#raising the barn
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subestu · 3 months ago
Round 2: Easy
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techie-waterwitch · 1 year ago
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nowhere-space · 3 years ago
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Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 6: Raising the Barn
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askwaterwitch-perbear · 5 years ago
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suninacan · 6 years ago
My two fandoms from hell, joined together into an unholy thing.
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yellowmintea · 6 years ago
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Request from anon! The song that plays when Peridot tells Lapis that she doesn’t want to leave Earth. And here is a great example of my lack of experience with my percussion haha. Enjoy!
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subestu · 6 months ago
Round 1: Introduction
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nowhere-space · 3 years ago
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Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 6: Raising the Barn
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askwaterwitch-perbear · 5 years ago
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romancemedia · 6 years ago
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Peridot and Pumpkin moment - Raising the Barn
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ringozonepodcast · 7 years ago
Welcome to Episode 114 of The Ringo Zone! We’re talking about Raising the Barn!
Kayla here, and in this episode we talk about vegetable gender assignment, Peridot learning how to socialize like a human, and there���s much discourse about the similarities and differences between a well-written character and a good person, and how when a traumatized adult and a socially awkward child are roommates shit WILL hit the fan. We all agree that Lapis needs a win, and the episode closes out with discussion on how Steven has been a direct influence for Peridot’s entire developmental process. There’s some bonus BNHA talk at the end as well! (Kohei Horikoshi, YOU DO YOU, BOO.)
Thank you for tuning in! We all really appreciate your continued listenership. You can find other Ringo Zone stuff as well as previous episodes on our Tumblr and Facebook pages. You can also search for The Ringo Zone on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Find us, like us, rate us, reblog us, and most importantly tell your friends about us! Exposure really does help us out. 
This episode featured Max, myself, and Natasha. The next episode will be Back to the Kindergarten!
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padparadschaleaks · 7 years ago
I have had a most wonderous and terrifying vision of episodes involving Peridot! In “Raising the Barn”, Lapis takes the barn away from the Earth, fearing the diamonds will soon come! In “Back to the Kindergarten”, Peridot tries to grow plants in the kindergarten, but her venture is unsuccessful.
I wonder if there is any way to change the kindergartens to give them new life and make them less bleak. Hiding in kindergartens would have been just a bit less awful if there was more life in them.
As for the barn... I feel as if I should remember something about that... oh, well...
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ughgrossno · 7 years ago
Peridot’s ‘lying’, from Raising the Barn.
So many people are on Peridots case for ‘lying’ but,, like the first thing she said after Lapis decided for the both of them they were leaving was “Wait, we can’t leave.”
It was a momentous life-changing decision Lapis made without any consideration to Peridot’s thoughts anyway, but then peridot says “Wait, we can’t leave. What about all our crops?” which is a valid concern, even if it was said out of reluctance, being that they must have spent hours tending to it and Peridot has often shown much care and protection over her things. But Lapis just says “Ugh, the vegetables will have to deal.”??? which is, One, a flagrant disregard for peridot’s worries and opinions in general and is honestly pretty controlling; Two, completely ignoring that peridot is obviously not 100% on board if she’s saying why they can’t go so this needs a continue into a conversation about what they each want; and Three, she gets angry and frustrated with Peridot as Peridot shows her reluctance even more?? (“There’s no need to get so emotional!” well fuuuuck me, if that ain’t a blaring red flag then I'm not gay. it’s a shame that Peridot IS more emotional abt the earth, and Lapis just told her to shut up, huh. watch 3:30 to 3:50 - she apologies for having emotions!!!! fuck. it’s the moment she gives up. I’ll go into this in a sec.)
As someone who’s constantly been in these fucking situations, being shown frustration when you tell someone your concerns is fucking awful. Every time Peridot shows reluctance its greeted by frustration, and her concerns are pushed to the side as unimportant. Lapis saw her worry and deemed it unworthy of a proper conversation; deemed it worthy instead of anger and frustration. What about this would make Peridot believe that being even more honest with her would lead to anything different? Why should she believe telling the entire truth would give her anything but more anger? “Lapis needs us” Lapis needs to go, and Peridot, like the good friend she is, wants to support her. And giving reasons not to go had got her nowhere, so what was she to do?
