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suzimiya · 4 months ago
Die Braunen Arschlöcher wollen dass das Video von @[email protected] gesperrt wird.
Deshalb teile ich es gerne weil die Braunen Arschlöcher die Decke hoch gehen 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Stimmts @[email protected] und #AfD '
Via @querdenkerRAUS
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heplev · 2 months ago
Im von Antisemitismus-Skandalen in Aufruhr versetztem Deutschland läuft die Folgenlosigkeit Amok
Ein breites Spektrum an politischen Persönlichkeiten und NGOs in Deutschland haben extremistisch israelfeindliche Positionen geäußert oder unterstützt, darunter Umkehrung des Holocaust Benjamin Weinthal, i24NEWS, 31. Oktober 2024 Aydan Ozoguz (Foto: Bernd von Jutrczenka – POOL/AFP) Deutschlands regierende linke Koalition und eine Reihe Elite-Institutionen des Landes sind von…
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zimmerberg · 5 months ago
RAMELOW bleibt Ramelow!!!
I'm listening to RT DE | Vergiftete "Friedensbotschaft": Wahlkämpfer Ramelow will russisch-europäischen "Nichtangriffspakt" on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/wlei/pb-unpmd-169010e
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dadsinsuits · 18 days ago
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Bodo Ramelow
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pourunhomme · 7 months ago
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Bodo Ramelow
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bopinion · 5 months ago
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2024 / 31
Aperçu of the week
"The 20th century was a test bed for big ideas - fascism, communism, the atomic bomb."
(Patrick Jake "P. J." O'Rourke, US satirist, writer and co-founder of Gonzo journalism. These days mark the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan)
Bad News of the Week
In Southport, England, not far from Liverpool, a 17-year-old drives to a dance school in the afternoon, pulls out a knife and kills three people. They were little girls aged 6, 7 and 9 who were taking part in a vacation course to dance to Taylor Swift songs. And suddenly a nightmare began, which eyewitnesses describe as a horror movie in which a dozen bleeding, injured children try to save themselves from a monster. Three children didn't make it, eight others and two adults are in hospital.
This is a shocking act. And it hurts. But the reaction of some of the British people hurts just as much. Because while upstanding citizens sympathize and help - a good example is the free cab rides to the hospital for relatives of injured children - the scum from the right-wing fringe of society are using this event to spin their own agenda. And that is (of course) xenophobia. Reminder: it was the UK whose then Conservative government wanted to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda in a dubious deal that was even ychallenged by its own Supreme Court.
It all started with fake news doing the rounds on social media that it was an immigrant who had just arrived on the island. "Influencer" Andrew Tate called he came "straight off the boat". And was even cited by "politician" Nigel Farage. Add to that an allegedly Arabic name and the fuse was lit. Just one day after the deadly attack, a mob raged in the small town. A mosque was attacked, stones thrown, cars set on fire and 22 police officers injured. "No surrender!" and "English till I die!" was shouted.
It didn't help that officials made it clear that the perpetrator was not an asylum seeker, but was born in Cardiff, Wales. And that he had neither Arab origins nor an Arabic name. As I said, the fuse was lit. And in the days that followed, it began to burn everywhere. As if the Ku Klux Klan were riding through the country and setting fires everywhere. In London alone, 100 rioters were arrested. I find it shocking that these racist assholes are dancing on the grave of dead children to the sound of their cheap prejudices. Shame on you.
Good News of the Week
Tough times for pacifists. As a teenager in Europe in the 1980s, I know the Cold War all too well. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the continent, which had been marked by wars for centuries, seemed to have a rosy future ahead of it: Peace. The eastward expansion of the EU seemed to be proof of this. NATO's eastward expansion, on the other hand, proved to be a double-edged sword. It was perceived by Russia, or rather by the despot Vladimir Putin, who has been in power for 25 years, as an encroachment. In the mind of the former KGB officer, who sees the collapse of the Soviet Union as the most tragic moment in history, Ukraine's turn to the West ultimately had to be seen as crossing a red line. Don't poke the bear.
Russia's attack on Ukraine almost two and a half years ago shattered the last illusion of fragile geostrategic stability. The word of the hour became "turning point". And we Germans in particular, who in fact owe our reunification to Kremlin leader Mikhail Gorbachev and had therefore clung almost desperately and half-blindly to the hope of Russia, were abruptly torn from our dreams of a better world. As long as there is talking, there is no shooting - this rule no longer applies. And a hard wedge needs a hard block.
