#Red Like Roses
kiyomides · 1 year
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Red like roses fills my dreams ~
I love the finale so much
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ahn1zos · 1 year
“Mirror, tell me something…”
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Ruby lost too many people for someone her age, and she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if she loses her too.
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a-mellowtea · 1 year
Saw you in a dream Are you who you seem? Was it always in the cards for me to be aimless? No direction Nothing pulling me down from the sky It seems like I always get too high Oh, the air is cold I don't know how to breathe I'm begging, can you Guide my way out of this place? Red like roses fills my dreams… Open wide! You were born to hypnotize them all They said their prayers (Can you? Can you?) Can you hear me up there? What survives After all the dust is gone? Were you there to the end? (The end) Were you at least called a friend? Other side! Did you mean to make me half or whole? Will I ever be (Complete) When will I become all of me? Guide my way out of this place! I can't define Would it even be enough to change my mind? Your memory everlasting At war with my foolish pride What is left? I know it's you and I When I look inside I'll be who you were And I'll be even more! A moment of quiet is all it takes To reclaim a life and a promise made I am the reflection of who prevails I'm what inspired the fairytale A moment of quiet is all it takes To reclaim a life and a promise made I am the reflection of who prevails I'm what inspired the fairytale (I'm what inspired the fairytale) Guide my way out of this place! (I'll be free!) (I'll escape it! I will guide my way out!) Guide my way out of this place!
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fluffypetipan · 8 months
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🌹 I'm back! Have some Ruby Rose drawings! (Ft Cat Ruberry or whatever the hiatus made my brain draw hehe) 🌹 also drawing Rubes while listening to Run For Roses by NMIXX feels 💞😌🤌
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vaelerys-targaryen · 1 year
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Yup, I put them on their own special playlist 🥀🥀🥀
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nailikin · 2 months
This week on RWBY arrangements: My biggest project yet comes home.
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thetopichot · 6 months
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This MIGHT actually be Auron & Faust
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Also uh Red Like Roses go crazy listen to it
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thepalestrose · 1 year
Red Like Roses Part II:
"And all the times I swore that it would be okay Now I'm nothing but a liar, and you're thrown into the fray"
With every passing volume this song becomes more and more relevant.
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chatterkat · 1 year
Saw you in a dream
Are you who you seem?
Was it always in the cards for me to be aimless?
No direction
Nothing pulling me down from the sky
It seems like I always get too high
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Ruby in a bit of shock from the vision she got from her mother, questions who she really was. She lied, she wasn’t perfect. Ruby’s been idealizing her mother her whole life , and been trying to be just like her, but Ruby has also struggled with what that means for a long time as well. She thought she needed to be like her mom, but how she doesn’t know what to think.
Oh, the air is cold
I don't know how to breathe
I'm begging, can you
Guide my way out
Of this place?
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Ruby wants answers, but she isn’t going to get them from the person she most wants them from.
Red like roses fills my dreams
Calling back to the previous red like roses, we know that this refers to Ruby’s nightmares of her mother’s bloody demise. However it’s also again just representing the nightmare that is Ruby’s struggle with her own identity.
Open wide
You were born to hypnotize them all
They said their prayers
(Can you, can you)
Can you hear me up there?
Now this is interesting! It sounds like a response from Summer. Much like how she responses in Red like Roses II. In that song it’s unclear whether it’s a Summer from elsewhere feeling those regrets (I think there is surely a good chance she had become like the hound) or if it was an imagined response by Ruby. It was almost ghostly, like the dead trying to answer the living but unable to actually communicate with each other.
It’s possible it is Ruby still in this lyric since the can you hear me up there part, might make sense from Ruby having fallen down though the world talking back up towards Remnant. However the other lyrics in this section don’t make sense as much sense then. I think it could easily be Summer again speaking from wherever she is dead or alive? Perhaps she is part of the tree and that is what she means by up there.
Open wide might be a reference to Sky is Falling(as it may be a song for the hound) as the opposite of what the song there says which is to “close your eyes my friend” (and the hound is a SEW so…)
Anyway the usage of the word hypnotize is interesting. It’s not just their silver eyes that hypnotize, it’s their whole self. They may hypnotize their enemies(“they said their prayers”), but also If it’s indeed Summer talking about Ruby, then she has certainly hypnotized the world with her message given what we see in Vacuo. Ruby has that spark that charisma that gets people to follow her. It works too if it were a Ruby to Summer lyric in the sense it could represent Ruby’s idealization of Summer, but again it makes more sense IMO to be from Summer to Ruby.
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Alternatively it’s Ruby talking about herself trying to hype herself up. She could be saying “can you hear me up there” as a threat to the cat or to Salem, that’s she’s gonna get them, but it seems too early in the song for that confident conclusion about herself
What survives
After all the dust is gone?
Were you there 'til the end?
(The end)
Were you at least called a friend?
