#Rache Bueno
upismediacenter · 4 months
UP Cherubim and Seraphim shines in summer concert “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing”
The UP Cherubim and Seraphim lit up the IBG-KAL Theater in their concert titled “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” last May 11, 2024.
The UP Cherubim and Seraphim (UPCS), which was founded on September 21, 1971, is the official children’s choir of the University of the Philippines. According to its Director Emeritus Dr. Elena Mirano, former dean and Professor Emeritus of the College of Arts and Letters, “tonight is the culmination of a whole year that marks the coming together face to face, after four years, of our current group, who sang together virtually from their own homes throughout the pandemic, and during that time produced three concerts online.” The last solo in-person concert of the group, “Come Alive,” was held on March 7, 2020.
UP President Atty. Angelo Jimenez gave the opening remarks for the concert. “I’m very excited to be here to watch the Cherubim and Seraphim of the University of the Philippines, whom I’ve known since I was a freshman in UP back in ‘83.” He shared a few anecdotes of his experience growing up in the Manobo tribe surrounded by music, and how he enjoyed engaging with both the folk and contemporary music of his time.
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“And I am very happy that our children—our kids, our young people, are singing today. Because I think that many of you in UP know my interest in the arts and culture,” Jimenez adds. “I truly believe that it is not a great idea that will move people. To move people, we have to have emotion, and emotion has to be driven by higher feelings. At least, it can help us move towards our dream, which should be, as a university, aligned with the nation’s deepest emotions, our people’s highest aspirations.”
After President Jimenez, Dr. Mirano also gave her own remarks, where she gave a brief preview of the flow of the program which she described as “serious, modern, and fun.”
The first part of the concert included classics from European repertoire. The first four songs were from John Rutter’s “Dancing Day,” a series of Christmas carols from the Middle Ages. They also performed Felix Mendelssohn’s “Laudate Pueri,” a song of praise written in Latin.
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The second part comprised contemporary Filipino repertoire, and all songs in this section were written by composers from the UP College of Music. This segment opened with “Sa Dakong Sikatan” by Eudenice Palaruan, then three songs written by National Artist for Music Ramon Santos were also performed: “Dal’wang Sawikaing Pilipino,” “Handog sa Ina,” and “Batang Magalang.”
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The third part of the concert featured more recent and popular songs—all with choreography. The last section began with “Top of the World,” originally sung by Shawn Mendes as part of the soundtrack of the movie “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile,” and continued with “Don’t You Worry ‘bout A Thing” by Stevie Wonder, the concert’s title song. “You Will Be Found” from the musical Dear Evan Hansen, a song that was part of the repertoire in “Come Alive,” was also in this concert’s lineup. “Permission to Dance” by BTS brought out the K-Pop energy in the theater, and the choir closed out the concert by singing “Joyful, Joyful” from the movie Sister Act 2.
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During the third part, the audience brought out white and purple lightsticks dubbed as “Cherubongs,” a mashup of “Cherubim” and the Korean colloquial suffix -bong, meaning “stick.”
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Also in attendance at the concert were UP officials Vice President for Public Affairs Rolando Tolentino, Chancellor Carlo Vistan, Dean Jimmuel Naval of the College of Arts and Letters, Dean Jerome Buenviaje of the College of Education, Dean Pat Silvestre of the College of Music; and Mr. Ignacio Gimenez, the sponsor for whom the IBG-KAL Theater was named after. UPIS faculty members Assistant Principal for Academic Programs Dian Caluag, CA-EMA and SSH Cluster Head Cathy Atordido, and Ms. Kat Loyola were also present in the audience.
Behind this production were the UPCS music staff: Director Emeritus Elena Mirano, Associate Director Liya Dioquino, pianists Michelle Nicolasora and Samuel Silvestre, guitarist Luisa Dioquino, bassist Sage Ilagan, drummer Robin Rivera, choreographers Becca Silvestre and Sophia Maunahan, and program cover artist Hubert Fucio.
All in all, the concert ran for about two hours and ended with a repeat performance of “Don't You Worry ‘bout A Thing” as the encore.
To find out more about the UPCS, you may visit their Facebook page (U.P. Cherubim & Seraphim), Instagram account (@up_cherubs), and their website upcherubim.org.
//by Rache Bueno
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slutforkatya · 2 years
ca s'est trop bien passé, la tatoueuse était adorable, j'aime trop mon tattoo, elle a full complimenté mon espagnol, c'est bête mais ça me rend contente de me dire que je peux vrmt parler couramment dans des situations diverses, je deviens de plus en plus proche d'être trilingue
truc un peu fun : la tatoueuse qui ne savait pas dire si rach et moi étions 'amigas' ou 'novias'... gurl...
none of the above, smth in between i guess
"tu amiga *hésitation parce que par message, rach avait dit "amiga" mais qu'on ne dégageait pas d'énergies très amicales apparemment* o bueno... pues... ELLA, ella puede venir en la sala de tatuaje cuando te tatuo si quieras"
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fredborges98 · 1 year
Bom dia!
Por: Fred Borges
Faça parte do Clube de Leitura e saiba o que é Etarismo e o quanto uma avó e neto podem ser complementares e superarem preconceitos e diferenças das aparências!
Encontro de gerações; muito a ensinar e aprender e o Etarismo*
Martha Argerich (Buenos Aires, 5 de junho de 1941) é avó de David Chen, ela é uma pianista argentina e suíça de ascendência judaica e catalã, considerada um dos maiores expoentes de sua geração e do período pós-guerra, destacando-se por suas interpretações de Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt, Johann Sebastian Bach, Robert Schumann, Maurice Ravel e Serguei Prokofiev.
É largamente reconhecida como uma das maiores pianistas virtuosas de seu tempo.
Sua interpretação do grande Concerto para Piano nº 3, de Rachmaninoff (Rach 3), é considerada por muitos como "definitiva".
Um dos seus grandes amigos é o pianista brasileiro Nelson Freire, com quem tocou em duo em vários recitais.
Argerich também teve uma participação no documentário Nelson Freire (2003), de João Moreira Salles.
Já David Chen( neto de Martha Argerich, nasceu em 2008 em uma família de músicos.
Seu pai é o pianista e compositor Vladimir Sverdlov-Ashkenazy, sua mãe é Lyda Chen-Argerich que é violocinista e advogada e sua outra avó é a professora Elena Ashkenazy.
Já em tenra idade, David Chen é vencedor de concursos de piano como o "Karl Adler Jugend Musikwettbewerb" na Alemanha em 2008, no qual recebeu o 1º Prémio com distinção e o 1º Prémio Vencedor com distinção no "Swiss Youth Music Competition" em piano e duo de piano em 2019.
David participou de vários festivais como o "Progetto Martha Argerich" em Lugano, Suíça, em 2016, onde executou peças de 4 mãos junto com sua avó, Martha Argerich. ( Vide clipe).
Em 2019, David Chen se apresentou no "Argerich's Meeting Point" em Beppu, Japão e no "Martha Argerich Festival" em Hamburgo,Alemanha em 2019.
David Chen vive atualmente em Genebra e estuda no programa musical avançado do Conservatório de Música de Genebra sob a orientação do professor Serguei Milstein.
O que há de espetacular neste encontro de gerações?
O aprendizado, o ensinamento, o exemplo de respeito.
O respeito não vem só dos ensinamentos em sintonia, sinergia e reciprocidade( educação) de uma geração para outra, da " velha" para " nova" e vive-versa, mas pelos laços afetivos, emotivos, trazidos pela convivência, pelo ser, fazer e poder, pela disciplina, virtuosismo, habilidades, competências, admiração.
O que pode parecer particular, privativo, individual de uma família pode ser replicado, ensinado, aprendido, se tornar uma tradição, cultura, educação para toda uma nação.
Muitas organizações privadas e públicas dizem respeitar os mais " velhos", mas escamoteiam, disfarçam, camuflam este preconceito e chamamos este preconceito de prática do etarismo.
RH's em processos de recrutamento e seleção em geral já descartam os considerados " velhos" ou simplesmente, quando fornecem algum feedback, algo raro entre os RH's, afirmam que o perfil do candidato não se adequa ao cargo anunciado, mesmo tendo no currículum dados e fatos verídicos e comprovados em carteira de trabalho e diplomas e certificados anexados, e em caso estes sejam documentos a serem requisitados pelos próprios RHs como forma de comprovação de experiência acadêmica e profissional.
Mesmo os mais" jovens" reclamam deste descarte sumário ou preconceito quando são da área de TI( Tecnologia da Informação). Pessoas com 25 anos são consideradas " velhas"pelos RH's no Brasil.
O certo é que o Etarismo é crime pela Constituição Federal e pelo Estatuto do Idoso.
Observando que considerar idoso numa fila de um banco, ou na fila do INSS( com 60 anos ou mais), não é a realidade do mercado de trabalho que tem suas "próprias leis invisíveis" que se autoproclamam de serem refratárias a qualquer tipo de preconceito, mas na teoria a prática é outra.Pura hipocrisia e cinismo, algo bem conhecido nas " políticas empresariais" do utilitarismo e oportunismo como prática cotidiana empresarial em relação a candidatos a emprego e os já contratados.
Para eles ( ditos empresários) o ser humano não passa de uma equação micro econômica, financeira e contábil para gerar lucro pela extrema exploração do trabalhador ou um tipo de " escravidão assalariada".
Se dizem engajados socialmente por meio de seus códigos de ética( CE), Compliance**Responsabilidade Social( RS), mas desrespeitam o candidato a vaga e o trabalhador efetivado, e as novas leis trabalhistas instaladas pelo ex-presidente Michel Temer, só fizeram piorar a situação para o trabalhador em termos de cultura e clima organizacional.
Segundo um relatório realizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde com mais de 80 mil pessoas de 57 países, 16,8% dos brasileiros acima dos 50 anos já se sentiram discriminados por estarem envelhecendo.
De acordo com o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), 13% da população brasileira tem mais de 60 anos de idade.
Os mesmos dados apontam que em 2031, o país será formado por mais idosos do que crianças.
Apesar dessa previsão e da atual parcela de pessoas nessa faixa etária já ser significativa, o etarismo ainda é um tema pouco discutido no Brasil.
No geral, ele se refere a uma forma de discriminar o outro tomando como base estereótipos associados à idade.
"Cabelo ou cabeça branca" são termos "políticos" e chamam a atenção para o etarismo e o sexismo.
O etarismo pode se manifestar de muitas formas, desde práticas individuais até institucionais. E todas elas tendem a acontecer mais intensamente “em sistemas onde a sociedade aceita a desigualdade social”, é o que diz Vania Herédia, presidente do departamento de gerontologia da Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (SBGG).
Comentários como “Você está velho demais para isso” são uma forma de etarismo.
Na maioria das vezes, o preconceito assume uma roupagem sutil. E esta sutileza que traz preocupação a todos trabalhadores e cidadãos.
Um exemplo é quando idosos escutam, em tom de “brincadeira”, comentários como “Você está velho demais para isso”.
Empresas que não contratam novos funcionários com mais de 45 anos ou que obrigam pessoas a partir de determinada idade a se aposentar, mesmo que isso não seja do interesse delas, também são casos de etarismo.
Um tipo de prática etarista menos comentada é a benevolente.
Ela é praticada quando o idoso é infantilizado pelos membros da família, que parecem estar somente sendo "gentis".
O comportamento é problemático porque, por trás de um suposto cuidado, existe a ideia de que a pessoa não possui mais discernimento próprio.
