#Reflecting on milestones
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Navigating the Remarkable Postpartum Journey: An Exhaustive and Insightful Guide
Embarking on the postpartum period, often hailed as the “fourth trimester,” propels individuals into a profoundly transformative and multifaceted chapter following childbirth. This epoch is awash with a cascade of physical, emotional, and psychological shifts, both for the nascent parent and the newborn. Amidst the undeniable exuberance of nurturing a new life, the postpartum journey unfurls with…
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theabigailthorn · 9 months
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Yoooooooooooo! Heyyyy, thank you everybody! That's a fun milestone!
If you like, feel free to tell me your favourite Philosophy Tube moments, I'd be curious to hear!
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mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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thought we had it all, thought we had it all, thought we had it all...
- So Much (For) Stardust - Fall Out Boy (i/n/sp)
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kristenspychox · 13 days
Jamás, ni por descuido o por venganza, se tocan las heridas de los demás. Las vulnerabilidades siempre se respetan y nunca se aprovechan porque somos lo que hacemos con la confianza que nos dan.
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
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Whatever is Beautiful’s 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Crazy seeing a notification that 7 years ago today I started this account to revel in Richonne. And now, 7 years later, there’s still so much Richonne gold to dissect and celebrate. 🙌🏽 Just has me thinking about how this ship is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Really appreicate everyone who has reveled with me over the years 🙏🏽💗
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I saw this post the other day that said something about how back in The Day, most sitcoms were about a group of friends or a family, and very little was ever said about their jobs and what they do for a living. And now all sitcoms are set in a workplace and very little is said about people’s lives outside of work and I just wanna say; Ever since I read that post, I have been ripping my hair out.
Because like. Yeah. That’s basically it, isn’t it? In the 80s and 90s it was all about hanging out with your friends at the coffee house or spending time with your family after work and on the weekends, and that was the most important thing in these characters lives, and now it’s just. Work. Friends outside of work? Don’t exist. Family outside of work? Don’t matter. “Workplace romances” is such an overused trope nowadays because these characters don’t meet anyone outside of work. And it’s never really fulfilling work, either. Normally it’s an office or someplace where people wish they were doing something else.
Kicking, screaming, biting ect ect.
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the-clock-tiks · 9 months
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Colors that are orientated with space
Visible light are missing in the space. As humans cannot view, although the species which has receptors involving different formats can see such as animals, insects, peculiar species considered.
Experiments conducted in earth with free vaccum space can experience colors. Also it reveals that within a particular kilometers range, there is color specification with variations associated with it.
With the so far observations,Magenta color get displayed when viewed in lab of gamma rays.
Such like, x rays exhibit blue and green as per observations. And the visible light is observed from the hubble Space Telescope that is manufactured. Infra red rays emit red, radio waves tend to show orange.. Other rays and waves emit
Different colors respective to several orientation and conditions.
Atmosphere being the reason, the scattering of light is minimised. While the colors on different planets may hv their own reason for color dis orientations and variations of spectrum refraction and reflection.
From research point of view :
The valuable findings obtained from our experiments have greatly contributed to the advancement of our model during our study. In the times to come, this undertaking possesses the potential to evolve into an authentic-mode in-orbit scattering model, serving as a valuable resource in various Earth system and/or astronomical observations, as well as the conception of space missions. In order to fully encompass and fortify the model for space particles across all populations, it is imperative to conduct supplementary measurements using a broader array of samples, encompassing a wider spectrum of sizes.
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nishabila · 8 days
Long Distance Marriage
Usia pernikahan yang aku jalani memang masih sangatlah sebentar, baru dua bulan menikah aku dan suami menjalani Long Distance Marriage (LDM). Tentunya keputusan ini kami ambil setelah melakukan diskusi panjang dan secara sadar, jauh hari sebelum kami benar-benar yakin untuk melanjutkan hidup bersama. Dengan banyak pertimbangan, pro dan kontra, berbagai masukan dari yang jauh sudah lebih dahulu mengalami kehidupan pernikahan, saran dari teman-teman dan juga para sesepuh, tak membuat kami urung melangsungkan pernikahan ini dan juga konsekuensi LDM yang telah kami sepakati. Lalu apakah hubungan Long Distance Marriage ini berjalan dengan mudah? Tentu tidak ya teman-teman. Namun aku dan suami sudah tahu bahwa jalan yang akan kami tempuh nantinya tidaklah mudah. Banyak sekali suara-suara yang dengan kencang mengatakan
“beneran nih mau langsung LDM habis nikah bgt, LDM nggak mudah lo, gimana kalo  di sana ada yang lain, gimana kalo dia punya cadangan, gimana bisa kuat, apalagi bule bule kan cantik-cantik di sana, ataupun sebaliknya”
Kembali lagi, bahwa masing-masing rumah tangga punya mimpi yang akan dicapai bersama. Aku dan Amri sama-sama bertemu disaat kami saling memperjuangkan mimpi kami masing-masing untuk melanjutkan studi, meskipun untuk saat ini ia telah lebih dahulu meraih  mimpinya sedang aku masih dan akan terus berjuang. Aku selalu berdo’a agar dimudahkan oleh Allah melalui cara terbaiknya di waktu yang tepat, seperti doaku sebelum bertemu teman hidup yang selalu aku doakan setiap detiknya. Dari mimpi bersama ini, yang membuatku yakin meskipun berat untuk menjalani LDM yang saat ini baru saja dan masih berlangsung. Aku yang sudah biasa hidup merantau ini, nyatanya masih saja menangis hehe. Walaupun saat mengantarkan Amri di bandara looks so fine, cuma gatau kenapa waktu pulang tiba-tiba sepi. Biasanya selalu ada temen makan, atau berantem karena hal-hal kecil yang sengaja aku permasalahkan untuk memancing emosinya, sekarang jadi hampa (asek). Yah gimanapun juga cerita ini akan selalu aku kenang dan kujadikan pelajaran di kemudian hari.
