#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)
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Happy 14th Anniversary, Tangled
Tagged by: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @spirits-of-nature16
#tangled#happy anniversary#world: kingdom of corona#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#rapunzel's supposed mother (mother gothel)#14 years
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@spirits-of-nature16 continued from here when Louisiana's being put in a cage too, she saw Lucius, as a black bird too "Baby Brother? (caw) they got you too??" she hopped over to her little twin brother's side "oh indubitably, and y'know, as annoyed as I still am about you EVER calling me that..!.." Lucius trailed off in a huff before he then hugged his only older twin sister "I missed that" he admitted as they both hugged "and where are Bella and Skyler? aren't they with you?" Hook Foot asked where the Gal-Pals went off to "well, long story short (squawk); after they 'drank' their teas, Bella's been turned into a bird too..." Cassandra air-quoted over the word drinking when their teas were actually spilled over "she actually use her magic necklace to BE one, in order for something clever" she continued, pointing out at Bella the canary, being confronted forcefully by Mother and Father "and what about Skyler?" Lance asked, that's when Louisiana jumped in "she escaped, as a fairy (caw) looking for you boys when she was suppose to (caw)" then she hopped towards Lance as a bird "by the way, for the record, Lance, you're definitely the strongest (caw) bird in my eyes" she became smitten with his early birdie physique, making Lance chuckled nervously "see? I knew I'm the strongest bird here!" he grinned proudly that Louisiana's the only girl to make a point, making the guys grumbled in defeat
"Again, not the time, Lance." Eugene said showing an unamused look on his face. "You know, I like to think that I'm the prepared kind of guy. Type of guy who's ready for anything this crazy world throws my way. But this bird thing, I can't say I saw it comin'." Eugene said as he hopped towards Rapunzel about the situation they're in. "Ugh, this is (chirp) all my fault." Rapunzel said feeling responsible for this mess as she chirped.
"Her squawks are getting more frequent." Eugene stated to the others. "If we don't break one of those eggs over her soon, she's gonna go full bird. We all are." Cassandra said to Eugene about the princess about getting the eggs to save them from being bird-brained. "I got a plan! We should go over there, get the eggs and turn us back into people." Lance spoke about how to get them back into people.
"Good thinking. And how are we gonna get over there?" Eugene asked to his best buddy as Rapunzel looks at the eggs, and then to the hook holding the cage. "That's where the plan falls apart." Lance stated. "I guess if we can't bring the (chirp) eggs to the cage, we have to bring the cage to the eggs!" Rapunzel said as she began to flap her wings and charged into the cage, making it swing and the stand topple.
"Do it with me!" She said to her friends. "Hold on, Bella!" The princess shouted as her friends helped her out. "All right! Let's go! Flap like you've never flapped before!" Eugene said to the group. "I have never flapped before." Hook Foot stated as they almost got the cage toppling the stand. "Okay, now!" Rapunzel shouted knocking the cage into the glass container where the eggs are, and the cage's bars broke when they crashed down. "We did it!" Rapunzel shouted. "Maybe we can get out!" Eugene said grabbing one of the bars and tried to move it, until Lance and Hook Foot came to assist him.
"Yes! We can totally do this!" Lance said as they all starting when bending the bars to get out, and they did. Eugene then laughed with victory. "Oh, you see that? Together, we're unstoppable!" Eugene said. "That's right!" Lance nodded. "You know it!" Hook Foot said in agreement. "And it doesn't matter who's strongest." Eugene spoke as they was a short pause. "It totally matters!" Hook Foot argued. "Oh, it most definitely does." Lance said in agreement. "Yeah, you're right, come on, who are we kidding?" Eugene joked.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#freebird#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#hook foot#bella#skyler#louisiana#lucius#spirits-of-nature16#oc rp
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the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of JACOB ELORDI - but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of STEALING THE LOST PRINCESS CROWN strikes you. perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself - you’re FLYNN RIDER, an TWENTY-SIX YEAR OLD , BARTENDER whose virtue lies in your CONFIDENT & DARING, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite SHALLOW & UNTRUSTWORTHY, and you’re associated with RICHES,COQUETTISH SMIRK AND STICKY FINGERS by those around you. suddenly, however, you’ve found A PURPLE FLAG on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse, memories from your life in TANGLED have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you. you can almost hear DARK SIDE by ALAN WALKER following in your wake.