A discriminação etária causa diversos problemas para suas vítimas a longo prazo.
A saúde mental costuma ser uma das áreas mais abaladas. Idosos que são constantemente desrespeitados, tratados com desprezo, agredidos ou humilhados têm mais chances de desenvolver baixa autoestima, tendências ao isolamento e depressão.
O certo é que um país que não respeita seu passado, não tem futuro.
E o futuro de um país sem passado é tenebroso.
Assim originalmente, da história privada de uma família( Martha Argerich e David Chen) torna-se metáfora ampliada, o encontro de gerações que muito podem ensinar e aprender para a sociedade, as organizações públicas e privadas,às instituições e principalmente às famílias- base social.
Não há cultura geral ou organizacional ou institucional, se não houver na prática o respeito aos mais "velhos", afinal, com muita sorte, trabalho, e destino guiado por Deus, será permitido muitos envelhecerem um dia e um simples floco de neve na cidade mais fria do Brasil; Urupema em Santa Catarina, pode vir a se tornar uma nevasca em todo país se não cuidarmos do futuro da humanidade no ato de se repensar,readaptar, readequar, de não se renovar, inovar, criar, compartilhar experiências e respeitar a si próprio e a natureza das pessoas e das coisas influenciando os ambientes e o relacionamento entre as pessoas.
*Etarismo é a discriminação contra pessoas baseadas em estereótipos de idade. Etarismo é o preconceito contra pessoas idosas. No geral, ele se refere a uma forma de discriminar o outro tomando como base estereótipos associados à idade, mas afeta principalmente quem já é mais velho.
**Com origem no verbo inglês “to comply”, que quer dizer cumprir, obedecer, estar de acordo, define-se Compliance como seguir as leis, normas e procedimentos internos( CE) das organizações, além de parcerias éticas, seja com o setor público ou privado e seus fornecedores
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you-moveme-kurt · 2 years
Glee «Her mortal enemy» Part III
Agosto de 2022
-¿Tienen planes para esta noche? -¿¡Qué!?... ¿por qué lo preguntas?… —se adelantó en preguntar Kurt abriendo sus ojos como dos huevos fritos. -Por nada… -¿Segura?... ¿qué escuchaste cuando llegaste?... —insistió apuntándole. -Nada… ¿estás bien?... ¿aún piensas en esa araña que no fue?... —añadió la chica moviendo su cabello -No… -Entonces… -¿Entonces qué?... —repitió Kurt volviendo a lo de abrir los ojos. -Kurt… tranquilo… —murmuró Blaine abrazándolo por la cintura, Kurt lo miró un segundo y acto seguido suspiró aliviado, sintiendo, como siempre, que nada malo podía pasar si tenía los brazos de su esposo rodeándolo, ya sea en una situación seria, una estúpida, con Rachel, sin ella, como fuera y cuando fuera. -Super Blaine… —dejó escapar Kurt sin pensar, Blaine sonrió engreído y no pudo evitar bajarse la mascarilla para darle un beso, Rachel blanqueo los ojos para luego hacer notar que ella estaba ahí mediante una carraspera como de enfermo terminal— ¿necesitas agua querida?...—agregó apartándose de su esposo.
-No… —contesto alargando la «o»— solo necesito que me presten atención y que se den cuenta que hay más personas aquí…—añadió señalándose  ella y a Brandon que seguía inmerso en el universo de su teléfono móvil— así es que no se ponga a hacer sus… cosas… —añadió poniendo mala cara. -Muy bien entonces… —dijo Kurt caminando dos pasos para sentarse pierna arriba, Blaine se acercó a él y se sentó en el brazo del sofá— ¿pudiste grabar decías? -Por supuesto y no quiero parecer petulante pero… me quedaron sensacionales… ¿cierto Brandon?... —dijo dándose vuelta para mirar al chico en cuestión, este solo se limito a lo de alzar un pulgar nuevamente— hombres… —murmuró negando con la cabeza. -¿Y qué canciones escogiste? -Pues las mejores de mi «répertoire»… -Por favor no me digas que usaste los aparatos de última generación que tiene mi esposo para grabar «Don’t stop believing» y «Don't Rain On My Parade»… —dijo Kurt alzando su ceja inquisidora mientras le tomaba la pierna a Blaine cuando mencionaba lo de su esposo.. -Por supuesto que no… -Fue exactamente lo que hizo… —murmuró Brandon sin despegar sus ojos del teléfono, Kurt y Blaine soltaron una risa la unísono -¡Oigan!... ¡son mis canciones y yo sabré que elegir!… —exclamó la chica cruzándose de brazos molesta al máximo -Como digas…—agregó Kurt abriendo sus manos y aun riendo. -¿No deberíamos?... —dijo Blaine señalando su reloj pulsera, Kurt lo miró con el ceño fruncido tardando un par de segundos en caer en la cuenta. -¡Si!, ¡obvio!…—exclamó recordando lo de la cena— claro que sí… en fin… —dijo levantándose— ¿ya te vas Rachel?, con Blaine tenemos un montón de cosas por hacer antes de nuestro viaje a Lima… —añadió moviendo sus manos como si tratara de hacer que un rebaño de ovejas abandonara el salón y no su amiga del alma. -¿Que cosas?... -Cosas Rachel, cosas… —dijo Kurt repitiendo lo de las manos. -Pero pensé que podríamos cenar juntos… ya que a Brandon aquí lo único que le interesan son las teclas de colores del tablero P no se cuanto… -De hecho es la AR… da lo mismo… ahora bien… —añadió Blaine acercándose a ella— fue un gusto verte y ayudarte… vuelve cuando quieras… y lamentablemente no podemos cenar juntos porque como dijo mi esposo Elwood, mi jefe, nos invitó a  su casa en el lago Cayuga y el camino para allá es largo y… -Un momento… —interrumpió Rachel levantándose con las manos en alto— ¿no es que tenían que prepararse para ir a Lima?…—pregunto mirando a su amigo de manera alternada. -Bueno… -O uno o los dos me están mintiendo y me parece super horrible de su parte que lo hagan, parece que quieren deshacerse de mi o algo… —añadió haciendo tras la mascarilla, un gesto infantil de tristeza con su boca. -Nadie se quiere deshacer de ti Rachel —corrigió Blaine—  la verdad es que… -La verdad… —se adelantó en decir Kurt temiendo que su esposo tuviera uno de sus arranques de sinceridad y terminara por revelar todo— la verdad  es que Blaine tiene indigestión… -¿Qué?... —preguntaron Blaine y Rachel al mismo tiempo. -Eso,  ya sabes es super vergonzoso hablar de la palabra con «d»…—agregó con una mano cerca de su boca en un gesto de disimulo— por eso tenemos que quedarnos aquí… donde hay baños a la mano… lo siento. -¿Es verdad eso?... —preguntó Rachel mirando a  Blaine, este a su vez miró a su esposo que abría sus ojos como diciendo en silencio «di que si por favor» -La verdad es que sí… —contestó tocándose la panza— no se que fue, pero… ya sabes…—agregó haciendo una mueca de dolor como si le hubiera dado un retorcijón en ese mismo instante, Rachel puso cara de asco y se decidió a irse. -Esta bien… agendamos para otro día la cena entonces… -Oye… —dijo Brandon mirando su teléfono— ¿este eres tú?... —pregunto enseñando la pantalla del aparato y la foto de él con las protagonistas de West Side Story. -Con un demonio… —murmuró Kurt tocándose la frente. -¡No!… —contestó rápido Blaine acercándose a él— no… —repitió como mirando la foto de mas cerca— en fin… fue un gusto conocerte Brandon, las puertas de mi estudio siempre estarán abiertas para ti… —agregó casi llevándoselo a la salida. -No puedo creer que conozcas a Adriana de Bose y a Rarchel  Zegler… son super sexys… —insistió. -¿¡QUE!?... —exclamo la otra  Rachel levantándose como en cámara lenta y con cara de loca demente, se acerco a Brandon y le quito el teléfono de las manos. -Rachel.. —dijo Kurt tratando impedir con voz calma lo que seguramente venía. -¡¿QUÉ DEMONIOS SIGNIFICA ESTO?! —grito mostrando la pantalla a todos. -Rachel… —repitió Kurt aproximándose a su amiga. -¿Qué demonios significa esto Blaine?... ¿cómo puedes hacerme esto?… -¿Hacerte qué?... -¡ESTO!... ¡esta foto con esta gente!... ella es mi enemiga mortal… dile Kurt… —añadió meneando el teléfono de Brandon hasta que lo arrojó lejos. -¡Oye!... —dijo este yendo en busca del aparato que por suerte había caído en uno de los sillones de la sala. -Nunca olvidaré esto… ¿me oyen?...¡NUNCA! —exclamó mientras tomaba su bolso y se arreglaba la mascarilla. -Y yo nunca olvidaré que eres una histérica… no me vuelvas a llamar… —agregó el técnico en sonido mientras revisaba su teléfono móvil para cerciorarse que si funcionaba y encaminaba sus pasos a la salida. -Y yo nunca olvidaré que casi rompes mi lámpara Tiffany con ese exabrupto de adolescente que te dio… si eres tan amable… —dijo Kurt señalando la salida. -¡Uy!... —exclamó de vuelta Rachel empuñando sus manos— están en mi lista… —agregó señalando a ambos— además, yo soy la que debiera estar disgustada… te dije que ella era… -Tu enemiga mortal.. lo se… —dijo Kurt con fastidio -¿Entonces?… ¿por qué no se lo dijiste a él?... -Se lo dije… -Entonces es un problema de entendimiento… ¿tanto gel en el cabello te produjo una disminución de neuronas?… —añadió mirando a  Blaine. -Ok… ahora solo estás siendo una arpía desagradable… vuelve cuando  se te haya pasado todo esto…—dijo su amigo insistiendo en lo de señalar la salida -¡Uy!... —repitió Rachel con mas ahínco—nunca los perdonaré por esto… ¡nunca! —agregó mirando a ambos con el ceño fruncido como si les echara una maldición de manera silenciosa o algo parecido, se dio media vuelta y le dio un buen golpe a Kurt en la cara con las puntas de su cabello. -Vaya… —dijo este señalando hacia atrás y mirando por donde se había ido su amiga. -Si… vaya… —repitió Blaine con las manos en los bolsillos -¿Puedes creer su comportamiento? -En realidad… si… —respondió su esposo arrugando la nariz -En realidad yo también… —agregó Kurt soltando una pequeña risa. -Y lo más increíble, es que ni siquiera llegamos a mencionar lo de la cena de esta noche… —dijo Blaine también riendo. -¡Es verdad!... ¿te imaginas qué hubiera pasado?… -Una hecatombe más grande de seguro… -De seguro… -¿Crees que es verdad eso? -¿Qué cosa?... —preguntó Kurt acercándose a su esposo. -Eso que dijo que «no nos perdonará nunca»… —respondió Blaine tratando de imitar a Rachel con movimiento de cabello y todo. -No… de seguro ya nos perdonó en el piso 8… me disculpo en su nombre en todo caso… -¿Si? -Obvio… ¿por qué esa cara?...  —quiso saber Kurt al ver que su esposo lo miraba con suspicacia divertida. -Por nada… es decir… me encanta cuando haces eso…—contestó tomándolo por una de las trabillas del pantalón para ceñirlo a él. -¿Qué cosa?... —preguntó de vuelta dejándose llevar. -Eso de pedir disculpas o decir lo siento… —Kurt alzó un poco su ceja— y no me malinterpretes, no lo digo por criticar es… los problemas que tuvimos en el pasado esa fue una de las causas… y lo que trato de decir… es que me alegra que ya no lo sea…—termino por decir abrazándolo para luego darle un beso. -Ok…  —dijo Kurt coqueto— ¿qué tal…?... ¿qué tal si ahora me disculpo porque las cosas se están poniendo un poco calientes aquí?... —agregó bajando sus manos por el cuerpo de él. -Disculpas aceptadas… —contesto Blaine rindiéndose a aquello.