Ada beberapa figur disekitarku yang menjalankan LDM ini bertahun-tahun, dan meski jalan yang ditempuh terjal namun semua akan kembali indah pada waktunya. Kebanyakan dari mereka yang menjalankan pernikahan jarak jauh ini adalah untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu yang dianggap sangat penting untuk masa depan, entah karir, studi ataupun hal lain. Karna, setiap dari kita pasti memiliki mimpi-mimpi, dan tidak apa jika mimpi kita boleh jadi tidak sama dari kebanyakan orang atau pasangan. And it is totally okay.
Apapun itu, aku hanya bisa menggantungkan segala urusanku kepada Allah. Karena menikah adalah ibadah terpanjang, oleh karena itu jika saja ada hal-hal yang berpotensi menjadi variabel bebas dalam pernikahan, biarkan Allah yang menjaga mahkluknya. Aku tahu ini tidaklah mudah, namun Allah akan selalu dengan prasangka hambanya.
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carriedreamerxx · 4 months
A brief reflective essay by Carriedreamer
There is something... Extraordinary about reclaiming something that was stolen from you as a child.
Something you didn't have any control over.
Something you tried so desperately every day to fix, trick after trick, remedy after remedy. Online or from books.
Something you begged on your knees for. Hands clasped, desperation in your voice as you saw the judging nonchalant cruelty only adolescence ... Puberty and finally teen years was capable of.
You begged. You pleaded. You bargained.
To no avail and then you were out.
You were out on a cold February morning lost and terrified.
You were out with a bag of necessities and a little else.
You were out with a mask and the fear of the unknown as you caught your family's gaze in the silence that was Quarantine.
You were staring in a mirror, wishing with all your might this last trick would do the task you were so desperate for it to do as you began a life that was new.
You closed your eyes and took the needles, the drills, you squeezed the arm rests and told those around you to do one thing.
Save your smile.
It took a year.
A long...long year of appointments, of tears, of curses, of broken hearts and equally broken voices. It took competing against an invisible clock that's chime still emanated through the air.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Every visit found something new. A memory you'd long shelved, of pain that had abruptly vanished one night, another day at the breakfast table whispering your mouth really really hurt...
Momma... Can't we go?
No they're evil and take all our money. It's a scam. I'm a nurse I know better than you.
Each memory. Each wisp. One by one. Week after week. Month after month. Bill after Bill.
But you can't stop.
She cost you everything.
But she's not taking away the one thing she never stole.
Drills. Water. Lasers. Putty.
Tears. Hand squeezes. The rancid taste of a mint long past it's prime.
You're fine. You're doing so good.
Raise your hand if you feel anything.
We can get through this.
One week. Two weeks.
Three weeks... 4 months.
Six months.
.... A year.
You're in the chair again. Your cheeks are stained with silent trails of tears that you don't even murmur.
Your tears are... Trained like that.
You close your eyes and open your mouth.
One more.
Just one more.
It's another two hours.
Your jaw is numb. Your face frozen. Your hands folded neatly in your lap as you close your eyes and it begins again.
But for the first time when all is said and done.
When you are given the okay to leave. Same old, same old they know you here after all. You're on first name basis with them all.
But for the first time.
You ask for a mirror.
A mirror that your hands shakily turns around and you remove the dental glasses, your eyes are still squeezed shut.
You wept. You pleaded. You begged on your knees.
You tried. You failed. You kept going.
She failed you.
Those memories churn through your mind like a storm as you keep your eyes closed. The kind assistant puts her hand on your shoulder and tells you it's okay.
Count with her. Okay?
They're not perfect. Oh no, pearly whites are hard with your coffee habit, that's not something you're willing to give up thanks but...
They're...white all the same.
The tears come again. You didn't even realize you were crying until a tissue is pressed in your hands. You stare and stare, the reflection moves with you, blinks with you...
Dear God it...
It is you.
She took everything from you. Home. Career. Family. Safety.
But through it all you smiled. You made yourself smile through the pain as the only comfort you had left. To spend energy smiling versus wallowing in the hell your life was.