Eugene Fitzherbert was born to King Edmund and his wife, rulers of the Dark Kingdom, as Horace. During Eugene's infancy, the kingdom was corrupted by a powerful opal that threatened to destroy the land. King Edmund ordered for a kingdom-wide evacuation to protect his subjects from the opal's destructive power—including Eugene, who was escorted out of the kingdom by a servant woman and later placed in an orphanage. Eugene never knew the truth of his lineage. He grew up believing that his parents were fearless adventurers traveling the world to make names for themselves. Eugene remained hopeful that once they did, they would return to the orphanage and take him back. In the meantime, Eugene spent all his days with his fellow orphans.
Every night, Eugene would read "The Tales of Flynnigan Rider", stories of a rich and dashing swashbuckler who had an abundance of thrilling adventures wherever he went. The more Eugene read it, the more he dreamed of a more audacious lifestyle and decided to break out of his orphan upbringing. Eugene eventually ventured out with Arnwaldo—now known as Lance Strongbow—and grew up into a dashing swashbuckler and gifted horseman under an alias taken from his childhood hero: Flynn Rider.
Flynn is presented as arrogant, backstabbing, and trouble-making. He unabashedly committed acts of thievery on the royal family of Corona, all to achieve a selfish lifelong goal of becoming as wealthy as humanly possible. Flynn is also rather comedic, whether it's intentional or not. Despite all of this, Flynn's arrogance is revealed to provide a false sense of optimism as the thief is highly vulnerable and capable of showing and feeling legitimate emotion.Once his facade is dropped, and Eugene truly opens up , he is portrayed as a loving, loyal, and protective companion.
Flynn is of average height and build with fair skin, short dark brown hair, a scruffy goatee, and light brown eyes. As far as attire goes, Flynn regularly dons a turquoise vest with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath, coupled with dark cream pants and brown bucket-top boots. He also wears a belt with a similar color scheme around his waist; connected to it is a miniature satchel.
flynn has quite a peculiar life in alucard , he’s known as the bad boy . the one who father strictly tell their daughters to stay away from due to his reputation . he enjoys the talk and what everyone has to say about him , he’s never been one to be hurt by people’s words and what they think of him . thrilling nights at the bar and serving drinks to people hearing about their sorrows and oh what they would do to make it all go away , it’s cherry on top of his ice cream cake but the off thing is that everyone seems to have the same stories ; something is going down in alucard and yet is doesn’t bother him one bit what doesn’t effect him .
#dhq.intro#ive literally been working all this all day#in between breaks .#its been a slow asssss day !
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Zizzi had been sent on a mission and she found herself alone in the middle of a forest. She kept looking around as she found it quite as she slowly covered her ear to talk with the time nest. "So, should I be looking for something specific?" She asked now as she walked around. She would lean against a rock as she looked around. (Rapunzel)
"Well Zizzi, in this era, you should find a girl with long, gold blonde hair in a tower somewhere in the forest in you're in. And if it's possible, you should find a thief in there on his way to hide there too." Chronoa said to Zizzi from the Time Nest.
Flynn Rider, along with the two Stabbington brothers, Sideburns and Patchy had stolen a satchel from the Corona Palace and were running away from the guards. After bringing Rider up to climb a tall cliff, he left them behind with the satchel. "Rider!" One of them (Sideburns) shouted.
#world: kingdom of corona#zizzi#dbz rp#oc rp#bluemajingirl#supreme kai of time (chronoa)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)
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@spirits-of-nature16 continued from here
“all’s well that ends well” Karoline whispered when the Lilies overheard with Rapunzel, but then heard Cassandra asking him one thing “by the way, where is my halberd?“ the girls blinked that this would happen “should we tell th-?” Skyler wanted to ask that the halberd’s been used or missing “um, I’d say we let them work it out this time” Karoline quickly covered Skyler’s mouth as they walk away from the door
then days went by in the kingdom of Corona, the Enchanted Lilies are helping out with the donation for an orphanage
“Yeah...” Rapunzel said agreeing with Karoline as she walks away from the door with the Enchanted Lilies as Eugene and Cassandra argue with each other again about the halberd in which the Princess accidentally threw to the ceiling. In the process, Eugene claims Cassandra broke the vase this time.