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macaroni-rascal · 3 years
Same anon as the Gadbois packaging question: H/D, Disco brits, Canadanes, L/L and I'd be seriously interested to see what you'd give P/C.
Okay! So, if I was in charge of music/packaging for these teams, here's what I would do:
Hubbell and Donahue. I would give them something slow but jazzy, something like the song Hot Dreams by a band called Timber Timber, the ending of that song would just be an excellent vehicle for a step sequence/choreographic sequence and/or twizzles, I think they could do it amazing justice. I see Madi in some for of bedazzled black dress with long sleeves, but black stones not silver ones, so that its just like a texture difference and very subtle, Zack could be in all black with some slight matching to Madi. Listen to that song, and tell me they wouldn't rock the hell out of it.
The Disco Brits. This one is hard, because they have really only done one style and have very much stuck to that. I think I'd like to see them do a more rock music type program? Something where they could still show personality, but where they aren't just giving sass and fun, but they also aren't giving lamenting heartbreak and brooding. More soulful and enticing, maybe something like an Alabama Shakes program? They could have some instrumental to start and then the singing could come in in the second half, because I think they have really really relied on the use of lyrics in the story telling of their skating, and I'd like to see them do something without that support there. I think they would have fun with a song like On Your Way, the way it builds and has quieter moments, then more intense moments. Lilah could wear something similar to what Britney Howard wore on SNL, that sort of shimmering dark blue sleeveless piece, and Lewis could match with a bit more mesh, cause that boy loves some mesh. I think that would be really interesting for them.
Canadanes...hmm...I would give them similar music to what Shoma Uno skated to in 2016-17, the Buenos Aires hora cero and Balada para un loco, get some interesting Astor Piazolla in there. Give Lolo a deep open back dress, in like a dark green forest colour with a long enough skirt that she can play with it, but a high neck, and a simple black high waisted pants and white shirt for Nik I think. They could kill a sort of tango program that was a different style and feeling from the Spanish Caravan program they had a couple years ago. I'd love to see them do something like that, they have an intensity and sensuality that would just kill a program like that.
For Marjo and Zak, I want them to come back to something similar to their Warsaw Concerto, but not exactly that. With Zak's piano playing, I think something classic and piano based would really suit them and let them both shine. It's been done, and its considered a warhorse, but I think they could do a really really good Rach. 2 program. With the correct choreography, and the right music cut, they could create SUCH a moment. They have the speed for when the music gets fast to really match it well. No tea no shade, but then Marjo also wouldn't have anything to sing along to and be distracting, and I would love that. For costumes, I'm seeing like a dark teal coloured dress with bright silver crystals. Simple but elegant, and a matching shirt for Zack. Him in sleeves, her not. Sometimes, a team needs a warhorse, and that's that on that.
Both amazing and hilarious you asked me about P/C, because honestly? Anything. Anything besides the lyrical, overwrought, boring, pretentious shit they have been pedaling for the last 7 years I would love to see. Just for the novelty of it. The issue is that I don't really know what else they could handle? We've seen repetitively in the short dance that they struggle with anything that isn't Their Style, or they just turn the necessary rhythm into their style, like their slow as hell Fame program. I think I would like to see them do something with fast paced music, because historically they cannot handle it even a little bit. Like, let's see them do a Hip Hip Chin Chin program, just for shits and giggles and for chaos. They could wear something bright and colourful, no pastels, and no long sleeves for her, she also can't wear a long skirt to hide her legs and give the impression they are moving faster than they actually are, and he can't wear a deep v or mesh. Those are the only stipulations I'd put.
This was fun, and it got really long!
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marinerach · 7 years
today has been super long and im super tired and sad but impromptu invite to a BBQ with my girl @alexandrawr94 tomorrow so thank god for my social angel getting me to actually leave my house lol
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miasswier · 5 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 8
8: Hold on to Sixteen
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Written by: Ross Maxwell Directed by: Bradley Buecker
Overall Thoughts: I don’t know how Glee did it. I don’t know how they spent seven episodes making a giant mess of things, only to bring it all to a conclusion in one of the best episodes it ever made. And yet, they did. Somehow Glee took all those boring, messy plotlines and brought them together for one of the absolute best episodes ever. It’s amazing what the Glee writers can do when they actually set their mind to it.
What I Like:
Where to even begin?
The amount of interactions that Quinn has with women in this episode! Rachel, Shelby, the Troubletones… It’s amazing! And I so love how it was Rachel who managed to talk Quinn out of her ridiculousness, and then Quinn used that to get Rachel to help her bring the Troubletones back.
Going off this, fuck do I love it that it was Quinn who brought the Troubletones back. It would have been so easy to have made it Finn who did, but thank god they didn’t. I love that scene in the bathroom, and I love that Quinn knows her friends well enough to pre-emptively ask Rachel and Schue about the Troubletones doing a number for competitions. I just love that whole scene, okay?
I know it’s a little happily-ever-after, but fuck if I care, I fucking love how Mike’s story ended up! He didn’t get as much focus as the rest of the plots during these eight episodes, but I’m glad they gave him several scenes to work his plot out. It didn’t feel rushed, which allowed it to be really emotional. Mike’s face when he sees his dad arrive in “ABC” always gets me.
Tina is also the best girlfriend ever and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Even though it was also a much smaller plot (much, much smaller), I’m glad they resolved the Blaine/Finn tension. It also happens to make for an awesome scene where Blaine is super angry and super tiny and Finn is so tall and trying to calm him down. Love it.
That it was Santana’s decision to allow the New Directions to join Troubletones if the Troubletones won. It’s such a small detail, but it makes it so much more powerful.
At the strip club when Sam sees Rachel and is like “Rach-RACHEL” and gets all wide-eyed
Sam’s dad being Clark’s dad from Smallville
It’s so funny seeing Blaine and Sam be at odds when you know that they’ll become ultimate BFFs as the seasons go on.
Blaine wagging his finger during “Red Solo Cup” and Kurt looking at him and asking “What’s wrong with you?”
Honestly just Kurt’s judgemental looks during “Red Solo Cup” while everyone gets super into it
The fact that Santana actually kept a notebook of burns for Sam when he came back. Like I’ve said before – Sam and Santana had such a great opportunity to be frenemies, and it sucks they didn’t use it as much as they could have.
The music is so awesome in this episode.
That short scene with Kurt, Blaine, and Sebastian. It’s particularly funny because it makes me think of that Glee crack video where Kurt is like “I don’t like you” and then that song that’s like “I don’t like that bitch” starts playing. I always hear it in my head when I watch that scene.
Barely any Will!
When Sam is telling Quinn about that John Mellencamp song and Quinn is like “please don’t sing”
Sam and Mercedes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End my entire fucking existence I love those two so goddamn much
I absolutely love the imagery in “We Are Young” of Santana standing by herself after everyone has had somebody come and bring them back into the Glee club, and then Rachel comes over and brings her home. I saw a post (that I can’t currently find) that talks about this in detail, about how much it must have hurt Santana that everyone was so upset over Mercedes and Brittany leaving ND but nobody seemed to care about her. Then all that shit goes down with Finn and her coming out, and it just becomes this giant mess, and she feels so alone, like nobody really cares. And then, this. Everyone is welcomed back, but nobody comes to get Santana. She stands alone, asking someone to carry her home. So Rachel comes, and carries her home.
What I Don’t Like:
Shelby’s scene with Quinn always leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. She talks down to her, and basically excuses her bad behaviour with Puck. Honestly? Quinn had every right to tell Figgins about Shelby and Puck. What she did was wrong. I’m not sure if it’s actually illegal, but seeing as she’s in a position of power over Puck it makes consent a bit dicey. This was Shelby’s mistake, and yeah, Quinn’s reasoning wasn’t really in the right place (is it ever on TV shows when teachers and students date?), but Shelby was still the one in the wrong. Shelby, and Rachel, make it sound like Quinn would be ruining Beth’s life by reporting Shelby, yet nobody stopped to think that maybe it was Shelby’s selfish and immoral actions that would ruin her daughters’ life instead.
Quinn trying to get back with Sam. I just really don’t dig that pairing, and they still look like literal siblings.
Finn and Blaine fistbumping and saying that they’ve got this during the Troubletones performance. That’s just rude.
Honestly, it was pretty rude of the Troubletones to tell ND before the competition that they’d let them into their club if ND lost. Just tell them after, sheesh.
Red Solo Cup: A fun and cracky number. Love it.
Buenos Aires: I really like this song. Plus, Kurt’s “oh my god it’s the gerber baby” will always make me laugh.
I’m a Survivor/I Will Survive: I do like this song a lot. Really, I do. But I mean, it’s no Adele mash-up. They can’t really top that.
ABC: A fun, upbeat song to start off an awesome setlist with! I really like how Tina sang 80% of the song. Yes, Tina! Kill that solo!
Control: I really wish Blaine and Artie did more songs together. Their voices go really well. That being said, this song isn’t a personal favourite. The choreography is awesome, though.
Man in the Mirror: A great way to end off the set, and I like that all the guys who weren’t in “ABC” got a solo! I think this is the first competition in which every member of ND that is on-stage sings at least one solo line (you know, band members non-withstanding)
We are Young: Most of the time, I find end songs unnecessary. Sure, I usually enjoy them, but most of the time I don’t find that they fit the episode well enough. This one, though. This is one of maybe four end-songs that just work so fucking well. It’s so powerful, and just the setting of them all just chilling wherever they are (auditorium? I’m not really sure) and singing because they can and they want to. Then the girls come back and sing with them, and everyone just sings together and is happy and friends. Fuck. I’m not doing the feelings this song invokes in me justice. I just really, really love it.
Final Thoughts: Season three of Glee was a mess. It relied far too heavily on Finn and Rachel’s relationship, and aside from the first eight episodes didn’t seem to be very coherent. Even then, the first eight episodes were coherent, but that didn’t make them good. There are two episodes in those first eight that I purposefully re-watch. This is one of them. This is one of those episodes that I don’t watch with shipper goggles, or that I love because of one specific story. I love all the stories, I love how they all turn out, I love all the characters, I love watching it all unfold, and I love the music. It’s such a strong episode, which I still don’t understand considering what all led up to it. But it is. It really is. And I fucking love it.
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peytons-place · 5 years
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⌜‧ ˔ ✧ʾ Is that LIANA LIBERATO walking down the streets of Blackrock Cliffs? Oh no, it’s just PEYTON MURRAY-JONES, a TWENTY-ONE YEAR OLD CISFEMALE that works as a BABYSITTER/HOSPITAL INTERN. She has been around for TWENTY ONE YEARS, ELEVEN MONTHS, AND TWENTY SIX DAYS and she seems to be PERCEPTIVE and COMPASSIONATE. Someone said she is also SHELTERED and INTROVERTED.⌟
hi hi hello! ‘tis i, your friendly neighborhood spider-rach, and i am so excited to introduce you to my bae, peyton. she’s currently one of my go-to muses to write, so i’m excited to bring her to all of you! if you’d like novels, please feel free to read her (very long) bio, but also you can find a bunch of info about her under the cut! also please like the thing/reach out if you want to talk connections/plot because i am such a sucker for plotting kaycoolbye
CW for Chronic Illness!
