#Recovery Plan
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gregor-samsung · 2 months ago
" Il cambio di governo avvenuto in Italia al principio del 2021 trova una spiegazione se si pone mente ad un fenomeno lasciato inspiegato dagli organi di informazione: inaspettatamente e fulmineamente il cosiddetto «Recovery Plan» italiano, appena presentato, Ăš stato approvato «a Bruxelles» stans pede in uno. Non viene perĂČ chiarito, dalla nostra stampa domestica (scritta e parlata), chi esattamente abbia espresso tale approvazione. Si sapeva che il varo esigeva un molto problematico passaggio: e cioĂš il placet da parte dei Parlamenti dei 27 paesi dell'UE su ciascun «Recovery Plan» nazionale. Nulla di tutto ciĂČ, a quanto pare, Ăš stato necessario. Come mai? Il passaggio era periglioso e di vitale importanza per andare oltre la fase dei reiterati preannunzi e approdare alla effettiva elargizione dei 209 miliardi, dei quali meno della metĂ  «a fondo perduto» (o quasi). Forse proprio nella inopinata, generosa e drastica «semplificazione» delle procedure di approvazione del nostro «Piano» sta la chiave che aiuta a capire l’instaurazione del governo «del presidente». Il quale, nell'allocuzione a reti unificate del febbraio 2021, giustificĂČ l’investitura di Draghi con l’argomento della impossibilitĂ , per gli italiani, di andare a votare: in controtendenza rispetto a quanto stava accadendo o era appena accaduto in USA, Portogallo, Spagna, Israele ecc. Si temeva che il voto portasse al governo i partiti malvisti «a Bruxelles». L’instaurazione, invece, del governo «del presidente» e la conseguente «adunata dei refrattari» (cioĂš dei partiti, quasi tutti) sancirono l’accettazione di un asciutto Diktat che possiamo immaginare cosĂŹ concepito: «Se quei quattrini li volete effettivamente e non unicamente sul piano degli annunzi e preannunzi propagandistici, dovete mettere a capo del governo uno dei ‘nostri’, uno di cui ci fidiamo.
Uno al quale possiamo ‘abbonare’ le forche caudine dell'approvazione parlamentare da parte dei 27 soci nonchĂ© lo scrutinio rigoroso del vostro ‘Piano-verbiage’ da parte di qualche ufficio europeo ad hoc predisposto. Uno che, governando per investitura dall'alto e da lontano e non vincolato perciĂČ da un mandato elettorale, saprĂ  senza tentennamenti attuare quella disciplina che prima o poi dovrĂ  costituire la contropartita della elargizione effettiva (se mai ci sarĂ )». Dunque non Ăš forse un puro caso se di recente si Ăš incominciato a prospettare una fiction in cui a votare non ci si va piĂč («Corriere della Sera», 21 ottobre 2021, p. 1), mentre il proprietario del quotidiano «Domani» sprona, con l’abituale sicumera, acchĂ© prosegua sine die il congiunto governo dei due «fuoriclasse» e suggerisce anche lo strumento: un voto a sorpresa per un Mattarella bis nella seduta parlamentare congiunta. "
Luciano Canfora, La democrazia dei signori, Laterza (Collana: i Robinson / Letture), gennaio 2022.
[Libro elettronico; corsivi dell'autore]
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jirainene · 2 months ago
venting is only annoying when i do it btw. everyone else is innocent and free of sin
stop reblogging this dawg this post wasnt supposed to breach containment 😭😭
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tenth-sentence · 7 months ago
Conroy was out of Westpac, although his recovery plan, endorsed by the Westpac board a month earlier, endured.
"Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank" - Edna Carew
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barbed-snile · 17 days ago
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Post-canon recovery sketches part two!!
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 4 months ago
Who's going to write that fic where Kurogiri secretly survived and timed himself to take Tomura somewhere else so everyone would think he was dead.
And then they went for Toga, because everyone would also believe she was dead.
And years later they went for Touya after a lot of planning on how to make his dead convincing.
So now they're all living in some mountain, trying to figure out how and when to take Compress and Spinner with them.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months ago
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"Don't worry about me, Your Highness," Hua Cheng says. "I won't melt while you're gone."
