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frightfullyblue 7 months ago
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Got new pens and wanted to draw some monsties.
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spencer-the-fox-87 9 months ago
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lobolicious 1 year ago
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elchis-art-dump 12 days ago
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I love the baby seikret <333
+rant post
With MH Wilds finally out I wanted to rant about how I feel about it so far. For reference I just beat ray dau, which I feel is a good place to compare the full release to open beta 1 (I didn't play the others). The only other MH games I've play are World and Rise, but mostly World, so I'll be talking from that perspective and will be making a lot of comparisons to World.
To preface this, I'm a hammer main and have been mostly playing hammer, so all of my more specific points may only apply there. I want to get my main issue so far out of the way, the game is really easy so far. I've averaged about 10 minutes a hunt on some of the harder monsters. My first ray dau hunt took about 9 minutes, while in the beta it took about 40 minutes + two faints. I know that I'm still early in the game, but the apex of a region being that easy kind of concerns me. The ratholos and diablos story quests in world, or even earlier monsters, felt far harder at the time. It's entirely possible that I've become more skilled over time, considering that it's been a few years since I did low rank World, but some monsters have felt way to easy. Now that that's done with, I think that the combat feels fantastic. Hammer over all combos better, the spinning bludgeon comboing from any attack really helps that. The dodge you get for charging is also fantastic (having evade extender with makes it even better), I honestly find it most helpful as a tool to close distances. Having only the walking speed while charging is kinda annoying, so having this dodge is a huge offensive boon despite it being a more defensive tool. I'm also in love with the wounding mechanic; it feels like what Iceborne was trying to do with tenderizing parts but better. It's no longer tied to having to use a somewhat risky option (although I miss wall bangs). I like how spontaneous it is and that their easily destroyed. These make it feel less like a free damage boost, rather it's far more deliberate since you need to actually target specific parts to break wounds. It's also a fun way to supplement the lower quest rewards since it gives you material.
The game is absolutely beautiful and I'm in love with it. The environmental design is fantastic, each area feels super creative (big shout out to the oil basin). The weather changing the area itself is just awesome. I just cannot express how cool, beautiful, and creative the environments are. It seems to be taking a similar approach to World with the incredibly detailed areas, but unlike World everything feels as big as it should be. The open world aspect really makes everything bigger lol. I think the size makes everything feel more reasonable in a way. Unfortunately I don't feel like the areas are quite as memorable as world. Maybe I just haven't gone out of my way to explore them enough (we'll get to that later). I am very excited to get to explore the oil basin tho, absolutely wild area idea.
Two weapons + weapons skills:
I don't think I have much to say here other than that I really like this. No longer having my offenses being tied to my armor saves me from having to decide on if I value my defense or offense more (I still value skills more, but at least armor skills help keep me alive). Weapons skill in tandem with two weapons really incentives choosing weapons that synergize with each other and I just love that.
I've seen people complain about performance issues, but so far it runs well on PS5 (idk about PC). I've had one hunt with performance issues, but it was multiplayer and I've only done two multiplayer hunts, soooooo idk what the issue was.
Definitely my biggest gripe with the game. I get that Wilds is far more narrative than other games, but I hate when games tell me I'm not allowed to do something. It just sucks that the game will force me into things immediately before and after a hunt. Considering that at worst it's annoying, this isn't a huge criticism.
Another small point, I just wish that you didn't immediately know where a monster is on the map. I like the scoutflies in world and gathering tracks since it made you explore. I just miss it, man...
They're adorable and I love them <3333
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sable-skies 8 months ago
LinkedUniverse boys as Monsters (from monster hunter)
I'm waiting for MH:World to download so watch as I merge my current two major interests together in real time
These are based off of vibes mostly and descending from most confident to least confident
Twilight - Zinogre
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Beloved thunder puppy. I will not take any sort of argument or objections on this. But on a more serious note, it's mostly the canine connection that makes me think these two are similar, and I think Twilight deserves a beefed up monster wolf form as a treat. Nintendo please give him a scary wolf monster form please.
Legend - Mizutsune
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While Mizutsune's aren't difficult monsters to fight, and if Legend was one he would be a bonkers hard battle, there's something about the elegance and movement of a Mizutsune that's very Legend to me. Also it could be the pink and yellow mix on both of the designs.
Warriors - Ratholos
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Okay okay if ANYONE is gonna be a giant raging dragon, it would be Warriors. And while Warriors isn't from a mainline game, I think he holds an immense amount of iconography that is almost comparable to the Ratholos for their respective game series.
