#Rapunzel and the Great Tree
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tangledbea · 11 days ago
I legit love that today is the day we celebrate Eugene and Lance getting high as kites and singing about how much they love each other.
But it's also the day that Rapunzel unlocked the most terrifying spell she uses in the course of the franchise. Do y'all remember how crazy we went the first time we saw the Reverse Incantation?
It was also the day we met Hector, and the day we got a lore dump on the Brotherhood. It's the day we learned more about Zhan Tiri, the day Cassanra burned her arm and the rift between her and Rapunzel was cemented.
"Rapunzel and the Great Tree" is an amazing episode.
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6 years ago today, Lance and Eugene got high and sang about how much they love each other :,)
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locitapurplepink · 9 months ago
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Taglist: @photogirl894 , @kanerallels , @bigfrozensix , @lucy-shining-star , and anyone else who's a fan of this series.
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rta-user-2025 · 3 months ago
Season 2 - "Rapunzel and the Great Tree"
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yrsaartifex · 1 year ago
It has come to my attention that today is the anniversary of Rapunzel and the Great Tree, and therefore, Hector's birthday. Let us all remember to wish our precious, goth, garbage tree man a very happy birthday and to think very rhinoceros thoughts.
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hyperfixationjunkie · 26 days ago
Tangled the Series has officially caused me bodily harm
and no, it wasn’t from writing too much fanfiction and getting Carpal Tunnel. I got too excited watching Rapunzel and the Great Tree for the first time and pulled a muscle in my neck. Ow.
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disneyfanatic1993 · 2 years ago
Alchemist Out Of Corona: The Great Tree, Part 5
All art from the chapter of my fanfic, “The Great Tree, Part 5/7.”
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elijones94 · 1 year ago
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🎸 Rebel Cassandra ⚔️
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meechatuck · 2 years ago
So, I'm rewatching the episode Rapunzel and the Great Tree, cause ya know the beauty that is Hector. 😍🥰🐺🌳 While he's chasing the gang he yells out "None shall enter the Dark Kingdom!" Shorty then says, "This brings back memories."
Is Shorty saying this isn't the first time he's tried to infiltrate the Great Tree
Another reason I love Shorty and don't care that he's such a random side character. He adds flavor to the show okay.
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muses-of-the-memory · 4 months ago
Rapunzel walked to the edge where Hector had fallen in thanks to Cassandra, and she felt the breeze around her as Adira recovered. "You hear that?' She spoke softly to her allies. "Yeah, in my experience, growing rumbles never lead to good things." Eugene stated about feeling the growing rumbles below them. There was a short pause, until the chasm below them turned green, and out came multiple vines and a cocoon.
The cocoon then showed Hector becoming possessed by the heart of Zhan Tiri's Tree as he roared. "All who enter the Great Tree of Zhan Tiri shall be destroyed!" Hector shouted as the vines started to attack as the vines surrounded Rapunzel and company. "The tree! It's alive." Rapunzel shouted. "Do you remember when being chased by a rhino was the weirdest thing we had to do this weekend?" Eugene asked to Rapunzel.
Lance and Eugene then used their swords to cut the vines coming at them as Maximus and Fidella evaded the vines as Rapunzel saw Cassandra holding out on her own against the vines. "Cass!" She shouted as she unbraided her hair as witnessed one of the vines was going to strike her friend. "Watch out." Rapunzel then tossed her hair, bringing Cassandra out of harm's way. "Gotta watch that flank." Rapunzel winked to Cassandra.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
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twotangledsisters · 2 years ago
People in the tts fandom arguing over which young emotional adult with way too much responsibility on their shoulders is to blame for the incidents in the great tree.
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Meanwhile, I'm just side-eyeing the supposedly responsible, knowledgeable adult who said everything would be fine.
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tangledbea · 1 year ago
I feel like the main reason we didn't get Eugene's reaction to Rapunzel becoming a bird forever was because the bird episode was supposed to just be a lighthearted 'filler' type episode, it wasn't meant to be a big plot relevant episode. But it would've been interesting if there was a little arc where Rapunzel was stuck as a bird and the rest of the gang are trying to deal with that and turn her back.
No, it's literally because they wanted the focus of the episode to be Cassandra and Rapunzel's relationship. That was the A Plot. The guys and their machismo contest was the B Plot, which relegated them as secondary characters to the episode.
There were multiple times in the season where Eugene's reaction was either stifled or they deliberately got him out of the scene because his reaction couldn't be ignored otherwise. A very noteworthy case of this was in "Rapunzel and the Great Tree". We had the executive producer on our Tangled Talk podcast, and he explained that the reason why Eugene passed out and had to be removed from the fray towards the end of the episode was because they knew he would never leave Rapunzel alone in there under his own power. They had to get rid of him somehow. (Fan theories were that the Reverse Incantation had affected him more negatively than the others, because the Healing Incantation had brought him back to life. After all, he held his side right before he went down. Frankly, I find this theory more intriguing, though I can easily say that the tree squeezed him too hard which a) made his ribs hurt and b) cause him to cry out in pain, which was the catalyst for Rapunzel using the Reverse Incantation.)
Similarly, they straight up ignored his reaction in "Freebird" because it wasn't the primary focus of the episode.
"Freebird" actually wasn't "filler" at all, as it was the beginning of the emotional conflict between Rapunzel and Cassandra. Well, not the very beginning, but that was the first time Cassandra expressed frustration that Rapunzel wasn't listening to her advice. That's the thing about episodes that people often consider "filler": they think that light-hearted means it's not really plot-relevant. But plot comes from so many little things, character-driven moments, character-developing interactions. Writing off an episode as "filler" because it's not dark or heavy is doing the media a disservice.
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Happy Rapunzel and the Great Tree Day to all who celebrate!
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locitapurplepink · 7 months ago
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Taglist: @photogirl894 , @kanerallels , @bigfrozensix , @lucy-shining-star , @animationfan3000 and anyone else who's a fan of this series.
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rta-user-2025 · 4 months ago
Cassandra is fighting with style
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yrsaartifex · 1 year ago
Thinking about how the Great Tree was Hector's prison but also his home.
While he was trapped there under King Edmund's orders and unable to leave because of his undying and fanatic loyalty to his king, he also spent twenty-five years of his life there. He had to survive in the Great Tree.
There appear to be no towns or settlements of any kind anywhere near the Tree, meaning me would have to provide for his own food. He must have had gardens somewhere and maybe even livestock if hunting was particularly scare, especially in the wintertime.
There cannot have been all that many people coming to the Dark Kingdom because of how ancient and secretive of a society it must have been. Adira even said that no one was looking for the Moonstone or, therefore, the Dark Kingdom itself. This means that Hector probably didn't have to chase away (mostly likely kill) very many people. Surely he had to have kept himself occupied with something other than patrolling the areas around the Great Tree. He probably picked up several hobbies and crafts just to keep himself from going (completely) insane. He must have had supplies for these crafts and hobbies. He probably had a few places in the Great Tree where he spent most of his time that he would have decorated or personalized just fight the boredom and loneliness. For instance, I can imagine him covering a bedroom of sorts with all kinds of trinkets he's found over the years (animal bones, ancient things he's dug up/uncovered, the interesting stuff he probably stole from the wagons and caravans of the other now-dead people he chased of cliffs, etc.).
Hector was trapped in the Great Tree, bound to it by an oath that he would never break, but at the same time, he made it first a place he could bare staying in and then a home. The Great Tree was to Hector what the tower was to Rapunzel. I can only imagine how much grief and loss he felt after the Tree was destroyed. Just another example of how Rapunzel and her crew completely fucked Hector over, and he deserved so much better.
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