look amazing, Reg.”
“I know. And you will too.” Regulus answers and lifts up his bag full of makeup. This is the moment James’ brain stopped functioning because Regulus proceeded to climb onto his lap and now he is applying the same eyeliner on him.
James wants to touch him, squeeze his hips in his hands, and kiss every inch of his body. But they are in a full common room. All of them preparing for a party in the forbidden forest. They are out as a couple only shortly so they decided to give everyone (Sirius) time to get used to it without being overly affectionate.
He is really trying to think about anything else but the weight of Regulus’ body on him. James takes a sharp inhale when Regulus tightly grabs his chin tilting his head to the side so he can now apply a red line next to the black eyeliner.
“James!” Sirius hisses at him across the room in warning.
He groans in despair. “I'm not doing anything.”
“You are! I can see it in your eyes.”
Regulus the menace who is well aware of what he is doing to James chuckles. “I'm trying!” James responses.
“Try harder.”
James looks up at Regulus who is smirking. He leans a little bit closer wiggling on James’ lap and whispers to him in a low voice. “Yeah James, try harder.”
James briefly considers if being murdered by his best friend is worth snogging Regulus on the spot. The moment he decides this would be a great way to go Regulus gives him a quick kiss and climbs off his lap. “Done.”
James catches his wrist and spins him around when all of them are walking out of the room. He presses him against the wall trapping him there hidden from the eyes of others. He captures the boy’s lips in a bruising kiss that leaves them both panting. “Just wait until we are alone and I will show you how hard I can try,” he says and walks out of the room with absolutely smug-looking Regulus right behind him.
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veryinnovative · 19 days
Ceo reg sexy times? Please Please Please on my knees for it
ask and ye shall receive
ok but it's deffo not the kinkiest or anything, mostly because regulus is very, very inexperienced (he's not even kissed or held hands in the romantic sense) and nervous about most things. he's been raised to do things without fault so the idea of fucking up during sex gives him nausea-inducing stress. and then u have james who applies an almost 'go-with-the-flow' to almost everything and tries his utmost best explaining to regulus that smth as intimate as sex does NOT follow a rigorous set of rules and to please just relax
30 isn't old at all but reg is like seven years older than james and worries that he doesn't look as good as he did when he was in his early twenties so there's tons of insecurities there. he's got a couple of grey strands and doesn't have a very toned body and it boils down to him being so strong on receiving praise and needing affirmation
of course james is more than happy to give it. he's always murmuring sweet things even while being a tease...but even james has his own insecurities because he's known reg as a demanding man who is vocal about his expectations and he's like .. the pressure is quite a lot because he is regulus' first and he is also scared of messing up
but they get there with tons of communication and taking things slow <3
though, bc the fic is a very humor/fluff one..their first handsy moments are very endearing nd funny. it's often reg getting ahead of himself and crawling into james' lap to make out with him after they left this grandiose business meeting in Frankfurt because they just started using tongue while kissing and he is a man obsessed. james is so smug feeling reg grow a little hard against his thigh and is just 'ohhh he finds me so hot hehe :smirk:' not knowing that reg has ages of suppressed Horny that spiral out of control the moment things get just a little heated
ok im ranting now but...i do wanna talk about the first time things get Quite real. they're like fully-clothed, frotting against regulus' desk, and just before reg's about come in his pants james pauses for a moment. yadda yadda. james finds out reg is a virgin. Absolutely Panics because like, im not about to have your first time be in an office with us needing to go to another meeting in 40 minutes!! and reg panics bc he thinks james is about to leave and becomes very distressed. very awkward horny heart-to-heart talk with both of them tenting in their pants before james kisses him so sweetly and gets reg off by rubbing him through his pants <3 because he's a gentleman he makes sure reg gets a change of clothes nd then jerks himself off in the sink (in the multi million dollar office's private bathroom)
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 9
chapter 16:
1. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 mulciber
2. ew. why does mulciber have to be clever?