Time - Kirin
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Despite not being a fan of OoT or MM (sorry Time), he has this almost ethereal yet intimidating vibe to me. If any creature can match that, I think the Kirin can. A respectable and formidable opponent.
Sky - Paolumu OR Legiana
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Alright alright Sky kinda gets two because I couldn't pick. I wanted to give him a bird wyvern but none of them really fit his vibe to me, so I settled on these two. Paolumu looks like the weird cat from Skyloft that I forgot the name of, and I think its very fuzzy appearance makes it appear less threatening and that fits Sky immensely. Legiana is the more intimidating version, it's a flying creature and I think can represent Sky's untapped abilities.
Wind - Tobi-Kadachi
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Technically speaking, Wind should probably have a water based monster because of his game, or a wind based one because of his name. But I say no to both of these, watch a video of a Tobi-Kadachi fight and you'll see this mf flying and flipping around all over the place, that feels very Wind to me personally.
Four - Great Izuchi
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From what I remember from the Izuchi fight in MH:Rise, they tend to travel in packs. Given Four's whole deal of being able to split himself into four parts, I think the Izuchi's whole pack thing is weirdly fitting for it. Also raptor claws. Yes.
Hyrule - Great Girros OR Rathian
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Forgive me fellas, I could not land on one for Hyrule. Almost none of the large monsters really gave me a Hyrule vibe at all except for the Great Girros, but that's technically not really a full on monster and doesn't have its own special fight and all of that. My alternative pick was the Rathian, which is the female counterpart to the Ratholos. I figured if anyone should get an iconic monster or at least one associated with it, it should be the first Link of them all. :]
Wild - Nargacuga OR Odogaron
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Wild gets two to pick from because one is a relatively nice pick, and the other one I made because I was feeling mean. The Nargacuga gives me the same vibes he does while in the stealthy sheikah suit, something swift and probably beating the shit out of you before you know it. The Odogaron, however, I think would represent Wild's initial death in his own quest to save Hyrule, and could be a fun way to further showcase how he's living after dying, even if resurrected, and probably doesn't function the way everyone else does. there's something inherently off and maybe a little undead about him. also picking the odogaron gives him a shared canine monster with twilight, so teehee.
i still have an hour waiting on my download im so mad
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umbralstars 4 days ago
Emerges from the ground covered in tar. Okay we did not get super far tonight, our last story relevant quest was repelling Arkveld from the nursery/the weirdo ratholos. Anyway I'm just reveling in the feeling of knowing
Okay okay okay okay [vibrating] I just need to know: have you spoken to Tasheen and gotten the Reveal? Have you gotten into the Keeper's village yet?? Do you know What that Rathalos is?
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sunder-the-gold 11 days ago
What are some crossovers you鈥檇 like to actually see for Arknights, whether as an official collaboration or in fanfiction?
Back before I knew how collaborations would work, I wanted a RWBY collab where all of the event enemies would be Creatures of Grimm. Now I know that Hypergryph isn鈥檛 going to make assets they can鈥檛 legally reuse. Bosses like Ratholos are a necessary exception.
I still think you could make a RWBY mod for Arknights, or micro-game in the style of Arknights. Grimm and White Fang and bandits and killer robots offer a fair bit of variety, and there are lots of Huntsmen and Huntresses to serve as Operators.
You can fit four collab operators to a single Arknights collab event. Ruby Rose would have to be the Welfare Operator. The one Six-Star would have to be either Yang, because she鈥檚 the combat powerhouse of the team, or Weiss because of her ridiculously versatile Semblance and Dust-casting.
I definitely want a second Monster Hunter collab. This time perhaps featuring a new pair of oni: Hoshiguma and Matoimaru. A Saga is fine, too, and I know someone who wants to see her with an Insect Glaive.
Either Cerastes or Shuttershocky had a neat idea for Devil May Cry鈥檚 Nero as a Hookmaster Specialist who pulls an enemy close and then Levitates them with an uppercut, before juggling them with shots from his gun. Dante would be the featured Six-Star, with Lady and Trish as the two banner Five-Stars.
Fern and Frieren could easily be Five-Star and Six-Star versions of each other as Casters, but that鈥檚 too redundant. Stark could be an Earthshaker Guard, but they would probably make him another Dreadnought. Heiter could be the fourth operator, but the real money is with Ubel.
Kobayashi鈥檚 Dragon Maid could offer Toru, Lucoa, Kanna, and either Iruru or Elma.