In addition to the military and political issues with which we are now confronted (special funds for upgrading our military, increasing operational readiness, integrating new NATO partners, relocating troop units to the eastern borders, permanently stabilizing defence spending at 2% of gross domestic product, etc.), it is above all the emotional aspects that are making us swallow. Fear is back. It is therefore all the more pleasing that pretty much all democrats (yes, that excludes the AfD / Alternative for Germany) are slowly coming to an understanding that there is a new reality that cannot be ignored. Two examples from the last few days:
The USA wants to station long-range weapons in Germany. For an old-school deterrent. And the Greens, who were founded as explicit pacifists and took to the streets against Ronald Reagan's Pershing missiles in the 1980s, accept this as a simple necessity. As Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock writes in a guest article in the Bild newspaper (of all places): "The principle of hope will not protect us from Putin's Russia. (...) What protects us now is that we invest in our own security and strength - in the EU, in NATO and in Germany." This also includes the decision to station extensive American weapons systems in Germany from 2026, as she sees no hope of an early peace solution through negotiations, as Putin responds to every peace initiative with escalation.
Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, on the other hand, is from Die Linke (The Left), traditionally the most Russia-friendly party. In principle, he calls for a non-aggression pact between Europe and Russia, saying that Europe must finally be thought of as a whole, and Russia is part of that. However, he conceded that such a step is not currently conceivable. "Of course, this is not possible with a dictatorship, an oppressive apparatus, and Putin is also not a representative of freedom and peace." And assured that he was not against NATO, but for a reorganization of European defence under its umbrella. So democrats stand together. And show strength when necessary.
Personal happy moment of the week
My wife is a big fan of Italy. And she has always wanted to go to Lago di Garda. At the weekend, she had the chance to spend two days with a friend who was visiting her husband and son there on a camping vacation. And she enjoyed it. In every respect. Bella Italia. Her great joy was my greatest joy.
I couldn't care less...
...about "Hindus only". This is the motto under which Palestinians - for a long time an important workforce for many rather low-ranking and low-paid jobs - are no longer employed in Israel. The dirty work is now to be done by guest workers from India. Because no one with an Arabic-sounding name can be trusted anymore. I could puke.
It's fine with me...
...that the elephantine regular in the china store is once again demonstrating diplomatic sensitivity: Donald Trump has congratulated Vladimir Putin on the latest prisoner swap with the West: "I want to congratulate Vladimir Putin for once again making a great deal". Nice of him to show so honestly whose side he is on.
As I write this...
...I'm still unsure what to make of the current Earth overshoot day balance sheet. On the one hand, it's always a problem when this point is reached before new years eve. On the other hand, it's good that experts are seeing a positive trend. Or - to be honest - a slightly less negative one.
Post Scriptum
Jimmy Carter, the 39th US President from 1977 to 1981, will hopefully celebrate his 100th birthday about a month before the presidential elections. The Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has been receiving palliative care for some time, has now said, according to a newspaper report: "I'm trying to hang on to vote for Kamala Harris". This is fitting, as few have campaigned as emphatically for human rights, peace and democracy as Carter. Almost the antithesis of Putin's bosom buddy mentioned above.
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outfitsinspiration · 9 months ago
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Who: Rocky Barnes
What: Ryan Ramelow JHR Hat ($1,850.00) Where: Instagram - April 2, 2024
Worn with: Bytimo dress, Gianvito Rossi flats
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alterugdalf · 4 months ago
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Der vermeintliche Erfolg der CDU bei den Wahlen geht nicht zuletzt darauf zurück, dass Tausende Anhänger von Grünen, FDP, SPD und auch der Linken, ja sogar Nichtwähler ihr Kreuz bei der Union machten. Nicht, weil sie die Politik der Union, oder Voigt oder Kretschmer gut finden. Sie wollten die Braunen verhindern. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger.
Voigt, Kretschmer und Merz könnten nun sagen: Wir nehmen eure Sorgen ernst. Wir verstehen, dass wir für euch nur das kleinere Übel sind, dass ihr Politik wollt, die der Hetze der AfD klar entgegensteht.
Stattdessen inszenieren sie sich als diejenigen, die "klare Regierungsaufträge" bekommen haben. Mit geschwellter Brust sprechen sie von der Abstrafung der Ampel, der Abwahl Ramelows.
Es erfordert Demut, sich einzugestehen, dass man GERADE NOCH SO besser ist als eine Bande von Faschisten.
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unscharf-an-den-raendern · 5 months ago
Immernoch verschwendetes Potential dass dieser eine Bürgermeister, der das Set besucht hat, nicht für eine Folge den Vater von Elly und Joshua gespielt hat 😂
Wieso denken alle immer das wär der Bürgermeister, das war der Ministerpräsident von Thüringen Bodo Ramelow.
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dadsinsuits · 5 months ago
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Bodo Ramelow
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unfug-bilder · 1 year ago
Was Ramelow bei seiner Wutrede nicht sagt (obwohl er es sicher weiß) ist:
Das Anzeigenblatt macht gerne Werbung für die Blauen, denn sie wissen: Das gefällt der Redaktion ebenso wie den LeserInnen.
