#Recovery Training
sandy007 · 5 months
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defensenow · 3 months
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the-physicality · 19 days
thinking this labor day about all the athletes in women's sports who didn't have a stable league, who were only making decent money from a spot on their national team, who had to fight to get even a fraction of what they deserve. who spent their prime without a club league or the infrastructure to propel the sport. who came of age after title 9 in the usa [forcing schools to fund women/girls’ sports], the ones who fought for cbas and are only seeing big change at the end of their careers or after their careers concluded. who didn't have the media attention before, but are now showing just how much they can sell out stadiums and arenas. the players who played year round because overseas teams paid athletes what they were worth. athletes who endured and reported harassment but the league never took appropriate action. athletes who never had the media attention or ability to monetize their talent but who had careers that were just as impressive as the stars of today. who did it without the help of the science, technology, and medicine we have today. who set records with less support and fewer games in a season, which will be broken by kids who have had personal trainers since high school. athletes who played great games that are no long available to view, their talent no longer archived and accessible for young or new fans. athletes who still don't have a league or are just getting one in 2024. athletes who took it upon themselves to create change for which they will never reap the full rewards.
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oprescuewagon · 1 year
Kakashi week day 8 (17th sept) ‘recovery’
Not one to just sit by and recover by relaxing
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It’s canon that he doesn’t
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sock-tin · 1 year
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OK SO context i have a hc that when shadow knights turn into their true form their hair also gets dramatically longer (i also like to think they look physically more monstrous BUT THATS FOR LATER CONTENT) so when laurance comes back from the nether his hair is super long and gets cadenza to trim it instead of cutting it super short and dyeing it :> so HERES MY GUY TRYING DIFF HAIRSTYLES WHILE RECOVERING!!!
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
please just a window into your mind palace 🙏 how does vale react when marc gets kidnapped? how does he act and what lengths does he go to save him? what kind of measures does he take to make sure marc is never harmed?
it’s really more like. okay so i think the lever that drives the purpose of the story in all of the whump fic EYE read as a young teen was. hey what if this character gets KIDNAPPED and BEFORE they got kidnapped everyone was maybe perhaps taking advantage of them/under appreciating them/not realizing they were in pain (this attitude could be extrapolated from actual observed behavior in canon towards this character orrrr ENTIRELY INVENTED. doesn’t really matter. with marc it is. unfortunately very real in many ways from vale due to their biblical level estrangement) but NOW people get to freak out and realize how much they care about them and how much they love them and nurse them back to health while whiping blood off of their bruised, pretty face as the kidnapped character sort of gazes up at them in disbelief that a WORM like them could even be cared about enough to be gently touched. in many ways this is a fun scenario to think about with ROSQUEZ. because i think marc has internalized. okay vale doesn’t care about me. and i want him to be proven WRONG ! INCORRECT BUZZER ! and this is perhaps a batshit crazy enough lever to get vale a lil stressed. like it’s one thing to see marc vaulted through the air. they do that for work. AND vale doesn’t even like THAT. but. ransom ? kidnapping ? total marquez family media freeze out? not even a cryptic liar statement from honda to overanalyze or a shirtless selfie from a hospital bed to signal he’s alive ? homie is BUGGIN. he likes INFO he’s CURIOUS he knew every detail of marc deciding to ride on that arm in 2020 he pays ATTENTION. worry despite distance. and oh boy this is the supreme worry scenario.
so anyways the wheels are off we are doing old school fandom tropes because in real life i think vale like. just stays kind of quietly scared until he’s asked about it where he has to perform the most insane feat of mental gymnastics ever put to camera. but that’s not FUN !!! so marc gets kidnapped by uh. evildoers. not important. they only really beat him up in a hot way like on teen wolf. and vale finds out through a blurry picture of marc shirt kinda half unbuttoned and mouth duct taped and on the NEWS and he looks SCARED and TIRED and BRUISED and. not very much like himself. which is thing that puts a burning pit in vale’s stomach the MOST, and he’s pretending he doesn’t care he’s pretending it’s normal he’s pretending it’s about HIMSELF (what if someone was out there kidnapping generationally talented motorsports professionals uccio ?? he HAS to be checking the news obsessively for safety THANK YOU..) but he’s really so stressed. white knuckle grip on his composure. like vale is not sleeping not eating he’s refreshing the news story obsessively because he doesn’t KNOW anything which is the scariest part. he’s calling in every contact he can he’s traveling to spain he’s getting turned away at the marquez family door. he’s still DENYING THAT HES FREAKING OUT. and he’s MIA. uccio is like vale has also been kidnapped. vale is like shut up. please. i am fine.