3. holy shit. james thought reg died, so he brutally murdered mulciber. and kept chipping away even once the cannon sounded. holy shit
4. thank GOD they’re both reunited and hugging right now
5. not the note that sirius put in the canister 😭😭😭😭 “baby”. like, that was so passive aggressive and for what reason
6. oh got it. it’s a code to regulus as a tip to fake a relationship for the cameras
7. awww james brushes his thumb across reg’s cheek to apply salve. but also, that’s such a tender moment
8. ugly sobbing. james just misses sirius
9. AGAIN i will forever cry over what evan meant to regulus
10. god poor sirius. he had another memory lapse. that hurts.
11. (also the way sirius was able to note that ref genuinely has feelings for james because he’d never purposefully show soppy emotions like that to the world. so clearly calling james “baby” was an accident)
12. awww sirius offers to show his scars if remus shows his. that’s such an intimate thought
13. i feel bad that sirius has to do damage control for reg’s grief over evan
14. god, it’s the fact that both of effie and monty’s children had to go through the arena.
15. awww lyall and hope lupin’s love story is so sweet
16. AWWWWW crying again! sirius is going to tell effie and monty all about remus
17. “Remus glances over at Sirius and smiles slightly, because if there's one thing that Hope and Lyall taught him about love, it's that a happy middle is just as special.” 😧😧 what? and i’m supposed to be okay after reading that? like, i’m supposed to be okay?
chapter 17:
2. not the chapter starting with comments about how big lily’s boobs are 😭😭 also, i’m but a simple girl. i am now thinking about her boobs too
3. 😧 lily is connected to dorcas? and knew about fabian and gideon?? ARE WE GONNA GET TO SEE LILY EVANS??
4. OMG SHE LIVES IN THE PHOENIX WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO DISTRICT THIRTEEN!!! FUCK YEAH (also i hope that this means that dumbledore’s death will be parallel to Coin)
5. lily is a menace and i love her for it
6. NO lily thinks remus is dead! babe, i promise you he’s alive! and he misses you too! everyday!
7. girl this is NOT dumbledores place. who gave him the right to tell that to lily? it’s not his place to say that she doesn’t have anyone left to love. doesn’t matter that it’s true. it’s not his damn place
8. eleven tributes left in the arena. gods i’m so worried
10. i’m still not okay over fab and gid’s deaths. and i’m still curious as to why
11. GIRL WHAT THE FUCK?? molly just started choking dorcas. i get she’s angry, but like, goddamn
12. AHHHHH they were involved in the order of the phoenix!!! that’s why!!!
13. sirius is watching james breathe on screen and is MATCHING his breathing. that really hurts and i can’t pinpoint why, but it does
14. james talking to sirius through the screen hurts so badly. he just misses his best friend. he says sirius is the strongest person he knows. everything hurts
15. “"Another word out of you, and I'll put my hands down yours just to rip your fucking cock off," Regulus hisses” LMAOOOOO
16. wolfstar banter >>>>>>>
17. “"I'd take being something with you over being everything with anyone else," Sirius tells him.” jfc i’m not okay after reading that. that sentence summarizes ALL of wolfstar perfectly
19. dear lord i do not believe in, protect wolfstar in this lifetime and give them a happy ending
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB IMAGINES] - next round
pov: who would have thought that losing at a video game would turn out this way..?
warnings: mention of sex & kisses, a little making out towards the end, one use of a pickupline, intimacy
type: spicy (not smut, but let's say it's not 100% wholesome)
member: ryan nguyen (azngami)
wc: around 2.33K
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Your boyfriend, Ryan Nguyen, had just texted you privately if you wanted to spend the night at his place and spend some quality time with him. Obviously, you didn't hesitate to answer his request: you said yes and brought all the objects, products, clothes you would need for the rest of the evening and the night, that would come in a few hours already.
You looked at yourself one last time, and applied a layer of toothpaste on your toothbrush. As you cleaned up, you put some hair elastics, a spare toothbrush and a tube of extra toothpaste in your travel bag just in case. You still had your belongings at Ryan's house, but you always made sure you had a second one just to be safe. With 6 other boys in the house, a lot could happen and you didn't want to take any chances.
Finishing brushing your teeth, you smiled in the mirror, made sure you didn't have any stains or food left in your mouth, and turned off the light. You finally left your apartment and locked the door. You walked to your car and drove to the house of the six others boys, who were very close to you because of your relationship with their best friends, and your boyfriend's.