Peyton Ava Murray-Jones definitely belongs to the “looks like a cinnamon roll & is also a cinnamon roll” grouping (though i would actually call her more of a neutral good than a lawful good but that’s besides the point)
She was home-schooled through her senior year of high school but this past May she graduated from UC: Santa Cruz with a BS in biochemistry
She’s was on a pre-med track & will be taking the MCAT in the early spring in preparation for med school applications
She currently has an internship at Blackrock Hospital and babysits Ches Elswood’s tiny human ( @cheselswood​ )
She’s also studying & trying to get a jump-start on her applications & trying not to burn herself out because that’s definitely happened before but what are the chances it’ll happen again?
But I am #gettingaheadofmyself !!
Peyton is the daughter of two Blackrock natives who were both Blackrock High alums
Her parents are also one of the #tokengaycouples in Blackrock & like...they’re just a lot basically
Phoebe (mom #1) loves music more than like anything & runs Murray’s Music Shop in downtown Blackrock
Stella (mom #2) is always chasing an adrenaline rush from some sort of adventure whether that’s white water rafting or skydiving etc.
Peyton’s younger sister is named Reagan
Reagan is a genius & I mean that literally
She is basically a mathematical prodigy & at six years old was doing math far beyond the level of her ten-year-old older sister
She is sassy and blonde and great -- like think an older version of Mary from Gifted pretty much
Peyton has chronic lyme disease
She contracted it at age 3 when she & her moms camped out for a night in Colorado during a road trip
The whole camping thing was unexpected & also Peyton was three & it’s hard to tick check a three year old & it was flu season so like...basically the symptoms went unnoticed because no one really thought much of the fever and fatigue
But when Peyton’s hearing practically disappeared overnight her moms knew something was up & lo & behold Peyton had that telltale rash on the back of her neck
Peyton still gets waves of exhaustion/fatigue (especially when she’s stressed and overworking herself) but really the only symptom that has been constant since diagnosis was her hearing loss
Peyton wears hearing aids but she doesn’t love them; though it was great for college lectures when she could connect them directly to professors’ microphones, they don’t do so well during normal conversations where everyone is talking all at once, & they can get uncomfortable
Peyton is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) & English (because that was her first language) but has a preference for ASL just because its easier for her to understand & the vibrations of her own voice in her head while she’s got her hearing aids on just makes her really uncomfortable
If Peyton is ever talking to someone who doesn’t know sign language/doesn’t have someone around to help aid with interpreting she can/will talk to people, she just doesn’t make a habit of it when she doesn’t need to if that makes sense?
She’s really good at reading body language, like she’s fluent in it, just because a lot of work she has to do in following conversations has to do with facial expressions & body movements, not to mention ASL is a really expression-heavy language
Peyton’s also pretty good at reading lips. She can’t do it from all the way across a room or anything, but if some random person is facing her, speaking clearly and not at too fast of a pace, Peyton can pick up maybe 60-70% of what’s being said. With people she knows well, that percent can increase to almost 90%, but it also decreases when people are mumbling/not facing her/speaking too quickly
Basically, in times of chaos, Peyton appreciates being kept in the loop via ASL if possible
Peyton’s moms are complete helicopter parents -- even though Peyton’s turning 22 in five days, she has less freedom than a typical high schooler and it’s no bueno
The fact that winter 2018 was one of the worst seasons for Peyton since she was diagnosed with chronic lyme probably didn’t help, if anything her moms are more hesitant to let her be an actual young adult
Peyton’s really just trying to take things one day at a time but her plate is overloaded and she’s stressed because she just wants away from her parents and out of Blackrock
(Here’s hoping that, one way or another, she realizes there are oh-so-many reasons to stay)
Wanted Connections include: Anyone who knows ASL/wants to learn ASL (bc cute plots are cute), childhood next door neighbors and/or family friends who Peyton would have actually seen during childhood (she didn’t get out of the house much), crushes (mutual or non-mutual; can be any identity of human bean bc Peyton #lovesall), an internet friend (kind of meta i know but peyton was totally the kind of person to keep a blog), maybe someone who works at the Murray family music shop so she knows them because they work with her mom? basically i’m connection trash please come love me & my babe!!
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Solo Para: Truth (Rachel)
Rachel takes a deep breath to herself before walking in the door. With Audrey and Charlie off at college, Bueno Nacho was boring. Besides, she wanted to get this over with.
She’s right. Her parents’ heads turn in surprise from the table when she walks in. Mom speaks up. “Rachel? Is everything okay? You’re home early.”
Rachel nods quickly at the questions, clearing her throat and setting her purse aside on the counter. “I… needed to talk to you guys.”
Her parents share a very concerned look at that. She clears her throat, going and sitting down, hesitating to meet their eyes as she puts the words together, before slowly admitting to the table, “I know. I—I know about Audrey and me.”
A pause. Dad reaches out to her hands. “Hey—”
“No, no, it’s—I’m not upset.” Rachel looks up quickly, taking his hands, reaching for her mom’s as well. “Not at all, the opposite. You guys—you didn’t, it’s not like… look, Audrey and I were left on the doorstep. It’s not exactly ‘you did this the normal way and hid it’ or something.”
Kim’s eyebrows furrow. “Rach, how long have you known?”
“A few days. I, um…” Rachel takes a moment, stringing the words together. “I met my biological father. Or, well, more like he found me at Club Banana. Said we needed to talk about a lot of things. Told me… told me about leaving me here, and why.”
“And why?” Her parents ask together, sharing a look and turning back to her.
Rachel sniffles, laughing weakly at that and clearing her throat. She doesn’t know why she’s crying, not really. Just the stress, she supposes. “I thought you’d say that. So… it’s, it’s a weird story. A really weird one, even for us.” Clearing her throat, she sits up, pulling away from them both for a minute and shaking her hands out before she starts explaining.
“Audrey and I are… demigods. My birth father is Apollo. And… her mother is Artemis. Apollo says he doesn’t know why she had a kid, or how. He thinks she may have been…” But Rachel doesn’t finish the sentence, shaking her head. Kim brings a hand to her mouth, and Ron’s eyes widen. Rachel nods. “All he knew was, he saw his sister passing off a baby to its father, and the father abandoned it here. He never wanted to make her talk about it, not if she wasn’t ready. But he, uh, decided to snag one of his half-human offspring and put it in the house, too. To know someone was looking out for her. So…”
She weakly offers mock jazz hands. “And that’s why he came to find me. Because Audrey’s in Addersfield, and I’m still here at home. He decided it was time to tell me what was going on, I guess in the hopes it’d make me go there to protect her, too.”
“Mmkay, you don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready for—” Ron starts immediately.
Rachel sniffles and giggles. “You know what, though? It’s probably crazy but… I think I want to go. Community college is… boring, and I really miss them both. And then all of this… I want to be there. Because I think…”
She chews her lip, shaking her head. “Mm, no. Because I apparently have the gift of prophecy from my birth father, and probably always have, because of how often my gut turns out to be right. Anyway, Audrey’s in Addersfield, in Auradon in general, because she knows something about her doesn’t make sense. She knows something about her isn’t… who she thinks she is. And she’s looking for answers. And I want to be there for her when that happens. I want to be able to support her through it. And maybe that’s just because of what he said, but…”
“Um, definitely not,” Kim raises an eyebrow at Rachel and shaking her head with a smile. “You’re the oldest. We think. Anyways, that’s how we raised you. You’ve spent your entire life looking out for your sisters. It makes perfect sense for you to want to go there and protect her i—when, the time comes.”
And she notices that. The small change in language. Accepting what she’d just heard with ease. Same old mom. Rachel smiles, nodding. “And listen. You’re still my parents. You’re always going to be. Apollo—I don’t know him. I don’t care. Charlie and Audrey, they’re my sisters, like mom said. You’re the only family I have, nothing changed how I see things. She’ll… she’ll see that, too. I know it. This, this is our family. Weird and all.”
Kim laughs. “Well, duh.”
“Exactly,” Ron agrees, but Rachel still gets up and goes around to hug both of her parents. Still thinking about the future and the past simultaneously.
Next stop, Illedale University.
For her family.
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upismediacenter · 6 months
FEATURE: GALING UPIS: Pia Ducanes at Nathan Egea, nagkamit ng ROTY sa UAAP S86
Muli na namang nagpasiklab ang #GalingUPIS sa larangan ng isports!
Nagkamit ng parangal na Rookie of the Year sina Olympia Ducanes ng Table Tennis Team at Nathan Egea ng Basketball Team, dalawang student-athlete ng UPIS noong nakaraang UAAP Season 86.
Ang parangal na Rookie of the Year ay iginagawad sa mga natatanging manlalaro na unang beses pa lamang maglaro sa UAAP. Ang batayan ng pagpili ng natatanging manlalaro sa basketball ay pataasan ng pangkalahatang puntos, rebounds, assists at steals mula sa lahat ng laro. Sa table tennis naman ay tinitignan ang puntos na nakukuha kada set at ikukumpara ito sa iba pang mga rookies sa taong iyon. Kung sakali mang magkaroon ng parehas na puntos ang dalawang manlalaro, titignan kung sino ang mas maraming naipanalong set.
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Ang rookie of the year award ay tinanggap ni Olympia Ducanes sa Amoranto Sports Complex noong Nobyembre 23, 2023. Sa kabila ng team standing na 1-9, siya ang tinanghal na rookie of the year ng UAAP Season 86 dahil sa kanyang indibidwal na paglahok.
Hindi raw inakala ni Pia ng 7-Mercury na siya ang pararangalan ng UAAP Season 86 Rookie of the Year para sa larangan ng table tennis. Aniya, “Sobrang saya ko noon, kasi first UAAP ko nga, tapos ako pala ‘yung magiging Rookie of the Year. Kasama ko ‘yung family ko, kumain kami sa labas para i-celebrate ‘yung achievement na ito.” Ibinahagi rin ni Pia ang kaniyang naging mindset noong nagdaang season, na kaniya ring babaunin sa mga susunod pang taon. “Para sa akin, dapat palaging positive. Matututo ako sa mga mistakes ko noong nakaraang season, para mabago ko. Kailangang ma-overcome talaga ‘yung pressure kahit mahirap na, dapat focused lang sa game, at huwag matatakot kahit na malalakas ‘yung kalaban.”
“Play to learn, not play to win.” Ito ang mga katagang pinanghawakan ni Pia. Sa kaniyang panayam, binanggit ng manlalaro ang mga hakbang na kaniyang isinagawa upang makapaghanda para sa Season 86. “Pumunta ako sa iba’t ibang mga clubs para makipag-tune up, para masanay ako, para pagdating ng UAAP, handa ako kahit sino man ang makalaban ko.” Binanggit din niyang ang buong koponan ng table tennis ay talagang nagpursiging mag-ensayo upang maging handa sa kanilang mga laro.