Meanwhile, Rapunzel and Eugene are in the Castle Town of Corona with the Enchanted Lilies as they gathered donations for opening up the orphanage. “Help support Corona’s orphans! Because every donation brings a smile to the face of a child in need.” Rapunzel called out as the people gave out donations in money. “Right, Eugene?” She asked to her boyfriend.
“That’s right, Blondie.” Eugene agreed to Rapunzel’s statement as she puts a donation bag in the wagon. “This cause is dear to my heart. Many orphans go hungry, while others...” He spoke watching the kids play until he saw a cloaked man moving through the crowd, making him suspicious. “...resort to a life of crime.” He said as Shorty goes into a donation bag, and Rapunzel accepts another donation gift. She then notices Eugene getting suspicious.
“Eugene, is everything okay?” Rapunzel asked getting Eugene’s attention. “Huh? Yeah. Yeah. Sure.” Eugene said to Rapunzel as they take the wagon on a ride, but Eugene was still feeling suspicious that the cloaked man could be anywhere.
The Enchanted Lilies on a Tangled Journey (closed rp with muses-of-the-memory)
In the kingdom of Corona, the Enchanted Lilies came and are about to be on tour “this feels like we’re back on England” Bella looked around in awe “yeah” Skyler nodded along with Bella “remember girls, let’s not get separated, because this is a big town where people can easily get lost around” Karoline Swan grabbed Bella’s wrist while Mirage grabs Skyler’s wrist too “whatever you say, ‘Mom’.” Mirage chuckled to Karoline with that remark the two snickered, Karoline’s not so pleased
#spirits-of-nature16#tangled the series#world: kingdom of corona#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#oc rp#cassandra v. eugene
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"Yeah, underneath their rough exteriors, the Hook Brothers are really sweet and thoughtful guys." Rapunzel said from her respective. Since meeting them; Hook Hand and Hook Foot, their lives have both changed. But then, the princess come to realize something after the Brothers Hook left.
"Except for the fact that they left us in the middle of nowhere, without transportation." The princess stated, causing everyone in their group; Lance, Shorty, Eugene and Cassandra to groan since the Hook Brothers left them without a caravan.
"No groaning, people. We've got a destiny to discover. Now, move out!" Rapunzel pointed to the path where the Black Rocks were leading them as they continued their journey.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#the brothers hook#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#shorty#hook foot#hook hand#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#lucius#louisiana#oc rp#spirits-of-nature16
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Hook Foot was dancing well to go along with King Trevor's dance-off. Pascal even helped out in fanning off his sweat. Things were going well, until Hook Foot jumped and there a clanking sound, causing everyone to gasp. He looked down on his hook foot and saw that it was in bad shape now. King Trevor laughed at this mishap. "That's it for me. I can't do it. Not without my hook. Maybe he's just too good." Hook Foot spoke giving up, but Rapunzel came in to cheer him up. "Hook Foot I--"
"Rapunzel, let me talk to him." Hook Hand spoke to the princess that he should be the one to cheer him up. Something he should've done a long time ago. "Come on, Dazzle. I need you to dig down deep, and find them guts and show this chump what real talent looks like." He said to his brother. "But even if I wanted to, my hook..." Hook Foot spoke seeing that his hook was in bad shape. "Maybe this'll help."
Hook Hand then started to give his brother, his golden, diamond encrusted hook. "It's only for true artistes. Now get in there, and live your dream." He said to his brother who stepped out. "Couldn't have said it better myself." Rapunzel smiled and kissed Hook Hand on the cheek. Both the princess and Hook Hand began to play the guitar and the piano respectively as Hook Foot snapped his fingers to the beat, and the gold hook began to shine as Eugene, Lance, Maximus and Cassandra watched his moves, dazzling everyone.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#hook foot#hook hand#king trevor#oc rp#lucius#louisiana#karoline swan#bella#mirage#skyler#the brothers hook#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure
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Rapunzel and Eugene then watched Hook Foot go up to his brother, Hook Hand, and he demanded an apology for all those years he disrespected his dream of becoming a dancer, and having to be named "Razzle Dazzle", but it didn't work. "How big of a jerk do you have to be for Hook Hand to call you a jerk?" Eugene asked as he rolled his eyes to Rapunzel.