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sonicasura 9 months ago
I can only imagine the chaos of the Tachikawa Base attack, the Third Division being heavily outnumbered. Backs aganist the wall, Hoshina busy trying to kill Kaiju No. 10, leaving the new recruits to defend the base aganist dozens of Wyvern Kaiju. Only for 3 Wyvern Kaiju to go down spike's impaling there cores, only for it to be followed by the roar of Nergigante, Wyvern Kaiju stuck in burning mud pits getting dragged down by Almudron, A heavy roar echoing out causing the Wyverns to real back in pain, just to get tackled by a raging Tigrex, Wyverns unable to keep their footing as high powered water jets rip through them from an angry Mizutsune, Wyverns dropping from the sky littered with uber sharp scales from Seregios, and Ratholos and Rider shooting fireballs at Wyverns in the air and on the land.
Back up the Force definitely weren't expecting
You have no idea how fast Rider and their Monsties were on the scene. Houdini is nearby as he will act like a smokescreen for them to escape once things finish up. Baby Chameleos produce a lot more denser mist than adults so they can flee better since their venom isn't that strong.
Rider definitely uses a Kinship attack to help with the final push as well.
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raisengen 2 years ago
I don't know much about Monster Hunter other than it being the Hunting of Monsters and eating of food, so I can't really judge how effective the collab is, but I do appreciate how it's simultaneous with Reclamation Algorithm, which
a) also features hunting legendary monsters and cooking their meat into food that gives powerful buffs as an important mechanic,
b) is decidedly endgame content, so anyone drawn in by the Monster Hunter collab is certainly missing out,
c) shows that Terra already has giant fire-breathing flying monsters that live in volcanoes, so the Ratholos turning up wasn't all that extraordinary after all.
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roundtable-knight-dyke 7 months ago
Back in my monster hunter phase because some of my friends were getting into it. Finally got to MR 70 and beat gold rathian and silver ratholos. Brute tigrex too but he was much easier. Just fatalis and ruiner nergi left. If i beat fatalis before mr 100 then nergi should be easy. If not then at least I'll have the strongest gear available to me
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nm-mattuz 1 year ago
I fucking beat Giga Bowser, Galleom, and Ratholos in hard difficulty with only Severa as my primary spirit. I am so proud of myself.
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thepersonaking56 1 year ago
But here sword bounces off the scales of a ratholos.
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Jordan Looks scared. "It's the red death."
The Lone Hunter
Monster hunter au
Jordan is a new hammer wielding hunter. After months of training, the now 15 year old black Hispanic boy is now on his first mission. To collect 10 unique mushrooms. He's understandably nervous, this is his first time outside of the village. As he picks the first cluster of mushrooms, he hears leaves rustling and human voices.
"W- who's there? I got a hammer and I know how to use it. "
@prototype-case-01345 @chaoticblogofmuses @human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @ask-liam-and-co @hoshi-neko-hikari @chopperpirate @theunderestimated @oddblogfullofoddmuses @harperthedigimonprincess @saphirafoxgirlspost1 @muses-of-the-memory (Steven universe) @mimiocto @themultiverseheroines @anyone who wants to join.
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ask-rukia-anything 2 years ago
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Sanrio: LET ME GET ON!-the mist demigoddess flew up and onto the ratholos back-
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feretstudios 5 years ago
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I am extremely happy that this piece came out so well and that I'm finally finished with it! Look at the little dragon bbies!!
Art (C) FeretStudios
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sonicasura 9 months ago
When you mentioned equipment it reminded me that I never gave my thoughts on what equipment they have for armor well it's a bit basic but Ratholos gear I feal is good, and other suggestions on the armor front?
As for weapons the Charge Blade ( Final Fieldblade), Hunting Horn ( Raven Shamisen which is later upgraded with Kaiju parts). These are my personal picks it's kinda hard to choose with all the weapons. Also what weapons they have when transported I'm not picky about so if have a different suggestion please share it.
One so cool that never got in the series which is a travesty
The one weapon that I will make the Rider's signature weapon
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The Wyvern Boomerang
I weep everday over this weapon never getting in the series.
It so cool
Too cool
Anyway enough rambling what are your picks?
I personally use Long Bowguns alongside Sword and Shields but do want to try the Hunting Horn. Armor wise, my preferred armor is Bishaton or Magnamalo cause I like both designs for them. Also imagine Rider looking intimidating as all hell in Magnamalo armor but any seriousness is ruined when their voice cracks. 馃槀
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sunder-the-gold 2 years ago
If only ratholos drops were so generous in Capcom games, huh?
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what the fuck is this
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