now in no world do i think vale actually DOES anything effective to get marc back bc at the end of the day he’s just a noodle who can ride bikes good. sorry. leave that to spy aus and the like. but he TRIES and he FREAKS and when they get marc back (bruised and pale and thin. comes into the ER like. and when can i ride my bike again. fully in tears) he arranges everything so it goes as smoothly as possible and then he stays in the hospital lobby for a full two days bundled up on an incognito hoody like a weirdo. he’s just gotta see him
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hoaxghost · 1 year
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Puts this here ✨’:B
OH MY GOD!!!!?!?!? THIS IS SO ASTOUNDING AND GORGEOUS THANK YOU SO MUCH?!?!? I wanna print this out on my wall SO MUCH 💖💖💖💙💖💖💖💙💙💖💖💖💙💖💖💖💙💖💫⭐💙💖💖
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m0tiv8me · 3 months
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Welp I actually was awake by 6:00am this morning but failed to get up and moving with enough time to get the workout in that I wanted before work. So I did the workout tonight. 55 minutes dedicated entirely to shoulders. I haven’t done a shoulder only workout since pre injury going on two years ago. Happy to report NO pain and while they are not as strong as they once were I was still able to move some substantial weight safely and effectively. So add another win to this days column. I’ll get those elusive early AM workouts in yet! @qrfit @weights-and-horror
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createandconstruct · 29 days
*shakes you*
Yes. Amazing.
I read something about angst headcanons?! Would you like to share with the class?????
I would absolutely love to share with the class.
Something on my brain since forever is Toshinori learning Izuku was the most seriously injured from the summer camp attack
There's no time to rest or even breathe. Toshnori has to keep pushing ahead because it's not over. Bakugou has been taken and Toshinori won't stop until the child is safe and out of the villains' grasp. There's no time to make a personal visit for only his successor as he recovers.
But he ends up at the hospital anyway. Tsukauchi informs him that Yaoyorozu has something she wants to share that she believes will help with the rescue.
They speak with the young girl in awe of her quick thinking and resilience as she hands over the tracker. It truly feels like everything for their counterattack is coming together.
But then they get into the hall. Tsukauchi with tracker in hand, ready to call their special unit and head out, when Toshinori freezes. Drawn to the opposite way down the hall
"This'll take a minute," Tsukauchi says catching him off guard. "You have time, Toshi......go see him."
Toshinori wants to argue but it stops dead in his throat. Because he knows Recovery Girl had gotten here earlier. He'd heard the full report. How many students were in critical condition from the villains' gas, how many injured, and how close to death his kid had come.
"Thank you."
He stands in front of the hospital room door, starting at the handle, still feeling ice cold from when he first saw the nameplate that read: Midoriya Izuku.
He has to breathe, remind himself he's on borrowed time, that he has no choice but to open the door and step inside.
When he does he finds he's not alone. Recovery Girl stands, leaning over the bed. She sighs as he slides the door shut. She doesn't even turn to look at him. Somehow, she must know. He deflates, leaving his muscle form for later when he needs it.
"I didn't expect you to be here. Thought you'd be leading the rescue mission."
"I am...I just..." The words die in his throat as he closes in, rounding so he can see around the old hero's shoulder. His eyes draw up, taking in the thick plaster around each arm. Up, until he's sucking in a sharp breath, as he sees the boy's face. Jaw tight, flush to his cheeks, sweat along his forehead, he looks like he's done nothing in the last 24 hours but fight for his life.
"Is he—?"
