#hook foot
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 hours ago
"I mean, how am I gonna miss you if you're... on the road with me?" Hook Hand smiled as he pulled down a rope, revealing a banner showing them together as "The Brothers Hook: Song and Dance - World of Colourful Language Extravagazana" inviting Hook Foot to join him on a world tour.
"Really? You mean it?" Hook Foot smiled asking if he was going to come along on his brother's tour. But then, he turned his head thinking about his friends. "But my friends. I'd have to leave them." Hook Foot said as his smile disappeared. "Hook Foot, we love having you with us. But this is your chance to follow your own destiny." Rapunzel spoke to him about taking this opportunity, and Pascal smiles on her shoulder agreeing with her.
"Go. Live your dream." Rapunzel encouraged him, and Hook Foot started to hug the princess goodbye. "Thank you. I don't think I've ever been more happy." He said while Hook Hand joined in on the hug. Eugene did the same, until Hook Hand started growling at him, making him back off. "Okay. I thought the moment brought us over this emotional hump. My bad. Misread." Eugene chuckled putting his hands in defense.
Continued from here
the next day in the kingdom of Corona, it was a typical normal day, until it ended when the stranger ran passed through the wanted poster that says 'Silent Striker'
"he went this way!" Stan shouted when he and Pete went after him, Mirage and Bella are being prepared to catch him too, the guard captain and the other guard got him surrounded
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tenshichan1013 · 7 months ago
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tangled before ever after series bible 2 of 2
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tangledbea · 7 months ago
Let Me Make You Proud Premier Recreation
My first ever video, guys! I decided to recreate the video they used to show us at D23 Expo in 2017 that premiered “Let Me Make You Proud”!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed seeing it come together!
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antiquepearlss · 4 months ago
I’m starting a petition to reboot Tangled The Series where everything is the same, except it’s directed by Alex Hirsch.
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romancemedia · 7 months ago
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New Dream Double Dates (1x09 vs. 2x09)
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 month ago
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What's happening here? Wrong answers only
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rocksandrobots · 10 months ago
Mermay Week Day 2: Pearl
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Spoilers for Season 4 Under the Cut
Varian hated wishes.
Wishes, especially ones that came true, were too much like magic for his liking. And magic always brought trouble.
It certainly brought trouble to this little undersea grotto.
Five different kingdoms were fighting over the priceless Mariner's Pearl. An ancient artifact that was supposed to grant the owner's deepest desire.
Sea monster, mermaid, and human alike fought tirelessly as each group chased the other around the cavern, and under the water, to grab hold of the priceless pearl.
Varian didn't know which outcome would be the least disastrous.
The Saporians would no doubt wish for the subjection of Corona and its populace, and he'd seen enough of Andrew's rule to realize what that would entail. Even with Cassie supposedly in charge now, he still didn't know if the woman could be trusted with her violent temper.
As for the kingdom of Corona, well its princess was at least less vengeful than her former best friend. But Rapunzel was also an idiot, and she was liable to wish for something well meaning but stupid that would backfire horribly... Like 'world peace' that turned everyone into zombified drones with fake smiles permanently plastered on their faces.
No that wouldn't do at all.
Then there were the three ocean kingdoms to contend with.
The Atlanteans and the Sharkanias hated each other, and each would destroy the other if given the chance. While the Vodniks were supposed to be a mediating party who had agreed to keep the pearl locked away in order to maintain peace. Yet this was the third time they had failed to prevent the jewel from being stolen right out from under their noses... by the same person no less!
As for Hookfoot's girlfriend, Varian had no idea what she wanted. Seraphina had seemed sincere about wanting to redeem herself, and yet she had been the one to cause this mess to begin with.
Varian shook his head as he watched the chaos around him unfold. There was no other option. He would have to destroy the pearl himself and prevent anyone from using it.
That was easier said than done however. 
For starters, being magic, it wasn't as simple as dissolving the item in vinegar. The molecular structure of the thing was probably different to that of a normal pearl. Secondly, he would have to obtain the jewel before anyone else did, and right now it was a battlefield out there.
He took a deep breath, waited for his chance, and then darted out from under the outcropping he had been hiding under. He slammed into a poor Vodnik who had just picked up his prize and they both went rolling into the water.
Twenty others dived in right after them. Some naturally better swimmers than others.
Varian found himself racing neck to neck with Urichin; the Atlantean he had befriended earlier in the tunnels. He didn't seem like a bad person either, but his loyalties obviously lied with his own king and country.
The fair haired merman shot Varian a smug smile of satisfaction and then flew ahead easily with a short burst of speed. While Varian had to remind himself not to gasp while underwater.
He was a fool to think he could outswim a fish. Yet no sooner did Urchin reach the pearl, then so did Seraphina and the two of them went twirling in circles, trying to yank the precious stone out of the other's hands.
Varian's lungs burned.
He needed to think of something fast.
In a blind panic he ripped a chimball off of his belt and squeezed it till it busted open. The sea grew dark as black smoke poured from it.
Varian broke the surface with a heaving gulp of air.
The other combatants soon followed, human and sea creature alike. Each coughing and sputtering from the now tainted water.