That's when they got to see the patron who Hook Hand was performing for. King Trevor of Equis, and King Frederic's pranking rival. "You are three minutes late, you impunctual, lumpy-faced melody pirate!" Trevor lashed out on Hook Hand who bowed his head in apology. "Oh, him." Eugene said frowning, given that he helped Frederic prank Trevor by entering his kingdom, and freeing the Royal Seal of Equis, aka Trevor Jr., in an attempt to get Rapunzel's father to like him. Rapunzel didn't understand pranks at the time. "Everything must be perfect for Trevor Jr.'s destination wedding. Everything!" Trevor said to Hook Hand.
"I have had it with bullies." Rapunzel frowned and Pascal squeaks and nods in agreement with the princess. "Now, look, I know you're upset, Blondie. But this is a workplace dispute between Hook Hand and his employer," Eugene spoke until he saw Rapunzel walking up to confront King Trevor. "and you're already on your way to interfere, that's fantastic." He stated. "King Trevor, I don't believe we've met." The princess spoke to King Trevor, her father's pranking rival.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#the brothers hook#hook hand#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#louisiana#karoline swan#bella#mirage#skyler#lucius#oc rp#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure
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The next day, Cassandra was going to keep her instincts sharp by having to aim her arrow at the apple on the sleeping Hook Foot while on break. Albeit her burnt hand caused by having to touch Rapunzel when she did the Hurt Incantation at the Great Tree was making her aim difficult. But before she could aim her arrow, Eugene comes in and takes it off Hook Foot's head. "Ah, thank you." Eugene spoke as Hook Foot woke up. "Hey. That's our last apple, and that was not one of the Lilies' fruit ammos." Cassandra said to Eugene. "Then why are you using it for target practice? Besides," Eugene asked to Cassandra. "I use these breaks to stay sharp." Cassandra stated as Maximus was sneaking around trees as he set his eyes on the apple. "Good. Stay sharp with your own apples." Eugene said to Cassandra as he was going to eat the apple.
"I'm sorry, but shouldn't the concern here be that someone was about to shoot an apple off my head?!" Hook Foot spoke calmly, until he shouted. Lance then snatched the apple from Eugene. "Lance, that's our last apple." Eugene shouted to his best buddy who was polishing the apple on his vest. "Then someone got here just in time." Lance stated. But before he got eat it, Maximus took it from him. "Apple usurper!" Lance shouted trying to take it back, but Maximus neighed, slamming Lance down. "Oh, come on!" Lance whined. "I want my apple back." Eugene shouted as he, Lance, and Cassandra were fighting for it as Maximus was trying to keep it away from there. "Don't think just because you got horse slobber all over it, I'm not still gonna eat it. It's about principle now." Eugene argued.
Meanwhile, Rapunzel and Pascal were picking berries until they heard the others having one of the "apple brawls". "Uh-oh, Pascal. Sounds like another apple brawl." Rapunzel spoke and Pascal squeaked in agreement. "I know, Pascal, but I can't blame them. We've experienced some pretty heavy stuff out here." Rapunzel spoke as Pascal saw a poster and smiled at it. He then got her idea when she saw it, a familiar face from the Snuggly Duckling they've haven't seen for a long time. "Oh, Pascal, this is perfect!" She gasped and smiled.
"Great news, everybody! We are going to see Hook Hand in concert." She said showing the poster to the gang, stopping their brawl. "Not only will seeing some real live entertainment give us a chance to unwind and get our mind off the road, and each other, it will be a Hook Brothers' reunion!" Rapunzel explained as she hugged Hook Foot. She couldn't wait to see Hook Hand after so much has happened.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#spirits-of-nature16#the brothers hook#hook hand#hook foot#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#corona palace horse (maximus)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#rapunzel's tangled adventure#tangled the series#world: kingdom of corona#karoline swan#bella#mirage#skyler#louisiana#lucius#oc rp
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Rapunzel walked to the edge where Hector had fallen in thanks to Cassandra, and she felt the breeze around her as Adira recovered. "You hear that?' She spoke softly to her allies. "Yeah, in my experience, growing rumbles never lead to good things." Eugene stated about feeling the growing rumbles below them. There was a short pause, until the chasm below them turned green, and out came multiple vines and a cocoon.