"He's stable. I just finished his second round of treatment." Another sigh, and she hops down from the stool she'd been perched on. "But he needs time before I can treat him again...this fever's been doing a number on him."
He doesn't even realize he's filling the space she's made for him until he's right there, knees against the hospital bed.
"I can't stay," he says for some reason. Recovery Girl hums. "We're making our move on the League tonight." And yet he doesn't move. Doesn't thank Recovery Girl for all she's done. He just stands there, frozen.
He can only stand and witness every flinch and twitch of agony that pairs with every small puff into an oxygen mask. He can only reach out so slowly until his knuckles brush against Izuku's burning cheek.
"He's in good hands," Recovery Girl says, voice extremely gentle. Toshinori nods, turning his hand to cup the boy's cheek. "I don't doubt it." For a second Izuku's eyelashes flutter (and Toshi's heart stops) but besides a deep inhale and his head rolling into Toshinori's hand, there's nothing else, no shine of recognition or sign of consciousness. Just fever, delirium, and pain. So, so much pain.
Toshinori lets himself—or tries to—breathe. He takes the boy in. The fact that at the very least Izuku is here, safe, and breathing along with him. Because for now, that has to be enough.
Because All Might's work is not done.
He straightens, from where he'd been practically bowed over the bed. With once last lapse in strength he presses his palm to the boy's forehead, pushes his bangs out of the way, and gently soothes over the bandages that have been wrapped there, before he's forced to pull away.
It's like losing a limb as he does.
"This wasn't your fault, Toshinori."
Wasn't it?
He'd stayed back from the training camp. Left his colleagues and students vulnerable. Left them all to fight so desperately alone.
He's failed as a mentor. All he's done is left Izuku to struggle, so that the boy can only keep using his quirk to the point of breaking—of a physical, no return.
Head down he doesn't stop walking, only barely whispers out, "Thank you for taking care of him..."
But he does pause when he hears her sigh one last time.
"Don't thank me for that...it's what I do." And then. "And what you can do is rescue that child from those villains... and come back safe."
Toshinori blinks, hand raised to the door, ready to pull up his muscle form to rejoin Tsukauchi in the hall. He turns back to find her looking at him, no, through him, before she glances to the quietly breathing boy in the hospital bed, and then back again. She holds Toshinori with a serious glare, one that follows him, along with her words, until the very moment he's watching his boy sail through the sky with his classmates in tow as he faces down his most dangerous foe. The very moment when he realizes as a teacher, as a mentor, as a—she's right, he can't die yet.
"He'll need you...when he wakes up."
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fannyyann · 1 year
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pilate4pros: Great to have @matthew_tkachuk back to work already!
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shannonsketches · 1 month
”Why don’t you train with Vegeta?” Yesss 7YearGap Headcanons come thruuuuu
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furiousgoldfish · 10 months
Speaking from a bad place, so bear with me. Has anyone thought about how being important or special to other people is based just on the people closest to you?
We regard strangers as people who are fairly irrelevant to us, because they have little to no impact to our life, and their lives and struggles won't generally touch us. In contrast, lives of people directly around us have a great impact on us, and they decide our relevancy. We give them roles in our lives, like friends, mentors, partners, lovers, caretakers, and in that regard they're special to us, irreplaceable. We also want to have an equally strong meaning in their life, to have a warm place in their heart and respect in their minds, as they do for us.
When people around us who hold great relevancy for us, also give us that same relevancy back, we feel important, we know we're special to them. That our role in their life shapes their experience, gives them gratitude and they've accepted us as someone they want and need around.
In contrast to that, when people in our life refuse to give us that same respect, warmth and relevancy, then we wonder what is wrong with us. What is missing so we can't be appreciated and regarded with the same love and respect that we show to them. Lack of mutuality makes us sink down with insecurity, self doubt and deep feeling that we're not enough, that we've done something wrong, not to deserve the same that we give to others.
And it also works out the same in isolation, if you have no one close to you, no one who has your well being in mind or cares for what becomes of you, it feels like you're important to no one, like you are not special whatsoever, even like you could be disposable if nobody cares at all.