Ang Season 86 ay ang kauna-unahang UAAP season na nilahukan ni Pia, at maraming mga balakid siyang kinaharap bago mapanalunan ang ROTY award. “Iba talaga ‘yung pressure kapag first UAAP [season]. Syempre kasi, maraming mga manonood, kaya sobrang kabado talaga ako.” Ang mga laro para sa bawat season ng UAAP ay madalas na isinasagawa sa loob ng dalawang linggo, kaya para sa kaniya, ang pagliban sa mga klase ang isa pa sa kaniyang mga naging hamon. Upang maibsan ang takot na baka siya’y mahuli sa mga gawaing pampaaralan, ani Pia, “Nag-pray ako kay God na sana malampasan ko ‘yung lahat ng mga pagsubok. Na ma-overcome ko. Tapos ‘yung mga natambak na assignment, ginawa ko one by one.”
Ayon kay Pia, ang isa sa kaniyang mga ‘di malilimutang laro ay ang kanilang laban kontra Ateneo kung saan nila nakamit ang unang panalo sa ikalawang round ng season. “We were really happy,” kwento niya. “Tapos noong may nakalaban akong kaibigan ko rin. Dati, natatalo talaga ako sa kaniya kasi magaling siya. Kaya happy talaga ako noong nakalaro ko ulit siya, kasi natalo ko siya.”
Ang maipapayo ng Table Tennis Rookie of the Year na si Pia Ducanes para sa mga magiging manlalaro sa susunod na taon ay ang taimtim na pagpupursigi. “Syempre, you have to work hard para ma-achieve mo ‘yun. Huwag ka dapat mag-e-expect na Rookie of the Year ka kaagad. Again, play to learn.”
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Sa kabila ng standing score na 1-12, si Nathan Egea ang itinanghal na Rookie of the Year para sa basketball na tinanggap niya sa FilOil EcoOil Sports Centre noong nakaraang Pebrero 7, 2024. Nagtala siya ng 10.5 points, 10.5 rebounds, 3.0 assists at 1.5 na steals kada laro.
Ayon sa kaniya, sobrang unexpected ng kaniyang pagkapanalo at hindi niya inakalang siya ang magiging Rookie of the Year dahil ginawa niya lang ang mga dapat niyang ginagawa sa loob ng court. Ito ay matapos ang kaniyang pagpupursigi sa pag-eensayo at pagpapanatili ng positibo at matibay na mindset upang matiyak na maipapakita sa laro ang mga kakayahan ng koponan.
Para kay Nathan, naging mahirap ang pinagdaanan ng UPIS Junior Basketball Team sa nakaraang season. “It’s the pressure of not meeting the expectations of the people who support us, and also the disappointment whenever we lose in the game; but this serves as a challenge to give more effort and to be more eager to win,” aniya. “Memorable na sa aking nakapaglaro ako sa UAAP, pero iba pa rin ‘yung feeling na nakamit namin yung una naming panalo laban sa UE after so many losses.”
Sa kabila noon, nagpapasalamat pa rin siya sa pagkilalang natanggap at sa mga nananatiling walang sawang sumusuporta sa kaniya. “Kung hindi dahil sa kanila, ‘di ko po mararating kung nasaan ako ngayon.” Para sa Season 87, ani Nathan, dodoblehin pa nila ang ibubuhos na effort sa kanilang paghahanda. “We will make sure to learn from our experiences. We will treat this as an opportunity to grow more. I will make sure to maintain a positive mindset.”
Matapos ang matagumpay na taon, magiging kaabang-abang ang muling paglahok ng dalawang manlalarong ito sa susunod na season ng UAAP. //nina Wynelle Llaguno, Rache Bueno, Dzyaireh Santos
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fmmagalih941 · 4 years
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Sager: “Comprometemos esfuerzos, ideas y proyectos para hacer de la agroindustria una política de Estado y una realidad en el Chaco” “La crisis nos ha generado una oportunidad, la de fortalecer nuestras cadenas de valor mediante el fomento de la exportación y la generación de empleo”, destacó el presidente del Poder Legislativo, Hugo Sager luego de participar este viernes del lanzamiento de la Ventanilla Única, encabezado por el gobernador Jorge Capitanich. Se trata de una herramienta que unificará toda la oferta de programas y financiamiento del Gobierno provincial para empresas agroindustriales. Vía teleconferencia, la presidenta de la Comisión de Industria, Comercio y Defensa del Consumidor, Transporte y Comunicaciones, Liliana Spoljaric acompañó al titular del parlamento chaqueño en la presentación de la plataforma, que tuvo lugar en el Salón Obligado de Casa de Gobierno. También estuvo presente de forma virtual el ministro de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Luis Basterra, y el vocero del Consejo Agroindustrial Argentino (CAA) y presidente de la Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires, José Martins. En forma presencial participaron de la presentación la vicegobernadora Analía Rach Quiroga, el ministro de Producción, Industria y Empleo, Sebastián Lifton, y funcionarios de esa cartera. “Estamos ante la puesta en marcha de una nueva etapa que comienza tanto en el Chaco como en la Argentina, en la que buscamos fortalecer la incorporación de valor a las cadenas productivas de nuestra provincia”, destacó Sager. En ese sentido, subrayó: “Nuestro proyecto político encabezado por Jorge Capitanich sostuvo siempre que podemos constituirnos en proveedores de alimentos, no sólo para todo el Chaco sino también para la región y el mundo. Por ello, debe ser una política de Estado el concepto de agroindustria”. http://magalihfm.com.ar/articulo.php?articulo=1687 (en FM Maga-Lih 94.1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrNT60F108/?igshid=16i4uynaucsgb
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imagenprimero · 5 years
Capitanich inició su tercer mandato: “Nuestra vida está hecha de regresos, acá estamos nuevamente para servir”
Capitanich inició su tercer mandato: “Nuestra vida está hecha de regresos, acá estamos nuevamente para servir”
El gobernador y la vicegobernadora Analía Rach Quiroga tomaron juramento a ministros y secretarios, y homenajearon a ex gobernadores constitucionales de la provincia. Capitanich anunció que desde este viernes viajará a Buenos Aires para gestionar las soluciones más urgentes que los chaqueños y las chaqueñas necesitan._
Jorge Milton Capitanich asumió como Gobernador ante el pueblo chaqueño este…
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mik-e-kim · 7 years
8/27/17 what’s bueno.
Flying longer than 5 hours is the worst. I was super nauseous for like the 7 final hours of the  flight. I just had to keep reminding myself that it’s basically a miracle that I’m traveling 600 miles per hour, through the air, above the clouds so I have pretty much nothing to be upset about. 
Emotions about leaving home kept hitting me in waves every couple hours and I would find myself praying super hard that the Lord would have his way in everything at home and he would be faithful to continue working in me while I’m in Korea. After I got off the plane I hustled to the immigration line and I was almost at the front when I realized I didn’t fill out one of those mandatory arrival cards. I didn’t know the address of the school, and I had no service so I couldn’t find out where it was, so I was going around asking workers for help in super broken Korean to no avail. Eventually, I got to a part of the airport where I had enough signal to get on the school website after like 4 solid minutes of loading. I had to hop back in at the back of the line and wait an annoyingly long time knowing that I was at the front just a few minutes back. When I went to get my bags I kept circling the carousel and rechecking the video board to make sure I was at the right one and then after a literal 30 minutes I realized someone had taken them off and they were just on the floor next to where I had walked past like 10 times?? For some reason my immediate reaction was oh no someone probably planted a bomb in there, but yeah, the only thing that was bomb was that yung gimbap from the convenience store boiiiiiiiii~~~. 
My initial impressions of my coworkers are pretty positive. They are super fun, friendly, helpful, and seem to genuinely care about the new teachers coming in... but I absolutely definitely need prayer for wisdom in how much I participate in their activities to build relationship, and also where to draw that line and not compromise my values as a follower of Christ. Anyways, today was a pretty good second day. It was really excellent seeing Rach. We went to the biggest museum I’ve ever seen in my entire life and we ate chicken sandwiches called Mom’s touch LOL. Praying that we come out of this experience more thoroughly refined by the fire of God in our walks with Him as well as each other. I THINK I’m gonna start opening up this blog for more and more people to see and read and pray for me because yo I am in desperate need for Jesus every moment. 
- Mikeezy 
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haitilegends · 7 years
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JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE DANY LAFERRIÈRE. ÉCRIVAIN ET SCÉNARISTE HAÏTIEN. ÉLU À L'ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE LE 12 DÉCEMBRE 2013. Né à Port-au-Prince en 1953 d’un père intellectuel et homme politique, Windsor Klébert Laferrière, et d’une mère archiviste à la mairie de Port-au-Prince, Marie Nelson, Windsor Klébert, qui deviendra Dany, passa son enfance avec sa grand-mère, Da, à Petit-Goâve, dans cet univers dominé par les libellules, les papillons, les fourmis, les montagnes bleues, la mer turquoise de la Caraïbe et l’amour fou pour Vava. Ces épisodes heureux sont relatés dans deux de ses romans : L’Odeur du café et Le Charme des après-midi sans fin. À la fin de ses études secondaires au collège Canado-Haïtien, Dany Laferrière commence à travailler à l’âge de dix-neuf ans à Radio Haïti Inter, et à l’hebdomadaire politico-culturel Le Petit Samedi soir. Il signait, à la même époque, de brefs portraits de peintres dans leur atelier pour le quotidien Le Nouvelliste. À la suite de l’assassinat de son ami Gasner Raymond, trouvé sur la plage de Braches, à Léogâne, le 1er juin 1976, il quitte précipitamment Port-au-Prince pour Montréal. Cet évènement sera raconté dans son roman Le Cri des oiseaux fous. Il débarque dans une ville en pleine effervescence des Jeux olympiques et à la veille des élections historiques qui amèneront l’équipe de René Lévesque au pouvoir pour changer à jamais le paysage politique du Québec. Seul, il observe cette ville nouvelle, et s’acclimate difficilement à l’hiver, parcourant le quartier latin fourmillant d’artistes où il dépose ses pénates. C’est un homme libre de vingt-trois ans qui s’engage dans une nouvelle vie tout en luttant pour échapper à la nostalgie, à la solitude et à la misère. Pendant huit ans, il enchaîne les emplois précaires, parfois dans des usines en banlieue de Montréal, logeant dans des chambres « crasseuses et lumineuses » sans cesser de caresser un vieux rêve d’écrivain. Il se procure chez un brocanteur de la rue Saint-Denis cette fameuse machine à écrire Remington 22, qui l’accompagnera pendant une dizaine de romans. Le voilà installé dans sa baignoire « rose » avec du mauvais vin pour lire tous ces écrivains qu’il ne pouvait se payer à Port-au-Prince : Hemingway, Miller, Diderot, Tanizaki, Gombrowicz, Borges, Marie Chauvet, Bukowski, Boulgakov, Baldwin, Cendrars, Mishima, Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Salinger, Grass, Calvino, Roumain, Ducharme, Virginia Woolf... Il deviendra le lecteur passionné, « l’homme-livre » que l’on connaît. Paraît, en 1985, le roman Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, qui explose dans le ciel littéraire du Québec. À la suite du succès éclatant de son premier roman, la nouvelle télévision Quatre Saisons l’embauche en 1986 pour présenter la météo. Le Québec reçoit le choc d’un Noir annonçant la neige et les angoissantes blancheurs de février, tout cela avec légèreté et humour. Un nouveau personnage est né dans le paysage télévisuel. Ce qui l’amènera à la fameuse émission de Radio-Canada, La Bande des six, qui réunit six des meilleurs chroniqueurs de la presse québécoise. 