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korrektheiten · 23 days ago
Brandmauer eingerissen – nach links
Tichy:»In Thüringen und Sachsen lassen sich die Ministerpräsidenten von linken Parteien tolerieren. In Thüringen ist Mario Voigt (CDU) nur dank Stimmen der LINKEN und des BSW Ministerpräsident geworden. Mit dem BSW ist er eine Koalition eingegangen; mit der Linken unterhält er eine Selbstverpflichtung, alle Projekte seiner Regierung vorher von Bodo Ramelow absegnen zu lassen. In Der Beitrag Brandmauer eingerissen – nach links erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/TGtrKs «
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bopinion · 1 year ago
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2023 / 42 - Brief compromise edition (and belated - sorry...)
Aperçu of the Week:
"If Europe occupies a unique position in contemporary world politics, it is that of a consistent defender of international law."
(Stephen M. Walt, 68, is among the most influential U.S. experts on international relations, researching primarily American foreign policy. And hopefully is right).
Bad News of the Week:
The Left (Die Linke), a social democratic party with socialist leanings, is dying. Originally a GDR legacy from the East, it merged with renegades from the Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD and seemed to consolidate nationwide. All was going well under its illustrious leaders, Gregor Gysi from the East and Oskar Lafontaine from the West. Then they withdrew, the glamour was lost, and a single figurehead remained. Sahra Wagenknecht. But she was and is a "free radical," as they would say in chemistry. For a long time now, the chemistry has not been right between her and the official leaders of the party.
Now Wagenknecht is striving to found her own party. Initially, an association "BSG - Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht) is on the agenda. This is to form the formal basis of a later party. The goal: next year's European elections. In which, in contrast to other elections in Germany, there is no 5 % threshold - but none. An ego trip by Wagenknecht. But it will pull the plug on the Left Party. Its chairman, Dietmar Bartsch, is allegedly already talking about it being time to "bury the party with dignity".
A decisive factor in the decline of The Left is also linked to the rise of another party: protest voters. For a long time, these voters saw The Left as a counter to "the established parties up there. This position has now been taken over by the right-wing populist AfD. Yes, even in the official program of The Left there were and are things like "Leave NATO" or "Expropriate banks." But all of this smacks of naïve idealism that never makes it into real political responsibility. After all, the leftists who have sat in real positions of power over the years (like Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow) were clearly more pragmatic than the ideological superstructure. But the voice of social conscience, which is good for any society, will be missed.
Good News of the Week:
When something is called "the British model," Europeans' foreheads tend to furrow: Left-hand traffic, lukewarm mint sauce and Brexit. But now I've come across a handling on the island that I think is great. It's all about culture, which is always and absolutely worth mentioning. And good - when it comes to easy access to it.
The British model in this case means that permanent exhibitions in museums are free, while special exhibitions cost money (which is, after all, needed in the culture business). Now this model is being adopted in mainland Europe. Namely, in the Austrian capital, where after more than three years of reconstruction work, the new "Vienna Museum" will reopen in the metropolis of the same name.
Mayor Michael Ludwig announced this with obvious pride: "A historic step," he said. There was talk of a "day of joy for everyone". He is right. And I hope that Munich's mayor Dieter Reiter will soon be able to use a similar vocabulary. Because this is a model that I consider absolutely "worth copying". Even if that shouldn't really happen in art...
Personal happy moment of the week:
We were invited to a concert for next Friday. To a Bavarian veteran singer-songwriter, who is actually more of a cabaret artist: Georg Ringsgwandl. I haven't followed him for years, although I know him personally. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration. When he was getting big in the late 80s, I interviewed him at his home as editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. Let's see if he recognizes me when I wave excitedly at him from the 3rd row.
I couldn't care less...
...that in Switzerland the right-wing populist People's Party won the parliamentary elections - again. Because that reflects the soul of the Swiss people after all, who have been ticking like this since before the term "populist" was introduced into the language of politicians by Silvio Berlusconi. So, for once, there is no shift to the right in one of the European democracies. Because it was already right-wing before. I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this.
As I write this...
...autumn has arrived. It has become cold, the leaves are falling, the first birds are migrating to the south. Today, for the first time, I didn't ride my bike to the station because the rain was too heavy. "Winter is coming."
Post Scriptum
Taylor Swift develops more and more to a megastar. After the success in the charts and in the stadiums, she is also breaking records at the box office . And I - who was so happy about the new album of The Rolling Stones last week - rub my eyes in amazement. And realize that I have never heard a single song by the young lady. I think I'm going to change that. Otherwise, this would be the first pop-cultural phenomenon I wouldn't have the competence to brag about it. And I still feel too young for that.
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ungeheuerliches · 28 days ago
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zynikusmaximus · 1 month ago
Stephan, Präsident des Thüringer Verfassungsschutzes, stuft #AfD und #Höcke als "gesichert rechtsextrem" ein. Ohne Juraabschluss. Ramelow berief ihn ins Amt, obwohl ein Volljurist nötig war. Konvertierte zum Judentum, sitzt im Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftungsrat.
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schunckinfo · 2 months ago
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