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FOR ONE AND ONLY @ardenrabbit
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positivelyadhd · 1 year ago
i have been reading through the diary I kept from ages 14-17 and realising how helpful it can be to keep a record of how you're feeling at different moments.
not only is it helpful to write down and process how your feeling and give yourself time to truly think about it, it's nice to have something to look back on. to not just remember how you felt about a certain situation but to actually have yourself from that time tell you.
and also, from an adhd perspective, it's really lovely to have reminders of things I'd almost entirely forgotten. it's easy to think that your life right now isn't interesting, but in 5 years time? to know what songs you were listening to or book you were reading or even that Thing that you were so worried about but now you can't even remember the details. it's nice to have a physical reminder that time passes and things really can get better.
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glassofoj-twitter · 2 months ago
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Polnareff’s Prosthetics (read more about this au in the tags)
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distinctlywhumpthing · 3 months ago
It's Never Too Late for Christmas
Alright, look. This might be the fluffiest thing I have ever written. It's barely 1000 words so don't anyone come for me saying I've gone soft. Probably takes place a few weeks after First Night Home. Due credit to @deluxewhump's Wishbone for getting me thinking of the smell of Home. Wow, see what I did there: Full circle.
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“Merry Christmas!” Leo says, immediately wanting to dial it back. He holds out the repurposed brown grocery bag between them. 
Aiden looks down, one arm crossing over his torso. “But...mmm’it’s not
Definitely too much enthusiasm. 
Leo lowers the bag. “Right, yeah. I just thought—well, we only missed it by a few weeks
you know back when we met. I mean
 It seemed like
Why had this seemed like a good idea again? 
“It’s nothing big,” he tries but Aiden won’t look at him. Like Aiden’s the one who misstepped instead of vice versa. The kid grips his own arm like it’s a lifeline, fingertips digging into his flesh. Never mind that he’s wearing just a t-shirt in late February. Even with the heat a few degrees warmer than he used to keep it, Leo has to bite his tongue to not ask if he wants a sweatshirt. He tries to limit his questions to the ten thousand a day he can’t avoid. 
“I didn’t even wrap it really,” Leo rushes to say. “It’s never too late for Christmas. ‘Honour it in your heart and try to keep it all the year’, you know—” God, stop talking. “‘Live in the Past, the Present, and the Future’—”
Well, at least he got the kid’s attention. Albeit paired with a confused and I’m-embarrassed-for-you grimace. 
“Please, just take it. Put me out of my misery.” 
Aiden takes a half step back but he does. 
Because Leo told him to. Fuck, this was a terrible idea.  
He holds the bag from the bottom with both hands, as gingerly as if something might be alive in there. His eyes flash up to Leo’s before he reaches inside. He opens his mouth once, twice, like he’s trying to say something, but doesn’t. Instead, he looks to Leo for permission again. 
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead,” he says absently, still stuck on what Aiden stopped himself from saying. 
The way the kid reaches into the bag with all the gusto of sticking his hand into a live fire hollows Leo’s chest. Once his fingers meet fabric instead of whatever horrors he’s expecting, Aiden pulls the bundle out with a little more conviction. 
Leo relieves him of the bag, fingers unconsciously creasing it back up along all the seams, as he watches Aiden unfold the jacket. For the past few weeks, he’s lent Aiden his Carhartt and carried rather than worn an embarrassingly retro ski parka. 
“I—” He looks at Leo, something between disbelief and awe in his face. 
“Try it on—I mean, you can try it on if you want to,” he revises. 
He threads a skinny arm through the first sleeve. 
Leo reaches around to hold the jacket so he can reach the other. “It’s the same size as mine
so you can wear more layers while it’s cold.” 
Aiden fingers the ends of the sleeves. “Thank
“The color suits you,” Leo blurts, caught off guard by the shy smile Aiden’s trying to hide while inspecting the coat. A total one-eighty he hopes isn’t just Aiden placating him. 
“Aiden? Are you ready?” Leo calls up the stairs as he heads to the door to get his shoes on. “We need to leave in two minutes if we’re going to—” 
He’s already there. 
Standing by the door with the Converse pulled on, the laces tucked inside, and wearing Leo’s jacket. He bites his lips together as he pulls the zipper up, slow enough for Leo to stop him. When he reaches the top without interruption, he lets his gaze slide over to the new navy jacket, still hanging from its hook, and back to Leo. 
He lets out the laugh he’s been holding in and pulls on the coat. “I knew there was a reason I got this in my size.” 
you,” Aiden says, tucking his chin into the soft collar of the old brown jacket, hiding what Leo is sure is a grin. 