(the rest of the imagines is under the cut!)
Finally arriving, you got out of your car and smiled, locking the doors of your car and walking to the front door of the big house.
You rang the bell and heard screams from the other side of the door and footsteps coming closer and closer to the "wall" that separated you from them.
The door finally opened, leaving you to admire the smile on Kane's face as he took you in his arms.
-Y/N! Haven't seen you in a while!
Taking him in your arms, you smiled and walked into the big house that shouted the words "comfort" and "happiness". Pulling yourself out of the doorway, Darren, who was leaning on the bedside table by the front door, smiled.
-Please, tell me that you're going to spend the night here.. It's already pretty late outside.
-Yeah, Ryan invited me.
The boys were treating you like their little sister in the group. Even though, you weren't in their music band, they were always taking care of you, and trying their best to protect you in any case possible.
Kane smiled.
-Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?
-I'm good, but thanks for the invitation.
The oldest of the group grinned at you as he went back into the living room with Darren to finish the show they had started.
-Is the rest of the boys upstairs? you asked
You took off your shoes and walked up the stairs towards the first room: Justin's. It was something the boys were used to see when you were coming over. You were always going in their rooms to say hi, and see how they were doing.
Knockering before entering, you heard his voice:
-Come on in!
You opened the door slowly and gently, letting the quietness of the room overwhelm you with his soft music in the background.
-Y/N! Hi! I didn't know you were coming! How are you?
-I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?
-I'm good, I'm good. Just chilling, y'know?
You nodded.
-I just wanted to say hi before I went to see Ryan.
JP smiled and laughed softly.
-He didn't even go downstairs to see you? Damn.. Usually, he do!
-Yeah I know, but I don't think he noticed that I'm here. After all, he plays video games and we all know how hard is it to distract him from those.
Phan nodded with a soft laugh and motioned for you to come closer.
-Look at my thumbnail! Do you think it's cool?
-Yeah! I love the effects you did on the texts. It's really interesting!
The conversation over, you walked into Regie's room, who was emptying his travelling bags.
-Hey Reg'!
-Hum? Oh hey Y/N! What's up?
-Nothing much, to be honest. Just chilling. How about you?
-Same. Were you looking for Ryan?
-Nah, I was just passing to every one say hi.
He nodded and smiled.
-Seb and Oli are in the studio, right?
-As always, he smiled
-Alright! Have fun unpacking lol.
You continued down the hallway to hear Seb and Oli's voices mingling with the melody that was coming through the creation room, more known as the music studio.
-Sounding good, here.
The two turned, seeing you, and smiled.
-Y/N! Little sis'!! I missed you! Seb exclaimed
-I'm literally older than you, Seb.
-Whatever, you're still my little sister.
You laughed softly, while rolling your eyes, and responded to his request for a hug.
Oliver grinned and took off his headphones completely while standing up in front of you, and his younger brother Sebastian.
-Hey Y/N. How's it going?
-Pretty great. How about you two?
They answered your question, then smiled. The oldest Moy brother in the group opened his arms, asking for a hug as well, which you accepted, and smiled.
-Do you want to hear the music we're working on? Oliver Moy said while letting you go from the hug
Nodding, you listened to the melodious sound they had just created, and couldn't help it, but smile at their newest song they were making. If the song had to be described in a word, it'll probably be "safety". The lyrics they were both singing was really deep and way more personal, then the others songs they already wrote for the two latest years.
-The stars are going to love it, I'm telling you.
-I hope they do.
You finished talking, then concluded the conversation by telling them you would talk to them later. The two nodded and continued to work, leaving you to leave the room to go see your boyfriend.
Nguyen's bedroom door was closed. You knocked gently before entering, and saw your boyfriend playing his video games, then smiled, meaning he had just seen you.
-I'll finish my game real' quick and I'm all yours, baby.
You nodded as you placed your bag on the floor, on the same side you where going to sleep in his bed. You layed down on the soft, comfortable bed and sighed. The bed was really comfortable.
