#Raising the barn
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subestu · 3 months ago
Round 2: Easy
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havochellion · 7 months ago
GREAT EPISODE!! this is my way of showing appreciation
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yahoo201027 · 2 months ago
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Day in Fandom History: December 22…
When both Lapis and Peridot learn about what happened to Steven while he was in Homeworld and fear of an incoming invasion from Homeworld, Lapis wants to flee from getting caught up in another gem war, but at the worst possible time, Pumpkin goes missing. “Raising the Barn” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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picturejasper20 · 1 year ago
Peridot and Lapis Lazuli´s relationship in Steven Universe: An analysis
Lapis Lazuli and Peridot's relationship is, as many relationships from Steven Universe, quite messy and complex and changes throughout the series in more than one way going from somewhat enemies to friends and companions and even then, later gets explored how that dynamic wasn't in balance, showing there how doesn't always have the full idea of the nature of the relationship between two people.
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To say that Lapis was upset with finding out that Peridot living in the old barn would be putting it lightly. Peridot was partially involved in keeping Lapis prisoner in the spaceship that brought them to Earth as well as interrogating her. She had more than one reason to not be fond of Peridot and want to avoid her.
In most of ¨Barn Mates¨ Peridot tries to be nice to her to make amends and Lapis turns down everyone of them. While it is understandable the reason of why Lapis acted this way, she went a little to out of the line when she destroyed Peridot's gift, which was a tape recorder, something that was personal for her.
Peridot gets frustrated with this and then goes off about how she gets why Lapis feels this way: She can't never go back to Homeworld, Earth doesn't feel like a home yet and she feels alone in this. ...But she later adds that this is one of the reasons of why she wants to make amends with Lapis, because she gets what Lapis is going through since she is going through the same issues.
Lapis demands for Peridot to leave, to which Peridot does, giving up on trying to make peace with Lapis. That's when even Steven gets tired of Lapis's behaviour and points out that she isn't giving Peridot a chance and is not right to be so mean to her.
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Some minutes later Peridot comes back running, being chased by the Roaming Eye Homeworld spaceship that is, of course, looking for her. Lapis sees that Peridot is in danger and decides to help her by taking down the Roaming Eye using her water powers. While it isn't said, her actions indicate that she was trying to make up for how she was so mean to Peridot earlier. Some seconds later she asks to Peridot if she was okay, showing that she was willing to give her a chance now.
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In the episode that followed, Hit the Diamond, Lapis helped by distracting the ruby squad to protect Peridot from being taken away. I wouldn't say they were friend at that point but that Lapis seemed to like Peridot at least enough to care about her well being.
For a while we didn't see too much of Lapis and Peridot until Amethyst's arc in the episode ¨Beta¨. In this episode we see them being friends and hanging around. They got into human things. They like watching shows together, they like playing music and making art things with junk they find lying around in the barn.
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So for some time it seemed like everything was going more or less well between them. In ¨Gem Harvest¨ they are growing together crops. Peridot believes that they work like gems in the kindergartens but she is dissapointed to learn that crops work differently from that.
So Steven ends up bringing up a dog like pumpkin to life using his gem powers and Peridot and Lapis end up adopting her.
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Some fans have described Peridot and Lapis Lazuli's relationship as a queerplatonic relationship, considering that Peridot was written with the intention to be aro-ace. This interpretation could apply as in some ways their dynamic can be read as a ¨old married couple¨ for the way they interact and are living with each other. Pumpkin could be seen somewhat as their daughter with Peridot and Lapis being her ¨parents¨.
Moving on, their relationship seemed to be going well until ¨Room for Ruby¨ showed that Lapis was still struggling a lot to adapt to Earth because of her own trauma. Most of the episode she felt really down, specially by seeing how Navy was supposely adapating so quickly to Earth, making Lapis feel jealous. At the end of the episode it was revealed that this wasn't the case and that Navy was faking it to get her spaceship back.
"Raising the Barn" acts a bit of followed up to ¨Room for Ruby¨ by revealing that well, Peridot often has to walk on eggshells around Lapis and there are things she avoids telling Lapis to not upset her. Peridot has been negleting her own feelings in the relationship, for the sake of ¨being there¨ for Lapis. She tells to Steven that she wants to stay on Earth, that she doesn't want to leave, but she still has ¨to go¨ with Lapis.
The thing with Lapis Lazuli is that while she isn't a bad person... she can be a lot to deal with. From what it was said by Peridot, she felt that she couldn't be fully honest with her more often than not and she was losing herself in their dynamic, having to sacrifice quite a lot to make it work.