Leo scoops him into a hug. “You’ve been plotting this from the beginning, haven’t you?” He swings them side to side a little, the gentlest roughhousing. Aiden shakes his head against Leo’s chest, he’s laughing now but trying to hide it. “This is absolutely not going to work when I buy you workboots. We are not the same size.” 
Aiden’s reply is muffled so Leo pulls back just far enough for him to lift his head. “Layers,” he repeats, barely able to get it out before he’s shaking with laughter again, pressing his face into Leo’s shoulder.  
“You’re incorrigible.” Before he can overthink it, he presses a chaste kiss to the crown of his head. He smells like home. His home. H— 
Leo backpedals against the possessiveness before he even completes the thought. 
But the part of him that spent countless nights wondering if he’d wake up to an empty house finds it profoundly comforting. The evidence that on the basest, organic level Aiden belongs to this home. Has been engrained in its rhythms and smells. The fabric softener from the sheets he tangles up every night, the lavender shower gel he picked out himself, toothpaste from brushing his teeth after the breakfast they cooked together. 
And not least of all, Leo himself. Wrapped up in his arms and wearing his old jacket. 
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@octopus-reactivated @maracujatangerine @nicolepascaline @whumpy-writings @cracked-porcelain-princess
@meetmeinhellcroutons @briars7 @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @neuro-whump
@painsandconfusion @wolfeyedwitch @skyhawkwolf @haro-whumps @onlybadendings
@peachy-panic @fillthedarkvoid @rabass @crystalquartzwhump @dont-touch-my-soup
@mylifeisonthebookshelf @hold-him-down @guachipongo @creetchure @leyswhumpdump
@aseasonwithclarasblog @catawhumpus @magziemakeswhatever @pigeonwhumps @batfacedliar-yetagain
@whumpinthepot @dustypinetree @whump-in-progress @pirefyrelight @whumps-and-bumps
@i-eat-worlds @hellodecisionparalysis @heartfullofhoney @alternateminds @taterswhump
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syrup-scribbles · 1 month ago
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Teensy bit of first draft snippet from the Floyd recovery fic I've been writing for way too long that has slowly turned into the everybody recovery fic. And making Bruce cry fic.
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toskarin · 1 year ago
glass houses and all, I've made bad deals in my time and I've failed to consult IP lawyers in cases where I probably should have, but putting your entire codebase up as collateral on a loan that you're paying more or less entirely through someone else's charity feels like it really shouldn't be fucking Plan A
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enden-agolor · 1 year ago
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Oh yeah I know I said I’d never make a mcsm oc but
 does giving Dewey a cute little girlfriend for one of my fics count? She is Stella and Binta’s kitty 👀
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kakyogay · 2 years ago
gotta stop going from one au to another
anyways br au because yes!!!!!!!!
with dividers because dayum one doodle turned into another and another and another and augh now here I am 2 hours after I originally wanted to post it.
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yourstrulysof · 3 months ago
i promise that in 2025 i will be gentle towards myself and focus on my personal growth, prioritize all hobbies or interests that genuinely make me happy without feeling guilty about it, letting more people in my life and not taking anyone for granted ♡
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10thechosenone11 · 7 days ago
[ For as much assurance that Granny and Dark had given Cho that this world was real and that xe was indeed not in a hallucination or dream, Cho couldn't help but forget that being in a hospital for real meant... being in a hospital. For real. With doctors and medical tests and staff and all that. ]
[ There was a knock on the door to Chosen's room. ]
"Ms Cho, are you awake? May I come in?"
[ A stranger's voice, though not an unkind-sounding one. And, the fact that he was asking instead of just barging in was a surprisingly kind change from the Box. Chosen was about to open xeir mouth to say 'sure' or whatever, but then remembered that xe was holding onto two other folks like plushies, one of whom was asleep. ]
[ Chosen let go of @thatskyanon, and tried to tap on @theater-anon's shoulder to wake the elderly stick up. ]
"Uh, ma'am, there's a doctor or something... wake up?"
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jtl-fics · 2 years ago
Fluent Freshman - Part 23
There were a few reasons that Andrew and Neil could not get past reception to go see FF or get updates on his current condition.
The first reason was that visiting hours were long over by the time they had arrived a little after midnight.
