austinlockard-blog · 7 years
I think the best part about people not knowing you exist yet is that you can say whatever you want, whenever without any standards. . . poopycracker. Try me!
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
When You Wish . . .
The fields of the world on the other side shined bright with a calming green, and the cliffs offered a cool shadow for the brothers to rest in. Everything had been peaceful for what seemed like years to them, but the time there was different; comprehensible only for those born of that world. Alex and Tanner sat in front of one of the many large cliffs in the lush field, waiting.
     Tanner opened his mouth, readying to yawn. “I think you’re full of bologna.” he said, stretching his arms.
     “No, no. Peb had this huge filing cabinet thing, and in one of the files was a paper, then on the back of that paper was a picture of a box. When you opened the box, there was another box, then opening that box was another paper.” Alex rambled.
     Tanner drooped his eyes as he zoned out. “Uh huh.”
     Alex lifted his hands, forming a cube shape in front of him. “And that paper had instructions to wait right here in this field. At what will be 2 a.m. on our watches, the white rabbit will appear.”
     “Uh huh.”
     Alex opened his hand, flattening his palm. “All we gotta do is wait for it, then catch it, and boom!” He drove his fist into his open hand. “We get free wishes.”
     Not moving, Tanner darted his eyes over to his brother. “Three wishes? Isn’t that a bit cliché?” he said.
     “No, no. Free wishes, not three wishes. These wishes are free, no payment necessary.”
     Tanner sat up and crossed his legs. “Like we could have of gone out and bought a wish? That’s not a thing. It doesn’t make sense to call them ‘free wishes’ if we gotta wait out here forever and catch some rabbit that doesn’t exist.”
     Alex leaned towards his brother, grinning. “You said ghosts didn’t exist but look where we are now.” Alex bounced his eyebrows.
     “That’s different.”
     “No, it isn’t.”
     “Yes, it is.”
     “No, it isn’t.”
     “Yes, it is.”
     “No, it isn’t.”
     “Yes, it isn’t.”
     Alex pointed at Tanner. “Hah! You said it isn’t!”
     Tanner glared at his brother, showing no regards to wait outside in the heat any longer. “Why didn’t you get Tracy to come with us. She could’ve like, I don’t know, formed an air-conditioned bubble, turn rocks into chips,” he ran his fingers down his face, pulling at the skin, “heck, she could’ve even sped up time maybe. She kinda does what she wants to and she’s yet to show any signs of running out of abilities.” he grumbled. “Look, it’s hot out here. Can we just go back to the house and get some food?”
     “Tracey didn’t believe me. Besides, she already has like, whatever she needs. I want my wishes.” Alex lifted a pair of binoculars to his eyes, gazing around the many open fields.
     “What about Bucky? Doesn’t he always have a bubble of cool air around him? You could’ve brought him.”
     Alex lowered the binoculars slowly, realizing the flaw to his plan. “Oh yeah. I could have done that, couldn’t I?” He tapped his chin and hummed an offsetting tune, then transitioned it into the cymbals of smooth jazz. He turned around and grabbed his backpack, rummaging through the assorted supplies he had brought. He pulled out a round mirror no bigger than two feet and handed it to Tanner. “Here, look through this and find Bucky. It’s hot as pie out here and we don’t need to be sweating up any pit stains.” he said.
     Tanner took the mirror and looked all through the many reflections. “Yep, hot as pie.”
     Alex looked at his watch. 1:40 a.m. “And, wait for it.” He looked up into the sky as the sun faded out and the projections of the moon rose from the blue darkness, then lowered his head, returning his gaze to the binoculars. “Mmm. Humidity.” Sweat seeped from his skin and ran down the side of his head. “Yeah, we gotta get Bucky over here.”
     Tanner continued to swipe the mirror, searching for Bucky. Five minutes came and went and he still couldn’t find him. “Man, where is he?” Tanner grumbled.
 Bucky clinked his glass of champagne and proceeded to sip, admiring the accuracy of the Goblins’ details in movie form as it was to the book. The man on screen creep slowly but steadily towards a silver locker across from him. He began to lift the lock, pulling the door open. “Honey, is this cool or what? Look at that crisp detail!” he said.
     The orchestra of the scene brought a gripping fear to Katrina as the man swung the door completely open, revealing an empty locker. She sighed, leaning back. “It’s wonderful, Bucky.” The man turned around. A fierce creature crouched down in front of him, dripping drool and snarling. It released a harmful shriek and lunged for the man. While just a jump-scare, it held strong enough to shake her. Katrina yelped, jumping up.
     Bucky laughed. “Scaredy-cat.” he said.
     Katrina smirked and gently smacked her husband’s chest. “Shut up.” she laughed.
Tanner could just make out Bucky’s face through the fizzing yellow of the champagne. “Bucky!” he shouted. Bucky sat still, watching his movie.
     Alex bounced up and looked at Tanner. “You found him? Let me see.” he said, taking the mirror. “Bucky!” he shouted. Bucky continued to watch his movie. Alex looked all around the other side and admired the setup. “Woah. Bucky’s got an in-home movie theater. Cool!” he said. He looked back up into the sky. One singular cloud occupied the space above them. “Hmmm. . .” Alex pulled his legs up to his chin and rested his teeth on his knees. “That cloud is oddly peculiar.” Clouds flew in from all over, surrounding the lone one. Alex nudged Tanner’s leg. “Tanner, Tanner, it’s happening!” he shouted. He pushed himself off the warm ground, eager to touch his dreams in his very palms.