A few minutes, about ten, had passed between the time you walked through the door and the time you laid down in his bed. Finally putting his headphones down on his stand, Ryan turned, still being in his gaming chair, and put his eyes in yours.
His hand went through his dark black hair and his smile came to warm you up. His right hand was now resting on the arm of the chair while his left was still in his hair to remove the headphone mark he had made from his gaming session.
-I missed you, sweetheart.
-I missed you too, Ryan.
Suddenly, his eyes left yours and went to the floor with his right hand going to his neck, something he did when he was feeling nervous or anxious.
-Sorry I didn't greet you earlier. I was really concentrated in my game and didn't hear the door open.
You shrugged.
-It's okay, Ry', don't need to apologize for that kind of thing. Plus, it allows me to say hello to the boys, and have my intimacy with you for the rest of the night..
-What do you mean?
-Well.. Most of the times, the boys don't come in after I finished up talked with them.
Without answering, he walked over to the bed and laid down like you. He sighed.
-I know I told you this before, but I really, really missed you.
You smiled while kissing his forehead, and caressed his eyes with yours, as you laid them down.
-What were you playing before I got here?
-Valorant. I really love this game. Today, I've been able to do all what I needed to do, and I even bought some special kits to help me during my game.
His eyes sparkled. He was really cute when he started talking about something he liked.. Wisps of sparkle could be seen in his brown eyes and according to you, it was one of the cutest things you could see on his face.
-I'd love to play it with you someday, you admitted
His smile widened, while tooking your hand and kissing it gently.
-Well…I could teach you tonight. What do you think about that?
-I think it would be cute.
-It would.., he said while kissing your hand one more time. But on one condition.
You raised an eyebrow.
-I want you to give me a kiss on the lips every time you succeed in a mission. I don't want a kiss on my cheek, or my nose, or even my forehead. I want one on my lips.
-That's a little bit specific, but sure.
-Maybe, but remember the last time we did this this kind of thing? You gave me kisses on my cheeks, while I wanted them on my lips.
-You didn't said it was supposed to be on the lips???
-I thought it was obvious! he rolled his eyes. But now I'm telling you. I want them on my lips.
You softly laughed.
-Someone is in the mood tonight.
He raised his eyes to the ceiling, then got up from the bed.
-Yeah, yeah, think whatever you want. Sit there, I'll be right back. I brought bubba for you, this morning.
The game was about to end, and let's say the number of kisses you had given Ryan was two.
-Press space, press space! exclaimed your boyfriend
The game had only a few seconds left. Your life gauge was almost empty, while your opponent's was full.
The game officially over, you sighed, and looked at the words on Ryan's computer screen saying "GAME OVER", and "YOU LOST".
-Sorry, I did my best-
He quickly interrupted you by putting his hands on your shoulders.
-That's okay, Y/N. I don't mind, for real. It was cute seeing you focused on the game. Even if you were.. a bit bad at it, not gonna lie.
You sighed.
-I still want your kisses.. even if you don't win.
He smiled as you moved closer to him, and cupped the tips of your lips with his, closing your eyes for more intimacy with him. Smiling through the kiss, Ryan lifted you up from the chair into his strong arms and continued to peck your pinky lips. Slowly, opening your eyes, you pulled back from the kiss, then put your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck like he asked you to do.
-You won't be comfortable if we do it in my gaming chair, I'm telling you.
Ryan quickly went to his bed, and placed you on it. Laying on top of you, the young man smiled as he moved closer and closer from your lips.
-Maybe you lost the game, but you won my heart.
You laughed at his pickup line.
-It was so cheesy.
-Don't act like you didn't liked it.
He smiled back, coming closer and closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your warm neck. His breath on it was like an ice cube. He put his lips back together with yours, then moved his hands to caress your cheek, while your hand went to his black hair.
-You did well to go and say hello to the rest of the group, because I would be damn angry if someone came to disturb us, right now only to say hello to you.., whispered Nguyen between two kisses, then cut the tiny distance between you guys two mouths.
His right hand caressed your cheek and moved to the texture of your tshirt, which was crumpled by his fingers. His left hand, on the other hand, stayed long like the letter L, just to have a little balance: the vertical straight line from the 12th letter, forming his arm, and the horizontal bar being his hand.