So Steven suggests to Peridot to be honest with Lapis about wishing to stay on Earth. Peridot does this and Lapis gets in part upset that this was brought up in the last minute and hurt because Peridot hasn't been completely honest with her. The two have a bit of a fallout that ends up with Lapis abruptly leaving Earth out of fear of ¨getting caught up in another war¨ again and taking the barn along with her. Leaving Peridot and Pumpkin on Earth.
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The consequences of this fallout get explored in the following episode ¨Back to the Kindergarten¨. In this episode Peridot, Steven and Amethyst try growing a garden in the Prime Kindergarten. The whole episode acts as a metaphor for Peridot and Lapis Lazuli's fallout in ¨Raising the Barn¨, how Peridot misses Lapis and the barn and how she has been feeling down lately. The story ends with the idea that while her relationship with Lapis didn't work out, she can still try making connections with other people and start new elsewhere, finally seeing the possibility of moving on from the events of ¨Raising the Barn¨.
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On the other hand, from Lapis Lazuli's perspective there is the episode ¨Can't Go Back¨ which explores many aspects of her character but mainly the guilt she feels about having left Earth so abruptly and taken the barn with her, feeling that she can't go back after the way she left. There is also her huge anxiety and fear of getting caught up in a war again due to her own traumatic past. Lapis explains to Steven how she is scared of having to go through the same situation again, believing only bad things are going to happen, something that Steven answers with ¨what if something good happens?¨
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Steven's words seemed to have some effect on Lapis because in ¨Reunited¨ Lapis shows up in the battle against Blue and Yellow Diamonds and drops the barn on Blue to distract her for some moments. She has a brief exchange with Peridot, who is glad to see that Lapis came back and is helping them to fight the Diamonds.
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It isn't clear what happened between Peridot and Lapis Lazuli after the events of Reunited and during the time skip after Change Your Mind. However, based on some hints and their interactions in the Steven Universe Movie, they seem to be in better terms now.
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It's very likely that they had some conversations about what happened in ¨Raising the Barn¨, Lapis apologized to Peridot for the way she left and eventually Peridot forgave her for that. In addition to this, they likely established some boundaries between them and found other social circles to be in during Era 3. In that way they stayed as friends but also avoided going back to their previous status of their relationship by being in more equal (and healthy) terms.
In all, i think what can be taken away from their dynamic is that relationships can be messy and how it is important to avoid losing yourself in a relationship if you are trying to help someone who is going through a lot of problems in their life. You can support someone while establishing boundaries for yourself and being able to be honest with them. And, in part is how about how things don't always work out and people can go through fallouts. That doesn't mean that the two parties have to hate each other and then can even remain friends, accepting that their previous relationship didn't work as they wished.
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techie-waterwitch · 1 year ago
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weevmo · 4 months ago
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Just felt like doodling some senseless cute Mush starring my favorite pooch! And his Momma! I cannot wait to learn more about them -
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emacrow · 6 months ago
Damian and the Dumpster baby.
Damian was doing patrols, with a bit of a minor rescuing and feeding the strays animals until he heard a noise from a dumpster.
Tonight was going to be a storm coming, and he rather check up on the strays, feed them, fixing any of the secure hiding places he put out for them for rain occasionally, and try to smuggle 1 or 6 into the barn again without Father knowing. Alfred can keep a secret sometimes.
Jumping on the edge of the dumpster to see a plastic bag tied up on the pile of trash with something squirming inside, alive obviously. Oh if this another group of puppies, he going to find the culprit himself and break their kneecaps and arms this time.
Easily untying the plastic bag and opening to reveal.. a little baby.
Not a kitten or a puppy, a living breathing human baby, cut and tied umbilical and a pale with a unique birth mark in a shape of a lichtenberg from his tiny hand fading to his chest.
This was out of Damian's comfort line.
He had dealt with saving animals, people, children, hell even toddlers. He never dealt with a baby before much less a newborn.
He could panic later as he hear the sounds of a storm brewing. Carefully picking up the baby by the back of the head and and by the body, using his cape to as a blanket to cover the obvious nudity of the baby. Climbing onto his Red Robin theme Doom Buggy.
Taking care of a baby is no different then taking care of a baby animal, right?
He got caught after 5 month and a half by Alfred during feeding Danyal time, while scolded him about hiding the baby instead of coming to him.
He had a good reason to though, last time he told Alfred about the last newest addition, Bruce sended the Jafar the Ligor to a sanctuary. He still felt betrayed by that.(even though now Jafar is happily spending his days with the other mixed big cat breed but still)
He done a good enough job taking care of Danyal, even though he had to secretly look up baby stuff, medicine, clothes, a soft bedded cot and diapers.(the smell was much less worse then the sewer) he considered himself a great care-taker.(even though in the back of his mind, he feared that he might had unlocked that genetic adopt-bat bait traits that Dick warned him about)
Damian had gotten.. a bit attached, considering the idea of putting danyal in orphanage or a foster care wasn't ideal afterall the corrupted ones that Father and him had broken through over the years left a bad gut feeling if he had actually gone through with his plan. Danyal was one of his babies, only not covered in fur, scales, or a shell.