She took everything but...
She didn't take that smile.
You took it with you.
And now... Looking at those... Mute whites that to you sparkled like the sheerest, finest and most immaculate diamonds you had ever seen...
You realize your nightmare is over.
She...is gone.
You realize that that reflection. That new woman staring at you in the mirror practicing her smile.
Is... You.
She is gone. She can never hurt you again.
You are free.
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loboto-bear · 11 months
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Wait. Hang on. Who graffitied my announcement post?!
Anyway, no matter. A big thank you to everyone who’s been keeping up with my silly little AU fic, and if you want to start the Warmer Hues Experience from the beginning, you can read it here.
Why not also check out the Warmer Hues ask blog @ask-warmer-hues? I’m always happy to answer any burning questions you may have for both the characters and myself :))
Thanks, everyone!!
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To those who are following me, I'm super sorry for not being active at all these past weeks.. I've been pretty busy trying to figure sh!t3 out for myself mentally..
Just know , that I'm doing okay! and I apriciate you all for sticking around still!
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pocket-poly · 1 year
It's funny how entertainment we consume books, television, and movies often plays on the silly stories of running into a stranger that inadvertently change our whole lives. It's even more funny when you realize you're, in fact, living out a storyline just like that.
6 months ago. I decided to move a conversation that had been casually building, from a website that intimated me greatly to a message platform to begin a more regular conversation with them.  Honestly, i had been laying out my unfoldings, demolition, and heartache, thinking it would scare him away, yet he didn't seem bothered by my blutness or my choas, which complely shocked me. My life was, in fact, in the midst of a complete transformation, as I was still cleaning up the dust of many demolished things, forguritively and in the litteral sense, too. And here he was simply there to offer kindness and friendship. Meeting the following day was far from my normal, but i didn't feel for a moment it wasn't the right choice.
3 weeks and a few days later, specifically after hanging out to run errands, I realized I was developing feelings for this man. And any gaurds or walls I had built up with determination were coming down willingly and with grace.
3 days of refelcting on these emotions we were being playful in a Lowes garden center running one of his work errands making time to see eachother. every ounce of me wanted to kiss him in a moment that unfolded like a cheesy and very playful rom-com moment... I knew then, in that moment, I'd fallin' in love with him. I would muster the courage to kiss him about 2 hrs later when we parted that night. We would talk later and find that everything i was feeling was mutually being felt.
Since then, I have fallen more in love every day. Fallen isn't the correct word here, though. Not just the lustful, chaos, rose colored glasses that new relationship energy creates.  I have, one step at a time, arrived and walked into love with him. Addressing insecurities, sharing old scars, communicating needs, sharing stories, heartaches, and wants with each step. While hand in hand, with so much play and laughter.
This kind of love has allowed me to feel accepted as i am. Not for what i can do or provide, but who I am as a whole even in my less than ideal health situations. That I was worthy of being fully loved and accpeted. A level of secure attachment that i dont recall ever expecting in my life. The communication and love we have together so far has allowed me the space and support to heal so much more than i realized was needed. And that healing has brought even more growth with it.
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kristenspychox · 16 days
Me despedí de mi ex pareja. Y uno de sus últimos mensajes fue:
"Eres una persona maravillosa, pero ten cuidado con los hombres que te cruces a partir de ahora, todos mienten, y eso es una verdad absoluta. Te lo dice alguien que te ama y te mintió."
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xelasrecords · 1 year
After this blog anniversary came and went (Sept 29 DO YOU REMEMBER—), I've been thinking about how detached I am here. Sure, I occasionally ramble about non-fandom things when I reblog stuff, but there's always this rule in my head that I should restrict what I say to only about writing and fandom. Even when I write my footnotes and fic summaries, I'm very careful about including personal anecdotes.
I didn't realise I'd been doing this for a year until it got tiring. I don't want to be so cold that you'd be reluctant to talk to me, so I'm planning to share more personal things from here on without risking too much of my privacy. I have a few ideas to go about this (spoiler: starting with a list because who am I without lists) and you know, just relax and have fun on this blog. I am committed.
Most importantly, thank you for staying with me for one year. I never imagined I could make meaningful connections and find so much happiness from here (mutuals ily). I first posted fics and translations without any expectations and never thought they'd go viral overnight, but they did! I remember being shocked and excited when I woke up and checked my phone. All those interactions with you touched me and validated the part of me that used to believe the way I analyse things and arrange words are ridiculous and unacceptable.
If you follow me for my writing, thank you for caring about what I want to say. If you follow me for the casual Mysme and Ssum and TOT posts, you've made my time here much more enjoyable, so thank you! I never would've stayed this long without you.
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youreorangeyoumoron · 5 months
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Nova obra de Vinicius que é um autor carioca, cujas obras são baseadas em escrita de auto ajuda e autor reflexão. New work by Vinicius, an author from Rio de Janeiro, whose works are based on self-help writing and self-reflection.
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