 Varian ignored them. He pulled himself up onto the ground of the cave, clutching the pearl tightly.
He'd won, but what was he to do now?
He stood up on shaky legs and desperately hunted for a chimball that might help. An acid or a bomb or...
Oh how he wished Honey Lemon was here. She'd know what to use.
No sooner did the thought cross his mind than the pearl in his hand started to glow. 
He barely had time to comprehend his mistake before a portal began to open up before him, and he saw the silhouette of a lithe figure floating in the middle of the blue. 
The figure became ever more distinct as the portal grew ever larger. Long limbs, flowing red hair, soft lips… Varian felt sick. 
How long had it been since he'd last seen her? Heard her laugh? Held her?
Instinctively he held out his arms to catch her. 
He had given up hope of ever returning to San Fransokyo. Given up hope of seeing his loved ones again. Given up hope of ever kissing his beloved Honey once more. 
His heart raced as he stepped closer to the portal. 
And now she was coming here! Soon they would be together. One minute more- 
Varian stopped.
She was coming here! 
She was going to be trapped in this world of magic and nightmares with him! 
His heart leapt into his throat. 
That was the last thing he wanted. She wouldn't be safe here. She'd be separated from her family and friends. She'd miss out on her future… 
He stood there; torn with indecision. Every fiber of his being desired nothing more than to hold her close, but the rational part of his brain was screaming at him to close the portal. To keep her safe. 
The choice was made for him when a Saporian staff knocked the pearl out of his hand. 
The portal disappeared as he clutched his now sore arm and the battle for the wish granting artifact resumed. 
He cursed under his breath, mentally kicking himself for being so weak. He'd missed his opportunity to destroy the pearl and lost his love yet again. 
With a hiss he unhooked another chimball from his belt and ran back into the fray. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. 
From above the battlefield, unseen by the warring soldiers, the demon that was always watching smiled knowingly.
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whosbex · 3 months ago
Yall I’m watching brothers hook and I realized the song the Raps and Hook hand play go along with the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believing by Journey….if you don’t believe me just sing the song while Hook Foot dances and yall will hear it I swear!
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rta-user-2025 · 5 months ago
Hookfoot and Hookhand
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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#subtle touches
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tenshichan1013 · 6 months ago
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tangled the series series bible 7 of 8
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tangledbea · 11 months ago
Why do you think they even put Hook foot on the caravan anyways? I understand Shorty for comic relief, but why Hook Foot? They may have wanted someone to balance out the two duos of Rapunzel and Cass and Eugene and Lance, or someone to fill the slot Ariana would’ve had on the caravan trip, but that didn’t have to be Hook Foot. And was Lance (and for that matter, Varian) even developed during the point where Ariana would’ve been on the trip? If not, that point may be moot. They may have wanted to put another guy on the team for when Lance was out of commission during the S1 premiere. But my personal opinion for why they chose Hook Foot specifically is that they really, really wanted to do both the Seraphina episode and the episode with Hook Hand, which afterwards Hook Foot no longer mattered to plot so he left. I think they wanted to bring back Hook Hand for an episode and have him and Hook Foot interact, and I guess they figured the best time for that was when they were on the road, but I can just imagine someone who worked on the show just really liking the concept of Hook Foot and a mermaid having a romantic thing going, and then they decide to make an actual episode about it, and that being the main reason they put him on the caravan 😂
So, fun fact from what I know about Hook Foot existing at all: They wanted it to be Hook Hand, but Brad Garret wanted them to pay him way more money/amenities to play him than they had the budget for, and they weren't going to get a sound-alike. Their general rule was: if the original cast can't be the character, that character won't be in it. Ultimately, they got Brad for one (1) episode, and I believe that was agreed upon much farther down the road, not when they first asked him to reprise the roll. In fact, there are early storyboards where Hook Hand is included, and Hook Foot is nowhere to be seen. (Unfortunately, I can't seem to find said storyboard at this time, or I'd show you.)
I have no idea why they ultimately decided not to include Arianna on the trip, but I think that was decided on well before they decided to include Hook Foot. So it's not a case of "instead," more a case of "they went in a different direction".
As for why Hoot Foot was included in season two at all, while I don't have any hard facts about this, I feel like it has something to do with making Eugene more serious during the season (especially towards the end), and so they needed comic relief to balance him out. They (and by "they" I mean "probably Ben Balistreri") seemed to really like the gag where his hook foot was used as a tool. And, yeah, probably also to balance out the traveling party, numbers-wise.
But primarily, I feel like it was because they wanted an excuse to have him not be at the wedding (I guess, even though Hook Hand ultimately was). Like, Hook Foot was the first of the cast to leave the party permanently. I think we're meant to assume that, between him joining Hook Hand on the road, and then not being at the wedding, that he either got his solo career and/or ultimately went off to be with Seraphina (like the end card implied, even though that was just one artist's personal desire). Either way, someone in the crew (again, probably Ben) really liked him enough to include him.
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romancemedia · 7 months ago
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months ago
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goddess-kate90 · 10 days ago
What you think about my beautiful feets👣❤️
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rta-user-2025 · 1 year ago
Scenes from "King Pascal"
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