The cocoon then showed Hector becoming possessed by the heart of Zhan Tiri's Tree as he roared. "All who enter the Great Tree of Zhan Tiri shall be destroyed!" Hector shouted as the vines started to attack as the vines surrounded Rapunzel and company. "The tree! It's alive." Rapunzel shouted. "Do you remember when being chased by a rhino was the weirdest thing we had to do this weekend?" Eugene asked to Rapunzel.
Lance and Eugene then used their swords to cut the vines coming at them as Maximus and Fidella evaded the vines as Rapunzel saw Cassandra holding out on her own against the vines. "Cass!" She shouted as she unbraided her hair as witnessed one of the vines was going to strike her friend. "Watch out." Rapunzel then tossed her hair, bringing Cassandra out of harm's way. "Gotta watch that flank." Rapunzel winked to Cassandra.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#rapunzel and the great tree#brotherhood warrior (hector)#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#shorty#hook foot#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#lucius#louisiana#oc rp#spirits-of-nature16
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Hector was starting to move, and so did Adira to follow his movements if he was going to try anything funny for this confrontation. He then took out his sword as its blade came out. Rapunzel had heard the sound and woke up and saw the Enchanted Lilies get up. "Girls?" She spoke as she saw Adira facing Hector who caught up with them.
"Adira!" Rapunzel gasped. "And just so we won't be interrupted." Hector spoke as he began to cut down a small tree, to separate Rapunzel and her friends from Hector and Adira, and the loud thud was enough to shock Eugene awake. Then, Hector's bearcats were going to confront them. "Now then..." Hector then swung his sword at Adira, but she evaded his swings as she was swinging her kicks at him.
But Hector was evading her attacks, until Hector pushed her back with a swing of her forearm. In return, Adira swung a kick against him, and Hector started to laugh as he took higher ground, and they both clashed with their own swords.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#female brotherhood member (adira)#brotherhood warrior (hector)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#rapunzel and the great tree#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#oc rp#spirits-of-nature16
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Rapunzel felt bad for what happened in the room they were in earlier, having to sing the Decay Incantation, and what it did to those around her, especially Bella. She went to comfort her as she turned her attention to Cassandra's argument with Adira. "Cass, we could use the rest." She pointed out siding with Adira on this one. "Rapunzel, this place almost got us killed an hour ago." Cassandra spoke to the princess. "And thankfully, I was there to prevent it." Adira stated from her perspective.
"You stay out of this, Adira!" Cassandra shouted towards the female warrior. "I think you should calm down." Adira stated. "You know what I think? I think you're playing us." Cassandra spoke as Adira crossed her arms and frowned towards her. "I think you led us here on purpose, and from some sick reason, you wanted Rapunzel to find that incantation and read it." She stated. "Come on, Cass. Listen to yourself." Rapunzel said putting a hand on Cassandra's shoulder. "Rapunzel, I'm telling you right now, we need to get out of this tree, but more importantly, we need to lose Adira before she gets us all killed." Her lady-in-waiting said on what to do.