He interrupted the kiss, to take some more air, and smiled shyly.
-Do you want to pursue farther, my love?
-I want to, but only if you want to aswell.
He smiled a bit more, then approached you.
-Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do.
-I am sure. Are you?
He nodded.
-I am.
You gently took his face in your hands, and connected your lips with his once again. Your hands ran down his body, letting your fingers do whatever they wanted on him. You smiled into him, then saw him take off his hoodie and throw it across the room, while continuing to kiss you.
-You'll have to be discreet, the boys are still in the house..
You nodded and felt his lips go to your neck. Your arms wrapped around his neck even more than they were before, making you closing your eyes, and clearing your throat to avoid making a noise that the boys shouldn't hear.
-I know it's hard, but keep it quiet baby, he quietly said while smiling, knowing the effects he have on you. I don't want the others boys to hear your voice.
Leaving marks on your neck, you quickly took off your shirt, letting Ryan look at you, and smile before continuing what he was doing before.
-You're beautiful, Y/N.
He also took off his shirt, leaving him shirtless, and reached up to your neck to give more marks that only him could see. He then whispered the following words meaning he was going to move on from kissing your neck..
-Next round, pretty girl.
hope you guys liked it!! :D i'm sorry if i made any mistakes. i don't think i will ever go more further than this for the spicy imagines, but i still hope you guys liked it, and that it wasn't too cringe or weird to read lol. let me know what you guys think!!
taglist open! if you guys want to be in it, please send an ask! not on my taglist bc i have a problem there (im trying my best to fix it)! : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf
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tesalicious2 · 22 days
so, ive gotten into Delta Squad recently and something that has always interested me is the dynamic between different types of troopers.
Among the GAR, i'd imagine what you do affects everything in your life. Who you're friends with, who you know, how you act, even how you think. Theyve created a heirarchy, excluding cc and captains, i'd imagine Commandos are at the top of the pyramid. ARCs coming in next, then Medics, then ARF, then engineers (anyone who works on any machine but doesn't get deployed, includes any clone that maintains/directs fighters), then command/greys (those who work in the command tower or who can wear greys to work, seen as lower for not directly fighting), then maintenance, and then the shinies.
They've built a system and it may not be super strict and they are friendly with one another off duty, once the pressure is on, everyone falls in line. It's not something that is spoken about either, I would even say they do it more subconsciously than anything, but its there.
Now, will they be mean/rude/hostile to anyone who branches out or is friendly/friends with those of a different level? No! They are brothers and they know every job matters. They are one collective and they each have a role. However, if someone from maintenance starts saying they're gonna be an ARC, well expect jokes to be made and comments to pop up.
Funnily enough, Commandos don't feel this at all. They hardly interact with the regs, and when they do its for a point. Now, they just see everyone as below them so, again, the heirarchy doesn't affect them. They have their superiors they follow but don't expect them to be buddy buddy with an ARC.
There is a group above the Commandos, the Advisors, that aren't actually known at all. Everyone assumes the Commandos get their orders from the nat-borns they work. Advisors fall under the Commanders level, even though everyone on that level doesn't know they exist; especially since they are considered a separate entity and they only follow commands of those they are temporarily serving. This can cause issues and it did for CC-01/425 'Advisor' for the Delta Squad.
Their armor is blank, though they can see action, so 'Advisor' was mistaken for a shiny. A Captain was directing shinies to load crates and called out 'Advisor' for slacking off. 'Advisor' ignored the Captain and continued to the Command Center to guide Delta Squad. The Captain grabbed him and dressed him down on the deck, the shinies watching. Before the Captain could finish his rant, Sev came looking for 'Advisor' and quickly fixed the misunderstanding (read: threatened bodily harm in many different ways before yanking 'Advisor' along to the meeting).
Another group that this wouldn't entirely apply to is the Coruscant Guard (me? talk about them? the horror). They had it, it was there, then everyone got overworked and short on supplies so its just hold on and we'll live. The only heirarchy is by rank, even then its hardly applied unless their on-duty.