But none of that is based on what's inside of us, who we are or how much love and good we are capable of giving and showing. It's nothing even related to our behaviour and actions, you could put anyone in these situations and results would be generally similar; person who is not experiencing reciprocity, or is left to fend for themselves alone, will lose the feeling that they're important or special in any way.
Isn't that weird? That we can end up judging our own worth based on nothing we did, or nothing we are, just based on how people around us are treating us, or whether we have anyone around us at all. In our essence we didn't change at all, it's just who is or isn't around, that determines our worth.
If we're put in a group of people who want to create bonds based on good things they see in us, we'll become able of seeing that good in ourselves. If we're surrounded by people who all feel the same as we do, act on the same moral code, readily reciprocate respect and warmth that we show to them, we won't feel like anything is wrong with us. We'll feel at home.
And since this is so intrinsic to being a person, to long for this and only feel relevant, safe and cared for in these circumstances, isn't it natural that we all deserve that? To be surrounded by people who make us feel like nothing is wrong with us, and like we're at home? Who help us focus on everything good in us, and give us no reasons to believe that we should be rejected or banished at all? Since abuse did the absolute opposite, and forced us to believe there's only reasons for abandonment, hatred and contempt, I believe being in the environment where people see many reasons to want us in their lives, would heal us.
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mushiemellows · 2 months
Floating Through the Stratosphere Part 2 🛩 (nsfw)
Rating: E. I couldn't resist bumping it up sorry
Words: 30,747
Summary: Thousand Sunny Days Air was a decently sized independent business. Their fleet was large enough to have a few chartered jets at most major airports, but they mostly dealt in private transatlantic trips. A lot of New York to London, with rare hops from LA to Tokyo. Robin didn’t mind, though she always liked it better when the destination was a little more exciting to explore. That is, until she's stuck for two extra nights in Paris with an incorrect room booking and a pilot that seems incapable of wearing proper pants.
Fate, though, has other plans. After Franky's caught in a motorcycle accident, Robin needs to decide if she'll stay the course or alter her route. Healing takes patience, and the amnesia isn't helping.
Content warning for: drunk driving accident, significant hospital stays, surgery, suicidal ideation, alcoholism, and rehab
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Just a few weeks from becoming a Marine and finishing basic training, I fractured my hip. I recovered in a seperate platoon for 3 months, then fractured AGAIN, was forced to recover for another month and a half. 7 months of torture. God I missed good food, weed, sex and caffeine. I'm finally home after being confined to MCRD San Diego, unable to go home, see, or talk to friends and family, waking up at 3:30 am every day, and getting treated like a recruit the entire time. I can finally say "I, me, mine" and not "this recruit" like a dork. Ahhhhhhhh what a shit time. Didn't think this would all end with getting medically separated.
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princessnijireiki · 2 days
weirdest casualty of long Covid (besides. yk. the Incurable Disability) is in terms of linguistic processing I can truly no longer talk or sing as fast as I used to
not that I was super fast before, but one of the days I was sickest, words actually stopped... meaning anything? like I was at work, I was hitting my DT script, but was pushing through on pure muscle memory phonetically. I could process what I was hearing or reading just fine, but could not talk outside of this heavily repetitive workplace script, which is actually very dystopian now that I think about it. virus hitting the brain means I'm a zombie that can't speak except to say, "HIII :) whatcanIgetstartedferyouthismorning?"
anyway, thought it was just fatigue, but went to my car on my break, watched a trending video of people trying to rap along to Fergalicious at double speed. I could LIP SYNC to it just fine. I tested my theory. but I could NOT get my mouth and voice to work at the same time to actually sing/rap it. even now, tbh, I have to make myself NOT think about it while rapping it to get the words to flow out or I get stuck. like it's truly something in the brain for where you process speech, but not where you process just lyrical phonics like music. I have to consciously make a REAL effort to turn off the "word" part of my brain to be fast again.
I speak perfectly legibly, I can genuinely get up to decently fast normal talking speeds, just not Northeastern fast-fast. but it comes up in music a surprising amount, and it's kind of annoying to have lost as a skill.
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mrkmciver · 2 years
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Train Your Mind
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