     Tanner followed in his brother’s actions. “Oh, wow.” he huffed. “I guess you were telling the truth.”
     A diamond of pure light descended from the clouds, touching the soil. It stretched and reformed over and over, then stopped. A small rabbit, white as the brightest star at night, hopped around carelessly. It grunted, then began to sigh in relief. Alex and Tanner tip-toed over, careful not to make a sound. They came up close to it as it still sighed. Alex began to lean in, spreading his arms out wide; preparing to catch. The light rabbit slowly looked back. “Woah, woah, woah!” it shouted.
     Alex pulled back. “Wha? . . . You can talk?” he brushed his vest.
     “Of course I can talk, now get away from me!” The rabbit shoed the boys away. He finished his business and turned around, brushing his fur. “Alright, alright. I know what this is.” he grumbled angrily.
     Alex stepped back even further. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just—“
     “You just wanted some wishes, don’ch ya?” the rabbit concluded. He folded his ears back, then bounced them up. “It’s that damn legend, wasn’t it?” he pointed at Alex.
     “Y-Yes, sir.” Alex said.
     The rabbit scrunched his forehead. “I only get ten minutes to wiz every day and this happens.” He pinched his forehead and smoothed it out. “Okay, kids. What do you want?”
     Bucky stepped into the group from behind the two boys. “Just about to ask the same thing. I thought I heard something. Did you guys try reaching me through my champagne glass?” he asked.
     Tanner looked back. “Oh, hey. Yeah, we wanted to see if you could hang out with us on this stake-out to keep us cool.” He pulled his shirt collar out. “It’s like a million degrees out here.”
     Bucky laughed. “Maybe start with wearing something other than a long-sleeve?”
     “This outfit is trademarked.” Tanner replied.
     The light rabbit clapped his little paws. “Hey, hey! Wishes! I don’t got all day!”
     Alex lifted his finger gently. “Night.”
     The rabbit flailed his arms, angry at the time they were wasting. “Whatdaya want?” he shouted.
     Alex clenched his fists and leaned forward. “The ability to run uncomprehendably fast without negative consequences!”
     “Same thing!” Tanner shouted.
     Bucky perked up, realizing the reality of the situation. Anything he wanted. Any dream or desire would be granted. He pushed the two aside. “Immunity to sunlight without unintended consequences!” he yelled.
     The light rabbit raised his paw. A yellow beam shot from the tip of his index finger and formed three rings above them. Alex looked up and gazed admiringly at the three rings. One for each of them. He worked hard and stayed up all night to reach this point. Life was going to be a whole lot of fun from here on out. The rings zapped onto the hands of the proper owners and the rabbit turned around. “Alright. Goodbye!” he said as he beamed back into the clouds above.
     Alex jumped up and down, then disappeared. Tanner cocked his head; confused as to where his brother went. Alex returned, then another. “Huh?” he said looking over at himself. “Hey Tanner, I think I’m too fast.” he said.
     “What gave it away. The fact that there are two of you?” he mumbled.
     Bucky danced his way off the ground and twirled back in forth in the air, looking at his new ring. “Hah!” he laughed. He bounced around the air some more, vigorously swinging his legs in a burst of joy and excitement. “With this, I won’t need that clunky suit! Do you know how badly I want to go outside and play with my kids without that thing?” he cried. “Thank you! Thank you!” he said as he flew back through the mirror.
     One of the Alex’s looked over. “Hey Tanner, I think I’m too fast.”
     The brothers looked at each other, then back at the other Alex. “I think you broke reality.” Tanner laughed.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
Bonus Chapter of “The Gother Brothers”
I don’t mind sharing this one. It has just the right amount of spoilers in it to tease without giving away much plot.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
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The Gother Brothers (Tanner, left) (Alex, right).
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
Schmeckle dorf
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
Went on a 7+ hour road trip with a really old man today. I love the stories old people have to tell. It makes me so happy to hear that a dollar used to cost a buckle or something.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
Some people ask me: “Hey, Austin. Why is it that you’re happy all the time?” The answer is lot’s of morning nausea topped off with a heaping tablespoon of anxiety.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
I've just received word that my plushes of 4 of my characters (Nightmin and Bucky. Alex and Tanner) will arrive at my fortress of solitude this Saturday. I love merch! I'll be sure to post pics here when they arrive!
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
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Here’s a shit post for ya. 1 of the 2 characters in the 2nd book going Super Saiyan Red.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
As of the moment, the 2nd book in the series is nearly complete, but won't receive attention until NFC is done. There is a huge tone shift that's executed really well. While not necessarily a "sequel", it takes place before, during, and after NFC. I'll let you figure out what I'm talking about.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
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Here’s the paperback cover. Just to show off 2 of the 3 main characters.
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austinlockard-blog · 7 years
Le greetings, Everyone. I'm here to share some of my good stuff. Nightmin's his name, burning stuff is his game.
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