Think about the scene with Pumpkin; as Peridot vents her thoughts and reasoning onto the pet (which is bad, but at least she apologises, which isn’t true for someone else I could name) Peridot says: “She's doing this to herself.” She believed the pain of Peridot forcing Pumpkin to go with her is the fault of pumpkin not just acquiescing and therefore avoiding being pulled. This is undeniable. What else is undeniable is that Pumpkin here is a metaphor; Pumpkin being the representation of Peridots reluctance and Peridot representing the thoughts she uses to convince herself to go anyway, the part of her that gave up fighting this at Lapis’ shouting. Classic animator trick to show the conflict of a character in an interesting way. Peridot believed her emotions? her reluctance to go? the pain of going, into being forced to leave? was her own fault. “She’s doing this to herself.” Peridots doing this to herself. Her pain over leaving is her own fault. On a more subtextual point, it also smells a bit to me like she's struggling with her lack of control over her life; she can't get out of this [as the earlier reluctant fighting proved with Lapis trivialising her fears] so she’s lost control - and she's trying to take back control by telling herself it’s her decision to go. She can’t do what Pumpkin did, so she reasons with why going is necessary: because then she’s made the decision to go. Not Lapis. But hey, that might be a stretch, and up to interpretation. But also think, after making up with Pumpkin [metephorically solving the conflict in her mind] she says: “We don’t get a choice in this.” (that's one hell of a terrifying place to be in, to not only suggest you don't have a choice in a huge life-changing decision but to believe it 100%. and “[she] can’t” talk to Lapis about this, because again, talking to Lapis gets Lapis upset and Peridot’s thoughts pushed to the side as unimportant. She’s trapped. Sounds a bit like learned helplessness. She feels like she no longer has a choice, unlike at the beginning where she was making efforts to reason with Lapis, to stay on Earth)
In my opinion, the only fault of Peridots in this episode was her inability to stand up for herself. But? really? honestly, that’s a common victim-blaming excuse. Look at how Lapis reacted! The thing is, Lapis is allowed to be upset at hearing Peridot didn’t want to go. What Lapis did went far beyond upset. Peridot told Lapis the super obvious truth that Lapis should have known already (1. from asking her from the start if she wanted to leave earth. 2. from not pushing aside peridots reluctance and y’know, talking about it.) Instead, she questions why it took so long to tell her this: when Peridot says “There are many things I could say, but they would upset you” Lapis get’s... not only upset, but angry (y’know, like earlier, but worse? Like was obvious would happen, obvious to us and Peridot?) “That’s lying!” as if Peridot didn’t try to convince her to stay earlier, only to be brushed off. As if Lapis didn’t tell her to stop being emotional, and Peridot accepted this, and gave up on having a choice - only able to talk up again with Steven’s support. “That’s lying!” as if Peridot’s every move hadn't been for Lapis’s sake, and what Lapis had told her to do through her words and behaviour? Every time you say Peridot’s lying, keep in mind everything above? What was she meant to do, when she was just trying to avoid her fear of upsetting Lapis; yet when she overcame this, her fear came true in such a horrific way. She was right.
Because, y’know, Lapis said “That’s lying” then ripped up Peridots Everything (even though it was Peridot that wanted the barn, the meep morps, the tv). And the face she made to Peridot just before she left makes me think she knows what she did wasn’t right either.
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eve-b-fly · 7 years ago
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“Stay away from my things!” - Lapis Lazuli.
I was thinking about how Lapis felt sad when she abandoned Earth, after it, she just had the barn and what had inside of it.
So… When she destroyed everything for “defeat” Blue Diamond, I clonclude that the barn was just a symbol of the memories of what she lived on the planet, but if she was there, she didn’t need it, but when Lapis was in the space, she probably was very possessive with everything she had.
And here it is! One of my bests draws!
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f-mirra-universe-blog · 7 years ago
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ellyvator · 7 years ago
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“Give me a reason to stay in my place When you can’t even look me in the face And you try to erase everything.  I’m more than what you see or what you believe  A shifting story expanding beyond your reach.”  The Seshen — Firewalker
Bonus panels because of the events in “Reunited” 
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