#Red Bull Can Am
crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Cristina Gutiérrez gana el prólogo en los Prototipos Ligeros T3 del Dakar 2023, Chaleco López fue P6
La piloto española Cristina Gutiérrez partió el Dakar 2023 demostrando que está con chances de quedarse con la victoria general al ganar el prólogo en Yanbu. Cristina marcó un tiempo de 8 minutos y 49 segundos para superar a su compañero de equipo Seth Quintero por 2 segundos. Tercero se ubicó Guillaume de Mevius con el GRally. Es la tercera victoria de etapa para Cristina, que había ganado dos especiales en el Dakar 2021.
Chaleco López y Juan Pablo Latrach cerraron en la sexta posición a 15 segundos de la punta en lo que fue una buena etapa para el nacional. Chaleco reconoció que era fácil cometer errores en el prólogo por las características del trazado y se mostró satisfecho de haberlo completado y probado su Can-Am del equipo Red Bull en carrera.
Ignacio Casale y Álvaro León fueron P13 a 22 segundos en una sólida actuación del X-Raid Yamaha demostrando que están en el ritmo de punta. Mañana será la prueba de fuego para esta dupla y que indicará si pueden luchar por el podio. 
Lucas del Río y Bruno Jacomy anotaron la P21 a 39 segundos de Gutiérrez, superando el día y con una posición buena para un día más largo mañana.
El argentino David Zille junto a Sebastián Cesana fue P11 y AJ Jones anotó la P12.
Clasificación Prólogo
Cristina Gutiérrez (Can-Am) 8:49
Seth Quintero (Can-Am) +0:02
Guillaume de Mevius (GRally OT3) +0:04
Mitch Guthrie (T3M) +0:06
Hans Weijs (Arcane) +0:12
Chaleco López (Can-Am) +0:15
Ricardo Porem (Yamaha) +0:15
Santiago Navarro (Can-Am) +0:16
Helder Rodrigues (Can-Am) +0:17
Ebenhaezer Basson (GRally OT3) +0:20
Imagen: Marcelo Maragni / Red Bull Content Pool
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j-ustkeepdriving · 1 year
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rickybaby · 3 months
my very delusional-purely-based-on-nothing-concrete opinion on why I think Daniel is potentially still within Red Bull's consideration for the seat next year is as Natalie said - Red Bull knows if they put him in that car, he'll still be fast as fuck
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scuderiamint · 1 month
i remember when max first started his win streak with the rb19 last year, people were saying it would have been alot better if the rb19 was 'like a wild bull needing to be tamed' instead of the perfect rocketship
i feel like thats what the rb20 is now
its a fast car that will do everything that the rb19 did but it needs a meticulously perfect set up for it
if even a small detail about the set up is off, its horrendous to drive
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Seb Malaysia 2010 comp because it is my favorite Seb hair
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slythereen · 8 months
funny how red bull racing said we're winning the social media war against ferrari too. good for them
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fcb-mv33 · 10 months
Max has really just shattered Lewis and Toto so much their jealousy and bitterness is literally lovely to see😭
my boy is living rent free in their heads🧡
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rosegasly · 8 months
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princemick · 1 year
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DANNY -- 2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix
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leqclerc · 1 month
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#i am once again asking what the fuck happened between february and the first week of may#this is why i don't get how people can say 'oh im sure charles knew ahead of time he just didn't know when xavi would leave exactly'#when nothing he's said today suggests he knew? or agreed to it?#and the timing is bizarre like if this was the plan all along why not do it before the season started#and not 6 races in with no explanation#charles even defended him in front of the press yet again when they were fishing for information#asking if this will mean communication will improve which...... lol fuck off#they didnt even have any major communication issues this year and the stuff that happened before was a result#of general pitwall fuckery - especially in 2022 when the mismanagement and chaos was egregious under mattia#feel like im just yelling into the void but this is seriously pissing me off#say what you want about xavi but this was objectively handled very poorly on fred/ferrari's part#not discussing the issue with the driver is already pretty bad but not even informing him prior to/during the miami weekend.....#that's just fucked up#i can't see mercedes or red bull blindsiding lewis or max like that#even mclaren like afaik whenever someone else has to step in as race engineer for the weekend the driver is aware in advance#like they literally just cut xavi off at the knees to do? what exactly? shove him in some dusty corner back at the factory or wherever?#never to be seen again? yeah fuck them ugh
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a-s-levynn · 3 months
i'll get on my inbox, you guys i promise, i love you al land appreciate the love, i just barely got home and i'm super tired (family event all day)
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Chaleco López repite segundo lugar en la Etapa 8 del Dakar 2023, Ignacio Casale también repite quinto puesto
En un Dakar 2023 que ha comenzado a entregarnos buenos resultados para los pilotos chilenos en la clase T3 después de un comienzo difícil, tanto Chaleco López y Juan Pablo Latrach como Ignacio Casale y Álvaro León terminaron en la posición que largaron dentro del Top 5. 
López repitió su segundo lugar, quedando a solo 17 segundos del ganador de la etapa, Joao Ferreira, compañero de Casale en X-Raid Yamaha.  Con el resultado, López sigue descontando minutos intentando llegar al podio. Por el momento se ha mantenido estable varios días en la cuarta posición de la general, ahora a 2 horas y 30 minutos del líder Guillaume de Mevius y 1 hora y 28 minutos de Seth Quintero por el tercer puesto.
Casale también repitió su quinto puesto de ayer, quedando a 3 minutos y 15 segundos de su compañero Ferreira. Con el resultado, Casale y Álvaro León mantienen el P10 de la clasificación general, pero se acercan a la novena posición quedando a 1 hora y 5 minutos de Hans Weijs.
En T4, destacar la victoria de Jeremías González Ferioli en la etapa con lo que está en la quinta posición general.
Clasificación General - Etapa 8 de 14
Guillaume de Mevius (OT3) 36:03:09
Austin Jones (Can-Am) +3:19
Seth Quintero (Can-Am) +1:02:25
Chaleco López (Can-Am) +2:30:51
Cristina Gutiérrez (Can-Am) +2:53:37
Saleh Alsaif (Can-Am) +3:47:44
Ebenhazer Basson (OT3) +4:24:50
Santi Navarro (Can-Am) +4:51:54
Hans Weijs (Arcane) +5:43:38
Ignacio Casale (Yamaha) +6:48:17
Imágenes: Red Bull Content Pool
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khaotunq · 9 months
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123pixieaod · 10 months
WIP of a Harry Potter x Maxiel one-shot that has somehow escaped the uni essay stress which has sadly displaced all the space in my mind usually given to writing 🥲🥲
"Are you -" are you well? Is what Max wanted to ask. Are you eating, are you sleeping?
It feels stupid, though, to ask such things in war. Like the shadow of childhood stretching into the present.
Daniel opens his eyes, gaze finding Max. The action is excruciatingly slow, as if the movement alone is exhausting.
"Am I what, Maxy?" He says. He tries for a smile, the facsimile paling to the memories that linger in Max's dreams.
"Are you sure about this?" Max forces out. Daniel huffs something near a laugh, kicking back off the wall he'd been leaning on.
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scuderiamint · 4 months
can we just remove one of rbr's seats and give ferrari 3 drivers for next year
and just have max with gp, newey and his team drive there
im so tired
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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