1986, c’est aussi la mort de Jorge Luis Borges, ce vieux maître aveugle de Buenos Aires qu’il ne cessera jamais de lire. 1986, c’est surtout la fin de la dictature des Duvalier et un premier bref retour en Haïti. Avec son ami, l’écrivain Jean-Claude Charles, il parcourt le pays tout en tenant une chronique quotidienne pour Le Nouvelliste sur la débâcle des tontons macoutes et la fin du régime des Duvalier. 1989, la sortie du film tiré de son premier roman, Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, lui permet de se familiariser avec le cinéma. Le film provoque un scandale aux États-Unis où la plupart des grands médias l’ont censuré. Le cinéma influence grandement son écriture (Le Goût des jeunes filles). C’est l’époque où il fréquente le petit cinéma « Le Ouimetoscope », découvrant un cinéma d’auteur qui imprègnera son œuvre. En 1990, il quitte Montréal avec sa famille pour Miami, afin d’échapper à l’hiver mais surtout à cette célébrité bruyante qui n’était pas compatible avec le silence intérieur qu’exige le travail d’écrivain. Il écrit paisiblement à Kendall dix romans en douze ans, des livres qui forment l’ossature de son œuvre, dont le fameux cycle haïtien : L’Odeur du café, Le Goût des jeunes filles, Le Charme des après-midi sans fin, La Chair du maître, Le Cri des oiseaux fous, Pays sans chapeau… Miami, c’est l’époque studieuse où l’auteur travaille sans relâche, pas loin d’un petit lac dont il fait le tour chaque matin en ruminant les descriptions et les dialogues à écrire. Printemps 1999, le Québec est le pays à l’honneur au Salon du livre de Paris. Invités de l’émission Bouillon de culture, de Bernard Pivot, avec Robert Lalonde et Gaétan Soucy, les trois écrivains québécois se distinguent ce soir-là. Dany Laferrière va jusqu’à souhaiter que l’on puisse remettre un jour le prix Nobel au Québec pour l’originalité de sa littérature. Retour à Montréal après la sortie du Cri des oiseaux fous, son dixième roman, et fin de l’épisode de Miami. Après une quinzaine d’années de travail acharné, Laferrière décide de cesser d’écrire de nouveaux récits pour prendre le temps de « revisiter » ses précédents romans. Il réécrit six romans, ajoutant de nouveaux chapitres, jusqu’à faire surgir une œuvre plus dense. Le procédé de réécriture à la manière Laferrière étonne considérablement la critique et encore davantage les universitaires. Il redessine lui-même son œuvre, aménageant des passerelles entre les romans jusqu’à découvrir qu’il s’agit en fait d’un seul livre : une Autobiographie américaine. Cette Autobiographie américaine permet de lier les deux cycles, le cycle nord-américain, composé de romans urbains, agressifs, et le cycle haïtien, plus calme et empreint de la tendresse de Da, sauf lorsque l’action se déroule dans l’atmosphère de la dictature. Pendant longtemps, les critiques évoquent une autobiographie en dix romans. Il s’agit, selon Laferrière, d’un ensemble comprenant récits, romans et essais, qui forme aujourd’hui un corpus de vingt-deux ouvrages. Après avoir scénarisé Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Le Goût des jeunes filles et participé activement à l’élaboration de Vers le sud, de Laurent Cantet, avec Charlotte Rampling, Laferrière scénarise et réalise son premier film Comment conquérir l’Amérique en une nuit. Il retrouve sur le plateau son vieux complice Maka Kotto dans ce film qui raconte une histoire pas trop éloignée de celle de cet enfant d’Haïti. Une narration où deux hommes échangent leurs expériences. L’oncle, qui vit depuis vingt ans à Montréal, décide de rentrer tandis que son jeune neveu arrive à Montréal pour y rester. On dirait deux paquebots se croisant dans la nuit sans se voir. Les critiques y ont pourtant vu un seul et même personnage : l’auteur n’a fait que mettre en scène deux périodes de sa vie. En novembre 2009, Laferrière fait une rentrée remarquée avec L’Énigme du retour, qui a un vif succès au Québec avant de recevoir le prix Médicis. De nombreux prix suivront, dont le Grand Prix du livre de Montréal, le prix des libraires du Québec, le Combat des livres de Radio-Canada. Janvier 2010, Laferrière se trouve à Port-au-Prince quand le séisme frappe le pays. Il note sur son carnet noir ses observations de manière si spontanée que les lecteurs auront l’impression de vivre l’évènement en direct. Tandis que la télévision montre les immeubles effondrés et compte les morts, Laferrière raconte la vie quotidienne dans une ville complètement brisée et les tentatives désespérées des gens pour garder une certaine dignité dans le malheur. La littérature, en s’éloignant du scandale, nous fait pénétrer dans l’intimité de la catastrophe. Il publie en 2011, L’Art presque perdu de ne rien faire, qui rassemble ses chroniques sur Radio-Canada. Cet essai remporte un étonnant succès critique et de librairie. Deux ans plus tard, en février 2013, il récidive avec Journal d’un écrivain en pyjama. Dans cet essai, Laferrière fait l’éloge de ses deux passions : l’écriture et la lecture, en deux cent deux chroniques sur des sujets aussi divers que la place de l’adjectif dans la phrase ou le plagiat dans les mœurs de la littérature. Ce livre intéressera l’écrivain en herbe comme le lecteur passionné. Il préside du 1er au 8 mai 2013 les Rencontres québécoises en Haïti, évènement qui rassemble une cinquantaine d’auteurs et de professionnels du livre haïtiens et québécois. Prix international de littérature décerné par la Maison des cultures du monde, pour L’Énigme du retour, en 2014. Grand Prix Ludger-Duvernay, en 2015. En 2016, docteur honoris causa de Midlebury College (USA) et des universités Paris-Sorbonne et Pierre et Marie Curie. Officier de l'ordre national du Québec (2014), citoyen d'honneur de la ville de Montréal (2014), officier de l'ordre du Canada (2015), compagnon des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (2015). Élu à l’Académie française, le 12 décembre 2013, au fauteuil d’Hector Bianciotti (2e fauteuil) Œuvres Certains ouvrages sont édités chez Grasset : Le goût des jeunes filles (2005), Je suis un écrivain japonais (2008), L’énigme du retour (2009), Chronique de la dérive douce (2012), Journal d’un écrivain en pyjama (2013). 1985 Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer (VLB Éditeur) 1985 Haïti (Québec) - scénario; réalisation Tahami Rached 1987 Éroshima (VLB Éditeur) 1991 L’Odeur du café (VLB Éditeur) 1992 Le Goût des jeunes filles (VLB Éditeur) 1993 Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit ? (VLB Éditeur) 1994 Chronique de la dérive douce (VLB Éditeur) 1996 Pays sans chapeau (Lanctôt Éditeur) 1997 La Chair du maître (Lanctôt Éditeur) 1997 Le Charme des après-midi sans fin (Lanctôt Éditeur) 2000 J'écris comme je vis - entretien avec Bernard Magnier (Lanctôt Éditeur) 2000 Je suis fatigué (Lanctôt Éditeur) 2000 Le Cri des oiseaux fous (Lanctôt Éditeur) 2004 Comment conquérir l’Amérique en une nuit - réalisation et scénario 2005 Les Années 80 dans ma vieille Ford 2006 Je suis fou de Vava - illustrations de Frédéric Normandin (Éditions de la Bagnole) 2006 Vers le sud (Boréal) 2008 Je suis un écrivain japonais (Boréal) 2009 La Fête des morts - illustrations de Frédéric Normandin (Éditions de la Bagnole) 2009 L’Énigme du retour (Boréal) 2010 Conversations avec Dany Laferrière - interviews de Ghila Sroka (La Parole métèque) 2010 Tout bouge autour de moi 2011 L’Art presque perdu de ne rien faire (Boréal) 2013 Journal d’un écrivain en pyjama 2014 L'art presque perdu de ne rien faire (Grasset) 2015 Tout ce qu’on ne te dira pas Mongo (Boréal) 2015 Dany Laferrière à l’Académie française (Boréal) 2016 Mythologies américaines (Grasset) #HUGO #DANYLAFERRIÈRE
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nextgenclothingvn · 5 years
Viajar al delta del mekong vietnam de A a Z
I. Información general
El Delta del Mekong (vietnamita: Dong bang Song Me Kong), también conocida como la Región Occidental (vietnamita: Mien Tay) o la Región Suroeste (vietnamita: Tay Nam Bo) es la región en el suroeste de Vietnam donde el río Mekong se acerca y desemboca en el mar a través de una red de distribuidores. La región del delta del Mekong abarca una gran parte del sudoeste de Vietnam de más de 40,500 kilómetros cuadrados (15,600 millas cuadradas). El tamaño del área cubierta por el agua depende de la temporada.
Hoy, la región comprende 12 provincias: Long An, Đong Thap, Tien Giang, An Giang, Ben Tre, Vinh Long, Tra Vinh, Hau Giang, Kien Giang, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu y Ca Mau, junto el municipio de Can Tho. El Delta del Mekong ha sido calificado como un “tesoro biológico”. Se registraron más de 1,000 especies de animales entre 1997 y 2007 y se descubrieron nuevas especies de plantas, peces, lagartos y mamíferos en áreas previamente inexploradas, incluida la rata de roca de Laos, que se creía extinta.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
Compuesto por densos arrozales verdes y ríos perezosos y sinuosos, el Delta del Mekong es como ninguna otra región en Vietnam. Ya sea firmemente en tierra o flotando con la corriente del río, esta región está llena de vida salvaje, lugares de interés histórico y paisajes increíbles. El río de los Nueve Dragones, como los lugareños conocen el área, es donde el Mekong se astilla en nueve ramas separadas, entrecruzando paisajes bajos antes de llegar al mar. La vida se mueve mucho más lentamente aquí y a menudo está rodeada de agua. Incluso encontrará casas, granjas y mercados que adoptan una adaptación acuática en el Delta del Mekong.
II. Tiempo ideal de viajar
El clima del sur de Vietnam es muy estable durante todo el año con una temperatura promedio de 30 grados centígrados. Aunque podría llover en algunos meses, cualquier día del año sería un buen momento para que los turistas visiten el Delta del Mekong. Sin embargo, el mejor momento para visitar es entre septiembre y noviembre, ya que estos meses son la temporada flotante en el Delta del Mekong. Esta temporada atrae no solo a turistas internacionales sino también a personas vietnamitas, ya que hay muchas cosas interesantes para experimentar. Puedes pescar en un barco tradicional vietnamita con la gente local y luego disfrutar de la comida cocinada con el pescado que acabas de pescar.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
Además de la temporada flotante, los meses entre diciembre y abril también son un buen momento para visitar el Delta del Mekong. El clima es cómodo y la lluvia es baja en estos meses. Disfrutará de algunas actividades interesantes, como andar en bicicleta por los caminos rurales, visitar a las familias locales para experimentar su vida diaria. Además, es la temporada de cosecha de frutas, por lo que tendrá la oportunidad de disfrutar de muchas frutas tropicales vietnamitas cuando estén frescas y deliciosas.
En el Delta del Mekong, la temporada de lluvias comienza en mayo y dura hasta agosto. Sin embargo, las lluvias en esta región generalmente son cortas y no afectarán seriamente su viaje. Por lo tanto, visitar el Delta del Mekong durante estos meses no es una mala opción.
III. ¿Cómo llegar al Delta del Mekong?
Aunque hay 12 provincias que conforman el Delta del Mekong, la ruta común para que la mayoría de los visitantes lleguen a este destino es desde Saigón a Can Tho, ya que tiene el famoso mercado flotante Cai Rang. Por lo tanto, estos son algunos medios de transporte disponibles para tu ruta de 165 kilómetros.