These seem to directly call back to the volume 7 song Until the End which seems to be about Ruby(either from her POV or Summer’s) declaring she would be there until the end. It seems to refer to Ruby giving up briefly this volume with the tea. Would she be called a friend by others after giving up?
Or it could be Ruby questioning if her mom was there until the end, if she was a good person a friend in the end?
Did you mean to make me half or whole?
Will I ever be
When will I become all of me?
This is obviously back to Ruby’s perspective, as she questions whether she can ever truly be herself or always in her mother’s shadow. Ruby questions “otherside” and I’m unclear if that mean the otherside where her mother is or if otherside refers to the Ever After. Where the Ever After has both broken her and pushed her to become something new.
Guide my way out
Of this place
I can't define
Would it even be enough
To change my mind?
Your memory everlasting
At war with my foolish pride
What is left?
I know it's you and I
When I look inside
I'll be who you were
And I'll be even more
Ruby looks into herself and now realizes her idolization of her mother doesn’t gel with reality and her “foolish pride” of trying to live up to a standard that more illusion than reality. Interestingly she realizes she still carries this will or memory of her mother, but she no longer wants to be just like her, but rather both her and something greater…herself. She chooses herself.
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A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
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The emblem symbolizes the promise made, which Ruby never said what it was when she traded it away, but I have the feeling she thought it was a promise to come back, but in reality it was “I love you, just the way you are” Ruby reclaims the promise, hearing that echoed again from her mom is what let her finally be able to to choose herself. So Ruby also reclaims the emblem when she returns from the tree. I also think it symbolizes that part where she is who her mom was but more. Summer surrenders the emblem, and Ruby is truly defining it as hers now.
A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
(I'm what inspired the fairytale)
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I think what is meant by this like is that Ruby is now being the one that would inspire a fairytale, she is being who she wants to be finally, and defining her own story her own fairytale instead of just living through others(her Moms, Alex’s)
Guide my way out
(I'll be free)
Of this place
(I'll escape it, I will guide my way out)
Guide my way out
Of this place
In the end Ruby will guide herself out, with this new understanding of herself and her mother. Her mother still helped guide her in the end with her promise and her truth that broke Ruby’s image of her, but now Ruby is breaking away from that and doing it her way.
If you got his far thanks for reading my analysis. Let me know what you think! I’ll be doing a rewatch soon if the series and hopefully more song analysis so stay tuned!
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Have the ref I worked on for a few days-
Here’s Red like Roses!Beautie/Beau !! She’s a very pretty encouraging lady <3
I’m very excited to show her to y’all !!
The au doesn’t belong to me, as seen under..
◊ Credits.
Beau belongs to her original creator
RlR belongs to - @oatsynalliums <3
◊ Info.
- Demon lady !!
- Works in a spellcaster library
- Tries not to be too excited, due to her electric powers making sparks when she feels high emotions.
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maxcryptidocs · 2 months
Some creative writing i did based around my OC Silas and his relationship with his brother Henry both characters from my story Red Like Roses
If he were to be honest with himself, Silas was surprised that no one else saw Rhyme’s betrayal coming. Perhaps it was his own negative bias against the man, the recently crowned king had always gotten under his skin, but he never quite understood his brother's fondness for the man. To him Rhyme was nothing but a weak annoyance, a naive starry eyed wanna be hero that stole away the throne that Silas had worked oh so hard to claim for himself. But for whatever reason his brother Henry seemed to have quite a different view on the man.
Henry and Rhyme had spent quite a decent amount of time together, Silas didn't understand how his brother could stand to be around such an impulsive mess of a man but it was not for him to judge whom his brother spent his time with. His brother seemed happy enough though and Silas had bigger things to worry about than some farmer kid with a reckless streak. He was sure the king would self-destruct eventually though and Silas needed to have the perfect plan to slide into the throne when it happened. He knew he was far more fit to rule than that blonde fool, he just needed to wait for his chance.
Rhyme’s implosion came only two years after he had ascended to the throne just like Silas had predicted, he was a top student growing up after all. Although he had to admit that the exact circumstances of fall had caught even him off guard. Rather than a breakdown during some sort of public speech or a mishandling of the kingdom's funds like Silas had been expecting, Rhyme had ended up in a scandal for murder. The starry eyed “hero” had snapped in a much more intense way than even he expected, although he was plenty happy to have his dislike of the king validated.
A part of Silas did wish the victim would have been anyone else though…
For reasons no one seemed to understand Rhyme’s target had been a close friend of theirs, an intelligent and confident woman by the name of Lumi, she was probably one of the only people other than his brother Silas would have called a friend. If it wasn't for her none of them would have gotten anywhere close to taking over the throne, and while Silas prided himself on his professional demeanor and lack of bonds to most people, something about the suddenness of Rhyme’s unprovoked attack made his hair stand on end. He didn't think the blonde even had it in him.