(headcanon time), The 141st Blackout Corps works on the other side of the galaxy from the GAR so they are also disconnected from them. Their armor is the most different and unique, made up of a pitch black base (where the name Blackout came from) with bright colors painted on. The system doesn't apply to them either due to the fact that theyre pretty isolated and its common for people to pickup the slack where needed. An ARC to help a engineer or a Maintanence to take a shift in the command center.
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
Prompt: Animagus
Word count:
The idea had been in Sirius's head for weeks, now.
Besides juggling more difficult classes and making sure Reg was adjusting well to Hogwarts, Remus was all Sirius could think about.
Remus, who had confessed to them at the end of their previous year that he was a werewolf.
James and Sirius had figured it out, late one night as they were revising for their Astronomy final. They'd confronted Remus soon after.
Ever since, Sirius had stressed about it.
He pictured it: Remus, alone, transforming by himself, nobody to be there with him.
Sirius may have been a self-centered thirteen-year-old, but he had enough empathy to realize that that seemed like literal hell. He ached for his friend.
And when they'd returned in September and Remus had dutifully left their room during the second week of school to go away for his transformation, Sirius had almost cried, pulling Remus into a gruff one-armed hug, trying to hide the emotions welling up inside him.
Remus needed him.
So, he'd thought about various solutions. And really, even though he didn't do amazing in school, he was actually quite smart. McGonagall frequently told him that he would be one of the top in the class if he just 'applied himself.'
The idea came to him in a stroke of genius, once night as he was trying to eavesdrop on the girls. They were talking about animals, cooing over some story Evans had heard about a Muggle Zoo putting two different animals in the same enclosure so they weren't lonely.
And he realized.
It took him weeks to bring it up to James and Peter, so terrified that they would turn him down. This wasn't some stupid prank. This was breaking the law, risking their lives, and extremely difficult magic, all at the same time.
But as Remus again left their shared room to transform in December, for the fourth time this year, Sirius stiffly hugged his friend and felt his heart break as he took in Remus's anxiously determined expression. Every time, it looked as if the taller boy was trying to push down his apprehension and terror, just to spare his friends. So as soon as Remus left, Sirius turned to his other friends.
"I'm going to become an Animagus."
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
unpopular opinion: reading the books doesn't matter for jegulus because they're practically OCs. they are fanon drarry except reg is less problematic than draco because he got a small redemption arc and people can project whatever they want on him and make up his personality.
Strongly disagree to every single aspect.
First of all, James Potter is not an OC. He definitely has a canon characterization, both on his own and through the eyes of Remus and Sirius. Regulus doesn’t have a canon characterization per se but has canon characteristics. You also cannot write them without Sirius, who has a strong canon characterization. If you want to make up personalities, write OCs or small characters that don’t actually have any characterization (e.g., Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadows).
Second, Jegulus and Drarry are not similar and saying that they are is a sign of why an understanding of canon is needed. I’m not even going to touch the problematic comment (LMAO) but not every enemies to lovers ship is the same? In this line of thinking Dramione is also the same? Drinny? Dron? Lucius/Hermione???
A relationship between James and Regulus is fundamentally shaped by Sirius. Best friends brother is a defining characteristic for them. The fact that James is how Sirius got out if crucial. They’re also more or less in a similar position as two rich, priviledged purebloods. James chooses to fight for whats right, Regulus conforms until the very end. In which he deflects because Kreacher is hurt. But he has that spark, look at the wording of his letter, so putting him with James is compelling because he can fan his flames.
Harry and Draco don’t have someone as formative as Sirius to their dynamic. They are the “different side of the same coin”, both of them are child soldiers indoctrinated and martyred to a cause they’re not wholly informed on. Their dynamic is built on the resentment of Draco’s broken fantasy of a friendship Harry rejects. They’re obsessed with each other, they can never ignore each other. They actively hate each other. They’re the person that draws the most emotion from the other to such a point that sectumsempra happens. But they also cannot let the other go. They are defined by their exchanges of lifedebts. Draco not identifying Harry at the manor, Harry rescuing him from the Fiendfyre, Narcissa saving Harry to get to Draco…
These are vital to their dynamic and none of these apply to James and Regulus. You don’t even know if there was hate between them. Sirius himself spoke of Regulus with disappointment, not hate.