1. Autobús expreso y autobús cama
Te lleva aproximadamente tres horas de viaje llegar al Delta del Mekong en autobús.El precio varía de 60,000 VND a 120,000 VND. Dependiendo de la posición del asiento, las instalaciones que lo hacen sentir cómodo durante su viaje y la época del año. Hay muchos autobuses que salen muchas veces al día, y generalmente recogen pasajeros en las agencias o incluso en su hotel / casa. Si no reservaste el boleto con anticipación, es posible que no puedas elegir el asiento que deseas, así como la hora de salida o, lo que es peor, no le quedarán boletos en la temporada alta.
Fuente de fotos: Megabus
2. En avión
El Delta del Mekong tiene un aeropuerto ubicado en la ciudad de Can Tho. En lugar de pasar muchas horas sentado en un autobús expreso, puedes pasar solo unas horas disfrutando de la vista a la altura de 10,000 metros sobre la tierra para viajar al Delta del Mekong de la ciudad Ho Chi Minh a Can Tho o de Hanoi a Can Tho, Un billete de ida con impuestos incluidos cuesta alrededor de 700,000 VND.
3. Coche privado
Hoy en día, muchas familias consideran contratar un automóvil privado debido a su comodidad y conveniencia, este servicio también es provisto por muchos hoteles en todo el país. El precio comienza alrededor de 600,000 VND (27.30 USD), depende de muchas cosas, como la ubicación y el tipo de automóvil. Cuando viajas en automóvil privado, puedes seguir tu propia ruta para disfrutar de paisajes, atracciones y no tienes que apurarse porque el tiempo depende de ti. Sin embargo, te cuesta mucho tiempo para moverte.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
4. En barco/ crucero
Ahora hay barcos y crucero de viaje como Mekong Eyes Cruise Que operan un recorrido por el río de Saigón que termina en el Delta del Mekong. Puedes disfrutar en el crucero durantes unos días para observar los paisajes hermosos del Delta del Mekong. Este es una experiencia especial que no deberías perdir cuando viajes al Delta del Mekong.
IV. Lugares destacados para visitar en el Delta del Mekong
1. My Tho
Comenzaremos con la ciudad más visitada en el Delta del Mekong. Cientos, si no miles, de grupos de turistas vienen a esta ciudad todos los días. Además de su famoso mercado flotante, también hay algunas pagodas impresionantes y huertos locales para visitar. La mayor parte del turismo en esta ciudad es empaquetada por la oficina de turismo local. No esperes encontrar muchas experiencias fuera de lo común, ya que los destinos están diseñados para excursionistas de un día. Te lleva unas dos horas llegar desde la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh en autobús.
2. Can Tho
Can Tho es la ciudad más grande de la región del Delta del Mekong y es el origen del mercado flotante de Cai Rang, que es realmente una vista increíble. Hay cientos de botes llenos de más variedades de frutas de las que creías posibles, y una deslumbrante variedad de flores. Aunque Can Tho es una ciudad grande, algo industrializada, también sirve como centro cultural para las áreas rurales circundantes. Lo bueno de esta ciudad es que puedes obtener lo mejor de ambos mundos: alojamiento cómodo en el centro de la ciudad, con excursiones fáciles de un día para salir y ver las pintorescas comunidades agrícolas. No hay clubes de baile y bares de cócteles como los que encontrarás en Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, pero la vida nocturna es sorprendentemente vibrante. Se tarda aproximadamente cuatro horas en llegar a Can Tho desde la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh en autobús.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
3. Soc Trang
Soc Trang es el hogar de la mayor población de jemeres fuera de Camboya, por lo que esta ciudad tiene una sensación cultural interesante que es diferente de las ciudades vietnamitas de la zona. Los mejores ejemplos de la cultura jemer son las pagodas Clay y Bat, ambas famosas por sus intrincados diseños. Es posible que esta ciudad no tenga muchas cosas llamativas que hacer, pero aquellos que prefieren una experiencia relajada disfrutarán de las vibraciones tranquilas aquí, especialmente en los arrozales que rodean la ciudad. Si estás en el área alrededor de noviembre o diciembre, asegúrate de visitar el festival Oc Om Boc.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
4. Reserva de Biosfera de Can Gio
La Reserva de la Biosfera Can Gio está catalogada por la UNESCO, valiosa por sus ricos bosques de manglares y ecosistemas de humedales. Esta reserva de biosfera también ayuda a proteger la región de la corrosión. Sin ella, muchas tierras agrícolas ricas se arrastrarían al mar. Hay muchos recorridos disponibles para la reserva de la biosfera, y dado que está tan cerca de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, es una excelente excursión de un día, o un punto de partida para su viaje por el Delta del Mekong.
Fuente de fotos: luxurytravelvietnam
5. Rach Gia
Si planeas visitar la isla de Phu Quoc, que realmente deberías, un viaje a Rach Gia es la manera perfecta de llegar allí. Varias compañías operan ferries rápidos desde Rach Gia, llegando a varios puntos alrededor de Phu Quoc. Otra opción es la ciudad de Ha Tien, que está un poco al noroeste de Rach Gia. Los transbordadores también salen desde allí, o puedes cruzar a Camboya. Y si no te gustan los barcos, Rach Gia también tiene un aeropuerto con vuelos diarios.
6. Chau Doc
Para aquellos que se dirigen entre Vietnam y Camboya, Chau Doc es una parada fácil a lo largo de la ruta. Es conocido por su diversidad religiosa y étnica, que incluye a los jemeres, chinos, cham y vietnamitas. Como la mayoría del Delta del Mekong, las áreas circundantes son exuberantes con arrozales y espectaculares escenas rurales.
V. La comida típica
1. Hu tieu Nam Vang (Sopa de fideos Nam Vang)
Cuando mencionamos sobre la sopa de fideos vietnamita, la gente siempre recuerda solo a Pho. Pero en realidad, también hay muchos tipos de sopa de fideos vietnamita que a los vietnamitas les encanta comer. Especialmente en el Delta del Mekong, Hu Tieu Nam Vang es uno de ellos.
El original de Hu Tieu Nam Vang proviene de Camboya y luego se extendió al sur de Vietnam y a la comunidad china en el sudeste asiático. El ingrediente principal de este alimento es la mezcla de fideos resistentes con pequeños trozos de carne de cerdo, órgano, huevo de codorniz y mariscos. La sopa de Hu Tieu Nam Vang también estaba hecha del hueso de cerdo. Depende del gusto diferente de cada persona, pueden eliminar el órgano o los mariscos, pero la carne de cerdo debe permanecer.
2. Pez Oreja de Elefante
Pez Oreja de Elefante, un nombre extraño, ¿verdad? Se llama Pez Oreja de Elefante porque se parece a las orejas de un elefante. Esta es la comida que siempre presentan los guías turísticos cuando hablan de comida en el Delta del Mekong Aunque puedes probarlo en Ciudad Ho Chi Minh si no tienes la oportunidad de probarlo en el Delta del Mekong. El chef freirá el pescado y para obtener el sabor perfecto de este alimento, debe envolverlo con papel de arroz y sumergirlo en salsa de pescado.
3. Panqueque vietnamita
Panqueque vietnamita (Banh xeo) es una de las comidas callejeras más comunes en Vietnam. Se cocina de manera diferente en otras regiones de Vietnam. En el Delta del Mekong, la gente local cocinará Pan Cake vietnamita con verduras y frijoles mungo.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
“Xèo” es el chisporroteo durante el proceso cuando la gente local lo hace. Algunas personas pensarán que “Bánh Xèo” está hecho de huevo debido a su color. Pero en realidad no hay huevos aquí. Estaba hecho de harina de arroz, agua de coco, harina, frijol mungo, brotes de judías verdes.
4. Rollo de primavera
Goi cuon (rollito de primavera) es un alimento muy común en la cultura vietnamita. Algunas personas dijeron que el original de este alimento proviene de China y luego los vietnamitas cambiaron su ingrediente para adaptarse a los vietnamitas.
Fuente de fotos: Zing.vn
Aunque la información aún no ha sido confirmada. El ingrediente principal de este alimento es papel de arroz y está envuelto con muchos tipos diferentes de hierbas y carne (carne de res, cerdo, camarones, etc.). A pesar de ser común, este alimento es diferente según la región de Vietnam. Otra parte importante de este alimento es la salsa de pescado. La salsa de pescado para este alimento estaba hecha de vinagre, azúcar, cebolla y chile.
5. Pastel de hoja de coco (Banh la dua)
El pastel de hojas de coco (Bánh lá dua) es un bocadillo común en el Delta del Mekong. Puedes verlo en todas partes, pero el reino de este pastel es la provincia de Ben Tre, el reino del coco. La primera impresión de este alimento es su forma. El pastel estaba envuelto en hojas de coco y parece manantiales. El ingrediente principal de este alimento es el arroz blanco, coco, plátano y frijol mungo.
La gente local elige el arroz blanco para hacer el pastel de hojas de coco con mucho cuidado, el arroz se lava cuidadosamente y se remoja durante la noche. También se remojan los frijoles mungo en el agua también. La hoja utilizada para envolver el pastel debe ser la joven con color amarillo. Al envolver, ponen la hoja de coco por capa, luego agregan el arroz y el coco (o frijoles mung) y luego lo envuelven.
6. Banh khot
Banh khot es otro panqueque de los vietnamitas. A diferencia de banh xeo anterior, el tamaño de banh khot es mucho más pequeño. En la parte superior de banh khot, la gente local en el Delta del Mekong agrega diferentes tipos de cobertura, como camarones y cebolla verde.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
El ingrediente principal de este alimento en el Delta del Mekong es la harina de arroz, el agua de coco, los huevos, los frijoles mung, los camarones, las hierbas, las verduras y muchos ingredientes pequeños como: pimienta, sal, etc. Y al igual que otros alimentos vietnamitas en general, debe comerlo con salsa de pescado con encurtidos vietnamitas.
7. Pollo estofado con limoncillo y chile picante
El pollo estofado con limoncillo y chile picante es otro alimento común en el Delta del Mekong. Es muy popular porque es fácil de hacer para que todos puedan hacerlo. El ingrediente principal de este alimento es, por supuesto, el pollo. También debe tener hierba de limón, chile, agua de coco, jengibre, cebolla, cilantro y especias: salsa de pescado, azúcar, pimienta, polvo de sopa.
En primer lugar, el chel pelará la cebolla y la hierba de limón, luego se lavará y se escurrirá. Luego el chef los cortó en trozos pequeños. Luego, después de lavar el pollo con una combinación de agua y sal, el jefe lo mezclará con otras especias en una proporción adecuada. El último paso, el chef estofará esa combinación para obtener el resultado final del producto.
VI. Acerca de Luxury Travel
Con más de 14 años de experiencia en la industria de viajes de lujo, planificamos y administramos paquetes turísticos para Vietnam, incluidos el Delta del Mekong , la Bahía de Halong y otros lugares hermosos en Vietnam y el sudeste asiático. Somos galardonados con DMC, especializado en vacaciones de lujo en Indochina y cubrimos cualquier viaje a Vietnam, Laos, Camboya, Myanmar y Tailandia. Ponte en contacto con nosotros cuando viajes a Vietnam si necesitas ayuda.