"I can't do that, Cass." Rapunzel spoke looking away and then back into Cassandra's eyes. "What do you mean you can't do that? Of course you can." Cassandra stated since her friend is the princess. "Are you that obliviously naive that you can't see--"
"Enough, Cassandra!" Rapunzel shouted interrupting Cassandra, to her shock. Heck, to everyone's shock, except for Adira, seeing Rapunzel take control of the situation. "No one is getting rid of anyone. Is that clear?" The princess asked as Cassandra to see their allies watch in shock, even Eugene. "Yes, Your Highness." Cassandra said reluctantly as she removed her hand from Rapunzel, and started looking down. "I'll keep first watch." She said as Rapunzel watched her distance herself from the group, and Rapunzel was feeling ashamed about what occurred just now.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona palace horse (maximus)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#fidella#shorty#hook foot#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#female brotherhood member (adira)#rapunzel's tangled adventure#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel and the great tree#karoline swan#bella#mirage#skyler#louisiana#lucius#oc rp#spirits-of-nature16
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@spirits-of-nature16 continued from here (Reblogged for a slight mispelling) when they all heard Frederic telling them his side of the story about a Sun Drop Flower he use, by awakening a darkness, how black rocks can connect with the Sun Drop, every single excruciating detail he told them, each of their expressions went from shocking to disappointment; keeping secrets from his own family, the citizens of Corona, even their friends, but now they changed their expressions into a smile "and maybe, just maybe, reasoning with Varian" Karoline nodded "and we're gonna need a lot more help we can get" Louisiana smiled to them by the hour as the rocks are still getting closer afterwards, the citizens of Corona are clamoring to the king "the rocks are getting closer!" one of the male citizens complained while Cassandra and the Dawood twins are blocking them to wait their turn "oh! oh, we're doomed! Doomed!" Feldspar exclaimed "pipe down, Feldspar" Mrs. Crowley, the elderly maid nudged him to calm down "no one can hear me" she then added with an ominous voice "we're doomed, I tell you" "people! citizens, please, listen to me!" King Frederic keeps telling them to settle down "there's a perfect logical explanation-!" Mirage tried the same to stop their complaining "if you can just-!" she tried again, but still no avail, until Maximus whinnied out loud to finally get their attention "thanks, Max" Bella petted Maximus "anytime" Maximus replied while Bella's gem glowed by translating his words
Rapunzel, King Frederic and company saw Maximus whinnied to calm the crowd, and that was the king's cue to speak. "I will not lie to you any longer. Corona is in grave danger. The queen has been taken. Over half our royal guard lie wounded. And these black rocks draw ever closer." King Frederic spoke recapping on the events they witnessed as the crowd goes worried. "Uh, sir, hi, yeah. If there's a "but" in this speech, you probably want to cut to it right now." Eugene said to the king, as Rapunzel grabs his arm.
"But I look at you, and I don't just see subjects, I see friends, family, strong, brave individuals who have stood by each others' side, and have never, ever backed down from a fight." King Frederic said about Corona's citizens, Rapunzel's friends, including the Snuggly Duckling thugs, the Enchanted Lilies and their relatives. "Today, we face a danger like none before. As your king, your friend, and as your brother, I ask you to fight one more time. For Corona!" He shouted raising his fist to fight for the kingdom as the crowd chanted, "For Corona!" Time passed, and the group all moved to the war room. "What do you ask of us, Your Majesty?" Miss Crowley asked to the king.
"As was so insightfully pointed out to me, we've been playing straight into Varian's hands, and now, he's expecting a full-out attack on Old Corona." King Frederic spoke on what Varian is planning. "So, what's the plan, Your Majesty?" Stan asked as Rapunzel points at Old Corona. "We launch a full-out attack on Old Corona." She said on what to do. "But we'd be giving him the upper hand." Pete pointed out. "Yeah, well, we're gonna let Varian think he still has the upper hand. And while we distract him with the assault, I am gonna sneak around the back, using the underground tunnels, and rescue the queen." Rapunzel said about their plan on the assault on Old Corona. "We are going to rescue the queen." King Frederic said joining Rapunzel to rescue Arianna from Varian.
"With all due respect, Princess, Varian only wants you. Once he sees you're nowhere to be found, won't he realize that our attack is just a diversion?" Stan asked to the princess. "Probably. That is what he is for." Rapunzel said pointing to Shorty, cosplaying as Rapunzel. "I got this." Shorty smiled.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#king frederic#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#oc rp#world: kingdom of corona#spirits-of-nature16#tangled the series#secret of the sundrop
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"Um Lance, buddy. About this whole Adira thing..." Eugene said trying to have a heart to heart talk with his best friend, Lance about his infatuation with Adira while he adds more and more flowers to make a bouquet, giving them to Eugene to hold. "Let me see. How do I put this?" He asked himself. "But have you considered the possibility that maybe, big maybe, Adira might not be into..." Eugene cleared throat. "...interested in you at all?" He asked.
"Not interested? Of course she is. Look at me. What's not to love?" Lance asked to Eugene about himself. "Well, for one. You might want to think about being a bit more... Uh, how do I say? Honest." Eugene spoke, giving Lance a shocking gasp. "Me? Not honest? Name one thing I've done that hasn't been on the up and up." Lance requested.