So yeah, if you want to interact with these characters you need the nuance of canon. You can write them differently but you still need to be informed on who they are. They are not OCs and acting like they have no canon characterization is resulting in hollow, cardboard cut copy characters that neither fit together nor in the narrative.
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eeclare · 5 months
I was at the beach today so here are some bobs burgers beach headcanons
Bob applies LAYERS of sunscreen to himself
It’s pretty gross looking, actually
To the point where even Linda is like “yikes” 😬
It’s fine though because at some point (always sooner than later) Louise WILL dump a pail of water in him
She says it’s for the prank but irl she just thinks that her dad slathered in sunscreen in public is of the utmost embarrassment
Gene and Tina wholeheartedly agree
Gene isn’t allowed to bring his keyboard to the beach anymore
There was an incident
But the family doesn’t talk about it so just drop it, okay?
So yeah
He brings a little radio instead
And Gene just plays the most unhinged shit
Drives Louise crazy (so she says)
Honestly, it bothers Tina even more bcs it makes her senses go brrrrrr in a bad way
she does NOT vibe with the gummy bear song
Gene wears a swim shirt/rash guard
And despite the fact that she hates it, Louise's swimsuit has one of those cute ruffled skirts attached to it
She's tried to cut it off but Linda ALWAYS sews it back on again
Linda brings wine coolers disguised inside her travel thermos (stanley knock off??)
But she has extras in the cooler
Obvi bobby brings his portable grill
his burger of the day is the "Beach Burger"
Just a reg burg except he arranges the sesame seeds into a sand dollar pattern
well, an attempted sand dollar pattern
tbh he gets through one burger bun and gives up
To make up for it he attempted to add fish sauce to the burger meat, but it's okay bcs Gene spit it at him and he got the message
Bob also wears a rash guard btw
Linda is a bikini lady; always red, always high waisted
Tina just sticks with the sexy one piece with the wonky stripe
Louise will always invite her friends along
and they always end up coming, much to bob's chagrin
Andy and Ollie let her bury them up to their necks in sand
Rudy (who not only wears a rash guard, but it's a long sleeved rash guard) just watches from a distance
He really does not like it when any parent gets him in trouble, let alone bob
Gene tans, he loves it
It's a lifestyle, not a skin colour
Linda is right behind him on that one
Tina spends most of her time collecting shells and cool rocks she finds
One time she found a heart-shaped stone and gave it to Jimmy jr
but he thought she was handing him a skipping stone so he chucked it right back into the water
(Zeke spent the rest of the day trying to find it, but it was gone forever)
Louise loves skipping rocks
but literally only because it means that she can throw rocks at people on purpose and say that she's just practicing
Bob ends up with wicked tan lines
Every time he takes off his shirt, for weeks afterwards Louise screams bloody murder
Louise can't really swim
she can pull off a mean doggy paddle but quite frankly she doesn't like getting her ears wet
Tina is the strongest swimmer of all of them
but even still, she mostly just sinks
Gene just floats
The kids are pretty sure they have never seen bob get in the water
Something that he denies, even though it's true
He can swim
He just chooses not to
Linda doesn't get in the water much anymore but she used to be an avid swimmer
She briefly got back into it during her syncro phase but after she embarrassed herself and her kids so it didn't last too long
but she does like to go to some sort of community centre pool sometimes just to swim a couple laps
when Linda's at the beach she, like Gene, spends most of her time tanning
where else do you think he got it from?
The only difference is that she makes Gene put at least a little sunblock on
While Linda herself does not put any on at all and gets horrifically burned
BUT its okay! Her skin eventually peels off into a nice, dark tan
bob is terrified of her getting skin cancer, and honestly, its a valid concern
One Linda brushes off, naturally
Tina and Louise LOVE the feeling of the hot sand on their feet
Louise loves the beach because she can comfortably go shoeless
Gene, however, wears his red sneakers
just without socks
stinky boy
Bob also wears a sunhat btw
It's linda's, but as if she uses it lolol
It makes him look classy
Louise WILL clown him for it tho
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