The second reason was that hospitals, in general, don’t just give out information on their patients to any random person that walks in and asks for an update on their condition. They are ESPECIALLY hesitant to give out updates on patients when the people who are asking can’t give you anything other than a first name, general description, and the reason that the patient is in the hospital.
Somehow “Completely average looking guy with the last name Smith who was stabbed in the stomach” is not enough for the receptionist to go off of.
“There are multiple people here that fit that description. I would need at least a first and last name before I could even begin to start seeing if you were someone who we even could give updates to. No, I will not continue to play your fun little game of guess the first name.” She says when Andrew opens his mouth to start listing off names alphabetically again.
So now Andrew and Neil found themselves under the watchful eye of a security guard as they sat in the back corner of the front reception area.
“I can’t believe we still don’t know what Smith’s first name is.” Neil says his face is buried in his hands as he and Andrew sit in the uncomfortable chairs trying to figure out where to go from here.
“I think she knows exactly who we want to see.” Andrew scowls towards the receptionist who, long used to the ire of the public, pays him no mind. Andrew just refused to believe that there were that many brown haired, brown eyed, average height and weight guys who had suffered a stab wound to the stomach that would have been admitted in the last two hours.
“I just hope they actually are looking after him and that no one went and forgot about him in an hallway somewhere.” Neil says hands sliding up into his hair to grip.
“That wouldn’t happen.” Andrew dismisses despite knowing that Wymack had ABSOLUTELY forgotten FF at a stadium once during the period where FF had been low presence to keep his family from bothering him.
The U-turn he had pulled had definitely been illegal when FF called and asked where the bus was when they had been on the road for five minutes. Wymack had felt terrible about it but FF had just seemed relieved that the bus had come back for him.
Andrew pulls out his phone and dials a familiar number. Wymack, reliable as always, picks up on the fourth ring with the sound of cursing as he got the phone up to his ear. “What.” He asks and Andrew can hear the sounds of driving and Kevin’s infamously train-like snoring in the background.
“What’s Smith first name. You know it.” Andrew demands.
“Classified.” Wymack clips back immediately.
“I need to know it so that we can get updates.” Andrew hisses.
“He isn’t interested in people knowing it and you wouldn’t be able to get updates anyways.” Wymack dismisses.
“We want to be able to head back to see him.” Neil tries.
“Visiting hours are long over Josten. You know that I’m not settling that bet that you little fuckers have floating around about this.” Wymack responds back.
Andrew grits his teeth and then forces himself to relax his jaw, “It’s not about the bet.” Andrew shuts his eyes in irritation.
That stupid bet.
The betting culture within the Palmetto State Foxes Exy team that Reynold’s had cultivated held strong even after her graduation with the remaining Foxes. The Bet had started when one of the other freshmen had mentioned that it was funny that FF went around like Cher or Madonna. The realization that none of them knew FF’s first name was one that had them placing bets on a multitude of things. Things like: “Do you wanna bet it’s a super normal boring name?”, “Do you wanna bet that it’s a weird foreign name?”, and “Is FF intentionally not giving it out to people or since he goes by his last name normally he has no idea that anything is amiss?” Had lower pools since you were betting on a spectrum. The bet with the highest pool is: “What is FF’s first name”.
Wymack had categorically refused to answer it and all other attempts to discover FF’s first name had been met with frustration. There was a solemn agreement that no one could just go and outright ask him since that would ruin all of the fun. Andrew had agreed to not ask when the team had collectively filled his freezer with ice cream cake and he was a man of his word.
The general belief (after the revelation of his major and the number of languages FF spoke) was that FF’s name was just not easy to pronounce for English speakers.
Andrew hadn’t participated but he know that the Foxes do have a running list of names they know it’s not. (Greg, Will, Smith (again), Matt, Kevin, Neil, Andrew, Aaron, Nathaniel, Jack, Beyonce (Sheena’s drunken guess), Nicholas, John, Fred, Garfield, Frank, Alfred, Augustus, Adam, etc. (Andrew had been trying to guess with the receptionist for a while))
“You’re coming here aren’t you? We can get updates when you get them.” Neil says.
“He’s in emergency surgery right now and will remain there for the next few hours most likely. There’s not going to be any updates hopefully.” Wymack says with a sigh loud enough that they can hear it over Kevin’s snoring.
“Surgery? He needs surgery?” Neil asks sounding surprised s if FF hadn’t been stabbed to the hilt into his stomach with one of Andrew’s knives. He’s about to give Neil some shit for the question before remembering that if there was any person who would think that a stab wound to the stomach wouldn’t necessitate surgery it would be Neil “I’m Fine” Josten.