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upismediacenter · 5 months
FEATURE: Delegates, delegates, delegates: UPIS students’ experience in the 5th Xavier Model United Nations
Good day, esteemed delegates and honorable dais—oops, force of habit. This delegate—I mean, I would like to introduce one of the most anticipated MUN events in the Philippines: the 5th Xavier Model United Nations! This event, hosted by the Xavier School San Juan, drew in youth from all over the world to a 3-day conference that featured simulations of the proceedings of most established diplomatic institutions of the world. Despite it being their first MUN, our students from UPIS didn’t hesitate to face this challenge head on. But wait—before we go forward into our delegates, let me tell you first about how the Xavier Model United Nations actually works.
The 5th Xavier Model United Nations, with its theme of “Revolutionizing the foundations of an empowered generation against inequities,” was in session last March 22-24. It sought to provide a level playing field for delegates all over the world. According to the organizers of the XMUN, the activity aims to make its participants aware of current events while honing skills such as diplomacy, research, and debate. If you’re into these, keep reading!
Participants of the event are called ‘delegates,’ and they become members of different committees, which are simulations of real-world organizations. The goal of every committee is to present a resolution or convene towards a decision that will be finalized at the end of the committee sessions. The committee may proceed based on the agendas given, or on the discretion of the board of dais.
Don’t know which committee to start with? There are three levels of difficulty for committees: beginner, intermediate, and advanced—but if you’re a first-timer, I highly suggest starting with the beginner committees to get a hang of the goings-on before going forward into those for more experienced delegates. For the 5th XMUN, The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were the two beginner committees; the latter of which was the sole online committee. The intermediate committees were the House of Commons, International Olympic Committee, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The advanced committees were the International Court of Justice, and the Joint Crisis Committee. A surprise committee for advanced delegates was also introduced: the Ad Hoc committee featured a mystery agenda that would only be revealed during the conference itself.
As mentioned earlier, every committee has a board of dais, which is usually composed of a chair, a vice chair, and a rapporteur. This composition may also change depending on the type of the committee. They provide hands-on guidance regarding conference proceedings and the Rules of Procedure (ROPs), which dictates the decorum of delegates within the conference.
If you’re an interested student looking for an event like this, registration for the conference is free of charge; all you have to do is sign up and show up. Thus, for this iteration of the XMUN, a lot of our schoolmates took this opportunity to explore new horizons and begin a new adventure.
Now, let me introduce you to some of the UPIS students who rose to the occasion and joined their first-ever MUN!
Maya Ozo of 10-Acacia and AJ Macapagal of 10-Molave were two of the eight delegates who went onsite for the United Nations General Assembly. The agendas for the UNGA were Addressing the Implications of AI Use in the Education System and Standardizing the Age of Consent.
Meanwhile, Charlize Abundo of 10-Kamagong and Andres Obusan of 11-Edgardo D. Gomez were two of the six delegates who joined the conference online for the International Atomic Energy Agency. The agendas for the IAEA were Improving Emergency Response Systems to Nuclear Accidents and Harnessing Nuclear Technology to Monitor and Address Coastal and Marine Pollution.
These delegates, despite being daunted by the unfamiliar experience, grew to enjoy and thrive during the event. They faced their initial unfamiliarity with the conference proceedings by striding forward and charging head-on. “Nothing really prepares you for that experience,” Andres confessed. “While I’m not completely blindsided by how they proceeded, and I still managed to contribute later on, I would say that if it’s your first time, no amount of studying and asking other people how it goes will prepare you.”
Once the XMUN officially commenced, our delegates split into their separate committees to begin with the formal sessions. With their fellow delegates, they embarked on a lengthy developmental process of creating their resolution papers.
For the onsite delegates, a surprising revelation that came up during the event was that “it wasn’t that serious.” They say that during unmoderated caucuses, delegates create a huge ruckus and are generally chaotic. Unmoderated caucuses are periods where delegates freely discuss, lobby regarding stances on issues, and form blocs. Most of the time within committee sessions will be allotted to these 10- to 25-minute caucuses for the formation of the blocs’ final draft resolutions. Additionally, Maya insisted that “honestly, when people say that MUN is so serious, that you have to be so proper all the time—it’s just not true.” Yet they also commended how, in spite of all the fun being had, the delegates in the conference maintained their diplomacy and professionalism and followed the ROPs seamlessly. This helped them ease in, get more involved, and begin working well with delegates from various other schools.
Meanwhile, the online delegates took advantage of the ease of communication to take initiative within their own blocs. Countries such as Andres’s Samoa and Charlize’s Suriname became major players in how resolution papers were formed, with both being offered to be sponsors. Through the Discord and Zoom, they were able to efficiently maximize the limited time given to create what Charlize declared was a “dream group work where everyone has a part in the output.”
Despite the initial ease our delegates felt once they got used to MUN procedure, the experience was not without drawbacks.
During the online registration, delegates were asked to select a committee and a country assignment, which became their identity for the conference’s entire duration. This meant that they were referred to as the delegate of said country. Their task was to embody this country’s stance and refer to its foreign policy to address certain agendas set for their respective committees. With that, they submitted a position paper which contained their country’s stance and proposed actions and/or solutions for the given agendas in the committee.
Due to the whole UPIS delegation entering quite late into the registration period, the delegates struggled with making their position papers for countries who didn’t have a relatively strong presence or stance on the agendas.
“The problem was, I think everyone that came from UPIS that joined that IAEA, all of them had island nations because we registered so late. None of us could say anything, basically,” Andres attested. “At best, you could have your own bloc that’s made up of island nations. That’s what we did.”
“That’s also why we were really aggressive, by the way,” he explained, referring to their bloc’s strategy of upholding inclusivity among island nations and less economically developed countries (LEDCs) and bravely daring developed countries to become accountable for their nuclear accidents which may affect LEDCs.
Maya revealed that across committees, their blocs used the same strategy, as Palau was in the same situation with AI education as Samoa was with nuclear technology. “That’s why it was kind of hard to merge with other blocs because other blocs had AI education and we couldn’t really merge with them. They wanted to focus on inclusivity, but we couldn’t really focus on inclusivity on something that didn’t exist.”
Another issue that further burdened our UNGA delegates was how both AJ and Maya’s blocs, the Africa and Oceania blocs respectively, were dissolved during one of their committee sessions due to the quality of their draft resolutions. For a draft resolution to be considered, it must have sponsors who have contributed significantly to the content of the paper, and a sufficient number of signatories who may either be those whose country stances align with the resolution or those who would simply like to see the resolution debated on. However, the previously mentioned board of dais, which precedes over the committee sessions and facilitates the discussion of the agendas, decided to select only the papers that they thought were of the highest quality.
“We were trashed to join under three existing blocs chosen by the chair which had the best reso[lution paper]s,” AJ recalled. Maya interjected, saying, “I mean, we were made to be signatories, but we weren’t allowed to be involved because the main people on the bloc just put our names there.”
“I found out that our ideas were in the ASEAN bloc, but we were the ones who got trashed,” AJ explained further. “My bloc, personally, since we wanted to be collaborative with other blocs, we were sharing ideas. We had a solid idea, a plan for our reso paper, so we shared it with the ASEAN bloc. Then, our ideas were on the ASEAN bloc’s reso, and then we got trashed because their reso was more complete than ours.”
“It’s just that our stances weren’t seen,” Maya reflected, expressing disappointment. “It was fun, but as a smaller bloc, the Oceania bloc, we really did not have any impact on the final reso paper.”
Aside from enthusiastically engaging in the formal session, these delegates also found time to have fun during the conference downtimes. The Socials Night was a special part of the event where delegates were allowed to let their hair down and socialize freely. Maya commented on how fun but “culture-shocking” the experience was. “We didn’t know if that’s how their socials night was actually, or maybe it was just like that because it’s MUN and it’s supposed to be a ‘formal event.’ We weren’t sure, but we looked like we were the only ones confused.”
She added, “I think exploring Xavier with my fellow delegates was one of my most memorable experiences there.” Both Maya and AJ expressed their amazement over the amenities in the host school’s campus, such as wide varieties of food served and condiments provided at the Xavier canteen, and the school’s elevator, which they excitedly pointed out.
After the event, these delegates went home with not only friends and fun memories, but also relevant learnings. Our delegates attested to the personal development that the conference inspired, stating that social skills and public speaking skills were two of the aspects that they felt improved most within themselves after joining the XMUN.
Aside from the aspects mentioned, Maya admitted that she also learned that preparation truly pays off, especially when speaking for the General Speaker’s List (GSL), an open forum where those who would like to speak regarding their stances have a given amount of time to do so. “I had to prepare enough so that I could say what our bloc wanted to say as a relatively small bloc and I could say it within the time limit. So I had to prepare well enough to convince the other, bigger blocs to be our signatory.”
AJ also stated that the conference proceedings gave her a ‘sense of business.’ “It really gives you a reality check that outside of school, they aren’t lenient and they’re strict about the rules. It gives you a sense of reality and opens your mind a lot in terms of how people communicate with each other, how the rules are set in stone, and how you should be able to research and understand each other’s points of view.” For her, open-mindedness, a sense of collaboration, and conciseness were three of her biggest realizations from the conference.
And because of everything these delegates have learned from the 5th XMUN, they’re now looking to the future. In fact, our Grade 10 delegates admitted to considering joining other similar events. “It made me want to continue signing up for stuff,” Charlize said. “I signed up for MUN just because I saw it. It made me think that I had to keep exploring and signing myself up for stuff even if they’re unrelated to my hobbies because one way or another, I'm gonna be picking something.”
To take it one step further, Maya proposed the formation of a formal UPIS delegation for students who are genuinely interested in participating in MUN conferences. “We were saying that we should have a MUN club or a debate club in UPIS, but it’s kind of hard to establish that. We were talking about it. I mean, I think a lot of us would want to go to MUN again, at least next year to XMUN again if they have it.”
How did you find the XMUN? From my own involvement as a two-time delegate, I’d say that the conference is like a huge role-playing game—sort of like a very formal and professional Dungeons and Dragons session where our country is our character, and our country stance is our lore. The dress code may be quite limiting, as we’re required to wear business casual in the conference, but the confidence and charisma we bring to the podium make delegates look just as exquisite. We delegates all have lines to say and roles to play, and whatever happens in the middle of our formal sessions—such as alliances made and threats thrown around—all ceases after the campaign for a passed resolution paper is completed. It’s also a great opportunity to strengthen friendships and make new ones; for me, it’s much easier to get comfortable with the event with a familiar presence, and I met so many amazing people who I got along with and still speak to even after a year since my first XMUN.
Interested? My advice for future delegates is to just ask around. Ask people about their experience in past MUNs, just like what I did in this article, and see if it aligns with your skills and interests. Don’t be afraid to try; like I said, it’s free, and lots of people are willing to help you in the process. If you want to try joining MUNs in other places aside from Xavier, you can also ask if registration is still open for the MUNs of other schools. Lastly, it’s up to you if you take MUN really seriously; personally, I went to XMUN to socialize with other people and find something productive to use my time on. Like our delegates said, it’s not really that serious when you’re within the formal sessions, but some people actively vie for the event awards and consider MUN as a path to their future careers. With these tips, I hope that you find MUN as exciting and enlightening as I do. You never know—maybe you’ll be one of us soon!
Currently, I’m pleased with the significant increase of the number of UPIS students interested in becoming delegates not just in future XMUNs, but also in other MUNs. At this rate, we someday could have enough committed delegates for a formal delegation! But while that day is still out of sight, I highly smile upon the delegates we have right now, as they have proven to be passionate, capable, and most importantly, diplomatic. That is all, and this delegate would like to yield their time back to the UPIS Media Center.
//by Rache Bueno
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