It seemed that more than anyone the shock of this event hit Silas’s brother Henry the hardest, Silas wanted to blame his twin for being stupid, for letting himself get close to someone like Rhyme, but he couldn't, for even he hadn't seen the extent of Rhyme’s breakdown coming. Plus, despite Silas’s attempts to have a heart of stone, he knew how shaken up his brother was over the whole situation and he couldn't bring himself to meet Henry with smugness.
After three days of his twin brother locking himself in his bedroom, basically inconsolable, Silas brought himself to check up on him. He knew his twin brother had a much softer soul than him, something that Silas was always sure would be the death of him, it still brought him no joy to see Henry pathetically slumped down on his desk, his head in his hands.
Silas awkwardly cleared his throat in his best attempt to catch his brother's attention, when Henry weakly brought up his head to look at him he tried the best he could to console him… in his own way.
“So…” Silas began, trying his best to sound as professional as possible, “I take it you won't be returning to the castle anytime soon then?”
Henry sighed with a deeply pained tiredness as he ran a hand through his tangled black hair. Silas had only ever seen such exhaustion like this back when he was a child and his father would spend countless all nighters back at the lab, although he did not view the deep circles under his brothers eyes with any of the nobility he did their father’s.
“I'm certain Rhyme wants me to come visit him and act like nothing happened, but I can't let myself do that, he's completely violated my trust. i- i don't know what to make of it all.”
Silas nodded in his best attempt to be understanding, he knew that getting close to Rhyme had been a bad idea from the start of course, but he didn't think his brother would react very positively if he stated that out right.
“It's more than apparent that Rhyme has crossed a line he can't come back from, it would be unwise for either of us to ever trust him again. Clearly something has to be done about him!” Silas had never trusted Rhyme to begin with but he didn't see the harm in a little white lie for his brother's sake, especially if it brought him closer to his personal desire for the Tian crown.
His twin let out a noise that sounded like a groan.
“You're not already planning up a new rebellion are you?”
Silas just kind of shrugged, “It's not that I necessarily want to start another rebellion, especially so shortly after Lumi’s death, but I don't think it would be a wise idea to leave Rhyme unchecked and in control of an entire country.”
It was only a half truth, he had no qualms with the thought of starting up a resistance to Rhyme so quickly he really only regretted doing it so soon after Lumi’s passing. Silas couldn't let any opportunity to make sure someone who actually deserved to be in power such as himself slide and so he needed to act fast.
Henry was quiet for a couple moments as he contemplated his emotions on the matter, Silas began to open his mouth to try and further convince his brother this was a good idea when he finally spoke.
“I suppose I cannot fault that line of thinking, but… I don't think I can assist you with the organization. As much as I'm finding myself growing to hate Rhyme, I still can't bring myself to lead an attack against him as foolish as it sounds.”
Silas frowned, this knowledge was disappointing for sure, but he still found himself sympathizing with his brother's emotions.
“Very well, I suppose I cannot force you. Besides, you're still my brother after all, my only family, I'm not going to kick you out for it or anything.” These were probably the most honest words that would come out of Silas’s mouth for a very long time. Despite his desperation for the crown and to take down anyone that got in his way… he did very deeply love his brother.
Henry smiled, only weakly, “I appreciate it, I promise you I won't be too much of a freeloader, hopefully I'll have the energy to start performing again sooner rather than later. I wouldn't want to get in the way of your rebellion.”
Silas shook his head, “Take your time, you know as much as anyone that building a rebellion doesn't happen overnight. I'll probably take on some local laboratory jobs as I look for people who'd be prime for supporting my cause.”
His brother seemed less than enthused when Silas mentioned his plans for work. Silas wasn't surprised of course he had never liked him following in their fathers footsteps and continuing the legacy of noble laboratory work, but Silas believed it was honorable work for the greater good. Henry’s mouth opened to speak for a moment before he quickly shut it back up, sitting back up in his chair before he tried to speak again.
“Very well… I suppose if it's temporary… Just be careful alright? If this mess has taught me anything it's that you can never be too cautious with the people you interact with.”
Silas smiled, “Don't you worry brother, i'm not going anywhere."
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nova8byte · 11 months
According to Jeff Williams, Summer's gravestone in the "Red" Trailer originally had no story significance, as when he questioned Monty Oum about who was in the grave, Monty replied, "I don't know. We just thought it would be cool if she visited a grave". Jeff went on to ask, "What if it's her mom?" to which Monty answered, "That's cool".
Not Jeff Williams saving RWBY from the very beginning.
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notphyti · 1 year
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slugterran-fanatic · 11 months
You were the one I needed And you left like I always feared you would!
Eli to Will
Like deadass this is them, Will spent his time teaching Eli about Slugterra while also preparing him for the fact that it was possible he wouldn't see him again because he died while protecting Slugterra, and he'd have to take his spot when he was old enough
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vaelerys-targaryen · 1 year
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skidsspace · 8 months
You can't convince me until the show explicitly says otherwise that Ruby didn't see something when Summer vanished. Red like roses part one and two just have certain lines that make me go "oh so she saw blood or something that looked like it"
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