“Yes Josten, he needs surgery. They have to stitch up his stomach and the surgeons are also going to be dealing with some of the ulcers that were ruptured by the knife.” Wymack explains likely coming to the same conclusion that Andrew had on Neil’s stupid question. “They were a bit worried about him bleeding out but he stabilized before the surgery.” Wymack sighs.
“I’m going the hospital since I’m Smith’s medical proxy. If anything goes wrong with the surgery I want to be there so I can make an informed decision on his care.” Wymack says and
 Andrew figured there’d be surgery but to hear it and the possibility that something could go wrong, that the last thing FF had said to him had been something non-sensical about “Gracie Hart wouldn’t have gotten stabbed. I’m Cheryl at best.”as he’d started succumbing to all the blood loss. “If you could stick around long enough for me to drop Kevin off with you I would appreciate it.” Wymack says.
“What if he needs a blood transfusion?” Andrew says.
“Smith is AB-, it’s the second easiest blood type to transfuse into. Go home Andrew.” Wymack repeats.
Andrew works his jaw irritated that there didn’t seem to be a path to getting his way.
“We’ll stay here until you get here.” Andrew agrees, “But you’ll get an update before we leave.” He adds.
Wymack sighs, “Fair enough.” He says before hanging up.
It’s 45 minutes of waiting and tossing a few more name possibilities at the receptionist who seems more amused than anything at their continued attempts to guess their friend’s first name (Neil goes through the entire list of names that he’s gone by and none of them get the thumbs up).
Wymack comes through the doors with a half awake Kevin Day following his steps. “I have another favor to ask you.” Wymack says instead of any form of greeting.
“I’m not going to leave Kevin in the car overnight again. It was just that one time.” Andrew says with a roll of his eyes and honestly he’d been punished enough listening to Kevin bitch, moan, and sneeze for the following week while talking about all the supplements he was taking.
“Not that,” Wymack pauses, “I have two favors to ask you. First don’t do that. Second, would you be able to pick up Smith’s grandma from the airport tomorrow?” He asks.
Andrew blinks.
“She’s coming here?” He asks.
“I updated her on my way here. She booked a flight and will be arriving around noon tomorrow.” Wymack says and Andrew doesn’t know why he’s confused by this. FF’s grandma got him two still warm pies to cheer him up on Thanksgiving.
He’d stabbed that woman’s grandson.
“I’ll pick her up.” He agrees.
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Shorter one today
Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27 @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world @obscureshipsandchips @booklover242 @whataboutmyfries @sahturnos @pluto-pepsi @dreamerthinker @passinhosdetartaruga @leftunknownheart @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme @tayspots @nick-scar @crazy-fangirl2524 @blue-jos10 @stabbyfoxandrew @splishsplashyouropinionistrash @sammichly @the-broken-pen @bitchesdoweknowu @very-small-flower @ghostlyboiii @its-a-paxycab @bisexual-genderfluid-fan @cheesecookie @theoneandonlylostsock @foxsoulcourt @blueleys @adverbialstarlight @elia-nna @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner @nikodiangel @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat @hallucinatedjosten @satanic-foxhole-court @vexingcosmos @chalilodimun @insectsgetcooked @angry-kid-with-no-money @queer-crows @lillyndra @themundanemudperson @readertodeath @apileofpillows @mortalsbowbeforeme @hellomynameismoo @next-level-mess @youreonlylow @interstellarfig @notprocrastinatingatalltoday @percyjacksonfan3 @queenofcrazy27 @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares @spencellio @adinthedarkroom @harpymoth @sufferingjustalilbit @anxietymoss @oddgreyhound @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken @ken22789 @atiredvampire @isoldescorner @not--a--pipedream @azure-wing @bushbees  @roonilwazlib-main @crumplelush @foldedaces-paperbirds @thesenseinnonsense @let-tyrants-fear @ketchupandfries​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe​ @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​ @lesbian-blackbeard​ @lesbiansupernatural​ @silvermasquerade​ @thepeachfuzz​ @minniemariex​ @kazoo-the-demjin​ @gaypomegranate​ @ji-nk-ies​ @neilimfinejosten​ @omgrubelangel​ @itsyouitsmeorpheuseurydice​
The requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t get a notification there might be something switched around in your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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