"Well, you took the last apple at breakfast and blamed Max, then you cheated playing rock, paper, scissors, also you took credit for saving the group from all of the things we've already done right now because you're a big galoot." Eugene said about the things he done up to this point. "Of course I'm not gonna seem honest if you point out all the times I lie." Lance stated from his perspective. All of a sudden, Eugene had a realization. "Wait. Where are the others?" He asked as they were separated from the group.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#rapunzel's tangled adventure#rapunzel and the great tree#tangled the series#spirits-of-nature16#world: kingdom of corona#oc rp#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#louisiana#lucius
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"Adira, wait." Rapunzel spoke to stop Adira from leaving after she had rescued them from peril again. "Who was that man that attacked us?" The princess asked. "And don't give us any of your cryptic runaround talk." Cassandra said with a suspicious tone towards Adira. "His name is Hector. And I don't think I appreciate your tone." Adira said frowning at Cassandra, who gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry I gave you the impression I care about the things you appreciate." Cassandra argued.
"All right, all right." Rapunzel said breaking up the fight. "Who is Hector?" The princess asked to Adira. "He's a member of the Brotherhood, a group of warriors sworn to keep any and all away from the Dark Kingdom." Adira explained to Rapunzel who Hector was. "Dark Kingdom? That's where we're headed." Rapunzel stated as she took out a torn piece of the scroll from Varian's graphtyc. "How many are in this brotherhood?" Cassandra asked with her arms crossed.
"Not many. But you've encountered one before today. Quirin, father of Varian." Adira spoke, bringing up the mention of Varian's father who was trapped in the amber. "But none of the brothers is as dangerous or sadistic as Hector. And this is his domain The Great Tree. He's sworn to stay here to ensure no one crosses these mountains." She said about Hector's domain.
"And how do you know so much about all of this?" Cassandra asked, still being suspicious of Adira. "Let's just say some of us in the Brotherhood disagree on a couple of things." Adira said showing them the symbol of the Brotherhood. "All right, so we have to go through crazy rhino guy's house to get to this Dark Kingdom?" Eugene asked about the situation on their way to the Dark Kingdom.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#female brotherhood member (adira)#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#varian's father (quirin)#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#louisiana#lucius#world: kingdom of corona#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#rapunzel and the great tree#rapunzel's chameleon (pascal)
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Rapunzel and Cassandra look and see the strange scary-looking man, riding on a rhino, escorted by two bearcats along with him. And they too glance at Skyler being interested in him. Eugene then comes out of the caravan when he went in to stop the arguing between his fellow men; Hook Foot, Lance, and Lucius. "Have no fear, the peacekeeper worked his magic... Aah!" Eugene said to the girls until he turned around and saw the man on the horizon as his rhino started to roar and charge. "Why are we just standing here?" Eugene asked as Cassandra and Rapunzel boarded the caravan. "Run!" He shouted as Maximus and Fidella took off while the scary-looking man gave chase.
"Anyone want to take a guess as to who rhino man is?" Eugene asked. "I am happy to hazard a guess." Shorty spoke opening a window, wanting to guess. "Anyone other than Shorty." Eugene stated as Rapunzel looked. "Wow. A rhinoceros. Oh! I never thought I'd actually see one." Said the princess who was fascinated. "I gotta say, if it weren't chasing us and our lives weren't on the line--"
"Blondie, it is and they are!" Eugene said trying to keep his girlfriend f focused. "Uh, right!" She said getting down back on her seat, as Hector got his rhino to strike at the caravan, causing Hook Foot to almost fall out, until Lance caught him, pulling him back in. "We can't outrun it!" Hook Foot shouted as they were going to hit a fork in the road. This gave Rapunzel an idea. "Maybe we don't have to. I hope this works." Rapunzel said as she pulled a lever. "Ready?" She asked. "One..." Eugene counted. "Two... Three! Yes!" Rapunzel shouted splitting the caravan into two, since the princess thought the man could chase both of them. "Come on, Max!" Eugene said for Maximus to keep running.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
#brotherhood warrior (hector)#rapunzel and the great tree#tangled the series#rapunzel's tangled adventure#spirits-of-nature16#oc rp#world: kingdom of corona#corona's lost princess (rapunzel)#corona swashbuckler (eugene fitzherbert)#corona palace horse (maximus)#rapunzel's lady in waiting (cassandra)#lucius#louisiana#karoline swan#bella#skyler#mirage#hook foot#eugene's partner in crime (lance strongbow)#shorty#fidella
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