And he didn't do everything all on his own, Cass was the only who figured it out, kept it a secret and help out.. then steph found out... and Jason, Tim and Duke unfortunately found out after Cass and steph snuck danyal in the manor for a nice bath.
Only reason Dick didn't found out because everyone know he can't keep a secret away from Bruce's ear for long after found out Jason's new girlfriend was the new therapist in Gotham, and telling Bruce would feed his adopt-holic again and he end up having baby fever. (Tim didn't tell him what that word meant but he did look it up in a baby care guide book for new parents. And EW)
They were going to wait it out til Danyal was at least toddler age before sneaking him in the manor to gatekeep gaslight girlboss Father into thinking he already adopted him. (Steph's words, not his)
New post <-
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zooophagous · 11 months ago
I'm gonna be contrarian here for a minute and rant about "cats aren't even good pest control."
Which, one study that found cats don't do well against rats is not the be all end all of reality. A cat may not go after Norway rats, which are large and aggressive, no. An adult male wild Norway rat is large enough to give almost any cat a run for its money.
But Norway rats aren't the only thing that exist and get into houses and barns. It is very cold where I live, and while I see mice and packrats and voles, I have never once seen a wild RAT. Wild RATS don't get into my garage. Deer mice do. Bushy tailed pack rats do.
And you know what fixed it?
My cat. He's not even an outdoor cat. He's 100% indoors, or in the garage but only with the door closed so he can't leave.
He single handedly removed my packrat problem. I didn't need to resort to poisons and while I did set traps, none of them had even half of his success rate. Cats were domesticated primarily because of how good they are at catching small rodents. Their success knocked other animals such as trained ferrets off the popular spot for the task. Claiming a cat is useless as pest control is just plain not true.
Cats are decent pest control WITHIN CERTAIN PARAMETERS. They're good for certain types of small pest, and cats need ro be CONTAINED. Much like poisons, you can't just throw cats around willy nilly because they'll kill a shitload of non target animals.
A barn or shop cat is a good option for long term mouse control *if* it is actually confined to that barn or shop and not free to just leave. A semi feral cat that lives in a large warehouse and is vaccinated and desexed and vetted and kills whatever tiny pests get in to chew on stuff is the best case scenario for an adopted feral.
What I do NOT get however, is the insistence that terriers are better and you should just get one of those.
A dog is not an easy animal to keep and nor is it one you should go purchase because you want long term pest control in your barn. If you want a pest control solution call an externinator. If you want a dog that's intelligent and driven and needs dedicated training and care and you're happy to put in the energy to actually focus its chaotic energy into something useful then go get a ratting terrier.
These little dogs do not fill the same niche as a barn cat and their care is quite a bit more intense in general especially if the dog is going to be a house pet as well as a worker. They're intense and destructive and can and will pick fights, often fatal fights, with other animals. Stop telling people to go get one when all they need is to get some squirrels out of a shed. Buying a dog and buying pest control are not the same thing.
You could *hire* a ratter to do a sweep, but unless you're also removing the conditions that made your property popular with rats to begin with you're going to have to keep bringing them back.
The kind of people who leave feral cats outside to roam and breed freely are the last fucking people who have any business keeping a working line terrier.
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bigfatbreak · 9 months ago
What does Marinette think of all these changelings and people touched by them?
in honesty, she hasn't really known a life without really weird stuff happening in the background. Nothing that's enough to get on the news, but enough for hearsay and local rumors at the counter. It didn't used to be this magical, though...
as though over a decade ago, someone opened a door,
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and never closed it.
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sunflowergraves · 2 years ago
The perfect couple doesn't exis-
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Art credits: viria94
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subestu · 6 months ago
Round 1: Introduction
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laz-laz-ace-pilot · 8 months ago
Seeing the Sith double impale people then behead them: hey that's not allowed, that's not how we do things here, subtle deaths-
Seeing the Sith stab someone three times: THATS- THATS NOT ALLOWED
Seeing the Sith fucking snap someone's neck: THATS NOT ALLOWED! ITS UNCOUTH! STOP IT! S T O P!
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yahoo201027 · 1 year ago
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Day in Fandom History: December 22…
When both Lapis and Peridot learn about what happened to Steven while he was in Homeworld and fear of an incoming invasion from Homeworld, Lapis wants to flee from getting caught up in another gem war, but at the worst possible time, Pumpkin goes missing. “Raising the Barn” premiered on this day, 6 Years Ago.
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A imagine just appeared in my head and it's not funny but I can't stop laughing so if anyone with actual skills wants to draw it pls pls pls do
Okay so imagine, if you will, at some point someone explains Twitter to Steve Rogers.
And he makes an account and it gets immediately verified because yk he's Captain America
So at some point some kid comments on his post "You might be verified on Twitter but are you verified in the eyes of god" and Steve immediately understands it's a joke because Pete has been teaching him vines
So he replies with a picture of him grinning in the camera while holding Thor's hammer like the smug bastard he is.
This picture proceeds to utterly break tumblr (and all other social meadia) because what dear old Steve forgot when taking the picture was, that his current outfit consisted of gray sweat pants and a crop top that reads "but daddy I love him" in pink glitter font
In the background you can see Bucky with a shit eating grin, because he did infact not forgot what Steve was wearing and he knows what's about to happen.
It's a PR nightmare for weeks and Steve got his Twitter Account taken away by the Avengers PR Team
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ladyyystark · 11 months ago
Give me old-fashioned lover Bucky Barnes. A gentleman in the 21st century and Peter is baffled because Bucky makes him feel living in a period film.
Bucky buying flowers for Peter. Every. Single. Monday. Why? Because he fucking can and wants.
Instead of grabbing hands, Bucky would offer his arm to Peter while walking. Peter always takes it.
Bucky doesn't believe in splitting the bill. Fuck no. He would just stand up, look for the waiter, or go to the cashier and pay, and when he comes back to the table while Peter just finishes his dessert he would ask "you're done, doll? Okay, let's go". And Peter is like "wait, we haven't paid" just for Bucky to look at him and say "yes, I did. Let's go home, doll".
Bucky giving Peter his coat because is freezing and Peter has problems with his thermoregulation.
Bucky opening the door for Peter.
While making love (or the most mind-blowing fuck, depends on the day) Bucky will make sure Peter finishes first. And twice at least before he can have his turn.
Bucky always pulling out Peter's chair before he sits down.
Idk how to express this correctly in English but the idea is Bucky walking closer to the street side and Peter to the wall side when they go outside.
Bucky recognizes that Peter is hella strong (and stronger than himself) but that won't stop him from spoiling his boy. He likes doing things for Peter because he loves him, and you protect, respect, and take care of what you love.
In conclusion: James Buchanan Barnes being a gentleman.
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 month ago
Happy never forgets a face. Never. It's what makes him extra valuable to someone like Tony Stark. Tony Stark, who runs Stark Industries. Tony Stark, who is head of the Carbonell Italian mob; though, while there is some speculation, it's never been proven.
Happy had a system. He categorized people into color groups.
Green for these people are no bodies and didn’t touch the crime world and were safe to interact with.
Yellow for people who are some bodies but won't cauae trouble but have connections.
Red are people who have connections and could cause trouble.
Then their were Black. Those are the unknowns, and they could be as bad as the reds. People a little too clean. Or people who maybe could be someone undercover. Not enough information on them.
Before every convention, Happy makes a point to do background checks on everyone. He memorized all the photos of the people attending. Sure, maybe Friday helps break into the databases to get the photos, but he is just trying to protect Tony.
So when Happy saw Tony talking to someone, he was already going through the catalog in his mind to place the person. Catching Tony's eye, he touched his black tie to silently signal the group the person falls in. Doesn’t mean it's gonna stop Tony, but it just means he is gonna be a bit more cautious. Hopefully.
Peter Parker. 20 years old. Just finished with his masters at Columbia University in Biochemical Engineering. Mother was a scientist as well. Mary Fitzpatrick. Irish. No father listed on the birth certificate. She married another scientist 4 years later, Richard Parker. Both deceased. Plane crash. Italian Aunt and Uncle raised him. Uncle died later. Shot at a Bodega. Not their area, so not tied to them. Trained as a gymnast. Big brown eyes, wavy brown curls. Smart. Cute. Flexible. Just Tony's type.
But something nags at Happy as he watches Tony and Peter talk.
He glances around the room when he spots them.
The Winter Soldier leaned against a wall, looking around the room on the left side, looking a little too casual. At the refreshment table section was The Captain. He worked for the government but has ties to the Irish mob, though, like Tony. Couldn't be proven. He was staring at Peter and Tony with a frown, not subtle at all.
Then it hits. See, there were rumors that The Captain had a kid. Had them young before he was involved with potential mob connections. And he recalls another rumor going around that there was a small riff between The Captain and The Winter Soldier, a love interest that was not approved.
He has to get Tony away from this Peter Parker.
Peter Parker, who potentially could be the kid of The Captain Steve Grant Rogers.
Peter Parker, who potentially could be the love interest of The Winter Soldier James Buchanan Barnes
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